#[ yooooo holy shit i actually did it! ]
thefandom-casserole · 4 months
Episode 50 Notes-
Very very excitedddddd
Eeeeeeeeeeee abhhhha ahhansnsnsnsnsndg
This intro 😭 
The dolphinsssssss 
I have no idea what just happened in that intro omg
Taylor is a demon!!!! Taylor hasn’t hit demon puberty yet — how did Nicky get it then???
Taylor Teen Fact: Taylor used to do the chocolate for his baseball team going door to door. But, his mom just bought them all instead
:> he did all the last names!!
Linc Teen Fact: Linc cleans up for his parents every single morning (both of them think the other one did it). Linc wakes up really early in the morning 
Normal Teen Fact: Normal also sold chocolates and offered to sell way too much of them, couldn’t do it (and because it’s not vegan chocolate his family can’t even buy it!) and now is in debt
Scary Larry Fact: Larry is based off of a tweet on a reply to Elon Musk (Larry is not from the school) 
Scary Teen Fact: Before the release of her album she was going to release a musical (a soft boy musical, but then she realized it was just Dear Evans Hansen)
Larry Fact pt.2: Larry’s favorite show is the Big Bang Theory because it deals with an important scientific principle
Anthony Fact: He should’ve come up with a different name than Daddy Master - Like chaperone or whatever (The rest of the cast disagreees)
They’re all still separated!!!!
Of course Normal thinks Larry’s cool 😭 
Omg all the Linc shippers are eating so far
Linc’s adamants towards Taylor, him wanting to find Scary, him actually being with Normal
Chester and Julia gave Linc therapy!!!
“Linc are you happy?” “No of course not, that’s a silly question nobody’s happy” SOBBING SOBJNG OKG OMG GRANT YOU FUCKWD THIS KNE UP SO BAD
(Obviously it was more than just that and that was a gross oversimplification but you understand what I’m getting at)
Lincccc :cccc
“I’m definitely broken” OMG LINC 
That glass analogy was so fucking good holy shit “And probably they’ll just throw it away because who wants to fix a glass” 
Linc likes stickers!!!!!!!!
Matt Arnold is bringing it this episode
He wasn’t joking when he said that he was gonna get through it all
In a sense
Into the papersssss into the papers (to the tune of into the thick of it)
Initiative to fight the Angel!!!!
This whole thing with the paper is reminding me of the fight with book castle when Ron disappeared into the books against Well Actually
I just paused the episode and listened to the trailer because I just realized I never listened to it 
Ahahahahahahahahah the background music in it though it’s lovely
Omg dude I never realized that Lark doesn’t mention Scary in the video because she wasn’t there!!!! Ayyyyy
Okay done with that back to the episode
Beth playing Larry is my new favorite thing now
She should just play Larry season three
I beg
Oooooo the throne’s empty!!!!
Larry should be king of hell
Larry reminds me of if Paeden was evil and annoying
What is it with Linc and Taylor and the sweet prince thing 😭 
I love them so much
The Swiftli shippers are eating this episodeeeee
Fancy Anthony voice
He was a pissomancer 
That’s insane
Piss boy Wilson’s again!!!!!
Heaven photoshopppp
A 22 😭 
Lincccccc linccccc
Angst episode :cccccc
Oooo Angel’s are yummy??
Taylorrrr nooooo
Taylor and his carts 😭I love him so much
Sisyphus just pushing a meatball up the hill 😭 😭 😭 
Nooooo this is one of my favorite bits
Linc loves his friends so much
God I fucking hate Willy
god god god he’s so gross
If they got Willy in the paper sea I wonder what would happen
“I tried to kill my son”
“I will do anything to not be submerged in water ever again”
“I did not have sex with Marilyn Monroe, I could not get it up so I stood there and had her sing things to me for a couple hours so I jerked off”
“I’m scared”
Dood babyyyyyy
Dood babyyyyy nooooooo
“This isn’t your fault Dood”
“No I think it is”
I cannot believe Taylor convinced Vince to change his name
Taylor Swift the piss genius
Freddie’s voice as Taylor was backtracking made me laugh way way too hard way to much that’s insane
It always was gonna be piss between them all
Of course
Of course
She’s a JO crystal witch!!!!
She pulls out a gunnnn
Wowwww they found each other!!!
Wow that was such a good fucking episode 
If Willy isn’t taking girls seeiouslyyyyyyy
I don’t say it enough but On Our Way makes me want to violently sob every time I hear it
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melodiousramblings · 1 year
Soooooo Feligami happens in just one episode? I mean, until then it was one-sided on Felix’s part. I think he said he’s been interested in her since they first met?? But anyway, it takes just this one episode it seems for Feligami to happen. Sure????
I need subs for better context but I suppose it was a bit cute at least. So from my understanding, Felix tells Kagami she’s “just like him” (which for us the audience pretty much confirms she’s also a Senti, especially since their conversation was about Sentis at the start), but did he tell HER she’s a Senti??? He gives her back her real ring at the end of the episode, clearly her amok, but did he actually tell her she’s a Senti??? Because she took it *surprisingly* well if he did…… Uuuuhhhh. Also fuck Tomoe and LMAAAOOO GET WRECKED GABRIEL. THE CATACLYSM IS SPREADING.
YOOOOO Marinette standing up to Gabriel, telling him it’s a good thing she’s a baker’s daughter because she only has to LOOK at his pancakes to know they’re bland and tasteless. SUCK IT GABRIEL. ESPECIALLY AFTER HE INSULTED HER DESIGNS AND TRIED TO SPIT ON HER DREAMS, COLONEL SANDERS LOOKING ASS.
Omfg I hate Lila. I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her. What a fucking fake ass bitch. And the miracuclass and Mrs Bustier are so fucking gullible it’s painful. Also, did the writers forget that Alta knows MARINETTE is LADYBUG?? Clearly not since Marinette gives her the earrings to become Scarabella for a bit. SO THEN WHY DOES ALYA STILL BELIEVE LILA OVER MARINETTE WHAT IN THE FUCK. I’m not salty at Alya, I’m salty at the writers for writing her like this.
On a tiny side note, Mylene and Ivan not having Alliance rings is interesting but totally in character for them. I doubt the writers will bring this up again later but I hope they do because it’s such a neat little detail, considering the entire damn city has them.
Speaking of Gabriel. HE WAS A PUNK WITH A PUNK OUTFIT AND A PUNK HAIRDO OMFG AGSHHDSBJDHBAHJFJDJJD. Also something about a restaurant?? Ok if I remember from being spoiled on Twitter, he was the son of someone with a French Fry restaurant or something like that??? So he wasn’t *rich*, which means Audrey wasn’t kidding when she said she discovered him. AND HE’S GETTING ON MARINETTE’S CASE FOR NOT BEING “””PERFECT””” FOR ADRIEN??? HMMMMMMMM.
Finally, LILA KNOWS ALL THIS NOW HOLY SHIT. WTF. 👀 I still hate her but I wonder what she’s gonna do with all that information…
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xgingerx · 1 year
I honestly can’t thank you enough, I’ve always hoped someone would do this, but never expected someone to ACTUALLY do it, thank you!
@sanonixfasttime Here’s the youtuber’s @, go give them a follow!
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I have narrated the entire thing w/ screenshots below, check this shit out
Day 1: Komaru is too much of a ditz so she accidentally steps off too soon and dies.
Everyone else has already been traumatized by the killing games, so other than Komaru being an idiot (affectionately), and Himiko (also a lil dumb) trying to escape, there are no deaths. Several people got into altercations, but they resolved everything peacefully & avoided violence.
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Night 1: Again, some tense moments, but everyone avoids violence again. They've seen too much shit.
Teruteru & Shuichi cry themselves to sleep.
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Day 2:
In an INCREDIBLY IN-CHARACTER MOMENT, Nagito kicks off the killing game for us ONCE AGAIN by FORCING another student to kill someone! Instead of Teruteru, this time we have Makoto, and he actually gets to CHOOSE (wow) between Ibuki and TeruTeru. He chooses Ibuki!
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Night 2: Toko dies from an infection! Oof.
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Day 3: Byakuya follows right behind her! Very romantic & poetic of him! Do I hear some angsty inspo for the ByakuyaxToko shippers??
Meanwhile Makoto is having a horrible string of events. After Nagito made him kill Ibuki, he couldn't get his fire started last night & slept cold, and now today he got his camp raided.
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Mitarai steps on a landmine. The kills are mostly coming very slowly from this group. Even after three whole days, almost every single one has been due to something other than violence.
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Day 4: We finally have our second act of violence (I think?). Hiyoko sets off a landmine, killing Kazuichi. Intentional? An accident? It's unclear.
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Night 4: IN AN UNEXPECTED TWIST, Shuichi shoots Kyoko with a poinson dart!! All the despair and stress must have finally gotten to him...
In much better news, Gundham and Sonia cuddle <3
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Day 5: WOW OUR THIRD MURDER. Mikan gets Fuyuhiko!! I can't say I'm surprised, she was always very close to despair. I'm honestly surprised it took her this long.
Meanwhile Akane dies from infection. A blessing to the other tributes, she's a force to be reckoned with.
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Night 5: A calm night (relatively speaking). Several people try to sing themselves to sleep.
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Day 6: OH MY GOD
I think I need to emotionally recover from this one, holy shit
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Night 6: WOAH
This is BY FAR the most eventful night of the ENTIRE SIMULATION, we are losing HALF OF OUR REMAINING SURVIVORS
FOUR PEOPLE have decided that they are so fucking sick of being put into another killing game, that rather than being forced to watch their friends die a second time around, they would rather kill themselves than have to participate in that again.
