#yes more jeverus
juniemunie · 1 year
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Very rushed, but happy birthday to our half-blood prince
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catgriller · 6 months
Theyre watching James Potter training on the Quidditch Field
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Grabs you I’m a multishipper shuushhhhhhhh
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
I ship James and severus because I’m a sucker for bully redemption arc and not bullying him because he’s in love with his bullshit 💀
Same ngl 💀 One of the two things better than a hero is a villain/bully turned good (2 is seeing a hero fail, if you couldn’t decipher it)
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bambistan · 7 months
Sometimes I feel like I'm the most chill person in this fandom when it comes to ships and characters. Like I can find reasons as to why each ship would work and wouldn't.
Pandalily? Academic rivals FOR SURE.
Jegulus? HELLO??? Bestfriends brother? Grumpy x Sunshine?
Partyvan? Peter deserves ALL that love.
Marylene? Not friends, not lovers, but something. It's so heartbreakingly cute.
I can even find stuff for ships I don't even ship.
Jeverus? After he saves his life? Hell yeah!
Prongsfoot? Best friends to lover? Sure, man, go for it!
Regulus x Sirius?.......... You... You do you bro???
Snily? That "always" line was cute, I gotta admit.
I genuinely won't judge like if you ship them - if you see them working out; GO. FOR. IT. THEYRE FICTIONAL!! Have your own opinions, it's okay!
Yes, they all have their flaws. Yes, James bullied Severus. Yes, James repeatedly asked Lily even though she'd already turned her down. Yes, he changed!!
Yes, Severus called the love of his life a slur. Yes, he bullied children. Yes he cared for Harry to some extent! Even if it's only as a tribute to Lily, that's better than nothing.
Yes, Dumblewh*re raise Harry for slaughter.... That's it... I have nothing more to add for him.... Bitch.
Yes, Regulus is a death eater. Yes, Regulus was obsessed with the dark lord since childhood. Yes, he stole the horcrux!!
Sorry for the rant but like I'm seeing so much hate for so many characters and ships and I don't understand it. There's as much to love as there is to hate. It wouldn't be fair if they were perfect flawless characters. They're designed to be insufferable and loving and idiotic and a little crazy.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 19 days
What are your thoughts for these Snape ships: Sirius, James, Remus, Regulus, Lily I know you prefer a female OC but I would like your thoughts on the other characters with Snape
Honestly, I don't read a lot of shipping fics with Snape. He's one of those characters that doesn't need a partner to have an interesting story. I just want him to have loving friends and heal properly and be happy.
I never found Snily appealing. I am not fond of her. I prefer reading platonic Snily where they reconcile or where Snape moves on from her completely and drops her like a bad habit. The thought of these two together romantically gives me the ick.
Similar feeling for Remus. I don't like picturing this guy with anyone. The dynamic between adult Snape and adult Remus is so gross. There's something so manipulative and gaslighty the way Remus talks to Snape. Similar to how Dumbles talks to Snape. Snape was obviously uneasy around Remus in POA. Snupin gives me an even bigger ick than Snily.
Now Reggie, Jamie and Siri is where things get interesting.
I have never fully read a Jeverus fic. I began reading one or two and they seemed pretty good. But I don't know, I never fully read them. I like the potential of the ship but its not enough to keep me invested. Probably because James seems boring to me now.
Snack is more fascinating to me than Jeverus. I can't fully explain why. But Snape and Sirius seem more on equal ground, especially as adults. I also love both the toxicity of the ship or how the ship can be a facilitator in Sirius' redemption. I love Sirius redemption fics!
For me Jeverus is like Dramione and Snack is like Drarry. One just has more fire and passion you know. I know there's a headcanon where Sirius/James bully Snape out of a sense of internalized homophobia. But it hits harder for me when it's Sirius who realizes he liked Snape and he can't have him anymore because of how much he bullied him.
I have never fully read a Regulus and Snape fic either. I read one that was pretty good - Snape and Reggie were so cute together. But the level of marauder bashing was too much (lol yes as much as I hate the marauders sometimes the vindictiveness of the bashing is too much) so I stopped reading. I prefer Reg and Snape as friends. Too bad so many Regulus fics tend to bash Snape. It's a shame.
The only Snape ship fics I have properly read were for Snack. I'm not really fussy about shipping Snape with anyone.
