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hanafubukki · 3 months
I don't like poly relationships, but I just thought of all the diasomnia boys being after you? Not poly, but it's each one of them wanting them for yourself but also talking to each other about how lovely you are and how much they love you? And because they're found family, they are okay with sharing you? Being attacked by all four at once- Silver and Lilia at your front and Malleus and Sebek behind you. Malleus is sucking on your neck, Sebek's touching you down there. Silver is kissing you and Lilia's busy with your titties. They aren't working together here, they are fighting for you to be most affected by them, that the moan you just released was because of HIM.
Hello Anonie 🌸🌺🌷
You know when I first read this ask my emotions went through these reactions:
Me: This sounds cute! 💕💚
Me, at the end: *slams phone down and bursts into laughter*
I was giggling and laughing so thank you for that ☺️💞💞 reading this still makes me laugh and flustered
Usually when I write poly, it’s more reader focused and not the characters with each other. (Though my ot3 with dawn x reader x lilia has me wanting to go in that direction a bit but keeping it vague for the readers lolol for their comfort and how they want their own version to go)
So more harem? Than poly?? But technically that can change. Anyways I’m rambling lolol
We love good communication in this household and we also love competition in the name of love 💞💞
In this scenario I see nothing but the reader/you winning 💚💚🌺🌺
That competition and dedication for your love?? Chef kiss 💞💞💚💚
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muzzleroars · 11 months
Imagine a slightly scared Virtue trying to pspspspsps V1 with a hand(wing?) full of blood like it was a stray cat.
(see this!)
the fear of being bitten somehow doesn't dissipate when you're a divine being AND the guy you're giving a treat to doesn't even have a mouth
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stellamancer · 8 months
for the love of god, please don't perceive me.
barely proofread. established relationship. written with infinite loop!verse reader in mind, but can be read stand alone, especially i because i think they'd hate to be perceived too.
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You roll over, turning your back to Gojo. He whines out your name but you ignore him. Dumb pricks like him do not get attention at bedtime.
Doesn't stop him from trying though.
He whimpers like a kicked puppy but you remain steadfast. You're used to these tactics of his— you can ignore them. Gojo should realize that too.
And he does, because he changes them.
You feel him scooch closer to you, the warmth rippling off his body calling to you like a siren song. It's hard, but you do not lean into him; you won't give him the satisfaction.
Then you realize Gojo has gone silent and in your experience that is never a good sign. You don't say anything. You don't budge.
Everything is completely still.
And then it's not.
Your entire body tenses up when you feel Gojo's hand at your back, sliding your shirt up as high as your stillness will allow. He cannot seriously be—
The bed groans as Gojo moves closer, his hand keeping your shirt secure as he approaches you. A shiver wracks your entire body when you feel the searing heat of his lips against your skin. You try not to move, try not to show that his actions are having an immediate effect.
He pulls away for a split second before going for another one, kissing a spot just beneath the first one. Gojo's other hand finds your waist, his fingers gripping you tightly, almost desperately, as he presses his mouth to your skin again.
With each kiss he moves lower and lower and lower still.
Your heart is beating wildly in your chest. It's so hard to stay still, but you must, you must, you must.
And then Gojo's mouth kisses the band of your pajama bottoms. He drags the hand on your waist down to your hip, fingertips dancing over the section of skin just above your pants. He traces the edge of them, before his fingers slide under to—
You can't take it any more.
You start to roll away but he's faster, grabbing you and flipping you around so that you're facing him. Gojo's legs tangle around yours as he yanks you close, arms winding around your form, trapping you in.
"Dammit!" you hiss.
"Got you now!" he gloats, cheeky, every bit of sensuality abandoned and thrown to the wayside now that he’s got you in his grasp.
Defiant, you flail around, trying to free yourself but it only results in Gojo's grip going tighter and eventually you give up and go completely still as if that'll get him to loosen his grip.
It doesn't.
"...so, how long are you gonna play dead for?" Gojo finally asks. He sounds amused, but there's something else in his tone— faint but enough to put you on edge. There's no doubt that he's planning something.
You don't want to, but you should say something; who knows what Gojo will do if you don't. Intent on feeding him some smart-ass remark, you tilt your head up only to find you've played right into his hands.
As soon as you move, so does Gojo, closing the distance between you to press his forehead to yours, angled so his lips are just hovering over yours.