We've lost Gundham, Mahiru, Peko, and Hiyoko (all SDR2 cast), to suicide.
And if that weren't enough for one night, there's also a fight between Maki, Teruteru, and Mikan.
Maki kills them both.
We are down 6 people in one night. Wow.
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Day 7: Sadly everyone did not live long enough to see the feast the next morning...
Everyone is so traumatized by all the violence last night, they all keep to themselves...
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... until afterwards, where Nekomaru takes out Hajime, Nagito takes out Imposter, and Shuichi bleeds to death all on his own.
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We are now down to only 3 survivors: an incredibly ripped athletic team manager, and 2 scrawny lucky boys.
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Today was a very eventful day.
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With only 3 people left, it gets quiet.
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Night 8: Apparently, they all just... hang out together. ... .. ....... . . ...
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Day 9: Nagito has now made MULTIPLE slingshots... what is he going to do with them all? ... one for each person...?
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This has been the wildest fucking ride, guys. We just experienced the most (relatively speaking) peaceful, non-violent hunger games imaginable, had a huge suicide pact, and made it to the end not with our assassins, athletes, and swordswomen, but with our stupid beloved dumbass fucking lucky boys.
This has been a very Danganronpa Hunger Games.
Apologies to all survivors for putting them through that again.
See below for a breakdown of the final stats & a summary of the game!
And cheers for district 9!
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Thx for watchin' the games!
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Yooooo, I am SO PROUD of myself! :D
I actually finished a second chapter for the a/b/o fic!! Holy shit I haven't written in so long I just *happy stims*
Congrats!!!!! I’m so happy for you!! The chapter is wonderful, and you did a great job!!!! Bravo!!
Ahh, it’s building up nicely!! You’re so good at writing omegaverse! I love reading it!! And I hope to learn from you to write my own omegaverse stuff soon!! Better than what I already wrote, at least lolol
I’ve already reblogged the new chapter! Everyone go check it out!! I promise you it is as glorious as the first chapter!!! I loved it so much, and y’all will too!!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
major spoilers
working my way towards the forgotten temple and found a well that went all the way to the depths...girl help idw to do this again so soon 😭
unfortunately i feel compelled
at least there's a lightroot right off the bat. thank god
amazing how you can see across half the map btw. like theres shit lit up literally that far away from me but i can see it from here
gloom chest??
no ugh wait its just that water temple boss nooooo
FINALLY got it. that took for fucking EVERRR
there better be something real fuckin good in this chest.
YOOOOO a huge crystalized charge........worth 100, so another energy well basically. i wanted armor but ill take it lol
got pulverized by a monster camp. this is why i never engage them lol i have less than half my hearts remaining
i'm right under the forgotten temple!! pleeeease let there be something cool here.........
"cliff bargainer statue" i don't fucking see it
oh. that can't be it. that's so...big
girl help how do i get it to bargain?? it's creepy also
i climed it to the top and i started getting mist like in the lost woods...i'm on top of a giant statue on top of a huge mountain, am i too close to the "ceiling"? i wonder what happens when you get too high? i'm not patient enough to find out for myself but i eagerly await the youtube videos in my future
oh!!! you can buy one of a kind items from the statues now...if i broke biggoron's sword or for some reason sold oot link's tunic, i could purchase another. thank goodness lol
too bad i can't ascend thru it lol
since i was so high up, i easily scored another lightroot that would have been hugely difficult to get otherwise
im fast traveling back to the forgotten temple since thats where i was going anyway. theres only so much of the depths a girl can take lol
god i'm so low on food i need to stop and cook and also to unlock more great fairies augh
i read somewhere the game gets harder w every temple, and here i am still wearing level 2 armor...
wait...this room behind the toppled goddess statue...THIS IS SONIA'S GRAVE HOLY SHIT
I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE IT THE LAST TIME I WAS HERE...i hadn't seen it in cutscenes yet...man, 10k years later...that's fucking insane
it's also weird that there are supposedly 12 dragon tears and only 11 on this map...i bet the last one is hidden somehow and it's gonna fuck me up
oh!!! i can see a great fairy from here...i probably can't help her without doing the quest though :/
well, at least i can go find the stable/shrine and make a fast travel point lol
i see a dragon that i THOUGHT was naydra...but it's too...gold?? i zoomed in on it and that's definitely not naydra
Is That Zelda.
i can't get to her...whaatatata the ffucckckc
oh my GODDDD GIRL COME BACK.........................
even if i fast traveled somewhere high enough that i could reach her...wouldn't she despawn...?
worth a shot i guess
actually lmao i dont have enough stamina potions for this sob
wait wait she's headed towards the forest so maybe if i come AT her instead of chasing her.......
i l
i landed on her. oh my god
i'm choked up. girl WAKE UP.......
i tried to grab it which obviously hurt her!!! and i have to! have! enough stamina!!!!!!!
i hate to leave her like this. i'm distraught!!!!!!!!!!
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rkwxnb · 5 years
shout out to rookies!
This is going to be short. At least now that I’m typing this I hope it would be since I’m a few seconds from knocking out. On top of that, I know I’m going to forget really important people for the same reason of why I hope this would be short... also because as always, I am doing this last minute. ( peace!! ) 
Rookies as the great Miss Grande once said. “One taught me love. One taught me patience. And One taught me pain.” I hope you all feel me when I say that’s all on you, RK! --- “Thank you, -- my stay tune for my next muse.” 
Now that cringe moment is over with. I wanna do a roll-call at my special people! For those who stuck with me during the times, I was in rookies and while I was out doing god-knows-what.
RKCAP: This asswhole muse of mine who got into scandals and ruined one friendship after another, found his family ( by bond and friendship ) though this rp. Even until now I have to say he is the strongest muse in my whole rp-history. Having played him over at least two-years, before dropping his booty from wanting to become an idol, and evidently out of rookies. Outcast by his own family, with the help of the bro/anti-squad ( @aronrk - strawberry bruh! @rkkangjoon - lover joon! @rkgray - co-parenting daddy bruh + @rkxminhee - little minx min @rkwendy calm and collected sis @borark my get out of jail free card ) Not to mention, his little shit brother @rkohsehun NODDLEBOY! you’re all fam and I don’t have to tell you how many times I wish I can bring this boy back because of you lot! 
Special shout-out to his ladies Jieun- ( @yujurk ) and Elly ( @hyunark ) them girls are his solid. Soulmates and Lovers. They are the core reason that he is still sane. One can say, they are his everything. 
Yo seriously, Maddy you are by far one of the coolest people I’ve met. You’re insanely solid, my utmost respect to you. Shinobi-- the one-third of IwaBoKuro, see we’re even an ot3 in real life! You’re extremely dedicated to your muses, much like how you are with your friendships, never change bruhski! Saaaammmiiiieee!!! You are by far one of the kindest people I have ever come across, thank you for being you! Clara... gurl wait till Toshi’s turn uwu  Em, you’ve made me such a happy puppy by coming back to rookies! I wish you and baby girl the best in life!
To my first child, Stef, sana okay ka na babybear! I’ve known you since why before rookies and in fact, I remember suggesting you play Sehun when Minsoo’s fc was still Chanyeol’s so we can have exo bruhs! Pero despite all that, I’m seriously proud of how much you’ve grown, you are one of my precious people. Though we don’t speak that much any more, alam I’m always here for you!
To my child, Nana, fix yourself before you wreck yourself! I miss you lots crazy and I hope we get to talk soon. I really wanna hear what's happening with life and how you’re surviving uni. What’s more is we both know that Hyo-Min is actually the IT soulmates, and the whole of Rookies know it. ( if you’re a new mun and you’re reading this... It’s true, believe me uwu ) I hope we have muses with that much of a strong connection again! Love you my mad child! 
To my co-parenting mom, Jen, girl what you doing with your life?! We’ve had our ups and down, despite all that bullshit we’re at it again. To a degree, it’ll never be the same but I do wish if anything, our friendship will grow stronger instead. Your muses played as my muses lover, twin and admirer, but in real life, you once told me that you believe people have seven soulmates, though you’re a little shit that believes Yoongi is one of them. You did mention I maybe have taken a spot to, so no take-backs asshole. You’re stuck with me now. Peace!
RKTOSHI: This boy was Minho- then Dean... Then Yuto, heck back to Minho, then finally his sorry ass became Jisoo. He is one of the most complex and interesting muses I have ever played. The shit show he was a part of had been insane, from being a part of the Yakuza to being shot and finally a part of Nova ( like this hoe-man actually got signed! ) Aside from Soyeon ( sit your ass down Jen I already called you out ) he was a part of the Mensa-Squad with his @rkxkjd daddy-D ( KATIE LEE SIGN MY D ) and his @rkjohnny forever-hubby ( that now has his very own princess ). To the only women that kept him on a leash @rkyooa the one that got away and @dahyexrkarchive proxy grandma. Thanks to him joining the mgas he met his adoptive ma @rkjei! 
Yurim!! DADDY-DAE! You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, especially in real life. I utterly respect you from moving away from home and following your dreams. You’re an a-class writer; I wish you the all the best for your endeavors! 
Claraaaa ‘te~ The leader of rkpinoy squad-- seriously, even Johnny boy if from the Philippines. You’ve kept me sane and has been the voice of reason to many, including myself and my shit show muse. We once had an almost ship with Toshi and Wendy, but somehow I’m glad it didn’t work out because DANG LOOK AT YOU AND HUGO! Sana happy ka sa work and I’m always looking forward to your sports commentary be it figure staking, basketball, volleyball and cheerleading, Lab you sis! 
