#yes i spend something something hours in character creation
r4t-g0d · 8 months
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i love this game sm
it lets me play as a silly blue horn+tail bard (transition goals tbh)
AND romance vampire boy
i 1429 screenshots at the moment (i cleared some out) theyre mostly astarion but yeah these are my favourites of my character :)
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a-certain-romance · 5 months
No One Knows
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Characters/Ships: Yandere!Ruan Mei x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, Possessiveness, Fingering
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For years, Ruan Mei has struggled with her ongoing research in the origins of life. Failed experiment after failed experiment. The emanator she created was only a short-lived example of all those years of hard work. Maybe it was too ambitious. And frankly, too large to manage. She needed something more stable, and tangible for long enough to be studied.
Through hours upon hours of trial and error, she finally succeeded in the creation of her most prized possession: you, her perfect little creation.
Her attempts at creating life were finally fulfilled with the help of that trailblazer from the Asteral Express. You were timid at first. Her modifications gave you the knowledge and ability to speak and read, but it took some time to warm up to her. Ruan Mei desperately wanted to study you immediately, but she’ll settle for simple observations until she gains your trust.
It was a slow process. If Ruan Mei has learned anything, it’s that she needs to learn how to show you affection. She spent more time with you when it didn’t involve her research. Although she’s been apathetic for some time, you’ve given her the courage to step out of her comfort zone. For the sake of this project of course.
Whatever she did worked. You eventually became as clingy as her past experiments. It’s only natural for you to adopt that same loving nature as the others have, but this time she’s enabled it a little more. She lets you be in the same room when she’s doing side projects and shares her knowledge of the biological and ecological aspects. She shares a lot of her pastries with you, and even makes the time to bake things with you. Sometimes when she’s spending a lot of time writing, she lets you lay your head on her lap for a while. She used to only see you as an influential accomplishment, but now she feels a sense of protective ownership over you.
She can’t keep you at the space station forever. Even though Herta doesn’t mind, she’s starting to get a little too curious about what Ruan Mei is keeping in that unoccupied level of the station.
And worst of all, her little creation is starting to wonder what’s behind those big steel doors that keep her locked in. And that just won’t do. She’s seen you giving those doors such longing looks, seen you tap and occasionally scratch the glass window. She makes a mental note to re-enforce the durability—‘just in case’. She knows she should observe your new behaviors a little closer, but she came to that conclusion a little too late the day she caught you stealing her card.
Were you…actually trying to escape? But why? She transformed this entire area just for you. Her past experiments have prepared her for what it takes to give something life; from food to sunlight to entertainment to company, what more can you possibly need?
“I’ll show you how much you need me.”
Her kisses are feather light at first. She pins you against the very door you intended on breaching. Even the pinning is gentle. You could probably struggle against her, but something tells you that she can easily overpower you with enough motivation.
Just as gently, her knee pressed right against your core. Her lips brush against your cheek, “Do you want more?” She asks sweetly. A little too sweetly. You shake your head, and she flips you around forcefully. In her breathy voice commands: “Hands against the door.”
Your palms shakily press against the surface. “Perfect,” she muses.
She strokes here hands all along your body, eventually settling on your waist. “Look at the way your body reacts to my touch. You’d miss this if you left me.” She kisses and nips your skin with satisfaction as her lips move down your neck.
“Only I can make you feel like this. I created you; I know your body like the back of my hand,” her thumb tugs at your waistband, causing your breath to hitch, “See? Spread your legs for me…yes, just like that, wider. That’s my girl.”
She rolls your pants down carefully to the floor, prompting you to kick them off. Your underwear follows soon after. She returns to her stance behind you. Her gloved hand finds its way to your entrance, and her middle finger is the first to push past your folds. “Be good for me.” She rasps, planting kisses around your shoulder blade.
Your slick coats her finger with every stroke. She retracts from you for just a moment to bite her soaked glove off with her teeth. She tosses it behind her before returning to your inviting warmth with an added finger. She sighs pleasurably, almost nothing is obstructing her skin from yours.
Her other hand forces you to look out the window as she scissors her fingers inside you. The glass is somewhat clouded from your panting, but you can make out the sight of how her green eyes bore into yours.
Her fingers curl and rub feverishly against your sweet spot. Your body shudders as you inch closer to your climax. “Let go,” she moans, “let go and cum for me.” Your slick spurts through her slender fingers as you climax.
As you come down, Ruan Mei whispers a few “good girl”s as she kisses your neck. Her arms wrap around your body possessively with no intention of letting go.
She’ll make arrangements for a more permanent residence to keep you close. No one knows of your existence, and she intends to keep it that way.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so, the thing about Boundaries, and why people keep bringing them up over and over again to creators, is I think there's a bit of a desire for what people are doing here to not be weird. Cause like, the creator signed off on it, so like, I'm fine and you can't make fun of me or get mad at me.
And like, I understand the desire to not be made fun of or have people get mad at you, believe me, I know, but I think we have all just gotta accept that what we're doing is— it's a little weird, bro.
Like by definition what fandom is is getting a little too much into your thing. Fan comes from Fanatic. We all saw some block men and we went way too hard with it. And I think that sufficiently viewed from the outside, there is just no way to do any kind of transformational creation and it not be weird to the wrong people.
Like, taking a character and making them miserable? One of the honourable fandom traditions, whether you're whumping them or if you go hard into comfort at the end. For someone entirely outside of fandom, that's just like why are you DOING that, bro, and when you add in the fact that we're using people's real names (well, gamer tags), there's no way for that not to be odd. "The creator said it was okay" is not going to make people go ??? any less. (Let me emphasize that this is fine, it's just like, also, you bring that up on the bus and peope go ????)
Let's look at fluff. You want to write about your characters in a coffee shop au? You want to write about your characters in a cuddly family dynamic, taking care of each other? You want to age down characters and write kid fic where they learn to face the challenges of the world and it's just so cute and you love them so much even if nothing really bad happens? I promise you that my non-fandom parents are gonna be like "why are you spending your time on that" and again, if you throw in the "is this real people" (it isn't, but that is a delicate thing to explain), you're looking at people staring at you in discomprehension and backing away.
Shippy stuff. Again, one of the honourable fandom traditions. You just love your guys and you want to write about how much they love each other (or maybe make it tragic about how only one person can make it out of the cactus ring). You spent all this time thinking about their feelings writing it out. You write out a kiss scene. It makes you flail happily. Most people don't do that! Absolutely fun to do? Yes! Something you can bring up as an ice breaker at the company potluck? Probably not! We are too much into the characters, and that's fine, but it's still gonna look a bit odd from the outside!
Plotty gen. You're writing an entire new story, but you're taking existing characters for it? Like it's original fiction, but you're using existing characters? Why not just write original fiction <I have had this conversation. Oh, you're writing a story about minecraft characters, and they— they get tortured? Like it starts with them being tortured? <also a fun conversation to be in.
I'm mostly thinking about this from the fanfiction side, but art, meta— we are just getting into things way too much. We're spending hours on this stuff. We drew the creators minecraft sonas in maid dresses. There are millions of words of fiction on the archive about every conceivable universe of good/bad things happeing to the characters. It is a primary hobby, where I could be learning piano or paying attention to sports. And I'm not, and like, that's fine.
