#you can immediately tell what's canon dialogue and what's made up but this was a lot of fun regardless
cassynite · 8 months
Look guys! I can still write!
Done for Owlcatober's prompts 4: Luck and 22: Nobility. Have some very early Sparrow and Daeran interactions :)
Sparrow had been very lucky, all things considered. Lucky to have found an artificer who might help with the problem prickling at the base of her neck. Lucky that he was willing to meet with her, to undo a Cheliaxian tracking brand for the right price. Lucky to have survived whatever attack had given her the ever-bleeding wound on her chest, as well as the demonic attack that tore the city in two afterwards.
She's no believer in fate, but luck is chance, a die cast to fall on the six. Though it's random, the patterns in the chaos can be a comfort, even if the comfort is a lie. Sparrow is used to hoarding the moments of good luck she receives, counting them out like coins and budgeting them the same way, stretching out the hope they offer as far as it can go. The string of good events can give her the strength to push on past the bad ones--that she is trapped in a burning city under demonic siege to begin with, that the man who had offered her salvation is very likely dead.
All streaks of luck must come to an end, however, the pattern returning to random chance once more. And Sparrow finds the end of hers in a broken banquet hall, staring at the one man who might destroy the last remnants of her plans to escape with just a few simple words.
In retrospect, Sparrow should have anticipated the complication. When the liveried footman who had begged for the help of her and her companions mentioned the surname "Arendae," Sparrow had recognized it from the snatches of conversation she regularly overheard during her mandatory appearance at Mendevian court functions. Old family, old blood, royally inclined, marked in tragedy.
But the Count Arendae, known for his raucous parties and and his disregard for social norms, lived in Kenabres, and his time in Nerosyan was filled with events Sparrow rarely attended. They'd crossed paths, but briefly, and the incidents were of so little note Sparrow barely remembered them.
However, after the demons are left bleeding on the floor of a party that had been going well into the destruction of the city, the glittering aasimar who had fought instead of cowered steps forward with a cold green gaze that focuses on her immediately out of the group, and Sparrow realizes that she had miscalculated. She might have only barely remembered him, but he somehow remembered her as well, and recognizes who she is.
The count gives an elaborate bow. "Greetings, valiant stranger who has just burst into my life. I am master of this house, Count Daeran Kael 'Myriad-Mellifluous-Monikers' Arendae. No need to introduce yourself--"
I already recall the last time we met in Nerosyan, Lady Evaethi, Sparrow hears, and steps forward before the count can finish his sentence. "I am called Sparrow." The words come out a little too forceful.
The count raises a single golden brow, amused and condescending all at once. "--As I was saying, I find insignificant details such as the names of passing acquaintances a bore." He gives her a mocking smile and says nothing else about the matter, not even as the rest of her companions begin to make comments. It doesn't ease the tension ready to break Sparrow's spine; she's on the knife's edge of this conversation, and the count can turn the blade whenever he likes. He knows it, too, judging by the looks he gives her as he trades insults with Lann about his curtains.
"Now that we're finished with the niceties," the count finally says, "tell me--how did all these thrice-damned demons end up at my soiree?"
There is a pause where someone needs to answer, and doesn't. Sparrow can feel the others' gazes on her, crawling on her skin--she'll never get used to this, the way that the people she fights with cede the space to her to answer the questions, take charge. She never asked for it, did less than nothing to imply she wanted it or was qualified for the role, and yet the righteous paladin, the savvy hunter, the sharp-tongued noble, they all look to her to be their leader.
When she answers, her words are stilted and blunt. "Demons attacked the city. Kenabres is in ruins." There's a murmur of shock, not from the count but from the other party attendants. Sparrow had almost forgotten they were there.
"I wanted to ask if you were joking, but what little expression you have tells me you are not." He turns his attention to the curtains he had just been inviting Lann to blow his nose on, seeing the telltale flicking light of raging fire through the gaps in the velvet.
The conversation turns away from Sparrow, letting her step back as her companions trade verbal blows with the count--Seelah in half-amused disapproval at the count's callous lack of regard for the situation at hand, Camellia making unsubtle hints to the count's terrible childhood losses as if it were ever an appropriate thing to bring up, and Ember successfully disarming the count's barbed tongue if only for a second by her genuine distress at the thought that the count could not have a lamb as a pet.
The entire time, though, she feels the count's attention never truly leave her. Paranoia, perhaps, but he knows, he has to be asking questions about how and why, and even if he isn't questioning her identity now in front of her companions, that doesn't mean he won't. He could just be waiting for the right moment, the perfect time to strike--Sparrow's impression of him in Nerosyan had been vague, but his defining feature had been his propensity for cruelty as entertainment.
She wanted away from the count and his malice as quickly as possible, so she finally gathers the courage to step forward, addressing the room at large. "The Defender's Heart has been fortified under the Eagle Watch. It should be safe."
The other drunken nobles and poor servants at this revel take Sparrow's flat statement as the call to action it's meant to be, gathering in groups and approaching Seelah, who is more than happy to provide help and instructions on safe passages to the tavern. But the count doesn't turn his attention from Sparrow.
"I thank you dearly for the invitation," he gives another mocking bow, "but I am not quite as desperate as I may seem. In fact, I do feel like stretching my legs. I know rudimentary divine spells, I am no friend to demons, and I elevate any society that I deign to grace with my presence. I shall accompany you--only for a short time, of course. I have no desire to remain at the vanguard for a protracted period. What say you, my ephemeral but highly diverting acquaintance? After all, Lord Deskari spoiled my party. I now burn with the desire to spoil his."
Highly diverting acquaintance. He's laughing under the thick coat of false sincerity. She wants to tell him no, but she can't afford to. The city is burning to ash around them, and no matter the count's true intentions, she saw what he did to the demons in that fight. They need all the help they can get.
She gives a small, shallow nod, half-hoping the count doesn't see her acquiesce.
Of course, he does. "Capital. Good acquaintances that begin and end at just the right moment often leave the most pleasant memories, wouldn't you say?"
Sparrow ruminates on his words for a long time after, as they continue to claw their way through the demons in the Market Square and try to collect information and allies for the assault on the Gray Garrison. Did he mean to imply that their 'acquaintanceship' beginning at that moment meant he would not bring up her past? Or was it a veiled threat of some kind, the mention of memories an indication that he remembers her and will bring it up if she crosses him? She wouldn't even need to cross him, really; the count is notorious for destroying livelihoods and reputations out of boredom.
By the time the crew returns to the Defender's Heart for a much-needed rest and restocking, Sparrow decided to confront him about it. She hates the thought of it, but it needs dragged out in the open. Regardless of how it resolves, she will at least know where she stands, what to anticipate from him. She cannot continue with him as an unknown factor.
She finds the count near the sleeping quarters Irabeth insisted Sparrow still use, somehow having managed to snag one of the nicest chairs in the place. He's quiet, watching the survivors trying to create order out of the chaos of their situation: groups of injured and war-shocked civilians resting in clumps across the floor or consulting with a haggard Vissaliy and his assistant; the Eagle Watch and other soldiers discussing plans with shadowed gazes, or bartering with Gemyl for ale to drown the world out with; Irabeth grimly going over the assault plan with Anevia on the other side of the room; the Storyteller, still recovering from his burns, resting nearby; the rest of their companions, talking or preparing or simply sleeping. The count's expression is blank, and Sparrow wonders what he's thinking of, what story he is making out of the disorder.
Then his attention catches on her approach, and his eyes hood in disdain, a familiar mocking smirk spreading across his face. It's strange, the abruptness of it; Sparrow is reminded of a performer stepping out from the shadows into the spotlight of a stage.
"I must commend the crusade's choice on an outpost," he comments as Sparrow nears. "The very sight of these walls brings back such fond memories of drinks and revels."
Sparrow stops, the rehearsed opener she'd planned to drag out his intentions disappearing in an instant. "...I don't believe they had a choice," she says, wrong-footed. "It was the best available option at the time."
"So you plan on migrating all and sundry if a better symbol of shelter comes along then? A nice Iomadean cathedral would do nicely, I imagine. Though if I were a demon I would burn those down first."
Sparrow opens her mouth, then closes it. Finally, she says, "It wouldn't be up to me either way."
"Would it not? I'd taken from this endeavor that you're the banner these stalwart defenders are rallying behind, what with that angelic sword you can pull out. Where does it go, anyway, when you aren't talking down fanatical zealots from murdering supposed traitors?"
Sparrow looks away. She doesn't know--she doesn't know why she's able to wield a sword meant to burn mortals, or where it goes when it's not there other than in reach when she needs it. She doesn't know why the scar on her chest still bleeds, throbbing in pain, or what anyone in this tavern sees in her that makes them think she can appropriately lead anything. It's a yawning chasm of uncertainty she's been doing her best to ignore up until this point. She has no answers and no solutions, so there's no point in tackling it. At least, not until the immediate threat has been taken care of.
If the count expected an actual answer from her, he mercifully doesn't act like it. Resting his cheek in one long-fingered hand, he regards her with a catlike slyness, like he's silently laughing at a joke. "I shall admit, I did not quite expect to see you favor a celestially gifted weapon. Forgive me if I am incorrect in my understanding of your culture, but you prefer more...infernal sources of power, do you not?"
Sparrow lets the barb fly by painlessly; his misplaced insult is as good an opening as any. "About that. I would be grateful if you did not mention my...past...in front of others."
"But my lady, how could I deny a woman of such fine breeding as yourself the respect you deserve?" His smirk grows wider at whatever he sees on Sparrow's face. "To find the mouse of Nerosyan among these ruins was quite the surprise, and with such a different title than before--I would gently suggest changing your name, if you are open to constructive criticism. It's embarrassing to me to think that you picked such a moniker of your own free will."
Sparrow's hands find each other, fingers interlocking tightly together. "I have left that life behind me. What would you want to do the same?"
"Are you trying to bribe me?" The count barks out a delighted laugh. "This is straight out of some paltry penny novel--what are you even planning to offer? Money?" He laughs again, like that's the funniest thing in the world. "Or, what, your virtue or some other such nonsense?"
Sparrow stares until the laughter dies down, the mirth draining from the count's features. Finally, he scoffs and turns away from her silence.
"You really are the most tedious woman alive, aren't you," he mutters. "Let me be blunt: I could not care less what shade of youthful rebellion has led you to renouncing your identity and playacting a pauper. If you wish to be named after a bird, I will not stop you--go forth and chirp as you wish."
"You would swear to that?" Sparrow presses, and immediately regrets it. The emotion that flickers across the count's face is cold and snakelike, and it takes all of Sparrow's willpower not to rear back.
"I would not force some kind of oath from me, if I were you." The count's smile is poisonous. "I would feel the urge to break it out of spite. You will simply have to take my word, as-is, that whatever little mess you are wading through is not consequential enough for me to bother with during the brief acquaintanceship we must endure. Now, do you have anything of actual interest to say, or is this topic finished? I'm sure there are far more entertaining subjects to actually speak of."
At Sparrow's silence, the count continues on, though his gaze remains glass-sharp and watchful. "Perhaps you would like to hear of some of my own youthful exploits then? Those always do well among the highborn sort--not that you'd know anything about that, as I understand it."
When Sparrow finally escapes the conversation some time later, she is certain that Count Daeran Arendae is a cruel, childish, and capricious man, but that he was almost certainly honest when he told her he didn't care about her secrets--he is far too self-absorbed to give a whit about anything that doesn't directly concern him.
It seems that Sparrow's luck has held out after all.
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Congrats on your 1K!!!🎉🎉🎉
I discovered you blog recently and I am HOOKED, your writing is so tasty and fluid that I just keep going ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
I Hope you dont get too tired with requests, take breaks and drink water!!!
Ok for the actual ask, may I have a dialogue 19 with Eyedress, and if it were suggestive it would be perfect
Preferably Ruggie💞 you can choose the other 2 (If you even want to)
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ruggie bucchi x gn!reader [tags] — suggestive, tiny bit of hurt but not really [wc} - 1, 025 prompt 19 “I try to find a reason to pull us apart"” song: Kiss Me Like It’s the First Time (Eyedress, “Let's Skip to the Wedding”) note - Ruggie canonically calls you a puppy. take that with what you will. francesca (1k event)
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“Kiss me like it's the last time/ You'll fall in love / I always want your love”
Ruggie knows that compared to everyone else on campus, he was the bottom of the barrel. He wasn’t a prince, an heir to a fortune, or even from a well-off family. Sure, his Grandma was a wonderful lady, maybe a bit strict growing up, but besides her and their home, Ruggie didn’t have much to offer. Maybe if you weren’t in such a bad spot, if you had a good family here, if you hadn’t been plucked from your world with nothing but the clothes on your back, he’d be happy to call you his own. 
But he can’t. How can he when you have people willing to drop thousands of thaumarks on you like it’s nothing. Literally! He was listening to Kalim run his mouth as he talked about renovating Ramshackle to your preference. 
“Oh! And we can get you quartz countertops! What kind of colors do you like, I can have it made to your favorite aesthetic! Ooh, what if we replaced all the appliances to match it? The kitchen back home has a gas stove built into the countertop, we can replace—”
“Uh, I’d need gas for that though, right?” You laughed, splayed across Ruggie as you two lay in your bed. Kalim was on video call with you, having gone back home for the weekend for some sort of event. You’d been complaining about one of your kitchen cabinets breaking and letting your few plates tumble out. Thank the Seven that they were plastic dishes. 
Kalim being, well, Kalim, immediately went into a tangent about adding in a gas line to your dorm and adding this and that. Everyone was acutely aware that Kalim, as generous and kind as he was, was especially sweet on you. There were even some rumors that he had a crush on you, something that made Ruggie feel ill. 
You just laughed off Kalim as he continued to whine about fixing up the dorm. You ended the call as you cheerfully told Kailm goodnight. 
“Do whatever you want Kalim, I won’t complain about free renovations! Good night, say bye Rugs.”
“Hmm? Oh, bye Kalim.” Ruggie gave Kalim a small smile and wave, who returned it with a beaming grin. 
After a few more words between you and Kalim, you finally ended the video call, tossing your phone to the night stand, and moving to straddle Ruggie’s hips. 
“What’s wrong?”
Ruggie blinked up at you in confusion. “What?”
“What’s wrong? Your ears are flat, they only go flat when you’re upset.” Ruggie whimpered as you leaned down to flutter kisses down his throat, shuddering as you pressed your teeth against his Adam's apple. 
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong? You jealous?” 
“Mmh, no I’m just—aaaAAAaaaAhH!” Ruggie yelped as you dug your teeth into the nape of his neck, suckling until you were satisfied with the bruising red mark forming on his skin. 
“Geez, give a guy a warning, won’t ya?” Ruggie let out a breathless chuckle, his chest rumbling as he purred from each kiss you pressed up your neck as you hovered over his lips. “You’re nothing but trouble, Puppy.”
“And yet, you love this trouble, don’t you?” The sound of your kissing, mixed with gasps and sighs from both of you echoed in the room.
“Now tell me,” Ruggie tried following your lips as you pulled away, but you kept him pinned to the bed. By now, you’d managed to throw his shirt across the room and traced your nails down Ruggie’s chest. “Why are you upset? Was it Kalim’s call? You know, he just likes to say hi sometimes.”
Ruggie pinned his ears flatter against his head, huffing as he looked to the side, though be traced his hands up and down your arms. 
“Nothin’, it’s just that Kalim sure likes to spoil ya. You know?”
You hummed, waiting for him to keep going. 
“I’m just saying, he’s really sweet on you. Maybe you should consider taking advantage and marrying the guy!” Ruggie laughed, though it sounded forced. 
He stopped as you clicked your tongue, leaning back down to bite at his cheek. 
“Hey! You know your teeth aren’t really sharp enough for that.” Ruggie chuckled as you stopped and pouted, looking up at him as you batted your eyelashes. 
“Hmph, it’s like you just wanna get rid of me.”
“That’s not what I meant—”
“That’s what it sounds like!” You argued, huffing into his neck as you pushed yourself against his chest and neck, like you were trying to mold yourself to him. “You always do this. If I didn’t want to be with you, I would’ve left already…”
Ruggie sighed, rubbing the skin between your shirt and bottoms with his thumbs. “I know, I know. I just think that you oughta take advantage. Kalim’s not the only one, and you’re all by yourself here! Get yourself a rich boyfriend, and you’re set for life!”
You suddenly grabbed the back of his head, pulling at his hair to make Ruggie expose his neck again. He whimpered at the rough touch, though his tail was wagging rapidly against the sheets. 
“And why would I do that?” His hand slid under your shirt and up your spine. He gently scratched your back as you shuddered into his touch. “When I have such a lovely boyfriend?”
Lips molded against each other, teeth clashed, and hips rolled as Ruggie, once again, failed to push you away. Instead, as he slipped your shirt off and moved to give you your own love bites and hickeys, Ruggie moved to bring your bodies closer together. Ruggie let himself lose himself in you once again, and would continue to do so. Again and again, until he found another half-hearted excuse. 
But for now? 
You pulled away again, breathless and flushed. “I just want to spoil my hardworking hyena, won’t you let your Puppy do that?” The down right heady tone in your voice, in that low, soft whine, made him hot in all the right places. Ruggie nodded, giving you the okay to wreck him. 
For now, he’ll indulge, shamelessly, in you. As long as you’ll continue to have him. 
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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meanbossart · 4 months
So what was your drow's reaction to Cazador?
Initial reaction? After all of Astarion's building-up of the guy? How strong, powerful, scary and cruel he was? How he was the sole reason his life had been ruined for two centuries and reduced him into the small, prickly thing he is? Pretty damn underwhelmed, honestly.
One of the dialogue options you have when you first talk to Cazador is something along the lines of "This is the pathetic guy you were so scared of, Astarion?" and that tone-deaf, insensitive little quip was tailor made for DU drow in that moment. He wouldn't even have been to help himself from making it. He would have Always assumed Astarion was blowing Cazador's capabilities out of proportion, and he was still let down by what he saw.
Then, Cazador whisks Astarion away into the ritual line-up with a little wave and proceeds to give the party one of most difficult fights in the game. He was a little humbled. Just a little. Life definitely flashed before his eyes a couple of times. What's a little funny is that since *I* didn't realize I could help Astarion down, I just had to tank Cazador out of the fight to stop the ritual as fast as possible, which took a few tries. I definitely see that course of action as canonical, that Instead of thinking to pull Astarion back into the fight to help out DU drow's immediate reaction is to hack the guy away, almost entirely on his own, as quickly as possible at the cost of being ganged on by 99 ghouls every turn and reduced to like 2 health, lol.
Then after it was all said and done he was probably real damn quiet about all the lip from earlier.
As a bonus little fun fac: Something which was really formative for my development of his character was a little dialogue option you get after the fight - where you have the option to tell Astarion that you will never allow something like that to happen to him again, and Astarion's reaction is very understandable; he appreciates the sentiment, but you can tell he resents being painted as a damsel in distress. This would proceed to go entirely over DU drow's head, of course.
Bonus bonus fact: they didn't bang at the graveyard LOL.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#19: This Is Good (S6E15)
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I mean...do I even need to explain? 😏 I always love this scene for its relaxed, happy, and intimate vibes and for really solidifying that all the romantic sexual tension Rick and Michonne had pre-canon would play out just as perfectly once they could finally act on it and be in love out loud. They do intimacy so well and naturally. The best word to describe this scene is straight-up sensual. And as they let themselves be fully immersed in their Richonne bubble in this scene, I truly believed what they believed - the world is theirs...
I didn’t realize how much opening minutes really used to be blessing us in this series. Cuz in 6.15 we get to see Rick and Michonne cuddled up again for the first time since their canon ep.
And I love that after seeing some couple-y moments with Glenn and Maggie and Abe and Sasha in this episode opener, we get this scene that reminds you there are some powerhouse newlyweds a part of this TWD couple list now. Won’t He do it! 😊 
The scene opens with Judith on the baby monitor, which lets you know this is the bedroom of her parents. Plus the baby monitor made an appearance in Rick and Michonne's 6.10 canon moment as well so it sorta connects the two scenes in a way. And their family truly feels so whole now that Rick and Michonne have embraced that they’re meant to be.
I adore the way they're wrapped up in each other, and Michonne’s smile, and the way Rick's kissing her shoulder and like being as close to her as possible. 😍 They just both seem so genuinely content. And even half asleep they can’t keep their hands off each other lol. When I tell you these two are magnets - all you have to do is watch their body language in this scene to know it’s true. 🧲
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And then Michonne takes that apple and bites it, and I love the subtle expression Rick makes when she does that. And then this show said, if y'alls' glasses somehow ain't fogged up yet then let’s just keep serving steaminess and have Michonne feed Rick the apple lol. They're wild for putting this moment in, and I'm here for it. 😋
Just their breaths and laughs in this, I love that in this quiet moment, their love is so loud and clear. And the apple suggests two things - 1) Adam and Eve fall-of-man foreshadowing and 2) that they are the hottest couple in all of television. 🔥👌🏽
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It’s additional perfection when she runs her hands through his hair, and he immediately goes back to wrapping her in his arms. Um every second of this scene is a blessing. 😍 And of course Rick kisses her again, and the way she rubs his hand that’s holding the apple...Cup runneth over, y’all. It’s so great how natural and comfortable they are to be like this so soon after making their feelings for each other known.
