ameliahosch · 4 months
Last May we had to put down our first doggo, Chloe. She was the most amazing dog ever. She was a rescue and brought so much light to our lives.
After she passed, I started her portrait. I only managed a single panel before I just couldn't work on it anymore. Until yesterday. It's far from finished, but it's starting to look like my baby.
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ameliahosch · 5 months
How do you live and sustain an innocent life when you've been washed by the floods of corruption and evil?
How do you accept there can be softness and kindness when even the pillows and blankets came with thorns?
How do you settle under the protection of love when the idea of love is rift with punishment and torture?
How can so much evil exist alongside such innocence? How do I rectify the past without tainting the present?
Healing is hard. Putting the pieces together is hard. Trying to live in a time traveling traumascape is also hard. One day I hope to revel in the peaceful serenity of a meaningful existence despite the chaos in the underbelly of the world.
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ameliahosch · 5 months
Hello, 2024. Goodbye, 2023. This year is going to be filled with me growing my online presence. I took the last 6 months to figure everything out platform wise across 9 platforms! I'm delighted to start this marketing journey.
First goal of the year - Release Book 1 of Wintermoor this summer
Second goal of the year- Release my next Poetry book this fall
Also, since I got the camera of my dreams for Yule, I'll be rediscovering my love of photography. I'm excited for what this year has to bring.
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ameliahosch · 6 months
My books were created as a way for me to deal with the tragic amount of abuse I survived until 18. How do I market such a creation???? Do I love my own works? OF COURSE. They're my pride and joy. I'm just not sure the general public wants to immerse themselves in so much darkness.
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ameliahosch · 7 months
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, I've been gone for a hot minute. Life caught up with me, and work has been a lot. Combine that with Long Covid, and I've been wrecked.
BUT I did finish Sounds of the Kitchen collection. Looking towards my next Poetry installments. I'm wondering if I should do the small individual books or just do one big collection. Hmmmmmmm. May need to take a poll at some point.
The holidays are creeping closer, and I pray they go a little better this year.
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ameliahosch · 7 months
Healing from complex trauma is weird and complicated. Despite the weight of depression still squashing me, the holidays are approaching. Normally, this adds weight, but not this year. It's putting a bit of wind in my sails, and I think all of the work I put into healing in 2023 is showing itself. There's only 52 days left in the year, and I will make the best of it even if it's just surviving.
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ameliahosch · 7 months
Sometimes, the thought of death is relieving. The thought of knowing one day there will be an end to repeating the cycle of waking up and making it through the day. BUT 'til that day comes, I'll scoop up my nuggets of joy and hold them close. I'll keep them in my pocket to remind me of why I make it through the day.
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ameliahosch · 7 months
Made my first Bookbub Ad!!! I'm so excited to try this out.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
Update: my works in progress are coming along nicely. Magic Reborn should be available Summer 2024. The Forbidden Number is haunting my dreams, so may be available sooner than Summer 2025 (or I may keep putting it off like I have since Quarantine).
The porch panther had her babies about 5.5 weeks ago. They're finally making themselves known. They're adorable.
Caught a fantastic sunburst while we took the Wild Child swimming. All in all times are good. If only I could shake this depression.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
Have you ever put a Hoodia on over a dress, then forgot you were wearing a dress and feeling only the Hoodia, get scared you either went to work with no pants or took them off? Just me? Cool.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
The anxiety bees are carpenter bees, and they run off coffee and spite. The bigger they get, the harder they buzz, but it's something I can't fight. So I build them a home deep in my mind, but they aren't moving in, I think I made the wrong kind. So they buzz and they sting, just under the skin. Just throw away today, toss it in the bin.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
I enjoy making my marketing vids. It's a new skill that has come in surprisingly well at my full-time!!!
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ameliahosch · 8 months
TW: discussions of death and suicide
Death anniversary dates always hit me hard no matter how long it's been. 21 years ago today, I said goodbye to a best friend. The ambulance wailed by my house on the way to his where they pronounced him dead by suicide.
Withdrawal from drugs can make someone do unthinkable things and listen to unimaginable suggestions. He would still be here today if his Dad hadn't said "why don't you just go shoot yourself if you're that miserable". So he did.
RIP Ryan.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
How many WIP do you have?
I'm currently sitting at 3 for active working, but I visit another 20-25 occasionally to add just a line or a thought for when it comes up in the queue.
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ameliahosch · 8 months
Because she's beautiful and I love her
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ameliahosch · 8 months
Just unboxed this beauty. I'm super excited about the Sounds of the Kitchen collection. One more proof copy to approve when it comes in the mail before final edits!!!! Eeeekkk!!!!
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ameliahosch · 8 months
Yesterday was a total bust. I didn't even make it out of bed except for bathroom and food. However, today has been much better. I've finished my final poetry collection for the Sounds of the Kitchen Collection. Now, it just needs titles and a proof copy. Then, it will be off to formatting the Collection.
I added a chapter to my long-running dystopian WIP that I started during Quarantine 2020.
I managed my full-time job today, and I'm settling in for a nice afternoon of rest and therapy homework.
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