#yeah no cause I'm genderfluid + lesbian
william-austin · 1 year
reminder that pronouns ≠ gender and gender ≠ sexuality
+ gay/lesbian nb ppl are very valid 🩵
okay thank you happy pride 🏳️‍🌈
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hikarry · 2 months
I'm aware this question might be too personal, but you are the only other genderfluid person I know and you seem nice enough so I'm taking a leap and just asking the stuff I have to ask
How do you let other people know when your pronouns change?
Do you shave?
Is it normal to spend long periods of time just feeling like one of the genders and switch just from time to time?
Do you paint your nails? Even when youre masc?
How did your friends and family react when you came out with your gender? Did you suffer any transphobia so far?
I don't really. People can use any pronouns they want to refer to me, I honestly don't give a damn. I'm probably not the right person to ask that question.
I don't shave when I'm feeling masc and I shave when I'm feeling fem and/or androgynous and the outfits ask for it. The only part of my body I shave all the time is my sideburns because they are too long and I don't like it
Yeah? I mean, most of the time i feel androgynous leaning on the masc and pontually feel totally fem or totally masc. I would say it's normal
I do! Not all the time, cause sometimes I lack the patience, but regardless of my gender, I paint my nails. Alas, if I'm feeling truly masc, I only paint them black. Fem or otherwise androgynous I go crazy on the colors. I think my main ones are black, white, red and blue.
My oldest friends probably already forgot about my gender and still treat me as a female and call me by my dead name. They are old friends, I get it. It stings a bit, but I understand why. My "newest" or queer friends just went with it, really. They max asked me my new name and my pronouns and went from there. Sometimes they still call me by my dead name, but when they do, they apologize.
The only person in my family that knows is my grandma and she reacted really well, to be fair. At first she didn't understand and I'm not sure she grasps the concept all that well still, but she tries. She doesn't know my new name tho. That's a bit too much for her, I believe.
I don't really look trans, so, no. I've had some homophobic slurs thrown my way, but that's about it. No transphobia, mainly because I look like an average lesbian
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prettybambifemme · 1 month
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@butchbussy RIGHT? Like, I seriously don't either. I'm fine with it just as long as men aren't calling themselves lesbians, or like...a lesbian is dating a whole man, cause like, that's kinda what lesbianism means. Any and everything that is not men.
But lesbians dating genderfluid people? Pangender people? Just general multi gender people? Yeah, I don't give a shit. Personally, I'm dating an omnigender person and a transmasc genderqueer person. Lesbianism includes *anything* that isn't men. That's my piece.
I wouldn't call myself a "bi/pan lesbian" or "mspec lesbian" cause it's not really for me. I prefer just lesbian, but I respect mspec lesbians fully; as long as they're not dating a man.
I just hate queer discourse, it seriously gets on my nerves. What ever happened to being accepting? What ever happened to being QUEER. Being DIFFERENT?
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madame-mongoose · 4 months
Was trying to find your post about like, the hyper masculinization of the dca and how you see them as nonbinary or something 'cause I was talking with my friends about the Sun x Chica and Sun x Roxy ships and said this
Honestly I only ever like Sun x Chica and Sun x Roxy if it’s in a lesbian “girls night out that Sun joins because they’re not 100% a girl” way
I imagine Moon tries kissing Chica and Roxy one time and is like nope can’t do this y’all are strictly friends to me, if I’m joining any girls nights out it’s gotta be as a friend only, not a partner
Roxy is indifferent on it but Chica 100% agrees with Moon and is like yeah no kissing you is weird
(The comment about Moon were sprcifically about my au of them, not moon x them in general, in that au Sun is genderfluid and pan and poly and Moon is agender and demiromantic and demisexual and poly)
I said this after someone said something about shipping Roxy and Sun and Moon
Tbh I think my problem isn't with the ship so much as it is with like being reminded "oh people see the dca as a cis man and see this as a het ship" when I'm more of the opinion that the dca is nonbinary and all ships with them are queer in some way or another. So sometimes I get a bit uncomfy if people like really go out of their way to make the dca hyper cis masculine and het
But that's a me thing, it's not something other people need to or should be forced to conform to
One friend replied with "God you put it into words perfectly" and I was reminded of your post about this sorta thing
i tried to find the post but i couldnt either XP but yeah!!! exactly exactly my feelings! honestly i feel that way for a lot of characters. like wheatley is a funny example bc hes very obviously a lot more masculine than sun and moon. but i still feel mega uncomfy with very cis masculine depictions. probably one of the big reasons i dont like chelley. robots are the perfect partners bc they ARENT human and therefore dont typically have that same vibe as humans do gender wise. so its always very odd and uncomfy to me seeing hyper-masculinity being pushed onto characters im attracted to.
