#yandere susie
yanderes-galore · 2 years
You know how in your yandere ralsei with player darling, ralsei says "kris and susie will love you" (or something) I request what would happen if kris,ralsei and susie are all yanderes when they meet/get to know you
Oh my... well, I'll talk a little bit on it as it falls into the harem category but sure! Aged up just in case. Take this as a loose continuation of this.
I just gave my thoughts! Curious on what yours was!
Yandere! Fun Gang with Player! Darling
Short Concept/Discussion
(Kris, Susie, Ralsei)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Harem/Poly(?), Slight jealousy, Self-aware AU.
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- Well, now instead of one you're dealing with three.
- Three that may fight at points, but overall, get along great.
- Susie is really the only one who would have trouble sharing at first.
- Kris is down with it if their friends are and Ralsei just wants everyone to get along.
- Once Kris and Ralsei know they both are obsessed with you, they have a better chance at compromising.
- When Susie learns of this, she will fight about it before chilling out when Ralsei tries to convince her along with Kris.
- "Just think about it! If we just all promise to care and protect (Y/N), we don't need to fight! We want the same thing!"
- "Guess you're right...."
- As this would take place after the Ralsei concept I did, you'll still be trying to figure out a way home.
- Not yet aware you have gained two more people to try and stop you from leaving.
- Most of the time you're kept in the Dark World with Ralsei.
- Although he lets you "get some fresh air" with Kris and Susie once they establish they are all taking care of you.
- The Overworld is the closest thing you get to your own.
- Except for all the monsters, of course.
- As you are not from either world, you can exist in both the Overworld and Dark World.
- Everyone just assumes you moved in and became new friends with Kris and Susie.
- You're introduced to everyone Kris wishes for you to meet.
- You meet Noelle because Susie asks Kris to introduce you to her.
- You barely even get to meet Berdly.
- Toriel is just happy Kris is meeting more friends.
- Once the two feel you had enough, you're brought right back to Ralsei.
- He goes on and on about how much he missed you before hugging you.
- Ralsei is no doubt the most affectionate of the three.
- Kris depends, he can either be just as affectionate or not as much like Susie.
- Susie isn't really physically affectionate all the time, but there's moments.
- Ralsei is not one for aggressive punishments while Susie is.
- Again, Kris always seems to be the person in the middle.
- Having all three want to keep you makes your chances at escape even worse than before.
- They weren't even that big to begin with-
- Now Ralsei's convinced this is your new home if Kris and Susie like you just as much as him!
- You wouldn't abandon those who love you, would you?
- He knows you wouldn't.
- "I told you they'd love you, didn't I?"
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
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I can’t for sure remember exactly how long it’s been since that fated day or the last time any of us saw you before that, but I know it’s had to have been quite awhile by now, right? Being here really messes with one’s concept of time but we never really paid too much mind to it, there are more important things at hand after all.
That all being said though you couldn’t possibly try to imagine our reactions to finding out you were stuck somewhere in this place too. We honestly didn’t believe Susie when she first told us, then again you wouldn’t have either given the state she was in. She was a complete sobbing, blabbering incoherent mess. It took us, or rather Julie, quite awhile to calm her down enough to actually understand what she was saying and none of us were prepared to hear it.
You were here.
You were actually really fucking here?!
There was no way. No way in hell you were in this place. No way. We couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't wrap my head around it. I guess I didn’t want to get our hopes up, my hopes up.
It wasn’t until the rest of us saw you for ourselves that it finally sunk in. You were really here, with us. Fortunately, we had our masks on so you didn’t recognize us. I promise next time our interaction will go differently, you won’t have to run away again or hide from us. I’m sorry we scared you, I really am, we all are, but it comes with the territory you know? Soon enough you’ll come to understand our new place in this world as Legion but we won’t go into that right away. We did just reunite after all. I promise you you’ll be safe with the four of us around now. We’ll protect you no matter what. You’re our only exception, the rest of the other survivors are still free game though.
Now that we do have you with us again don’t expect us to just give up on you. After everything you’re not going to go anywhere ever again. We’ve missed you so fucking much and you being here only reminds us of what we’ve missed out on since we came here so there’s no way we could possibly just let you abandon us. Not again. And we will go through as many other survivors as we have to just to keep you.
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g0blintears · 1 day
Dark Devotion [Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Reader]
Summary: You are a mystery to both the survivors and killers within the fog. A servant of darkness, a creature created by the entity itself, you are the shadow behind the scenes that provides the survivors with the necessities they need to survive, while also assisting killers with the weapons they need to sacrifice. You are a servant void of humanity, but not one that seeks out despair. An empty slate that perhaps just needs to be taught a little bit of hope and empathy to help the survivors escape once and for all.
Four. Bitter Murmur
Placing the new box of knives out on the counter, you gazed down at the magenta colored blades, inspecting the new weapon as they shined under the dull cabin lights. It hadn’t been long since you left the entity realm to retrieve these new accessories. Since it was difficult to travel, the entity would often send you off to one of the many different worlds to get new clothes and items for both the survivors and killers to use. 
You couldn’t quite understand why it was necessary to get these meaningless items. Apparently all of the clothes you’ve retrieved held some sort of significance to both the killers and survivors from their past lives. You couldn't see the value in those things. Sure, some were curious such as one of the survivor’s blue, white, and red sailor outfit with the ‘scoops ahoy’ logo, or one of the killer’s bunny masks that was worn down and burnt. However, you couldn’t see why those clothes would fuel either side with determination.
You didn’t question it though. You simply took what you were asked to take and stock those items in the store.
Picking up a new throwing knife, you carefully wiped down the blade before placing it gently on the velvet cushion display. As you did so, your eyes peered over to the entrance of the store. 
Swinging open the door, Ji-Woon stood at the entrance of the cabin in curiosity. His eyes wandered over the cramped cabin, from the creaking, wooden floorboards to all the odd trinkets that were set out on display. He scoured the store with a scrutinizing gaze until his sharp golden hues finally landed on you.
“Greetings, Trickster.” You welcomed him. Placing a blade down, you looked over at him with a pointed stare. “Is there something you need?”
The male looked at you with a single raised brow, but after a moment he chuckled and waved a hand dismissively at you.
“Just looking around. Go back to what you’re doing.”
You gave a curt nod and turned back to the knives display.
While you cleaned, Ji-Woon looked around the make-shift store. His eyes went from the other killer’s weapons and outfits. He grimaced at all that was displayed. They were all so tasteless. Tacky. Nothing that would suit his style. In fact, everything in this realm didn’t suit him. 
When Ji-Woon first agreed to coming to the entity realm, he thought he’d be living his same old lavish lifestyle, except with the freedom to as many victims as he pleased. Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite the case. Sure, he was happy with the endless amount of freedom to kill, but he wasn’t told that he would have to wait. In fact, he didn’t even know there were others like him. Killers. Whether they were there on their own free will or against their will, they were all killers, and Ji-Woon realized that he wasn’t as special as he had hoped. 
Although he hadn’t been special in getting this kind of opportunity, he was special in a different category.
