honey-pot73 · 3 years
The Heart of Arcadia: Ch. 1
“Mom! Do we still need tulip buds on display?” I called from the back storeroom. 
I have been working in my mom’s flower shop since I was 14 years old. At first, it was to save up money to travel but on sunny days like this, it’s not about the money. My mother is the only floral shop in our small town of Sedona, AZ. We have been living here nearly my whole life and it’s the one place I have never left. 
“Yeah, just put them next to the Poppies. Come help me on the register dear!” My mother yelled out. I grabbed the boxes filled with tulip buds and headed out of the storeroom. After placing the tulips next to the poppies, I rush over to help on the second register. As I make my way to the register a sizable man was next for my mother’s register.
“Do you have the things on this list?” His voice bellowed through the store as he reached into his pocket to grab a piece of paper. Mom stared intensely at the list before giving a response. I glanced over and saw strange symbols I could not make out.  Who the hell is this guy?
“Follow me to the back. Ren, cover the line while I go to the back for a bit.” I nodded and began to ring up the next customer. 3 hours go by and my mother had not returned from the storeroom.  What could that guy have possibly wanted that it has taken this long? After such a long time, mom return to the register and the man rushed out the door without saying a word.
“What was that all about mom?” I inquired.
“Just a special order that’s all. How was it out here? It’s almost time to close up soon,” She asked as she began closing the shop up. RING! RING! The door swung open. In walked Rayven, my best friend, and Orian, her brother.
“Hey, girl! What are you doing tonight?” Rayven asked as she leaned her back against the front counter. Orian, like always, was wandering around the store, trying his best not to make eye contact with me. Same old, Orian, some things will never change. I have been friends with Rayven since high school and Orian was very shy so he stuck with us most of the time. I smirked at the idea of what Rayven could have possibly wanted to do this time. Whenever we were together, things became a little chaotic but it’s all in good fun of course. She flipped her raven black hair and turned in my direction. Batting those foxy eyelashes at me, I giggled under my breathe at her tactics.
“I was just going chill and watch Netflix all day, nothing special. You?” I did my best to play around with her upcoming question.
“So there is this party tonight at this abandoned warehouse just outside of town and we should totally go!” Rayven exclaimed. I could tell by the look in her eyes all she wanted was for me to say yes. Rayven was always trying her best to get me out of my comfort zone. Rayven had always been like a sister to me. Giving me the best advice, encouraged me, and even went out of her way to help me with anything I need. We had a close relationship.
“I don’t Ray...you know parties aren’t really my thing,” I reply. I walk from behind the counter and help mom close up the shop for the night.
“Oh come on! Netflix will always be there but you-know-who will be there,” Rayven glazed over at Orian. I had been crushing on him since we were freshmen but I never had the courage to ask him out. Of course, he is always around but I turn into an awkward mess around Orian. Maybe one night out wouldn’t hurt. I smiled on the inside, in case Orian was looking my way. I glanced over at him and his caramel skin blushed a rosy red. So cute! We locked eyes for a brief moment before I broke our gaze with each other.
“Fine...I’ll go. But under one condition,” I said.
“Anything !” Rayven said excitedly. 
“You have to do my hair and make-up,” I smiled sly and walked towards the doors. “Mom, are you okay with locking up alone tonight? I’m going to this party with Rayven tonight and need to get read,” I asked.
“Of course sweetie, I can handle things here. Go have fun.” She smiled slightly before waving us out of the shop. We made out way back to the manor since it was within walking distance from the shop. As we walked, Rayven continued to gush over the party for the night. Orian tuned in when he wasn’t drifting off into his music in one ear and his sister in the other. As we made our way to the manor I saw a strand tall figure standing in the doorway. What’s Uncle Siles doing in the doorway? 
“Siles? Is that you?” I shouted from a distance. The figure turned around and red-eyes glowed brightly. Before I knew it the figure was gone in a blink of an eye. What the hell was that? I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed, I wondered if I was alone in my sights. I looked over to see Rayven on her phone and Orian staring at the ground. I must be seeing things.
As we walk into the manor the parlor lights were still on and Siles was sitting at the dining room table along with a cup of tea most likely in his comforts. Siles was usually in bed by the time mom and I closed up the shop.
“Hello Serenity,” Siles greeted before taking a sip of his tea.
“Hey, Siles. I’m not staying long, I just need to change clothes and I‘m headed out for the night,” I said as I make my way to the stairs with Rayven and Orian on my heels.
