#[ verse: blood war ] as I cannot be the hero let me be the monster and lesson them in fear in place of love.
keikakudori · 11 months
I advise that you get and leash your pet.
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❝ -- pet? Is that what you think Ulquiorra was to me? He was a trusted subordinate, an aide de camp. What makes you think that I'd ever contemplate leashing him? ... then again, maybe it'd do him some good if he continues down this road. ❞
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casxmorgan · 3 years
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acioo · 6 years
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                  under the cut are exactly 1000 verse tag ideas under the following categories:                   brotp, enemies, exes, fwb, otp, parents, siblings, toxic relationship,                   unrequited, & wanted connection with exactly 100 tag phrases per each one.                   please like or reblog this if you found it helpful !
you ask if i think it’ll hurt like this forever
we’re not those kind of kids
one can’t function without the other
people are good at heart
the kids with no religion
nobody hates the truth like we do
endless dumb fun
they turned her into a nightmare so i’m going to be theirs
for her i can try to be human
we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite
more than friendship but less than dating
we make the king scream for mercy
extensions of each other
all the gods, heavens, and hells are within you
this time we are not afraid
we win because we do not know how to lose
we will be monsters alone in this world with only each other
you look at me with this heady mixture of awe and love and bottomless trust
a sweaty summertime tangle of lips
our nights are perfumed in obsession
he’s lighting a cigarette even though he would never let you touch one
i took care of that thing for you
let them remember me
the only one who really knows anymore
all you have to do is ask
the best at making me feel better
piggeypack rides & inside jokes
living in each other’s back pocket
the impractically rebellious & the impractically kind
the best thing that’s ever happened to me
all you need is love
i will remember. will you?
i like you more than i planned
but we hold on
i love you inside & out
best friends with an idiot
not used to people sticking around when things get bad
here comes trouble
sitting on the library floor
sending out emails for the cult meeting
strange women society
making forests quiver
my one kin
where i go you go
our meeting was bad for society
a true friend & hot piece of ass
to a fading friend
a dynamic duo
then we fight together
don’t tell anyone the big bad wolf is a puppy in disguise
ideas that seemed good at three am
i know i’m a shit friend but oh god i’m trying
the gang screws the government
dead boys club
friends can break your heart too
can’t stop us
there is thunder in our hearts
bro homie man calm down
bored & covered in paint with an idea
i could be your family
we can be heroes
teenage feelings
i can’t live without you
i want to be loved but don’t feel like i deserve it
don’t give up! you’ll be great someday
i tolerate you
who made you think you weren’t worth it
if we fall we fall together
we are the kids you can never kill
we hurt & burn & bloom
friends that became family
alive by spite alone
as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story
local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway
just children thrust into war
it’s like being friends with a five year old child who’s also an alcoholic
double trouble
i’m pretty cool but also i cry a lot
unity ; standing together as one
you’re pretty neato
in the end you’re my very best friend
just get in the fucking blanket fort
oh for fuck’s sake here we go again
please don’t leave me like the rest
something about you made me feel alive
sitting on a rooftop at two am & talking about life
whatever you do you’re still my best friend
i’d do anything to keep you safe
so what are you doing this weekend?
let’s be miserable together
trouble usually finds us
my annoying best friend
i’d do anything to make it up to you
all we have is now
down for whatever
we’re good at surviving
death doesn’t discriminate
you suck less than most people
platonically calls you babe
so i did a stupid thing again
better him than me
always ready to argue with you
the only thing that comes easily is the anger
laughing at your worthless jokes
awe-inspiring & ferocious & terrible
hell is other people
the game was getting a little old
plenty of monsters know how to play at being human
dream on fucker
you and me now! for worse or for better
she tears at my lungs
still working on going to hell
tangle them in bedsheets & take their heart
stop brewing up wicked things
fucking unbelievable
are you done yet?
you should be scared of me
the problem is you
monsters aren’t meant to live happily ever after
testing my patience
leave or die
this a warzone
give me a break
can you take a punch?
let my thorns prick your fingers
made of threats
you were an iceberg & i had no lifeboat
fighting & fucking
see you in hell
sinking my talons into your neck
bang bang you’re dead
keeping you at a distance
a fire blazing between us
i will taste the copper tang of your dying breaths
don’t growl at the wolf
the only thing she makes me feel anymore is rage
try to scare me, i dare you
what does it take to make you angry?
you are dumb and an ass: dumbass
sorry you evil prick
you look like shit
a lifelong rivalry
please stop talking
seeing them brings only pain
i’ll swallow my blood before i swallow my pride
i choose violence over peace
stupidity isn’t cute
i’m not cutting myself up for you again
sometimes hearts are vacant
i can’t stand a mess of a person
no enemy is safe
using poetry in a street fight
i don’t care if you burn
i tried to be kind
rot in hell
you want battle? i’ll give you war
hate spitting out of each other’s laugh
choose your last words this last time
not to sound bitter
true evil is above all things seductive
basically i’m a badass / basically he’s a moron
i hope the halo burns when i shove it down your throat
we should really have angry sex sometime
i liked your nose before
allergic to you
he’s not a monster, just a villain
stop making others suffer for your personal hatred
aren’t we all sinners
am i an asshole?
i’m going t hell anyways
do not tell me what i can and can’t do
you don’t know shit about me
they paid the price
you underestimate my power
an eye for an eye
people are poison
wanted: dead or alive
as mad as a dad in traffic
to make out with you or kill you
martyr me i dare you
i hate you more than you hate yourself
please stop framing me for murder i didn’t do that one
do not touch me
sorry you’re an asshole
throwing rocks evolving to throwing insults
asshole of the year & competition
you tried to cross the wrong person
if i’m cute when i’m angry you must find my phenomenal
done being a brat yet?
you are the villain of this story
bringing a murderous rage
an abomination among us
everything about you is wrong
i’ll be nicer if you’ll be smarter
gay judgement
some people should get punched in the face
better than you
a strange game of chess with only two royals
what doesn’t kill me might make me kill you
pain is but fuel to my rage
suddenly we are strangers again
we deserve a soft epilogue
you changed everything
she didn’t realize she was saying goodbye
we are good people and we have suffered enough
it’s never been rustier
the people you love don’t stay dead
healing takes time
maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime
you haunt me
your relationship will one day dazzle a psychologist
suddenly, everything is okay again
you say you hate him (but it’s so clear on your face)
i know i’ll see your face again
still overthinking why he stopped caring about you
when i think of january i think of you
everything is just so wrong!
part of why you can’t trust men
sorry to my unknown lover
i forgot just why i left you
he doesn’t believe in anyone but himself
he never saw himself the way i saw him
they haunt her dreams
she now knows the trouble of underestimating troublemakers
i’d hold her like she was china instead of plastic and she’d get oh so bored
somebody always has to love more
being apart from your soulmate hurts
i hope you’re thinking of me
you will always fall in love
our love did not know how to die quietly
if memories could bleed, if dreams could scream
taste of broken trust
we have fallen a long way
your love should be unconditional for one person or nothing at all
the devil’s love song is for the rest of her kind, not for you
all the signs screamed stop, but we could not see them
i see you holding hands and i feel angry
i’d give anything for you to hold me one last time
now i’m alone in the dust
if you ever fall in love again please fall in love with me
i don’t want us to be strangers again
still looking as good as i left you
i can’t find you in the body sleeping next to me
losing her was different from the usual pain
you couldn’t patch up the holes in his heart
i’m sorry for coming in and fucking up your life
you wonder if you knew him once ; you cannot remember
the world doesn’t stop for any of us
love is but a neurological con job
not heartbroken
no more love notes
love will tear us apart
you made me think i was good
girlfriend from hell
i don’t know if you noticed but i’m long gone
left in the dust with the taste of broken trust
the people i’ve left & the ones that i kept
send my love to your new lover
you know you should have stayed
we really cared for each other
do you still think of us
your name is synonymous with hurt
it still hurts
she didn’t learn how to love early enough
i hope hurting me haunts you for years
i feel sick when i remember how i opened up for you
loving you has fucked me up
you don’t fall until it’s over
i miss you so much it hurts me every day
you both think the other is staring at the ground
it always gets worse before it gets better
he isn’t coming back you thought
all the sparks were gone
i should hate you
you chose to burn me
sometimes endings are made of teary eyes & the saddest of smiles
i never really got to say goodbye
you used to call me baby
maybe one day i’ll feel nothing
me so sorry
you broke my fucking heart
who said i stopped loving you?
picking up the mess you left behind
the boy who broke her heart is the only one who can make it feel whole again
you tried to love me & i tried to let you
what i do isn’t up to you anymore
what’s a soulmate to a rebel?
it was never like that
what if your heart’s a liar?
what was i supposed to do?
accepting the love we think we deserve
maybe i’ll meet you in another life
she could’ve been your moon but you were focused on dimly lit stars
stay i whispered as you shut the door behind you
i don’t want anyone else to ever touch you
we outgrew each other in angry uncoordinated ways
you left & the world kept going
a letter to the boy who stole me
this thing was a masterpiece before you tore it all up
she’s no longer your girl
him and his pale long fingers tangled in your hair
same kiss & lips ; never the same touch
his cold lips against your neck
slender fingers on your upper thigh
nothing sets you off like how you want him
free sex training lessons
can’t differentiate between lips & hearts anymore
his mouth is your confessional
he’d never let anything real happen
what we do is secret
this is no longer safe ground
“ my parents aren’t home ”
the only legacy we’ll leave is the graffiti beneath the high school bleachers
we are the avoiders
just us ; you find out
desired but never loved
you lost track of the rules
you taste like sunshine
it’s so different when we wake up
thrill chill fulfill me
with both of his hands, his eyes, his mouth
star-crossed knuckles at breakfast time
marking you the darkest shade of red
she’s the breathe on the back of your neck
i draped her thighs over my shoulders and drank
the kiss was a one time thing
the possibility is electric
the lie: it doesn’t mean anything
chapstick that started on someone else’s lips
and i keep waking up in your bed
it was supposed to be just once
is it the alcohol or the taste of him
she tastes like every dark thought i’ve ever had
she touches you like you're fragile
he tastes how he sounds: honeyed and warm
countless one-night stands
we say that it is just sex but it’s getting blurry
my heart is too big just for one of you
i’ll seduce you with interesting scientific facts
shining every night
our chaos is what sets us apart
no feelings he said
passionate as a sin
we keep telling ourselves that nothing is happening
just friends don’t kiss like that
i’m in like, she’s in love
me you and the moon
two girls one bed
this sort of lust isn’t allowed
the signs scream do not touch
her gaze is too gentle for your hard fingers
we didn’t get the chance to get past that bed
you’re in my veins, you fuck
it hurts ; lusting after the lion boy
vulnerable and yet still strong
touching everything but her heart
we don’t speak besides assurances
i taste good & bad in you
we call this bravery
this started as friends
drinking her in
lost in translation
maybe i asked for too much
what’s love to a fuckboy
i’ve never even kissed you
yes but only because you asked
they were a poem in four parts
go somewhere with me
you are my two am thoughts
please don’t use me i am broken
eat me! love me! consume me! devour me!
be a slut do whatever you want
feelings of detachment
there’s more where that came from
you are what i desire
you already know how this is going to end
sexual history: often
catching feelings like a disease
don’t get attached
send nudes
everyone winds up kissing the wrong person
gets turned on by danger
i bruise like a peach & i’m twice as sweet
the warmest light is your body
that's fucked up but i like it
that’s gross! (unless you’re up for it?)
gay hooligans
i will gladly slam you against a wall and make out with you
suck my dick written in pretty calligraphy
a best friend who occasionally gives you orgasms
you look cute when i’m doing you
in the gay way
come over and eat what my mom made
i want to respectfully have sex with you
seducing you with interesting science facts
teasing you is what i’m best at
i know what i want & i’m gonna get it
desired but never loved
can we just be strangers again
do you feel like a young god
love her, but leave her wild
i lived to love, my darlings
you are my sunshine
tell me i’m good for you
you’re my mess
of all the things my hands have held you are the best
it was like loving the sun
how sweet it is to be loved by you
he makes you feel like when you were at the top of a hill and your bike’s brakes stopped working
the overwhelming desire to kiss
i want to hold hands & waste time with you
i wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you
we loved with a love that was more than love
i want to be in your arms
your heart could fill an ocean
a love that is not easily buried
you love like the world ending
i find your laughter in the softness of humanity’s neck
i want to explore haunted houses with you
no one’s made my heart beat this fast before
i’ll steal you the moon
sometimes i feel like i’m going to collapse under the weight of your eyes
you understand now why they lost their minds
heaven’s a place on earth with you
he loved you like he discovered fire
did my heart love till now?
your smile lifted the world off of me
i care what you think
a love that makes the god’s jealous
you can only think of his name
no butterflies in my stomach: just shooting stars & supernovas
please i beg quietly don’t give up on me yet
known as something the star’s made
a roaring war when you touch
in her kiss i taste the revolution
the thoughts of him kick drum your veins
touching him feels like a leap of faith you didn’t know you had
tangled in each other
the lies & truth of love
people can read it in your eyes & how you hold each other
he makes you immediately sober up
making your blood tremble with something you don’t understand
he loves you so much more than you do
just kiss me again
one love two mouths
i fell in love with a heart that beats so slow
holding moonlight in your hands
i wanna come home to you
you don’t ever have to go
kiss me like you miss me
fuck you’re beautiful
that star reminds me of you
acknowledging the bad, embracing the good, & growing
my whole sky craves an island of tenderness
she was the moon & i was the stars ; our sky was glorious
he’s not just a boy and that scares me to death
sunlit lovers
spilling like honey from our lips
way too in love
my first & last love
she is what keeps me going
only a fool for you
you’re my future
love comes slyly like a thief
3rd base is when they see you having an anxiety attack
wrapped in your arms i felt like everything could be okay
you have the sweetest soul i have ever seen
i’ll suck your dick if you take your meds
grab the monet & let’s gogh
and i’d choose you ; in a hundred lifetimes, worlds, any version of reality
in the end they died
tragic backstories & height difference
may we meet again
in love with an idiot
you’re so weird (don’t change)
i love you fucker
wanna go to hell together
finger guns but like with emotional attachment and a lot of love
you’re a disaster wanna date
lonely for only you
i can’t believe you’re real
you’ve shown me the light
i wasn’t even looking when i found you
i always think about you
my partner my soldier my fault
worth your weight in gold
my favorite piece of art
we deserve happy
i’ve always belonged to you
great things take time
baby be my lollipop
he was pretty cute for a monster
stopping time one kiss at a time
can’t meet your soulmate if you don’t makeout with strangers
take me back to the night we met
you complete me
soulmates aren’t just lovers
a montage of love
when is a monster not a monster? when you love it
loving you because of & despite the bad
please stop destroying what is left of your heart
laying on the roof of your ‘97 pontiac
he inherited his mother’s charm
knowing how it feels to be cast away
they say: you’re a little too much for me
daddy issues written on your forehead
cosmically impossible
who would want a kid like me?
a letter to my daughter
please don’t give up on me
repeat after me: everything will be okay
her father’s daughter
blood of warriors
anxiously waiting to call that line
a bad childhood doesn’t equal a bad life
we’ve made it this far
her mother cried the day she was born
we didn’t think the monsters could ever be like us
even though there were tears there were tissues too
fearless children who love the light
they forced her into greatness
she calls her parents by their names
i will love you & love you & love you
wasn’t working well from the starter
so afraid of an empty nest
are you proud of me, mama? papa?
inherited her mother’s black anger
a figure in the distance, a movie reel of old pictures
everything my mother prayed i wouldn’t be, i became
you taught me so many things about myself didn’t know
i never did learn much of anything from my mother
the wolf in this fairy tale
loved the point of madness
master of fate
raise hell, kid
he came out of the womb like hannibal sacking rome
didn’t your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
to love to the point of madness
when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, “what will i be?”
he loved her more than his whole life
when will i be good enough for you?
it’s all good when i have you by my side
maxing out daddy’s credit cards
i took nine months to form your heart, do not let anyone break it in seconds
mother says there are locked rooms inside all women
my poor mother begged for a sheep but raised a wolf
every place my mother prayed i wouldn’t go, i went
mother, know, i have pasts inside me i did not bury properly
mother never taught me that just because someone desires you doesn’t mean they value you
born with a thick skull
the people who were supposed to love you more than anyone in this world
spoken to with corporate coldness or demonic tongues
parents who loved them the way we once loved angry gods, leaving offerings and praying for gentle winters
birthed in the form of cherry blossoms
hiding from their dark clouds, boarding up the shutters
kid, you’ve got to love yourself
what came first: humans or despair?
legacy was more important than anything
a lonely child born to lonely parents
it feels so scary getting old
i’m but my mother’s daughter & because of this i can do anything
my parents strength & anger lives in me
original family disappointment
sorry i’m a shit daughter
i love you baby
please come home (i hope you’re okay)
demonic possession & daddy issues
fight for her
just like her father
until every last galaxy dies you have me
which to ask forgiveness for: what am i or what i’m not
i will always stay with you
family first
fairytale childhood
those raised in glass houses
daughter of smoke & bone
one love one house
to die knowing your life was my life’s best part
gay on my mother’s side
nobody’s ever going to love me this much
a collection of horrible people
using “heir” like we are in a shakespearean play
cursing me with happiness
following a set of unwritten rules
this was not the boy they used to know
it just made him kind
to have a precious few people back
you hurt. it’s okay, i hurt too
thank you for always being there for me
was that a compliment?