I am here to tell you that people absolutely might find what we're doing weird, and also it's entirely fine. I just ran a poll about the sexiest minecraft character that got 68k votes on the most voted poll. And then I had to explain that to my doctor to explain why I didn't really have a normal baseline for the past week to compare to. (Doctor visibly thought it was weird but he was also like "you go" because he's a good doctor, but I had to start with explaining minecraft because he knew NOTHING about what I was talking about.) You just gotta accept that fandom is for a small segment of the population, we are all having fun with ourselves, and it's for us, it's not for the general population, and stop trying to make it palatable to people who don't care to understand. People on this site keep saying "racist white boys" and then they don't have the intellectual curiosity to pursue further as to why maybe that's not true, having a boundaries post is not going to make them nicer. It's fine. They're being jerks, we're just having fun.
And like, stop trying to get the creator to sign off on it. Accept that sometimes we're being weird and they can look at it if they want to see the weird fanatics going too hard with the characters. They will tell us if we're doing something they want to stop associating with their name, and up until that point, just accept that what we're doing is weird, and have fun with it.
We're weird.
Be more weird 2k23.
Have fun with it.
I wrote a time travel AU in DMs with a friend last night about a bird man and a minecraft piglin. Not normal. It's FINE.
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taylorman2274 · 3 months
Reverse Isekai Genshin Shenanigans
Characters: Gorou, Diona, Fischl & Oz, GN!Reader
Gorou and your pet dog have been getting along recently. I wonder why...?
Content Warning: Gorou Hangout Spoilers
Notes: [D/N] = Dog Name; Gorou can read English presumed.
Gorou was spending the day sitting on the couch and reading a book when your pet dog walks up to him. He barks at him to get his attention.
"Ah, [D/N], I haven't seen you in a while. Would you like to come join me?" He asks, patting the open seat beside him.
[D/N] instead woofs at him.
"Hm? What's that?"
[D/N] woofs a little louder.
"You're hungry? Have you had anything to eat today?"
[D/N] whines softly.
"Well that won't do! I'll go ahead and fill up your food bowl and then I'm going to have a talk with [Y/N] about taking proper care of you."
Gorou gently sets the book down to the side and starts to get up when a loud voice halts his movements.
"Do NOT listen to ANYTHING that LIAR is telling you! I'll let you know that I fed them nearly an hour ago!"
You walked through the doorway and approached [D/N] with a leash in hand.
"Also... Guess who's got an appointment with the vet today~?" You ask with a sickingly sweet smile on your face.
[D/N] barks as loud as he can right to your face and growls lowly afterwards. You look to Gorou and can't help but let out a small chuckle at the mixture of shock and horror on his face.
"What's the matter?" You ask with a smirk. "Did they cuss me out or something?"
"...I never knew such profanity existed..." Gorou shuddered.
Your best friend gives Diona a bad good idea on how to destroy the alcohol industry.
Content Warning: Diona Lore Spoilers
Notes: [F/N] = Friend Name
You, Diona, and your best friend, [F/N], were currently all sitting at your kitchen table taste testing Diona's latest non-alcoholic concoction. More specifically, only [F/N] was doing the drinking. Diona only wanted to make the drinks and there was no way in hell you were gonna drink anything she makes with the stuff that is put in them, even if you know how good it will taste.
Currently, [F/N] was happily gulping down Diona's latest creation, which only seemed to anger Diona.
"*glug* ... *glug* ... Ah~. This has got to be one of the best drinks I have ever had in my life!" [F/N] proclaims as they slam their empty cup on the table. "What did you say was in this drink, Diona?"
"Grrr... I put a few pieces of cat hair, a whole lemon, a pinecone, and a cockroach I found hiding under the kitchen counter in a blender and then poured all of that into a glass of water." Her hair started to bristle. "Why is it that no matter what disgusting things I put in a drink it's STILL bound to taste delicious?"
You cringed as she listed each ingredient to [F/N] and you expected them to do the same. However, they surprisingly looked deep in thought.
"Hold on... You're saying that ANYTHING you put in the drink is not going to change how good it tastes?"
"YES! Isn't that obvious to y-?"
"So you could put something deadly like poison into the drink and it would be the best tasting death drink you could ever have?" [F/N] interrupted.
"But of course. Even something like poi-" Diona paused. Her ear twitched. Slowly but surely, you could see an evil smile come across her face.
"Did you have to mention that to her?" You sighed.
"Hey, no need to get mad at me. I'm simply supporting her cause." [F/N] smiled with a thumbs up and a wink.
It seems that Fischl has another side to her that you were previously unaware of.
Content Warnings: Out of Character Fischl, Swearing
Notes: [F/N] = Friend Name
"I'm back! Sorry for being away so long." You called out as you entered your apartment. Surprisingly, there was no response given back. It was quiet.
...Too quiet.
When you first left, you knew that there were two people and a talking raven occupying your apartment. One of which was your best friend, [F/N], who you had told to watch over the others, Fischl and Oz, while you were away. You had also told them to not let them leave the apartment for now, as you could not explain to any strangers why a strange looking girl had a talking raven with her.
You explored your apartment for any signs of life and eventually, you found Fischl and Oz in your bedroom standing next to the closet door. However, you had visited every other room in your apartment and were unable to find [F/N].
"Hey Fischl, do you know where [F/N] is? I couldn't find them anywhere."
Fischl and Oz turned around to look at you.
"Hmph! That mere pitiful human wished to make an enemy out of the Prinzessin. However, my Auge der Verurteilung foresaw their attempt to divert the course of destiny. Thus, I commanded Oz to rid them and their sins from my sight and doom them to waste away in the eternal night."
You raised an eyebrow. "You what?"
Oz decided to speak up next. "I'm afraid Mein Fräulein was challenged by [F/N] to a card game. During the game, Fräulein claimed [F/N] was cheating and thus decided to lock them in your closet.”
Your head whipped toward Fischl. "YOU WHAT?!"
You and Oz had your mouth and beak, respectively, agape by Fischl's outburst. After a couple of seconds, Fischl noticed your shocked expressions and recomposed herself.
"Ahem... Apologies. Mein behavior was very uncouth of a Prinzessin."
You heard banging from inside the closet.
"[Y/N]?! Get me out of here! That witch is crazy!!"
You quickly threw yourself between the closet door and Fischl and prayed for a resolution between the two.
Diona discovers the history behind the 18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Content Warning: American History
Notes: Reader is presumed to be from the United States. Diona is also presumed to be able to read English.
You and Diona were at your computer looking up American history. Diona was curious about the would and country you lived in so you decided to try your best to teach her all of the important historical events that you remember learning in school.
However, you made sure to hide all mentions of Genshin Impact on your computer before letting Diona come watch. You didn't want her to have an existential crisis.
The two of you were currently scrolling through the list of amendments in the U.S. constitution and Diona suddenly told you to stop.
"Wait stop! See that one! What does that say?" She asked, slowly inching forward to the screen.
"Ummmm... 'The Eighteenth Amendment is also known as the Prohibition Law. This prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of 'intoxicating liquors.' This essentially meant a ban on alcohol bu-'"
Diona pushed you away from the computer and looked at the screen with sparkles in her eyes.
