#yes this is why I mentioned them in the last post
kindaasrikal · 18 hours
Exploring the stupidity of the fact that Morro and Garmadon are stuck in the departed realm together, part 2:
Garmadon: Alright Morro, let’s at least try and get to know each other.
Morro: what do you not get, Garmadon? I don’t WANT to know anything about you, or your pathetic life.
Garmadon: Well, if only you had a choice in the matter.
Morro: *tied to a tree after coming across a wild Garmageddon*…i demand a rematch.
Garmadon: Sure!
Garmadon: After we get to know each other, of course!
Morro: i demand freedom.
Garmadon: Uhuh. *pulls out a stack of papers* By any chance, have you ever heard of 21 questions? It’s quite an entertaining game Lloyd introduced to me. *he says with a nostalgic smile*
Morro: yeah, that brat tried playing it with me when i took away his free will.
Garmadon:…You always have to make things difficult, don’t you?
Morro: no sh-mmph!
Garmadon: *covers Morro’s mouth, who is now wriggling around like a trapped chicken* Enough of that. Now let’s see…*he flicks through some of the papers* ah ha!
Garmadon: My first question, child, shall be finding out your most favourite colour!
Garmadon:…I see that was a foolish question to ask, so let us move to a different one-
Morro: ifti pifksbsv
Garmadon: What?
Morro: *glares at Garmadon*
Garmadon: Ah, right. *removes his hand* what is it that you said?
Morro: it’s pink.
Garmadon: Huh.
Morro: pink. Thats my favourite colour.
Garmadon: Hm
Morro: shut up.
Garmadon: I didn’t say a word.
Morro: i can see your face, you old fart.
Garmadon: Well, is it my fault green seemed more likelier than pink?
Morro: don’t ever say i like green. That colour disgusts me.
Garmadon:…Is it because-
Morro: your son’s eyes only made the disgust worse, not create it.
Garmadon: Aren’t you a sweet one, child.
Garmadon: Morro.
Garmadon: Morro?
Garmadon: Morro, now is not the time to ignore me.
Garmadon: Are you really going to act so childish, simply because I had made you call me uncle once?
Garmadon: Child.
Garmadon: Nephew.
Morro: *a slight twitch has occurred.*
Garmadon: Morro Wu, stop ignoring me this insta-
Garmadon: Now, I highly doubt throwing the top of a mountain at me will help.
Morro: you know, i always wanted to ask you or Sensei this.
Garmadon: *sitting in a meditative position* Hm?
Morro: why’d the First spinjitzu master name you Garmadon Garmadon?
Garmadon:…My meditation can wait, excuse me???
Morro: i mean, seriously, Garmadon Garmadon sounds ridiculous. No wonder you turned evil, i would too if i was given such a dumb name. Not to mention, where the heck did he even get the name Garmadon from? Like, i understand Wu, that one makes sense, but Garmadon? It sounds like the name of some weird species of animals thats only just been discovered or something.
Garmadon: Pot, meet kettle.
Morro: what
Garmadon: Nothing. Now, why exactly do you think my name is Garmadon Garmadon?
Morro: uh, your son? His last name is Garmadon?
Garmadon: Do you mean Lloyd?
Morro: what, do you have a secret son hidden away or something?? Yes, the Green Ninja!
Garmadon:….Child, why exactly do you think I call you Morro Wu, instead of Morro Garmadon?
Morro: cause your name’s ugly?
Garmadon: You really are your father’s son.
Morro: wu is nOT MY FATHER-
Morro: why are you so old.
Garmadon: What-
Morro: but not bald?
Garmadon: *baffled* Just because I am old, does not mean I would go bald, Morro.
Morro: but…
Garmadon: Hm?
Morro: Wu is bald, and he’s younger then you, why do you have hair???
Morro: Oh my GOD. YOU WEAR A WIG???
Yeah thats all i got, rlly long ones that im not even sure are good but i find them funny and i have school work so maybe thats effecting my humour atm :(
Anyways i love the Morro and Garmadon duo and if you havent heard in my last few posts i gave them a duo name. Heres more of the Tempest duo!
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An Analysis of SPY × Family Chapter 99
Manga spoilers, and a very long post ahead!
I'd like to preface this with saying that all of this is my own analysis, and I'm not very smart at these things, so take this with a grain of salt!
This chapter was extremely heavy: with Henry realising his feelings for Martha, and how it echoed the main theme of this story: how war destroys relationships and how innocent civilians are forced to enlist out of fear for their families' safety.
The chapter starts off, continuing off the cliffhanger of the last chapter— it turns out to be a false alarm, but Martha leaves her feelings for Henry unsaid.
She begins writing letters to Henry, and they keep a regular correspondence to substitute for their tea parties--
The war continues to grow dire, and Martha's squad hasn't been given any combat training, yet, they're forced to go to the front lines, under the pretext of "serving your country" and "keeping your family safe".
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Henry is obviously shocked and scared for Martha when he finds out she's on the front lines, but we never get to hear his thoughts with the introduction of this fucking bitch-
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🤓☝️ lookin ass--
In this chapter, we get to see Donovan's own ideals, which are shown through his argument in the debate. Interestingly, Donovan is almost the same age as Demetrius is in the present-day. (At least, that's what I'm assuming-- Henry mentions being in charge of the middle schoolers, and Demetrius is a middle-schooler.)
He claims,
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I have a couple of thoughts about this. First,
"I know that solving differences with dialogue and weapons is ideal". The phrasing of this is interesting, because it kind of sounds like he doesn't believe in that-- he just knows that solving differences with diplomacy instead of war is 'ideal', but does he really believe in that? I don't think he does-- and, his own definition of 'peace' is definitely... ambiguous. What does he think 'peace' is? Subjugating other countries with his own power?
He already has a strange concept of humanity and other humans' own ideals-- he believes that, at our core natures, human beings are liars. That the only thing we're capable of is war and destruction.
This is also very similar to his own ideals that we see in modern-day. He doesn't care about either of his sons, as he says, they are essentially strangers to him. And, you might have raised them (though with Donovan, "raised" is a stretch), you might be their own father, according to him, he will never truly know his sons. Which is why he doesn't even attempt to understand them. His own ignorance for human nature and for others around him is really what makes him a failure of a father-- we are never truly born "knowing" others. Yet, every day, we make an attempt to learn the people we care about-- and isn't that a little of what love is? Take the Forgers-- they are three strangers to each other, each concealing their own natures from the others. They're all liars, and yet, they're making an effort to heal; they're learning to love and they're learning to learn about the people around them, the people they care about.
This is his flawed ideology. In his world, humans are strangers-- humans are nothing to each other, they're always hiding their true intentions from each other. Humans can't be trusted-- humans don't trust each other, which is why war and destruction and pain is all humanity is capable of.
But it's really not. SxF's message is of how three strangers--- three orphans of a war they were forced to partake in--- come together and form a home. Yes, they are liars, yes, they're hiding their true intentions, but they're making a home for themselves, a home where one can be safe, where a young girl, who's experienced horrors no child should, can feel safe and in her mother's arms.
Which is why I think Donovan's ideology is so flawed--- and how beats of it echo in the modern-day SxF story, especially when Twilight meets him.
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Yes, by mere dialogue, reaching a mutual understanding is idealistic, but the most important thing is to not stop seeking to understand each other.
Humans are flawed, humans are selfish, humans are kind--- there's a debate on whether, intrinsically, humans are good or bad. We're all given different cards to play with, but really, it's up to us to decide on our faith in humanity.
It seems like Donovan has a wholly negative view on humans--- we can never know each other's true intentions, and it's with this doubt that humans wage wars--- it's with this doubt that humans lie and kill and cause destruction.
It's because of this doubt that Desmond is planning a war himself.
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Martha writes Henry a letter, and she talks about a dream where all the students are holding hands, circling Henry. She can't join them because her hands are filthy--- maybe it's guilt? Maybe she's feeling guilty, maybe she feels like she can't join the others because her hands are stained with blood.
She's scared. She's regretting joining the front lines. Her only solace is the letters from him. The only way he knows she's alive is the letters from her.
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I feel like another story would have taken a turn, making Henry regret his own feelings for Martha because the war had torn them apart. Instead, Henry realises his own feelings and his own wants too late-- and it becomes the last letter he gets from her.