You freeze. Gojo's breath is sweet, almost intoxicating, and suddenly you are at war with yourself. Instinct bids you move in closer, hungry and desperate for a taste of him, but your mind keeps you still, knowing that he's insatiable. You'd be going for just a taste but he would be consuming you whole.
"You alive in there?" he murmurs and the phantom touch of his lips makes it hard to focus. "Or do you need me to bring you back to the land of the living?"
Yes. No. Both words, both answers duke it out on the tip of your tongue and you don't know which one will come out on top.
Does it even matter? You know the real winner here will be Satoru Gojo like always.
The thought of it burns you a little. You hate letting him win and that's enough to give one side the edge it needs. "No."
He chuckles and you can tell he's not surprised in the slightest. "Oh yeah? Prove it."
You know what he's trying to get you to do, in fact he couldn't be more obvious. Truthfully, there's a part of you that wants it too—to feel his lips on yours, on you, breaths mingling as you grasp at him, fingers tangling in his hair while he tugs at your clothes, desperate for as much skin on skin contact as possible.
But there's another part of you that wants to deny him. It's the force of habit, really, the denial almost ingrained in your soul, hard-written into your body like your cursed technique. There's no reason to deny him anymore, not when you've become intimate like this and yet…
You cannot help it.
You wish you could take a third option.
(You wish you were more honest.)
There's little else you can do like this, angled and positioned for the kiss that Gojo has cornered you into. You feel his lips shift as he exhales, as if his grin is widening, as if he knows that you're realizing how inevitable the kiss is. That makes you only want to fight it more.
You just don’t know how.
“You know,” Gojo murmurs after a couple moments of silence and inaction on your part. “You’re not doing a good job at proving that you don’t need me to give you the kiss of life.”
“Shut up,” you grumble. “The fact that I’m responding should be enough for you.”
Gojo hums, making it look like he’s considering what you’ve said. You know better though, especially when he says, “...nah.”
“You are so…” you trail off as Gojo moves impossibly closer, his lips are feather light against yours and any normal person would probably consider this a kiss.
Not Gojo, though.
"So… what?" he probes. "Cool? Awesome? Irresistible?"
"None of the above."
Gojo’s arms and hands shift, his grip clearly loosening. For a split second, you consider taking the chance to see if you can free yourself from him, but you’re no fool; you know better— this is just preemptive positioning for whatever he has planned.
This is checkmate, then.
Gojo chuckles and you wonder if maybe he can read your mind as he says, his mouth hot on yours, voice a low timbre that stirs something deep in the pit of your stomach, “Guess I better prove it then.”
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liquidstar · 5 months
Okay now AFTER you pick, click the readmore to see if you got the coin (good luck for this year!)
1. ❌
2. ❌
3. ❌
4. ❌
5. ❌
6. ❌
7. 🪙!!!
8. ❌
9. ❌
10. ❌
11. ❌
12. ❌
Congratulations to everyone who picked 7, you have good luck this year! Of course this is just a fun little traditional game so don't take it too seriously. Even if you didn't win the coin you still got cake!
Kali Xronia!
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housewifebuck · 1 year
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auriidae · 7 months
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you guys may not know this about me but i'm super normal abt ethubs. anyway here's some doodles of them that get increasingly more deranged
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serenescribe · 7 months
I'm happy that the reverse containment breach au was received well! So I figured why not give the people a taste of the original reverse CB? (or maybe to them its reverse reverse CB? lol) Subject Lilia cannot sleep due to horrible substitutions to his usual diet and so- in a fit of desperation one night- uses what little power he has to force whoever is on night watch to come to his enclosure. However... he won't believe who wanders in ;)
[✐] ficlet frenzy
When the door slides open, Lilia licks his lips, his trademark grin splitting his face. The remnants of his lingering powers had worked, just enough strength left to coax whichever poor soul was on the night shift to open the door and step inside. Now, all they have to do is come on over and allow Lilia to feed from them, granting him enough strength to break out of here and find his—
Lilia looks up, and immediately freezes.
“Little one,” he breathes, the nickname tumbling from his tongue at once.
Silver stands in the doorway, swaying slightly, one hand wrapped around the jamb. His eyes are glazed over, dulled under the thrall of Lilia’s influence. For what feels like an eternity, Lilia merely stares, his eyes blown wide, and it isn’t until Silver begins to stagger over that he snaps out of his stupor.