It really does go to show that now they get to do what they've always wanted to do.
Like this feels like a whole passionate morning routine already and the married vibes are immaculate. It confirms how the physical aspect of this relationship was truly the final piece of their already perfect union. They’re happy and fed, and so are we. 😌
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And in Rick’s first dialogue of the scene he says the only fitting thing to say on a blissful morning like this. “This is good.” And Michonne agrees it is and notes how Jesus came through. And did. Won’t he do it. 🙌🏾
Rick is really confident saying, "They all did, and they’re going to keep coming through." Homeboy is feeling really hopeful and confident during this period of the show and part of it is def cuz he’s now officially in a relationship with the baddest chick in the game. IJS. 😌
Michonne mentions how Maggie wants her and Glenn to set up watchpoints and Rick is in that lovely 'take a break' mood so he tells her to 'stick around.'
I love that it’s such a common theme for Rick to always want to extend his time with her. I repeat - the world can always wait when Rick is with Michonne. 
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It’s cute that part of his pitch for her to stick around is that 'Judith isn’t even up yet.' Mom and Dad, y’all. And then Rick really makes his pitch enticing when he starts kissing all over her and making her laugh. 😊
The way they can make each other smile and laugh like no other is the absolute best. (and Rick is more hungry for her than the apple ijs) I love that they’re so unabashed in expressing their love and desire for each other. And you know I’m always happy to see Rick and Michonne's playful side.
Like how great is it that we get to watch a couple that's so grown and mature while still having something youthfully energetic in their want for each other too. 🙌🏾
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Michonne is disciplined like no other tho so she laughs and says, "wait no." Rick stops and looks at her asking, "yeah, why not?" in that fine voice and idk how Michonne remembered what she was saying with Rick over her like that lol. But, like I said, Sis is more disciplined than most so while her body language is certainly saying she'd love to stay in bed with him, she also wants to keep her commitment to Maggie and Glenn.
I love how she again runs her hands through Rick's hair while saying  Maggie has them on a schedule and she doesn’t want to piss off a pregnant lady. And then Rick’s subtle pout. Every cute choice was made in this scene, I’m telling you. 🥰
Also I was like Michonne, sis, this is your chance to enjoy yourself and maybe even be a pregnant lady too, Maggie will understand lol. Like tell me Maggie wouldn't be like...
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But Rick understands and doesn’t want to piss Maggie off either lol so he playfully tells her to go. It’s cute the way he says, "not that pregnant lady," and Michonne says, "right." Always in agreement.😊
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And as we know, mornings like this blissful s6 one with Rick will have Michonne also one day being a pregnant lady who's nothing to mess with in the future. 👌🏽
(Side note: I’ve noticed every time Rick and Michonne have a scene chatting in bed together, the one person who comes up each time is Maggie. This scene in 6.15, the bedroom scene in the Sanctuary in 9.01, and their gorgeous bedroom scene in their home in 9.03. Rick and Michonne express care for Maggie's well-being every time, which is part of why it's so unfortunate that Maggie’s relationship with Rick and Michonne ended with a falling out. And the fact that all we know is something vague occurred and somehow Maggie and Michonne grew distant after Rick was gone. It's sad cuz they were shown to mean a lot to each other but then ended on a sour note.)
Rick says go and Michonne laughs as she starts to get up, and Rick again looks so rested and satisfied eating his apple and laying in bed. Michonne be giving that man life, y’all. 😊
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Michonne notes that Maggie is worried about an attack and again Rick is confident saying when they come for us, not even "if," but "when," they’ll be ready. He’s extra confident saying this won’t be like before, and "the world's ours, and we know how to take it."
It’s sweet that Rick again takes his time to really reassure Michonne. It’s like he can sense that Michonne too might be having some concern about the looming fight, and so he’s so gentle but certain when he tells her everything they need is inside these walls and they aren’t losing any of it again.
I love that Rick feels they have everything they need, and I know he and Michonne having each other is very much included in that for him. And you can’t fully see it, but you can tell he comfortingly places his hand on her, really wanting her to know, “we’re not losing any of it again.” 
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And then I love how Rick says, "I’m not." Basically saying, trust me whatever is trying to take from us is going to have to go through me, and it won’t end well for them. And Michonne knows it too so I love the way she believes him and boosts him up saying, “No you’re not.”
She knows Rick is a fighter and a force to be reckoned with. It’s part of why she fell in love with him, and you can see that in this moment.
Also hearing Rick just eating the apple again lol, homeboy ain’t worried about no outside threats in this moment. He’s too busy on cloud nine. Having good fresh food, a strong community, a healthy family, and a goddess of a wife has Rick like...
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And because she’s a fighter too, Michonne takes his hand and also says, "I’m not," cuz they’re cut from the same cloth, really and truly. And you just believe the two of them so much when they say this.
Even knowing Negan is coming, you just feel like ultimately he’ll be no match for Rick and Michonne because those two together are unstoppable. 💯
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I love that they got this peaceful morning moment to just fully enjoy each other's presence and affirm to each other that what they have is good and not going anywhere. These at-home scenes always paint such a great picture of why Rick and Michonne make for the absolute best husband and wife.
And again, the sensuality of this whole scene is A1. In every inch of every frame. And I remember loving this scene back then but watching it back now it’s even more sensual and sweet than I remember. Like it’s so good from beginning to end and solidified that Rick and Michonne really do work perfectly as a couple. I love the way they talk to each other and so visibly want each other. I’ll say it 1000 times. 
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Two more cute moments I just want to note in this 6.15 ep are Rick ratting out Michonne and low-key himself too, when he reveals to Morgan that Michonne did steal that protein bar back in King County. Like he thinks he's telling on Michonne but also Rick,...
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Cuz Rick stayed letting the world know he remembers pretty much every detail about Michonne. 😋 I love that Rick remembers so much from his first run with Michonne in Clear and then Morgan’s smile like 'oh I know your girl took it.' Also, I just love any time Andy and Lennie get to act together. Legendary talents. 👏🏽
And then I really love the Rick and Abe scene towards the end of the ep too. It’s one of the most heartfelt exchanges between two men on the show imo, and I like how Abe was the tf member who always most wanted the Richonne tea. He’s one of us lol. 
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It’s always heartwarming seeing Rick ask Abe specifically if Michonne is back yet. Like I’ve said before, some of Rick's Day Ones are out there, but of course, his wife is his utmost concern. And Abe is so compassionate when having to reveal that Michonne is still out there. It’s heartrending that Rick can’t even hide the concern he feels and wants Michonne back home. 
I appreciate that Abe seems to notice this and wants to talk about love when asking Rick if he’s scared to go back to it and let someone in close. We know from the "rules keep changing" scene that letting someone in is big for Rick. So he pauses for a moment and answers "yeah" twice.
Abe brings some levity saying how he’s basically ready to blaze a path of his own (with Sasha 😊💜) even despite this world's penchant for taking things away. And Rick’s amused face at Abe is cute.
Then the way Rick stays standing at the gate, almost wanting to will Michonne home. So sweet. 😭
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And extra sweet is Abe kindly saying, "any second now" to reassure Rick while he’s in this state of feeling off because Michonne's not okay somewhere, so even from afar, Rick's not entirely okay right now either. 
Rick had been feeling so unshakeable all ep, but Michonne being out there while the looming threat of the Saviors is high shows that there are still things he worries about, and of course, Michonne and her safety are high on that list.
I love that despite the scary aspects of letting someone in, in that world especially, Rick and Michonne still dared to do so fully with one another. And because of it, they get to enjoy blissful mornings filled with love like this one here. It was giving newlyweds and married-for-years all at the same time, and I'm eternally here for it. 😌
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nephilimeq · 8 months
Frosthawk Moments - Canon
So I made some gifs from some scenes in the first Avengers movie that no one ever talks about. I think most people have completely missed it because I've never actually seen anyone comment on it.
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Clint Barton actually hits Loki!
That bullet hits—and then ricochets, and then Loki reacts like this:
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He immediately retaliates, and if Clint hadn't ducked out of the way because he's incredibly good at that, he would have been obliterated head-on!
And as we all remember, Clint then gets back up after everyone else has been knocked down, and this moment happens here:
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And this? This is when Clint realizes that Loki is far stronger than he was expecting—it's a great bit of acting on Renner's part, because you can see him realize 'holy crap, this guy is something else entirely'. Canonically, Hawkeye is the strongest of all the agents without any 'extras' and he's always been able to handle himself and this is the first time he's been up against something like this.
You can see his expression go from "ow, that hurts" to "wait...what the fuck?" and it's just so damn brilliant.
I always had the thought that Loki was getting irritated because he's aimed at the guy more than twice and not only did Clint dodge, but he got back up to keep fighting! Loki's literally thinking, You keep getting back up! Stop it!
...and I have always been certain that this was the moment he saw something in him.
This is why he said, "You have heart."
I genuinely think Loki was planning on killing him up until that point, but when he saw that this human had such a drive and passion to fight, he knew that this was the right person to protect him. I would like to remind people that Loki was actually still severely incapacitated, it just didn't seem that way because he was still stronger compared to humans.
Then in the scene that occurs right before the deleted scene (which explains so much more) we have this:
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Look at how Loki looks at him, almost as though he's measuring just how adept he is and how smart he is. This is when Clint is explaining how he chose the location because they need the three levels of lead-lined flooring to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. from finding the cube. This is Loki realizing he chose the right person because right after this we hear him see, "I see why Fury chose you to guard it," acknowledging just how smart and adaptive he is.
And then there's an entire scene between the two of them that was cut from the final draft.
Which never. Should have been. DELETED.
Take this for instance:
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You see all of those people? You see all of that massive set up??
Everything that you see in the planning throughout the rest of the Avengers movie that seemed to be Loki was all Clint Barton outsmarting and outwitting S.H.I.E.L.D. He was the one who even came up with the plan for Loki to purposely get himself captured!!
Now let's talk about this scene here:
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"I want to know everything you can tell me about this team of his. I would...test their' mettle."
Like...HELLO??? This tells us right here that Clint was the one who gave up all the information and told Loki everything about all of the Avengers! We can glean from the fact that we saw Clint in the first Thor movie (with Coulson) that he has been fully aware of the Avengers way before anyone else knew about it.
He had the most information besides Coulson. Which means that Loki went into his "capture" already knowing all about Clint and Nat's relationship, which also allows us to deduce that he also knew that Natasha was playing him from the beginning! He knew she would figure it out, so he was stalling for time—and that was it!
Then we have this:
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Clint: "If you're set on making yourself known...could be useful." Loki: "Tell me what you need."
This is the dialogue that takes place here, and it explains so much. The way they originally cut the movie, it jumps from the scene with Selvig to the dialogue at the tail end of this deleted scene—which now, if you rewatch the movie, you will see is a glaringly obvious cut.
But this entire deleted scene sets up the rest. of the freaking. MOVIE.
This deleted scene shows us that Hawkeye was the mastermind behind not only taking down the helicarrier with only a few arrows, but also the one who planned the entire attack...just to get Loki back out after he triggered the Hulk.
Fury (over comms): "It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level!"
I am of the mind why they cut this scene was solely to put the blame on Loki, because if they had kept this scene in it would have become painfully obvious that Loki wouldn't have made it as far on his own and only made it so far because of Clint.
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crowhunterzz · 3 months
i know it’s been said on here plenty of times but i genuinely get so upset when i see people continuously perpetuate the whole “Gehrman’s a creep and the Doll is a sex object theory” when there’s an actually direct in-game evidence showing that none of that is true. and yk what despite the posts abt this that already exist i am, in fact, gonna make one of my own.
Okay so first off, The Voiceline. You know the one.
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Yeah this line got interpreted by a portion of the fandom as weird, especially because of the tone it’s said in. However, there are two pieces of context that immediately show what he meant by this.
The first, is that you DO use the Doll. She provides a service for you by taking your blood echoes and turning them into your strength (the level up system).
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Aside from this, the ability to talk to her, and the option of giving her an item, there is nothing else you can do with her, and nothing else the game even implies you can do with her. She does not even have any truly “romantic” dialogue. She mentions that she loves you, but that she does because she was created to do so.
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She loves all the hunters because her purpose is to care for them, and in her words, embolden their sickly spirits.
The second piece of context is in Gehrman’s dialogue just before he says the line about the Doll.
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He is telling you that anything you find in the workshop is a tool you can use to strengthen yourself and make the hunt easier. He is referring to the Doll as a tool, because she is one of the few the workshop has not lost. He’s not sexualizing her, he’s talking about her like she is a tool, and something to be used, not seen as a person.
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Is it a good thing? No, but considering he resents her for not being what he created her to be (or by another interpretation, coming to life when he never intended her to), it’s not unreasonable to assume that over time he would just categorize her as a thing instead of a person.
The second piece of evidence towards this god awful theory is the Doll’s white blood. Honestly I cannot believe people genuinely take this as being semen, because not only is there a canon reason for creatures to have pale blood, but also it’s just disgusting.
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You need a minimum of one insight to see the Doll during the game, she was given life by the Moon Presence following Gehrman’s placement in the Hunter’s Dream, and she bleeds pale blood. She’s kin. (Yes I am aware the game does not consider her kin in regards to whether or not she can be dealt damage based gems that alter your attacks vs kin, but you’re not supposed to be fighting her anyway, and it’s not like you need a bonus to kill her in the first place).
And finally, to address the other big point, the item descriptions that appear on Maria’s Hunter Garb and the Doll’s Set.
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I would like to address first, the obvious, that Maria’s garb says directly she was “unaware of his curious mania” (however you interpret that), but the point is she was unaware, he clearly in life, never made advances on her (which is something I’ve seen a few people state is ‘implied’???).
The second, and this one is a bit in the subtext, is that the Doll seems to not have any idea that Gehrman ever had any positive feelings towards her at all, she expresses a love for the hunter in a way that reflects someone who was never shown love in any capacity (likely due to the circumstances surrounding her achieving sentience), so its reasonable to assume as well that she was entirely unaware of the ‘curious mania’ as well.
Additionally I would point out that while referencing Gehrman’s mania once more, the Doll’s description also directly states that she was once loved and cared for, something that changed after she gained sentience. She likely served as a memorial for Maria, considering there is no canon evidence Maria herself actually has a grave.
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The grave that provides the Old Hunter Bone may be hers, but the item description refers to the hunter it came from as “he.” This could be due to it being placed there prior to the decision to give Maria the quickening skill in her boss fight, or it could be that Maria did not have a proper grave for whatever reason, and thus the Doll was needed, which could then relate the obsession to an obsession with Gehrman keeping a memory of her, as there is nothing else he seems to have of her.
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Everything here aside I would like to also point out that the Doll is quite literally, a doll. There is nothing that would even suggest she would be capable of any sort of sexual relationship.
Especially because even before the Dream, the Doll did have a specific purpose. She seems to be modeled after Victorian mourning dolls, which were items used to help families/loved ones process grief, typically of children, by having something to remind them of the deceased that did not itself look deceased. If you consider the grave in the Abandoned Old Workshop to be Maria’s and know that that’s also where the Doll is in the waking world, then that’s probably what she’s for. Or as stated before, the grave may NOT be hers, and the Doll itself IS her grave.
Another thing I didn’t point out but will, for a moment get into, is the Doll’s clothing being feminized. A lot of people take this as Gehrman being a misogynist and sexualizing her in a more feminine way as if he himself was not training Maria (and likely other women) to be hunters during his life. He encouraged the less feminine life she lived as a hunter!
That point always confuses me, especially knowing that one of the last things Maria likely said to Gehrman was what she said after the massacre at the Fishing Hamlet where she threw away her weapon and renounced the hunt, choosing to retire (and potentially become a caretaker for the Church’s patients, judging by her role in the Hunter’s Nightmare). Like OF COURSE he dressed her like that, she expressed that she no longer wanted to be a hunter so he made her the opposite. The only reason she is dressed the way she is in the Hunter’s Nightmare is because that is how Kos is depicting her, not because it’s her conscious choice.
The point of this is, Gehrman is one of my all time favorite characters alongside Maria and the Doll, and while yes, I am well aware he isn’t perfect, it’s still frustrating to see him get so mischaracterized by a fandom who insists they love lore so much, and care about the tiny details. You can dislike Gehrman or think he does shitty things and that’s fine, but creating a story where he’s a creep just to prove you care about Maria and the Doll is weird. And it’s weirdER that people argue IN FAVOR of the theory as if it MUST be true, because honestly why would anyone even want it to be???
This post also was specifically done without consideration for whatever type of relationship Gehrman and Maria had according to canon or any interpretations. Essentially I’m not necessarily saying any of this has anything to do with whether or not you ship them, I personally don’t, but I know some people do, and I feel like on either side you can still be critical of this Doll theory, as it is entirely baseless.
(In case anyone is interested, the images and references used for this were from the Bloodborne wiki, specifically this one.)
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 5 months
╰┈➤ i won’t sleep till you’re safe inside.
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Sister!Reader (platonic obviously)
Type: Fanfic - Fluff -> Angst
Word count: 8.5k (🫢🤯)
Warnings: NOT CANON-COMPLIANT! (I’ll make a list of everything that’s probably not canon but is for this fic) colour-coordinated dialogues to make it easier to understand who’s talking, starts out fluffy but evolves into angst, cussing, reader is desi, usage of Hindi (translations given, except for the Sheila Ki Jawani song), hahaha culturedumping & projection go hand in hand 😭
Some Goldenmodel (is that their official ship name??) too! (pls they’re literally so cute 🫠🫠)
A/N: Basically where Pavi loses his sister instead of Gayathri :D
The numbers at the top of every section indicate Pavitr and the reader’s age respectively (reader is older than Pavi) :)
Andddd the Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar hc continues 😁
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Probably (Definitely) Non-Canon List:
-reader’s existence basically since she’s the daughter of Maya Aunty and Uncle Bhim (so she’s not technically his sister she’s his cousin but close enough!)
-I actually have NO idea how Pavi’s parents died or anything abt them so I’m basically making stuff up hehe
-Reader also gets the scholarship to Mumbattan that Pavitr got, but for a different subject
-kinda waffling on Bhim’s death since I’ve never actually read the comic where he died so idk much of anything
-Reader helps Pavi make his webshooters (kinda)
-Pav may be a teensy bit ooc I apologize for that
-there’s probably a lot more but none I can pinpoint specifically right now
(this is the song that Pav sings btw)
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title inspo:
Will you call me to tell me you’re alright?
Cause I worry about you the whole night
Don’t repeat my mistakes
I won’t sleep till you’re safe inside
(Safe Inside, James Arthur)
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——— ———
4 & 6.
You stifled a giggle, peeking out from behind the tree you were hiding behind to see the tiny boy scrambling over rocks and protruding tree roots, his eyes squinted in concentration as he searched for you.
“Come out, come out wherever you- ai!” He cut himself off with a sharp squeal of surprise, stumbling backwards as you leaped out and bared your teeth like the demonic rakshasas that seem to lunge right off the pages of your mother’s - Pavitr’s aunt’s - mythology books.
“Not fair,” Pavitr complained, glaring up at you and crossing his arms. His nose scrunched at the injustice and you laughed, sticking your tongue out at him and ruffling his hair.
“Totally fair.”
“Nahin! Pura cheating! Didi, tum hamesha dhokha deti ho!” (No! Fully cheating! You always cheat!)
“Oy, Pavi, main kaise dhokha de rahi hai? What nonsense you’re talking.” (How am I cheating?)
“I’m telling Maya Aunty that you’re being mean to me.”
“Arrey, both of you stop squabbling and come up here,” Maya Aunty’s voice carried down into the lawn from the veranda as she poked her head out of the kitchen. “I made gajar ka halwa. Come eat before Bhim gets back and finishes everything.”
Pavitr’s eyes lit up at the mention of the carrot dessert, all earlier frustrations forgotten for the moment. “Race you!” He turned and darted across the lawn, his hair bobbing as he kicked up clouds of dirt under his shoes.
“Pavi, how is this fair?!”
——— ———
6 & 8.
“Didi! Checkmate! I win!”
“Ai, Pavi, that’s not��� chess doesn’t work like…” He turned to you with big, shining eyes, grinning from ear to ear because he thought he had won. You trailed off with a resigned sigh, not having the heart to tell him that he had just got his own king killed.
“Wow, Pavi, you’re getting so good at this! You’re a natural!” You ruffled his hair affectionately, despite his protests and attempts to fight you off.
“Y/N! Yahaan aao!” (Come here)
You immediately perked up, eyebrows drawing together as you heard your mother’s voice, only… something was off. She sounded like she was holding back tears, the beginnings of a raw sob lingering in her throat.
“Haan, Amma? Kya hua?” (Yes? What happened?) (Amma/Maa just means mother)
She sat hunched next to the balcony, a phone in her slack grip. Your father - Pavitr’s Uncle Bhim - knelt with his back to you, holding her and rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. Tears fell from her eyes and the only sounds that split the air were her jagged heaves between soft sniffles.
“Amma? Papa, what happened to Amma?” Unease twisted in your stomach, knitting your eyebrows closer together as you moved forward and grasped your mother’s hand.
Your father turned to look at you and you inhaled sharply.
That was the first time you had ever seen your father cry.
“Pavitr’s parents were involved in an accident,” He struggled to keep his tone even for you.
“An accident? You mean…”
“Yes, beta. They’re… they’re gone.”
