nonomnismoriar1992 · 2 months
Random Phantom Manor Headcanons
(because I changed some and never really shared my headcanons for almost everyone and I'lI start with the main characters for now)
Has ADHD and POTS, basically meaning he faints a lot to simplify it,
Sexuality is: bisexual (prefers men over women almost all the time) this isn't official, might still keep him gay, just maybe a closeted one.
I'm not sure how I want to do their main relationship but I'm think of him and Jasper secretly dating (although not so secret sometimes
Is 7 ft tall and is the tallest in the whole household
He did not build his house however to accommodate for his height:P
Him and Martha have their moments where they get along (rarely)
Bestest friend is Anna and Jasper and also now Hattie Still trying to learn this modern world and its technology
So for voice actor I wanted someone with a deep voice and honestly, his voice actor for me is Markipklier, he voices just suits how I hear Henry, and personality too sometimes, with the ADHD
Arachnophobia as well (like really really bad fear of spiders)
Did learn how to drive a car but doesn't often, since everything in town is within walking distance.
Did have an affair with Anna, now has an affair with Jasper
Aesthetic: Victorian goth
• Was an outlaw and had Henry help her a lot, he was very in love with her and would do anything for her, despite his
parents pleas
Loved her life
Still does love Helry despite all their arguments and fights
Knew about Jasper's crush on Henry since the beginning and liked to brag about him being with her and not him a lot
However thought he eventually got over it and was surprised when she found out they were together (Henry and jasper)
Very bold and fierce women and not afraid to fight and even kill you
Bisexual like her husband, has fallen for women before
Aesthetic: Victorian
Very much her mother, a very fierce women who if you hurt her she will hurt you back Also a cinnamon roll as well tho, sometimes won't hurt a fly
Does struggle now with her emotions sometimes, thanks to Henry
Still hides with Jasper and Anna, Madame Leota,her mother, or even her brother when she needs to get away from Henry She absolutely loved the Jones siblings growing up
Honestly now sees Jasper as her father more than Henry.
May act like she's fine, but there's a 100% chance that she is not fine.
Aesthetic: Dark academia
The quietest of the family
Actually scares a lot of people just form his looks, but is an actually cinnamon roll and a sweetheart
Sexuality: aroace
Aesthetic: emo
(Honestly haven’t put much thought into him)
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 5 months
A Lovely Day for a Funeral pt. 2
A couple hours had passed and Anna was starting to worry. It was dark out and Jasper had still not come inside. Melanie walked up to troubled maid to try and calm her down. “Relax, maybe he is in the garden. You know gardening calms him down.” “But he would never do it this late, he would be inside by now.” She said as she paced around in the dining room. Dinner time had arrived and Jasper had still not come inside. She waited a little longer however for him. It was around time to go to bed and once again, Jasper had still not come inside. She grabbed a blanket and a lantern and decided to go out to look for him. She walked out and wandered the gardens, no sight of him. She started to panic. She went to Henry and Martha’s grave next and she let out a small gasp at what she saw. Jasper laid there, fast asleep on Henry’s grave, tear stains on his cheek and small little snores could be heard. Anna pushed his hair back behind his ears to get his attention and to not startle him. He opened his eyes sleepily, still not fully awake. Even through the small sliver, she could see his eyes were red from crying himself to sleep. She smiled softly as she tried to hold back tears. She placed the lantern next to him and placed the blanket over him, for she knew he would budge. She left and came back a little later with some food, hoping he would eat something. Before she could place the tray, he stopped her and just took the bread and some butter from the tray. She nodded and kissed him on the forehead before leaving him, she looked back sadden. Yes Melanie was devastated by the loss of her parents, but deep down she felt like Jasper was more devastated than she was. The next morning she walked out to see Jasper still there. The bread crumbs on the grave and the butter tray empty. She was happy he at least ate. She shook him awake and helped him back inside into a couch by a small fire. He fell asleep again. Anna decided to not tell Melanie the truth about Jasper and lied that she was right that she found him asleep in the garden, for she was afraid it would embarras him, and he was already in enough pain as it was, so she kept her mouth shut and stayed by his side as he recovered from the loss of Henry, his bestest friend, and a man he loved dearly, and way more than a normal friend would.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 5 months
A Lovely Day for a Funeral pt. 1
