#yeah. so. this re-watch is answering a lot of questions
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Random thoughts on a rewatch of Chains of Heart eps 1, 2, & 3
We started ep 1 with a fierce, confident Ken running, shooting, getting buff, and fighting well. And with Deedee a bit of a wet blanket. But by ep 8 I feel like Ken has become a bit of a mouse and Deedee is able to manhandle him. What happened?
I kind of feel uncomfortable that the baddie is the one with the facial disfigurement and sight disability. Haven't we gotten past this type of stereotype?
Din/Lue really did string up some random gangsters for trashing Ken's father's restaurant and then blew them up...and yet he had multiple opportunities to kill Ingpha and Nok and anyone else who hurts Ken and...just hasn't yet??? Whyyyyyyy?
I'm presuming that there's a translation error with Nok's demand that Din/Ken (and in future eps Din's family) "return his stuff" to him. I'm assuming the 'stuff' is actually the camera with incriminating evidence of Ingpha's crimes and not actually Nok's 'stuff' because this really doesn't make sense.
In ep 2, Payu tells Hin that he had someone follow Ken but that it wasn't Khun Tee (the guy who saved Ken from being choked on the bridge) but he also wouldn't say who it was. I don't remember this coming up again...so who did Payu get to follow Ken and do we ever find out? Is it Deedee maybe?
At the funeral, there are six men whom I have no clue about who they are, then Boon comes in (who I now know is with the police) saying pointedly that he will talk to Hin after the funeral (presumably about something important if all their reactions are to be interpreted right) - did he and did we ever see what that was about?
I think the man in the middle in the left pic is Dr Guy - so are the other two with him also doctors? The four in the right pic I have NO CLUE. I mean, I know their names from the text conversation but, like, WHO ARE THEY?! And why are they there?
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I don't understand Nok's reaction to seeing Ken after the car crash in ep 3 nor his reaction to seeing Lue...does he not know who they are at this point? Why was he worried they were dead when he looked in the car? Was he not sent there to make Payu crash with Hin and Ken? Why did he not just kill them all there and then?
Right. So, Nok shoots his underlings because they got caught by the police but Ae tells Din's parents that they were hit by a truck. Then Ingpha tells Din's parents that the case will only be over once Nok dies...but Nok is working for Ingpha...so why would he say that? I mean, he must want the case to be over, so why not just hand Nok over and/or kill him and be done with it?
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the-oblivious-writer · 6 months
Touch Tank
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Tensions are high when you go over to the Carpenters' apartment after telling Tara you would fix their sink; Sam isn't exactly what you would call your 'biggest fan'
Warning(s): Swearing, Tara & R aren't together, & no pronouns used
Notes: Another work based off of Gilmore Girls! Currently re-watching it and I'm slowly inching towards s3 ep 19... I'm avoiding it like the plague (I wanna stay in literali bliss just a lil longer 😔)
4/7 for Seven Days of Christmas
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You made the mistake of agreeing to fix Tara’s sink.
Somehow Tara roped you into agreeing. Plumbers were expensive, and with paying rent in New York while also paying for college, they were already on a tight budget. You offered them a cheaper price, and you honestly didn’t mind giving Tara a favor.
That was before you remembered Sam would be there too.
You have known Tara all of five months, and in that time you haven’t exactly left the best impression on her older sister. Sam has already caught you sneaking in ten times—you got lucky every other time—and it didn’t help that you had an attitude. 
Tara wanted nothing more than for Sam to get to know you—to not just go off the you she made up in her head. So, when Sam found out you would be coming to fix their kitchen sink… she figured it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to give you another shot. Besides, she was doing this for Tara. She wasn’t sure as to why Tara was so persistent on it, but all she knows is that Tara wants you and her to get along. 
You walk up the stairs to the shared apartment after getting buzzed in by Tara. Once you get to the door you knock and the door opens.
“Hey,” Tara greets.
“Hey back,” you reply. Tara moves to the side, letting you in. Once you’re inside you look at Tara once again before smiling to yourself.
“You’re very punctual,” she remarked—watching as your eyes wandered.
“Yeah, well, it was either this or more apartment hunting with Danny.”
“You’re moving?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. Don’t really get the point—the apartment’s fine. He says there’s ‘interior damage’ or whatever. Nothing I can’t fix.”
“Who knows; a new place could be nice.”
“I guess. He’s kinda eyeing the vacant apartment that’s not too far from yours.”
“Yeah… not saying it’s a sure thing but if we do move, can you promise you won’t get sick of me?”
“Sick of that face? Never…” She gently pinched your cheek teasingly; heat rushed to your face. 
“Did you change your hair?” You asked suddenly, changing the subject.
“Your hair looks…different.”
“So segway’s not your thing, huh?” 
“Is it?” 
“Uh, no. I wear it like this a lot. Why?”
“Just…” You shrug, “Different.”
“Oh. Bad ‘different’?” She tugged on the hem of her shirt, suddenly feeling nervous for some reason. 
You smirk, about to answer her question, but turn your head when you hear a noise coming from down the hall. It sounded like Sam yelling a curse before Tara looked back at you with a light chuckle.
“The sink hasn’t been putting her in the best mood,” she elaborates. 
“She’s usually in a good mood?” You quip with raised eyebrows, tone laced in sarcasm. Tara scolds you with a look, causing you to back down. “Alright, alright.” 
“This fucking sink is driving me insane–” Sam cuts herself off, stopping in her tracks when she sees you. 
“Oh. Y/N. You’re here,” she says and you simply nod at her words. “Refreshing to see you use the front door for once…” She murmurs but you and Tara hear it. Tara scolds her with the same look she gave you just moments before. 
“If you want there’s Dr. Pepper in the kitchen,” Sam reluctantly offered. You looked at Tara then at Sam before briefly nodding. 
After a few seconds of silence, Sam clears her throat. “Okay, well, everything’s in the kitchen if you want to get started. The toolbox, and gloves are all there. If you need anything else just call one of us.” 
Tara looks between you and Sam before speaking up, “Come on, I’ll show you.” She extends her hand, gesturing to the direction of the kitchen. You begin to walk in that direction but before Tara follows behind, she gives Sam a look.
“I’m trying,” Sam huffed. 
“Well keep it up pleasee,” Tara requested as she walked away to the kitchen. 
By the time she was there, you were already setting up. “Question,” She states.
“Yes?” You put the pair of gloves in your back pocket, looking over at Tara.
“You come over. You seem to have a very firm grasp of the English language. You put together several full sentences—even using a couple of words that contain two or more syllables. And then my sister appears, and suddenly we need a thought bubble over your head to understand what you’re thinking. Can you tell me why that is?”
You looked down at the four-way silicone key in your hand before looking at Tara again with a  response. “The verbal thing comes and goes.” 
Tara sighed, lightly rolling her eyes. “I would really appreciate it if you would try to get along with my sister.”
“I took the Dr. Pepper,” you stated as a matter of factly. 
She furrowed her eyebrows, “I know.”
“Personally, I think it’s a little crazy to put lemon in Dr. Pepper—buuuut I took it anyhow.” You reached for the bucket and rag as you heard Tara huff.
“Stop it.”
“Ooo, stern face,” you say as you lift the tool and bucket to place by the sink. Tara continues, following you as you crouched down by the sink.
“Look. I went out on a limb for you, trying to get my sister to give you the benefit of the doubt. Okay? So, I don’t think it would hurt you to try to be nice.”
You put down the wrench you had just picked up, now fully turned and standing to look at Tara as you spoke. “Why?” You simply asked, taking off your jacket.
“Why?” Tara mirrored.
“Yeah. Why?” 
“Because she’s my sister—and she and Danny are dating.”
“So?” You tossed your jacket on top of a nearby chair.
“What do you mean ‘so’?” She asked incredulously; her eyebrows stayed furrowed.
“So, just because she’s your sister or Danny’s girlfriend doesn’t mean that I automatically have to get along with her,” you stated with pure conviction, rolling up your sleeves. 
“Y/N, my sister is a great person. She’s also my best friend—so if you care about me at all you will take that into consideration,” Tara was now crossing her arms as she stood her ground. “And you will be mildly polite to her.”
You couldn’t help but smirk, looking her up and down before responding. “What makes you think I care about you?” Tara didn’t need eyes to know you were smirking and enjoying this way too much.
She blushes, looking down at the ground and shaking her head as she grows flustered. “I–I don’t mean care-care. Like—care. I mean if you like me at all—not like-like! I just meant that–” Tara stumbles over her words, tucking in a loose strand of hair behind her ear. You watch her with amusement, a soft smile grazing your face as you let out a light snort.
“If you think of me remotely as the sort of person you could occasionally stand to talk to then you will try to get along with my sister. That’s all.” 
Your eyes never pulled from her once, only looking at her with fondness as you finally said something. “Okay,” you nod.
“Can’t guarantee that it’ll work but I’ll try,” you confirm. 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome…” You glance at the sink then back at Tara. “Should probably get to work.”
“Right. Sorry—go ahead.” She turns to walk away, looking at you one more time before leaving the kitchen. You crouch down by the sink again, not meeting her gaze but feeling it. She doesn’t see how you grin to yourself; your mind being plagued with thoughts of the younger Carpenter.
Guess it wouldn’t hurt to make an effort. 
Later that night, you decided to stop by Tara’s window for a surprise visit. You looked at her for a few seconds—admiring how peaceful she looked—before lightly tapping on her window. She turned to look at the window, a grin grazing her face when her eyes meets yours.
She lifted the window with a smile as you looked up at her fondly. “Hey,” you finally said after the window fully opened, expression never faltering as you leaned your head against the window frame.
“Hey back,” she replied. “Didn’t you say something to Sam about not coming through the window anymore.” Tara heard from Sam that you managed to hold somewhat of a conversation with the older Carpenter, actually making an effort to try with her. No matter how awkward it might have been on your end, at least you tried.
“You talk about me with Sam?” You asked smugly.
She rolled her eyes with an infectious smile. “Just get inside.”
“I didn’t hear a no~” You say in a sing-song voice. Tara pulled you in by your sleeve, roughly, might you add. “Watch the shirt,” you complain while you’re pulled inside her room.
“Quirk it.”
“How gentle,” you sarcastically complimented; you dusted your pants off with your free hand, not commenting on how Tara still held a grip on your other arm. 
“So,” Tara began as she sat on her bed—dragging you with her, “What are we watching tonight?”
“I can’t do Freaky Friday again.”
“How about Cursed?” You inquired. Tara was leaning her back against your chest; she looked up at you with those beautiful brown eyes.
“That movie’s terrible.”
“One-hundred percent, but Milo Ventimiglia is in it.”
“Doesn’t he only have like six minutes of screen time?”
“But in it, nevertheless.”
“You drive a hard bargain… Get the laptop?”
You respond by reaching over to the night stand, grabbing her laptop. You hand it to her and she opens it on her lap. 
Tara would never comment on how she was the only one who got this side of you—the gentle, kind, and considerate side. Well, when she wants to see you squirm she comments on it. But for now, she’ll keep it to it herself.
A/N: the urge to write a paper on how jess mariano is a truly misunderstood character grows each & each day...
(I got beef with star hallows. we leave it at that.)
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anniebass · 22 days
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baby don't be mad
1.3k word actverse ficlet under the jump rating: M tags: dialogue-heavy, beginning of the relationship, the boys are arguinggg, old man eddie's being a clueless slut, and also a dweeb, and steve's being... a person that rly needs therapy lol
Rapid catchups, they name it, though it doesn’t really need a name, it’s basically just talking. Early on Eddie realizes he doesn’t know all that much about his sexy old-but-new long distance serious boyfriend, that he possesses a fuckton of outdated information, that, duh, people change, especially in the long-ass time they spent apart. That the habits and opinions of a twenty-year-old shithead don’t necessarily last until someone’s forties.
That evening, they do the rapid catchups, starting off easy, prompted by the takeout dinner they have at Steve’s: best Asian food, go, at which without a second thought Steve says Chinese, while Eddie goes with Japanese, love me some sushi, yum. Later, when they’re full of kung pao and mapo tofu, lazily digesting on the couch, half-watching an old movie where Sharon Stone saunters across the screen and smolders at bad men, Steve says: you have to sleep with a woman, any woman in the world, dead or alive, go.
Eddie groans and slides down the couch, throws his hands up: dude, I don’t know! Uh, like maybe— Cleopatra? Or maybe one of those amazonian greek warriors with one boobie?
So, no one you actually know the face of? he says, with a little smirk.
Man, I don’t— I mean, there are some beautiful women walking this earth, like stunning stunning women I can’t get enough of, but that don’t mean I want to fuck them! My willy shrinks at the thought, he explains meekly, and shrugs, clicking his tongue: I dunno, maybe Eartha Kitt? She seems very fun.
Good choice, mutters Steve, and to Eddie’s your turn he tilts his head, scratches his nose: I don’t know if that question really applies to me. But if I had to have a sex list, it would be… Linda Evangelista? Or Sharon, she’s hot. Or— yeah, Monica Belucci, Jesus. Her, definitely. If not her then Cleopatra, that’s actually a great answer, she must have been good for all that shit to go down around her, he says with a smile, and Eddie sighs dreamily, oh, I’d love to watch. From the closet, imagine myself in her place. In a little egyptian wig, he adds, to which Steve snorts, rolling his eyes.
Alright, my turn. Best casual sex you’ve ever had, go, says Eddie, and Steve hums at that, leans back on the couch, rubbing his chin, mumbling under his breath, until he sighs and says: I actually didn’t have that much of it beyond my teens, and what I had back then was very… teenaged, y’know. And in that short gap between my first and second wife I slept with just three people, two dudes and one woman, and neither of those was mind-blowing. The guys were kinda disappointing, I thought after so many years of straight sex I’d be blown away, but it was just… okay. Actually—, he adds, shaking his head: it sucked. I was drunk, they were drunk, I don’t remember much of it. Or don’t want to. I remember stinky balls. So, I dunno—, he says, and sighs, and glances at him: am I a big loser if I say the best one was when we reconnected? Could say it was still casual back then, right? When we fucked in the church, or by the pool, or—, yeah, there was a lot of it, on that trip.
It really was magical, agrees Eddie, smiling at him.
So, uh, your turn, says Steve. Best you've ever had, go.
Oh, man, mutters Eddie. I know my answer to that. Japan, in the mid-nineties. We were on tour and stayed for a few nights in Tokyo, and I got to explore the city, research shit with the help of a very discreet translator, and finally, on our last night there, I ended up in a gay bar. Very hush-hush, a basement place hidden away in some grimy back alley, he says, lowering his voice into sultry tones of gossip. Met a guy there, this… slightly chubby middle-aged businessman type, suit and tie and briefcase, wedding ring on his finger, very regular looking guy, and we drank sake through the night, sang some karaoke, and ended up in some seedy by-the-hour love hotel. He didn’t know who I was, didn’t speak a lick of English, I was obviously drunk, but I still remember that night like it was yesterday. God, just— the way that guy fucked me, the way he seemed to know every inch of my body without having seen it before, the way he just knew what I wanted without any language, it was insane. We did it a few times that one night, practically without stopping, and never saw each other again. I actually jerk off to that memory to this day.
To this, Steve lets out a small hm, purses his lips and leans back, crossing his arms, and Eddie clicks his tongue, leaning closer, touching his shoulder: aw, don’t be jealous. That was casual, but out of all people, of course you are my number one, no contest. I just— remember that one time in Japan, because it worked so well without language, and that’s always kinda hot. Language of love, all that cheesy stuff. Up to that point and following it, it'd mostly happen with some hot Brazilians.
Okay, he says.
