#zip fly jeans
kakecomics · 25 days
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THE 40s: THE QUEEN AND TRADE YEARS 1. is barely out of his teens 2. is a queen 3. or a bit of a rough trade 4. dances with strangers 5. works in an office 6. or wears a uniform 7. has big hair 8. smiles sweetly 9. knows how to dance a Finnish waltz 10. irons his trousers 11. wears shoes 12. a sports jacket 13. and doesn't shrink from a bow tie 14. has serious eyebrows 15. has a narrow waist 16. and likes it to be close to yours (is that a gun in your pocket?)
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THE 50s: THE LUMBERJACK YEARS 1. is in his early 20s 2. gets a haircut 3. keeps smiling 4. lives in the great outdoors 5. gets his muscles from logging trees 6. keeps that [waist], though! 7. has a knife 8. wears wading boots for work 9. really likes wood 10. starts wearing blue jeans 11. goes where his feet take him 12. has small nipples 13. and a washboard stomach 14. loses those eyebrows 15. knows how to handle a big stick 16. but doesn't have sex on his mind
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THE 60s: THE BIKER YEARS 1. is in his late 20s 2. wears biker boots (machine's parked outside) 3. starts going to the gym 4. doesn't forget his pecs 5. grows a wider waist 6. grows his hair in a fringe 7. and sideburns 8. has lots of body hair 9. grows serious nipples 10. wears a soft leather cap 11. with a phallic logo 12. smokes 13. likes tight white T-shirts 14. doesn't go anywhere without his leather jacket 15. lives in his jeans 16. button fly, of course! 17. lost his belt 18. starts bursting at the seams 19. has 'fucker' written on his back (just in case) 20. is popular in bars 21. guess what he's after 22. smiles less 23. but is very happy to see you
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THE 70s: THE CLONE YEARS 1. is in his early 30s 2. gets a serious haircut 3. but keeps the sideburns 4. and tries out a moustache 5. doesn't have a bike but gets around 6. grows veins 7. goes to gay bars 8. looks happy but doesn't smile 9. always has his poppers handy 10. gets a Tom belt 11. buys leather shorts 12. with a zip fly 13. wears biker boots 14. loses his body hair 15. likes a bit of SM 16. and doesn't spare the whip 17. knows his hankie code 18. gets his ear pierced 19. keeps up at the gym (late afternoon) 20. and grows his pecs 21. because he knows bigger is better
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THE 80s: THE FETISHIST YEARS 1. in his late 30s (pushing 40?) 2. after '85 is often black 3. gets his head shaved 4. or has a mohican 5. and loses his sideburns 6. develops a love for hard leather caps 7. and starts to smile again 8. grows a big moustache 9. pumps more iron than ever 10. and knows big tits are here to stay 11. (not sure what happened to those nipples, though) 12. has cast iron hips 13. and his neck outgrows his face 14. sometimes has a foreskin 15. gets a sword-belt 16. jodhpurs 17. with a button fly 18. and a wide belt 19. wears riding boots 20. is clearly identifiable as one of Tom's men 21. uses a condom 22. and knows biggest is best
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TOM'S MEN Tom of Finland: The Art of Pleasure
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blondieeu · 4 days
yes, and? denki k.
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denki kaminari is your ex boyfriend, of course he’s jealous when he sees other men in your text messages, can’t help it.
when he first ever really thought about you being with other men after the breakup, it was when he was supposed to be over your house because he needed to pick up some stuff—but you invited him in to look at the screws on your bedframe and..try them out.
denki sat next to you on the couch, cuddled up on the couch he bought you while he watched some football game on the tv. that is until he went to grab the remote and happened to notice you have men in your message list! what the hell!!
he felt his heart drop all the way into his stomach, furious he sat up to confront you. i mean what the hell was your problem?! didn’t he fuck you good enough to be the only man in your phone?
“what!! you’re texting other guys?!”
and you’d look up from your phone to your ex boyfriends overly offended face with a hand on his chest. the tv in the background let off cheering noises as someone got tackled.
“denki.. we already broke up”
“so let’s get back together then?? quick fix.”
he sat up with a frown on his face, making you sit up in turn and look at him. what?! you’d been broken up for months, and he was talking to other girls too!
“denki you are seriously out of your mind”
you brushed him off, settling back into your spot on the couch and opening your phone again, but not without another deeply offended face clouded over his previous one as he got all the way up, standing up now.
“im not— serious lets date again. right now, let’s get back together”
in the same beat your ex boyfriend scooped you up from the couch and sprinted into the bedroom, you hanging over his shoulder kicking your feet. once there, he let you kick your way off him and onto your once shared bed.
denki pulled his t-shirt off his head and threw it to an unknown corner in the room. you didn’t complain, sitting on your knees and waiting for him to say something—should you be turned on or weirded out?
“what the hell is this?”
“we’re gonna make up”
he whispered, unbuckling the belt on his jeans and zipping his fly down right before he started paying more attention to you. your ex? boyfriend pulled you towards him so you were almost crawling as he kissed you.
even while you should’ve you didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, matching his slow rhythm and letting him lay you down on your back, crawling on top of you.
“after this you better not talk to any guy other than me..”
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blondieeu xx
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msgexymunson · 3 months
"Uh, excuse me, I have a job for you."
*Eddie gestures to The Goods*
God why do I have a full blown mental image. Oh and of course, smut ensues. 😅
Warnings: oral male receiving, allusions to fem oral, established relationship.
"Oh, and what am I supposed to do with that?" You ask, curling an eyebrow, but there's a hint of mischief behind your eyes.
"Well, you're not feeling great and you always say you feel better when you entertain for Eddie Jr and the Goblins-"
"The Goblins??" You giggle, hand forming over your mouth to hide your amusement.
"Yeah, the Goblins. Ugly, wrinkly, live in the underdark?" He shrugs with wide eyes, as if this is stated fact.
The laugh that expels from your chest can no longer be hidden, ringing out long and loud. To Eddie's absolute amazement and joy, you fall to your knees.
"So, Eddie Jr's been missing me? And his little Goblins need some attention too, huh?" Small fingers run up Eddie's fly, locating the zip to pull it down with exaggerated slowness.
Eddie's next words are stuttered at best.
"Y-yeah, I-I mean, o-of course, fuck... but th-they ain't little."
Chuckling as you shuffle his jeans and boxers midway down his toned thighs, your firm palms drag up his exposed skin, relishing in the shake that takes over his legs.
"Of course not. Big, manly goblins."
As if to accentuate your point, you roll one of his heavy balls inbetween your lips, tongue circling it wetly.
"O-oh holy- fuck, sweetheart!"
"I thought they were-"
"OK, OK, just- please-"
Smiling and palming his length, you lick his tip, gathering the small pearl of pre cum, the taste exploding on your tongue.
"Aah, yeah, take it princess."
Happy to oblige, you envelop the whole of him into your warm wet mouth, gagging slightly when it hits the back of your throat. Working the moistened shaft with one hand, you swallow around him, revelling in the feel of his throbbing length in your mouth. Its oddly conforting; a distraction to keep you mindful and grounded in the here and now. He feels warm and solid, pulsating with need so violently that it cries for you. A salty, coagulation of a tear; hitting your throat with the tang of requirement.
"Fuck, sweetheart, th-thats, oh fuck, you're so warm-"
Humming in response, you take him deep; as deep as you can go. Swallowing around him again and again, you roll his balls in your soft hands to coax him to completion.
You don't have long to wait.
"Sweetheart, oh holy hell I'm gonna- shiiit-"
Chuckling with him stuffed inside your mouth proves too much for Eddie. With a final shudder he explodes onto your waiting tongue, flooding each sense with his release.
You suck, and suck, until he blindly yanks you off of him with tears springing to the corners of his eyes.
"Job well done?" You ask cockily, the smug grin smeared all over. Until, he speaks.
"Yes. Now, its your turn. Lie back."
Oh shit.
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roseblog-rog · 6 months
I Guess I Do Belong in the Woman’s Room.
It’s always a scary endeavor: going into a public restroom as a trans person. There’s always that fear of being outed or shunned or screamed at or punished or SOMETHING. So many risks, all for pissing. But I digress, I have no time to worry due to how badly I have to go.
I enter the woman’s room to find a group of five girls doing makeup in the long mirror which spans the whole bathroom, lined with sinks and soap dispensers. The floor is white with recently cleaned tiles, the gray stalls packed together on the opposite side. The walls are a soft shade of pink that almost feels…comforting. Inviting.
Though no other people aside from the group appear to be in here, I move quick. I swiftly and quietly do my business and exit the stall to wash my hands, moving to the opposide side away from the group of girls, who are now giggling and applying their different colored lipstick. They’re all really fucking pretty, and I feel a warm blush creep up onto my face. I pray their laughter has nothing to do with me. That hope is short lived, however, as one of them—the one with red lips—speaks in a deep airy voice once I finish washing my hands.
“Hey girl, your fly is still open.”
Shit. Well that’s embarrassing. I nod and quickly fiddle with my zipper. I must’ve forgotten to zip it up after buttoning my pants with how much I was rushing to leave. Hopefully they didn’t notice my—
The one with pink lips speaks now, her voice being much higher and softer. “I’m sorry…but is that a bulge?”
Fuck. Now all five girls are glancing down at the bulge in my jeans. It looks so much more obvious in this new light. My face goes completely red.
“No! No. I uh…uhm…” I struggle to formulate an excuse, voice on the verge of cracking with how high and feminine I’m trying to make it combined with the tears starting to form my eyes. My worst fears were being realized, and the most embarrassing part is my gock begins twitching from all the attention.
Red chuckes and speaks again. “Hey, don’t worry girl. In case you haven’t noticed you’re not the only one packing here.”
The blunt response startles me, but with the invitation to look I now notice that all five of them also have bulges, though theirs are much harder than mine, which makes me shiver from…something.
“We didn’t mean to startle you.” Purple speaks in a rough, bright voice, elbowing Pink, who looks down in shame. “We were just, well,” she glances back down at my crotch and smirks “curious.”
“Yeah, sorry for the scary question. We get how it can be in public restrooms.” Pink looks incredibly guilty.
“Haha…yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to get so startled.” My voice settles in it’s natural state, which is still fairly feminine, though deep enough to warrant ‘suspicion’. The blush slowly fades from my face, the tears subside and my breath levels. I’m safe.
“Though I have to ask…why were you so afraid? You belong in here just like anyone else.” Blue pipes in with her quiet and monotone voice, raising an eyebrow at me.