“Are you sure you want to go out tonight? It is the night before a full moon after all,” Uncle Siles had a thing for astrology and things like that. I asked him once when I was younger why he believes in all of that stuff and he said: “We as a species need something to believe in so we can better grasp the meaning of life and our purpose in this world,” The statement always comes to mind when he gets t talking about the planet meanings and crystals. Like a reminder of who he is in a way, I suppose.
“Siles, I think I will be fine going out for one night. Besides, I have been helping at the shop all week and I could use some fun for once.,” I reassured him as I continued walking up the stairs towards my room. I could hear Siles speaking but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. We entered my room, Orian took his usual spot in the chair by the window and Rayven stretched out on my bed.  I rummaged through my clothes to find the perfect outfit for the night.
“Please tell me you weren’t thinking of wearing that?” Rayven asked, pointing to my yellow vee neck sweater and black leggings. I examined the outfit once more and gave her a confused look.
“What’s wrong with this?” I asked.
“Everything! This screams lonely cat lady librarian. We are going for sexier or drop-dead gorgeous. You have the figure for it, Ren,” I thought about what she had said. You know what she is absolutely right. Let’s go all out for this one!”
I walked to the back of my closet and pulled out my black spaghetti strapped dress. It wrapped its self around my curves as I admired my figure in the mirror behind the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Orian staring with his lips slightly parted. I have never been so happy he can see how hard I am blushing at the moment. I grabbed my red and black moto jacket and slipped my arms through the sleeves. 
“Okay, what about this one?” I did a twirl so so Rayven could see the full outfit. Her enormous grin on her face and look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. Of course, she likes the dress.
“You look beautiful, Ren,” Orian said so quietly, I could barely make out what he said.
“Omg! You look spectacular! You should dress like this more often.,” I shook my head at her reaction but what could I expect from her.
Rayven is like my polar opposite. WE have been doing everything together since we were kids. She was always protective of me and Orian. Rayven always talked about us leaving our small town and going out to see the world but my mother would never even listen to the idea of us leaving the town. She always got so upset when we talked about leaving to visit other places. Mom never gave a reason why but that was her one strict rule, no matter what.
“You need to wear these cute heels with an outfit like that,” Rayven said as she dangled a pair of my black faux leather 6-inch heels. 
“Or or, I have a better idea. I don’t wear heels but I wear my black chuck Taylors. They are more comfortable and I’m most likely going to trip over my own feet,” I grabbed a pair of ankle socks from my dresser and spritzed my body with perfume. As I rummaged through my jewelry for my diamond earrings and necklace, I could feel a presence beside me.
“Come on Ren, take some risks. I will catch you if your fall doesn’t worry, I got you and so does Orian,” Orians head sunk lower into his phone screen trying not to be involved in the awkward conversation. But that was Orian, he was the quiet one in our group. He rarely spoke about anything and agrees with whatever his sister wanted to do at the same time
“Rian, tell her she looks stunning with the heals” Rayven encouraged
“I don’t know, you look nice I guess,” When he spoke those words, I could feel my heart sink into my stomach. The insecurity had begun to rise in me.
“Maybe, I shouldn’t go after all,” Rayven noticed the insecurity in my voice.
“Nonsense! You look like a rockstar in that outfit and we are going out for the night. So get out of your feeling and let’s go,” Rayven stated. She grabbed my arm and headed out the room to the stairs. Uncle Silas was standing in the foyer waiting for use to return with crystals in his hand.
“I want you to be safe so take this Obsidian and Amethys with you for protection, please for my sake,” Siles insisted. I rolled my eyes at the gesture but took the crystals and put them in my jacket pocket for safekeeping.
“There...do you feel better” Silas nodded. “Great, I should be back around 2, maybe sooner but I’m not sure,” I said as we made out way to the door.
“Alright, be safe!” Siles yells as we head out of the door.
Siles had been in my life since I was 6 years old, I can still remember the day. It was cloudy outside and drizzling just a little. The crows had gathered around the manor in a peculiar way, and  I could hear the dogs barking from the other homes. It was an uneasy way he had about himself. His pale blue eyes looked as if they had seen the entire universe in one day. 
His off-putting smile made it hard to approach him. Took me 3 weeks to say anything to him once he moved into the basement of the manor. In the middle of the night, I could hear him working on something big but I never got the courage to see what was going on down there. Siles was an odd fellow but everyone loved him despite his unusual ways. He walked with a cane that had a bizarre bird on the top that had 3 eyes and silver wings. The staff of the cane was even more strange. 
When I asked him about it as a kid he said a special tree weaved its self into a staff for him to have because he took care of the tree for so long. Siles had always been telling me stories of a faraway place in another realm. Hill painted purple and towers so tall they could almost reach the heavens. And magic...magic I wouldn’t believe. He called them Zanites, there were these special people who could use magic in that realm. But those were just stories at bedtime.
