allfandomsimagining · 5 years
RP Accounts!
So I have been RPing for a little while now and over time most of my other ones have lost touch so I thought I’d be fun to start some more since I have more free time than I did before.
I do chat rping on here only just FYI.
Fandoms im down to do:
-Skam (mostly the OG Norwegian one I haven’t really seen the others)
- Eyewitness
- Teen Wolf
- And others that I can’t think of at the moment!
I am down to do OCs or just stick with Canon characters
I am also down to do smut if you want but I don’t mind rping without it (I am 18+ and if I do smut you must also be 18+) I also don’t mind if I’m dom/sub
Some headcanons/AUs I enjoy Are:
- Royalty
- Highschool (no smut unless we rp them at 18+)
-Soulmates (Red String/ markings/ first word/ etc.)
I’m also down to try any ones you’re interested in this is just a jumping off point.
Just message me on here or shoot me a message in my inbox.
Hope to RP with some of you guys soon!
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allfandomsimagining · 6 years
Everyone who reblogs this before New Years (11:59 PM 12/31/17)
will be given a small art piece based off of their blog! (Well a photo over Tumblr of it but it’ll be good quality)
And I mean EVERYONE as long as it’s before the end date! Reblog fast for cute art things!
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allfandomsimagining · 6 years
So I’ve been on Hiatus for like a year... Yeah.
So why was I on Hiatus?
I was focusing on school so much that I didn’t really have much time for writing and I let this blog kind of fade away and now that my first semester of Senior year is over I’m going to relax a little more and get back into it so I’m sorry for any of you that’s missed my writing but come on and request as much as you want.
I’ve gone through and wrote all the requests I had left in my inbox so I’m empty now, so come on!
Imagines, Ships, Preferences, MTLs, Anything you want I’ll try and do.
As for who I write for: ANYONE*
*I will try my best to write characters I don’t know so if you don’t think I really know them please give me a fandom name I can look for or if you don’t request on anon I may ask you about them so I know. Feel free to ask for anyone/any ship and I’ll try my best to do it!
Who I don’t write for: Sadly I’m stepping away from criminal minds (mostly Spencer Reid) for a little while because most of my requests have been them and I get so many of them it’s hard to create new and better stories for each. You can still request it but it might take me awhile to actual get it out or I may not do it at all if it’s too similar to anyone one I have.
I still have my prompt list that you guys can request from so feel free to do that.
Thank you guys for understanding and I’m excited to get back into it!!!
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
New Years Love - 500 Follower Imagine!!!
Plot- A New Years kiss to seal up this disastrous year! Person- Unnamed (Anyone possible) (P/N- Person's name) Warnings- None? A/N- Thank you guys so much, it's insane that 500 of you guys are following me! It was only last month that I was barely over 350 so it's amazing how many have been following and I've made it right before 2016 is over. You guys are so amazing and I'm thankful for all of you who like my stuff enough to follow me, like my post or even comment/message me saying that you enjoyed my stories. Anyways hope you guys like this as my little thank you. Also HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!! "Y/n! Hurry up we have to head out or we will be late!" "P/n I'm coming I'm coming!" I head down the stairs seeing p/n standing there with a few of our other friends. "I'm all ready." I say giving p/n a small hug. "Okay, lets get to it shall we!" We all head out the door piling into the rental limo that we all put money in for. If we were going to leave this fucking shit year might as well do it in style. We were partying in the limo having some fun getting excited for the end of the year. The limo finally pulls up to the mansion the house was being thrown at. I could see crowds of people in the house and I smiled looking over to p/n. "After you." We get into the house and drop our coats off with the rest of them heading over to get drinks. P/n hands me one of my favorite drinks and soon we move to dance around with the other people at the party. I take a break soon and hang out with some of my other friends talking about how shitty 2016 was and how pumped we couldn't wait for it to be over with. "2016 can kiss my ass because all that's left is 2017 and the future!" P/n soon came over to join us and slowly but surely we found a couch to sit down on and talk. "So, are you ready for this year to be over with?" "Yes, the only good thing to happen this year is that you were with me the whole way." "Awe, that's sweet. I hope you know I feel that same way." "I know, and now we only have ten minutes left, anything you want to say before leaving it in 2016?" "This year sucked on so many levels, yet somehow it wasn't all bad, so yeah 2016 can fuck off, but maybe it's more of a kindly fuck off for me." "Well said, well said." "So... any resolutions for you?" "As long as you're with me, I don't think I'll need any. What about you?" "I don't think much of resolutions, I mean the likelihood of keeping them is low. But if I had to make one, not let the year kick my ass like it did this year." "Yeah, it kicked everyone's ass. How about you and me dance our way into the new year?" "Sounds perfect." We were back on the dance floor messing around and having fun dancing. Before we knew it, there was only a minute of 2016 left. We wait and finally the count down starts. 10. We look at each other and smile 9. Their hand finds my cheek. 8. My hands move to their sides. 7. P/n lets out a chuckle. 6. I feel a blush take over my face. 5. Their other hand brushes through my hair 4. My hands move to rest on their shoulders 3. Their hands grip to my hair slightly 2. We lean in. 1. Our lips finally meet. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! Confetti flies down around us but we are too wrapped up in each other. As we pull apart we cant help the smile on our faces. "Happy New Years, y/n." "Happy New Years, p/n." We pull each other into a hug and as we separate I smile and say, "I love you p/n." "I love you too y/n." 2017 seemed to be promising...