While all the other killers kept to themselves, Ji-Woon preferred a more spontaneous style. Be it his looks, attitude, or brutality in the trials, he was different. So when he heard that there was a store in the realm, something more to set him apart from the others, he immediately wanted to check it out. 
All of the outfits and accessories though, none of them caught his interest. Chainsaws were too unruly. Kitchen knives were too bland. And masks? Why would he want to hide his handsome face? Nothing in the store would suit him.
Or at least he thought, until his gaze finally landed on a section of the store where you stood. Sauntering over, Ji-Woon smiled as though he had just found his long lost love.
“Hello gorgeous.” He hummed, picking up the black bat with purple stripes and gold accents on the spikes of the bat. Giving the bat a few good swings, the male laughed to himself, imagining hitting those survivors with a powerful blow. “Ahh, I haven’t seen you in so long! But back then you were merely a prop for a music video, but now…” Ji-Woon turned around one of the mannequin displays. Putting as much force in, he blew the head right off the mannequin. 
“Now you’re perfect!” 
Turning around, Ji-Woon walked over to where you stood. His eyes glanced at you for a brief moment before his focus was solely on the displays behind you. All of them from old concerts, runway shows, and music videos he had been part of. It was all him.
The male hummed to himself, not caring if he were taking up any of your personal space. He simply grazed his fingers over the outfits while squishing you between him and the corner. Usually he wouldn’t be so chummy with strangers, however, he was in a good mood, and being the generous person he was, he wanted to make your day as well by letting you be in his presence. After all, he was The Trickster. 
Rummaging through the racks, Ji-Woon set a few outfits on his forearm all while you stood in place, still and silent.
You weren’t quite sure what to do. You’ve never been so close to anyone before. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. You’ve only ever been close to two individuals, and they only ever been so because they wanted to kill you.
It was odd though. The trickster wasn’t trying to kill you. Unlike the times where the two killers would press you up against the wall, knife in hand and trying to tear at your skin, the trickster being so close was different from that. You could feel his body heat, smell his scent- a mix of mint and blood, and see every detail of his features. It was peculiar. 
You stared up at him with focused [eye color] eyes.
He reminded you of an insect.
“Hey.” Ji-Woon began, his eyes not once leaving the outfit display, “Take this back to my cabin.” He ordered, his arm stretched out to show the black and gold bat. 
You glanced down at the very rare item. You already knew it was too pricey for him to get, but still, you continued to look directly at him and ask:
“Would you like to purchase these using your iridescent shards or conjure using auric cells?”
“The shards.”
“I’m sorry, you can not afford this using the shards.”
Ji-Woon sighed, “Then use the auric cells.”
“I’m sorry, you can not afford this using the auric cells.”
This time, he did look at you. The once happy smile that tugged on his lips was long gone and what followed was an annoyed grimace. It only showed for a moment though. In a blink of an eyes, Ji-Woon was back to smiling his Cheshire grin, however, those eyes of his looked as steely and sharp as ever.
The idol chuckled. His chest rumbled as his deep laugh echoed from deep within himself. Ji-Woon continued to stare you down. Were you purposefully trying to sour his mood? Why would you bother to ask him how he would like to pay if you knew he didn’t have enough? In fact, why did he need to pay for these items when they were already his to begin with? 
Picking up one of the knives on display, the idol flawlessly twirled the blade between his fingers. Within an instant, he has the sharp edges of the knife pressed harshly against your throat. 
“Now, why are you toying with me like this, huh?” Ji-Woon tilted his head with a click of his tongue. “And here I thought you were nothing more than an obedient pet, but it seems you have a wicked sense of humor. How troublesome.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but the idol placed his free hand up to your face and pressed a sole finger to your lips.
“Shh, I don’t want to hear it.”
So you closed your mouth, your eyes watching as the Trickster studied you. 
His gaze moved from your eyes to your lips, his mind memorizing your features from each curve and freckle that adorned your face. You weren’t bad on the eye, he’ll give you that much. However, something was off about you. His fingers subconsciously moved from your lips to your chin, his hand tilted your head up so he could get a better look at your eyes. Those eyes. The way you stared at him as though you weren’t even in your own body…it caught him off guard.
Anyone who met Ji-Woon Hak was instantly attracted to him. They all looked at him with glimmering eyes and slacked open jaws, as though he were a literal god amongst men. Starstruck. Everyone always looked starstruck upon meeting Ji-Woon Hak. 
Thus making them easy prey.
Anytime he played as the charming idol, people loved him. They adored him. No one could resist him. Even the most uptight, egotistical civilians couldn’t stop themselves from staring at him in awe. 
So why. 
Why were you looking at him as though he were nothing. 
“What are you exactly?” He muttered, though he wasn’t exactly asking you directly, his gaze seemed lost in thought as he stared into those deep pools of [eye color] that sucked him in like quicksand. There was something about you that unsettled him, and he wasn’t sure what that was.
There was a moment of silence, before you spoke. 
“I’m the servant to the entity.” You responded, though that wasn’t quite the answer the idol was looking for, it was enough to snap him out of his stupor. 
“I see.” He muttered. His hand then let go of your face and the other hand holding the knife to your throat fell to his side. Taking a step back, Ji-Woon covered the bottom half of his face with his hand, hiding the relieved smile that curled on his lips. You were nothing but a mere servant. Those words seemed to snap him back to reality. Your existence? It’s meaningless to someone like him. Why should he worry himself on you when you weren’t someone on the same level as him!
He hummed at the thought. Of course, just another servant.
“A servant, you say?” The male chuckled. “If you serve the entity as you say, then your existence is meaningless, right?” His golden hues flickered over to you, his eyes searching for a reaction. “I mean, if I were to bring this knife to your throat, she’ll just make a replacement, correct? After all, servants are just beings beneath their masters. Easy replacement.” 
Bringing up the knife once more, he showed you his star dazzling smile.
“Since you’ve blatantly disrespected me, I should only show you your place, right?”
Your eyes stared into his wild golden orbs, those cat-like pupils stared at you with feral, murderous intent. Although you weren’t sure when you disrespected him, everything he said wasn’t a lie.
“That is correct.”
He grinned.
“Under the circumstances that I am killable that is. However, I’ve been given the form where I can’t be harmed.” You replied, much to his surprise. 
Unkillable you say? Well, whether what you said was true or not, he just wanted to punish you. He wanted to hear you scream. Ji-Woon took another step closer. With the knife twirled between his fingers, the idol gazed at you mischievously. 
“Really? May I test that then?”
You lowered your head in a bow, “You may do as you wish, as long as you don’t go against the entity or her rules.”
Ji-Woon smirked, “Perfect.”
Before he could raise the knife over his head, the cabin’s door swung upon. 
“Oh hey, there you are!” 
A young woman with mid-length magenta hair walked in. She wore a long, black hooded jacket that reached a little below her waist, and a red stained plaid skirt over some black tights. If you ask anyone else, most would think she was a survivor that somehow crossed the border and got lost on the killer's side of the camp. However, upon looking at her face, those who would mistake her for a survivor would be met with one of the masks of Ormond’s most infamous group of serial killers. 
The Legion.
Although the two couldn’t see it, the woman was eyeing the idol warily as she spoke.
“I need your help. Danny and Frank are fighting again.” 