I continued to stare out the passenger window and let the music drift my mind away. I looked over in the side view mirror to see Orian staring out the window too. He looks so unamused. I grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket and sent a text.
Ren: Are you just as over this as I am? 
Sent at 9:32 PM
Orian: Is it that obvious?
Sent at 9:32 PM
Ren: Very. Want to ditch Ray and hang together?
Sent at 9:34 PM
I waited anxiously for his response. I have to admit I had always had a crush on Orian but never acted on it because of Rayven. What kind of friend would I be if I dated her brother? Sure he was cute when he played coy and shy with his sweet honey brown eyes and shaggy just black hair. With a perfect smile to match, he was perfect, down to the compatible personalities. DING!
Orian: Let’s do it. ;p
Sent at 9:40 PM
I felt a rush of excitement run through my body like never before. Orian and I had never made a habit of hanging out without Rayven. It only happened a few times and those were by accident. The first time Rayven had left the room to pick up the pizza, we had a whole 30 minutes together but it was spent in near silence until I opened up the conversation. I don’t remember what we talked about but I know he made me laugh harder than I had ever laughed before. We got close to one another, then Rayven came back into the room and things went back to normal for us.
We arrive at a packed warehouse parking lot filled with people who looked like they were in their 20s. I looked down at my outfit one last time and felt a reassuring hand on my right shoulder. Orian, hmm what a lifesaver he is. We all exited the Jeep and headed towards the entrance like everyone else. Once we get inside the sound of the music vibrated my whole body making me feel numb to what is coming next.
“Here take this!” Rayven shouted at the music as she handed me a little blue pill. I was hesitant at first but I took it anyway.
“What was that?” I asked. I could feel the effects begin to take over. My body felt as if it was so heavy. Heavier than it had ever been. By the time we made it to the warehouse, the party was in full swing. 
“Think of it as unicorn tears,” Rayven said as she lead me deeper into the dance floor. I stood there for a moment taking in the vibes from the people. Before I knew it my body was grooving to the music, a hand laced itself into mine. I look up to see those pale blue eyes I loved so much. Orian. 
“I found a quiet spot we can chill,”  I nodded in agreeance and allowed him to guide me through the crowd to a backdoor. The door looked warp as we approached it, then it opened. A bright blue and black light shined brightly through the opening. Suddenly my skin was rushed with icy cold air. Orian took his jacket off and put it on me.
“Aren’t y-you going t-to be cold?” I stammered over my words. At this point, I’m not sure if it was because of the cold, the drugs, or the giant crush I was hiding. But I didn’t care because I was here with him for once. His pale white skin looked almost luminescent in the full moonlight.
“I like the cold and it doesn’t really bother me anyway. Are you okay? You look slumped,” He said as he leaned against the metal railing separating the building from the deep fall on the other side. I, however, was halfway slumped on the railing doing my best to look sober but I was far from that. I looked up at Orian to see his exposed chest in his black button shirt. The short sleeves exposed the tattoos on his trimmed figure.
“Oh me, oh my, I think I’m just fine! Hahaha!” I laughed at the rhyme I had created. Orian brought himself down to my eye level since he did stand at a tall 6’2 compared to my 5’4 stature. He looked deep into my dark brown eyes, you could have sworn were near black. I stared back into his icy blue eyes, the look nearly pale if it weren’t for his pupils.
“What did my naughty  sister give you, Ren?” The touch of his hand that held my chin sent flames of passion to my cheeks. I could feel the river forming between my thick thighs as the word naughty rolls off his tongue. I smile brightly and answered as best as I could.
“I think she called then unicorn tears or berry fuzzy bears...Haha!” I laughed harder than before. 
“Of course she gave you unicorn tears,” His face had turned sour from the news of what I had told him. I began to pout at the thought of changing his mood in a bad way. I gave him the biggest puppy dig eyes that  I could produce.
“Did I make you upset, Rian?” I spoke softly with my hand covering my mouth. Almost as if I did not want words to slip past my tongue. In a swift movement, he pulled my face closer to his. I could smell the fresh spearmint on his breath and his intoxicating cologne that made me fall harder than I already had.