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Peter Parker #109
Person: Peter Parker Prompt: 109. "You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes." Requested By: Anon Warning: Insomnia A/N- The person requested it involving insomnia, hope you enjoy! My alarm clock blares out almost to mock me as I reach over to turn it off. Night 2? 3? of no sleep. I was too tired to even remember how long it's been. I let out a sigh getting up and get ready, feeling a little lightheaded. I'll try and get coffee and if I feel like I'm too tired I'll head to the nurses I decided grabbing my bag and heading out of the house. I stop by the coffee shop grabbing some coffee to try and perk me up a little. It helped slightly but it wouldn't hold for long, if I can get through my first few periods I'll be okay and probably take a nap at lunch. I get to school and head to my locker grabbing my book, getting the lightheaded feeling back but try to ignore it, taking another sip of my coffee. I get through my first class barely and slug my way on to second period. We were getting paired up for a research project and we don't even get to pick our partners. I luckily get paired up with Peter Parker, he's a sweetheart and a semi-friend, mostly I had a crush on him. We all head down to the library to get stuff for our projects. Peter and I get The Manhattan Project as our topic and I start scanning the shelves for a book. I find a book pulling it off the shelf and going to find Peter. "Hey Pete, I found this awesome book for the project." "That's great I fou-" Peter's words started to get quieter as my head started hurting worse and started getting hot. "Shit." I mutter trying to walk away when Peter grabs my arm, I look back up to see him talking with no sound and he soon goes blurry then everything's black. *Time Skip* I wake up with a pounding headache scanning the white room. I notice my parents talking to the doctor's outside the open door and Peter sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. I couldn't tell completely but it seemed like he was crying. "Peter?" I say softly due to my dry throat. His head flies up to look at me and his tear stained face does in fact show he was crying. He quickly wipes his face off with his sleeve moving over to sit on the edge of the bed, "Hey y/n." "What happened?" I say even though I had a clue. "Umm... you uhh.. you fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes." Peter says letting out a small forced chuckle, trying to make light of it all. "Oh... I figured as much." I mutter glancing down at my hands. Peter's hand soon lands on top of my own and my gaze shoots up to his, "So... want to explain to me why you fainted in my arms?" Peter speaks caution of my reaction. I blink back the tears that try to break through as I finally muster up the courage to talk, "I umm... I sometimes had trouble sleeping and a few years back I uhh... I got diagnosed with insomnia. For the most part I keep it under control and very rarely had I come close to this, passing out. Most of the time I could get to the nurse and just sleep in there, but this time I didn't. God I'm so stupid." I mutter out the last part feeling the tears racing down my cheeks by the end of it all. Peter was quick to pull me into a hug as I sat there, letting my tears run loose. He rubs my back muttering soothing words in my ear. After a little while I calm down enough and we slowly pull away from each other. I can't help but laugh thinking about the current situation. "What's so funny?" Peter asks confused. "This, I mean I literally fell into the guy of my dream's arms and pass out, then here he is consoling me after the shit show that's just happened. You can't make this shit up." I say through my chuckles. Peter looks at me wide-eyed and I'm confused why until I realized what I said, "Oh wow... I just admitted that I liked you. Shit umm... you can leave if you want, I don't blame you, after all this is my shit show of a life. I would blame you if you le-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying from the pressure on my lips. I go wide-eyed for a moment in realization until I slam my eyes closed kissing back carefully lifting my hands up into Peter's hair. Our kiss was cut short by the beeping of the monitor going crazy. We pull apart just as a nurse rushes in, "y/n, are you... oh... I see, sorry to interrupt but next time I wouldn't recommend kissing when your hooked to a heart monitor." The nurse says backing out of the room giving me a little wink. I grow flustered looking down at my hand while my cheeks tiny pink. "Well... if that isn't a sign you enjoyed it I don't know what is." Peter mutters out. I glance up to see the same pink spread on Peter's face. I smile leaning up to give Peter a small peck on the lips, "I hope you liked it too." Peter smiles letting a small chuckle fall from his lips before saying, "Yes, I definitely enjoyed it."