I itch to leave, but something about the group is so comforting and intriguing that I endulge their curiosity. “Well…not really. I mean, I’m at a point in my transition where I’m much more feminine……” I trail off.
“But..?” Purple prompts.
“But I’m still so tall and lanky, my voice is deep, my stubble is annoyingly apparent…I guess I don’t feel pretty enough to be in here comfortably.”
The last member of the group, Orange, walks forward towards me at this response, clearly checking me out. I fidget in place as she gets closer. She’s taller than me, just an inch or two, but still noticeable as I slightly tilt my head up to look at her face. She’s beautiful. Her voice is so silky smooth it brings my blush right back onto my face.
“I think you’re pretty.”
I look down at the ground, my blush reaching embarrassing levels of red. I blush way too easily. “Thank you, uh, I think you’re pretty too.” I notice just how much my voice wobbles, whether it be from embarrassment or being so flustered.
Orange lifts her right hand up to my chin, using her pointer finger to gently lift my face back up to meet her gaze. I twitch again, ugh. “I mean it, how could you think you aren’t pretty enough to be here?”
She turns my body to face the mirror, and I really look at myself: my red and freckled face, my long blonde hair, my wide hips, my bulked up arms, my boobs…everything. Orange stands right behind me, softly smiling as she moves her hands down my waist. It feels so fucking good, I’ve always been so sensitive to touch…but…
“W..wait! I barely know you.” I stutter out as I move away from her. My hardening gock betrays my sentiment, but I ignore it.
Orange’s gaze softens. “That’s okay…forgive me for being so forward.” She glances down. “Though it seems like someone wants more.”
My face feels so hot I think I might just die. I can barely even get any words out, just mindless stutters. The only word I manage to speak before my mind completely blanks is “Please.”
Orange’s gaze darkens with a smirk. “Girls! Let’s help her realize just how pretty she is.”
The five of them now crowd around me, moving me so I once again face the mirror. I’m shaking, my now fully erect gock starting to drip as Red lifts my shirt off of me. Pink goes to undo my jean button and zipper while Black pulls them down. Blue undoes my bra while Orange once again begins feeling up my now exposed body. Despite the circumstances it feels so…freeing. So beautiful and—oh FUCK.
Red begins to kiss just above my right breast, leaving a very obvious lipstick mark. The five of them grin so simultaneously it’s almost terrifying. Almost. They all begin feeling me up while kissing me with their multicolored lips. I’m moaning and whimpering so much at this point that one of them exclaims “Looks like someone’s a noisemaker. She’s adorable!” However, my mind is so fuzzy and warm at this point that I can’t even tell who says it.
They’re pressed so closely against my shaking frame that it’s impossible for me to fall to my knees despite my wobbling. I can feel their hot bodies against mine, hear their heavy breathing as we all start to sweat. My skin begins to be covered with red and pink and purple and blue and orange. Little reminders of this wonderful group.
Soon enough one of them pulls my panties down and immediately makes an excited noise at my hard, dripping gock. “Holy shit! You’re gorgeous!” I then feel the now familiar sensation of a mouth being closed around it, a tongue starting to feel around it, and this earns several loud moans. The kisses from the other four girls get rougher and more sensual: sucking and biting and licking all over my quivering frame.
I feel bliss, seeing my naked body being marked and used and sucked by all these women, and I start to feel so beautiful. I notice the clear markings and lip stains…but I also notice my soft skin and nice curves and all the little things I don’t usually stop to look at. I notice how pretty and shiny my gock is, as each girl takes turns sucking on it.
I feel everything. There’s so much stimulus that I start shaking harder and moaning even more. I can barely hold myself up, but one of them is clutching me tightly by the hips to keep me from falling. “I want you to say how pretty you are.” Of course. Who am I to deny her?
“I’m pretty.” I barely get the words out.
“Again. Say it like you mean it.”
I feel myself teetering on the edge of an orgasm, a rare sensation for me with how far my transition is. I’m now completely coated in multicolored lips and bite marks and hickeys and various fluids. It’s…well, it’s pretty.
“I’m pretty!” I shout it this time, staring myself down in the mirror.
“One more time, you’re doing so good.”
“I’m pretty! I’m so fucking pretty!” I lock eyes with myself as I cum into whoever’s mouth is sucking me. I’m breathing so heavily I’m almost afraid for my safety…but these women are here for me. I’m okay.
They help me sit down and crowd closely around me, the scent of our sweat and their makeup becoming much more apparent. It’s all so wonderful and safe and relaxing that my eyes start to shut as they coddle me and play with my hair.
“It’s okay baby, you can rest.”
The last thought running through my mind is how pretty I am before I fade out of consciousness.
MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT WOAG!!! Because this is such a momentous occasion and I am so awesome, @xenasaur @lilithtransrights enjoy my cool lil thing.
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userlando · 1 year
i just saw someone talking about sucking lando off while hes driving and then a second later i see a video on tt of him driving his new mclaren & now im considering that 👍🏼
you caught me on a good night, honey. it’s warm as fuck and I can’t sleep so here’s this little blurb no one asked for 🤍
different kind of ride (1k words) lando norris/fem!reader car bj ~nsfw
Lando couldn’t believe what was happening. He’d asked you to come with him to the headquarters in Woking, buzzing all over because he’d finally get his hands on his new car. It had been hard to cruise around in his Jolly, mostly because he knew how private you wished your relationship to be kept. And, well, the Jolly was nothing but an attention grabber whenever the two of you drove down the streets of Monaco.
You’d stood quietly to the side, observing Lando and his colleagues as they marvelled over his new McLaren and although you didn’t say much verbally, Lando could see the excitement in your eyes. The permanent stretch of your lips warmed his heart to the core, seeing you so happy because he was happy.
The both of you had taken it for a spin, driving down the roads of the English country side with nothing but asphalt and the greens to accompany you.
Lando hadn’t expected you to reach over the console and undo his jeans, almost crashing his new car into the cliffs by how he swerved and he thanked the heavens that no one was around because he wasn’t driving like the skilled driver he was.
There were no words forming in his mouth, gaping at you as you zipped his fly down and fished his cock out of his underwear so casually. He had a hard time believing his eyes.
You, the shy and quiet girl whom he’d known for almost a year now, who did everything to keep the attention off of herself. You’d only just gotten comfortable with him in bed, needing a little time to break out of your shell and here you were, bending at the waist and getting your mouth on him like it was an everyday occurrence. It wasn’t.
His thoughts halted to a complete stop when he felt the warmth and wetness of your mouth enveloping him, eyes rolling as his hands white knuckled the steering wheel. You still hadn’t said anything, aside from the little moans and whimpers you let out as you took more of him in your mouth, sucking him off so good that Lando couldn’t help but take one hand off the steering to place on the back of your head.
He didn’t push, nor did he guide because you were doing a bloody good job on your own and he just really needed to get a hand on you, to feel you there with him; Like he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t just having a good fucking dream.
Lando had slowed down considerably, barely doing twenty on a sixty road and you must’ve sensed it because you moaned, tongue sliding out your mouth to lick the underside of his cock, like you were trying to remind him that he was still driving.
There wasn’t a day that went by since he started dating you, that you weren’t blowing his mind; surprising him with everything you did and said. One of his favourite things to find out about you was how fucking filthy you could be. A true contrast to the sweet and soft spoken girl his mother had met a few months ago.
Lando rolled to a stop on the side of the road, not even bothering to turn the engine off as he diverted all of his attention on you, watching your head bob in his lap as you took him in further and further in your mouth. A sound of sweet triumph left your throat when you managed to fit all of him in your mouth, and the vibrations of it travelled down his cock so deliciously that his hips jumped up.
You gagged and pulled off to take a breath, chest heaving as you tilted your head and locked eyes with him. Lando felt like the breath had been punched out of him when he saw the tears in your eyes and the saliva slick on your lips, digging his teeth into his lower lip as he stared at you; in awe.
“You’re something else.” He gave a laugh that sounded a lot like wonder and disbelief, and you shot him a dazzling smile that knocked the breath from his chest. “Fucking hell, baby.”
You didn’t say anything as you went back to getting him off, lips pursing against the head of his weeping cock and giving it small kisses until Lando was groaning low in his throat. You opened your mouth and swallowed him down, working on making it as pleasurable for him as possible.
It was only when your jaw was starting to ache and Lando was gripping your hair with his hands that you pulled off, ignoring your boyfriend’s whiny protest in favour of jerking him off.
The sounds in the car were filthy, almost drowned out by the rumbling of the engine but Lando couldn’t focus on anything else but your hand on him and the occasional lick to his head.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna—“ He warned lamely, voice tight as he felt his stomach coil, just waiting to snap.
He expected you to keep going, but you surprised him by getting your mouth around his head and sucking hard. Lando was done for, letting out a strangled moan as he came in your mouth, spilling everything he had and hearing your distinct moans over the rush of blood in his ears, playing like music.
When he slowly came down from his high, you licked at his cock to clean him up as best as you could, hearing him letting out little whimpers at the sensitivity and only taking a deep inhale when you managed to tuck him back in and zip him up.
You sat back in your seat, grimacing a little at the pain of being in an uncomfortable position for so long and glanced at Lando. His head was resting against the seat, turned toward you with cheeks pink and lips bitten raw. He was staring like he was seeing you in a different light, and it made you flush a little.
“We’re not even close to done.” He said, like you’d asked him a question and it made you laugh.
Lando shook his head, lazy smile spreading on his lips as he reached for your hand.
“Nope, not done.” He said, giving you a look from beneath his eyelashes that spelled trouble. “Just need to regain feeling in my body first.”
umm idk what this was, consider it a gift from me to y’all who were unsatisfied with the ending of cherry wine. I’m gonna go hide in shame now bye
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ghouljams · 7 days
Ghoul imagine Cowboy!Ghost going to the thrift/antique store in town because all his work pants are testing the limits of the Theseus’ Ship paradox with how much mending Duck has had to do on them.
There’s literally only one pair of jeans in the entire store that fit him (his legs are a mile long, thick as fucking tree trunks, with a bakery to match, that’s a tall order for a rural town) and so he buys them without a second thought. Doesn’t really pay mind to the way the owners great grand daughters eyes widen comically when she sees the brand patch on the back. He’s not very familiar with American brands anyway, and these’ll get demolished by the end of the week, why should he care who made it.
Of course it all comes together the next time him and Goose have sex. Her brain practically short circuits as he unzips his jeans, revealing a faded red patch that reads “☘️LUCKY YOU☘️” in a bold font.