“There is nothing you could ever do that would upset me, Nit” I blushed harder at him calling me his special nickname for me. I smiled to show my excitement and he grin just as sly as ever. He was charming when he wanted to be but only in private did he have this wit about him. “Let’s get you some water and a place to lay down,” He carried me in a bridal style to the nearest bench on the roof. My eyelids became so heavy I began drifting off. I felt the warm kiss of someone on my forehead, I assumed it was Orian. He had disappeared and began drifting into sleep
“We haven’t much time girl! Find Arcadia and connect the hearts! Hurry! Before it’s too late!” A familiar voice had faded into the abyss that was my mind. What is Arcadia? Why does this feel so real?
“Wait! How do I get to Arcadia?” I shouted at the shadow with glowing red eyes. Same as before in the doorway at home.
“Find the portal between the garden archway. This will take you to Arcadia. Seek the one who is estranged in your world. A relative..” the shadow spoke before coming up to me. I could feel its cold energy echoing off of its being.
“What does that mean?”
“Find the archway! The arch!” The voice faded.
“Ren...Ren wakes up,” I heard the sweet tone of Orians voice. My eyes flutter open to see him sitting beside me with a bottle of unopened water. I sat up on the bench and took the bottle of water. Finally quenching the thirst I had developed, I nearly empty the bottle. As I finish off the bottle, Orian hands me another full bottle.
“I had a feeling you would be super dehydrated. That stuff can really mess you up Ren. Why did you take it anyway? Why are you being so reckless today?” I could tell he wanted to whisper that last part but did not succeed very well.
“Are you mad at me, Rye?” I asked after I finished off the second bottle of water. 
“Of course not Nit, I just care about you a little too much at times. Maybe if things were different….” He trailed off. What does he mean by that? Different how? “let’s get you back to the car, I’ll drive you home and get Rayven too,” I hadn’t noticed so much time had gone by otherwise we would left already. Looked at my purple watch on my wrist and saw the time of 2:30 AM. Mom must be freaking out by now.
“Yea we should get going, I’ll stay here while you go get Rayven,” I suggested. Orian nodded and headed back into the party. Aside from the yellow light over my head, there was no one here but me. Me and that shadow again. Is this thing following me or something? 
The same shadow from the manor and my dream too. How could this be the same shadow? The shadow began to approach me with its beads of red eyes. My brain was telling my body to move but nothing was happening. It was like I was frozen at that moment, forced to endure the grip this shadow had on me. The shadow reached out to me, reaching for the crystal around my neck. The crystal began to float as if it was in the palm of the hands of the shadow.
“You are under protection? This is good...you must return to Arcadia at once! The people need you to unite the realms….if you don’t return, chaos and darkness will fall on Arcadia! Return to Arcadia chosen one….” The shadow faded back into the corner it appeared from. I could feel my heart nearly beating out of my chest. I can’t move….I can’t move. What was that thing? What is going on? I look at the crystal around my neck and it’s glowing. Swiftly,  I took the necklace off and put it in my jacket pocket. I need to get this to Siles and find out the hell is going on. 
I stumbled up from the bench and tried making my way to the nearest exit to the parking lot. As I stumbled out the door towards the car,  I hear footsteps running towards me fast. I turn back to see Rayven and Orian at full speed trying to catch up with me. I slow down so they can catch up with me.
“Where could you possibly be running off to all alone?” Rayven says as she caught up to me. I slung my body over her shoulder in a huff.
“We need to get to the manor now.”
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honey-pot73 · 6 years
The Thoughts of an Understanding Woman
I understand you have your own life to live that has nothing to do with me
I understand there are things you don’t want to talk about with me because you may think I will not understand
I understand that you are not used to having another person around who is so different from you and I can accept that
I understand when you tell me you care but never actually show it
But what I can’t understand is why you are wasting your time here with me
I understand you said it was because we are so different but that is a reason why we shouldn’t
You don’t seem to have any interest in whatever you want to call this but it is no longer a relationship
I just wish you could try to understand where I am coming from but you won’t
It is not that you can’t, you just won’t
There are more import things you have going on and a priorities list that I am not on but I understand
I always understand and say everything is alright to make everyone else feel better or not to hurt your feels but what about my feelings
No one takes the time to ask if I’m alright without me having to bring it up in conversation
No one takes the time to see what’s going on in my mind because it’s not worth their precious time
No one comes out to say that they care about me and they are going to really be there for me
No one looks at me as if they are perfectly happy with where they are and wouldn’t change a thing about the moment
No one takes the time to compliment something other than my looks like there is nothing else worth mentioning about me
This maybe self centered but who cares when I’m always in the background letting everyone else shine so brightly in front of me when I stay in the shadows fighting hard to be unseen
So I understand that you are who you are and I won’t change that but understand this, I am who I am and you have no idea who that person really is.