she was overpraised as a child
better / not bitter
somebody somewhere cares
the oldest or coolest person on earth
fuck you dad
i’m so very proud of you & how hard you’re trying
thank you to someone who always saw the best in me
it ends or it doesn’t
i swear i’m trying my best
they could never see eye to eye
comparing the twin scars on our forearms
let’s run away together
i love you even though i shouldn’t
two types of the same fool
well used to tragedy
merry band of weirdos
to my siblings: please stop
hurt my sibling & i will kill you
broken dreams club
world’s okayest sister
future cellmate
a force to be reckoned with
your smile lifted the world off me
don’t even think of touching her
a good bro
we may not have had a lot but we had each other
the scorned brother & the only one to make it still
the one with it all
you think you deserved the pain but you didn’t
i can’t remember who the dead one is anymore
i love you / you are not alone / you are daylight
it makes me so mad that they did that to you (and me)
she holds up my sky
always together
i am aware of who you are and what you do
i’m coming for all the monsters that ever touched him
we have blood made of gods and heroes
take back our skin
six am sunrise shining down on us
take back our streets
it’s time to tear their castle down
you don’t know what it’s like to not be wanted
built on the same pretty lie
we learned the truth too late
as golden as they come
no matter what i have you
a drop dead moron
together they’re a fucking hurricane
sour milk children who hiss and spit in father’s eyes
burning down the streets we used to roam
entitled to financial compensation for all this drama
neverending bickering
you used to be so kind
“ even her mugshots were cute “
we have claws for a reason
not mature enough for this
he tried to make everything okay (but he failed)
raised to give themselves a reason to be prideful
they only inherited the same sad eyes
born into needless wealth
carbon copies of one another
sometimes… i can’t even recognize you
the only person that appreciates the irony of legacies like her
the looks she gives him when she sees how he’s tearing himself apart is too much
together they paint an imagined picture of their long gone parents
we were only ever told how to tumble not how to fly
we trust the siren song to call us home
born into the silver of the moon
we are not like the others
i like being alive at the same time as you
your voice is the only answer to my problems
thank you for loving me through it all
if your life must be a battle, don’t fight it alone
promise you’ll come back for me?
never fall for one of them
our old man is a bad man
we’ve all got our secrets
billionaire boys club
sorry i’ve been mean
afraid together
rich girls don’t have hearts
everything is changing
don’t tell them i killed my old self
watch your fucking language little one
why are you always so mean to me
mayhem caused
born to think like martyrs
i’ll find the bad dreams off if they come to get you
something that happened a long time ago and continues to affect us today
there’s nothing wrong with being different
an unremembered bond
don’t touch him
remember you can’t save everyone ; but have to try
no longer making our parents proud together
a golden cage is still a cage
surrounded by idiots
where’s all the time that heals
the hippies
like realizing stuff
you were alone before they left you
please don’t leave me
we met evil when we were only children
the kids with the big big plans
why the fuck do you put up with me?
i feel at home with you
have you seen her?
fighters but not by choice ; by heart
not totally useless, possibly a bad example
star child are you listening? i died that day
i might be an asshole but i’m your favorite asshole
every time she knocks i can’t help but let her in
in these empty church halls religion shifts and turns and blurs
you feed me small bits of your petrified heart
our love is a monster
lulling me to a hundred year slumber with your kiss
love from the lips of people who don’t understand such a thing
just pretending you don’t know he’s going dark again
a love that’s not easily buried
you were never a saint: i loved in shades of wrong
dipped my hands in holy water just to touch her
they wanted you to save them first
i don’t have any more control
how do you still love me after i’ve broken you
he doesn’t feel anything much less love
you have to let me go
make an altar of this stolen flesh
i love you even with your hands around my throat
i call her the devil cos she makes me want to sin
at least it’s something
these violent delights have violent ends
you were crying, but it was beautiful
i will never know who you were supposed to be
the crazy kind of love
pretending to forget how our scars got there
when love kills
he’s suffocating you but you don’t want to breathe
i will make you crumble to the ground
my heart beats in starts until the spell is broken
there’s a body lying next to him
just let me cry a little longer
i did not know desire does not mean value
killing each other with toy guns
it was a lesson in listening to your head over your heart
i wanted too much and you wanted too little
we weren’t meant for each other
he’s bleeding out
you filled up where used to be empty but only with black
you made me lose my softness
the ones who like me the most are always bad
they threw each other to the wolves
we pretend this works
you say my eyes are getting too dark now (boy, look at my mind)
someone could love you more
you’re my today & tomorrow & i am your yesterday
something about you makes me want to do things i shouldn’t
you taught me how to love wrong
you watch her crumble under the weight of your sins
maybe you were the poison and not the cure
loving him was your destruction
you don’t know why you jumped after her
you always tasted like blood a little too damn much
cities fell when you left me
you make my heart shake bend & break but i can’t turn away
i may not know what love is but i know this isn’t it
it’s easier to destroy something you love than let it leave
did you ever really love me at all?
oh god i am bleeding oh god i am bleeding oh go
 i don’t want to be alone
why did you clip my wings
this is breaking my heart
you made me cry you fuck
self destructive tendencies aren’t a relationship quality
i’m a bad influence but damn i’m fun
fear makes the wolf look bigger
don’t believe his lies
not everyone you lose is a loss
i’m so scared loving you was the only good thing i ever did
you still feel like home
i love you (not delivered)
set a fire down in my soul
heartbreak is not beautiful
i should have trusted my trust issues
kiss the boys and make them die
i think i need you because you don’t need me
they broke the wrong parts of me
i could tear you apart if i wanted
we both wish this was better
and in the end all i learned was how to be strong alone
this destruction will be your rebirth
so the poem hurt you (it was supposed to)
he looks at you like your his entire world
i’m an entire person not a vague concept you dreamt
a perfect match but sadly matches burn
never fucking good enough
loving you could be so fun if i wasn’t so blue and you weren’t so numb
i call your name but it’s fading
you were nothing before you met me
everything i didn’t say
this girl wasn’t like wildfire — she was wildfire
it hurts
teenage tragedy
please could you be tender
a wolf will never be a pet
always disappearing on me
nothing ever ends poetically
why do i still love you?
we are the monsters
am i the villain in your story?
i’m sorry i stabbed you. i love you.
i can’t do this anymore
i’ve fallen in love with someone who can’t be reached
cosmically impossible
just one kiss would solve it all
you’re looking at me how you used to before i broke your heart
what do you know of loneliness? of heartbreak? of biting your tongue to draw blood?
i could never regret meeting you
you don’t even realize how amazing you are
the story still ends
you’re all that’s left for me
i’m so glad someone so beautiful exists at all
i can’t ever believe that anyone ever really starts to fall in love with me
even though you want to speak you say nothing
you want to ask if he meant it when he kissed you
something hurt in you the same way rainclouds hurt before they break open
i’ve been in love with you for so long
unable to stop worrying what she’ll say when she finds out
no proof & one touch
killing me silently
god you hated me or hated that you loved me at least
an insatiable desire
i don’t want to be your friend i want to kiss your neck
the ones you love become ghosts inside you
can’t shake the memory of the summer you stomped my heart out
time doesn’t fucking heal anything
i just needed you to know once
never enough
you sit there & your tongue is tied
the best i can do is a fake smile & dead eyes
maybe one day i’ll stop thinking about you
give me a try
god grant me serenity to not destroy myself with want for this boy
i yearn for her to see past the veil
your glance lingers too long
please look away ; you are too much
a warmth i am too numb to feel
i just don’t want to get hurt
like pandora’s box
a love that makes the moon blush
you don’t have to say anything
our lips do not cannot never will touch
if they don’t come back, you sleep in the middle of the bed, make enough coffee for yourself alone
is it just that you’re not good enough
when he leaves you stay behind like always
she said i love you so damned much, just not like that
the world around you is all knives and chipped teeth and she is too soft to not save
you could never hold her like she deserved
i never needed anyone (until you)
in dreams i meet you in warm conversation
to bathe in one’s own blood
i’ve never felt more alone
we wake in lonely beds in different cities
i probably couldn’t live with or without her now
like a sun is trying to escape me
you consume me
if i told you i loved you what would you say
eventually but not today i think it will stop hurting
i’m drowning myself in alcohol when i really want to drown myself in you
i always think about you
i can’t imagine not loving you anymore
i’ll be your slaughterhouse
i don’t want realism, i want magic
i loved the idea of you more
how to unlove someone
i love everything you hate about yourself
the truth is i’m in love with you
i woke up wanting to kiss you
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you
you made me forget myself
there was just something about you that made me feel special
warning: you must fall in love with me
platonically hurting hands / burning
this bed was fit for two
treat her better
does she hold on to you the way i used to?
i just want to pretend
you make me feel lonely & loved at the same time
holding onto your call
i’m sorry that i fell in love tonight
i can barely breathe
maybe if my heart stopped beating it wouldn’t hurt so much
still sleeping like we’re lovers
maybe it wasn’t you but the idea of you
there’s nothing i can do except bury my love for you
it was all fun and games until i fell in love
you’re looking through me & i can’t see past you
you’re never gonna love me so what’s the use
you hurt me so why the fuck am i apologizing
somebody catch my breath
learning to live without you
please don’t say you love me
my love for you was never much of a choice at all
meeting you felt like wandering into a dream
i’m sorry i couldn’t hold myself back anymore
this is me letting you go
just waiting to feel your touch
living with a shattered heart is hard
you can’t love a legend
i know what we are & what we are not
all that’s left are echoes
my memories were loud enough to drown the silence
you want them to fill the void in your heart
you want them to take away the emptiness
you want them to make you feel complete
i can feel it under my skin
i might really become somebody someday
we are in daylight now
too rich & divine
a whole universe in my mind
a wildness in you
desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving
full of heartache and poetry
i am worthy and powerful
we do not perish
let us be reborn in the morning light
her eyes are closed
someone will strike a match on it and they’ll explode
they have something bad inside of them
hurricanes of thoughts
some quality content
desire washes over in waves
the beauty that is yet to come
six feet deep
i cannot afford luxuries like rest anymore
this body's a curse
it’s a great day for being sad
love is love is love
partners in crime
a short story on indiscretion
even a curse sounds holy
biting down upon my lips
a queen’s rise
the words that burn my life
an amorphous kind of reality
your life was a long line of fine
like hell you’re doing that
not violent or malicious: a result
softness as a shield
he can’t fake that
begging for a second of time
thank you for your interest in a life full of pain
please try again & again & again
the person you were & the person you became
no maps of the change
the right way to fall in love
can we just live in the moment?
living life on a line
an ex-almost
my braveheart
it’s always more with you
stay alert & stay alive
come on baby light my fire
ballpark music
am i making sense?
coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just fuck
everybody knows i’m a mess
murder! intrigue! sex! drugs! classics!
forget about it
you still hurt
do not go gentle into the good light ; rage rage against the dying light
i don’t want to relate to anyone
we should talk
we will be gods
don’t forget me
water in vodka bottles
taking trains to nowhere in particular
say you love satan
just trying to not get arrested again
in the sewers again
the devil’s music
who’s going to stop me?
a date in hell
only the good die young
survivor riddled with arrows
i have seen the future
talk to me (i’m scared to speak)
drive him wild with hints that you know when he will die
are you afraid of yourself?
you are necessary i need you
i like you more than i planned
the sun will come up
i got by own back
help the ghost find his past life
sent here to make shit worse
and all i loved i loved alone
survival mode is not meant to be how you live
your thoughts kill you, don’t they?
as far as anyone knows you do not feel anything
i am so in love (please do not break my heart)
i hope you know how loved you are
fifteen minutes late with starbucks
alluring like wildfire and summer storms
wake up
not afraid to heal
don’t panic
i took care of that thing for you
i made me
midday criss not midlife crisis
just survive somehow
what are some of the ways you’ve died?
the hero of this story
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trimaplenut · 5 years
hey maple! I was wondering, do you have any book/fic/story recommendations? ❤️
Hoo boy, I can certainly offer some! I’m more well-versed in fanfics than actual books but I think I’ve stumbled across my fair share of good fics over the years.
Also I’ll warn you this’ll be long.
Cycle by RoseGarden
Hot. Damn.
If you’re a Fire Emblem Awakening fan there is not a fic I can recommend to you more than this one. Cycle is easily in my top 5, no top 3, heck my absolute favourite story ever. The updates are slow - I started following it in 2016 summer at Ch 44, and the latest chapter was (at posting) 55 in 2018 winter - but this is not a complaint. This delay is understandably so because these chapters fucking deliver. Each chapter averages about 10,000-25,000 words (by my rough estimate - chapters tend to include a lot of reviewer replies from the author). This is honestly my current inspiration, and has been since I found it. I dream of writing like this one day. I cannot express how much I love this goddamn story.
Okay enough fangirling, time to buckle down to the content. From the beginning, it seems like your average but well-written insert - Robin is an FE fan and baker from the real world who wakes up to find Blue-Haired McGee and his motley crew with no idea how she ended up in the field in Ylisse. But you find out pretty quick that things aren’t quite what they seem. Mysterious unfamiliar characters are popping up, some people know more about events than they’re letting on, and Robin’s gotta figure out all this shit while dealing with her own missing memory and the responsibilities that come with playing tactician for a nation going to war.
It’s amazing. It follows along Awakening’s plot, but honestly I’m on edge the entire time, I don’t know what’s going to happen next. The worldbuilding is hefty and incredible and really brings the world to life. The character interactions are gorgeous. The characters themselves are gold. One of my favourite things is that each character has a clear and defined voice - even if there’s no narration to say who’s speaking, you can work it out by their words and tone. The character interactions are charming and even if the ships aren’t your favourite or usual cup of tea, they’re all so genuine and they work. Robin is different from what I think is the general depiction of canon Robin in fics, she’s pretty crass and blunt and the Earth culture she and the readers know shows, but she certainly stands out as her own personality and still fits in well with the Shepards. She’s also got her own issues and problems and she makes mistakes so that’s fun.
Oh, that reminds me, also be prepared for a heck ton of feels. Laughter and heartbreak in equal helpings. Always a good time.
Queen of Hearts by Circuit
One of the first, and one of my favourite, Persona 5 fanfics that I’ve come across so far. Queen of Hearts retells Persona 5 but with Makoto Niijima playing the role of Wild Card. The change in protagonist brings a few new interesting changes, the big one being the Confidants Makoto hangs out with, including people such as Shiho and original characters in the Student Council. It’s cool to see the changes caused by a Makoto-led Phantom Thieves and also the struggles she herself has with being in that position of leader.
This feels small in comparison to the wall of text for Cycle, so I’m just gonna throw in another P5 fanfic, Crimson. This one’s closer to a retelling of P5′s canon than Queen of Hearts but tackles it with a lot more realism of kids messing with the law and the big bads of P5 and includes quite a bit of Questionable And Morally Ambiguous Choices:tm:. It’s one I’m honestly losing a little interest in, hence why it’s only got this small section here, but it’s still a good fic. I remember liking the beginning and certain scenes that are thrown around here and there, but this fic starts off pretty depressing and gets even more morally ambiguous in more recent chapters. Still a good read. Queen of Hearts is just a lot lighter in comparison and that’s why I recommend it a little more.
Worm by Wildbow
Okay this one’s a little different but hear me out. Technically a web serial, Worm is an original story written on Wordpress. I found it when I read a crossover between it and Okami (also a good fanfic in and of itself, has a pretty different tone from Worm but it’s very entertaining. I’d recommend reading Worm first though since I read the crossover first and, it’s fine to read through itself, but I understood some of the details and nods only after reading Worm). Honestly, I’m still not done with Worm. There’s a lot of story to get through. But what I’ve seen so far is pretty interesting.
The story follows Taylor, a teenaged girl with superpowers, called parahumans in this universe. It starts off pretty dark, though, and honestly it stays that way. Taylor’s bullied at school and feels pretty shitty, but she wants to be a hero. So one night she tries her hand at some vigilantism. Result? Nearly gets killed by a superpowered gang leader, gets saved by a small group of supervillains her age, they think she’s actually a supervillain too. They offer Taylor to join them and she figures it’s a way to go undercover, but over time she faces an internal dilemna since she finds herself actually enjoying their company.
There’s more to the story beyond that. Like I said, I’m not actually done reading it. There’s like 30 arcs, with each arc having about 8-10 chapters, each chapter about 5000 words?? and I’ve only read up to Arc 11. It’s an interesting take on a superpowered world, though, where villains aren’t so evil, good guys aren’t so good, and there’s a whole lot of morality and gritty details that come with it.
Through Her Eyes by Peroth
A RWBY fic that actually has a remastered version currently being written. The story’s about a Ruby that actually has a different semblance than the one we’re used to. This Ruby has the power to summon Grimm - and that’s it. She can’t control them whatsoever. This leads to Ruby being stuck at home for most of her childhood and gives us quite a different personality than canon Ruby - she’s a lot more shy and nervous around people and usually speaks with a stammer. Still the badass little scythe-wielding Grimm slayer we love though. Ruby’s also got eyes pretty similar to Salem’s, which also come with a fear factor, inciting primal fear in anyone who looks at her eyes, which means she has to wear big goggles.
So there’s a lot of changes, but it still mostly follows Volume 1. Ruby goes to Beacon because she still wants to help people -  with some focus on the catchup work Ruby has to do as a result of her missing school as a kid - teams up with WBY, makes friends with JNPR, usual kind of stuff. The original fic ends where Volume 1 ends, but I can’t say what changes the remastered version will bring. It seems to mostly be following the original with a few details changed or added, though. 