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ayellowbirds · 2 years
state of the system, edit 2024/1/19
@autobotwarrior: Arcee, she/her¹. Lesbian Autobot.
@ayellowbirds: Rainbow Taylor, it/its or she/her or they/them. Lesbian demigirl golem, median subsystem.
@dzhukhe: Kerys Freeman*, it/its or she/her. Pansexual lumin gyne.
@faxedstar: Shavit MiBeyt-Halley, co/com or they/them. Asexual nonbinary coronis.
@flowerhurricane: Lita, she/her. Human woman, biromantic asexual. First fronted 2023/12/6
@fraylin: Aidel*** RS, she/her. Near-human woman, possibly bi? bisexual.
@hebephage: Ran, she/her bisexual kijin, fictive² median subsystem.
@neveyleh: Miriam** "Bone" Bowen, any pronouns. Genderfluid human (corpse), sexuality is "yes".
@responsiblyirresponsible: Justine Wakely Tylor, she/her. Trans woman fictive, sexuality is a noncommittal hand-wave. First turned up in headspace a while after Aidel, but only recently started fronting for more than a few minutes.
@urukuduk: Sylviandrine Augustina Attercop, fae/faer or she/her. Bisexual woman, orc/halfling mix.
¹: I turned up 8/15/2023! I was around in the background of headspace for a while but nobody was sure who I was until I pushed to front.
² Ran has been hiding in-system for a while (we're not entirely sure how long), but only actually fronted for the first time on 9/9/23
*: Kerys didn't have a surname, so it asked its husband Haskell for his. This caused Haskell to briefly bluescreen, it was cute as fuck.
**: Fuck yeah! That's me, I'm not new but the realization that I'm my own damn person is.
***: Aidel is a fictive but felt anxious about using the name she had in her source media since this body is of European/Mediterranean Jewish ancestry and she's from an anime/manga/LN franchise. She showed up completely unexpectedly on December 2, 2022.
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berryicet · 1 year
Please don't feel obligated to answer this ask at all if it's uncomfortable!!
Can you explain what an mspec lesbian is?? Because I've seen it associated with bi/pan lesbians and I don't support that at all. Genderfluid and he/him users can be lesbians as long as their gender isn't strictly male, cause it fluctuates between nb and a woman too I'm p sure!!
But like?? Men and demi-boys (still including being a male) are men?? And lesbian is non men ?? So I'm confused on what it is??
Sorry if this is an odd ask !!! But I saw the lesboy silver spoon thing and I think it's cool but I don't wanna support something bad :(
Bi/pan and mspec lesbians never have and never will be something bad. It's just queer people using labels however they wish to use them.
The "non men loving non men" definition is literally just a Tumblr definition, and also a really flawed one. A non man? But what about bigender people who are simultaneously a man and woman but feel strict attraction to women? In this case, maybe the term "bi lesbian" would fit them!
Also the "genderfluid can be lesbians as long as they aren't strictly male" is completely missing the point of being genderfluid. Maybe the term you're looking for is genderfae, but genderfluid will always fluctuate to masc genders. That won't change my attraction to women in any way. I'm still a lesbian.
Maybe the definition "queer attraction to women" will help a little more, but I see that as the inherent problem. You shouldn't try to put strict definitions on things, because that will inevitably end up excluding someone (almost always certain trans people).
Also warning you that the "bi/mspec lesbians aren't valid" talk is blatant TERF rhetoric. It's trying to push this idea of a "gold star lesbian". It sees men or men aligned genders in this case as "tainting the purity" of a "true lesbian". It claims that men are trying to steal women and lesbians spaces, when in reality that's far from the truth. The American government has passed around 60 anti-trans laws in the past few months and multiple gay bars are raided and shot up by conservatives. It's not other queer people hurting the community. It's just a made-up issue on tiktok spread around by teens who don't bother to look deeper into it.