Eddie sighs, watching his face: Steve, you know that’s what my life was like back then, this neverending barrage of hookups. And most of those weren’t even that good, like, you talk of stinky balls? I met dozens, slobbered over them anyway like they were fucking Ferrero Rocher!, he says to a small groan in return, then sighs, speaks softer: being with you is a completely different quality from that, even from my previous relationships. It’s way different. With Marcell, we both slept around, there wasn’t much that we had in common beyond, like, incredible attraction at the beginning, and the fact that we work in the same industry, could endlessly talk about that. And with Zu, we— we really loved each other, but we weren’t a good fit. It was this weird thing where she needed someone more masc, but also I needed someone more masc, he says with an amused scoff. We were two bottoms in love, and it’s hard to make it work in the long term, without fucking other people. We’re way better off as friends. And the other dudes I dated, it was just— me being a drunken asshole, most of the time. I was a very shitty boyfriend for a looong-ass time.
There’s a stretch of silence, and Steve slides down the couch, still frowning: man… I just wonder why you asked that question in the first place. Because it seems to me like you wanted to brag a little about this incredible hookup you had in fucking… Japan. Do you miss fucking other people, Eddie?
He sighs, rakes a hand through his hair: Steve, I literally just told you I don’t. I might romanticize it, the— the way I might romanticize being on drugs, but I don’t want to go back to that. I asked because I want to know everything about you! I dunno, I— I guess I like Japan. It’s such a weird place, I really want to go back there, he says and inches closer, placing a calm hand on his thigh: come with me. Like, for two weeks or something. We’d take the girls with us, go in the summer or for the spring break. Would be cool to just wander around, shop, sing karaoke, eat tons of good food. Go to Kyoto, see the geishas, tea ceremony. Go to hot springs. Japan’s truly like no place you’ve ever been to.
I didn't know you liked it that much. A trip does sound nice, says Steve, with a small smile. Emily would go crazy, she loves those cartoons. Chels would like it too, I think.
Eddie smiles and squeezes his leg: sounds like a plan. Also, just to— get it out of the way: from the moment you first kissed me, I stopped thinking of us as casual. I was, like, fully fully back in love with you in point two seconds. Even before that, to be honest. If I ever for a single moment considered that a hookup, it’d totally blow that businessman out of the water. If you want, I could show you, uh, how I blew him out of the— fucking—, he falters, then snorts: sorry, failed metaphor. But you catch my drift.
Yes, please, says Steve.
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ozdicaff · 1 year
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WAY too excited to share these guys !!!! im super proud of these designs <3
CTS!Y/n and information about the AU under the cut!
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In this AU, FazCo is a company running a TV channel network called FazBS, where each animatronic has their own show!
Sun's show airs at mornings and is all about getting energized and hyped up for the day, its similar to LazyTown with it's cartoon-esc violence and slapstick humor, with scenarios that make little sense, but are entertaining to watch anyway! only very simple language is used to make everything understandable for younger kids, with cameos of the other animatronics! his show was extremely popular, just above Roxy's and below Monty's in popularity.
Moon's show airs around bedtime and is focused on getting kids to go to sleep, with a soothing music box soundtrack, Moon's trance-inducing voice, and more advanced dialogue that makes kids zone out, its known for how fast it puts kids to sleep, even the especially rambunctious ones fall asleep out of boredom. While his show wasn't as talked about nor popular as sun's, it was highly rated among parents.
[descriptions for the glamrocks' shows will be added later when i draw refs for them too! :D]
Well, that was before the entire channel went downhill after FazCo fired all of its human workers.
Yeah, despite the channel's success and being extremely profitable, this was the FazCo's end-game from the start. Being able to AI-generate children's content without having to pay a single human, FazCo thought that their animatronics have already learnt enough from being show hosts for more than 10 years now, but they thought wrong. The gradual decline in quality was felt by the parents, and after Bonnie's show was suddenly cancelled- even the kids noticed how bad things were getting.
[psst, i'll go into detail about how each show was effected by this change in another post!]
Parents called in, demanding the shows they grew up with to be good again, and it wasn't just nostalgia speaking.
So, in an uncharacteristic turn of events, FazCo responded! They said that Freddy's, Monty's, Roxy's and Chica's shows were going to have human staff again!
...what they neglected to mention, was that they were pulling funding from Foxy's show, and cutting Sun's and Moon's budget in half to make up for this change.
Sun now has to re-use and repurpose old props to make up for his inability to get new ones, buying with his now super limited budget cheap D.I.Y kits to make crafts with- not to mention, without having any human staff around, he had to play every sound effect in real time- because the new S.T.A.F.F bots FazCo got have ZERO idea what comedic timing is. Needless to say he was under a lot of pressure, his show was pretty well liked by both kids and parents, and he didn't want to disappoint them. He had to change a lot with the absence of human actors and no narrator to have a solid dynamic with, calling on his pal Chica often jus to have another person on the show.
Moon's show however, was doomed from this change. Y'see, his show featured a narrator, posing as a curious soul and asking Moon thoughtful questions he can answer in a way kids can digest, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood style, and with no off-screen voice he can respond to, Moon's show felt incredibly eerie, as his true thoughts were left free with no guidance from his narrator buddy. He started acting stranger and stranger, going on derailed existential tangents accidentally, making a few jabs at FazCo here and there from frustration. The kids didn't understand any of it, but the parents found it off-putting, and complained.
Eventually, Moon's show was put on a permanent hiatus, after a particularly bad episode where 'moon truly let his rising anger at FazCo loose', as an article described it. No recording was archived of this episode, and any attempts to post it is quickly struck down by FazCo.
They've re-run old episodes of his show for about 6 months now, with no sign of moon coming back.
This, however, is when Y/N comes in! after half a year of dwindling ratings of sun's show, and decreasing profits in merch sales, they caved in and hired a single narrator! after not being able to retrieve their old narrator, due to "a small disagreement."- they brought you, surely, they don't expect you to single handedly bring back sun's show from ruin!? ...well, did they?
who fuckin knows you'll find out in my [soon to be written] fic lol
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 4 - Cease
@jegulus-microfic May 4, Word count 852
Previous part First part
“He was standing there half a minute.” The fat lady huffed at James. He grinned at her. 
“Dramatics run in his family.” He told her as he hurried after Regulus. 
He was waiting in the Common room, looking around the room. James had never been into the Slytherin Common room, but from what he’d heard it was quite dark and gloomy. Well, it would be down in the dungeons, a stark difference to the cosy warmth of the Gryffindor Common room. 
“Come on. Remus and Sirius are waiting,” He said gently. Regulus didn’t move, seemly transfixed by the room. James tapped him on the shoulder and Regulus leapt into the air as though he’d forgotten James was there. James caught him before he could trip over the footstool and somehow ended up with his arms wrapped around Regulus Black in front of the fireplace. If it hadn’t been so absurd, it would have looked quite romantic. James quickly released him and strode towards the spiral staircase. Regulus followed. 
Sirius was now sprawled across his own bed instead of Remus’s, but had angled himself, so Remus was in his eye line. His eyes narrowed when his brother entered the dorm. Regulus ignored him, again taking in the vaulted ceilings and circular room. He wandered over to one of the windows and stared out at the view. He reached out and opened the latch, letting the wind rush in. He closed his eyes as it ruffled his hair. James’s mouth went dry. He’d never seen Regulus look like he enjoyed anything. Except quidditch, but his enjoyment was usually covered by pure determination. And Godric was he pretty when his face wasn’t scrunched up in a scowl. 
Said scowl reappeared once he re-latched the window and turned to the inhabitants of the room.
“So you’re the wolf then?” He asked Remus, when no one started talking. Remus lifted his chin up high from where he was propped up by his pillows. 
“Yes,” He said evenly. Regulus nodded. 
“How long?” 
“Since I was five,” Remus replied. Regulus nodded again. 
“Fenrir?” He questioned. Remus’s eyes narrowed and he snarled. This early after a transformation, Remus was usually a bit testier than normal and it had been a hard moon. James could tell his friend was still in a lot of pain, though he tried his best to hide it. 
“Yes.” He spat out at the name. Regulus’s attention turned to Sirius. 
“Are you the dog or the rat?” His voice had zero emotion. Sirius let out a growl. “That doesn’t answer my question, Sirius.” Regulus drawled. He knew exactly how to push his brother's buttons. Sirius rose sinuously from his bed and stalked across the room towards his brother and just before they met he transformed into that great shaggy dog. 
Padfoot let out a small warning growl from his throat before turning to Remus’s bed and carefully hopping up to lie across his feet. He made sure to whack Regulus with his heavy tail as he did. 
Regulus took half a step back to regain his balance, scowling at his brother. Remus learned forward and stroked Padfoot's fur while muttering something in such a low voice that James couldn’t pick out a single word. But whatever he said made Padfoot cease his growling. “Well, that answers that,” Regulus rolled his eyes and turned his back on his brother. “And you’re the deer?”
“Stag,” James puffed up his chest. 
“It’s still a deer.” 
“Yeah but stag sounds more impressive.” James stuck his tongue out, but quickly closed his mouth when he realised who he was taunting. Regulus just watched him warily. 
“Is there anything else you wanted to know or are you still here because you want to flirt with Prongs?” Remus’s words sliced between them. James watched as Regulus rolled his eyes again. What was Remus on about flirting? 
“How did you do it?” Regulus’s full attention was on James as he scrutinised him.  
“Well, we sort of just herd him until he goes where we want him to. Last night, Sirius dragged him most of the way back down the tunnel.” James rubbed the back of his neck. It was weird describing how you wrangled your werewolf best friend each month. Regulus shook his head.
“No. Not that. I want to know how you became animagi. That’s some seriously advanced magic.”
“Oh, that,” James said, as though it was nothing. He glanced at Sirius, still in his animal form, and Remus, who’d picked up his textbook and seemed to be ignoring the rest of the conversation. “It was Sirius’s idea, and he did most of the leg work. It took us a while to figure it out, but once we did, it wasn’t that hard.” Total lie. It had been the most gruelling piece of magic any of them had ever tried and Peter took so long to transform, they were scared he was going to get stuck as a half-rat mutant. Regulus’s expression changed to what James thought looked very much like awe. 
“Will you teach me?” He asked and James blinked in shock.
Next part
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talaok · 2 years
Long overdue
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Summary: You're famous and a part of the stranger things cast.You joined the show this season together with Joseph, whom you have a huge crush on, and even though you always thought he didn't like you that way, turns out, you might have been wrong all along...
Warnings: Smut: oral sex(female receiving), unprotected sex
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x fem!reader
Don't judge me for this one ok? It was 2 am and I kept seeing tiktoks of his interviews and I just HAD to write about  it, but I repeat it was 2 am so it's not my best work
"We're interviewing the cast of stranger things and here with us, we have Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Joseph Quinn, and Y/N Y/LN!" the interviewer said enthusiastically, making you cringe a bit. You tough you would have gotten used by now to all of Hollywood's exuberance, but apparently, you hadn't. You were sitting in two rows, Maya and Keery were in front of you and Joe. You gave your best smile to the journalist as she began with the questions. "So, first of all, I wanna congratulate you on this new amazing season, I have watched the first two episodes at the premiere and I can't wait to see the rest!" She said, with a big smile. You laughed softly as Joe and Maya politely thanked her. "ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way let's start with the questions," she said, looking down at a card she had in her hand where the questions were probably written. "Ok so, the first one is for the newest cast members, of course. Y/N and Joseph How was it? Getting the part, entering such a huge production and working with all of these people?" the interviewer asked You cleared your throat, this was about the hundredth time you had gotten this question and you were really starting to hate it. "Wow" you chuckled "Those are a lot of questions.No but yea, I mean, When I got the part I was obviously very happy, and I was so in shock that I didn't believe it at first, and then when I had to go on set for the first time I was really scared because, you know, everyone knew each other and they were all friends and I was kind of the new kid in school, but everyone was really friendly and we all became friends really quickly. So yeah, getting to be a part of this is really amazing, and.." you were starting to run out of things to say "and I'm really grateful for it" You ended with a smile, turning to Joseph to silently ask for help. You always hated the awkward moment after you had answered a question and everyone was silent, but thankfully Joe looked at you briefly and realized you wanted him to speak and did as he was requested. "It was the same for me, at first I didn't know anyone, so it was scary but then we all started to bond and it was really nice," he said, his accent making you smile internally. You turned to him as he was finished and smiled, thanking him for helping you out, he smile back, his eyes glancing for a second too long at your lips. The next two questions were for your other castmates, so you could relax. You loved your job, you really did, but when you had first gotten into this industry you naively thought that it was just about learning your lines and acting in front of a camera, unfortunately, though, you had quickly realized that you hadn't taken into account all of the rest, all of the press tours, interviews, paparazzi and people asking for your autograph. It wasn't that you hated it per se it's just that you felt anxious all of the time, especially during interviews. You had told that to Joseph the night before the press tour started. You were at the hotel bar, having a drink before going to bed and you had told him about how you still felt panicked every time someone asked you something and he had offered to help, and for now, he had maintained his promise "So, Y/N" you had zoned out and the interviewer's shrill voice startled you. Joe noticed and chuckled softly. You subtly sent him a threatening look. "Who was the funniest person on set?"  the woman asked "Uhh, well, I have to say that everyone is really funny. Like, I always have a great time shooting with all of them, but if I really have to choose" You paused a moment, pretending to be thinking. You already knew the answer, but you had learned that when responding to questions like these you always had to be very gentle about it "I have to say Joseph. We just had a lot of scenes together and we had so much fun on set" you said truthfully, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you and licked his lips before grinning. You felt butterflies. Fuck, how was he so hot without even trying? You would have been lying if you said that you didn't have a crush on him. You hated yourself for it, but it was the truth. You had liked him from the first moment that you had met him. He was just so incredibly nice and funny and you fell for him almost immediately. At first, it was just a stupid little crush, but as time went by and you started to spend more and more time together even outside of work you became utterly infatuated. Every time he smiled at you or touched you, even in the slightest you would melt and need a second to recover. You seriously doubted that he didn't realize the effect he had on you, I mean, how could he be so blind? You literally blushed at everything he said, but even if he did he had never done anything about it, and neither had you to be fair. There had been times when you felt like something would have happened if it wasn't for the fact that you always got interrupted. There was the time in his trailer when you were practicing a scene and he got so close to you you could feel his lips almost touching yours and you swore he was about to lean closer when Finn came in. There was the time when you had fallen asleep on his shoulder during a break in between scenes and as you woke up you saw him staring at you. There was the time at the bar. You had finished filming late and went there with the rest of the cast to blow off some steam, you both had a few drinks and after a while, you went out to smoke a cigarette and he followed you. As you talked the alcohol must have had his effect because you remember telling him that there was a girl at the bar that was obviously flirting with him and that he should have flirted back and him saying " I enjoy flirting with you much more" with a low tone while he looked at you straight in the eyes and reached out his hand to stroke your cheek, making you blush and leaving you speechless. But even that time nothing happened because Natalia and Charlie decided to come out of the bar that same second and just like that, the moment was gone. Since filming finished you hadn't seen each other very often and you thought that was a good thing. Getting your mind off of him for a while would definitely do you some good, and it did, it did until you saw him again, until the press tour started, and since you are the two new characters and everyone says they "like your chemistry together" you are stuck with him every day, all day, which would be a good thing if it wasn't that he was just so damn distracting. Maya was talking and absentmindedly you started bouncing your leg up and down. You always did it when you were nervous but your agent always told you not to do it during interviews, because it made you look anxious, which you were, but the public didn't need to know that. You were staring at your hands when you felt a hand on your thigh. A shiver went through your whole body as you realized it was Joseph's hand. You swallowed nervously and looked up at him. he looked at you reassuringly and then at your leg, making you understand to stop bouncing your leg. A soft "oh" escaped your mouth before you smiled at him gratefully and stopped the movement. You went back to listening to the journalist but, to your surprise, he didn't move his hand, making it hard for you to focus. He must have known what he was doing because for the rest of the interview he had a smug look on his face, while you were trying your best to keep your breathing normal as he started to draw patterns on your thigh with his thumb. Having Maya and Keery in front of you, thankfully the camera and the journalist couldn't see what he was doing, but they could definitely see your face turning red.