Your breath hitched and you backed away slightly, steadying yourself against the wall behind you.
You didn’t know much about what happened - and it would probably stay like that since you were ‘too young to bother yourself with the worries of the adult world - but you knew one thing for sure.
This is going to break Pavi.
I can’t let that happen.
You heard soft patters of bare feet on the marble floors and looked up just as Pavitr’s dark hair disappeared to the side of the doorframe.
Not trusting yourself to speak without breaking down mid-speech, you got up and left without a word, patting your mother’s hand sympathetically on the way.
You found Pavitr sitting against the tree you used to play hide and seek around. He pulled his knees to his chest, resting his forehead on his kneecaps and raising his head when you approached. “What happened, Didi?”
You grasped at words that would help convey it, but to no avail. How could you tell a 6 year old - one who was essentially a brother to you now - that his parents had died?
You had two ways out.
…I should tell him.
“Pavi… Maya Aunty will explain, but… basically, you’re going to be spending a lot more time with us - with me. How does that sound?”
Pavitr grinned, his eyes shining - and of course he had to look like a trusting puppy. Of course it had to make you feel guilty the moment those words, a romanticized version of the truth, left your lips.
“That sounds awesome,” He said happily, half-turning to wrap his arms snugly around your waist in a hug. “We’ll have so much fun! You can finally teach me how to play kancha and lagori like you’ve been wanting to! Right, Didi?”
“…yeah. You’re right.” You leaned down to kiss the top of his head as he nestled comfortably against your side, the strands of hair tickling your chin as you rested your head on his. You felt tears starting to well up as the depth of the situation hit you at full force.
Kaayar. Coward.
——— ———
9 & 11.
You looked up from your schoolwork as Pavitr burst into your room. “What’s going on?”
“Maya Aunty said there’s some sort of… scholarship? They said we have to go to Mumbattan!” Your eyes shot wide open and you pushed your chair back from your desk to follow him into the kitchen. What scholarship? Mumbattan?
Maya Aunty had told you both that she had submitted samples of your writing and a few of Pavitr’s blueprints for futuristic designs he had come up with for various robotics competitions, but… you never thought the entry would ever amount to anything.
“Amma, Papa, yeh sach hai? Did we get a scholarship to Mumbattan?” (Is this true?)
“Haan, beta.” Your mother looked slightly tired, weary - but ultimately happy. The happiest you had seen her in quite a while. Your father patted your head affectionately, a large smile on his face. “Well done, both of you. Mere champions.” (My champions)
The moment dissipated like it was never there in the first place when Maya Aunty’s eyebrows scrunched together with worry once more as she turned to Uncle Bhim. “Arrey, Bhim. Hum kaise kharch uthayenge? Mumbattan mei, woh kiraaya-” (How will we afford this? The rent in Mumbattan-)
The moment you heard those words, you let out a soft exhale and took Pavitr’s hand, gently tugging on it and leading him away from the ‘adult’ conversation. By now, you were almost conditioned to do your best to avoid conversations that always got your parents stressed out and sometimes led to frustrated breakdowns which simmered into tearful apologies and doubtful plans.
“Let’s go play kancha, Pavi. I’ll even let you start this time.”
You ran out onto the lawn with him, your hand holding onto his smaller one tightly as if you could protect him from all the harm and sadness and worry that the world had to offer.
——— ———
11 & 13.
“Don’t didi me. You agreed to this, remember? You brought this upon yourself,” You said between giggles that got increasingly louder at how ridiculous he looked.
Maya Aunty and Bhim Uncle were both out buying groceries, and Pavitr was so bored that he accepted your challenge to see who could balance more than five stones on their forehead. And if he lost, you would get to do his hair and makeup.
That was why he was currently sitting in front of you, bright pink eyeshadow on both his eyelids and wearing the brightest red lipstick you could find. He winced in pain, loudly protesting every two seconds as you tried to put his wavy hair into a Dutch braid. He had let it grow out over the past few months, and at the rate he was going, if he left it for even a little while more it’d be longer than yours.
“You need a haircut, Pavi. I think you might be getting split ends…” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the expression of pure horror that crossed his face at your words, which quickly turned to annoyance. “Shut up, you’re just saying that because you’re jealous- ow!”
“You did that on purpose.”
“Did not.” You looped a rubber band onto the ends of the braid, finally finishing and tilting your head to critically examine your handiwork. “There, you’re all done.”
Pavitr glanced at his reflection in the compact mirror you offered him. “Wait, I don’t look that bad. I can pull this off pretty well, actually.”
“Sure you can, sweetie. Let’s do your nails now.”
“You’re the absolute worst.”
——— ———
12 & 14.
“Didi! Rise and shine!”
You groaned softly, turning over onto your side. “Get out.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet and definitely not a prime example of you being mean to your younger brother. Seriously though, we have to get going soon for school.” He expertly dodged the spare pillow you threw at him, deciding to kneel by your bedside and stare you in the eyes like some psychotic cat.
“Not everyone’s a morning person, Pavi. Besides, it’s 6 in the damn morning. Come back in another hour.”
Pavitr didn’t respond, just started humming a tune and tapping out a familiar beat on your bedside table, using two pencils from your desk’s mug of stationery as makeshift drumsticks.
“I know you want it but you’re never gonna get it, tere haath kabhi na aani…”
Your eyes shot open as you recognized the song. “No, Pavi, I swear to God-”
“Maane na maane koi duniya yeh saari, mere ishq ki hai deewani…” Stifling laughter, he backed out of range before you could smack some sense into him with another pillow.
“Pavitr! Stop!” You chucked a pillow at him, sitting up and staring at him in utter astonishment at his song choices.
“Kisi aur ki mujhko zaroorat kya, main toh khud se pyaar jataun! What’s my name, what’s my name, what’s my name…?”
“Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar, if you don’t stop singing that song right now-” You lunged forward, trying to grab him and muffle the lyrics of the Bollywood song he was singing - granted, he wasn’t a terrible singer, and in fact he could sing in Hindi quite well, but out of every song he could’ve chosen… this? “By the way, you missed a few lines, but that’s not the point! Stop it!”
“My name is Sheila! Sheila ki jawani! I’m too sexy for you, mei tere hath na aani-”
Chaos ensued in the next few seconds. Pavitr, who had been running around your room doing whatever choreography he could remember from the scene with that particular song in the movie you had both watched, tripped on the fallen pillow and fell flat on his face.
You had been chasing him around and tripped over him, rolling over and landing beside him. Luckily, you managed to break your fall with your palms.
“How’d the ground taste, hmm?” You asked, offering a hand to help him up.
“You’re mean,” Pavitr complained, taking your hand and pulling himself up. You fixed his slightly ruffled hair, a little surprised at how soft it was. Was he already going through the phase of being obsessed with how he looked?
“Yeah, well. You’re in my room at 6 am singing one of the sluttiest Bollywood songs you know, so… you’ll live, buttercup.” You gave his head a rough pat, turning to reluctantly make your bed - might as well, since you were already awake - as he hovered over your shoulder with a grin.
“But hey, it did get you up, didn’t it?”
——— ———
13 & 15.
“Didi! Where are you? I need to tell you something!”
“…I don’t understand. What are you saying?” You felt so paralyzed that you didn’t even register your brother’s voice. Instead you stared at the person you thought was your boyfriend, dangerously quiet. The calm before the storm. He shifted uncomfortably, fiddling with his sleeve and clearing his throat.
“Um, I think we should break up. I’ve kind of been… seeing another girl. Shreya.”
You were careful to keep your expression neutral, crossing your arms to prevent you from worrying at your nails. “For how long?”
“Uh, I-”
“How. Long. It’s a simple question.”
“Five months.”
“Son of a bitch.” You kept your voice low, sweeping a hand towards the door. “The exit’s there. Leave.”
“Listen, I’m really-”
“Get out. I’m serious. Get the fuck out of here before I make you do so.”
He stopped and stared at you for a few seconds, realizing just how angry you were.
“Okay. Well, it was… good seeing you, I guess. I hope you-”
This time you heard Pavitr call you, soft hesitancy in his voice that carried into the room from the other side of the door. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, Pavi, I’m fine. You can come in.” You covered the cracks in the screens of overly pleasant tones that you layered over your voice so as to make sure he didn’t worry.
He quickly entered your room, and from the way he glared daggers at your now-ex-boyfriend you assumed he had heard everything - or at least, a large chunk of the conversation.
“Hey there, buddy.”
He had the nerve to smile and hold his knuckles out for a fist bump. Truth be told, you felt a sort of bitter satisfaction when Pavitr just glared up at him and didn’t bother lifting his hand to return it.
“Fuck off.”
His eyes widened slightly and traveled from the harsh scowl fixed on Pavitr’s face to your dangerously calm demeanour.
“You heard him, didn’t you?”
“I… yeah. I’m going. See you around.”
You followed him with your eyes as he inched toward the door, shutting it behind him.
The moment he left, your unbothered façade cracked and splintered into pieces. You moved yourself to sit on your bed, slipping the covers over your legs. “Thank you,” You murmured to Pavitr, closing your eyes so he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to spill. He came over to sit beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Mat rouoh didi. Hum ek movie dekhenge?” (Don’t cry didi. Wanna watch a movie?)
“Haan, please. As long as it’s not Tees Maar Khan, I am not watching that again with you. I’ve had enough of that Sheila ki Jawani. Wait, Pavi, you said you wanted to tell me something?”
“…that’s not important right now, don’t worry about it.”
You didn’t notice him anxiously trying to peel off the edge of the blanket that was stubbornly sticking to the pads of fingers.
——— ———
A week later.
It had happened so suddenly. No one seemed to know anything.
Well, except the fact that your father had died somehow.
I know we fought a lot more in… in the end, but I love you. I always have and I always will, Papa. You made me who I am today, you taught me to know my own worth and accept no less. Believe me, I think about it every day. If you were here I’d tell you.
You wished you could say that out loud, to offer everyone present a window into your thoughts to prove you weren’t just an angsty teenager - or a family disappointment, which a few aunties seemed to believe by the way they were whispering and shooting overly sympathetic looks your way which were quickly followed up by hushed giggles.
But instead you kept your head down and used what little energy you could muster to give a nod of acknowledgement every time a distant relative - even ones you hadn’t seen since you were a baby - popped up in your face to console you.
“Where’s Pavitr? Did he come to the antyesti?” You jumped; you hadn’t noticed your mother hovering beside you until she laid a light hand on your shoulder. She seemed to move around like a spectre; dressed completely in a simple white salwaar kameez with a long white shawl wrapped around her in such a way that it obscured both her arms and her hair, along with part of her face.
“No, I don’t think so - at least, I haven’t seen him.” You looked over her shoulder at the priests starting to get everything prepared for the ceremony and searched the crowds of vaguely familiar people.
Where the hell is he?
Getting the priests to agree to Pavitr - who wasn’t exactly Bhim’s son but the closest thing to it - leading the rituals was hard enough. But then again, it wasn’t like they had much of a choice, did they? You couldn’t exactly do it - the rituals of an antyesti were to be performed by the eldest son. Or the priests themselves, if he couldn’t do it for any reason. Never a woman.
You and Maya Aunty weren’t allowed to do anything except watch and pray.
And now if Pavitr didn’t show up in time-
Thwip! Thwip!
You frowned and shook your head slightly, wondering what the source of that noise was. Oh, well, probably just a pesky mosquito buzzing in your ear.
“Didi, Maya Aunty, I am so, so sorry that I’m late. Did they start already?” You jumped again in surprise - what was it with people sneaking up behind you today? You took in Pavitr’s crisp white dhoti and neatly styled hair, and for a second you couldn’t decide whether to hug him or punch him in the face.
“I’ll tell you everything later, didi. Pinky promise,” Pavitr murmured to you, offering his pinky to you. You linked your little finger with his, looking into his eyes as concern bubbled up to mix with the hurricane of emotions already clamouring for attention in your brain.
He had horrible bags under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept properly in a week. And when you gently squeezed his pinky, his breath hitched as if he was in pain and he drew his hand back after a few seconds. You blinked in confusion, getting a brief glimpse of painful-looking faint purple splotches all along his hand and the underside of his arm. They looked like bruises that had been poorly covered up by foundation that was almost three shades too light for his skin, but before you could say anything he turned to make his way through the crowd.
“Pavi-” You started to ask what was going on, what happened, what was wrong, but he just shook his head, angling his chin toward the priests waiting patiently for him.
“Badh mein, didi. Antyesti ke badh.” (Later. After the antyesti)
——— ———
After the ceremony.
“Pavitr Prabhakar, if you don’t tell me what’s going on-” You came face-to-face with one of your more distant aunties, who immediately lit up excitedly in a way that was probably not suited for a cremation ceremony as soon as she recognized you.
“Arrey, beta! You’ve grown so much! How old are you now? You still sing, no? Kya aapne college ke bare socha hain?” (Have you thought/started thinking about college?)
“Haha… hi, aunty… no, aunty… no, I haven’t thought about college yet… have you seen Pavitr anywhere? I need to find him and it’s really urgent but… oh, uh… yes, of course, I would love to catch up over chai sometime. Sure, we should plan that - oh, sorry, bye! Tell my mother that I’ve gone to look for Pavitr, okay? Thank you!”
Seizing the opportunity that presented itself in the form of another aunty who came waddling over to greet the first one, you squeezed through the crowd of people in sarees and dupattas, some milling about and some dispersing, all accompanied by the almost suffocating smell of jasmine. God, did everyone use the same horrible perfume?
Luckily for you, the antyesti was held fairly close to your house - on a large terrace that was only about a 15 minute walk away.
You got to the front door and fumbled with the set of keys in your pocket for a second, your fingers shaking slightly as the shock and grief began to set in. Adrenaline could only take you so far, it seemed.
“Pavi? Pavi, I’m home, where-”
You opened the door to your room and inhaled sharply at the sight that lay before you. Pavitr leaned against your bed, sitting on the floor with his knees hugged close to his chest, chin resting on his kneecaps. His eyes were squeezed shut, eyelashes fluttering as tears slipped out one after another from underneath them.
“Pavi…? Oh, Pavi, mera chhoti bhai, kya hua? Kisi ne… tumhein chot pahunchaee?” (My little brother, what happened? Did… someone hurt you?) You scooted closer to Pavitr, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and drawing him into your side. He buried his face in your shoulder, tears soaking through the thin fabric of the kurta you were wearing.
“Shh. Sab theek ho jayega. Mujhe batao, Pavi. Kya hua?” (Everything’s okay. Tell me, what happened?)
“I’m Spider-Man.”
You blinked in surprise. Out of all the possible explanations he could have offered you, that was certainly not on your list. “Spider-Man? Matlab… the superhero?” (Matlab means meaning)
The hero had emerged only a week ago. Wearing an intricately patterned mask that left his wavy hair loose at the top, a blue-and-red spandex suit and blue dhoti pants on top of them, he was basically impossible to ignore. You had seen some key similarities between Spider-Man and Pav’s hair, but you had always just assumed it was related to how boys cut their hair like their idols sometimes.
“Chacha died because of Spider-Man. Because of me. He got caught in the crossfire and I couldn’t reach him in time and-” Pavitr’s words spilled together in a panicked haze, blurring each syllable and tripping over letters in an attempt to get them out before he could break again. (Chacha is another word for uncle)
You shifted to face him, wrapping him in a tight hug. “Shaant ho jao. Main yahaan hoon. Main kaheen nahin ja raha hoon.” (Calm down. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere)
“I can’t-” His breath quickened as his whole body started to heave with dry sobs. “Please just… just listen to me. This is what I wanted to tell you last week. I’m Spider-Man.”
He mistook your silence as a sign of disbelief and carried on speaking, trying to convince you. “There were these bullies I was running from, and I tripped and fell into a tree hollow and there was this yogi who said he’d give me the powers of a spider to fight the evil in this world, and I didn’t know it would turn out like this so I accepted and-”
“I believe you.”
That caught him off guard. He pulled back to look at you, his eyes wide. “You do?”
“Of course. You think I haven’t noticed you sticking to everything? You almost ripped the couch’s upholstery clean off because you weren’t paying attention.” You gently swiped your thumb near the corner of his eye, wiping away the tear that was at risk of spilling out. “It’s okay, Pavi. Let’s.. talk about something else for the moment.”
As much as you wanted answers - how exactly had your father died? Which sick, twisted, psychotic ‘villain’ killed him? - you knew when to stop pushing Pavitr and now was definitely that time. Tears still shone in the corners of his brown eyes, not quite ready to fall but not small enough to be blinked away.
“You need spiderwebs, naa? So you can swing like a spider instead of leaping around and relying on sticking to whatever surface you can reach. Ooh, it’d be so cool if you could shoot them from your hands and lasso bad guys and when they fight back you go dishoom dishoom.” (dishoom is basically just a sound effect for beating someone up 😭 usually punching someone)
“… you mean webshooters?” Pavitr watched your emphatic display of just what dishoom dishoom meant to you with a mildly concerned look on his face before he took a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and smoothed it out. It was filled with designs for some sort of gadget, the sharp, jagged pencil lines highlighting every feature and listing possible building processes.
“I’ve done some research and I’ve got everything, so I know how to make it. But I need something that can contract if I wrap a web around it… kind of like a yo-yo? But it also has to fit on my wrist so that it’s easy for me to angle where I want the web to go.” He absentmindedly tapped the pencil against the silver bangle you were wearing. The soft clinks gave you an idea and you quickly got up, going to your dresser and rummaging around in the drawers.
“Wait, I think I might have something that’ll work…”
Your fingers closed around what you were looking for and you fished it out. You held two large golden cuffs in your hands, but they weren’t regular heavy cuffs. The top and bottom were actually two separate pieces, joined together in the middle by a stretchy piece of white nylon that went all the way around.
Just looking at it made your heart ache a little as all the memories associated with the simple accessory came flooding back.
Your father had given it to you a few Diwalis ago, when you were throwing a tantrum about having to wear the large bangles to go to with the itchy salwar you had on - against your wishes, of course. But your mother warned you that her mother was a stickler for traditions and insisted on everyone wearing the most colourful ethnic wear you all had, including Pavi.
Your father had slid one of the cuffs onto your right wrist, laughing gently at your surprise look when you discovered how light they were, a stark contrast to the gold bangles that weighed down your other wrist.
“Compromise paaya, hain na?” (We’ve found a compromise, right?)
“Haan, papa.”
Now, more than eight years later, you held one of the last things you had left to keep your father’s memory alive.
And what better way to honour him than to use his kaadas to fight evil and protect the city?
“Use these.”
Pavitr looked up and immediately shook his head, gently pushing away your outstretched hands. “No, didi, I can’t- this is what Uncle gave you-”
“I know. He gave them to me as a gift. And now I’m passing them down to you. Please, Pavi. Take them.” You took his hands, pressing the kaadas into his palms and closing his fingers over them.
Something in your tone made him search your gaze for a few seconds before giving in and bringing the cuffs up to his eyes, testing out the nylon middle. “Wait, this is perfect. If I can just…”
He reached into the depths of one of your drawers and pulled out a small device that looked like it had some sort of fluid sloshing around in its… fuel container, maybe? You furrowed your brow in surprise. “Has that always been there? In my cupboard?”
“Well, yeah. Can’t have Maya Aunty accidentally pulling it out of mine, can we?” He gave you a grin. “Besides, you have so many things stuffed into that one drawer that it’s basically impossible to find.”
He attached the device to the inside of the cuff with a small click and slipped it onto his wrist.
Thwip! Thwip!
With two tiny flicks of his wrist, he had shot two webs to the ceiling and was now hanging upside down, a satisfied grin on his face.
“Well, this is working pretty well-”
“Don’t you dare,” Pavitr warned you as he winced and rubbed the spot where he had fallen on his backside.
“I will not laugh. I will not laugh. I will not-”
You couldn’t help but burst into giggles at his mildly pathetic sad-puppy expression as he sat dejectedly on the floor after falling from the ceiling.
“So, uh… the web strength may need some work.”
“Everybody, this is Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar, Mumbattan’s Spider-Man.” You pretend to speak into an imaginary microphone, gesturing animatedly towards Pav as he lay on the floor.
“Oh, sure, announce it to the whole world, why don’t you,” He grumbled, reluctantly pulling himself to his feet.
You gave him an overly sweet smile, leaning over to mess up his hair. “Never. I’m gonna take this secret with me to my grave.”
——— ———
14 & 16.
6 months really went by quickly.
6 months of monthly poojas to honour your deceased father. 6 months of Pavitr being Spider-Man. And also…
“Didi! Why isn’t my hair staying down?!”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because that bad guy threw you into an electricity tower? Pavi, why are you dressing up all of a sudden anyway?” You sat on the floor of your room as you skeptically watched him brush out his hair. He had insisted that your mirror was big enough and ‘had the best lighting’.
He stayed silent, though you could see him scrunch his nose a little in embarrassment. The realization hit you and you let out a loud - maybe overly dramatic - gasp.
“Oh my god! You have a date!”
“…maybe. So?”
“So that means I get to meet and terrorize them! You know, sibling stuff!”
Pavitr froze for a split second, a small smile starting to form in the corner of his mouth at the last part. Siblings. In all honesty, didn’t that word describe the bond you both shared almost perfectly? Siblings - not by blood, but by something so much bigger than either of you could’ve imagined.