Whatever sort of queer discourse arrises, jsyk other queer people are not the enemy and never will be. So if someone wants to use the mspec or bi lesbian label? Then yeah. Whatever. It's a personal thing. You shouldn't get mad at someone over a personal thing just because you don't understand it. Gender and sexualities are complex.
Get rid of the little bug in your brain that tells you everything should have strict definitions and rules, because that basically goes against everything the queer community has been about and has been fighting against.
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lesbian-ashe · 8 months
it's funny to me how genderfluid and multigender people are always used as a gotcha in gay and lesbian "discourse." you're always saying "gender isn't always black and white there is not always a hard line between man and woman some people are both simultaneously" cause like... you're right! yeah! no one's arguing that! we are not saying otherwise! yes, genderfluid and multigender people who are both man and woman sometimes or at the same time exist! we DO know that
but the thing is, like... gay men and lesbians are still not obligated to be attracted to or have relationships with them. we are not invalidating them because of that. lots of lesbians do not want to date someone who is a man sometimes or partly. they aren't attracted to them or aren't comfortable with that. same for gay men with people who have woman in em. this is okay. we do not fucking HAVE to include them in our attraction and this is not some act of bigotry, it's a perfectly acceptable boundary
and yes, just as well, plenty of gay folk don't mind this. they are still attracted to and want or have relationships with genderfluid/multigender folk who are also the gender they aren't attracted to, and this does not invalidate their own identity or mean they feel attracted to that gender. I've never seen anyone claim that it does! I won't say no one's ever said it, I'm not naive, but it should say something if I've never seen it with all the lesbian blogs I browse, and I really doubt you've seen anyone say that more than once or twice, if ever. almost like this claim is not representative of our side
I've talked to multigender people who are only comfortable with having relations with bi/multisexual people, because they feel like they are not loved wholly or that parts of their identity are disregarded when or if they dated a straight, gay, or lesbian person. others still don't feel this way and are comfortable with dating those people. almost like it's all a matter of personal preference and comfort on both sides, and neither party is wrong for it in either direction. because it's not black and white, as established. basically, you're all putting words in our mouths and then getting mad for what we AREN'T saying
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sirenofstyxx · 11 months
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🕸"Alright let's do this another time because let's be honest, this won't be the last"🕸
The name is Spider-Menace, the one and only wall crawler of earth 2018. I was bit by a radioactive spider but unlike others mine was mutated and fused with a symbiote. While Venu was unable to fuse with me, they somehow managed to mutate me into a weird half symbiote...thing. My insides might be goo. Anyway yeah that's me but I'm more interested to see how this "Spider society" thing is gonna go. I've already met someone pretty cool at least so...there's that"
HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!!! It's extremely late ik but I wanted to squeeze out one thing. Tho by the time you are reading this it's July lol. Opposite of companies ig so that's fun.
ALSO!!!! I WATCHED SPIDERVERSE AND I HAVE BEEN SCREWING AROUND WITH THIS DESIGN FOR WEEKS!!! BUT ITS HERE!!! My spidersona, Spider-Menace, or The Spider-Menace if you'd prefer. Like I said in this universe they were bit by venom who was fused with a radioactive spider which kinda liquefied his insides into a symbiote. While they don't have traditional symbiote things, like a full monster form, they have some abilities. Menace is also working with venom to find the scientists that caused all this to hopefully give venom the ability to infuse with his spidery host, who is affectionately called Sneaks or lil spy. If Menace is referring to both of them, she usally just called them spy-ven, much to venom's displeasure. Spyven also lives in a hatch on the back of Menace's "pedipalps" which also act as headphones to cancel out extra noise and tune in to things they need to listen to. Most of this stuff is diy or stolen btw. Menace is also currently part of the Spider society and has recently become close with Doodlebug(my partner's spidersona who I will post doodles of. Lol)
Also wanted to show off my headshot I made in better detail with a genderfluid lesbian pride web for fun.
Also unrelated but it was my bday and i went to a waterpark as well as pride in NC!!!! It was really fun and was my 1st real pride festival!! Saw some mandos which was a lil surreal. Anyway happy pride hope it was as good as mine!!