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fiendishfyre · 1 month
Do you have fics for three different James ships you've enjoyed?
Okay, imma try my best and pray I bookmarked them. For prongsfoot, there is First Day At Work by @mycupofrum and looking forward to more of this au. *cough* *cough* c: Wolfbucks, By Appointment Only by @puuvillaa It's such a great fic and has side Sirius/Kinglsey which I mean YES. Plugging my own fic because you didn't say I couldn't~ Deerhunter/Jarion (I just mad that up hahahah) which is Orion Black x James Potter, fic is called Karma's On Your Scent Like A Bounty Hunter by ME. *sobs* Please, there is so little of it out there, @stopme has a fic of it too, London is the fic. There was a jeverus one but I don't recall the name of it. Need to go searching for it.
There is a Bella/James one I plan to read. I have read a lucius/james one, stopme also has a tom/James one. Hahahaha.
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andraedevane · 3 months
✨ Intro Post ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Andra Edevane, but you can call me Andrevane or Andy if you want. My pronouns are she/her. I'm pansexual. I don't care if a person is female, male or non-binary. As long as they can make me feel loved, their gender it's a secondary thing. I'm an adult, that's all you need to know about my age. So please, minors, don't talk to me in DMs. You can send me asks and interact with my posts, but that's all. I'm also open to roleplay if you want to! But again, not minors. And feel free to send me ask/DMs me for anything!
【 About me 】
🌸My irl friends: @mustangdemon, you're a great person who always seem to know how to cheer me up, so thank you for that @shoon200218-blog, I don't know how would be my life without you (probably very terrible), I love you 🩷 @sergio130posts, you are an awesome person and you deserve someone as good as you in your life
🌸My mutuals: @mustangdemon @shoon200218-blog @generalallxsanjishipper @destroya2005 @fancychaostraveller @zearay @rexnanorum @salsalada @inkfowl @arrhythmicdesires
🌸 Bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.
🌸 Writer (I finally have an AO3 aacount! :D. The username is the same as here btw)
🌸 Artist (I draw sometimes, but I don't know if it's good or bad)
🌸 Music: I like all type of music genders, except reggaeton and trap. My favourite music gender is definitely BSO music. And symphonic metal. Symphonic metal it's... so beautiful for me.
🌸 Hobbies: Write, draw, read, listen to music, watch TV shows and movies.
🌸 Favourite season: Winter.
🌸 Favourite singer/group: Hidden Citizens
🌸 Favourite songs: Breathe ❣ Fleurie | Umbrella ❣ J2 | This Is Our War ❣ Halocene | Silent Night ❣ Dreamcatcher | Zero Eclipse ❣ Hiroyuki Sawano | To Feel Alive ❣ Tiff Randol | La Vida es Una ❣ Karol G | Here To Stay ❣ Sofia Coll | Mystery of the Invisible ❣ Veridia | All About Us ❣ t.A.T.u | Invisible ❣ Zara Larsson
🌸 Fics I like: Mostly hurt/comfort, because why not? Is there something more beautiful than a person who comforts another person when they need a shoulder to cry on? Crack fics too, because we need to laugh more in this life and be more happy. Villain redemption, because I believe in the innate goodness in people and I think that's what would make a better world. So you can recommend me hurt/comfort, crack, or villain redemption fics if you want.
🌸Fics I don't like: Rape/Non-con fics because I don't feel comfortable with those kind of things. Fics with toxic relationships because what I want in a fic is a happy ending for all the characters, and if there's a toxic relationship that's definitely not a happy ending to me. And I don't like fics with gore neither. So fics with toxic relationships, rape/non-con, or/and gore are a no-no for me.