You gave a curt nod. “I’ll be right there.” You responded, before turning your attention back to the trickster, “I apologize, but it seems that I have to cut this conversation short.” You bowed once more, “I also apologize for disrespecting you. I wasn’t aware that what I said or did could be seen as rude. I will learn from this interaction and make sure it never happens again.”
Although your words seemed sincere, the tone of your voice was anything but profound. Ji-Woon could feel his anger rise and a sneer wanting to crack his charming smile. He didn’t want an apology, he wanted to see you suffer. Something about you just irritated him. He wanted to see you cry. To scream with tears running down your clear [skin tone] cheeks. 
However, it looked as though it would have to wait. 
Taking in a deep breath, the male let out a loose chuckle. “Of course. A servant must attend to their duties.” 
Standing up straight, you could feel Ji-Woon’s eyes follow you like a wolf to a rabbit as you wandered over to the masked woman’s side. 
Behind her mask, Susie stared down at the idol with glare. Placing a hand on the small of your back, she proceeded to guide you to the door. But before the two of you could leave, Ji-Woon spoke. 
“Oh, and servant? I do hope to continue with where we left off. I’d love to test out your immortality.” He spoke slyly, sending a shiver down Susie’s spine.
You could only give a curt nod, moving as the pink haired legion member quickly ushered you out the door and down the pebbled path until the two of you were a good distance away from the cabin. Once out of earshot, Susie was quick to let out an angry groan and lift up her mask, revealing her dark, sky blue eyes that swirled like an angry hurricane, and pale pink lips that turned downwards into a scowl. 
“Man, that guy is a jerk! And I thought Frank had a big ego.” She huffed out, “Who does he think he is? He just got here and he’s acting like he can do whatever he wants! The nerve!” She exclaimed. “Agh!” She scratched her head, mumbling incoherent swears to herself.
After a moment of brief pause, Susie quickly turned to you with furrowed brows of concern. “Are you okay though? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You shook your head, “No.”
Susie smiled in relief, “That’s good. I heard the commotion walking by and I thought you needed saving.”
“I can’t be harmed so I wouldn’t need saving.”
The woman could only roll her eyes at your words, “I know, I know, but still.” She fiddled with her sleeves and looked away with a blush coating her cheeks. “I hate when the others give you a hard time. You’re too cool.”
You looked at her curiously, “Cool?”
As in, temperature wise? You brought a hand to your forehead, feeling the smoothness of your skin. You didn’t particularly feel cold. Also, how could she possibly know your temperature? The two of you hadn’t interacted in quite some time. 
While you stood there confused, Susie looked at you in amusement. A snort soon left her lips as she held in her giggles, watching as you stared at her curiously. 
“No, not cool as in how hot or cold you feel, but- aha, nevermind. You wouldn’t get it.” She giggled, looking down and kicking a few pebbles with her converse. 
You weren’t sure what she was trying to say, but you didn’t bother asking for her to elaborate. Susie has always been a bit of a curious one to you. Saying odd phrases like how you’re ‘so lit’ and that you’re ‘high-key goals.’ Despite being the more timid one of all the other legion members, she was surprisingly the oddest one of the group. Around you, she always did curious things that you couldn’t understand, but you didn’t necessarily mind. 
After a brief moment of silence, you remembered why you had followed her outside the store in the first place. Looking around the camp, you waited to see two men going at each other’s throats with blades in hand, only to be met with a quiet forest. 
“Where is Danny and Frank?”
Susie perked up, “Oh! I lied. Everything’s fine.”
Again, you were left in the dark with many questions only to be left unanswered as you nodded, blankly. “I see.”
Susie swayed back and forth on her converse, she looked at you with a cheeky grin and pointed over at the forest with her thumb, “But could you walk with me for a bit?” She asked, gazing at you with hopeful blue eyes.
You didn’t even have to think of the answer before responding. 
As the entity’s servant, you had duties to attend to. If it weren’t with the killers or survivors, then it was out looking for them. Any little time in between was nonexistent. 
You opened your mouth to decline, but before you could utter a word, Susie was quick to speak.
“And before you say no, just note that my performance for my next trial will be merciless if you say yes!” She exclaimed. 
Pausing, you looked back at the shop cabin. You could see the trickster had already walked out, his form walking away from the store and disappearing into the fog. It wasn’t as if anyone could steal from the shop anyways, not without a punishment. And if the legion member was true to her word, then the entity wouldn’t be too displeased. Especially since the killer before the legion was someone who’s been notorious for leaving the entity to hunger.
Looking back over at the legion member, you nodded. “Okay.”
WIth a bright smile, Susie grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you into the forest until the two of you were a long distance away from the killer's camp. Once away, she linked her arm with yours, strolling through the gaps between the looming trees that towered into the empty, black abyss of the sky.
Susie took a deep breath. Her gaze fixated on the path ahead before sneaking a glance over to you. 
It had been a while since she had a moment alone with you. Being the neutral party between both the killers and survivors, your time was scarce. If you weren’t doing your daily tasks, you were often busy with one of the two troublesome stealth killers that always seemed to seek your attention. 
It was annoying.
For the past few trials, she had been longing to be in your presence. Susie had so many things to say, but your time was always snatched away just before she could ask if you had a moment to spare. Between doing your tasks and keeping everyone entertained, Susie barely had a moment to speak to you.
It was fortunate timing that she heard the commotion coming from the store, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten another opportunity to be alone with you for a while. 
Determined not to let the moment go to waste, Susie cleared her throat. 
 “So,” She began, looking over at you with a tilt of her head, “Speaking of trials, when is mine coming up?”
You thought for a moment, “After the next two trials.”
Susie’s eyes glimmered in excitement. “Really?! Oh man, I can’t wait! I’ve had the heart locket in my drawer for so long that I thought I wasn’t going to be able to burn the offering!”
Bringing her hands to her face, Susie squished her cheeks as she continued to ramble, “The entity is so cruel. My last three trials I was sent to Autohaven, possibly one of the darkest maps in the entire realm. It sucks, especially for a hunter like me! I can’t see anything when I go feral! Do you know what that’s like? Cuz let me tell you, it’s not cool.”
You didn’t respond, allowing the young woman to vent out her frustrations with her feral frenzy ability and the hardships she faced in her past few trials due to map obstacles. 
“It’s like, okay I get this super cool superpower of speed, but at what cost? I can’t see footprints, and lately the survivors seem to be so coordinated that when I manage to hit one of them with feral frenzy, they all run to the opposite side of the map and make me waste my ability! By the time I get one hook in, they’re already at three generators!”
Susie huffed out in annoyance. Massaging her temples, she released a sigh. 
“No matter, the next trial is going to be a game changer once I bring us to Coldwind Farms.” The girl grinned, “Ah, I can’t wait to have such a pretty map! Listening to the winds as the cornfields sway, and to finally feel the sun again!” She chuckled for a moment, but as soon as she said those words, her once bright blue eyes dulled and the smile on her face was quick to vanish.
Before Susie knew it, she stopped in her tracks. Glancing up at the starless sky, the young woman furrowed her brows, her thoughts lost between her words. 
“I-I miss the sun.” 