“Absolutely not. Gayatri’s-”
“Gayatri? Is she Punjabi? Ooh, is she pretty? Is she really badass and cool and-”
“She’s a model,” Pavitr interrupted, smoothing down his hair and glaring at you. “And this isn’t my first date with her. Just for the record.”
“Wow, and she’s your age? Damn, Pavi, you managed to pull a model! I’m so proud of you right now.”
“I will strangle you if you don’t stop talking,” Pavitr grumbled, punching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m not saying anything bad!”
“Sure you ar-” Pavitr stopped mid-sentence and stiffened, craning his neck and glancing out the window over his shoulder like a cat that had heard something strange. “Wait, someone’s here. Gotta go!”
He dashed into the bathroom and came out two seconds later, fully decked out in his spider suit and mask.
“Don’t get your ass kicked!” You called out as he nose-dived out the window.
“Ha, ha! Very funny!”
——— ———
10 minutes later.
“Pavitr, what the hell?!” You leaped backwards as a strange sort of alien materialized in your room for a split second before they disappeared into a black hole-like void, followed by a… Spider-Man? Not Pav. This one was taller and his suit was red and black, and oh God, was he bleeding from his armpits?
You were tempted to offer him a few cotton wipes and something to clean the wound but he disappeared in after the weird teleporting alien before you could ask.
Pavitr came crashing in through your window, landing on the floor and glancing around. “What? I thought they came here-”
“Really?! Now you show up? I’ve just had some sort of cow-man and a new Spider-Man teleport into my room through a pit and-” You stopped short as another Spider-Man landed on the floor. Except… Spider-Woman? She wore a suit in the shape of a white-and-black ballet leotard and had a hood with web designs on the inside.
“Pavitr, is… this Gayatri?” You tried to wrap your head around the fact that there were three different types of Spider-People and a cow on the wrong side of evolution who had just phased through your house. “Oh, hi, Gayatri, I’ve heard so much about you. Pavi thinks you’re really classy and cool and you’re the prettiest girl alive and-”
Pavitr webbed a pillow and swung it into your face before you could finish, temporarily shutting you up. “Didi, this… this isn’t Gayatri.” Despite his face being covered by his mask, you could tell from his tone that he was embarrassed out of his wits. “This is, uh… this is Gwen. She’s a Spider-Woman. Look, it’s hard to explain, but they’re all from different universes and I think the New Guy’s in love with Gwen, so we gotta go save their romance before it shatters. Bye!”
He leaped out the window again, followed by Gwen - who was stuttering and tripping over her words trying to form a plausible denial for his last statement.
Never a dull day in Mumbattan, I guess.
——— ———
5 minutes after that ordeal.
“Arrey, your chai is getting cold. Drink fast, no?”
“Haan, Amma. Ek second.” (One second) You moved away from where you were hovering near the window. As much as Pavitr reassured you that he was okay, that being Spider-Man was easy now - you still remembered having to disinfect wounds and ice bruises and watch him hiss and crinkle his face up in pain every time you wiped a tissue soaked in Dettol along his cuts.
Maybe those were only fairly harmless flesh wounds, but what kept you up at night was the worry that one day it might turn into something worse.
“I’m drinking it,” You said defensively and sat down as Maya Aunty lifted an eyebrow at you over her own mug. Just as you sat down the whole ground seemed to shake, a horrible din filling the air, screams and the sound of rubble falling mingling together in the cacophony.
“Oh, someone blew down Alchemax,” said Maya Aunty once the noise died down. With a small shake of her head, she casually returned to her chai as if this sort of thing happened almost every day.
“What an idiot.” You glanced out the window, squinting into the distance and widening your eyes as your eyes snagged on a flash of vibrant fabric flying through the air, just barely visible through the pieces of flying rubble.
Oh, fuck, that’s my idiot.
——— ———
You figured the easiest and fastest way to get near Alchemax was to take the bus. After all, those bus drivers had basically decided long ago that they were above the rules of the traffic. They honestly didn’t give a damn about the speed limits and you respected that.
“Hi, Y/N!” You turned at your name, tilting your head curiously because you didn’t recognise the voice.
You found yourself looking at someone who looked oddly familiar, you just couldn’t place it - until you glanced briefly out the window and saw a Zomato billboard. Of course if had to be her, how else would she know your name?
“Oh, are you Gayatri? Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you from Pavi.”
“Aww, that’s sweet, and likewi-“
The bus swerved sharply and you, Gayatri and more than half of the people who weren’t holding onto the railings were slammed against the back window before the bus started to tilt forward. You blinked away stars for a few seconds as the wind was knocked out of you.
When you regained your vision you let out a yelp of surprise. Someone yelled “Fuck!” right next to you, followed by a string of unrepeatable Marathi cusswords - while also listing out gods and praying to them that they’d make it out alive - and you could understand why.
Some dumbass - or maybe a large piece of rubble - had ripped a hole in the middle of the fucking Mumbattan Bridge. The whole bus was falling right into that hole, and unfortunately the bus driver’s magical ability to fly straight over potholes seemed to have evaded him right now, judging by the fact that he was currently contributing to the chorus of terrified screams.
“Hold on!” Gayatri caught your forearm right as your grip on the flimsy side railing was loosening and pulled you up to latch onto the railing at the back. Good lord, was this girl strong. You decided right then and there that you definitely liked her.
You saw Pavitr stop mid-swing and turn around, his mask’s eyes widening as he saw both of you pounding relentlessly on the back bus window in the hopes that it would break in time.
He shot a web that stuck to the back of the bus, tipping it almost vertically as he held onto one of the bridge supports. His eyes narrowed with effort as he struggled to hold onto the deceptively delicate-looking silky tendrils.
You silently thanked whatever higher power existed for the time when Pavitr fell from the ceiling 6 months ago. If that hadn’t happened, you and the other people on this bus would’ve been flattened on the ground by now. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down.
Pavitr glanced behind him, his shoulders falling slightly in shock. The web holding onto the bus stretched and dipped, threatening to snap any second. He wrapped the silken web around the support, trying to bring it up.
You and Gayatri were just barely hanging on, your entire bodies dangling down with gravity as you held onto the railing for dear life.
Suddenly something changed. Another web attached itself to the bus and pulled you onto the bridge. Another Spider-Man, possibly?
You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding as the bus levelled itself on solid ground again. Gayatri gave you a weak smile, grasping your hand and pulling you straight into the throng of people rushing to exit the bus.
The moment she stepped outside Pavitr wrapped her in a hug, eliciting a surprised squeak from Gayatri.
“Are you okay? I was so worried-” He realized his mistake mid-sentence, drawing back from her and patting her shoulders with both hands, unsure whether to cross his arms or rest them on his hips. “Uh, you seem like a nice young woman who I do not know…”
Gayatri chuckled softly and looked past him. “Papa!”
She ran at him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Seeing their bond warmed your heart but also made it ache slightly with the acceptance that that could never happen to you with your own father.
“Real smooth, Pavi,” You grinned at your brother, who grumbled something under his breath and closed the distance to crush you in a hug.
“Shush, didi. I just saved your ass.”
“Yeah, I suppose you did.” You ruffled his hair affectionately and pulled back, smiling at the growing shouts of ‘dhanyavadh, makhdi-bhaiya!’. (Thank you, Spider-Guy!)
“Amma’s going to kill you, by the way. She thinks you snuck out to go to some p-”
You let out a soft mmph as you collided with possibly the boniest person you had ever had the misfortune of bumping into. You were pretty sure you had just got stabbed in seven different places by various joints.
“Sorry, I didn’t-” You paused as you looked up, taking in spikes, a leather vest, pins, a guitar, and mask eyes which looked like running mascara.
“Holy shit, you’re really cool.”
The Spider-Man variant blinked in surprise and let out a laugh. “Why, thank you, poppet. I try. Pisses the fascists off so much that they call me Spider-Punk.”
You heard the twang of a well-known (almost infamous, at least in Mumbattan) accent and glanced at Pavitr. “He’s British,” He confirmed, giving Hobie a high-five.
“Well, I don’t care. He looks awesome.”
“Oi, Pav, I like this one.” He gave you an appreciative fist-bump, and you lifted your eyebrows at the sheer size difference between both of your hands.
“That’s my sister.”
“Makes sense. But you know I didn’t mean it like that. She seems cool is all.”
“Wait. If you’re British, can you do us a favour and steal back the Kohinoor? Please?”
“I’ll try my best, but I can’t make any promises. Fuckin’ Sweeney*, I doubt they even know where it’s kept.” (*Sweeney/Sweeney Todd - Cockney rhyming slang for Flying Squad [the police])
You nodded along politely with a smile like you actually understood even one word of that sentence. “Well, okay, in that case-”
You turned and almost burst out laughing. Pavitr looked like he was on the losing end of a staring contest, his hand almost engulfed in Inspector Singh’s much bigger one. Gayatri stood behind him, looking between them in awe. “I’ve never seen him so emotional.”
“Excellent job.”
Your bother just gave a nod, but knowing Pavitr he was internally over the moon and would hold that simple statement close to his heart, insisting that his girlfriend’s dad “loved him”.
“Man-like Miles, my guy!” Hobie grabbed the red and black Spider-Man - Miles’ - shoulders and shook him excitedly, punching him lightly as the people of Mumbattan started cheering.
You were about to join in when something happened. Well, not happened, really, but… something felt off somehow. You had read something once that said a person’s hair stands on end as a warning when lightning’s about to strike. You imagined that’d feel like you you were feeling right now. And you could hear whistling… was that sound just your ears being weird?
The cheers died down suddenly and you turned around too late. One of those portal-holes, slicing through the air like a deadly frisbee, slammed into you and knocked you inside in such a way that you got teleported straight off the side of the bridge. You scrabbled for the supports, but to no avail as you sailed right past them.
You heard Pavitr’s panicked yell, the sounds of confused and worried chatter bubbling among the ground, and the air rushing around in your ears as you free-fell.
You can’t save me, you realized as you saw Pavitr dive off the bridge, reaching out his wrist in preparation of shooting a web. You won’t get here in time. You focused on mouthing the next few words that came to your mind, because if you were going to die and leave your brother you would do so by reminding him that he was - and always would be - loved. Pavi, I’m sorry. I love you. I always will.
Your stomach dropped and your head spun - but by some mercy you didn’t feel the final impact.
——— ———
Pavitr’s POV.
“No, no no no- please, please no-”
Pavi, I’m sorry.
I love you.
Six words. Six words which shouldn’t be used in the same sentence. Those two sets separately, sure, but in very different scenarios.
Those would not be the last words you said to him. They couldn’t be.
Time seemed to slow down, making his movements sluggish and hazy. He stretched his wrist out till it ached, silk erupting from his - no, your - kaada. Come on, come on…
The silk shot toward you and for a second he thought it would reach in time.
Then he heard a crash and watched you fall straight through the flimsy tin roof of an abandoned warehouse. “No!”
He landed after you, shooting a web at a street lamp and pulling up to break the built-up momentum at the last second. Kicking down the warehouse door, he rushed over to your limp form, sprawled across a few empty crates in the dimly lit space.
“Nonono you have to stay with me, please don’t go, I can’t-” Pavitr swallowed hard as he picked you up and set you down with your back against the wall, holding up your jaw so your head didn’t fall forward. He snapped his fingers in front of your face two, three times - no response.
He could feel his vision starting to blur, heart practically causing an earthquake as he shakily put his finger to the pulse point on your neck.
“No,” He whispered into the still air, as if that would be able to revive someone who was so much more than just a cousin. You were his sister, his closest and most annoying friend, his anchor. You were supposed to be a constant in his life. If you were gone… what would go next?
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, cradling your lifeless body in his arms. But after a little while Hobie dropped in through the hole in the ceiling, and Miles and Gwen came in through the door. He didn’t understand anything they were saying. Pavitr felt like he was underwater, the cold, murky silence filling his ears and bleeding into his brain.
Someone else, much bigger than him tried to drag him away. Someone wearing a beige police uniform and a turban. He kicked and fought, screaming at them that they didn’t understand, he couldn’t leave you, this wasn’t how it was supposed to end. That you were going to wake up soon. You were only unconscious, after all. You had to wake up sometime.
You had to, right?
Pavitr watched as you were placed on a stretcher, a white cloth laid over your body. He slumped in the hands of whoever was struggling to drag him away as all his hopes of you waking up splintered into a million pieces. Pieces that he would step on and trip over and they would cut his skin a billion times. Little tiny paper cuts. Paper cut after paper cut, till he bled out.
Through whatever shocked haze his brain was forcing itself into, he knew that something inside him had broken. Duct tape could fix it. Duct tape could fix anything. Was this metaphor for something? His brain really needed to slow down, he couldn’t keep up with what was and what wasn’t fixable with a single roll of duct tape.
He pictured his heart, the muscles and blood vessels torn clean through in the centre, forming a hole in the shape of you. Did it stop beating? It felt like it stopped beating. Was there a way to check if he was still alive? He hoped he was. Though there didn’t feel like much reason to be. Not anymore, at least.
Oh. Maya Aunty. Someone would have to tell Maya Aunty. No, he would have to tell Maya Aunty.
Two funerals in the span of 6 months. Two core members of the family gone.
Twin flames burning warm and bright, always lighting up the entire place with their own unique luminosities, until they couldn’t anymore. The wicks were extinguished and the candles melted into stumps before their time.
The Spot knew exactly what he was doing, Pavitr realized. Because he might as well have set fire to his entire home.
——— ———
15 & still 16.
Pavitr Bhim Prabhakar was many things.
He was Mumbattan’s Spider-Man. He was Maya Aunty’s nephew. He was Gayatri’s boyfriend. He honoured his dead parents with his last name. He carried the legacy of his dead uncle with his middle name alone.
Most of all, he carried the memory of his sister in every scar that he got that day.
Suddenly every moment you had spent with him seemed too little. Even just one of your hugs would take away some of the pain.
Keep them in your heart, they’re watching over you. Recall the memories you made with them.
What did that even mean in this case? You had gone too soon. Dead, cremated at 16. You weren’t even an adult. And what hurt the most was that everything - from your room to your belongings - was exactly how you left it.
It had been almost 3 months and he still hadn’t let anyone change anything in your room. The messy duvet could stay messy. And the pillow that was thrown at the foot of the bed had taken up permanent residence there.
The room smelled like vanilla and honeycomb. And it would stay that way for as long as he could help it. If someone rearranged anything, would that part of you disappear from this house? He didn’t want to find out.
Everything that made this room yours would stay there, it had to. The way you meticulously arranged every makeup and hair product by height, colour and serial order on your chest of drawers. The way your cupboards always smelled of cotton candy because of an essence diffuser your friend had given you.
Gayatri, Miles, Gwen and Hobie had all tried their best to help him, and Margo had even dropped in a few times and offered to play video games with him. And admittedly, he was in a much better frame of mind than how he was only a little while ago.
He sat on the floor, hugging his legs loosely to his chest and clutching a mug of chai in one hand. Pavitr couldn’t say anything even if he wanted to; the altogether lack of the owner of this room made the silence even more oppressive and suffocating.
He stretched his legs out slowly, refusing to let his mind wander. Focus on the wallpaper. Focus on the sound of traffic. Focus on the chai. Focus on anything except the posters, the pillows, the way that it felt like time itself was holding its breath inside this room.
Pavitr’s leg brushed something hidden underneath the rug in front of him. Frowning slightly in confusion, he leaned forward to peer underneath the fuzzy square of fabric - finding nothing but a small notebook and a pen.
He pulled it out and, upon recognizing it, drew in a surprised inhale. The leather-bound cover was dusty and worn out. The label that read Bhim Prabhakar in neatly printed handwriting had been scratched out, jagged words cutting across the paper like tiny knife strokes. His heart squeezed when he read the word written in the second handwriting.
Of course he remembered this book, how could he not? On days when you had noticed he felt sad, you tore out two lined pages of paper and made him write down what was bothering him in a letter.
“Here, Pavi. Write it to anyone you want, and fill it out with everything bad that happened today. You don’t have to send it to them, don’t worry. I’ll even do it with you.”
He still remembered the first time he had done that activity with you. You both sat back-to-back, scribbling down all the ‘yucky feelings’, as you had put it once. Pavitr had finished his letter and surprised you by addressing it to you, twisting around to hand you the folded piece of paper.
You hadn’t addressed your letter yet, so you wrote his name on the top in big block letters.
To: Pavitr Prabhakar.
Because it was a very official document, you had explained solemnly.
And when you took a look at how he had mentioned you, you had lunged forward and trapped him in a bone-crushing hug.
To: The Best Didi In The World.
He felt tears well up slightly as he recalled the amount of times he went and wordlessly sat at the edge of your bed, pointing to the leather journal. And you would pull out two pages, hand him a pen, and sit back-to-back on the floor. Every time, without fail.
Pavitr opened the book, running a hand along the pages of handwritten letters that were unevenly glued or stapled in. Some were tearing at the edges, others had chai-stains or ink splotches.
He carefully pulled out a page - only one this time - and picked up a pen from the mug of stationery on your bedside table.
Pausing to think for a second, he tested the pen on the bottom of the page. Then moved the tip to the first line.
Dear Y/N,
Pavitr stopped and narrowed his eyes at that. It felt strange, almost alien for some reason. A foreign word on these pages.
He tapped his pen on the page as he got an idea. He scratched out the two words he had written, addressing it to someone with a different yet more familiar title, at least to him.
To: The Best Didi In The World.
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I know very little about the antyesti process so if anything’s wrong don’t hesitate to correct me! <3
Antyesti - Antyesti literally means "last sacrifice" or "final auspicious ceremony", and refers to the funeral rites for the dead in Hinduism, which usually involves cremation of the body. This rite of passage is the last samskara in a series of traditional life cycle samskaras that start from conception in Hindu tradition.
Saree/Sari - A saree is a garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body, traditionally worn by women from South Asia. It is usually worn with a blouse that exposes part of the midriff, but blouse styles can vary.
Dupatta - A length of material worn arranged in one or two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez or a kurta, worn by women from South Asia. (Srry guys u have to look up those two definitions if ur curious,, it’s better to see how it looks rather than read a description anyway)
Kancha - Kancha is played by using marbles. It is popular in small Indian cities and villages, among small boys only as a gully sport. It is rarely played by girls. The participant has to hit the marble kept in a circle. If he hits the target properly, he wins. The winner gets the kancha (maybe kanche is the plural form? idk) of the other participant boys.
Lagori/Pithoo/Seven Stones - Lagori is a traditional game from the Indian subcontinent. It involves a pile of stones and a ball.
A member of one team (the seekers) throws a ball at a pile of stones to knock them over. The seekers then try to restore the pile of stones while staying safe from the opposing team's (the hitters’) throws. The hitters' objective is to hit the seekers with the ball before they can reconstruct the stone pile. If the ball touches a seeker, that seeker is out and the team which the seeker came from continues, without the seeker. A seeker can always safeguard themselves by touching an opposite team member before the ball hits the seeker.
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@hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099 @vhstown
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mahs-dumpster · 17 days
"Happy 100th anniversary"
a/n: this is soooo self indulgent please. It's a vignette (written only in dialogue) for Daisy's (my Yuu) birthday jacket card that I just made! I'll be linking it here once I edit this post!
cw: oc x canon (Ruggie x Daisy; they're established to be in a relationship and Daisy has already made her decision to stay in twisted wonderland); dialogue heavy; poor attemps at making this look like a fake translation from a vignette bc I'm delulu
The template for the frames of the paintings can be found here.
Words: around 1k
Happy birthday, Daisy!!
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Daisy: To think I'm able to visit a museum like this! I wonder what sort of paintings I'm going to see…
Daisy: I'm expecting to maybe recognize a few from the stories mom used to read to me… let's see if I actually can recognize them!
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Daisy: I wonder… is she someone I'm aware of? A lady who constantly cleans her house…
???: That's the princess who inspired the glass slippers you always wear.
Daisy: Huh? Oh, Ruggie! I thought you were all the way on the other side of the museum! 
Ruggie: I was, but then I met Trey and we kinda ended up wandering around until I got here. 
Ruggie: What a coincidence that I found you looking at the painting of the lady who inspired your favorite shoes, shishishi~
Daisy: I guess it is a fun coincidence. Oh, right! Would you mind explaining more about her to me?
Ruggie: Fine! But don't go walking around telling people I've gone soft…
Daisy: No need to worry, I wouldn't even dream of it. 
Ruggie: *sigh* anyway… This lady is the princess that inspired your shoes, do you know the story behind it?
Daisy: Sam only explained to me that the princess who wore them danced with them until midnight… so I guess I don't know much more than that.
Ruggie: Right. Legend says she was an orphan who was forced by her stepmother to become basically a servant.
Ruggie: She cleaned the house all day everyday, was forced to hear awful things by her step family and when she wanted to go to a ball her stepsisters tore down her dress. 
Ruggie: A Fairy Godmother – well, her Fairy Godmother – decided to help her get to a ball, she gave her a gown, a carriage and everything! 
Ruggie: the Prince fell in love with her almost immediately and when she ran away and left her glass slipper fall, he tried it on every lady in the kingdom to find out who his beloved was. Then they got married and she never saw her family again.
Daisy: That’s basically the story of Cendrillon. 
Ruggie: What? Oh– one of the fairytales from your world?