Bun, the 2nd-third of IwaBoKuro--!! Man, I love the fact that we embody our muses even outside the roleplay. Still completely in touch irrespective of the fact that you’re no longer in this rp. You still the best! Much like Dahye kicks Toshi’s ass ( literally and figuratively ) you do the same with me, except more in the game-mode xP Whenever you wanna come back, I’ll be sure to have another mess of a muse to latch on to yours like a leech. 
Nic, you angel. Even though we’ve only just gotten closer this year, I swear to God I am truly blessed for having you in my life. You’re one of my persons. You’re exceptionally strong and amazingly kind and considerate. I am sorry for all the bullshit you had to go through here and I’m hella proud you didn’t let those get you down and give up on your muses! 
Roe, my true soulmate. Holy shit. I reckon its more than five years since we’ve known each other. You’re muse almost married mine. Heck, we have plans to platonically get married ( because we gonna cheat the system ). I absolutely cannot imagine my life without you. You are my ultimate person. As you rightly said in your post, my ride and die. The strongest and fiercest of people, both in the real world and rp. You take no shit from anybody and would fight for what you believe is right, especially stand up to those who are getting bullied. Without being anymore sappy, I do love you with all of me and I am always gonna be here for you. Just because you are amazing and worth it all. 
RKNAEUN + RKAVERY: My two latest muses ( actually the ones currently in rookies ) I never imagine there would be a time where I would have only female muses in rookies. Considering my strongest muses here were the boys. But keeping you both and actually maintaining your arc ( plus organizing your points properly ) is something I’m actually proud of myself of. Since Avery is still relatively new ( her strongest bonds have yet to fully form, but one of them is definitely Hoby! ) I’mma focus on Naeun’s friendships! From the chaebol-childhood friends to fam @rkchaeyoung her idol unnie to @rksunwoo best oppa sunwoo. her dancing queen leader @rkhyojeong and her best friend 4eva @rkleeflix . I want to thank all of you for being her inspiration! 
Special shoutout to Amy we too old for optimism but I shit you know if I know anyone who’s going to make it through all this, it’ll be you! You are the most real person that I know. Oddly enough we got closer when I came back in rookies then my first time around here. You’ve been there for me in the toughest times, even though I know you were going through you’re own worries. I’m eternally grateful for that. With everything said and done, I hope I can return even slightest bit of happiness and comfort you’ve given me, because I know I can’t match all the times you’ve had to deal with me.Thank you loads for everything, me hearts you!
Thank you rkmods/admins. Without you, I would not have met all these precious people. Thank you for tirelessly listening to all of us whine about how unfair everything is and still remain here. Thank you for giving us your time and efforts to keep our escape from the real world alive. Most importantly, thank you for being the backbone of all this glorious foundation. You all is amazing. Happy RKFIFTH and I hope many more to come! 
Yours,  ( Lyn | @rkavery + @rkxsnn ) 
P.S. I lied this wasn’t short at all. [ sorry for the grammatic/spelling errors... lets be real if this post didn’t have those, then you can all speculate that I didn’t actually write it. 
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johnsspacesuittight · 2 years
I did not think we were going to get the whole episode out in the woods but holy fuck I am so glad we did thank all the gods that was absolutely incredible on every level, the intimacy, Kinn knowing that he did things wrong, Porsche already having forgiven him??? bitch no, and I already posted about the kiss and hug but I’ll fucking do it again yooooo that is exactly my kinda shit you do not understand, intense emotional smooching with a holding-on-for-dear-life hug, that is my actual weakness you can kill me with that 
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jack-enbyfold · 3 years
I’m not writing a fic but I’ve got dialogue damn it.
After the final Trial. Ranboo played a rigged game for Wilbur’s death but his execution.
[He was thrown in a very deep pit themed like an old time print shop. He was forced to write down everything he remembered about the killing game in front of a timer labeled “deadline”. Every word he typed was 1 link added on to a giant chain out of his hole, attached to a journal-shaped weight at the top. He actually finishing and was climbing out when it hit 0. However, the timer changed to say “FIRED” and everything began burning. The chain he was climbing wrapped around him, pulling/tying him up as the ditch was flooded to “put out the fire.”]
What was SUPPOSED to happen was that all the top chain would shatter, implying his writing/memory was too weak, and he would be sent down to drown. (It’s called Weak-Link btw)
What happened instead was the players remaining, with information/tools Wilbur had given them before he forced Phil to kill him, had managed to stop it. Fundy gets a cool moment where they’re looking at the machine and everyone’s like “alright ultimate coder, can you stop this?” And Fundy goes “yeah” and starts smashing.
Ranboo ends up tossed to the ground next to the pit of water. Tubbo runs in to try and save him but is met by Technoblade and oops I wrote stuff.
“I thought you wanted despair!”
“I do- I- I did…”
“LAIR!” Technoblade lunged at Tubbo but stopped, letting him fall back as he tried to jerk away. He fell on his back with a pathetic thud.
“I’m NOT! I loved despair, I lived through it… but now I’ve tried something different.” Tubbo drew a shaky breath, forcing himself to meet the pig-masked gaze. “Something I’ve always had. I’ve always wanted! With Tommy I almost had it… I could have had it… but you took that. I hate you for it. Technoblade, Philza, even Wilbur. I hate you.”
Ranboo winced at Tubbo’s growing dark tone. He didn’t like it, he didn’t want whatever was going to happen to Tubbo for it to happen. He expected a laugh or a scoff, or worse, a slice or thunk or scream, but none of those came. Something sparked inside him. Something familiar, something good. The slightest sliver of hope dug it’s way into his chest, shot by the blessed silence. He  craned his neck, twisting in the heavy chains so he could look up at the masked man. There he was surprised yet again. There was no gnarled smile or vicious glare on Technoblade’s face, there was not cold empty apathy either, just a small humble frown. Ranboo squinted. Was the pressure of the weights getting to his head or was Technoblade… shaking?
“You…” he raped, not even flinching as both sets of eyes locked into him. “You… reg… regret it…” he gasped again, “d… don’t… you?”
A quizzical, piercing, glare was his only answer. It served more as a warning than a question but Ranboo answered anyway, even as just breathing was beginning to cause him pain.
“T… Tommy… you… regret… k…killing… hi-“
“SHUT UP!” The shaking in his hands became clear even to Ranboo at this point. The trident he was holding seemed to bend under how tight he gripped it, his eyes grew the wildest Ranboo had ever seen them even with all the bloodlust of this cursed game. He raised it up high and Ranboo wondered if it was more cowardly to squeeze his eyes shut or let them widen— And then Technoblade relaxed. His shoulders fell and the trident slipped from his fingers. It hit the ground with a boisterous clang, as if it too were confused by the shift in energy.
Techno stood there for a moment, looking down at the thing. His hands trembled furiously, he lifted them up to look at them, then he brought them over his face. “He… hehe…” he laughed. It wasn’t evil or wild or sarcastic- but it wasn’t humorous at all either. “Heheheh… hahaha… ahahahah… AHAHAHAHAH!”
Technoblades hands flew down; Ranboo could hear Tubbo’s gasp alongside his own as the hog mask came off with them. It was dropped to the ground with an unceremonious clatter mostly drowned out the the deranged laughter. It was off. Ranboo couldn’t breathe. That might be attributed to the weights and chains pinning him to the floor but he couldn’t help but attach it to the fact he could see Technoblade’s face. The mask that had haunted and tourmented them laid discarded a few feet away. Ranboo, almost wistfully, recalled a time they thought seeing behind the mask would solve their problems. What a stupid goal that had been. Technoblade’s skin was absolutely soaked with tears that still streamed down like lakes of acid, his eyes were bloodshot with pain and misery but his smile stretched ecstatic from ear to ear.
“Why are you smiling?” Tubbo demanded, audibly distressed by this turn of events. “Why do you try to hard to be miserable? You aren’t happy! I know you’re not!”
“Because,” Technoblade laughed. “You’re hurting me! I’m- it’s- DESPAIR!” Some awful mix of cackling and sobbing escaping his throat as he doubled over, holding his sides.
“You’re not happy.”
“Oh, Tubbo, I am! How can I not be? I’m miserable! I’ve never been so-“
“There’s another way, Technoblade.” Tubbo walked into Ranboo’s field of vision, leaning down next to the monster and placing his hand on his shoulder.
It was so easy to forget but Tubbo— him and Tommy— they’d been family to Wilbur and Techno. An awful, distorted, mockery of a family but a family done the less. Wilbur had certainly cared about Tommy and Tommy seemed to really love Tubbo. Ranboo wished he’d gotten to know him better.
“I will never, ever, forgive you.” Another round of hysterics spilled out of Technoblade. “But this isn’t right for anyone. There’s more, better, ways to find joy. Real joy. Honestly, despair is fucking overrated.” Despite the pain Ranboo found it in himself to laugh. He was too caught up in Tubbo’s speech to notice the figure looming behind him. “Please, Teachnoblade, have hope. Believe that there’s something better because there is. I’ve been in despair all my life, it’s all I’ve known, but—“
“Oh, Tubbo…” a pitying tone interrupted the moment.
Ice shot through Ranboo’s skeleton as the voice sliced from behind him. He tried to squirm himself around to face it but only hurt himself, he tried not to whimper as his shoulder and spine began to throb. He knew who the voice belonged to. He’d barely seen him but there was no way he could ever forget… Philza. “PLE-“ he gasped and sputtered. He didn’t have it in him to scream.