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It feels like an extra gut punch, as in the beginning Martha was embarrassed to call him "beloved", but now, he's calling her beloved, and he misses her so much. He cares for her so much, and doesn't know how she is.
All he can think is---
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His hands are stained with ink. The nib of his pen is almost breaking. Ink is bleeding onto the page. In Martha's dream, her hands are stained with blood due to her desire to protect Henry and her country. In Henry's reality, his hands are stained with ink due to his desire for Martha to come back, be with him again. The Soldier and the Scholar, each trapped in their own Hell.
Henry finds out that Martha's squad has been killed. Their lives were a "sacrifice" for their country. This is blatant propaganda, and, he feels they're sullying her memory by mythologizing her; by using her life, using her death as a way to snare more students into a violent and hopeless and painful battle.
He speaks out. He's punished.
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He's been brutalised so much, that he needs to wear a monocle.
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We learn more about Donovan's and Henry's own ideals. Donovan gives up on people who've disappointed him-- people who he deems as fools. Henry doesn't believe in that. He believes that everybody deserves to not be given up on--- every body deserves a person in their own corner.
Towards the end of the chapter, Henry's forced into a marriage by his father, believing it's "for the best", because the soldier he was waiting for never came back to him.
We cut to "Somewhere near the East-West border", to a home with a fireplace. Martha is just opening her eyes, and is severely injured.
This definitely isn't a safehouse or military barracks or a military hospital.
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A home with a family, or at least a person, with a fireplace and a chopping block for firewood.
This place is also near the sea,
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which makes me think it's somewhere near the south. (If I'm remembering the map correctly).
I'm thinking someone rescued Martha while she was injured, and brought her to their place to rest and recuperate--- which is why she's presumed dead, and why Henry wasn't ever given closure.
The next chapter is no doubt going to be explosive--- the 100th chapter. I feel like this arc will segue into something bigger, something more heart-wrenching and painful (I don't know how that's possible, but I trust Endo-sensei.)
Thank you for making this far and reading this whole thing! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I wasn't annoying with my hatred for Donovan lol.
Also, on a more light-hearted note, I explained the plot of SxF to my dad, and he's intrigued and wants to read the manga. I'm planning on showing him the first ep of the anime, to see if he likes it. I feel like he will.
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percahliaweek · 2 days
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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kamiko1234 · 3 days
So, the same friends who got me to read the Percy Jackson have (against my will) spoiled me by showing me this image :
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Telling me his name was Jason and that he's gonna get important later on.
Now ngl, I will admit, for a hot second I though that was Luke. They look alike as fuck, and I now have developed a problem of switching up their names 'cause I accidentally clocked them under the same person. Fuck. But also, they really look alike. So, in a burst of inspiration and excitment I shall present to thee my theory :
NOW HEAR ME OUT; I KNOW a first name and pic isn't MUCH to go off on, BUT LIKE- I feel I might have gotten something there. Because- this sort of resemblance HAS to be on purpose. Like, they HAVE to be related in some way and physically speaking they ARE around the same age. SO LIKE; IMAGINE THIS : what if, when Luke/Jason were in the whomb, only one of them got their father's power ? While for the other one it stayed dormant to the point where Jason could basically pass as a normal human, unlike his brother ? With Annabeth we have seen that it can be dangerous for a mortal family to have a demigod child with them due to the threat monsters pose. WE ALSO KNOW LUKE RAN AWAY FROM HOME. SO MY THEORY !?
Basically, Jason/Luke are twin brothers. Luke inherited the largest and most obvious godly part from their father. Jason on the other hand inherited next to nothing, allowing him to pass as normal human. (As far as I know there's no point where it's mentioned that it isn't possible for this to happen) As the twins grow up and Luke attracts more monsters, it get#s progressively more dangerous for the seemingly human Jason. Shit hit's the fan when during a monster attack, jason get's severely injured (that#s where he got that weird scar on his lip). His twin, Luke, horrified at what happened and under the believe his twin is dead decided to run away and get to Camp Halfblood. That's where me meets up with Annabeth and Thalia ect. HOWEVER, Jason wasn't dead. Heavily injured, yes. But NOT dead. He did however have a nasty case of amnesia. A complete clean slate, he remembered NOTHING. Their mother, not rly having been the biggest fan of Jason bc of how he endangered basically everyone around him, just straight up lied to Jason abt his twin. SO NOW I DID NOTICE THAT JASON HAS THAT NECKLACE FROM CAMP HALLFBLOOD WITH ONE BEAD SO MY IDEA FOR THAT !? He's a late bloomer. It only seemed like he got little to no powers from his father, but as he grew older the powers slowly started to surface. That meant he too started to get demigod powers as well as him starting to attract monsters.
Which is why he too has to come to camp. HIM COMMING SO LATE IS ALSO WHY HE HAS THAT WACKY ASS PURPLE SHIRT. (I'll be real I have no idea what to make of that. Looks like a spelling mistake or someone just smashing random keys on a keyboard. It isn't looking like a band to me either. Maybe it's just smth in-universe) I also have no idea what that wacky tattoo is that he has. HOWEVER; I could possibly see a future Luke centric plot where it's him going out to get his long lost twin brother back ! Possibly the plot for the 2nd book maybe ? Another theory of mine is that, should either Annabeth or Grover be the one to betray Percy and switch sides, Luke would be the one to fill in their spot in the trio. So that could possibly play into my theory, would also allow for some nice backstory exploring. But also the heartbreak of Luke finding out his twin brother who he thought DIED is alive, BUT ALSO DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER HIM !?
I wanna see that angst. PS; ok while tagging I noticed there's no Jason Castellan tag. Which, okay may be a problem. But dw Jason props just changed last names post amnesia. Maybe his mother simply got married to someone and Jason took the man's lastname. My theory can still work. (Unfortunatly @mrfandomwars said that, when I asked abt Jason's current lastname, it would invlove revealing more canon which I don't want. So Jason ain#t gonna be tagged....)
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fae-morrigan · 3 days
Nah because why are you only mentioning Kenan and John Henry when pointing out the racism in the Superfam fandom? I checked their tags on your account. You have next to no posts about just discussing their characters and stories. The only times you mention Nat is to prop up your faves. So don't go acting all mighty and progressive because you also mostly ignore their existence. There is a problem in the Superfam fandom when it comes to poc and how often they get ignored, but bringing those poc only to try and appear better than someone else makes you part of the problem. Unless I'm missing some essays about Kenan's growth from a bully to a hero, what it means for John Henry to be a human hero in a city full of Supers and Nat following her uncle's example on your account, then you are no better than the ones you criticize. You need to get off your high horse and stop mentioning poc only when it's convenient. You are just being performative. It's clear those are characters you don't care about. Such a shame though, all three are really interesting.
Hi Chris Kent fan! I know its you. You've been harassing me and several other of my mutuals for the last week, and considering you are using the same rhetoric here you've used unsuccessfully on my mutuals, it really isn't hard to tell who would feel devoted enough to say this.
There are three things that are hilarious about this ask.
My primary fandom presence isn't on tumblr. I am actually on this website the least: So yes, you HAVE missed on a TON of essays about these two and how I feel about them, because you don't actually know me and you haven't even seen MOST of the things I have to say about DC comics as a whole. My primary fandom presence is on the Supertruth discord server which several of the people I am defending in this weird little flame war of yours are part of (hi @ultfreakme!) and have seen me talk about these characters and their stories at length. You do not know me well enough to assert whether or not I like a character by doing a cursory search of my blog.
Your little 'character blurbs' that are supposed to display your DEEP INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE of these characters, SUPERIOR TO MINE, are really shallow and innaccurate. Like, fanon levels of summarization. John Henry's character has very little to do with being a human in a town of supers nowadays and is largely focused on his complicated relationship with the military Industrial Complex (see Superwoman, Steelworks) as an inventor of supertechnology, Natasha is WAY more than just the nephew of John (SHE WAS PART OF THE AUTHORITY) and in fact a huge part of her presence in 52 was escaping out from under John's shadow, not following in his footsteps. You get the closest with Kenan: Yeah, he was a bully turned Super, that's absolutely the pitch GLY was using to sell Kenan as a character, but is that ALL he is to you? You're not going to mention his whole story also being a double for criticism of the Chinese government? His conflict with his parents and struggling to figure out what 'doing good' even means? What about Baixi, Deilan? (That enough analysis for you to be satisfied with some arbitrary level of 'caring'?)