"WHAT?! NO WAY! THAT'S AWESOME! Looks like Mondstadt could learn a thing or two from your country. Hehehe." She snickered.
You carefully moved your way back in front of the computer. "Maybe. It's unfortunate that it didn't last very long."
Diona looked at you with a serious expression. "...What?"
"You didn't let me finish. 'This essentially meant a ban on alcohol BUT this would lead to the Prohibition Era of bootleg alcohol sales and consumption. The unpopular and ineffective amendment was then repealed by the 21st Amendment.' Essentially, it only lasted 14 years."
Diona was stuttering in shock. "H-huh? W-what? 14 YEARS?? Could everyone not see that they were living in PARADISE?!! UGH!" She crossed her arms. "Those drunkards would do anything to get their hands on alcohol. Who's the idiot that repealed that wonderful amendment in the first place??"
You quickly opened a new tab and searched for the answer. "Umm... Franklin D. Roosevelt was President at the time. But it's really Congress who handles the proposals and ratifying amendments."
Diona threw her hands up. "I don't CARE who handles it. That man should not have let such a thing get past him." Diona pauses for a bit, almost like she was thinking about something. "Unless..." She gasps. "Was he a drunkard himself?!"
You opened another tab. "Ummmm... Kind of?"
"GRRR…! OF COURSE HE WAS! Otherwise he wouldn't let such a thing happen! Looks like this country needs someone responsible to man the helm! Move aside!"
You decided to play along with her for now. You weren't worried about her finding anything inappropriate as long as you were watching over her shoulder.
At first, she searched up innocent things such as "How to run for President", "Can someone of Kätzlein bloodline run for President", and "How to become a U.S. citizen".
It was only when she decided to search for "How to mind control an entire country" that you decided to get her off the computer.
Author Side Notes: These are just some short stories I thought of in my head. Please don’t take them too seriously.
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todorokies · 7 months
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including: satoru gojo, suguru geto, yuuji itadori, megumi fushiguro
contents: nothing but fluff with some crack (?) & two horror movie namedrops
a/n: this is a bit rough cus i just wanted to put something out for the 31st but happy halloween everyone!
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☆ . . . satoru loves going above and beyond for any project he subjects himself to, always finding efficient ways to add on little fun or niche details for him to be fully satisfied with the results which is why he opts to choosing a pumpkin that would be considered comically larger than the rest in the patch.
you scold him, going on about how inconvenient it is for not only you two but for the workers as well. he simply scoffs, shutting down your concerns by saying,“the bigger the better, baby!”
embarrassment fuels your body as you watch three of the field patch workers hassle with effort to strap the enormous round pumpkin onto a truck for it to be taken home. you glance over at satoru, seeing nothing but specks of light in his eyes with a beaming smile that shines so bright. you could seriously choke him right now.
miraculously, after getting the pumpkin through the door of his home, the carving starts. he changes his mind about the design at least three times even asking you to pitch in for some expertise. after an hour later, you’d come to the conclusion that there’s no way a creative design could be easily done with such huge material; opting to just do a simple smiling face (much to satoru’s dismay.)
☆ . . . suguru had cleared his schedule beforehand for this day, dressing nanako and mimiko warmly for a cool autumn afternoon with you. the day consists of corn mazes, trying candy apples, buying the girls their halloween costumes, and of course, picking pumpkins to carve later in the evening.
the faint dialogue from the movie coraline plays in the background as laughter fills the joyous air. you and suguru provide assistance to nanako and mimiko with their creation while simultaneously giving them the chance to takeover their craft at anytime.
nanako chooses to do a hello kitty design, whereas mimiko did a standard jack-o-lantern face replacing the triangular eyes with hearts. suguru’s pumpkin on the other hand is etched with beautiful meticulous swirls and stars covered from bottom to top.
after the tiresome evening you both put the girls to bed, kissing them goodnight and tucking them in gently. suguru proceeds to then use four flameless candles to light up the pumpkins and put them on the pouch while you set up a new movie; the conjuring.
☆ . . . yuuji is filled with absolute glee when you agree to carve pumpkins with him. he can’t help but fondly smile to himself watching your bottom lip find solace between your teeth whilst your brows furrowed in concentration as you attempt to push your tool through the thick layers.
somwhere along the line, the slimy guts that once reside in a separate bowl, is playful getting tossed around in a war that not one of you can remember who initiated it.
fits of giggles and attempted hushed footsteps behind pieces of furniture can be heard, with not a single care in the world of the eventual mess that you’ll have to clean up. yuuji doesn’t mind though so long as he can be by your side during it.
the fight calms down, the pumpkins get finished, the mess is cleaned up and the two of you are snuggled up in his bed watching a nightmare on elm street. with him providing you comfort whenever the jumpscares get a bit too frightening.
☆ . . . megumi actually prefers to paint pumpkins rather than carve them. his reasoning being that painting provides him an artistic range that pumpkins ironically don’t, however, that doesn’t stop him from indulging in the activity to spend quality time with you.
sitting opposite from each other with old newspapers spread out on the wooden floors of his dorm room, megumi softly dips his thin paintbrush in the white acrylic paint forming tiny ghosts on the surface.
he steals a couple of glances from you and when your eyes finally met his own, his heart skips a few beats with a small pout on his lips once he feels blush creeping up his face. you turn over the pumpkin you were working on and megumi’s mouth slightly agapes.
it’s a person? or something resembling of a person with spiky hair. megumi groans once he figures out you carved —or at least attempted— a portrait of him. he snickers then reassures you that you tried your best, soon setting aside his painted pumpkin he picks up a new one getting ready to carve you a portrait of yourself.
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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moonpascaltoo · 22 days
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all nathan bateman stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, let me know <3)
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☾ @missdictatorme
       ☼ the beauty of imperfection
               ⭒ Nathan figured having a personal assistant wouldn't hurt. He was wrong. She was a pain in the ass. Also she was so different from his robots (he no longer have because one tried to kill him). But she was also... fascinating.
       ☼ influencer!reader
☾ @spacecowboyhotch
       ☼ in plain sight
               ⭒ for someone who’s all about AI, blanks stares and obedient droids, your likeness to them is driving him crazy. 
☾ @hoedamn-eron
       ☼ shut up, kid
               ⭒ You awake to your first Mother’s Day with baby Bateman.
       ☼ bluey
               ⭒ Nathan discovers your son’s favourite show.
☾ @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
       ☼ ebo
       ☼ piano s/o
☾ @reallyrallyauthor
       ☼ assembly required
               ⭒ Nathan Bateman is maybe the smartest man in the world. But that doesn’t mean he has the common sense that god gave a can of green beans.
☾ @youvebeenlivingfictional
       ☼ accidental kiss
       ☼ fake dating
       ☼ by definition
               ⭒ “To what extent are we culpable? If there is forethought, is it traceable  through code? At what point are humans no longer responsible for their  creations?”
       ☼ magnetic
               ⭒ Now that you’ve met him in person, Nathan Bateman is everything and nothing like you’ve expected.
       ☼ rubber ducky, you're the one
               ⭒ The last time he got roped into one of these celebrity auctions, Nathan wound up spending six stupefying hours with a Kardashian, trying to explain why they couldn’t launch their own crypto, ‘K-Coin’, without plans for a public exchange. This? This is way more interesting, but just as mystifying.