Daisy: Yes. I’ve always admired her story, I reread it a lot growing up because I related to her. 
Ruggie: Ah… you did say your stepmother treated you horribly.
Daisy: She… treated me as best as she could.
Ruggie: Which wasn't anywhere near good enough. 
Daisy: Haha… I guess you're right. 
Daisy: What I mean is just… she treated me badly, but I don't hold grudges. 
Daisy: Whatever she's doing, I forgive her. And now that I'm somewhere better and living a happier life… I hope that her and her children manage to grow as people.
Daisy: That's what my mother taught me. 
Ruggie: …sometimes I really do wonder how I fell for such a goody-goody.
Daisy: W-what’s that supposed to mean?
Ruggie: I’m just saying, you're way too naive and nice to forgive someone like that.
Ruggie: if it were me, I’d never forgive them. No way someone's gonna step all over me and I'll forgive them.
Daisy: because that's exactly what you did to Leona-senpai, huh?
Ruggie: besides the point. 
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Daisy: Ruggie, isn't this painting depicting that story you told me about? The ones about the dogs sharing spaghetti?
Ruggie: Oh, that one, yeah! I didn't know they actually painted the scene, who would've thought.
Daisy: They're so adorable, I see now how romantic this is.
Ruggie: I guess? It's still just spaghetti…not only that but it's outside in the middle of the night. I guess for dogs it would be cool but for people? I’d honestly just be excited because it's free food.
Daisy: Oh, come on now! This is super romantic! It's a candlelight dinner under the night sky! 
Daisy: If someone did that for me, I know I’d be pretty happy and satisfied.
Ruggie: You’re just trying to convince me to ask you on a date, aren't you?
Daisy: …
Ruggie: Should’ve figured, shishishi!
Daisy: You can't blame a girl for trying, I’ve been pretty lonely these past few weeks since you’ve been working more than usual.
Daisy: But jokes aside, this right here is already enough. I’m already way less lonely just by walking around this museum with you, it's practically a date!
Ruggie: I don't think a date would consist of everyone from our school coming with us…
Daisy: You get what I mean…
Ruggie: Tell you what, once we get back I’m cooking us both some spaghetti and lighting some candles if that's what you’d like.
Ruggie: If my flower is feeling lonely then I better give her a proper date so she can feel loved, right?
Daisy: You really don't have to… but thanks. I would love to. 
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Ruggie: Ah, this one's actually a very famous painting, I’ve seen pictures of it around quite often.
Daisy: R-Really…?
Ruggie: What? You don't believe me?
Ruggie: It ties with Sunset Savannah’s history and with The King of Beasts’s story! 
Daisy: Well, forgive me for not understanding the historical significance of a monkey holding a lion cub…
Ruggie: *sigh* Alright. Lemme explain.
Ruggie: This is a ceremony often done by members of royalty when a new child from the royal family is born. 
Ruggie: It goes so far back even the lions from The King of Beasts’s story did that. They basically present the baby to everyone else in the kingdom… it's kinda hard to explain.
Daisy: Oh, I get it now!
Daisy: I see why it's so famous, seeing how it portrays an aspect of the royalty of Sunset Savannah. 
Ruggie: Eh… I never went to one, as you can imagine.
Daisy: Never? Is it not open to the common folk?
Ruggie: Well yeah, but back when there was one for who I now know is Leona-san's nephew, I was trying to survive.
Ruggie: I didn't have the time to go to a ceremony just to watch a new baby I didn't care about being presented to the whole kingdom.
Ruggie: I’d learn about him regardless, so I just didn't care much.
Daisy: I guess that makes sense.
Daisy: Still, it must be super interesting to see it happening. How cute would it be to see a baby cub being shown to the entire world just like that, hahah! 
Ruggie: Ah– sorry, before I got here I told Leona-san I’d go fetch something for him at the cafeteria in a few minutes… if I don't go now he’s gonna be pissed.
Daisy: Why didn't you tell me sooner?!
Ruggie: Well, ya know– it's impossible to resist spending time with you~
Daisy: Alright there, Romeo, enough! Go before he gets upset. I'll be looking around this area for a while more if you want to come back.
Ruggie: *sigh* ‘kay, I'll be off then! 
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Daisy: Hm? Ah, this is another painting of Cendrillon.
Daisy: She looks so much free... I'm happy she got her happy ending.
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veilkeeper · 6 months
the emperor is basically roz's controlling boyfriend
disclaimer: *i do not hate the emperor and i am not admonishing anyone who likes him or interprets him in a different way. i actually really like the emperor as a character and i enjoy his writing. part of the joy of characters like this is that people can have vastly different interpretations and still have them all be rooted in canon. *im going to be speaking specifically about my tav throughout this. im using their name as a way to specify that this is my tav's experience and feelings, and not necessarily every tav's experience and feelings. *im only partway through act 3. this is talking about roz's feelings during and immediately following the scene in question. they may change and develop later.
so you know how when you meet raphael at sharess' caress he temporarily breaks the PC's connection to the emperor to give them privacy, and then as soon as you leave the devil's den the emperor slides into your proverbial DMs demanding to know where you were?
let's talk about that.
for folks who haven't been following the roz saga, let me set the scene really quickly. roz is a githyanki tav. the "dream visitor" took the form of the elven priestess who took them in when they were a teenager. it was a relationship that was pretty bad for roz, but they were always loyal to her. roz trusted the dream visitor and completely betrayed their queen to protect them. when the emperor reveal rolled around, roz refused the astral-touched tadpole but failed the save and became a partial-illithid against their will. they've been having a bad time because of that, mostly because everyone in the party had really bad reactions to them becoming partial-illithid and now they feel gross and unwanted.
so now that the truth is out about the emperor being a mind flayer, roz is a little conflicted. on one hand, he's already lied to them about a lot of stuff, and they can't tell when he's manipulating them or being genuinely vulnerable. on the other hand, he has been protecting them, and in a time where they feel very off-kilter and alone, he's the only one who doesn't seem fazed by their new... everything. he reaches for a sort of intimacy and implies a sort of understanding between them that roz craves but doesn't know how to reciprocate when everything feels uncertain.
needless to say, their feelings are complicated, and roz feels... trapped, for lack of a better word. despite their hesitation, they have to rely on him - he's the one keeping them from transforming into a mind flayer, and if roz fucks up with him then the whole group is in danger.
and it is on roz - correct me if im wrong, but at this point in the game it seems like the emperor has given up on manipulating everyone else. i say that because party members stopped commenting on dream visits even before the emperor reveal; the first two visits everyone had a "so, i had another visit from our mysterious protector last night" but after that those conversations stopped. it seems that the emperor picked out roz as the best person to focus all his attention on, and as it turns out, all of the emperor's attention is a lot.
which brings us to raphael. the first thing he does when he turns his attention to roz is shut out the emperor... and the dialogue when that happens is interesting.
*For the first time since the nautiloid, your mind is clear. It's... unsettling.* Roz: I feel... empty. What did you do?
unsettling. empty.
i think this is the moment that makes roz realize just how... present the emperor has been. they've been passively aware that he's around; as early as the grove the dream visitor is pointing out tadpoles to pick up, and since making it to the city he's made a few comments on the environment. but this is the first time it's really clicked for them that he's been here, in their head, paying attention, ever since they woke up on the nautiloid.
how much has he learned about them? how much has he seen? how could they ever trust a single word he says when he knows exactly how to manipulate them?
it's a terrifying thought, isn't it? to realize all at once that someone else truly does hold all the cards.
they need time to think, and making a deal with a devil while they're freaking out internally seems like a recipe for disaster, so they say no to raphael's deal. and when they walk outside, all of their fears are confirmed by a little voice in their head, questioning them before the door is even closed behind them.
The Emperor: There you are. I thought I'd lost you. Something was blocking me from hearing your thoughts.
he just says it. mask off, he tells roz as if it is the most natural thing in the world for him to hear their thoughts, always. it feels like he's making fun of them, suddenly. like they're on the wrong end of a practical joke and they only just realized, right before it was time to deliver the punchline.
they don't know how to navigate this conversation. they're frozen. they don't want to tell him anything but they know being too evasive will only draw suspicion and whether they like it or not, they still need him.
they're as vague as they can be. it was raphael, he wants the crown. they hope it's enough but of course it isn't - the emperor asks what raphael offered them.
Roz: Does it matter? I said no. The Emperor: I'm glad you had the sense to turn him down. But it certainly does matter. [...] So I ask again - what were the terms of the deal he offered you?
it isn't enough to have said no, it isn't enough that they told him it was raphael. the emperor needs to know everything, and that's the problem, isn't it? he talks about being allies but he has the upper hand, always has, and he won't tolerate roz knowing anything he doesn't. if he isn't in control of the situation then he wants to be, and he has the power over them to make sure they do exactly what he wants.
so they tell him the terms of the deal. they wonder if it's too late to turn around and accept it, if raphael would be willing to shut the emperor out of their head while they took the hammer into the prism, so they didn't have this looming over them a second longer.
but as they expected, the emperor knows exactly what to say to plant that seed of doubt, to make sure they stay in his influence.
The Emperor: I trust that you will continue to remember who is really on your side. Without my protection, you cannot defeat the elder brain. You cannot even get close to it. No matter what the devil whispers in your ear.
he knows them. more than they ever wanted him to. they never told him anything, but he knows them better than anyone else they've ever met. and worst of all, they never gave him permission. for any of it. he has crept into every corner of their mind unbidden, looked through their eyes, seen some of the most intimate and personal moments of their life, changed them, all without permission.
yet as much as they want to get away, they can't. he's not wrong - they need him, and the only other person who can protect them, orpheus himself, will probably try to kill them on sight if they try to free him. and if that wasn't enough, the means to free orpheus in the first place is locked behind making a terrible deal with a skeevy devil or going on a heist to the hells that the emperor will watch every single moment of.
they feel violated. they feel manipulated. they feel like a puppet on a string. they feel helpless. and they feel like they can't breathe a word of it to anyone, not just because the emperor will hear it, but because they still don't know if their companions even want anything to do with them.
the emperor feels like a controlling boyfriend. the kind who grills roz on where they've been and demands to know everyone they've talked to. the kind who belittles them and tells them that they need him, and then turns around and tells them that they're the only one he trusts and he's so glad to have them.
at every turn they're being manipulated by people; guys with power who try to offer them whatever might sway them. but the emperor might be the worst of all of them, because he doesn't just want their cooperation - he's taking it, in the most insidious way he possibly can.
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burn-with-the-house · 10 months
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Kyr Farwhisper - The Dark Urge
"Everyone has unseemly thoughts. Being able to quieten them is what sets us apart from the beasts."
Sharing some screenshots from my Dark Urge playthrough, which has just about hit 21 hours. BE WARNED. EVERYTHING BELOW THE READ-MORE LINE IS SPOILERS FOR THE DARK URGE PLAYTHROUGH. There is spoiler content, gore, and violence beyond! I tag with "#durge spoilers" if you want to block.
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[Narrator: *You have nothing in your skull, besides your name and a headache. But you are in danger.*
Curse whoever did this to you.
Say your name aloud. You have a part of yourself.
Take a deep breath, shake your head, and start anew.]
The Dark Urge, in my opinion, is an origin that is preferable even to the custom ones that a player can make. Like the origins we get from the other PCs, such as Shadowheart or Astarion, there are custom cutscenes, content, and dialogue options specifically tailored to the Haunted past that you bring to the party. The Dark Urge isn't a play-through I would recommend if you want the feeling of a Noble, Righteous Hero. In some ways, it can be very stereotypically "edgelord"; you have little memory of your past, and are prone to violent and grotesque proclivities.
I suppose if you wanted to truly run an evil route and see how many dear companions you could kill along the way, you could play this route as Indulgent, or giving into the Dark Urge. I chose to play Kyr as a hopeless struggle; he is frightened by himself, and does his best to resist his dark temptations and try to do good. Resistance. It's made for a delightfully fulfilling roleplay experience, especially because I have chosen to romance Wyll on this play-through.
Even recruiting Astarion can be a little frightening.
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The intro runs about the same, except when you wake up on the Nautiloid, you are bloodied, frightened, and have no memory of how you got there. In fact, there are no real signs that there is anything wrong with you, at least not in the dialogue you get until after the crash. Everyone's a little nervous, on edge, and then you have the chance to recruit Gale from his little portal. If you give into the Urge... it goes poorly. Fantasize about chopping his hand off?
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I didn't make this canon for Kyr's run, but I was curious what would happen. I don't know what becomes of Gale, if you can recruit him later--if you can, how strange. You did just remove his hand for seemingly no reason. Astarion, too, has something to say about it immediately after.
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This is your first sign that the Dark Urge run is going to be, well.. full of dark urges. Kyr seems to have a strange and compelling urge to commit harmful, violent acts--but doesn't seem to be aware he's doing it. I went back and he recruited Gale normally, resisting the weird desire to fantasize about chopping a man's hand off. Things were quiet--for a little bit.
Lots of dialogue choices specialized for the Dark Urge present in one of two, maybe three ways--commit this horrible act, or be shocked by your perversions and resist. Along with all of the usual options, such as based around your skill checks and your class. You have fewer culture rolls--you don't remember your past, after all (but you can imply to be Baldurian later on in Wyll's conversations, which I did). The lack of backstory and the amnesia is meant to heighten the strange horror of your situation, but I like building on what Kyr could be missing. A father, maybe, and a mother he never knew.
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You can even tell Withers that you don't think your life is worth very much--something that he has a sage rebuke for. It's implied that he might know a little bit more about your circumstances than he's letting on, but if he does, he doesn't deem it fit to share with you.
Back at the camp, you do have options to speak with your party members--even so early--about your concerning affliction. Two new choices are available to you: concern about your memory loss, and concern about your violent urges. So early in the game, I decided I would start to bring up the memory loss. They are... quite flippant! And quick to dismiss your concerns on having to do with the mind-flayer tadpole.
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It's late, and I'm getting sleepy, so that's all I'll add for this post. More is to come.
Part 1 | Part 2
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yeowangies · 6 months
Blood Stains
CHAPTER XI: In spite of big fears
PAIRING: Raditz/F!Reader RATING: Teen and up CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow burn, Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, Blood. WORDCOUNT: 5581
“I love Raditz. I know he’s done things, terrible things, and we had our arguments about it, you know? But I’ve seen so many sides of him to know there’s more to him than just violence. I don’t expect him to change, but I’ve made peace with his history. It made him who he is, and I love him. I love him on purpose.”
After a million years (it's only been like four months) I finally finished this chapter!
It took me so long to be satisfied with it, I wrote, erased, rewrote, moved around, erased and rewrote again so many times.
This is heavy on dialogue, obviously since a lot of issues have to be resolved!
Next chapter is gonna be an epilogue! I already have in mind what I want to write for it, but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears!
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
Getting to Kame House never seemed like such a long trip until that very moment. It was a long way there, but whether you like it or not, you have a lot to think about. 
Raditz has kissed you repeatedly for no reason. Or well, for reasons that might have been obvious, but you don’t want to conclude anything, especially when you don’t know what he’s planning to do once the Saiyans get here. 
Bulma greets you as soon as you get to Kame House while you save your hover car inside a capsule. 
“Hey!” You smile at her, and she quickly grabs your arm and tugs you the farthest away from the house. “What are you doing?”
“Listen, I didn’t wanna say anything because I was waiting for you to tell me,” Bulma whispers, just in case someone might listen. “But you never did. I saw the security cameras the day Raditz destroyed my lab.”
“Do you really don’t know what I’m talking about?”
You frown, confused. The day Raditz destroyed her lab, what else happened that day?
You remember instantly, and immediately Bulma notices the change in your expression. 
“You kissed him! And didn’t tell me!” She practically yells, and you wince when she raises her voice. “Has he been with you all this time?”
“Not exactly.”
“Well? Aren’t you gonna tell me?”
“We weren’t… I thought it was better to keep it a secret. I didn’t think you’d see that…” Very stupid thinking, or lack of thinking on your part, you realize. Of course she was going to check the security cameras. 
“So? I’m sure it wasn’t just that one time. No wonder you didn’t visit me as often.”
You smiled despite yourself. You weren’t ready for that kind of conversation, but what was the point of still keeping it a secret then? Of course you don’t want to tell everyone just yet. But Bulma already knew.
“We… spent some time together after that, but it was on and off.”
“‘Spent some time’? Did you sleep with him?”
“You don’t sound too happy about it…”
You run a hand down your face, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment before speaking again. 
“Raditz stayed at my apartment for a few days, but… he left for God knows where, and came back every once in a while. Technically, we spent less than a month together, I guess.”
“Okay…” Bulma is smart, obviously, and you know she’s seeing right through you at the moment. “You don’t know what he’s gonna do today, do you?”
“No, we avoided the topic, most of the time. It was kind of what we agreed on.”
“How do you feel, then?”
“I honestly have no idea. I didn’t think I would feel like this… Raditz is either going to leave this planet… or he’s going to die, and both options break my heart.” Your voice wavers at the end, and you lower your gaze, trying to hold in your tears. 
“I’m sorry, I thought…” Bulma runs a hand up and down your back. 
“I know…”
“We don’t know what’s gonna happen, so calm down, ok? Goku is gonna get here soon.” Bulma reassures you, patting your head. 
You nod, at a loss of words. 
Verbalizing what you were afraid of doesn’t make you feel better at all, and now you're more on the verge of tears than before. You know that Raditz likes being with you, even when he hasn’t said it, but you doubt that would change anything. His over 30 years of existence can’t be compared to whatever relationship he’s been having with you for less than a year. 
It’s ironic how certain you feel about that conclusion when you know those days you spent with Raditz had inevitably changed your life. You can feel it in your bones, no matter the outcome of this day, you’ll be spending the rest of your life getting over him.
Everything is a blur the whole time you’re at Kame House, and you wonder if it would be better or worse if you could actually see what the hell is happening. You even wonder if you could actually sleep this day off, and wake up when it’s all over.
Hours later, you drag your feet to hop on the aircraft to get where the battle has taken place as anxiety eats your insides, and you try to tone out everyone’s voice (and you really understand Chichi’s desperation to get there as quickly as possible, but she was being really loud and that just puts you more on edge). Getting off the aircraft is easier after Chichi practically throws herself out there to look for Gohan once they land. You follow suit, landing your eyes on Goku, completely beat up and bleeding, but conscious. A little relieved, you look at Krillin briefly, noticing that he’s in a slightly better shape, before glancing around, trying to find Raditz. If he’s there at all.  
Krillin notices your trepidation, and calls your name, making you look at him. 
“That other Saiyan, Raditz, he helped us…” He smiles at you, before pointing towards his side. “He’s over there, alive but barely…”
Before you even know it, you run towards the place Krillin pointed to, and immediately spot him.
He’s looking at you through hooded lids, perplexed, when you kneel beside him. Your heart beats inhumanely fast as you eye him up and down, horrified to see him completely covered in blood and bruises, but absolutely glad he’s alive. 
“You told me you wouldn’t come here…” Raditz grumbles with a hoarse voice as you lean over him.
“I guess I lied.” 
Blood is flowing from many different places all over his body that you can’t even see where the wounds are, he might as well be bleeding from every pore. Sliding one hand down his cheek and into his scalp, your vision gets blurry when you feel hot thick liquid running through your fingers. 
How many nights did you spend with your hands up in his hair? Seeing them now soaked in his blood as you thread them through his hair only fills you with panic.
“Why are you crying?” Raditz asks, looking at you curiously. You didn’t even notice that you were until he said it, feeling your face completely drenched.
“Why am I crying?” You hiccup, smiling sourly at the ironic question. “Have you seen yourself?”
“I’ve gotten out of worse situations…” He smirks, coughing up blood before going on. “This is nothing.”
“Have you?” 
You try to comfort him with your touch, keeping your hands in his hair and softly caressing his scalp, no matter that you’re getting covered in his blood in the process. Your eyes scan over his body once more, though you’re not sure why, before landing your gaze back on his. You stare at him with so many emotions bubbling up in your chest at once, and you know he must be seeing them all, even through all your tears. 
“You’ve been keeping secrets from me.” Raditz utters, his gaze fixed on yours. You snort, amused that he can see right through you. 
“And you? What did you do? Why did you…?”
You trail off when a shaky hand slides up your cheek, wiping away a few tears with his thumb. 
It’s a simple gesture that fills your entire chest with a certain kind of warmness that you would have never expected, not in that moment. Especially because of Raditz. 
Maybe you both have been too naive.
Leaning down with your hands cupping his face, you kiss him sweetly, trying to convey how relieved and happy you are that he’s alive. Raditz returns it, skimming his hand into your hair to keep you close.
“I’m getting blood all over you…” He murmurs against your lips. 
“I don’t care.”
“I’ll stain you…” His hand in your hair drops.
“Then you’ll stain me.”
You kiss him briefly again before pulling away, just as you hear Bulma crying some feet away. You turn in her direction, confused. 
Why is she crying? You know some of the guys have passed, but you can still use the Dragon Balls. If Yamcha has died, they can still bring him back. 
But only if Piccolo is still alive…
“Did all our friends… Did they die?” You ask Raditz quietly, when you realize what the situation might be.
He only looks at you and nods meekly, and you couldn’t help your tears as they flow out of your eyes once more. 
