lanadelmatte · 4 years
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
It’s Fourth of July Eve so make sure to leave some milk and cookies out for Captain America
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
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490 notes · View notes
lanadelmatte · 5 years
are y'all trying to kill me?
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The Devil All the Time (2020)
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
i urge you to seek comfort in the fact that everything in the universe is subtly interconnected. it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to but you’ll end up where you need to be. keep your head up.
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
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366K notes · View notes
lanadelmatte · 5 years
Me: I’m gonna finish writing that thing tonight!
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
me: i don’t have a type😤😤
also me:
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9K notes · View notes
lanadelmatte · 5 years
Let’s get one thing straight
I like this white man and him alone
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Maybe this one as well
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Probably should add this one to the list
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Okay, okay. Last one (even if he’s half Caucasian)
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Or maybe if I just add
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But let’s not forget the first one
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That is all……. For now
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
Love your fucking life. Take pictures of everything. Tell people you love them. Talk to random strangers. Do things that you’re scared to do. Fuck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing we did. Take your life and make it the best story in the world. Don’t waste that shit.
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
a fiesty surprise pt.2
steve rogers x enhanced!reader
you can find part one on my masterlist!!
summary: Hydra had been the only place you’d ever known to be home, but what happens when a certain soldier literally comes barging into your life?
warnings: some swearing
words: 1,755
a/n: part two to my newest mini series!! thank you for all the support. p.s: comment below if you want to be on the tag list
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You awoke to strange and unfamiliar sounds. Blinking your eyes open, you were met with blinding white light, but not normal light. This light was of a shield of some kind. Some sort of impenetrable, translucent material.
You peaked your eyes around and spotted multiple people in long white lab coats with the words ‘Stark Industries’ displayed on their collarbones.
They were walking around carrying different things. One holding a microscope, the next an array of needles of some sort. All of them had one simple task though: to figure what or who the hell you were.
Quite frankly you scared the Avengers. You were one of the strongest experiments they’d ever seen to come out of Hydra’s facilities. They wanted all the information they could get, and they wanted it fast.
They didn’t know how to judge you, or how to perceive you. Many, among Steve, thought you could turn out to be good. But others did not.
The way you had acted was not of normalcy. The Avengers were expecting that you had wanted to leave Hydra’s clutches at all costs. And you did, to some extent. In your defense it was the only home you’d ever known, at least, that’s what Steve argued.
You didn’t know that the Star-Spangled man was taking up for you. Arguing over the fact that you have a right to be here just as any others do.
You had powers, they had powers. You’d done bad things in your life, they had all done bad things in their lives. To Steve it was not a contest.
Plus, maybe him falling in love with your eyes also had something to do with it.
But regardless, someone was at least fighting to help your case.
Tap, tap, tap.
You turned to face the owner of the noise. And it was none other than Tony Stark himself.
You had heard of him during your time spent with Hydra. He was just another rich billionaire, but the one thing that had always fascinated you was his brain.
Tony Stark was too smart for this world, and he damn well knew it.
“Do you want out of this glass?” His muffled voice vibrated through the clear material surrounding you.
Eyes wide, all you could manage was a head nod in response.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, dismantle the shield in lab six.”
“Right away sir.” A feminine voice called out from nowhere. You trembled slightly out of surprise and fear, until Tony reassured you it was just his A.I system.
“Oh don’t be afraid. If you ever need her just say ‘F.R.I.D.A.Y’, and she’ll appear.”
You nodded as if you understood what an A.I system was. Just shrugging away what you thought to be stupid american garbage.
“Come with me.” Tony gestured to you with his hand. You followed him out into the hallway.
“We all figured you might want somewhere more comfy to stay while we asses you.”
You nodded your head once more, “That’d be nice.” You mumbled.
“Ah, she speaks!” Tony surprised you with the boom and shock prevalent in his voice.
“Well I’m not a fucking mute.” You defended yourself.
“Woah-ho-ho, hot rod. We’re just trying to help.”
“Are you? Because from the likes of the looks i’m getting from these people: i’m not welcomed here.”
You stared, and glared back at those who dared to oppose you with their eyes. Never being one to back down to a fight.