The Shrouded Throne by Iburtide
Okay yes it’s another FE Awakening fic, sue me I’ve been through a massive FE faze. Chrobin is near and dear to my heart. Iburtide has actually written more Chrobin fics, both male and female, but I admit I’ve only read this one, The Heart of the Moon which is also a good one, and Crown of Shadows which is almost the same as Shrouded Throne but told with Male Robin (and also explicit so u18′s don’t look at it you hear me).
So Shrouded Throne (and Crown of Shadows) tells the story of a Robin who fled from a Plegian civil war to request aid from Ylisse. By the time the story starts, they’re in the employment of the Shepards, and after some words shared during a battle, Chrom offers to get Robin an audience with Emmeryn, which pretty much kicks off the story. Kinda follows Awakening’s plot but Robin knows they’re from Plegia and the civil war is between Gangrel and Validar.
I guess I’ll talk briefly about Heart of the Moon too since I mentioned it already. The Shepards get sent out to a village where a monster is stalking the woods. When they meet the creature, Chrom gets challenged to a hunt, one-on-one, with the beast. In the middle of this, Chrom comes across an old abandoned castle - or not quite so abandoned, as a young woman lives there, one who claims to be prisoner to the beast.
Both fics include fun new things like Henry being Robin’s little brother - not by blood but their relationship is cute and precious and gives me new life - and a normal Grimleal religion practiced by normal people and Validar just takes it to an extreme.
Those are a handful of ones I can recommend. I read a lot of fics though so I have skipped over some of the ones I wouldn’t say are my favourites but are still quite high on my list. These are all also multi-chaptered fics, a few of them being unfinished as well. There are more fics I wanted to talk about but they’re either one-shots or don���t have enough chapters for me to definitively recommend them. I dunno, if people want more recommendations or recs from specific fandoms like DR (which surprisingly I haven’t touched upon at all, wow it’s been a while since I’ve read a dr fic), I could do another post or something. One covering a lot of one-shots or short stories, but not speaking in as much detail as I have here oops somebody gets distracted and goes on tangents
OH AND BOOKS. Quick book recs are Percy Jackson and How to Train Your Dragon. I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of books these days. And I think these are popular enough that they don’t really need a big ol’ explanation from me.
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lynfantasy · 6 years
(For this character ask challenge)OOF. Alright, prepare yourself for salt, because I absolutely love this character no matter what, and that is precisely why I am very mad at the official crew about him. (Though I swear this isn’t ALL salt.)
The last time I did this ask challenge, I answered these questions for Lotor here, but that was before season 5 even came out. Now…
(Putting this under a read-more because this is LONG – there’s two long playlists under the “song” section, and I added a ton of screenshots at the end.)
Favorite thing about them: I loved how complex and out-of-the-ordinary he was. He wasn’t a hero, he wasn’t a villain, and he wasn’t even a traditional antihero. He wasn’t good, but he was altruistic; he wasn’t bad, but he was willing to do things that no one else would. He was neutral, and he didn’t need to be redeemed into goodness. He certainly didn’t seem to have any reason to fall or rise – he already knew what he wanted and how he was going to get it, and both his motives and means were shockingly pure.And then…Least favorite thing about them: Season 6 just completely ruined him. That colony thing?? I’ve vented to many friends about this, and there’s a post I have half-written that I might put up sometime, but it just doesn’t make sense to me. The creators of the show said that they wanted him to be a morally gray character, but then they had had him commit a truly evil act? And he doesn’t even seem repentant for it? I just can’t forgive them for doing this to him. This wasn’t some “cool plot twist.” I’m not sitting here, thinking, “Wow, I really fell for that, didn’t I?” I don’t feel like Lotor betrayed me. I feel like the writers betrayed him and did him a disservice.Favorite line: “All I ask is that you judge me by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race.” This line was just… wow.Also: “My father’s blood is not just in my veins. It’s also on my sword.” Damn.I also still very much love his opening speech in season 3, and a special shout-out goes to his speech in the beginning of season 6 until Sendak interrupted it.BrOTP: Mmmm, well, Team Sincline forever. In a better universe, they’re all still getting up to their own shenanigans together.I also still wish that Lotor and Keith had gotten a chance to bond. It could have been great.But let’s all take a moment to acknowledge what a great and supportive friendship Lotor and Shiro had in season 5. That was good. Good on you, (clone) Shiro.OTP: Lancelot. I can’t really explain why, but this is my favorite ship. In a close second place comes Polycline, the ship of Lotor and his generals all together in a romantic sense, which just warms my polyam-loving heart.As for what I would like to see in canon, well, I was pretty happy with Lotura, and I’m still holding out hope that they might have some dramatic redemptive reconciliation.NoTP: Eh, I don’t really do NoTPs. I can’t say I’m fond of Lotor/Throk, though.Random headcanon: I think Lotor’s ships are perfectly capable of making it through the Quantum Rift without being subjected to the time dilation effects. I also think that, on more than one occasion, Lotor has purposefully turned down the protection against time dilation because he can’t afford to take time off but he really needs a break, and what better way to accomplish that than to take a trip that will give him weeks or months to himself but will only cause him to miss about a week in regular time?Unpopular opinion:
Song i associate with them: Hoo boy, I have not one but two playlists for him… Instead of linking a playlist, I’ll just list the songs for you all to find at your leisure, since everyone uses different music services (and honestly, I just pirate off of YouTube 99% of the time).
My “canon” playlist, in chronological order, is:
Natural by Imagine Dragons – I’m so glad this came out recently, because if there’s any singular theme song that fits Lotor in every canonical aspect, this is it.
Who We Are by Imagine Dragons – Team Sincline. Need I say more?
Best Day of My Life (minor key) by Chase Holfelder – If you only know this song in its major form, you might very well be wondering why it’s here, but Chase Holfelder’s minor key version has a very different tone to it, and I think it fits Lotor quite well for season 3.
Gold by Imagine Dragons – This works for his rise to power in season 3 and fall in season 4, as well as hinting at his eventual rise and fall again in 5 & 6 and that final snap at the end of 6. It could honestly go at the end, but I thought it fit best here, as the season 4 song.
Icarus by Bastille – I associate this song with both Keith and Lotor in seasons 3 & 4. Honestly, if you listen to the chorus, it sounds like them both at the end of season 4. Icarus (Lotor) is flying too close to the sun… Icarus (Keith) is flying towards an early grave.
Blame by Bastille – This isn’t a perfect fit, but it reminds me of Lotor’s pleading with the Paladins at the beginning of season 5 to not hand him over to Zarkon. Honestly, I sort of picture Lance as the one singing the scathing verses. There’s no room for you here.
I’m So Sorry by Imagine Dragons – This could also go anywhere, but I can picture this as a backdrop to Lotor’s final confrontation with Zarkon. It’s so scathing and sarcastic, except for the bridge. I imagine the bridge as being addressed to Lotor’s generals.
White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons – Canon Lotura. Just… just listen to it. It’s so tragic and fits them so well for season 6.
This Is Gospel -> Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco – Initially, I was going to put just Emperor’s New Clothes on here for Lotor’s breakdown in season 6, but I listened to these two back-to-back, and I thought that This is Gospel fits in a tragic way if you think of it as the sane part of Lotor’s mind trying to warn Allura, knowing that he cannot fight the corruption of Quintessence.
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off – …I mean, in light of season 6, how could I not include this one. The bridge is basically a summary of that final confrontation.
Viva La Vida by Coldplay – Initially, I had this as a song for season 4, but I couldn’t leave this playlist on such a bitter note. I like to picture that Lotor will eventually come out of the Quintessence field and, alone and without resources, will have to hide out somewhere and rethink a lot of things, and this song is perfect for that.
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young – Following the thread of an eventual redemption from the previous song, I think this would suit a redeemed, post-s6 Lotor very well. It’s also simply a very bittersweet and beautiful song to end off on, and it stands in very strong contrast against Natural, the first song on the playlist.
My other playlist is for miscellaneous songs that don’t fit into the canon timeline and for ship songs. In no particular order:
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy – This is such a Lotor song, but it technically doesn’t fit canon, since he did become emperor. However, I’ve got an AU story that this fits perfectly, and I think it suits a lot of other Lotor-centric AUs I’ve seen. Besides, thematically, it really does fit Lotor pre-s5.
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons – The meaning of this song is ambiguous, but if you interpret the “crown” here as literal, it could suit Lotor pretty well, especially in an AU where he refuses to rule.
Therapy by All Time Low – I think this would fit a human AU best, but it could work for any version of Lotor who is introspective about his own flaws and problems.
Battlefield (Meet Me on the Battlefield) by SVRCINA – I’m a little iffy on this one, but someone else recommended it to me as a Lotor ship song, and I do think it could fit a few different Lotor ships quite nicely. The song is primarily about revolution and altruism, both of which fit Lotor, and the romantic aspects would work well for a Lotor/paladin ship.
I Walk the Line by Halsey & Walking the Wire by Imagine Dragons – These two songs work well as two sides of the same coin. I particularly imagine them for Lancelot. Lotor sings I Walk the Line, talking about the difficulty of maintaining a balance between his relationship and his loyalties in the war but declaring that he will be true to Lance above all, and Lance sings the far more optimistic Walking the Wire, saying that although this balancing act is difficult, they will come out on top, together. It could theoretically work for another Lotor ship, but Walking the Wire is such a Lance song that I really picture it for the two of them.
Hold Me Tight or Don’t by Fall Out Boy – Funny story, I pictured this as a Sheith song first, but then @noirsongbird recommended it to me as a Lancelot song, and… yeah, it fits. It also specifically fits one of her (very good!) fanfics, so that’s cool.
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men – Technically, this could sort of work for any Lotor/paladin ship, but I think it would work better for Keitor, Shotor, or Lancelot. It was recommended to me by @noirsongbird as a Lancelot song, and I have to agree that it fits them very well.
I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons – Again, this could work for multiple Lotor/paladin ships, but I picture it for Lancelot. It’s a great forbidden love song, so it would suit a secret romance across battle lines quite nicely.
So… yeah. A lot of music. Sorry? I’m sure this isn’t even everything, haha.
Favorite picture of them: Oh gosh, how could I choose…
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Like… damn.
But also…
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He’s so cute and pretty??
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I mean, just look at him.
For favorite fanworks, I’ve got to put this one up, of course (and please follow this link to the post for it and give it a like!):
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This was a gift to me for my very recent 20th birthday by my amazing friend @honestlyprettychill (thank you again babe)!!
There’s a lot of other really good Lotor fanart out there. Check out @itsnotdoneyet and @invidiaesc for some great stuff.
Annnnd that’s it! Sorry this took so long. I hope I answered the questions to everyone’s satisfaction! I have an ask for Keith that I’ll work on next, but I don’t have any after that yet, so please feel free to send in more!
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jackiedablade · 6 years
Jashi Week 2018 Entry #5
May 10th - Royal Blood (Thursday)
(focusing on jack and ashi’s powerful lineage)
Rebuilding took highest priority when Jack returned home to the past, so the Emperor’s many questions about his son’s new companion were given only vague answers, and he barely wrapped his head around this “time travel” concept. Half a day had passed since the two last saw each other, but his son claimed fifty years had happened within this short span? How is that possible? He looked no different than before, just disheveled from battle. He was close, perhaps too close, to this strange woman. Jack did not yet give voice to his intentions with her, but the Emperor feared marriage. A prince did not have the luxury to marry just anyone. His bride must be a political match first and foremost, and love would hopefully come soon after.
His wife had no such reservations about this strange woman, accepting her as soon as their son made it clear she was important to him. So when the four of them were able to share their first evening meal together, the Emperor requested to hear the full story of how the two met. Jack and Ashi stiffened for a moment, and then his hand comfortably engulfed hers for support. Ashi confessed all, holding nothing back. The others remained silent: Jack was supportive, the Empress shocked, and the Emperor’s frowned deepened. A simple peasant girl he could abide as a daughter-in-law, a future empress of his land, but a trained assassin raised to worship evil incarnate? “If you were raised by an all-female cult, do you know who your father is?”
She didn’t hesitate, looking him directly in the eyes. “Aku.”
“Hell spawn!” The Emperor spat, rising to his feet as quickly as his aged body would allow, leaning heavily on his cane as he pointed a shaky finger at her. “I will not tolerate a monster in my house. Away with you, demon, and never seek the company of my son again!”
“Husband, she could not help the circumstances of her birth. She has proven herself a worthy ally and is clearly devoted to our son.” The Empress defended, putting her hands on the woman’s shoulders.
He shook his head, her words had no effect on him. “I know you wanted many children, and I regret only giving you one, but you cannot seek a substitute daughter in this abomination.”
“You’re wrong, Father,” Jack said, moving between him and his love. His voice was calm but his eyes remained stern. “Ashi is pure of heart. She does not retain the marks of her heritage. She would never betray me or the principles this land stands for.”
My son, how could you do this? The Emperor returned his son’s gaze, both unwavering in their beliefs. He dreamed of his son returning a hero, a man well versed in the art of war, tempered by mercy and justice. The ideal leader to lead his people to an age of peace and prosperity. But to defend an unholy abomination… surely there was only one reason for it. “Do not let your base needs cloud your mind.”
In an instant, the mood changed. Ashi’s eyes flicked back and forth between the two, looking for any subtle movement as the two men glared each other down. Time seemed to slow and her heart raced as her lover’s eyes narrowed dangerously, a common sight in battle. A soft gasp escaped her lips as his hand moved to rest on the handle of his katana. Jack adored his father, kept the man high on a mental pedestal. Would they come to blows because of her?
“Husband!” The Empress shouted, breaking the men’s concentration, as they both turned to watch her grab the Emperor’s arm and gently pull him out of the room. “Come with me.” If Jack wasn’t so furious, he would have found it an amusing sight, his great father being disciplined like a child. The door slid shut, and Ashi moved to stand next to him, her hand slipping into his. He didn’t move or even acknowledge her presence until the echoes of the lecture his mother gave disappeared.
“Ashi, forgive me,” he begged, surprising her. He turned to face her, his shoulders sagging as the tension dropped, and his handsome features were marred with worry. “I thought he would understand. I thought he could see how far you’ve come.”
She blushed slightly from his praise, but a slight smile quickly disappeared. “Jack, you didn’t even flinch when Aku confirmed I was his daughter, why?”
He dropped her hands and cupped her face, flashing her a reassuring smile as their eyes met. “Because I know you,” he said matter of factly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her eyes. “Because I gave you the chance to choose your allegiance for yourself, and you chose to be Aku’s enemy and fight to end his tyrannical reign.”
“What if your father never sees that?” She timidly asked, scared of his answer, but she had to know the truth. “You’re the prince of this land. Everyone looks to you to rebuild the country and restore their way of life. You won’t keep their loyalty long if they know you associate with me.” Allowing the Emperor to enforce his threat would hurt worse than the white hot pain from the sword cutting her demon form, but she would never stand in his way and prevent him from doing his duty.
“I do not feel comfortable hiding anything from my parents, but the rest of the kingdom does not need to know about your lineage. Let them see the proud, strong, beautiful woman that I do, and they will accept you for who you are. If my father remains blinded by his hate…” It was hard to give voice to such a horrible declaration, and he prayed that cooler heads would prevail, but she had to know. “Then he will lose a son, and an heir to the throne if necessary.”
Ashi took a step backward, hands covering her gaping jaw. Did she really hear him correctly? “Jack, you can’t! Your birthright is everything you’ve ever fought for. You can’t deny it because of me!”
“My goal was to destroy Aku, restore my kingdom to its former glory, and let the world grow and evolve without his evil influence,” he corrected. “The monster is dead, and the country is well on its way to being rebuilt. It will survive without me, but I would not without you by my side.”
Words of protest died in her throat as she looked up at his sincere face. He means every word. She knew he loved her dearly, but this went far beyond what she expected. He leaned down and kissed away the tears she didn’t know she had shed, and fell into his arms, holding him tightly. “I don’t deserve you, Jack.”
“And I don’t deserve you, but I thank the gods morning, noon, and night that you are here with me all the same,” Jack returned her embrace, kissing the top of her head.
The young lovers conversed easily as they walked the corridors the next morning, but Jack went silent when he caught sight of his parents up ahead, and protectively stood in front of Ashi. Last night wasn’t forgiven or forgotten so easily.
Feeling the pressure from his wife’s gaze, the Emperor approached his son. “Ashi, I wish to apologize my words last night. As much as I despise your heritage, for now, I simply reserve my judgement. Your actions will speak of your true nature, and then we shall see if you are a good fit for my son and this kingdom.”
“I will not disappoint you, your highness,” she bowed deeply to him.
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nyangibun · 7 years
Summary: Sansa is sent as an emissary instead of Jon to meet with the Dragon Queen [Season 7 Spoilers - some of the dialogue is word for word from the script]
Dedicated to the lovely @qinaliel for the prompt!! 
“Then send an emissary!”
Jon paused, turned towards her and sighed. In the few short months since they’d been reunited, Sansa had come to learn his sigh’s and this one said that she had won. He was finally beginning to listen to her.
“Sansa,” he said slowly, coming to stand before her. They had been arguing in his solar for most of the afternoon. “Who will I send? You?”
Without hesitation, she nodded. “Yes.” She didn’t want to leave Winterfell, not after everything they’d done to get it back, but for Jon? For their home? She would face down Cersei if she had to. What was a Dragon Queen to that woman?