       ☼ that algo is fucking scuffed part 2
               ⭒ It’s Nathan Bateman’s business card, with all of his contact information on it. But there’s a small hand-drawn → on the bottom. 
You flip it over and read: Thanks for the fix. Your rate seems reasonable. Looking for a job? -NB
       ☼ the logical progression part 2
               ⭒ Maybe it was better that you didn’t meet Bateman until you were further along in your time at Blue Book. By the time you did, you were much more self-assured, knowledgeable, and far less afraid to challenge authority. You hadn’t gotten to where you were by being a shrinking violet.
       ☼ this didn't happen
               ⭒ Had you gone to the conference planning to sleep with Nathan Bateman? No. Had you? Yes. Were you regretting it? Absolutely. 
☾ @leoluved
       ☼ chase and pull
               ⭒ nathan likes when you get jealous, but he gets upset when he gets a taste of his own medicine. 
☾ @writefightandflightclub
       ☼ dear diary, i met an asshole
       ☼ uninvited
               ⭒ Nathan attends the Met Gala, but there’s something missing. That’s you.
☾ @leiakenobi
       ☼ post script
               ⭒ It took nearly a month after the company funeral for a pair of suits to show up at your door and say, “We’re here to discuss the Bateman estate.”
☾ @softboywriting
       ☼ almost lost you
               ⭒ It takes Nathan nearly dying to realize he loves you, but he needs to know you feel the same and will take some unnecessary steps to find out instead of just asking you.
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 9 months
You And I Were Fireworks [Proposal Gone Wrong Trope]
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female Reader
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Proposal Gone Wrong situation 1. Character wants to propose. Something goes awry and ruins their plan "AJ is determined to make you his Aunt, without giving Sam a say in the matter."
Warnings: Fluff. Reader is fem identifying (references to she/her pronouns and being Cass and AJ’s Aunt.) No use of y/n. Established relationship. 
WC: 1,100
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
Spending the Fourth of July with Sam’s family in Louisiana had become one of your favorite traditions of your relationship in the few years since you and Sam had started dating. It was only fitting that Sam's hometown threw a true American neighborhood cookout on the pier, proud of the local-bred boy who had taken up the mantle of Captain America.
You had just finished helping Sarah and a few of the other neighbors set up the tents on the dock, when you noticed Sam’s youngest nephew sitting alone on the edge of the pier. You wandered over and plopped down beside him.
“What’s up AJ? You look upset. Did Bucky and Cass not let you play corn hole with them?”
“No…” the boy said, dejected.
“Okay, so what’s up?”
“Leon asked who I was here with and I said my Aunt and Uncle, but he said you’re not really my Aunt cause you and Uncle Sam aren’t married.” he gestured to the man named Leon a few feet away, putting beer and soda into a cooler.
“Well, I mean he’s not wrong. But don’t worry AJ, I love you like you already are my nephew. Your mom and brother have been nothing but welcoming since Sam and I started dating and I really do feel like family.”
“But why aren’t you and Uncle Sam married yet?”
“Because he hasn’t asked me yet! He’s gotta propose first. Quit dragging his feet, you know?” you joked and it made AJ chuckle “And besides, we’re both pretty busy and weddings take time to plan. But, hey you’re gonna look great in a suit when you’re a groomsman.”
“You really think Uncle Sam is gonna make me a groomsman?”
“I know he will. Now come on, quit worrying about what Leon has to say and go enjoy the party.”
The conversation left your mind until a few hours later when you were all sitting around a picnic table enjoying your cookout food. Sarah and Sam were discussing upgrades they wanted to make to the boat when fall rolled around, and Cass and Bucky were in heated competition to see who could make the Ketchup containers make the loudest fart noise.
AJ slid onto the bench beside you as you ate.
“Hey AJ, you doing better?”
“Yes. But I have a question.” he cleared his throat, getting the attention of everyone at the table.
AJ dropped to one knee beside you and held out a makeshift ring he clearly had just fashioned from some straw wrappers.
“Will you marry my Uncle Sam?”
“AJ!” Sarah exclaimed
“Oh god no.” Sam buried his head in his hands
“Oh god yes.” Bucky said, fully invested
“AJ, is this you asking because you want me to be your Aunt or did your Uncle put you up to this?” you asked
“No! It's me trying to make this happen! What you said was right. Uncle Sam needs to stop dragging his feet and make you part of the family. So I figured I’d make him do it!” AJ said triumphant in his plan
“Wait what?!” Sam’s head shot up
“AJ that was… I meant that as a joke.” you stuttered
Sarah clapped her hands together and stood.
“Okay kiddo, let’s quit interfering in Uncle Sam’s personal life. C’mon you can help me get the snow cone station set up.”
“But mom, she didn’t answer!” he said as Sarah tugged him away from the table
“Wow that was…” Bucky began to chuckle
“So when did you tell him I'm dragging my feet?” Sam turned to you and asked
“I did not… I meant it as a joke okay?!”
“Uh huh, sure…” he joked, putting his arm around you and kissing your temple
It felt like that was all you saw of Sam the rest of the day, he kept busy socializing with his old neighbors and friends. You knew Sam was always the life of the party, but a small part of you worried he was just avoiding you because of what happened earlier.
Finally, the sun finally set and the fireworks started. You sat on the edge of the pier, feet dangling in the warm summer water as streaks of red and blue exploded above you.
You felt a presence near you, as Sam sat behind you to enjoy the show as well, legs bracketed on either side of you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back to his chest, planting a kiss on your neck once he was situated.
“Hey beautiful.” he greeted you
“Hey Sammy.”
The two of you sat in silence as the show continued, until Sam finally spoke up.
“What was your answer by the way?”
“To AJ’s question. What was your answer?”
“Sam, you know it would be a yes if you asked. Why? Is AJ giving you ideas?”
“No, I can do ideas myself, problem is he beat me to it.”
“Wait, what?”
Sam removed one hand from around your waist and held it in front of you, a beautiful diamond ring in his palm.
“Little trickster ruined my big moment. But the question’s still the same. Marry me?”
“Sam…” you craned your neck to look at him, the smile splashed across his face showing he was being serious
The emotion hit you in a wave and all you could do was nod yes, not able to verbally answer or else you were sure the tears of joy would never stop. Sam leaned in and kissed you deeply, untwisting his arms from around your middle to help you put the ring on your finger.
“It’s perfect by the way.” You commented, admiring the way the ring sparkled under the colorful display in the sky
“If the kid just had an ounce of patience, I could have actually surprised you.” Sam laughed
“Consider me surprised. I love you Sam.”
“I love you too baby. Hey just think of how excited AJ’s gonna be, getting his 4th of July wish to make you his Aunt.”
“Is that a thing? Does Captain America grant Independence Day wishes now? Like Santa for summer?” you joked
“Just for my nephews. And for you.” he kissed you again
“You know if you tell him that, next year he’s gonna ask for a puppy.”
“Ha! and I’ll do it. And Sarah will kill me.”
“Puppy would make a cute ring bearer in our wedding.”
“Now who’s the one with ideas?”
"Just saying, a Fourth of July wedding with a puppy would be amazing."