“Come, come,” he coaxes, and his dearest boy does. Silver stumbles over, drops to his knees — oh, how much taller he is! How long has it been since Lilia last saw his beloved child? Not since he was eleven cycles, not since that fateful day, and, at Lilia’s wave of a hand, Silver collapses into his lap. There, he lays limply, eyes fluttering the slightest bit as Lilia rakes his blunted nails through his hair — and Lilia cannot help the way his face contorts at the sight of platinum blond locks, the lingering bits of silver only evident in the tips of his son’s hair. Silver has not had his father’s blood in him for a long time — long enough that his natural roots have come in, and it only serves to make Lilia recoil at the knowledge that they have been separated for far too long.
Well, he thinks, as he raises his other hand to his mouth, baring his fangs. That will simply have to be fixed.
With his sharp teeth, Lilia slices a jagged cut right down his palm. Candy red blood oozes out, thick like honey, and Lilia wrinkles his nose at it. His blood has taken on a thicker viscosity, it seems; being deprived of his natural food sources will do that to him. Still, he cannot afford to be picky. As he presses his palm towards Silver, he urges him to drink — and Silver, obedient and compliant under Lilia’s shaky hold, obliges.
As Silver laps at the blood and it enters his system…
A shudder ripples right through Lilia, a dormant sense stirring awake.
It has been so long since he’s been able to sense this — their emotional bond, forged anew, Lilia able to sense every little bit of emotion that his dearest child feels. It settles within his chest like a second heart, their souls intertwined, and Lilia cannot help but preen at the sight of silver streaks running through blond hair, his natural colour returning to its rightful place.
And as for what Lilia is able to see, parsing through hazy memories and scattered emotions…
“Oh, little one,” he murmurs, leaning over Silver and pulling him closer, wrapping his arms around his dearest child — no longer young, but forever his. “What have they put you through? You should never have gone through such dismal suffering.”
He stops and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. “But you are here now,” Lilia says, a certainty entering his words. “And here you will stay.
“Your father shall not let them separate us again.”
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zeherili-ankhein · 18 days
Shinchan: *is carrying all the groceries*
Tamiko: *holds out hand to help*
Shinchan: *agressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold Tamiko's hand*
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hanafubukki · 6 months
Wedding Night thoughts with Lilia Vanrouge:
Lilia calling you “sweetheart” in one breath and then in the next, “I’m going to ruin you in the best way possible. I hope you’re ready love.”
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victimized-martyr · 1 month
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In hindsight i don’t know why I took the picture of the sign in the bathroom but here u go
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puddlejumper38 · 7 months
Finally reading secret project 4 and coming across my one fatal flaw when reading cosmere books: if scadrial is mentioned even slightly the gremlins rise up in my brain screaming What If Marsh Appears.
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neorukixart · 1 year
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Digimon Survive Week 2023 Day One: Red Spider Lilies
Something for @surviveweek but with my own twist using the Sakuyamon Warrior Mode I designed specifically for Miyuki because I’m in the “Miyuki just wanted to be a normal girl” squad and thought she could be more “feral” instead of going the Miko road :3c
To be honest, I was just going to do this illust for being self indulgent but once I saw the prompt for day 1 decided to use it for it instead :D
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kirafesmaichuu · 7 days
dunmeshi fandom is super nice as far as ive seen but idk if its just me but ive been having issues with untagged mature content...? at least here on tumblr. like i dont mean just nudity because i genuinely believe that its a form of art, but i mean works with sexual material. they arent just silly jokes like "haha boobs haha dick", but explicit depictions of sexual acts. its fine if you wanna do that content but please tag it properly, tags exist for a reason. take this as a note for fandoms in general, not only the one i mentioned. remember that wherever you like it or not, there's minors in the internet and in tumblr since its not a +18 social media, so the lack of proper tagging can lead to exposing minors to content they shouldn't interact with.
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leqsr · 1 year
Just purchased some items 😎
@pinetreevillain s shop is, , , , !!! 👍
Gosh I fuckin lo w his art style and timothy, , ,, my beloved <333
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balaclava-marks · 11 months
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mick dot exe has stopped functioning
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serenescribe · 7 months
Hello hello~ I was wondering if you like zombie apocalypse AU’s? If so, Because my request for you is a non Twst zombie apocalypse!
