#<- just in case because of the bg eyes
cryptic-bee · 1 year
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haunted by a past that isn't your own
hiiii im shoving my ocs in your faces again look at my baby she is here now
closeups/flat heehoo
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noirrelite · 8 months
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The many ways I've drawn Sierra's eyes since Feb 2022, in rough chronological order (oldest to newest)
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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u guys wanna see more WIPs... similar to the last post, here are Some WIPs
all of these were started in sai before going on to procreate. before going back to sai again in the case of the strength card
so Blue Sky/Out Of Time... yeah it’s extremely self-explanatory, it’s very obvious what this scene depicts and i’m sure everyone gets it (this is a joke i’ve had multiple people dm me asking wtf this even is). the one element that absolutely NEEDED to be there was the LED digital clock with a bullshit time on it, and i decided to replace it with an AIRE warning sign instead and put the LED readouts in the bg. the warning sign in this setting serves the purpose of informing ppl when there are hostile faeries around. i knew what the colours would be from the beginning, but it took a bit for me to realise what sort of shading style i wanted (it took forever). but i did know i wanted to contrast the very sketchy black void against the cleaner and almost cartoony/comic book style rest of the drawing, to emphasise the fact that the foreground sky and background void are made of two very different things. again i used a colour shifting brush to quickly make all the shards of sky different colours, but originally i planned to have some of the shards be dark or night time (with stars or the moon etc). unfortunately it didn’t work, it was too dark and pascal got lost against it.
My Eyes Are Up Here is pretty obviously the exact same scene with the same character, in the same field, but with a different sort of atmosphere. i sketched this in sai then did the final in procreate. originally it was going to have a black background
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i really like this version tbh but the blue works better. i think he looks good against dark backgrounds where it’s kind of hard to see wtf is even happening there
so about the neon signs..... i’m well aware that the sketch has way more promise than what the final ultimately was, and that’s because i found that i didn’t have the technical or artistic ability to pull off the complex neon signs like i wanted to. i couldn’t get it looking good enough so i had to scrap them. but these signs will be back, i want to draw them properly and do them justice. the gif was unplanned too but i thought it would be fun to have the flicker be very intermittent so that if you scrolled past it you might not even realise, or you’d have to stick with it just to catch it looping. i used GIMP to make the gif and change the frame rate, and this actually took a very long time because i had to preview it over and over. anyway if you WERE to get lost in the púca’s field, in this story, you would see neon signs like this encouraging you to follow them.
Strength is actually the last drawing i ever made that ended with a paint-over in sai, and the oldest drawing here. as such i actually don’t think it’s representative of my current ability but i do have a soft spot for it for sentimental reasons lol. the reason for the paint-over in sai was because i drew this at a time when i still did not trust procreate to be able to place the level of finish on it that i wanted
the background took me a thousand years to figure out. literally it was so annoying that i considered scrapping it for something simpler. but the idea was for it to be a kind of fairytale-ish lost in the woods sort of look while also appearing like the blood vessels around the human heart. the branches were also supposed to be heart-shaped in cross-section but i spent so long zoomed in painting them that i forgot to zoom out to see if all those fine details were actually visible, and it turned out they weren’t. i was disappointed that i couldn’t get félix’s tattoos to look right but that’s what i get for making a character with shit tons of both tattoos and body hair. i also got rid of the foreground branches really soon because they weren’t adding anything and muddied up the readability of his pose
the swan is from a daemon au and bears no relation to my other swan characters. i just like swans a lot
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iraprince · 1 year
TIME FOR A PROCESS POST let's talk abt getting from this (client sketch - which, btw, i know other artists have talked about this plenty, but i LOOOOOOVE a client sketch as early direction on a commission. LOVE it)
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to this!
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at first we didn't know if the title was going to go across the desk, or over the central figure (emara's) head against the back wall. so there was a 1st version where we were favoring a higher title, then we started favoring the desk so we scrapped the clutter + centered it more
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i used clip studio's 3D models (particularly for the chair, guard, + weapon crates) and perspective rulers to help with laying everything out at this stage, tho i abandoned the 3D pretty early on bc it's a bit too clunky for me. maybe i'll find it quicker to use w more practice!
(the rest under the cut!)
once the basic layout was approved, i threw together a value study to explain how in the final image all the clutter of the bg detail would be unified and pushed back. lately i find myself thinking abt value earlier + earlier in the process; planning ahead saves me a lot of time!
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i fiddled with starting to refine things digitally, but then i got A BRAND NEW LIGHTBOX delivered in the mail with perfect timing (lmao) so i just ended up printing off the digital sketch, finalizing in pencil, + scanning back in
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then comes five billion different steps of locking in values, again. i did everything greyscale first, but i didn't worry abt getting things super polished at this stage bc i knew color would factor in a lot to later decisions
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this is the point at which presenting these wips "step by step" is kind of misleading; i didn't do these stages one at a time, but rather had a BUNCH of different lighting/shading layers that i kept toggling on and off as i worked to make sure everything was coming along well.
(to get some of these caps i actually went into the main file again and turned a bunch of stuff on/off just for the sake of getting specific examples, because actually when i was actively working on it there was rarely a point where i was actually working on something with "all lighting turned off and just the shading on," or anything like that; but i AM interested in showing what effects different lighting/shading changes had on the base colors, even if i wasn't really making these changes in a rigid order.)
i.e., just for the sake of interest, here's how the flat colors look without those adjustments!! but i honestly never looked at it like this on its own for long...i had all the shading/lighting turned off so i could see what i was doing while flatting, but i was constantly checking back and forth.
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then tones added on top (which were actually just two copies of the tone folders in the above posts, set to linear burn and overlay) -
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which makes it get HORRIFYINGLY dark, but that's when we go in and add a bunch of lighting adjustments.
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the most obvious lighting change above is the big burst of hot pink light from the corner, but there was also some masked overlay + burn layers to pop out the guard + emara and make sure they were pulled out from the bg. if this were a standalone illustration, i maybe would have let the bg (and all that painstakingly drawn detail..........) stand out a little more, but a cover functions differently, and i wanted to make sure the eye goes to the title first. that means sacrificing bg detail even if it looks sick lol
then final touches! a lot of my very last touches are things that are close to invisible; gradient maps on very low opacity, noise, a little bit of scribbling on upper layers. the typesetting was all by the client, except for the lettering for "emara king's," which i did myself!
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finally, here's a comparison of ⬅where i left off one night close to the deadline thinking "it's probably done, but i'll sleep on it just in case," then all the adjustments i made the next day with fresh eyes.➡ and that's it!!! phew!!! that's how i make a cover!
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iztea · 5 months
How do you get the ideas for your backgrounds?
mmm ideas.... sometimes i draw the background directly from a photo reference (the happy case) so there's not a lot for me to change and i can have a rather peaceful painting process
othertimes, the BG is tied to the subject/concept/scene I'm thinking of, so it only makes sense that i have that as the background
for example, for this fem skk art, i knew i wanted to have chuu kneeling in a crater after destroying a city so drawing that background was just a logical follow-up because i already had the entire idea in mind
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Here, I wanted to have Akiangel sit on a building, watching over the city. The ominous sign with "the day of salvation" and crow came later after I found this picture on Pinterest, so they helped further develop the concept, but the main idea was there and so on
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The third background option happens when my painting doesn't depict a certain irl scene or landscape, nor do i have any particular references i can use. In that situation, I first and foremost think about the general composition, the shapes, how they flow with each other, how I can tie them to my main theme and what sort of symbolism or little easter eggs i can throw in there just to keep it fresh and interesting for the viewer ( aka the person reading this aha ;;) :-* )
For this piece, i started with a big circle for the background, and then I started breaking it up in pleasing, cloud-like shapes and swirls that constantly keep your eye moving around the picture (i mean hopefully lol). The composition was inspired by a) Dazai's Mayoi card ofc, that trad Eastern illustration style with the circle and then branches of trees, and also .. kazuha's splash art ok i admit it bshsj
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for this one, the roses came much, much later. Again, I added that sort of golden arcade to better frame the focal point or the main subject of the scene which was ofc her face and/or outfit. Then, since it still felt rather empty, awkward, and directionless, I tried finding a pleasing, spiral line that would compliment the already existing shapes and that would, again, move your eye all around the composition. I figured since her outfit already had those small roses stuffed in her belt, those curvy lines could become some bloody, spikey roses and boom! here are the theme and elements for you: blacks-roses-blood-deadly-sharp-gold etc. I then had her crush some of those roses in her right (ik it's the left hand shut up) hand to balance out the busier left side
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and a last example, sometimes I draw multiple character poses in one piece and they sort of become my background. Yet I still have some blank spaces left so i gotta figure out a way to fill them out. Here, since the pose where he's all curled up was inspired by the TDIPUD light novel, i drew him as a "corpse" in a pool of blood, and contrasted it with some nice flowery-ish patterns and swirls that sort of come from within that bloody mess ( someone also mentioned it looks like a womb which I found very interesting as well ). The cats also helped fill out the space. On the left side, i added that swirly black sun that drips into three squares that gradually fill up with straight blackness and raindrops falling below inspired by the "a conviction that the sun will never rise again" line. I don't think I should go into detail with the symbolism cause it's pretty obvious and not that deep so i won't but yeah, and that's my BG all filled up!