The 'favorite character' in question you are accusing me of using these poc to prop up is Jay Fucking Nakamura, A MAN OF COLOR, AND ALSO A SUPERFAM CHARACTER YOU FUCKERS EXCLUDE ON THE REGULAR. He is an asian indigenous man IN THE TEXT and he is the DC character I post about THE MOST on this website. It is SUPER funny to accuse me of what, using POC to uplift the... other poc...? Thats based of me, I had no idea I was doing it! Like seriously saying this while Jay is my PFP is CRAZY funny. Do you HEAR yourself? And don't start on the "well jay isn't superfam!' nonsense because PAUL KAMINSKI, GROUP EDITOR FOR THE SUPERFAMILY, HAS SAID HE IS. But when have YOU guys cared about what the media you claim to like actually says, aye?
But lets say none of the above is true. Lets say you were right and I was just PRETENDING to care about some of my favorite characters in the entire DC franchise because... because of woke?
It doesn't change the fact that literally less than 24 hours ago you were in my inbox trying to argue that posting 'kent family' as opposed to 'superfamily' was a great Get Out of Jail Free card for excluding characters of color. It doesn't change the fact that you guys repeatedly include Chris over the canon POC within the superfamily. It doesn't change the fact that calling that behavior out is NECESSARY, regardless on if a person 'posts enough' about the characters they're trying to defend from fandom racism. It doesn't change the fact that, according to you 'agreeing' with me in this ask, you decided that picking a fight with someone who made a point you agreed with was somehow the best course of action.
But you don't agree, do you? And that's kind of what its been about all along. The fandom love of Chris Kent is changing as people notice that he is, a) not a good character b) consistently favored over better non-white characters c) repeatedly used as a tool in arguments to put other characters within the superfam down. And now that people are calling this what it is- white favoritism- you are feeling attacked because you are attached to Chris but NOT to these characters people are now pushing. So you are scrambling for reasons to tell people who express these thoughts that they're actually the bigoted ones in some way. What does that accomplish other than squashing long overdue discussions of fandom racism?
I'm not here for it. You can fuck right off.
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suspensefulpen · 3 months
Is it just me or Transformers is an amazing source for whump. Every time I watch the movies, I think about that. I don’t know if that’s just me or… 😭
To add to it, they sprinkle whump tropes into the movies that gives instant whumperflies. It’s the perfect inspiration. Especially for team whump.
I don’t know if it’s intentional or not but it’s just so ✨
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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dutybcrne · 9 days
Rehashing/Redoing Adelinde hcs, now updated to match info of the story:
She is, by birth, Snezhnayan. Her real name is Ada Dorokhova.
She had no family to speak of, save her brother, Lev Dorokhov older than her by five years. The two were raised to join the Fatui ranks, as they had no other family to turn to.
Addie's brother had gone on to become a Pyroslinger. She remained a low-ranking operative, as he kept insisting he didn't want her to take on more dangerous missions. She learned diplomacy and banking instead, as well as picking up the various languages of the other nations and intel-gathering.
She did however learn to use his gun, at his insistence. She became a far better shot than he, even able to shoot a Mora coin from considerable distance with ease. It was this skill that allowed her to join her brother's company, in spite of her lower rank.
While dispatched to Mond, she and Lev took to intermingling with the locals out of uniform. While it was clear they weren't locals, many assumed and were told they were Fontanian to make things easier on them. It was during these times and interacting with the Mondstadt people that her brother began to have doubts about the Fatui's cause and the things they were taught to believe about the other people. He began to think that they could run from the Fatui and live a peaceful life here in Mondstadt. Because of him, she almost began to contemplate such things too
While expressing these thoughts to her, their company leader had overheard and had him arrested, intent on sending him back to Snezhnaya. In the ensuing struggle, Lev had been killed by his fellow Fatui.
She had been beside herself with grief, but even seeing that and knowing just how close the two had been, their superior officer kept telling her it was for the best, as a traitor like that would only hinder their mission. It was that very grief that had her taking up her brother's gun and turning it against her own comrades, slaughtering them all in a fit of rage.
She can scarcely remember anything from her rampage, save her feelings of grief and anger. From the moment she picked up her brother's weapon and took the first shot through her company leader's head, it was all a murky fog.
She does remember coming to and meeting Crepus Ragnvindr however, having stumbled across the Dawn Winery in running from the Fatui's now ravaged camp. She almost killed him too, had his abrupt query about her well-being and clear distressed concern not caught her off-guard.
After he talked her down and hearing her tale, he first offered her his coat to stave off the cold, then a place in his staff and a home in his manor as he helped treat her wounds. She rejected it promptly, not trusting why he would offer such a kindness to a Fatuus, though him outright lying to the knights who happened upon them and the carnage she'd wrought, that she'd been a mercenary who protected him from the Fatui, had been enough to sway her to trust him more. Especially when he'd left his coat in her care, a last comfort he could offer her and a promise to meet again before they'd part.
It would take several meetings after that before she would take his hand and be led home. During that time, she changed her name to a more local-sounding one, and took to using his cover for her, working as a mercenary in the meantime, occasionally running into him at the Angel's Share whenever she'd stop by for business or leisure. Or to observe him and the sort of man he was, to chat with him endlessly whenever his foolish little sun-bright smile would bloom upon seeing her. Each and every time, he'd ask her to come home with him. Each and every time, she would refuse, and tease perhaps he could try better the next time.
She accepted a year after he'd first made his offer.
Apart from being hired as a maid, Adelinde had also served as Crepus' personal aid and guard. She worked hard to hone and maintain her skills in every aspect she could, taking to her role with utmost dedication. It was perhaps this that wound up leading the rest of the staff to fall in behind her without question, even after having been regarded with suspicion by them due to her sudden disappearance. After all, it became all too clear to them that everything she would say and do, it was all for the good of their master.
She did develop feelings for Crepus, but never acted on them, especially after he'd gotten together with Diluc's mother and the lad had been born. She never faulted him for it nor did she dwell on them, much less seek to have them recognized or returned. Rather, she used them as incentive to better care for him and the young boy, even after his mother was out of the picture. This arrangement felt much more comfortable and right to her, anyways. She would never have changed a thing, even looking back now.
She taught Diluc how to use a firearm, as her brother had her, at the curious child's request. Seeing the lad so hard at work to try and improve to match her her did remind her of him at times, which never failed to make her heart ache.
She helped train Elzer in the use of firearms as well, in addition to helping train him to manage the Winery while Diluc grew up. With Elzer, she gave him the extra learnings she'd picked up with the Fatui to ensure he would be the best possible servant for the Ragnvindrs. He is the sole living person in Mond who knows the full extent of her origin, Crepus having been such, previously.
The one who reminded Adelinde of her brother the most though was Kaeya. She saw it in the gentle kindness he exuded, in the love he gave, the shyness he carried himself with yet always pushing himself to stand proud beside his more confident sibling. She saw it in his sharp wit and love of stories, the way his eyes shined in excitement at each and every one. She will never admit it, even if prodded, but it is for that reason that he was her favorite of the two. Still, she doted on both equally, adoring them both with every ounce of love her heart could muster. They were as much family to her, as the others in the staff and Winery came to be.
She and Crepus were both aware of Kaeya's heritage, the man having confided to her that Kaeya's eyes resembled those of Khaenri'ahns from legends he'd read. They both resolved to let the boy come clean at his own pace, as they felt he deserved a home, regardless of his origin, just as she had been given that chance. She made the greatest efforts to ensure he felt as welcomed as she did, that he adjusted well and personally tutored him whenever he needed the extra help. Every effort she could give to make sure he would feel safe in this new home.
Addie did eventually admit her feelings for Crepus some time before Diluc's eighteenth birthday. She had never intended to, but has done so only because he had directly asked her regarding them, and she refused to lie or keep secrets from him. She never had, since the day she'd begun to work for him, after all. As happy as he had been to know of them, and as relieved as she had been to know he was alright with it, they were never truly able to navigate what could come out of them, as Crepus died soon after.
In learning of Diluc's intent to journey to Snezhnaya, she cashed in a few favors with her old mercenary buddies and a few Fatui folk she knew without shadow of a doubt she could still trust to have them look after him the best they could. No doubt he would be hard to locate, with what limited information she could have and provide, but if it could make the difference between life or death for him, she would take every measure she could.