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Requested By- Anon Request- Hey I was wondering if you would write a Peter Parker Christmas imagine where you're at Tony's Christmas party and all the Avengers are trying to get you and Peter under the mistletoe and you both get flustered when you two do cause they like each other. Person- Peter Parker Warnings- None? A/N- Hope you love it as much as I do!!! (This is my only post on Christmas so Merry Christmas if you celebrate it or Happy Holidays if you don't.) "Hey y/n, loving the sweater, need some help with the gifts?" Wanda says greeting me at the door. "Not so bad yourself and I think I'm good." I reply. Tony decided to have a ugly Christmas sweater party with all the Avengers and invited Peter and I. "Where is Peter?" Wanda asks. "Last minute emergency, he's stopping a robbery, he'll be here in a few minutes." I explain. Wanda smiles glances up, I look up to see a mistletoe. "Oops, yeah Tony stuck that there." Wanda says leaning down and pecking my cheek. I return the favor stepping inside setting the presents down on the table with the others. "Y/n! How've you been?" Steve says coming up to me. "I've been good, busy as ever." "Yeah I bet, where's your little boyfriend?" Steve teases. "Peter? You know it's not like that, and if you must know Peter is saving the day, per usual." I tell him. It wasn't like that, we were just friends after all, right? I just have this lingering feeling for Peter and I can't tell what it is. "Well okay, hopefully he gets here soon." "Yeah he should be headed this way now." I say checking my phone to see if there was any new texts from him but noting yet. Tony is soon to join Steve and I, "Hey y/n, where's spider boy?" "Well everyone seems more interested in Peter so I'll ask myself, how am I doing? I've been good, good grades, oh and Peter is stopping a robbery." "Lady y/n! how are you?" Thor says rushing over to lift me into a giant hug. I chuckle hugging the massive man back as he sets me down, "I'm doing well, how are you?" "Amazing, I can't wait for you to see your gift, I brought it all the way from Asgard!" Thor says excited. "Well I'm glad, I can't wait for you to see your gift!" I smile and happily continue the conversation, not one mention of Peter. After a nice long talk with us catching up does he finally asks, "Oh yeah where is that spider-boy? Spider-Man? Peter, right?" "Oh yeah, where is he? He was stopping a robbery but he should be here by now." I say pulling out my phone and scroll through to find his number. I pull the phone up to my ear as it rings out but before the third ring can happen a knock comes to the door. "He's here." I mutter hanging up and slipping my phone in my pocket. "Hey y/n, can you get the door!" Tony calls. I furrow my brows glancing to see a few of the avengers closer to the door than I am. "Umm why me? Wanda's right there. Wanda can't you get it?" I ask her. She struggles to come up with an excuse and Thor shouts from beside me, "Come on in Spider-Boy! It's unlocked." I faintly hear, "I would but my hands are full!" I roll my eyes realizing no one else was going to open the door. "What's up with you guys?" I ask pulling open the door, "Hey Peter." "Y/n." "Need help?" I say taking some of the presents before he can response. I see Peter roll his eyes as we turn to walk inside, only to be stopped by Tony. He lets out an obviously fake cough gesturing up above the door, where the mistletoe was hanging. Peter and I look up to it and then look at each other. My eyes move down to look at the ground. I feel the presents slip out from my arms and I notice Tony and Steve taking the stacks of presents. My empty hand goes to rub my arm, my eyes staying glued to the floor. "Well I mean... it's tradition, right?" Peter mutters out taking a step forwards and lifting my chin. 'Please don't cop out and kiss my cheek, please don't!' I think waiting for his move. He stands there with his hands shoved in his pockets and his cheeks tinted pink and I roll my eyes. "Come here you dork." I say wrapping my arms around him pulling him into me, kissing his lips. After a few seconds I feel Peter kiss back wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. After a little bit we pull apart smiling like idiots. "Finally!" Tony shouts. "Finally what?" I ask. "Spidey boy here couldn't stop gushing about you, someone had to do something!" "Tony!" Peter shouts even more embarrassed. I let out a small laugh which makes Peter turn to me looking worried. I smile at him, "Damn, you're adorable." "Language!" We hear from Steve but Peter ignores it leaning in to kiss me yet again. I smile as we part, Peter smiles back and says, "Best Christmas yet."
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Jingle Hell
Requested By- Anon Request- Hey I hope your not too busy because I would please like to request an imagine. One where team free will is celebrating Christmas together with the reader, Chuck, and Crowley. Just all around fluffy and cute, maybe opening up Christmas presents. Maybe it's your first Christmas being in a relationship with Sam (and maybe him proposing if it isn't too much). Please and thanks if you can! Person- Sam (+Dean, Cas, Chuck, and Crowley) Warnings- None? A/N- I'm still doing the prompt request, I'm just going to do all my Christmas requests since there is only two. (Oh and sorry if you don't do grace, I don't really either I just thought it would be a funny thing to throw in.) "Come on Crowley! It's tradition!" I whine to him. "You're asking a bloody demon to participate in saying grace, don't be surprised when I say no!" Crowley says storming off into the kitchen. I roll my eyes as the rest of us say grace and gather up our food for Christmas dinner. "So how old are you now?" I ask Chuck, seeing as he's god. "I'm timeless, there is no true answer than what you decide to believe." Chuck replies. I shrug and continue eating, getting excited for presents. More specifically to see the guy's faces when they see their presents from me. We all get finished conversing and eating and we're ready to open presents when I stop the boys. "I have gifts for you guys but