spacefucke · 6 years
Keith baby come home
Hunk kept your armor clean
Lance is here all alone
Shiro is not what he seems.
Lotor's being trusted
Matt and pidge found their Dad
Zarkon is now dead
But I bet you already new that
Marmalade doesn't deserve you
Haggar is making lance Sad
You found your lost parent too
Please come back, we promise we aren't mad.
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spacefucke · 6 years
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Same Keith, Same
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spacefucke · 6 years
Don't even @ me rn, I'm still shook, I'm quaking, I'm screeching, I can't even deal with this shit right now. Keith has a mum, lotor os the new ruler of Galra empire, zarkon is FUCKING DEAD, Haggar is Lotor's mum (even though we already knew that), lance FUCKING KNOWS SHIRO ISNT SHIRO, Lance is a better paladin than anyone realized, Keith isn't home yet BABY COME HOME, Pidge's FUCKING DAD WAS RESCUED, I'm emotional.
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spacefucke · 6 years
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spacefucke · 6 years
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spacefucke · 6 years
Some stuff I want from s5
Okay. I definitely want some more development for lance. Like, c'mon.
Let's see some more of Coran's amazing nurturing personality, not just goofy mustache jokes, and him being just in the background.
Pidge just being awesome? Like yes? My daughter?
We need the real fucking Shiro back, idc, give me my fucking dad back.
Okay but Keith coming back/ the blade or marmalade joining up with voltron would be nice.
Fuck I really want to see hunk in the process of beating the hell out of people.
On that note, Shay?? Please?!?!??
Just Lance being pretty
Haggar needs death🙃
Some fucking closure on what's going on with Lotor.absbjdksnenf I'm waiting.
And like, okay, can we get romantic development between ANYONE?(Accept pidge and Shiro, that's almost a ten year difference)
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spacefucke · 6 years
These are so pure
Random Voltron HCs
- Shiro’s metal arm has 100% gotten stuck to something magnetic and instead of helping him, the team left him standing there looking stupid for a few hours
- Lance has tried using the food goo tube to practice his shooting skills and blasted Keith in the face on accident (it wasn’t an accident)
- Lance later found his pillow filled with food goo
- Keith has a hard time falling asleep when he’s trying to get to sleep, but falls asleep almost immediately when he wants to stay awake
- whenever the team watches a movie together, he’s asleep within minutes
- Lance, Pidge, and Shiro have taken every single opportunity to draw on his face
- Hunk is the arm-wrestling champion
- But he always apologizes immediately after crushing his opponent’s hand
- He even puts up a good fight against Shiro’s metal arm
- Lance is SUPER flexible, so he’ll sometimes just be sitting on the floor in the splits without any sort of discomfort
- no one can understand it
- Lance is able to put his feet behind his head as a result of his flexibleness and once challenged Keith to be able to do it
- Everyone, including Keith, knew it was a bad idea, but Keith did it anyway because the poor boy thinks being competitive is flirting and he doesn’t what he’s doing
- Keith failed and managed to pull both of his hamstrings, and Lance claimed to have laughed at him the whole time but everyone knows he played the role of mother hen the next two days and wouldn’t let Keith out of his sight
- Coran decided to try out something new one day and shaved his moustache
- the whole team was completely wrecked so he grew it back the next day with the help of some magical Altean cream
@thirtymillioncrows, I hope you’re proud of me for this
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spacefucke · 6 years
Y E s
The voltron crew on a reality tv show where they’re all stuck in a house together
 First off all, the confessionals would be gold
 Allura constantly shit talks everyone in the house. Nobody is safe. 
She and Hunk will often be caught gossiping on camera, which leads to some very interesting stories. 
By now, they all know everything about everyone. 
Pidge is constantly caught up at 3am eating dry cereal, usually straight out of the box.
Matt: what the fuck are you doing up at 3am? 
Pidge: what the fuck are you doing up at 3am? 
Matt: Touché
Keith and Lance maintain a secret relationship for a while before everyone finds out.
Lance, in the confessional: Oh yeah, Keith? I hate that guy. cuts to them flirting He annoys the shit out of me. cuts to them holding hands and gazing lovingly at each other I don’t think we’ll ever get along. cuts to them kissing
Of course, everyone else already at least knew they had a thing for each other, but they officially found out after Matt walked in on them kissing in the laundry room. 
He, of course, yelled as loud as he could and soon enough everyone came by to see a very flustered Keith and a “I’m trying to keep my cool but I’m definitely not cool” Lance. 
Shiro is seen handing Pidge ten dollars in the background. 
Coran is definitely the camera man/host. 
Shiro does almost everything. He can’t help it, exactly. Something in him just forces him to do all the laundry and clean the entire house. 
But, he does force everyone else to do the dishes and eventually they have to make a chore chart so Shiro doesn’t overwork himself with household tasks. 
Lance is a master at avoiding the chores. He knows exactly when to slip out and hide and is exceptional at faking sickness. 
Lance absolutely loves the cameras and the show.
Though, the show does come with consequences for everyone. It’s hard to be serious and discuss things that are meant to be kept in private. Sometimes, they have to ask for the cameras to be turned off. 