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I do this with most of my BGs, it's mostly just abstract shapes; I'm very fixated on making the overall composition look okay and for the piece to send a message ( most of the time ), so i don't think of backgrounds as a separate entity, they are part of an already existing idea, generally speaking.
This kinda turned into a composition discussion midway......... sorry about that....... To be completely honest with you, I have plenty of BG ideas, they kinda just spawn in my brain so i'm not exactly lacking in that department. Having to draw them and finding refs is the hard part for me
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penofsteele · 7 months
Riddler Glasses Headcanons!
So I have been just nonstop thinking about Eddie and his glasses. As someone who wears glasses and either forgets to put them on or decides to just forego seeing for a while, it's really fun to picture Eddie in scenarios where he does vs doesn't have them on.
My first big thought is that reformed!Eddie would totally get a cool green high-tech mask from Bruce with his prescription in the lenses. (This goes along with my AU where Eddie continues to be "The Riddler" but he's working for Batman to kinda undermine Gotham's criminal underworld. I can make a post on that some other time.)
Secondly, I love the idea that Eddie wears that stupid green mask and just CANNOT see. Like anytime he's committing crimes he is going by shapes and shapes alone. When things come close he's like "cool I know what this is" but otherwise he cannot see. Hence, he relies on his goons to do a lot of the dirty work during heists and he prefers to take the spotlight and put on a show.
Thirdly and softly, I like the idea that Arkham does have glasses for when Eddie gets recaptured because Batman often brings him in with his glasses broken or missing, and he usually needs a new pair. (He will get SUPER irritable when he doesn't get them and the guards do not want to deal with an irritable Riddler.) Bonus points if Bruce is the one ordering them to make sure Eddie can see properly.
And finally my Riddlebat brain is insatiable, but I think it's funny if Eddie loses his glasses in the middle of a scheme or a fight and Batman just stops in his tracks and is like "here hold on" and gives them back so at least Eddie can see him coming.
Bonus: Unburied!Eddie losing his glasses and ending up at Wayne manor. Bruce has a pair that he keeps just in case bc Eddie shows up there a lot when he gets a bit roughed up after an escape. He gives them to Ed and Ed is like "why do you have glasses that are my exact prescription" and Bruce is like "you and Alfred have the same one?" and Alfred is just rolling his eyes in the bg.
Okay, that's all!
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nametakensff · 11 days
Relinquish Control (D/isco E/lysium, M/M)
Sooo I wrote 5.8k of sickly sweet K/im x H/arry whump following on from this fic (though you don't need to read it)
K/im inevitably catches J/ean's cold from H/arry, but ends up feeling a lot worse than anyone had bargained for. Caretaking ensues 💕
M/M, ongoing bg M/M/M, H/arry has a sneezing fetish, cold sneezes, spray, handkerchiefs, sneezing on someone's face, nose blows, mentions of mess (nothing graphic), contagion, fever, coughing, v whump heavy fic, lots of sappy feelings and caretaking, mentions of sex, mentions of erections because H/arry is insatiable
CW: Unintentional contagion with unintentional complications, K/im develops a chest infection, H/arry has a lot of self hatred, K/im has control issues, language mentioning animal death because J/ean is hyperbolic as fuck, all these men are emotionally damaged and immature in their own ways but trying their best anyway
NSFW - Minors DNI!
“I’m so, so sorry I got you sick.”
Harry gently pushed Kim’s sweaty hair back from his forehead, biting his lip in concern as the Lieutenant shivered at the contact. The fever had left his skin overly sensitised – even the slightest touch seemed to cause him discomfort.
“Harry, it’s okay. Honestly.”
Kim peered up at him, bleary eyes seeming especially bloodshot and vulnerable without the regular framing of his thick spectacles, mustering up a tiny smile that made Harry’s heart ache. This was all his fault. He’d fucked around with Jean when he was sick, he’d gotten himself sick, and then he’d gotten Kim sick. It had been as stupid as it had been wonderful, for the first couple of days. He’d taken a sick day and Kim had done the same, even though neither of them really needed it – they’d fucked within an inch of their lives and cuddled up with tea and tissues afterwards.
Of course getting the opportunity to indulge in such kinky, nasty, fantasy tier sex had been too good to be true. Harry was already on the mend, and Jean was almost entirely healthy – but Kim was another story altogether. Whether it was the recent stress of his transfer, the lingering physical and mental impact of the case in Martinaise, or plain old bad luck - what had been a simple, albeit nasty head cold for Jean and Harry was now shaping up to be a miserable chest infection for him.
Harry could feel his expression shifting into a countenance so pained he was grateful Kim’s eyesight was bad. He didn’t want to cry, but he felt so guilty and so useless in the moment it was feeling like an inevitability.
Apparently Kim’s eyesight wasn’t poor enough to misconstrue the pure misery etched onto Harry’s face – or he was already an expert at reading his supreme moodiness, like he had a built in barometer specifically attuned to Harry’s idiosyncrasies. He reached a weak hand out from under the veritable cocoon of bed sheets and squeezed his wrist.
“Harry. Really. It’s not your fault. I’ve been overdue something like this.”
His hand dropped limply back onto the bed. It was horrible, seeing Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi in such a state. To Harry, he was a knight in shining armour. He had seemed indestructible. He was beginning to see what Kim had meant about his putting people on pedestals, but all the same - Kim was strong, organised and composed. Harry just hadn’t been able to mentally picture him ever looking quite so unwell. ‘Weak’ and ‘Kim’ felt like antonyms.
Even if technically, yes, it wasn’t his fault Kim’s cold had worsened so dramatically, he’d still given it to him. He’d still reaped the benefits of all the sneezing, all the ground-shaking fetish sex Kim had indulged him in. He was itching to pour his heart out and lament about how truly awful he was, how irresponsible and insatiable he had been, but there was something else he was begrudgingly learning. People do not like to listen to overly self-indulgent, narcissistic proclamations of self-depreciation. Even for the ever-patient Kim, there were limits. He would not make this about him. He was trying to change.
And so, Harry merely swallowed back the guilt and the tears against the lump in his throat. He cupped Kim’s cheek in his palm, chest blossoming with warmth as Kim sighed and let his head loll sideways and into the contact.
“Do you need anything else? Seriously, is there anything more I can do for you? Just say the word and I’m on it.”
Kim was still burning hot to the touch, even after the assistance of a cool compress. It occurred to Harry that he was now seeking the relative coolness of his palm – which was worrying, considering Harry ran hot on a normal day, and his temperature was still a little elevated from his own lingering cold. At least his sneezing had stopped – he didn’t want to trigger Kim into more sneezes of his own, not with his throat as swollen and sore as it was. He never thought he wouldn’t want Kim to sneeze – at least not this early into their fumbling speed-run of a relationship. He wasn’t so delusional as to deny they didn’t still thrill him – he was a greedy, selfish man – but he could wait.