(takes place during the funeral of Henry and Martha Ravenswood, so have some angst, also yes, Jasper x Henry is implied in this story because at this point this ship is my life :P also this is part one because it a long writing and tumblr won’t let me post all of it in one post)
The sun struggled to shine through the thick gray clouds that covered Thunder Mesa. Tragedy had just struck. A terrible Earthquake had just happened and boot hill had never been this full ever. Families and friends grieved next to their loved ones' graves. Including the last of the Ravenswoods. Henry and Martha Ravenswood were sadly taken from this world due to the Earthquake, although Martha just died a couple days ago due to the loss of her husband. Many suspect that Henry is responsible for what just happened and many remember the natives nearby warning him of a giant thunderbird spirit that calls the mountain home, and will destroy whoever comes close to it. Henry never listened and still instructed the miners to mine deeper into the mountain and now the curse had struck. He had dug too deep into the mountain, and now it has cost him his life and his wife. Outside the manor on boot hill, two graves have been dug near the manor. They have not been fully covered and the marble lids for the couple have not been placed yet for Melanie wanted to say goodbye one last time to her parents before burying them. Next to her, his hands rested on her shoulders in a comforting manner, was her lover Jake Lockheart, and behind the couple was the butler and maid of the household Jasper and Anna Jones. Anna, Jasper and Jake all had umbrella’s, Jake holding his over both him and Melanie as a small store began over Thunder Mesa. Jasper and Anna gave Jake a dirty glare but both knew better than to start a fight right now, so they stayed silent, knowing Melanie is already devastated as is. After a while Jake whispered something to Melanie, neither of the Jones heard him. Melanie nodded her head and quietly sobbed into his chest as they made their way back to the manor. Ann and Jasper knew Henry wouldn’t want them to leave her alone with him, but they decided to stay to say goodbye to not only their master, but to their dear friend who saved their lives in the very beginning. Anna and Jasper didn’t say a word as they stood over the couple's graves before Jasper looked up to J. Nutterville and nodded his head, Jasper then pulled something, a small box wrapped in a bow, and threw it down onto Henry’s grave before following it with a small rose. Anna looked at her brother and gave him a small smile before grabbing his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. “We should probably head back. Henry wouldn’t want us to be here mourning all day, besides the house needs to be fixed up.” Jasper remained silent before quietly speaking, “I’ll be there soon, just give me five more minutes.” Anna’s smile disappeared, but she didn’t fight him and went back to the manor. Jasper watched as Ravenswood’s couple were buried and as the marble lids that were made for them were placed on them. As J. Nutterville left, Jasper then started to silently break down. Now that he was alone he finally felt free to let all of his emotions out. He wanted to scream, but remained quiet as he silently sob into his hands. He got down slowly, for his knees started to feel weak, and leaned against Henry’s grave. He continued to sob into Henry’s grave before finally calming down, “I still can’t believe you're gone. After everything. If only you had just listened to us when we tried to stop you…then none of this would have happened.” He quietly said to himself as he laid on Henry’s grave. “If only…”
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 5 months
Tumblr media
Been having conversations with a friend on Discord about Alistair Crump and Henry Ravenswood being friends and hunting buddies. I've pretty much accepted their relationship into my personal headcanon.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 5 months
Do you have Discord?,Just asking.
Yes I do have Discord, use it quite often
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 6 months
Everyone's death... again (because I changed some of them)
* Predastar - impaled in a tree and left to rot there until Unknown took his body after someone found it hanging there.
* Ratchet - Hit by a carriage that Unknown was driving (so on purpose)
* Hattie - beheaded by his father while he was trying to poison himself on his wedding day
* Skye - Stabbed in the stomach and chest by Hattie and Ezra's uncle, Asher, and bit by a snake in the eye on Ezra's grave
* Ezra - poison by his uncle while he was visiting his mother's grave
* Henry - crushed by his own manor during the earthquake while he was trying to find his daughter to make sure she was safe
* Martha - died a couple weeks after the Earthquake due to a broken heart because despite everything, she did still truly love Henry and was devastated by his death.
* Melanie - broken heart like her mother from the passing of all her friends, her family, and her fiance happening all so fast in her life.