“If despair is all you know…” a cold hand gripped the chains around Ranboo’s back and yanked him sharply to his knees.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. What was that? No. Was that his heartbeat or his thoughts? No please no. So fast. He couldn’t breathe. So heavy… he ached. The tank was still next to them. He’d lost the trial.
“Then you’ve never really known despair!” The delight in the voice was sickening. Ranboo hated it would be the last thing he ever heard.
He hit the water to quick and sunk even quicker. It froze and burned and stung, he barely had time to register the pain of being thrown before he was falling. He was falling right? There’s no way he was sinking he was moving much too fast. And he was cold. He was so cold. If he was drowning wouldn’t he need to breathe? He didn’t feel like he was suffocating… he didn’t feel…
He hoped Tubbo would keep his promise.
Yooooo, holy shit. That execution was a great concept honestly. And I forgot how fucking weird Despair folks could be honestly. Your writing is so good! Poor Tubbo!
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kaminarisimp9000 · 4 years
movie night
A/N: bruh the movie night trope is my f a v o r i t e and it’s 100% because ahem netflix and chill has caught me off guard one too many times. n e ways i barely know how to use this website nd this is the first post on the Blog and i totally did not write this because this concept is living rent free in my mind so i hope you enjoy??
pairing: bakugou x female!reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: strong language
summary: You get really cold during the Weekly Class 1-A Movie Night™ due to your quirk and it’s up to Bakugou to warm you up
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You rushed down to the common room, arms full of snacks, taking care so as not to spill anything. A smile bloomed across your face as you took in the scene before you. The common room was a mess of blankets, sleeping bags, couches and the like, as the students of Class 1-A worked together to set up today’s movie night. These movie nights had been born out of a collective need to relieve stress, and by now, had sort of become a weekly thing that you looked forward to. Your smile only grew wider as you realized that today, even Big Bad Bakugou had shut his mouth for once, opting to actually cooperate with his fellow students. 
You couldn’t ignore the subtle heat that rose to your cheeks as your thoughts lingered on your best friend for just a beat longer than necessary, when you were abruptly shaken out of your second of stupor. 
“Sweet! Y/N’s got the snacks!” Kaminari yelled, as he plopped down on one of the couches, ready to begin this week’s installment of Class 1-A’s Movie Nights™.
“Hell yeah I do. You’d better help me set this up, though, unless you’re not getting any!” You retorted. 
Kaminari waved you off with an alright, alright and headed towards the kitchen to find some bowls, while Tsuyu and Midoriya helped you set everything down. A few moments later, you were all but surrounded by an array of colorful bowls filled with all sorts of movie-appropriate treats.
Satisfied with your hard work, you scanned the common room for any available seats, letting out a chuckle as you realized that the only empty one was that which was next to your probably half-pomeranian half-human friend. 
(There was actually another space empty, but it was next to Mineta, so we’re not going to talk about that for obvious reasons.)
“Scoot over, Katsuki, I’m gonna sit here”
“Fuck off, Y/N,” Bakugou replied, moving to the side nevertheless.
“You wish,” you mused, gently sitting down next to him, “So, what’re we watching today?”
“As if I care.”
“Ugh, would you stop being so emo for once and answer the question?”
“Fuck, I dunno, it’s some shit about a cooking rat, or something.” 
“Was it that hard to say Ratatouille? I swear to god, Katsuki, you’re so fucking difficult sometimes.”
“I’d wager the poor boy just doesn’t know how to pronounce Ratatouille, Y/N ☆,” Aoyama interrupted from across the room.
You let out a laugh, “You’re probably right, Aoyama. The boy’s ~uncultured~.” 
Your relationship with Bakugou was comfortable to say the least. Sure, you did have a tiny crush on him, but above that, he was one of your best friends at UA. It’s anyone’s best guess as to how that even happened in the first place, with the boy’s hostility shining through in his ever-present frown, but here you are. Perhaps it’s because you were one of the only ones in the class who could actually put up with his less-than-desirable behavior, or because of the numerous times you practically begged him to spar with you (to which he gave in after a full month of persistence). You didn’t really have much of a crush on him in the beginning, but as time passed, and as the two of you grew closer, you felt your heart beat that much louder for him with every frown he sent your way. 
Sometimes, when you looked at him, you even felt breathless. 
But now was not one of those times. Hell, you were too distracted by the movie to give too much thought to the fact that you wanted Katsuki Bakugou to pin you against the wall of your dorm and kiss the living daylights out of you. Yes, you liked Bakugou, but you loved Ratatouille. 
Your Ratatouille-induced bliss was fairly short-lived, though, for midway through the movie, you began to feel a bit chilly. Moving your arms to hug your sides, you tried to ignore it, but you knew where this was headed. Your quirk, Body Heat, converts your temperature into pure energy, which does make you quite powerful in the training arena, but also requires a great deal of cooldown time for your body to reset to its natural state. This usually happens quite painlessly, but sometimes, especially when you’ve overused your quirk, your temperature severely drops, as your body attempts to regenerate what it has lost. 
In other words, if you didn’t find a source of heat soon, you would be shivering as if there were no tomorrow. 
As your body began to shake, you searched the room for Todoroki, who usually helped you when you were like this, using his left side to warm you up until you were a functioning human again. You found him rather quickly, only to see that his eyes were closed, chest gently rising and falling through a peaceful slumber. 
Of course he’s fucking asleep, you thought to yourself, shivers intensifying, I’m so stupid! It would have taken me literally two seconds to grab a few blankets and now I can barely fucking move I’m shivering so bad. 
Reluctantly, you resigned yourself to this fate, deciding that you would just let your body do what it needed to do to regain your natural energy, and bear through the cold, when you felt a sudden shift to your side. 
Through your peripheral vision, you saw that Bakugou had gotten up and had started walking away. 
Probably cause I’m shaking so violently, you thought, rolling your eyes as much as you could, Can’t blame him, though, even I’d be annoyed. 
He returned quickly, though, throwing a plush blanket over your curled-up form. 
“Stop fucking shivering,” he whispered angrily.
“S-hut t-t-the fuck up you b-bitch, y-you know it's b-because of my quirk” You replied, with great difficulty.
“Where’s that half-n-half bastard? Isn’t he the one who gets rid of this shit for you.” 
“He's s-sleeping r-right n-ow—stop! d-don't wake him up h-he's probably t-t-t-ired.”
“Jesus Christ you can’t even fucking talk, can you,” Bakugou deadpanned. 
You shook your head as vigorously as you could, the blanket doing little in the way of warming you up. 
“It’s-it’s fine, ‘T-Tsuki, this’ll b-be o-o-over soon.” 
“Yeah, but it’s damn annoying.” 
“Then d-do something ab-b-bout it! I d-d-don’t know wh-what to t-t-tell you, I literally c-can’t m-move!” you snapped. 
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Bakugou maneuvered himself until he was under the blanket that currently surrounded your shivering body, pulling you into his lap so that you were facing him, your cheeks growing hot in response to your compromising position. 
“Shut your mouth.” 
You obliged, as he brought his hands up to your face, palms glowing orange as he carefully activated his quirk just enough to warm them up, but not enough to create an explosion. He figured that your inability to talk was currently the most annoying thing about you, so he decided to stop the incessant chattering of your teeth first. 
Meanwhile, you were, for lack of better wording, dying on the inside. You knew Bakugou was hot, but shit, you’ve never seen him like this before! Were his eyes always that fucking beautiful when he concentrated? Was his skin always this smooth? Did his nose always look that kissable? 
As you began to regain feeling in your face, you really hoped that Bakugo couldn’t sense your heartbeat running at a million miles per hour, as his hands left your cheeks to run down your arms. 
“Thank you for this, Katsuki, you really didn’t have to,” you sigh, basking in your newfound warmth, letting your head fall onto his shoulder.
“Tch,” Bakugo grunted, as his hands softly grasped yours, lingering until their natural warmth returned. 
You stretched your arms out, enveloping your friend in a tight hug, suddenly feeling a wave of tiredness wash over your body. 
“Yeah~~ I can finally use my hands again~~ What would I do without you, Kacchan?” you giggled, as his cheeks grew red in response to the cutesy nickname. 
His hands moved down to grip your thighs as he warmed your legs up, while you settled your head into the crook of his neck, cuddling into his warmth as you finally let sleep consume you.
On the other side of the room, Kaminari’s eyes were glued to the television screen, thinking about how Remy was able to control Linguini’s cooking so accurately with a few simple tugs to the hair.
I mean, maybe that’s just his quirk, but like—does this mean that he has a hair pulling kink? Imagine your girlfriend having to marionette you in the bedroom. Would that be embarrassing? Would any of the girls be down to try it? he wondered. 
He reached into his lap to retrieve a piece of popcorn, sulking when his hand hit the bottom of the empty bowl. Sighing, he tore his eyes away from the screen, reaching for a refill, only to freeze at the sight in front of him.
“Yooooo, what goes on” Kaminari whisper-screamed, elbowing Mina in the side, gesturing towards you and Bakugou. 
“No. Fucking. Way.” Mina replied, mouth agape, “Are you kidding?! They’re so cute!!” 
“Damn. Would have never thought. Like?! I knew they were friends but I didn’t think Kacchan could pull a girlfriend!” 
“Are they actually dating though?! I’ve never heard Y/N talk about him like that even once! When did this happen?” 
“I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care. I swear to god I’m never gonna let him hear the end of it.” 
“Can y’all pipe down? I’m trying to watch the movie here,” Jirou whispered, annoyance written all over her face.
“No I cannot pipe down Jirou, just look over there and tell me you aren’t shook,” Kaminari fired back. 
“Holy fuck.”