She admitted as much to him when he returned, through relieved tears and choked sobs upon seeing him.
She was not only one of the first to learn of his intents to moonlight as a vigilante, but his greatest supporter. She resolved to ensure not a single alibi of his could slip, to ensure each and every one of the staff would remain nothing but loyal to him, and resolved to personally take care of any 'loose ends' should it really come down to it.
Adelinde has personally stopped many a home invader over the years, from the start of her service to Crepus, to the present day, and never fails to sleep without both her own and her brother's guns prepped and ready at her bedside. She also frequently patrols the manor in the late hours, and there are no shortage of guns specially hidden around the manor for her to make a grab for in emergencies.
No, she will Never tell Diluc where they all are.
#hc; adelinde#death mention tw#//THERE WE GO#long post for ts#//Some things are flexible to be amended; depending on other person#//But ye#//I need to add her to the muse list; but yee#//She has kept various things from her time in the Fatui; and discarded others#//Of what she did keep; it was her brother's gun; his badges; and his Pyro delusion#//She tended to keep it pinned under her apron; right over her belly#//Out of sight; but always close in case she needed it in a pinch#//Due to Crepus' death because of a Delusion; she now keeps it locked away in a drawer#//She is always tempted to fetch it and keep it on her person; fretting if it was the right choice to keep it away#//What if there may come a time when she needed its strength; but foolishly didn't have it on hand?#//She loves Luc and Kae too much to want to risk them seeing her actively using it; much less inquiring as to why and HOW she has it#//She is not ready to admit her past to them; not really out of shame; but bc she worries it may Complicate things for them#//And that's the LAST thing she needs#//Her boys have enough on their plates as is#//She did contribute to the efforts to root out traitors within the KoF#//The moment Kae told her of it all; she took up scrounging for intel and anonymously or otherwise subtly tipping Kae off as best she could#//Anything to help avenge Crepus and clear his name to the Knights. She has never Once forgiven what they did to him#//And never will. Any respect she yet has for the organization; she owes to Kae and Jean
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daringdarlingdt · 1 year
curious to know your thoughts about GFA if you feel like sharing some more
ok ok ok I always feel like sharing more so i will blabber about it for a while but I will preface this by saying that it was. a lot. and I don't think I've had time to really internalize it and distill my thoughts and feelings into something cohesive and intelligent yet so this will be messy. and also very very long. you've been warned. but also thanks for asking lol :)
firstly, i found the relationship between Sidney and Hawkeye while he was institutionalized really interesting. Everything about those scenes seemed really well done to me. I mean I've never repressed a traumatic memory and then had a breakdown about it to my dear friend/therapist after spending a while (a few weeks? a month? multiple months?*) trying to get out of one intolerable environment and back to an equally, but more familiar and comfortable intolerable environment,,, so I can't say authoritatively what that should look like, but I thin Alan Alda did a really fantastic job of portraying it and the dialogue in those scenes was convincing to me. Like the sort of verbal tic of glossing over the actually traumatic part of the story and avoiding dealing with those feelings where hawkeye goes "and so and so and so..." all made that process of forcing him to confront it feel pretty real to me. Also the way Hawkeye antagonizes Sidney even though in the past he's been pretty open and cooperative when he thinks there's something wrong with him (Hawk's Nightmare, Bless You Hawkeye), and gets defensive, lashing out at Sidney, and insisting he's fine, even preferring to go back to the 4077th than stay there and actually work through the problem. I thought that made it more convincing that there *was* something wrong with him because taking his frustrations out on wise, mild-mannered, friendly Sidney would have been out-of-character otherwise, but because it was clear he was avoiding something else and on edge it worked really well to actually get that point across. I feel like I could talk about all of the details of these scenes forever so I'm gonna move on but there were all sorts of little moments that really stuck with me as saying a lot about both characters and the tension between them and whatever it is that's making hawkeye act this way, up until the tension breaks and hawkeye remembers and there's a release and the process of getting better can actually start to happen.
*it wasn't particularly clear to me how long hawkeye was there, both before the episode starts and throughout the episode, although the latter couldn't have been too long because BJ only sticks around for a few days after he gets his travel orders right? but then in the time between getting the letter and coming back, BJ visits Hawkeye which leads to the breakthrough and then it's (presumably) at least a few days after that that Hawkey goes back to the 4077th and BJ has just left. idk the timeline of the episode seemed a bit jumpy to me. It's also not clear how long they're at the bug-out location before they return to the 4077th at the end. not that that's really important--timelines have also always been inconsequential on this show so why start questioning it now?
I loved the scene where they all talk to him on the phone and are so uncomfortable and walking on eggshells and don't know how to respond when he tells each of them, relatively crudely, how desperately he doesn't want to be there while also revealing the depths of his denial. Margaret calls him 'Hawkeye' which she literally never does and it just sounds so wrong coming out of her mouth because she's obviously trying way too hard to be casual. they just so clearly don't know how to handle it because it only makes it clearer that he does have to be there and while it breaks my heart and I, from a more watsonian perspective, wish BJ or Margaret or someone could've really shined in that moment and said something to actually make Hawkeye feel better or at least distract him and get some banter going, that awkwardness just adds to the overall tension surrounding Hawkeye's stay in the psychiatric war which makes sense.
moving on, the BJ-and-Hawkeye energy episode in this episode was so weird to me. I don't know how to explain it. I think know I'm not the only one absolutely insane about everything that goes on between them in this episode but it felt especially shocking to me, I think, because I finished the rest of season 11 about a week before watching GFA (i had a bunch of school work and exams to worry about and wanted to wait till I could afford to sit down and watch the whole thing and sit with it for a while) but in the meantime I've been rewatching season 1-3 episodes for shits and giggles. So the off-kilterness of BJ and Hawk in this episode felt especially stark against Hawk and Trap's easly synchronicity. I generally am not a huge BJ fan so his like I-have-a-kid superiority moments didn't sit well with me, as usual and there were a bunch of them but that's fine; I liked how BJ talking about little Erin, as he literally *always* does set Hawkeye off and how clearly afraid of/for Hawkeye BJ was in the scene where he visits him. I liked that he does pick up a pen and paper to write a note to Hawkeye but doesn't have the time to think of what to say. I feel like that was a redeeming moment for Trapper almost-- it's also parallel to Hawk not knowing what to leave for BJ in Where There's a Will There's a War (if I loved you less I could talk about it more vibes)--he even tells Margaret that there's too much to say. but I also like Hawkeye's annoyance at it when he comes back and mentioning Trapper too and that little moment of insecurity saying that maybe there's something wrong with him. even though he's overall a very self-assured and confident person, I like the moments we get to see that he has a very human response to specific criticisms or rejections from the people that he's closest to; Hawkeye loves deeply and wholly and I feel like this is him being worried that their friendship meant more to him than to BJ, and the same for Trapper. Plus it's indicative of him not being back to 100% post-breakdown and there. actually being something wrong with him.
I was a fan of how sort of distant Hawkeye felt to everyone when he got back as well. I'm a bit foggier on this train of thought so I'm not entirely sure if this was intentional or not but there weren't a lot of scenes with Hawkeye and the rest of the characters after he returns and they don't really ever talk about the fact that he was literally in a psychiatric hospital and it also felt kind of appropriate to me. I think, again, it would have been nice to have a heart-warming open conversation about feelings and such after this and Hawkeye generally is pretty big on sharing his feelings and telling his stories and I think he would have if asked, but the fact that no one really wanted to linger on the issue makes sense both for the time (~stigma~) and for the characters who don't want to be reminded that they could theoretically have had the same reaction, and who just want things to go back to normal. They do express concern for him in small ways but mostly they just pretend like nothing happened. I think Margaret was the least like this, she was worried before Hawkeye operated for the first time and I really loved the small scene between them after bandaging a kid up when she says they can take a break and asks how he's doing. She's really making an effort to be there for him check up on him and since I'm a sucker for a Margaret/Hawkeye bestie moment I really appreciated that. But we do sort of get to see that hawkeye gets gradually better, from his extreme shakiness first time back in the operating room to operating on the young girl despite being a bit freaked... but also in terms of slowly re-integrating himself into the social flow of the camp. He seems pretty isolated when he first gets back, not really present in a lot of group scenes, leaving the party, and then by the party at the end he seems pretty much at home again. I do like, though, how he never really returns to the energy he had before. he just seems a bit muted and while that breaks my heart, it's another example of how both he and the narrative can't just bounce back after seeing the extent of the war's toll on Hawkeye and pushing him basically to his breaking point.
some non-Hawkeye-centric drabble:
I really wish some time had been put into developing Klinger and Soon-Lee's relationship, as well as Soon-Lee as a character on her own, before GFA. I think we do get a good sense of what kind of person Soon-Lee is and I like her a lot and I think GFA handles that storyline relatively well considering the minimal set-up it has but it would've been nice to see Soon-Lee more involved in the camp before the episode and know what she's like beyond her desperate need to find her family, as well as how she's interact with other characters besides Klinger--like Margaret is bridesmaid at the wedding and they have a very sweet goodbye moment but we don't see them talk to each other once before that. that could have been an interesting friendship if they'd had the time. I also have mixed feelings about Klinger staying in Korea as an ending for his character overall. Like it's very sweet and is a meaningful choice within the Soon-Lee plot because he's sacrificing returning to the home he adores so much for her which shows how much he loves her but selfishly i feel cheated out of the satisfaction of Klinger finally getting to go back to Toledo, after 9 seasons (I don't think they mention he's from there before Adam's Rib in season 3) of him waxing poetic about it .
