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I love me some spicy romantasy. Grrr.
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Sobbing in found family.
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When the violin solo is so damn lit that you just become a bagel.
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Illustrated by @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma
This is how I imagine people feel when I go on an enthusiastic rant about my latest hyperfixation. Neurodivergent infodumping is a love language ❤️
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As a neurodivergent person I should really be used to people telling me that my feelings and experiences are invalid and yet I still manage to be disappointed every time it happens
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And wanting dessert. Is there a sequel? This is my life now.
That feeling of finishing a good book that feels like the brain equivalent of having fancy fulfilling meal
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And required for your villain entry song.
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I think Sylvia Plath is haunting me. I mean literally, as in the ghost of the brilliant and troubled poet has hijacked my socials. I keep seeing snippets of her works across all my platforms and I didn’t even speak about her near my phone. I know she desperately feared fading into nothingness. Sylvia, dude, are you okay? I promise you live on in the hearts of millions. And my algorithm, apparently.
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Oh you mean a writer’s search history.
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How to assert dominance using only whale noises. Follow me for more serious content on how to be a functional adult.
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Recently AI bypassed the “I am not a robot” by telling it that it had a disability and couldn’t see the images. It got in. So….
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How does synethesia work? like do you actually see the colors or is it just a really strong association because I've always very strongly associated sounds with colors but I don't know if that counts
To be honest I’m not sure if the scientific (neurological?) process that takes place. I just know that personally numbers have colours and some letters do too in my mind. Also, I am a writer and the more I write the more I realise that some words and phrases have a colour but more nuanced than that, so like a flavor? Haha this doesn’t make sense when I try explain it 🙈 I also know some people can “see” music as shapes patterns and colours. Some pretty famous composers had that type of synesthesia (I’d have to look it up to remember too).
I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule but from what I read, if you repeatedly associate the same colors with the same sounds each time then that is a form of synesthesia!
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All the synesthetes on here, how do you experience it? I have grapheme–color synesthesia and see numbers and letters as colours. Not sure of the name but I also see time as physical structures. I’m so fascinated by this. I also discovered it’s quite common in neurodivergent people and I’m pretty convinced that the difference in brain wiring is linked to the way synesthesia works.
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Conviction isn't a gladiator's war cry but a whisper of, "Oh," and then, "Oh!" and then, "Oh," as you realise what must be done.
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