96flowers-writings · 2 years
The Real Endgame Ch 3. Arrival
We see how Morgan talks her way out of this one. There is a part at the end that I literally wrote and rewrote about 7 times debating if it should even be mentioned because of what we know about Endgame. But seeing as I will be sticking to canon for events that have already happened leading up to the end of Avengers, including the bits from the time travel in Endgame, I decided to include this scene. Let me know your thoughts of the matter.
The Arrival
Stark Tower 2012
"Who the hell are you?!" Barton snarled the arrow he had just been pointing at Loki aimed at her. The others had followed suit, Iron Man had his one working repulsor pointed at her, Thor's hammer was lifted slightly, Widow had a gun aimed at her head, Hulk was growling, and Cap had his shield up in a defensive position. The other agents that had just joined them quickly brought up their weapons in response as well. Loki was still on the floor but was looking at her with a confused and startled expression. Morgan had her hands above her head and was cursing her bad luck that she ended up in the penthouse instead of on a lower level like they had been hoping for.
"Well…." she drawled beneath her mask. They had come up with a plan to introduce her to Fury and the Avengers after the clean up had begun and when they were not running on adrenaline from the battle. That was shot to hell though. She glanced around without moving her head to see who all was there, she caught sight of Loki watching. She really looked at him and she could tell he kind of knew what she had done, his eyes were also cycling between blue and a light green. "That is a hard question to answer in a way that makes sense. You could call me a traveler."
"A traveler?" Captain Rogers asked as he stepped forward slightly to show that he was in charge of the rag tag group in the room. "What kind of traveler? How did you just appear?"
"I do believe I might be able to answer that actually," Loki spoke up from behind them all. He was still studying her closely. She tilted her head to question. Loki pushed himself to his feet gently before continuing. "I believe she has traveled through time."
There were scoffs from all around the room from the SHEILD agents who obviously didn't believe him. Thor though turned to look at his brother closer.
"Brother?" Thor asked curiously.
"Thor!" Tony snapped turning slightly to see the blond. "After everything we just went through because of Loki, are you really going to believe that?"
"This is something that he would not lie about," Thor said firmly. Loki looked at his brother at that moment and Thor saw the shifting color in his eyes as Morgan had. "We receive a visitor occasionally on Asgard. She is a time traveler of a sort. She was lost to the time streams. No one but her and my father know of when she is from. She never stays long before she is swept away again by the time stream. There are only three people who are able to tell when she has arrived or will depart. My parents and Loki, this is due to the distinct chaos that happens when a person or object passes into or out of the quantum zone."
(I don't know where this comes from or who this person is. I read or heard about them from somewhere a long time ago. I can't remember where. I don't know if they are an actual character form the Marvel comics or from Norse Mythology but I liked it, so I am using it for the purpose of moving this along.)
"I felt and saw the chaos disturbance just as she appeared," Loki supplied once again with his eyes fixed on Morgan. "This is different though. With our friend the disturbance remains around her and flairs when she is pulled away. It has completely disappeared from around this traveler. She is not lost amongst time, this is deliberate."
"Okay," Tony sighed heavily and looked again towards Morgan. "How can you prove it?"
"There are a few ways," Morgan replied hesitantly. During the exchange she had been looking at her father, studying the man that she hadn't seen in the flesh in 20 years. "I need access to my wrist control panel to show you the easiest way. Please don't shoot me."
"Show us," Rogers demanded. The others nodded in agreement, Loki was behind them rolling his eyes. She wondered why he didn't take this as a chance to try and escape. She figured he was curious, or exhausted. Her attention went back to her father and she addressed him directly.
"Tony Stark, you are an expert in all forms of mechanical engineering correct?"
"Yes," He answered automatically, he had taken to studying her suit more closely. He couldn't see any detachable pieces.
"Then tell me if this technology exists in this time," She stated and slowly moved her left hand to the suit controls on her right wrist. She pressed a small sequence of buttons and the whole suit began to retract back into the wrist control panel. It started at her head at the helmet and faceplate, it seemed to almost melt as the nano pieces were called back. Tony watched with slightly wide eyes at the technology he had been dreaming about was shown to him.
"No," he whispered slightly as he took a step forwards to examine the wrist control that she held out. He hadn't even really looked at her or what she was wearing. There was an intake of breath behind him as the other Avengers took in her jacket. Avengers was sewn above the right breast in big red letters that stood out against the grey hoodie. "This is tech that I have had in planning stages but haven't had the means to create or perfect."
"Who are you?" Rumlow demanded with his gun still pointed at her. She turned and glared at the man that wasn't what he appeared. It was the first hostile like action she had taken since appearing.
"That is none of your concern Agent Rumlow," She said sternly, doing her best to channel her inner Rhodey. "I am here on a very important mission that is way above your clearance level. I need to speak to Director Fury immediately."
"If you think you can just…" Rumlow started before he was cut off by the voice in his ear.
"Bring her in, I want to talk to her" Fury stated simply to all those who could here him. It seemed that her small display and Tony's reaction was enough for him.
"I take it he is listening in?" Morgan asked sweetly as she gently pulled her arm from her father's curious fingers.
"Yes he is," Widow said as she holstered her weapon and relaxes slightly from her aggressive stance. "He as agreed to meet with you."
"I am glad Director," Morgan said so that the man could hear her. She then picked up her two cases that she had dropped upon arrival started walking towards the elevator. She turned back though, "Thor be gentle with Loki, everything is not what it seems."
"Right," Thor mumbled but still shackled him a bit more gently then he had originally intended to do, he also didn't put the muzzle on like he had been planning. He then began to lead him behind her.
"Also," Morgan said addressing the Avengers in the room. She thought she might as well start changing somethings given the chance. "Take the Tesseract and the Scepter into custody Captain, do not let anyone but your team handle them. Do NOT hand either of them over to SHIELD or the force that will be waiting downstairs."
"Ma'am?" The WWII hero questioned as he bent down and picked up the Scepter before the agent that was reaching for it could take it. The agents in the room shifted slightly, as if preparing to fight for the weapon and the cube.
"Trust me Captain," Morgan said softly as he approached with the rest of the Avengers. Doctor Selvig was in the elevator with the Tesseract when the door opened. "These items must remain in Avengers custody until further notice. We have had a lot of trouble with these items over the years. Once the cub is in its case give it to Mr. Stark, you keep hold of the joystick of destiny hmm?"
"Yes Ma'am," He nodded. He didn't trust her really. But when she said that there had been trouble with them he had the worst feeling of dread possible. It must have been felt by the others if the stiffening of their muscles was anything to go by. Doctor Selvig and Tony gently boxed the Tesseract up into a protective case. Tony then had JARVIS retract his now useless suit and store it before taking final custody from Selvig.
Suddenly the Hulk started to sway and shrink. In the course of about 15 seconds the hulk was gone and Doctor Banner was passed out on the floor…nude. Morgan blushed slightly and looked away. Barton sighed from his place behind her before making his way over to the Gamma expert. Tony went over to the bar that had somehow survived the fight and found a set of clothes hidden on the bottom shelf. He tossed them at the archer who helped the mostly unconscious man into them before standing and hauling him into a firefighter rescue position.
The Avengers, Morgan and Loki all squeezed into the elevator as it began to descend to the ground floor. The agents left in the penthouse were not happy and Rumlow was getting his ass chewed out on his private communications channel, or so Friday told Morgan in her ear. Friday was monitoring the communications signals around the tower. Morgan smirked slightly as she realized she was already making changes.
"Captain Rogers," Fury's voice sounded in the ear pieces of the Avengers, and Morgan, though they didn't know that. "A quinjet will be waiting to bring you and our two guests back to the Heli carrier."
"Yes sir," Rogers responded crisply. He turned to look at Morgan and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Can you tell us anything before we get to the carrier?"
Morgan studied the man before her. He was so young, but he had already been through to much. She glanced at the others in the small space with her. They were all looking at her for an answer, even Loki.
"Not here," She sighed, and adjusted her grip on the two cases she was carrying. She met the eyes of everyone in the elevator. "There are eyes and ears everywhere dear avengers. Things will be made clear to you and the others soon. Know this, I am on your side, I am a friend."
The rest of the ride down was in silence. The Avengers contemplating her words and the ominous feel that settled around the elevator. What the Avengers didn't know is that Friday was sending out a prerecorded message to the four who had traveled back to that time as well. Steve, Scott, Tony and Bruce from 2023 when they were attempting to gather the stones. The message was basically a stand down, Stephen had already okayed it before she was sent back. As soon as all four were somewhere safe Friday would activate their tech and send them home.