“I’m sorry.” Raditz mutters softly, to your surprise.
“You’re sorry?” You ask, flabbergasted. He snorts with a smirk, entertained by your reaction. You sigh, showing him a small smile. “You’re gonna be okay.”
Raditz stares at you with soft eyes for a few seconds before he closes them, and you panic once he passes out.
There’s too much light in the room when Raditz wakes up, to the point where he thinks that place must be heaven, because everything in the room is just white and light blue, and the bed he’s on is soft and warm. 
That is until he feels a sharp pain all over his body.
Groaning, Raditz tries to move all his limbs and fingers, but only ends up making the pain much worse. He notices his entire body is bandaged, and his right arm is wrapped in a cast. The room he’s in reminds him a lot more of the room he used to stay when he got injured after his fight with Goku and Piccolo, but he knows it’s not the same place. 
He attempts several times to actually get up to find out where the hell is that place until you walk into the room.
“You’re finally awake!” You smile, before scowling at him. “Are you trying to get up?”
Raditz tries to ignore the way his heart beats enthusiastically in his chest when he sees you. It’s going to take a while to get used to that, for better or for worse. 
“I want to know where the fuck I am.” He retorts with no real contempt. 
“Again with that attitude.” You sigh, rolling your eyes. “If I recall, last time I had to trick you into saying ‘please’.”
“You’re a manipulative woman.” Raditz smirks when you walk over, sitting on his bed. 
“Excuse me?”
Your arched eyebrow and your eyes wide open amuse him to no end, making you roll your eyes when he chuckles. 
“Are you going to tell me where I am?”
“In a hospital, dufus, I’m not trying to trick you this time.”
“A hospital?” Raditz asks, confused. 
“It’s where sick people get treated.”
“I know what a hospital is. Why didn’t you bring me here the first time?”
“You were a menace to society then.” 
“And you think I’m not anymore?” It’s his turn to quirk an eyebrow. 
You show him a knowing smile, before looking down at him. 
Raditz knows he’s not as dangerous as you thought he was back then. Though you were never even afraid of him to begin with. He’s fine with that. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” Raditz winces when he tries to move again. His body hurts from the beating he took from Vegeta, but he’s also somehow exhausted from laying down. 
“I figured.” You smile, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Try not to move too much.”
“I can’t even if I want to, can I?”
“Well you blasted a hole in the wall last time you tried to leave while you were injured, remember?”
Raditz laughed quietly, before groaning in pain. Fuck, he’s in terrible shape. 
“You have a few ribs broken.” You explain, looking out the window by the bed. “And you lost a lot of blood. The doctors were a bit shocked when they tried to do a transfusion and I told them you might not have a blood type like we do. They probably passed out when they found out I was telling the truth.”
He only understood what you were saying partially. Blood type? Humans don’t have the same kind of blood? He lets it go, not really caring enough to ask you about it. 
“What happened to Kakarot?” Raditz asks, keeping his eyes on you when you turn to face him.
“He’s ok. He has as many broken bones as you do, but he’s been conscious for days now. He didn’t lose as much blood as you did, so he’s slightly better. It’s gonna take like four months for you to heal, so take it easy, okay?”
“Four months?!”
Raditz groans exasperatedly and throws his head against the pillow, grunting in pain when he feels a sharp pain up his spine. Fuck this place. He misses the technology in Frieza’s army. 
“I told you not to move too much.” You try to contain your smile. 
He glares at you. It’s not like he’s going to leave. He doesn’t even want to, but taking so long to heal is going to be a pain in the ass. 
“Don’t worry, you probably won’t take so long to get better.” You grin reassuringly. “They’re not ready yet, but we have some magic beans here that will heal you in no time.”
“Magic beans?”
“Yeah, you get instantly better when you eat them.”
Raditz’ eyebrow twitches instantly. 
“And why didn’t you get me one of those when I was on the verge of dying a year ago?”
“You were the enemy, I couldn’t! I didn’t know what you were gonna do!”
“What other things have you been keeping from me?” He looks at you with curiosity. 
He doesn’t resent you for not telling him about things you thought were important; he does feel a little stupid for not realizing the amount of information you actually had, though it never would have occurred to him that something like ‘magic beans’ existed. 
“Well, I don’t know… I wasn’t doing it on purpose.” When he raises one brow, you roll your eyes. “Okay, maybe I was hiding some things on purpose, but what about you, mister?”
“What about me?”
“You were obviously not telling me anything.”
“About what?”
“Anything, everything! Like, what did you even do when you weren’t at my place?”
“Is that what you’re worried about?” Raditz smiles, amused. That time you got upset when he mentioned he slept with another woman came to mind, and while he obviously hasn’t slept with anyone else since then, he felt the need to reassure you. “I didn’t fucked anyone else.”
“That’s not what I meant!” You blushed slightly, shaking your head. 
He tries to move his arms, or at least one arm, to pull you down and kiss you, but he only ends up grunting, feeling a pungent pain through his muscles. Your blush fades quickly and you snicker at the sight, earning a playful glare from him. 
“I told you not to move.” You quip.
“It was just that one time that I had sex with someone else.” Raditz says without provocation. 
“We already talked about this, you don’t have to explain-”
“You brought it up.”
“I didn’t!”
“I didn’t even sleep with her.”
“What?” You frown, not following. 
“We just had sex.”
“…What do you mean?” You frown deeper as you raise your voice. “Do not give me details, or I swear to God.”
“It’s exactly like I said.” Raditz huffs, trying not to smile at your reaction. “We just had sex.”
“In the middle of nowhere?”
“What happened afterwards?”
“Nothing. I finished and left her there.”
Raditz frowns when he sees the expression on your face transforming into what can only be anger, but he doesn’t know why you’re mad this time.
“You left her there? Just like that? Raditz!” You yell, making him jolt instantly, pain pulsing through his muscles.
“What was I supposed to do?” He asks, confused. 
“Not throw her away like a used ragdoll! This angers me more than you sleeping with her to begin with!”
“Wh-What?!” His body is in pain from tensing up after your outburst, but Raditz is just perplexed. What should he have done then?
“You’re not supposed to treat women like that!”
“What are you talking about?” Raditz asks loudly. “I’m not going to fuck anyone else, so why are you even telling me this?!”
Your expression softens considerably, and it takes him a few seconds to realize that reassuring you of the fact that he only is interested in you is what you need. When your cheeks flush faintly, he smirks triumphantly. 
“Okay…” You smile softly, and Raditz isn’t prepared for the warmth he feels in his chest. At least he’s in the hospital if it ends up being a disease or something. “Was that something you were hiding too?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you said to let you know when our arrangement would be over… But now, it sounds like you don’t want it to end.”
“I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.”
“No.” Raditz says as soon as he notices the sad gleam in your eyes. “I wasn’t thinking because… I was enjoying our time together. And I was sure I could stop seeing you at any moment. I was being an idiot.”
“Maybe we both were.” Your smile is on your face again, though he still sees a little sorrow in it. “I thought we could keep it simple, you know? We really should have talked in depth about this.” 
“Because the last time we talked about ‘our feelings’ it ended so well.” He jests, rolling his eyes. 
“Come on!” You nudge his side with your hand gently, making him grin. “All the more reason to talk, don’t you think? We have been keeping a lot of things from each other.”
“You more than anyone.” Raditz remarks with playful annoyance. 
“Honestly, baby, who’s counting?” You return his playful smile, and he knows whatever might have happened between the two of you isn’t a threat to the relationship you had. Whatever that relationship is. 
He’s been wanting to kiss you since you walked into the room, but he doesn’t have the ability to move any limbs at the moment and it never frustrated him so much to be immobilized. With a brief second of looking into each other’s eyes, you seemingly read his mind, though, and shifted on the bed to lean down and kiss him. 
Does that warm feeling in his chest whenever he sees you come with telepathic powers? 
You sweetly press your lips to his, softly moving them, and Raditz feels like it’s been ages since he had a taste of you. He wants more, so much more than just a simple peck on the lips, but there’s nothing he can do once you pull away, cupping his face in your hands and leaning your forehead over his. 
He notices the shift in your tone as you speak.
Raditz still doesn’t fully grasp how many emotions humans even have (apparently Saiyans are capable of them, but he’s been exposed to anger, hatred and violence all his life that he doesn’t recognize them when he feels differently). You seem sad, maybe it was because your friends have died. 
He recalled the moment when he was laying on the dirt after Vegeta took off, and you were looking down at him, eyes filled with tears. He didn’t know how, but he perfectly recognized the gleam in them then. 
Affection. It was even dripping from your tears as you cried, like you couldn’t contain them. You are wearing a similar gleam just now, as you look at him carefully. 
“I don’t know what I would have done…” You whisper, so quiet for only Raditz to hear. “If you had…”
You trail off, leaving the words hanging in the air. The emotion in your voice, he understands that too; fear, embarrassment and nervousness. 
“Hopefully use those Dragon Balls.” Raditz replies wittily, making you snort. 
“If Piccolo died, then…” Your voice is still somber, even with the soft look you’re giving him. “We can’t use the Dragon Balls…”
“Those things have too many rules to function.” He frowns, perplexed. “Was that another thing you forgot to mention about them?”
“Well actually, I did forget. I wasn’t thinking about that detail.” 
“So you can’t bring back any of your friends.”
“No, but we have a plan.” You smile widely, pulling away from him as you sit back. 
“A plan?”
Raditz listens to you carefully as you explain that Bulma, Krillin and Gohan are set to go to Namek in just a couple of days, to find the Dragon Balls that supposedly exist on that planet. He sweats slightly while you speak; the planet Namek is a peaceful place, without any significant threat. But he knows that Frieza sometimes liked to listen in on the conversation his soldiers have through the scooters. There’s a chance he might know about the Dragon Balls and Namek if he heard Vegeta talking about it.
“You’re not going to go, are you?” He asks first and foremost. He’s in no condition to go himself, but if you decide to go then he would have no other choice. 
“Of course not, I wouldn’t be of any help.” You snort, amused. 
Raditz lets out a sigh he didn’t know was holding in. 
“Namek is not a dangerous planet, its inhabitants are peaceful and weak. There shouldn’t be any problem…” 
“But?” You ask, noticing the uncomfortable look on his face.
“Saiyans are not the strongest race. I was lying about that.” Raditz states, looking into your eyes. “Tell your friends to be careful. Vegeta might show up looking for those things too.”
“I’ll tell them to be alert.” You nod, completely serious. He’s satisfied with your answer so he doesn’t talk about the matter anymore. 
He has nothing to worry about if you’re not going on that trip, and he can’t wait to heal so he can actually grab you and press you closer. Apparently whatever emotion is coursing through his veins made him completely attached to you. It’s a literal pain not being able to pull you down for a kiss. 
Your eyes are on him with a warm look on them, and the more you stare, the more he feels like something is bubbling up inside him. 
“Sit on my face.” Raditz says out of the blue. He watches with amusement as your face goes from surprise to confusion to embarrassment in less than a second. 
“Sit on my face.” He repeats, smirk growing wider when he notices the faint blush on your cheeks. “I can’t do much in this situation, but I know damn well what I’m good at.”
Raditz licks his lips in anticipation, looking at you with a lecherous glimmer that only makes you blush harder. It’s still fun to tease you that way, but he’s truly desperate to taste you again after so long. After all, he was in a coma for days. 
“I’m not doing that.” You glare playfully, crushing his dreams. “This is a hospital, and I don’t know if you noticed but you’re bedridden until further notice.”
“I can still move my tongue and that should be enough.”
When you laugh, it’s like music to his ears, and even then he couldn’t help but grin. 
“Not this time, handsome. I’ll sit on your face all you want some other time.”
Raditz grunts, annoyed, but he’s rewarded with a kiss on his lips.
It’s the kiss he’s been wanting since you walked in there, or maybe even long before that. Sliding your tongues together, gliding your lips slowly and sensually, and he hates that he can’t even cup your face or wrap his arms around you. You sneak one hand into his hair, caressing his scalp, and a low purr rumbles from his chest. 
He’s really fucked. 
You break the kiss sooner than Raditz expects when the door suddenly opens. 
“Who are you?” Raditz asks with contempt when a man dressed in white walks in. 
“I’m your doctor.” The man answers with a stern tone, glaring at the both of you. “And this isn’t a hotel.”
“Sorry, doc, I was just happy he was awake.” You reply naturally. 
“You’re his wife, right?”
“She’s my mate.” Raditz replies before you can even open your mouth.
He hasn’t thought it through when those words escaped his lips, but you’re looking at him with a wide smile so he doesn’t regret it at all.
The doctor looks at the both of you with confusion so you speak, still smiling and looking at Raditz with affection in your eyes. 
“I’m his girlfriend.”
You recall everything that happened in the past year as you walk to the room Goku was staying at. 
Raditz’s heel-face turn was surprising; you didn’t expect him to be influenced by anything, especially you. If anything, you were ready for the most gruesome outcome after Goku arrived. No one told you exactly what happened during the battle, but you don’t really need to know more; Krillin had said that Raditz helped and that was more than enough for you.
As you approach the room, you see Chichi coming out alone. 
Maybe it was time to apologize to her. Bulma wasn’t wrong months ago when she said you also didn’t try to reach out after Goku died and Gohan was taken, and while you weren’t the only one responsible, you were still involved.  
“Chichi.” You call for her and the moment she looks at you, her expression hardens. “Chichi, I’m sorry.”
“For what, exactly?” She only gives you a moment to open your mouth but doesn’t let you speak. “For not telling me that my husband had died? For saving the monster that killed him? For letting my son be kidnapped?”
“Um, all that, but if you would hear me out-”
“I don’t need to, I already know everything. And this is not the place to talk about this.” Chichi coldly cut you off before you could add anything else, walking right past you. “Goodnight.”
Your shoulders droop as you watch her leave, sighing loudly. Maybe eventually, she’ll listen.
Knocking on Goku’s door before stepping in, you smile at the sight of him, still amused that he looks like a mummy, trapped in a sarcophagus. He returns the smile, calling your name as you take the seat next to him. 
“You still look so funny.” You comment, giggling like a little girl.
“It’s not as fun as it looks like.” Goku replies, pouting. He seems like a child at that moment as well, and it warms your heart.
It would be the first time you actually talk to him, one on one, since he died. And even before that, it was years ago. You haven’t realized how much you missed him until now. 
“I’m still happy you’re okay.” You smile gently. Goku blinks before returning the gesture. 
“I heard you’re the reason Raditz helped us during the fight.”
“You heard?” 
“Okay, I kinda saw it.” Goku admits with a knowing grin.
“That sounds even weirder.” You laugh, but he only shrugs, as if it was the most obvious thing.
“When Vegeta threatened to destroy this planet, the look on Raditz’s face kinda spoke for itself.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m no mind reader, but he looked scared. And he jumped back on the battle and took our side and helped us in the blink of an eye.” He waits for your reaction, but your blank expression prompts him to go on. “I figured you might have something to do with his change of heart?”
“Why do you think that?” 
“I saw you kissing. I wasn’t unconscious, you know?” 
“Oh…” You blush slightly, but the smile on your face only gets wider, just like Goku’s grin does. 
“So, you two are together, huh?”
“We are. Sometimes this still feels surreal.”
“What do you mean?” Goku asks, confused. 
“That Raditz chose to stay. I thought he might end up leaving this planet, or that he’d die. I’m so happy that wasn’t the case.”
Goku looks at you with soft eyes. He might not be the brightest of the bunch, or at least that’s what everyone thinks about him, but he understands people’s feelings more than anyone else, and at that moment, he’s looking at you like he knows all the fear and trepidation you had been going through the past twelve months. 
“But he stayed.” He says, reassuringly. 
“Yeah, and I’m so grateful.”
“Do you love him?” Goku asks, to your own surprise. That softness is still in his eyes, and you can’t help the warmth that spreads through your chest when you answer his question. 
“I do. I love Raditz. I know he’s done things, terrible things, and we had our arguments about it, you know? But I’ve seen so many sides of him to know there’s more to him than just violence. I don’t expect him to change, but I’ve made peace with his history. It made him who he is, and I love him. I love him on purpose.” 
Your face is hot, not because you’re embarrassed, but you assume the way your heart is currently beating has something to do with it. Confessing out loud that, in spite of deep fears, you were unequivocally in love with Raditz made your blood run faster. Goku is grinning, completely pleased with your answer, and amused that you’re blushing. 
“I guess he’s staying on Earth, then.”
“I suppose so.”
“Chichi aint gonna be happy about it.” Goku chuckles, but you only smile for a second. 
“About that, I’m sorry I didn’t talk to her…” You say, this time truly ashamed. 
“Whaddaya mean?”
“About what happened when you died…” 
You are not sure how much Goku knows about the situation, but you know you have to apologize for almost all of it. Not talking to Chichi in time, letting his son be kidnapped (even when there wasn’t much any of you could do). You had been too wrapped in your own bubble to think about it but in retrospect, you feel terrible. 
“Chichi only found out about your death and Gohan’s kidnapping over 24 hours after it happened. I’m sorry.”
Goku blinks, and you wonder if he even knows what you’re talking about. His subsequent smile is your answer.
“You’re the first one who apologized about it.”
“Really?” You ask, taken aback. 
“Krillin kinda did but not really. He only said sorry because he was scared of Chichi.”
You facepalm, in disbelief his best friend would be so vague and kind of a dick when talking about Goku’s wife. 
“I assume Bulma did not even mention it?” You ask, ready to be annoyed. 
“She didn’t, she sounded more mad about Chichi than anything else? I didn’t get it.”
You roll your eyes. Bulma is resentful for a woman who has everything and anything she wants at the reach of her hand.
“She was mad that I didn't invite her to the wedding.” Goku adds.
“I know.” You sigh, exasperated. 
“Why? Back then, I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“You think it is now?”
“Well…” Goku fixed his eyes on the ceiling, thinking for a second before answering. “I didn’t really know what the big deal about marriage was. I never even went to a wedding! When Chichi asked me if I wanted to invite you guys, I said no because we only saw each other for training and adventures and stuff.”
That reasoning sounds so much like him that you didn’t have it in you to be even a little mad. Of course, you were never too upset about it as Bulma was. 
“Bulma is still a little childish.” You comment, but Goku only shrugs. 
“I didn’t think she’d be mad about it. I guess I could have invited you all for the wedding, since it was a big deal after all. I wouldn’t have gotten to know Chichi, and Gohan wouldn’t even exist.”
So Goku loves Chichi. 
It should have been obvious. The way he talked about her, as Goku-like as that was, and the way you noticed how he looked at her. They only married because of a promise they made as kids, you wouldn’t have expected them to actually get to know each other and fall in love. You should’ve known.
“Goku, I can’t say I wasn’t childish back then,” You start, and he turns to look at you with quizzical eyes. “But it’s been a while, and honestly it���s cute you found someone you decided to spend the rest of your life with, even if it was just a promise. I know you love her after all these years.”
“I do.” Goku grins. “She’s great! She’s patient with me about a lot of things I don’t get, and she’s real sweet. She’s cute when she gets mad, too.”
You chuckle. Is it a Saiyan thing to like women with a little attitude?
“Hopefully she’ll warm up to me. We’re family after all, now.”
“We are?” Goku questions, brows furrowed. 
“Well yeah. I’m dating your brother, we’re in laws now.”
“Huh.” He thinks about it for a second before smiling. “That sounds fun. Maybe Raditz won’t be so bad, either.”
“Give him a chance. You did say he helped save the Earth and all.”
“It’d be cool to spar with him! I know I can beat him!”
You smile, excited to see how this new period of your life will be like. 
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thescrapwitch · 15 days
Random ask: I think about your sweet, eccentric Lindir a lot. What inspired you to write him that way?
Thank you! I am always delighted to get random asks about my writing, and especially about Lindir :)
So, when I first decided to write The Haunting of Imladris, I knew I wanted it to be from an outside perspective. That way I could show Imladris, its inhabitants, and the eldritch-horror from someone who had no connection to it and could therefore be used to describe things to the readers.
I also didn’t want to make an OC, but instead use a pre-existing character who we only had a tiny bit of canon about so that I could make up the rest. Lindir seemed the best choice because he’s mentioned like once or twice in the source material, and also - according to a lot of the fics I’d read - is seen as a bard. Tolkien Gateway mentioned his inability to tell mortals - Hobbits and Men - apart, which immediately made my brain go: “Oh, hot dumb person in a horror movie trope. I can work with this.”
Then it all kind of grew from there.
Most of the pieces of who he was showed up as I wrote. The Haunting of Imladris was one of those rare fics where I just sat down and wrote like twelve pages from start to finish with most of the plot, character details and dialogue in one huge rush. The opening joke “Well, I’m not smart- I mean, I’m not going to move somewhere else” helped me to understand his voice. I could hear him immediately in my head. A little naive, sweet, eccentric, devoted to his craft, and a lot braver than most people would assume.
My internal monologue as I wrote him went kind of like this: Where is he from? Oh, Lothlorien would make sense, since there’s not many elven places in the Third Age. Why would he not know who Maglor is? Oh, because he isn’t just unaware of mortals, it's his own history that disinterests him too. Well, what does he like instead? Nature! Small things! Why does he put up with spookiness? Because he doesn’t want to go back to Lothlorien. But why? I wrote earlier that he adores Galadriel. Why did he leave? Oh wait, who is this character? I need to think of a name for him. Brenion. Okay, why is he here and why does Lindir not like him…
On and on, until the fic was done and Lindir had befriended Maglor. The start of a beautiful friendship and my eldritch series growing into what it is now (almost 100k words HOW???). Him being aroace, loving moss and dandelions and snails, being fiercely loyal to his (terrifying) friend; all of that grew out of the thought to play around with that horror trope in a silly way.