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jiubilant · 9 months
crashing the nautiloid also crashes the game for me (will keep twiddling with the settings until i figure out something that works consistently) but here are my thoughts on the bg3 intro:
i do miss slider-based character creation but did still manage to spend over an hour in the character creator without it
i love lae'zel
decided to play a bard (yes of course he's a rock gnome) and it cracked me up to watch this guy in makeup and motley with a lyre as tall as himself clamber out of a torture pod and nonchalantly perform brain surgery. what horrors has he seen
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deathbecomesthem · 8 months
This is How the World Ends
Part 1 - Eddie Lives
Warnings - this story will contain horror elements, including blood and gore. Violence. Disturbing thoughts and actions. This story will contain sex. This story will contain all of the elements of life and death. Proceed at your own risk.
A/N: Is this fanfiction? Sure. @jo-harrington
This is a story. Some of the characters within this story may resemble real life people, but they are not those people. Entering this story requires the suspension of disbelief. It requires an imagination. It requires an ability to accept the things within as the reality of the world built in this particular story. If you can’t do that, then I’m sorry. This story is not for you.
This is a story about universes, old and ancient beings, characters that exist because of the power of our minds, the unending possibilities that exist in everything, and Jo - the center of it all.
Frodo, Beowulf, Jesus, and Casper the Friendly Ghost all have one thing in common. They are real, and not in the “they live in our hearts and minds” way. They literally exist. Creation in this universe is a never ending thing, every thought is a possibility of life somewhere. Realities connect through spirit, imagination, and of course - love, the most powerful of all the magics in all of the universes. Love, the thing that creates life, the thing that destroys life. 
Jo wakes up every morning to an alarm clock like a good and normal human being. She lights up the screen of her phone to check her messages. She scrolls through her emails first, ignoring the notifications at the top of the screen. Well, pretending to ignore them. She does not allow herself to look at them until after she checks her work emails, after she brushes her teeth and dresses, after she starts a mental rundown of her day. 
Jo always knew she was different, which in and of itself is a remarkable thing. Most people might think that no one else understands them, but for Jo it went much deeper than that. And that’s really because she is not human. Yes, she has the “normal” allotment of limbs, ears, eyes, fingers, and toes. She even has a nose, on which a pair of glasses often sits, but in the center of her very self sits something else.
Lately, she spends too much of her time thinking of that other thing, that truer thing deep inside her. It’s hungry. 
Last week was Jo’s birthday, and she spent it in her mother’s home, which is where she spends all of her days. Would that she could escape it. There she sat, in the chair in the corner of the room while her mother stood at its center. Because everyone knew that Jo’s birthday doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the person that held her in her womb for all of those agonizing months. A feat that ought to be celebrated when the anniversary of the end of that horrific ordeal finally came to an end.
“I remember the day you were born,” her mother loved to regale everyone with this story. She never missed an opportunity, because she got to be the absolute star of the show for the length of it, “I thought it would never happen, ya know?”
Mutters of acknowledgement, because everyone already knew this story. Not a single holiday went by without her telling it while Jo sat quietly and let it happen. A train wreck in slow motion. 
“Josephine, my lovely and talented daughter,” a smile - the one she gives during a performance - is directed to the girl in glasses, “was born after an excruciating 72 hours of labor. Did you know that I died not once, but twice during that ordeal?”
More murmurs of faux surprise. Oh, wow, and how is that even possible? Aunt Linda, god bless her soul, even managed to eke out an excited gasp. So it goes.
Jo sits and pretends to listen. She doesn’t need to hear the words to know at what point of the story she needs to nod her head, frown, chuckle a little, or give a bright smile. So, she wanders away from her body for the 5 minutes it will take to get through this ordeal of a story. In her mind, she is somewhere else. It is a place that she remembers so vividly, she can smell it. If she were asked to describe the smell, she would say, it smells of sulfur and lavender. She would tell you that there is a sweet stench that hangs in the air, rotting meat and flowers unlike she’s ever found in her daily life. She would tell you, it is her home. But she would never do that, because it’s obviously never been a real place, how could it be? 
It’s dark wherever he is. It was dark before the breath of life was given to the idea of him. In the minds of men, they thought him into being. They gave him a story. They wrote words. They talked about him. They formed an idea of him, and got to work. It wasn’t until later, when they brought in actors, did they finally meet him. In the face of this British man was Eddie Munson, and they knew he would carve his persona out of his own. A piece of him, a piece of the script, a piece of the tattoos placed on his skin, the ripped jeans and rings, the jacket and vest, the white sneakers, and the hair. 
Joe wouldn’t admit it, but he never acted during his time on that set. When his co stars would mention a bit of improv he added to a scene, he would smile and nod his head. He couldn’t tell them that his sense of self disappeared as soon as the camera began filming. That his body existed, but his mind drifted away. That Eddie Munson wasn’t a character he helped to create - Eddie Munson was a separate person that used his muscle and skin. Eddie Munson wore his smile, and spoke with his voice - Joe was the vessel. 
And now, Eddie is returned to that darkness, to the place before he took the form of a tall, skinny metalhead. He is waiting for his story to be resumed. There is no pain in this place, only the absence of everything. The only thing he knows is this - there is someone that knows him in that warmer place, and she will bring him to her. She will tell him what the rest of the story will be - his story.
~ One year ago ~
She didn’t know, each day when she wrote her words and fostered her ideas that they were a prayer. A casting. Every moment. That she could call to him through the fabric of the world, and bring him into being. If she had known, she might have been able to see where it would end. All of it. And it started with the blood on the screen. The cries. The wings beating down on him. The face of an angel, wings of crimson formed on the dirt under his cold body. 
“I cannot FUCKING believe this.” The hard plastic of the remote crashing against the wall behind the television is enough to rouse the neighbor. Jo doesn’t even register the sound of the thumping from the other side of her apartment wall. Angry tears stream down her face while she watches the younger boy cry over the body of his mentor, his leader, his brother, his friend. She can almost smell the iron of Eddie’s blood in the air, the experience is too real. 
I can’t believe this.
That can’t be real, right? 
No, no, no. No. They better fix it.
Eddie is not fucking dead. No.
With one voice, the viewers with unfathomable love in their hearts screamed “No.”
It was the voice of Josephine that tore Eddie from Joe that day, and put him in that dark and quiet place outside of time and space. Where he waits for her.
The fandom pulled him through in their grief. Jo’s words and love calls to him. It’s magic that she doesn’t understand. Under her human visage, that truer being weaves and casts. It unfurls its spine and wiggles its fingers. It clings to the pain of the human woman it wears, and it is satisfied. Finally, something that can be worked with. The rage can be harnessed - through it, the ancient thing can push its way to the front of Jo’s mind and be heard. It can be free. 
Through her pain, love, and life it feeds and grows. It never rests, only pulls her deeper. Will her love for Eddie, now present and real in this world be enough to put the beast to rest, or will he unintentionally bring out the power within her.
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Picture Perfect [Yan!Albedo x Fem!Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, overprotective Albedo, suggestions of isolation, infantilization, timid reader, suggestions of synthetic creations and bioethics.