Lilia and Silver become separated and try to find each other with the odds stacked against them- with their respective parties trying to instill the realistic idea that their father/son is likely dead, but when they find a sign of the other, they have hope.
[✐] ficlet frenzy
Four years ago, a mysterious outbreak swept the world by storm. Countless people had, seemingly out of nowhere, become stricken by a strange disease, one that clogged their minds with a vile, ink-like substance that had come to be known as “blot.” A zombie apocalypse, the news reporters called it, the infection rendering people mindless, shambling monsters. It was a topic that was once restricted to the realm of fiction, except now, it was their reality.
Over the course of mere months, the world collapsed in on itself. Countless people died, succumbing to the illness — those who merely passed away were considered lucky, for a sizable number of them wound up reanimated by the blot, groaning as they shambled around with the purposes of finding others to attack.
Silver had been lucky that his father was such a capable man. For the first several months, the two of them had taken refuge in a bunker Silver hadn’t even known they’d had, keeping each other company, their only source of news coming from a crackly radio. It wasn’t until they’d begun running out of food rations that they were forced to leave the safety of their shelter, venturing out into the wild as well-equipped as possible, searching for any supplies and signs of civilization.
They’d stuck together for a year. One year of surviving together, working in tandem, until a horrific ambush at a seemingly abandoned building, zombies suddenly storming the lobby, split them apart.
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“My father isn’t dead.”
That is the truth that Silver stubbornly lives by, refusing to relent on this vicious belief no matter how hard any of his fellow survivors try to tell him otherwise. The only person who remotely believes him is Kalim; everyone else looks at him with scepticism when they hear his insistent words. Riddle simply frowns, while Jamil heaves a sigh, and the twins look at him with a mocking pity in their eyes. Even Idia, when he bothers to tear himself away from tending to his younger brother’s haphazard prosthetics, mutters something about hopeless optimism.
But it’s true: Silver’s father cannot be dead. Silver knows this in his heart and soul; his father is too strong, too prepared, too important to die. Even though the last Silver saw of him was him firing off at a swarm of zombies as he yelled at Silver to run, faced down with a seemingly hopeless fate, he knows that his father has to be alive somewhere.
He’s kept his eyes and ears out for any hint of his father’s existence since then, but to no avail. Silver can only sigh as he helps to pack up their supplies as they head off for a location Idia received from his mysterious partner — a man he communicates remotely with through morse code signals, technology utterly jammed in this wretched apocalypse.
Silver hopes that he’ll find something today, any trace at all that his father is alive.
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“My son is not dead!”
Lilia snarls those words whenever someone tries to warn him against clinging to hope. The practice of optimism is a dangerous affair during the volatility of a zombie apocalypse, but though Lilia exercises a cautious pessimism with everything else, this is the only thing he refuses to back down on.
He knows Silver is alive. He has to be. Lilia had told him to run when the zombies broke in and began to swarm the two of them — Better him alive than me, he’d thought back then as he turned back to the screeching mob and began to gun them down. The swarm had been burnt to a crisp before he’d finished, courtesy of those who found him, a group that had saved his life in exchange for his services and supplies.
Lilia knows nobody believes him. Fools, the lot of them! Still, none of them can complain considering how versatile of a survivor Lilia is; he knows that those in his group value his skills, especially given his ability to trade morse code messages with another distant group of survivors, trading little bits of information about safe spots and supplies. Azul is hard pressed to give up such precious details, but Lilia can’t give a single shit about profit when the world’s ended and everyone’s dead or worse.
He finishes off the last bits of a message before he joins the others — Azul grumbling about all they have to leave behind, while the youngsters, a group of five, give the money-minded man the stink eye. Vil chats with Rook about where they shall head next, and Malleus dips his head at Lilia as he joins them.
Lilia hopes that he’ll find something today, any trace at all that his son is alive.
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Silver sees it when they arrive at the safehouse. He finds it when he’s cleaning up, searching around for any supplies they can store: a tiny little container that makes his heart leap from the familiarity of it, the colours and gilded edges catching his eyes in the dust-covered haze of the apocalypse.
And within it—
(His breathing stutters to a stop, heart catching in his throat as a well of hope springs up within his chest, bursting anew.)
A rotting acorn bracelet is nestled inside.
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