roaringliketheocean · 4 years
someone asked me how you move on. do they know i still dream about you. waited to see if you’d say anything on my birthday, was kind of hoping for an opening. my mother says you sound different when you talk about her. i hold you like a coal on the back of my tongue. 
how do we move on? i take pictures of flowers, of ferns, of things i think you would like. i brush my teeth and braid my hair and sing badly and nothing echoes good inside of me. i write poems about birds and burns and bleach and they all reek with the absence of you because not-writing about you is still writing about you. in my favorite daydream i come home to you and just kiss you and hold a candle to the dry tinder and propane, call conflict seeing sparks. 
how do we move on? i guess. like this. i eat too many watermelon sourpatch candies because they’re my favorite. it makes my tongue bleed. i can’t taste anything for hours afterwards. i keep chewing long past the hurting. this is how next time i don’t say yes. this is how i light you out of me like a sunburn. this is how i chase out all this sharp white want. i say - okay. just this once. and then we need to walk away. 
okay just this once. okay just this once. okay. just today. and then we move on.
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
i wish my thoughts
could sit on your skin
like wide blue eyes
spilling up with oceans
i wish my lips
would fall off
and race around my feet like toads
i wish
i could pull the panic out of my bones
like an appendix
'oh this is hurting you'
a little cut
a little blood
a little stitch
good as new
my brain is a dick
it likes to think and think and think
until all i am
is a set of broken eyes
that weep nightmares and monsters
words on my lips
words on your lips
too many words
that mean too many things
and should not have been said at all
they pull me down
and break my bones
tie stones to my wings
and sink me in my sins
i am screaming
choking full on insecurity
i feel like sagging bones
and a rotted skull
i am bloated
with all these dark things
that clamber and pull at my face
nails in my forehead
claws in my scalp
fingers in my mouth
talons in my cheeks
i am suffocating on my dreams
they pull me into a sandstorm
and tug me into spirals
of you and him and her and me and them
and all the lies whispered between us all
are you who you say you are?
do you mean what you do?
do i understand you?
are we speaking the same song
or am i hearing on a different place?
am i who i say i am?
i know myself least
let me look through your eyes and judge
my unspoken thoughts
that somehow
sneak out under my nails
and between the cracking in my teeth
do my eyes shout at you?
windows to the soul
doorways to my headspace
full of void
and murder
overthink no.1
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
i. bones and knives and blood i am an open wound open grave open casket come to my funeral don't you dare write my obituary you piece of shit
ii. pulling skin from fingers crunching on knuckles cannibal how does suffering and murder taste when it's not your own
iii. your hands were supposed to catch me you bastard instead they pushed me you broke so many promises
iv. trust me you begged and i ignored my heart for your lips and then i choked because honesty isn't something you trade in
v. can you look yourself in the eyes i know you hate mirrors how many sets of bones dance in your room at night i bet you can't sleep for all the clacking and breaking i hope you can't sleep
vi. i dreamed about you for weeks and darkness chased me until i was a shadow you stole my heart my head my voice my trust my time my friends my voice
vii. listen close you arrogant lying bitch you thought you destroyed me and i won't lie you definitely came close but i'm tougher than i look and few friends who won't talk to me and a couple rumors aren't going to kill me
viii. kiss my ass i was too good for you i can't believe i ever loved you
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
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you claim i am a liar
and i don't have the time for it
feb '19
- o.f.
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
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via weheartit
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
Head full of mirrors, 
your unfocused reflections 
are most distracting. 
🍁 Red Leaf Haiku by © John Clark Helzer
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
why do you smile, love?
what are you thinking
that helps you to brighten up?
you’re lost in your mind, love
(and i’m lost out of mine)
and i wish it was me
you were dreaming of
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
does time stop when a rose
gets swallowed by the ocean?
are our hands the same
distance from our dreams
every time a heart takes a
different name? you are
every wrong thing I ever
wanted to do, every breath
that has listened to the
forest more than tanning
apologies & though I just
want the place where I
sleep & my home to be
the same place, we don’t
get to choose the person
our mind can’t
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
it has been
more than a year
and i am
finally realizing
that it was not
just my fault
not all of the blame
belongs to me
you hurt me too
you left scars
and thoughts
that i had no part
in causing
this forgiveness
of myself
is healing
and for the first time
in a long tjme
i feel whole
i am not
the only reason
for my suffering
and yours
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
Instead of saying goodnight, she said, “I love you.”
Instead of saying goodnight, he said, “Goodbye.”
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
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via weheartit
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roaringliketheocean · 5 years
i am often commended
for my quick
and copious smiles
and for my easy laugh
i wonder
what would happen
if i pulled back
my teeth
and let my lips fall
into a reflection
of how
i really am
- 12/13/18 - O. F.
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roaringliketheocean · 6 years
he is going to be an accident but those hurt the most
i’m warning you
but do i listen
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roaringliketheocean · 6 years
bubbles in my chest
a settling sun on your eyebrows
i am lost
in clouds dripping
with sarcasm
and serendipity
how will you find me
when i am
the shadows
of footsteps
on winter skies
my tongue
is light and murder
don't touch me
don't look
i will hurt you
oh god
i am danger
approach with caution
don't get attached
i'll leave you
like summer
with my concrete finger
meant for breaking
i will dance
on the knobs of your spine
a river like tears
pouring from my hands
oh my blue eyes
are shouting
can you hear my warning?
//blue eyes: i am going to break you// 
- O.F.
run for your life
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roaringliketheocean · 6 years
“lets not make this a cliche, this isn’t about a boy and a girl  who aren’t going to make it and this isn’t  another damn love poem, you fall through air and I am writing in the waves
sinking implies that an action is actively occurring  but this ship is at the bottom of the sea and there are sharks swimming through the cabins where  the steadfast captain used to sleep 
ships are women for a reason, She was never meant to house so many bodies, so unwelcome  Her sails were meant for a light sea breeze but the storms She suffered were much stronger  and in the end it sunk Her to the seabed 
a bed She did not make but knew too well, sand slotting between Her planks- this won’t be a retrieval or revival, story- do you know how much it costs  to salvage a sunken ship? 
more than She was worth at the start.”
- wreckage || O.L.
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