Although her eyes were on the black void above, her eyes seemed hazy, as though she was looking into the past upon gazing in the blanket of black that loomed over the realm. 
You stopped in your tracks as well. Turning to face the legion member, you watched as she continued to speak her mind. 
 “Actually, I miss home.”
She admitted, letting the words fall to her lips without thought.
Unlike the other legion members, Susie has not let go of who she used to be. She wasn’t a good guy. She knew that, but sometimes when she gives the survivors hatch, or when she rambles to you about her interests in fandoms, she sometimes feels as though she’s her past self. She’s not a killer. She’s sweet, shy, innocent Susie.
That’s why she likes being around you. You listen to her. Unlike Frank who tells her to let go of the past, or Julie who gives her unsolicited advice, you listen to her. You make her feel like naive little Susie again. 
Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine. Feeling eyes on her, Susie glanced over at you, startled upon meeting your cold [eye color] gaze. 
Although she was comfortable speaking to you, sometimes she forgets she shouldn’t be too comfortable. After all, your loyalty wasn’t to her.
Susie could feel sweat begin to form on her brow. She quickly raised her arms up and shook her head frantically, “D-Don’t get me wrong though! I’m not going to betray the entity or anything like that!” She quickly exclaimed, her worried eyes moving back over to the ground. With her hands fidgeting with the hem of her jacket, she could feel the blade of her weapon poking from her pocket. A frown made its way to her face. 
“I…I just… I don’t know.”
A moment of silence passed between you two. While you stood there observing her, Susie stood motionless, cursing herself for saying too much. She knew better than to let her mind talk, but she couldn’t help it. Not being able to speak with you, bottling everything up, it just became too much. 
She knew she could get in trouble for saying the things she said, but at the same time, the feeling of her words slipping from her mouth brought her peace. 
Susie glanced back over to you, “Have you ever felt the sun?”
She asked, her eyes boring into you, as though searching for any form of comfort. The two of you seemed to have a stare off, with Susie wordlessly spilling a thousand words while you took in every syllable and tossed it into a void of [eye color].
“Did you like it?”
You didn’t know how to respond. 
Susie sighed, a ghost of a smile danced on her lips. “I like the sun. Before the fog, I used to live in a cold mountain town. Nothing but snow all year long. But sometimes, there were rare occasions where the sun would peak and flowers would bloom.”
Susie could feel her eyes get bleary, “It was so beautiful.”
And she took that beauty for granted. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, Susie brushed down her hair with her fingers. The feeling of weight pulling her down suddenly felt much lighter. Although she said too much for her own comfort, she didn’t regret it. She said enough to let her mind come back to reality. 
She will possibly never see Ormond again. No, not the worn down map conjured by the entity. That one was fake. The real Ormond. Her home. She will never go home and sit on her computer, reading fanfics, watching YouTubers, or conversing through online chats. She will always be here, in this pit of darkness where monsters killed and served for who knows how many eons.
She was okay with that though. Or at least, that’s what she tells herself until those overwhelming thoughts resurface. 
But when that happens, she knows she could just go find you again. 
Blowing a raspberry, Susie strolled over to you until you two were just a few feet apart. A nervous smile moved on her lips as she fidgeted under your intense gaze.
“You know, I can’t talk about these things with anyone.” 
She shouldn’t even be talking to you of all people. 
Susie tossed that thought to the back of her mind. Her fingers fiddled with the cuffs of her sweatshirt, as her eyes peered over at you anxiously. “You’re the only one I can talk to, so thank you.”
You said nothing, but Susie figured as much.
Scratching the back of her head, Susie took a few steps back. “Well, I should let you go now! You’re probably really busy, as usual.” 
Upon seeing you turn your head away from her, your eyes going over to the direction of the survivors side of camp with a curt nod, Susie’s lips curled up into a smile of relief. 
“Well, if that new guy ever gives you any more trouble, let me know! I will be sure to kidnap you again!” She grinned cheekily, walking in the direction of the killer's camp, but not before turning back to you one more time with a wave.
As Susie walked away, you stood still in silence. Your eyes glancing up at the empty sky, your mind thinking over the question the legion member had asked you. 
What did the sun feel like again?
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mystykmarigold · 4 months
Kinda wonder what deltarune would be like if Dess was still around. It's either semi-implied or my (likely stolen) headcanon that, in the og deltarune, Dess disappearing was somehow Kris's fault(or at the very least they think it's their fault). But what if Kris physically was not there at the time?
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outcasting101 · 9 months
"Soul Reaper" || Deltarune Yandere
My run down idea (it pretty rough bear in mind, don’t wanna forget about this)
Plot story hos the soul transform in their own body and mind, this does not deter them for trying out new thing as they went out with their new host after it was stolen rightfully from thier owner. But that doenst matter now does it. No longer needing the host you finally get to experience first hand; of Everything. Yandere sanse, yandere jevil, yandere spanton as you fell into the dark world as mage with a cloack of shadow - you were very good at evading your host - you were thirst for the freedom - to breack the limitation you had ahvng a ghost - you title yoursef as doing a afavoru to the ohter host surely they can go back to their previously however, after all a puppet witout it string is nothing but a hollow of their previously self.
You felt warm, feeling proud, dust dissapted in an emmpty town, room filled nothing but scatter dust. You walk stoping once in a while, looking at uour foot oof you shoes particles of dust fall you eye focusing feeling like a child for the first time watching a snow ever fall, you haven't stop grining since; you can finlly fullfill your curioisty of this town, of this world - what more do you need.
But you have the pweor to turn back time. Easy peasy, what a frigtening smile you have; never fit in with the action you had done. But does that really matter when thing just reset itself.
There again back in the overworld, with it town filled with monster all shape and size. You found lip turn upward as life play it infront of you; monster preparing for the day, just standing, just existing.
This day got better and better.
(need better encountering scene)
"heyoo kiddo, why did the skeleton jokes about the god"
You felt nervousness reap over you as you glance behind you a farmiliar blue jacket worn, plaster smile seeming permanent embedded to the skull. You know that he know; thing can never ne forgotten between you too.
"Cat's got your tongue let me repeat myself, why did the skeleton joke about the soul..."
You never gotten to joke as you simply run, you would have prefer if you have encounter him within a host. You felt expose, wronged from the evil deed you done, you can't stop now, no can you now. You are god, god shouldn't feel pile og guilt building up from simply feeing their curiosity, god shouldn't feel as naked to the eye mortal, and they shouldnn;t care thing can be back to the way they are ; no scractch can't be undone. But it the scare, the heales scare, and that skeleton is the embodiment to remind you that
(meeting jevil)
He lost his mind and now a soul where he can see you expose WITH A BODY? Now he wouldn’t be so lonely after all, another party ready to join his REIGN.
(Meeting spanton)
Would he willing to let another go, he need to go to [HEAVEN], with that heart-shape-object. Getting onboard with addiction after barely recovering, him and MIKE?. This isn’t going well.
And so one as fort, the one you all be wanting is probably the interaction between Goner and Kris after the midst of battle. Kris know the reset, Gone would went wild with the soul being snatch from strange force, THEY BOTH WILL FIND THEM, NO MATTER WHAT.