“Well,” Tony sighed, “most of us are.” He rubbed his temple in frustration as you two continued walking down foreign halls. “I’m trying here, kid, but americans don’t take well to outsiders.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it. And plus, according to your scans, you’re nineteen years old; making you the second youngest person in the building.”
You scoff at his retort, “Yes, but I’m the strongest.”
Tony laughed, “Ill leave that up to the others.”
You both arrived at a metal double door. Tony paused before opening the door, “Just... just try to be nice; it’ll help your case.”
Scared out of your wits from his response, but not about to show it, Tony opened the door.
In it contained possibly your worst nightmare. There, in front of your own two feet, stood every single Avenger known to man, and some men in suits.
All of them hovered around a large glass table.
One darker man with an eye patch stood out to you, “Welcome,” his baritone voice boomed, “please take a seat Miss-?”
You panicked at that. Hydra had never given you a name.
Everyone around him patiently waited for you to reply.
“Uh.. miss...” You dug into the confides of your mind, “Y/N...” You tasted the foreign name on your tongue,”... miss Y/N.” You nodded to yourself for reassurance, but you could tell he barely bought it.
“Well, as I was saying: please take a seat.” He gestured to the empty rolling chair a couple of feet from him.
Once seated a man in a dark suit nearest the board began speaking, “As you all know we are gathered here to decide the fate of our newest... member.” He strained out the word member, as if he wanted anything but to welcome you.
Tony was right: some people were against you.
You caught Steve’s grimace at the man from across the room, not being able to help the small smile that adorned your face.
Steve was standing against one of the side windows in the room with his arms crossed. Your wandering eyes bathed in all his beautiful glory.
In all your times spent with Hydra you had never seen a more breathtaking specimen.
“Y/N!” The man at the front yelled at you, snapping you out of your trance, “Do you testify?”
“Yes.” You stated back through tightly clenched teeth, “I have the same right as any to be here.”
“What if we don’t need you?” He retorted.
You paused, the whole room waited silently for your response,“Oh trust me, you will.” You smirked, whilst he grimaced back at you.
“Are there any other objections to Miss.Y/N staying at this facility?” You peaked around at his question, a couple women and men in the company’s uniform raised their hands, but you were woefully surprised that no one of the Avengers team did. In fact, all of them seemed to look at you with a small smile.
“Why are we even arguing this? You all allowed me to stay.” A man that you faintly recognized spoke whilst stepping out of the back of the crowd. His shiny metal arm instantly catching your eye.
You knew him, like something in the back of your mind screamed at his familiar face. He was like a faint memory, a memory that brought pain to think about.
The man at the front scoffed, which brought you out of memory lane, “That’s simple to answer: Shes stronger than you, stronger than anything we’d ever seen come out of Hydra.”
“What, are you telling me you are afraid of a little challenge?” You bit out in your german accent, completely cutting off the man with the silver hand, and the man in the suit all at once.
You, and you alone needed to stand up for yourself.
“Are you telling me that you’re afraid... of a little girl?”
You could tell that comment hit hard in the faces of most in the room. If anything the Avengers, and who they worked with, prided themselves on being strong and independent. And to tear that all down with a simple comment sparked uproar into the room.
But it only left a smart smirk on your face.
“We’ll stop there today!” The darker mans voice from earlier rang out through the room.
“But Fury-“
“There will be no buts! You’re all dismissed.” At that you pushed yourself out of the chair, and shuffled away into the crowd of evading people. That was, until, someone disrupted your momentary peace.
“Ah, ah, ah, not you.” The man, who’s name you now know as Fury, stated, motioning for you to come back with a wave of his hand, “We need to talk.”
You strutted over to his annoying beckoning of a call, and seated yourself with your arms crossed.
“I think that it’s in your best wishes to be on your best behavior, Miss... Y/n.” The name still sounded foreign on Fury’s tongue, “If you’d like a permanent home here, it’ll take a lot of you to convince us of that.”
You scoffed, “I’m not the one that tore me from what i’ve ever known.”
“Likewise, if you want to gain a home here, you need to be kind, and conservative during your trial.”
You squinted your eyes at him, “I’ll try my best... Are we done now?”