Immediately, Jon shook his head, stepping closer, until she could feel the heat radiating from his body. “No. No. I will not send you. She is a queen, only a king can get through to her.”
“You are more needed here than I am,” Sansa said. She reached for his wrist, circling her fingers delicately around it. “Jon, let me do this for you. I know women like her. And I am not merely anybody you’re sending. I am the Lady of Winterfell. She will listen to me.”
He twisted his hand from her grasp only to retrieve it back in his own. “I can’t protect you in the south.”
“No one can protect me anywhere,” she reminded him. “I will have Brienne with me. And Podrick. I will not be alone.”
Jon furrowed his brows. They both knew there was sense in her words, but she could see the struggle, the conflict warring in his mind. He was so noble, always so honourable, and it made her heart ache for him, fear and love mingling like the warmth of her breath fogging in the cold winter air.
He turned away from her, dropping down in his chair. Jon rubbed his face. “How can I plan a war when all I’ll be doing is worrying about you?”
Sansa let out a soft breath, a half-hearted laugh, as she came to kneel before him. “If it is any comfort to you, at least I will be far away from Littlefinger.”
His head snapped up at that and a small rueful smile broke over his face. “You heard then?”
“There is not much that happens in Winterfell that I don’t hear, Jon Snow,” Sansa grinned. “Although if you must wring Littlefinger’s neck, try not to do it in full view of the guards. You know they like to talk.”
He laughed. “I appreciate your counsel, my lady.”
Sansa made to stand up, but this time, Jon wrapped his hand around her wrist, the hard callouses grazing over her soft skin. It made her heartbeat spike unbiddenly. “You will be careful, won’t you? You will go, say our peace and come home?”
“I don’t want to be away from Winterfell more than I need to,” Sansa answered him, keeping his gaze, so he knew the words she didn’t wish to say out loud, that it was him she didn’t want to part with most.
Jon nodded once and let go. “Get some sleep, Sansa.”
That night, she tossed and turned, dreams of Winterfell lit on fire, blazing orange and red against the blinding white of winter. She dreamed of dragons screeching overhead as her people screamed for mercy, for reprieve from this slaughter, and then, just as she could feel the flames licking her own skin, she heard the keening howl of a wolf, as big as a mountain.
Jon, she whispered, reaching for him. Jon…
Sansa woke with a start, sweat matting her hair to her forehead. She was warm, so much warmer than she had been in the night, but when she turned, she found the reason for the heat. Ghost lifted his head, blinked at her, something like concern shining in his eyes. She carded her fingers through his fur and pressed a soft kiss to his head. “You came to save me, didn’t you, boy?” His tongue lolled out from his mouth and Sansa laughed. “My hero.”
It was the day she would leave Winterfell. Sansa never thought that she would have to again after winning it back from Ramsay, but soon when the winds burned like fire and the sun refused to shine, her people, her Jon, would have to pick up their swords and fight, and Sansa needed to ensure they survived the Long Night. If this Dragon Queen could be reasoned with, then she would go and speak to her. Never mind that a Targaryen could never be trusted; never mind that this woman had stolen into their lands with a foreign army and three dragons. Sansa could understand the necessity of her alliance – although the feeling of trepidation did not ease, not when she broke fast sitting beside Jon as he watched her carefully and not when she sat with her maids to pack her belongings.
“I thought I would find you here.”
She didn’t turn, only wrapped her arms tighter around her body. He came up behind her. She could hear the crunching of his boots on the soft powdered ground.
“You don’t have to go.”
Sansa made a noise and he sighed in response.
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” he amended instead, his voice low, barely audible above the whistling wind. “Some days I think…” Jon paused and gave a soft chuckle. “I think, what if we had just run? Gone south and never looked back.”
“This is our home,” she murmured to him.
“Aye, and I will fight with my last breath for it,” he said firmly. “But maybe it keeps me sane to imagine what our lives would be like if we had run.”
Sansa turned then, eyes sweeping over his face. “And?”
“We would have a house,” Jon answered immediately. “Maybe by the sea.” He averted his gaze, staring up at the heart tree. “We’d be safe.”
She reached for his hand. “I’ll come home.”
“Promise me,” he said softly, squeezing her back.
“I promise, Jon.”
But promises were meant to be broken and Sansa would soon realise that the Dragon Queen would not be so easy to persuade.
“You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains,” the woman spoke.
Sansa refrained from grimacing. She had met another once who liked to shout his titles at anyone who would listen and he had been a monster. She desperately hoped this Daenerys was different.
“This is Sansa Stark of House Stark, eldest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, blood of the First Men, Lady of Winterfell and Sister to the King in the North, Jon Snow,” Brienne immediately replied, standing tall and proud, Podrick a step behind her.
“Forgive me. I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn the last King in the North was Torren Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor Aegon Targaryen in exchange for his life and the lives of the northmen. Torren Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. But do I have my facts wrong?” Daenerys asked, poison hidden in her polite words, but Sansa had lived with lions. A dragon did not scare her.
“No, your grace,” Sansa answered, keeping her tone equally as polite. “You are well-versed in your history, but mayhaps you have forgotten that House Targaryen was overthrown during Robert’s Rebellion when your brother kidnapped my aunt and your father had my uncle and grandfather burned alive.” She paused to let this sink in. “House Stark has not been loyal to a Targaryen in many years.”
Daenerys’ lips twitched as her brows furrowed infinitesimally. “My father was an evil man. On behalf of House Targaryen I ask your forgiveness for the crimes he committed against your family. And I ask you not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father. Our two houses were allies for centuries. Those were the best centuries the kingdom's ever known. Centuries of peace and prosperity with the Targaryens sitting on the Iron Throne and a Stark serving as Warden of the North. I am the last Targaryen, Sansa Stark. Honour the pledge your ancestor made to mine. Bend the knee and I will name your king Warden of the North. Together we will save this country from those who would destroy it.”
She couldn’t help think that peace was the farthest thing this woman wanted. A Targaryen’s house words were not ‘fire and blood’ for nothing, but she could hear Jon’s voice in her mind, reminding her of how important it was to ally with the Dragon Queen.
“I cannot judge you for your father’s crimes any more than you can hold me to my ancestor’s vows,” Sansa told her. “The North will not bend the knee, your grace.”
“Then why are you here?” Daenerys demanded, the politeness fading from her tone.
“Because we need each other,” she said easily. “To survive, House Stark and House Targaryen must form an alliance.”
The Dragon Queen turned, smirking at Tyrion. When Daenerys finally returned her gaze back onto Sansa, she caught her former husband’s apologetic glance. So it would seem even the Hand of the Queen was aware of her arrogance, but it was hardly surprising to Sansa. Those with power tended to believe they deserved it. The only king or queen Sansa had ever met who wished for less power was the one she had left behind, the one of whom she missed so achingly she would turn around right this moment and swim back to him if the survival of her people didn’t rest in her hands. With an inward sigh, Sansa steeled herself as the Dragon Queen spoke once more.
“Did you see three dragons flying overhead when you arrived?”
“I did.”
“And did you see the Dothraki, all of whom have sworn to kill for me?”
“Yes, your grace.” She fought the urge to roll her eyes.
“But still, I need your help?” Daenerys asked, looking amused and patronising, but Sansa had learned to weather all manners of insult, those personal and evasive, and those from arrogant rulers.
“Yes,” Sansa answered simply. “My…” she paused for a fraction of a second, “king has seen unspeakable horrors beyond the Wall and there is an army marching towards us at this very moment. If we do not band together, there will not be a kingdom for anyone to rule.”
“And what is this army you speak of?”
She sighed. It was impossible to imagine the kind of army that Jon spoke so fearfully of and yet she knew his words to be true. It didn’t, however, make convincing Daenerys Stormborn any easier. “The Army of the Dead.” Sansa straightened her shoulders. “I know how it may sound, but my king is no liar. If he says they are coming then it is true.”
“I have no reason to believe in a man who wishes to oppose me –”
“Jon does not wish to oppose you,” Sansa interjected. “He does not wish to sit on the Iron Throne, not now, not ever. Your grace, you are not grasping the severity of the situation. Cersei is a formidable foe, but the Dead will kill us all if we don’t work together.”
Daenerys let out a scoff. “You will have me place my trust in a man I have never met?”
“Do you trust your Hand?” Sansa asked, looking to Tyrion. “Because he will tell you that neither Jon nor I have any reason to lie to you. Nothing good comes from a Stark leaving the North, but I am here because it is necessary.”
Tyrion sighed. “Your grace, I trust Lady Sansa and I trust Jon Snow. They are honourable people.”
There’s a long pause that fills the room, so tangible Sansa could feel it crowding her, pushing up against the cloak she still wore. Daenerys stood up and began to descend down the stairs, eyes unwaveringly locked onto Sansa’s, but she refused to be intimidated by a woman not much older than her.
“I was born at Dragonstone. Not that I can remember it. We fled before Robert's assassins could find us. Robert was your father's best friend, no? I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now of course. I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me. I don't remember all of their names. I have been sold like a brood mare. I have been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled,” she said, the emotions making her voice rise. It was the first time since they had arrived that Sansa saw something more than just pure arrogance. She saw defiance and strength, but if Daenerys thought she was the only woman to have ever been violated, she was mistaken. Cersei was defiant and she was strong, but she was as bad as the men who underestimated her, if not worse. Sansa won’t be swayed so easily by sad stories; she’s had her fair share.
“Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile?” The Dragon Queen paused, only a few feet away from Sansa now. “Faith. Not in any gods. Not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea. Any sea. They did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. And I will.”
Brienne shifted behind her, but Sansa was not here to trade trauma for trauma. Her pain was her own and no one else’s, not even Jon knew the full extent of what she had gone through. She didn’t need to sink so low for this alliance, but she did need to get through to Daenerys somehow.
“The world is not a kind place for any woman,” Sansa said slowly, evenly, while observing the queen for a reaction. “For many men, we are no more than a womb for their seed to grow and that is if we’re lucky. But this war cares not if you are a man or a woman, Daenerys Stormborn. It will devour us all if we don’t act.”
“My lady,” Tyrion spoke up, his eyes were soft, kind and pleading. “I understand your brother may believe that he saw something beyond the Wall –”
“He did,” she reaffirmed.
“Yes, but you cannot expect us to halt hostilities and join him in fighting in the North,” he continued. “If Jon bends the knee, swears fealty to Daenerys, then we can defeat Cersei and take up arms together in your war.” Tyrion moved forward. “Sansa, you know what my sister is capable of. You know you will never be safe while she’s on the throne.”
“With respect, my lord,” Sansa said through gritted teeth. “I do not need reminding of what Cersei is capable of. As you said, I know far too well, but I also know when there is a far greater threat and that is the one in the North. You may believe me or you may not, but the Long Night is coming. Winter is here.”
“Then bend the knee,” Daenerys demanded once more. “Do it now and we can cease with this squabbling.”
“The North has suffered too long under southron rulers. We will not bend the knee,” she said confidently. “Jon will not bend the knee. The people have put their trust in his hands and he will lead them for as long as he can.”
“That's fair. It's also fair to point out that I'm the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. By declaring himself King of the northern most kingdom, House Stark is in open rebellion,” she concluded, eyes narrowed.
That night, she dreamed of fire, bright and orange, flickering up the walls of Winterfell as screams pierced through the air. She could feel the heat on her skin and she wanted it to stop. She tried to remove her cloak but the heat persisted. Sansa opened her mouth to scream, to beg for mercy, for anything that could stop the pain running through her, but her voice would not work.
The thundering flap of wings had Sansa peering up into the ashen sky. There amidst the clouds, she saw two of the most fearsome creatures circling her home. Fire rained from their mouths, turning stone walls to pebbles and people to nothing more than dust. When Sansa could feel the skin peeling away from her bones, she felt it, looming great and big over her, its shadow turning day into night. Sansa moved, whirling around to face it, and immediately, she was struck, jaw gaping open, as she stared into the grey eyes of a pure white dragon. It looked back, sentient like it knew her, and flapped its large wings. The gust of air cooled the fire away and soothed the pain running through her body.
Sansa dropped to the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs. “Just kill me,” she whispered. “Kill me.” It bent its neck towards her like it was bowing, eyes cast down. Confused, Sansa shouted at it, angry and hysterical, “what do you want from me!”
Before it could respond, Sansa woke with a start, her chest pounding loudly in her ears, and the overwhelming feeling that washed through her was that she missed Jon. It was not the first time since arriving at Dragonstone that she thought this, but now knowing that Daenerys was holding them prisoner on this godsforsaken island, she missed him all the more. The thought of never seeing him again made her ache down to her very bones. She had to find a way back to him; she refused to let that moment at the gate be their last moment together.
“I should be going,” Jon said, touching a hand to her cheek. “It is not too late to change your mind.”
Sansa leaned into his touch, uncaring that Brienne, Podrick and Ser Davos were only a few feet away. “We cannot have this argument again, Jon. You’re king. The people need you here.”
“You would do just as well leading them,” he countered, thumb stroking the curve of her cheekbone. “I may be king, but you’re their lady. They love you. They trust you just as well as they trust me.”
“It’s better this way,” Sansa said with a small smile. “Smarter.”
Jon sighed. “I will not convince you otherwise, will I?”
“Have you ever?”
“No,” he said, chuckling softly. He kept his gaze on her, lingering, and drawing out the silence before he finally spoke again. “Be safe.” Without another word, Jon leaned forward to kiss her gently on the forehead, so familiar yet so different, as when he parted, he dropped his forehead to hers, allowing their breaths to swirl in between them. “I’ll miss you, Sansa.”
Tears pricked at the back of her eyes. She ran her hands up his chest to grip onto his furs. “I’ll miss you too.”
Sansa wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand as she stared out unseeingly towards the horizon. The wind blew gently, tossing her hair away from her face and neck, leaving a cool breeze to ease the heat of the south. The sound of footsteps announced his arrival.
“I came out here to brood over my failure to predict the Greyjoy attack, but I can hardly do that in the presence of my lady wife,” Tyrion said, that teasing lilt to his voice.
“I have been a prisoner many times, Lord Tyrion,” Sansa said coolly. “I have been kept against my will at the hands of your family, forced to swear my loyalty to the people who murdered my father, brother and mother. I have been kept and sold by Littlefinger to the Boltons where I was imprisoned in my own home.” Her chest rose up and down rapidly. “But I will not be a prisoner to your queen. Jon is my king and I will make it home to him.”
“Lady Sansa, you are not a prisoner. You are free to roam the beaches and –”
“Do not trifle with me, my lord,” Sansa turned to look at him. “Or have you forgotten how long I spent under your sister’s tutelage?” She pursed her lips tightly. “Your queen does not believe me. It is fair. I hardly believed Jon when he first told me and every rational thought in my mind is saying to look to Cersei. She is our biggest threat, but you don’t know Jon the way I do. Not as he is now.” She returned her gaze to the sea, imagining the man in question and what he must be doing in this moment. “He is a great king, a greater man than you and I ever thought possible in these hellish times, and if he says the Dead are coming, I suggest you heed his warning and act accordingly.”
“My lady, it is not a question of belief,” Tyrion said. “Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago but she didn't. Instead she stayed where she was and saved many people from horrible fates, some of whom are on this island with us right now. While you're our guest here you might consider asking them what they think of the Mad King's daughter. She protects people from monsters, just as you do. That's why she came here. And she's not about to head north to fight an enemy she's never seen on a word of a man she doesn't know after a single meeting. That's not a reasonable thing to ask.”
Sansa smiled, though it was derived of humour. “You will forgive me if my faith in rulers who believe themselves entitled to a throne is lacking, Lord Tyrion. But I appreciate your advice and will consider your counsel with great thought. May I suggest you listen to mine as well?”
Feeling all at once exhausted and weary of this conversation, Sansa moved past her former husband and went in search of a quill and parchment. If she could not see Jon, she could write him. He’d need to know that Sansa wouldn’t be coming home for awhile yet, and that as long as she was alive, she’d find a way, not just to return to him but to convince the Dragon Queen to help one way or another. He had tasked her with an important mission and Sansa would not fail him.
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thedasreacting-blog · 7 years
So how about DA:I companions and advisors react to a blood mage Inquisitor? (maybe romanced reactions too?) thank you
Thank you for the request, dear anon! I’m sorry this took a bit longer; I wanted to consider each reaction carefully before answering. I hope I did them all justice. Enjoy! ^-^
Cassandra: When the only survivor of the explosion at the Conclave turns out to be a mage– and a blood mage, at that– it takes a great effort for Cassandra not to antagonize them. She is cautious, to say the least; until the Inquisitor manages to gain her trust, they are on thin ice. A Seeker’s job is to protect, and should they become a danger to innocent people, she will do what must be done– Herald or no Herald.
Cassandra, if romanced: Her lover turns Cassandra’s world upside down in more ways than one. The Inquisitor is everything the Chantry warns about, and yet here they are: helping people, saving lives, mending a broken world by making use of– yes, blood magic. So what if they’re a blood mage? Cassandra is not unreasonable. She can change her opinion based on new information. What she cannot do is stop worrying for her lover’s safety as her heart skips a beat whenever blood is spilled in battle.
Solas: Blood magic is magic like any other, and a most effective tool when properly used. He has said it before, and he will say it time and again when everyone else seems to condemn the Inquisitor for their choices. Solas is curious to find out how they have learned the skill, and always happy to lend his expertise. It is good to have someone who is not indoctrinated by the Chantry around.
