thehourofthedreamer · 2 years
Oh In-joo, while naive in the context of the story we are being told, is not an idiot. In the first few episodes In-joo is established as someone who is resourceful, competent at her job, and a good sister. She always makes sure there’s a roof over her family’s head, food in their bellies, and tries to make sure that they’re (mainly In-hye) safe and happy. In-joo is really good at being poor. Which is why I don’t understand all of the comments I keep seeing calling In-joo an idiot or complaining that she’s too stupid so the show is “un-feminist” (whatever that means [does that mean women aren’t allowed to be a little dumb sometimes? Seems pretty un-feminist for women to be put into a box like that…]). Like, why the fuck would someone who has been dirt poor all their life suddenly be amazing in the world of money, murder, and politics? The first thing In-joo did with 2 billion won was buy name brand ice cream. That’s how poor she’s been throughout her life, corner store ice cream was her big first splurge (and it was on sale!). Some of her scenes have been played to add a bit of levity to such a dramatic show, the “hands up” scene is one of my favourites, but again, those scenes are of her experiencing situations that she’s never had cause to even wonder about before. I’ve certainly never thought about the bounds of plastic surgery, and if faced with a gun, I fully believe I would wet myself. But In-joo, someone who is earnest and takes things at face value, is somehow managing to survive in this world of lies and backstabbing she’s been thrown into. Some of it is dumb luck, some of it is Do-il saving her neck, but some of it is her. And I don’t just mean her badass moment in Singapore. Her resilience, her earnestness, her optimism and kindness. Every choice she’s made has contributed to the fall of the Jeongran Society. Her additions to their rag-tag team go largely unnoticed since she’s not unearthing the story behind it all like In-kyung, or a former inside man like Do-il, but In-joo is the one who has the mastermind behind all of this shaken. And it’s not just because this all started with Sang-a’s obsession with In-joo. Sang-a thought she knew In-joo, but like a lot of viewers, she didn’t know who In-joo would become. She thought In-joo would do anything for money, but instead In-joo would do anything for her family and her best friend, even after learning that their friendship was a lie. She didn’t know that behind her naivete In-joo was strong; stronger than her. Sang-a may be more confident, conniving, and quick-witted, but she can’t handle things not going her way. In-joo on the other hand, has never had anything go her way and as a result is more adaptable and quicker to bounce back.
This entire show is about classism and the ways that it divides us, schooling and intelligence is one of them. Without Hyo-rin’s family In-hye wouldn’t have had the opportunities they gave her. Without their great aunt, In-kyung wouldn’t have gone to university. But In-joo didn’t have anyone to give her a helping hand. People who are looking down on her character for being an “idiot” are only proving one of the points the drama is trying to make. If you’re poor, you’re considered unintelligent, if you’re considered unintelligent then people can treat you like garbage and get away with it. But Oh In-joo is done letting people get away with it.
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thehourofthedreamer · 2 years
The purest form of human connection.
tiny hands in big hands
calloused hands in soft hands
cold hands in warm hands
hands with the perfect ratio to each other for hand-holding
platonic hand-holding
running their thumb over the other’s hand
dancing with their hands holding onto each other
squeezing hand for comfort and encouragement
holding hands across the table
happily doing everything with just one hand, if it means they don’t have to let go
not wanting to lose each other in a big crowd
possessive hand-holding
linking hands together during sex
grabbing hand to show them something
loosely holding onto each other’s hands, laying in one’s lap
only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely
holding hands while skating
excitedly grabbing each other’s hands during a concert, jumping up and down together
playing with each other’s fingers
pressing the other’s hand against their cheek
holding hands while one is balancing on a small wall
grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something
holding hands under the table
only realizing it when they have to let go
standing in front of each other, holding both their hands
holding their hands above their head, fingers linked together
passionate hand-holding
grabbing the other’s hand so they don’t fall
holding hands while running through the rain
brushing against each other, linking fingers together for a second
grabbing their hand to grab their attention
not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands
bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go
holding hands while driving
grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back to them
unconsciously searching out each other’s hand while sleeping
not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out
swinging hands back and forth, skipping like children
holding hands in a museum to pull them to the next exhibition
letting go when there is an obstacle in their way and immediately grabbing each other’s hand again when they pass it
loosely holding onto each other’s hand
dragging the other with them, holding their hand
raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly
holding hands while jumping down from somewhere together
comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together
secretly holding hands under the table
holding onto the other’s hand so they can’t run away
making a heart with their hands and then linking them together
taking the other’s hand to look for injuries
holding hands to calm each other down
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
There is a stunning dichotomy that exists within me, one that I love and hate in inequal parts. There's the me who talk to me like one would to a child, gently coaxing me to eat another bite, run a little slower, work a little lesser. But once it has cajoled and comforted and run its course, it gives way to a me that treats me worse than a prisoner of war, someone kept from the gallows simply because death is too mild a punishment for a sinner like me. It pushes me into the barbed wire locking me in, kicks me in the gut, spits on my face, and say, "I won't let you disappear yet, not until I'm done with you."