On nights they aren’t filming or doing other work, everyone squishes onto the big couch, microwaves a ton of popcorn, and has a movie marathon. They all fall asleep together by the end of it (Lance on Keith’s shoulder, obviously). 
Sometimes Allura and Hunk’s girlfriend, Shay comes to visit and the entire house radiates sunshine. 
Slav does technical management for the show, but he’s often a part of it since he causes Shiro to blow up all the time. 
A normal conversation is happening and a sudden crash is heard from the other room. Cut to Shiro in a confessional, “It definitely wasn’t my fault, Slav was there.“ 
The "Who Broke It?” scene from Parks and Rec actually happens 
It was Shiro. Shiro broke it. 
Hunk’s confessionals are the pettiest. 
Hunk: I’m just saying, I don’t think we can trust this Rolo guy 
Pidge is too short to reach most shelves and cabinets and is caught falling off of counters multiple times. 
There’s a really long sequence of footage with Keith just biting normal household objects. Why? Nobody knows. 
Housewide debate: Was Keith Kogane hatched from an egg? 
Hatched Side: Lance, Pidge, Matt, Allura 
Not Hatched Side: Shiro, Hunk
Keith is just…confused.
Keith: What in the world makes you think I was hatched from a damn egg?
Lance, shrugging: I dunno, eggboy.
Matt joins the house later than everyone else so they decide to prank him with a very cult-like fake initiation, led by Allura.
It succeeds in freaking him out and he doesn’t talk to anyone besides Pidge and Shiro for about two days afterwards.
April fools day is dangerous
Everyone avoids Pidge and Matt at all costs. The dynamic duo is a force to be reckoned with. 
Lance and Allura occasionally hold spa nights where they give everyone face masks and paint their nails. 
Hunk is a huge fan favorite, all the viewers love him. 
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spacefucke · 7 years
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Matt and Kuron! Holy shit what if Matt will be able to realize that He isn't the real Shiro??jsjajsnkdksm hope you enjoy this bullshit
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spacefucke · 7 years
If the Paladins had tumblr
I feel like Keith's blog would be really edgy, with a lot of pictures of swords, with angsty poems and quotes. Lance, total meme page. Nothing but memes. His icon is doge. Pidge? Obviously Pidge has the science blog. Pictures of space, stories about how she came up with blueprints for some awesome ass robot,all that good stuff. Hunk? Wholesome. Alot of aesthetic pictures of clean rooms, forests, sometimes food. He posts a bit of healthy recipes with cute messages at the bottom. And lastly, Space dad. He has an animal Tumblr. Endless, and I mean endless, pictures of kittens, dogs, birds, the black lion, pumas, all kinds of animals. Allura would have a fun blog. All about the mice, fun games to play when bored, gossip about the others, and cute doodles from time to time. Coran has Facebook.
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spacefucke · 7 years
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spacefucke · 7 years
This is amazing, best comic ever.
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Intro comic thing?? for my voltron RPG au ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و I honestly have no idea if I will draw more things for this au, but I drafted this a long time ago and I thought I should finish it :”D
itsklancecentricbutyoucantreallyexpectanythingdifferentfromme Based on these designs I posted
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spacefucke · 7 years
I Swear
Okay but Ace Pidge would make me so happy, my amazing daughter being able to never fail a mission from seduction by some undercover Galra. She's fucking awesome.
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spacefucke · 7 years
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spacefucke · 7 years
Sheith Headcannon
Before Shiro Left for Kerberos, Keith wanted to be near him at all times possible
Shiro would try his best to keep Keith from getting in trouble when they were still at Garrison
Keith was kicked out after Shiro was pronounced "dead" because he couldn't handle it and that's why he was acting up
On the ship to Kerberos, Shiro was always talking to Matt about how amazing Keith is
Shiro being a total space dad™ before he was even Space Dad™
Cuddles like omg can you imagine
Shiro being so happy when he was reunited with Keith
(Canon) Keith being really really concerned about Shiro Everytime he had a flashback of being stuck in Galra captivity
Keith's bants™ about Shiro's hair when he gets back
Shiro and Keith coming to each other with problems and just ranting to the other person
Desperate hugs, clingy on to on another because they feel like it's their only bit of reality left
Shiro feeling Jealous™ when Lance flirts with Keith
Lance being instantly shut down
Poor Lance
Shiro constantly joking about Keith's Mullet
Keith being like... REALLY good at art and he draws Shiro when he's bored, and he draws little hearts around him
Shiro seeing these drawings and just feeling really happy for the rest of the day
Light kisses on the cheek for good luck before a mission
Sleeping in each other's rooms
This WILL result in cuddles
When Lance comes in to ask one of them a question and just doesn't speak and walks out (don't take that as hate on lance he's my bby I love him)
If you have anymore, message me and I'll post them with credit to you
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spacefucke · 7 years
Keith, at some point
"Innocence can't die, if it's something that was never born." Followed by Lance being extremely worried about Keith for like, two weeks.
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spacefucke · 7 years
Lance's Character Development
I feel like this is important but... What if his character development is that we won't get a lot for a while?? Like, he's put up a lot of walls and isn't honest with it. Infact I think he bottles more stuff than Keith...
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