Solas, if romanced: He is proud of his vhenan for standing up to a world that would see them slip up and fail. He knows they are more than capable of taking care of themselves, and he does not insult them by offering perfunctory warnings about the dangers of demonic possession. The only grievance Solas nurses is about the difficulties a blood mage faces when attempting to enter the Fade. But even so, he helps the Inquisitor tune their magic to make it easier for the two of them to meet in the realm of dreams.
Vivienne: “A fool,” she calls them. “Irresponsible, weak, and ignorant.” She has no reason to hide her disapproval. Why would she? The situation is crystal clear for Vivienne, and she is not interested in hearing the Inquisitor’s excuses. She has heard it all before. More than anything, Vivienne finds it pitiful. The Inquisitor has the chance to set a positive example as a mage, but they are throwing it all away by resorting to blood magic. Alas. She can only hope that they will find it in themselves to keep it hidden, and not flaunt it in everyone’s face as if it is something to be proud of.
Sera: Wait, this is a joke, right? A bad joke. Inky can’t be a blood mage. That’s just frigging daft! They’re the Herald of Andraste and Andraste hates blood mages. It doesn’t make sense, but they’re here anyway and they help the little people and they stop the baddies, so Sera will make sense of it: Inky is not blood magic; Inky uses blood magic. It’s different, yeah? Just need to keep that demon shite at bay. Can’t stop Cory-friggy if you’re possessed.
Sera, if romanced: Sera isn’t picky with her lovers. She’ll take whoever is right and feels right, and few things are actual deal breakers. Demons and blood magic and Fade rubbish are among them. So here’s the dilemma: Inky feels right, but Inky is a blood mage. And they’re so frigging– normal. Shouldn’t they be scary, with an army of demons following them around, all “Muahahaha!” and “Obey me or perish!”? If some blood mages can be good people– better than all the noble shits she’s met, even– then Andraste may as ruddy well suck it up. Sera loves Inky. They’ve never given her reason not to.
Blackwall: Maker’s balls, now how’s that for a turn of events? “You are who you choose to follow,” says Blackwall as he follows a blood mage. Can’t sink much lower now, can he? He’s well aware he’s in no position to throw stones at the Inquisitor, not after all he’s done. Too many people die in wars that aren’t theirs to fight, and Blackwall knows this better than anyone else. He’ll be there to make sure the Inquisitor won’t hurt the innocent and the helpless; he can promise them as much.
Blackwall, if romanced: Blackwall’s lover is an honorable person, a capable fighter, and a leader worthy of following. It so happens that they’re also a blood mage. Any weapon, when wielded responsibly, can help and protect, and Blackwall is relived that the Inquisitor uses it as such. When they’re fighting demons, he throws himself in battle harder than anyone else, and the demons meet his sword before they get a chance to take notice of the Inquisitor, always a few feet behind his protective shield.
Cole: “Blood that burns and boils and bites. It’s an old song they know, but they can’t sing it. It’s real, more real than they’ll ever be, and they want in. They don’t want to hurt you. They want to be like you. If you bind me, they’ll stop. The other mages will stop too. We’ll both be safe. Please, please– don’t let them use me.”
The Iron Bull: Demons crap and Fade crap and blood magic crap were to be expected when he joined the Inquisition, but Bull always assumed they would fight all that shit. Turns out, the blood mage is not only on their side, but also leading them. As uncomfortable as he is with this arrangement, he can tell the Inquisitor’s intentions are sincere. “You should’ve been a ‘Vint, boss,” he says and he laughs, but his good eye scans their face for signs betraying hidden motives all the same.
The Iron Bull, if romanced: His kadan is the toughest, wisest, most beautiful person Bull’s ever met. The fact that they choose to practice blood magic doesn’t change this reality one bit. Through them he learns how to allow himself to love and trust the things he was trained to be apprehensive of his whole life. The Inquisitor is what the Qun hates and fears the most, but at the end of the day Bull loves them enough to make up for it.
Dorian: He’s seen enough blood magic for a lifetime, and recognizes the Inquisitor as a blood mage before they even have the chance to practice their skill in front of him. Blood magic is not inherently dangerous or evil, no. Few things are. But the temptation to push for more is always there, and Dorian worries, but jokes about it nonetheless, as he always does.
Dorian, if romanced: “Please be careful. Please don’t do anything stupid,” he thinks. “Ah, isn’t it wonderful? Just like home,” he says. Dorian’s amatus is a blood mage, and the notion alone makes his own blood run cold. He loves them, he trusts them, and he knows that they wouldn’t turn against him. Not all blood mages will try to break his mind– Dorian knows this. There’s a long way from knowing to truly, genuinely believing, and each day spent with the Inquisitor is one step closer.
Leliana: Sister Nightingale is one of the first to hear the rumor that the Inquisitor might be a blood mage, but doesn’t jump to conclusions before checking the information with the Inquisitor themselves. “Nowadays a mage sneezes and someone will cry blood magic.” It’s a risk they’re taking, yes, but she’s unfazed because she trusts they’re capable enough to hold their own. If the Hero of Ferelden is a blood mage too, she’s even more adamant in supporting the Inquisitor.
Cullen: Out of all people who could have found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, it had to be a blood mage that would survive the explosion at the Conclave. It had to be a blood mage that would end up leading their efforts to stop Corypheus. For a long time, Cullen is suspicious and uncomfortable around the Inquisitor. Years upon years of templar training aren’t so easily forgotten. Torture at the hands of blood mages even less so. Despite all this, he’s willing to give them a chance. Just the one. 
Cullen, if romanced: Relationships between mages and templars are strictly forbidden by the Circle. “You must act quickly, without hesitation. Your judgment cannot be clouded.” But he’s no longer a templar, the Circle is no more, and the Inquisitor might be a blood mage, but they’re not a monster, not like the Chantry teaches. They’re putting themselves at risk, more so than being a mage already entails, and he shudders to think about everything that could go wrong. Andraste preserve him, he can’t lose them this way. He will not lose them. 
Josephine: Josephine is not particularly well-versed in matters pertaining to the arcane, but two things she knows for sure: 1. blood magic is dangerous, and 2. blood magic is scandalous. While the Inquisitor may be able to deal with the former on their own, the latter falls on her. There is no way the nobles houses of southern Thedas would ever publicly support a Chantry-shunned organization led by a blood mage. Josephine does admire and respect the Inquisitor, but at the same time she wishes they would be a little bit more discreet with the blood magic. “It is such a terrible mess to clean up.”
Josephine, if romanced: The Inquisitor and the ambassador being involved romantically is already seen as outrageous by many. The Inquisitor being a blood mage and involved romantically with the ambassador is truly the stuff of legend– and not the good kind, Josephine fears. In spite of all this, she’s willing to go to great lengths to protect them from the public’s unforgiving eye as well as she possibly can. She doesn’t doubt her lover’s ability to defend themselves, yet each time the Inquisitor is away, she watches Skyhold’s main gate from behind small windows, with restless steps and her heart in her throat. They have to come back. They always do.
Varric: Well, shit. Blood mages really are like lost socks– they turn up where you least expect them. He’s not surprised, of course, not after meeting Merrill and possibly a mage Hawke. It’s almost funny; ‘Home is where blood mages are’ should be the title of his next book. He doesn’t try to change their mind or convince them to stop. There would be no point in doing that. Still, he does keep a close eye on the Inquisitor lest it all ends in tragedy.
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izanyas · 7 years
fic writer appreciation day 2k17: ro’s multifandom fic rec list
10 years of frankly delirious amounts of fic reading, shoved into one tidy list. some of them are even in french. some of them are from fandoms whose base media i have never watched or read in my life. some of them are way outdated, but i still like them. some i can barely even remember reading.
so many were deleted and never made it to this list, and honestly i teared up at least twice while putting this post together in the past 4 hours because i felt so sad that these authors and stories are now gone forever
anyway! fandoms and fics listed by alphabetical order! happy fic writer appreciation day and please enjoy~ (this is long, just a warning)
Ao no Exorcist
To Catch a Ghost by blackgoliath (complete) Summary: The cram school kids are split into teams and given a mission to finish on their own; when Rin and Suguro are paired up, Rin finds out why Suguro has been acting so weird since they fought the Impure King.
Boku no Hero Academia
Aegis by gayhacker (complete) Summary: Certain their feelings are not requited, Iida and Midoriya pine for each other on the winter skiing and snowboarding trip.
black dirt under your feet by simkjrs (complete) Summary: villain AU.
but you gotta get up at least once more by simkjrs (WIP) Summary: Izuku’s never run into this problem before with anyone else, but it’s still not much of a problem. “Oh, that’s alright,” he says. “I don’t have a Quirk.” Tsukauchi stares incredulously at him, and then looks at the iron bar that Izuku is currently straightening with his hands. Midoriya Izuku does not let his lack of a Quirk prevent him from being strong. Also known as that one AU where Izuku follows the ridiculous training regimen of Saitama from One Punch Man and becomes stronger than anyone ever imagined he could be.
Coloured Bricks, Pick Up Sticks by wyrvel (WIP) Summary: Anything can be a superpower if you get it hot enough.
come @ me bro by SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage) (complete) Summary: Bakugou works at a convenience store, flirts like a loser, blows up nineteen aprons, gets a hashtag trending for all the wrong reasons and maybe manages to make a friend. Or... being Bakugou Katsuki is suffering.
Yesterday Upon The Stairs byPitViperOfDoom (WIP) Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weirdquirkless weakling on top of it. But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Dance With Me by TheGreatCatsby (complete) Summary: Chuuya had to admit that the Agency handled some things better than the Mafia did.
debt by TheGreatCatsby (complete) Summary: It's been a week since Odasaku died, and Ango gets attacked while walking home from work.
don’t you chase me by nemui (ribbonelle) (complete) Summary: No one else would understand this feeling.
Gifted by TheGreatCatsby (WIP) Summary: The government's experiments with genetics to induce "gifts" in children is a well-kept secret. Dazai is sent to infiltrate one of the facilities and gather information. He is assigned to be the nurse of one of the facility's oldest and most successful experiments.
Illustrations of Lying by writingfromtheshadows (complete) Summary: It is more difficult, perhaps, to bear with fortitude the little daily trails of life, than great calamities, because we summon up all our spiritual and moral strength to resist the latter... Upon faced with the culmination of Mori's plan, Dazai does not go to Odasaku's side. Instead, he relieves Mori of his duties.
i saw you by TheGreatCatsby (complete) Summary: After everything is over, Dazai takes the time to notice everything about Chuuya.
Once More by TheGreatCatsby (complete) Summary: Chuuya's phone is filled with messages from a partner who seems to want to get back in touch.
Paradox by nitilia (complete) Summary: Atsushi tries to figure Dazai out, and fails at every stage.
The Naming of Cats by cyan96 (complete) Summary: SummaryChuuya does not actually make it a hobby to pick up stray charity cases, now nominally on the side of law and justice or not. There had just been something about the kid, even skin and bones and so undernourished Chuuya could count the blue webbing of blood vessels under his skin, something in his bleach-white hair and the uneven, florescent colour of his eyes that had sent the alarm bells blaring. The reason behind this becomes pretty evident the following morning, when he walks into his living room to see a tiger in place of his couch. So this is where Kunikida's newest job had been hiding.
tiger and dog series by nemui (ribbonelle) (WIP) Summary: With each encounter, they seem to understand each other more.
Where Your Loyalties Lie by anonymous (WIP) Summary: Loyalty is the foundation of the yakuza code, something that was drilled into Chuuya at an early age. However, his lessons did not cover how to manage a political marriage with his organization's oldest rival.
Café Crème by TheoryofChaos (complete) Summary: Il est de ces amours, merveilleuses et inattendues, qui fleurissent sur les ruines d'un champ de bataille. Ficclet Marie/Miranda
Sand Castle - metisket (complete) Summary: -
A Cheap Imitation by Spoontasti (WIP) Summary: “Attached to your neck is a collar that will inject a poison into your jugular vein two days from now. Forcibly removing the device will also trigger the poison. Somewhere on this island is the antidote.” His hands reached up to his neck and he felt the cool metal of the collar. “Live or die. Make your choice.”
A Cigarette’s Lifespan by guuzenkamo (WIP) Summary: Izaya's plans go a little awry when he attempts to frame Shizuo for murder.
A Little More Human by guuzenkamo (complete) Summary: Case against and for Izaya.
Allegiance by guuzenkamo (complete) Summary: where Shizuo is a homicide detective and Izaya is an informant.
An Almost Valentine’s Day by InsertImaginativeNameHere (complete) Summary: Yahiro is trying to be a good boyfriend but is awkward as hell so asks advice from someone who probably knows these things. Kuon isn't trying to be a good boyfriend and is fairly trash. Still. Their first Valentine's goes...sort of well. Although technically it isn't even Valentine's Day.
a vision too removed to mention by revolutionaries (complete) Summary: '"We match now," he says, a quiet laugh in his voice. Izaya's lips curve up into a wry smile. "You could say that." What he doesn't point out is that their scars are on opposite sides. Mirror images. If he raised his hand and pressed it to the space between them, would Izaya mimic it?' Izaya, Shinra, and the space between them.
Dual Intrusion by kowai_no_ouji (WIP) Summary: Aware of the relationship between Shizuo-san and their Iza-nii, Mairu and Kururi cannot help but to be curious. It's with both annoyance and reluctant relief that Izaya discovers how quickly his sisters grow attached to Shizuo. Undoubtedly, his days with the monster are about to be a little more crowded.
Fight or Flight (or, sometimes, Fall) by yonnna (complete) Summary: After leaving Non to wait for Chikage, Rio wonders whether she should have done more.
Gaijin by TheoryofChaos (complete) Summary: Ce soir, Tokyo pleure et accompagne dans son désespoir l'un de ses enfants égarés. Ficclet Kida/Mikado.
kama sutra by izayas (complete) Summary: in which izaya's borrowed a book and offers shizuo a challenge. "so… what do you say, shizu-chan? a hundred different sex positions. are you up for it?"
stranger than earth by zigur (complete) Summary: So when a stranger saunters into your office one evening, with a face cut from marble, half-lidded eyes sharper than any knife you ever held and full lips quirked into the most ill-intentioned grin you've ever seen, you don't quite expect them to open their mouth and say, with a voice so smooth it could trick a grown man into parting with his kidneys: "What a pleasure, to finally meet such a famed Awakusu executive." The smile grows, and it doesn't turn any kinder. "I'm Orihara Izaya– I believe we'll be working together from now on."
The Depths of the Belly by FinalRemuneration (WIP) Summary: "Who wants to go three floors down into an old abandoned asylum just to copy a document? There's no power, and the back up generator will only activate the emergency signs. You know how people are nowadays. Believing in ghosts and stuff. It sounds like it's coming straight out of a horror movie, so of course no one wants to do it.” Izaya takes on what seems to be a simple job in a scary setting. It only takes twenty-three seconds to convince Shinra to go along, and Namie agrees to drive them only because she may have warmed up to the informant in the worst possible way.
the grace in monsters by revolutionaries (complete) Summary: '"It's funny, isn't it?" Shinra says. "How the four of us gravitate towards one another. Me, you, Celty, Shizuo-kun. And all of us monsters.""You're wrong," Izaya replies, narrowing his eyes. "Shizu-chan and your headless girlfriend are the only monsters here. Me and you, we're not." Shinra just smiles serenely. "Izaya, we're the biggest monsters of them all."'
Things About Izaya by ScarletCake (WIP) Summary: Shizuo observes the things he loves about Izaya.
til the war’s won by izayas (complete) Summary: heiwajima shizuo's killed someone, and the first person he calls is the person he broke up with eight months ago: orihara izaya.
Unique Perspective by InsertImaginativeNameHere (complete) Summary: For obvious reasons, the way Tsukumoya sees the world is distinct, even compared to another similar being. Some snippets of this, and various interactions with those around him that usually lead to some level of frustration, and a conclusion that needed to be made; possibly for his own sake, as his safety potentially is compromised. Or potentially not. Who knows?
vacant land by revolutionaries (complete) Summary: "In the aftermath, there are days when Shinra feels crueler than usual. There are days driven by the thought of what might have happened had he not stepped in to take that knife wound, had let Izaya be stabbed instead of him. There would have been no need, then, for Izaya to fashion a monster out of his own blood and bone, to follow Nakura step-by-step to ensure that his life was a living hell. No need for Izaya to fashion a monster out of himself again and again until he finally went up against a stronger one. In the end, Shinra knew this was coming, had deemed it inevitable from the very beginning, and did absolutely nothing to stop it."
Final Fantasy XV
Father by ohmyfae (complete) Summary: Noctis tries to recreate the bond he used to have with his father before his accident, but all the rules seem to have changed. A fic I'm filling on the FFXV meme, in response to this prompt: "Instead of Regis saving his son from the Marilith, Ardyn saves him but instead takes him away from his home. Ardyn raises him in the best(read: worst) ways he knows."
It Figures by ohmyfae (complete) Summary: Prompto's art class has a figure drawing session scheduled. Noctis has a new summer job.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Crazy!Ed verse by metisket (complete) Summary: -
Gundam Wing/AC
Joue le jeu by Calamithy (complete) Summary: [Au, schoolfic sans prétention] Chapitre VII : Ceux qui veulent une chance de croquer des noisettes devront au moins pleurer des pierres euh… passer par le torture quenottes. Duo est envoyé en service commandé par Quatre. Le souci... 