you have to put them on now, no exceptions, okay?" All the guys shrug and I hand them their boxes as they head into different rooms and I go to toss on my own outfit. "Y/n!" I hear Dean shout. I roll my eyes stepping out seeing Dean pissed. Cas and Chuck are soon to join and Crowley is next. Dean and Crowley are pissed, Chuck is embarrassed, and Cas is confused. Sam steps out chuckling, figuring I would do something like this. "Why?" Is the only question I get from Dean, "Oh come on get into the Christmas spirit!" I try saying with a straight face. All of us are dressed up in sexy costumes and it's hilarious. "Why do I have to wear fake wings, I have real ones." Cas asks. "It's an angel costume, you have to have visible wings." "So I'm guessing I'm the devil because I'm the only demon here?" Crowley says waving around the red plastic trident. "Exactly!" "Okay but why am I not god?" "How do I make God sexy? Plus I couldn't find any pictures or pre-made costumes so reindeer it is." "And I'm an elf because?" "I don't think Sam would appreciate me being your Mrs. Clause." If your still confused Cas is an angel, Crowley is the devil, Chuck is a reindeer, Dean is an elf, Sam is Santa, I'm Mrs. Clause. "Stop complaining and lets get to presents." I say getting tired of all the questions. We spread out across the living room, Separating out presents. "Okay who's first?" "I vote you!" Cas says handing me a box. I open it up laughing at what's inside. "Cas, how'd you know I needed these!" I joke holding up the box of tampons. The others laugh at Cas's gift and he is confused, "Dean said to give gifts that people needed." "Okay, who else did you get a gift for?" "Everyone." "Okay, hand em out." All of us had a good laugh at all the presents Cas gave. He gave Crowley a bible, which burned it, Dean some pie, Sam some new books containing more lore about supernatural creatures, and Chuck a... frankly I don't know but apparently it was funny to him, some Angel thing is all Cas told us. Next was Chuck's presents he brought. He gave Crowley an angels blade, which he then tried to use on Cas to 'test it out' and now can't have it until he leaves, Cas got yet another angel thing I don't understand, Dean got some new rock band cds, Sam got some plaid shirts, of course, and I got some books I've been wanting lately. Next was Crowley and man was his gifts... interesting. Cas got a fake pair of devil horns, which looked hilarious with the angel wings, Chuck got... let's just say it wasn't a nice gift, Dean got a stuff squirrel and Sam got a stuffed moose, both of which I find absolutely hilarious, and lastly got I my own hell hound oddly enough. Dean went next and passed out his gifts. Crowley got an empty box that said 'hell hound collar' on the box, don't know how true it actually is, Chuck got his own book serious that he wrote about the Winchesters, Cas got a plaid shirt, Sam got a shoe which had them both cracking up but I didn't understand, and I got a leather jacket cause 'I don't look badass enough without one'. Sam was next giving out really thoughtful gifts. Crowley got a new tie which had cute little devil horns all over it, Chuck got a mug that said 'World's Most Powerful Father' on it, Cas got a dictionary for when he doesn't understand something, Dean got some tools, and Sam gave me a small necklace with our initials engraved on the back. "So is that all?" Cas asks scanning the room that was covered in wrapping paper and boxes. "Nope, there is still my gifts." I say going over to pull them out from under the tree. First up was Crowley and he actually smiled at it, "You seriously named 5 pigs after me?" "Hey, you said you were worth at least five!" I tell him as he rolls his eyes at me. Cas was next pulling off the wrapping to reveal the gift. "A trench coat?" "Look beside the fold on your right." I tell him. He looks to find the word Cas was embroidered on. "I love it, thank you y/n." Cas says pulling off his wings to slip it on. I roll my eyes, "Here you go Dean." I say handing the box to him. He opens it and his face lights up, "Where the hell did you find this? I've looked everywhere and couldn't find the part!" Dean says pulling out the part he's desperately wanted for Baby. "Found it when we were on a hunt awhile back, ya'know the one I had to hang back halfway through cause I cut my side pretty bad, well I had a chance to do a little looking around and it was the last in stock." I explain. Dean smiles wide pulling me into a tight hug, "If Sammy boy ever breaks up with you hit me up." He says joking as Sam lightly hits him. "Oh yeah, the best gift for last!" I say handing Sam the box. He's a little hesitant to open it and when he does he chuckles looking over to me, "you didn't." "Oh but I did." Sam looks at the box seeing the laptop and all it's features. "This must of cost a ton." "Meh, you're worth it. Plus with how good I am at Cyber Monday's I got that for a quarter of the original price, so it's all good." "Thank you so much babe." Sam says leaning over to peck my lips. "Okay, so now we're all done?" Chuck asks not seeing any other gifts. "Well there is one more thing I have to give to y/n, that is if she'll accept it." I furrow my brows a tad confused. "What do you mean by that?" Sam smirks getting up to move in front of where you sit in the chair. He plops down to one knee fishing out something from his Santa shorts, "Y/n, we've known each other for several years and I know we haven't been dating that long and it hasn't even been a full year yet but... I need you in my life forever, not as my friend or my girlfriend, but my wife. Y/n y/l/n, will you let me marry the best thing that's ever happen to me, Y/n, will you marry me?" He says popping open the box to reveal an engagement ring. I freeze in shock noticing I wasn't the only one. A smile quickly spreads to my face as I say, "Hell yes, I would love to!" Before leaning over to kiss him. He kisses back and as soon as we separate he has a big goofy grin on his face, slipping the ring onto my finger. I smiled looking around at all the people and finally landing my eyes back on my handsome fiancé, Damn, what a good Christmas.