"All right, thanks guys, and congrats on the new season" The interview was finally over and you hadn't listened to a second of it. You all thanked the journalist and shacked her hand. Joe did the same, having to reluctantly remove his hand from your leg, finally rendering you able to breathe normally again. There were way too many thoughts going through your head and you needed to calm down, thankfully, You had a twenty-minute break now, so you turned to Maya and asked her to come to the bathroom with you.
"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" you started freaking out right when you got into the bathroom. "What?" Maya asked, visibly concerned "He touched my leg and I think I'm gonna have a heart attack" you said, panicked. Maya laughed. You looked sternly at her "This is serious, ok? I don't know why but he makes me feel like I'm fucking 13 all over again" you said desperately putting your head in your hands. You sat on the floor and looked up at her, pouting. She sat beside you, still smiling. Obviously, she was enjoying this. You put your head on her shoulder. "Y/N" she said, her voice calm "you are an idiot" She stated. You looked up at her, pretending to be offended "He obviously likes you" She said. You rolled your eyes "Why? because he touched my leg? What is this elementary school?" You said, waving your hands around you. Maya chuckled "First of all, you are the one who said that he made you feel 13 again. And secondly, not just this, but all of the other times you told me about. Like come on Y/N, it's obvious! " she laughed softly "He literally always stares at you and he brings you coffee every morning!" she exclaimed" Every morning! Who does that?!" She laughed. You punched her shoulder playfully "Hey, it's our little ritual" you said, smiling just thinking about it. He had started bringing you coffee every morning when you were filming because he had noticed how you were always tired, and now he had started doing it again for the press tour. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for you and it always put you in a good mood for the whole day. It became a tradition pretty quickly and as you chatted while drinking, you had started to get to know each other better, becoming closer and closer. "Oh, come on, you are literally smiling just thinking about it. You are SO down for him" Maya said, making fun of you You groaned"I hate you" you said, getting up "Y/N, I swear to god, if you don't tell him how you feel I will" Maya said, exasperated "I can't Maya" "Why not? He obviously reciprocates!"She said frustrated You sighed "Whatever, we need to get back now" you said, helping her up.
It had been a tiring day and you were laying on your bed in your hotel room, staring at the ceiling while the tv was playing in the background. You had just finished showering and you were in your bathrobe, contemplating whether or not to even put on your pajama or to just turn the light off and get under the covers like that. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock at the door. You frowned, confused. You had no idea who it could have been. You opened the door and your mouth fell open as you saw who was standing in front of you. Joe smirked at you "Well, this is definitely a look" he said, pointing at your bathrobe. You blushed and cleared your throat, trying to clear your mind "W-what are you doing here?" you asked, feigning nonchalance. He smirked and raised his eyebrow "that's not a nice way to greet your guests" he joked "and to answer your question, I was bored and I was wondering if you wanted to do something" he said, his voice lowering. "What did you wanna do?" you asked he licked his lips "Whatever you wanna do, darling" he said suggestively. You rolled your eyes, pretending not to be affected by his words. "Get it, idiot"You said, turning around and walking towards the bathroom "I'm gonna get dressed, and then we'll decide what to do" you told him. He entered the room and closed the door behind him "that's a shame, I liked this outfit " he said, smirking. You shot him an annoyed look, took your clothes, and went into the bathroom "I'll be right back"
this must have been a world record. You had gotten ready in like 5 minutes. You had put on a tight green dress a designer had gifted you and a tiny bit of makeup just to look presentable. Fortunately, you hadn't washed your hair and they were somehow still styled how the hairdresser had done them this morning. You looked hot, there was no other way of putting it.
You got out of the bathroom and you saw Joe's jaw fall to the floor. You laughed, proud of yourself "Oh stop" you said. He swallowed "I'm sorry, you just look really beautiful" he said grinning. You blushed, and just like that, he had all the power again. "can you help me with the zipper, I can't reach it" you asked him, walking towards him. he got up from the bed he was sitting on and you positioned yourself in front of him, before turning around. You felt his finger travel down your back and you shivered. He put one of his hands on your waist and you held your breath. You felt him smile behind you. He put his hand on the zipper and slowly started going up. You could feel his hot breath on your neck and your breathing got faster. He got to the last bit of the zipper but stopped. "What are you doing?" you asked, in a low voice "Something I should have done a long time ago" he whispered on your neck before kissing the spot under your ear. You gasped softly. "Joseph" you said. "I know you want this too Y/N " With one swift move he turned you around and looked at you straight in the eyes "tell me you don't" he murmured against your lips. You looked up at him and stayed silent. He smiled at you and without notice, he attacked your lips, with a hungry and wanting kiss. It took you a moment to realize that that was really happening, but as soon as you did, you kissed him back with the same passion, throwing your arms around his neck. His hands started exploring your whole body, caressing your ass and going up and down your back. His mouth hungrily explored yours and you could feel his beard grazing your chin. "God, this is even better than I had imagined" he said out of breath, breaking the kiss. You smiled "You had imagined this?" you asked shily. "A lot more than I should have" he said, before pushing you on the bed. You bit your lip as he leaned in to trail kisses down your neck. You moaned softly as he started sucking a spot on your neck. You could feel him smirk, as his fingers slid slowly under the hem of your dress, making you whimper. he kept sucking as his right hand made its way up to your panties, gently touching your core through them. "You're so wet already darling" he hissed, kissing your neck one last time before getting on his knees. You bit your bottom lip as your breathing got faster and you propped yourself up on your elbows. He looked up at you and grinned as he started pushing your dress up. You squirmed under his touch as he kept pulling your dress more and more out of the way until it was rolled up at your waist. "Open your legs Y/N" he said in a low growl, and you immediately did as you were told. He leaned in and kissed your still-clothed core, making a desperate whine escape your lips. he kissed it again, and you whined again, this time more desperately. "Please" you muttered almost inaudibly He smirked as he moved your underwear to the side. "Since you asked so nicely," he said, before gripping your waist and without warning licked your folds. You moaned loudly. He did the same movement with his tongue a few times before starting to suck your clit relentlessly. "Oh my go- Joseph-" You shouted as he spread your legs even more and put them on either side of his shoulders, pushing you even closer to him. he started caressing the outside of your thighs as his tongue made its way through your entrance, making you gasp before going back to your clit. You moaned again, this time even louder, and started grinding on his face, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge. He gripped your waist to stop you from moving, making you whine. He kept sucking your clit until you were in ecstasy, you threw your head back, overwhelmed by the pleasure. "I-I'm gonna cum" you said, finding it difficult to form a coherent sentence. Joe chuckled and the vibrations from his voice sent a wave of pleasure through your body "Not yet my darling," he kissed your clit " I want to feel you come on my cock" he said leaning away from and taking your legs off his shoulders You whined as he stood up and you pouted at him. He grinned at you "You're gonna have to be patient Y/N" he said, quickly taking off all of his clothes. You decided to do the same so you sat on the bed and pulled off your dress. He stared at you as you did and once you were in front of him only wearing panties he licked his lips and smirked. "You are so fucking hot" he purred, before leaning and kissing you again desperately, letting you taste yourself. You could feel his boner through his boxers and it weirdly turned you one even more. Your hand traveled down to his cock and you started touching it through his underwear, making him hiss. "Y/N" he said, his voice strained. You smirked at him as your hands made their way in his boxers and you started stroking his cock, already feeling a bit of precum on his tip. "fuck" he groaned, before taking his boxers off and pulling your panties off of you, throwing them behind him. You whimpered as he positioned himself between your folds, looking down at you before pushing himself into you aggressively. "OH MY GOD JOSEPH" you screamed, overwhelmed with the feeling of being stretched out so perfectly. He groaned lowly as he started thrusting in and out of you faster and faster. "You feel so fucking good" he said out of breath, gripping your waist in order to make you stay put. He started pounding into you even harder, hitting your g-spot perfectly. The room filled with your filthy moans and the sound of your bodies meeting each other. One of his hands made its way to your clit and he started circling it, making you cry out even louder. "You're so hot when you're getting fucked" he growled, thrusting into you again, while still circling your clitoris. "Please-Joseph, I'm gonna cum" you moaned, desperately "c-can I cum? Please?" you asked , gripping his biceps, while basically begging him. "come on my cock Y/N, make me feel how good you can squeeze me sweetheart" he ordered with a deep voice, never slowing his pace. Those words tippled you over the edge, making you cum while moaning his name over and over like a prayer. He groaned at the feeling of your walls tightening around him and you knew he was getting closer. "Where do you want it" he said, out of breath. You didn't even need to think about it. You opened your mouth and looked at him innocently. He groaned loudly, clearly liking your choice. He quickly pulled out of you and you immediately got on the ground and on your knees as he started stroking his dick. "You are way too good for me Y/N" he murmured. You opened your mouth and in just a few moments you felt his warm fluid fill your mouth and you swallowed immediately, looking up at him and smiling. "We should have done this a long time ago" he said, chuckling and helping you up before kissing you again, this time more gently.
"Did you have a good night?" Maya asked you while you sat down at the table for breakfast. You panicked a second and cleared your throat. "Uhh, yeah, I slept fine" you lied "Well, that's good, because I didn't. It's kinda hard to sleep when you and Joseph are having extremely loud sex in the room next to mine" She said, with an annoyed but also sarcastic tone. You spat your orange juice back into the glass and started laughing like crazy "I'm sorry Maya, we'll be quieter next time" you promised, smiling at her.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Omg can we get gavi and reader watching the Barca new era documentary together!!! It would be so cute I feel like gavi would be so humble and flustered 🥹
Movie Night
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"Do we have to amooor???" Pablo was whining while you were making some popcorn in the kitchen very much excited to watch the four new episodes of Barça Documentary.
"Yes, we do cariño! I can't wait to see it!" you say jumping on th couch with a bowl of popcorn in your lap and he pouted that you didn't sit on his lap and let him cuddle you. Pablo isn't much of a talker so he would never ask but you knew his love language is definitely physical touch.
"Do you want something cariño??" you tease him seeing his blushed cheeks as he looked away pretending to look at his phone but you saw right through his little tough act. He wanted to be cuddled and was too proud to admit it like always.
You chuckle leaning in and kissing his pouting lips before putting the bowl to the side and straddling his lap seeing the smile shine on his face.
"Did I guess right huh??" you ask feeling his hands let go off the phone immediately and go around you.
"Mhm.." was all he answered pulling you closer and smelling your hair before leaving sweet kisses on your shoulder and neck.
"You're such a cuddle bug Pablito" you giggle feeling his strong arms wrap around your body holding you tightly.
"Hm.." Pablo groaned wanting to move his kisses lower but you pulled back shaking your head and grabbing the remote from the table starting the first episode.
"Good try!" you smirk starting the first episode and he groaned laying his head on top of yours as you nuzzled your nose into his neck.
You were very much focused on the screen listening to everything while Pablo was braiding your hair, leaving kisses on your shoulder and a few pecks on your lips.
"Your little giggle is adorable Pablito" you say making Pablo flustered which was also one of the most adorable things to witness. Not many people can get him adorably shy like this and you were proud of be one of them.
"This is why I didn't want to watch it!!" he whines pretending to hate whenever you baby him but you both knew he was a big baby at heart. You moved off his lap since he wanted to lay on your chest and have you play with his hair as you played the next episode.
"I really love you in gold kit amor..so handsome" you say and he smirked looking up at meeting your eyes as you both smiled.
"I thought purple was your favorite one loquita?? I always dress you up in that one when we have our 'playtime'.." he smirked and you rolled your eyes knowing that one is definitely one of your main weaknesses. Now you were the flustered one and he was very much proud of himself!
"Sush amor! I wanna hear the interview!" you turn the volume up seeing Pablo speaking on the screen wanting to pay attention to every word feeling very proud of him in this moment.
"The kinds of accidents you had during these seasons were truly chilling. How does your family react to them? They surely get worried?" question asked
"When I'm on the pitch, I don't think about anything but the game. My family does get scared and so do I when I re-watch it but most of all, it's my girl that takes it extremely hard" he said and you were curious now to hear more blushing that he called you "mi nena" in front of everyone.
"She worries a lot about you?" question came and Pablo was smiling brightly into the camera.
"Yeah, she does. I hate to see her cry whenever I get injured but that's part of my job. She always begs me to be more careful and I try to play so sharp for her but sometimes there is no alternative you know..." Pablo answered and you smiled looking down and pecking his lips.
"Is it hard delegating between a relationship and professional athletic career?" was another question.
"I thought it would be which is why for awhile I was single but with her everything feels right. She's my biggest support system and I am so grateful for having found her." Pablo finished and you felt your eyes fill with tears as your heart melted. You didn't expect him to speak about you let alone in such a deep and sweet way knowing how shy he gets in front of camera.
"Aww preciosa..don't cry" he said getting up from your lap and holding your face while kissing away your tears as you hands went behind his neck playing with his hair while kissing his lips lovingly.
"I love you so much cariño!" you say and Pablo smiled into the kiss nodding his head and kissing your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug.
"I love you too mi nena..even when you make me watch myself on TV" he smirked after the last part and you both giggled before kissing each other passionately. For the rest of the night you binge watched the new season while cuddling on the couch and enjoying each other's company.
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foreveraweirdoneslife · 2 months
Like No Time Has Passed At All [icemav]
(Link to AO3 here)
Summary: The dagger mission was successful and old married icemav are having some fun in the bedroom while Bradley is in the house, too.
A/N: This is just a little smutty idea that plopped into my head after re-watching TGM a couple of days ago and which kept me from continuing with You Can Be My Wingman Anytime. But now that this one is out of my system, I can go back to writing that one too.
Pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Jake "Hangman" Seresin (only implied)
Warnings/content: 18+, porn with plot, porn with feelings, old!icemav, married!icemav, unprotected sex, rough sex, fluff and smut, domesticity.
Word count: 3.7k
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The efforts of the last couple of days are still sticking in Mav’s bones but he’s home now and happy. The mission was more than successful. Bradley had asked if he could stay for a night or two before he is sent back to his squadron like the other daggers. Ice is already waiting for Mav to snuggle up in bed with him and honestly, Mav couldn't wish for more right now.
Nevertheless, Mav wants to check in on Bradley and apologize to him once again and maybe already catch up a bit on what has happened in Bradley's life in the years they hadn't talked to each other. So he walks up to Bradley's old room where he is staying now, too.
Mav finds the door to Bradley’s room standing open just a bit and he can hear him talking to someone. He can't catch what exactly Bradley is saying but he sounds happy. The voice which is answering him through the speaker sounds familiar, too, and Mav has an idea who it could be.
As nosy as he is, Mav takes the not fully closed door as an invitation to poke his head through the slit in the door. As expected, Bradley is sitting on his bed, notebook on his lap, talking to the screen.
“Wait a moment,” Bradley says when he notices Mav peeking through the door and looks up at his surrogate dad with a questioning look.
“Hangman?” Mav mouthes.
Bradley rolls his eyes at Mav but a lopsided smile appears on his face and he looks exactly like when he had his first girlfriend.
Mav smiles back at him, gives him a thumbs up and quietly closes the door behind him, leaving the two alone. He can still catch up with Bradley tomorrow.
Mav changes into his pajamas and goes to his bedroom where he finds Ice sitting against the headpiece, reading glasses on and immersed in a book. When Mav comes in, he peeks up from his book with a soft smile but doesn't say anything.
Mav smiles back at Ice and silently crawls into their bed, too, snuggling up to his husband and wrapping one of his arms around Ice’s waist.
“I'm so glad you two finally made peace with each other again,” Ice mumbles and places a kiss on the top of Mav’s head. “Have you talked to him like you wanted to?”
“Not yet,” Mav replies, mumbling against Ice's chest. “He's on a video call with Hangman. Didn't want to disturb them.”
“Lieutenant Seresin?” Ice asks back, surprised.