Harry Potter
(i lean heavily toward lengthy gen/political/plotty fics for hp, just a warning)
On the Way to Greatness by mira mirth (WIP) Summary: As per the Hat's decision, Harry gets Sorted into Slytherin upon his arrival in Hogwarts—and suddenly, the future isn't what it used to be.
Practicing Liars by Lomonaaeren (complete) Summary: HPDM preslash, Severitus, AU. Harry found out he's Snape's son in his fourth year, and concealed the truth from Snape. Now, in his sixth year, he's dodging Snape's suspicions about him and trying to figure out Draco Malfoy. Life is complicated.
The Sacrifices Arc by Lightning on the Wave (complete) Note: this links to the author’s FFN profile directly, as all 7 of the books are gathered there. Retelling-of-canon in which Harry’s twin brother Connor is the Boy Who Lived. HPDM slash. Extremely fucking long and plotty.
(inception remains today the fandom where i enjoyed the greatest amount of actual perfect story-telling, characterization, biting humor, and erotica. blessed fandom. forever in my heart. also all of those are arthur/eames you won’t find any other pairing sorry)
A Fake Handshake Don’t Make No Man by recrudescence  Summary: Spaghetti's straight until you heat it up. Or, how Arthur learned not to use pasta as a pickup line and Eames learned to enjoy long walks on the Kinsey scale.
Allowed by the_ragnarok (complete) Summary: It’s like there’s an Eames-shaped hole in Arthur’s defenses.
Breaking and Entering by Resonant (complete) Summary: Eames is very good at pretending.
Breathe Into It by rageprufrock (complete) Summary: When Mal leans into his office and asks Eames what he did to his back, he can't exactly say, "the new graphics intern," so he says, "Oh, just stress, love."
Call Your Own Bluff by starbolin (complete) Summary: What does it mean to know a person? Eames takes Arthur on holiday. They fuck, bicker, and surprise one another into a leap of faith.
Can’t Get Enough of You (Baby) by eternalbreath (complete) Summary: Eames vanishes from dreamshare and Arthur goes a little crazy looking for him until he stumbles across him -- with a baby.
Higher Emotions Are Out to Get Us (and we soldier on, together) by Ciircee (complete) Summary: A typical 'boy meets boy' story about building a relationship, making it work, and having it last. Only it's Arthur and Eames so…yeah.
Impossible Object by perceived_nobility (complete) Summary: When he’s sixteen, Arthur steals $25,000, flies himself to Florida, and has top surgery. This is the story of what happens next. AU insofar as Arthur is trans and Inception takes place circa 2020.
I Strive by indysaur (complete) Summary: Love means something different to Dom, to Mal, to Arthur. 
I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym (complete) Summary: Arthur's a corporate lawyer, Eames owns the coffee shop across the street, and all good love stories start with a quadruple shot latte.
No One Gets Out Alive by hackthis (complete) Summary: “I hate giving a shit, it never ends well.”
out of the blue by saintdogstreet (complete) Summary: "Is this the part," Eames says, "where I tell you not to jump?"
Pants on Fire by Helenish (complete) Summary: "Ah," Yusuf says, lifting a reproving hand, "are we calling less than 24 hours of memory loss amnesia now?"
Patron Saint by witling (complete) Summary: "You don't have Cobb here to throw you into harm's way, so you're doing it to yourself.”
Presque Vu by rageprufrock (complete) Summary: Or, "on the tip of the tongue." Arthur meets Mal first. He inherits Dom, after. Everything else is on him.
The End of The Celibate Life by fermine (complete) Summary: Arthur/Eames, R, prompt: "Arthur has a son and after dating Eames for almost a year, he decides to tell the forger about his son."
The Most Extraordinary Life of Professor Snuggles by catalinacat (complete) Summary: prompt - "Eames discovers Arthur's teddy bear/security blanket from when he was a child. Adorableness ensues."
The Music Makers by mami_san (complete) Summary: A. Graham Cole was twenty-one years old when he was killed in action in Iraq. This is the official story. The truth is, of course, somewhat different.
The Waking Years by weatherfront (complete) Summary: After the Fischer inception, Eames goes back to work as an extractor, and Arthur joins his team. Due to circumstances involving a guy who may or may not be from Greenland, pop astrology, someone's broken limb, hormones, and convenience, they end up learning that love is what starts down below (and makes its way up your spine).
This Lonely House by tourdefierce (complete) Summary: Life is not full of grand gestures. Life is not full of dramatic exists and entrances or perfect camera angles or explosions. Life for someone like Arthur, is like constantly feeling like a secondary character in his own storyline. That's not anyone's fault but his own because Arthur is Arthur, a protagonist here (and probably an antagonist as well because he can be). This is a story about Arthur, who happens to love people and who happens not to love them. But the point is, this is a story about Arthur who doesn't know it's a story about him. This is story about finding out what it means to be a hero to the right people, what it means to know yourself and, by accident, to let other people learn to know how to love you. Arthur is figuring his shit out.
t on the timeline by battleofhydaspe (complete) Summary: He doesn’t know how Eames tells reality from dream, but Eames seems very sure of what he’s saying.
Toxic by witling (complete) Summary: Eames tackles him from behind, brings him down onto his belly on the carpet, and plants a knee in his back. “What,” he pants, “the hell.” Arthur gets into trouble, and can't remember how he got there. Eames lends a hand.
We Can Do This Until We Pass Out by delires (complete) Summary: Disturbing London, baby, we about to branch out. (The one where Eames is a chav)
we were once cinema gods in the night by gyzym (complete) Summary: That's the thing about Hollywood--everyone has a Hollywood story.
Your Longest Missed Connection by anonymous (complete) Original Prompt: Arthur tries to be nice to Eames, really. But unfortunately, everything he says or does is misunderstood by Eames as being condenscending or sarcastic. I would prefer Arthur to be the pursuer in the pairing, and for Eames to dislike him initially (thinking Arthur's a real prat :D) Oblivious!Eames and Pining!Arthur ftw!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
À plus tard dans nos rêves by TheoryofChaos (complete) Summary: A quinze ans, c'est connu, on est le dernier des cons. Je ne faisais pas exception à la règle. Je t'ai laissé t'enfuir et maintenant je ne peux plus te rattraper. OS 8059.
Concrete Feet by double_exposure (complete) Summary: If her job had a title, it'd be something along the lines of 'lab assistant/frequent abductee/up-and-coming asskicker.' Or, the story of how Haru carves out her vague, not entirely unimportant place in the Family.
Countdown by metisket (complete) Summary: -
Dead-Eyed Tsuna by wyrvel (complete) Summary: Sawada Tsunayoshi is cold, aloof, constantly exhausted, perpetually doubtful, and has the resting face of an axe murderer. He's resigned to being a complete failure for the rest of his life, and is pretty satisfied with himself, as long as he has people like his best friend Sasagawa Kyouko to help him along the way. But his dull, emotionless status quo is shattered when Kyouko decides he should join the Disciplinary Committee and do something with himself. The Disciplinary Committee, as in the thinly veiled school gang run by the Scariest Teenage Boy Alive. And yet, against all odds, it's not the Committee itself that led him into mass international criminal politics, magic powers, and casual murder. (Tsuna is in the Disciplinary Committee, and somewhere else, Timoteo's son is the heir to the seat of Vongola Decimo. Featuring: Ensemble Cast, many OCs, and fully original story arcs. Humour/Action/Drama, contains dark themes. Heavy AU.)
ease it off by kilewolf (complete) Summary: Yamamoto thinks about some things. After all they've been through, going back to middle school is kind of weird.
En attendant demain by TheoryofChaos (complete) Summary: En attendant demain, Tsuna imagine partager avec lui plus qu'un bout de chemin. Et laisse son jumeau maléfique lui faire toutes ces choses dont il rêve en secret. 2700.
Game of Life by exocara (WIP) Summary: From the moment he had woken up to see names and levels floating over people's heads, Sawada Tsunayoshi knew that something was really, really wrong. Drabble series, crackish, very, very mild All27 that will show up later.
Kou’s Guidelines For Organized Crime by wyrvel (WIP) Summary: Sawada Kou is a fast-paced fourteen-year-old girl in her second year of middle school, plagued by low blood pressure, her status as a social pariah, elaborate extended family drama, and her hapless attempts to whittle anything more inspired than a series of increasingly fat birds. But that's nothing in comparison to what the man from Italy brings to her door... (Gen, fem!Tsuna adult!Reborn non-Decimo AU.)
Like Dust by wyrvel (complete) Summary: "You missed me too, right?"
like the edge of a knife by kilewolf (complete) Summary: Yamamoto has that look in his eyes again.
On the Outside by metisket (complete) Summary: -
Pinch Hitter by Scuttlebutt Inc (complete) Summary: Post-Millefiore arc, the boys are back in their own timeline and experiencing a new landscape fraught with dangers: High school. Bullies, mid-terms and relationships present their own unique challenges. Yaoi, 8059, 59- 27, TsunaxKyoko
the rain falls gently by kilewolf (complete) Summary: Yamamoto's not a hitman. (Or so he says/Definitely not/Not yet.)
The Sun Always Rises by lacewood (complete) Summary: In another world, Kyoko lived a very different life - and Tsuna had a different Sun guardian.
Tsunahiki by metisket (complete) Summary: -
Vigilante Tendency by Kyogre (complete) Summary: There's such a thing as being too much like the 1st generation. Tsuna didn't mean to start a vigilante group, but somehow it happened anyway. Well done, "Neo Primo," well done.
What We Fought For by metisket (complete) Summary: -
yesterday’s tomorrow by misamiera (WIP) Summary: Tsuna had dreamed of some crazy future where babies were hitmen and he'd become a mafia boss, but he never imagined it would come true. Gen, AU/timetravel-ish.
you’re a king and i’ve always wanted to be a lionheart by kilewolf (complete) Summary: A collection of scenes from Yamamoto's point of view, up to the Varia arc. He believes this is what you call "falling head over heels".
Baby Animals, Weddings, And Other Things Not Normally Associated With Uchiha Sasuke by prettypriestess (complete) Summary: In which Konoha needs to upgrade their plumbing to be more resistant. (Or, the one where Sasuke and Naruto get genin and maybe someone buys a house.)
Telephone by rageprufrock Summary: It's rough being Team 7.
Sherlock BBC
Alone On the Water by Mad_Lori (complete) Summary: Sherlock Holmes never expected to live a long life, but he never imagined that it would end like this.
Star Trek
(you enter the Jim Kirk Appreciation Zone)
For Gladness Of You by kariye (complete) Summary: In which shit goes down in no particular order: Jim almost starts a war, Spock gets tortured, Jim gets kidnapped, Jim gets tortured, Spock gets not-quite-kidnapped, Jim takes the Enterprise joyriding, and mysterious Vulcans with their even more mysterious leader hop a ride for a few weeks. But that’s not what the story’s about. It’s about this: Jim was always going to fall in love with Spock – boldly, recklessly. He just didn’t expect to stay that way. A story about getting over all that.
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick (complete) Summary: If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind. (Note: this is it. This is my favorite fic of all time. The one that’s as close to perfection as perfection’s gonna get.)
Magpie by waldorph (complete) Summary: Spock met Jim when he was 7 and Jim was 6. It has since been generally agreed that this was a mistake (or: the one where they grow up together and things are simultaneously better and worse for it).
Spoctoria series by deamlet and waldorph (complete) Summary: Spock is heir to the Federation throne, Jim is Prince of America because his fucking brother abdicated, and the Klingons are on the verge of blowing shit up--a love story.
Still Life by dogpoet (complete) Summary: Traumatized by his experience on Tarsus IV, Jim Kirk runs away to Vulcan to undergo kolinahr. Reboot AU.
Twenty-Six and Legend series by Ilethe (complete) Summary: Bones didn't know it then, or even in the weeks and months after, but it was the last time Jim was Jim, before Enterprise changed him in infinitesimal ways, day by day by day, until he was laying sightless inside a radiation decontamination compartment, the last star falling even as Enterprise ascended into the sky.
We Two Alone by shoreleave (complete) Summary: Academy fic. Dr. Leonard McCoy thinks he has nothing in common with command-track cadet Jim Kirk, until a series of events forces them together. When a simple training mission is derailed into a seemingly hopeless situation, both have to learn to trust one another, and they’ll need all their wits and survival skills to stay alive.
(yeah ok so i was destiel once)
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire (complete) Summary: Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.) A post-08.17 Goodbye, Stranger story.
Oscillation by nekosmuse (complete) Summary: Sexual identity crisis aside, Dean's man enough to admit he's in love with Castiel. Has been for years. Which would be fine, really, if he could get past the whole unrequited, unworthy business, because maybe then he could move on with his life, get back to having sex on a semi-regular basis. Aaron's the first person to pique his interest in far, far too long. Aka the one where Dean's pining for an angel, starting to accept that he maybe wants to fuck men, and he's got Aaron Bass' phone number burning a hole in his wallet.
The Law of Conservation of Energy by peroxidepest17 (WIP) Summary: The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state into another. And what is grace, if not energy?
The Mirror by cloudyjenn (complete) Summary: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
The Soul Piece by cloudyjenn (complete) Summary: When a human child is born, their soul is shattered into bright gleaming pieces that scatter to the winds.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit by pyrebi (complete) Summary: In which angelic marriage bonds are apparently stupidly easy to trigger, Cas wages multidimensional war in Heaven, Dean can't catch a break like ever, Sam rather enjoys being a dick, love saves the day, and nobody consummates anything.
Wait and See by oncethrown (complete) Summary: After the apocalypse doesn't happen, Dean goes back to Bobby's house alone. He burned Bobby's body in the field. There wasn't enough of Cas left to burn or bury, and Sam was gone. After a few weeks of drinking and researching, Dean's ready to finally off himself and join his whole family, but a discount easter card and a sudden reappearance save him. Eventual Destiel. Human!Cas.
The Dark Knight Rises
in the family of things by Sibilant (WIP) Summary: They're saying there's work in the tunnels of Gotham. But one boy has already turned up dead. John's not going to let that happen again.
(there’s probably a bunch here that i wouldn’t rec anymore considering how sketchy cherik fic can be about oppressed/oppressor dynamics & putting the blame on magneto. all of the following were written after x-men: first class came out, and i haven’t kept up with later x-men movies. i don’t have the time to reread everything, so just... take them with a grain of salt and sorry if i end up reccing something bad. i’m a lot more aware now than i was in 2011-2013. those that i do rec here i remember mostly for the relationship aspects, not so much for the social commentary.)
Boden’s Mate by kaydeefalls (complete) Summary: "Shaw has information that we need, and we need him alive to extract it," Moira says, and there it is: the job is on the table. Extraction. XMFC/Inception fusion AU. Erik is an extractor, Alex is his point man. They're assembling a team to go after the most dangerous mind in dreamsharing: Sebastian Shaw. But unless Alex and the team can keep him in check, Erik's desire for vengeance might just rip the whole job apart around them -- and then there's the shade that haunts his dreams...
Enemy of My Enemy by Thuri (complete) Summary: The CIA can't let a telepath of Charles's power stay free. Erik can't let him stay prisoner.
Fighting Fit by jemisard (complete) Summary: Charles fights people about his disability every day. Except the odd occasion when he doesn’t.
I, We, Us by winterhill (complete - restricted access!) Summary: Daemon AU: When he was a child, Erik was forced to split from his daemon. It’s only when he meets Charles that he thinks he might have finally found someone who he could safely leave her with. Missing scenes from canon and a few re-written scenes, plus what happened after. Somewhat loose interpretation of Pullman’s ideas.
Limited Release by rageprufrock (complete) Summary: When Alex Summers broke out of supermax to rescue his stupid kid brother, he had no idea it was going to be so fucking complicated.
Linger by waldorph (complete) Summary: Erik had been warned, to be fair. The realtor was very explicit that the last seventeen tenants had run from the premises screaming about the Exorcist or The Ring or some other terrible horror show.
Look This Life in the Eye by MonstrousRegiment (complete) Summary: There's a locked door in Xavier Hall to which no one has access. In making inquiries, Erik realizes he's built his opinion on Charles on the wrong foundations. “You thought I was going to hit you?” Charles’ eyes dart away, shoulders pulling in as if he were trying to curl in on himself. Erik feels something tight inside his chest coil in even tighter as his stomach turns.
Make Sure You Call Before You Leave by cm (mumblemutter) (complete) Summary: Erika happens to Charles.
No Yesterdays On the Road by pocky_slash (complete) Summary: It's been two months since Cuba and things are settling down for Charles, Erik, and the beginnings of their mutant school. Right up until Charles disappears, that is. Faced with the possibility that a bitter Emma Frost has kidnapped Charles, Erik is forced to team up with Moira to hunt down the remainder of the Hellfire Club. From there, they hope to locate Frost and retrieve Charles, without killing each other along the way. (Or: Erik and Moira Drive Across the Country and Talk About Their Feelings.)
Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street by Clocks (complete) Summary: Charles is a social worker who fosters troubled kids, and one day he meets Erik, an ex-convict, who reluctantly agrees to stay for only a while, but ends up staying for good and helping Charles to raise the kids. Awkward parenting ensues.
Paper Monsters by Clocks (complete) Summary: Fill for this prompt: Charles meets Erik Lehnsherr, his favorite novelist of all time at a coffee shop, but doesn't know it's him, and Erik just criticizes his own writing in front of his biggest fan.