Yes this mountain of a man bought Lucky brand jeans from the thrift, no he didn’t really realize what they were (not like he has to look at his zip every time mkay it’s fucking muscle memory), yes they fit him like skinny jeans, and yes Goose fucks his absolute brains out that night.
Maelstrom the wizard you are to make the worms squirm the way you do...
Your mom's a miracle worker for sure, but she's not God, and when Simon sets his ratty jeans on her kitchen table she just stares at him. You let your lovely, change averse, husband know that you will attempt to order him a new pair of the exact same brand but he needs something else in the meantime. Begrudgingly he agrees, and tugs on a pair of fatigues to go find a new pair of work pants in town. A tall feat when your few clothing stores mostly cater to women, and it's only very recently that your town has seen such an influx of... men his size.
You drop him at the church's little resale shop and tell him to find something denim that fits. You don't think about it more than that as you walk into the feed store. You don't even think about it when Simon climbs into the truck cab with a pair of jeans.
You do think about it the next day when he pulls his new jeans on. They're tight, and your eyes track the way he has to hop a little to get them up his thighs. You honestly could drop to your knees just watching him adjust himself in the denim. There's never a time you forget that Simon is a big man, but there are certainly moments you're reminded of it. You're drooling a little just eyeing the bulge of his cock against the fly of his jeans. He may as well be vacuum sealed into those suckers. You're not complaining, but...
You have to remind yourself that these were probably the only jeans he could find in his size. It's the only way you're able to keep your mind off your husbands tree trunk thighs while you're corralling cows.
You're eating lunch when Simon crouches down to pat the dog and you very nearly spit out your coke at the way the denim stretches over his ass. Soap stops his walk to the chicken coop and you have to throw your can at him to stop him from wolf whistling at your husband. Jesus Christ, ok, new problem has just arisen. You survey the jeans as Simon stands, the hug of denim around his thick thighs, the curve of fabric over his ass that cups it something sinful. You narrow your eyes at the offending garment. There's no way those fit comfortably, but Simon isn't complaining so you can't say for sure. He shifts his wait, settles a hand on his hip to watch the dog run in circles, and you have to physically hold yourself back from smacking his ass.
"My love," You try, earning a hum from Simon. You both know you only call him that when you're really trying not to call him something else. "Do those fit you?"
"Fit enough," Simon grumbles, bending to grab the tennis ball Mav brings him. You wince at the way the seams seem to be holding on for dear life. You try to remember if you knew Simon was toting around a whole bakery back there as he straightens and throws the dog's ball.
"Are they-" you hesitate, eyes stuck on him, "-comfortable?"
"They're fine," He bends again for the ball, and you keep yourself sinfully silent against the heat rising on your cheek, "shopped at enough charity shops." He throws the ball, and you- you sort of hope the jeans you ordered get lost in the mail.
You barely make it to dinner before he splits a seam. There's a little pop and you look over your shoulder to see Simon poking at a new little hole on the inside of his knee. You feel a little like you're seeing a victorian lady's ankle the way your heart pounds at that little inch of skin. Simon grimaces and pinches at the seam with a sigh. You flick the burner off and wipe your hands on a nearby towel.
"Lemme get a look, see if I can patch it." You offer, you're not as good as your mom or Soap, but you're a decent stitch. Simon stops his fussing and straightens his leg so you can crouch down and inspect the damage. Not too bad, you can fix it. You sigh, so much for hoping the ordered pants go missing, you'll be lucky if these things make it through the week. You glance up at Simon, catch his apologetic smile and shake your head. "Let's get 'em off and I'll throw a stitch on 'em while the pasta boils."
You don't bother standing, waiting for Simon on your knees is habit enough you don't even think about it. You watch him unhook his belt(as if the denim painted on him is going anywhere) and tug his zipper down. Your eyes nearly bug out of your head at the red "Lucky you" that greats you. It's entirely possible your brain might have fully leaked out of your ears after a full day of your man walking around with practically nothing on. You don't think this denim even counts as pants at this point. Not when you can trace the outline of his cock, and see it twitch as you lean forward to press your lips to the embroidered zipper.
Simon's hand finds your head immediately, his fingers scratching down to your scalp to hold on. "All that starin' finally got to ya, huh?" He rumbles, his voice lowered to that lovely register he only finds when he wants to fuck you. Your eyes dart up to meet his, your tongue darting out to lick at his boxers. His other hand pushes his jeans down, the fabric bunching around his muscular thighs and holding tight. You don't think about what a pain these things are going to be to get off, you just wiggle your head closer, drag your lips over the soft cotton and inhale the smell of a hard day's work.
Shit it must be nice just having his cock not clamped against his hip. You don't usually get that relieved sigh unless you've been teasing him. You drag your tongue over the soft warm length of him, wetting the cotton of his boxers with your spit until you can feel his cock harden under your ministrations. Your hands slip up Simon's thighs to tug at the denim, it barely moves and somehow that turns you on more than the hand fishing his thick cock from his boxers.
"Bad as Johnny with all your pantin'," He hums, "think I can't see you starin' sweet'eart?" You tip your head back, your mouth open and your tongue out, just so he can smack his cock against it.
Of course he'd catch you, but you weren't exactly stealthy about it. You're allowed to check out the man you love, that's not a crime. Especially if he looks as good as he does. If it were you, you wouldn't have even made it out of the house this morning. You take too long thinking, too long waiting and sinking into that lovely soft space Simon pulls you into, because you gag on his cock as it pushes down your throat in one quick stroke. He pulls it out, spit stringing between your tongue and his length and rubs the head over your lips.
"Gonna put it away if you can't pay attention." Simon scolds, and you can't have that. Your tongue laps at his head, lips stretched wide as he feeds you his heavy cock. You swallow around him this time, blinking the tears from your eyes when he hits the back of your throat. It's uncomfortable, but a quick jerk of his hips forces him down past your gag reflex, where you can feel him bulging out your throat. He holds you there, letting your throat work to try and push him out, before he pulls you off.
You gulp down a breath and slide your hands around his hips to grab that lovely ass you'd been oogling all day. Simon chuckles, watching you open your mouth wide, slurping at his cock with each bob of your head. He holds still, lets you pull off to lick long stripes up his length, watching the way his cock rests against your lips, against your nose when you make your way back to lick at the base. Seeing how big he is compared to you, knowing you'll let him fuck your throat despite the way it makes you hoarse in the morning... what a perfect partner you are.
(If Ghost's honest with himself there's something intoxicating about having the woman he loves be so openly attracted to him that she'd spend all day staring. It's the same heady rush that hits him when you look up at him with his cock down your throat, the same rush that he gets seeing your nose run and your eyes water as you fight down the urge to gag. He's never met someone that makes him feel so completely wanted the way you do.)
Your tongue swirls around the head of his cock, laps at the the vein running along the bottom, you hold it out of your mouth to lick along his heavy length with each bob of your head. You pull back only to spit on his cock, the foamy drool that drips off of it is quickly pulled back into your lips as they slide over him. Your nose buries itself in the wiry blond curls at the base of his cock, and you shake your head to get his deeper. You suck on the way up, cheeks hollowed to slurp at the soft skin in a way that makes Simon groan.
It's absolutely filthy the way you blow him. You're such a mess, slobbering on his cock like it's the best thing you've ever had in your mouth, drooling and slurping. Your pretty lips puffy and your eyes shining. It's cute, you look like you're on the verge of tears just taking him down to the base. Simon taps your cheek with his fingers and you hold still, let him fuck your mouth the way he wants. His hips thrust shallowly into your mouth, easing you into the feeling before they snap and your gag is stopped by the thick cock stretching out your throat. You know what he wants. Know that by the time he's done the breaths you suck in so greedily with each pull out won't be enough to keep your nose from running, or the tears from spilling over your lashes.
You know that by the time he pulls you to the base and holds you there, his come spilling down your throat as he spits a low swear of your name, you'll look a wreck. And you know that he'll tap your nose when he pulls out, and crouch down to tell you what a good job you did. Except when he does drop to your level you're met with a smirk, and a:
"Lucky you, eh princess?"
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beskarandblasters · 10 months
hey! could you please write a dom! joel edging fic? thanks! love your writing sm!
Playing With Fire
Dad's Best Friend!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Author's note: Hope it's okay I decided to do a dbf spin on this!!
Summary: You and your dad go over to his best friend's (and also your secret boyfriend) Joel's house to watch the University of Texas Longhorns game. Whenever your dad isn't looking you tease Joel relentlessly. But when your dad passes out on the couch drunk that's when Joel decides to punish you.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, canon divergent, no outbreak, established secret relationship, drinking, age gap (unspecified), groping, teasing, edging, orgasm denial, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, no use of y/n
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Ugh, football, you think to yourself. 
Your dad dragged you into watching football tonight and you’re not enthused to say the least. He pulls into Joel’s street and you let out a sigh. You couldn’t care less about the Longhorns game. 
“C’mon, honey! It’ll be so much fun!”
“Yeah, for you. I’m not into football.”
“Yeah but you like Joel! You’ll have fun with us.”
Your cheeks go hot at his name. You do like Joel, just not in the way your dad thinks. You and Joel have been sneaking around behind your dad’s back for months now and he couldn’t be none the wiser. And while you’re definitely happy to see Joel tonight even if it’s in the presence of your father, you’re not looking forward to football. 
Your dad pulls into Joel’s driveway and you get out his truck, dragging your feet to the front door. Joel greets you at the door with a beer in his hand and cheerily shouts, “Let’s go Longhorns!”
You roll your eyes and walk past him into the house.
“Yeah she’s not very excited,” your dad says, following you inside. 
“Oh she’ll love football by the time the game is over. I’m sure of it.”
You head into the kitchen and open the fridge, turning to call over your shoulder, “You bet!” sarcastically before scanning the shelves for a drink… And all he has is beer of course. You reluctantly grab two for you and your dad and head back into the living room, sitting on the couch between Joel and your father. Joel flips through TV channels and your dad stands up and says, “I’m gonna take a leak before the game starts.”
Joel nods in acknowledgement and finds the correct channel. And you’re bored already and the game hasn’t even started. So your mind immediately jumps to something fun; teasing Joel. 
As soon as you hear the bathroom door close you reach over and graze your hand over the bulge in his jeans. His breath hitches at your touch and he turns and glares at you, shooting daggers with his eyes.
“What do ya think you’re doin’?” he angrily whispers.
“Aw, come on. I wanna have a little fun.”