Eventually, Kaminari’s whispering spread around to the entire class, as they, one by one, turned to take in the events that had unfolded right underneath their noses. Even Todoroki had awoken from his sleep to gawk at the both of you.
“Awww, they’re so adorable,” Uraraka squealed.
“They really are quite cute,” Momo remarked.
“Honestly, I wouldn’t have seen this coming. I had no idea the two of them had feelings for each other,” Midoriya wondered. 
With every passing line from his classmates, Bakugo could feel himself getting angrier and angrier. 
What the fuck do these damn extras think they’re doing? Shut the fuck up and watch the movie!! Bakugou thought, blood boiling.
“Y’know, Bakugou, I didn’t think you of all people would know how to treat a woman right,” Tsuyu chimed in. 
That’s it, Bakugou got up violently, This fucking ends here. 
Being careful not to drop you, Bakugou shifted you onto one arm, as he picked up the blanket that was once covering you both with the other. He headed out into the hallway, pressing the button to call the elevator, and brought you up to the fourth floor. 
He pulled out his keycard as he reached the end of the hallway, stopping in front of the door to his room for a moment as he unlocked it. Pushing the door open, Bakugou made his way over to his bed, and set you down gently.
Or, at least he tried to.
As he lowered your unconscious body to his soft, black sheets, you let out a quiet groan, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck, making it clear that whatever happened, you weren’t going to let go.
Fucking great.
He shook you, trying to wake you up, but to no avail. The most he could get out of you was a soft Kacchan, let me sleep, as you snuggled impossibly closer into him. Sighing, Bakugou defeatedly peeled back his comforter, sliding both of your intertwined bodies under his sheets, tucking both of you in to the best of his abilities. 
As his head hit his pillow, he couldn’t help but stare at your soft features as they were illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through his window. He couldn’t help but admire the way your long eyelashes fluttered over your cheeks with every breath, the way your H/C hair seemed to perfectly frame your face, the way your lips…
The way your lips looked so damn kissable. 
Bakugou didn’t want to admit it to himself, but, as he lay there, eyes drinking in your every feature, he could feel himself falling harder and harder for you. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, synchronizing his breaths with yours, until he too fell into a deep slumber. 
You awoke gently, groaning in response to the sunlight hitting your face. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you attempted to sit up.
Huh? you thought, I can’t get up. 
You opened your eyes, and immediately realized that something was wrong. The walls, the ceiling, the window, they looked unfamiliar to you. This was not your room. Looking around, you noticed some neatly organized school books on the desk, black t-shirts on the back of the chair, All Might figurines, and—wait, was that shoujo manga on the nightstand? You suddenly notice an arm wrapped around your torso, possibly the reason why your efforts to sit up failed earlier.
And then you realized that that arm was connected to a very certain spiky-haired blond. Who happened to be your best friend and your crush. And who was currently holding you in a death grip. With his face very close to yours.
You felt your cheeks burning up. 
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Ice Blue - The morning after
A/N YOOOOO WHAT UP my body hates me and I’m so sorry for being flaky in a writing sense. Anyways, here is the morning after for the Teddy fic I did a while ago, requested by a cheeky lil anon. Enjoy lovelies
Y/N found herself dozing in and out of sleep, hangover still pressing dully over her eyes as Teddy dressed himself and went downstairs to grab some food for breakfast. She opened her eyes when she felt a soft press to her forehead, waking up to Teddy smiling above her holding plates dangerously.
“Was it weird that I just did that? I feel like we’ve never done that before.” Teddy grimaced, placing the plates down on the table beside his bed.
“Yeah, look we haven’t but I’m not against it,” Y/N laughed, sitting up in bed, pushing the pillow back so they could sit comfortably together. The top she was wearing sagged across her shoulders given that she was about 5 feet shorter than Teddy.
“I am thoroughly enjoying you wear my clothes, however,” Teddy grinned, placing his hand on the edge of the collar and rubbing his thumb along the edge of her neck and shoulder that was bare. Y/N leaned her neck back so he could lean forwards and kiss softly against her clavicle, breathing out a soft sigh.
Teddy winked at her, sitting on the other side of the bed and grabbing the food to place in front of them. They ate quickly, elbowing each other accidentally every few minutes and smiling self-consciously. Once they were done Teddy grabbed them off Y/N’s lap and cleaning them with a flick of his wand, placing them on the floor. He turned to face her, crooking his head to the side. His hair was lighter this morning, an icier colour that curled across his face.
“So, what were your plans for today then?”
“Is that your move? Ask them about their day?” Y/N laughed and received a scowl from Teddy.
“I actually hate you.”
“I mean based off this morning…” Y/N winked and Teddy shoved her lightly. “Ok, ok, I hadn’t really planned anything, I do need to get an essay done though.”
“So you’d be free to, like hang?”
“Oh man, hang? Did you just saw hang?” Y/N laughed louder, her eyes wide as she shook her head. “I thought you were mister suave! How did you get any girl to go out with you!”
“Well it’s different when it’s your best friend! I happen to like you, a lot!”
A silence fell over them momentarily, Y/N feeling her stomach turn as she took in Teddy’s words.
“A lot huh?”
“Enough to want to hang on my favourite day off of the week,” Teddy winked, composing himself slightly as he had begun to flush lightly across his cheeks.
“Well, I would love to, if you’ll help me with Herbology?” Y/N gave him a pouty look, pleading with him. Teddy had Professor Longbottom wrapped around his finger, and he was very good at Herbology.
“Deal,” Teddy smiled, stretching out his arms, “Did you want to go back to your dorm first?”
“Don’t want me wearing your large t-shirt around all day,” Y/N grinned, pulling at his shirt, “Also yes, might need a shower.”
“Perhaps,” Teddy stood up out of bed, “Meet you downstairs in an hour?”
“Sounds good.”
Y/N had a moment of panic when leaving and gave Teddy a short wave, leaving the room quickly, heart racing. She was hit with a bombardment of loud voices screaming at her when she entered her dorm room and had to take a step back to avoid a pillow being thrown in her direction.
“Excuse me, where were you last night?”
“Did you sleepover in someone’s dorm?”
“No one,” Y/N moved through the room, head down, desperately avoiding the stares from her roommates and heading straight to the bathroom to jump into the shower. Once she was out a few of the girls had trickled out, but Olivia remained, sitting on the bed next to Y/N’s bed, legs swinging.
“If you don’t tell me I will kill you,” Olivia growled jumping over to Y/N’s bed and leaning over the side whilst Y/N picked out some clothes.
“It’s nothing, seriously,” Y/N pulled out a white dress with flowy sleeves and Olivia squealed.
“You’re going on a date,” She said in a sing-song voice placing her hands underneath her chin and grinning wider.
“Shut up,” Y/N groaned, pushing her off the bed so that she could change behind her curtains. Olivia stood right beside the curtains, her feet sticking underneath.
“Who is it! You have to tell me, I’m your best friend.”
“I just, can’t-“
“Oh my god.”
“No, Liv –“
“Oh my GOD,” Olivia slipped under the curtain and back onto Y/N’s bed who had one leg stuck in a pair of tights whilst she’d attempted to hold Olivia back.
“It’s fucking Teddy isn’t it, you stayed over with Teddy!” Olivia was watching her avidly. Y/N fixed her tights and stood up, smoothing out her dress.
“I… well… maybe – “
“Holy shit, and you weren’t going to tell me? Going to be honest, I’m a bit offended, but also congratu-fucking-lations that only took you like five years.”
“I will kill you,” Y/N hissed, pulling on a pair of boots and glaring at her. “You’re making me nervous as hell.”
“Alright, fair enough, but it is a big deal – in a good way,” She corrected herself, hands in the air when Y/N made a move towards her.
“Do I look ok?” Y/N presented herself, smiling awkwardly at Olivia, trying to ignore everything she just said.
“Perfect, as always,” Olivia grinned, “Oh wait!”
She ducked out from the curtains and returned before Y/N could ask what was wrong.
“Here,” Olivia held out golden earrings which had a star and moon hanging down from a chain.
“These are your favourite, I can’t.”
“You damn well can, and I better hear all the details later.” Olivia’s voice was aggressive, as she usually sounded, but she was smiling giddily up at Y/N, as if she was going on a date herself.
“Of course I’ll tell you,” Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled back at her, putting the earrings in. “I have to go, I said I’d meet him in an hour.”
“Well shoo then.”
Olivia pushed her out of the curtains and Y/N stumbled, collecting herself before heading down into the common room. It was sunny outside, a warm change to the heavy rain that had beaten against the castle for the past week, and most students were out of the common room and taking advantage of the turn in weather.
Teddy was waiting on the couches, wearing a denim jacked and black jeans, army boots up on the table before the fire. Y/N sucked in a tight breath, he’s your best friend, you’ve hung out with him plenty of times, what makes this any different?
Y/N tried to push down the other little voice that said, you slept with him you idiot.
“Hey! Ready to go?” Teddy turned as he heard her final footsteps on the staircase behind him, beaming up at her with a toothy smile that seemed to light up his whole face.
“Yep, where are we going?”
“Surprise, of course,” Teddy stood up to meet her, kissing her on the cheek lightly and taking hold of her hand so he could lead her out of the room. It all felt so natural, like they’d been doing it the whole time but this was the first time Y/N had noticed. He lead her towards the grounds but took her around the side of the courtyard instead of towards the lake and pumpkin patch. His hand never left hers, gripping tighter every so often as he led her towards what she realised was the greenhouses.
“We’re doing homework first?” Y/N teased, pouting at Teddy.