(Meeting Susie)
Either heartbreaking or heartwarming depend on Susie comprehension of the situation.
You were the one that control kris to be friend with her and doing all those decision on their gang journey playing hero. Yeeah both, both is good.
(Meeting Ralzei)
Now this bound to be interesting, he knows you you exist, close to being worshipper, he live for your approval, willing to let by gone be by gones as long as he get close with you.
Inspiration siswritesyandere
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dizzy-online · 10 months
noelle does not have an unhealthy obsession with susie. she has a normal crush. Please stop mischaracterizing her I will melt
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ash-imagines · 2 years
Yandere susie from deltarune with a affectionate
She's not very physically affectionate at first, afraid that she'll seem like a weakling if she's too cuddly with you. Knowing how much you love to cuddle, though, it doesn't take more than a little pouting to make her cave in.
Being a cold-blooded monster, she quickly learns to adore your embrace. She knew humans were pretty warm but she had no idea how nice it could be to just bask in the feeling of your body heat. It's like you were made for each other.
She does still get a little embarrassed if anyone points out how clingy she's become. Most people know better than to tease her for it, though, because we all know she's capable of incredible violence.
Naturally, if you're affectionate with anybody else, she gets jealous. She wants to keep you all to herself. Interestingly, she's not too outwardly aggressive with people that make her jealous. She's afraid of tarnishing your relationship with her because of her jealousy, so she bottles those feelings up. At least, until you're far enough away that you won't know she's baring her teeth at the poor individual.
After all, she knows you'd be disappointed in her if you were aware of just how jealous she truly is. The last thing she would ever want is to disappoint you.
So please hold her close and don't let go.
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after-witch · 7 months
Horrorfest: This Confession Has Meant Nothing (Yandere Derek Goffard x Reader)
Title: This Confession Has Meant Nothing [Yandere Derek Goffard x Reader]
For Horrorfest request:
I don't have much of an idea beyond Derek as Patrick Bateman style serial killer. You're his final girl/boy. Surviving his spree.  he hates how fascinated he is with you.
Word Count: 748
notes: yandere, mentions of killing, derek wants to (maybe) kill you; reader is a sex worker
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You are one, stupid ugly piece of shit. You’re worthless. Gutter trash. So far beneath him that you’re almost not worthy of killing; not worthy of him scuffing his shoes, handcrafted genuine leather that costs more than rent at your shitty apartment for a year. More, maybe. 
You are nothing. Just some bones and a meat suit, just something to bide his time with, something for him to (maybe) fuck and film and when he’s bored enough, dissect. He even tells you his real name (Derek Goffard, and you looked impressed, and you SHOULD BE) because he’s going to kill you so why not? 
You’re just something to discard with the morning trash, the morning paper, maybe his nice shoes too because he can buy a new pair whenever he fucking wants. An inconsequential speck.
And yet.
He can’t stop thinking about you. 
About the way your lip curled up at him when you realized what he’d done to Susie or Cheryl or whatever her name was. Doesn’t matter. A woman he bought for the night after he bought you, and you were pretending to get along so well that for a moment he assumed your first reaction to seeing her bleeding out from the knife sounds in her torso would be to reach out. Grief. Horror. Shock.
But no. Instead, you’d looked at him… straight at him… like you had the fucking right And you sneered. Actually sneered! With this look of hatred in your eyes that told him you thought you were better than him, that he was shit and you were gold.
You really were fucking stupid, weren’t you? 
But then how--and the thought creeps into his brain and he smacks it out viscerally with his hand--did you get away from him? How did you make it out of the condo, into the hallway, down the stairs (ALL those stairs) and out the front door into the night? How hasn’t he found you yet?
Maybe you didn’t have to be smart to survive. Yeah. That made sense. Animals survive in the wild all the time, don’t they? Not all rabbits are eaten by wolves. Some are just fast enough to scurry off into some hole to hide out in, to live another day, to fuck and breed and repeat the cycle until they are either roadkill or fall prey to an eagle or some shit like that.
You were his rabbit. 
But he wasn’t going to let you get away. He couldn’t imagine you getting away, cleaning yourself up, getting out of the city. You’d get some job that pays the rent and meet someone; maybe you two would have kids, and you’d be a grandparent or something ridiculous like that, decades down the line.
That wasn’t what he wanted for you. Not when he’d killed so many others in the past few weeks. Not when he recognized you for what you were: his, in some way. His to kill. His to finish with. 
Yeah, that would be nice. After he killed you, he’d take a break from it for a while. Maybe see if he could get a promotion at his dad’s business. Find someone to get engaged with--appearances, and all that--and pop out a kid. He could always go back to killing if he felt like it.
That’s the way the world works. He was allowed to kill because he was richer and smarter and better looking. You were going to die because you were nothing beneath his (expensive) shoes. 
He just has to find you first. Oh, and when he does… he presses his face against the car window, breath fogging it up. He can just imagine what he’ll do to you. Hurt you. Kill you. Keep you? All three sounded enticing.
His fingers itch, his cock goes hard, just thinking about it.
The street lights are dim in this part of the city, but bright enough for people to make out the faces on the corners, the curve of bodies standing close to the curb. 
If you ran, you might have run right back here; where you ply your trade and get your drugs and maybe have a few people you call friends. It’s where he picked you up the first time, after all.
And he’s got all the time and money in the world to track you down again.
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colddelusionsheep · 7 months
So, this is my start of yandere hunger games, and before y'all read this. There are some things to take note of.
Everyone romantic (and y/n) is 18 or older. I am not going to mention age unless the story requires it.
This is going to be ocs x reader, and it will be based on the hunger games(with some differences.
The reader will also be fem.
And that is it! I hope you enjoy, and if you do, feel free to like and reblog(dni if you are under 18 tho)
2nd Part
The reaping
Humming softly, you buttoned up the last two buttons on your dress. The light green was worn with a few stitched up parts where the fabric use to be ripped. It was old and has seen better days, but even with those details, it still was the nicest thing you owned.
You hoped you could wear it again someday. A wish that you had each year during the reaping, and so far it came true each time. People would comment on how lucky you were to avoid the reaping each time. Weeping love ones of the reaped would curse your name and say you somehow cheated to save your own skin.
You don't blame them. With how many times you have sold your name to this game that is hell. You should of been reaped a long time ago.
Even you didn't know how your name wasn't pulled. The suppose luck that people would attribute to your was no where to been seen on any other day of the year. It was only on this one. However, if it was seen on any other day then maybe you wouldn't be so closed to starving each day.
Reaching down, you pulled your worn socks to your knees. Patches were half hazerdly stitched onto them. Soon you would need new socks and shoes for the winter. You would have to decide on which. Shoes seemed to be the priority in your mind. What good were socks without shoes anyway.
Giving one last look in your mirror. You let out a deep sigh. All you had to do is survive one more time. Then you would be forever free of this life. Once you were free from the reaping, maybe you would finally be accepted in district 12.
The walk to the town square was always a silent one. Each person was getting ready to die. You always thought that the suspense was the worst thing about this. The knowledge that it could be you was nerve wracking to say the least.
Passing by one of your neighbors, you could Hear them mutter under their breath. "I hope it's you."
