#[visible to anons]
["What do you mean, she's gone?"]
["It-- she's just gone, sir. She just vanished one day. No trace. I-I don't--"]
["Find her."]
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seraphicalsuccubus · 16 days
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might I introduce you to Our Lord and Savior: thicc goth bimbos in fishnets, all arched and waiting for you ???
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neverevan · 16 days
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EVAN BUCKLEY + close-up 7/?
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gideonisms · 1 year
special addition nona gideon????? am unfamiliar, pls elaborate?
Hmm well. There's apparently one where Gideon looks like this:
and the Gideon on that ntn cover has HAUNTED me ever since. society if this person did prints
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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Despite herself, the Emma is wooed
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tumbler-polls · 1 month
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f1-stuff · 8 months
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Sorry to co-opt this anon message, but ‘consent to fantasies’? We gotta get consent for our fantasies now? 😭
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bbutterflies · 1 month
Hi, idk if you still take requests, but can you draw Chlogami, pretty please? 👉👈
yes!! they’re one of my favorite ships I can’t believe I haven’t drawn them yet
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months
which country are you talking about? i know burkini’s were banned years ago in france. and at the moment, abayas were just banned and any loose maxi dress/skirt is subject to the same restrictions (a student was sent home for wearing a maxi t shirt dress and was told it needed to have a higher slit or be tighter to not be considered banned). where were burkinis recently banned?
I meant the previous French law, but oh my god, that's even worse. I can't find any English-language media about the girl sent home over a maxi t-shirt dress, but I did find an article about a girl who was sent home for wearing an ankle-length, A-line black skirt. three guesses what religion she was, and the first two don't count. despite outcry on social media, by people of many religions, the school refused to back down. a similar case in the UK was not backed by an actual law and the school relented, thank heaven
what I'd just like to know is, is this EVER enforced on white and/or non-Muslim women? like, if a white historical costumer took her Victorian bathing costume to a beach in France, would she be ordered to strip down? apparently French men have been required to wear only briefs or very tight swim shorts to public pools since 1903, due to "hygiene concerns;" is that enforced with the same fervor as burkini bans?
(UPDATE: apparently the rule for men IS enforced...causing problems for trans men, and any man who wants to wear a swim shirt for body image, sun protection, or simple comfort reasons. yikes)
it's horrifically discriminatory as it stands now, and frankly a terrifying precedent for all women. again, this establishes that a fucking government can make women and adolescent girls display their bodies, by law. it's something where I want to acknowledge the clear racism/religious bias of the law in France, and also how disturbing the underlying misogyny should be to all women
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ledi-anon · 2 months
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dailycharwhit · 5 months
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Day 1 - Animal Crossing !!
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Happy trans visibility day :D
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cirqueduroyale · 2 months
Oh mmy! 😭 Puberty must've been really awkward for the pair..! Poor kids
Indeed it was...for everyone...
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(also before anyone asks: I know irl conjoined twins can't be fraternal. chalk it up to creative license)
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
Happy trans visibility day!
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Happy TDOV to you too anon!! :D I have become visible to the naked eye for one day only
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seenfull · 2 months
Regarding the racer guy: I love him so much and I do know a little about F1 so I could offer some ideas?
Since not all riders are the same height/weight (naturally) they add weight plates to the cars of the lighter riders to make it fair. Additionally they get weighed in before and after the race. It's also normal for them to loose a few kgs in sweat during the race especially in warmer climates.
So: how about the racer guy not being the tallest on the grid (maybe even one of the shorter guys) so he started with a decent amount of additional weight plates in his car but as the season drags on, his team can remove them one by one as he is climbing the ranks regarding his weight. Maybe his team colleague (always 2 drivers per team) starts to notice the change too and sees a chance to be the star of the team so he feeds him extra donuts whenever he can.
The race suits are usually pretty snug as well and lined with fire resistant fabric so they're not very flexible. Him growing out of them over the span of a few races is actually quite realistic.
May I also add: they usually wear team shirts around the paddock and for press conferences (excluding Lewis bcs he's extra like that) so the racer guy sitting there in too tight athletic shirts in his post-race interviews would also be realistic.
If he wins often enough you can add podium celebrations for after the races with buffets too. They usually party hard after a win (understandably).
Anyways I love your racer guy and the molded seat post was genious🤌
Thank you so much for all this info & inspo!! Around the time I made those two drawings I was doing some research so I eventually read about the weigh-ins and the weight plates and other bits and pieces of info :) though I felt like I needed some info that I couldn't get anywhere and, out of fear of getting anything wrong, I ended up not posting much about it.
Anyway... our guy would definitely be on the shorter side, would gain easily, and would absolutely get teased by the other driver of the team. He loves racing, bet he loves the rush of winning even more... too bad he gets easily distracted whenever food's involved, almost forgetting how he's supposed to be on a diet >:) thank god his good-hearted teammate is right there to remind him just how much weight he has put on since the start of the season...
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starheirxero · 2 months
ABAUAHAUSHSD THANK YOU!!!!! I had the vague silhouette idea for a sort of angelic tarot card sort of look w/ Gemini?? And I felt pike I had to add something to fill out the "halo" look and then I was like OUHG. ANTLERS......
Like this!!! If i makes any sense HSJWBSJS
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