“Mm. No. I’m…fine.”
He wasn’t. They both knew he wasn’t, but Harry thought perhaps it occurred to Kim that admitting how poorly he actually was would be the final straw, the tipping point into relinquishing all control. And what could be more terrifying than that?
In the early stages of his cold, Lieutenant Kitsuragi had been sneezing and marginally lethargic – but, for all intents and purposes, not all that different from his regular self. When he’d started to feel worse - genuinely unwell - he had withdrawn. He’d been short with Harry in the office – he’d been short with everyone, his normal taciturn composure beginning to crack, and with it, his professionalism. Everyone had quickly given him a wide berth, which Harry could see he hated despite practically manufacturing the situation for himself in the first place. He’d called out sick on Friday, ignored Harry’s calls all weekend, and when Jean confirmed he’d called in sick a second time on Monday, Harry had been practically climbing the walls with anxiety.
Kim wasn’t answering his latest calls, every nervous one of them made hourly from his desk. The palpability of his anxiousness was concerning to both himself and everyone around him - he looked pathetic and desperate. He was pathetic and desperate. Jean kept casting him contemplative glances all morning before he eventually took pity on him.
“Go see if he’s okay. I’ll cover for you this afternoon.” He’d offered as he and Harry sat eating lunch in the communal kitchen.
Harry had looked up from where he’d been picking dejectedly at his sandwich, eyes round and glossy enough to put to shame any orphaned puppy.
“Really? Is that okay?”
“Listen, Shitkid. Life is a joke and as such, you're my superior officer. You don’t need my permission to check in on your boyfriend – a valuable member of our unit, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Harry smiled at him, delighting in the sheepish way Jean couldn’t quite maintain eye contact with him. He deduced that Jean was also feeling somewhat responsible for Kim’s misery - being patient zero, as it were.
“You’ll be alright? I’ll come back as fast as I can.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t bother. Just go.” Jean nodded. “I can’t watch you play with your food like that any longer. You look like a fucking box of kittens just got set on fire right in front of you.”
Harry jumped to his feet in an instant.
“You’re the fucking best, Vic.”
Jean halted him with a strong arm around his middle before he shot out of the room, forcing a soft ‘oof’ out of him.
“Take your sandwich with you. People who don’t obtain most of their calories from booze actually eat food instead.”
Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
“Rich coming from the depressed masochist subsisting off of coffee, cigarettes and the occasional chicken breast, but okay.”
Jean scoffed and rolled his eyes but otherwise didn't take the bait. Harry snatched his sandwich up from the table, feeling warm and grateful. His partner’s words were biting, but his concern for his well-being and the obvious pleasure he had in knowing that Harry was maintaining his sobriety were loud and clear - if you knew how to look past the guarded, gruff exterior. He waved at Jean as he hightailed it out of the joint, practically running the rest of the way to Kim’s apartment block.
Winded by his frantic ascension of the building’s winding staircase, he probably overdid it with the pounding on Kim’s door – no, he definitely did, on reflection. It was just that with the lack of immediate response following all those missed phone calls, his mind was conjuring up every worst-case scenario in the book. To say he was overwhelmed with relief when Kim finally started to open the door was an understatement.
He’d been grinning in gleeful anticipation at finally coming face to face with the Lieutenant, but his expression promptly fell as he took in the sight of Kim - shaking, sweating, miserably unwell. He looked as though he barely had the strength to stay upright, let alone pull open the door.
“Harry, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
If Kim looked bad, he sounded even worse. In fact, he sounded as though he’d been gargling with razor blades. Harry winced.
“Oh my god, Kim…”
Kim huffed out a little laugh, both amused and insulted by the naked dismay directed at his person. He opened his mouth to speak but was promptly overtaken by an intensely violent and hacking coughing fit, gripping the door frame like a lifeline as he angled his face away from Harry with a fist pressed up to his mouth. It was a horrible cough, chesty and audibly painful. Within seconds, Harry was manoeuvring the door shut behind them as he stepped into Kim’s apartment and ushered him, still coughing violently, back into his bedroom.
The room stank of illness – that distinct, cloying scent of unhealthy sweat and misery. Kim was still going, gasping for breath with desperate little snatches of air between the coughs that racked his slender frame. Harry sat down on the bed beside him, stroking his back and biting his bottom lip so hard it almost bled.
Finally, some agonising moments later, Kim managed to stop. He sat there, slumped forward and breathing in a careful, measured fashion. Harry reached for the half empty glass of water on Kim’s bedside table and handed it to him wordlessly, cringing as Kim choked a couple of times at the sensation of the liquid trickling down his raw throat. When he managed to avoid triggering another attack, both men practically deflated with relief.
“Thank you – sorry.” Kim delicately wiped his lips with the back of his hand, letting Harry take the glass back off him.
“Kim…how long have you been feeling this bad?”
Kim looked at him, and Harry realised that he was sans glasses. His hair, normally slicked back, hung loose in a messy shock over his forehead, and his face was unshaven, several days of stubble growing in alongside his standard pencil moustache. His nostrils were chapped, pink and raw. Harry would have found his dishevelled appearance painfully attractive were it not for the overwhelming concern that was currently squeezing his heart in a vice-like grip. Kim sighed.
“Since Saturday evening. I was hoping it would go away on its own, but-!”
Harry swore and reached out to support him as Kim was cut off by another round of coughing, mercifully shorter than the previous attack but still leaving him shaking against the larger man when it finally released him.
“Fuck…” Kim muttered. He burned under Harry’s touch.
“Shhh – I’m gonna get you some water, and some tea, okay?”
“Harry – you don’t need to, I can- “
Harry almost shocked himself with the authoritative tone with which he silenced the Lieutenant. Thank God for the gift of his irrepressible (and irresistible) masculinity - it ever so occasionally came in clutch for him. Kim shut his mouth and didn’t seem pissed off in the slightest that Harry had cut him off. He looked at him expectantly, like a dog awaiting a command. That alone was as clear an admission of illness as any to Harry.
“I know I don’t need to do anything.” Harry started. “But I want to. You could have called me. I was calling you. You’re – you’re really sick right now.”
Kim huffed.
“I’m not that sick.”
“Sure, and I’m Dolores Dei herself.”
If Kim had been even the tiniest bit more prone to immaturity, Harry was sure he would have rolled his eyes at him.
“Will you please get back into bed and let me help you?” He patted the bed behind them, inviting Kim to crawl back into it. “You help me all the time.”
“I’ll let you help me when I actually need help.” Kim rasped, but dragged himself back under his duvet all the same. Harry watched him, the undignified crawl of defeat paired with the stubborn backchat causing him to reassess his recent impression of Kim as an obedient dog. No, he was instead a recalcitrant cat – if he’d had a tail, it would have flicked back and forth with displeasure as he nestled into the sheets. The thought was endearing, and almost comical enough to make him laugh.
Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi was, in fact, a huge, stubborn baby when sick. This was a delightful new discovery which made Harry both despair and rejoice in equal measures. He’d had years of experience (only some of which he could actively recall) of Jean vehemently denying affection and assistance when he needed it the most. Hell, he himself was an expert in pushing people away whilst simultaneously (and paradoxically) demanding their perpetual assistance. Kim, it turned out, was only marginally less emotionally constipated than either of them. The only thing for it was to match that stubbornness head on.
“There.” Harry crooned as he tenderly organised Kim’s duvet around him. “Doesn’t it feel nice being tucked in?”
Kim looked up at him with tired eyes. Harry could see that he was a conflicted mix of embarrassed and grateful. Good. This would be easier than anticipated. Unable to help himself, he leaned forward and peppered Kim’s warm face with tiny kisses. He nearly died when the tickle of his unruly facial hair made Kim actually fucking giggle in response.
“You’re adorable.” He murmured against Kim’s mouth, stroking his cheek.
“Detective, I’m a 43-year-old police officer.”
“An adorable 43-year-old police officer.” Harry corrected, pressing a quick kiss to Kim’s chapped lips. His voice was nasal, nose miserably clogged – Harry didn’t want to deny him oxygen any longer than need be.
“You shouldn’t be kissing me.”