The rumors you got use to, it was just part of your everyday life by now. Being the outcast was a role you took with stride. What you didn't get use to was the fact that many of those that live close to you wished you dead.
Just like they wished your parents dead, and it was a wish they got. Maybe they would get this wish also.
The check ins went by like a blur. A yearly routine that you would never have to do again. There was peace in that thought, and that peace would surely give you the strength to make it through this. No matter how false it may be.
Taking place behind Susie Mack, you took note of how nice her dress was. The blue color complemented her bright red hair. She even had matching blue ribbons in her two braids.
Late at night, you liked to imagine what it was like to be her, to be Susie Mack. Almost everyone loved her. She was bright and cheerful. You supposed it was easy to be bright and cheerful when you had a full stomach and a loving family. What you would give to be her. To be loved and beautiful. To not have to worry on whether you would have shoes for the winter or food in your stomach.
You hoped that she wouldn't be reaped, simply for the fact that you knew if she was. Then the entire district would come for you. You don't want to imagine how they would punish you this time.
The escort of the Capital made his appearance, and just like every year. His fashion sense was..... lacking.
A mix of fine fabrics made up his outfit, along with a mix of patterns. You were sure that his clothes had every color known to man. Diamonds littered his neck on their choker that they wore.
You couldn't imagine that he were comfortable. Tight and stiff silhouettes seemed to be the main trend in the Capital this year.
As the escort made the same speech that they did every year. You could feel the anxiety of the crowd. It was getting close to the pulling of the names.
You could practically feel the heart beating of each person here. Looking around, you could even see some of the younger ones silently crying.
The two large crystal vessels were brought out. Each full of names. If you did your math right, yours should be in there 80 times.
"Now, as always, ladies first." You never noticed how gentle his voice was. It reminded of the stream your parents use to take you too. The sound of the water would always make sooth you matter how upset you may of been. It was just too bad that that stream turned into a raging river.
"Our female tribute is." He, as always, paused for dramatic effect. " --/n"
Ringing, that's all you could hear, it wasn't till someone shook you that you could fully understand what was said. It wasn't till the peacekeepers roughly pulled you out of your spot that you understood that your wish was finally ignored. It wasn't till the dammed Capital escort kissed your cheek, and spoke of how lucky you were that you understood that luck was just a lie. That the odds were and would never be in your favor.
And the 1st part of the yandere hunger games is done! Hopefully I will have the next part soon. I did write this part very late at night so the are probably mistakes but that is okay.
Also, sorry I was gone so long, school really took everything happy that was in me away. Good news tho, I am graduated!. My blog is going to be open to asks and all, but for right now requests are going to be closed untill I feel more confident in my writing. It should be a lot more active now however!
That's all for right now! Love y'all <3
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
the rules.
— > by default, considering the nature of this blog, there will more than likely be dark content such as yandere behavior, kidnapping, toxic behavior and relationships, and things like that. if that makes you uncomfortable, then this blog probably isn’t for you. 
— > you're free to send smut requests but i don't write it often bc it's not something i'm personally interested in. do not send non-con requests or anything in relation to incest. i’m okay with kinks but certain ones make me uncomfortable so if you request one of those, i most likely won’t write it. 
— > as of feb of 2024, im only just starting to write for slashers and dbd so bear w me as i get used to writing all these new characters!!
— > please send yandere requests to @unearthly-doting, please and thank you.
— > do not rush me into writing requests! i am a human being and i write on three separate platforms so it may take a bit for me to get around to your request.
— > i reserve the right to ignore and delete any requests sent in if they make me uncomfortable.
— > this blog is a safe space! if you are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, etc then i highly implore that you leave my blog. you are not welcome here.
— > you can request platonic stuff if you don’t want to read anything romantic!
— > given the potential nsfw content of this blog, coupled with other factors, i would prefer if minors didn’t interact with any nsfw posts. they're free to interact with this blog and any of my other posts so long as it's not nsfw.
— > be as descriptive in your request as you want! if you request an x reader, then please make sure to send in the pronouns of the reader or i will default and make them gn. 
— > i also write for the marble hornets character! i do not write for the creepypasta adaptation of masky or hoodie; i only write for tim and brian.
— > i write for just about any and all creepypastas, excluding pokepastas and offenderman. i will not write ben or sally in romantic scenarios. platonic is fully fine, but if you request something romantic for them then i will delete your request.
— > continuing on, i write both janes. and finally, if a character has a canon sexuality [jane richardson; lesbian. jessica locke; lesbian. jay merrick; gay] then i will only accept requests that are nblw/wlw or nblm/mlm for them. this also applies to amanda young and susie from legion.
— > you can request for ships, i don’t mind!
— >  i do not have DID, CIPA, or tourette’s syndrome. i will do my best to accurately portray all of this in my writing, but if my portrayal is incorrect or offensive then please do not hesitate to let me know!
— > i haven’t been in the [creepypasta] fandom in years so my knowledge may be a bit outdated and i more than likely don’t know any new creepypastas or anything like that so like… feel free to educate me or something if you want. i love learning new things. 
— > my inbox is always open if you want to chat or share your thoughts about certain characters! but please refrain from venting in my inbox.
— > i do try my best to be realistic with my writing but sometimes a girl just has to be a little delulu y'know, and that’s okay. i’m embracing that. 
— > creepypasta/slasher/dbd x reader. [request ex: can i request eyeless jack w a male!reader who has trouble sleeping?]
— > creepypasta x creepypasta. [request ex: can i request ticcihomicidal going on a cute little cemetery date?]
— > headcanons.
— > matchups. [i.e: you describe yourself to me, physical appearance or personality or both, and i assign you with a creepypasta or mh character that i personally think would look cute with you.] [indefinitely closed bc people keep sending them in even when i ask them to stop lol]
creepypasta/mh: — > slenderman, jeff the killer, jane the killer [richardson + arkensaw], nina the killer [og], homicidal liu [and sully, together or separately], the bloody painter, nurse ann, eyeless jack, laughing jack, hobo heart, ticci toby, clockwork, jason the toymaker, the puppeteer, zalgo, x-vrius, tim wright, brian thomas, alex kralie, jay merrick, jessica locke, uh. others. like i said, i write for like any and all, these are just a few off the top of my head.
slashers: — > amanda young, michael myers, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair, bubba sawyer, thomas hewitt, jason voorhees, sissy [tcmg], johnny [tcmg], brahms heelshire, billy loomis, stu macher, tiffany valentine, billy lenz, charles lee ray, asa emory, jesse cromeans, xenomorphs, baby firefly, otis driftwood, mary mason, candyman, mark hoffman, leslie vernon, pinhead, corey cunningham, quinn bailey, ethan landry, and probably more once i watch more movies nd stuff :thumbs up:
dead by daylight: — > every killer minus freddy and every survivor.
