#yandere mama
dustylava · 2 years
When your parental yandere raises their hand, to pat you on the head, and you cover your head with your hands. Or you squeezed your eyes shut and turn your face away from them.
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mamayan · 10 months
Oh em gee can I request, Yan! geto? I was thinking with a reader whose like a black magic witch??queen barely talks to anyone and seems like some high class cunt but rlly she's lives in a forest in some hit with a couple cats and stuff, and like when she actually talks to ppl she's really nice actually.. And also she dresses gothy too,,thank you for your time!!💗💗
Hi Anon !💗 I am so down for this! I’m already ready for October at this point. I’ve redone this like 3x already and still am not completely satisfied. Either it’s too wordy and badly balanced with the smut or too much smut not balanced with your request. I hope this satisfies~ maybe I’ll make a longer fic for Geto because I genuinely like him.
Yandere Geto x “Witch” Sorcerer Reader
CW: Yandere Themes•NSFW•Suguru Geto is already mentally ill, so I’m honestly not portraying him too inaccurately•Death (Geto murders a lot of people)•Kidnapping•Dub-con•Forced Relationship•Breeding Kink•Baby Trapping!
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It was just a passing thought in his mind. Not truly processing much as he stares blankly at the empty rail car, save for a girl sitting quietly at the other end. Her face stoic and impassive, eyes set outside at the passing scenery. Eye catching makeup dark, all black clothing seemingly tailored, and overall appearance somewhat spoiled looking. She looked like a doll one might find in an old antique store that’s cursed.
Yet not a whiff of cursed energy flowed off her.
The tracks are loud, the old rail system likely never been upgraded since it’s manufacture date. The pretty girl dressed as if attending a king’s funeral seemed completely aloof to the world around her. Geto was beside himself as he felt his normally foggy mind clear for a moment as he blatantly stared.
His opinion shifted the more attention he paid.
Not a single drop of cursed energy was on her, so either she was a sorcerer and was able to channel cursed energy to a high degree, or she was a non-sorcerer who had never had a single negative thought in her life touch her.
He doubted the latter, so it was most likely she was a sorcerer, but he’d never seen her before. Then again, for the first time recently, he’d met his fellow special grade peer, Yuki. The woman operated on her own terms and conditions, but her ideology was something he respected. Was that the case then?
For you, who sat on the other side of the rail car, trying desperately not to show how uncomfortable you were. The sharp eyed man didn’t seem hostile, but he radiated power unlike something you’d seen before. He wasn’t a normal sorcerer, you could quickly deduce, and it worried you greatly how much attention he was giving you.
He got up and moved towards you, and despite the dark circles layered under his eyes, he had a small smile on his face. Friendly and genuine.
That was how you met the living special grade sorcerer, Suguru Geto, a young man in his early twenties.
Geto isn’t an entirely inexperienced man when it came to women, quite popular in school. Despite how dreary his appearance may be now, how clouded his judgement, he can tell when someone is shy instead of blatantly cold towards him. Despite your attire and frozen facial expression from earlier, you melted quickly into a sweetheart. He learned you’d been trained as a sorcerer by your grandfather, whose name he recognized to be a very respected historical figure that taught at his school decades ago. You didn’t work for Jujutsu High, similar to Yuki whom he’d met recently as well.
“You’re a sorcerer not working as a sorcerer… is that correct?” He asked, genuinely curious. You had shook your head, speaking softly.
“I don’t need the money.”
That was it.
Your whole reasoning for it all, was just not wanting to be paid for work that could seriously kill or injure you. Geto was left stunned. “Why…? When it’s their fault these curses are killing them, killing us?” He was still reeling from the information which Yuki provided him. Truly still not understanding where his feelings lay. Your eyes were so clear, your voice barely loud enough over the noisy rail car for him to hear.
“They don’t know any better?”
A few days after his encounter with you, Geto massacred the entire village he had traveled to save. Only two little girls left alive, sorcerers that had been ostracized and beaten for the things their abusers had caused.
Your words and Yuki’s rang in his mind to the same tune of applause of that day.
“They cause cursed energy because they can’t control it”
“They don’t know any better”
Geto wanted to eradicate them all.
“Worthless monkeys”
“Die! Witch!”
“Burn demon! Burn to death! You’ve cursed us!”
“Kill her! We have to kill her if we want to purge it!”
Their terrifying shouts rose with the flames of your home you realized had been burned with the intent to kill you. You watched in horror as their emotions released more and more cursed energy.
“Stop! You’re going to make it worse!” You could only cry out, unable to fathom the circumstances that were happening. How did these people know you were a sorcerer? But as you looked again, finally using logic to see, you realized they didn’t know. They really thought you to be a witch, a demon from hell cursing them. Your cats struggled, clawing out of your hold and you had no choice but to set them down as they raced off into the forest to escape the fire spreading.