She was right about people meeting them at the ground floor. It was Senator Pierce and a whole squad of armed agents.
"What is this I hear about not letting SHIELD have custody of the Tesseract and Scepter?" The man asked dangerously as they came to a halt. "And who is this woman that gets to make that call claiming to be from the future?"
"That would be me Senator," Morgan said calmly as she stepped into his line of sight. "My name to you is not important, and as I understand it the Avengers are legally separate from your control or that of the world security council. They were formed as a side project that wasn't vetted by them and thus they have no say and seeing how one of them is a legit God from stories, we trump you."
"You little!" The senator's face got red as he stepped forward into her space. Before she could even think about protecting herself Thor and Tony were suddenly between her and the man.
"I don't know who you are little man," Thor stated loudly as he gripped Mjolnir tightly and sparks began to sizzle slightly. "But you should step back and allow us to pass. This is none of your concern. The woman's business here in the past has not yet been disclosed. As for the Tesseract and Scepter, they belong on Asgard, where they had been housed for nearly three thousand years before they were stolen about 250 years ago. They do not belong on this less advanced world."
The Senator seemed to rethink his plan as he was faced with the God of Thunder in a pissed mood. Loki laughed slightly from behind Thor and Romanov gripped his arm a little tighter. She had taken it after Thor had stepped forward. Loki shot her an amused look before settling. The Senator motioned for the armed agents to step aside and let them through.
They started forward again, before they could actually make it out the shattered doors Morgan turned back for a second. She caught the eyes of an agent that was just watching them. His eyes board into hers before a spark of recognition flashed through them. She smiled at him and winked and his eyes widened. He followed them quickly outside ignoring the sounds of his teammates in his ear.
Morgan had been dragging her feet slightly, so she was at the back of the group that approached the waiting jet. The guard caught up to them and gently grabbed her arm and turned her towards him. The others stopped as well to see what was going on. Rogers was about to say something, but the man bet him to it.
"Is it really you?" the voice that came out was extremely familiar to all of them. They all looked at Tony who was looking very confused now. The man reached up and took of the helmet and goggles, revealing that it was Tony, but older. His hair had lightened considerably, and his face was more lined, but there was no doubting it. Morgan laughed and smiled, she reached up and gently used her sleeve to wipe some sweat from his face. It was reminiscent of him putting her to bed just a few days prior for him that he knew exactly who she was. "What are you doing here like this?"
"Things are changing," Morgan said simply. She reached out and pulled him into a hug. He went more than willingly. The other Tony was watching with fascination. She turned and whispered so the others wouldn't here. "It's been 20 years for me dad. You all did it, brought everyone back. But things didn't go back to normal like you wished, things had already changed to much. This plan was created by Doctor Strange as an alternative, to stop everything before it even began."
"What?" Her father said as he leaned back to look at her. To really look at his 25-year-old daughter. He could see stress lines in her face that she shouldn't have. He could see a weariness in her that only people twice her age should have. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"
"Thank you," She smiled at him and looked over his shoulder where the older Rogers was now sneaking out of the building towards them. "Take your team, go home. I plan to make sure this never happens now."
Tony nodded once before looking back towards his captain who was no visible to the others. The younger Rogers was starring at his older self like the younger Tony was doing. Older Tony tapped his microphone.
"Lang, Banner did you guys copy?" He asked as he looked at the team before him. There were two quite affirmatives in his ear. He watched the team for another moment before saying. "You probably don't believe any of this is real, but it is. Believe her, listen to her. She will explain what has happened. Please don't be stubborn, just listen."
He was practically begging but didn't care. Rogers was level with them now and nodded at his past self and the team before looking at Morgan.
"He kid," he greeted having put the pieces together.
"Cap," Morgan said with a smile. That was all that needed to be said. The two older Avengers nodded at each other and fixed the time coordinates in their wrist controls and activated their suits. The other avengers noticed the difference right away. Cap took care of the countdown…
"Activation in 3…2….1" and with a flash the two were gone. Morgan new that elsewhere in the tower and in the city two others had disappeared to their home time. She hopped that she was successful in changing the past, because if not she just screwed the future. She does know that seeing the two of them had helped the others believe her.
"Was that…?" Steve questioned softly as they all turned back to the waiting jet and started moving again slowly.
"Yes Captain," Morgan said gently stepping forward to walk between her father and the man. "That was a future version of yourselves. From about 11 years from now, but they are from 20 years into my past. It is a complicated story."
"What is your relation to each other," Tony said suddenly, looking at her with an intense gaze she hadn't been on the end of before. "If their from 20 years in your past that would make you a child that they know, how did they recognize you? Who are you to them?"
"All good questions Tony," Morgan relented as they boarded the waiting jet. The pilot on-board disembarked to help with the cleanup and relinquished controls to Barton. Barton gently placed Banner down in a seat and strapped him in, he seemed to be more aware then he had been up in the penthouse. "I can't tell you exactly who I am to them right now. You can call me Morgan though. I didn't trust everyone all the ears listening in where we were."
"Morgan what?" Natasha asked curiously.
"That would be telling," Morgan smiled at her. They took that as a victory that it was and settled in for the trip back to the damaged carrier.
Thoughts on our dear Morgan meeting her older and younger father?
0 notes
96flowers-writings · 5 years
The Real Endgame Chapter Two
Okay Marvel fans, here we go! Chapter Two!
Things start moving a little towards the end of this chapter. As soon as this is posted I will be working on Chapter 3! Hopefully that will be up by Wed.
To the person who commented about watching all 22 movies: Yes! It is a little ambitious to try all 22. I do say that I don't ever fully abandon something I have written. So it may take me a long time, I do plan on finishing this.
I will say this! This will be a multiple story arc. This one will contain meeting the OG crew and gathering everyone as well as the full first movie. After that each movie will have its own story. I don't plan on this being only watching the movies, there will be other things happening.
Stay tuned!
Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel
The Plan is Put in Motion
Over the course of the next two weeks the three Avengers worked all hours of the day and night to perfect the plan that had been put in place. Cassie had needed to go back into the notes and files left by her father and Doctor Pym to recreate the Pym particles and the machine needed to send a person into a different time.
Morgan had spent the time redesigning the original suits used when the Avengers tracked down the Infinity Stones. She had updated the style and the safety features. She had also gotten started on building the machine that would send her to the past. Yes, it had been decided that she would be the one going to the past. That had been a fun conversation…
Two weeks earlier….
"Alright," Cassie sighed as they met the next morning in Morgan's lab. "If we are going to do this we need to iron out some details before we start building anything."
"Oh?" Morgan hummed from where she had started pulling up old files on Friday's system. "Like what?"
"Well, first off, who is going to go?" Cassie asked coming around the table to face the Stark Heiress. "What kind of repercussions is changing the past going to have on this future? Is it going to rewrite ours or is it going to create a splintered timeline and leave ours intact?"
"I can answer the last two," Doctor Strange spoke up from the sitting area where had was reading some dusty textbook. He continued when he saw he had their attention. "This timeline is fragile due to the jumps the Avengers made 25 years ago. When we send our person to the past and they begin to change the timeline, this future will begin to fade away. Unfortunately, the person who is sent to the past will be stuck there. They will become a part of the new timeline and will not be able to return. There will be nothing left to return to as this future will, essentially, cease to exist. That is why the answer to that first question is very important. Whoever goes back must be completely willing and understand that it is a one-way trip."
"Oh," Cassie sighed and sat down in the office chair. She obviously didn't want to be the one to go back, and Morgan didn't blame her. Cassie was married and had two small children she had to think about. Even if the timeline faded away she would want to be with her family when that happened.
Morgan on the other hand, didn't have anything holding her back from going. Her mother had passed away a few months prior due to complications with cancer. Her godfather Rhodey had died in a battle a little more than 10 years previously. Happy had passed away 3 years ago in an assassination attempt on her, he had pushed her out of the way of a sniper. He hadn't even been working, he had retired but remained an amazing friend over the years. Morgan had never married or really gotten involved with anyone. The only people she would be leaving behind would be Peter and Harley, and of course the new Avengers team, but they would all understand her need to do this.
"I'll go," Morgan said as she came to this conclusion. Cassie opened her mouth, most likely to argue, but Morgan interrupted her. "I really don't have anything holding me here, everyone who would have argued with me is dead. Peter and Harley will understand, even if they don't like it."
"You're right," Cassie admitted and reached over to grab her hand. "Besides, I got my father back all those years ago. It's time you got yours."