“You’re playin’ with fire there, darlin’,” he mutters.
You unzip the fly on his jeans and grope his cock over his boxers, pre cum already marking a stain on the fabric. You palm his cock until you hear the toilet flush. And before you could continue any further, Joel forcefully grabs your hand, places it back in your lap and zips his fly.
“Enough,” he says darkly. 
Your dad comes back into the living room and sits on the couch just as the game starts, suspecting nothing as usual. And just as you suspected it’s so fucking boring. Anytime your dad would get up to grab a beer you would return your hand to Joel’s groin despite his burning stare every time you would do it. Finally after your dad got up to get his fifth beer you went to return your hand to its rightful spot. But Joel grabs your wrist and says through gritted teeth, “Playin’. With. Fire.”
You sigh and roll your eyes, returning to leaning on the arm of the couch. Your dad gets back and downs his last beer. And not before long… he passes out completely. The game isn’t even over yet.
“Well would ya look at that. Your football buddy passed out drunk. Guess you don’t have to watch the game anymore…” you say snarkily, inching your hand towards his jeans again. 
He grabs your wrist again and forcefully drags you from the couch and down the hallway, leading you to his bedroom. Excitement pools in your stomach at the prospect of fucking Joel but also some fun finally. He opens his bedroom door and pulls you inside, shoving you down on the bed. Your face is graced with a wide smirk as he closes the door and stands in front of you.
“Wipe that smirk off your face,” he threatens.
“Or else what?” you counter.
“Or you’ll regret it.”
“Make me.”
He falls to his knees on the floor right in front of your legs. He spreads your thighs apart and snakes a hand up your skirt, hooking your underwear around his fingers and pulling them off forcefully. Your sex tingles in anticipation of his touch.
“I bet you want me to fuck you so bad,” he teases.
“Mhm,” you say confidently. 
“Well, too bad. Ain’t happenin’ for a while.”
You whine and he continues, “And your whinin’ ain’t gonna help.”
He brings his fingers to your cunt, which is already getting wet, and runs a finger up and down your entrance. He pulls his hand back and licks his fingers before rubbing his thumb around your clit. You moan at his touch and he says, “Better be quiet. Your dad’s just down the hallway, darlin’.”
You groan as his thumb picks up the pace on your clit. You can already feel yourself arriving on the brink of orgasm. Your back arches slightly and just as you think you’re about to cum, Joel pulls his hand away much to your dismay, chuckling at the look of betrayal on your face.
“Joel, please,” you whine.
“Gonna be doing a whole lotta beggin’, darlin’. Get used to it.”
You whine again but it’s cut off by Joel pushing a finger into you. He curls his singular digit upwards against your walls. You grip the sheets for purchase as he works your cunt closer to the edge. Your walls tighten up and just when you think you’re about to cum again he pulls away. You whine and beg some more while Joel looks at you with the hungriest expression in his eyes, like he’s getting off on your frustration. Actually, you know he is. 
This time he goes nuclear, sliding two fingers in and bringing his tongue to your clit. Your hands grip his hair as he fucks your cunt with his fingers and licks your sensitive bundle of nerves. The muscles in your core tighten in anticipation of a large release and if Joel takes this one away from you again you’re going to be heartbroken. You’re so close, teetering on the edge of orgasm and getting ready to soak his face. But just as you suspected, he pulls away when he feels you on the edge.
“Joel, please,” you beg, tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
“How bad do you wanna cum?”
“So bad, Joel. I’m begging you, please,” you cry out. 
“Hmm, I guess you’ve been a good girl. Bend over.” 
You couldn’t get up fast enough, scrambling to flip over for him. You bend yourself over on the bed and arch your back for him. He stands behind you and squeezes your ass while he gives his cock a few strokes. He gathers some of your wetness on his hand and slicks his cock with it. He hooks his hands on your hips and pushes into you forcefully, expanding your walls in one swift motion. You cry out at the new found size inside you and he clamps a hand over your mouth.
“What did I say?” he reminds you.
You nod silently and he slowly removes his hand from your mouth and returns it to your hips. He pulls you into him as he thrusts back into you, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix with each movement from him. And thanks to all of the edging earlier you’re already so sensitive; so close.
“J-Joel, can I please cum?” you beg in a hushed tone. 
“Well since you asked so nicely, I guess,” he says, slamming his hips into you on the last word.
You come undone around him, your walls convulsing his cock like a vice. You do your best to control your moans but it’s hard. Especially after an orgasm that was a long way in the making. He doesn’t bother covering your mouth again as he cums, keeping the tip of his cock nestled by your cervix and his grips on your hips tight as he releases his load into you. He pulls out after he’s done and before either of you have time to say anything you hear your dad groaning from the living room. You spring up and turn to face Joel with wide eyes.
“Shit! What do we-”
“Quick, go in the bathroom and pretend you’re throwin’ up. I’ll say ya drank too much.”
You nod and head into the bathroom attached to his bedroom, starting to fix yourself up. You hear him call to your dad down the hallway, “Yeah she’s throwin’ up. Guess she can’t handle her alcohol. Must get that from you.”
That little shit. Whatever, at least you got out of watching football for the night. 
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evieskiesss · 4 months
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WARNINGS: short story, subby bill, no p in v, dirty talk, handjob. REALLY JUST A DRABBLE.
a/n: i know i disappeared for so long, im sorry. im trying to get back into writing since i lost interest for it :/. i rlly don’t wanna quit so this is just a little something for you guys :) i haven’t written in sooooo long so this is not my best, im definitely rusty!
Bill laid on his back, his elbow supporting his weight behind him as you kissed him, hovering over him, lips becoming harsher against his. His tongue struggled to keep up with your pace, whimpered softly as his jaw became sore. Bill let out a surprised gasp when you snuck a hand down his body, your palm coming in contact with his erection through his jeans. “aw, what’s wrong, baby?” you cooed, cocking your head to the side as you admired his surprised expression. Your palm applied a firm pressure to his erection, slowly moving your hand along his length through the denim.
“p-please, oh-,” he moaned breathily, his head lolling back as he bucked his hips up against your hand. He grinded his hips up against your palm, desperately craving more friction to alleviate his throbbing erection. You spoke no words as your hands undid the buttons of his jeans then zipping down the fly. You decided to leave the jeans on him, only pulling down at the waistband of his boxers to pull out his hard cock from beneath them. He let out a surprised breath as his cock was freed from its restraints, his soft puppy-like eyes boring into your face as he wanted more.
“oh, wow..” you spoke quietly, amused at how erect & desperate his cock was for you. The tip glistened with pre-cum, if it wasn’t obvious how desperately horny he was before, it most definitely was now. “look at how ready you are for me,” you murmured, fingers grazing over the tip to smear the pre-cum down his shaft, lubricating him for your hand. He whimpered softly, his thigh nearly hitting his chest as he brought it up, god, he’s so sensitive. “yes..” he replied, his voice small & weak compared to yours.
You began pumping the second you wrapped your hand around him, your pace steady as you didn’t want to tease him any further for the night. “oh!” he gasped, throwing his head back. You squeezed your hand around his length, watching with an amused expression as you admired his face contort with pleasure. Moans poured from his lips, his adam’s apple bobbing with each noise he’d make which sounded like pure heaven to your ears. “my pretty little baby,” you whispered, leaning in to kiss his soft, pink lips. He whimpered against your lips, kissing you back as best as he could, trying to show you how appreciative he was in the moment.
Your lips trailed down his neck, leaving sloppy kisses along the way. Your tongue cupped around the skin, bruising it as you suckled on it gently. You felt the vibrations against your lips as he groaned, his noises only becoming louder and higher in pitch, a dead giveaway of his nearing release. Your hand jerked him off faster, the drops of his pre-cum now smearing messily down his shaft, creating small wet noises. “y-y/n,” he whined, bucking his hips up desperately. You smirked against his skin, sucking on it simultaneously. “mm.. kiss me, k-kiss me,” he begged, managing to blurt out through his incoherent moaning.
“fuck-please,” he gasped. You were pleasantly surprised when his lips attacked yours, needily kissing you with passion. His tongue shakily entered your mouth, lapping at yours. Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, lips grazing each other as he let out helpless moans into your mouth. His cock twitched in your hand, his thighs shuddering as the knot in his abdomen grew bigger by the second. “look at me while you cum, baby,” you whispered. His eyes flickered up towards yours, his mouth agape and eyes nearly rolling back.
His eyes fluttered shut as he threw his head back, “nuh-uh, look at me, baby. i wanna see your pretty face while you cum.” That sentence was enough to send him straight into his orgasm. With one lust tug at his cock, he forced his eyes open to look back at you, his cum spurting out in thick ropes. “y/n!” he moaned high-pitchedly, thighs shaking as you continued to pump him, squeezing gently to help milk out his orgasm as much as possible. You slowed your pace on his cock, looking down with a small smile as your hand was coated in his cum, his jeans and boxers also covered in his seed.
Bill laid limp against the pillows, his chest rising & falling heavily as he tried to re-gain his breath, “f-fuck.” His cock softened in your hand, his cheeks burned red as he looked down, realizing the mess he made. “ ‘m sorry..”. You shook your head, “it’s okay.. you know i like how messy my baby gets.”
another a/n; guys i loved how bill in the end made a ‘mess’. what if i write a story abt bill ‘cleaning up his mess’?🫣. lmk what you guys think :)!
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sluttywoozi · 8 months
Kinktober Day 14: Corruption Kink + SKZ Seungmin
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For @gimmeurtmi
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~1.7k
Pairing: Seungmin x Reader | Genre: smut
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Warnings: corruption kink, virgin seungmin, oral m. rec., cum swallowing
Reader Notes: hands are smaller than seungmin's, wears a skirt
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Seungmin is very well aware that you’ve had your eye on him for the past few weeks. It’s a small university and he shares a couple classes with you; it was impossible to miss the way your gaze follows him, the way you always sit in his row, the way you’re one of the few attendees to his music frat’s events. 
At first, he didn't know what to do with your attention. 
Why him? Why now? 
But as the days passed, he grew to love it, need it, crave it.
So maybe he started wearing brighter colors to make it easier for you to find him. And maybe he started saving the seat next to him so you always have somewhere to sit. And maybe he started personally inviting you to those events, just to make sure you’d be there. 
He doesn’t know what your intentions are for him, but he finds he doesn’t care. 
You could be looking for a math tutor, but you could also be looking for a murder victim, and either way, Seungmin would happily sacrifice himself to the cause, because you’re you. 