“Yeah, the two actually remind me a lot of us back in the day,” Mav mumbles with a smile and hoping for them that they will be just as happy with each other like he is with Ice.
“I see,” Ice replies and they fall into a comfortable silence both sucked up in their own thoughts. Mav reminisces in memories of when he and Ice had first started to hang out with each other back in ‘86.
“You don't mind me finishing this chapter, do you?” Ice asks then and it's not really a question because at some point in their thirty-odd years together this has become a routine for them. Ice going to bed earlier, enjoying a good book. Mav joining him later, quietly snuggling up to him after a stressful day at work, enjoying Ice’s loving warmth. When Ice is finished, they go over to sleeping - or sleeping with each other.
“Not at all,” Mav replies like he does every time. For some minutes, they just cuddle like this. Ice still reading. Mav cuddling with his husband.
At some point, Mav's hand drops to Ice’s thigh and he starts to draw little circles on the fabric of Ice's pajama pants. He would much rather like to go for option two today instead of simply sleeping.
Ice continues reading but one of his arms now wraps around Mav’s waist and his hand slips into the backside of Mav’s briefs. Ice keeps his hand just resting there but Mav knows that it means that he doesn't want to sleep, either. After so many years, they understand each other silently, no words needed.
As if coincidentally, Mav lets his hand softly brush over the fabric covering Ice’s limp dick. Ice breathes out languishly. “Mav,” he scolds him in a whisper but Mav knows that Ice is not serious about it because he starts to softly knead one of Mav's buttocks.
“Am I distracting you, Admiral?” Mav whispers and he feels Ice's dick twitch below his hand. He first found out that it turns Ice on when Mav drops his rank in bed when it had slipped his mouth right after Ice's promotion to Lieutenant Commander. The first promotion he had gotten after they became a couple. Since then Mav has occasionally made use of it because he knows that Ice loves to hear it from time to time and Mav loves to say it, too, because sometimes he still can't believe that he is actually married to the COMPACFLT.
Back in the day, Ice would have been fully erect by now. Nowadays, it took him longer but Mav didn't care. They both were old now and their bodies simply didn't work anymore like they did in their twenties. Mav loves Ice's body now just as much as he did thirty years ago and his own body isn't as quick as it used to be, either. So, it really doesn't matter and somehow Mav even loves it that it takes both of them longer to get there because it gives him the opportunity to tease Ice more, to slowly seduce him until he wants to take him just as desperately as when they were young.
Mav starts to softly stroke Ice through the fabric. He doesn't pretend anymore that it’s coincidental and he can feel how Ice slowly hardens in his hand. Ice lets a finger slip in between Mav’s buttocks, slowly moving it back and forth. Mav feels himself harden, too, and grinds against Ice’s thigh letting him know what he's doing to him.
Ice finally closes his book one handedly and puts it on the nightstand together with his glasses. Mav suspects that he already hadn't been reading for quite some minutes now but it's his sign of telling Mav that he’s ready for more.
So Mav straddles him, still fully clothed, and starts dry-humping him slowly. A deep moan escapes Ice’s lips but the moment it's out he covers his mouth with his hand.
“Shit, Bradley's here,” he mumbles a second later but Mav shuts him up with his lips on Ice’s, smiling into the kiss. Mav suddenly feels twenty years younger. Back when Bradley was living with them, Ice had always been so cautious not to be heard by Bradley but it had only rarely worked out. He knows that, both of them know that because teenage Bradley didn't shy away from telling them on a regular basis.
Mav’s mouth goes wandering down Ice's jawline, then onto his neck. He cherishes Ice's throat scar with his lips, one of the remnants of the terrible battle they have fought together and Ice has finally won. Mav knows of course that it can come back but for now Ice is well and that is all that matters.
When Mav slowly reaches the neckline of Ice's pajama top, he doesn't hesitate long but quickly gets rid of it and pulls it over Ice's head. Then he continues to plant sloppy kisses on Ice’s chest until he arrives at one of his nipples and twirls his tongue around it.
Ice lets his head fall back against the headpiece and he bites his lip in a desperate attempt not to moan. Mav hasn't seen Ice like this in years because normally, Ice is loud. Always has been. And both of them love it but today it's different. Today they're not alone in the house and for now, Ice seems to be determined to keep quiet.
Fully aware that it will take Ice's full willpower not to moan out loudly, Mav continues to twirl his tongue around Ice’s nipples in between kisses and while still riding him. Ice gasps and squirms underneath him. Then he’s ramming his hips up against Mav and Mav loves to see him like this. Desperate for Mav’s body, desperate for more.
Ice unambiguously tugs at Mav’s shirt and Mav gets rid of that, too. Now it's his turn to bite back a moan because Ice starts roaming over Mav’s upper body with his long, slender fingers, pulling him down to kiss him feverishly and still thrusting against him. Ice lets his hands travel down to Mav’s butt cheeks, squeezing them firmly, pulling them apart and Mav desperately needs to get rid of his remaining clothes now. So he quickly shuffles his pajama pants and his briefs down in one go and sits back up on Ice’s hips, fully naked.
Ice slowly, languishly lets his eyes wander over Mav’s body until his sight shamelessly rests between Mav’s legs. Ice lasciviously licks his slightly parted lips and Mav’s dick twitches in anticipation. Ice grips Mav’s hips and drags. Mav knows what he’s implying here. Mav smirks, their hungry eyes meet for a second and he pulls himself up on his knees.
Mav looks down and quietly sighs at the gorgeous sight in front of him. He sees Ice staring at his throbbing cock and liking his lips again. Ice takes his time and Mav loves it but hates it at the same time. He wants to be touched, to be welcomed by the wet warmth of Ice’s mouth. But Ice takes his time because he knows exactly how to tease Mav.
Ice caresses the backside of Mav’s thighs, slowly moving upwards to cup his cheeks, kneading them slowly but firmly. Like this, Ice pulls Mav just a bit closer and then he takes him into his mouth. Mav grabs the headpiece to support himself and lets out a loud moan, ignoring the fact that he should stay quiet because this feels just too good. Ice starts bobbing his head back and forth, his tongue varying between the underside and the tip of his cock. Mav is breathing heavily and Ice knows exactly what he’s doing here. He glances up at Mav and his eyes glisten impishly before his right hand moves further around to Mav’s butt crack. He pulls his cheeks apart with his other hand and lets a finger brush lightly across his entrance. Mav gasps breathlessly and already can't wait to sink in on Ice when he has prepared him.
Ice continues to work on Mav's dick while teasing his hole. After a couple of minutes, Mav is panting heavily and he has to pull away if he doesn't want to come early. Ice lets him sit back down on his hips and Mav leans down to kiss him, tasting himself on Ice’s slick lips.
“You're driving me crazy,” he whispers against Ice’s lips.
“I know,” Ice smirks, his voice deep and heavy with arousal and Mav kisses him again with all the love and passion he’s never lost in all those years.
Ice sighs into Mav’s mouth and still kissing him, Mav notices him blindly reaching for the nightstand. Mav backs away from the kiss and quickly helps him to get the bottle of lube out of the drawer.
Lovingly smiling at each other and excitement sparkling in their eyes, Ice holds out his hand and Mav clicks the bottle open, letting the velvety liquid drip down on Ice’s fingers. Ice spreads it there and Mav puts the bottle away before closing his eyes and leaning down to kiss Ice again and at the same giving him better access.
Ice’s hand quickly wanders back between Mav’s butt cheeks and he brushes his index finger over Mav’s entrance again, making Mav hum in pleasure. Then he applies a bit more pressure and slowly pushes his finger in. Mav sharply breathes in but his exhale is already a deep moan. He’s relaxed, knows what it feels like to have Ice inside him and still just simply loves it every time.
Ice starts moving, slowly fucking Mav with his finger and Mav mirrors the movement with his whole body, eyes closed, softly moaning with each thrust, their plan, well, mostly Ice’s plan to stay quiet already long forgotten. It doesn't take Ice long to add another finger, then a third and Mav becomes greedy. Ice’s fingers aren't enough. He wants Ice to fill him completely. Ice slowly pulls his fingers out and Mav whimpers for a split second but it's okay because he knows that it will only even get better.
Ice tugs at his own pajama pants now and because Mav is still straddling him, he shuffles a bit and helps him, yanking both the pants and boxers down in one motion. Mav takes a moment to impudently take in the gorgeous sight in front of him. No matter how often he has already seen Ice like this - naked, in their bed, breathing heavily and with a thick, throbbing cock just for him - he just knows he will never get enough of it, of him.
“Like what you see?” Ice smirks lavishly.
“As if you didn't know that already,” Mav replies and leans forward again to kiss Ice fervently.
In this position, Mav’s butt is already touching Ice’s dick and he feels it bumping against his crack. Mav doesn't want to wait any longer and reaches for the bottle of lube again. This time, Ice helps him to get it. Mav spreads the liquid on his fingers before he gives Ice's cock a couple of strokes. Ice hums in pleasure and immediately starts thrusting into Mav's hand greedily. Mav loves to see him like this, loves that his husband still wants him so desperately. Mav wants Ice just as much and so he starts aligning himself so that he can sink down on Ice easily.
What they are about to do is by far their favorite, most used position, that is Mav riding Ice slowly until both can't get ahold of themselves anymore. Mav loves it this way and he knows that Ice loves it, too. In earlier years, they switched positions more often and sometimes Mav actually misses to be pounded into the mattress by Ice but that hasn't happened in years. Specifically, not since Ice’s battle with cancer. It's undeniable that the disease has worn him down physically and it also has left more than one mark on both of them emotionally. And that's why Mav is grateful for every additional day he can spend with Ice. It doesn’t matter that their sex is not the same anymore as it was ten years ago because it’s still so much better than he would have thought it would be considering their age and what they have gone through. But that is actually an understatement because honestly, he can't imagine having better sex than he has now.
Next thing, however, Mav knows he's on his back, Ice hovering over him. “Tom,” he whispers and Ice looks at him with the cocky smirk he's never lost.
Mav’s heart is pounding heavily in his chest and for the first time in forever he actually feels nervous before sleeping with Ice. Excited? Yes, still every time. But nervous? Maybe the first time they had sex again after Ice's cancer treatment because it had been such a long time without and they weren't sure if everything would work out - it did in the end - but even that was already a couple of years ago now.
Ice pushes himself on his knees, Mav laid out in front of him, bare-naked and excited to be banged in a position they haven't done in years. Ice grins down at him and firmly grabs Mav’s hips, pulling him closer and propping him up a bit. Mav gasps in surprise because only seconds ago he didn't know that Ice is still so strong - or better is so strong again - and Mav is turned on by that even more than he already is, his hard cock twitching as if emphasizing his thoughts.
Ice adjusts himself and then finally, Mav feels Ice enter him, slowly but in one go. Mav can't restrain himself from crying out in pleasure and Ice groans, too. He gives both of them a bit of time to adjust to the feeling and leans down to kiss Mav heatedly for a moment, before he slowly starts thrusting. For a moment, Mav keeps his eyes open, taking in the sight of Ice hovering above him, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, moaning under his breath. Then Mav’s eyes fall shut and he’s panting because Ice is intensifying both pace and vigor now.
Ice shifts back on his knees, firmly grabs Mav's hips again and now he is actually pounding Mav hard. His thrusts are rough and his pace is unrelenting and Mav just loves it. He hasn't felt like this in years. His cock is bouncing wildly between their bodies, sometimes slapping either against his own or Ice's stomach and everything just feels so good.
He looks up at Ice, their fiery eyes meet and Ice smirks at him in such a dirty, lewd way that Mav is immediately very close to coming. Ice is still fucking him adamantly but his movements become more erratic, too. Both of them are moaning with each thrust now and Ice reaches for Mav's dick, stroking him in rhythm with his thrusts.
Then Mav squirms and arches his back. His eyes roll back into his head and with a long and languish moan he comes on his stomach in several thick jolts. Ice keeps thrusting through Mav’s orgasm but Mav is clenching hard around him and that pushes him over the edge, too, groaning loudly.
Ice collapses on top of Mav, breathing heavily. They softly kiss each other and with a loving smile, Mav gently strokes away a stray strand of hair from Ice’s forehead which has been sticking there sweatily.
Ice smacks another kiss on Mav's lips and slowly pulls out. Mav feels Ice’s cum dripping out of him and knows that he will be sore for the next couple of days but he couldn't care less because it will inevitably remind him every waking hour of how perfectly he just got railed by his hot husband.
Then they both quickly clean up themselves and the mess they’ve made before crawling back to bed and snuggling up against each other, Mav’s head resting on Ice’s chest.
“Didn't know you still had it in you like that,” Mav mumbles appreciatively, softly tracing the stripes on Ice’s pajama top with his finger tips.
“You know what? Me neither. I guess having Bradley in the house makes me feel younger,” Ice chuckles deeply and Mav feels his chest vibrating.
“Maybe we should invite him over from time to time now that everything is fine again,” Mav laughs.
“That would be so inappropriate,” Ice scolds him but can’t keep himself from laughing, too.
“Has that ever stopped me?” Mav answers challengingly.
Ice just shakes his head but smiles. “Good night, Pete,” he replies resolutely and kisses his husband goodnight.
The next morning, Mav and Ice come down into the kitchen to find Bradley already sitting at their table, a cup of coffee at his side and a bowl of froot loops together with a bottle of milk in front of him.
Froot loops have been Bradley's favorite cereals for as long as Mav can remember. So they had become a permanent feature in their kitchen ever since Bradley had moved in with them. Over time, however, Ice has grown fond of them, too, and so they still always keep a pack or two, just in case Ice wants to eat some out of the blue.
Sitting there like this, Bradley looks exactly like his teenage self, only that he’s twenty years older now and smiling at the screen of his smartphone whose future existence hadn't even been known back then. As soon as he notices his surrogate dads’ presence, he locks his phone, puts it on the table and looks up at them, chewing.
“If you like our froot loops so much, why don't you come over more often,” Mav suggests with a smirk that is screaming shenanigan before Ice can stop him. Instead, he just rolls his eyes at him and shakes his head but is nevertheless smiling.
“Am I right in assuming that this is not about froot loops or the fact that you missed me so much?” Bradley asks, scooping another spoon of cereal into his mouth.
“Yes,” Ice replies with a nod.
“And am I also right in assuming that I don't want to know what it's really about?” Bradley continues, obviously interpreting the look on Mav’s face correctly.
Ice confirms that again and walks over to the kitchen cupboard. He takes out another bowl and a spoon and sits down next to Bradley before making himself a bowl of froot loops, too.
The whole time, Mav just keeps standing in the door frame, leaning against it with his arms crossed. He smiles and for a moment, he just watches his two boys interact with each other and eat the most silly type of cereal in the world. Then he pours himself a cup of coffee, too, and sits down opposite the two.
“I've been such a fool,” Bradley suddenly drops in between two spoons, shaking his head and Mav just frowns at him. “For thinking that I could for once sleep here without being pestered by your old men’s noises.”
Mav immediately sees Ice’s face turn red and how he innocently shovels another spoon of cereal into his mouth.
“You’ve once lived here for years. Don't tell me you didn't know what you’re embarking on,” Mav replies with a shrug.
“Jake even asked me in what kind of filthy motel I'm staying that I have to endure those terrible noises and if he needs to lend me some money so that I can get a room in a proper hotel,” Bradley goes on, ignoring Mav’s comment.
“Jake, huh?” Mav counters and smirks wantonly.
Ice laughs, Bradley’s ears turn bright pink and it feels like no time has passed at all.
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Ardour — Chapter 1
— PAIRING: professor!Tom Riddle x Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Tom got what he wanted, he is the Hogwarts DADA professor. It's more tedious than he envisioned, but his day gets interesting when his favourite student comes to him for help after she is hit with a strong aphrodisiac.