“Why the hell not?” Harry kissed him on the tip of his poor, red nose, melting as he watched it wrinkle and squirm in response. “I gave you this cold in the first place.”
Kim sighed. Harry did not like the way his chest seemed to wheeze.
“I fear it’s become something worse, at this point.”
“Yeah.” Harry frowned at him, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles on Kim’s cheekbone.
Abruptly, he stood up, tossing his blazer into the corner of Kim’s room and rolling up his shirt sleeves.
“I’ll be back in a minute. You just rest, okay?”
Harry fumbled about in Kim’s kitchen, trying not to make a racket as he hastily put together a cup of tea. He also filled a pint glass with water, cursing under his breath as Kim began to cough from the other room - a nasty, punishing sound that seemed to go on and on. He needed to see a doctor, Harry thought. He’d breach the topic with Kim in a bit.
He'd helped him sit up in bed, first to drink some water, which Kim sipped gingerly. Harry could tell he was dreading every cough that threatened to burst out of him. He’d taken the glass from Kim and exchanged it with the tea, asking him to drink as much as he was able.
“Have you taken anything for this?” He asked, watching Kim with a worried frown.
“…Not since Saturday. I didn’t have a lot of medicine on me.”
‘I rarely need it’ went unsaid, but Harry heard it all the same.
“When did you last eat?”
“…Yesterday. I’ve been meaning to go grocery shopping, but…” Kim sighed, wincing as the tea rolled down his throat.
“Well, shit. I’m running out to get you meds and soup as soon as you finish your tea, okay?”
“Detective, you have a job.”
“Jean-Jean gave me explicit permission to come and check up on you. He told me not to bother going back today.” Harry grinned at him, pleased both by Jean’s leniency and the way Kim could no longer leverage work to get him to leave. Kim sighed.
“Honestly, you’re acting like I’m terminally unwell. I’ll b-be…I’ll be f’fi-hh!”
Harry’s eyes zoned in on Kim’s flaring nostrils in an instant. Despite it all, despite the concern, he couldn’t help the way that ominous catch of breath went straight to his cock, twitching briefly in his trousers in anticipation. Kim was unmistakably going to sneeze.
“Ohh, can you - !”
Harry took the mug of tea from Kim and placed it safely back on the bedside table. He watched through unblinking eyes as Kim’s eyebrows rose, mouth dropping open and revealing his pink tongue as it cupped itself in ticklish preparation of the sneeze to come. It really didn’t get old, watching Kim like this. His poor, reddened nostrils twitched devilishly against the cold-induced tickle, urged along by the warm vapours of steam.
He took in one final, sharp little gasp, briefly waving his right hand in front of his face before pitching to the side, away from Harry and into the protective cradle of that same hand. Harry reached out to place a strong arm around his trembling shoulders, half in support and half out of the raging desire to be touching him every time he sneezed.
“HgGK’TSSChh!! Hpt’TSCHGHHh!! Hagk’TSCHOOouuu!!”
They shuddered through him, the vibrations running through Harry in turn and leaving him to break out in an excited rush of goosebumps from head to toe. Kim was miserably congested, and the sneezes were much thicker, much more nasal than usual. The definitive sneeze of that violent little triple was deliciously desperate and vocally rich. Harry was almost entirely hard when Kim snuggled into him, snuffling into his hand and trembling against the crook of Harry's neck.
“Ough. Désolé.” He muttered, sounding entirely wiped out.
“Bless you, honey.”
The pet name rolled out of him so naturally that it took Harry a whole few seconds to realise that he had even used it at all. He tensed in sudden anxiety, kicking himself for the slip-up. Were they ready for ‘honey’ yet??
 When Kim didn’t pull away and instead snuggled even closer, he let himself relax, circling both arms around Kim and holding him for several moments. It was only when Kim sniffled again, keeping his hand securely over his nose and mouth, that Harry realised he’d probably made a spectacular mess of himself.
He pulled back, rubbing Kim’s back and looking around the room. It didn’t take him long to locate a handkerchief, half buried in the bed sheets, which he held out to Kim. The Lieutenant reached for it gingerly, uttering a small “merci” before skilfully obscuring his face from Harry and indulging in a quick nose blow. It was crackling and thick, but judging by the sound of it, not awfully productive following the initial few seconds. He sighed, swiping at his twitching nostrils for a couple of seconds longer before folding the handkerchief shut and snuggling back into the crook of Harry’s neck.
They sat together for a few moments before Harry cleared his throat.
“Ready for more tea?”
“Yes. God…I’m so tired.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Harry cooed, reaching out for the mug, helping Kim into position and nobly ignoring his throbbing erection.
After he’d finished his tea, Kim had been exhausted enough to fall asleep within minutes. Harry stood over his bed and watched him sleep for a while, feeling a little like an invasive creep but also finding no fucks left to give. Now that Kim was unconscious again, the all-consuming panic was returning.
He hurried through the store in a daze, buying an assortment of different foods and canned soup for Kim. He bought cough medicine, decongestants and tissues before saying ‘fuck it’ and buying a huge carton of orange juice for good measure.
Kim was still sleeping when he got back. As he set about making him soup he listened to him snore, the sound so congested even through the wood of his bedroom door that it made his chest ache.
Harry left the pot to simmer for a while, collapsing onto Kim’s sofa with a heavy sigh and dragging the palm of his hand up and down his face a couple of times in exhausted resignation. He wouldn’t let himself lie there for long, knowing any more than five minutes in a supine position was a dangerous game to be playing if he didn’t want to fall asleep for hours on end. The soup would be done soon enough, but the waiting was agony. He was happy that Kim was able to sleep but he just wanted him awake; he wanted Kim to reassure him that everything was okay. Stupid. Childish. He needed to snap out of it. He slapped his own face in reprimand and immediately regretted the power in his swing, cursing the sheer size of his palms.
His body jerked violently, suddenly, a terrible falling sensation. The shock of it had him scrambling to his feet. He’d been dozing off, exactly what he’d been hoping to avoid. He glanced frantically at the clock on the wall and was relieved to see that at most he’d been borderline moribund for no longer than 10 minutes – just enough time for the soup to be done.
He ladled a decent portion into one of Kim’s pristine bowls and helped himself to a spoonful. Not bad, he decided; the flavour could be a little stronger but Kim likely couldn’t taste much anyway. He placed it on a small tray with a clean spoon and another glass of water.
The domesticity of it all made him nervous as he carried the tray out of the kitchen; it was like he was a little boy again, nursing his first serious infatuation. He must have done things like this for Dora – unavoidable, in a relationship that long, and yet. Thoughts of her still ached. He pushed the blurry, blonde image away, replacing the vague outlines of her with a clearer impression of thick glasses and slick black hair. He would overwrite her, record over their memories together the same way he would have eventually recorded over their wedding tape – had he been good enough for her to marry in the first place.
Kim was still asleep when Harry entered the room and placed the tray gently on the bedside table, careful to avoid disturbing the Lieutenant’s glasses. He was facing Harry, but only partially visible, tangled up in the cocoon of his blankets. It was fucking adorable. He looked like the world’s weariest caterpillar. His mouth hung slightly open to accommodate his poor stuffy nose, painfully pink and nuzzling into the fabric of his bedding. Harry buried the devious thought of waking Kim up by teasing his sensitive nostrils into a sneeze, instead reaching out and gently shaking his shoulder.
The Lieutenant was an incredibly light sleeper normally, so when he hadn’t woken upon Harry’s entrance and only cracked open one bleary eye after twenty seconds or so of increasingly vigorous jiggling, it was another nail in the coffin of Harry’s soaring anxiety.
“Heyyy, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” He smiled as encouragingly as he could muster at his sick boyfriend, who groaned and promptly launched into a lengthy coughing fit. Harry swore, helping Kim to sit up and stroking his back.
“Here, Kim, fucking hell…” He handed him the glass of water and the Lieutenant gulped it down greedily, panting when he was done. He was struggling valiantly to maintain an even breathing pattern between the warring hindrances of his blocked sinuses and tickly throat.