* Jasper - Died outside of Thunder Mesa when his horse was spooked by a rattlesnake and was trampled by his horse
* Anna - died a year after her brother due to the loss of her brother and all of her family and never being able to fully recover
* Arthur - died a couple months after Henry, his brother, due to sickness and his mental health
* Unknown - left entangled in thorns and left to bleed to death as the spirits of her family (the main five) watched her slowly die
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 6 months
Dark circus AU
(A mix between a circus and FNAF, because FNAF is kinda of my childhood so the movie was a big thing for me and so is the haunted mansion so I guess i decided to combine the two and this also includes phantom manor in a way)
* Talks about my main five (Hattie, Predastar, Skye, Ratchet, and Ezra)
* Happens between 1800-1825
* The main five were still killed the same way I said (Although I did change Predastar’s death slightly)
* Except when they were killed and their bodies where found, but when officials arrived, the bodies were missing.
* Unknown is responsible for all of this, and is responsible for everything else that is gonna happen
* After stealing her family’s Body, she decided to do a little rewiring to their Brains, and other things as well by using technology that had never seen before (because of Unknown being very powerful, she just did a little time traveling to help with that)
* The year 1800 came around and on July 1, 1800 the circus opened for the public
* The circus was called Templeton Circus (which is pretty much everyone’s last name besides Ezra and Hattie)
* Unknown used her shapeshifting abilities to appear as a male engineer (so no one would know it’s her for she is suspected for the murder of her own family due to their history)
* Henry Ravenswood, who was about 9 or 10 when he was pushed away from home by some bullies and ended up at circus, staying there to hide from his bullies
* He hid there and watched one of their performances and was noticed by Predastar
* At around midnight Predastar noticed that kid still was there and realized he was lost so he offered to take him home (it took about a whole day just to walk to Henry’s home)
* He also introduced Henry to roses for the first time, which is something he gave Henry during his performance (which is also why Henry’s favorite flower is a rose to represent the man who saved him from being homeless)
* Years later the circus burns and explodes due to a homeless kid not watching where he was going.
* The family loses things like limbs and get replaces with more robots parts. Hattie loses his eyes, Skye loses most of her jaw, Ezra loses a part of his chest and stomach, and Predastar lost his legs. Ratchet was too close to the explosion so he was I unconscious and left is critical condition so a lot of his tech had to be placed from the inside.
* In 1858 the family, who are just living normal lives now as robotic people trying to hide from their past are invited to a masquerade ball at Ravenswood Manor
* Thankful for the mask they can hide from people without being recognized, Although that didn’t work for some. After about what felt like hours, the party was over but for some reason Henry wanted to keep the family there. After giving them assigned guest rooms Henry then confronted Predastar when is just the two of them
* Predastar was shocked that Henry remember the circus when it was years ago.
* Despite this fact, Henry and Predastar got along quite well. Predastar also found out that Henry’s favorite flower is rose because of him.
*also yes there is a lot of murder involved in this au as well
(That’s pretty much it for now, for this AU is still kind of in development)
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 6 months
Roommate AU
(The very beginning of how things went)
A knocking came to the door or one of the rooms for the apartment complex, Hattie opened the door, “oh hello ma’am, is everything alright?” She nodded her head, “yes we just wanted to come ask permission from you, we have a new person wanting to come in with a past life close to yours, we were wondering if you’d be okay with him being your roommate before he send him to being alone.” Hattie pondered the question it was early in the morning, well 9 o’clock in the morning but still, too early for Hattie to function.
Hattie hesitated for a moment before nodding his head, “sure why not, I could use the company.” “Great! I’ll tell him the news then.” She walked away and Hattie closed the door excited before slightly panicking. “I should really clean this place then” it wasn’t that his room was super messy with trash, it’s just there was a lot of stuff was lying around. Music, papers, little bit of trash, there was a pizza box on the table in the living room from last night.