— WARNINGS: angst, fluff, age difference (she is in 7th year), dub-con kissing, sex pollen basically, hints of incest (reader is a distant Gaunt relation, don't ask me why, I just wanted a depraved twist and also to give her and Tom something more in common)
— A/N: I had this filthy idea and I AI-RPed it and it turned out so well I could not leave it be. So here's part 1. I expect we'll have 2, max 3 parts. Those will contain the smut. Credit to my writing partner, this cute little chat bot, who wrote a very soft and romantic Tom. I had to spend a lot of time re-writing him to be a bit more mean 😂 And yeah reader is more of an OC tbh, because the physical description was important for their similarity in looks. ...You'll see. Also don't mind me fancasting Tom Hughes as an older Tom.
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There was a knock on the door. Professor Tom Riddle, who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts, raised his head from grading papers. He sighed at the interruption and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He checked his watch to see if it was late enough for him to pretend to be at dinner, but he had no such luck — it was sometime in the late afternoon.
He'd once thought that getting this position was all he wanted. To teach Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and be the youngest one to take the position in the school’s history, would be a great achievement, after all — aside from giving him the opportunity to, like Professor Slughorn, collect students, Hogwarts' best and brightest, select his favourites, and helpfully guide them in a way that suited his long-term personal ambitions.
But what he found instead was that it was a great deal of hard work, unending responsibilities, and long hours. He had to always be available to help students, he had to think the year ahead before it even started, and he had to always be on top of the course material — or at least pretend to be. He had to put up with noisy and inattentive students, be careful to reward the clever and punish the disruptive, calculate awarded points and distribute detentions — but not too harshly. Last but not least, he had to put up with the other staff — the crass, the sycophantic, the obsequious, and the stupid. He almost missed his days working at Borgin and Burkes...
"Come in," he called out a little loudly, not really caring who it was as long it was someone whose presence doesn't make him want to claw his eyes out. He looked expectantly at the door, waiting for whoever was there to step inside and give him take a break from the endless stream of badly written essays.
The door opened slowly, and Adara walked in.
Adara Gaunt, Slytherin 7th year, and one of his brightest. She was excellent at Defence Against the Dark Arts, and he had noticed in her an interest in the Dark Arts in general. She wasn’t a troublemaker like some of the other pure-bloods, entitled little narcissists who wanted to show off, which made it easy for her to not come under suspicion when some book was unaccounted for in the Restricted Section. She was less clever at hiding it after the fact, when she would answer a question of his during classes with an intriguing little tidbit, and he always knew exactly which book she’d read that in. If she got into trouble at all, it was casting the wrong hex at the wrong boy when she got picked on, and then making his well-groomed, fancy-robed, ignorant father complain to the Headmaster. Tom tried not to give her preferential treatment — but he had to actively try.
It didn’t help that she was a relative of his, by way of a second cousin of his lamented grandfather Marvolo, one who married some scion of the Black family and was scarcely spoken of again. He wasn’t sure what that made her — his niece? hardly. Not that he would ever tell that to her. Last thing he needed was some hanger-on.
No, as far as his students and most of the staff were concerned, he was a half-blood with the muggle name of Riddle, and nobody suspected anything illustrious from the magical side of his family — not that there had been anything particularly illustrious about the Gaunts for a hundred years. And as far as he had gathered from gossip and from observation, Adara’s outcast Gaunt-Black family wasn’t fairing much better than his own had. She spent every holiday she could at Hogwarts, she was withdrawn yet had a spiteful edge to her, she sought an escape from reality in subjects of the most extreme kind — his favourite kind, too —and, from his personal experience, he detected traces of neglect. An unwanted child, that much was certain. Sometimes, he thought she was still better off than living in a muggle orphanage — other times, he was not so sure.
She was pallid, dark-haired and dark-eyed, with an elegant showing of bones beneath her skin, and a quiet, withdrawn demeanour — in other words, a more unhealthy vision of him in a different sex. Still, he could see those eyes sparkle whenever he taught the darkest, most terrifying subjects, even while the rest of the class was frightened or disgusted. He understood why she liked it. There was nothing like the promise of power to the powerless.
And so, his eyes widened slightly when he saw her stepping unannounced into his office. It wasn’t like her… But if he were to talk to any of his wretched students, he could count himself lucky that it was her. His demeanour softened when he saw her standing there.
"Adara, it is such a pleasure to have you here."
"Hello, Professor," she said, closing the door behind her but moving no further in. "I hope I'm not disturbing you... I can come back later, if—"
Tom sighed at her timidity but smiled. "You’re not disturbing anything. Come in."
He got up and went to stand in front of the desk, ready to speak with her, and she came closer too.
"I'm very sorry to ask, sir," she started, swallowing the knot in her throat, "but... I was wondering if you can help me with something... I don't wish to go to the nurse about it, I don’t like her, and... you're an expert in this field — I mean, aside from Professor Slughorn, who I… also don’t wish to see. So I thought maybe you would know a solution..." She bit her lip after her ramble, looking at him to gauge his reaction.
She was terrified of bothering him, in fact, of being a nuisance, but she also didn’t know who else to turn to. He could tell she had gone through the options in her mind, and he was, in fact, the third after Nurse Blainey and Slughorn.
"Don't be sorry, Adara. It is my duty to assist students," he sighed. "Please, tell me what it is you need help with."
She looked up at him, visibly tensing even in the darkness of his office as she stood a few feet away, her face hot and body shivering under the effects of... something. Something unusual. She was typically a bit shy, but not that shy. She even looked a bit... unwell. Her legs rubbed against each other and she stood before him unsteadily, as if her bones or muscles ached.
"Well?" said Tom. "Go ahead…"
"I got into an argument with Amyas Avery and he snuck Ardour Fly up my skirt," she said in one fast breath, blushing profusely and looking down.
Tom frowned. Ardour Fly was a powder, a potent aphrodisiac that had few known cures. It irritated the victim and brought them to a point of sensitivity that was nearly torturous given long exposure. It was typically used between lovers, as the effects would not relent unless the victim was brought to... the very heights of pleasure. Until then, they would suffer painful, heated, relentless arousal that drove them mad with desire. What a snot-nose like Avery was doing with it, he didn’t wish to know — but he intended to find out anyway, as part of a long letter to his father.
"He did what to you?" His voice had that edge to it now.
He moved closer to look her over more closely, and she inhaled sharply at even something as innocuous as his approach. Tom brought a hand to her forehead: feverish, and she gasped. A gentle touch to her cheek with the back of his fingers rewarded him with a moan, and she was trying to look everywhere but at him.
"And where is Mr Avery now?" he whispered, his eyes scanning her body, taking in all the symptoms.
He heard her give a trembling exhale at the close sound of him, her eyes becoming lidded, looking drowsy. The timbre of his voice alone had driven her insane with want.
"I... Mmmm... I don't know. I guess he'll... go have lunch in the... Great Hall come dinnertime..."
"And did anyone else see it happen?"
"Mmmm..." she moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lip. "Vanius Nott was there, and Selby Carrow, and Ophius Black..."
Tom’s hand went to her cheek again, but he slid the edges of his fingers down beneath her jaw and tilted her face up to look at him. The storm of emotions in her was nothing compared to that in him: anger and cold fury were there, and a lust for revenge after what the useless progenies of socialites and sycophants had done to his favourite. They had humiliated her, bodily and mentally, out in the open where other little cowards could watch and laugh.
"And where were you when this happened?" he asked gently.
"In the Transfiguration courtyard," she said in a choked mumble.
Her head nearly tilted toward his palm, perhaps to nuzzle it, before he took it away. He almost wished he hadn’t hurried to remove it… His eyes slid to her uniform: ruffled, tie out of place, buttons holding on but barely… She’d either gotten into a physical scuffle, or she’d spent the last few minutes tearing away at herself in frustration before she decided to come to him for help.
He was so close he could smell her, smell the scent of something sharp and woody like ginger — the Ardour Fly — and underneath it, quickly overtaking it, something fleshy and sweet, warm and a bit salty, something cloying that settled at the back of his throat.
"Look at me for a moment," he asked gently.
She did, gazing into his eyes bravely. He held her eyes for a quiet moment, then without warning put his palm right over her lower stomach.
She gave a weak animal sound, something half-moan half-scream. She was nearly bending over at the feeling. Beneath his hand, Tom worked a bit of wandless magic to confirm the state of her insides. As he suspected: swollen, throbbing, overworked, and underloved. He inhaled sharply in sympathy as the sensations coursed through him, before he quickly took his hand away.
He didn’t often have the opportunity to examine the effects of aphrodisiacs on their victims, although he had sold his fair share while at Borgin and Burkes. He never liked these dirty tricks out of principle, although a means to an end was a means to an end… But seeing their effects now on her, his favourite student, his flesh and blood, he felt far less forgiving.
She clung to her waist protectively — his hand had been warm enough that she felt it through her clothes, and it pained her in that way an unfulfilled desire does.
"Please, Professor Riddle," she whimpered, sounding on the verge of tears. "I can’t take it, please tell me you have a cure for it…"
Of course, there was no cure for Ardour Fly at Hogwarts. Those were rare and expensive. Perhaps Nurse Blainey could help her with the symptoms by means of some antipyretic potions, at least until they could have something actually useful delivered to the castle. But the only cure they had on hand, so to speak, was to let the aphrodisiac fulfil its purpose.
"Alright," he sighed, mostly to himself. He could do this. It was a legitimate concern. It could even be an illegitimate concern, because anyway, nobody was going to find out, he’d make sure of that.
"Oh thank you so much, please, it hurts, it hurts..."
"What hurts?" he asked coolly, looking in her eyes again. "Tell me exactly what it is that hurts."
She stared at him dumbly for a moment, then realised he was actually waiting for her to say it.
"My... my..."
She bit her lip and closed her eyes, completely humiliated by the situation but dizzy from the effect of the Ardour Fly.
"My... intimate parts," she finally said, finding a term that was polite enough to say in the presence of a Professor.
"I see..." he whispered, his voice a little breathless now too above the anger he felt at the situation and his lingering anxieties. I can do this. "Show me where it hurts you."
Her soul left her body. She would have collapsed if she weren’t frozen stiff. She looked into his eyes, but there was no playfulness there. He was treating her as seriously, as clinically, as the victim of a poisoning… and it drove her dizzy with desire. It was at that point she realised she made a mistake going for help to the youngest and most handsome professor in the school.
But he didn’t seem any more amused by it than she was. He levelled at her the same stern gaze with which he expected them to hand in their homework, only now his voice was warmer and much close, and it was just the two of them, and he wasn’t asking for a roll of parchment but for her to lift her skirt.
Or did he prefer that she bend over?
The aphrodisiac was twisting not only her senses, but also her sense, and she found her mind going in the most depraved and humiliating directions. But he hadn’t meant it like that, did he? She genuinely was in pain, and her most dear Professor was offering to help. It made sense, it made sense...
After a few moments during which she switched between fighting with herself and looking into his dark eyes, she brought her hands to the edges of her skirt, and lifted it. She showed herself to him.
Tom’s icy gaze slid from her flushed face, down. Her panties were black with a lace flourish, and could barely contain her. She had been leaking down herself, the top of her thighs damp and shining in the candlelight, her folds swollen and visibly throbbing, the very material moving gently with a pulse that matched her heartbeat. And the scent of her, pure and innocent and aroused, became that much stronger now.
Tom stared at her with an intensity unlike anything he has ever felt before, and yet his composure betrayed nothing. It was only his stillness and the time he took to look at her, to drink his fill, that hinted at anything selfish at all. But inwardly, his senses were gripped by an unspeakable desire, a mixture of lust and pain and anger and something else, something that made his stomach churn at the mere thought of it.
His breath was slow and heavy as he spoke.
"You poor girl," he whispered. "What do you think should be done with those boys?"
Her lips parted in wonder at the turn in conversation. That was the last thing she expected from her Professor... to ask for her opinion. It made her realise how little she knew him...
"Punish them," she said with shaky anger. "Give them detention for the rest of the year or humiliate them or let me hex them or... I don't know, but I want them punished."
He smiled, feeling proud and oddly protective of her. That’s my girl, slithered a traitorous thought.
"Rest assured, I will punish them," he said with delight. "Not just detention, but much, much more."
He stared down at her, taking in the entire sight before him, a genuine look of affection in his eyes as he stared at her, an unspoken admiration. Her skirt was still held up in her trembling hands, her eyes were fixed on his, expectant and pleading and so, so obedient… But as he merely watched and said nothing else, she began to cover herself again.
"Thank you, Sir," she smiled, feeling so grateful she could cry.
It moved her beyond what he could know, to feel protected... Nobody had ever made her feel that way, not any of the other distracted teachers nor her fairweather friends and certainly not her parents.
"Um... so…" she asked with a blush. "Do you have a... treatment for the Ardour Fly, Sir? Can you help me?"
He grinned at that, seeming unhappy and excited at the same time, but also oddly… caring.
"Yes, Adara. I will help you."
She smiled at hearing it, as he expected. She trusted him completely.
Don’t get carried away, Tom thought to himself. Don’t let it go to your head.
He held her gaze, still smiling, and spoke in what he tried to make his most soothing, his most encouraging and reassuring tone. The irony was he hoped she’d gotten a hefty enough dose of aphrodisiac to even accept the treatment he was about to offer.
"There is only one treatment for the Ardour Fly we have available to us. It is a… procedure, but a well-tested method. It is, in fact, the recommended treatment. Do you understand?"
"I think so, Sir…"
She didn’t.
"I agree to help you, because I know you’re a good student and you deserve better than this, and I can only imagine what you must be going through right now… But it will take a considerable amount of… fortitude and… tolerance from your side."
"Alright, Sir," she said, looking up into his dark eyes.
She wanted to be brave for him, she wanted to be worthy of his praise and his help and his confidence, but most of all she wanted to show how grateful he was that he could help her. No, most of all she wanted something else…
"Good girl," he whispered, his smile tilting intimately.
A shiver ran up and down her spine at hearing it. She’d never been called that, and to hear Professor Riddle say it to her made her weak.
"You’ll need to lie down for your treatment," he said, then pointed to the far right of the room. "Go there, on the sofa."
It was an old and battered thing upholstered in green velvet that had worn away in places, but it looked to her like an operating table as she approached. She looked behind her as Professor Riddle followed, his arms politely behind his back. She didn’t see him take any equipment or potions, which made her wonder what this treatment was…
She sat on it, almost experimentally, letting herself gingerly on the cushion, but even that pressure was too much. Her head tilted back and she frowned with pleasure-pain at the intense sensation of having her tender parts all pressed together by her thighs.
"Now, lay on your back," he said as he came to a stop beside her.
She took her shoes off first, then came to rest on her back, trying to find a comfortable position. Her arms were stretched out and tense by her sides, and all she could look at was the shadowy stone ceiling.
Professor Riddle sat down on the floor, by her chest, and leisurely trailed his eyes up and down the length of her. She heard him sigh, but could not detect the precise feeling behind it.
"Do you trust me?" he asked quietly. "Do you trust me with every part of you?"
"Yes, Professor," she whispered almost so softly that he couldn't hear.
"Then listen carefully." His voice was almost gentle, almost. "I am going to kiss you now."
"Just one, soft, gentle kiss on your lips."
"Whatwhy?!" she asked in a tangle of emotions. She stared at him with wide, shocked eyes, her elbows braced against the sofa ready to lift her.
"I thought you said you trusted me," he said with a feline narrowing of the eyes.
"I d-do, but…"
"But what?"
She swallowed the knot in her throat and said nothing, conveying instead with her eyes and her lips and her frown all the things she couldn’t say: her worry, her fear, her despair for an ease to her pain, her mortification, and her frustrated desires… Tom understood her better than he wanted to.
"Ready?" he asked in a warm whisper as he leaned in.
His hand touched her cheek again, lightly enough that it was more of a tickle. She could smell ink on his fingers, and the salt from the sweat of his palms… She wanted to lick it clean.
