So I just finished reading Master and Apprentice (so so good, 100% recommend) and I will never stop thinking about this one thing:
At the end, Qui-Gon tells the Council that he not only had a vision of the future, but that the Force also wanted him to misinterpret it (because his actions after seeing the vision are what led to the better outcomes).
Qui-Gon believes Anakin is the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force, but in reality Luke is the Chosen One. If Qui-Gon hadn’t misinterpreted the prophecy, Obi-Wan wouldn’t have trained him and the Council would have refused to take him in due to the darkness they saw. Luke was only born because Anakin became a Jedi and found his way back to Padmé.
Once again, the Force willed Qui-Gon to misinterpret scenes of the future that were placed before him, in turn leading them to fulfill themselves as they should.
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Everyone’s talking about how Kino was always snapping at Melshi but consider this:
Kino had less than a year left on his sentence. He knew that the Empire wouldn’t hesitate to extend his stay or even kill him if they deemed it necessary. He knew compliance was his way out; he just wanted to keep his head down, do his time, and get out. Melshi, however, was a rebel, even long before he met Cassian. He was making noise, and Kino saw as a threat to his livelihood. That’s why he always snapped at Melshi, and Melshi never blamed him because he knew. And when it was discovered that the only way out was to rebel and escape, he was welcomed by Melshi just as much as he was by Cassian.
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Okay but I don’t think we talk enough about how smart Fives is. I mean, he was the first one to realize that Krell hated clones, and was the one who came up with the idea to destroy the supply ship. THEN he was the first to figure out the plot to destroy the Jedi and did so literally all on his own (with our favorite AZI-3 to assist, but he really just worked at Fives’s request). He was the smartest clone and I don’t accept criticism.
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Obi-Wan: Time to go home, it’s a no bones day
Anakin to Ahsoka: I am BEGGING you to stop teaching him modern slang
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So Echo missed a lot while he was imprisoned by the Techno Union / the Separatists, but imagine Rex catching him up on all of it.
Shortly after the events on Anaxes / Skako Minor, The Bad Batch and the 501st are on Kamino at the same time. Naturally, Echo’s immediately at Rex’s door begging him to catch him up, because while he’s seen some information through various database searches, he needs to hear it from Rex.
Rex starts with Umbara, with Fives’s rogue plan, Hardcase’s sacrifice, and Krell’s arrest and murder. Then he mentions the bombing at the Temple and the framing and departure of Ahsoka. He also mentions various other missions, a few pranks put on by the 501st, and so on. Echo’s a little overwhelmed, but he’s happy to hear about his brothers.
Then comes Tup’s chip malfunctioning, and Fives’s plunge into the unknown as he attempts to save his best friend (because he couldn’t save Echo, after all, at least he could do everything he could to save Tup). Rex discusses how the whole thing made Fives seem mad, and how Rex still didn’t exactly know what had really happened (because this was before the order, remember).
Echo’s on the edge of his seat as Rex discusses the events leading up to Fives’s death, because he already knows the end, but dreads hearing it with each passing second. Silence follows the story, the first wave of silence since they had started talking nearly an hour ago. A few tears fall down Echo’s cheeks, and Rex does everything he can to stay strong from him. They take the time to remember Fives the way he should be remembered. Then, Echo sniffs, wipes his tears, and looks back up to the Captain.
“Did I ever tell you about when he gave me the nickname Echo?” he asks, wearing the faintest of smiles, and they spend the rest of the afternoon sharing stories about their friends—their family.
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Fives: Why would anyone hate me?! I’m a delight!
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Okay so we know that the Bad Batch (minus Echo obviously) has been together from the start, right? They were literally created together in Nala Se’s personal lab, and of course they trained together. They grew up together.
We also know that the clones were given their respective nicknames by their brothers, their squads, their friends, and seeing as the Batch were essentially in their own little word, they would have had to give each other their nicknames, right?
So who gave who their name? Who’s name came first? Who was the last to receive their name? Here’s my take:
Tech’s came first. He always had his nose in his datapad, just as he still does, so they were all still in their early stages when Hunter jokingly called him that, and it just stuck.
Then came Wrecker. Tech had been fiddling with a droid in their barracks for weeks, and after a rather messy encounter with it, Tech rolls his eyes and remarks “why must you wreck everything?” And from his bunk Hunter just chuckles and goes “yeah, Wrecker, why must you wreck everything?” Wrecker just beams and goes “Wrecker, huh? I like the sound of that!” Of course, Tech was none too pleased, not to mention he was now down one droid project.
Crosshair was next. One of the Reg commanders sat in on one of their training drills, and goes to congratulate the team after. “That was some nice shooting,” he says to Crosshair, who just smirks that little smirk of his. Tech, barely glancing up from his datapad, jumps in with “well, with his heightened skills, he’s essentially a walking crosshair” (referring to the sight / targeting system on a weapon). No one really says anything about that being his new name, but he returns to the barracks that night with his tattoo and the nickname Crosshair was born.
Lastly was Hunter, because while they knew he had incredible tracking skills, he never really had a chance to use them during training (because really, what’s there to track on Kamino?). One day, however, they’re walking down one of the hallways back to their barracks after a long day of training and he just stops in his tracks. The others run right into him, confused as all hell as to why he’s suddenly looking around, eyes narrowed. They question him, but instead he just ushers for them to follow him and he’s off in the opposite direction, leading them god-knows-where. They make turn after turn until they finally stop right near one of the hangers, and sure enough there’s a droid overheating, beeping panicky beeps. Tech rushes to help him and Hunter just goes “I thought I smelled smoke…” And Wrecker and Crosshair just stare at him, completely astounded. Finally, Crosshair says “nice tracking, Hunter.”
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Fives: I didn’t procrastinate, I just waited until the last minute. It’s strategic
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Tech, describing the team’s abilities: That’s Hunter, he’s the most highly skilled tracker in the galaxy
Hunter: That’s so kind—
Tech: We believe he’s so good at it because he’s the closest to the ground
Hunter: I hate you
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Omega: What’s the best way to someone’s heart?
Crosshair: A properly aimed projectile
Hunter, shoving past him: Wait no—
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Okay so I haven’t watched Rebels, but I know enough for this to be relevant:
There had to be a lot of downtime for the crew on the Ghost, even if it was just during flights or the brief time between missions. Hera and Kanan probably had tons of time to talk and share stories; do you think Hera ever told him about the group of clones that helped her when she was little?
She tells him that she had grown up seeing clones just as he had, but these ones were the strangest she had ever met, and Kanan starts to remember the strange clones he had met just before the Order had been given—the ones who almost seemed to want to help him. He leans in with interest, and she tells him every little detail, and at first, she’s going so fast and isn’t using any names, but then she mentions Tech’s flying and he KNOWS it’s them.
His eyes go wide and, with everything he had been through with the clones during the Order, she worries she overstepped and brought back bad memories. But instead, he goes “wait, this was the Bad Batch?” and she grins and nods at the fond memory, then notices he’s smiling too.
Then they realize that the Bad Batch is probably the reason they were together, because things would certainly not have turned out so well for either of them had they not been around.
I thought of this earlier and couldn’t think of anything else please—
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