I love him so much and I’m delighted at how many other people love him too :)
I hope that made some sort of sense!
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romisora · 2 months
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Reflecting on Romeo and Alfredo's Relationship in Romeo's Blue Skies
This is going to be a very long post as I dig through years of interviews with the creators of the series and spend time reflecting on my own feelings since first seeing this show as a kid over ten years ago; I'm curious to see if there are any other queer fans who resonate with my experience. If you're just interested in reading the staff interview snippets, scroll towards the end.
TL;DR Romeo and Alfredo's feelings for each other were confirmed to be romantic in an interview with the director of the series in 2010.
For some background context, I first saw this series as a closeted queer kid. I had seen other media prior to this that were canonically queer on-screen, but had prevented myself from getting too invested in them. Deep down, it scared me that I was drawn to them and I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't like them. Also, I fall somewhere on the asexual and gray-romantic spectrum and as a result I never had much interest in romance-centered stories in the first place. However, something I didn't realize at the time there actually were types of romantic relationships that I desired, but there was an absence of me seeing them portrayed and allowing myself to be drawn to them.
When I first watched Romeo's Blue Skies, I was not prepared for how emotionally invested I became in the story, especially in the relationship between Romeo and Alfredo. I remember feeling confused why I was having feeling so many emotions while watching, and wondering why I was moved to tears over two fictional characters. At the time, I could tell it hit me on a deeper level than some people around me who I re-watched it with, and I was at a loss for what the reasons were. No piece of media had made me feel this deeply before, and few have come close since then. There's definitely a lot of other personal things about the story and characters that have grown with me over the years that contribute to how much I love this series as well, but Romeo and Alfredo were always at the heart of it. Back then, I tried to merely chalk up my feelings to the two characters having a beautiful friendship, one that I desired to have . . .
Years later, after I had figured out a lot more about my queer identity, I decided to revisit this show which had consistently been in my top 5 favorites even though I had not re-watched it in a very long time. Immediately, I started picking up on all the cues and realizing all the things about these two that had moved me and why it had been the case. The way they talked and supported each other, the way they thought each other, and the emotional intimacy between them. Regardless of anything that was stated on-screen, their connection felt incredibly romantic.
Something to keep in mind, I'm analyzing this series through the lens of the split-attraction model and am talking purely about romantic attraction here, not sexual attraction. If you are not familiar with the split-attraction model and different types of attraction, I recommend researching and reading about it. Being a kid on the asexual spectrum, I think it was precisely the innocence and pureness of Romeo and Alfredo's romantic attraction to one another that struck a chord with me. Additionally, being closeted, I believe on a subconscious level I resonated with the fact that these two were clearly in love with each other, but just like me, they did not understand it themselves either.
There were also a couple moments on my re-watch where my interest was piqued by dialogue nuances which were left out in the fansub translations.
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From Episode 24, here Alfredo is saying "Romio ga inakucha dameda" (ロミオがいなくちゃだめだ。), which translates a bit closer to "I need you, Romeo," or "I can't do it without you, Romeo." However, depending on the context, this phrase can have a much stronger meaning, translating closer to "I can't live without you."
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From Episode 26, although technically Alfredo is agreeing with Bianca here, his exact words are "Aa, subarashiiyo" (ああ、素晴らしいよ) which is "Yeah, he's wonderful."
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Later in the same scene, Alfredo says to Bianca, "Omae mo itsuka kitto, Romio ga daisuki ni naru" (おまえもいつかきっと、ロミオが大好きになる。)
"Omae mo" which means "you too," what he's saying here is actually closer to "You too, will surely grow to like Romeo a lot someday." Potentially, there's a stronger undertone here which could be closer to "You too, will surely fall in love with Romeo someday."
"Daisuki ni naru" can mean either "fall in love with" or "grow to like a lot," and can be romantic or platonic depending on context. Bianca's reaction afterwards certainly feels rooted in the fact that his words fall in this gray area.
Ultimately, regardless if Romeo and Alfredo's relationship was not meant to be seen as romantic, it would not change the reasons why the series impacted me so much. However, on my recent re-watch, I couldn't help but wonder how much of it was intentional since so many creative choices in the show felt very deliberate. Alfredo's quickness to grab Romeo's hand, the gentle touches between them, the longing gazes, the promises, the daydreaming about each other when separated, how romantic the accompanying music tracks feel whenever they were together.
A side note here, two things about this situation can be true simultaneously. There can and should be more platonic male friendships with this level of emotional intimacy, and this should be more encouraged, accepted, and represented. At the same time though, there is no need to deny the queer-coding of these two characters. Both interpretations can exist alongside each other. After all, romantic or not, a huge part of their relationship is based on a strong foundation of friendship.
Somewhat related to this, I'd argue that a huge part of why the emotional chemistry between these two characters is so strong is because the story/script writer was a woman and they were both played by women. I joked to myself on my recent re-watch that Romeo and Alfredo have lesbian energy, and later realized that perhaps there were actual reasons why I was getting those vibes 😆
I have the 1996 Megu Extra artbook for the series I had picked up years ago. Since I had been recently been starting to study more Japanese, and Google Lens and DeepL have become pretty good at character recognition and translation, I started to casually read some of the staff interviews in the back of the book. My heart skipped a beat when I read this passage from the interview with the director, Kouzou Kusuba:
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(scan of the page is edited to just show the relevant passage here)
Here's a translation I later got from a professional translator:
—It ended up becoming quite popular.
Kusuba: Contrary to my expectations… The fans are maniacs (laughs). Every work has its own fans, but for this one, it really did defy expectations. Well, I do understand the reason. I did depict Romeo and Alfredo in a homosexual-like way. Two men staring into each other’s eyes, or being quick to touch each other. Such depictions were not done previously in the Masterpiece series, and they were quite common here.
The vagueness here was what intrigued me, was he saying they were intentionally gay or just explaining why fans were interpreting them that way? He certainly did not seem to be outright denying the possibility.
I started digging deeper down the rabbit hole of interviews with the staff in various books over the years, burning with curiosity.
I found a couple more interesting vague allusions to the nature of Romeo and Alfredo's relationship in interviews with the script writer and voice actors in the 1996 Megu Extra art book and the 10th anniversary book.
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From the 1996 Megu Extra interview with the script writer, Michiru Shimada. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Interviewer: Please tell us about the process of adapting the original story into an anime.
Shimada: At first I thought the story would be a bit hard to follow. But as I worked on it, I think I was able to write something that I never thought I would be able to do. At first, I didn't think it would become this much of a friendship story between Romeo and Alfredo. Of course, I thought that would be the main theme and the climax of the story, but I feel that their friendship, or rather their relationship of trust, went further and further than I had expected.
From the 10th anniversary book interview with Michiru Shimada. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Since I started using the Internet, I found out that "Romeo" had fans, and now that it has reached its 10th anniversary, it still has as many fans as ever. It's very surprising. I am deeply moved that 10 years have already passed, and at the same time, I am filled with gratitude that so many of you remember it. At the time of the broadcast, the ratings were low and I wondered if anyone was even watching the show. So I had no idea that there was a lot of talk among some fans about the relationship between Romeo and Alfredo being "suspicious" (laughs).
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From the 10th anniversary book interview with Ai Orikasa and Toshiko Fujita, the voice actors of Romeo and Alfredo, respectively. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Interviewer: So what "Romeo" depicts is the most important part, and in that sense, it is an eternal theme. Even when you grow up, you still think, "I want this kind of friendship," at the heart of it, don't you?
Orikasa: In some ways, it's ideal. I wish I had a friend like Alfredo…. Also, you are drawn to both the innocence of a boy like Romeo, whose hard work is beautiful, and the coolness and fragility of a brilliant but unfortunate boy like Alfredo.
Fujita: Even though they're just boys, there's a deep bond between them, like a romance, right? That's a big theme of Romeo and Alfredo's story.
Interviewer: What do you think is the secret behind Romeo and Alfredo's popularity?
Orikasa: Alfredo is unquestionably cool. Even being unfortunate has a kind of charisma…Romeo, on the other hand, is definitely a blank canvas. He's absorbing everything, but he's desperately trying to survive. He loves people desperately, he desperately wants to do something about it, and he can be clumsy or childish at times, but that's what makes him so charming. As for the relationship between the two, Romeo will never be able to live like Alfredo, and Alfredo will never have anything like Romeo, so they admire each other.
Fujita: I don't know which one of them is happier, but each of them has different qualities that they were born with or things that they acquired without realizing it. On the one hand, I feel like I have to protect them, but on the other hand, I also want to throw them away…That's why Romeo's blank canvas looks wonderful to Alfredo. Perhaps his canvas had been already painted over ever since he was born. They both have something wonderful from the start, but they're both attracted to what they don't have.
…It sounds like we're talking about a man and a woman (laughs).
Orikasa: That's really true. So, I'm sure the fans saw the two of them that way as well. But we were also laughing in the recording studio. There were long scenes where they stared at each other (laughs).
Fujita: That was hilarious. "Isn't it a little too long?" (laughs) We would say things like, "That look in his eyes is not normal."
By this point, I was still wondering if the romantic subtext was actually intentional, or if the creators were just joking around and acknowledging fan interpretations. However, at the very least, I felt I could be satisfied knowing that no one was arguing against the interpretation of them being more than friends. I began to assume that even if the romantic subtext was intentional, the creators would never officially confirm it and would continue to skirt around the topic forever.
Then, to my absolute shock, I found it. Fifteen years after the show aired, in the 2010 World Masterpiece Theater Europe Memorial Book, the director unabashedly confirming the feelings between Romeo and Alfredo were always intended to be romantic.
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From the special interview with director Kouzou Kusuba. Professionally translated:
Romeo and Alfredo, the two had fallen in love . . .
With Romeo and Alfredo, that was love at first sight. Without even going into male friendships, the two are lovers. Before they start walking down the road of hardships, when they meet during the apple incident, it was love at first sight. They fell in love. That is the only explanation for having a bond that is that strong.
After Angeletta, Romeo’s heart moves towards Bianca. That is because he saw traces of her older brother, Alfredo, in her. So in the end, it was Alfredo for Romeo.
For comparison's sake, the DeepL translation with my own edits for better readability:
Romeo and Alfredo, they fell in love . . .
Romeo and Alfredo, it was love at first sight. Before you say anything about male friendships, these two are lovers. They fell in love at first sight when they met at the apple incident before they started down the road of hardship. They fell in love. If we didn’t think of it that way, they would not have had such a strong bond.
Romeo's heart moves on to Bianca after Angeletta. It is because he saw in Bianca the image of her brother Alfredo. After all, it really is still Alfredo for Romeo.
There's a crucial bit of info to note about the interview in the original Japanese that confirms it was romance without a shadow of a doubt. The director uses the word 恋 (koi) to describe their love, which is a term that is only used for romantic love in Japanese, as well as 恋人 (koibito - lovers/sweethearts/boyfriends). This leaves no ambiguity unlike the words すき (suki - like), and 愛 (ai - love), which, like their closest English counterparts, can be platonic or romantic depending on context.
Although I didn't need the romantic connection between them to be canon, actually having it confirmed simultaneously fills my heart with so much joy and ache even more. The story hits much harder when viewed through the lens of being an intentional, fleeting childhood romance between two boys who are oblivious to the fact that they are in love with each other. There's a sense of disconnect between them knowing that they feel strongly towards each other, but not realizing what their feelings mean and the people around them not understanding how deep it is either. I certainly had feelings as a kid that I wasn't able to identify as romantic until years later because of compulsory heterosexuality, and I'm sure many other queer people would relate to this as well.
It's beautiful, yet heartbreaking. If you consider it, the way their romance is presented contextually makes sense from both the standpoint of being realistic to the 1870s, time period it is set in, and the constraints of when it was created and aired on TV, in 1995. Especially with Romeo's Blue Skies being a children's show and a World Masterpiece Theater series, there probably would have been no scenario where the creators could have explicitly stated it on-screen. Instead, they poured it all into subtext, which shines brightly.
Romeo and Alfredo never needed to say, "I love you." A few words, a tender gaze and a gentle hand touch between them to me almost feels more romantic than a kiss ever could. It is so painfully evident in the way they look at each other and treat each other that they have a much deeper emotional and romantic bond between them than any other characters in the series.
I think that's what spoke to me all those years ago. The feeling of finding someone you're on the same wavelength with; those unspoken understandings between each other. I saw these two and was struck somewhere deep in my heart with the desire for a relationship like that. Even now, there's a part of me that feels: If I were to find my equivalent counterpart of Romeo and Alfredo, I would be set for life . . .
12 notes · View notes
LWA: I was reading your conversation with @saryasy, and thinking that perhaps many of the problems we see in the narrative are solved if we ask ourselves, "but why /would/ they have these conversations?" This is not even a matter of character flaws. There are just a number of things that either they have no reason to discuss or they have had no opportunity to discuss, because, in TV!canon, they /have not spent much time together/.
This fandom tends to read Crowley's dialogue assuming that it doesn't contain discrepancies, outright self-contradictions, or ironies--I'm not the first person to notice this by a long shot--resulting in bizarre questions to Gaiman about why, for example, his multiple stories about his Fall don't add up. Answers: a) not as evil as Heaven thinks, not as good as he's making himself out to be, because b) he's an unreliable narrator. Given that S2 makes it canon that, yes, Crowley fought in a legion and wasn't hiding innocently in a corner during the Great War, the arc of the universe isn't bending towards Aziraphale discovering in S3 that Crowley was some sweet boo-boo who got done dirty through no fault of his own, but instead towards Aziraphale discovering that Crowley did something bad enough (hardly epic levels of bad, but bad enough) to disturb his assumptions about Crowley's innate goodness. I would argue that that would be much more important for the final phase of Aziraphale's character arc than "Heaven was unjust to Crowley when he didn't do anything wrong." Aziraphale /already/ knows that Heaven behaves badly; the whole point of his decision to accept the Metatron's offer is that he and Crowley, whom he thinks is good through-and-through, could become the "right people" and remake it to behave well. But what if Crowley really did do something that Aziraphale couldn't reconcile with "goodness"? How would he reconceptualize their relationship going forward?
I go off on that tangent because, as you know from my previous asks, I don't think we are supposed to take Crowley's assertions about their joint past at face value. In S1, Crowley's "How long have we been friends? 6000 years!" can only be taken with a straight face if you believe that Crowley has an extraordinarily shallow definition of friendship. They see each other so intermittently that in 537 AD Aziraphale can't even remember Crowley's name change (even though he flubbed it and then corrected himself immediately in Rome), and their interactions into the nineteenth century, far from being consistently friendly, let alone romantic, are all over the place. Crowley's conversation opener at Golgotha, "come to gloat?", is no better than Aziraphale's "so this is all your demonic work!" later on, and Aziraphale is so cold at the beginning of 1862 that I still wonder if something happened not explained by 1827. Even in 1601, when they've become close enough that Aziraphale can bring out the puppy-dog eyes, it's clear from Crowley's dialogue that their meetings are clandestine--they both expected to hide in the crowd at the Globe--and it's left ambiguous how many of their trade-offs in the Arrangement were arranged in person or by letter. In Book!Canon, where there's comparatively little surveillance, they appear to have had more in the way of casual interaction, but it's telling that the way that Crowley phrases it to himself in free indirect discourse is "an enemy for six thousand years now, which made him a sort of friend" (39). Gaiman's rewrite for the script eliminates the qualifiers and the ambivalent sense of distance, but the historical episodes ironize TV!Crowley's confidence.
And again, Crowley's attempt at a marriage proposal in S2 runs aground on multiple self-contradictions. We have just watched him flub a "Leave it to me/I got this" for the second time, in a way that was much less comical than the first (when the Bentley blew up), and his hyperbolic rewrite of Aziraphale's "we go back a long time" once again projects a consistency to their "team" contradicted by the combination of S1 and S2 historical episodes. As I said above, they don't even manage to be consistently friendly until quite late in the game. Neither of them appears to have an emotional "ah-ha!" moment until the twentieth century (definitely 1941 in Aziraphale's case, arguably 1967 in Crowley's). They haven't been concealing their feelings for each other for "their existence," because the feelings as such appear to be recent. The fandom likes to pity Crowley because Aziraphale took so long to fall in love, but if you start to break down what has been canonically represented about their relationship, a) Crowley wasn't in love either and b) to circle back to my opening point, their actual, one-on-one contacts with each other are relatively infrequent until the birth of the Antichrist. (That lines up with Book!Canon.) Crowley reimagines their relationship in a way that erases the inconvenient gaps, moments of dissension and outright hostility, and so forth. In his narrative, it is not a relationship that he and Aziraphale have to /make/, but something that /always has been/; he invents a stable past that they only need to confirm, rather than an uncertain future that they need to create.
So, here's the thing: even when we /do/ see them together, it's not an occasion on which they can have a serious personal conversation about, say, the Fall (the Flood? the Crucifixion? 1793? either 1862 or 1967? S1 1941? even in 1601, Crowley packs off immediately after they swap Edinburgh for /Hamlet/), or they have entirely different conversations that aren't personal (1827). Only Job and S2 1941 approach more profound personal questions, and S2 1941 still involves a lot of tap-dancing. We know they see each other outside of canon (Aziraphale's response to the miracle chime in the sushi restaurant suggests that there wouldn't have been anything untoward about Crowley appearing), but they don't seem to do so frequently, let alone live out of each other's pockets. Have they even racked up the equivalent of a couple of human years in each other's company before the Antichrist arrives? No wonder they're still in limerence! Moreover, they are still not having the aforementioned important conversations because neither of them thinks they need to. Crowley's whole schtick in their coffeeshop conversation, for example, is that he knows Aziraphale perfectly, and he therefore completely whiffs the thing that they absolutely need to be talking about (Aziraphale using him as a substitute for reporting to Heaven). But since, despite Crowley's protestations to the contrary, their relationship as a developing connection is uncharted territory, they don't know what they don't know until they hit their Mr. Darcy/Lizzie Bennet moment at the end of S2.
LWA hello hi good day to you!!!✨ im not going to pretend that this response is in any way coherent because im now once again firmly ensconced in the deepest depths of GO brainrot where i belong (thanks be to rob wilkins, madman) but lets give it a shot -
(for anyone else, LWA is referring to this rb here)
im not going to repeat everything you've said on how their relationship has developed through time (because let's be honest, it would only be regurgitating what you've already beautifully laid out in this and other asks) but it's so incredibly on point - looking back through their interactions, it's still very much a dance around each other, but one where they're steadily stepping closer and closer towards each other. they do not even start off on the same page as acquaintances, let alone having immediately fallen in love. the pre-fall scene is blatantly one-sided, as is then the eden scene (in the reverse), and then they basically just flit around each other until 1793, hopping in and out of each other's orbit tentatively and inconsistently.
they take digs at each other, snap at each other, and butt heads over their respective points of view on the great plan. as you say, job is arguably the closest they get to any actual cohesion between the two of them, but a) even then, it's done with some air of reluctance and hesitancy, and b) it appears to have sufficiently unnerved them both that they then, once again, break apart for 2533 years until golgotha (as canon shows us, anyway). there are definitely elements of fascination and intrigue between them, i don't think that can be denied, but like i said before - they're barely acquaintances this early on in their journey, let alone romantic interests or even friends.
so yeah - in all of this, where is there even the inclination or opportunity to truly talk to each other about anything personally meaningful? there isn't. and besides that, they conflate knowing each other for millennia with actually knowing the other person. to my mind, they don't - they know what they think they know about the other, the image of them that they have built in their heads, and conveniently ignore or shrug off any instances where they do or say something that doesn't conform to that image. this is crux of final fifteen for me, in terms of why they split apart - not any ulterior, external motive, but because they've been confronted with the fact that they do not know who the other truly is.
and i think a lot of that is a mess of their own individual makings. looking at the fall specifically, and the trauma that crowley is perceived to have suffered as a result. on this, i have a few specific thoughts, because i still do not think aziraphale was ever in a position where he would question the fall where crowley is concerned:
aziraphale does not know how falling works. we see this in job; he genuinely thinks that losing his angelic status is as simple as being escorted into hell by a demon. it doesn't even appear to cross his mind that the act would be more violent or sudden, even if just figuratively. crowley describes to the audience whilst drunk (and therefore id wager is more truthful than not, albeit not the whole truth) that he dived bombed into a lake of sulphur, but the story he gives aziraphale is a complete contradiction of this:
he tells aziraphale in 1862 that he "sauntered vaguely downwards"... !!!!!!!!!!! that is, as far as i can recall in TV!canon, the only thing he reveals to aziraphale about his fall altogether! he hammers home to aziraphale, specifically in 2019, that he wouldnt lie to him, not at least now at this stage in their friendship (ie. he proves in job that he has lied multiple times, but this is at a point where he has no reason to trust aziraphale, plus - in admitting that he lied, he is in fact telling the truth...) so why would aziraphale question this? why would he ever consider that crowley may not be wholly honest? it isn't until the final fifteen, given crowley's vehemence about being restored, that aziraphale would even consider that there is something more personal going on
this is a bit of a stretch, but we know that aziraphale has seen crowley's wings - we know from the book that demon wings are described as not being altogether dissimilar from angel ones, and are in fact better groomed. visually, we see this in the show too; they are black, but are whole and complete. there are no physical indications of pain, torture, or pain in the aftermath of the fall (ie. eden, although there is the caveat to be duely acknowledged that there is an indeterminate amount of time between the two points in the narrative), as crowley in this respect does not appear to bear any physical or indeed metaphysical scars
and lastly, just on a general point. crowley is incredibly nonchalant about hell in general; even when threatened with literal Bad Things in 1941, he brushes it off as if it's nothing. aziraphale knows that hell is bad, and crowley doesn't negate this, but he also outwardly underestimates hell at multiple points, and never gives any* indication, in front of aziraphale, that he fears them. he also never suggests at any point that he feels anything towards heaven other than derision and condescension - he's fearful of gabriel in eps1 and 5, but not in a way that aziraphale would think has anything to do with the fall; only that gabriel is a wanker (true) and would smite him on sight. aziraphale is by accounts rather gullible (see: not stupid, but sees the best in people), and trusts a little too easily; possible noone more so than crowley.
and then yeah, consideration to be paid that it makes way more sense for there to be a reason for crowley's fall that simultaneously is empathetic because whatever he did was meant with the best of intentions/started off innocently, but then devolved to the point that he made a really objectively awful decision that, when aziraphale finds out, it rearranges everything he thought he knew (rip lucifer theory, you are sorely missed). in this respect, i would have loved to have known what happens between the two below points we see in ep6, that conversation would potentially have been a hoot:
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but regardless of the potential character development this poses... it's just more interesting? as the audience?