“Better?” He asked when he’d helped Kim relax back into the pillows he arranged between his back and the headboard.
“A little. Thank you, Harry.” Kim smiled at him. “I’m okay.”
That meek little smile was clearly manufactured for Harry’s benefit, and that only made it feel worse, somehow. Kim yawned into his duvet, one hand clutching the fabric to his face.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“About an hour and a half.” Harry answered, turning to retrieve the soup. “I made you something to eat – wanna give it a go?”
He proffered the tray towards Kim, taking in his surprised expression with pleasure.
“Did you cook this?”
“Well, it’s canned soup, technically, but I tossed in a couple of things to spice it up.”
“You didn’t have to, you know. I could have done this much.”
Harry sighed, waiting for Kim to take the tray.
“A simple ‘thank you’ would have sufficed, you stubborn ass.”
Kim flashed him an apologetic smile and took the tray.
“Sorry, sorry. And thank you. I really do appreciate it.”
“That’s better.” Harry huffed, adopting the authoritative tone he used to whip out whenever his high school students were testing him. “Now eat your damn soup.”
Kim grinned.
“Yes, sir.”
It took Kim an exceedingly long time to get through even half of the soup – he kept needing to cough, and Harry decided to permanently hold the tray in place for him whilst he ate. It was much easier than repeatedly leaning forwards and backwards in anticipation.
It was as he held the tray in place, angled over Kim’s lap and several inches away from his face, that Kim’s breath started to hitch. Harry barely had a second of recognition before Kim was swallowing frantically, dropping his spoon onto the tray a moment too late to be able to catch the desperate sneeze in the palm of his hand.
Harry shivered, eyes closing reflexively against the delicate smack of spray that misted his face. On the technicality that he was needed to hold the tray in place and prevent Kim from spilling the soup, he didn’t bother moving.  The second sneeze baptised him in much the same manner, barrelling out of Kim almost immediately after the first.
The brief hesitation as Kim sucked in air to fuel a definitive third sneeze allowed Harry to open his eyes, taking in the Lieutenant’s tortured expression, his damp, flaring nostrils stretching to their limits. Instinctively, he leaned even closer, watching as Kim’s face froze for a moment in a rictus of irritation before he was sneezing hard enough that some soup sloshed over the rim of the bowl. He had managed to bring up a hand last minute, but the covering was lazy at best, spray escaping through the gaps between his fingers and misting Harry again.
“hHH’GKKT’TTSschoouu!! Ugh, excuse me…”
He snuffled miserably, blinking away a few stray tears. Harry handed him a clean tissue, feeling giddy and electric but trying his absolute best to disguise it. He was doing a horrible job; he was entirely hard, painfully so, and he could feel the smug grin that parted his lips despite his best efforts to remain placid. He tried to subtly wipe his face clean with his shirt sleeve as Kim busied himself with blowing his nose.
“I take it you enjoyed that?” Kim asked suddenly.
Shit. He’d been even less subtle than he’d hoped. Harry winced and cast a guilty ‘well shucks, you got me’ grin his way, relieved to see that Kim didn’t look bothered in the least. If anything, the cheeky lilt of his voice and the smile that reached his eyes seemed to imply a sense of endearment and satisfaction.
“I did. Sorry. Bless you three times.” He wiped the spilled soup away with another tissue, offering out his hand to Kim to take his own used tissue and tossing them both.
“Mm, Thank you. No need to apologise, detective. It’s quite nice, you know. To feel desired at one’s most disgusting.”
“You’re so not disgusting right now. But trust me, Kim – I get it.”
They smiled at each other until Kim broke eye contact, reaching for his spoon and clearing his throat. Naked adoration, both giving and receiving, was still relatively uncomfortable for him - Harry understood this implicitly - but the tension of his mouth belied how much effort he was putting into repressing a most persistent smile. Noticing this just made Harry beam at him even harder.
To Harry’s dismay, Kim’s condition only seemed minutely improved after eating. He’d cuddled with the smaller man until he’d fallen asleep again, then pulled up KIm's desk chair and sat beside his bed, leafing through one of the Lieutenant’s books on Aerostatic Pilotage. It was good to distract himself like this as his boyfriend wheezed and snored several feet away from him. The endless stream of information that he filed away in the recesses of his brain was always a decent method of channeling his focus within the relative chaos of his noisy mind. Besides, it was much less destructive to overload his system with facts than substances. He tried not to think about the cooking wine he'd seen in a kitchen cabinet earlier.
A sudden whimper from the pile of bedding and limbs that was Lieutenant Kitsuragi had him mobile in an instant, hovering by Kim’s bedside as he groaned again, opening his eyes ever so slightly and panting for air. Before Harry even reached out to touch him he could feel that he was boiling, burning up as the heat radiated off of him. He was damp with perspiration, loose hair plastered to the skin of his forehead.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
Kim turned towards him, eyes unfocused and glassy with fever. When he didn’t say anything, just peered miserably in Harry’s general direction, almost through him without the aid of his glasses and with the sickness fogging his brain, Harry had to dig his nails into his palm to prevent a full-blown panic attack.
“I’m gonna get you a cold compress, okay? Just hold on a minute.”
He scrambled round the small bathroom for a face towel before rushing back to the kitchen, filling a bowl with ice cubes and water. The bowl was too small and the towel a little too big, but it would have to do.
Kim’s attempts to convince Harry that he was fine eventually came to an end. As Harry cupped his cheek and lay beside him on the bed, adjusting the compress and supporting him through the occasional bout of coughing, the Lieutenant’s resolve finally broke.
“Harry…” He started, and before Harry’s eyes he seemed to physically shrink down into the bedsheets. It was as though the determination and stubbornness left him all at once, his energy positively depleted. “I feel terrible.”
Kim’s eyes squeezed shut. Harry didn’t know if he was cringing, humiliated by his own admission of defeat, or whether he was trying his best not to cry. It might even be that he had a migraine coming on. It didn’t matter. None of that mattered – all that mattered was making him feel better. His chest physically ached.
“Okay. It’s okay.”
He kissed Kim’s burning cheek, took one of his clammy, limp hands in his own and laced their fingers together.
“Will you stay here tonight?”
“I can’t believe you even felt the need to ask.”
“Mm…apologies. I’m not used to this.” Kim spoke gently, squeezing Harry’s hand softly, far too softly.
“What - being looked after?”
Kim smirked at him just a little.
“’I can’t believe you even felt the need to ask.’”
“Ha ha. Funny man.” Harry deadpanned, pressing their foreheads together, forcing Kim’s eyes to cross as he stared at him down the length of his nose. The Lieutenant huffed a small laugh against his lips, just as Harry had intended.
“Listen, being a lonely, touch-starved, middle-aged man is my shtick, okay? If you come for my gig like that I’ve got nothing.”
Kim closed his eyes and smiled against Harry’s mouth.
“Not even communism?”
“Political alignments alone do not a personality or archetype make.”
“So find a new archetype. Maybe the loving, doting boyfriend.” Kim muttered. “You’re doing a very good job of it right now. It suits you.”
Harry moved down to nuzzle his face into the crook of Kim’s neck. His skin was sweat-slick, hot, and smelled distinctly unwell, but it didn’t bother him. He wanted to bite down into the flesh and taste him. He wished he could physically crawl into Kim and live inside of him. The feelings that overwhelmed him brought stinging tears to his eyes.
“You think so?” He asked round the lump in his throat.
“I do.”
They lay there for a little while longer, jostled only by another round of coughing from Kim that urged Harry to prop him up in bed again. The change in position seemed to shift the congestion in his poor nose, and with it, triggered an irritating tickle. Harry watched in adoration as Kim’s expression twisted, then gasped softly as Kim turned and sneezed twice against the column of his throat.
“Hupt’TSHHUuuu!! HGKk’Tschoouu!! Ohh…”
He rubbed his runny nose against Harry’s skin, causing him to stiffen and moan in pleasure. Kim now had intimate knowledge of exactly how to drive him crazy, but he sensed that this particular, miserable little motion as his boyfriend attempted to quell the tickle in his nose was simply enacted out of sheer exhaustion, rather than any active desire to work him up. Somehow, it just made him even hotter – that Harry was simply a means to an end in that moment, a substitute for a tissue or a hastily raised fist to rub against his nostrils was – well. His pants were torturously tight.