Morgan smiled at her friend as Strange looked on. He had already known it would have to be Morgan Stark, but she had to come to that conclusion on her own.
During the last two weeks Doctor Strange had been pouring over his spell books to make sure that everything in the movies were accurate and that he had made the right call about what was going to happen to the timeline. He had also taken to comparing notes with Morgan and Cassie about the physical effects that this will have on the body. Though he may be a master of the mystic arts he is still a medically trained Doctor who has kept up his training in the years since his accident.
Finally, after two weeks of long days and longer nights, they are ready to send Morgan back to 2012, to when Loki had been defeated and the Avengers were newly formed. The day before they had finally let the rest of the local Avengers know of their plan. As expected, Peter and Harley were less than pleased but understood that Morgan needed to see and save her father. Of the two Peter was the more understanding and the more devastated that she wanted to do this alone. Peter, Harley, and James (Steve Rogers grandson who took the mantle of Captain America after Sam retired, also the occasional boyfriend/friend with benefits for Morgan) all had offered to come with her, but she had said this was something she needed to do herself.
They all gathered around the rebuilt quantum tunnel to watch. Cassie was at the controls prepping it for go time. Morgan was messing with the settings on her wrist control nervously as everyone shuffled around. Finally, Peter had enough…
"Morgan," He said and stepped forward. He grabbed her by the shoulders and tilted her face up towards him. "Are you sure about this?"
"More than anything," Morgan said softly as she met Peter's eyes. "I have to do this. The world never really recovered from Thanos, it can be prevented all together. I also might have a chance to save my father."
"Okay," Peter sighed and pulled her into a tight hug. "Remember what I told you. There was a little boy he saved from the drones the first year he restarted the Stark Expo. The little boy was dressed as Iron Man. Only the boy, your mom and dad, and Rhodey knew about saving him."
"Right," Morgan said resting her head on his shoulder and just hugging him. Eventually she leaned up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for everything Peter. You have been an amazing big brother to me all these years."
She stepped away and turned towards Harley who had been waiting silently behind Peter. He opened his arms and she stepped willingly into them. They stood for a moment in silence, there wasn't anything that really needed to be said except, "Good luck little sister."
Morgan nodded into his shoulder and kissed his cheek like Peter before stepping back. The next inline was James. He looked a little lost about her leaving. She stepped up to him and put a hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.
"Maybe in another life we could have had something," She said for his ears only. His deep blue eyes met hers in understanding before he leaned down and kissed her gently.
"I understand," He said softly as he wrapped her in his arms. "More than anyone probably. Alright, took me awhile to come up with something that this Grandpa Steve would know, before he traveled back to have his happy ending the only time he had kissed Grandma Peggy was just before he boarded the plan that he crashed into the sea. The only people who knew about that kiss is the two of them and Colonel Philips."
"Gotcha," Morgan sighed and stepped away. She turned to look at the others. The next person to step forward surprised her just a little.
"Morgan," Thor smiled as he gently set his hands on her shoulders. In the years since he left to travel with the Guardians he had regained his former stature. He was thin and strong again, he had cropped his hair to short spikes, his beard was trimmed close to his neck, the scar along his face was faded and white. He looked like the God of Thunder again. Recently he had come back to Earth and New Asgard and sat down with his people. Valkyrie had been ruling in his absence but as it turns out she wasn't meant to be a Queen. The people want Thor to be their king again. He said that he would return soon to retake the throne, now he won't have to if everything goes according to plan. He squeezed her shoulders gently. "You are so like your father, I have often wished that I had known him better. I wish you luck and happiness."
"Thanks Thor," Morgan smiled up at the tall Asgardian in front of her. "I hope I can make things better for you and your people."
"Me to," Thor smiled before becoming serious. "For the past version of me there is something only he, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three know. It is rather recent for him. When I had taken Loki and the others to Jotunheim before my banishment I was confronted by a Frost Giant Soldier, he insulted my pride 'Run back home little princess' were his words."
"Ouch," Sam Wilson winced as he walked closer. His hair was silver, and he walked with a cane, but he was still the man who Rogers had trusted The Shield too all those years ago. "Knowing what I do about you Thor that probably didn't end well for anyone involved."
"Right you are old friend," Thor responded and stepped back. "The resulting fight was the reason for my banishment."
"Not surprising," Sam sighed and shook his head. He took Thor's place in front of Morgan. He looked at her for a moment before pulling he gently into a hug. "I don't have some weird line or moment to give you kid. I was somewhere over Afghanistan getting shot at in bird suit at the time you are aiming for. Hopefully my ass will get brought home to watch with you if everything goes according to plan."
Morgan smiled into the hug. They weren't as close as they probably could have been, but she always looked up to the older man. She squeezed him tightly before kissing his cheek and stepping back. "See you soon Sam."
The next person to come forward was a good friend all through her life, someone she looked up to as a cousin, Lila Barton aka Hawkeye. Lila looked at her long-time friend before she slugged her gently in the shoulder.
"Ow!," Morgan complained as she rubbed her 'bruised' shoulder. "Tell me how you really feel then Katniss."
"Haha," Lila rolled her eyes at the old nickname. "Take care of yourself kid. You already know what to tell Natasha and Dad."
"Yeah I do," Morgan said softly and pulled her into a hug. The two let go and Lila stepped back.
Stephen and Cassie were the last too step forward.
"Alright Morgan, this is it." He smiled at her gently. "Cassie has everything calibrated and ready to go. Are you ready?"
"Yes sir," Morgan said with a small smile. She reached forward and dragged Cassie into one last hug. She soon released her and turned towards the device. She stepped up onto the platform before turning to her team.
"If this timeline doesn't fade, tell the others what I've done," Morgan told her team. "Our team is large and there are a lot of our friends who couldn't make it home on such short notice. Let them know I love them and that I am sorry for just leaving without warning."
"We will kid," Peter promised her. "We love you, 3000."
Morgan laughed slightly at their old goodbye. She looked down and activated her suit, it formed around her using the nano tech that her father had developed. The new time suit looked more like her Rescue armor than the old Antman style suits. She reached down and gripped the two cases she was taking tightly. One contained the 22 movies that Strange had created, the other was full of the things she couldn't leave behind on the one-way trip. Beneath the suit she was wearing was the bracelets and necklace that held the nano pieces of her Rescue armor. She turned her head and nodded at Cassie who was once again at the controls.
"Activation in…3…2…1…"
Cassie flipped the final switch and it was as if the floor had disappeared beneath Morgan and she fell into the quantum zone at the size of an atom. The heads-up display showed her the course she needed to follow to reach he target time. She followed the projected course and in seconds there was a blinding flash, and a gut wrenching feeling before she appeared in the penthouse of Stark Tower as The Avengers were taking Loki into custody.
There was silence for a moment as she took everything in. Before she could say anything, weapons were pointed in her direction by the Avengers and the newly arrived SHEILD **cough**Hydra**cough** agents. Her hands went up above her head in the universal sign for don't shoot. The silence was broken by Barton,
"Who the hell are you!?"
In Morgan's home time…
The gathered Avengers watched as she disappeared into the quantum tunnel in silence. Cassie was flipping switches and reading the monitors for another moment before the lights on the platform went dim. She took a step back and looked at everyone.
"She's arrived in 2012," Cassie said simply. "She should be appearing in Stark Tower as they arrested Loki."
"How soon till we start to fade? Will we even be able to tell?" Harley asked as he turned away from the platform to look at Lang.
"I don't know," Cassie admitted with a small shrug. "I am not an expert with this, I just know the research left by my father and Doctor Pym. Doctor Strange?"
"We here in this room will have a vague feeling of weightlessness as this world starts to fade," Strange said as he walked to look out the window into the city bellow. "We are aware that it will be coming and will have a sense for it. Much like you felt the snap coming all those years ago on Titan Peter. As for when? Well if I am correct our timelines our technically synced for now. We will not begin to fade until the Original Team begins to realize the changes that need to be made. This won't happen until they start to see their future. I'd say we have a week, maybe two."
"A week," Harley sighs and takes his phone out of his pocket. He looks at the background photo of his girlfriend. "Better make it worth it then hmm?"
"We aren't actually dying Harley," Peter points out as he runs his hand through his hair. "But I don't see why we don't be around our loved ones for when the moments does arrive."
"You're right Pete," Sam says, as the official leader of the Avengers everyone turns to look at him. He meets the eyes of everyone in the room. "As of right now the Avengers are disband. Go home to your loved ones. Only if something threatens the lives of everyone will we step in. If two weeks pass and we haven't faded we will reconvene and discuss the possibility that she failed or that this timeline won't actually fade."