I liked Charles' arc in the episode too. He had the two things going on with the Chinese POW musicians and tiff with Margaret. I don't have much to say about it except that it all felt very in-character for him and sort of encapsulated the gradual breaking down of his walls that'd happened over the past 5 seasons within those two hours just to really remind you of how far he'd come. I don't have super strong feelings about Charles as a character but David Ogden Stiers' performance was phenomenal, as always.
I kind of wish more had happened with Father Mulcahy i think. All of the characters were so isolated, actually, not just Hawkeye. Aside from Margaret, Charles barely talks to anyone, Klinger and Soon-Lee are their own thing and Mulcahy relies on BJ and God alone in regards to his struggle as he comes to terms with being deaf. I feel like he doesn't really have much catharsis.
I really liked that Margaret decided to work in a hospital as a nurse instead of stay in the army after the war. I love that she decided to make a choice based on what she felt was most important instead of just to get approval from her father; and also her priorities have changed. She always took nursing very seriously and was concerned with being competent as well as compassionate but early seasons Margaret would not have made that choice regardless of her father as a factor. It seems self-evident that a main character in a supposedly anti-military show wouldn't want to be promoted in the military but by season 11.. who knows it could have gone another way. but that wouldn't have made sense for Margaret's character at all so I'm glad that they actually showed how much she grew and let her have a happy ending with herself at the center of it instead of the army, or her father, or a love interest.
The actual goodbye sequence at the end felt a little bit stale to me actually. Maybe because it was just so formulaic and practical like with them each taking off individually on different modes of transportation after saying an individual goodbye to each person. It felt a little bit hokey in that way, although i guess it did make sure that each character duo got a proper parting moment. Still sweet though and there were things I liked about each character's departure. the Hawkeye/Margaret kiss moment i have mixed feelings about. I really hated BJ and Hawk saluting Potter. and with all its faults I did like the Goodbye sign from BJ to Hawkeye.
I liked that it was actually kind of bittersweet because of BJ promising Hawk that they would see each other and that the note was "just in case" except Hawkeye doesn't hear any of that, he just sees the note. He doesn't hear the promise. but he got the goodbye he wanted. but maybe he thinks it's just BJ admitting to what he already thought which would be sad. just. so many feelings. so I guess it kind of works for me idk. I will also say that despite being a staunch piercintyre defender and generally disagreeing with most beejhawk theories, the final goodbye between them did more to convince me of repressed BJ than the other 8 seasons combined. Idk what it was about Mike Farell's performance in those few moments but i Got It for a minute before they hugged and Hawkeye ran off.
ok I think that's all I have to say for now. sorry for how long this ended up being but I did warn you lol. I'd love to hear any thoughts you, or anyone on mashblr reading this, have on my thoughts or just about GFA in general although I absolutely do not expect anyone to respond to everything I talked about here because it was kind of everything about the episode.
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hang on— hang on— how has this just occurred to me— the guys who made Wednesday, they know Goody was a title, right? I read The Crucible and if there's one thing I got from that book it's that Goody was just what pagans called women. Like no your ancestor's name was in all likelihood not Goody Addams that's just what everyone called her cause everyone was called Goody Something.
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thegetdownrebooter · 11 months
Yeah I'm kinda glad they didn't confirm Tabitha still dating Roman so I can imagine her getting back together with Naomi, lol. I feel like people make her into a bit of a manic pixie dream girl maybe
lol, someone as attractive and rich as tabitha pulling the "i can fix him" routine on a fascist that doesn't respect her and told her to not be aroused during sex like, they need to be serious.
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afterglowsainz · 8 days
eternal sunshine | charles leclerc
summary: you and charles decide to fake date to get back at your exes
fc: ariana grande
a/n: a bit late (mostly because i didn’t had any time nor inspiration) but finally here it is, a fic about THE 2024 monaco grand prix winner
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liked by arthur_leclerc and others
f1.wags charles leclerc posted a statement earlier today confirming the end of his relationship with his girlfriend
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username NOOOOOO
username pls say sike pls say sike
username definitely not the way i wanted to start the weekend like
username so love is dead guys good to know 💔
username they were the it couple 😢
username im going to pretend i didn’t see this
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liked by bffusername and others
ynupdates it’s confirmed that y/n y/l/n and her boyfriend have broken up after fours years of dating
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username WHAT
username omg nooo😭
username why is everyone breaking up!!!
username i don’t believe in love anymore
username her best friend liked the post so it’s really really true i’m gonna cry 😭
username yeah also the sun posted an article saying that a close source to the couple confirmed it
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liked by f1.wags, ynupdates and others
deuxmoi actor jacob elordi and actress charlotte berzatto have been spotted recently on different occasions going out on dates
tagged jacobelordi, charlotteberzatto
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username excuse me what?
username and who’s this charlotte girl? 🤨
username she’s an european actress
username charles leclerc’s ex girlfriend
username wait wasn’t he dating y/n y/l/n like two weeks ago? i’m confused
username girl they broke up where you’ve been 😭
username yeah but they broke up like five minutes ago this seems…
username i did not expect that
username not them breaking up with their partners to get together 😭
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liked by carmenmmundt, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername new things coming soon who’s happy🫧💐
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username you actually just cured my depression with this post
username mother has that post breakup glow
username we love to see it
lilymhe gorgeous! 💕
yourusername lilyyy💘
username the flowers???
username who send them!!!
username jacob elordi count your days
username charles in the likes?? 😭
username they’re friends chill
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc happy times 😁
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username pookie came back! 🫶🏽
username now what is charles doing in a music studio 🤨🤨
username he’s so hot just ughhh
username is that… y/n’s dog… ???
username nah
username now that you mention it i think it could be but idk 😭
username he’s so boyfriend coded
username y/n in the likes 👀👀👀👀
username this just keeps getting messier and messier😭
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liked by bffusername, francisca.cgomes and others
ynupdates y/n has been seen recently on multiple dates with formula 1 driver charles leclerc
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username ma’am???
username well this took a turn
username are they actually dating or…
username i meaaan look at that third and last pic and ask again
username the lore on this four people is just endless fr 😭
username they’re so real for swapping partners just like that
username literally blink and you miss it
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and others
yourusername my new single ‘don’t wanna break up again’ is out now for all of you💘 i also sing it for the first time ever on snl tonight if you’re interested in that🫶🏽
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username this song ATE
username the queen is back i used to pray for times like this😭
lilymhe such a gooood song💓 (liked by yourusername)
username so you’re telling me THAT man used to turn up the volume of the tv to not hear her cry??? yeah he’s DONE
username i literally heard that and had to pause for a second because what???
username also her calling their relationship of four years a “situationship” 😭😭
username she’s so unserious i love her
charles_leclerc on repeat 24/7 ❤️‍🩹
yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
francisca.cgomes completely obsessed!💖 (liked by yourusername)
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and others
scuderiaferrari such a pleasure to have yourusername on the garage this weekend! 🫧
tagged yourusername, charles_leclerc
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username she looks stunning 🤩
username the pic with charles omg they’re so cute🥰🥰
username y/n in the paddock every race week please and thank you
yourusername tysm! forza ferrari❤️
username babes what other words in italian did charles taught you? i need to know
username dare i say new ferrari it couple?
