please, please, let me let me, get what I want
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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It's None of Your Business! | Obey Me!SatanxMC
content: oh no! MC returned home late into the night, but they're all bruised up! What happened?
Warning: minute swearing
"MC?" Satan widened his eyes, his lips parted.
It was the dead of night. No one was supposed to be awake in the House of Lamentation, other than Leviathan. Satan had woken due to his insomnia, of course. He was expecting to watch some cat videos to fall asleep and some more, but a bruised up MC was not on his list tonight.
MC ignored him and headed for the bathroom.
The panic grew in his chest. He had to know what happened.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Satan grabbed their wrist, and pulled them towards him. "Who... Why do you have cuts on your face?" His pact mark glowed green on his temple, pulsating.
"...Nothing." MC responded. They tried to rid themselves of Satan's grip.
"Why won't you tell me? Do you think I'm insane to hurt you even more, just because I'm the Avatar of Wrath?" Satan's grip grew even stronger. He frowned and bared his fangs at MC.
"Because you don't need to know everything that happens to me!" MC yells, glaring him in the eyes.
"Why shouldn't I, pray tell?" Satan sucked air through his teeth. His horns had started to emerge through the locks of his hair.
"Because I don't need YOU, or anyone ELSE to take care of me! I'm not your fucking kid!"
"That's not what this is about, MC!" Satan yelled, his eyes shaking. His eyes glimmered green in the dark.
MC freezes. The last moment they see is Satan towered over them, in his demon form.
The next morning, Mammon comes to wake MC. He knocks, for once. "MC? Ya alright?"
"Yeah," MC replies with the strength they had. They sat up straight on their bed, looking around their room. It was strangely, in order. Wait, in order?
Someone organised their room.
MC sighs heavily, pinching their nose. Satan. It was definitely him. He can't even organise his shambolic room, and he's the one to organise theirs.
"Go brush your teeth. I'll bring you breakfast, hm?" Mammon said, leaving shortly after.
MC hummed back in agreement and headed for the bathroom in their room. They came out soon after to meet Mammon with a platter. He set the folding desk onto their bed, and set the platter onto it. "There ya go, prince/ess." Mammon grinned at his job well done.
MC thanked him, and sat down to eat. They listened to his latest money making scheme he thought of, and honestly, this time it sounds like absolute gold. They might even help this time, who knows. Only if Lucifer doesn't catch wind of this.
Mammon left after a while, to most probably fill out a half-day permission slip to get signed at R.A.D. Maybe it was about something else, nobody knows. Either way, MC's going to the academy in his car. They quickly get dressed in the uniform and met Mammon outside the gates.
The whole day went by idly and it was only at that break that they met Asmodeus and Beelzebub. MC chatted for a while idly until Asmodeus finally spoke,
"Wait, you think Satan arranged your room?"
"Yeah? Didn't he?"
"MC, that was me."
"Oh. Oh! I'm so sorry, I thought it was Satan, Asmo. I didn't know."
"It's fine. Are you alright, MC? How is it with Satan?"
MC paused for a while before answering. They didn't know, honestly. They were just a scatterbrain at the moment, and nothing felt real. "How'd you know?"
Beel says in between bites, "We don't. This morning, he just looked like he read the worst review of his favourite book. But definitely more angrier than disappointed."
They don't think they hurt Satan that bad... Did they? I mean, it's not like he's someone special to them. Satan and them just live in the same house. And share the same rooms sometimes. That's it. Right?
"Oh. I'll see to it. Hopefully I'll coax him with cats, hardcover books, and an apology. Thank you, Asmo and Beel. See you later!" MC bids adieu to the pair of brothers.
Author's note: should I continue this? Let me know.
Merry christmas, everyone! 🌲🎅
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I literally don't care about anything anymore, I AM SO HAPPY!!! OMGOMG THIS IS SO GREAT
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It was totally worth it staying home today XD
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Fancy Any Coffee, Lucifer? [Obey Me!Lucifer x MC]
Pairing: Lucifer x MC
Content: Lucifer's tired, the student council is in disarray and he has his share of paperwork, it's piling and piling, MC's worried extremely, they make coffee for Lucifer
It was Friday. Really just the last day of the week, but Lucifer's overworked by the student council body, MC's concerned and the kitchen just happened to have some Hell Coffee beans.