You’re cool and fun and bubbly and kind, and the way you look at him simultaneously makes his heart soar and his dick throb. 
Neither reaction is easy to hide, especially since Seungmin’s poker face seems to be nonexistent around you, and he can only hope you haven’t noticed just how you make him feel. 
His hope begins to dwindle at the next mixer. 
The frat doesn’t have enough members to warrant a house on campus, so events have to be held at their apartments and tonight is finally his turn. He’s been zipping around his flat for days, cleaning and rearranging and getting ready to host, nervous out of his mind because he knows you’ll be here. 
Here, in his apartment, where he lives and cooks and showers and jerks off. Here, where he’s imagined having you countless times. Here, where there’s a bed that’s never been used for anything but sleeping. 
A knock sounds on the door and Seungmin jumps, his gaze flying to the microwave clock to check the time. The mixer’s not supposed to start for another hour and a half, but he supposes it could be one of the guys coming to help him get ready?
He doesn’t know why his heart is pounding as he walks to the door, but it just about jumps out of his chest when he opens it to find you, wearing a mini skirt and a sweet smile, a two liter of soda held in your hands. 
“Oh! Um, you’re a bit early,” Seungmin says, stepping aside to let you in. 
“Am I? I had no idea,” you respond in a voice that clearly says you did. “That’s good though, because I wanted to talk to you about something.”
He can feel his palms getting sweaty as you move further into his apartment, your eyes trailing over his sparse decorations before lingering on the sofa. 
You make your way over, sitting primly in the middle and patting the spot next to you, leaving him no choice but to sit close. When he settles on the cushion, his thigh touches yours and though he can’t feel your skin through the denim of his jeans, he can still feel your warmth and it’s enough to make his head spin. 
“What did you wanna talk about?” He asks with trepidation, rubbing his hands on his jeans surreptitiously as you turn to face him, lifting one leg up and folding it on the couch. Seungmin stubbornly, valiantly attempts to avoid looking at your thighs and the space in between them, but the longer you take to speak, the more his restraint wanes. 
It’s razor thin when you finally respond, “I know you’ve noticed how I look at you, Seungmin.”
His heart skips a beat, his shaking fingers picking at a loose thread on his jeans as he says, “I might have.”
“And do you know why I look at you like that?” 
“Because… you want to be friends?”
“Seungmin, I’m not looking for friends, I have plenty. I look at you like that because I want you.”
Your words replay in his head as he tries to process them, ‘I want you’ repeating over and over in your voice until he can feel his dick stirring in his jeans. 
“Like, you want to…?”
“I want to have sex with you,” you say matter of factly, aware that he needed you to spell it out for him. 
“I don’t have a lot of experience,” Seungmin begins nervously. “I had a girlfriend in highschool but we only ever made out.” 
“I thought that might be the case,” you nod, and he can hear the smile in your words even if he can’t see it on your face. “Don’t worry, I have plans for you.”
“Plans?” He asks, his brain glitching as he thinks about you thinking about him. 
“Yeah, plans. Starting with blowing you on this couch.”
He has to force himself not to repeat that too, his cheeks catching fire when you slide to the floor and settle between his legs. 
“Do you want that, Seungmin? Do you want to watch me swallow your cock?” 
“Fuck, of course I do,” he sighs weakly, letting you push his knees apart and undo his jeans, lifting his hips for you when you start to pull at them. You take his boxers too, and he reaches behind his neck and tugs off his shirt, settling back into the sofa and fighting a shiver when he sees your expression. 
You’re staring at his dick with a bottomless hunger in your eyes and an evil little smirk stretching your lips, and he just knows he won’t be the same after you’re done with him. You couldn’t pay him to care; if anything, he loves it. 
Loves the idea of being stained by you, tainted by you. The idea of you warping him into the filthiest version of himself. The idea of a part of him always belonging to you. 
He loves it all, and as he feels your fingers delicately wrap around the base of his cock, he thinks he just might love you too. 
Your hand feels so different from his. It’s smaller, softer, and you touch him with a gentleness he doesn’t usually give himself. When he jerks off, it’s fast and rough and hard, just a means to an end, but this, this is something he could get used to. 
The sight of you on your knees for him is something else he could get used to, but he doesn’t know if this will ever happen again, so he tries to take in every moment like it’s the last. He categorizes your every touch in his mind, files away the feeling of your skin sliding against his, downloads the scent of your perfume on the air. 
When you lean in and press your lips to the crown of his cock, every process running in his brain stops. His head empties as you kiss down the length of it, the only thing occupying his thoughts being the sight and sensation of your lips on his dick. Your tongue darts out and you drag your way back up to the tip before opening your mouth and engulfing the head, drowning him in a pleasure he’s never known.
A broken groan escapes his parted lips as you take him into your mouth and down your throat, his entire body tensing in an attempt to keep his hips from bucking, to stop himself from fucking your mouth like it’s a toy. He’s never felt like this before, never felt a bliss so strong it burns, and he worries he’ll actually die if you stop. 
You don’t show any sign of that though, starting to bob up and down on his cock and moaning like you’re having the time of your life. Your eyes water as you stare up at him, and when a tear falls, he leans in and wipes it away with a gentle thumb before cupping your neck with his hand. 
He can feel your throat working under his palm and just the thought that his dick is buried inside of you in some way is enough to push him right up to the edge, his mind growing hazy and his balls drawing up tight as you swallow around him over and over. 
You bring your other hand up to wrap around what you can’t fit in your mouth and Seungmin knows he’s done for, groaning, “Gonna cum, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Determination lights up your eyes and you moan in encouragement, the vibrations traveling through your throat into his cock enough to push him over the edge. His cock jerks and jumps in your mouth, hot cum spilling down your esophagus as he shakes and whines, his vision whiting out and his hearing muffled. 
It lasts for hours, or maybe minutes - he’s lost the ability to discern the flow of time - and you just keep going, just keep swallowing and twisting your hand around him, just keep dragging out every last bit of his orgasm as if it’s yours instead. He’s swimming in his own head when you pull away, your lips shining with a combination of spit and cum as you catch your breath. 
“So, you said you had plans for me?” Seungmin pants, staring down at you as you sit back on your knees, your lush thighs flattened and spread. He wants to dive in between them, wants to feel them under his hands and wrapped around his head, wants to feel them hugging his waist as he fucks in and out of you. 
“Yeah, Seungmin, all kinds of plans,” you smirk up at him, planting your hands on his knees and using them to push yourself up, your swollen lips pressing against his for the first time. He nervously returns your kiss, mirroring your movements and pressure and gasping when your tongue drags over his bottom lip. 
“Count me in, then,” he murmurs into your mouth, letting his eyes fall shut and bringing a hand to your cheek as you kiss him senseless. 
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Kinktober Masterlist
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kittysarchive · 1 month
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Such a tease, Jake
warnings-teasing, no actual smut, blue balls, don't leave jake hanging, pls lmk if i missed anything.
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Wearing such a short skirt.... grinding yourself on his lap, of course Jake was rock hard.
"Behave yourself" Jake says sternly, gripping your plush thighs hard to stop you from grinding yourself on his bulge. You only smirk, taking the challenge.
Nodding your head for now, you stay still. Allowing Jake to catch up on his show, that was until your start to move your hips again. Placing your soft hands on his chest, you roll your hips against his bulge, gaining the friction you needed.
Sighing below you, Jake doesn't react, although his bulge becomes a clear tent in his jeans. Not getting the reaction you wanted, you throw off the panties off your short skirt. Seeing the panties being thrown gains his attention.
"What are you doing?" You don't answer as your fingers graze over his fly. Carefully zipping it down. Only eyeing you out, Jake doesn't stop you, in fact he supresses a moan as your hands glide over his cock which was nearly poking through his boxers.
"Need you" You reply simply, palming his cock through his boxers. Jake quickly nods his head, heat rising to his cheeks as you slide down his boxers, enough for his cock to slap his shirt.
"Go on" His voice slightly begs you continue. With his cock sprung out, hard, veiny, red....and girthy. Having no intentions of fucking him, you don't inform him. Holding his cock, you do your best to place it flat on his thighs.
"W-what" Jake winces, holding his hard cock with such strength, sent pain through him. You only smile as you sit on his cock.
With his cock laying horizontal, your pussy pushed it down more. Once low enough, you start to rock your hips. You own juices make his cock shine.
"Oh god...." Jake whines out, squeezing his eyes shut as you ride him differently. Feeling the warmth of your pussy...feeling how wet you were, how your pussy was forcing his cock down, God it felt so good.
Rolling your hips a few more, you quickly slide off his cock. Feeling your warm and wet pussy leave his cock, Jakes eyes quickly open. Saying nothing, but giving a cheeky smile, you leave Jake crying alone.
"C-come back" He doesn't bother to tuck his cock back in, quickly chasing you as you left him with blue balls. Gosh, you were such a tease.
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munson-blurbs · 6 months
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Day 7 of TUI-Mas
Warnings: pregnancy, medical stuff (an ultrasound), lots of happy and fluffy feelings
WC: 1.2k
Divider credit to @saradika
July 1999
It’s one of those sweltering summer days where the air conditioning can never be cold enough. The room could be at subarctic temperatures, and perspiration would still trickle down your spine and in the space between your breasts.
Your husband hasn’t gotten the memo.
“Eddie,” you grumble, scowling down at where he’s laying atop your stomach. You peel your body from the back of the sofa in an attempt to sit up. “It’s too damn hot for cuddling.”
He pouts, doubling down and draping a tattooed arm over your midsection. “But I’m trying to bond with the baby,” Eddie laments, a slight whine lacing his tone. He’s at least able to lounge around the apartment without a shirt, but you don’t have that luxury. Your tank top clings to your torso like a second skin.
“You can bond when this heat wave breaks. Get up.”
“Fine, fine.” He shifts positions, stretching and exposing the sweat-tinged tufts of hair under his arms. He gives your bump once last rub. “We’ll talk again once the temperature’s back in the double-digits, Baby Munson.”
You stand up, grateful that you aren’t so pregnant and can still lift yourself from a sitting position. “We have to leave for the ultrasound in a few minutes,” you gently remind him. “Is the Big Brother ready to go?”
Eddie chuckles, padding over to the bedroom and shrugging a white t-shirt over his head. “Are you kidding? He’s been awake and fully dressed since the crack of dawn.” It’s all that Harris has been talking about since you’d asked him if he wanted to come and find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Eddie steps into a pair of jeans, nearly falling over as he tries to maintain his balance. “Har! We’re leaving soon!”