The man dragged a slow hand across his face with a sigh, “Yes, you can go.”
“Great.” You mumbled under your breath whilst exiting the room.
You only slightly felt bad for acting rude toward the man for helping you. But hey, these people took you from your “home”, or at least the closest thing to having a home.
Your mind wandered aimlessly as you walked down corridor after corridor; not knowing your final destination. You had let your mind distract you from where you wanted to go, and so you slammed into a hard, blue chest.
Stumbling back a little from the blow, two arms came around the upper of your arms to hold you steady, “Woah, that was my bad.” The blond haired soldier stated.
“Nah, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You replied in your thick german accent, catching Steve by surprise; he always forgot your line of heritage, and was ironically taken aback because you were the very species he had fought in the war. But nonetheless he couldn’t help his arising feelings for you.
“Did you know where you were going?” He asked, not trying to seem rude, “I mean, you’re new here, and this place tends to be a bit confusing for new comers.”
“No, but I was going to find it along the way.”
“Oh.” Steve stated whilst awkwardly scratching the back of his head, “Well.. um.. did you want to join me in the gym? That’s where I was headed now.”
It just then occurred to you the reason for Steve’s gym attire, for you had not known of this facility’s extracurricular activities.
You thought over his question, but then figured,
Why the hell not? It’s not like you had anything else to do.
“Yea, sure.”
“Ok, follow me.”
a/n: sorry for the abrupt ending, part 3 will probably be out sometime next week. ALSO comment down below if you would like to be on the tag list!
tag list: @thefandomzoneisdangerous @just-a-littlebit-of-everything
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
Dating Peter Parker would be like
warnings: intentional lowercase
lots of laughing
full of giggles, and tickle fights, like you don’t even know
becoming best friends with aunt May
and Ned
holding Peter when he has nightmares
ESPECIALLY AFTER *you know who* dies
Peter being able to show everyone that you’re his and his alone
he’d be OBSESSED with you
you’d receive roses and flowers and teddy bears on valentine’s day
getting gifts even not on valentine’s day
hanging with the other avengers at the compound
being the teams ‘otp couple’
“i ship you guys so much” - says everybody, ever
Peter constantly blushing because he’s a tiny teenage boy that needs protection
also you two lose your virginity to each other
stealing his clothes
especially his hoodies
“babe, where are my... you have them don’t you?”
“psssh, who me?? no.”
“babe, i wasn’t born yesterday.”
“yea but i’m still older than you.”
you rubbing in his face the fact that you’re older
that fact coming up in quarrels you two have
“yes but i’m taller.”
“i’m older!”
Peter would be into cuddling all the time
like 24/7
“babe?” “yea?” “cuddle?”
you never being able to resist his cuddles
his cuddles are warm and soft
and full of him
lots of saying “i love you”
and crazy random dance parties in the avengers kitchen at 2 am when you guys would stay the night there
someone finding said dance party at 2 am
you two being totally embarrassed but not caring at the same time
“can you two just get married already?”
and then you do... years later
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
I didn’t choose to give up my life and soul to Bucky Barnes, it just happened
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
a fiesty surprise
steve rogers x enhanced!reader (telekinesis and super strength)
summary: Hydra had been the only place you’d ever known to be home, but what happens when a certain soldier literally comes barging into your life?
warnings: fighting, mild-violence
words: 1,018
a/n: prolly going to make this into my first mini series... comment what you think. p.s the main character is like bucky (a hydra experiment) so she has the same strength and everything except she also has telekinetic powers
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All you could see was pitch black darkness, but you could hear the gunshots. You could feel the struggle outside your cell.
Someone had broken into the facility. The guards outside your door had long been gone. That was the first sign.
The second sign were the noises. Familiar and unfamiliar grunts were heard, familiar and unfamiliar voices. Banging metal, and loud screaming. The noises caused you to tremble and hide unbeknownst into the darkest corner of your cell.
But the noises got closer. Pulling your knees to you chest, burying your face in your shirt you attempted to hide. To stay hidden from whomever was attacking. You just couldn’t take another kidnapping.