MC was just returning from the dining room from an evening dine, when they passed by Lucifer's study. The poor, stressed demon was quite literally working his tail off for RAD, let alone betting sleep on work. He hadn't looked like he slept soundly in a fortnight, or even taken any naps. Obviously they would be worried, wouldn't they?
MC thought of brewing some Hell's Coffee for Lucifer. They went to the kitchen, in search of the coffee beans they had been gifted once. Fortunately, they were where MC had left them, and nobody had used them. Especially Beel.
MC buffered in real life for a moment, most probably because they had forgotten how to grind coffee in the first place. They called Satan on how to brew it properly, since they had only seen it being drunk, never made.
"Satan, um, so I have these Hell's Coffee beans in the kitchen. How much am I supposed to grind?"
"However much is necessary. I trust you to be the best judge, MC. Anything more? I need to get back on my spellwork."
"Yes! Uhm, how exactly do you brew this? I'm sorry, I'm very confused."
"Well, how do you brew your coffee in the human world?"
"Grind the coffee beans in the grinder, and boil the water in a wok. As soon as both of them are done, I just do stuff in the coffee maker to make it."
"Well, we don't have a coffee maker in the kitchen, so you should have to make do with a French Press. Hell's Coffee doesn't need much effort, it's practically the same."
"Alright. Thank you Satan," MC hangs up, and puts their D.D.D. away.
They get started on the coffee grinding and sets it to medium grind. They start boiling the water on the fire, and took it off in a while. They located the French press in the back of the bottom cabinets, and carefully removed every single item to take out the French Press. They would put back everything the way it was, but that would be more work when they have to put the French Press back again.
MC had made Hell's Coffee with the utmost anxiety that it'd be sweet. They had added both milk and sugar in the most minimal, but it still tasted too sweet. MC knew Lucifer didn't appreciate sweetness in his coffee. With apprehension, they carried the cup of Hell's Coffee to Lucifer's study.
At the door, they balanced the tray they carried on a forearm to knock. Soon, Lucifer asked, "Who is it?"
MC replied that it was them and Lucifer asked them to come in.
Lo, was it a sight to behold. The most composed demon to ever grace the Devildom was buried in his everlasting paperwork, on the edge of cracking. The sight of MC may have brought solace to Lucifer's eyes instead of the petitions, but it was short-lived. "Anything bothering you in the Devildom, MC?" He soon asked, burying himself in his gloved hands.
"Ah, nothing really, Lucifer. I brought some coffee for you. Can I keep it on your desk, or would that take up too much space?" MC took a step forward.
"Ah... Yes, of course, MC," He fruitlessly tried to arrange the dissarray of papers scattered on his desk in a hurry.
MC set down the cup on the space that had been left, careful to remove any papers close to the cup. "Goodbye, Lucifer."
On the way to the door, MC stopped in their steps and remarked, "That reminds me, Lucifer. I have something of yours."
"Whatever would that be?" Lucifer replied.
MC reaches in their pocket, trying to search something. They remark before revealing a finger heart at Lucifer, "This. I should really go now, excuse me, please." They chuckle before closing the door behind them.
On the other side, they heard Lucifer chuckle to himself. Maybe it was because he was so stressed, the simple gesture had lightened up the atmosphere in his study. In any way, he definitely felt better.
-> After Lucifer drank your coffee♡
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Author's note: Hi, I hope you enjoyed! I meant to post this yesterday but I had an exam ㅜㅡㅜ I was looking through the memories box in Lucifer's chat, and I came across this gem. I felt so inspired that I just had to write something. Please don't judge my devil points, I have a weak heart and I just had to spend some. Have a good day/evening/night!!
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MC: Wow, that sucks. Anyway, wanna fill a Demonus bottle with poison spider venom and gift it to Lucifer?
Satan: I love you.
MC, about Lucifer: I don't think your father approves of me.
Satan: don't worry about it. He doesn't approve of me either.
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Satan: MC, what are you doing. In my room?
MC: I'm not in your room. Pulls off the stupidest pose ever.