He was overall excited though, if it was someone around his time period then he figured they could get along quiet well. Or so he thought
After about maybe a day or two Hattie’s roommate finally arrived, and thats when Hattie’s excitement completely disappeared. His new roommate was non other than Henry Ravenswood himself. Hattie was furious, “I pretty sure they’re supposed to tell you who your new roommate will be before you accept” he thought. “Although I guess it’s my fault for not asking who it was” he stood there with a fake smile as she left Henry alone with him. Hattie wasn’t in the mood to fight and guessing by the expression on Henry’s skull, he wasn’t really either. “Hello Mr. Ravenswood, lovely to finally meet you in the person. Would you like for me to show you your room, I made sure to clean it all up for your stay.” Henry just nodded, which Hattie found slightly odd. Hattie opened one of the doors and looked at Henry, “welcome home Mr. Ravenswood, I do hope you enjoy it here.” He said through gritted teeth. Henry looked at Hattie, “thank you. And please, call me Henry.” He then went into his room and closed to door, nodding a thank you one last time to Hattie, “I will let you know when dinner is” he said as Henry closed the door.
He hesitated before leaving, he decided to be nice, “I’ll be back just gonna go out to get some groceries.” He lied as he left. He texted his family and friends to meet him in the graveyard by the mansion. After about 25-30 minutes Hattie, sat with everyone in the graveyard and they knew something was wrong when they saw Hattie’s expression. “So I so wonderful yea to spill with all of you.” He claimed sarcastically, they all were engaged with whatever he had to tell. “So I got a new roommate and guess what, it’s fucking Mr. Ravenswood himself.” “Didn’t the person tell you who your new roommate would be?” Maleficent asked, leaning against one of the tombs. “No! She didn’t she just fucking came to my door and told me I’d have a new roommate who lived kind of around my time. She never told me who the fuck it was.” “So what are you gonna do then?” Ezra asked his brother. “I can eat him, been a while since I’ve had a good meal.” Predastar claimed with a devilish grin, in his dragon form, lying behind Hattie. Hattie laughed at predastars statement before going back to be serious. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I don’t want to go through all that work they just went through to bring him here, just to kick him out, although that sounds really nice.” “Why did you agree to this to begin with?” Jafar asked sitting next to maleficent, his wife. “I don’t know, she just told me that it was someone who lived around my time period, which let’s be honest is a totally lie, I was born 4 years after his death year. But anyway she told me that and I was like it can’t be that bad, we could get along if it’s someone around my time period and I could use the company. She never told me it was Henry fucking Ravenswood!” He yelled in anger. “So what now just gonna let him live in your apartment?” Maleficent question. Hattie’s pondered on that question, “I guess right now my plan is just to see what happens, but if he has any funny ideas.” He said pulling out a hatchet. “He’s already dead.” Maleficent said like Hattie was stupid, “yea well he’s gonna be even deader.” He said in a serious tone. Ezra, Skye, and Predastar chuckled at Hattie while everyone else look at him like he was stupid.
After about maybe an hour and a half, he finally came back, Henry was no where to be seen. Henry walked up to Henry’s door and knocked gently waiting for a response. He was startled when Henry opened the door. This time in his human form. He looked very tired, his eyes were very sunken and there were really dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were also slightly red and shiny, like he was crying, which confused Hattie. “Umm..just checking on you. Dinner should be here in about 5-10 minutes.” Henry just nodded his head. “Okay just let me know when it gets here.” Hattie nodded his head. He walked over and sat on the couch before turning in the tv. He just put it on a random channel before grabbing one of his guitars and playing it to pass the time. After about a solid 15 minutes a knock came on the door. He opened it and it was food. “Henry! Dinner is here!” He yelled, hoping Henry would come out, which he did. Hattie thought for a while before letting out a sigh. “Ugh I’m gonna regret this.”
Henry walked over to the kitchen counter and looked at the food, “Mexican tonight.” Hattie chuckled, “yea sorry, I’m better a baking then cooking. My brother is better at cooking than I am. I just usually get food delivered here, but I always do try to make healthy choices, sometimes.” He said looking over at the pizza box. “Anyway,” he claimed pushing a small little tray towards Henry. “Here’s your portion, I do hope you like it.” Henry nodded his head before taking it, “thank you.” He tools it and started to make his way back to his room. Hattie’s hesitated before sticking to the plan. “Wait! Why don’t you stay out here with me, let’s play a card game or watch tv and talk, you’re my new roommate after all.” Henry hesitated, his hand in the door Knob to his room, he stuttered, “are…are you sure.” “Why not?” Hattie said with a smile, hoping it would entice him to agree. Henry let out a sigh before talking again. “I’m not stupid Hattie, you’re the famous hatbox ghost and if your like the others, you hate me. And I don’t blame you I’d hate me too. So why are you trying to be my friend, I’m literally the Henry Ravenswood himself. No one likes me. Everyone hates me, so why are you torturing yourself trying to do something that makes you uncomfortable.” He looked back at his door, opening it before, “sorry Hattie but I’d rather hide in my room like I did in my own manor than face this cruel world all over again.”
