shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!! Before I was pregnant my weight was 125 lbs. And then after my son was born I was 128 pounds. It's very hard for me to lose weight. But I've been keeping up with the keto diet not totally strict, and excersizing atleast 3 times a week and in 1.5 months I've lost almost 7-8 pounds. I'm 118 now. I'm 5ft3 so my goal weight it to be between 110 and 115 pounds. I haven't been in the 110s in so long I'm super happy about this!!
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
I slept 9 hours last night, my child went to bed super late cause he had a late nap til 6pm so he went to bed at 10. Usually his bed time is at 8. And then he slept in til 8:30. It was fantastic... But I'm still sooo tired. He's napping now so I think I'll have a nap too. He's in his sleeper and I also have a grownup sleeper that I'm currently in. PAJAMA DAY!!! and a supernatural marathon hells yes!! Currently on season 7.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
I'm totally pro choice. Everyone has choices. It should not matter what people will think of you or what people think of you. You also don't have to tell anyone that you are pregnant anb choose to get an abortion. There are people that you can talk to who, to there duty can't saying anything legally. Us women should be able to choose what is best for our life and best for our body. It shouldn't be up to anybody else. No one should take that right from you. I had an abortion when I was 18 years old. I was in college, and it was to a man that I loved, I'm still with this man today and have a beautiful boy. But at the time we were not financially ready nor were we mentally ready. And honestly it was the best decision that I've ever made because I know deep down that I would not be able to give this child what it needs in life. Trust me, I still think of the unborn child very regularly. I wonder if was going to be a boy or a girl, if they would look like or like my boyfriend. This child would have been 7 years old this June. It's crazy to think that I would have had a 7 year old in elementary school. Sometimes when I think about it, sure I get upset and think maybe I made the wrong choice. But in my heart I know I made the right one.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
— Margaret Mead (via fy-perspectives)
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
If it was for your child, would you rather stay together with your husband or decide mutually it was best to not be together??? Would you tough it out? And act like a happy go lucky family? Would you try and fix it even if in the back od your mind there is no hope?
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
I wish momma's could take sick days. And I would take medicine but I don't think it would be a good idea to be drugged up on cough syrup. Atleast my Lil man is very snuggly today with lots of open mouthed kisses!
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
A nationwide recall has been issued for the birth control brand Taytulla due to a mistake that could lead to unintended pregnancies.
Parent company Allergan is recalling nearly 170,000 packs of the birth control that have been circulating since last August.
A normal 28-day pack of Taytulla contains 24 pink hormone pills followed by four maroon placebo pills that cause bleeding. But, in the packs being recalled, the placebo pills are at the beginning of the pack.
“As a result of this packaging error, oral contraceptive capsules, that are taken out of sequence, may place the user at risk for contraceptive failure and unintended pregnancy,” said a statement from Allergan.
“The reversing of the order may not be apparent to either new users or previous users of the product, increasing the likelihood of taking the capsules out of order.”
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
Okay so on my previous post I said that I was going to try and out him down without him falling asleep on the bottle. Well. I gave him his bottle early enough that he can still play after and then put him to bed. So, for the last 2 nights that I've Done this... it...worked!!! I layed him down in his bed while he is still WIDE AWAKE and he's fallen asleep within 5-10 minutes with absolutely no fuss! I cant believe it. Did it really get blessed with a perfect child!?!?! Next thing on my list is to get him to use sippy cups instead of bottles.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
So my little man is almost 10 months. He will be on June 1st. I've decided to try and put him into bed for the night 15 minutes after finishing his bedtime bottle. So when I put him into his bed he is wide awake. Usually I'll give him his bedtime bottle at 7:30 but instead I do it at 7, so he finishes by 7:30 and then he can do a little play time for about 15minutes or so and then he goes to bed an he can put himself to sleep instead of the bottle. Not sure if this is the best idea, or how to go about it. But I do want him to be off bottles by a year old, so at That time he can just use a sippy cup. I just think it would be easier to transition cause then he doesn't need a bottle to go to sleep.. Right? Someone please tell me how you went about it for dropping that bed time bottle!? 👶
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
Postpartum depression? I didn't think so..