"Yes Sir!"
With that the Avengers left the tower for what would be the final time.
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96flowers-writings · 5 years
The Real Endgame Chapter One
Alright y'all I will warn you now. ENDGAME SPOILERS! If you have not yet seen the movie turn away now. Hit that back button in the upper or lower right hand side of your screen. This has that ending battle as the first part of the first chapter soooooooooooo yeah.
This is my attempt at a I don't like that **** died and I want to possibly change that. This has been rattling around in my brain for awhile. actually before I even saw Endgame I had been playing around with a characters watch their movies story for MCU but I didn't have a good platform to do it with. After Endgame I finally had a more believable way of having it happen.
I don't own any of these characters.
Last chance to turn back: **ENDGAME SPOILERS BELOW****
The Final Battle Against Thanos
The battle raged across what had been the Avengers compound in northern New York. The sky was dark, filled with smoke from the ravaged earth. The Avengers, newly expanded, were fighting for their lives and the lives of half the universe, trying to prevent Thanos from getting the gauntlet once more.
Everything came to a stand still as he succeeded in taking the gauntlet and stones. He raised his hand, admiring the stones in the iron man gauntlet. Tony Stark was on the ground a few feet away, looking on in despair that they could have failed a second time after working so hard to fix everything. He glanced over at Doctor Strange who was holding back the water that was threatening to drown the battle field. Strange was looking right at him and met his eyes, he held up a single shaking finger and at that moment Tony knew what was to happen. The one scenario where they won, the only one out of 14 million.
With new understanding of what he had to do Tony got to his feet and launched himself at Thanos with a single-minded determination. They grappled for a moment and no one watching could tell really what Tony had been attempting before he was thrown away again.
Thanos holds his gauntleted hand up and simply says "I am inevitable." And he snaps his fingers like he did on that fateful day 5 years previously. Yet nothing happens. He turns his hand to find the stones missing.
Everyone turns to look at Tony who was kneeing on the ground holding his own hand up. As if drawn by cosmic force the stones were moving into position around the Ironman gauntlet. When they reached the proper places the surge of power raced up his arm burning him all down one side. Tony ended this the way he began everything all those years ago.
"I am Ironman," and snaps his fingers. There is a brilliant light and when it clears Thanos' army began to turn to dust. Thanos himself simply sat down on a piece of rubble in defeat and looked up as he too turned to dust.
It was over. They had won, but the cost?
Tony was on the ground, reclined against another piece of rubble struggling to breathe, to survive. Peter was the first to reach him, having been close to Lang's truck when the gauntlet had switched hands.
"Mr. Stark!" his voice was panicked as he kneeled in front of the man who had become his mentor, his father figure. "You did it, we won."
The sadness could be heard in his voice, he knew that it was too late to save him. He reached out and placed a hand on the man's uninjured shoulder. Tony met his eyes but couldn't speak, there was sadness in his gaze, but also relief at seeing the teenager in full health. Peter began to cry and he was pulled back by one of the other Avengers to allow for Pepper to see her husband.
"You did it Tony," Pepper said softly as she kneeled down in the mud. When she took in just how bad her husband looked she asked quietly. "Friday?"
The negative response that followed had tears filling her eyes. She met Tony's and saw the love and sadness in his gaze as the life slowly left him. She leaned forward and kissed him gently.
"It's okay, we'll be okay. It's time for you to rest," She said softly and the relief in his eyes said enough. If she had begged him to stay, not to dye he would have fought with what strength he had left. But she didn't, they both accepted what was to happen. And with the relief that she and Morgan would be left in capable and safe hands he let out his final breath.
There was silence on the field as everyone took in what had just happened. Pepper bowed her head and let her tears flow, Rhodey was behind her and pulled her into his arms as his own tears began to flow. Steve reached out his arm around the two as he bowed his own head. Peter was being held by Wanda as he let out a sob and turned around in her arms, she tightened her arms around him and let her own tears fall….
25 Years into the future
Morgan Stark was sitting at her desk at the Avengers headquarters going over designs for a new suit of armor for Harley. Harley Keener had taken on the role of Iron Lad after her father's passing when she was five. When he got older he took the name Ironman. He had worked along side her mother who had taken the name Rescue.
Morgan was exceedingly smart like her father and at the age of 10 had started working on upgrading and redesigning the suits of armor. Two years later she had become the Avengers tech girl and was upgrading weapons and suits for all the Avengers.
When she turned 18 her mother reluctantly passed on the torch of Rescue to her. She took it with pride, knowing she was following her father's footsteps.
The Avengers had changed a lot since that first meeting all those years ago. The only original member left active was Thor, and he was only a part time member as he had always been. The member roster now counted near 100 as there were heroes all over the world and the universe who could be called on in the time of need. (But that is a story for another time. Back to Morgan)
Morgan was quietly conversing with Friday as she configured the wires around an upgraded faceplate. The door behind her slid open with barley a sound but the screen in front of her showed that entrance had been granted to someone. She put down her stylus and turned to see Doctor Strange walking towards her. He looked the same as he ever did, the same as the day she met him years before. He explained once that when he took on the title of Sorcerer Supreme all aging stopped blah blah blah. She had stopped listening.
Anyway, he didn't often visit the Headquarters as he was only a *call if the world is ending and there is no hope* situation avenger. There had been a few of those over the years, and he sometimes just kind of shows up if he feels like it. No one really minds when he does, he really is a heavy hitter in a fight.
"Doctor Strange," Morgan said surprised. She stood to greet the man. "What can I do for you?"
"Miss Stark," the man greeted and looked at her. "I have an idea. I am not sure how to go about doing it and I need your help along with Miss Lang."
"Oh?" Morgan raised an eyebrow at the cryptic response. "An idea you say? Care to share."
"Hmm," the man hummed with a small smile. "When you collect Miss Lang I will explain. It is complicated and hard to believe. But if this is done successfully. I do believe we can save many lives."
"Okay," Morgan said slowly, pulling out her phone and shooting a text to Cassie to come to the workshop. "Now my interest is really quirked."
"I was hoping for that," The man said quietly as he looked around the room in interest. He was a medical man at heart, a man of science, and sometimes he truly did miss it. Morgan watched as the mystic user wandered around her workshop but didn't touch anything. There was silence for a few mins before the door slid open to reveal the form of Cassie Lang, known to the public as The Wasp. She was dressed in casual clothes, having likely been in her own lab.
"What's up kid," Cassie asked as she caught sight of Strange in the room.
"Doctor Strange said he needed both our help for something," Morgan said simply gesturing to the man who had come to stand beside her.
"Why don't we take a seat," Strange suggested pointing at the small sitting area in the corner. "This explanation could get lengthy."
The two heroines looked at each other and shrugged before making their way to the set of armchairs and coffee table. Morgan and Cassie sat side by side in chairs across from Strange who had taken the couch. Strange looked at them for a moment before he made a quick motion with his hands and the world around them changed and became crystalline. The two girls jumped slightly before shooting looks at the man. He grinned slightly before explaining.
"We are in the same place we were just in a slightly different world. They only way in and out is with a sling ring or someone who is using it. This will allow us complete privacy."
"Right," Cassie sighed slouching back in her chair slightly. She was still tired from her mission the day before and had just finished repairs on her suit when Morgan had sent the message. She had been hoping to have an early night. "Well, what is this idea if yours Doctor?"
"I am sure you both know the story of Thanos and how he won at first?" Stephen asked folding his hands in front of him.
"Yes?" Morgan asked with a frown. She didn't like thinking about Thanos and the chaos he caused. Even 25 years after everyone had been returned the world was still recovering. As much as they had hopped everything would just go back to normal it couldn't and things had to change.
"Were you told the story of our fight on Titan? When I used the Time Stone to see all possible outcomes?" Stephen asked the next question quietly.
"Yes," Morgan answered just as softly after looking at Cassie who was frowning at the line of questioning. "I was told by Peter several times growing up. You looked into the over 14 million possible futures, and of them only 1 outcome was where we won. That outcome came to pass 5 years later when my father stole the stones from Thanos and used them to kill Thanos and his army. At the cost of his own life."
"Yes that is true," Strange sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "But I never told anyone everything I saw. The timeline where we won, I watched it for a while to see how everything had paned out. I saw this moment here and I stopped after this conversation. Why? Because this timeline then no longer truly existed."
"What?" Cassie asked quickly sitting up. "How?"
"Because I want to change the past," Stephen said simply. The two girls blinked at him and he elaborated. "I want to change the past, I want to send someone back to just after that first battle as a team. Back just before Thor and Loki take the tesseract back to Asgard."