username the fact that they haven’t confirmed anything 😭
username i mean you don’t really have to be a genius just a bit of common sense
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and others
charles_leclerc keep the podiums coming🏆🐎
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username il predestinato does it again 😮‍💨😮‍💨
username let’s go charles 💪🏽
username yesss charles show y/n what you can do‼️
carlossainz55 nice race!👊🏽
username very well deserved podium, such a nice race charles❤️❤️
username the fact that he was looking for y/n the whole time he was on the podium 😭
username no cause bro was looking everyone and once he clocked her the biggest smile on his face
yourusername congratulations! ❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc ❤️
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liked by arthur_leclerc, joris_trouche and others
f1.wags if there was doubt before there definitely isn’t anymore! charles leclerc and singer y/n y/l/n were spotted kissing at the after party of this weekend’s grand prix and leaving together
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username don’t know if i wanna be charles or y/n to be honest
username joris and arthur liking this 😭😭
username i love that they’re together they just fit
username agree, a bit unexpected since their exes are also dating each other but still, they’re very cute💕
username okay i wasn’t a fan of y/n but i’m definitely gonna start listening to her now
username does this mean we’re getting happy songs from y/n about charles?
username omg girl I HOPE
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and others
yourusername eternal sunshine (the song) is out right now with the very special appearance of charles_leclerc in the music video (❤️) and eternal sunshine (the album) is out next friday! 💕
tagged charles_leclerc
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username i’m so so proud of y/n this song is perfect! can’t wait for the album 🤍
username this is the first time she’s featured a boyfriend in a music video and i’m so down for it🥰
username they’re look cute together!
username them on the bts of the video 💞💞💞
lilymhe you’re perfect and this song is everything🤍
yourusername love love love you lils 💘
username who would’ve thought mr charles leclerc can ACT!
username “hope you feel alright when you’re in her” i gasped
username no because that took me by surprise
username okay but we got “i got a good boy and he’s on my side” so it brought me back hope
charles_leclerc so proud of you, mon coeur❤️
yourusername i love you charlie❤️
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc so so so proud of you my love❤️ this is the most amazing project ever and the fact that i was able to participate in any way brings me so much joy. you’re a musical genius and an incredible human being🤍 stream eternal sunshine☀️
tagged yourusername
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username if you look closely you can see me in the background crying
username this is- they’re so- i’m- 😭
username no but they’re so perfect for each other i could cry
pierregasly who would’ve thought you could act 🤣
carlossainz55 new skill for the cv 😂
username “a musical genius and an incredible human being” charles leclerc why don’t you just rip my heart out yourself
username she looks so pretty in the mv and they’re so good together💞 i’m so happy for them
username no longer a child of divorce THESE are my real parents🫶🏽
yourusername i love you and i’m very very proud of you too❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc mon amour you’re everything 🤍
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5sospenguinqueen · 18 days
Pocket Money | Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: Since the start of the relationship, fans have been convinced you're only with Lance for his money. When he mentions your future in an interview, they accuse you of trying to baby trap him.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst but mostly just for sadness. Hateful fans.
Female reader with various facelaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
A bit different to the other three.
Main Masterlist
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lancestroll, chloestroll and others
YourUserName lovely london was kind enough to be sunny for me this weekend 🇬🇧
chloestroll i’m still so jealous that you didn’t take me
→ YourUserName yes but if i had, i’d have spent the entire time trying to stop you from running off with a brit. i doubt scotty would appreciate that
→ scottyjames31 do NOT let her run off with a british man
→ YourUserName make sure you behave yourself then
User1 oh, so she’s on yet another holiday funded by her sweet, naive boyfriend who can’t tell he’s with a gold digger
User2 that’s it sweetheart. post pics of your trip that your boyfriend undoubtedly paid for whilst he’s busy racing all weekend without your support
User3 she’s quite possibly the worst wag. give the role to someone who would enjoy being there
→ User4 it’s not a fucking role, sweetheart. being someone’s fiancée is not a role you play, and i think y/n happens to do an amazing “part”
danielricciardo bring me back some crunchies
→ YourUserName no, i got into trouble last time. your trainer told me that you’re not allowed them
→ danielricciardo boo, you whore
User5 so she’s on yet another weekend away in london the same weekend that lance is racing in jeddah? can she make it anymore obvious that she doesn’t support him?
→ User6 her job means she has to travel a lot - just like lance - so unfortunately she cannot follow him around the world
→ User7 you tell ‘em, honey. y/n is a successful businesswoman but everyone seems to forget that? she makes every race when she can but sometimes she can’t get out of work
→ User8 at the end of the day, their relationship is none of our business
astonmartinf1 missing your face in the paddock this weekend
→ YourUserName i miss you too! although i bet nando is enjoying the peace and quiet
→ astonmartinf1 can neither confirm nor deny but he did mention something about yapping
User9 the sunset behind big ben is beautiful
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User9 this is so cute. the way his whole face lights up when he’s asked about/talks about her
User10 not lance revealing that y/n would run away and marry him just to call him her husband
→ User11 yes! but he’s so dedicated to giving her the wedding she wanted since she was a child. these two have my whole entire heart 🥰
User12 ugh, where can i get a lance stroll? the way he loves his fiancee 😍 and not him being desperate to have babies with her
User13 so is this confirmation that y/n is pregnant? like, if he wants a baby in a year, then..?
→ User14 wouldn’t surprise me. if they get married, he can still make her sign a prenup and divorce her without a worry, but a baby would tie him to her for life so she can continue to spend his money
→ User15 okay but i’m with you on this. it’s the best way to ensure she can keep him around in some way because let’s be honest, their relationship doesn’t seem the best
→ User9 what the fuck is wrong with you two. where in that entire interview were you getting the impression their relationship is on the rocks? he’s literally planning an entire life with her???
→ User15 yeah and where is she? unbothered in london. she’s only with him for the money and that’s the only reason why they’re engaged.
→ User13 they’re engaged because they love each other! he’s also the one who said he wants her to have his children so he can keep her home????
→ User14 no they’re engaged because for some reason, he’s infatuated with her and she’s only using him, and she’s clearly tricked him into wanting children without realising that’s further entrapment
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YourBrother just posted
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbestfriend and others
YourBrother when sprout takes time out of her busy life to visit, Nonna cooks a whole feast (can you tell who the favourite is) tagged: YourUserName
YourCousin the only reason we look forward to y/n coming home is because nonna feeds us GOOD
→ YourCousin2 agreed, nothing to do with us missing y/n at all
→ YourUserName this is why i left 😂😭
User1 anyone else find it odd that she’s in a different country again on race weekend? i mean, i know her and lance were still a couple last month but i’m starting to wonder if that’s changed
→ User2 she’s also not been active on socials despite that being part of her job description?
→ User3 can you blame her when everyone constantly hates on her
→ User4 being on media isn’t part of her job, she just liked to share her adventures with us and some of you arseholes ruined that.
User5 oh my gosh, her parents are so cute together. i want to be like that when i’m older
→ User6 and her brother and SIL curled up in the chair together. this family really do produce the cutest couples
→ User7 looks like the only absent spouse is lance :(
→ User8 um because he’s currently in china? he has more important things to be doing??
User9 i love that her brother's first idea to cheer her up is to give her beer
→ User10 well, at least we know she’s not pregnant currently
→ User11 thank god. we know lance is free from her in that aspect
→ User9 seriously? making these comments on twitter wasn't bad enough, you people are actually commenting on her BROTHER’s instagram
(Comments have been disabled for this post)
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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liked by estebanocon, YourUserName and others
astonmartinf1 our first race back in shanghai sees a p7 finish for fernando with the fastest lap. lance comes home in p15 after contact earlier in the race
User12 woohoo, go nando
User13 nando could get the wdc if you got him a better car and a better teammate
User14 literally give the seat to anyone other than lance stroll please
User15 can we all stop hating on lance, please? it was an accident, they happen
User16 not him blaming danny ric. sweetie, the car has brakes for a reason
User17 danny ric was fuming but also seemed like he was trying not to be
→ User18 no literally. it was like he was trying not to say something but in one interview slipped up and said that lance has been really distracted due to issues at home
→ User19 i saw that! and the way he ran away after like ‘oo the team is calling me’
→ User20 are we smelling a breakup?