“Well actually,” Teddy pushed the door open to the normally locked Herbology greenhouses and pulled Y/N inside, turning to face her. “Neville gave me a copy of the keys so that I could come in here whenever I wanted.”
“Ahh of course, this is your secret date spot huh? How you impress all the ladies.” Y/N hated herself the moment she said it, feeling how obviously she was fishing for information, and cringed, “Sorry, I just am torn between my best friend self and the person who just slept with you.”
“Can assure I have never taken a date here, mainly cause they would be bored to death.”
“So glad I made the cut to be bored to death,” Y/N laughed loudly, echoing around the room.
“Alright, you know what I mean,” Teddy smirked, stepping forwards so that he was looming over her again. Y/N took in a breath and met his eyes. “I was thinking about how you need to do that essay, and I definitely don’t want to be the one who distracts you from your homework and makes you fall off the rails following me around, begging me for sex, you know.”
“I hate you, go on.”
“Well we’ve sort of done all the first date stuff you can do around here accidentally, given that we’ve been friends for like six years, so I thought maybe we could combine writing your essay with a sort of plant date and now that I’m saying it, it sounds super lame, I am so sorry,” Teddy put a hand over his face, groaning. Y/N couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy at the idea of Teddy thinking about all of this all morning.
“It sounds perfect,” Y/N leaned forwards and took his hand away from his face. “Take me through these beautiful plants.”
“You’re not just being nice?”
“I mean I am, but also I really need to get this essay done,” Y/N pretended to weigh up the two options in her hands, “I want to hang out with you, you dork!”
“Ok, ok,” Teddy looked exceedingly happy, taking hold of her hand again. “So, this one over here is my favourite.”
They spent the better part of three hours discussing the properties of his different favourite plants across the greenhouse, namely dittany and wolfsbane. As much as Y/N knew she had to remember a lot of this for her essay on her favourite plant (of which she had none, as she killed almost every plant she’d ever been given care of), but there was something about watching Teddy talk so passionately about the plants he’d been given special care of that made her want to just sit and watch him. Y/N didn’t think she’d ever seen him so himself, not stressed about what he was doing or saying, his hair had become brighter, the blue almost reflecting across the windows.
When they were done, Teddy locked up behind them and they began walking slowly towards the Great Hall for dinner. Teddy wrapped a hand around Y/N’s waist and pulled her towards him. She put her head on his shoulder, her lip curling.
“I know it wasn’t the most exciting first date, but was it ok?” Teddy murmured into her ear as they stepped into the courtyard.
“I love that you’re asking me that,” Y/N snorted, lifting her head to look up at him, “You do realise I was your date right?”
“I know, but you’re also my best friend and I need best friend advice and I want to ask you,” Teddy laughed, moving his arm down to hold her hand instead, swinging it lightly.
“Yes, it was perfect,” Y/N stepped in front of him quickly, facing him so that she could cut him off and kiss him. He kissed her back, caressing a hand across her chin and through her hair. Y/N pulled away first, smiling up at him.
“I just said honestly, you prat.”
“Jeez alright,” Teddy grabbed her hand again, stepping up towards the door into the castle. “You ready to like awkwardly walk through the hall and hear everyone lowkey talking about us as we hold hands and subtly announce that we are together even though we’ve been friends for years?”
“Sounds perfectly uncomfortable,” Y/N snorted, squeezing tighter on his hand, “Let’s go.”
Taglist: @maraudersandco @gollyderek @hermionie-is-my-queen  @siriusly-a-gryffindor-chaser   
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svtscutie · 4 years
Chan was so nervous but he ended up making out in the first date, that's what I call #leechanfirstwin ps. thoughts on semicolon??👀
got so nervous but my duality king (literally is the cutest but also the most intense like ???) had to change up (ooh what pun) and confuse the feelings some more, lol let's go chan 👏👏👏
(okay here comes the music chat this is going to be long)
First thought on semicolon was like I might not vibe with all the songs (I was super excited for the home run, light a flame and ah!love) THEN IT ACTUALLY RELEASED AND I GOT MY ASS HANDED TO ME (lol)
Seventeen literally said "hey there's a reason why you stan why did you forget?"
Home;Run yooooo
The breakdown?
The breakdown. When Minghao comes in and the whole track does a switch up wooooooow he isn't even my bias but I felt won over. And I just love the change of vocals being used, like Mingyu and Seungcheol in the chorus we love to see it. Also Dino's rap (AND MV SCENE WANNA MAKE ME THROW MYSELF) was just so smooth and so good, boi is levelling up. And JEONGHAN towards the end (with that cute piano bgm in the back) it suited his vocals so well.
Now we gotta talk about Do Re Mi.
I was like nooo please don't disappoint me my maknae line.
And they all just said "when do we?"
Like the song actually has probably ended up becoming my fave just cause it suits my usual music vibe the most (you could totally see this kind of beat on smtm or something) AND THE BREAKDOWN (music term bridge I think it is) just makes the song imo
My one complaint is LEAVE THE AUTOTUNE I JUST WANNA HEAR VERNON (but I know they did it for the cool factor and it wasn't overdone I just start fights with autotune daily)
Look I won't lie, HEY BUDDY isn't usually my cup of tea but it definitely builds the theme of the album. It defs makes you want to jump and vibe with it tho. And I really like the pre-chorus like that sells me the song. AND MINGHAO'S VOICE. like DK and Mingyu suit this song well but yeah sorry guys Minghao has come for me this comeback.
Light a Flame makes me want to dance the Tango. Like the song definitely sounds like you're fighting the person you're in love with and you and that person are trying to make the other fall first. (LOL WHAT AM I ON) but it definitely gives _temptation_ vibes. The Wonwoo rap does so well with the juxtaposition of Jun's rushed little pre-chorus. Also I didn't expect hoshi's vocals to hit like that. Woozi's vocals always leave me on the GROUND, so I'm not surprised. (thissongobvsrivalsdoremi)
I don't know what else to say.
The whole song is sooooo perfect. I'm also a sucker with acoustics so probs make sense why I love this song so much. Jeonghan and Joshua interchange so well. BUT SEUNGCHEOL YO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I never got the whole saying "everyone's biaswrecker is Seungcheol" but BOI DO I GET IT NOW. SEUNGCHEOL I'M SORRY I'LL FALL IN LINE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE I SWEAR.
Now this leaves 'all my love'
I love the intro like Woozi coming in straight away yoooooo but the sad thing of me not knowing Korean is I can't understand the lyrics and have to wait for translation. And this type of song defs needs it. The bgm kind of feels like if don't wanna cry had a part 2 but it was more chill.
(holy shit i wrote so much, you can see I live for the music 😶)
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 5 - WangXian flirts & The fucking lake does fucking what?
Welcome to episode 5 commentary. I should very much be packing my flat but I am a fucking mess so... also, my cat seems intent on blocking my hands from writing.
LWJ don’t give a fuck about “strange noises” lol.
Hhhhggghhhhhhh is the Library scenes. Wangxian/WuJi is playing and I’m living (we are barely three minutes in, brace yourselves).
Anyone who can do Chinese calligraphy and with a brush has my forever admiration. Holy shit it looks like the most nerve wracking time, I write with a quill (fountain pen? Ink pen? Idk google translate says all three fit) and I already favour thin tips so my handwriting is crisp and legible, I can’t imagine writing with something that’s flexible with pressure.
Btw, my fan girl ass got herself a black bamboo quill as a graduation/Christmas present because I could not pass the opportunity of having my very own ChenQing in a manner of speaking. Sorry, back to the commentary.
Bitch don’t scream in the library.
He doesn’t hate you, he wants to kiss you stupid but *vaguely gestures at the fact that LWJ is a whole ass repressed gay teen mess* that.
(Again, what the fuck, calligraphy brushes lol nope)
“May I have the honour of getting a glimpse of you?” Hooooooly shit, so that was smoother than I expected.
I understand not bothering to translate things like “Shijie” because “senior martial sister” sounds hella weird. But doesn’t jie/Jiejie mean big sister? WN calling WQ sister or big sister is not weird.
Wait, not only is their love song playing, he’s also sneaking looks al LWJ so he can draw him accurately and grinning like a fool.
This charming idiot.
“Extremely boring” yeeeeees sassy LWJ come forth.
I honestly did not see him switch the books and I’ve replayed that bit time and time again.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never read a book like this.” WWX, darling gremlin, you’re talking about Lan “Whole Ass Repressed Gay Teen” WangJi.
But LWJ looks like he’s going to rip his throat out with his teeth.
WWX is so upset his gay porn got shredded (and this sounds dirtier than i meant it to)
Speaking of dirty, I know that that special book chapter exists, but I also know it’s uncomfortable for a bunch of people (myself included) so I won’t mention it past this point. But when I say anything about LWJ wanting to tackle WWX onto the nearest flat surface and do him, I mean in a very enthusiastically consensual way.
All this to say, LWJ’s crush just showed him a gay porn book and LWJ is a teenager, the self control this dude has is hilarious (bc I’m pretty sure if he’d kissed WWX right then and there Wi-Fi would be like: you mean we could’ve been doing this the whole time?).
I know that WWX is Oblivious(tm) but I swear Xiao Zhan plays him very much like a disaster (bi) trying to flirt with someone he actually has a crush on and he can’t? Because his usually suave bullshit doesn’t work? And he wants to see LWJ all riled up? I mean, he’s oblivious to LWJ’s monster crush on him, but I’m pretty sure he knows/suspects he’s into LWJ himself.
Ooooohhh LWJ is spitting mad. I love how Wang YiBo can make facial expressions without actually moving his face.