"What do you want to accomplish exactly?" Morgan asked. She had crossed her arms in front of her in a clearly defensive way. She was unsure of his intentions, Strange realized. He sighed and waved his hands again and on the coffee table something appeared.
Cassie reached forward and pulled the chest towards her. On the top of the metal box was the Avengers A surrounded by the symbols of the original six members and the SHEILD logo. She popped open the lid and inside were 22 slots. Each slot had an old-fashioned DVD case.
The two girls exchanged looks again before Morgan reached in and pulled out the first movie. The front had a picture of a man she remembered fondly if only vaguely, the title read Captain America: The First Avenger.
"Uh What?" Morgan asked bewildered. She handed it to Cassie and pulled out the next one. This one was labeled Captain Marvel. She looked at the sorcerer for an explanation.
"What do I want to accomplish? Have the Avengers sit and watch these films," Strange said gesturing to the box. "They will start in the past, with the back story for some of them. Then it will go into their future and show them what they accomplish and what they lose. With these films they will learn more about each other and become a better team. They will also learn what to do to prevent many lives from being lost. Those in Sacovia, Asgard and other places. Hopefully this will also save Vision, Natasha and Tony from early death."
"Oh," Morgan breathed as she listened to the man. She was still looking through the chest, she had pulled out a few more, including her father's. She glanced up and nodded her head. "I'll help."
"So will I," Cassie said as she pulled her own father's movies out.
"Good." Strange declared.
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
I Need Writing Prompts!
I need to get my creativeness flowing again. I have a novel that I need to get going on, four fanfictions that need to be updated and no motivation to write! Give me ideas to write one-shots so I can get going again!
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
A Trip Down Memory Lane Ch 2
The Doctor woke to find himself on a hospital bed with the covers tucked around him. He was slightly confused for a moment till his memories came rushing back. He sat up as quickly as he could and looked around the room. His bed was blocked from the rest of the room by a blue curtain, he was on the side closest to the window, the room was obviously meant for two patients. Looking towards the window he found the blinds pulled tightly closed and there was sunlight streaming in around the edges. Checking his ever present gold watch he found it to be just before 10am. The Doctor pulled the blankets off, swung his legs over the edge of the bed and gently stood to his feet. He quickly made his way over to the curtain dividing the room and pulled them apart.
He breathed a sigh of relief at seeing Clara asleep on the other bed. She was still very pale and she was on a heart monitor but she was alive and breathing unassisted. He walked over to her silently and gently took her hand and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Oh Clara,” The Doctor said shaking his head. “Everything we've been through and walked away from without a scratch and we get mugged and shot after a simple dinner. I'm just very glad you are going to be alright.”
She didn't respond. He didn't expect her too, she was still under the effects of the anesthesia from the surgery. The door to the room creaked open and a very familiar figure entered the room.
“Mickey Mouse,” The Doctor smiled before standing from the bed and meeting him in the middle. Mickey was dressed in a business casual suit, his jacket was off and over his arm, his sleeves were rolled up around his elbows, and his tie was undone and hanging around his shoulders.
“You got old Doc,” Mickey said straight faced. His eyes were moving all over the Timelord, taking in all the changes. “And Scottish, and heavy, I had to carry your heavy self in here after you fell asleep in the waiting room and nothing could wake you. Reminded me of Christmas with the Sycorax when Rose and I had to carry you from the flat to the TARDIS.”
Then Mickey smiled, threw his jacket over the nearby chair, and pulled the Timelord into a hug. The Doctor froze for a moment before returning the hug.
“Martha will be back in a few hours,” Mickey said as the pulled back. “She was dead on her feet so I took her home. Once she has slept for a minimum of 7 hours she’ll be back. She fell asleep about 4am so she'll be back by 2pm.”
“Was she okay? I know she was already at the end of her rope when we came in,” the Doctor asked worried as they sat in the two chairs in to room.
“Yeah, she was okay.” Mickey soothed, “She only got Clara into surgery then sat with you till I arrived. She has pushed herself so much worse and been much worse off than she was last night.”
“Good, good,” the Timelord sighed. “Tell me Mickey, any idea who did this?”
“At this point? No,” Mickey sighed sitting forward and bracing his elbows on his knees and chin on his clasped hands. “Recently, we've had several other cases similar to this one. From the description of the suspect, it seems to be the same man each time. Though this is the first where someone was shot. Till now he has been given what he wanted, the only other time he was denied he pistol whipped them and rifled through their pockets.”
“He’s escalating? Or do you think this was a one off?” The Doctor asked seriously.
“Honestly, if he follows the patterns left by other muggers like him, he will be escalating, getting more bold and confident,” Mickey said morosely. “I've seen it before. It's not pretty. He’s shot someone now, he’ll likely do it again, and soon. He will want to feel that adrenaline rush again. He likely doesn't care that he almost killed Clara. He probably spooked himself when he actually pulled the trigger. That's why he ran without checking your pockets. But now he knows what it feels like, he will either turn himself in out of guilt, or look to do it again.”
“How long does it take to turn themselves in or strike again?”
“Tonight, tomorrow night at the latest.”
“If there is anything I can do..,” the Doctor trailed off with a meaningful look.
“There probably won't be,” Mickey shook his head. “Scotland Yard is very strict on who can help with our cases. I'll let you know though if there is anything you can do. Right now we just have to wait for Clara to wake up so we can get her statement.”
The two were silent for a while. Mickey had been up all night filling out reports and arranging the transportation of the TARDIS, so he was dozing in his seat. The Doctor had moved from his seat not long after the man had started to nod off and was standing in front of the now open window. His mind was a million light years away, thinking about so much yet at the same time so little.
It was nearing 12:30 pm when the heart monitors on Clara showed an increase of her heart rate. The Doctor heard the change and was by her side a second later as she began to wake. Her eyes started to flutter before opening. She squinted at the light in the room for a moment before opening them all the way again. They quickly landed on the Doctor who was once again seated on the edge of her bed.
“Doctor,” she said in a raspy voice. She winced at the sandpaper feeling in her throat. He leaned over to the side-table where a pitcher of water rested. Quickly pouring out a cup and grabbing a bendy straw he brought it to Clara’s mouth to let her have a drink. She gave him a tired and grateful smile. In a still quiet voice she asked, “How long has it been?”
“You were shot at just before midnight last night, it is just now 12:30 pm the following afternoon,” he said softly putting the water back on the nightstand. “How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?”
“Not right now,” she replied after a moment. She shifted on the bed and tried to sit up but the Doctor’s hand on her shoulder kept her reclined. He reached over to the control panel on the side of the bed and raised the bed just a little so she was more upright than reclined but still not fully up. “I mostly feel fuzzy, which I am sure is from the drugs and blood loss.”
She looked around the room they were in and caught sight of the unfamiliar form of Mickey Smith still snoozing away in the chair by her side. She looked to the Doctor in confusion, “Who...?”
“Ah,” The Doctor smiled and looked over to him. “That is Detective Inspector Mickey Smith. He is from Scotland Yard and will be working our case. He also happens to be an old friend of mine. I knew him in my Ninth and Tenth regenerations. It just so happened he was assigned to our case without knowing that it was me. He is married to Doctor Martha Jones, who is one of your doctors, is also an old friend of mine from my Tenth regeneration.”
“I’ve wanted to meet others who have traveled with you to swap stories,” Clara smiled slightly at the idea. The doctor got a slightly scared look on his face at the idea of companions talking about him, flashing back to when Sarah-Jane and Rose meet for the first time.
“Oh it’s always fun,” Mickey said, startling the two. He chuckled slightly at the looks he got from the two of them. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I heard that last comment and couldn’t help but respond. He hates when old companions get together cause we talk about embarrassing stuff and it’s fun to watch him squirm.”
Clara gave a strained laugh and winced again, the doctor was by her side still holding her hand and gave it a worried squeeze. She squeezed back in a comforting way.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Detective,” Clara said with a smile. She held out her free hand, though it was trapped close by the IV. Mickey stepped over and gently shook her hand.
“The pleasure is mine Miss Oswald,” Mickey smiled. “Though, I insist that you call me Mickey. We are fellow companions, we are family.”
“Only if you call me Clara,” Clara countered. She leaned back after he released her hand. “I take it you need an official statement.”
“Yes, I do,” Mickey sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “We can wait if you want. It doesn't have to be right now, but it does need to be today.”
“Might as well do it now,” Clara said, she adjusted herself on the bed so she was facing Mickey a bit better. “Ask away.”