User1 i personally think lance stroll shouldn’t be in f1 but can we take a moment to think that whilst it was really bad driving, he’s not been himself lately? he looks really sad in all the media things
→ User2 literally, like he’s constantly coming under hate for his fiancée, and then she hasn’t been to any races recently and he’s not talked about wedding planning once. this is the man who was telling everyone about his wedding even if they didn’t ask
→ User3 maybe he realised that his girlfriend was a gold digging bitch
→ User4 literally. he talked about having children with her and then realised that meant she’d never leave
→ User5 you people are actually crazy. how do you turn a man talking about wanting children into the woman he loves trying to baby trap him? y/n has never talked about wanting kids
→ User6 this. like i definitely think they’ve broken up but for all we know, it could be that lance was talking about children and y/n realised she wasn’t ready/didn’t want them.
User7 can’t believe people are still running the baby narrative. we know nothing about their relationship because they’re quite a private couple - and after this, we can see why - and yet people have somehow created a whole drama about babies from nothing
User8 i know lance is one of the more private f1 drivers but i really think he needs to comment on this? the amount of hate y/n is getting is insane and shouldn’t be ignored
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by estebanocon, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName the view from my office is better than yours. sorry, not sorry
BestFriend i’m looking for a woman in finance, trust fund
→ YourUserName you know you’re welcome to my trust fund anytime
→ BestFriend the best sugar mommy i’ve ever had
YourBrother congratulations on your promotion, shithead. one step away from ceo!
User1 wait why did no one tell me she was running a company?
→ User2 babe, we’ve been telling you bitches this from the start! but none of you listened
chloestroll congratulations, business barbie 💕
→ YourUserName thank you, music barbie 🤍
→ User3 so chloe is still here? does that mean we’re still getting a wedding
→ User4 idk. lance isn’t in the likes..?
→ User5 @ chloestroll please tell us what you know. Some of us are rooting for them to end up together
User6 so she goes radio silent for three months just to come back and pretend like she has a job? nothing about the man she supposedly loves?
→ User7 seems shady to me. you got caught out for being a gold digger so now you’re going to act like you actually go to work?
→ User8 i really hate people like you
→ User9 you know nothing about her and lance so how about we stop making shit up? lance isn’t going to see your comments and think i’m gonna shag this random person
→ User10 oh yeah like you know much more than we do. bitch
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Baby Fever Angst Series
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Charles’ Version | Oscar’s Version
Tag list
@lav3nder-haze @minkyungseokie @callsignwidow @luvrrish @fall-bambi @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery @dark-night-sky-99 @elijahslover @gaypoetsblog @luckyladycreator2 @bborra @mrosales16 @reguluscrystals @raizelchrysanderoctavius @tvdtw4ever @alwaysclassyeagle @gigicisneros @spanishcorndogs @dullypully @thecubanator2 @goldenharrysworld @awritingtree @jxnellat @sbrn0905 @leclercsluvs @hc-dutch @mxdi0 @buckybarnessweetheart @ironmaiden1313 @dreamercrowd @yourbane
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starkwlkr · 3 months
you are NOT the world champion | max & charles
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in another ruby fic it’s mentioned that charles is a world champion WELL for this fic that’s not true but he still drives for ferrari …
Formula 1 posted a new youtube video
Kids test their F1 knowledge! Featuring Ruby and Mathéo Leclerc and Noah Verstappen
The official channel for Formula 1 had uploaded a youtube video with the Leclerc kids and Noah Verstappen, of course with their families permission. The kids were going to be tested on their f1 knowledge with their dads asking them questions. Ruby was sat in between Noah and Mathéo, a white table was in front of them while Max and Charles were on the ends of the table with cards in their hands.
“Okay, welcome everybody! We are here to test these kids that should know at least something about formula 1. Are you ready?” Charles began.
“Wait! What are the rules? We need rules!” Mathéo interrupted.
“Uh, if you get the question right you get a point and whoever has the most point at the end—” Charles explained but Ruby spoke up.
“Is the world champion?” She questioned.
“My papa is one! What about yours?” Noah told Ruby. Then the kids got distracted talking about how many world championships their dads have.
“My papa doesn’t have one.” Ruby replied to Noah.
“I think it’s because he drives a Ferrari.”
Max bursted out laughing as Charles tried to regain everyone’s attention back to the game. “Okay! Okay! Are we ready?”
“Yes!” All three kids yelled.
“Alright. First question, what team does Lewis drive for? And you have to say it right or else you don’t get the point.” Charles clarified.
“The orange one! He drives that one.” Mathéo said, but Ruby aggressively shook her head.
“No! Lewis doesn’t wear orange, Théo. Lando and Oscar do! Lewis wears cool clothes.”
“He drives for Roscoe.” Noah added. “I like Roscoe.”
Ruby gasped and turned to face Noah. “He’s so cute! I like Roscoe too!”
“Does anyone know?” Max asked the kids. The kids stayed silent. “The answers is Mercedes amg petronas formula 1 team.”
“They should change it to Roscoe formula 1 team. It sounds better.” Ruby suggested, Noah and Mathéo agreeing with her.
“I’ll let Toto know. Okay, next question. This is the easiest one ever. Who is the current world champion?” Charles asked.
“Not you.”
“You’re very funny, Ruby Jules.”
Several questions later, the kids barely had enough points. Noah had actually remembered some things that Max had told him like what where the track names and how many races there was. Ruby managed to name a couple world champions other than Max while Mathéo remembered the numbers of drivers.
“So you are all tied and this is the last question.” Max told the kids. In the distance, he saw Mick with his girlfriend walking so he called Mick over just do he could ask the final question. “We have a guest here who is going to do the honor of asking the last question.”
“Hi Mick! Hi Mick’s pretty girlfriend!” Ruby waved to the couple as they made their way to the table.
“Hey guys.” Mick high fived the kids. He then took the card from Max’s hands and saw the question. He chuckled but proceeded to ask it. “Who is the best formula 1 driver ever?”
Immediately the three kids shouted “Michael Schumacher!” which made the adults laugh.
“You all won!” Mick gave more high fives to the kids and gave back the cards. “You’re all so smart. Keep it up, okay?”
“We will! Bye Mick and his pretty girlfriend!” Noah said.
“Does that mean we’re all world champions?” Mathéo asked.
“Papa, me and Théo are world champions before you!”
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planete777 · 5 months
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( lando norris x fem!reader ft. oscar piastri )
read part 1!
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IN WHICH. after months of radio silence, y/n and lando go trending for the same thing again... but this time, it's not only them.
WARNINGS. 18+, MINORS DNI!, non consensual explicit video leaked, sexual descriptions, twitter environement, mentions of getting high (as per), very self indulgent so just sit back and enjoy
NOTE. it's finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've answered your requests, i hope you guys like it. my back aches from doing this so im gonna knock myself out lol. anyways, last fic for a few weeks, but i'll still be online/idle so u can still drop by my inbox if u want. okay ill let u go now bye and enjoy!!!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 taglist @laciijane @ferrarrigirl @norrizzandpia @mimi-luvzyu @multifandomwhore-003 (use askbox if you'd like to be added!)