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honey-pot73 · 6 years
Procrastinate my style
You know I have been trying each day not to procrastinate but it’s seeming near to impossible or at least in my mind it is. I wake up and know I should be getting dressed and doing things; however, laying in bed scrolling through my phone on instagram seems more my current choice. Let it be known that procrastination can be the hook holding me back from my current path of potential future success. Many successful people aren’t procrastinators but they choose to get up and get things done. Instead of talking about what they want to do, they go out and do it with not many questions asked. Is this really the ideal way to live or is this even true? I mean I have seen many amazing things happen from procrastination so why does everyone have to follow this notion that you have to always be proactive about life? Why can’t you take life at your stride and go with what feels right for you? I say do life at your speed and screw what everyone else has to say about it! Live long and stride!
Jazzie XOXO
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honey-pot73 · 6 years
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Random Ideas - Printed. (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Vk3sOfBEqO Just some random ideas for stories I have been having, figured I need somewhere other than my notebook to share them. XOXO
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honey-pot73 · 6 years
Smile Bigger, Laugh Louder
We never truly understand how something as simple as a laugh or a smile can be so impactful on someone else or even yourself. It is an unspoken word that many use to feel hope, satisfaction, remorse, or even peace. Nothing is more significant then doing it for the first time though, it almost becomes an addiction that we work our whole lives to keep it pure. It started when we were infants, our first laugh made or parents laugh with us and we watched their faces glow with happiness. Oh how something so simple can bring so much joy. Jazzie XOXO
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honey-pot73 · 6 years
“And I began to recognize a source of power within myself that comes from the knowledge that while it is most desirable not to be afraid, learning to put fear into perspective gave me great strength.”
— Audre Lorde, from A Burst of Light: Essays; “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
I really hate you
Have you ever been around someone and realize you hate them with everything you’ve got.? You want to tell them you love them but it just feels like venom oozing in your throat. Fuck love and you too....
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
Loving seeing beautiful black women cosplaying since it’s very rare 😍😍🤩🤩
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
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I was working on the one on top and then I clicked off the color for a bit and the bottom one happened
Anyway, so the multiverse is just like Space: Bonus Round, right?
[musical inspiration: Shelter, by Porter Robinson & Madeon]
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
Brain Frozen
Trying to come up with new words to put onto paper is one of the most difficult things I could ever do in my lifetime......
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
Nathan’s Memories
I couldn’t tell you how badly she looked that day. Her clothes looked like they haven’t been washed in months. Her hair was a mess unlike its usual tidy self. There were small puncture wounds on her arms that had turned black and blue with bruising. She was shaking so badly, I just wanted to give her a blanket with a warm hug.
“Hey honey bee, mommy is going to be gone for a little while and I want you to know that I love you and to stay strong while I’m away,” She placed a hand on my cheek where a tear had fallen.
I look up into her red swollen eyes, but I couldn’t see my mother anymore. She wasn’t who I remembered.
“Mom you don’t have to go! If it’s something I did then I can change, I swear I’ll be good this time!” The tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. She bent down in front of me and held onto my little hands that couldn’t stop shaking.
“Don’t say that honey bee. It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just have to get better for me, don’t worry I’ll be back soon. I promise, when I get back we can go get ice cream just like we used to on Saturdays. You just have to be strong for me while I’m gone,” She looked up at my father who was sitting on the stairs watching us both closely. “Be sure to listen to your father.” She kissed my forehead and stood to her feet to walk out the door with a duffle bag on her shoulder.
I wanted to run after her but I couldn’t move my body. My father came behind me and held me close as I cried until I didn’t have any tears left.
“It’s alright son, we will get through this together, I promise,” He doesn’t always say the right things but this was the one time he got it right.
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
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I need some help here on this one. I have been seriously doubting myself as a writer and of course its normal but I just have to know if this is even worth finishing at all. Please let me this is worth it or if I should just give up writing all together....
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
The Wild Hunt
“From the sight of the poppy field, it reminds me of the one from The Wizard of Oz. The only difference is I’m not going to sleep by the poppies and there isn’t an evil witch after me. However, in the depths of night, there is a bloodthirsty beast waiting for the hunt of a lifetime. Drool pooling in its lower lip as it slowly seeped down its chin, hitting the forest ground. A howl erupts from its throat, echoing off the trees as it breaks the silence. My heartbeats faster from how close the howl was getting to my hidden location. Adrenaline courses through my body ready to run with the excitement of being chased by a beast such as this one.”
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
If music be the food of love, play on
Orsino in Twelfth Night
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honey-pot73 · 7 years
Ugh! I have no idea what to write and I am having the worst writers block in the universe!
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