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sweatertheman · 4 months
oh boy more ralsei thoughts, hope you like those
i see some stuff with ralsei being used for horror sometimes. i kind of get it, because ralsei IS very much unstable, but i do take issues with the execution.
one form of ralsei horror is the idea of him being "yandere." this doesn't work for me. while yes, ralsei is desperate for the love and attention of lightners (kris in particular) he thinks of himself as beneath. he is weak, his life holds no significance outside of serving a higher power, he possesses no free will, stuff like that. the idea of forcing someone to stay with him against their will, and abusing them into loving him, is something he just wouldn't do, let alone could do. while ralsei doesnt enjoy being left alone or mistreated, he's very good at crushing these feelings. all fear is buried, all resentment turned inward, all sadness distracted from. on top of this, even if ralsei lacks a developed sense of right and wrong, ralsei believes that doing harm to a lightner is one of the wrongest things he could do. in a sense, Ralsei is a Puritan. he's not a misogynist, but he believes that he and all his fellow darkners are born into a meaningless and sinful life, and that they can only find meaning and be cleansed by serving their gods. he suppresses all his individuality, and is rude to people he thinks are "bad." for ralsei to act selfishly and maliciously towards his gods would be massively out of character for him, since even thinking about doing that sort of thing would have him hating himself.
another strain of ralsei horror is... i guess eldritch horror? the idea of ralsei as a mindless puppet of a malicious entity, who does horrifying things with a sweet smile on his face, like some sort of siren luring you into a trap or something. this is inaccurate to canon ralsei, but i think it could work, since ralsei would like to be thist. he possesses free will, and is capable of doubt and regret, and he hates that. ralsei's ideal self is perfect and obedient, never doing wrong by whatever higher power he follows (lightners or the prophecy), doesn't think, doesn't doubt, and is always happy. whether or not the power he serves is malicious, ralsei would absolutely choose to become a mindless drone if he could, and even when he possesses free will, he encourages others to pursue this as well, and this is where the horror comes from. one day you might see him and he's not himself anymore, and he might try and make you like that too. even then, even as just himself, there's a demon inside him that wants him to destroy himself and become an empty husk that serves obediently, a demon placed there by trauma, broken ideology, and fantasical narrative. he's effectively been brainwashed, and the horror comes from the idea that one day he might fully succumb to that. it doesn't help that this ideology literally tells him "being obedient to lightners is the only way to be happy."
sorry if these thoughts are disjointed.
as a finshing note, mindless drone ralsei WOULD imprison and manipulate you on orders from a higher power, because he's incapable of deeper connection or internal conflict. if you didnt want to obey the prophecy, he might lock you up until you agree to help, but at the same time he'd be smothering you with love and affection and indoctrinating you into his cult, because you're a lightner. and that's legitimately scary. normal ralsei wouldn't do that, especially not now, since he's growing as a person. he likes and cares about kris and susie beyond them being lightners and delta warriors. he wouldnt want to lock them up, and even if he tried to indoctrinate them, he'd feel guilty and ashamed over it, and he'd care that they were upset with him. mindless drone ralsei wouldn't feel conflicted, because under his rigid programming, he hasn't done anything wrong. he's treating the lightners well, and even if they're upset with him, he's ultimately doing the right thing because the prophecy is the ultimate moral good, and he's just helping them onto the right path.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
yandere Alice angel with a fem reader going into the now abandon Joey drew studios due to a dare?
I assume you mean the twisted one? I'll try! Susie's backstory was genuinely upsetting. Originally was supposed to be a short but I decided learning her character would be better.
Yandere! Twisted Alice Angel Concept
Darling was dared to enter the studio
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Vague Yandere behavior, Implied kidnapping, Injury, Forced relationship, Manipulation, Slight sadism.
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- What you expected in an abandoned studio was something along the lines of old writing desks and equipment.
- Not ink stained walls and damaged floors.
- Not several underground levels that are a maze to get through.
- And especially not ink creatures and lunatics!
- Yet it appears this is what you found all due to a dare.
- What was meant to be spending the night in a studio for some amount of hours quickly became a trap.
- You had fallen through the floors of the studio, cutting and bruising yourself up.
- Then you had to run from a large ink monster, soon coming across someone delusional enough to worship it.
- By the time you found a 'safe house' you were tired and injured.
- You had a limp, ink covering your body in splotches.
- You could kill for a shower right now but that would have to wait.
- For now, you needed to ensure your survival.
- Before you continued forward you decided sleep was more important.
- As sleep took you over on an ink stained mattress, you didn't notice a presence.
- Someone knew you were here now.
- A newcomer in her territory....
- A pretty one at that.
- Susie, now Alice, rarely had guests in her territory.
- No one came to the studio ever since it closed, leaving all inside to rot.
- Yet now that you were here... she had a feeling she could use a pretty thing like you.
- What a poor soul, falling into a faux angel's grasp.
- "My oh my... look what the demon dragged in~"
- That's how your story begins.
- Once you exit that safe room your life becomes even more of a hell than it already was.
- Ironically, by the angel herself!
- Twisted Alice starts out so friendly towards you when you meet her.
- You're put off by her appearance but she just acts so nice.
- The angel comments on your injuries and limp, asking if you're okay.
- You answer the best you can but you clearly want to get out of here.
- Then she starts with the compliments.
- "Look at how beautiful you are... I'm envious, really. How could someone have this much beauty!"
- Then her gaze darkens and a grin comes across her face.
- "I think I'll keep you. You'll be useful to me. Plus, I can't have that demon get his claws on someone like you, can I?"
- It's not like you can say no, either.
- Alice is sadistic, demanding, threatening.
- Not only that but you're in her element, which already makes it easier to manipulate you to her will.
- Her obsession will most likely start with her ordering you around, playing her little errand runner.
- Then she'll decide to keep you in her domain at all times.
- That demon could taint you.
- Then she won't be able to gaze at such beauty ever again.
- She can't have something so foul corrupt you.
- That's why you're staying here.
- Right in the angel's arms, where you belong.
- She'll be sure to cherish a beautiful soul like you in her domain. You may even hold the key to her perfection!
- "Out of those doors is the disgusting ink demon. Just look at what he did to you! You're all bruised and limping.... It'll be much better to stay with me, right? You won't... abandon me in the disgusting black ink of this place, won't you dear?"
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alevicke · 7 months
Hi! Since I love writing x readers sometimes but lack of ideas, I've decided to make a masterpost with fandoms and characters I write for! I will be adding some x readers I already have as well, just give me a moment if you see this being edited because I'm not home ;v;
I want to make the disclaimer that English is NOT my native language and sadly I don't have anyone who can read my posts to verify if they are ok. I try my very best, but it's not perfect and I apologize for this 🙏
WHEN REQUESTING PLEASE TRY TO BE SPECIFIC 💖 Three chasracters as maximun!
💖💖 Cult of the Lamb💖 💖
Team Fortress 2
Dead By Daylight (killers mostly)
My Heket is lesbian! Please keep that in mind ^^ I wouldn't really like to receive a request trying to ship Heket with male characters, it's not my thing sorry! (I respect if you do it, just not my headcanon ^^)
NSFW is fine
Send me scenarios better than "cat!reader" if possible <3
I prefer romantic more than platonic scenes
Yandere is fine???? But I'm kinda too soft on it probably to be considered yandere so don't trust me about this please.
Fluff! With family dynamics and fluff in general <3
Slice of life are my favourite probably
Three characters as maximun!
Minors in NSFW situations
No more TADC, I left that fandom due to bad experiences. I'm really sorry!!!