Satan: (sighs) Get out!
MC: Alright, fine. *Pulls off the stupidest face they can before leaving*
Satan: *Throws the closest book possible at MC in frustration*
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I believe that however disorganised Satan's room is, he always has books categorised by their pile or stack. Might even try colour if suggested by MC, but that's a real far shot. I think if he really wanted to, he would organise his room according to subject and genre if suggested by MC.
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Satan, Sleep With Me! [ Obey Me!SatanxMC]
Pairing: Satan x MC
content: fluff, sfw, piggyback ride, slight adoration, mc being drunk and stupid, mammon being jealous, fluff, satan finally giving in to mc, them finally sleeping happily ever after, did I mention fluff?
warning: mentions of drinking
"Satannnn... where are we going?" MC asks, hiccuping.
"To your room, MC. You're clearly drunk," Satan replied calmly, turning to a corner.
"Whaaat... no *hic* I'm not."
Satan ignored MC, adjusting their legs on his back. It was the first time Satan was ever giving anyone a piggyback ride. Especially MC.
They reached MC's room. A strange scented wafted around the room. It was invigorating, to say the least, but Satan tried to be composed and paid no heed. Satan gently let MC off his back and onto their bed carefully, and held their body lightly. He adjusted a pillow under MC's head and tucked them in. He was just about to leave when MC grabbed his jacket.
"Satann, sleep with mee..." MC said, gripping tightly.
'No. Good night, MC. I hope you had fun." Satan refused, trying to rid himself of their grip.
"Buut, it'd be fun-ner if you slept with me, Satan," MC grinned listlessly.
Satan stared at MC's stupid, flushed face in the darkness. They look so pretty. I hope they stay a longer time than before. It's times like this when I believe I know them. He brushed the stray hairs from their forehead. "So pretty," he whispered under his breath.
Satan quickly covers their mouth, rueing the moment he spoke.
In the distance at the party, everyone turns their heads at the sound. "Do you think they're doing something naughty ♡?" Asmo remarks.
"Dunno, but they shouldn't be. Yeah, I should go and check, y'know, make sure of it..." Mammon curses under his breath.
"Hold it, Mammon. I'll go check. " Lucifer gets uo from his seat.
As Lucifer trailed off in the distance, Mammon grumbled, "Stupid Lucifer, always thinking he's so great..."
Lucifer reaches MC's room, and asks calmly, "MC? 𝙎𝘼𝙏𝘼𝙉? 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚?"
Panicking, Satan replies, "Nothing!" He quickly pulls the sheets over MC and the blood pounds in his ear. He steps away and as if on cue, the door clicks open. Lucifer opens the door to a supposedly asleep MC and a flushed Satan. "What..." Lucifer scowled.
"Hey, Lucifer. Is Solomon still at the party? I need to ask him about this spell,' Satan noisily excused himself, squeezing himself between Lucifer and the doorway.
Lucifer whispers, "We talk about this later in my room." He glanced back at MC and closed the door.
At about 3 in the morning in Devildom, MC calls Satan on their D.D.D. It ringed for a while until he finally picked up. "What are you doing?" MC asked drowsily.
"MC, it's 3 in the morning."
"Don't you think I know that. Anyways, come over to my room."
Satan sat up on his bed. "MC, no."
"MC, yes. My way, my way or the highway ♪~"
"I'm hanging up."
"Satan, noooo," But the last part was clipped off, and MC was alone, sad and lonely in their bed.
After a few minutes, MC's door opens quietly, and there stood Satan in his cat-themed pyjamas.
"Satan? Is that you?" MC sat up. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could make out the faint outline of the cats on his clothes. "Are those..."
"Yes, they are. Move over now." Satan gestured.
MC shifts to make space for Satan. He lied next to them and MC remarked, 'I'm bored. Satan, turn over. I'll spoon you."
"Why would you? I should. You turn over." Satan said.
MC resigned from an argument and turned over. It was only later in the morning when Asmodeus came to wake them up, that MC realised Satan held them in a death grip in his sleep.
Author's note: I hope you enjoyed! I'm always open to requests, although I might take time getting to them. Thank you for reading!❤️
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