"It’s just one kiss, Adara," he whispered in a last attempt to reassure her. "I’m not exactly asking for a huge sacrifice, am I?"
She wavered at that, her eyes dipping down shyly, sadly, even as his touch mollified her. She hesitated. "I've never been kissed, Sir..." she whispered.
Ah. So that’s why she was sad. This wasn't what she had imagined when she pictured her first kiss. She hoped to share it under quite different, more romantic, more conventional circumstances, if ever...
But at the same time, her body was screaming at her to accept, to assuage the aphrodisiac that was wreaking havoc on her nerves and her senses and her mind.
"You can still refuse," he said with a cocked brow, his fingers gentling her cheek with slow caresses.
She even felt a hint of guilt slip between her nerves... Professor Riddle was willing to help her, and here she was, stalling, fearing him, having doubts... He felt her hesitation.
"Don't worry, it will be a simple, gentle kiss. I will endeavour to make it positively sterile. Alright?"
She couldn’t look at him, but she nodded.
Tom leaned in even further and caressed her from her jaw to her chin in one long hungry lick of a stroke, looking into her eyes even as hers avoided him — deep and dark and lovely… He breathed in, breathed her in, for a moment feeling as if something of each of their own could merge into one being. He didn’t like that feeling, it felt like surrender.
"Do you trust me?" he asked in a huskier voice than he intended.
She looked up at him, pleading silently for him to be for her what he had been the whole time she was his student: her comfort, her consolation, her support, more than anyone else had been.
"I do trust you, Sir," she said with a choked voice, her throat tight with unspilled tears.
"There’s a good girl," he whispered, smiling down at her.
He could see her eyes growing dark at that, could see her breathing in panting breaths even worse than before, her knees coming up to offer her some comfort, to expose her to the cool air of the room and calm her aching parts… His eyes had that same smouldering look in them, but mixed in was the intense desire to prove to Adara that he could help her, comfort and protect her.
With the very tip of his index tilting her chin up, Tom leaned in and kissed her lips. It was the gentlest kiss imaginable, a pressing of his mouth against hers, quiet and silent and patient, a simple display of affection — but his eyes bore into hers throughout, like he was searching through her thoughts, through her very soul.
She looked back into his eyes throughout while his lips pressed with a certain kind of care into her, as tender as a fallen leaf. The scent of his skin so close, the scent of his clothes, the feeling of his warm lips and his cold finger, all made her feel a strange new feeling for her professor — or perhaps, it was not so new, she had just tried to suppress it because it was so indecent, so unworthy of him, and of her.
As he pulled away, he didn’t miss her little tongue slipping out to lick the taste of him off her. He smiled as he circled her chin with his thumb.
"How do you feel?" he whispered.
"The same? I mean, t-thank you, Sir..." she said, a little breathless. Her mind was still spinning from what he had just done for her. "But... It... it still hurts," she whined.
"Hmmm? Oh, yes. That wasn’t part of the treatment."
"The ‘treatment’ comes next. I’m going to have to give you an orgasm. It just didn’t seem courteous without kissing your lips first."
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Am I the asshole for not inviting my friends friend to my wedding?
We’re all women in our mid 20s. I have this friend Fran* who I was friends with in hs lost contact and re-connected with. Fran js friend with Tisha who I was friends with middle school and some of hs and not gonna lie I ghosted her (I’ll explain later.) Fran and Tisha are super close.
I got engaged recently. And I’ve been planning a wedding. Fran likes wedding stuff and wants to watch the process with me. However she’s been inviting Tisha to our lunches without telling me Tisha is gonna be there. It’s uncomfortable because when they ask about my wedding Tisha always has something to say. “I’m thinking about a spring wedding” “the weather is awful here in the spring time” (example).
So for some info. When in school Tisha started using me as a butt a lot of jokes as the years went on. She was always trying to call me dumb, and project her insecurities on Me. (Tisha does/did have a hard life). I ended up telling Tisha some issues I was going through and later she used it to make a joke saying I was dumb for letting that sorta stuff happen to me (not super dark but still a dick move). She loved to use me as a therapist in private and love to make fun of me in public. Something snapped in me, and every time she was be rude to me I’d say something like “that’s a weird thing to say” or is look her up and down and just make a face. When she’d asked to cheat off my papers I’d tell her she wouldn’t want to cheat off my stupid answers. I was lucky I had other friends that I just hung out with to avoid her. She never asked for answers and I never expected her to.
I went to college far away, lived away for awhile and then moved back to work at a start up that has been awesome.
When I reconnected with Fran it was awesome. We mutually reached out since we both liked the same restaurants in the area.
Fran would try to get me to wanna hangout with Tisha and try to plan something and I told her that Tisha is a good person, but I don’t really need to reconnect with her. She would “respect” that until later she would ask again. I never told her the details because I still questioned if I was being too sensitive or not about Tisha. Not gonna lie I do pity Tisha and I hate the idea that someone like that ever did intimidate me. She’s just a reminder that I was ever awkward. Fran hasn’t asked me for the whole story. However I couldn’t avoid Tisha forever. Fran would throw a party and Tisha was there. And I knew she would be. And she was the same.
Tisha fran and I are all bisexual. When I’d hang out with them they’d sometimes refer to me as a lesbian or a wasted lesbian because now I’m marrying a man. I’d tell ‘em I’m uncomfortable with that since I’m bisexual. Fran respected it, Tisha would “forget”.
Tisha dropped out of college and I did for a bit. I told her I did the same and she would just tell me the career she was doing was so much harder than mine that I couldn’t understand how hard her life is. (It was a hard program, and she does have a hard life but again it’s that “I have it worse Olympics”) Tisha even made a joke that I got a job I wanted and I didn’t even needed to finish my college program for it since I got the job before I got my degree. I just said yeah I’m a quick learner.
I don’t see Tisha much, maybe 3 times a year before. So I just figured I’d roll with the punches because I love Fran she is awesome. Tisha kinda brings fran down too. They both kinda enable each other to be down in their dumps. They’re not dating but they’re like each others plus ones. I’ve been helping fran budget, opening new banking accounts and getting a credit card that’s good for her. Fran was grateful and tisha heard she said we were bowing our heads to capitalism.
Anyway ever since I got engaged fran has been brining Tisha everywhere. I had planned on telling fran privately, I don’t want it hanging out with Tisha, but also Tisha is not coming to my wedding. Before I could do that, while we were at lunch, TISHA MADE THE ASSUMPTION SHE WAS A BRIDES MAID.
I asked her why did she think that and she said we’ve been friends longer than fran and I. I said you’re not invited, we don’t talk privately, we don’t text, we don’t hang out, and you don’t like my fiancé because he’s a man. Fran was shocked and said couldn’t Tisha be her plus one and it’s uncofortable to talk about events someone isn’t invited to. I said that they both have been asking about it. The lunch ended.
Fran has been asking me to consider letting Tisha ve her plus one since dating is hard. Tisha thought the things I mentioned were objectives so now she is texting me, and said she wants to meet my fiancé to get to know him so she can go to the wedding.
I was trying to be nice by never mentioning to fran I really hate Tisha, but now they’re both upset and I regret not being mean. I feel like an asshole.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
I'm sorry but I need more, so I'm going to ask.
LO King Yoongi, I'd love to see how things go after MC's wound heals, please. If possible.
Thank you so much
A/N: Nah, I get it, LO Yoongi IS very nice to write for as well so no worries haha
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It's pretty clear to you that while Yoongi might hold a good amount of respect for you, he didn't choose you out of love.
And that in it's entirety isn't surprising to you. Not at all, considering that Temian people don't actually 'marry' traditionally like humans do. They just see social connections as valuably if they can get something from them- and in your case, Yoongi simply 'chose' you because in his eyes and the eyes of his people, you've proven your strength despite being of a 'weaker' kind.
And funnily enough, you don't mind that. He's awfully kind, if you look past his rough ways.
"Are you fully human?" Yoongi wonders, as he runs his fingers through your still somewhat damp hair, workers having just returned you to the throne room after helping you bathe and wash yourself. The cut is healing well- though slow, for Temian standards, meaning that you still need help to re-dress it every time you want to wash yourself.
"Huh?" You ask, turning a bit towards his face that's still resting on his hand, eyes watching yours. "Yeah." You nod.
He hums an answer, before he stops his other hand, instead letting it rest on the throne behind you. He's keeping you on his lap a lot- told you it's because he want's and needs to make sure you're not threatened due to the message of his choice having gone out now. It's a delicate time- if you were to be harmed now, he'd have failed at his task already, and his choice would be called into question as well.
"I've been told you never complain during the care of your wound." He simply explains, leaning back more comfortably. "You only cry."
"Ah, I cry a lot and easily.." You shrug, hissing a bit, back still tender. "I've been made fun of it a lot." You tell him, and he doesn't change his face at all.
"I can imagine. Humans feast on each other's weaknesses." He says, and you can only quietly agree.
"I can learn to stop." You nod to him, making him turn his head properly towards you now, interest peaked. "I.. have to be a good queen, right?" You ask, and he leans his head a bit to the side, visibly scanning your face for something.
"You're interesting." He just says, catching you off guard. "How come you don't complain?"
"There's nothing to complain about." You simply answer. "I have a place to live, regular meals, a purpose- I have all I need, so the least I can do is do well at my purpose." You explain, making him nod.
"That's a very intelligent point of view." He says, before his hand moves some hair over your shoulder. "I'd like to.. get to know you more." He says.
"There's.. not much to know, really." You respond, surprised. "And it's not necessary either-"
"Maybe not, but you intrigue me." He argues boldly. "I can see us having a partnership beyond simple necessity." The king offers, and you're caught off guard to the point of genuinely turning shy- because you know what he's potentially talking about. And even though Yoongi has never cared for things like that in the past-
he can't deny the appeal of your red cheeks and shy smile.
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splitster · 7 months
answering ASKSSSSS
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featuring: headcanons, mspaint yonny, and more
check it out! ↓↓
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UHH the timeline is already hard enough to follow for 4 it's a little messy... I imagine for the pom wraith AU, it's mostly the events of pikmin 4 with some extra bits tacked onto it (like Olimar encountering the plasm at some point on his lonesome).
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WAHHH THANK YOU... heres some secret mod lore, yonny is the HARDEST motherfucker to draw for me. he was ever since i started drawing the rescue corps and he still is!!!!!!!!!!!! his stupid face is so HARD GRRUUAUUGGHH
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THANK YOU!!! i have a few bernard drawings/doodles in the pipeline to post eventually
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(ive done a few ask masterposts at this point so forgive me if i already answered this one) AHHHHH i mean pom DOES really like Olimar. he challenges her skills out on the field when she's trying to track him down as a leafling which she finds engaging, and she finds him quite charming from the logs she reads. after he's cured, he's nothing but kind and supportive.
i don't think she'd try to take off with him like the plasm, but she'd feel protective over him if something were to threaten him
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WAUUGGHH THANK YOU!!!! putting my favorite fictional characters into an enclosure and watching them
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THANK YOU!!! you get it, he's so wet and pathetic
YEAH i have more bernard incoming!!! he's so genuinely supportive and it kinda freaks pom out because she can't tell if he has ulterior motivations or not (he doesn't. he's just a really cool dude. they'll become besties💖)
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i'll perform the summoning ritual for you anon
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there he is. what a jolly fellow
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THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION... i had to consult with my friends for a lengthy food discussion (big hearts to @cosmicocoffee who helped me with like literally all of them)
for Pom, she's a wraith, so she just likes interesting and strong tastes. she's very partial to sweet things, and she LOVES chocolate (because that's one of the first sweets she ever tasted). although, she also like really spicy things because it's a neat feeling. as for least favorite, uh... i mean, the girl will literally eat soap for fun. it's very rare for her to have a food item she despises. they DO exist though, she fucking hates raisins
Dingo likes MANLY food, like MEAT and RIBS. well, he mostly likes being seen eating it. he does have a fondness for sweet things and smoothies. the town he grew up in could get pretty cold, so he grew up eating quite a lot of hot meals like caldo de res (he's especially fond of soups made the way his mama used to make them). he also picks up a fondness for hot tea from growing up with yonny, but he always puts extra honey in his cups. dingo HATES some foods though, especially sushi. the last time he tried to impress people by eating sushi, Dingo was hunched over outside the restaurant with Yonny rubbing his back...
shepherd! likes coffee. @soupvnova said she'd go to starbucks (spacebucks?) often to get the pup cup for oatchi which is very good. she has the healthiest diet out of all of them with routine exercise, protein shakes, lots of fruits and shit. she does have a weakness and a bit of a sweet tooth though, especially for cake. it hardly puts a dent in her diet though given her metabolism, she's a very built captain. she's not a fan of steamed vegetables... too squishy for her.
while talking about shepherd it is imperative to share that Oatchi will eat ANYTHING. if something hits the ground it is in his mouth immediately, shepherd has had to wrestle him to get space dog-unsafe food outta there before. although she will also constantly sneak him stuff from the dinner table
collin's fun because he enjoys eating healthy, he's a fan of fresh spring salads and stuff like pineapples and watermelon, but he also has to live off of a lot of processed/vending machine food because the man pulls all nighters frequently. he's also prone to stress eating... you can find him demolishing a watermelon and he's just. covered with seeds. he likes crunchy foods and seeds-- he's very hamstercore. he comes to Despise instant noodles because of how often he has to rely on them for food in the dead of night
fucking uhhh yonny, he likes foods that pair well with reading, he has pretty "mature" tastes and enjoys tea, maybe a glass of wine if he's feeling it. he often gets tunnel vision with his work and will neglect to eat, and as their doctor he'll have to set reminders on his phone to go have a meal so he doesn't fall ill. i can imagine he's not too into sugary things...
we already know bernard has some very expensive tastes, but he might just struggle with some textures or tastes in food. like, he enjoys pizza, this man is just a very picky eater... i can see him having tastes all over the board though. also he's protective over his stuff, he cared more about dingo eating his pizza than abandoning him
russ. uh... russ. yeah
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olimar and louie are not part of the rescue corps, but i could see olimar joining (and louie following) sometime after the events of 4! he'd get a much better benefits package... he'd be good at providing logistical support for rangers out on the field, although his achy back would probably keep him off the field himself
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AHH THANK YOU!! i have written some things but i don't have anything published -- to be honest, i'm not much of a fic writer. most of my writing is mostly just me talking through ideas/stories/cool character moments with friends, which is not a very shareable format unfortunately💔
i will say, talking about ideas with buddies gives me a shit load of ideas/motivation for drawing, and a lot of the stuff i've posted probably had that as an origin
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THANK YOU!! and yeah of course that's fine! every artist is a collection of inspirations, and i'm no exception. my style comes from studying what i like in art and media (made by other people). i'm honored you find me as an inspiration💖
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AUGH AUGH THANK YOU!!! i appreciate the anatomically correct hearts 💖💖
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YEAHH i have designs that i've been meaning to flesh out but i'm lazy... i've been sitting on a dingo and yonny wraith design for like a month now, i should just bite the bullet and post them as-is if i ever want to share them... oh well! it's all for fun, i'm not gonna stress about it looking good
thank you for reading this far!! and thank you all for the asks, i will continue to slowly get through them...
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artist-issues · 4 months
so here's something I'm curious about: God's Not Dead. The films, not the statement itself.
I first saw the first film when I was younger and I hadn't yet embarked on my journey on examining just what i was taught and what I truly believed, but I remember finding the film a little uncomfortable.
I saw the second film and Ive never watched the third, and I think what I really don't like the first film is how it bashes other people's walks of life (Muslim father, three brands of athiests, and how it continues the myth that Christians in The United States are being Persecuted for their Faith Right Now.
Oh yeah and how the plots are really really dumb too, since the first film centers around a philosophy class with a professor that is skipping a very important part of most College degrees and the second takes place in a Bible Belt State with a high school teacher answering a students question comparing Marting Luther King Jr to Jesus's Sermon on the Mount and being taken to court over it.