Rumor Mill by ikeracity (complete) Summary: Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends. So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik. What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
South of the Border by sneakertime (complete) Summary: Post-Divorce AU. Charles Xavier saves Logan from Emma Frost in Mexico. They have a lot of sex, and things get progressively more complicated.
The Better Men by TurtleTotem (complete) Summary: "I do believe the two of you were in the same year as boys, were you not?" Headmaster Shaw said. "Charles is the most competent deputy any headmaster could ask for, Erik, and he's been doing this for years…" He trailed off, as if finally noticing something odd in the way his Potions and Divination masters were staring at each other. "Of course," Charles said quickly, his voice only a little hoarse, and stuck out his hand. "Welcome back to Hogwarts, Erik."
The one where Erik own an antiques shop and Charles is a professor by aesc (complete) Summary: Even though Charles loathed people using "I must have a genetic predisposition for X, Y, or Z" as an excuse for personal shortcomings and peccadillos – he was a professor at Columbia and a well-respected researcher in the field, he couldn't not get riled about scientific inaccuracy – he suspected the Xavier family had a strong expression of the gene responsible for squirreling away every random object that came across their paths.
Time to Grow by zarah5 (complete - restricted access!) Summary: In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Us by Pangea (complete) Summary: “Charles,” Erik says, and if his voice hits a pleading note then who can really blame him, “Charles, it’s me.” It takes several longer moments before Charles musters up the strength to answer, breath stuttering horribly as he tries to breathe. He’s shaking, entire body trembling. “Erik,” Charles says, his voice cracking, “Erik, I want to die.”
Accidents Happen by metisket (Desden Files/FMA - complete) Summary: -
Getting Things Done by metisket (FMA/DGM - complete) Summary: -
I Hold With Those Who Favour Fire by infraredphaeton (KHR/Naruto - complete) Summary: When Gokudera died, taking a bullet for Tsuna, he expected to go to hell. Not wake up as a pink haired girly-boy in a world full of ninja. How's he meant to be the Jyuudaime's right hand in a world that doesn't even have a mafia? Clearly, he'll have to clean this place up before Tsuna gets here. REINCARNATION, Gokudera-as-m!Sakura.
langlocked lurid. by esquitor (DGM/Harry Potter - WIP) Summary: the one where allen walker puts up with draco malfoy trying to recruit him into his little gang, and his uncle neah campbell tries not to drink himself into a stupor before cross gets to hogwarts. meanwhile, sirius black hunts a rat.
Thicker Than Blood by AvocadoLove (Inception/500 Days of Summer - complete) Summary: "My brother, Tom, has been missing for three days."
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keikakudori · 2 years
mini tag dump since tumblr seems to have forgotten all about my tags. ignore this.
ichimaru gin [ most honored poison of my heart ]
aizen sousuke [ the beaming sun itself; something dangerous and yet captivating ]
kaname tosen [ i knew a man once / who fought like he could cleanse the world with the blood on his knuckles ]
[ verse: blood war ] as I cannot be the hero let me be the monster and lesson them in fear in place of love.
[ verse: fukutaichou ] it is still too early to believe; what's truly frightening is the betrayal you don't see.
[ verse: soul king ] all the stars will fall from grace with your name engraved in the dust of their deaths.
[ verse: muken ] you said i killed you so haunt me & drive me mad; only do not leave me in the abyss where i cannot find you.
[ verse: vizard ] can you still feel the battles on my skin stitched across my back? am i rebuilding bone by fragile bone?
[ verse: wanderer ] i need something different. I don’t know what it is but I need something new.
[ verse: hueco mundo ] there is a massacre ready behind his eyes & war written on his body.
[ verse: sternritter ] when the silence of absence deepens
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keikakudori · 2 years
"I wonder if if my love for you was just an obsession." ~ ♡ momo
@burstplum you asked for this hanii
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                now that was a voice that he had not heard in some while, wasn't it---?
                she was there at his side, a fragile little thing that watched him with those large depths of brown which had once beheld him with such --- adoration. it was easy for him to ignore the activity in the remains of the twelfth's laboratory, giving no more thought nor heed to shinigami and quincy alike. his eye was all that moved, a depth of brown caught beneath the dark lashes. it had been quite easy for him to unravel the bindings upon his own face, to behold kyoraku shunsui and his surprise alike. there was nothing in him at this moment when he studied the young woman who had been his supposed lieutenant for the few decades in the wake of gin's rise to captain, when his viper had moved to the third at the quiet suggestion of the traitor.
                aizen remembered how eager she had been as he had pretended to hunt for a replacement, nevermind those nights when he would smile in his quarters, more rarely within gin's own -- for some reason, the silver had ever preferred his room at the fifth and ever had it puzzled the older man. not that he minded it at all. how many times he had sat, speaking with gin into the late hours, more than speaking --- at least ---- speaking with more than merely words. if he were to but close his eyes, even now, memory could rise up to envelop the world's perception.
                for several moments, there was merely silence. if olive-hued eyes rested on him beneath a fringe of slanting gold that fell across the likely scarred forehead in a fashion imitating how rays of the sun could slant over the ground from where they broke through clouds -- he ignored that as well. in this point of time, it was HINAMORI MOMO who captivated his attention. despite TWO YEARS within the dark, the hawk-like intensity of his stare had not diminished in the least.
                however -- the sharpness which was present even now semed thinned and dulled, chipped and fractured. as if something within him had been extinguished and destroyed; he had not looked so on that day two years ago. on that day, when he had stood in the sky clad in white, with that bloody flag of war wreathing his waist, he had stood with his viper and his hound at his sides. and how she had sought to stand in his way, had done her best with kido in a skilled and cunning fashion.
                in his own way, aizen sousuke was proud of her and her skill.
                finally, his mouth shifted and he parted his lips to reply to her. silence held itself there between them, almost a palpable presence in itself. silence when once that clever tongue had enthralled so many. then he breathed in, shifted the large shoulders which so befit his powerful frame, let the air out from his lungs slowly. only once that had been done did aizen begin to speak him up once more.
                ❝ --- would it comfort you to believe that, hinamori-kun? ❞ a calm enough tone of voice, soft, almost gentle. ❝ to believe that you were obsessed rather than in love? would that reassure you of your own choices and decisions? after all - i did my utmost to cultivate it within you. i wanted your adoration -- blind adoration. blind love. ❞
                his hand moved faintly against one of the straps which held him down upon that blocky chair which seemed more a throne than yet another part and parcel of his bonds and confines. but so bound, the man known as the sinner of this system which was so broken, a thing that seemed near a corpse of its own. but perhaps it was a product of the man who had reigned over the command of it for a thousand years. perhaps that was what had done so. whatever the case, his eye did not waver from her. he had ever wondered if she had possessed enough awareness on that day when kyoka suigetsu had driven through her torso, to erupt from that small back in a spray of steel and blood alike.
                a weeping red wound, the tears that perhaps she could not shed -- HAD SHE WEPT FOR WHAT HAD BEEN, FINALLY? HAD SHE WEPT FOR THE LIES AND THE DECEIT?
                how aizen had wondered that, how he had been unsure if whether or not it had been there. had she cried?
                --- had she heard what he had said that day----?
you're slow. i said from the very beginning. ever since i became a captain, i have considered no one else to be my lieutenant but GIN.
                aizen was not sure if he wished that she had heard those words. for her to know that no matter the badge upon her arm, no matter the warm hand he would rest on her shoulder, the arm garbed in the white sail of his haori's sleeve that curled around her tiny shoulders, it had all been falsehood. and the more he had coaxed her into that web, eyes soft and warm with a glowing heat of gentle delight.
                ❝  obsession and love can and often do coincide. ❞ did his eye cut towards that watching lanky form for a flicker of a second? if it did, it was almost too fast to be witnessed. ❝ there is nothing to truly distinguish one from the other. you can claim obsession if it feels better, if it is more a comfort than not -- but i will not lie to you about it. that is a question that you need to answer on your own. i trained you, i guided you --- and your choices were your own, all of them. did i influence them? yes, easily so. you hung on my every word. you were so eager to PLEASE ME IN ANY WAY YOU COULD. but i did not force you to make those choices. i manipulated --- you responded. but they were still your own decisions. ❞
                up went the visible arch of brown that was set beneath the dark band which encircled his head, right eye still concealed beneath the wedge of sable which concealed cheekbone and clasped to embrace that angle of his features. it muffled him, leaving only fragments of skin visible, skin which had nto lessened from the faint tan which so colored him in those two years; he was still so similar to how he had been but clad in darkness, in shadow, with him left to stare at the young woman without any attempt to communicate his thoughts all the further, until----
                ❝ --... i suggest that, if you make it through this and i suspect that you will -- ❞ this time, the glance towards shinji was far more visible than the previous one. ❝ that you take time for yourself afterwards to try and understand it for yourself. hate me if you desire, of course; i deceived you, i lied to you, and i used you without hesitation in the nature of following through on my own plans. and as you can see... ❞ the point of aizen's chin shifted as if he were seeking to gesture to all of himself. ❝ ... this is how i have ended up. ❞
                another pause.
                ❝ so make of it what you will, hinamori-kun. love or obsession --- or, perhaps, both. ❞
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keikakudori · 1 year
@zombiigrl / continuing from [ here ]
Sobs are gentle, at first ; but the wails that follow should shake the ground beneath him. Agony, loss, GRIEF, it  was all amplified in that broken little mind of hers. Not a child throwing a tantrum, no, a woman at the mercy of a god that saw it fit to be cruel. She did not want to lose him, she did not want the comfort of him gone ; but Aizen, so clearly, would stop at NOTHING to possess once more what was his own. ❝ I - If you kill me, he WILL DIE TOO -  ❞ As if it mattered. As Aizen himself had stated, he killed Gin once. SO HOW WAS IT FAIR? HOW WAS IT FAIR?! He had cast Gin to the wayside, slaughtered him like a lamb unawares, but NOW  wanted him back? Truly, who ‘tween the two of them was treating the poor serpent as a toy ?! 
❝  Please …   ❞
                           WHO COULD EVER LOVE YOU?
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                           how thin and frail this child seemed in his grasp, but there was nothing akin to the notion of MERCY within the monstrosity that stood over her. not with an eye blazing golden as the sun in his features, not with its twin brilliant and cold as the moon in the silver ring which broke the backdrop of rich amethyst. once, both eyes had been brown, richly warm as a glass of brandy held aloft in sunlight with the deep hues flaring from molten gold to dusky topaz to dark earthen tones. but no more. no more. the day of Deicide had forever marked the one known as aizen sousuke in many ways and what did he care now of what he portrayed himself as where others could see?
                           nothing remained for him --- so he had thought. so he had believed.
                           but he held little care for her, holding to her face, fingers pressing in and straining bone and flesh alike without hesitation as latent power threatened to sear and sink into skull and tissue from the grasp of black-clad fingers, grip powerful and held tight. the monster of one's dreams, the monster lurking in the dark --- had aizen sousuke so thoroughly cast aside what little humanity he held? had he forsaken it? only one thing could ever truly count as keeping him tied to such a state, only one thread that maintained him for who and what he was. but how could she ever understand that, this little child playing with dolls and trying to be quirky, to be macabre, when she knew nothing of what it was to truly be something fearsome? little dolls, little toys, nothing to cling to ---
                           only marionettes that would speak back what she wanted to hear, scripted syllables that meant nothing, were not the speech of the ones who were held beneath the bondage of her love, the chains, the torture of her supposed affections.how better he knew. such a keen gaze was a thing capable of dissection, of readiness to tear at her mouth, her lips, his the crow's beak to peck out eyes and tongue and soft tissues. dangerous, this beast, dangerous, piercing and seeing and gazing. how ready to tear her asunder. how ready to bite and snarl and rip.
                           there had been a beast in the seireitei and he did ever hope they understood how much he had shown that day in terms of good manners for he was a child of the rukongai, feral and vicious beneath the trappings of civility with which he dressed himself. how ready he was, how ready he remained, to shed it like an overcoat and reveal that the feral child lurked not far below the surface.
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                           how his hands gripped at her and then a pause, eyes narrowing down at the girl held in his grasp. kurotsuchi mayuri knew of a way to undo the zombification---? ... good. very good. she spoke of how she would need her blood back and his hands pressed tighter, threatening, squeezing just that bit more as he bared his teeth slightly at the words. a cure --- he would willingly swallow down rancor and disgust if mayuri were indeed capable of curing the zombies this child made.
                           if he was capable of curing gin, then---
                           what then--?
                           ❝ you say that as if that wouldn't be better, ❞ he snarled at her, ❝ as if that wouldn't be enough to ever prove that you DO love him. I KNOW GIN. better --- far, far better --- for him to be dead than ever under your control. you tell him what to say, what to do. that is not love. that is never love. ❞
                           a difference between them. nights of hands on skin, of mouths against mouths --- of watching gin shudder with pleasure, deep within what he learned was known as subspace. but ever afterwards, his hands soothing and applying lotion to marks, a warm yukata, praise and snacks and more, tenderly caring for the younger man in the aftercare which so easily proclaimed them one another's. his back aching, stinging, encouraging weals and scratches while he left bruises and bites. other nights that were more gentle, nothing but worship, but devotion, taking him in, watching the melting and loss of tension and sharpness to behold something gentle and soft that he ached to behold, chest and throat so full of love he would nearly weep to behold it.
                           always had it come down to that between them; trust. he trusting gin at his side, his back --- gin trusting him as their tastes expanded and broadened together. even when truly angry, aizen never neglected that aftercare. not even then.
                           so how could she ever claim to love him, to adore him, when she had never beheld gin in such ways?
                           how could she ever think that one small instance could not bequeath a perpetuating sense of loss and grief and sorrow, of regret, remorse, upon the shinigami who had so long ago laid claim upon ichimaru gin? did she believe that moment alone was enough to sever the ties which dwelt between the two men? did she hope that it was enough to make aizen turn away from him? did she wish that he would simply give her his blessings and permit her to just take gin? no. she did not know gin. she could NEVER know gin.
                           how could she ever know of the way his nose would scrunch at times? of the differences between his smiles, no matter how they all seemed the same to an untrained eye? of how he was not fond of dried sweet potatoes due to mistaking one for a persimmon once, leaving aizen to laugh about it later? how could she know of the way he could be adorable when sulky, when pouting, earning a touch of a hand to his face, a thumb touching that lip, kisses to soothe it away? how could she know of the way that he would lounge, teasing, swaying, daring those eyes of rich brown to follow him, his movements, his actions? how could she know of the way that his hands would slip into robes to steal a kiseru, something that had been a gift, something that aizen often found on his person when he desired a smoke?
                           how could she ever hope to know anything about ichimaru gin beyond her wish for a toy, a possession?
                           those sobs seemed to him the sobs of a child losing a favored toy --- not the sobs of someone suffering anguish, suffering loss.
                           he had screamed, screamed until his throat was raw, screamed until blood filled his mouth, screamed until his voice gave out in cracks and ragged moans. aizen had howled his grief into the dark, writhing and unaware of the earthquakes he caused. she wept because he was taking back a man who was complimentary to him, the moon to his sun, the silver to his gold. gin. jin. the differences in how they were written --... his silver. the moon of his sky.
                           and she dared weep because he asserted a claim, an understanding, an intimacy and a bond that her grubby little fingers dared to try and stain, that she would trample all over with her dirty little feet.
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                           ❝ you know nothing about him; all you wish is to hear him saying what you think he would say. love---? gods, but you remain so ignorant. but you say that mayuri is capable of curing him. how good to know that. thank you for telling me of that. ❞
                           hells --- he would even go to urahara for aid on this if he must. even him.
                           GIN. GIN--!
                           he had killed him once.
                           did she think that he would be incapable of doing it again if he must?
                           did she think that doing so would not affect him at all---?
                           ❝ but if you ever look me in the eye and claim to LOVE HIM again --- i will kill you then. ❞
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                           he was still tempted. he still wanted to.
                           but instead, aizen was shoving her back with a low snarl, uncaring if he gouged furrows in her flesh, her throat. he did not care. for just a second, darkness swirled in a flashing fluid display of inky blobs floating across the white sclera and the air around giselle gewelle was abruptly thickened as murderous killing intent was flashed at her; did it freeze the breath in her lungs? did she feel his hands at her neck, his blade piercing through her chest, her heart? did she feel that in that second? he would have no issue with it. he had killed long ago.
                           he could always do it again. he could always do it again.
                           then he turned and began to stalk off to go collect gin.
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keikakudori · 1 year
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❝ ... I don't want to FIGHT, Herr Aizen. Can't we be friends? ❞
                 ❝ Friends? ❞
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                 The word comes out in a smearing of noise between snarl and growl, heated, vicious. A man's throat could be cut with the edge that singular word carries with it, sharp and aimed right at her. It was a seething word, vicious, more bestial than not. The depth of copper-hued brown burned with a flaring of temper that he made no effort to hide from her; how easy it was for him to DESPISE THIS QUINCY. He despised Urahara Kisuke for his hypocrisy, for his acceptance amongst the Seireitei; that man's hands were not so clean as that. A member of the Onmitsukido. He had had such potential, in Aizen's view. How could he ever meekly accept the way things were without even putting down a token effort?
                 Hatred did not come to Aizen easily, yet this little girl had managed what someone might name the impossible; she had become a source of furious antipathy. She was the source of so much anger that Aizen felt as if magma swirled and eddied in his stomach, beneath his flesh, a fury that would turn his bones to ash. How he glared at her now, lips pulling back from his teeth.