One Braincell Trio gossip sessions are the best. And I saw at least one translation of JC’s “nobody will save you” that was “nobody will bury your corpse” which I find fucking hilarious.
Ngl, I was mildly worried that they were going to try and use WWX as a red herring this early in the tv show when LXC asks LWJ who he’s seen creeping around the back of the mountain and he answers that he’s seen WWX, but LXC is co-captain of the ship (the other captain is Shijie, NHS is Second-in-Command) and he didn’t disappoint.
Uuuuughhhhhh it’s that bitch Su She. If you see random bouts of screaming just assume Su She is on screen and I don’t want to deal with his bs.
I can’t believe they changed Water Ghouls to Water Ghosts. Ghouls is cooler.
[We interrupt this broadcast to inform you that all that commentary above ^ is from a few days ago, so if the following looks like I’ve lost the thread in some places... I did lose it]
Yooooo JC’s stupid grin and his awkward attempts at talking to WQ give me life. I NEED FURTHER WQ&SHIJIE INTERACTIONS! THEY MUST BECOME FRIENDS.
What a cute gremlin my god.
You can see the moment LXC decides to be both the best wingman and a shit to his little brother.
LXC and all his baby chicks lol.
(I just checked on my cat, he’s drugged to the gills, so his inner eyelids are half closed and he’s doing the mlem, it’s hilarious)
WangXian: the fucking lake does fucking what?
I love WWX in detective mode.
THANK YOU. WWX’s alcohol thing is driving up the wall. One, bc he’s a damn kid in here, two bc he’s about to go night hunting, and three bc I’m pretty sure he’s 👌this close to forming a habit.
Ooohhh I hate this. I’m not scared of large bodies of water or anything, but the second you tell me something bigger than a trout may be roaming nearby I’m nope-ing right the fuck out.
He just saved your ass dude, don’t call him boring!
I swear LWJ almost had a Qi deviation when he told WWX to stay away from him, and the the gremlin just came suuuuuper close to him and bent down... to get his sword. You know, like a normal human being would do. Not.
Nooooope. Wait “aqua demon” that better not be Netflix’s translation of Waterborne Abyss.
Su She’s whole damage is bc he thinks LWJ looks down on him just for wanting to be like him. But LWJ clearly said get tf on your swords and fly, not “send your sword into the lake like a dumbass” so Su She is a moron.
I know in an adaptation WWX ends up in the water when trying to save Su She, are we sure that he didn’t kick him off the sword? Bc he is That Bitch.
LOQUATS! (Btw are they any good, how do they taste?)
That is all for this episode. Thank you for reading!
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m0therflunker · 3 years
I had so many thoughts during s1 of my spn rewatch here yah go
damn I forgot how. different Sam and Dean used to be around each other. by s15 so much has been said and done they don't need to like, discuss things in depth - like a lot of stuff goes without saying ? I just finished ep3 so maybe by the end I'll be more articulate hahh I also forgot how good Dean is with kids, right from the get go. I love this bitch. ep 4 the irony of them being like 'no non human would live in this suburban house and be a dentist" and then s10-15 the whole Garth plot line lmao I always forget how bitchy Sam can be haaahh 'i dunno Sam, demonic possession is beyond a paygrade :/' MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD ep5 I forgot how how dark and grainy this used to be , bkess also like, how quickly Sam's visions started? I thought that was a S2 thing but nope, it's pre s1 I also forgot how gory this show can be lmao skin is a good reminder hook man is really just the 'hook man car door' bs isn't it lmao bugs it is lads!! 2 things to note: they rly did a 'previously on' ever EP like ,,, honey only one things happened so far things r gonna get so much worse 2 I forgot how awful it is 3 they rly. are so racist to native Americans. like I knew? but I couldn't quite recall how /bad/ it was hahhh AHDKSLAKDJA deans brainwashing ab his dad is so deep nooooo😭 I forgot just HOW much of a baby Sam was. also like. how he acc had personality . rip lol remember when Sam acc used to argue back w dean. and remember when Dean just blindly followed what John said to do. bad times also when Sam would make threats to leave and actually follow through hell yeah no but forreal Sam& deans daddy issues were such a big part of the show I forgot how integral it used to be YOOOOO ITS . is it meg?? or ruby? I can't remember who it is at first AHHH demon time LETS GO MEG SUPREMECY LETS GOOOO also the fun parallel of Dean and Sam both trying to call ahhh cannot believe I forgot deans first almost death happens in the first SEASon ARITITE SO REPEARS XAN GIVE AND TAKE LIFE! don't think they can do that in s15? also I missed the great music ooooh also u love that 'cant kill a human being Dean, then we'll be no better' Sam honey u r a serial killer plus 'we can't kill death!' s11 has a fun surprise RACIST MONSTER TRUCK FUCK YEAAAH racist monster truck walked so homophobic vase could run idk what it is I'm picking up on but like. I missed the feeling that Sam and Dean were actually friends. perhaps it's the pre-several-times-of-betrayal max!! the whole group of cursed psychic kids is starting!!! I have a faint memory of Dean saying smth like 'sam I'm acc super scared ur like a monster n if u were anyone else I'd hunt u ://' n Sam just has to be. arite. anyway. stop fucking lying to Sam yooo the cannibals! except they're not cannibals kinda funny how like, s&d eventually fight alphas n fuckin. leviathans but almost got bested by rednecks ITS RHE MEG EPISDOE FUUUCCKK YEAAAH I'm watching on 1.25 speed n it's not noticeable until the characters walk or run when it hilarious oh man the '05 FASHION every time they leave the car w the windows open or don't double check it's locked I internally scream YOOO JOHN THE BASTARD HIMSEEEELF sams so smart I love he. uWu misogyny?! in /my/ supernatural? hate to see it xx I know this show has some iconic, and ""iconic""" lines but 'ooo look it's the evil root cellar, where Satan cans his vegetables' rly fuckin got to me for some reason HOLY SHIT GHOSTFACERS?!?!? *inset Beyonce gif here* I thought they showed up in S3 lmao also, the PRANKS!! pre-hell s&d are so pure. featus sam's laugh - ARGH BABY DEAN AND SAAAAM I forgot how cute they r in flashbacks 🥺 deans so good w kids ARGH the whole art dealer EP is just. so boring? plus Sam!! stop being all 'woe is me!!!' like u only got one gf killed there's time for woe later it's the endgame folks and John Winchester is already being a bitch 🥰 I hate him 🥰🥰 I feel so bad for Dean idk :/ I hate confrontation how anyone can watch this show n think john wasn't an awful dad. idk. KDMSKRHDISJEJDJE OMFG THE POOR GIRLS JUST SAT
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indiana jones AU because i re-watched one of the movies tonight and i have a lot of feelings
okay. so. this is long so i’m not even gonna finish this tonight okay.
Logan as Indiana Jones so,,, Logan Jones (”Logan is my name!” ”Logan’s the dog’s name, Junior!” “Dad shut up >:(”)
Patton is a “researcher” ;) (you’ll see why later) that Logan meets while looking for his father who has been kidnapped
his father is probably Deceit let’s be real (although idk how he would fit the character but i guess i can make adjustments)
Virgil as Marcus (as in,,,, the one guy with all the information who starts the journey with Logan but at one point get kidnapped as WELL and just did not sign up for all the shit that he goes through)
Roman is a rival treasure hunter who accidentally ends up on their adventure as well (as in he didn’t want to work with them but then he realizes that they’re going against bigger, eviler people and he wants to help them) (also he might’ve taken a liking to a certain dark haired boy ;)
basically the plot is that *clears throat*
there’s a flashback at the beginning, where we get lil Logan being a treasure hunter at like 15 years old
as in he steals an artifact from a band of bad dudes who just wanted to sell it for money
yeah so that’s the difference between Logan and Roman 
Logan believes the artifacts should be in a museum while Roman doesn’t see their value
anyway, we also see Deceit being not-the-best-dad
don’t worry he gets redeemed
back to the present we have Logan teaching at his high school i guess?
it’s the 1930s btw so just so y’all know the nasties are gonna come in later
and by nasties i mean the uuuuuuh hitler guy
and i’m including this because there is one, and i mean ONE scene where they’re burning books and everyone is asking hitler for an autograph because like,,, that was one hell of a brainwashing i swear, but they accidentally push Jones into the crowd and he has his journal in his hand and there is this one moment of tension where him and hitler look at each other and then he just opens the notebook and signs it WITHOUT realizing what is written in it and it’s just one of the best scenes of the whole movie because of how much of an idiot he is okay
the whole movie makes fun of him basically
like at one point Jones throws a nazi general out the window of a dirigible and he’s like “he didn’t have a ticket” and there’s a moment where everyone looks at each other before they all take their tickets out to show they have them
okay sorry this is getting long
anyway, its part of the movie (technically) and they’re the main villans which like i don’t even know if they had the rights to show that on tv but yeah
BUT i’m getting ahead of myself
basically, Logan gets called in by this rich guy to observe a rock
turns out it has a secret message for finding the Holy Grail (although it’s half broken so,,, only half the info is there)
which Deceit has been looking for his whole life
so Logan is like “yooooo” and wants to go tell his father about it (and he wants to find the Holy Grail)
but the rich guy tells him that his father has disappeared
so Logan takes Virgil with him and they go to Deceit’s house and find it a mess
and Logan remembers about a packet that had been delivered to him that morning and he opens it and guess what?
it’s Deceit’s notebook!! it’s full of all the notes he had ever taken for finding the Holy Grail
and both Virgil and Logan are like “yooooooo”
i don’t remember how but they come to the conclusion that Logan’s father is in Venice, Italy
so they head over there! how fun ain’t it!!
also, they’re told (by the notebook i believe) that they should meet Professor. Moore there
and they do!! and guess what?