He walked into his door only to be stopped but Hattie appearing in front of him. “Okay, okay yes you’re right. I don’t know why I’m doing this either. And I know what you’ve done, we all do and yes you’re horrible for that and what you did is beyond repair and unforgivable.” He let out a deep sigh, “but I’m also friends with other Disney villains as well. I’m friends with maleficent and Jafar and sure they didn’t do things as bad as you but still they were villains. And looking back at when I told you dinners on the way, something is clearly wrong. I can sense you regret your decision, heck I can see it in your eyes, you’ve been crying Henry. Which is very out of character for you. And also once again, your my new roommate and I don’t know how long you planning on staying here but, I guess at least one conversation tonight won’t kill you,…well again that is.” He chuckled at his own joke but then smiled inside when he saw a smile creep on Henry’s face. He hesitated for a while before finally nodded his head, “okay.” For the rest of the night the two talked and watched tv, mainly YouTube, and played some games as well. Hattie showed Henry his PS4 and Henry said he as played before. They played a couple games and talked as well. Hattie was surprised he was actually getting along with this man. He was still very suspicious of him and kept a close on him but over all had fun with him. It was probably around midnight before they finally went to bed. Hattie was overall surprised, Henry’s was actually kind of fun to be around, but he still had high suspicion of him and kept a close eye on him, but overall, deep down, he had a feeling that he might not be a bad roommate after all.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 10 months
Friend date
(I’m back!!!! This is just more of a platonic relationship (kinda) between Jasper and Henry and also to celebrate Henry’s birthday today, also this is them still alive and a modern AU and also warning this is extremely long 😅)
The clicking of Jasper’s shoes echoed through the empty halls, but soon was deafened by the sounds in the dinning room. He opened the doors and was greeted by the sight of Melanie, Martha and Elias at the dinning table eating food he just made not that long ago, Anna standing on the side waiting for them to finish so she can clean the table. She smiled when she saw her brother, “hey Jasper,” She waved, “how are you doing? You look exhausted .” She joked. Jasper chuckled but avoided his sister’s question, “where’s Henry, I don’t see him anywhere.” Anna just shrugged her shoulders, “I think it might be in his room, I think he said he was gonna take a bath before coming down.” Jasper just nodded his head and left the dinning room heading towards his room.
Henry left the bathroom, holding his clothes to him. Looking at the clock it was 5:25 PM dinner was being served and he was just a little late but he didn’t really care, he was sure his family really didn’t miss him during dinner, so he didn’t really care. He placed his clothes on the bed and put his phone next to them before drying his hair with a towel on last time before using a hair dryer to finish it off. Once his hair was dry he was about to get dressed when he heard a knock on the door, “who is it?” He question not looking up at the door and continued to put on his clothes. “It’s Jasper, I just wanna talk to you for a little bit if that’s okay?” Henry then looked up, slightly concerned, “is everything alright Jasper?” “Yea I just wanna have more of a friend talk, nothing serious.” Henry’s was hesitant before answering again. “Okay just…give me a minute to have at least some clothes on.” “Okay”
Jasper waited about 5 minutes before the door opened, Henry fully dressed-ish and hair not yet combed. Henry moved out of the way and allowed jasper in, who sat on the end of the bed while Henry sat at the vanity and continued to get ready while Jasper talked to him, “so what you wanna talk about then?” He said looking at him with a smile. Jasper look down at the floor before starting a simple conversation with Henry, “I don’t know really, how have you been lately I don’t really get to talk you much anymore.” Henry was silent before answer him, I’ve been okay, been busy but overall okay-ish.” “Okay-ish?” Jasper questioned. “Okay well I’ve had lots of stress and been working a lot but I’ve been doing okay overall. How about you?” “I’ve been okay, just really the normal honestly.” “How’s your asthma been?” Henry asked, “it’s been okay, nothing super serious just been careful on how much activity I do.” Jasper watched Henry get ready on the vanity and realized he was putting on makeup. Jasper chuckled at this, “you wear makeup.” Henry froze and blushed, “well umm hehe, yea I do. Does it bother you?” “Haha no it doesn’t, just surprises me, you’re the last person I would suspect to wear makeup.” Henry chuckled at this and looked at Jasper, “don’t judge me I like it, it make me feel nice and honestly helps takes a little bit of the age away from me, Okay?” Jasper laughed at him, “even though your like what sixty something.” “Shut up.”