“Bless you, baby. You poor thing.”
With all the willpower he could gather, he lay Kim down again and wiped his dripping nose clean with a tissue. He couldn’t help taking his time, luxuriating in the sensation of playing with his nose through the thin material. He swallowed back a groan when Kim’s nostrils flared wide, flexing under his fingers and pushing them apart. He didn’t sneeze again, for which Harry was grateful – that might have been the final straw before he was forced to sneak off and rub one out in the bathroom. Not that Kim would have minded, he was sure. Enabler.
“You should try and sleep now, okay?”
“I’m gonna stay here until you’re out and then I’ll crash on your couch.”
“Do you need – there are no clean sheets –“
“It’s okay, Kim. There’s a throw blanket, and it’s getting warmer. I’ll be fine, honestly.”
Harry stroked his cheek, something that Kim seemed to like a lot. The Lieutenant nuzzled into his palm and hummed an affirmative. Harry clucked his tongue softly - he was still much too hot, burning into him.
“Gonna take you to a doctor in the morning, honey. You’re not well at all.”
“You sure? Gonna let me drive you there? No complaints, and no apologies?” He teased, relaxing just a little bit when Kim’s lips twitched into a tiny smile.
“I’ll behave.”
“Good boy.”
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blvckentropy · 7 months
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I would like to present to you: Fil-Morgue High/University
Had this idea ever since I started recreating Monster High students but now it has manifest into an even better idea; that I hope turns out well. I've been on an occult/monster high *pun not intended* lately. So, I thought of building an occult themed school but instead of using just my sims; I would like to recruit you! But that's not all, you will also be a part of the visual novel/picture story (screenshots w/ captions)! I actually haven't decided if I'll post it on this page or make a separate page entirely. It'll be like a mini-series like how monster high was. I figured it'll be less work on my end because I stay taking pics and prob. much quicker than making a full animated story. Everything will be talked about in more details once the cast is set in stone.
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Edited* [TO CLAIFY: You DO NOT have to fill out (hair color, eye color, and skin details. This is an optional task only if you want me to make your sim for you. If you're not sure of the details you want, then you can write Surprise Me only if you're okay with giving me full creative range (meaning I chose for you). Again both are optional. Hope that clears up confusion lol *Sorry I meant to specify mb*
DEADLINE: January 30th (this gives me enough time in case this fails lol)
Tag me @blvckentropy or #FilMorgue. Also when I say sim(s) that means you're allowed a twin/triplet. Special Note: As for submitting a sim(s) plus your outfits; If you're using cc please only do Everyday wear (ONE hairstyle per sim/outfit) for each sim then make every other outfit (BG, DU, HSY based) or any EP excluding the newer ones (Growing Together, Horse Ranch, and For Rent) because I won't have those. To make it easier if you don't mind tagging your cc in your post. Again, I'll let you know once we cross that bridge.
Believe that's it😬Okay byeee, have fun creating!
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bluerose5 · 2 months
I just realized that if you did a BG3/DAO crossover right after DAO, that would make Zevran the youngest party member in BG (he’d be 23) especially by elven standards… I don’t know what to do with this information, but here it is
Unrelated, in your Fenris+Zevran in Faerûn, does that happen from the end of Act 3 DA2 or earlier? Because I imagine Act3 Fenris would act very differently to Astarion than Act1 Fenris.
I believe there was a recent post about Zevran going around. The whole "he should be at the club!" In that case, him, Lae'zel, and Wyll should all be at the club together!
But yeah, personally, I go with these crossovers all take place around DAI timeline even if the characters aren't involved in the actual events of DAI. Inquisition actually has a lot of elements to play with in my opinion that can explain such a huge leap between realms. Rift magic. Time magic. You name it. For Anders, I use the explosion at the Conclave in his story.
I also use DAI timeline for the exact reason you mention. The Origins and DA2 crew have already undergone their respective journeys and growth by then. They can always learn more, yes, but they're more settled in who they are by then. In the example you give, Fenris is no longer in survivor/fight-or-flight mode as much as his Act 1 counterpart. At the point of DAI, if that was the ending the player chose, he could have fought alongside Hawke to defend the mages by then. I don't see him handing out hugs first thing to the BG3 crew by any means, but I can see him being more open overall, especially when he learns that the risk of possession is not as much of a concern in Faerûn as it is in Thedas since their magic doesn't work quite the same. Spellcasters are still dangerous in his eyes, but I feel like that alone would be a big relief, especially with magic being so prevalent.
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lumilasi · 6 months
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I wanted to draw something more worthwhile today, but due to utter lack of proper sleep for past 3 days + resulting severe mental health drop, I only managed to doodle some NCP lore relevant stuff. I've mentioned the Overshadowers Council in some posts, but there are other important governing bodies, such as the Arcane Council, they handle the matters of primary magic users.
(I.E beings who otherwise would just be humans, though non-human beings also ofc learn magic that might be outside of their "natural" type, in those cases deciding which of the five groups they fall under is just trickier sometimes, and often they are already governed by another body)
I picked 5 main categories even though I do know there are plenty more, I just wanted to keep the scope fairly limited for the time being as this is just world BG lore. How I defined each is somewhat loosely inspired by D&D, but has more of my own twist on things so its not exact. Also picked a character to represent each category lol
For the Sigils, I decided to only use one of them to show examples of how they work, I just didn't have the energy to do all 5
More info below:
It is VERY rare for a magic user to be able to claim two titles and requires some very specific circumstances. Currently, the only known person who is technically both a Sorcerer and a Warlock is Azul Samaros/Chester Knight
Technically, Soul Eaters could be considered the most ancient Warlocks there are, but given their power is so inherent to them by now beyond just channeling something, they are classified as their own thing by now.
Sorcerers/sorceress' are the most powerful magic users, whereas Mages are considered the weakest, given their abilities tend to be highly specific.
In case of a nonhuman being with natural magic learning something beyond that, their matters are mostly still handled by their own governing body, unless the situation specifically relates to this learned magic.
Characters shown in the post: 1.Beatrice (Forest/plant witch) 2. Janus (Summoner mage/has some wyvern heritage so he can use fire) 3. Reuben (Fire Elemental) 4. Angus (Blood sage Warlock) 5. Iris (Astral Sorceress)
The name of each sub-branch are as follows: Witch Covenant, Mage Ward, Elemental Hive, Warlock Guild, and Sorcerer Senate
While Franziska Belmont (A character in NCP) Is known as a "Cat witch" by humans (or sith-cat) she does not fall under the governance of the Arcane Council, given she doesn't have any magic powers that aren't natural-born skills for her.
The governing body is largely democratic, though when it comes to voting for the members of the individual branch, only those part of the said branch can do so. (witches can only vote in covenant elections, Warlocks in the Guild election, etc).
Every magic user listed as the Arcane member however, can vote for any candidate for the Arcane Council itself.
Witch symbol: inspired by lavender flower, which is associated with mystery, magic and spiritualism among many other things, also in the shape of a star, which is also a classic magic symbol
Mage symbol: a torch and a common portayal of a soul as a ball of flame, referencing the fact basic magic exists within everyone, even if they cannot use it. Blue because I needed the full rainbow lol
Elemental symbol: Life tree, as reference to how life is formed and shaped by the basic elements. Green because nature reference
Warlock symbol: Spooky spiky starlike shape with eyes and blades, because Warlocks often do stabby spooky stuff, and ofc red because blood. 3-spikes as to reference mind, body, and soul.