So even while I was pregnant I was having these thoughts, but right after I had Brandon they were much stronger. 10 months later and I sometimes still think about it.
I've never been one to have depression and I refuse to go on depression medication as I've seen what it fmdoes to people when they are finally coming off of it. I didn't think I had depression. After Brandon was born at all. But when I held him in my arms for the very first time the only thought that went through my head was "my life is over" so about 2 monthd after having even maybe even less than that, all I wanted was my old life back, I wish I had it back, I wish I could leave the house right away instead of taking 2 hours. I wish I didn't have stretch marks on my butt and thighs, I wish I never even had him. And decided to make the big desicion when I was only 4 weeks pregnant. But I didn't. And I hate babies, I really do, I would rather have a toddler that can atleast talk and wipe there own butt for the most part LOL. I thought I was never meant to be a mom because I never wanted to be one in the first place. I never wanted kids at all! It never started to really get better either. The lack of sleep, the lack of "me time". I stopped breastfeeding about a month after he was born because I hated it and breastfeeding was part of THC problem as to why I felt like I made the wrong desicion to have a child. Breastfeeding Sucks!!!!! But now he is 10 months old and it's better but I still wish I was never a mom, or what my life would be like if I wasn't one, and yes I do miss my old life. To be honest I think about my old life more than I should. And that's okay. I still have lack of sleep and lack of me time here and there but it's not as bad. And I drill can't wait til he's a toddler. But in the end I really am glad I never went on postpartum depression medications.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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Those eyes tho 💙💙💙😍😍
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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Chocolate oatmeal topped with chocolate chips and chocolate bar chunks and chocolate yogurt (dairy-free), among other things 🍫🍩🍪😍
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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It's sideways I know. But I bought one of those instax polaroid cameras about a week ago and it's seriously the best thing I've ever bought! I just love the old look it gives, it reminds me of looking in my parents and grandparents photo albums when I was kid. Oh and excuse the cute little baby hand. He always has to be apart of any pictures I take.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
I don't mind doing this Keto diet thing, but I can't deal with cauliflower anymore. To make cauliflower rice is so messy and it gets everywhere!!! I can find premade cauliflower rice either. I just go straight to a bad mood whenever I have to make it. Seriously so annoying.
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
The best relationship you will ever have is with yourself ❤️💜💙
No matter what shape you are, no matter what size you are, your race, abd how rich or poor you are everyone is beautiful in there own way and don't let anyone tell you, you are not. Love yourself!
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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Free training plan available HERE
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shawntalyoung-blog1 · 6 years
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Every weekend, Social Media Specialist (and fitness fanatic) Amanda Meixner preps her meals and shares her photos on her Instagram account. Her simple photos remind us meal prep doesn’t have to be hard, so we’re going to start posting hers every week to inspire you. Follow her on Instagram and check out her blog, Running Wild.
Plan your meals on Sunday? Save this for the weekend!
Amanda’s meals for the week:
Meal 1 (not shown): Oatmeal with scoop of protein powder or Shakeology.
Meal 2: Two egg “muffins” (She mixes 1 whole egg with 3 egg whites, mushrooms and bell peppers, them bakes them at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes). Meal 3 (Mon/Wed/Fri): 4 oz. grilled chicken, ½ cup sweet potato, and 1 cup broccoli. Meal 3 (Tues/Thurs): 1 veggie burger, ½ cup cucumber, bell pepper salad, and green beans. Meal 4: 4 oz. grilled cod, 1 cup steamed cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and an organic apple. Meal 5 (not shown): Salmon, turkey burgers, chicken sausage, or chicken with veggies.
Click here to get the grocery list and more. 
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