【 My fandoms 】
⚡Harry Potter 🌌 Star Trek | Star Wars 🦸 Marvel | DC 🐺 Teen Wolf | Shadowhunters 🏥 Stranger Things 🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🗡️ Trollhunters 👩 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🔥Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatar: Legend of Korra 🦉 The Owl House 🛸Voltron: Legendary Defender
【 Ships I like 】 【 My OTP's 】
⚡Drarry | Jeverus | Jegulus | Snack | Wolfstar 🌌 Spirk | Kalluzeb | Skybridger | Skysolo | Kylux | Obimaul | Thranakin 🦸 Stony | Cherik | Spideyflash | Coldflash | Sladiver | Olivarry 🐺 Sterek | Sciles | Thiam | Briam | Allydia | Malydia | Malira | Malec | Clace | Jimon | Saphael | Clizzy 🏥 Steddie | Harringrove | Ronance | Byler | Elmax 🐞 Lukadrien | Kagaminette | Gabenath | Eminath | Gabenathilie | Movie Adrinette (don't talk to me about show Adrinette) 🗡️ Jeves | Hammerhunter | Jlaireby | Stelija | Stricklake | Stricklakerot | Strickrot 👩 Catradora | Glimbow | Entrapdak | Scorfuma | Glitra 🔥 Kataraang | Zutara | Zutaraang | Zukaang | Zukka | Jetko | Azutara | Makorra | Korrasami | Makorrasami 🦉 Lumity | Huntlow | Raeda | Veesha | Gustholomule | Guster 🛸 Klance | Lotura | Romura | Lancelot | Keitor | Jaith | Krolivan | Adashurtis
Yes, I rarely ship the canon couples. Why? Don't ask me that, I don't know why. I just can't avoid shipping non-canon couples. Maybe it's because all of the canon ships seem like the same to me and I'm tired of that. Or maybe it's because non-canon ships are more interesting to me and they could have an interesting story. Anyways, If you ship canon couples it's okay, but that's not for me.
【 DNI 】
♦️ LGBT+ phobes. I don't care if you are Homophobic, Biphobic, Acephobic or whatever you are, if you can't respect people for their sexual orientation, don't talk to me.
♦️ Transphobes. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. And if someone isn't living a happy life because society asigned them a wrong gender, they have the right to be their true self. If you don't support or accept that, block me or don't talk to me.
♦️ Xenophobes. Hating someone for not being of your country is dumb and it's wrong. So if you are like that, again, don't talk to me.
♦️ Racists. We're all humans, no matter the race. And if you can't respect people for being of another race, don't interact, thanks.
♦️ Sexists. Whether you are a misogynist or a misandrist, if you can't accept that no matter the gender we are all worthy of living in this world, don't talk to me.
♦️ Ableists. Despise or hate persons just for having a disability (If that term upsets some of you tell me) is something horrible and you shouldn't do that. So if you are an ableist, don't interact.
♦️ Radfems/TERF. You can support an ideology, but only as long as you aren't radical. So radfems, don't interact. And if you are a feminist that excludes trans-woman, don't do it neither.
♦️ Fascists. If you are antidemocratic, ultranationalist, right-wing or right-wing extremist, stay away from my blog. I don't want those people talking to me.
♦️ If you support censorship.
♦️ Zionists.
♦️ Islamophobes. If you hate a person just for being muslim, don't interact. Like I said before, I'm a respectful person and I only want to talk to respectful people who support human rights.
♦️ Killers, rapists, pedophiles, MAPs. I don't have to say why I don't want those people intecting, right?
【 Moral of this intro post 】
If you can't be able to admit that we're all humans and we're all worthy of live, and live without being harrassed or abused for our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or another reason, block me.
If you are the opposite, if you are good and kind, if you are respectful, you support LGBT+, and you believe in the equality of all humans, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or other things, you are totally welcome!
I think that's all! So byeee!,
Andy 💐
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cominic1991 · 1 year
POV: Es una fiesta en la casa de Gryffindor, y esta es la única foto que existe en la cual Severus y James se llevan bien.
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souryam · 8 months
22, 29, 34 for the snape ask game
(have a nice day btw!! ♡)
22) Do you think that Lily was a good friend to Severus?
yes, imo. I feel like we have way too little info about their friendship to come to the conclusion of "they were bad for each other" bc like the point of the memories wasn't to show their bond (at least I don't think so, it was more abt the conflict yk), so I'm pretty sure that the memories we have aren't the best moments of their friendship, actually are moments of conflict. Also, I feel like people put too much pressure on Lily.. she wasn't perfect, she was a human being and had plenty of flaws. It is very tragic but it wasn't her responsibility to fix Severus and stand by him no matter what mess he put himself in. Like she was 15 and targeted by her blood status, I don't blame her from being scared and walking away, specially bc when u view w through Lily's pov, Severus was basically choosing his slytherin friends over her
29) How do you hc Snape's bedroom would look like?