Mickey nodded and went to his jacket and pulled out his phone. He pulled open the recording app and set the phone down on the bed. “First, I would just like you to tell your story, we have already asked Mr. Smith to give his version but we would also like to hear it from you.”
“It was such a normal night,” Clara began with a shake of her head, she vaguely remembered the Doctor giving his name as John Smith when they brought in. “John and I went out to dinner to catch up, he used to work at the school I currently teach at. We were walking back towards the underground so that he could take me home when it happened.”
Here she paused, she coughed a little and motioned for the water. She took a few long sips before continuing.
“He seemed to come out of nowhere, he was probably under a dark tree nearby. He came up behind us, quiet as a mouse. I heard the unmistakable click of him cocking the gun before he said anything. At the sound John and I stopped moving and splayed our hands out to our sides. That was when he spoke,
’So you know what that sound is, good. Put your hands above your head and turn around slowly,’ his voice was low gravely. He was purposely changing it. When we finished turning I got a good look at him. He was taller than me but shorter than John, probably standing at 5 feet 10 or 11 inches. He was wearing all black and a baseball cap pulled as far down as he could manage. He had a cleft chin and a real narrow jaw, I could just make out the shine of glasses in the street light. He said, ‘Alright, turn out your pockets. I wary to see everything.’
I did as asked, I have nothing to hide. John...John is a consultant to UNIT. His phone has contact information to important people and has classified information. We couldn't let his phone be taken. So he only partially turned out his pockets. He knew, I don't know how, but he knew John hadn't given everything. He focused the gun on John. He demanded,
‘I said everything. I know there is more. All of it or you eat a bullet.’
I wanted to try and reason with him. Or at least distract him long enough for someone to notice what was happening. I took a tiny step forward and he swung the gun at me. He didn't even hesitate. He pulled the trigger. I can't remember if I screamed or not. Everything after that kinda runs together. I remember John yelling and another shot. I remember a nice man hovering over me with his hands on my chest, his lips were moving but I couldn't hear him. There were sirens in the distance. I remember being transferred to the ambulance and John hovering with blood dripping down his face. I remember the lights and sounds of the hospital. I remember a woman, a doctor, she was nice. She kept talking to me and stayed by my side with John till I was taken to surgery. Then nothing.”
“Thank you Miss Oswald,” Mickey said and reached for his phone. “You covered everything well. No further questions at this time.”
He then tapped the screen and the recording stopped.
“UNIT consultant?” The Doctor asked amused.
“Well it's true,” Clara defended. She gently flicked his ear. “You’ve pulled their asses out of the fire enough.”
“I can attest to that,” A voice laughed from the door. The three turned to see Martha in the door wearing casual clothes. “I'm glad you are awake and alert.”
“You must be Doctor Smith-Jones,” Clara smiled.
“Just Martha will do,” she said and came to the side if the bed. She took the chart from the foot of the bed a flipped through the notes from the surgeon. “Well you were very lucky. The bullet missed everything vital, your lungs, heart and arteries. They retrieved the bullet in one piece, cleaned the wound and closed it. You'll be in pain for about a week and sore for a month or so but you'll live with no permanent injury save for a small scar.”
Clara smiled wider and went to respond but yawned instead.
“Sleep Clara,” Martha said softly. She walked to the controls on the side of the bed and lowered it back to a more reclined position. “You've been through alot and need rest.”
Clara nodded tiredly, the Doctor gently adjusted her blankets and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she was out.
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
A Trip Down Memory Lane ch 1
Emergency Room
*Doctor Smith-Jones to the ER. Doctor Smith-Jones to the ER*
Martha looked up from the book she had been enjoying on her break with a startled expression on her face. She checked the clock and found that she still had about 15 minutes left before she was due back. Wondering what could be going on she abandoned her book and left the break room for the Emergency Room.
Upon arrival, there didn't seem to be more people than the doctors on call could handle. Martha made her way over to the desk to ask what was going on. The nurse looked up just before she reached the desk.
"Oh good, you're here Doctor," the nurse said with a sigh of relief. "A young woman came in with a gunshot wound to the chest and is in critical condition. An older gentleman is here with her, working as her medical proxy. He is instant that you be the one to help her. He doesn't seem to trust anyone else."
"Okay," Martha said with a raised eyebrow. "What are their names and what room am I heading for?"
"The victim's name is Clara Oswald, 24. The man's name is John Smith," the nurse said after she checked the computer. Martha was a little hesitant with working with someone named John Smith, after past experiences. It was hard for her to see a human in his place when all she wanted
was to see her old friend. "They are in room 8."
"Thank You," Martha said before turning towards where she knew room 8 to be. She had to remind herself that the man couldn't possibly be him, and that she had to focus on her patient and not the past.
As she approached the room she found it a buzz with activity. When she walked in she immediately took in the situation. The smell of antiseptic was strong and there was an underlying tinge of metallic that she knew to be blood. There were six people in the room, including the patient. There were three nurses working on the patient, two of which she knew by name. The patient herself caught Martha's attention next, she was a beautiful young brunette. Her skin was unnaturally pale and sweaty indicating that she had lost of blood on the transport over. There was a bag of O blood hanging on the hook next to a bag of saline leading into her arm. Her sweater and blouse had been cut up the front to get to the wound that was having pressure applied to it by one of the nurses. She appeared to be in a state of semi-consciousness, her cloudy, pain filled eyes trained on the man that must have been John Smith.
John Smith was an interesting man to look at. He was older, probably in his early sixties, his hair was an interesting salt'n pepper color and curly. His clothes were something you would see on 19th century men. The final nurse was taking care of a nasty looking cut along the man's scalp. The man's eyes were trained on the young woman but as if sensing her presence the man's eye suddenly snapped to hers and she was lost in memories of eyes so similar. Eyes that shadowed pain, guilt, and memory. Eyes that were older than time itself. Eyes that she had last seen in the face of a young man who had brown spiky hair and was thinner than a stick. Eyes that belonged to only one being in the Universe. Eyes that belonged to The Doctor.
Martha felt her own eyes widen as she realized just who was sitting in her Emergency room. He may carry a different face and wear different clothes, but there was no way she wouldn't know the eyes that she dreamed about so often. He was still the Doctor, no matter what his face looked like. She knew the moment that the Doctor realized she knew who he was because his eyes crinkled slightly at the sides showing that he was glad to see her.
"Doctor Smith-Jones," The Doctor said, and what a surprise it was to hear a Scottish accent coming from the Time Lord. "I need your help."
"That's why I'm here," Martha said with a small smile, and she saw him relax ever so slightly knowing that she would save his friend. Martha walked to the counter to retrieve a pair of gloves before turning to look over Clara. "Nurse Balk, what's her condition?"
"The bullet entered the upper left hand side of her chest," Said the nurse that had been monitoring her vitals. "We think that it missed most of her vital organs including her heart and lungs. We have ordered a portable X-Ray to make sure. She is lucky, she is breathing on her own and her heart rate, while low, is steady. It appears that she is only suffering from blood loss and shock."
"Good, that's good," Martha said as she checked the wound under the gauze. "Nurse Zonts, please go call Doctor McGee and tell him that there is a gunshot victim who is needed in his ER as soon as her X-Rays come through."
"Yes ma'am."
And with that the next 20 minutes were spent checking Clara's X-Rays and getting her prepped to go into surgery to repair the damage done by the bullet and retrieve it before it caused an infection. When Clara was finally wheeled into the OR Martha was finally alone with the man she had thought about frequently since she last saw him. She took a seat next to him in the deserted waiting room for OR 5. The alien was sitting with his head in his hands gripping his hair. They sat in silence for a moment before he finally spoke.
"Thank you," was the quiet whisper. Martha almost thought she had imagined it.
"Oh Doctor," She sighed. She hesitantly put a hand in his back and began to gently rub soothing circles. He tensed a moment before finally relaxing. "There is nothing to thank me for. She is strong, she'll be just fine."
"I know," he said finally sitting up and catching her eye. "But you didn't have to treat her. I was told you were on break after working for more than 12 hours. Thank you for taking care of her. I don't trust many humans to take care of the people I care about."
"I found it strange that I would be called when I still had time for my break but something was telling me that this would be a case I couldn't miss," Martha said with a small smile. "You've changed Doctor. What happened? I don't mean your face either, Mikey explained regeneration. I mean, you seem more…weary."
There was silence for another moment as The Doctor looked her over and took in the changes that had happened since he left. She was older, but in a good way, she was no longer a medical student trying to prove herself. She was no longer under UNIT's thumb as an ex companion. She was a married woman who finally found her notch in the world. And he couldn't be more proud of her. He sighed deeply.