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 789,331 others
yn_ln life lately <3
landonorris literally obsessed with you
landonorris love the last picture who's that on the left -> yn_ln what happened to being obsessed with me :((( -> landonorris sorry 😅 i mean the left. -> user 😭
user oscar cameo!!!!! OSCAR!!! CAMEO!!!
user i want both of them!!11!!1!1! i can take both of you!!!! -> user so real
user couple goals.... brb just setting up the toaster and the bath
oscarpiastri picture 2.... minutes before disaster -> landonorris disaster??? i found it pretty entertaining -> yn_ln i'm still recovering 🤭 -> user CARE TO SHARE??? I WANNA KNOW!!! -> user yn girlie............ let's gossip -> yn_ln no can do luv xx 😌
oscarpiastri anyways i look so good -> yn_ln humble yourself babe x -> landonorris what she said ^ -> user don't listen to them oscar, you do love good ❤ -> oscarpiastri trust me, i know 😏
lily_mhe loved going out with u bby <3 -> yn_ln yes!! we should do it again.... without the boys 😒 -> alexalbon uhm wow -> landonorris i need to get used to sharing the loml </3 -> oscarpiastri lol -> yn_ln 🤭
user she's so pretty "$%$£"£$(!"£$
user why are they being so cryptic 😩 -> user they wanna kill me
user 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 -> user i've got so many questions
user lily and y/n are for the girlies xx sorry i do not make the rules -> yn_ln speak it!!! -> lily_mhe yup!!
maxfewtrell no pic creds?? -> yn_ln i can give donations? -> user LMAOAOAO -> user max being bullied pt 2838474
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liked by yn_ln, oscarpiastri and 1,302,811 others
landonorris ♾
yn_ln look at us trending for the second time in 2 months 😝 -> landonorris ikr such icons -> oscarpiastri quite fun tbh -> user 😭 -> user u lot realllyyyyy dgaf and i love that for you
oscarpiastri i give the best cuddles ik -> landonorris u also give the best 🧠 -> yn_ln AND WHAT ABT ME? -> landonorris oh yeah... ig -> user what the fuck is going on??? 😭 -> user in broad daylist insta comments
user im surprised he didn't post a lil snippet on ig like yn did last time -> user literally 💀 -> user he wants us to have the full experience on twt fr
carlossainz55 im begging u, plz no more -> alexalbon 🙏 -> charlesleclerc 🙏 -> georgerussell 🙏 -> pierregasly 🙏 -> yukitsunoda 🙏 -> danielricciardo 🙏 -> lewishamilton 🙏 -> user they are going THROUGH IT!! -> landonorris we'll think abt it
user surprised, but not disappointed
yn_ln no more 🐱 for u! -> landonorris NO. U CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. -> user he survives purely off of the kitty cat. i support the hustle -> oscarpiastri spare the man 🙏 -> yn_ln nah he can just watch -> oscarpiastri fine by me
user foursome?? -> user join the line
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lovetei · 11 months
AaAaaaHHHHHH I loved your “Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call” post lol :P
Could you plssssss do it w the side characters? Especially barbatos I love him. He’s my bbg lol
Sure, I'm actually just waiting for someone to request it :P
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: Demon Brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Slight yandere themes (Barbatos, Simeon)
Links: Masterlist
He doesn't actually like going around
Sure, it's mentioned a lot of times that he want to visit this or that
But only if you or the others are willing to come with him
Otherwise it's as boring as doing paperworks
He won't even come out to meet important personalities
They need to come to the castle themselves because there's no damn way Diavolo will actually use effort to meet people he's actually not too close to.
But when it's you?
Damn, you better bet the moment you told him "Hey, Diavolo... I'm kind of stuck in the plaza and the brothers are surely too busy to pick me up so can you send me a driver..?"
How dare you ask for a driver?
When he's literally right there?
The moment the words "I'm kind of stuck in the plaza-" He's already in his most luxurious car starting it to get his future spouse
Hell, he'll even bought a flower before getting to you
And you two will make a scene
And you two will surely make it to the news tomorrow
He'll arrive to the place in something quite formal yet still casual
With a bouquet of flowers in his hands
Like the perfect future husband he is
And open the door for you to get in
And if you're asking why Barbados didn't do anything against him...
Well, he's got a few mouse friends there for help.
Anyways, enjoy the ride
And sign the marriage papers
His power holds such an important role for Diavolo
He's such a powerful "demon"
It would actually be quite nice if you were just a little more closer to him
But if you are...
He's willing to use this oh so important power for you like it's just a mere toy
You fell on the stairs and someone saw it? Reversed.
You failed a test? Reversed.
You made the wrong decision? Reversed.
If Diavolo actually saw how much he's rambling the time lines just for you he'll go insane.
Hell, he'll pass out when he knows that Barbatos is letting you use his power like he's some hourglass!
But Barbatos knows you
And he likes you
He knows that someone like you won't actually take advantage of his power like that
And would always choose to do things without it
He knows that he's your last resort
And he loves it
He loves that fact that you treasure his power so much
That you treasure him so much...
His power might seem to be the most important tool for you among the other abilities the brothers and the others gave you
And so that basically puts him above the food chain
And he'll stay there
He'll make sure you will view him as important as right now
For all internity
He treasures himself and the people around him so much
But mostly himself
Because that's what father told them to do
He treat his body like the temple of god
He'll walk around the Devildom with pride in himself
Not too much but not too less
He knows his worth
So when he met you
Such a wonderful human
He will also teach you how to put pride in yourself
And always be proud on what you're doing
And then he'll start to get drawn to you
The body he oh so treasured now treated like a toy for you
He once valued naturality but maybe using this makeup you love so much will make him appear more attractive?
"Oh, Simeon? Did you use some foundation and mascara?! That looks so good on you!"
Yes, MC.
Just look at him
It all started with dressing up more for you
Then it escalated
The body he once didn't let anyone touch is now open for you
Just for you
Hold his hand
Grab his waist
And use his shoulders
God won't punish him for a little touch now would he..?
He's shady and he knows it
It's been so long and he's been around may too many people
He doesn't know who to trust anymore
And who to be honest with
He always have to keep himself alarmed and ready
Because that's what the past taught him to do
And that's what the present is telling him to do
Oh, another human?
How nice...
He just hope you don't end up like him
Overly conscious
You know what... He'll help you
He doesn't want a human to fall to the same hole he is right now
He thought that he'll be the one to guide you
He didn't know that you'll guide him...
And now he's willing to do anything for you
He's willing to follow you anywhere
He's willing to give you anything
He's willing to be your loyal servant
Just like Barbatos, he's willing to use everything he have just keep you by his side
Whether it be human, demon, angel connections, money or power
It can be anything and he'll give it you
To the human who showed him the light once again.
He's a private person
That's why he has a whole ass room reserved just for him in the academy
It can't help but have his blood boiling whenever one of the brothers barging into his room unannounced
The sense of nervousness won't leave him whenever Diavolo came to visit him
And the mixed feelings when the other exchange students decided to drop by
But when you enter his room
The light started to get a little darker
And the atmosphere turned into something heavier yet more comforting feeling
Have you drank anything you're not supposed to drink human?
What's this atmosphere around you human?
Did you... Cast a spell on him human?
To be honest
It'll be better for him to know that you cast a love spell on him
Than for him to consciously know that he's falling for you
Falling for the human others already love
But he can't help but say "Why don't you stay a little longer, MC?" Whenever you drop by.
"You can stay and do your assignments or whatever here. I have a vast collection of books you might need."
It might be selfish but why don't you stay a little longer?
Stay inside this private room with him
And only him.
He's known as a hitman
And his job down here is to probably spy on Simeon or Lucifer
But this weird human caught his eyes...
Maybe he should spy on you too?
Hmm... Why are you so different?
Are you the premium version of human?
But either way...
He saw how tired you were after each day ends
It looks like this place have sucked any living hope and energy out of you
So he took this as a problem and decided to come up with a solution
He decided to help you run around errands and even take some of your work loads
Gosh... You're so busy
So tiring
Sometimes you two will just find yourself in the dark and unused alley of the school
Sitting on the floor with each others head on your shoulder
You'd mutter "So tired..." And he will pat your head to help you at least have a few minutes of nap between work.
And before he knows it
It became a habit for the two of you
Instead of going to the dark alley you decided to take some nap in the cafeteria and even on empty classrooms
The Brothers will not found you two scattered all over the academy sleeping on each other
And before he even noticed
Whenever the slightest danger occurs he's already jumping in front of you and pushing you back as he shield your fragile body
She's such a trouble maker
And you're an expert in keeping trouble makers in line
And Thirteen will make sure she don't follow that line!
She keeps on pulling pranks
Traps here
Traps there
Gosh will she ever stop
Then one day you got so busy that your usual scolding for her didn't happened
Not even once
She felt empty without your nagging voice I guess?
But that doesn't matter!
At least, now, no one will stop her from doing what she loves!
No one...
Will stop her?
But who will scold her when she's about to do an extremely dangerous prank where she might get hurt?
Who will treat her wounds when she accidentally scratched her with one of her schemes?
It's been just a few days without your nagging voice and she's already at your doorstep in the middle of a night on a weekend asking
"Are you ignoring me?"
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore?"
"Are you tired of me now..?"
It feels like she'll start crying if she says anything more so you just denied everything and said that your schedule have been fully packed
Even saying that you're a new member of the council so you became more busy
She felt so embarrassed after that
But she started to treasure your relationship more
And maybe...
Waiting in the line is not that big of a deal if it's for you...
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