Your whole body trembled at the thought. You’d been taken from one home, to hell if you had to leave another; even if it was the worst place to live on Earth.
As the trembling of your being continued, so did the rumbling of the walls around. You had never been one to be able to control your powers whilst under stressful mental stimulation, and one of those moments were happening now. You whined and screeched as silently as you could, but the pain in your forehead was so hot and heavy you just couldn’t resist.
Unluckily someone must have heard your stuggles because just then the door began cracking, as someone from the outside began barging in. It sounded of clanking metal against metal, a metallic objected being thrown against.
Tears streamed down your face; someone had found your cell, and they were trying to get in.
“Bucky, I swear I heard something behind this door.” An american accent broke through your mental barrier. It was one of a baritone nature; almost soothing, for it had been a long time since you had heard anything but a german accent.
The metal of your door caved, and it came crashing into the wall next to you, causing you to scream.
The two men in the doorway followed your ear piercing screech back to you, and looked at each other with confused faces, “I thought we had cleared all the cells?” One of them spoke.
“Guess not this one.” A man in an american themed uniform spoke whilst taking cautious steps towards you.
“Steve, I’d be careful, Hydra tends to keep the strongest of their captives hidden away.” The one still standing at the door stated. You didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not. But you didn’t have time to decide because the star-spangle themed man had gotten too close for your liking.
“Get back!” You screeched out whilst sending a hand to glide the man back a few feet. Stunned by your powers, he gawked at you from the opposite side of the room.
“I’m not here to hurt you.” He stated, “I’m here to help.”
“Leave me alone, I don’t need your help.” You bit back in your german accent.
“Steve, let me handle this.” The darker dressed man spoke from the doorway, “I know what you’re going through, I was-“
You didn’t allow him to finish his sentence, as you flew him hard down the hall, as far as you could throw him from your cell. He landed about thirty feet away with a grunt.
“We need backup! Bring the sedation.” The man you knew now to be Steve spoke into his ear piece. You cocked your head to look at him with a glare, your eyes began to turn black at the sound of his attemp to sedate you.
“That won’t be necessary.” You said whilst standing up. You pulled your arms into a defensive position; standing ready to fight.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.” Steve stated. By now he was only a couple feet away. He had picked up the shield he had used to break down your door.
“Oh, I will hurt you.” You seethed.
The two of your circled each other for what felt like hours. Everytime one of you tried to strike, the other stepped away. Both of you were equally skilled in combat.
But probably the worst mistake you could have made was showing your back to the open door.
You should have seen it coming in his eyes, the way they’d flicker behind you and then back to your face. Or the way he stopped adjacent of you so that you wouldn’t move from your position.
But it was too late the second you felt cold metal slide into your artery. The injection was enough to sedate you, but not enough to force you to pass out.
You almost fell to the ground, but not before Steve caught you.
“We’ve gotta hurry, this place is rigged to blow. Plus I don’t know how long that sedation will last on her.” A muffled voice spoke from behind you.
“Okay, let’s go.” Steve slung you into a bridal carry, and began running down the hall. Multiple firgures you couldn’t recognize through the fuzziness were trotting alongside you two.
Your eyes kept sliding in and out of conciosuness, and the next thing you knew you were on the roof.
Everyone sprinted toward a helicopter. When you got to the entrance Steve handed you to a blurry, masculine figure with long hair. This figure was warm, for you we’re shivering in nothing but a thin t-shirt and thin cotton pants.
“This one is small and cold. What shall I do with her?” A foreign accent spoke, as the chest you were pressed against rumbled.
“Lay her on a cot in the back, and make sure to strap her in. We’re weary of this one.” A feminine voice replied.
The pure fact that they we’re scared of your abilities brought a giddy, drugged-up smile to your face.
And the smile stayed whilst your carrier placed you on a cot. He pulled multiple seatbelts against your skin, and then a blanket to cover you up with.
You smiled bigger at the warmth it brought.
A small ‘thank you’ was all you could muster, before your eyes faded to complete darkness.
a/n: I made this character a little bit different then how this would normally go, I wanted her to be independent and fiesty, what do you think? want part two?
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
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lanadelmatte · 5 years
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Cinematic Parallels
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