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Peter Parker #9, 18, 62, 91, 116, 137, 153, 190, 195
Person: Peter Parker Prompt: 9. "Why me?” 18. "Take it out on me…” 62. "I shouldn’t be in love with you.” 91. "I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” 116. "Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” 137. "You make me feel like I’m not good enough.” 153. "I love you, you asshole.” 190. "Don’t you dare say you love me!” and 195. "go on, just leave! that’s what everyone does anyway.” Requested By: Anon Warning: Verbal Fighting (Kinda?) A/N- Hope you enjoy! "Try again." Peter says. I roll my eyes shaking the knob trying to turn it, again. "It won't budge Peter, it looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” We were currently somehow locked in a classroom and the doorknob won't budge. I start banging on the door hoping someone will hear us. "Ugh." I groan out putting my head against the door. "Why did we have to be here?" "You were the one wanting to ace this science test." "Well I'm sorry I care about my grades! Is that such a bad thing?" I say turning around to look at him. "I'm not saying it is. I'm just answering your question." Peter says crossing his arms. I roll my eyes yet again, "Yeah yeah, that's totally what it seemed like." "Damn y/n, what is your problem?" "You! You're my problem!" I say rushing over to him poking his chest. "How am I your problem!" Peter says pushing away my finger. "I-i lo- You just do okay. Just go on, just leave! that’s what everyone does anyway!" I say frustrated falling into a seat and laying my head in my hands. Peter stays quiet for a little bit before moving in front of desk squatting down in front of me. "Y/n, really what's up? Come on just take it out on me…” I slowly look up to see him upset staring at me. "I... I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death. I shouldn’t be in love with you, but I am. You are so sweet and smart and amazing and you make me feel like I’m not good enough. So yeah, I love you, you asshole.” I rant out getting more annoyed as I spoke. Peter was shocked at my words, froze in his place. After a few moments of silence Peter opens his mouth to start talking, "Are you serious? Y-you like me? I had no idea. Y/n I lo-" "Don’t you dare say you love me!” I cut him off before he gets a chance to say anything, "Don't you dare try and pity me by giving me some lie." I mutter out the last part looking down at my hands. "Y/n." Peter says grabbing my chin to make me look up to him. I shut my eyes not wanting to look at him. "Come on y/n, look at me." I let a soft sigh out through my noses before slowly opening my eyes. I pursue my lips before they drop into a frown. "Y/n, listen. It's not a lie. I do love you too." I shake my head not wanting to accept it before letting out a weak and forced laugh, "Oh really? Why? Why me? Out of everyone you could have, why me?" I say deciding to play along. "Because you're you Y/n. Sure I'm sweet and smart and amazing but you y/n, you're that and more. You're caring and sincere, you put people before you and always push your problems away to help someone else. Y/n, you don't realize how amazing you really are because you'd rather put others before yourself, put their happiness in front of yours, so when I tell you I love you, you don't want to believe it. You don't want to believe something you've wanted to happen for a long time is happening because that means heartbreak and hurt and it won't be as you expect it. Hell I can tell you I'm not a perfect guy. But I'm gonna try my hardest to show how much I care and love you because you're not only the girl I love but you're my best friend and you deserve the best you can get. I can't promise I'm the best but I can promise I will try hard to be." Peter finishes his long rant and I'm almost to tears at the words. I try holding it in but it doesn't take long for Peter to notice. He hops up coming to the side of the desk, leaning down, and pulling me into a hug, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of made you cry. I'm such an idiot." He whispers as he tries to console me. I let out a small laugh at his worry. He leans back to look at my face confused. I smile putting my hands on his cheeks and pulling him forward to kiss him. It wasn't long before Peter's hands move from my back to my waist as I shift my own hands to his hair as the kiss continues. After what felt like the longest and best kiss of my life we separated, our hands not moving from their spots. "So you believe me when I say I love you know?" Peter chuckles, the blush present across his face. "I don't know... maybe another kiss might persuade me to believe it." I smirk at him. He rolls his eyes, "Man, you do love me, don't you?" "Yeah yeah I think you get it, I love you, you asshole.” I mutter right before I kiss him yet again.
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Spencer Reid #69, 112, 136
Person: Spencer Reid Prompt: 69. "When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 112. "You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 136. "Oh my God! You’re in love with him/her!” Requested By: Anon Warning: None? A/N- Hope you Enjoy I was running late, of course. Today was the day the team left on a new case. That means it's going to be everyone working as hard as they can to catch the person for the next couple of days. I packed a blanket and change of clothes cause all nighters at the BAU aren't uncommon during cases. The only upside to all the paperwork between cases is catching up on sleep before the next case. I get up to the BAU office and head into Garcia's office. I normally haul up in there during cases and Garcia doesn't mind it much, she enjoys the company and the extra set of hands helping her. I normally run interference, any hard copy work or files is what I do. I'm basically like the less amazing paper version of Garcia. I also help Garcia when she gets a giant work load and I do the calling to the people we need to get in contact with. It was late one night, the team was wrapping up for the day while us at Quantico had a few more hours of research before we would call it quits. Garcia got a phone call from Spencer as I was lulling off reading the case file, "Hey Reid, what's up?" "Is y/n, around?" My head shoots up as I signal Garcia to tell him I'm not here, "No she went on a coffee run, what's up?" Garcia says shooting me a confused look. "Oh thank god, I need to ask for some advice about y/n." "Okay, well what do you need help with?" "Well y/n is such a sweet person and so caring and I umm... I wanted to ask them out on a date." "Oh my God! You’re in love with them!” Garcia shouts over the moon, looking over to me. I'm awestruck at his words but it gets better as he says, "Yeah, I might just love them. They're the first person that I've been able to feel that way for since... yeah. So maybe I am?" "What!" I say in so much shock forgetting I'm not suppose to hear any of this. "Y/n! You weren’t supposed to hear that. Garcia, I thought you said she was gone!" "Well about that... I'll be right back gotta do something, Hotch is on the other line, bye!" She says leaving the room so it was just me talking to Spencer. "Umm... well sorry about that." I apologize. "Yeah... I was hoping to do that a different way... sorry if you don't feel the same way." "Spencer, I feel the same way, I definitely do, but our jobs. It's too dangerous, we'd both try and protect each other and that's not possible with this job. Plus the team my feel awkward with us since we work together. Are you sure this is a smart decision?" I tell him my worries. I hear him let out a soft sigh before saying, "Y/n, when you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then! I think we can do this. I want to at least try and make it work." I smile at his words before saying, "Okay, let's do it then, first day your back we can order take out and do our paperwork together." I joke a little, actually thinking it be a cute date. "Sounds like a plan, I gotta get some rest but I'm excited to get back, goodnight y/n." "Goodnight, Spence."