I imagine his childhood room to be very tiny, with one small window and facing the back of the house, with a tiny bed that he outgrew by the time he was 15, surprisingly very organized and full of books, potions materials+ ingredients, maybe one or two posters on the walls..
His hogwarts quarters tho I imagine to be quite nice. Like a medium sized apartment with good furniture, private kitchen living space etc and as per usual, filled w books. maybe a little bit messy but he cleans it up often.
34) Do you have any Snape NOTPs?
him w any of his students 💀, jeverus, snape x McGonagall (I was traumatized)
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urupotter · 3 years
Hot opinion: James Potter had a "bad person developed better morals because of love for Lily" arc just like Snape did, and we deserve more content exploring the characteristics and themes they had in common. Thoughts?
I mean, yes, in that all the marauders parallel Snape in some way. However, out of all of them, James is the one who parallels him the least because he’s the least developed as a character. I’d love to explore their existing parallels though, but I doubt that it’d be well recieved by fandom. Most Snape fans dislike James, though a few are indifferent (Jeverus fans are the only real exception). And James fans detest Snape, I’ve found no real exceptions to that rule. (Though I’m sure they exist somewhere). Of course I’ll probably do it someday.
The problem with characters like James is that since we know so little about him it’s hard to state anything with any certainty. Most is just speculation. My interest in him is mostly due to his relationship with the marauders, in that I feel that he’s the glue who held them together, and that they were more James friends who were friends with one another by their relationship with him more than they were a group like the golden trio. I’m fascinated in exploring that. His relationships with Lily and his parents is something that I find less interesting, because while I can make James come to life in my head when I play him off of Sirius and Remus, and I can make Lily (another barely existant character) come to life when I play her off of Snape, I can’t really find much of interest in their relationship, since the two of them are barely developed in text.
Though yes, finding the similarities and differences he has with Snape is an interesting excercise that I might do someday. It’s something that I’ve never really seen. (I mean, I have, but only as a way to make one of them look better, mostly done by obnoxious fans of one of the characters, never as purely an attempt at analysis).
Thanks for the ask!
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Here's my opinions on ships (I ship almost a of them)
Desert: this is a desert blog. (More of a thirst blod but shh) I feel they can contrast well together
Dramione: ahem. Contrast. I love opposites. Hermione with bushy hair, a muggleborn, dark skin. Draco who has slicked back hair, pureblood, needs to go outside. Fucking beautiful
Harry/Ron: give me all of the best friends to lovers fics.
Worldstar: uwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw I would die for this ship
Remus and tonks (don't know the name): I only added this one because I ship most Canon ships. this one however makes me uwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw differently y'know
Snamione: you can say you want to fuck snape.
Snarry: you can say you want to fuck snape but don't like the way Hermione is portrayed in media.
Starbucks: love the ship and the coffee
Worldstar bucks: you can say you like threesomes
Jeverus: I have mixed feelings. In a non Canon setting, yes, in a canon setting no. It has to be extremely different to work
Harry/one of the twins (or both whatever you want ig): I imagine Harry and a twin getting married, then right before I do, the twin who is playing best man says "wait a minute, are you trying to marry my man?" And switches places with the other.
Harry and Hermione: don't really dig it
That's all I have time for.
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juniemunie · 1 year
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"Close enough."
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
I recommended the No Children Song, get ready for more songs for Hogwarts Characters
Tears of Gold by Faouzia is a Snape and Lily song (Obviously from Snapes pov) Its also made by the same person who made born without a heart
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron can be like James/Sirius flirting with Snape
(Don’t know who the boyfriend they’re stealing Snape from is though)
Take a Hint from Victorious could be a Lily or Snape in Jeverus fanfics song
Never Love An Anchor by the Crane Wives is a Eileen (Snapes mom) and Snape song
Micheal in the Bathroom by George Salazar (😏) is yet another Snape and Lily song
This Side of Paradise by Coyote theory is a snupin song
Body Terror Song by AJJ is a Dumbledore song
Our word from 36 questions is a Sirius song
Sometimes by Nick Lustko is a Snape or Sirius song
Heroes by Emma Curie is also a Snape song
Hard boy by Frawley is a jily song
Bird song by Florence and the machine could be a Dumbledore or Voldemort if he felt guilt song
I’m not Angry Anymore by Warwick Smith is a Harry song
Chosen Last by Sara Kays is a Snape or Remus song
This is all the song recs I got rn.