Harris scampers out of his room, jumping with such enthusiasm that you can hardly make out the text on his shirt that boasts, ‘PROUD BIG BRO.’ “Let’s go!” he insists, taking your hand in his and tugging you towards the door. 
“Dad still needs to put his shoes on,” you say through a laugh. “We can’t go without him.”
He sighs impatiently, shoulders drooping as he turns to his father. “Come on; we gotta see if I’m gonna have a brother or sister!”
“Okay, alright. Jesus H, can’t a man zip up his fly without being berated around here?”
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“This might be a bit cold.”
You smile, laying back with your shirt hiked up just beneath your breasts and a thin paper towel tucked into the stretchy waistband of your shorts. The ultrasound technician shakes the bottle of gel and squirts it onto your bare stomach. It comes out with the air that’s trapped inside, making a pfft sound that sends both Harris and Eddie into hysterics.
“Boys!” you hiss. “Behave yourselves. Especially you,” you add pointedly, looking directly at your husband.
His cheeks redden in embarrassment, mouthing sorry, but you can see him stifling another laugh when the bottle makes the same sound again.
A pulsing beat fills the room as the technician slides the wand across your belly. “That’s one strong heartbeat,” she announces, and Harris’s eyes widen in realization.
“That’s the baby’s heartbeat?” He glances between you and Eddie, jack-o-lantern grin splitting his face. “That’s so cool!”
Eddie gestures towards the screen as the black-and-white image becomes clearer. “Look, there’s the nose and the mouth,” he says to Harris, pulling him close to his side and hugging him. 
The technician takes a quick snapshot of the baby’s profile before moving on to the tiny arms and legs and snapping another. Everyone is staring and waiting for her to announce the sex.
“Um, excuse me?” Harris raises his hand timidly as though he’s in school, taking to heart an earlier conversation about using his manners in the doctor’s office. “Are you gonna tell us if I’m getting a brother or a sister?”
The technician laughs kindly, carefully adjusting the wand’s positioning. “Let’s see…” she starts, pinching her thin brows together as she examines the anatomy. “Well, Mr. Harris, it looks like you’re going to have a little brother!”
Etiquette is swiftly tossed aside as Harris breaks free of his dad’s grasp, jumping up and down until he’s almost breathless. “I’m getting a brother! I’m getting a brother!” 
“Another boy,” Eddie muses, squeezing your hand. “No tying the score for ya, Sweetheart. Sorry.” He kisses your forehead and chuckles softly. “The Munson men remain triumphant!”
Your mouth is dropped open in a small o, still in disbelief. You’re going to have a baby boy, a little blend of you and Eddie. Though the swell of your bump should have been evidence enough of the life growing within you, the knowledge that your unborn child is a little boy makes it so real.
All you can manage is a soft, “Oh, my God,” any other words failing you. You let your hand rest on a part of your stomach not slick with gel, blinking away the shininess coating your eyes so you can look at your husband. “Eds…we’re having a boy.”
“Are you happy?” His voice is laced with worry, mind flooded with tidbits about mothers wanting daughters. 
His fears dispel as soon as your lips curl upwards into the most genuine smile he’s ever seen. “So happy. We’ll have our big kid boy,” your gaze flits towards Harris, “and our little baby boy. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
Eddie’s lips swoop down to kiss you, nose brushing yours. “I love you, and you,” he kisses your bump, “and you.” He plants a smacking smooch on Harris’s scalp, which is promptly met with a look of disgust.
Harris scratches at the spot his dad just kissed and points to your belly. “Does he have a name yet?”
“Not yet,” you admit. You and Eddie have thrown around a few options, but none have stuck. “We can call him Baby Brother until we figure it out. How’s that?”
“Okay.” He places a hesitant palm on your stomach. “Hi, Baby Brother. My name’s Harris. I’m your big brother, and when you’re out of Mommy’s tummy, we’re gonna play together all the time.”
You run a hand through his seemingly always-tangled curls. “I bet he’ll love that, Har. You’ll be the best big brother.”
The ultrasound technician wipes the remaining jelly from your torso, and you adjust your clothes and stand up. “The doctor will be in just to confirm that everything is progressing well; in the meantime, I’ll print off the pictures,” she says, adding, “you have such a beautiful family.” 
Her comment lingers even on the car ride home as Harris suggests baby names that get increasingly bizarre, your personal favorite being ‘Squidward Munson.’ A beautiful family. Your thumb grazes over the matte sonogram; all of the printed information is yours, but it’s still so surreal. 
“We’re framing the one that says ‘it’s a boy,” Eddie declares from the driver’s seat, flicking on his indicator as he turns into the apartment complex’s parking lot. He lowers his voice and teasingly asks, “You’re okay with being outnumbered?”
And maybe you’ll regret your answer when Baby Brother grows up and is belching at the dinner table, or making farting noises with his armpits, or contributing to Harris’s (and Eddie’s) collection of toilet humor, but you doubt that even boy-levels of grossness will change your mind.
“I can't wait.”
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wilbursprincess · 4 months
sorrybur had to wear pants cuz u teased him perhaps? then after he’s like all whiny cuz you’ve left him to record a video like that
“What Am I Supposed To Do Now?”
Sorrybur x Female Reader
Warnings: Heavily implied smut, making out, teasing, edging but not really ig?
Hi anon. You’re a genius. This idea made me squeal out loud. I will never turn up the chance to write about a whiny Bursona trying not to cum in his pants. Enjoy :)
Fic below cut!
“Babe, c’mon, I have to go film,” Wilbur whines, and I pout. “They’ll all be waiting for me!”
I shake my head, tugging at the fly of his jeans. “I haven’t seen you in ages, and we’ve got time for a quickie.”
Wilbur only hesitates for a second. “I can’t say no to you, angel,” he replies, nibbling on my earlobe. “But hurry.”
I undo his jeans, lick my hand, and stick it into his boxers, stroking up and down his half-hard cock until he’s throbbing and whining under my touches.
“Just like that, baby girl,” Wilbur whispers, unhooking my bra from under my top. “Aw, fuck, you make me so hard.”
It barely takes a minute or two for me to get him close, his chest heaving and pressing up into the pumps of my hand to seek out the blissful release. I stop my hand, give him a few strokes, and stop again, just to tease him.
Wilbur moans in my ear, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. “I’m so close,” he gasps, eyes screwing shut as his face presses into my shoulder, and…
The door bangs open, Tommy barging in without knocking, luckily with a bright morph suit over his face. “Aye, Wilbur, where’s your suit?” He asks, unaware of me frantically trying to zip Wilbur’s jeans back up.
“It’s, uh,” Wilbur says, discreetly trying to hide the situation pressing against his zipper. “Just over here. Is everyone ready?”
Tommy nods. “We’re waiting on you, man, cmon! No more getting distracted with your girlfriend. I’m staying in here until you’re dressed and ready to go.”
Wilbur, I love you, but you’re on you own.
He sighs, quickly changing out of his jeans and hoodie and into the tight yellow suit, turning to me with a pained look on his face. The sheer, skin-tight fabric leaves nothing to the imagination after our, uh, backstage activities.
“I’m wearing my jeans over it, Tommy,” Wilbur says, tugging them back on and discreetly making sure everything’s tucked away. “I don’t trust something that tight around my dick on camera.”
Tommy shrugs. “Whatever, man,” he says. “You’ll look stupid, but honestly, it was a good humble brag.”
Wilbur and I exchange a pained yet amused glance.
I’ll owe him a month of blowjobs for this one.
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16amours · 9 months
Just imagine Charles leclerc getting head while in his gaming chair xx
Omg this!!🔥🔥
HEAD IN THE GAME|| reader x Charles
warnings: smut, (m) receiving, 18+
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Charles was sat in his gaming room, playing an online game
with his friends talking through his headset while you were sat
behind him in a small wooden chair in the corner watching him through a
mirror that was propped against a chest of drawers giving you a clear
image of your boyfriend slumped back on his gamer chair with his bandanna on,
glasses on wearing a sleeveless hoodie.
His biceps stood out prominently in the sleeveless hoodie
making you drool as you stare at them through the mirror with him liking his lips in concentration
your mind couldn’t help but be immature at the sight.
A couple of minuets past and the heat inside you grew, grew and grew
and the thoughts in your mind were running wild until you couldn’t hold
them in any longer. You left your chair and slowly walked over to Charles
placing your hand on his shoulder to help you get down to your knees, gliding
your fingers from his arm to his hand before grabbing hold of his chair by the
arm rests to spin him around to you. Charles looked at down at you knowing what your
intentions where before giving you a dirty smirk.
You didn’t look at Charles but only concentrated on what you wanted most.
you placed your hand on Charles’s thighs, slowly guiding your fingers to his
zip on his ripped jeans. You unzipped the fly and fairly pulled his jeans and boxers just to the
top on his knees. That was when you finally looked up at Charles with an innocent smile,
as he was stuttering his words when talking to his friends.
You started teasing his tip and stroking him down a little before you
wrapped your lips around him.
“fuck.. guys I’m- I’m loosing still -ha-.” Charles exclaimed to his friends
choking on his words.
First of all you started sucking him slow and after time speeding it up for fun
Charles looks at you again with needy eyes pursing his lips to keep them from letting a moan
draw out of them. But that was too late and his head fell back, eyes closed and let out a needy moan before slapping his hand on his mouth to stop anymore. You drew one hand up to his wrist to pull his hand away.
“Charlie baby, don’t hide those pretty sounds from me mh?” You state smirking up at him.
Charles moaned even more at your words that we’re taking the getting the better of him.
“Guys I- I have to go somthing c- came up okay?” Charles said abruptly leaving the call and pausing the game. “Fuck just like that baby please!”
You started picking up the pace feeling Charles’s dick twitch inside your mouth. Louder moans escaped Charles’s lips as he grabbed your hair into a messy ponytail to help catch up with your pace to it go deeper into your throat.
“Shit, shit, shit Y/N!”
Still keeping the speedy pace charles finally released into your mouth before you pulled away licking the extra cum from his tip, swallowing the rest in your throat.
“Y/n.. I love you ‘babylove’.” Charles said slightly whimpering catching his breath.
“I love you more Charlie.” You got up and sat on his lap putting your legs either side of his legs, looking up at him before giving his a passionate kiss and hugging him.