"It has been a very long time since I last saw you Martha Jones," He began. "I've regenerated twice. I've seen many things that even I wish I hadn't. I found love again and then lost her. I traveled with some of the most amazing people, much like you. I've solved mysteries and I've come across just as many more. Big Bang 2.0, Weeping Angels in Manhattan, Devils Run, World War Two with Daleks, and so much more. I've seen my own grave and changed time…I found out that the Time Lords aren't as dead as I thought…"
He trailed off with a haunted look in his eyes. Martha didn't know what to say at first, then it came to her.
"Stay here, with me," the doctor looked at her with an incredulous expression and she hastened to explain. "Just for a little bit, just till Clara recovers. You can stay with Mickey and I. As guests. You need to relax and not worry for a little. Clara isn't going to be able to go anywhere just yet and I have a feeling that she is just outside her time so calling an emergency contact would be bad. I can take care of her, as can Mickey."
"Thank you," The Doctor said after a moment of thinking about it. "I think I might just take you up on that offer."
"Good," the smile that lit up Martha's face was blinding at all at once The Doctor felt like he was looking at the young woman who had been so excited to see Shakespeare, before she became the Woman Who Walked The Earth. Then in an instant Doctor Smith-Jones was sitting there with a professional air about her. "How did she get shot and are the police involved?"
"We were mugged," The Doctor sighed again, he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "We had been walking back to the TARDIS from where we had stopped to have diner. The street was empty seeing as it was closing in on midnight when we left the restaurant. We were just about to turn down the street where the TARDIS was parked when a man came up behind us and pulled a gun from within his jacket. He told us to freeze and turn around with our hands in the air. After ordering us to turn out our pockets and found that we didn't have anything of value he turned the gun on Clara. He knew I hadn't taken everything out of my pockets, but you know how badly that could have ended if I had. Clara took a small step forward and tried to reason with the man, but he wasn't having any of that. He didn't even hesitate, and pulled the trigger, shooting her in the chest. I went to catch her but he turned and took a shot at me but I managed to turn at the last second at it grazed my scalp instead of hitting me. I went down though because it was still strong enough to knock me out. Someone heard the two shots and called the police. I woke up just as they were arriving, there was an off duty doctor keeping pressure on Clara's wound and keeping her awake. The ambulance and the police arrived soon after. One rode in the ambulance with Clara and I, and he took the story from my point of view. You're supposed to call them when Clara is able to give her story."
"Of all the trouble you get into and come out fine," Martha shook her head. "and walking down the street you get mugged and shot. I just don't understand your luck sometimes Doctor."
"Believe me, neither do I," he muttered with a shake of his head. "Clara isn't afraid do what she can to get us out of tight spots. Always looking out for me in ways that I haven't seen since I traveled with you, my dear Martha. When I learned that we were being brought here I knew that I would want you to treat her."
"Speaking of," Martha said confused. "How did you know that I worked here?"
"Oh Martha," The Doctor said with a sad smile. "I always keep track of my companions. Even after they have left me and this life behind, because it may not always leave them behind. I always make sure that everyone is happy and cared for. Long after I have gone."
Martha didn't know how to respond to that. So she just reached out and pulled him into a hug. He flailed his arms for a moment before hugging her tightly to him. She pulled back after a moment.
"I may not work for UNIT any more but I still have some contacts there," Martha said after a few more moments of silence. "I'll give them a call and see if they can get your TARDIS moved to my place so you won't have to go move it."
"That would be great if you could Martha," The Doctor said with a small smile.
"Also Mickey now works for the police after having been given a great recommendation from UNIT," Martha contemplated. "Let me give him a call and see if he can't take over your case. The less people who are not in the know that are involved, the better."
"That's right," The Doctor said surprised. "I forgot that he was transferred to the London police after you all left UNIT after the debacle with the Daleks and the Earth being moved."
"Yes, he moved through the ranks quickly and is now a detective inspector!" Martha said proudly. She stood and started rummaging through her pockets. "Let me just go give them a call. I'll be back in a few moments."
The Doctor nodded before she turned and made her way outside so she could get cell service to make her calls. It was about fifteen minutes of sitting in silence by himself before Martha rejoined him in the waiting room.
"Where exactly did you park the TARDIS? I need to send the address to my people so they can move it," Martha asked as she sat back down. The Doctor thought for a moment then recited the address of where he remembered parking it. (I'm lazy and don't want to have to come up with an address, I also have never been to London.) The text was sent less than a minute later.
"Mickey said that he had already been assigned the case. He arrived a few moments after the two of you had been picked up. He had seen the TARDIS parked around the corner but didn't think it had anything to do with your case. Mickey thought it was just a coincidence, but now he knows and is getting ready to come here so he can wait with us for Clara to come out of surgery."
The Doctor simply nodded. The day was catching up with him. He hadn't slept in nearly four days, he had thought that after they had gotten back to the TARDIS that he would sleep. But that obviously didn't happen. He didn't need as much sleep as humans did so he thought he would have been okay. Well now he is falling asleep waiting for Clara to come out of surgery. He was vaguely aware of being pulled into a comfortable position against someone as he slowly started to lose awareness.
"Sleep Doctor, I'll wake you with news," and with that his world went dark.
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
Send me a writing prompt!
It can be a specific prompt from a specific fandom or you can make it very broad! Send me things!
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
Guilt By The Fire
The sun had set a few hours ago and the rest of the team was in bed. Yet Aang was still awake, staring into the flames of the slowly dying campfire. It had been about a week since they had arrived at the Western Air Temple after the failed invasion of the Fire Nation on the day of the eclipse. Aang still felt so guilty that so many good men (and women) were in the hands of the Fire Nation because he failed to do what he set out to do. He started almost violently when a hand was set on his shoulder. He turned quickly to find Katara sitting beside him, looking at him with worry in her eyes.
He turned back to the fire without saying anything, he didn't want her to see how much guilt laid in his eyes. Yet he knew it was pointless because she already knew how much he blamed himself for the failure. He heard a soft sigh before a gentle hand turned his face back to hers. This time he meet her eyes and held them and didn't try to hide. Her eyes held worry and understanding, just like the other times he had lost himself to guilt and she had found him.
"Aang," She sighed softly, her hands still gentle as she let go of his face and took hold of his hands that were gripping his pants so hard that the knuckles were white. "You must stop this. You're going to make yourself sick. You need to sleep, I know you don't follow to bed after I return. I wasn't going to say anything, but you are exhausted. It's not good for you."
"I can't sleep," he croaked, closing his eyes. This is the only time he allows himself to be weak, only in front of her. To the others he is handling the loss well and ready to start planning for Sozin's Comet. "Every time I try to sleep all I see is the invasion. Over and over again. Always looking for different outcomes, but it always ends the same. How can you all still trust me to lead you?"
"Because you feel this guilt," Katara said soothingly. Aang opened his eyes and she must have seen the confusion on his face because she continued after thinking a moment. "You feel guilt for what happened, that means you will do anything in you power to make sure something like it doesn't happen again. A leader who doesn't feel guilty about a loss of that size is doomed to repeat it. We trust you because you can learn from the mistakes made during the invasion."
Aang didn't speak for a moment as he thought about what Katara had said. He could see the logic behind her words, and they made him feel slightly better, but the guilt still lingered.
"I don't expect you to just stop feeling guilty," She said a moment later understanding his silence for what it was. "That's not how it works, but I do believe that you should be able to start sleeping again without reliving the invasion."
"You're right," Aang said and he looked up and caught her eyes once more, this time his were filled with gratitude and something else, something that Katara couldn't quite put her finger one. "I do still feel the guilt, but now it feels as if there is a bit of weight lifted from my shoulders. Thank you."
"Anytime Aang," Katara smiled and stood, clearly ready to go back to her sleeping bag and return to the hands of Morpheus. But she paused for a moment and leaned down and gently cupped Aang's face in her hands. He looked at her in surprise but before he could say anything she had laid a gentle kiss on his lips. Then she was gone to her part of the camp, as if she hadn't been there.
Aang sat in stunned silence for a moment before a small smile broke on his face and the weight on his shoulders eased just a little bit more. He stood and stretched, feeling his joints pop and crack back into proper alignment. He looked out to the horizon and saw the moon, he guessed that there was still a few hours before sunrise and decided to try and sleep again. He turned back to the fire and gently bent some of the water from one of their storage bins into the pit to put out the last of the dying embers. Aang laid down against Appa and closed his eyes, sleep claimed him quickly, and for the first time sense the invasion he slept with no nightmares. He dreamed about what a future with his water bending teammate might look like with a small smile on his face.