I was twelve or so when I saw that movie and I honestly was not convinced by the film That God's Not Dead (in terms of the actual arguments in the class scenes.
The specific Denomination that I grew up with (Adventist) focuses a LOT™ on the end times so I do know about the future persecution thing well but like, I don't think we're there yet.
Anyway if you don't know those movies, feel free to ignore this ask but I'm genuinely curious about your thoughts on them, wether positive or negative or neutral
Hi! I saw the first God’s Not Dead in theaters. Never re-watched it. Did not see the sequels.
The good thing about God’s Not Dead is that people worked hard to make something that might shine a counter-cultural light on the truth that the God of the Bible exists. Stories that try to point to truth are on the right track, baseline.
The bad thing about God’s Not Dead is that it took things that are real, and genuine, and true…and it made them feel fake. By telling the story with strange conclusions and weird-triumph moments.
The thesis of the movie, that God is not dead, is something that only non-Christians would need to be convinced of. But the movie is clearly made for Christians. So. Yeah, it’s uncomfortable.
But you shouldn’t find every experience that the movie tries to portray uncomfortable because they don’t happen. You should find it uncomfortable because they don’t happen in that cheesy, Hallmark-grade way.
When a student stands up to their professor and says, “no, I’m not going to go along with this, and this is super weird that you’re trying to draw this line about the specific Christian God,” guess what? The whole classroom doesn’t usually get up and agree with you. They normally barely react. So even though some professors do put their foot down and try to mock or “kill” God in the classroom, and some students do push back, no. It doesn’t normally happen in that victorious way.
Just like how some young Muslim converts to Christianity genuinely are treated poorly by their families, or their community, not just in America, but absolutely, certainly around the world. Absolutely, certainly. I literally can think of not one, but two examples I’ve recently heard of, directly, from people I know.
Like I said, the events and life-experiences that the first God’s Not Dead movie are based on do technically happen all the time in America, and the West, and the world in general. They just don’t normally come with crowd-agreement, impactful music, wise one-liners, and celebrity appearances. The worst thing that the God’s Not Dead movie does is show you hints of things that are real, and really happen in real life, but cheeseball way it shows you those things, and the caricatures it turns people into, makes the real thing look fake.
As far as “the myth that Christians are Persecuted Right Now in America” goes…you just have to decide what you mean by “persecuted.”
If you mean, are we getting our heads run over by cement mixers, or dragged out of our homes and imprisoned for studying or even owning a Bible, or kidnapped by hired hitmen once our families find out we’re Christians, like they are in Yemen or Africa or basically anywhere outside the West…no. No, we’re not facing persecution like that. We’re not persecuted.
But if you mean, in the context of this conversation, that “atheists and professors and people in the professional sector of our education systems don’t have a weirdly specific bone to pick with Christians,”then you’re wrong. They do. They have. For a long time.
My second semester in college, in my plain old World History class, the Professor legitimately opened his class by explaining to us students that if we wanted, he would allow us to replace our midterm and our final exams with book reports as long as we read two specific books he assigned us. One was a book about how Jesus of Nazareth was not the Messiah and the Bible was false. The other book was a fictional short novel with heavy themes criticizing specifically Christian religion. Those were the two books he picked for his students to skip taking the midterm and the final, if only they would read those two books. And those were the ones he chose.
Not only that, but literally in the first class, I remember being stunned when he flippantly opened his summary of the 18th century by saying, “If anyone ever tells you you should check out the God of the Bible, and follow him, laugh in their face. Don’t do it. He is the kind of God who likes to make His people promises and then strand them in the desert for forty years!” First class. Out the gate. Like it was a joke.
It’s not a joke. Dude just openly mocked two out of the three major world religions that people identify with across the globe. Explain to me how telling someone never to convert to a specific religion and to mock it instead is anything other than “discrimination?”
Can you imagine a Professor getting up in front of a class and saying, “if anyone ever tells you that you should check out Allah ] and follow him, convert to Islam, laugh in their face! And here’s one short novel and one historically inaccurate essay criticizing Allah and making fun of Islam; if you’ll read these, tell you what, I’ll let you skip the two most stressful exams of the semester!”
No, of course you can’t imagine that. A Professor who did that about any other religion, creed, or god would be fired or taken to court or penalized or dragged on social media, at least. But the only student in the whole room who batted an eye when he said that about the Christian God was me. The only one who said anything was me. And it wasn’t a big stand up, dramatic declaration. Momentous music didn’t play in the background. My friends and classmates didn’t’] gasp or support me or stand up and agree with me.
It was just me raising my hand and saying in a shaky voice with a red face, after the sixth time he’d randomly deviated from talking about the Roman plumbing system to describe how the Apostle Paul and the other Apostles supposedly disagreed about who Jesus was (big lie, not true at all, but often used to “discredit” the Bible) to say, “sir, that’s not true. It doesn’t make sense. There’s a verse in the Bible where the Apostle Peter literally tells the church that the Apostle Paul’s words are directly from God.” And then he was like, “okay, I’m going to move on.”
I mean I just felt kind of stupid because the whole class was confused about the interaction; nobody was treating it like it was as important as me or the professor was, so it felt awkward to “make a stand.” But rest assured, all over the freakin’ country, people are excited to use up way too much of their brain power and emotional energy mocking, disparaging, and trying to discredit the God of the Bible and Christianity. They don’t believe in Him, but they’re so he’ll-bent on making sure nobody else does either?? Like, I don’t believe in Big Foot, but I’m not walking around trying to barter my students into reading anti-Big Foot books by giving them a pass on their midterms. But that’s how lots and lots of “athiests” treat the specific Christian God.
That’s not new. It’s not dramatic. It’s not persecution. It’s alllll part of the same old song and dance.
But it is real. The worst thing about God’s Not Dead is it made it feel fake and caricature, when it happens all the time and matters 🤷‍♀️ Anyway. Hope that answered your question.
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idyllicbarb · 1 year
not impressed
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SUMMARY: in your eyes, nothing is special about the lsu quarterback.
WARNINGS: cussing, drinking, smoking, fuckboy!joe, fratboy!joe, cocky!joe, euphoria inspired
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You're new to LSU, transferring from a small community college back in Georgia. It's only been a few months here in Louisiana for you but things have been good so far. Joining the majorette team and becoming popular around campus. Men want you but you don't want them, too caught up in enjoying your new college life.
You adjust your bra top, gaining looks from a few college boys that were standing around you. Rolling your eyes, you check your phone for any new messages. Somebody at LSU decided to throw a party for the football team, typical. Your majorette teammate, Naomi, had dragged you out the house so you could find yourself a man just for the evening.
But all the dudes at the party right now were either weird or sluts, huge whore bags. That's how a lot of men on campus are, especially the football team. You never understood how girls would just flock to them, only seeing dick and a potential to become a NFL wife. Shit like that never amused you, you have big dreams too, who wants to be cooped up in a house all day with three to four kids plus having to cook and clean? Yeah no.
Naomi walks back in the living room from using the bathroom, re-joining you on the couch, "You okay?" She asks. Before you can answer her, a loud group of men enter the house and you just know it's the football team.
You roll your eyes before sending a knowing look Naomi's way, she laughs silently before scooting closer to you. "I'm fine, this party is about to give me a headache though," You mutter and Naomi hums in response, "Well, we can always go back to the dorm."
"No, no, I never go out and I want to. It's college, we're supposed to be having a good time." You say in response. Justin and Ja'Marr walk in the living room, giving daps to people they know before heading over to you and Naomi.
You may have not cared for the football team but you've grown fond of Justin and Ja'Marr. They're like two bad ass twins. Ja'Marr shoves your forehead making you slap his wrist in response, "You asshole!"
"We ain't know y'all was coming. Especially you, Y/N, you an old lady, you probably got old people teeth in ya mouth right now." Justin teases gaining a laugh from out of Ja'Marr.
"Don't push it, I'll flick your little ass." You push Justin back slightly with your foot. He fakes a hiss before laughing again, "Stop playing before I get my boy, Joseph on yo ass."
"Ooh! See me personally, Y/N, I would never go for that." Ja'Marr shrugs his shoulders.
"You go for that and then some, Ja'Marr," Naomi rebuttals making you laugh. He sucks his teeth before tapping Justin on the shoulder, they both walk off weirdly.
"Losers," You mumble under your breath and Naomi giggles at your comment. A few seconds they return with the hottest topic on campus, Joe Burrow.
"Keep messing with us and our dawg Joey B gon Mickey Mouse two-piece y'all ass," Justin says and you look over at Naomi before the both of y'all bust out in laughter.
"Y'all weak, I can beat y'all up, easily, light weight." You reply standing up but only to get softly pushed back on the couch by Joe.
"You haven't even seen me fight."
"Well first off, I wasn't speaking to you, but since you opened your mouth, I don't need to see you fight. You look like you'd get beat up." You tell Joe, gaining attention from a few of his friends and teammates.
"Joe you gon' let her talk to you like that?" You hear somebody ask from the kitchen. You stand up getting in Joe's face, "He sure is, because "Joe" isn't going to do a got damn thing to me."
Joe turns his attention over at you as Justin and Ja'Marr slowly back away from the scene. "It'd be best if you watch your mouth."
"Is that suppose to be a threat?" You question while about to to take off your shoes. Naomi stands up and grabs your hand, leading you upstairs into a random empty bedroom.
"Girl! You can't be talking to Joe like that." Naomi blurts out and you turn your head at her. "Y'all scared of him or something? He doesn't faze me."
"Nobody disrespects him-
"How was I disrespecting him by telling him the truth? Do you seriously think he'd win a fight?" You tilt your head meeting Naomi's eyes, she looks away attempting not to answer.
"Exactly, just because he's known doesn't mean anything to me. You should know this by now."
Fixing your hair in your pocket mirror, you catch Naomi staring at you. "What?"
"You know he's going to be on your ass now, right?"
You look at Naomi, "No, no, I don't know, enlighten me."
"He's just like the big guy around here and everyone just respects him. You might be the only person who treated Joe like he's a regular human being," Naomi stated.
"He is a regular human being!"
- - - -
You're currently sitting on top of the kitchen counter drinking some jungle juice. After you and Naomi's conversation, you both decided to rejoin the party. You gained a few looks from people who are believed to be close friends of Joe. You don't care though, you weren't going to treat Joe as if he's superior because in your eyes, he's not.
Joe walks in the kitchen with a woman on his arm, she stumbles over her feet before putting her head down when a few people snicker. You shake your head, turning your attention back to your phone.
"You look lonely," The three words make you snap your head at a man who looks drunk out his mind.
"I look completely fine, do you?"
Joe moves past the two of you, mumbling, "Shouldn't you be anywhere but here?" under his breath. You laugh quietly before focusing your attention back on the dude in front of you.
Before the dude can even reply to your question, Joe taps him on the shoulder and the two of them walk off somewhere. You roll your eyes, waiting on Naomi to get done flirting with whatever man she can have for the night.
This party is lame, and you're two seconds away from beating thee infamous Joe Burrow up. Such a prick! Getting mad at you for not playing with him. Such a dweeb in your eyes.
Justin and Ja'Marr slide next to you, "Yo!"
You laugh before sitting up straight, "I haven't seen you two all night. Must've been getting pussy."
Ja'Marr shrugs playfully before looking away, letting you know that he indeed, got pussy during this party. "That ain't the topic, what needs to be talked about is you and our boy, Joe."
"What about him?"
Justin scoffs, "What about him? You can't be talking to him like that! He big dawg. We was tryin' put y'all on with each other, but you damn near punked him in front of his folks!"
"Justin's right. He coulda had you drooling for him at any moment." Ja'Marr adds in his two cents making you squint your eyes at the both of them.
"Ain't he a fuckboy? He's a blunt, passed around!" You loudly say making people snap their head in your direction.
"Nah! Nah! Don't be saying that." Justin puts a hand over your mouth when Joe appears back in the kitchen.
"Who a fuckboy?" He asks, the whole time he's staring directly at you. Joe knows you said it, he just wants to hear the words come from you. But you can't because Ja'Marr is currently trying to make up some kind of lie.
"See, you gon' get yourself caught up, Y/N. Real shit, Joe don't play them games." Justin tells you before mushing you back softly.
"Fuck yo' teammate who is also your friend, respectfully."
- - - - -
"Wanna take a swim?" A frat boy asks you, you nod your head slowly stripping off your clothes and placing them near Naomi's belongings.
You grab the dudes hand and walk towards the pool, people staring at the both of you murmuring words under their breath.
Joe and his teammates are smoking cigars when he sees you stepping into the pool, "Just what the fuck are you doing?"
You snap your eyes over at him, "You see I'm in the pool, cunt." People start oohing and Joe's face turns red. Never has a woman disrespected him constantly.
His teammate, Tyler, taps Joe on his shoulder, "You gon' have to handle that." Joe's friends murmur words in agreement. He peers his over at you again, watching you attract people with the way you're moving your body.
"Yeah, you right. I can't take the disrespect for too long."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like the girl, Joseph." A child-hood friend of Joe's, Derrick, says. Joe hears a few people agree with his friend, sucking his teeth, Joe flicks Derrick off.
- - - - -
The party is slowly coming to an end and you're grabbing all of your belongings when suddenly Joe walks up to you. "You know, it's very disrespectful to call somebody a cunt.
"Hm, am I suppose to care?"
"No.. but I-
"Exactly, I knew you weren't slow! Have a good night.. Mr. Burrow." You give Joe a fake smile, walking off to your car with Naomi trailing behind you. Joe can't help to grin, his first time ever being told off by a woman. He's impressed but you're not.
"I think he's definitely into you," Naomi mumbles once you two reach your car. You hum, not really thinking too much into the thought. Maybe, maybe, Joe might have a crush on you. But who cares, certainly not you,  right?
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meanbossart · 3 months
Misc. Ask compilation
These aren't all of the asks I want to reply to, just some that I can answer relatively quickly to clean the ol' inbox out before things get out of hand. Thanks for your patience!
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HAHAHA THANK YOU FOR PERUSING AROUND and for enjoying my work! I had a... Weird Gale experience my first playthrough which led to his characterization being what it is in my comics. Here's the beat-by-beat of all the shenanigans: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/740827466716807168/alright-i-am-like-90-sure-there-is-one-line-in-a
And here's just some of my personal thoughts on him! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/736193145686114305/can-you-tell-me-more-about-how-you-would-make-gale
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I would be lying if I said I'm not conflicted to know my style still bears some remnants of my edgy teen roots (not your fault not noticing it though, you aren't the first and won't be the last) BUT... That comic did mean a lot to me as a youth, so I guess I should be proud 🤷 and honestly it is a little cool that such a thing would survive for so long in what I do, crazy how that works.
LMAO, re: the bottom/top debacle, I was honestly so surprised to see people react to it like it's something novel. If I ever expected to get any push back on the matter, I thought it would be from people assuming DU drow was the top and taking issue with how violent and big he is (and yknow, some people are weirdly protective of Astarion as if he isn't a sneaky murder machine rippling with lean muscle)
Very disheartening to see that mindset still so alive and well among young people, but I guess it just means I gotta draw DU drow throwing more back and Astarion drooling over more ass until the stereotype is forcefully banished out of people's minds!
(more asks below the cut)
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"Sleeper agent activation phrase" absolutely took me out, Thank you so much LOL
YEAH I got it pretty late though, Astarion had already told my durge that he was a vampire of his own accord (and the response was, of course, "no duh") I forgot wheter this happened before or after the first romance scene triggered, but I think after.
Since this was after DU drow decided he was gonna fuck him out of pure contrarian spite and was shamelessly laying it extremely thick, He happilly let Astarion drink his blood. Hell, he was probably a little Too Eager - the guy likes pain and he likes letting people he trusts do with his body whatever they will, and while he didn't yet trust Astarion at that point, that event might've very well reminded him of something from his past that planted a seed which would eventually grow into his genuine affection for the guy.