Henry finished getting ready and got ready to get dressed. “So umm…Henry?” “Mhmm?” “The actually reason I’m here is I wanna ask you something.” He looked at him giving him his full attention. “Well as you know today is your birthday,” henry froze with realization, today is his birthday and even he didn’t remember that. “Yea…today is my birthday isn’t, hehe.” “Yea, and I was wondering if…” he went silent looking at Henry and his heart started racing, Jasper starting to blush as well before letting out a deep breath, “you would like to go on a friend date with…with me.” He said looking at the bed and not at Henry. Henry blushed and chuckled shyly. “Umm, uh yeah, yeah I wouldn’t mind that.” “Wait really?” “Yea like you said it’s been a while since we’ve hung out with everything going on, and todays my birthday,” he chuckled, “I think we both deserve this, besides you work really hard I think you deserve a break.” Jasper blushed harder and took a glance at Henry, who was still looking at him. “Uhh, yeah okay, sure. Well then I’ll, I’ll go get ready then and see you later at the front door. Henry nodded his head and jasper left his room, speed walking down the hall and blushing really hard.
Henry was still unaware of Jasper’s crush on him and this just felt almost exactly like a date date to Jasper, not a friends date. “No this is just a friend date nothing else and nothing more, so don’t do anything stupid.” He told himself. Jasper was gonna change because he didn’t really wanna go out with Henry in his butler uniform. He entered his room and open a his armoire and pulled out something a little different. About fifteen minutes later he was done and went to the front door to wait for Henry
Jasper wore a white tank top, black and white checkered vest with brown pants and checkered vans and a simple little white hat. He waited about 10 minutes when he heard Henry. He looked over and blushed seeing Henry. He wore a mesh top with a white jacket that rested on his shoulders and a white hat, like Jasper, and black jeans.He also had on black boots that had a heel, but not a very big one, as well and a white belt. “I know this is just a friend date but I do still hope I look okay. “Jasper opened his mouth but only a uh huh came out. “So were we going?” Henry asked, “since I’m driving I kinda need to know where I’m gonna.” He chuckled, but Jasper was hesitant he didn’t really know where to take Henry. It was just a friend date so it didn’t really need to anywhere fancy but he thought other wise. Jasper thought of fancy places that could be nearby, wasn’t much in the desert but then he thought a of a nice restaurant, “you’ve been to Mastro’s?” Henry hesitated but shrugged, “it sounds familiar but not really sure. I’m sure I’ll remember once a see it” Jasper hesitated but answer “don’t worry I’ll give directions.
After about 30-45 minutes they finally arrived, “seem familiar?” Jasper asked Henry, who shook his head, “no not really but it looks nice so let’s hope it’s good.” Jasper nodded his head and opened the door for Henry. “thank you kind sir.” He said chuckling. Jasper blushed at the comment and tried to act normal. The restaurant looked fancy with black booths and black chairs with square tables covered in a beautiful white table cloth. The floor was just normal wood floors and the walls were a nice light grey and a big mirror on the left side of the room. The room was dimly light and in the entrance was beautiful with dark grey bricks and dark Grey stone vinyl flooring, above them was blown glass artwork that lit up the room. A waitress came over and looked at them, “hi how many in your party, just the two of you?” “Uh yea just the two of us.” Jasper answered, slightly nervous. The waitress smiled and nodded her head grabbing two menus and looked back at the both of them, “alright then, follow me.”
The two were led to a room where the floor was still the Stone flooring and the two were sat at a table, Jasper pulling the chair for Henry before sitting down himself. The place was indeed full but not completely so it was easy to get a seat for Them. “Your waiter will be out shortly.” She walked away and Henry looked at Jasper. “I didn’t know you were taking me to a fancy place like this, I would have dressed better.” He joked. “You look fine. And I dunno I didn’t want to take you anywhere boring.” Henry laughed at his statement. “Jasper I would have been fine with anything it didn’t have to be this fancy.”