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
I’ve got two Pride Asks! Numbers 15 and 21 please.
Happy Pride Month! 🌈
thank you for sending this in, babe. i love you. did i tell you that today? cause i do ♥️♥️ hope you got that rest/relaxation you needed and deserve.
send me some pride asks
(this got super long and personal, i'm putting a read more link)
15. how has your identity changed over time?
oooh boy, get ready for a wild ride. 4yo me thought i was a cis lesbian (i didn't know those words, but that's what i identified as still) because i loved all the disney princesses so much and had many crushes on my girl friends.
then young teenage me fell hard for a boy, one of my worst heartbreaks, and so i thought i was straight and had only been attention seeking all those years before (where i never told anyone about thinking i was a lesbian so... yeah that didn't seek much attention now did it)
then older teenage me found out bisexual wasn't just a porn fantasy/category but an actual identity and i went, "okay, i've figured it out, i'm a bisexual cis girl! yay, done!"
except i always felt like... restricted under that label? and i started hearing more and more about non binary genders and options, and it kind of always stayed at the back of my mind. but i was hella busy with work during the covid pandemic and studying back then, so i just never thought about it seriously.
about a year and a half ago, i wasn't well, and it took a while for me to link that to my gender identity. i thought about it, read on it, and figured i was probably transmasc, partly because getting confused for a man at times (like under scrubs and with a mask on) made me feel so... giddy? and so i switched pronouns on here for she/they to "transition" lightly into it.
time went on, and now i'm not so sure about the masc part anymore. i think i'm just non binary, maybe agender, maybe genderfluid, maybe genderfucked idek. one of my issues is that i wish i could just look androgenous so people would by default go for neutral pronouns with me, but i'm a little tired of masculine being the expected norm for androgenous? like i love it on others and i wish i could pull it off, but also i wanna braid my hair and color it pretty "girly" colors, i wanna wear outrageous make up and a deep cleavage and still be called they, yk what i mean?
so yeah, that's where i'm at. i'm a cishet bisexual girl using she/her irl, and a genderweirdo on here who goes by they/them pronouns in english and masculine ones in french (because a. the french neutral options really aren't doing it for me for now, and b. that way it kind of evens out all the rl female-passing).
21. what message would you give to your younger self?
yeah, just... i'd warn them they're in for a lot of changes and to not get attached to any identity because they're fucking insane and it's not gonna get better with the years lmao
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legion-gringo · 2 years
// this is heavy and personal //
It's supposed to be my 4 year HRTiversary but something happened.
A few months back I stopped feeling as much like a girl, then I started taking T as well as E, then I stopped taking E, then I stopped wearing women's clothing then I stopped wearing makeup. I might go back to E/being a girl at a later date, but I might not.
Now I wear suits, use the men's toilets, go by he him pronouns, and I'm happy - or as happy as I was as a girl. I still feel trans, but I'm not really transfeminine at this point, and I'm clearly not transmasc either.
I don't think i count as transmisogyny affected, even. I just seem to most people like an effeminate gay man (they're not wrong, but it's more complicated than that, same as it is for anyone really)
I don't have any regrets - I look at my tits (small and perky) and I think they're neat. I like that estrogen gave me a softness and a connection to my emotions I had previously been lacking, but I like that T has given me the composure and poise to push back the tears and communicate to ppl how I feel instead of just falling apart and letting people see how I feel from that.
It's hard though. Am I detrans? Not really but I do make some people uncomfortable, I suspect. Or a joke that I could have made without a second thought suddenly becomes a minefield of "is he allowed to say that"
There's another detrans grifter in the media. This one is complaining that testosterone made him bald so he "may as well" keep being a guy even tho he regrets it. Fuckin idiot. Men go bald. If I go bald I think I'm gonna cry, (only I can't cry now.) Does this make me a hypocrite?
What's a HRTiversary anyway - it's a big deal for some, for others it's just "the earliest date possible they could get on hrt."
There's other people like me, irl and online, doing similar things - retransitioning rather than detransitioning - but I don't really feel that connected to them either. I know people desperate to tell you that they're a boy (but a girl really!!!!) and try and look as clocky as possible - this reads as weirdly transphobic against the tboys. There's a way to honor and appreciate trans beauty without fetishising clockiness, that's chasershit to me.