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Bucky #73, 184
Person: Bucky Barnes
Prompt: 73. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 184. "I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
Requested By: Anon
Warning: None?
A/N- Hope you enjoy!
I was with my boyfriend, Bucky, training in the Avenger’s training room. We were working on knife skills with me trying to disarm him. I try once again to get the knife out of his hand when he slips it around stopping inches from my heart. Luckily the knives were fake. "Y/n, you keep spinning my arm the wrong away, see your doing it like this but if you twist it the other way you lock my arm limiting movement enough for you to grab the knife, see?” Bucky says showing me the steps. I let out a small sigh, that’s the one thing I keep messing up on. “I know, I just keep forgetting. Once again?” “Sure.” Bucky says stepping back a little before going to attack me again. I block his moves before finally turning his arm the right way and slipping the knife from his grip before flipping it to my grip and stop right before hitting his neck. I smile dropping the knife and starting to celebrate. “Finally! It’s been months of trying over and over and I’ve finally done it!” I groan out flopping to the floor, the fatigue finally catching up to me. Bucky smiles as he walks over to me, “You’ve only done it once.” I point my finger up at him, “Hey! Don’t rain on my parade.” Bucky rolls his eyes offer a hand to pull me up, “your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you.” I go a little wide eyed before bursting out laughing. I take his hand and sit up as he gives me a questioning look. I finally calm down enough to say, “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” Bucky rolls his eyes and starts rambling on about how he thought it was funny and blah blah blah. I finally decided to cut him off by saying, "I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” At this Bucky chuckles, "Okay that one wasn’t that bad.” He admits. “Why thank you.” I say jokingly bowing as best I can seeing as I’m sat on the floor. Bucky leans over to peck my lips and I smile returning the kiss.
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Spencer Reid #114, 116
Person: Spencer Reid Prompt: 114. "Teach me?” 116. "Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” Requested By: Anon Warning: None? A/N- Hope you enjoy! To think, everything was normal just a few minutes prior. Both Reid and I were headed up to the BAU when the elevator cut off getting stuck between floors. I go over and start mashing random floors, trying to get this thing to move. "Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” Spencer says taking his briefcase and sitting down on the floor. I slide down the wall taking a seat as well. After a little while we both shed our top layers and I pull off my shoes, damn how long does it take to get to an elevator and pry it open. The air was feeling thick with the lack of air circulation. It wasn't long before I started to breathe heavy. "Hey, you okay?" Spencer asks noticing my troubles. "Yeah, just getting a little hard to breathe." "Oh, well there is this trick I've learned, it helps you slow your breathing." "Teach me?" I ask. Spencer nods and moves over to beside me. "Okay breathe through your nose and hold it for a few seconds before breathing out through your mouth. It relaxes your muscles and slows your heart rate, normally it's recommended for anxiety attacks but it should help here too." I take his advice trying to slow my breathing down. After awhile I feel the heavy breathing coming back, "any other ideas?" I mutter out. Spencer thinks before ultimately smiling, "I got one other idea." "Okay, lets hear it." I say curious. "We're going to hold our breathe." I was confused at this until I felt Spencer's hands on my cheeks as he started to lean in. Our lips finally meet as we kiss each other, slowly we end up kissing more and more. We pull apart and smile at each other before Spencer glances up behind me, "y/n, you never hit the emergency button."
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Dean #18
Person: Dean Prompt: 18. "Take it out on me…” Requested By: Anon Warning: None? A/N- Hope you enjoy! "Dean?" I call out. The bunker has been surprisingly quiet all day. Sam went out to get more food for us and Cas has been gone for a few days but even with those two gone Dean is normally making plenty of noise without their help. I head to Dean's room to see the door slightly cracked. I push it a little further to see Dean staring down at the Mark of Cain on his arm. "Dean?" I mutter out. His head flies up to look at me. "Yeah?" "You okay? You've been pretty quiet all day." I say stepping in and moving to sit by him. "Yeah I'm... Okay I guess." "Oh come on Dean, tell me what's bugging you." I rub my hand across his back trying to give him some form of comfort. "I'm just thinking about... Everything I guess." "Okay... Why? What happened?" "It's nothing, don't worry." "Oh Dean come on, Take it out on me… yell, scream, cry, do whatever the hell you need to. I'm here for you." Dean looks over to me and lets out a long sigh realizing I'm not letting it go. Dean finally opens up about what's upsetting him and I'm there to help him through it.