He figured that granting you the opportunity to explore your artistic side would be a fantastic educational opportunity. In addition to providing you with an activity to do, it would also be excellent to strengthen your general abilities and learn about the practical sketching methods. It appears that you have been in a terrible mood lately, perhaps as a result of him restricting limitations for roaming outdoors owing to the recent cold and threatening weather. But he was simply being considerate of your physical health, the last thing Albedo wanted was for you to catch a cold and be bedridden for a few days. Or worst case scenarios, it would be for you to somehow slip down a few patches of snow, tumbling to some sort of severe injury or perhaps even to your demise.
So there you are, perched a few feet from Albedo, with a sketchbook and a pencil in your fingers, prepared to scribble away. You attempted to sketch the man's contour by beginning with light, airy outlines and gradually adding detail in an effort to adequately reflect the expression on his face.
Even though you didn't want to admit it, it was exceedingly pleasant to be able to hold a pencil, which reminded you of the days when you used to sit outdoors in the sunlight and draw for a few hours. You ponder whether Albedo had made the initial suggestion because he knew about this small pastime of yours. Naturally, you won't mention that you are appreciative of his generosity since you do not want to feed the flame and encourage him to feel good about himself.
Of course, you won't get to enjoy this pleasure very frequently, so it's best to enjoy it now rather than later.
You briefly avert your focus from the picture in order to have a closer look at the young man and attempt to effectively convey the shape of his eyes. But as soon as your eyes land on his face, your gaze immediately shifts away, and you're astonished to see that he was also fixated attentively on you. His cyan eyes probed into your figure, making you doubt if you were the intended subject or if he was.
But you've always felt small and insignificant within Albedo's presence, despite the fact that the majority considered the man to be a kind character. He wasn't particularly imposing, although you weren't certain if the unwavering gaze in his eyes was one of affection or if it represented something more...sinister, something that merely considered you as a lab rat, one that he could manipulate to his will.
Or perhaps that's something that only Albedo could fully comprehend, or maybe even he didn't fully understand himself?
"Would you like me to change positions? I understand that sketching someone from a different vantage point can assist you to better understand their facial characteristics."
Perhaps the effectiveness of this practice was greater than he had first believed.
Albedo intended to be able to spend quality time with you, and since you shared some of his interests in painting, he wanted you to have a place where you could express your creativity. Why not make that interest a part of a joint activity that you can do?
You jerked out of your reverie as Albedo abruptly spoke. Once more straying from the image, your eyes finally came to rest just above his neck, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.
"N-No…. It's alright I wasn't thinking straight."
You whispered faintly before starting back up your work on the image, attempting to get rid of the unpleasant feeling within your chest as Albedo's eye bore hard into your frame.
Ah, yes. Albedo observed how your cheeks would turn a slight crimson anytime you were forced to look into his eyes, which signaled to him that you were a touch uneasy. The look would only linger for a little amount of time before returning to your sketch, possibly in an effort to capitalise on your embarrassment?
You were as enthralling as he had envisioned, perhaps even more so than he had thought. Your habit of biting your lips—possibly an instinctive action to help you concentrate on your work more effectively, was rather more indulging than he anticipated. Or the way your hands would scrawl frantically in the shadows to the picture as your eyes would squint momentarily at it, trying to make it just right.
How fascinating.
The following time, perhaps he ought to select objects that necessitate more physical exertion? It goes without saying that the purpose of this study is to observe how you react to different aspects of a situation, not for any other strange reasons. But he cannot help but envision what you'd appear like if you were stunned or perhaps even fearful. Although he isn't the most amorous individual, he is welcome to your affections and would be more than ready to give you a bit of a nudge if it meant you'd be more so.
He is, nevertheless, very happy with the current circumstances. Being befuddled and pleased that you were drawing him and making an attempt to offer him something. You probably won't know this for a while but Albedo would likely keep your sketch of him in an extremely secure place, almost like a parent securing their child's first drawing in a picture frame except yours is hidden from hindsight. You're not given that many opportunities to create something for him, although it is mainly his idea, so the idea of keeping something that you made, felt rather exciting to him.
Albedo values each and every invention you produce, thus he will treasure it tremendously. Even though he would certainly chastise you in some way, he would be somewhat amused if you wrote a poem expressing how much you loathe him.
You should appreciate and value all you produce, and he should plunder all he creates.
Thus, it makes perfect sense that he would hold you in great reverence as his most essential creation.
His greatest creation.
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lost-harts · 5 months
The Destruction of Creation: How bobbin lace versus machines relates to digital art versus AI
This is something that is completely my own opinion, no real research has been done, just observation. I, as a whole system, have been thinking about this for a while and just needed to get these thoughts out.
In the back end of September 2023, I began to learn a skill I've wanted to learn for over a decade, lacemaking. It's one of those hobbies that is always on the edge of dying out, but there's always resurgences and weirdos like me making sure it keeps its head above water.
To some lace is something ugly, for old grannies and yellowing curtains in old houses. To others lace is only for the romantic and sexual moments in their life, a wedding dress and lingerie. But most people can agree, it's a bit old fashioned and not for the every day. I thought a lot of lace was ugly myself when I was young, but then I saw antique bobbin made lace and suddenly I could see what people wanted really. The beauty of fine lines building up something like an eternal snowflake.
When I had an income I used to commission artists fairly frequently, but one sort of artist I couldn't afford to ever commission were those with the highly detailed, beautifully shaded, realistic backgrounded art. Theirs was around £300 and rightly so with the hours of work they would spend on each piece and the years of honing that skill beforehand. But these pieces of art were wanted and some people when they can't bear to part with money, or an appropriate amount of money, will spend their time instead working out work arounds.
In the 18th and 19th centuries lace was found all over clothing, especially clothes for the upper classes. But as industrialisation thundered ever louder in the 19th century and the middle class became truly distinct, they wanted this lace for themselves to appear more like richer folk, but also to adorn more numerous items of clothing that factories allowed one person to own. And so it becomes, why pay a village woman to take a good couple of months on your lace collar when we have machines and factory workers now that can make the rest of the outfit in days? Surely a machine can be made that will do it quicker and require less money? And yes they could. These machines very quickly became the main way people would get lace, especially Bedfordshire and Bucks Point style laces.
But people adapted, learnt how to make quicker simpler, less impressive lace that was still pretty, known as torchon lace. They fended off the machines for a good thirty years too, the machine makers unable for those thirty years to get machines to copy torchon lace correctly and quickly. They jammed and tangled, causing more trouble than it was worth in the eyes of factory owners. But come the 1870s, lace making machines had 'improved', making torchon lace also and a skilled art quickly began to fade.
I see this in artist communities I'm a part of too. Digital artists discussing how to imprint their art with un-copy-able code, make the AI falter and spend longer to make something worse. I've seen other artists saying they are dropping their hyper realistic art styles though, so they can be quicker and lower their prices so people will still commission them maybe? Trying to remove a distance between arguing with AI through prompts and reprompts to get sort of the picture you want for free and paying a human who you can clearly describe what you want and pay them. It truly is the same story happening once again.
But the most sickening thing for me is my thoughts on the hyper realistic art style. I had been on DeviantArt since I was 12, I loved this sort of art, seeing book characters, anime characters bounding about, leaping through the air, hair flapping and clothes swishing about with gorgeous lighting.