Idk where I'm going with this tbh. I don't really understand it but I am starting to resent the constant attempt by other trans people to categorise me into something safe, or at least nameable .
"so have you detransitioned"
"so you're still a girl"
"kind of but not really"
"are you a man?"
"yeah I guess"
"oh you're nonbinary"
"oh! You're genderfluid"
"idk no I don't think so"
"oh you're just nonbinary but you don't like the word"
It's funny as well how many people are completely in denial about what's happening in the same way that my family/coworkers were at the start of my first transition.
*turns up to a party in a suit*
"gurl you look amazing"
*uses men's bathrooms*
"wow she's so fierce"
*gently corrects misgendering*
"Hun you are so butch"
What I've really learned as well is how fuckin godawful girlie culture is from the outside. You go to a trans night in London and everyone's making the same tired jokes about praise kinks and headpats, catgirls and thighhighs, whether they're 19 or 50. Some stranger tried to pat my head at a punk gig my girlfriend was playing back in april and I told her to go fuck herself. If I tried that now I'd probably get booted from the community. Fuckin hell we got Imogen Binnie, Lou Sullivan, yknow there's actual cool parts of The Culture that you can engage with/riff on (like Jackie Ess did with Darryl and its links to Nevada) - why are we content with memes about sword lesbians and blahaj?
I'm part of the problem, too! I did that stupid "gifted boy to burnout girl with a praise kink" post from last year that I've seen go around twitter, Facebook, insta, tiktok, I'm feeding the cultural rot.
I fully expect to lose followers over this, cause it's upsetting to hear. i avoided detransitioners (still not a word i identify with) like the plague ever since i transitioned, not just cause they're normally creepy and weird but i think i genuinely believed that they'd somehow social-contagion me (Torrey Peters is occasionally capable of making a salient point, turns out!)
Anyway whatever. Burn it all down. Love and solidarity to my trans siblings, if this is creepy and weird to hear, catch you on the flipside in like 6 months when i get bored of this and go back to being a girlie
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fierrochaseist4t · 2 years
Sparky sparky sparky! I MUST hear ur thoughts on wlw jasico and mlm pipeyna I'm so intruiged!!
okay so for the genderbend au im literally just switching my headcanons from what i have in the already canon universe 😭 for simplicity imma just say my genderbend au gender/sexuality hcs before i actually get into explaining dynamics and stuff (under cut since this is a ramble-y post)
nico - transfem genderfluid lesbian, she/he
jason - transneutral nb bi, they/she
reyna - transfem gay, he/they
piper - transneutral queer, they/he/she
also cw for talks of dysphoria and queerphobia
okay so first off wlw jasico bc yes. i love them sm. nico deals with a lot of dysphoria and comphet, a good deal of that comes from growing up closeted in the 30s. she's still got the idea that all "real" girls settle down with a nice guy and start a family, which she doesn't want, so it causes her a deal of dysphoria. after she spends some time at cj, she makes good friends with reyna and jason, both of whom are openly queer at the time. jason being bi and reyna being trans as well. they share experiences and help her learn to accept and love the fact that she's trans and a lesbian. eventually, he and jason develop feelings for each other but keep their relationship private. not necessarily secret, but they didn't go around telling everyone about the details and intricacies of their relationship.
now onto mlm pipeyna. i really like the idea of transmasc lesbian reyna in the normal pjoverse so naturally in a genderbent au im a sucker for the idea of transfem gay reyna. i think reyna would come to terms with himself fairly easily, given the fact that he doesn't really wanna change much about himself??? i see him still going by he/him pronouns because of familiarity and adding they/them pronouns to the list. both sets offer a certain kind of comfort for two entirely different reasons. they knew they liked guys since they were like 11 and basically just said "oh. yeah ok we'll go with this." didn't really tell anyone, just kinda let them figure it out when they never talked about any girls they liked and mentioned his various boyfriends he's had over the years. they're not too invested in romance but enjoy it and are a overall very good partner. piper i think probably took more time to accept themself, but when they did they had a very "oh you don't like it? sucks ig" attitude towards people who gave her shit about it. so im very much lead to believe that the two of them were comfortable with each other right off the bat and eventually developed feelings for one another. reyna took more time to develop feelings i think, but eventually were cool with how they saw piper and asked him out.
this was me when i saw this ask
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ty for letting me ramble about this 😭 <33
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Oh yeah it's pride month
My name is Winter, I'm a lesbian and I'm a fem leaning genderfluid! I go by all pronouns cause gender is a joke!