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Hobie thirst I found my drafts
⠀⠀ ⠀   ꒰꛱ ͜ ꛱|꛱ ꛱͜ |꛱ ꛱͜ |꛱ ͜ |       ୭୧       |꛱ ꛱͜ |꛱ ͜ ꛱|꛱ ꛱͜ |꛱ ͜ ꒱
Cw: exhibitionism
Thinking about Hobie Brown who just doesn't care what other people think.
He has zero respect for the hierarchical institutions, and has never done anything to hide it
So he doesn't give a flying fuck about the fact that everybody in the meeting is aware you two are late because you were having sex
Hobie Brown who shows up sweaty, still fixing his clothes, and zipping up his jeans
Who purposefully makes an entrance and gives anyone looking, a flash of his cocky smile
Who laughs at Miguel's expression and at your flustered state
Who teases you through the whole meeting
Hobie Brown who's seriously thinking about bending you over the table and taking you right now
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devildomditzy · 4 months
Blanket Fort
In which Mammon realizes how exhausting having children can be on a human
Tags/Warnings: Dad!Mammon, Mom!Reader, worries of parenting, fluffy comfort
Happy Valentine’s Day <3
“Turn the lights down when the kids are sleeping
We'll build a blanket fort that only we can be in”
Blanket Fort - Archers
A blur runs past your feet, so quick you can barely make out the shape of your three year old son zipping past, almost knocking you (and the toys you had picked up off the floor in your hands) off balance.
“Hey! No running in the house!”, you exclaim, knowing that his ability to move inhumanly quick easily ranged him now out of earshot of your nagging.
Those damn demon genes.
Your attention is brought back and pulled down by your feet where your two year old daughter is flying (barely above the floor) in pursuit of her brother.
Her wings just barely clip you, the force making you drop everything in your grasp and fall backwards onto your ass.
Goddamn demon genes.
Just as you begin to pick yourself up you hear another, much louder pair of footsteps followed by mad cackling coming into range.
Ah, the worst of them all. Here he comes.
Goddamn fucky ass demon genes.
You husband bursts into the room, looking around wildly before his eyes fall onto you and his face breaks out into a smile.
“Sup, treasure. See the kiddos anywhere?”
You sigh, dusting off the front of your jeans, grimacing from the pain of falling on hardwood. You look at your now slightly skinned palms and frown.
“I told them no running in the house.”
He snorts at your dismay. “Come on, they’re just kids bein’ kids”
“I believe I also told you no running in the house”, you glare at him.
His smile waivers as he waves a hand in the air in dismissal. “Details, details.”
You give another frustrated sigh, looking down at the mess that once again has found its way onto the floor. This is the seventh time this week you’ve cleaned up this room, and the seventh time this week it’s been wrecked once more.
You love your children (and your obnoxious husband), you swear you do! But sometimes somethings, the little things, begin to get to you. Tears begin to well up in your eyes and you ball your fists, willing them not to come out.
“Hey, hey, woah,” Mammon coos at you, quickly looking back into the hallway from the door frame to check where his two little menaces have gone before walking over to you, grabbing you by the shoulders and into his embrace.
“Lemme get a look at ya, come on”, he says as he pulls you back from his chest to look at your face. He is met with a look of tired frustration. “What’s wrong, Mama?”
You sniffle in an attempt to stop the tears, but looking in his eyes always breaks you. You remain quiet as the tears run down your face.
He faulters for a minute before giving a small smile. “These kids can be a real handful, eh?”, he tosses a head nod towards the door as he says. “Good thing they got the most awesome parents in the world to take care of ‘em.”
You sniffle once more, wiping some tears with the back of your hand before muttering, “I don’t feel awesome.”
“What!?”, he says in an accusatory tone before realizing his mistake. It’s just- you mean the world to him. And to them. How can you not see what he sees?
“But yer amazin’! Ya handle two half demons like they’re nothin’. Hell, before that you handled seven full demons like it was nothin’!”
“I can’t keep up with them…I- I- I’m not fast enough, I can’t fly, I don’t have horns or whatever… I can’t relate to them like you can.”
“Hey, you got the smooth, calm and collected human side, I got the cool, totally awesome demon side. We can do this, cmon, we’ve been doin’ this! We’re totally great parents.”
When you still shy away from his gaze, refusing to meet his eyes, he sighs.
His tone drops to a quiet intimacy. “Where’s all this comin’ from, darlin’?”
You take a shaky breath before speaking. “I dunno… I guess I’m just…tired?”
He doesn’t look all that convinced.
“That it?”
You remain quiet as he gives you a look.
“Don’t make me pry”, he playfully shakes you as he chuckles, though his voice is still laced with concern.
“I guess… I’ve just been so stressed out and tired I-I….I haven’t had anytime for me or anything like that. I feel so- I don’t- ugh”
You take one final huff,
“I don’t feel like myself. I haven’t in a while. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t worried, or anxious, or nervous.”
He rubs up and down your arms. “Hey, I know it’s a lot. But look at ‘cha, you’re still my human, yeah? Still just as beautiful and irritatingly kind and stupid as the day I met ya!”
He gets a laugh out of you as you shake your head.
“Yeah, there’s that smile!”, he beams before looking at you with lidded eyes.
“You know they look up to ya, yeah? I do too”, he continues.
“Heh, thanks,” you smile. “I just feel like I need a break.”
He lights up, devious smile painting his face as it always did before when he had a scheme. “That, I can do.”
“Give you a break! I’ve got an idea. Gimmie a couple hours of plannin’. I’ve got the kids handled. Clear yer calendar and make sure you’re in the livin’ room by 6 ‘o clock”, he’s talking faster than his movements can keep up, taking out his D.D.D and making a start out the door towards the direction of your children’s laughter.
Before he’s out of sight, he leans backwards to call out, “I love ya! See you in a bit.”
“Mammon, what?”, you question as he leaves, shaking your head and laughing under your breath.
This man…
Time passes and you continue to pick up the rest of the rooms in the house utterly destroyed by your precious children. It was nice to hear that Mammon has the children handled, but it’s worrisome to think of what ‘handled’ really means to him. It’s especially worrisome that since about an hour after he left the room, the house has remained completely quiet.
You check your phone, the screen lights up at you as the time displays “5:45 PM”. Well, whatever it is he’s planning, you suppose you should get ready for it. You walk to the bathroom, fixing up your hair in the mirror and think about changing your clothes before deciding, fuck it, you have no idea what you’re doing anyway. If the evening calls for a certain outfit, you’ll worry about it then.
“5:50 PM”
You head for the living room.
You don’t know exactly what you were expecting to see here, but you didn’t think it’d be this.
A million sheets hanging from different places in the room. Literally - you think it’s literally all the sheets you own. And maybe more?
Secondly, fairy lights are strung from the ceiling in no particular pattern, messy in their formation. You’re not exactly sure where he got those. They kinda look like the ones from your room in the House of Lamentation.
Thirdly, you know for a fact that you do not own that many pillows. Where the fuck did he get all of these? And is that… Levi’s Ruri-Chan pillow?
Before you can begin to question it, Mammon emerges from the homemade fortress, hitting his elbow on a chair that he was using as support as he exits.
“Owww…”, he rubs the area while hissing, before noticing you.
“Hey! I told ya 6 ‘o clock! Not 5:55!”, one hand flies to his hips while he points at you with the other.
“What is all this?”, you question, laughing at his fake irritation.
“What’s all thi-? What’s it look like!”, he exclaims, exasperated before turning around and raising his hands like he’s showcasing a fantastic prize to you.
“It’s your break! It’s a blanket fort!”
“A blanket fort?”, you raise an eyebrow, challenging him.
“Yeah! Wait till you see inside! I got all ya favorite stuff in here! I got movies set up, I got grimm-“
“That’s your favorite stuff”, you cut him off, giggling.
“Well yeah! I’ve got good taste. But there’s also chocolates and snacks and those huge bean bag chairs you like.”
You shake your head, lightly laughing “and the kids?”
“My brothers got ‘em. Spendin’ the night with their ‘ol uncles never hurt anyone.”
“And dinner?”
“We’ll order take out. Come on, I wanna show you the inside. I took this antique bottle of demonus from Lucifer’s-“
You give him a dangerous look, cutting him off.
“I mean, I bought it. I bought it for real with real grimm at the real store.”
He smiles, taking your hand.
“It’s just you and me tonight, yeah? Let’s have a little fun”, he says as he walks backwards, pulling you towards the entrance.
“You know, this might be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever done for me”, you smile, following his lead.
“You bet your ass it’s sweet, look! I even put LEDs in here!”
You smile, you’ve always adored his antics.
“Hey Mammon?”
“Thanks. I love you.”
“Love ya too, treasure. Now sit down ‘n relax. These movies ain’t gonna watch themselves.”
You stop him in his tracks pulling him into a kiss. He malfunctions, hands going up in the air defensively until he relaxes into you, wrapping his arms around your waist. And he blushes.
No matter what, he always still blushes.
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fayes-fics · 9 months
Show Me
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: Too much Merlot and a challenge neither of you will back down from...
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, mutual masturbation, mutual orgasm.
WordCount: 2.4k
Author's Note: Anon request fill from HERE (request: modern Anthony masturbates for reader), with thanks to some lovely mutuals (@colettebronte and @eleanor-bradstreet) who helped me decide for this to be a mutual masturbation fic and the former for beta reading too. Sorry it's taken so long to write this, Nonny, but I hope you enjoy! <3
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“Oh, Please. I know everything about you,” you wave a hand dismissively at him, relaxing onto the chaise of your sectional sofa, wine glass in hand, after hosting duties are over. 
The dinner party was done long ago, but he’s still here, even after all the other guests have left.
“No, you don’t,” Anthony frowns, swallowing the last dregs of his red wine from the glass.
You snort derisively. “Okay, go on, I dare you, say something that would shock me,” you goad, only half-joking.
He raises an eyebrow at you and puts down his empty glass. Then he leans back and places both elbows on the cushion behind, manspreading with arms and legs.
“I think about you when I masturbate,” he offers casually.
When he utters seven words, your whole world grinds to a halt. That is NOT what you were expecting. For a few seconds, you are stunned into silence, a static buzz in your ears as your brain supplies an enthralling mental slideshow.
“Haha, very funny. No, you don’t,” your retort echoing into your glass once you find your tongue again.
“Oh yes, I bloody do,” he asserts, and as you turn to look at him now, there’s a thread of tension in the air. 
You have sparred with this man so much over the years you’re surprised he has any feelings of attraction towards you. Although, if you think about it, somehow, it’s right on brand for him—fighting and fucking somehow being on the same continuum. A sudden acute curiosity about where this might go, not wanting to think too hard about what it could mean.