So much time and skill and learning went into getting there. I know this really. But now, I have to catch myself when I see art in this style because my first thought is 'Oh, AI rubbish is getting better with hands'. Art, that is beautiful, just on the off chance it is cheaply or freely made without skill, is rubbish. Put in the bin and discarded. That doesn't mean I think we should admire AI art. We should hate it for what it is, the machine that snatches food, ideas, skills and artistry from people, just as machines did over a hundred years ago. It really sickens me.
Because I know people began to think the same thing about lace. It became tacky, nothing special, rubbish. Something that was once an asset just like jewellery, trod into the dirt because everyone could have it now as it was churned out by machines. But hundreds of years of skills were stolen by those machines. Those machines and inventors couldn't come up whole cloth with those lace designs. They needed the lace makers to even exist.
I have no real conclusions other than, please don't let AI art make you hate an art style just because it steals from it. And maybe people should like lace more, especially bobbin made lace like I'm learning to make.
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
I never run so fast just to read something and DAMN―
I really hope I am not asking so much I just love him so fockin much can you maybe do Platonic headcanon with him and Teen! Y/n who was Sarah's friend? Okay, let me explain.
Spoiler alert! Before everything became a mess , Sarah and Joel had a neighbor , Y/n who was one year older than her and lived by her self but no one really know about that. They meet in high school and almost instantly became friends. After 2 months of spending time together - Sarah invited her to a sleepover , she wanted to introduce Y/n to her dad which made Y/n beyond nervous.
Y/n is pretty much shy and quite person and only becames more friendly and gentle with people she is comfortable with. But when it was Joel's birthday - Y/n made a letter that thanked him for letting Y/n be friends with Sarah and be in their live in general and a drawing of him and Sarah together.
I am very sorry if this is really damn long but GODDAMN I WANT TO HUG AND CUDDLE WITH THIS SO BAD
Amazing work tho. You described his character so really well:D
A/N: Low key started writing this on my birthday also I'm sorry it took that long😭😭😭
Warnings: Platonic!reader x Joel, reader is quite nervous, fluffy fluff
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Having known Sarah for quite some time one would expect you would have met her dad
Well, that wasn't exactly the case
Despite going to the same school and living in the same neighborhood, you haven't really got to introduce yourself to her dad- Joel
And quite frankly, for the guy looked a tad bit intimidating to you at first glance
Which was secretly the reason why you would avoid visiting Sarah's place and instead invite her to yours in the comfort of your home
Being her curious self Sarah couldn't stop questioning you why you avoid going to her house until she realizes you are bit nervous about meeting her dad
She won't stop teasing you to a harmless extend of course until she convinces you to join her for a sleep over
Though the occasion for the party didn't quite help you loosen up
It was her dad's birthday
The more you thought about it the more you worried
And suddenly you found yourself nervously stomping around your bedroom at some ungodly hour of the night, trying to think of a suitable gift for the man you knew little to nothing about
Yet what was even worse was that time was wearing thin
His birthday was on Friday and a Thursday night wasn't the ideal amount of time to think of a present
Yet you managed
As you nervously talked around your room, you caught a glimpse of your school supplies
And the idea struck you
A drawing of both Joel and Sarah
Gift so simple yet so meaningful
Before you knew it was way past midnight as you looked at your creation with a smile of satisfaction on your face
Once the school day was over you would make your way to the Millers, your heart beating fast and your stomach clenched in a ball
Hesitantly you would knock on their door and all the short while you waited you would contemplate if it was too late to turn back
It was
The door opened revealing the smiling Sarah, peeking behind her father
Joel would warmly greet and welcome you in
Once inside you would bashfully hand him his present
He will be surprised, not expecting the gesture
Yet the contents of the small envelope had him speechless
Inside was a letter with a short but meaningful message, one of gratitude and appreciation, though within the letter was a smaller piece of paper- a drawing
After rereading the heartwarming letter, Joel gently caressed the colorful paper, a gentle smile curled the corners of his lips
"Thanks, kiddo!" He will respond, ruffling your hair as went in the kitchen and urged you and Sarah to following to have dinner
Only after hours of laughter and delicious take away did you notice your drawing in a central place on the fridge, held by a magnet
Having known Sarah for quite some time one would expect you would have met her dad
Well, that wasn't exactly the case
Despite going to the same school and living in the same neighborhood, you haven't really got to introduce yourself to her dad- Joel
And quite frankly, for the guy looked a tad bit intimidating to you at first glance
Which was secretly the reason why you would avoid visiting Sarah's place and instead invite her to yours in the comfort of your home
Being her curious self Sarah couldn't stop questioning you why you avoid going to her house until she realizes you are bit nervous about meeting her dad
She won't stop teasing you to a harmless extend of course until she convinces you to join her for a sleep over
Though the occasion for the party didn't quite help you loosen up
It was her dad's birthday
The more you thought about it the more you worried
And suddenly you found yourself nervously stomping around your bedroom at some ungodly hour of the night, trying to think of a suitable gift for the man you knew little to nothing about
Yet what was even worse was that time was wearing thin
His birthday was on Friday and a Thursday night wasn't the ideal amount of time to think of a present
Yet you managed
As you nervously talked around your room, you caught a glimpse of your school supplies
And the idea struck you
A drawing of both Joel and Sarah
Gift so simple yet so meaningful
Before you knew it was way past midnight as you looked at your creation with a smile of satisfaction on your face
Once the school day was over you would make your way to the Millers, your heart beating fast and your stomach clenched in a ball
Hesitantly you would knock on their door and all the short while you waited you would contemplate if it was too late to turn back
It was
The door opened revealing the smiling Sarah, peeking behind her father
Joel would warmly greet and welcome you in
Once inside you would bashfully hand him his present
He will be surprised, not expecting the gesture
Yet the contents of the small envelope had him speechless
Inside was a letter with a short but meaningful message, one of gratitude and appreciation, though within the letter was a smaller piece of paper- a drawing
After rereading the heartwarming letter, Joel gently caressed the colorful paper, a gentle smile curled the corners of his lips
"Thanks, kiddo!" He will respond, ruffling your hair as went in the kitchen and urged you and Sarah to following to have dinner
Only after hours of laughter and delicious take away did you notice your drawing in a central place on the fridge, held by a magnet
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changingplumbob · 3 months
hii!! 11-14 for the story questions
Hooray a chance to talk!!! And I actually really wanted to do these 4! Thank you Lori 😁 I'm throwing in a cut just because I write long answers, don't want to be cluttering dashboards.
11) Why have you decided to tell this story? Are there any messages or meanings within it?
It was about 6 months of me playing my rotations before I had the thought to record what was happening in story format. I was actually sticking with households and wanted to be able to look back and see how far they'd come, so I decided to start writing and taking screenshots. I've always liked creative writing throughout my life, but have been reluctant to share it, there's so much talent out there. I enjoyed writing about my sims so wanted to share it, mainly so I could talk to people about my sims because I have such fun playing.
Messages or meanings... I try to write most of my sims as being accepting. There's a lot of hate and bigotry in our world, and I like writing a world where there is minimal prejudice. Samir will never have to face sims distrusting him simply because he is of Arab descent. Devin will never face discrimination in casting simply because she is married to a woman. Joey will never have his job performance questioned simply because he has hearing loss.
I do write a few mean and narrow minded sims but they are few and far between. They are mainly there to add some realism but I want my sims to feel safe being who they are. So messages... judge someone for their character, not something that they have no control over (ethnicity, sexuality, gender, disability).