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allfandomsimagining · 7 years
Peter Parker #74
Person: Peter Parker Prompt: 74. "Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” Requested By: Anon Warning: None? A/N- Hope you enjoy! "Oh come on y/n, you've only liked him since forever, just go up and talk to him." My best friend said to me. We were currently in the lunch line grabbing some food. "It's not that easy, he is just so smart and amazing and I can't, there is no way he'd want to talk to me." "Oh come on, Just ask him to borrow notes or something if you have to, at least you are talking." "I mean I guess you have a point there but come on, what kind of lame excuse is that." They turn to me before glancing around the cafeteria, "Okay I'll do you one better." We quickly pay for our food and before I know it Y/f/n is walking off. I quickly catch up to her to realize she's headed to Peter's table. "Ask to sit with him." I roll my eyes as we make it to his table, we stand there for a moment before the boys realize we're there. "H-hi? Do you need something?" Peter says caught off guard. My friend nudges me with their shoulder and I send a small glare to them before smiling at Peter, "Can we sit here? The other tables are full.” Peter looks over to his friend Ned before nodding towards us gesturing to the empty seats across from them. My friend sits across from Ned so I have no excuse but to sit across from Peter. It's silent for a bit before my friend lightly kicks my leg. I let out a soft sigh and say, "So I'm y/n, this is y/f/n, and you're... Peter? Right? I think we have science together." I ask him. "Oh yeah, I'm Peter, this is Ned. I think so, aren't you the one that dropped a test tube and cut themselves?" I let out a sigh almost cringing at the thought. "Oh yeah, that's me. Weren't you the one who had to help me down to the nurse's because of that?" "Oh yeah, you were practically being dragged with how bad your leg got cut up." The conversation continued on about that day and it had up in hysterics because of it that we completely forgot about y/f/n and Ned. Before we know it the bell rings signaling that lunch was over. I was happy I got to talk to him but also a bit upset it was over. That is before Peter started talking, "I think we have another lab today, want to work together on it?" I smiled and nodded as we got up to gather our stuff. "Oh and you guys are more than welcome to have lunch with us again." Ned says which makes me assume him and y/f/n got on quite well. "Yeah, we might just do that." I say glancing over to Peter seeing him look back at me. Man I can't wait for science.
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allfandomsimagining · 8 years
Spencer Reid #54 and #25
Person: Spencer Prompt: 54. "You did what?!” 25. ”Son of a bitch” Requested By: Anon Warning: Blood A/N- Hope you enjoy! "Wait... You did what?!" Spencer asks me as I'm putting the dishes up. "Do I really need to go over it again? I though you had a eidetic memory." "I do, that's mostly for reading, and I just want to hear you explain the stupidest thing you could have possibly done!" I roll my eyes at this. "Oh come on, it was the first thing I came up with okay? You should know that about me. When I'm pushed up against a wall I get reckless. Okay?" "Yeah, I know you are. But can you at least be a little more careful?" I sigh, "Okay, if that will make you feel better I can try to- Shit! Son of a bitch!" I cut myself off after I accidentally cut my palm on one of the knifes I was putting away. I quickly set down the knife and turn to grab a paper towel to try and get it to stop bleeding. Spencer is quick to come over and assist me. He grabs a clean wash rag and runs it under the tap getting it wet. "Let me see the cut." I reach out my hand towards him. He moves the paper towel off and starts to wipe it down. "Yeah, you got yourself good, you are gonna need stitches. I'll get the keys." I take the rag from him and keep pressure on it while we hurry quickly out the door after getting shoes on. As we're driving I look over to Spencer and I could see the worry that was on his face. "Hey, I'm sorry about making a stupid decision, I get that you're only looking out for what's best for me. I'm sorry for making you worry." Spencer glances over at me for a moment before looking back on the road, "Thank you for that. I'm also sorry about how overbearing I can be a times. I fell in love with you because of how reckless you are at times, you shouldn't have to change yourself because of me." I smile a little and as we approach a red light I quickly lean over and peck Spencer's cheek. He smiles and turns his head kissing me on the lips. Next thing we knew a horn honked at us, the light was now green. We both chuckle a little and Spencer starts to drive again.