“Hello how are you guys doing? My name is Ryan and I’ll be your server, may I get started for you guys with some drinks.” “I’ll have the south of France.” Henry replied “and I’ll have the elderflower martini.” The waiter nodded his head and then asked, “do you guys know what you want or do you need a minute?” “No I think we’re ready to order.” Henry then looked at jasper for reassurance, who nodded his head agreeing, “so I am gonna have one of the Japanese A5 wagyu steaks, the 8 oz one please.” “Alright and how do you want your steak?” “Medium rare.” “Alright. And you for you sir?” “I’ll have the New York strips, medium rare as well.” “Alright I’ll have those out for you.” “Thank you.” “Im driving.” Said jasper as the waiter walked away, making Henry giggle. “I’ll be fine, promise.” “Im still driving non the less.” Henry rolled his eyes but agreed anyway.
After about 15-Ish minutes they got their food and drinks and ended up having a great time. Jasper felt a little hurt however when they got the pay check, which was around 200 hundred bucks, but he didn’t want Henry to pay for it so he did anyway. They left and went back home and Henry was exhausted but overall really pleased. “Jasper, thank you for possibly giving me one of the best birthday gifts I have ever received.” Jasper chuckled but didn’t say anything. Once they arrived home, they walked and jasper walked Henry to his room, “Jasper if anything I am tipsy. I don’t need you to walk me to my room.” “I know but I want to, is that so bad.” Henry was silent for a while before smiling and answering, “no it’s not, besides I like seeing you around more, me and you really need to hang out more.” Jasper blushed at this and stopped and Henry’s door. “Well thank you jasper for this I really enjoyed it.” “No problem I’m glad you enjoyed it and I thought you deserved it anyway you work so hard after all.” Henry chuckled and smiled but said nothing, “well it’s late and I’m full so, I’m gonna get some sleep, you should too Jasper.” Jasper nodded his head before saying, “oh and by the way they’re a gift for you in the kitchen. I made you snickerdoodle cookies for you” Henry smiled and replied with a thank you before entered his room, a little disappointed when he saw Martha in bed but was too Tired to do anything or sleep somewhere else so he just dealt with it.
Jasper walked down the hall, his face as red as a tomato. He entered his room and fell on his bed, not even taking his clothes off. It may have been a friend date but to jasper it felt like something more than just a friend date. “If only I wasn’t too afraid to tell you.” He looked at his ceiling before turning on an oil lamp nearby and grabbing a journal he had on his nightstand and a feather pen and began in the journal, which was his diary. He wrote for about 20 minutes and finally got ready for bed. He was pleased and grabbed his phone and sent Henry a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!!” Before falling asleep. Henry laughed at the text and liked it before saying thank you and going back into his book. Today was a good day for Henry and he was honestly not gonna forget this day.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
🐝- my aesthetic in emojis:🥁🎸🎤🎧🤘⚰️🪦🪬📿🔮🧿 (basically trying to say gothic/witchy and a little bit of rock n’ roll)
🍓 - secret about myself: even tho I love all things gothic and scary and love writing about it and drawing it, I hate getting scared and watching horror movies and still like that. I know that may sound like a fun fact but a lot people don’t know I hate stuff like that, they think I enjoy it.
🔪- scariest experience in my life: when I was a little kid I went to the children’s museum during Halloween and there was like a scary walking part where like you walk through a room and there a lot of scary stuff and jump scares and my mom thought it be a good idea to do it, I was terrified of it and it’s still scares me a little bit to this day tbh. It was scary clowned theme too so that didn’t help Any.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
sweet and pure asks
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
💌- diary or journal?
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
💕- are you crushing on someone?
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
💖- have you ever been in love?
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
🍯- describe your favorite smell
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
☕- coffee or tea?
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
🍂- what’s your middle name?
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
🍭- how tall are you?
💒- which show would you want to live in?
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
🎶- favorite song right now?
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
🍩- current mood?
❄️- what is your favorite season?
💍- your current relationship status?
📷- a photo of yourself
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
🍓- one secret about yourself
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
💬- what your last text message says?