Its our boy Patton!!
yeah he’s the “professor” that they’re supposed to meet
okay but their first interaction goes like this (and this is directly from the movie oKAY) (that movie’s fucking timeless i swear)
Patton: “Mr. Jones?”
Logan turns around to him and Pat’s like “I knew it was you, you have your father’s eyes.”
Logan checks him out let’s be real
that’s what happens in the movie and you know what he says?
he goes “And my mother’s ears. But the rest is all yours ;))”
and Patton goes “Oh, too bad all the good parts are already taken”
y’all i lost my goddamn mind
its way off character but SHUT UP JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE
let’s just say i find it way too funny
Jones is so fuckin horny in this movie i SWEAR
like the gal’s a spy, right? yeah he STILL WANTS TO BE WITH HER SDLFKJJKL
he’s a himbo except he doesn’t respect women
but Logan does and he’s much less of a himbo
anyway, EVENTUALLY, they end up talking, and they go visit the library (that is inside the church) because that’s what the notebook says
oh wait i forgot, Patton gives them a piece of paper with roman numerals written on it that Deceit wrote before disappearing
they figure out the numbers can be found in front of a mosaic window in the church that is drawn in the notebook
so they do and they also figure out that the last of the numerals is on the floor so Logan breaks the floor
poor harrison ford he was actually strong in that movie
anyway go look up the scene because it is to die for i swear
okay so Patton and Logan end up exploring the tunnel they find after breaking the floor and it turns out its the catacombs
oooo yay!! they almost die
as in, these lil’ bitches set the catacombs on fire
and they escape through the sewers and get out by the manhole
sorry that word is just,,,,, hm weird
okay and they have an epic boat racing scene with the people who set the catacombs on fire because the peeps want them dead but they didn’t die
oh also the peeps knocked Virgil out in the meanwhile
look a lot of stuff happens in this movie
anyway boat racing stuff and they kill some of the peeps
HOWEVER they do find out that the peeps are part of a cult that wants to stop people from finding the Holy Grail
ya and apparently Logan’s dad is being kept prisoner in a castle in Germany
so they find Virgil and the three of them end up in a hotel
you can imagine what happens with Logan and Patton okay they flirt a whole lot and uuuuh look just watch the movie okay i don’t want to write it out
its a similar relationship except you take out all the abuse shit because that ain’t cool okay
when they wake up all the rooms are upside down and messed up and guess what? it’s because some peeps (i don’t remember who) were looking for the notebook because they ALSO want to find the Holy Grail
but anyway, Logan, Patton and Virgil decide to head to the castle were Deceit is being held apparently.
but it’s very very late here and i need to go to sleep so i’ll just post this now and i’ll continue it some other time
idk where remus will come in (i’m asking for help here aaaaa)
i am gonna change some things
like,,, Patton is not gonna be working for the nazi in this because uuuuuuuh i really don’t wanna write that
so i also need to figure that out
ooooooooh wait what if he worked with Roman and so that’s why he tricked Logan
he gets redeemed tho
plus roman isn’t gonna be unsympathetic or anything
maybe a bit of a jerk at first but he warms up to our lil group anyway
aaaaaaaaa okay i think i got that
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Ohhhh boy here we go guys
I don’t
Ricky and Morty
“The chained oblivion, no big deal” Matt Plz
A dark elf floating six or seven inches from the ground. I don’t like how familiar that sounds.
28. Christ.
YOOOOO Pumats gonna fight!
or... not? xD
lol gets up on the counter because the rest of them are
He gonna heal??
He gonna... make them invisible?
NICE made my boy Cad invisible but he had still fight
Pumat looking after his fellow firbolg
I love when they panick go invisible xD
Gonna hide on the bookshelf lol Nott
Ooooo bola shot I like that
Yay bane!
This is gonna be a long slow fight
Nice job Cad, canceling that crit
Ffffuck didn’t cancel the crit fuck
93?! FUCK
Oh my GOD I hate everything
Cad getting Nott back up yay!
Not hang on Matthew STUNNED
Okay okay okay this isn’t as bad as it could be...
Banishing smite?
Oh fuck her
bitch slapped her onto another plane lol
I like Cad’s little defensive stuff. He’s such an excellent support.
Also okay so aside from her high damage attacks this assassin doesn’t seem as terrible as I feared so... what’s the catch? Because something awful is def gonna happen.
PS: “that doesn’t happen every day”
Cad: “it does to us”
I’m glad she left but I do NOT like that she can just sneak up on them at any time
PS: “And now they know where I live...”
N: “You could burn down the store, start fresh?”
PS: “I like where you’re going with that, but I might wanna save that for a last option.”
Pumat has some kind of knowledge about
Poor Laura :(
PS: “not like you burned it down or anything.”
Free shield, nice!
Pumat is a sweet guy I love him and I’ve missed him
Freeloading their way into a short rest lol
Jester for the love of the Traveler do NOT go in there as your mom
FJORD do not encourage this
Beau assuring Jester that she supports HER just not the idea is SO sweet
JESTER oh my god
Cad’s gonna know before Jester does
Ooh dear their description has gotten back to the other side of the mountains
I like how they’re pulling literally everyone they know, pretty much every ally they’ve ever made into this
I’m honestly glad The Gentleman isn’t interested in getting involved. It suits his character well.
Jester’s real sad
Like she really was hoping it was him
(And it still could be, we don’t know what Cad perceived)
Oh god Jester
Oh honey
Poor Jester
xD the Tal’dorea council question strikes again
Aw Jester :(
J: “but if he doesn’t want me then I don’t want him it’s fine.”
F: “....we’re glad to have you.”
J: “I’m glad to be here.”
B: “Sometimes found family is better anyway.”
Shit wait fuck
“You should tell her”
holy shit y’all
oh lord Nott had a crush on Caleb??
Oh shit the BeauJester fans have been fed tonight
Laura is laying there giggling lol
That’s super sweet that Beau is crushing on her man
I mean I’m still so BeauYasha but
Oh boy okay who is this
Oh it’s him
Oh my GOD
here we go oh god
Also what if he’s her uncle not her dad? He mentioned having a brother...
I can’t believe I’m having Gentleman feelings
I wanna hug him
Oh god that’s so SAD
He sounds like he still kinda loves her too HELP ME
I’m really sad man
“She loves you. You should have trusted her. I don’t know... I don’t know how you guys could make it work or anything, but... [missed]. She’s never loved anyone since. Just you.”
Operation: Get Marion and the Gentleman Back Together.
TG: “Jester I’m not your father. Any man can have a child. Any man who isn’t around to help raise them doesn’t get to call themself a father.” Owww.
I think you should tell Marion and let her decide. She hasn’t had any say in all of this, I think it’s time she did.
I cannot believe I’m so emotional about the Gentleman.
Jester has this perfect little fairy tale for her parents and I’m literally just sitting here crying you guys
J: “Hey dad, next time I’m in town? Let’s play some Uno.” Crying and laughing and crying.
I stg if he and Marion don’t get their happy ending I’m gonna be SAD
Time to go after Yasha?
Oh dear...
Okay though if it’s addressed to Nott the Brave it’s not from Astrid
Maybe it’s from Caliana or someone again
The looks all the others are wearing
Like Beau’s face
This recording thing couldn’t possibly backfire at all xD
These hijinks omg
I can’t handle it first I’m worried then I’m emotional/crying about Jester and now I’m cracking up
Oh no oh god
Don’t hurt Pumat Sol Matthew I will not forgive you
oh my GOD MATT that PAUSE
Oh my god wait their lie somehow WORKED??
So she lives in Trent’s little compound essentially.
“Oh god it’s her” lol oh Pumat
I love him man he’s a soft boy
Oh dear...
Caleb getting overwhelmed mid trying to plan was excellent I love that call Liam
No no no what if he dies??
it’s so sweet that he offered I ADORE HIM
I can’t believe he just straight up planned to come with them he was already packed
Like all these othe powerful allies are like “I’ll look into things while y’all do the actual dangerous work” and Pumat Sol is the one who decides he’s going to come and help
We stan two (2) cow men and they are Caduceus Clay and Pumat Sol
I’m really nervous about this though like heading to Rexentrum? Are they ready for this? Is CALEB ready for this??
Oh no Krynn attack that’s bad
I hope it’s not the Krynn
Call Essek find out
Oh god if they help stop the Krynn tho and it gets back to Xhorhas somehow
They’ll never see Essek again and I will CRY
I’m suuuuuper worried about Caleb
Like SUPER concerned look at his face he’s not at all prepared for this
This is definitely a false alarm there are no Krynn
Oh fuck what if Obann is coming for this Colbalt Soul
I am anxious
Go back down Caleb!
Why would you not go back up with the others
Nott, Nott HONEY
Not now!
It’s not the Krynn I will eat my hat if it’s really the Krynn
“Angel’s Eye” oh no
Cardinal Respa?
How far does this conspiracy spread I wonder
“The thing below and the path to it” fuck
“Diversions are already in place” knew it
Oh fuck
Pelor, the temple of the dawn father?
Oh shit they spent so much time in the happy fun ball that the timeline is messed up and this is happening NOW
Oh god they are in it now
Like man even having warned so many allies it’s too late it’s happening NOW
I thought I was stressed last week but nope
Love you too Matt
This episode in a nutshell: fighting an (immortal?) assassin; Jester’s dad; mail hijinks; TIME TO STOP THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD
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