Someone threw out a woman from the crowd, badly beaten and still tied up, her body landing with a soft thud on the soft forest floor.
“I-is she… oh god…” you were overcome with horror and anguish as you realized they’d killed her. An innocent young woman. Dead.
The mobs screams and shouts just kept getting louder, and you knew if you didn’t get out now, it’d be a blood bath. Either yours or theirs. You took off, despite being barefoot and hardly covered, you were quick and nimble. The mob gave chase as well, and while they wouldn’t catch up with your speed and abilities, they had the power of numbers to block and surround you.
And so they did. Cornering you, shouting and hollering. Their malevolence combined weighing you down in panic and fear.
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“Look at all these pathetic monkeys.” Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, overpowering the shouts of the crowd a little, as their movements closing in on you halted a fraction due to his appearance.
He looked better than he had when you’d met for the first time. His face more jovial and his smile wide, less sincere though. It’s been months since your encounter on the train.
“What…” you were ready to cry, stepping away fearfully as you took him in.
“Aww dear, no need for that. These monkeys aren’t worth your precious tears.” He just kept coming closer and closer, standing tall and imposing before you, looking benevolent almost.
His smile doesn’t change as he casts a barrier, shocking you with the profound level and speed.
You move to take another step back, but a large hand encases your wrist and yanks you forward. This is much different than facing a non-sorcerer, you’re not even a warm up match for Geto. You hardly qualify as a grade 2, your prowess centered in reversed cursed techniques for healing. He doesn’t seem upset, but you had to admit you were scared. Your home burned. A woman murdered. An entire town apparently filled with so much hatred towards you that they wanted to burn you alive. And now Suguru Geto, a master curse user, is before you.
The same man who massacred 112 people not too long ago.
“Suguru…!” You tried again, to free your arm and figure out what his intentions were. Neither happened.
“I told you not to cry, didn’t I?”
It’s a blood bath. To your absolutely dismay, you’re left to watch as Suguru releases curse after curse which move to prey on the humans around you.
“Ah, the sound of monkeys dying. Isn’t this much better?” You can only take your eyes away when your tears blur your vision so badly you can no longer see as flames begin to light up the forest. People are being torn apart—
“Please stop!” Your plea garners his interest, but his stare is condescending as he looks down on you.
“You want to protect the very things which want you dead? That killed their own for such a ridiculous myth? They’ve dubbed you a black magic witch you know.” His visible hatred for humans takes your breath away, unsure how to handle this situation in a way which doesn’t result in more loss.
“They don’t understand—”
“I think it’s you who doesn’t understand.” His words register after the blow, consciousness fading as Geto wraps you up his arms protectively as he stares off into the carnage with a grin. Flames lick the sky as the night wears on.
When you awake it’s to a new nightmare.
You’re inside a barrier, Suguru’s no doubt, and laid on a futon in what seems to be a prayer room. The space is massive but empty, only a slight stand with a large pillow for lounging it seemed on it. Dimly lit by lanterns around the outer edges.
“Ah, you’re awake?” Your eyes snap to his, fear leaking into your veins as you try to scramble back from the special grade. You realize in horror you aren’t in your clothes, dressed instead in what looked to be a dark silk nightgown much too short for your comfort in front of this man. It’s revealing and scandalous, and if it was a different situation you might’ve admired the garment that fit your taste, but you only felt worried of who changed you.
You’re quick to get tangled in the sheets, fumbling around as you stand and take up a fighting stance despite knowing you were a weaker sorcerer than him.
“Those people—” you’re cut off.
“Monkeys” he interrupts.
You huff, your stoic facade crumbling again as you see his smile grow in deep pleasure. You don’t need him to say it aloud, those people are dead now. You didn’t nothing to stop it either. Your pride was certainly wounded, hurt that a sorcerer who should be protecting humans was instead turning around and killing them.
“Why—!” You could only grit your teeth in anger, unable to fathom how he could do such things without a hint of remorse. Even if they’d misunderstood you, even if you’d been judged for your appearance, it still wasn’t the answer to slaughter them like animals!
“Because they threatened you. Because they served no purpose other than to die.” His simple answer left you dumbfounded, only breaking from the spell as you hear a tiny yowl. You look to see one of your cats, a black cat you’d rescued from some punk kids on Halloween with bad intentions, rubbing and purring against Geto’s leg. “Why can’t you act more like this?” His words struck a cord of annoyance in you, as he points down at your cat smothering him with affection like the hussy she is.
“I’m leaving.”
“I’m afraid you aren’t dear.”
“And why not?”