Sorcerer symbol: A Hourglass with the infinity symbol, because magic is "eternal" in the eyes of the people, and this is also often the most ancient type of magic people can utilize. Golden yellow to give off a "regal" feel. (They are often seen as sort of "nobility" among magic users and held in high regard/feared the most depending on the power's themes)
Witches: Yume, Clover (male witch)
Mages: Miriam, Adam (He is a chesire cat who has learned illusion magic on top of his basic abilities) Lionel (He's also a chesire, has learned exorcism magic)
Elementals: Currently none apart from Reuben
Warlocks: Marci, Azul
Sorcerers: Azul (his primary type), Thalia
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prismatoxic · 1 month
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i finally remembered to finish filling this out
idk if i'm gonna render it... i have a bunch of other things i also wanna work on, so. here you go. (template here)
chilchuck & laios - self explanatory, i'm The Chilaios Guy. laios is my muse when it comes to rp and i relate to him a lot but i really can't say i love him more than chilchuck, so. they're tied.
kabru - fuck man i love this dude. like he is easily one of my fave characters in the series alongside laios, chilchuck, and mithrun. his character is so fucking compelling and when people in the fandom dismiss him for being two-faced or whatever i'm like do you hate good stories? do you hate good characters? can you really not appreciate anyone but the main cast? begone. he's laios's foil and no amount of not understanding his character will change that. and he's a damn GOOD foil, the ways they interact and contrast each other are amazing.
shuro - SPEAKING OF THE FANDOM BEING SHITTY. like, the scene with him and laios that is coming up very soon in the anime is one that hit me HARD. i relate to laios in that whole debacle so hard that i cried describing the scene to my friend. but it doesn't make shuro a bad person. he and laios are so fundamentally different that they clashed because they didn't understand each other's needs or boundaries. and like, fuck, man. he still shows up for laios and the gang. also if you think he's a creep towards falin or whatever i think you need to get your eyes checked, he's so fucking respectful. and she clearly cares about him even if she doesn't return his feelings. shuro haters stay away from me
namari - godddd i love her. like idk that i have any extended analysis to give, she's just fucking awesome. i really loved all her interactions with senshi and the fact that she's chilchuck's drinking buddy delights me. she's really strong and obviously deeply caring... the moment when she bowled laios out of the way to help with the undine. god. she was so fucked over by her father's actions and she's been trying to build herself up ever since and she's just REALLY NEAT and i was always glad to see her in the manga. (can't wait to see her more in the anime too!!!)
mithrun - SON BOY. i'm obsessed with him. that post about him having a traumatic brain injury lives rent free in my head. i really, genuinely fucking love how well he and his disability are portrayed. it does exhaust me a little when the fandom is happy to make him "better" post-canon... or when they claim kabumisu is problematic bc kabru takes care of him, lmao. he's so fucking cool and the fact that he's a real threat and a driving part of the plot while also needing a caretaker and being notably handicapped by his trauma is just... awesome. neither side diminishes the other. he's disabled, but he's a badass. i love him so much.
dandan - he's a neat little guy and i love how many times he actually shows up in canon, even though he's usually a bg character when he does. i like to think he's important to the guild, like he's someone chilchuck trusts with a lot of things. obviously that wasn't the case when he first joined up, but i like the idea of him proving himself to be really good with managing things, and chilchuck leaves things in his hands when he's down in the dungeon. all headcanons but it's fun for me.
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snoocupz · 6 months
Is it wrong that I get the same/similar vibes from how Klavier acts around Apollo like how Brock acts around Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny? (Emma Skye being a potential Misty/Croagunk)
I had a random thought recently that Klavier is the Ace Attorney equivalent of Brock from Pokemon and now my new headcanon has a death grip on my soul and I need to tell someone. I can't help but feel like Klavier does all the grand romantic gestures, outside working on cases, to win over Apollo (Miles Edgeworth refuses to allow prosecutors to flirt inside the courtroom. That's both unprofessional and that's exclusively his and Wright's thing.) only for none of them to fully land because Apollo can't take him too seriously. The grandness ironically works against the rockstar by covering the small tells that would show Apollo he's being genuine. Meanwhile, Emma is in the BG with the rest way past done with the BS she witnesses daily having given up on telling him Apollo seems to appreciate the small acts of kindness rather than over-the-top rom-com cliches. (Apollo thinks he's being made fun of when being flirted with this way despite being a human lie detector because the bracelet never activates when Klavier "flirts" with anyone else.)
This sums up my thoughts on Klapollo as a ship dynamic.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk
I have no idea how I JUST FOUND THIS NOW but Anon, this absolutely MADE MY DAY.
I fully agree and I see your vision SO SO CLEARLY, thinking abour Klavier trying to win Apollos heart on the most over the top and dramatic ways possible. His flirts are so direct on a way that they go through one side of Apollos ears and straight out the other. I feel like he'd even call Apollo a "pretty boy" or "genuinely handsome" and Apollo feels like he is being made fun of instead of being flirted with! The horrors!
Ontop of that... Looking at Apollo... I'm pretty assured my boy has got the 'tism and has an incredible hard time reading what people are trying to tell him so unless Klavier drops on his knees and begs him to finally date him he will absolutely NOT get it.
(Also, Ema ans Apollo besties? And Ema seems to be the only one seeing Klavier helplessly pin for Apollo while Apollo tries to maintain a "professional relationship" because in his eyes Klavier is far too much out of his league. If he only KNEW.)
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filmorgue · 6 months
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I have decided to lower the amount of application submissions. Instead of 20, it is now 10-15 max, reason being, it just dawned on me if over 20-30 participates were to use cc for their sim(s), that's a ton of cc I'd have to dl if I don't already have em. And even my pc or game isn't that strong enough to handle all that cc (I should know cause me alone, my game already laggy lmao). I would also like to add if you are using cc, could you make sure its as low poly as possible (mainly in clothes). Sorry, for the last minute update but I figured I have time since submissions are low 🤷🏾‍♀️
Okay sponsors, that should literally be all for this PSA. Again, sorry for the inconveniences (also ppl that already submit, you don't have to change anything btw)
I would like to present to you: Fil-Morgue High/University
Had this idea ever since I started recreating Monster High students but now it has manifest into an even better idea; that I hope turns out well. I've been on an occult/monster high *pun not intended* lately. So, I thought of building an occult themed school but instead of using just my sims; I would like to recruit you! But that's not all, you will also be a part of the visual novel/picture story (screenshots w/ captions)! I actually haven't decided if I'll post it on this page or make a separate page entirely. It'll be like a mini-series like how monster high was. I figured it'll be less work on my end because I stay taking pics and prob. much quicker than making a full animated story. Everything will be talked about in more details once the cast is set in stone.
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TO CLARIFY: You DO NOT have to fill out (hair color, eye color, and skin details. This is an optional task only if you want me to make your sim for you. If you're not sure of the details you want, then you can write Surprise Me only if you're okay with giving me full creative range (meaning I chose for you). Again both are optional. Hope that clears up confusion lol *Sorry I meant to specify mb*
DEADLINE: January 30th (this gives me enough time in case this fails lol)
Tag me @blvckentropy or #FilMorgue. Also when I say sim(s) that means you're allowed a twin/triplet. Special Note: As for submitting a sim(s) plus your outfits (LOWPOLY as much as possible); If you're using cc please only do Everyday wear (ONE hairstyle per sim/outfit) for each sim then make every other outfit (BG, DU, HSY based) or any EXPANSION PACK excluding the newer ones (Growing Together, Horse Ranch, and For Rent) because I won't have those. To make it easier if you don't mind tagging your cc in your post. Again, I'll let you know once we cross that bridge.
Believe that's it😬Okay byeee, have fun creating!
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maskyish · 11 months
Re:vale - Shuffle Talk 2022 (Episode 2)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
*click*  *click*
Yuki: …… Momo. Why are you taking pictures of me while we’re fighting?
Momo: I can’t help it.  My hands moved on their own.
Momo: Yuki was too handsome playing with the doggy.
Dog: *Woof! * Woof!*
Re:vale: So cute〜.
Momo: There’s lots of dogs in Thailand~. Since there’s a lot of food stands around here, I wonder if they live here.
Yuki: They’re very friendly. They say it’s a country that values their animals.
Dog: *Wooo~*
Yuki: ….Fufu. It’s wagging its tail. Good boy.
*click*  *click*  *click*
Yuki: …. Are you still taking pictures?
Momo: Ah… Ngh….  Both you and the dog looked really happy….