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allfandomsimagining · 8 years
Dean #84, #71, and #3
Person: Dean Prompt: 84. "Have you lost your fucking mind?”, 71. "I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.”, 3. "Fuck me!” Requested By: Anon Warning: Verbal Fighting A/N- Hope you enjoy! I stumble into the bunker trying to get to my bedroom so I'll have some chance to rest before I get the speech. As I walk in darkness I slam straight into some chair or something. I try not to make much noise considering it's my bruised leg I hit. Before I even make it down the hall the light flickers on to reveal Dean leaning against the wall next to the kitchen. "My my my, look who stumbled in." His voice dripping with anger. "Oh fuck me! Just yell at me tomorrow I'm too tired for this shit." I say before spinning around trying once again to head to bed. "No y/n, let's talk about this now. Sit." He states motioning to the kitchen chairs. I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen sitting down trying not to cringe at the pain that it takes. "Have you lost your fucking mind?” I roll my eyes at this, "This is the same opening line you always give me, so let me help you, blah blah blah, hunting by yourself is dangerous, blah blah blah, could of got killed, blah blah blah, you should have never left, me and Sammy were worried sick, blah blah blah. I know the speech Dean, I've done the same thing before, only difference is I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore. So if you'll excuse me I want to sleep now." "Before you do one last question." "What?" I say almost bitter. Dean looks down and sighs before looking back up and asking, "Why do you keep sneaking out and doing these hunts anyways?" I let out a sigh myself before looking down and responding, "I mean, let's face it. We've all been through hell and high water and I've been there for a large part of that. But I guess I'm just worried about if anything happens to you. I mean like how many times have you died? Maybe there will come a day where you die and just don't come back. I worry the same thing with Sam. Maybe there will be a day where both of you are gone and I have no one. So I thought if I started trying to hunt on my own I will be somewhat ready for if that ever happens." It stays quiet for a few moments and I finally decide to glance up to see Dean struggling to find something to say. He finally gives up and releases a sigh quickly moving over to pull me into a hug. I stiffen at the pain that shoots up my body but soon soften into it after that. Dean then pulls away and says, "Let's patch you up and get you to bed."
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allfandomsimagining · 8 years
Spencer/Sam/Dean Prompts 200, 167, and 185
Person: Spencer (Brother Sam and Dean)
Prompt: 200: “i’m doing this to protect you.”, 167: "If he’s going to treat you like shit I’m going to kick his ass.”, 185: "It’s okay baby, I’m here for you.”
Requested By: Anon
Warning: None?
A/N- Hope you like it!
"Oh Dean stop overreacting!” I groan out as Dean is paces the floor of my apartment. “I’m not overreacting! I didn’t want you to be a hunter for a reason, that doesn’t mean go out and find an equally as dangerous job! Oh and this boyfriend, why the hell are you dating your coworker?” “Because I want to? Plus there is no work policy that says otherwise! Why are you acting like this, Sam is being calm!” I say gesturing to Sam. “Actually I’m just as pissed, I just decide not to shout about it cause it gets us nowhere.” He explains crossing his arms over his chest. “Why are you two like this?” I sigh out. “We’re doing this to protect you.” Sam explains. I roll my eyes and the door finally rings. I walk over to the door and open it to reveal Spencer holding some flowers. “Hey sweetie.” I say pulling Spencer into a hug. We pull apart and Spencer’s attention moves to my brothers, “Hey, you must be y/n’s brothers, nice to meet you.” Spencer holds out his hand and Sam kindly shakes it, trying to be civil. Dean just rolls his eyes and moves over to the table. I roll my eyes and mutter an apology as I walk to the kitchen. I grab the dinner off the counter and move it to the dressed up table. I ask for drinks and soon we all settle in to eat. “So, Spencer is it?” Dean starts waiting for Spencer to confirm its in fact his name, “What do you want with my sister?” I roll my eyes, of course Dean’s acting like my dad. Sam is obviously taken aback by Dean’s statement but doesn’t say anything either. “Oh well, Y/n is an amazing girl and I just want to make her happy.” Sam nods at this but Dean is unaltered by this and continues, “How many girls have you had before her?” “Only one.” “Really? Why the breakup?” Sam says intrigued. “Oh umm… She had this stalker who fell in love with me and this stalker killed her, nearly killed me as well.” I look to see my brother’s expression. Sam looked sympathetic, probably because of Jessica, Dean looked beyond pissed. “So you let your last girlfriend die?” “I tried to make her live, we both were trapped and I couldn’t get free, best I could do was hold off until hopefully my team would stop her but… I guess I didn’t hold off long enough.” I see Spencer struggling to keep his composure. “Hey Spencer can I borrow you for a moment, I forgot something in the kitchen.” I say. Spencer’s attention moves to me and he nods getting up. Dean looked liked he was about to object but Sam stopped him. We step into the kitchen out of sight and I quickly pull Spencer in a hug. “It’s okay baby, I’m here for you.” I whisper as he starts to cry. Maeve was his first love and it took ages for him to even consider to love another girl, but he did and I was so lucky he picked me. We stand there holding each other for awhile until Spencer finally calms down. "I’m so sorry, this is such a disaster.” I say. Spencer smiles down at me, “No, I get they’re protective of you, let’s get back in there.” I nod and we walk back into the dining room. Sam looks at Spencer apologetic, I can tell he’s wanting so much to tell him how he knows what it feels like and tell him about Jess but he can’t. Dean looked a little saddened by the fact that he reduced my boyfriend to tears, odds are Sam had a little talk with him while we were gone. The dinner conversation starts back up, Dean still grilling him a little but not as badly, Sam throwing in his own questions also. The night ends with Spencer and I getting a call from the BAU. “I better go run over and get my go bag, I’ll swing back by to pick you up okay?” Spencer says. I nod and kiss him goodbye. Spencer walks out and I put the dishes in the sink before heading to get my go bag. “Hey y/n.” Dean says as I come back in the living room. “Yeah.” “Spencer seems… Okay I guess. But if he’s going to treat you like shit I’m going to kick his ass. Okay?” I let out a small chuckle, “Yeah yeah, whatever you say Dean.” Dean soon pulls me into a hug along with Sam and before long they head off on a case and Spencer picks me up soon there after for our case.
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