Minor reader
Asphyxiation or similar (sorry, HUGE trigger for me)
Strong kinks such as scat, watersports...
Nothing with dead people and animals in NSFW
Nothing about abortions (Another personal trigger) nor neglecting the kid or not loving them, same with pregnancy.
Please don't ask " x reader who is like y character from this fandom!" because I will most likely NOT know how they are and won't be able to portray them correctly D:
Fav characters
Ships like Narilamb and Leshycat are accepted <3
The Huntress (DBD)
Pyramid Head (DBD)
Roadhog (OW)
Junker Queen (OW)
Ashe (OW)
Widowmaker (OW)
Posts created!
The Amazing Digital Circus (not accepting more request, left this fandom completely due to bad experiences)
[Req]TADC x Reader who ran away and suddenly comes back with a baby from them (Caine, Ragatha and Jax)
[Req] Jax x F!Reader who teases back (NSFW)
[Req]TADC x Reader telling them they are pregnant (Jax, Ragatha and Caine)
[Req]Gangle x f!reader - Confession and first time 💖
Not so amazing headcanons! (Cassidy, Junkrat, Junker Queen, Ashe, DVA)
Dead By Daylight
Killers getting sick x gn!reader (Huntress, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Spirit)
Killers x gn!reader with acne and low self esteem (Huntress, Plague, Legion [Susie], Pyramid Head)
[Req]Killers x gn!clingy!reader (Trickster, Huntress, Spirit)
Personal info below 💖
Alek! Also called Alevi o Alevick. My artist name is Alevick and Vicketch, be aware that I create NSFW if you search it!
From Spain, 25yo, bd on October 30th 💖
I'll be adding more!
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“Don’t leave me”
[Self aware Yandere Kris x reader] warnings: unhealthy relationship, loneliness, obsession and in general yandere stuff
Let’s be real, Kris would hate the player at first, can you really blame them though?
You did take over their body
But Kris would probably hate you for controlling them, until they get used to it
I personally believe that after Kris ripped their soul out, they realized apart of them was missing, you
During the first chapter they had grown reliant on your voice telling them what to do.
Yes they hated it, but it would be a like to deny how often you were able to find a solution to a problem
Then it dawns on Kirs, the fact you are the whole reason they now have friends!
If it wasn’t for you, they probably would have never been able to became friends with Susie, or any of the dark world residents.
Kris needed you
As the realization hit Kris they forced their soul back into themselves, but something was different, you weren’t there.
You’d had left the game.
At first Kris didn’t worry much, they knew you’d come back, the game’s not finished after all!
You would surely come back soon, right?
3 years, Kris waited alone for 3 years hoping you’d come back and play.
The fact time was passing was only aware to Kris, Kris would slowly feel themselves getting more and more desperate.
They needed you, the game needed you!
But then the second chapter came out, and Kris was no longer alone.
You we’re back, just like they said you would be.
And this time Kris would make sure you wouldn’t leave
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mystykmarigold · 4 months
Hey guys wanna see a thing I made no well I mean you don't have to click it but if you wanna you can go read I might make more idk
have fun
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ultralovedeluxe · 10 months
Belonging || Yan! Lisa Lisa Drabble
Once again another daydream that soon became something I write about. EDIT: it’s been a while since I’ve written something omg, this is super all over the place. Hopefully, this is a nice lil taste before I write full one-shots again. Enjoy!! ^^
Warnings: minors dni, fem reader, yandere behaviors, burning (with cigarette), flirting with Caesar, abuse of power, kinda short
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The older woman demanded as she placed the cigarette butt directly onto your arm. You cried out in pain. Despite this not being the first time you’ve been burned, it still hurt like hell. This had been going on for what felt like an eternity.
What did you even do that warranted this sadistic torture from your mistress?
Oh right. You disobeyed her.
Lisa Lisa had been your mistress for just a little over a year. Really it was just supposed to be for a couple of weeks. You had only decided to work as a maid and attendant to cover for your(at the time, sick) sister, Susie Q. However, your sister got too attached during your visit that she has begged you to stay; so you did.
And boy do you regret it.
At first, things were normal. You weren’t expecting to build a close bond with the older woman. But you soon started to notice how much Lisa Lisa was spending time with you. You assumed that was okay right? Surely it was normal. After all, your sister spoke very highly of Lisa Lisa, you knew the two could be considered close friends. You knew she loved this job, it wasn’t really appropriate to question anything about it. So you just shrugged it off.
Then things started getting weirder when your mistress had asked if you wanted to bathe with her. Huh..? That was odd. It was such an out of no where proposition you had to refuse. You couldn’t exactly forget the look she gave you. It was a dominating glare that lingered, and scared the absolute shit out of you. Surely there wouldn’t be anything wrong with that right? After that interaction you gave in and joined her for a bath.
From then on Lisa Lisa pulled you aside for all kinds of different reasons. Some of which were way too personal for the relationship the two of you had.
"Give me a massage darling, I've had a rough day.." Normal enough.
"Won't you join me for bed sweetheart?" Okay..odd.
"I don't want you talking to Caesar anymore." Wait what?
Your mistress had forbidden you to talk to the blonde-haired Italian. But why? Sure you had a small crush on him, and you may or may not have returned his advances towards you a couple of times, but why should that be any of her business?!
"Lisa Lisa-"
She gave you a nasty look, "That's mistress to you", she said lighting a cigarette without looking away from you. You gulped as you made eye contact with her. Sweat started to go down your face, was it worth it to even call her out on this invasion of privacy?
"Mistress, with all due respect, I don't think it's an issue that I'm talking to Mr. Zep-"
"Are you disobeying me?" Lisa Lisa asked in a stern tone. Even when she was livid, her face still looked relatively calm. "I didn't ask you to stop talking to him, that was a direct order. By the looks of it I see you hold no respect for me anymore" she said crossing her legs ever so elegantly.
You didn't know how to react. "I'm sorry mistress I didn't mean that-"
"Are you sorry?" she cut you off once again. You nodded. She signaled you to come closer to her. Reluctantly, you did. And now you were standing right in front of her.
"Sit down on my lap darling. That's also an order. Unless you're not sorry. And if you aren't there's the door, and your sister can go with you" she stated, and that alone made you obey with no hesitation. You didn't want Susie to lose her job...
"That's a good girl..but you still need to be punished, don't you?"
"Again darling, I couldn't hear you clearly the last time.."
You were crying horrendously. So much so your tears were blinding you. Lisa Lisa was not kind whatsoever. You were growing sick of smelling the strong scent of her favorite brand of cigarettes. Your arms were covered in burns, while your neck was filled with hickeys. You wanted this to stop, you had enough.
"I'm still waiting," she said in a low voice.
You whimpered as you felt Lisa Lisa bring another cigarette close to your arm again. "I-I'm sorry, I won't talk to Mr. Zeppeli anymore," you said closing your eyes.
She gave you a small smile, "And?"
"I will never disobey you again.." you said. "M-mistress" you whispered opening your eyes and facing her.
Lisa Lisa smiled, you trembled above her. She looked at all the burn marks and hickeys that were now on your body. All physical signs that you belong to her.
You were officially hers, and no one could take you away.
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