I don't know how to exist in such polar worlds, but can't find the road that leads to the equator either.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
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the pace you want to go in your life is your choice and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Hear me out - Sobhita Dhulipala as an elder Zoya Nazyalensky. The icy glare, the fierce energy, the bangs, the personality, she's the dragon queen through and through.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Read this headline and legit my first thought was, 'has anyone tried contacting Nam Do-san and the boys yet?'
My brain is trash
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Being friends with people is so weird and downright terrible sometimes. My best friend has had this on-again-off-again-we're-crazy-in-love-on-wednesday-over-each-other-on-Friday-hate-each-other-on-Monday relationship and I'm so tired of having a front row seat to this saga. Don't get me wrong, I love her. I wouldn't be listening to this crap if I didn't. But it's so fucking exhausting to give and rescind the same advice and sympathy over and over.
I literally hate that boy she's doing this with. Not just because of their dynamic but for the person he is himself. And like he's been a huge part of my life for the past 3 years and probably will continue to be for a really long time to come. How is that fair?
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
I'm going to do the same on the doors of their indian offices cause these people are really stepping on my last nerve. Let's make it a global movement
I sincerely want to take their web code of ethics and nail it to tons of American internet bigwigs door’s like Martin Luther.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
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1. Word of Honor/山河令 // 2. Suzanne Rivecca // 3. Leila Chatti, Faulty // 4. Natalie Wee, Least of All // 5. The Untamed/陈情令 // 6. Ross Gay, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude // 7. Maria Petrovykh, Love me. I am pitch black, // 8. Richard Siken // 9. Raymond Carver, Late Fragment // 10. Word of Honor/山河令
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
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Search: WWW wardrobe appreciation part 1 (episodes 01-06): women in power suits
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Yeah, enemies to lovers is amazing. But man, enemies to reluctant alies to best friends just hits different. And maybe it's my bias, but especially when it's between two equally badass women.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
I just googled "best books on the British empire in India" and every single fucking article (from reputed websites mind you) only recommended books written by mostly white British authors. The very premise of most of these books was to laude the rule or 'Raj' as it's called by reinforcing the British's self serving narrative that they did loads of good in India. Like excuse me, what? How the hell is it that in the 21st fucking century, they're still peddling this bullshit? The British enslaved murdered and looted India and the world is supposed to applaud them because they what laid down train routes? No fucking way. May I also point out that the aforementioned rail tracks were set down to make it easier for them to move good that they bought at dirt cheap highly exploitive prices! Fuck this shit man, I'm so tired of this crap. Anyway that was my rant for the day.
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Okay, the plot thickens.
Kaz - Destroyer
Inej - Faithful one
Jesper - Treasure bearer (iconic, ain't it?)
Nina - Little girl (which doesn't match up until you think about all the countless people in her life who underestimated her and perceived her as innocent and chaste)
Matthias - God's gift (Djel, anyone? I do feel like in a parallel universe Matthias would have been a gift from Djel to the Fjerdans. Someone to steer them away from their blind hatred. But well, no spoliers)
I thought the Darkling was pretty on the nose, but turns out Leigh has been playing us all along, and I, for one, love it.
I'm pretty sure that I'm decades late to this party, but do you all know that Alina literally means LIGHT?
That's some naming Luke's father Darth VADER shit right there
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
I'm pretty sure that I'm decades late to this party, but do you all know that Alina literally means LIGHT?
That's some naming Luke's father Darth VADER shit right there
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
“It scared me how easy it was for you to change your mind. One second, we were still smiling at each other. Another second later, you had not answered my call and blocked my number.”
— That’s why I am still scared to love again. // A.W. // Late night thoughts #91
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thehourofthedreamer · 3 years
Okay but this is a banger
The mashup you never thought would work
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