“Show me.” 
It leaves your lips before you can stop yourself—the wine speaking for you. One of his eyebrows raises archily again, and there’s a twinkle in his eye that looks so dangerous.
“You always surprise me. It’s so fucking sexy,” he says low and gravelly.
The spike of euphoria makes every cell of your being fizzle with energy like a storm approaching. To hear him call you sexy is the hottest thing you have ever heard. It makes you bolder.
“Show me,” you repeat, staring him down, the power and crackling potential of this moment enthralling, even if you are almost sure he will back down now.
He licks his lips and then pushes back onto your oversized sofa, settling into the plump cushions. You twist to watch him as he holds your gaze and drops a hand to his fly. The sound of his zip fills the room as much as your slightly laboured breathing does.
Fuck, is he actually going to do this?
Your disbelief is only matched by the rapid beating of your heart. The most vexing, and yes, okay, most attractive man you know is about to masturbate for you. Surely a fever dream. 
He flicks the button at the top of his jeans, and you see boxer briefs that are slightly tented and bite your lip. Still, he stares you down as your eyes ping between his face and his lap. Then he pulls down his underwear, and you see his cock spring out, already sizable, half hard and very delicious looking. That theoretical mental slideshow from just moments earlier is nothing compared to the real thing.
He fists himself and stares at you challengingly. Then ever so slowly, as a tease, he raises his hand and then drops it down with a slight curling action, emitting a tiny groan as you watch his cock twitch and come to life in his hand.
The way he says it is dark, delicious and pitched so low you throb between your legs, almost painfully, a prickly feeling runs over the base of your scalp—a spike of arousal so rough it catches your breath. 
“Anthony…” slips out of your mouth. It’s breathy, and you barely recognise it as your own voice.
“God, say it again, just like that,” he hisses, and you watch his fist flex around his cock.
“Anthony…” you repeat, slower this time, throatier, intentionally pitched to arouse.
He groans, and his hand speeds up. All you can do is watch. Your clit pulsing in sync with your heartbeat, with his motions. Your strongest urge is to strip off your underwear and climb on him before he can come to his senses. But you don’t dare; you just sit there routed to the spot a few feet away, unable to look anywhere but him - at that glorious cock and handsome face.
His tongue peeks out and swipes over his bottom lip, then he groans slightly, fractionally pushing his hips off the sofa. 
“Join me,” he dares, his hand speeding up slightly as he hissed through his teeth. “Touch yourself.”
A shiver ripples over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Just the thought of masturbating in front of him while he does the same is enough to make you flood.
You stare briefly into the rich, ruby pool of Merlot in your hand, then tip your head back and down the rest of the glass without thinking, placing the glass aside. Your eyes back on Anthony, delicious cock in hand, stroking gently and staring at you intensely.
“Liquid courage, I like it,” he nods, smirking with a wink that is far too seductive. “Go on, prove me wrong. Show me you’re not the person I think you are.”
You know he’s trying to manipulate you, not at all subtly, with flattery. But you let him. 
“What sort of person do you think I am?” you challenge, toying with the hem on your dress, revelling in how his eyes linger on your fingers as you do so.
“Too repressed to do in front of me what I know you would do if I walked out right now,” he goads with an empty threat.
“You’re wrong on both counts,” you counter brazenly, the wine coursing in your bloodstream now, letting your hands slide up your outer thighs, taking your hem with them. “There’s no way you’d walk out of here right now,” you posit with a knowing smirk.
His eyes flash in the low lamp light, his hand still making languid strokes of his cock, as you reach the sides of your underwear and peel them down your legs, angled away slightly so he can't see between your thighs, heart hammering wildly in your chest.
“Oh fuck yes,” he hisses as you pull them from your feet with a flourish and toss them across the room. “Come closer,” he adds velvety, his free hand patting the cushion next to him.
“I'm staying right over here, Bridgerton,” you warn even as you lick your lips unconsciously as a bead of precum forms at his tip, him still pumping himself slow but steady. 
It feels too much like jeopardy to be right next to him, uncertain you could stop yourself from doing anything to him, begging him for everything he is willing to give. Desire tugging low in your gut, making you impulsive to do things you could never walk back. The distance between you feels safer.
So instead, you slide your fingers under your dress, heel digging into the plush fabric as you widen your stance, and he growls at the sight. All he can see from his angle is your arm wedged between your legs; that is how you want to keep it. A tease, not letting him see the whole show. But dammit, if you aren't going to give him a spectacle anyway. Arching your back and throwing your head onto the cushion behind, you inhale sharply as your fingertips slide into your folds, temporarily taken aback by just how soaked you already are, your clit swollen and aching. It won't take much.
“How wet are you?” he demands, the tone needy and wrecked already, the hand wrapped around his cock moving faster now.
“Wouldn't you like to know?” you grit out defiantly, the antagonism still broiling under the surface.
“Yes, I fucking would - tell me!” it's impatient, through gritted teeth, and you shoot him a sideways simper.
“Never…” you tease as your fingers slide through the slick, viscous pool. The blistering lingering look you share is anything but animus. 
“I can hear it from here,” he growls, and you can't stop the hitch in your breath in response, knowing there is a wet sound as you flick across your clit in a rousing motion.
Your sight is locked onto his hand as he speeds up, squeezing his cock more insistently now, the tip getting pink and slick. It takes every fibre of your being not to slide to your knees before him and lick him clean. Just that thought has you pushing your knees further apart, your other hand reaching inside your neckline to tweak a nipple, pebbled and aching to be touched.
“Fuck, y/n,” Anthony stutters, temporarily stupified by the undulating movement of your body as you bear down on your fingers and pinch the hardened tip of your nipple until you hiss.
“Don't you dare stop,” you warn through gritted teeth as his rhythm falters, transfixed by the sight of you bringing yourself close to the edge.
He snarls at your command and seems to snap back to it, fisting himself even tighter, his hand almost a blur now, huffed, hungry noises escaping his lips as he stares at you, wild-eyed untamed, goading you to break with him. 
The room feels too hot, the flush of alcohol coursing through you, the smell of sex in the air as you both push your bodies rapidly towards completion, the texture of the sofa catching the back of your thighs as you squirm on your hand, honeying your fingertips, desperate for him to reach out and demand to suck your fingers clean, to push your legs onto his shoulders and dive face first into your slit.
“Put a finger inside yourself,” he urges, rushed and ragged. “Please,” he amends with a throaty whine.
Unable to stop yourself, not wanting to either, you obey. Sliding your middle finger lower as you keep your index finger circling your clit. The heated, soaked cling makes you hiss in surprise, so on fire for him; you hold his gaze as you push deeper, your mouth opening into a small O at the sensation.
“That's it, fuck, I bet that feels amazing,” he snaps, his tone feral, his eyes just inky pools staring you down.
“Tell me you want to fuck me…”
It takes a split second to realise it was you who said it. Unwilling to back down, meeting Anthony’s stunned, hungry expression head-on, fingers sliding fast over your clit, spiralling so close so soon to something extraordinary.
“I want to fuck you,” he enunciates slowly, dripping with intent, making a low, almost grunting noise with each pull on his delicious cock.
Your responding moan is lewd, and you are uncaring of the noise your body makes as you rapidly fuck your finger into yourself over and over, wishing it was his perfect cock that you stare at now, both openly panting.
“Don't. Fucking. Stop,” it's his turn to say it now, each word a heaved, wrecked sentence.
There is an inevitability to this moment that somehow feels fated, apt, perfect, almost. As if this is the only way the searing tension between you would ever be resolved: a literal release.
“I’m so close,” he grits out, and you nod rapidly to agree, moving your other hand to touch your clit as you now slide two fingers into yourself, rapid, deep, craving release, feeling the telltale fluttering around your fingertips.
With a brief glance up to his handsome face, you watch his plump lips moan your name, long, loud, low. His body going rigged as an arc of cum shoots out of his cock, painting a glistening line over his knuckles and the rug between his splayed feet.
The sight makes you shudder from head to toe and pushes you over the edge, your pussy trapping your fingers in a vice-like grip as your body bows, and you call his name in release, the tension snapping in what feels like every cell of your body. Unable to stop and uncaring to do so, you ride the cresting sensation for what feels like forever and no time at all. You can hear him swearing and barking filthy encouragements, but it's muffled as if through cotton wool, the rush of blood in your ears and the spots dancing before your eyes, screwed tightly shut, all you can concentrate on. 
When you sag back into the sofa cushions, utterly spent, letting your fingers slip from your body, mortification starts to creep into your edges. You feel unable to meet his eyes as you primly push down your dress where it had rucked up around your hips, even as you feel your own juices smearing over your skin as you do so.
“Don’t…” it's gruff and beseeching. “Don't you dare regret this. Or feel embarrassed. That was amazing,” he exhales shakily as he rezips his fly, his raw sincerity taking you back slightly, even as you stare at the floor.
“You owe me a new rug…” It's the strangest non sequitur, but it's what your brain has decided to say in response, eyeing the mess he has left.
He barks a laugh so loud you can't help but join in.
“That I do,” he admits, slumping back and turning his head towards you, a softness in his warm brown eyes as you finally pluck up the courage to look at him again.
“I don't regret it,” you admit quietly after a brief silence. “I just can't quite believe we did it…”
“Merlot…” he offers laconically, eyeballing the empty collection of bottles on your kitchen island.
“Definitely,” you giggle.
A grin tugs at his lips. “Got any more?” he inquires.
“One more bottle,” you gesture vaguely towards the wine rack.
He gets up and saunters over, bending to pick it up as you admire the fit of his jeans around his bum. He nods at you to pick up the empty wine glasses and then walks away, gesturing for you to follow.
“Where are we going?” you frown, pushing off the sofa to catch up with him as he wanders down your hallway.
He spins to look at you with an expression so heated you stumble to a halt and almost drop the glasses.
“Don't play coy, you know where,” he rumbles and kicks open your bedroom door with a flick of his foot.
It turns out your encore performance had a different director, but after you come screaming onto his hands and face, you decide it might be worth ordering a wine subscription.
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Anthony taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @aintnuthinbutahounddog @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @elizah99 @fictionalmenloversblog @debheart @malpalgalz @amanda08319 @panhoeofmanyfandoms @delehosies @m-rae23 @kmc1989 @desert-fern @corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @vane28282 @kisskissshutmydoor @hanji-emo-blog @y0ur-favgerman @Huffelpuffforlife @0x1harmonia0x1
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