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hikarry · 2 months
Your genderfluid, right? Have you ever been attacked by a transphobe? Or is Portugal chill?
Yes, I am! Your friendly neighborhood genderfluid entity!
And nop
Mainly because I don't look trans. I look like a generic lesbian. If you search for the word "lesbian" in the dictionary you will have a picture of me, my flannel shirts and my dirty all-stars
With that being said, it's not that I don't want to look trans: I do. Very badly. You have no idea how badly my dysmorphia hits me when I'm in full masc mode. But my chest doesn't allow me to pass as a guy
Soon I'll have a breast reduction surgery - no, I aint taking the tits totally off. I'm genderfluid, I need them for fluidity reasons - and I'll be able to walk around without a fucking bra and wear an open shirt with nothing else under it, barely covering beforehand mentioned small tits, like my genderfluid ass deserves!
Until then, I cannot escape the "Hello miss!" cage
Don't get me wrong: the "Hello Miss" feels nice sometimes. When I feel fem. I'm totally fine with it. But when I'm masc? Boy, oh boy
My objective in life is to make all the straights and gays confused
"Is that a really short dude, or is that a lesbian?"
For now, I'm just a lesbian. One day I shall also be a really short dude
Answering the second part of the ask:
It depends.
In small areas, people will judge. Some judge me cause I look gay. Usually the ones that know me personally don't. Some of them even say I look better now, but alas. Those are people with which I grew up.
In big cities, some people will stare, some won't give a shit
Currently we are having a political shift in the country and stuff is getting hard for minorities, queer folk included. We got 50 fascists in the parliament because, in a universe of 10 million people, more than 1 million voted for them. There's, at least, more than 1 million homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc etc in the country and you don't know who they might be. You might be safe, you might be not. Before they were hidding, but now they have a leader and power. They are not ashamed to show their colors anymore, so you truly never know if you are safe if you look too queer.
I have a friend - she's trans, not genderfluid like me - and she has been attacked before. Mainly when she was still in the process of transitioning and was still not passing as a woman. I haven't talked to her in a while, but I believe now everything is chill cause no one new in her life knows she is trans. She just doesn't tell anyone because she got scared and I understand why. But that's sad, isn't it?
So, yeah. We are kinda chiil. We are kinda not.
The max that ever happened to me was having a homophobic slur thrown my way. And 5 years of my father forcing me to pretend I was straight even tho I had already came out to everyone.
Better safe than sorry, I would say
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redheadbigshoes · 4 months
Hi. This is going to be long, so I apologize in advance. I'm just really struggling and could use some advice.
So, I guess a bit of background on me: I'm 21 years old and consider myself to be 100% asexual and 90% aromantic (I specifically identify as greyromantic). Attraction does not happen very often for me, and usually, when it does happen, it's kind of... dull? It's not really that strong. I'm just like, "Oh yeah, I guess I like this person." I also don't generally feel attraction to people I don't know. 99% of the time, I have to be friends with someone first before I experience attraction to them. Even then, it's not a guarantee.
Lately, though, I've been wondering if most of my crushes weren't actually crushes. The crush I had at 11 just so happened to be the same guy my best friend had a crush on. My crush on a guy friend when I was 14 only happened after my dad suggested that he would be a good boyfriend. I'm fairly certain my crush on a guy friend when I was 17 was only because I wanted to get to know him better as a friend. The crush I had on my older friend when I was 16 could very well be another instance of mistaking platonic feelings with romantic feelings. This one could also be me kind of idolizing him because he was the first openly lgbtq+ friend I had ever had and, as a teenager who had just discovered they were queer through their asexuality, I probably just sort of was like "he's different like me!!! I'm not alone!"