*now, i lie like a rug here, because for me there is only one point where maybe crowley comes close to admitting anything about the fall and how it affected him, or where the topic is even entertained between the two of them; the bandstand.
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i will freely admit that i find this particular bit of dialogue difficult to interpret, but let's have a go - to me, from crowley's perspective after aziraphale 'prays' for god's forgiveness over crowley's words, crowley remarks that being forgiven is forever lost to him as a result of his very nature. he's quick to clarify this last bit - that it's as simple as just being a demon, not because he feels that he is unforgivable. there's very little emotion to be gleaned from this; he says it as a statement of fact, with little to no implication of sadness or wistfulness.
from aziraphale's point of view, this is blatantly false - because whilst god herself may not be able to directly bestow forgiveness on crowley, in crowley's estimations, a) he was an angel once, and that has meaning and holds weight (which crowley immediately rejects as being so long ago that it essentially no longer counts), and b) even if god doesn't, won't, or can't forgive crowley... well, aziraphale can. aziraphale will always see crowley as worthy of forgiveness. he utterly disregards any suggestion or notion that crowley doesn't actually want forgiveness, and chooses instead perhaps to see this as crowley not only being deserving of it, because he is good "through-and-through", but also that he is able to give that forgiveness instead (and does just that in s1 ep4 and the final fifteen, even if that forgiveness is layered with a hearty helping of 'fuck you').
but in terms of how this relates to the fall, and whether aziraphale should have questioned it further? well, yeah, it probably is a point where aziraphale should have thought more critically about what crowley was saying; but crowley doesn't come across as necessarily regretting it. he very quickly dismisses, same as in job, any element of having once been an angel, that it could almost be inferred as a point of pride. aziraphale doesn't see it that way, obviously, and in any case - it is hardly an opportunity to suddenly have a deep conversation about crowley's further thoughts and feelings on the matter... and even if it were, could we be certain that crowley would even engage? is it even appropriate at this point to discuss it, both in the context of the plot (i mean, crowley does then immediately launch into resurrecting the suggestion that aziraphale kill the antichrist 💀), and also their arrangement?
look, my end thought process is that aziraphale has no reason to question crowley about the fall, and his reaction/'trauma' from it. not only are they not close enough emotionally for the overwhelming majority of their narrative, as LWA robustly highlights, but crowley literally lies to aziraphale about his experience/doesn't give any indication beyond nonchalance about the whole thing (to the point that, brass tacks, im not even fully convinced that what crowley solely as a character feels about his fall even is trauma - and isn't instead just pure anger, bitterness, and resentment) and there is arguably no good or appropriate time to address it.
to me, that's like saying that if i had a traumatic incident in my childhood, but i told my best friend that my childhood was idyllic and wonderful, and acted accordingly at all points where we interacted, my best friend should still psychically know that i suffered something terrible...? that, imo, doesn't make a whole lot of sense. there are definitely points where aziraphale should have picked up on issues in crowley's life (being homeless, fear around gabriel, loneliness), im not disputing that, but equally if you downplay your life as something uneventful and "just fine", the person that routinely takes your lies at your word because you assert that you do not - in fact - lie to them, and exclusively endeavours to see the best in you, is not necessarily going to think to challenge it... and tbh, they shouldn't be held accountable for that, either. a relationship is a two-way street, sure, and should be built of reciprocal communication, but crowley keeps blocking the way for aziraphale to even consider doing that.
also, because robyn (@teddybearbutchh) once again is so much smarter than me and i will absolutely not take credit for this:
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let's move onto 1862 and get the speculation hat on again.
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so, to my mind, the narrative only suggests that crowley and aziraphale were overheard in the graveyard in 1827, particularly the comments about crowley being nice, crowley gets sucked down into hell, and then spat back out again going into 1862. crowley is shaken, makes contact with aziraphale, acts suddenly paranoid about being overheard, and asks for holy water. and aziraphale is miffed upon immediate arrival after the celestial equivalent of being ghosted for 35 years, only to be asked for the very thing that would threaten crowley's existence, putting not only crowley but aziraphale at risk too, and being a huge infringement on the tentative friendship they've built by this point.
and i say friendship because in 1827, aziraphale remarks that the only reason that crowley invites him to the graveyard, whilst they both coincidentally happen to be in edinburgh, is to show him the gabriel statue that would amuse him (and crowley was right - aziraphale is immediately tickled by it) - all indicating on some level that since 1793, they have gotten closer. add to this that crowley brought chocolates to his shop opening in 1800, and i think we can firmly say that 1793 appears to have springboarded a Development in their relationship, something that has been in the works since formalising the arenagement in 1601.
but there are things that contradict this slightly - book!crowley sleeping through most of the 19th century, for instance (except a visit to the loo in 1832). so we can surmise that if the show canon follows this too, crowley was indeed not in hell for as long a time as we'd otherwise infer. but for him to act so paranoid, and scared, and all but beg aziraphale for The Weapon, makes me think that whilst it wasn't a long time, it was a recurring issue. was crowley repeatedly brought down into hell, to report in what he was up to, to ensure he was playing by the rules that we now know exist (the internal code)? they presumably do not know how 'deep' his affiliation with aziraphale runs, given the reaction to their fraternisation in 1941 (and evidence of it being worthy of being brought before the dark council), so to my mind it's moreso that crowley isn't being very demonic. this would support why he suddenly has such adverse reactions to aziraphale's compliments from 1941 onwards. (and says more about possible trauma at the hands of hell, than alternatively at the hands of heaven...)
but in terms of how this relates to aziraphale, and why he is so cold in 1862 - if we consider as i said above that they are indeed getting closer by this point, if crowley they hypothetically turned around to aziraphale at some point between 1827 and 1862 and told him to stay away (again... *deep breath* to protect aziraphale without telling fuck all as to why), possibly even saying something deliberately hurtful to push aziraphale away for good, then aziraphale's behaviour would absolutely make sense. and would give even deeper context to "fraternising?!" / "well, whatever you wish to call it."
another thing that i thought of; furfur's little handy field guide to angels that walk the earth:
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now to the best of my knowledge, the illustration of aziraphale is a rework of gustave doré's "an angel appearing to balaam"... let's run with the notion that in the canon that that is the same image; ie. that aziraphale was in fact that angel. i can't find an exact date for the illustration, but id tentatively suggest maybe around the 1850s? 1860s? the book goes up to confirming aziraphale as a bookseller, so we know it's definitely as recent as 1800, in any case. and then this excerpt:
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which im definitely not the first to have highlighted is suspiciously well spelt, compared to "AVVOID" literally just above it, and refers to crowley by his chosen name (compared to the scribble remarking that it's detestable that he even did). so, we can assume this probably was indeed crowley that wrote it. but did he write it because hell was scheming some kind of harm on aziraphale in the 1800s? and crowley kept away, rebuffed him, to keep them both safe? only made contact with him when he hit his breaking point, necessitating the holy water? definitely plausible.
right, and then to round off: ive debated internally as to what crowley's 'aha' moment is, as to me it's not hugely clear, but tbh... i think you've answered exactly this when talking about crowley's skewed perception of how long he and aziraphale have been friends. as you go on to say, there's no reason why crowley wouldn't think the same when it comes to loving aziraphale, either. so, i think it's potentially a combination of moments - 1941, 1967, bookshop fire, "to the world", and then all culminating in what nina says to him about "love lives" in ep5. it's not quite the logical, cut-and-dry 'aha' moment that aziraphale has in 1941, but after speaking to nina, i also, same as you, think crowley instead scans back through all of their time together (as limited as it is 💀), and instead thinks, "oh, ive loved him all this time.", when objectively that is not the case at all.
and that's even more awful when you consider what he actually says to aziraphale right at the beginning of the confession:
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(paying heed that crowley's confession might have been slightly different had he spoken first... but im not sure it would have been at all.)
because... a lot of this? is not... strictly true, not imo anyway. but the fact that crowley believes it, thinks that they have always been this way, and this confession was intended to just be sealing the deal, the "marriage proposal", as you put it (which after last night's Revelations is now giving me heartburn, thanks LWA💕), on what he now considers to have always been the case, is troubling. and it suddenly makes aziraphale dumbfounded expression made so much more sense... because it doesnt make sense. to my mind, crowley doesn't actually have an 'aha' moment, but confuses what he feels for aziraphale now with what he thinks he's felt all along, and i do wonder how much aziraphale knew that.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#15: I'm Gonna See/You Ready? (S5E11)
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Ok, one last tie. 🤗 The Distance is one of the goated Richonne pre-canon episodes. I always enjoy this one for showing all throuhgout why Rick and Michonne are the most dynamic duo. They lead so well together as partners, parents, and as two people who genuinely care about each other. The episode has several great Richonne moments, but two specific ones get a tie for 15th place on this list because they're both really special...
(Also honorable mention to their scene at the top of this ep when they give married vibes as Michonne lets Rick know her look was not a "let's attack that man" look lol. I always love that Michonne knows her look at Rick might have played a part in him punching Aaron and that Rick has this brief entranced look at Michonne like he's making a mental note to get better at reading her looks. 😋)
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Rick and Michonne were undeniably partners and co-leaders during this whole episode. And after Michonne makes the call and tells the group they're going to Alexandria, Rick co-signs and they share this look in the barn that suggests 'we should talk privately' - which leads to their lovely top 15 moment alone outside.
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Their private moment outside the barn begins when Michonne approaches Rick, who is working on a car. He's immediately getting this Alexandria plan in motion because when Michonne convinces him of something, his mind is genuinely made up to do what she thinks is best. #RealOne.
I love how the first thing Rick says is stuff about the plan, showing he’s really up for this and not at all upset about Michonne taking charge of the group. In fact, Rick seemed somewhat alleviated (and low-key turned on lol) by Michonne taking the initiative earlier in the barn. Then he voices that he wants Michonne to be with him when driving with Aaron cuz of course. 🧲
Rick mentions how Carl and Judith are safer in the RV, and this just tells you loud and clear that they’re the parents. That was evident when Michonne mentioned not wanting to pass up a place for Judith to live in this ep and then with Rick talking about the kids here. Look at this beautiful mom and dad, y’all. 🥰
Michonne is silent hearing Rick say this, and I will forever love that Rick notices the silence, looks up at her, and so sweetly asks, “You okay?” Like she always matters to him and even after trusting her instinct over his own with the plan, he still wants to check in on her and ensure she’s good with everything.
Michonne knows she can be candid with Rick, so she asks if he was for real when saying they’re going. It’s sweet cuz right here she gets to learn just how much Rick continually trusts her and will follow her lead.
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And then Rick stands up and assuredly says they’re going. Michonne wants to confirm that they’re going no matter what it takes, and what proceeds to me has always felt like this moment of Rick really letting Michonne into the thought process he often has as a leader because he officially knows that she's his co-leader now.
So he shares this important insight and leader perspective with her and does it by asking good questions rather than just outright stating it, which is great and effective. I really like the dialogue in this scene.
Rick asks her what she heard outside the gates of Woodbury and Terminus, and Michonne answers "Nothing" both times, quickly getting and respecting where Rick is going with this. Their communication is just A1, even when they have a few different feelings about things.
Rick tells her how sometime tonight without seeing inside the walls he’s going to have to decide whether to bring his family in. I love the way he emphasizes 'family' when he says this. The best family man on TV. 🙌🏽 And I love that Michonne is included in that family that he’s so passionately talking about.
And again, I talk a lot about how Rick looks at Michonne throughout the series cuz I adore it, and he’s super attentive to her in this scene - but y’all, the way Michonne looks at Rick is also just so passionate and filled with love and respect. They both have this arresting effect on each other, and I’m beyond here for it. 
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Then I love this part where Rick says Aaron asked him what it would take to believe his offer is real, and he admits, “Truth is, I’m not sure if anything could convince me to go in there…but I’m gonna see. I’m gonna see.”  Tell me this scene is not giving romantic. ❤️‍🔥 The way he pauses and leans toward her as he says he’s going to see. He looks right into her eyes as he softly repeats, "I’m gonna see." It’s for her, y’all. 🥰
The reason I love this scene is because Rick is pretty much saying that there’s only one thing that could really get him to take this kind of a leap...and it’s her.
What would it take for him to believe it’s real? Michonne. What could convince him to go in there? Michonne. Why is he going to see? Michonne. Of course, he wants a great place for his family to call home too. But at this point, Rick doesn’t seem to trust that Aaron’s story is even legit, so he really is taking this big leap because he is willing to trust Michonne’s gut even over his own. 
It’s a big deal and this scene was just a beautiful exchange between them that really further watered the seed for how Rick and Michonne will continue to operate as leaders and sounding boards for each other.
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Richonne was just in their bubble the whole episode, and I know as a newcomer Aaron had to be looking at the rest of team family like...
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And then there isn’t a better way to end this Rick and Michonne-centered episode than with this moment right here. 😍 One of my all-time favorite endings to a TWD ep.
I love that the very first scene at Alexandria is one between the two who will lead this place. Rick and Michonne pull up to the gate and sit side by side in the car outside the place tf will call home for the next 6 seasons, the place where they will build their life as husband and wife and expand their family.
But without knowing just how much this community is going to work out for them, right now in this 5.11 moment, they're just preparing to take a huge leap of faith to try and make yet another community work after experiencing many a fallen community.
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Just from the jump, I’ve always loved that Rick and Michonne were in this car with their kids while the rest of TF was in the RV. It’s already setting them up as this inner family unit. Like there's found family among the whole group which is a beautiful thing - but then there's immediate family which for Rick is the three people in this car with him.
In this car are the people Rick feels most fiercely protective of which is why he wants the three of them with him as they approach this unknown territory.
Also I know Richonne didn’t become canon until they entered those Alexandria gates but, truly, in this moment they were already a couple. It was so clear, and it was only a matter of time before they called it what it was. 
They pull up to the spot, and Andy just does incredible acting with his eyes alone as his face softens upon hearing kids playing on the other side of the wall. 👏🏽 Andy really should have won every award for his acting throughout the series, but especially for his work in season 5.
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Something subtle I’ve always loved about this moment is the fact that Rick is already looking at Michonne once the car stops. I used to think it was her putting her hand on his that grabbed his attention. But no. Even before then, in this extremely stressful moment for Rick where he has to fight to put his PTSD and paranoia aside and bravely go and see for the sake of his family - what does he do?...he looks to Michonne. 😊
She led him here. And he needs her reassurance right now. After all, pretty much the only reason he’s outside these gates right now is because of her.
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Rick’s the leader who often has to put his own fear aside for the sake of his people, but here he can be a guy who's anxious and needs some reassurance cuz what they’re about to do is risky.
And because Michonne is his elegant and calming soulmate she gives him such precious reassurance when she takes his hand and smiles and asks, “You ready?” 😊
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I appreciate that she asks him the question and how it’s also this motivational encouragement. And I love that this is Michonne's first time initiating this type of physical contact with him. That touch alone shows they’ve come a long way and she has come to trust and feel comfortable with Rick so much since her "don’t you ever touch me again" days in season 3.
And the smile and everything just feels like that attraction, that “something more,” that magnetic connection between them is slowly but surely becoming fully realized. The way she does this just communicates loud and clear that these two are in it together. Whatever’s on the other side of that ASZ gate - and I do mean whatever it may be - Rick and Michonne are going to get through it and ultimately come out stronger and closer than ever because they have each other to guide them. 
Another poetic element of this to me is that Michonne knows what it's like to walk up to a fence and not know exactly what you're going to find on the other side. That was her experience arriving at the prison in season 3.
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But by showing up at those prison gates, she found something more valuable than gold - she found her family and the love of her life. The leap Michonne took to show up to a new place more than paid off.
And now here she is, side by side with Rick this time, and facing a new gate. And she's able to instill hope that this gate too can have good on the other side. 👌🏽
Also, it hit me that yes this is a shining moment of Michonne’s calming presence in Rick’s life - But Rick’s words also have an impact on Michonne too.
In that “I’m gonna see” scene, Rick tells Michonne how not hearing silence outside a community doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe. So when they’re outside Alexandria, the fact that they hear children laughing and playing is a sign for not just Rick but Michonne too that this is different from those other places. I feel like she's recalling his words at this moment and finding comfort in them.
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And to make even more of a connection, Michonne knows how reassuring it can be to see kids in the community cuz when she showed up at the prison, I truly believe that Carl and Judith being there and cared for by all the adults in the group is a factor in helping her know this place was more genuine than others.
Her conversation with Rick and the valuable insights he imparted helps her to feel more confident about getting out of this car and taking on this community. And she’s able to transfer that energy to Rick like only she can. 
After receiving the calming reassurance from Michonne, which always resonates with him, Rick then nods and gets out and goes to grab Judith and takes this huge game-changing step to enter this new community.
The power and love between Rick and Michonne is what got them here. Richonne is what got the entire group to their new home. And I love that in that sedan was the greatest family the show has seen. And once they entered those gates they’d only become more and more of a family. 👌🏽
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In retrospect, I love this closing 5.11 scene for being the moment Alexandria got their king and queen. 👑 Those two upgraded the heck out of this place over the course of the seasons, to where it became a community that really thrived.
Don’t get me wrong, Alexandria threw them some obstacles when they first arrived, but they overcame them because when Rick and Michonne are united, this power couple can rise above anything. 
These two tied scenes show the way that Rick and Michonne are truly co-leaders and partners who care so much about each other as human beings and are in it together always. And I love that these scenes served as this reminder that Rick and Michonne are only growing closer and have something special between them that will flourish even more once they take the leap. 😌
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henrysglock · 5 months
Is there any Henry scene you can describe that you haven't yet? I'm way too deep in my hyperfixation and the lack of content is driving me crazy 😭 I eagerly wait for the theories you have in your drafts
There is one!
It's right after Virginia tells Henry he needs to "stake his claim" (i.e. pick out his room in the Creel house) and kisses him on the cheek. Henry is immediately drawn to the attic, which has a spider infestation. Upon spotting one, he kneels down and scoops it up. After playing with it for a little, he decides to keep it as a pet and pulls a mason jar out of his suitcase to contain it. It's actually quite sweet, and it showcases how gentle he is by nature.
This scene feeds directly into his first connection with Patty, when he hears her praying to Wonder Woman over the radio after jarring the spider. She asks to be made invisible so her day will go smoothly and she can be normal, to which Henry responds "Amen". This comes through Patty's radio, they exchange bewildered hellos, and then Patty asks if she's speaking to Wonder Woman.
The actual dialogue goes like this:
Patty: Dear...Wonder Woman. I know this isn't technically canon, but if you could just make me invisible, yeah, just for today? Because I'm trying, I am, but it's...really hard. And I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'd really love to just be normal. Yeah. Because it's pretty— Henry and Patty, in unison: Lonely— Patty: I'm not asking for a miracle, I'm just asking for a sign. Henry: Amen. Henry (via Patty's radio): Amen. Patty: Hello? Henry: Hello? Patty: Wonder Woman???
A side note: I loved seeing Patty equate Henry to a woman in the context Lonnie's line about the drama club being lesbians, Karen scrambling for the chance to kiss Patty in auditions, and Patty yearning to be "pretty and normal" like the other girls in her choir. Smells like lesbianism...smells like comphet, equating the boy you "have a crush on" to a female superhero while calling girls in the choir/drama club "pretty", the same drama club girls who are labeled as lesbians. A Patty-Karen ship...when...it would be good for my soul...
Also funny that Patty later calls Henry and his gifts a miracle, which is supposedly a good thing, only to have this line about her "not asking for a miracle" before she even meets Henry. She's not asking for a miracle, folks. She's not asking for Henry.
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