Yuki: Ha…. I mean, why don’t you take a picture too, Momo?
Momo: ......We’re fighting right now, so I don’t wanna.
Yuki: But you’ll still take pictures of me?
Momo: Because I want pictures of Yuki. 100% pure!
Yuki: ……Pure?
Momo: The ratio of Yuki in a single photo.
Momo: Ah, but it’s good with a dog! A shot of Yuki playing with a dog is too divine!
Yuki: In that case, you should be with us. I know I can look even better with Momo next to me.
Yuki: Then it’s more relaxing.
Momo: …..!? H–Huh…..!?
Momo: Why are you suddenly dropping a bomb on me!? It’s really bad…!
Yuki: Are you mad at me again? Why?
Momo: Ha~~. Because you suddenly said such happy things. You surprised me…..
Yuki: Eh? Did you say something?
Momo: It’s nothing!
Yuki: Anyways, I don’t want my picture taken alone any more. If you don’t want to be in the picture, then pictures are banned.
Momo: HUH?! What a killjoy…..
Man from the food stall: Hey! No fighting! Go away! (1)
Re:vale: Sorry…..
-BG lighting changes to sun setting -
Okarin: Momo-kun, Yuki-kun! Over here!
Okarin: I’m glad we could meet! Even if it was only half a day, were you both able to enjoy Thailand?
Momo: Sure.  
Yuki: Did you not?
Okarin: …Hey. The air between you two is kind of….
Okarin:….. You’re fighting again.
Momo: We’re not fighting.
Yuki: We’re not.
Okarin: Well, that’s a lie. Neither of you have made eye contact since we started talking.
Yuki: Isn’t it your imagination?
Momo: Yup, just your imagination.
Okarin: Even when you’re fighting, you’re still perfectly in sync. Since it’s the two of you, I’m not worried about the shoot, but….
Okarin: …. You didn’t enjoy your time off?
Momo: Uuu…. Sorry, Okarin.
Yuki: It’s because Momo won’t listen to me.
Momo: Huh?! I should say that about Yuki! We have the evidence!
Momo: Look, Okarin. What do you think of this photo?
Okarin: Let’s see…. It’s a picture of you two with the tuk-tuk driver. I think you have nice smiles on your faces.
Okarin: …. Is this the evidence?
Momo: Irrefutable proof! Yuki said he wouldn’t let me take a picture of him unless I was in the photo with him!
Momo: I really wanted a picture of Yuki! Isn’t it awful to take my weakness and threaten me with it?!
Yuki: If I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t have been able to take even a single photo of Momo.
Okarin: Uh, this picture…. Momo-kun is posing as a guard in front of the palace. He looks like he’s having a good time.  
Yuki: Ah, see? That picture is cute. Momo’s winking and saluting.
Momo: Yuki would definitely look good in this pose! I mean… I really want Yuki to wear the white uniform of the Royal Guard!
Okarin: …… Aren’t you fighting?
Re:vale: We are.
Okarin: Ha….. Just earlier you were insisting you weren’t…..
Okarin: Well, anyways. I’m glad you were you able to enjoy Thailand!
Filming Staff: Thanks for waiting, everyone!
Momo: Oh, it’s the filming staff. Thank you for your hard work!
Staff: Thank you! Sorry for the wait!
Momo: No worries! We just got here early.
Yuki: Nice to meet you. Let’s make it a good calendar.
Okarin: Thank you for having us.  
Staff: Of course! It’s our pleasure!
Staff: We’ll be heading to a hotel near Talay Bua Daeng (2) where the shoot will take place. I’m really sorry to have to move you around.
Momo: Don’t worry about it! Isn’t it rough for the staff who have to carry all the equipment?
Momo: Besides, we were looking forward to having our pictures taken in such a beautiful place abroad!
Yuki: Yeah. I’m looking forward to seeing your great photos.
Staff: We’re glad to hear you say that! We’ll do our best to bring out Re:vale’s charms!
Staff: Many fans are looking forward to seeing shots of Re:vale’s closeness!
Re:vale: ………
Staff: Well then, I’ll show you the way!
Momo: ……… Close, huh….
Yuki: …….
[End of Episode 2.]
TL Notes: 
1. The food stall owner is speaking in english here, and re:vale also apologize in english lol 
2. Talay Bua Daeng is also known as the Red Lotus Sea in Thailand which is known for it’s beautiful pink flowers and is the location of Re:vale’s card. Lotuses are considered sacred in Thailand. 
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lonely-dog-song · 4 months
peep my commission pricing concept?
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Under the cut because uuhhmmmm idk i'm shy.
any feedback, advice, comments, would be appreciated❗️:•3 and i mean any and all comments.
I'm thinking i'll focus on mainly drawing traditionally, and then adding things digitally. i feel like this chart is too complicated, but it's the easiest way i could think of structuring it to figure out pricing.
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so in this case, a fully lined & colored full-body drawing would be $45.... if you wanted a gradient on a half-body sketch it would be $20. stuff liek that. complex BG could probably be taken dow.n a notch to like........ $20......
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^ here's an example of fully colored vs. gradient coloring (with some lil "pops", like the teeth and eye). so all together this would be $30 + $23 = $53.
u may notice i have no separate shading category..... when i was trying to come up with examplez, i realize i shaded pretty much everything, so i figured i could just give someone a discount of like 3 or 5 dollars if they didnt want shading.
i see a lot of people have discounted additional characters per commission. doesnt sound like a bad idea but idk how to incorporate that into this math problem 😵‍💫
ok bye umm CHECK OUT ME ART AT @lonely-dog-draws but dont tell em i was whispering about commissions over here nevermind . you may tell
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
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I'm sure this has been done, but I wanted to showcase some of my favorite fem-frame looks from the new Horse Ranch EP.
More of my thoughts and some mediocre screenshots under the cut ↓
"There will be no horse content from me" she says only a few hours ago... like a lying liar. But I'm way out of my depth with this pack friends... I have no idea what I'm doing. I know nothing about horses or ranches lmfao, but I ended up testing the new pack out because I can't go into the Jacobs save until some mods are updated. Thus, Lea Hahn was born!
I was pleasantly surprised with the CAS items for this pack! Granted, three of the hairs I showcased above are BG, but I still kind of count them with the pack because they came with the prep-update. I love the dirtier clothes and wish more clothes from other packs came with dirty swatches.
Here's a picture of Lea and her horse, Bullet Train; an elder rescue who is supposed to be really defiant, but her and Lea actually clicked right away. 🥺❤️ Lea is already on level 3 horseback riding. I felt like the skill was gained surprisingly fast, but I guess I shouldn't complain haha.
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Also, I can't tell if her jeans are glitching with the saddle's texture (the feet place - stirrups I think they're called?). But it looks like there is a texture issue there where the stirrups (?) are the same blue as the jeans... and if that is an issue, it should not be lmao. Especially not with clothes that literally came with the pack lmao... but I digress!
Need a good default eye for these horses. I think they're pretty cute but their eyes are soulless lmfao.
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The build and buy stuff in this pack is probably my favorite that has come out in a while. TS4 is good at looking good, and the decor does not disappoint. I love the "shabby" look, I love all the wood tones and the textures. HOWEVER - I am upset there are references to basket weaving, but basket weaving is not a skill. Pottery would have been a great skill for this EP too. I just want more things to do with my sim. For $40.00, I think they should have threw in at least one more skill-building activity, but that's just my opinion.
As for the world/townies, I really like this one. I wasn't crazy about San Sequoia, but I'm loving this world. (Go figure, I'm a Strangerville girly so we already knew that would be the case.) Lea met her neighbors, Don Gooseman and the "Mysterious Rancher" who were really helpful and kind, despite her being incredibly awkward because she's a loner.
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Final bright side: I'm shocked that I haven't encountered any major bugs like... at all. Usually new EPs are riddled with issues, but so far things seem to be pretty smooth. That is a welcome change, but the bar is in hell when we're excited about an EP being functional upon release lol...
I haven't tried nectar making, but I'm going to try that tomorrow so uhhhh... more thoughts to come I guess. If you read all of this... ily❤️.
Okay bye!
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