However, when I was 20, I experienced an overwhelming amount of attraction for this buff woman who came into my workplace to order cookies. I had never met her before, but I had to use all my self-control to keep myself from staring at her. I had never felt attraction like that before, I had no idea it could happen so strongly, and with a complete stranger!
So, looking back on that experience a year later, I find myself reflecting on my other "crushes." Did I actually feel attraction to them, or did I just want to be closer friends?
Additionally, when I was a kid, when other girls would ask me what my "type" was, I literally had no idea. How are you supposed to answer that question? If I were asked that question now, I would probably say that my type is buff women, but at the time, I had no idea that attraction to the same gender was a thing.
Also, I've always thought that women are so much more attractive and beautiful than men. I see an attractive man and I'm like "yeah okay I guess he's pretty" but I see an attractive woman and I'm like "😍 she's so beautiful!!!!!"
Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is, do you think my attraction to men was just me subconsciously "picking" who to be attracted to or mistaking platonic feelings for romantic ones?
I just want to figure out if I'm actually attracted to men. It's just so hard when I experience attraction so infrequently. I want to be able to definitively either call myself polyromantic or biromantic (I can't call myself a lesbian since that would probably cause me gender dysphoria. I'm a transmasc genderfluid person who switches between nonbinary and binary genders, which include man and masculine genders in addition to woman and feminine genders).
I'm just really confused.... for the longest time, I thought movies always exaggerated how people experience crushes because there's no way you actually care that much. Then I experienced strong attraction to a woman, and I was like "oh that's what it's like."
Anyway, sorry for this ask being so long. Thank you for your time. If this ask makes you uncomfortable at all, feel free to ignore it.
Well I can’t tell what you are exactly because that’s something only you can tell, but from the things you said it definitely seems like your attraction to women is genuine while the times you thought you had a crush on guys seemed to either be because you just wanted to be friends with them or because someone else liked them so you were just trying to go along with it.
Tbh from everything you said it’s actually very relatable lol it’s pretty common when you’re attracted to women and not attracted to men, when comparing how you feel about both of them, to think men are like “he’s okay ig” or “meh” or just recognize their physical beauty meanwhile with women it’s like “😍😍😍 she is a goddess”.
Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you’re just indifferent when it comes to men from actually being attracted to them but having bigger preferences for women.
I feel like something that could help you understand whether you’re actually attracted to men or not is picking 2 people (a man and a woman) you think are attractive. I did this by choosing either celebrities or fictional characters. Compare what you feel about both of them. If the guy you only recognize his physical appearance without desiring anything more, that probably means you’re not attracted to them.
And I am pretty sure there are labels that exist only to describe attraction to women (without stating your gender alignment) like trixic or neptunic.
And no need to apologize for the ask! I am not uncomfortable of answering you at all.
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sureuncertainty · 3 years
exclusionists are big mad that multigender and plural people exist huh... :/
#not trying to start shit but i've been seeing a lot more of exclusionism on here lately and it makes me :(#people are SO AGAINST the mspec lesbian labels in particular and i'm just like my guy please just breathe#like some people are men and women#some people are neither#some people are many people#'words mean things' yes and they're not immutable they're also made up by people#also don't clown on this or i'll just block you lol here in my house we support all sexualities and labels#because we understand that just becuase we don't understand someone's experience doesn't mean we should shit on it#i'm nonbinary and i don't feel comfortable being included in lesbian attraction for instance#but exclusionists LOVE to use us as a gotcha like 'lesbian includes women and femme aligned enbies' like ????#okay but like how do you define 'femme aligned' 'cause half the time i see people say that they really just mean afab lol#y'all just have extremely rigid definitions of things for some reason and try and push that on other pepole#i just REALLY hate when people try and claim that it's enbyphobic to be inclusive of mspec lesbian identities#always just lesbian no one cares about mspec gays hmmmm#but anyway like okay? some nonbinary people are bigender? some are genderfluid? sometimes someone might be a man one day#and a woman another so are they only included in lesbian attraction when they're a woman?#is that what you're gonna do exclusies nitpick everyone down to THAT#like good fucking luck with that#also yeah not to even MENTION the existence of plural folk for whom gender and sexuality is usually nebulous at best#not to go off but it's almost june and i'm SICK of exclusionists being big whiny babies about the fact that labels exist they don't#understand
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opossum-the-burr · 3 years
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