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
⛅- what is your morning routine?
💗- who do you miss?
🥀- last time you cried?
🎁- when is your birthday?
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
🎀- any question you want
~~Not mine
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
So I have another AU and it’s just a phantom manor au, for now that’s the title. Where its literal just about pretty much a daily life in phantom manor with the ravenswood family. Not the one where Henry is married to Ezra though, just to clarify. And now with that out of the way have the some stuff about the Jones’ siblings
Anna and Jasper’s relationship with the Ravenswood
But first about them:
So they are siblings and they are very loving siblings. They don’t have any family members alive it just them and they lived in New York homeless until they met Henry and then now their a part of the ravenswood loyal servants and work for them.
* Melanie saw her as a great friend and loved to be around her, especially when she was younger. Whenever Melanie needed advice and Henry or Martha weren’t around, she would usually go to Anna then for something.
* Elias saw Anna like another family member but never really talked to her much. Only really if he was bored and had no one else to talk to but even then not much but he does love her a lot.
* Henry always saw Anna as a best friend since he’s know her and her brother since they were like young teens (like 13 and 14) anna does have a crush on henry but he doesn’t feel the same way. He only see her as a best friend and a little sister.
* Martha saw Anna like a little sister but at the same time she did have a moments where she didn’t really like Anna. When she did find out about Anna’s crush on her husband she didn’t take it well so every once in a while she doesn’t talk to her and gives her a death stare as well.
* Melanie likes to tease Jasper sometimes and joke around him about doing something wrong or that he missed a task her father gave him and he panics a little. She finds it funny but that does sometimes apologizes for teasing him, at least when she was younger. Now he just knows she’s joking but still falls for it sometimes. Melanie loves jasper though and see him as family and a best friend.
* Elias loves Jasper and always feels comfortable telling him really anything. If Elias doesn’t feel comfortable telling Henry or Martha something he might tell Jasper, not aware that sometimes he’ll tell Henry what Elias told him.
* Jasper loves to be around Henry. Henry honestly makes Jasper feel safe. If anyone hurts Jasper, Henry will hurt them. (I’m making another AU, and in this AU) Unlike Anna crush on Henry, one he knows about, Henry isn’t aware of Jasper crush on him and just sees him as a really as his oldest and best friend. Jasper is good at hiding him feeling so he just acts like a best friend to him. Jasper’s had a crush on Henry since they both were like in their mid twenties, and it just got stronger the older they got.
* Martha and Jasper don’t talk much. She likes him but doesn’t really talk to him much. Just every once in a while to make a request for something or telling him to do something.
Now how the jones siblings met Henry.
They all known they each other since they were young teenagers. Henry found them in their crops stealing some so the Jones siblings could eat, instead of scaring them away he brought his parents over and showed them. His family brought the Jones siblings over inside their house and cleaned them and gave them a good meal and offered to let them stay. They for some reason rejected the offer but they were allowed to visit whenever they wanted or needed, which they did do a lot. Henry and Jasper became friends right away, Anna was a little shy at the time but warmed up to Henry and his family. Jasper is Henry’s oldest and best friends and so is Anna.
And yes both the Jones siblings have a crush on Henry, he only knows about one of them though.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
📷, 🙃, and ✨
📷- my current Lock Screen is this my favorite flower, thistle
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🙃- I guess that one “weird” fact that I know is that because of Edgar Allen Poe’s teenage crush on a friends mother that led to one of his greatest love poems, “To Helen”.
✨- some nicknames I have are Lexy, Skye and Jade, which is my middle name.
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
🎵 Last song you listened to?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
😏 Are you on discord?
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
🌴 Desert island item?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
💙 Relationship status?
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
💞 @ your favorite blog.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
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(Just a picrew I made of Skye one time cuz I bored 😅)
Tagging anyone who’d like to do it
Reblog and post the 9’th recent pic in your camera roll, don’t cheat! 🤭
Tag 9 people -> @yuriberryva @anthrophile1-blog @kittykat940 @wheelerssecret @runninguplenorahills @jazz-penguin @lesbianmindflayer @merthurfan-blog @bookfansworld + anyone else ✨
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
So in art class I finished my project early so decided to do a little extra doodle on the back so have a drawing of an old design of Unknown
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 1 year
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the enby spectrum!
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