Woah that’s a lot, I appreciate the effort you’ve put into this, anon!
Aight, let’s get to work:
1. when I searched up the lyrics, I read “Gave away my trust for pennies” as “Gave away my trust for penises” and I laughed out loud 😭😭
2. YES YES YES. I always thought of this for Marauder x Snape ships, Sirius @ Snape once he gets with Remus, Snape @ Remus once he gets with Tonks, James @ Snape once he gets with Remus/Lily, etc. it’s so fun experimenting with this specific song cause there are so many opportunities. (and obvs the boyfriend James and Sirius are stealing Snape from is Remus)
3. YES. this is 1000% Lily once she finds out Sev and James ditched her and went for each other 😭
4. ouch 🥺
5. hm, sure ig 🤔
6. Y E S
(I always thought this 😩)
7. dang, that’s sad :/
8. :((( I feel so horrible for what Sirius went through with his family
9. Noice! It fits both Sirius and Severus but I think it suits Sirius’s vibe a little more.
10. Imagine someone saying these lyrics to young!Snape :o
11. Pretty accurate!
12. Damn, it’s super accurate to what Albus went through. :(
13. Harry after OoTP or DH be like:
14. This song fits Remus so well!
Thank you very much for all these recs, anon! Again, I thank you for your effort. Have an amazing day. <3
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
I love Snape so much. He's the reason I joined Tumblr. I never really knew it until I read some posts about it but damn the maradurers were obsessed with my boi Sev, weren't they?
Like especially Sirius. Sir, what do you mean you were watching him when he was writing his exam?! Leave him alone.
I don't get if that's frightening or hot. I mean it could be both😶😐. And honestly I am sucker for a toxic relationship. I really love this ship for the unhealthy bully x victim dynamic.
And I kinda think it's a bit canon that Sirius might have liked Snape. Like unintentional sub text. The extra mancho personality, the weird soft porn pictures of women on the wall(why were they there again? What is the reason JKR), the way he jumps to talk about Snape and how he still remembers him clearly after being in azkaban for like twelve years. What the hell is this about?
And I honestly find it hilarious how Harry keeps thinking that Snape is out to get him specifically and most of the time it's my boi doing his job as a spy or being at his most natural habitat- an asshole.
So I have this headcanon where Sirius thinks the same thing too. Like he keeps thinking about Severus being this vile man who is out to get him but Snape is like just there. And most of the time Sirius's daydreaming-ish thoughts turn out to be full blown out fantasies. Like just a thought.
What do you think?
Hi! He too was the reason I joined Tumblr!
I 100% agree about Sirius, he’s even more obsessed with Sev than James… and that says a lot. The dude didn’t even notice that girl staring at him during the OWLs exam cause he was too busy checking Severus out.😂😂
I love toxic relationships with the bully and the victim too: Drarry, Jeverus, Snack, Snarry, etc etc. Idk I have a thing for fucked up relationships 🤣
I don't get if that's frightening or hot. I mean it could be both😶😐
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And I kinda think it's a bit canon that Sirius might have liked Snape. Like unintentional sub text.
Me too! Rowling’s probably like 😐 at the fact that we’re all coming up with all this cause of what she unintentionally implied. XD
The extra mancho personality,
Yep. The need to “tower over” him and “roar” (😭) and to bring up Snape’s relationship with another man (Lucius) and call him his lapdog. It’s just so damn obvious.
the weird soft porn pictures of women on the wall(why were they there again? What is the reason JKR),
He put it there only to piss his parents off, they were muggle pictures and Sirius was a rebellious lad.
the way he jumps to talk about Snape and how he still remembers him clearly after being in azkaban for like twelve years. What the hell is this about?
Right?? He literally took his eyes off of Scabbers—who he had been staring at nonstop for minutes (stated in the text)—just from the mere mention of Snape.
And I honestly find it hilarious how Harry keeps thinking that Snape is out to get him specifically and most of the time it's my boi doing his job as a spy or being at his most natural habitat- an asshole.