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
Christmas Memories
'Tap, Tap, Tap' were the soft footsteps of a young raven haired man as he walked through the deserted halls of Hogwarts. His emerald green eyes were focused in front of him as he walked towards the seventh floor. He wished to see that if, months later, the castle had repaired the room that he seeks solace in.
The war had ended in May and it was now Christmas Eve but Harry still didn't really have peace. He had seen too much in the last four years for him to just let it go in a few months. So as everyone had a party in their respective common rooms he had grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and left when no one was looking at him. That didn't mean that everyone else hadn't had their own hardships but so much had rested on him and it had taken it's toll. He just wished for one night alone, everyone was celebrating the life that was given to them and he wanted to mourn for the life that was taken from him.
That morning he had been in a relatively good mood, it was the first christmas after the war and he was looking forward to celebrating with his friends and his girlfriend privately without a bunch of fuss. But as he had spent the day with them they all talked of their families and past holidays and remembered them with fondness but he really couldn't join in as he never celebrated with his parents and after he came to Hogwarts there had always been something hanging over his head that stopped him from truly enjoying the holidays.
So as the day went on Harry just sunk into depression of not being able to remember the past without drifting into dark thoughts. So when the sun had set and the parties had started he grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and went towards where he hoped the room of requirements was waiting.
Stopping at the stretch of wall he turned and paced back and forth three times thinking I just wish for a place to drink and remember those who I have lost. Looking back at the wall after his third lap he was overjoyed to see a door appear in the stone. He walked swiftly toward it and pushed it open and was glad to see a replica of the sitting room at Grimmauld Place and a fire was lit. He walked over to one of the arm chairs and plopped down with a sigh of relief and smiled when a glass appeared on the side-table. Harry took the glass and poured three fingers worth of whiskey and sat back and allowed his memories to overtake him as he sipped his drink.
"Happy Christmas Harry" "Happy Christmas Ron"
"What are you wearing?" "Oh! My mom sent me a sweater. It looks like you have one to!"
"I've got presents?"
"Go away!" "Hermione, what's wrong?"
"You know how I said it was only for human transformations? The hair I used wasn't Bulstrodes, it was cat hair! Look at my face!" "Look at her tail!"
"It's a firebolt!" "Oh Harry can I have a go?"
"Put your hand on my waist" "What?" "Put your hand on my waist. Now!"
"Sirius!" "Harry!" "To Harry!"
"Hermione why are you hiding back here?" "I left Cormac under the Mistletoe"
"Happy Christmas Hermione" "Happy Christmas Harry"
Harry was snapped out of his memories at the sound of his name. Looking back towards door he saw Draco Malfoy standing there with his own bottle of Fire Whiskey.
"Don't just stand there Malfoy," Harry said as he refilled his glass. "Come take a seat. There is certainly enough room for both of us in here."
Draco looked unsure for a moment but then came and sat in the other arm chair in front of the fire. Another glass appeared on the side table between the two chairs and he took it and filled it like Harry did a moment ago. Sitting back in his chair he looked across at the man he once called his school yard enemy, but that had changed after the war.
When they had been invited back as the only eighth year class that has ever excited they had put their petty school days behind them and are civil to one another. Taking in the haggard appearance of the hero he spoke up.
"What brought you here?" Draco asked, his voice was open and concerned, a vast change from the snobby, spoiled brat he had been before. "You seemed okay during lunch."
This wasn't the first time Draco had caught Harry drinking and lost in his memories, it was just the first time he had come here. After they had come back to school the two had alway somehow managed to end up together if they wanted to drink. They knew that while questions would be asked, and frustrations would be vented, none of it would end up in the paper and there would be no judging between the two. Harry looked over at the blond before answering.
"I thought I would be okay today," Harry sighed. "I thought we would all sit around and talk about happy things, or talk of the future. And we did, but soon talk turned to Christmas from the past, to the talk of family and I started to think about my past. They talked of parents and presents and how their families were doing now and it I just couldn't help but remember I only had one Christmas with my parents and I can't remember it. All the Christmases I spent at the Dursley's I spent watching my aunt and uncle spoil my cousin and never being allowed to join the festivities or be loved. Then after I came to Hogwarts, different things were always hanging over my head. The Stone, the Chamber, Sirius' escape, the tournament, Voldemort. I just couldn't sit there with them when I couldn't really join in. What about you?"
"I'm sorry Harry, I wish you had a better childhood," Draco sighed, they only used first names in private because they didn't think people would like that their hero was friends with a known Death Eater. "I came because I just keep flashing back to last Christmas. It was horrible. I was trapped in the manner with my parents. We just wanted to run. You know the story. I just can't get it out of my head!"
"I'm sorry Draco," Harry sighed and filled his glass once more. "I wish you didn't have to go through that."
The two sat in silence after that. They both drank themselves to sleep in their chairs that night. No one really noticed that the two of them were missing just as they hadn't before and just like they didn't for the rest of the year. The two parted ways the next morning before the sun came up and all that was said between the two was advice from Draco.
"Harry I want you to listen to me. You need to let go of the past just like I do, but never think for one moment that your friends wouldn't have understood your position last night. You need to talk to them and open up to them about what is going on in your mind. They will support you no matter what. We all have bright future's thanks to you. It's time that we focused on that. We need to focus on the memories we are creating now rather than the memories that are plagued with darkness."
Harry had just looked at Draco a moment before he smiled a true smile and said; "You may never be a mind healer Draco but you are a good friend, and I understand what you are trying to say. It is time to look forward, but we can not forget the past in the process, just accept it and move on I suppose. Happy Christmas Draco."
"Happy Christmas Harry."
The two went back to their prospective common rooms and were greeted by their girlfriends and friends. Their own advice for and from each other still echoed in their ears and their hearts were a bit lighter. The two gave and received gifts and started creating the memories that in years to come would be talked about in the secret meetings.
The next Christmas the two were both at a ball thrown in celebration of all repairs finally being completed. They saw each other across the bar from each other and when no one was looking lifted their glasses to each other in remembrance of the last Christmas when things were still dark. Now things were bright and new and the world was looking up again.
It truly was a Happy Christmas indeed.
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
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I’m a horrible dancer, I ain’t gonna lie but I’ll be damned if that means that I ain’t gonna try ♪♫
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96flowers-writings · 6 years
The Curse of Sneezing
Laughter and muffled cursing rang through the basement of the Men of Letters bunker. Castiel looked up from where he was researching the Darkness wondering what was going on, for as far as he knew Sam and Dean were attempting to interrogate a demon underling for any knowledge he had. As the laughter grew louder and the cursing more vulgar Castiel decided to go see what was going on. What he found in the demon trapped dungeon caused him to pause for a few moments to take it in.
Sam and Dean were just inside the room leaning against the wall for support as they laughed their heads off at what was going on in the middle of the room. There in the center of the demon trap was the underling of Crowley's that the boys had captured the day before as they were leaving the Lizzy Bordon house. He was bent over the chair from the back cursing in every known language.
At first Castiel didn't understand what was so funny. Then the demon looked up and tried to pinch his nose shut. His face pinched and he sneezed. From between his fingers black smoke came out in a puff. It floated there for a moment before returning to the body and knocking the demon on his ass and the cursing started again.
"What is going on?" Castiel said with a small amount of amusement in his voice. Sam and Dean looked over at the angel and Sam took a deep breathe to calm his laughing.
"We were interrogating the demon and he wasn't cooperating so we decided to try a device in one of the boxes in the store room to see what it does," Sam said before chuckling again as another sneeze echoed through the room with more cursing. "We didn't know what it was supposed to do and we still don't know its full purpose. But whatever it is its very amusing."
"For you maybe!" the demon said and sneezed again this time the smoke escaped from his ears before slamming back into him again a moment later. "For hells sake, make it stop! I already told you what I know!"
"That's just it buddy," Dean chuckled as the demon pulled himself from the floor once again. The demon glared at him till he sneezed once again, and once again the smoke puffed out of him. He just groaned and let himself fall on his ass again. "We don't know how to stop it. We don't know how most of the stuff in this place works."
Castiel was watching the Demon with fascination as he just laid out on the floor and sneezed again, having accepted his fate. "I have never heard of something like this happening before."
"Neither have I!" the demon moaned and sneezed once again. This time the smoke didn't come from his nose or ears, it didn't even come from his head, it came out his ass. And with that Sam and Dean lost it once more and Castiel was hard pressed not to laugh himself.
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