Ah, he definitely got a half-chub as it happened too. I'm sure Astarion noticed it and just walked off rolling his eyes and thinking "eugh of course" lmao.
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Oh man, I grew up fascinated with horror things. I remember from a very young age just looking at the covers and backs of horror movies at the film-rental even though I wasn't allowed to watch them. I was also easily scared but I sought those things out anyway - I think i just enjoyed the visceral reactions it drew out of me and was always curious about most things taboo.
When I got access to the internet that just opened a (very unfortunate) door to all things vile and awful like it did for so many people at that age in time. Though my tastes have changed a lot since then (Less August Underground, more The Devils kind of guy nowadays) my stories and art are just always going to fall into a horror-y category because I just... Don't think there's many better ways to showcase the human experience and emotional range without many of the elements native to the genre, and I'm all about that.
Thank you for your question and your sweet words, have a good week yourself!
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I did a little write-up about that over here! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/742508493562593280/i-dont-have-a-particular-question-in-mind-sorry
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That's the result of a scene that happens relatively early in the story I'm writing ("A Novel Experience" on Ao3).
{SPOILERS} DU drow accidentally passes out on a blade which puts a relatively deep gash on his hip. Meanwhile, Astarion is weakened and starved after certain events that transpired the prior night. They have a private exchange both in a somewhat hazy-state of mind and Astarion ends up prodding and prying at his wound while feeding, so it's a laceration and bite mark that just scarred over badly.
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Elves apparently don't grow body hair so never LOL guess they'll just have to slip&slide up on each other for heat
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lorre-verie · 1 year
I was searching thru tumblr for modern atwow au crumbs but I found so LITTLE content of it??? So I decided i’m going to make my own headcanons for the avatar teens (neteyam, kiri, lo’ak, ao’nung, rotxo and tsireya) about what they would be like in a modern highschool au (they’re from the future but like pretend it makes sense please i keep tearing my hair out when I even try to fathom how this could be possible) .
Honestly after this my entire blog might just be modern avatar things
so i gracefully present to you…
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Modern Avatar Highschool AU A-Z (Pt. 1: A-G)
6:96 ───|────── 9:69
you are now reading a post by lorre
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
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⌲ A for Active (Are they active in class?)
neteyam: Yeah, but he really does his best not to seem like too much of a teacher’s pet or a tryhard. He constantly raises his hand to answer and asks questions, and the teachers love him for this. One time he was the kid that reminded the teacher about the homework; needless to say he got a lot of tomatoes thrown at him that day.
kiri: Yes, but by active I mean actively debates with teachers. She will not be afraid to point out something politically or literally wrong that the teachers say, and if they fight back, she will not hesitate to put them in their place. Watch any teacher be openly homophobic while she’s present and they’re gonna get it.
lo'ak: Yes and no. He’s the type of kid to sit by the window and peer out into the sky while not listening to the teacher at all, cause he’s having his main character moment. But he’s ALSO the type of kid to doodle all over the table in permanent marker, and when the teacher says anything remotely related to a joke (peanuts, walnuts, nuts, your mom, getting milk) he’ll point it out and say jokes and turn the whole class laughing and alert in a matter of seconds cause he said something about it. Or he’ll ask stupid questions to stall time. Either way he’s not doing the teachers any favours.
ao'nung: You’d be having a conversation with him by whispering and then the teacher would call on him to answer, and you know what he does?? He answers it PERFECTLY. Nobody knows how he does it. NOBODY KNOWS. This has happened so many times that all the teachers don’t even bother cause they know he’s listening somehow. In short he will only answer questions if called on and in case he needs to ask a question he just sends an e-mail after school, he never speaks voluntarily in class.
rotxo: Bro asks a lot of questions, always raising his hand and asking stupid stuff like Lo’ak but not even on purpose, he’s just oblivious. “Should we use a pen or pencil?” “Can I drink some water?” “Is blue ink okay?” “Can I just type this out on my laptop?” “Ms, do you like dogs?” “Oh. How about ca-” the teachers are sick of him but they don’t do anything about it cause they know he’s just unaware. They do appreciate him when the class is way too silent though. But not all the time.
tsireya: This girl is the sweetest. She raises her hand if the teacher asks a question but nobody answers, because she feels bad for them. In case you want to ask a question but are too shy or uncomfortable you can just send her a little paper note and she’ll ask the question for you! The teachers love her, and they all know her name, even the ones that have never taught her before.
⌲ B for Born For This (Which subject are they best at and most interested in?)
neteyam: He is a master of physics, and he loves it. He will dominate any physics group, always taking the lead and more often than not, doing 90% of the work even if his teammates aren’t lazy. He knows every formula out of the top of his head and consistently gets A+’s every physics assignment. If you aren’t good at physics, find him and be his group partner.
kiri: Interestingly enough, rather than biology, I think she’d love philosophy. She’d be the type of person to ponder really hard about her existence and the existence of others, and if anything was even real. She also loves to mess with people (and the teachers).
“Kiri, why didn’t you submit this assignment?”
“I did.”
“Well I’m not seeing it anywhere.”
“Maybe you’re not seeing anything at all.”
“What is ‘anywhere’ to you?”
“You aren’t seeing it anywhere because ‘anywhere’ doesn’t exist.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“And the concept of ‘anywhere’ does?”
“Oh and you’re sitting on it.”
The teacher will look under themself and literally find it, and when they look up she’s nowhere to be seen.
lo'ak: We have 2 options. Either theatre or band, but I think he’d lean more into being the cool guitar guy in a band. He would shred really well and he knows all the chords, he can play any song with just 10 minutes of experimenting and he would write his own songs (some of them dedicated to….a special someone). And for theatre he’d be more into funny little school dramas rather than plays like Hamilton or Beetlejuice.
ao'nung: This guy is an insane math genius. He doesn’t even actually pay attention to the math lesson, he just listens for the first 5-10 minutes of explanation and boom he understands everything perfectly. Anyone would swear he has like a calculator built into his head with how freakishly speedy he is at calculating things.
“Does anyone know what 67 x 23 i-”
“How did you-” “It’s so easy??”
HE IS A MENACE. Don’t even bother doing your taxes just call Ao’nung (and give him 5 bucks) he’ll have it done in 30 minutes or less. The teachers keep trying to get him to join the math club but he keeps declining, insisting that he already knows what his passion is.
rotxo: He gives major literature vibes. Either that or he’d be really good at multiple languages (he learned 4 to impress 4 different girls that all rejected him). He’s really good with his words and never has any grammar mistakes, he knows the meaning of every word and every phrase. Dictionary who? Oh, and he likes poetry but he keeps it a secret from everyone (only Ao’nung, Tsireya, and Kiri know about it).
tsireya: Now THIS is a Hamilton girlie. Like Lo’ak, she’d be really into theatre or band as in the singer. Her voice is angelic and literally would enrapture everyone’s attention with the first note she sings. She is shy with it though, but Lo’ak is her designated hype man, constantly telling her how good she is at singing and encouraging her to be more confident (so sweet). One time they sang a little duet of an original song Lo’ak wrote and it blew up on YouTube getting like 1.7 million likes. If you ask them where the video is now they’ll say that Lo’ak’s little sister deleted it for her slime asmr youtube channel.
⌲ C for Coolness Scale (If you asked everyone in the school to rate how cool they were on a scale from 0-10, what would they get?)
neteyam: 0.1/10. Nobody considers him “cool”, he’s the golden boy of the school but not like Ao’nung. He’s perfect, but not cool. Kind, but never cool. You asked Lo’ak and he immediately gave his brother a 0 without second thought. Kiri gave him a 1 because she felt bad. Ao’nung also immediately said 0. Tsireya felt too bad to answer the question (cause she knows he’s not cool) and said “whatever Lo’ak said” because she expected him to rate him higher. He didn’t. Rotxo said “whatever Ao’nung said.” and he KNEW he gave him a 0.
kiri: A solid 6/10. Everyone thinks she’s funny, and a bunch of girls gave her a 10 because….👀 Anyways, she mostly keeps to herself and has the most neutral face ever by default, nobody really knows her except for her brothers and Tsireya + Rotxo (Ao’nung is an honourable mention since he knows stuff about her from Tsireya and Rotxo), so everyone thinks she’s the mysterious type when in reality she just keeps her personality to herself and her friends cause “nobody asked”.
lo'ak: 3.5/10. He’s funny and chill but tries to be cool but he isn’t. Tsireya gave him a 9, Neteyam gave him a 2, Ao’nung a 0, Rotxo a 0, Kiri a 0.5. Everyone else gave him 3’s or 4’s cause they appreciate the effort but he’s not cool he’s more of a funny guy.
ao'nung: 9.8/10. Everyone likes him, literally everyone. He’s super popular and all the girls (and some guys) swoon over him whenever he walks past them in the halls, wherever he sits there's bound to be people asking him stuff and wishing him good luck for his games. He’s cool with all the guys, super cool with the girls. He doesn’t like to play with anyone’s feelings so he hasn’t dated anyone yet (his mom raised him right fr). He does have a cocky side to him which he only shows if he knows the other person won’t take it seriously (so literally basically everyone). Even Lo’ak and Neteyam gave him 9’s. The only reason it’s at a 9.8 is because Kiri gave him a 0.
rotxo: I swear if you ask anyone about him they’d be like ‘Who? Oh the guy that hangs around Ao’nung.’ you would have to give up cause too many people would say “who” or “idk”, poor guy. Ao’nung gave him a 10 but you would ask him last cause of what happened with Tsireya (rigged). He’d get a 7/10 but the only voters were Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, Tsireya and Ao’nung.
tsireya: A 10. But how? Ao’nung is the school’s golden boy and she’s the golden girl, but she’s not cool. Realistically she’d get something like a 2. Like Neteyam, she’s super sweet and kind but she’s not cool. Lo’ak was biased and gave her a 10. But here’s the thing; Ao’nung gave her a 10. So naturally….everyone else gave her a 10.
⌲ D for Diligence (Do they submit their assignments early or late?)
neteyam: Super diligent, he’ll submit any assignment as soon as possible. He never clicks on different browsers when there’s an assignment due by the end of the class + he types really fast like it’s insane (his wpm is 369).
kiri: She is literally UNHINGED. If an assignment is due 6.00pm on a wednesday she’ll submit it at 5.59.59pm on a wednesday. Doesn’t matter when the assignment is due, she’ll always submit it like either a second before or directly on time of when it’s due. If school is closed on the due date (like it’s a saturday or sunday) she’ll submit it on Friday right before that teacher goes home. She knows when they go home. Not even on their desk, It’ll be waiting for them in their bag/car. Unhinged.
lo'ak: Assignment? what assignment? It’s all late. LATE. But not like days late, they’re always max 3 days late. He’s not that irresponsible, sometimes he just forgets. He does care about his grades, he’s trying his best. One time he submitted it like 2 minutes late and sent a whole 10 paragraph email to the teacher begging them to not take points off just this one time. They did, thankfully.
ao'nung: He submits them a day before. He procrastinates a lot but he always manages to get everything done in time. Has never submitted an assignment late before.
rotxo: He too hasn’t ever submitted an assignment late, but he always submits his assignments at the most UNGODLIEST of hours. He would submit it on the day of but at like 3.33am for no reason. His teachers are very concerned about his health.
tsireya: Diligent like Neteyam but very relaxed, she does her assignments on her own time. She’ll submit it like 2-3 days before.
⌲ E for Extracurricular (What clubs/team are they in?)
neteyam: Oddly enough, he’s on the swim team, and he’s a hella good swimmer. I just think it makes sense, like just think about neteyam in the swim team. Just think about it. If not swim then he’d be part of the Student Council, like the secretary or something. Maybe both, who knows.
kiri: 100% a member of debate more than anything. She just loves using her intellect to fight people, and you gotta respect that. She’s also vice president of the student council, being much more intimidating than the actual president.
lo'ak: TRACK TEAM. Boy he can RUN, he’s super nimble on his feet and the coaches consider him a blessing from heaven. He has a really good stamina and great endurance, he could run for hours if he really tried. If you ever anger him by talking crap about his family or Tsireya, find a really good hiding spot because you cannot outrun this man.
ao'nung: Captain of the basketball team. Like come on. He loves basketball, it’s his life and he wants to become a professional athlete. He’s willing to do whatever it takes. Oh and he’s treasurer of the student council, just because the president thought he’d be perfect for the job.
rotxo: Newspaper team. He’s great with words and he’s everywhere like an NPC, making him the perfect guy to take photos of literally anything. He definitely has his own column in the school newspaper where you can ask for advice in his anonymous email and he’ll respond in the newspaper (his fake name is Tory).
tsireya: President of the student council. She knows exactly what the school needs and she provides it, the activities/festivals/events she plans are always the bomb and everyone supports her as the president. She’s super nice and is too afraid to get mad at anyone, so Kiri or Ao’nung will do it for her. She is not afraid to show her disappointment with a sharp glare, however, which would literally destroy the heart of any troublemaker trying to ruin any school festivities.
⌲ F for F#?@!!! (Do they swear at school?)
neteyam: No
kiri: Won’t swear at anyone (except for Ao’nung) but does whisper profanity under her breath if she’s stressed out or something. Constantly pulls the middle finger at her brothers (more often at Lo'ak) and Ao’nung though.
lo'ak: Yes, definitely not around teachers but yes, but he’s started to calm it down after Tsireya confronted him about it.
ao'nung: No
rotxo: Once. He was sitting a test in Economics one day and he yelled “F#?!” out of nowhere, got up from his seat and walked out the door. Ao’nung was confused as hell. Being the good friend he was, he snatched Rotxo’s abandoned paper when the teacher wasn’t looking and finished it for him, with a few different answers from his to avoid suspicion, letting him get a B- rather than an F.
tsireya: No
⌲ G for Girl/Guy Magnet (Do they attract more boys or more ladies?)
neteyam: Definitely the girls, they like him cause he’s the soft stoic type and a gentleman. The girls that aren’t into Ao’nung are definitely into Neteyam. He’s super nice and one time he helped a girl pick up her fallen books. That day she fell in love.
kiri: Both. She’s so chill with it and super sarcastic and funny which definitely earns her points in both departments. The guys enjoy her presence, they think she’s different cause her way of messaging is like a guy which confuses them at first but then they really enjoy texting her for no reason (annoys her to hell tbh), leave the woman alone. But if it was a GIRL texting Kiri, she’d have no problem rizzing them up subtly.
lo'ak: Not a magnet at all. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. He bagged a beautiful, gorgeous, kind, loyal, honest, funny girl and he’s not interested in anyone else.
ao'nung: Both. Be so fr. He’s nice but also likes to tease people, he’s funny and confident and hot. And he works out and he’s smart which is like damn how many blessings did Eywa give him? Both girls and boys adore him a lot and look up to him, but he always lets people down gently.
rotxo: Also not a magnet. It’s not like he’s unattractive or anything, but always sits next to Ao’nung or hangs next to Kiri which ultimately takes the attention completely away from him. But he’s alright with it, he already has someone in mind which he’s already close to.
tsireya: Both. Need I say more? She’s literally a mix of Neteyam and Ao’nung (NOT IN THAT WAY) and she always enjoys taking care of herself and she has an impeccable taste in fashion, earning her extra extra bonus points. She would have received like three dozen love letters by now if it weren’t for her older brother, always making sure she’s safe from stupid boys who might break her heart. He may have forgotten about Lo'ak though, but as long as he doesn't hurt her everything will be fine.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
that's all for part 1! idk when part 2 will come out cause I have a lot to do this week, including 2 other WIP fics and making a masterlist. I hope you guys enjoyed it and please lmk if you have any suggestions or comments, i'd love to know what u guys think 💚
i'm also making a hashtag specifically for modern avatar au content that any other creator can use freely (it'll be the first one listed below) so it's easier for people to find this sort of stuff cause everytime i type avatar modern au its avatar the last airbender 😭
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