12) Do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
I LOVE playing! I preordered Sims 4! However, patience is not my strong suit. The longest I've played one household lasted from the teens in a household growing to YA and having a baby... I was the master of making a household, playing for a few in game weeks, then getting bored. Rotational play is great for me as it helps me stay invested, plus I love to micro manage.
I do consider that I'm playing my game and just recording what happens for the most part, Reece and Samir are the only ones I think of as me crafting a story. Apart from them I play pretty unplanned.
13) From basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
I like to play, take screenshots, then write for those before returning to the game for another round of playing. Let me check some dates... The next households first part screenshots were taken on Jan 28th and I finished playing the household on Feb 3rd. Looks like I created the word document on Jan 28th and it was last edited on Feb 4th.
So 8 days to play and write the chapter. I'd guess another day to finish queuing the posts (I also do these as I go). But that is probably one of the faster ones. This latest one I've done has taken me over 2 weeks, yes I was away for a portion of that, and I've still not finished the writing. I'm currently unemployed so I have the time to spend on it. When I find a new job I imagine average creation time will double or triple.
Drafts from the past take about 3 minutes as it's just me getting a screenshot of whatever weirdness is happening and putting it in a post. Lookbooks can take several hours to string together, or less than 1 if I'm not providing new outfits. Build or Reno posts take maybe half an hour to put together, providing I took the screenshots I need. This post took me an hour to write because I'm having an IBS flare up and thinking deeply.
14) Do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
I am not a big one for regret in real life. I was for a long time but now I try to see the past as "things happened, I did the best I could in the circumstances with my resources and what I knew".
I do somewhat regret putting my earlier writing straight on Twitter with no copy to my hard drive because all that story is essentially lost to the black hole of the internet. BUT that's taught me to keep records of what I'm doing.
Story regrets... nope. I've sat here for 5 minutes and cannot think of one. I do feel sad about making all of Marta's family dead but I don't regret that choice. What I have done with my sims are things that made sense for the characters.
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lemondaydream · 1 year
Hi there Lemon! Is it okay if I let my rp server use your doc as a template? :)
Hi, thank you for your ask and reaching out. This is something I've seen people doing even though it says on every one of my docs that redistributing is STEALING, I don't want this to come off as too aggressive and I'm sure you mean well but this is for everyone else, if you purchase a doc from me or any other creator, that doc is only meant to be used by YOU.
It is always stealing, has always been stealing. That is what redistributing is. You are giving other people my paid doc. The price of $5 is PER PERSON, while yes, that one person can use it for multiple of their own characters, they cannot give it to a friend, a server, ANYONE. Giving someone the link to my doc or letting them make a copy off of yours is stealing. If you would like a server template version of any of my docs, you can contact me for a commission but that will be at commission prices. I spend upwards of 16 hours on a single doc. If one person can just purchase it and give it to 100 people, that means I make $5 when I could have made $500 and making $5 for 16 hours of work is devastating. ANY DOC YOU HAVE PURCHASED mine or otherwise:
To prevent people from making copies of your docs - select the blue SHARE button in the top right corner of your doc - hit the settings gear on the right corner of the pop-up - UNCHECK the box that says "Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy"
On every doc you have. Also, don't use free docs as server docs either without asking the creator of that free doc - if they don't give you permission in their post. Always DM them first and assume it's not okay. A lot of times, when people use free docs for servers, they remove the creator's credit. To prevent this, ask. If you are currently a server using my template, please reach out to me in DMs and remove the doc immediately. If you know of a server/group/collection of friends that are and can provide, proof, a link, a means to contact them, I will give you a free doc for helping me prevent further theft. We all love seeing great new docs being made, stealing from doc creators will stop the creation of new docs. It's disheartening and I've seen many doc creators give up because of it. If you love and support the community, speak out against theft always and help the artists. Please like and reblog to get this message out there because the amount of times I've seen my friends sad is really starting to hurt.
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reiline · 11 months
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Well, here's the ⚡ ARTICLE ⚡
Yes, I've finished it, finally x)
Are you ready to spend half an hour of your life reading info about my Shepard, which I started writing back in the winter? If so, then go ahead, I hope everything works fine c;
Don't be afraid to ask questions❤ I’ll try to answer everything, describe this or that fact in detail or and tell you about what wasn’t in the article ;)
Six months or a year ago, I would have buried this idea at the start, because, frankly speaking, it was very scary to reveal something innermost to the public. And now I don't really care. On the contrary, I want to share things like that sometimes and tell a little more about my characters. Huge articles like this take a lot of time and effort, so I will practice this very rarely lol It’s more convenient to share a grain of information in separate posts with artworks. By the way, I physically couldn't describe all my headcanons, so I left only the main ones
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martsonmars · 1 year
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Hello hello! Thanks @blackberrysummerblog @larkral @wellbelesbian @hushed-chorus and @forabeatofadrum for the tags! I'll check out your posts later.
I'm being so out of character and posting again because I am still writing! I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I should be desperately studying instead...but I have two WIPs for you today.
1. New snippet from my baby Snowbaz fic. I was making a lot of progress but then I got distracted by my other WIP...but it's okay. Other WIP is close to being finished so I'll get back to this one soon.
“I don't want to go home,” Baz sighs. He pushes himself up and picks up his crown. “I want to be the princess one more time.”
Simon huffs. “I rescued you eight times today, can we do something else?”
Baz considers it for a long moment. (Pretends to consider it.) (He's really good at pretending.) “No. I like it when you rescue me.”
It takes the hint of a shy smile to convince Simon.
“One last time,” he concedes, and Baz grins. He's missing two front teeth now, too, just like Simon. “But tomorrow I want to be the princess.”
Baz pretends not to hear it.
Second WIP and tags under the cut!
2. This one is a silly little thing that I intended to finish in a day, but The Horrors didn't allow it. Hopefully today or tomorrow...I'm so close... I will not reveal the premise but I'm having so much fun with it and I hope you will too.
He just needs to say yes, and Snow will hand him thirty-six grams of chocolate and bubbly mint from the tray he's just finished restocking, and maybe their fingers will touch in an endless, momentary instant that bears all the intensity of Michelangelo's Creation...and then Baz will be on his way, and he will not forget to pick up his bag because he's too busy unwrapping his chocolate while maintaining eye contact in the peak of his seductive act, and he will not lock himself out of his car again because he got lost staring at Snow's van pulling out of the car park and imagining freckled arms laying him in the load space, and for certain he will not count down the hours until the hundreds of famished twenty-somethings in the building finish spending their weekly allowance on overpriced snacks and the emptiness of the goods tray calls for a refill.
Baz is very booksmart but otherwise useless in this one. My favourite.
Hello and no pressure <3
@sillyunicorn @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl @confused-bi-queer @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @bazzybelle @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ivelovedhimthroughworse @artsyunderstudy @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @shrekgogurt @raenestee @onepintobean @stitchyqueer @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @thewholelemon @theimpossibledemon @j-nipper-95 @imagineacoolusername @sosoapi @yellobb @theearlgreymage @rimeswithpurple @ionlydrinkhotwater @jbrrring @shemakesmeforget @katmiscellanious
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