                 ❝ You tell me that you don't want to fight. You're here, asking me if we can be friends. You ask me a question which you already know the answer to. So how can you dare ask me if we can be friends after what you have done? After what you've done to him? ❞
                 No, there was nothing akin to friendship between them. There never would be. Not with what she had done. Not with her reaching into the cold earth to bring forth the one person who had become the sum total of his heart. He would destroy that revenant if he must. I killed him once, he could have said to her. I killed him once. I could do it again. He would destroy himself if he were to do so, yet he would do that. Such would be better than to leave Gin beneath her control. Anything but that. He would never permit this travesty to stand. And how deeply this reached into the fury he contained for himself. It was rerouted, directed now in a blindingly hot display towards this simplistic plea for friendship.
                 ❝ Even if you were to release him now, even if you were to grovel before me, even if you were to cut your own diseased black little heart out of your chest before my very eyes, we would never become friends. It would not happen in a hundred years. Not in a thousand. It will not happen even at the end of the universe itself, when its heat-death is playing out. Not even then would you and I ever become FRIENDS. NOT AFTER WHA YOU HAVE DONE TO HIM. ❞
                 Rage, rage, against the dying of the light --- so it was said. A poem that had enchanted him when he'd read it and a poem he had thusly read to Gin years ago, eyes bright behind his glasses with delight. How he would rage indeed. He would rage against the death of the moon, against the sheer insult tied into what Gigi had done with her callous indifference to what it meant. And so her words inspired a freshened surge of something that was only baleful, promising that he would rip her apart with his own hands.
                 Aizen had never sought to control Gin. He had never wanted to control him. Gin had ever been the soul to challenge the dark-haired traitor. He wouldn't hesitate to call him out if he were doing something stupid or foolish. He had met Aizen head-on, halfway, and he had ever been given the highest esteem and trust for that. Controlling people had never been something that he desired to behold. He had never wanted to envision the young man tied by strings that would be pulled on the way she did, plucking upon one or another with callous glee. The same sort of glee that he imagined would show itself in a child who'd tear the wings off of flies with a petty sort of cruelty. Hers was the child's cruelty, the child's glee, at being able to hurt something far weaker.
                 If he had wanted, he could have twisted Gin all the more, broken him, turned him into a proper tool. He had his ways. Aizen knew he was capable of that. But no; he hadn't wanted to break him. Breaking that brilliant young man would have served no purpose. There had been no reason for it. And as the years had gone by, the understanding that he would never break him had seeped slowly through his soul. The thoughts he'd once indulged in when they had first met had changed. He had changed. Perhaps another man might resent that change, but not him.
                 Gin had always brought out both the best and the worst in Aizen Sousuke.
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                 That gimlet stare did not relent, stare boring into the features which seemed so delicate. A deceptive look. For a man who was at his core a predator, he was not fooled. Play the little innocent all she might, he would never be fooled by it. He would never be fooled by her. And the question that she dared voice was insulting at its very core. How she didn't see it. How she simply could not understand that the question had been enough to prove so much to him, by its birth, by its voicing. Did she think this would be an olive branch? Did Gigi truly believe that things could ever be made right between them?
                 How stupid did she think he was?
                 ❝ Your question proves to me one thing: you don't understand me. You don't understand why it's such an insult. What do you, an ignorant child, know of what it means to care about someone so much that the vision of them being a SLAVE TO A STUPID LITTLE GIRL'S WHIMS IS SOMETHING THAT IS NOTHING SHORT OF YOUR OWN IGNORANCE? AND YOU ASK ME IF WE CAN BE FRIENDS?! FRIENDS?! YOU DARE ASK ME IF WE CAN BE FRIENDS AFTER EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE DONE TO HIM?! We will NEVER be friends. NEVER. ❞
                 Not even if she released Gin this instant and surrendered him back to Aizen with her understanding she had no right, no right, to lay any sort of claim to him.
                 Not even if he were to put her life to an end with his own hands.
                 Not even if Aizen were given leave to rip her throat out with his own teeth.
                 Gin was his. Gin had been his for over a hundred years and Aizen would never allow this travesty to perpetuate itself. Not when she had no idea of what she stepped on with her ignorance. Fingers twitched and flexed at his sides before his hands were lashing out, seeking to grab at her throat and grip tight. The power was a swelling thing, promising to begin eating into the flesh of her neck while Aizen's broad, tall form leaned over her own, a snarling rising upon his mouth. Yet it was made all the more terrible for how the anger did not reach his eyes.
                 His gaze was cold, a judge passing verdict, impassive and uncaring; for all the outward heat of the anger, the true display of his scorn for her was cold as the void of space. His lips pulled away from his teeth and a slow pulse of black seemed to bead across his vision, starting to edge slowly in from the outer corner of his eye in a swelling morass of inky blobs that danced across the surface of his sclera while shoulders remained stiff with nothing short of sheer and unadulterated rage. How dare she. How dare this ignorant child ask him if they could ever become friends.
                 He was not whole. He would never again be whole, not with what she had done. Aizen knew Gin.
                 He knew that this would never have been something that would be agreed to by the man he had called his partner. He knew that there was nothing that would ever make this right.
                 Of course, that had been fate writ into stone from the first time he'd beheld that swaying revenant at her side. He would never forgive her. And they would never become friends. Aizen Sousuke was not a man who hated easily --- it might have surprised many to know that, but he did not. Urahara Kisuke had been all but the sole source of his enmity, along with the Soul King. And now a third person was contained in that bubble of his animosity. She sat there, this Quincy, in that spot in his heart. He felt nothing for her beyond sheer contempt and raw rage. He felt nothing for her beyond those emotions and thusly would Giselle Gewelle ever be contained in that tangled mass of hatred from him.
                 She dared ask him to be friends?
                 She was a fool.
                 HIs hands sought to grip tighter if she hadn't been fast enough. She could never be fast enough.
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                 ❝ All that I want from you is him. Nothing more. Nothing less. Friendship will never be between us. ❞
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keikakudori · 2 years
A smile knife-thin & just as sharp. So this was the infamous man he’d heard so much about! “I was expecting more from you. Your own soldier’s blood stains these lands & what have you to show for it? A decaying palace? A wasteland?” The Quincy gave a deep, mocking laugh. “How disappointing.”
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there are few things in the world which can ever truly seem to get beneath the skin of aizen sousuke but one of those things has ever and always been rudeness. here in these ivory sands, regarding the remains of las noches -- this realm is his. here he was god-king, leader of the espada, the predator prime amongst those who were themselves predators in turn. here, in a land of numerous hollow, three shinigami had taken their time -- and they had ruled. here, in a realm where numerical superiority could have overwhelmed even their power, their vast reserves -- here was where aizen sousuke had laid claim to the hollow and to the land alike. had they never questioned it, questioned how three shinigami could live and thrive amongst their dark inversions? he doubted anyone had, but true -- it was not the first time that he had ever found himself underestimated either. very well then. it was not so unusual to have that happen --- especially not from a quincy. yet how that brown eye narrowed slightly, lips uncovered pressing together into a thinned line of pink while he studied the unknown man. quincy -- the scent of his reiatsu told aizen that much, the cloying dry taste somehow chalky and bitter on his tongue. ishida uryu had not been scented like this; his had been something pleasant, fragrant. the quincy standing before him did not have that same resonance to the scent and taste of his power. strange. subtle differences, but it would have been akin to trying to describe differences in texture or variations in color to someone who was sense-blind in some regard or fashion. an innate thing, something he had spoken of to his right hand before, and how he yearned for that taste of cold citrus and chilled fog. he missed it. and he was, truthfully, keeping his silence whilst he regarded the man who stood there, dressed all in white. he had worn white, once -- white upon white with black trim. a choice deliberate. here he saw accents of gold and more. ❝ and what does it matter to a quincy? ❞ the suddenness of that rich baritone might be shocking after the stillness of the black-clad form and the silence which he had offered up until now. ❝ i find it strange that your kind would come here, after all. the palace still stands and there is more life here than you could ever appreciate. ❞ where was hallibel--? he had not slain her and he was certain that once inoue orihime had been returned to karakura town, she would have helped those she could and hallibel had likely been amongst them. he had discarded his tres -- but he had not broken her. ❝ these lands are not yours to touch, bowman, nor yours to claim. this realm was mine before and it is mine now. the arrancar, las noches -- they belong to me. ❞ god-king he had been and the hollow his subjects, his throne a thing of blocky basalt and he had usurped one who had ruled here before. aizen did not move, but shimmering particles of white sand seemed to vibrate and rub against one another though there was no wind, a whispering rushing hiss of noise that was spreading outwards from the man who had once been but shinigami. no more, though -- no more. the air was curling thick around them both, a palpable MENACE STARTING TO SNARL UPON THE DOME OF THE ATMOSPHERE. there was a difference to that reiatsu -- a coldness which yawned like the pelagic zone of the oceans, the abyssal darkness where pressures untold could crush a man between two beats of his heart. shinigami he had once been -- and now? what was aizen sousuke now? ❝ i do not appreciate rude tongues nor mocking graces. it seems that no one has ever dared to teach you manners. perhaps i shall take it upon myself to rectify that. ❞
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keikakudori · 2 years
❝if ya beg real pretty, i might just be inclined to forgive you. gotta make it worth my time though.❞
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those words are enough to draw the attention of the traitor, head turning aside to bring that visible eye upon the figure of the man who he once named captain. he still names him captain -- a distance. a strange respect. a way of pushing hirako shinji out to arm's length as much as the man ever did to him. a hundred years and more and there is nothing but anger stirring up now at the words which are twisted at him, anger for the words of begging. he remembers begging, of course, being on his knees with long fingers in his hair, digging through the heavy locks of brown with glasses askew, lips parting around the words. he remembers it so easily. and now? NOW the older man speaks of him begging real pretty and how he might be inclined to forgive him -- the fury which swelled up in the man who was known now as a traitor was profound as that eye sharpened, blazed bright, then brighter still.
he wanted aizen to beg, did he? there was no warning as the air suddenly grew dense with a snarling of POWER, the violet overtones warping it and how EASY IT WAS TO HURL THE WEIGHT OF DISPLEASURE AT THE MAN WHOSE VERY SOUL HE HAD BROKEN. a hundred years had left it to fester within him, a germinating seed of resentment that had not found satisfaction on that night when the lanky blonde had been left sprawled in the mud. it had not been satisfied even on that bright winter day, when the edge of his blade had cut across shinji's back and left blood fountaining into the air. HAD IT SCARRED HIM? DID HE EVEN NOW CARRY A SHRED OF AIZEN'S POWER IN HIS SKIN? perhaps it was petty to hope the answer was yes. but more than that was the weight of his displeasure, a hot and vicious thing which was left to slam in weighty fashion upon shinji's shoulders, heavy and sudden enough to force those thin legs to buckle and bend until his knees were to collide with the ground beneath their feet as aizen seethed at him, stepping forward. there was no blade in his hand now, no bright shining steel catching the gleam of moonlight as he stared down at the older man in an echo of a dark autumn night from so long ago, trailed by his hound, shadowed by his viper. it was merely him now in the cold light of this day, standing there amidst ruins and rubble, his power seething so intently in the air that shinji might find himself face down upon the terrain before aizen in these moments, weight threatening to crush that skinny chest of his, to squeeze his lungs of all air. he had made grimmjow kneel for him. this was no different and it was far less restrained. ❝ you want me to beg for your forgiveness, HIRAKO-TAICHOU? ❞ step by dreadful step, aizen closed the distance between the prone form and himself, uncaring of the debris strewn underfoot. hirako shinji demanded forgiveness for what had happened. forgiveness for breaking him? forgiveness for what had happened to hiyori? forgiveness for the betrayal? only the knowledge that he was likely to corrode the older man's flesh with his power kept aizen from seizing a handful of hair, yet with their proximity to one another so close now, it was likely that shinji was left to feel the heat of that raw power rolling across his skin. did it hurt? did it burn? demanding that he beg and to beg pretty for him once more--- ❝ if it were not for the fact that the quincy take precedence in this moment, i think i would show you exactly what i think of this demand of yours towards me. ❞ had aizen ever sounded so FERAL whilst speaking to the blonde before now? had he ever sounded so feral, period, during their long time together as captain and lieutenant? no. he had ever been polite and well-spoken, diligently carrying out his duties and never batting an eye at them. he had done so much for this man and now, now, it was demanded that he beg pretty for forgiveness--- how fucking absurd. the suddenness of his hand racing down to grasp a handful of hair and he was hurling shinji away with a feral snarl of noise would probably come as a shock, no less so than the vaizard being left to careen through a few walls that got in his way from the sheer might of the power inherent in that motion. he had already been powerful on that day during the winter war. now, here, encased in the bindings of Muken and with the vast majority of his power still sealed until but a small rivulet was available to him--? HE WAS STRONGER. BUT HAD HE NOT JUST DESTROYED THOSE CREATURES SPAWNED BY YHWACH WITH A CHANTLESS KUROHITSUGI? HAD HE NOT JUST OBLITERATED ALL THE RUBBLE NEAR THE LABORATORY? HE WAS STRONGER NOW THAN HE WAS BEFORE, EVEN SEALED, EVEN BOUND. terrifying, that anger. fearsome, that power. ❝ go fucking train a dog if you want to have some begging in your life. i will never beg for you ever again. ❞
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keikakudori · 2 years
post prior.
                a glorious look that some might have said about the gaze that aizen sousuke was leveling upon the pair before him -- for that eye was wide, that gaze was intense. a startled thing he appeared, unsure and uncertain of the world around him suddenly and left bereft of color and sound and life. but it was not something that would ever be a prolonged sentiment for a man such as him. for all that he was a divine beast, for all that aizen sousuke had come to reign over the halls of las noches and had become something truly dangerous, turned immortal from the piercing of that heart and more --- 
                curse or blessing, geas or benediction -- perhaps both at once for it had been by that blade of silver that he had been cut down and left tumbling from the great height which he'd risen to. arrogance, foolishness, stupidity -- all had been his folly when it had happened. and here, now, this was the locus of his own actions and hubris. this was proof of the work of years upon years culminated into the truest display of his own stupidity. of his own loss. and shock hung there in him, in his soul, hovering like a wound that had not verged near upon healing; there was no scar tissue to be found there for he was a thing made of blood and grief. how he BLED even now. how he agonized over it. and now this --- this QUINCY had somehow found gin, had found --- HOW? the thought ran through his head, hovered there, shuddered through him. HOW HAD THIS OUTSIDER FOUND GIN? HOW HAD THIS HAPPENED?
                the color of that skin -- it was wrong. the way gin was holding himself -- more. more more more --- signs that something was WRONG. how they screamed at him, those subtle things -- but there too was the command and the air was snarling. it was thickening. for all that the pale reiatsu of the younger shinigami slammed at aizen, he had grown considerably in the two years hence from that day. for all of that power -- for all of that weight -- 
                DON'T LET HIM HURT ME --- 
                a command? it seemed so. beneath the numbness, beneath that pain --- anger. anger was rising. it was blooming, it was surging upwards. what had happened was all, yes -- a flash. a blink of an eye a breath of air the beat of a heart --- A FLASH OF ENERGY AND POWER.                 the words had rolled from gin's mouth --- BANKAI, KAMISHINI NO YARI.
                powerful, precise -- how he had ever enjoyed watching gin's hand moving, sweeping across the canvas of what dwelt before them both, cutting down enemies like they were stalks of wheat to collect the chaff. such was how he knew the power of that blade, knowing that if he leaned in close enough, perhaps shinso would be hissing. for the first time in two years, however, he felt a stirring from ---
                a jolting thrust against his body, an impact; there and gone again and the concussive clap of the sonic boom would've been enough to tell him, even without the flash of pain through his torso from where the blade had plunged in and exited. the blood which flowed into the air like a crimson serpent in the wake of the wakizashi's exit was a threading of sorts, a reminder of a string that he had thought cut to be forever severed. but did not the saying proclaim that it could knot and tangle yet never be cut, never be broken? perhaps this was proof of that. yet how the pain was there, catching up with what had happened, aizen feeling the force of that strike. his raikoho had not landed, though how he had wanted it too, and even before he could begin to move and rush in in its wake, the blade was punching through the surface of his chest and out that broad back --- 
                a ribbon of blood in the air.
                a thread that tied them together.
                it was but something caught by a flash of brilliance upon the blade, red staining it, and already he had been moving even when the blade was rotated in that hand, aimed --- a FLASH. 
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                black fluttered down towards the earth below, the band which had curled over his head drifting like a flurry of ash to settle gently upon the earth whilst the dark-haired traitor stood as if transfixed as shinso's blade cut through his HEAD. the black was left to drape and slip to conceal pieces of rubble. there seemed to be no sound. only when the blade was gone did aizen collapse as if he were empty garments falling from a hanger, crumpling into a heap of black bindings and limbs. 
                how abruptly the power in the air, cut off and no longer present. so it was he was left to lay there, sprawled, a heap even as the wound cutting through his head leaked blood and clear fluids alike, the wet red mouth of it gaping as if inviting a touch, a finger, a probing; gone was the eye of brown, burst and wounded into nothing but gelatinous aftermath that leaked across the skin of the god and an unseeing depth of violet upon crystalline silver gazed towards the heavens overhead. the monstrous beast laid there and he did not move, did not make any motion whatsoever. 
                --- felled. he had been felled. ah, how swiftly it had cut him, that lance of silver. 
/ @godkilller & @zombiigrl
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