Same. Homeboy’s just being his normal asshole self and Harry immediately assumes he’s gonna kill him.🤦‍♀️ Harry can be too much sometimes.😂
So I have this headcanon where Sirius thinks the same thing too. Like he keeps thinking about Severus being this vile man who is out to get him but Snape is like just there.
Jajaja I love this!! Definitely gonna be my new headcanon too.
And most of the time Sirius's daydreaming-ish thoughts turn out to be full blown out fantasies.
Yes yes yes!!!! 100% yes!
What do you think?
I definitely agree!
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
heyy! I just wanted to ask u this what would have happened during the prank if James was the werewolf instead of lupin? and even if severus somehow went to the shreaking shack and got attacked by james, do u think that james will be self ashamed of this fact? or will he continue bullying snape? as a person who likes both james and snape i kinda want them to be friends. and i also hate sirius mor than james tbh...
Aight, let’s get to work:
Hm, I don’t really know. I know for a fact that Sirius wouldn’t have told Snape shit if it was James in the Shack instead of Remus. So, let’s say Snape was somehow led to the Shrieking Shack and it has something to do with the Marauders (otherwise it isn’t James’s fault).
Do I think James would be ashamed of himself? Yes, I do.
I think one of the main reasons why James didn’t really have a problem with the Shrieking Shack fiasco in canon is because he wasn’t in Remus’s place, or at least Sirius’s. If James were to be in Remus’s place, he would’ve known what it would be like to be that close to murdering an innocent student and becoming what you most feared—a monster. James is not murderous in canon, unlike Sirius. James is more of the sadistic type.
I believe James is one of those people who think death is crossing the line, anything else—be it torture, rape, abuse, etc etc—is fine, because “they didn’t die so what’s the big deal?” And it’s also why he saved Snape (and went on to torture him in SWM), he despised Snape but he wouldn’t go as far as to murder him.
But would James continue bullying Snape? That, I do not know. If you’ve been through my blog for a while, you’d know that I… don’t exactly have the best feelings about James. I don’t think James and Snape will ever be friends in canon, whether or not James apologises or regrets what he did. Severus’s trauma does not suddenly disappear. Perhaps it would be nice for an AU. I actually really like the idea of that (which is another reason as to why I ship Jeverus), it would require James to grow and become a better person and I love that for him!
I understand how you feel; liking both James and Snape and wanting them to be friends; that’s how I feel about Severus and Remus. XD
and i also hate sirius mor than james tbh...
I don’t blame you! I like Sirius a lot more than James—I’m an ex Sirius stan—because Sirius makes up for how despicable he is by being a complex, enjoyable, dark character but James is barely there in the story so the same cannot be said for him. I was actually thinking of making a post about which of them’s worse.
Who did more bad things between the two? If we’re judging on bad things alone, then yeah, Sirius is definitely worse. But, Sirius has his excuses, he was abused by his family, lost the love of his life his best friend, was framed by his supposed friend, and trapped in Azkaban—an evil prison surrounded by soul-sucking creatures—for over a decade. James was loved by his parents, never had to deal with the loss of a loved one (at least from what we hear in canon), and lived a happy (but short) life.
I also think it’s unfair to compare the two, for the reasons I stated above and because Sirius lived up to 36 while James died at 21. It’s the same with comparing Snape and James, it’s unfair to the former.
As I’ve said above, if we’re judging them on who did more bad things then yes Sirius is worse. But, Sirius lived longer and we got to see more of his… non-terrible qualities. He looked out for Harry, he went to the Ministry for Harry (it was reckless as hell but still), he even ate rats just to keep in contact with Harry, and he broke out of Azkaban partly because of Harry. He did do good things for the wrong reasons and his bad deeds overshadow his good, but he still does have some slightly redeeming moments.
James does seem more mature than Sirius in their teenage years. We see him doing a lot of things because of Sirius’s influence. James only attacked Severus because Sirius was bored, James stopped playing with the snitch only when Sirius told him to. Hell, it even says this in the text:
“If it bothers you,” he said, stuffing the Snitch back in his pocket. Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.
This suggests that James might’ve turned out differently without Sirius’s influence.
Despite liking Sirius far more than James, I agree that Sirius is a lot more irritating. I definitely understand why you hate Sirius more than James.
I hope you liked my answer! Have a great day!
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