His smile dropped as his eyes fully opened and focused on you now. What were once albeit tired and kind eyes now bore into your own with a burning hatred in their dark depths. Was it towards you? His eyes widened a bit, likely taking note of the terror he was eliciting from you, throwing his hands up and going back to his harmless smiling expression. “No dear, don’t look at me like that. I don’t wish you any harm at all. Quite the opposite in fact.”
What did that mean? Your gut instinct told you nothing good.
“I-I want to leave.” You don’t mean to stumble over your words, nor can you control how your body reacts like a wounded beast cornered.
“Why? Why try and leave when you can stay here and be excepted by your own, where we understand and care for each other. Those monkeys dub you a witch, but here you’d be worshipped as a Goddess as you should be.” He’s deranged, you’ve already concluded, and you don’t listen any further as you turn and rush for some type of exit.
If you can find a weak point in his barrier then maybe—
You don’t make it far, a strong arm locked around your center and throwing your balance off as you’re tossed haphazardly back onto the futon. You gasp in panic, readying your cursed energy in preparation for attack but it doesn’t come. Instead Suguru looms over you, hands on either side of your face as he blocks out the light of the room with his figure. His knees cage your hips in, his robes tickling the exposed skin the nightgown leaves uncovered.
“Please” you further crumble, realizing this special grade seems to have more intentions towards you than just having you worshipped as some sort of deity.
“So pretty. I thought so the first time I saw you too. Like a doll, so expressionless… I like you like this more though. I think I’d like you best if you smiled. I wonder if I’ll get to see that.” He’s too close. His body heat seeping through into you and you can smell his masculine scent. Your heart is racing, and you wished this wasn’t the situation you were in, wished Suguru wasn’t a homicidal sociopath because yes he is handsome. Your body doesn’t care that his hit list is nearly the entire world apparently, heating up under his burning gaze.
His smirk is as terrifying as it is infuriating because he knows what he’s doing. “What’s wrong dear? Weren’t you leaving?” One hand moves, his size and stature bigger than you, his wide palm and long fingers tracing up your side and pulling a shiver from you. You react slowly, hands wrapping around his wrist in a pathetic and lazy attempt to remove it. “Stop. This- this is wrong…what are you planning…?” Your eyes are wide with confusion, lips pulled down in a frown.
“I’m planning many things… but for you? I plan to make you mine.”
He’s not hesitating anymore, likely emboldened by your lackluster efforts to deny his seduction. It’s really not your fault, not with how his hands feel as he finally sits up to admire how you look beneath him. Under him. How his hands dance over your exposed skin, and so gently begin to warm you up in the cool room. “You can cry and scream if you’d like?” His thin eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiles sadistically. You seem further confused as he pets you, your hands locked on both his wrists, fingers not able to wrap around completely. You aren’t stopping him, if anything you just seem apprehensive as he lightly explores you. Not touching anywhere necessarily inappropriate but his actions clearly not innocent either. “Make me out to be a monster, I’m not against taking you forcefully.” You’re frozen beneath him, his soft grazing not aligned with the vicious statement of raping you.
“You’re being so good though, aren’t you little witch?” The word usually used as a derogatory term against you sounds sweet from his lips. He’s leaning down, finally letting his hands caress your chest through the nightgown, cupping your breasts and letting his thumbs playfully poke your hardened nipples. You’d been left without a bra. You kept quiet even as your hips jerked a fraction at his teasing. His lips so close to your own now. “Not going to fight me?” His grin and tone are light, and you’re more surprised by your own lack of will to stop him than his passionate kiss. It’s soft, his lips and the way he’s able to mold them so perfectly with your own. The skillful manner in which he has your mouth opening for him, his tongue delving into your own for a taste that has you whining into the kiss. One hand stays fondling your breast, another moving down your abdomen and close to your heat.
You aren’t given a chance to squeeze your thighs together, one of his knees swift in slotting itself in between your own and forcing your legs to spread. His hand not shy as he drags two fingers over your wet panties. His own groan vibrating into your mouth when he realizes how you’ve soaked your underwear he’d just put you in not long ago. Shoving the lacy piece of cloth to the side, Geto quickly sinks a finger inside your needy core. You’re shaking beneath him, hands moved to wrap around his neck and keep him close as he explores and stretches your gummy insides. “All for me?” He chuckles breathlessly, breaking the kiss with a string of saliva connecting you two for a brief moment. You don’t have his lips to silence you anymore, and your soft little whines and panting are too cute for Geto to control how his hips rut into the futon. “Your mouth up here says one thing, but your pussy is honest, isn’t it?” He’s mocking you, but you aren’t able to protest his words before his lips are back to devouring you. Another finger enters you, pumping in and out as you begin to soak his hand and the futon beneath you. He’s able to reach so deep inside you, focusing on a spot that has your hips shamelessly grinding down against him. “Right there?” He murmurs against your lips, pulling away to trail kisses down your jaw to your neck. He doesn’t tease or hold back now, rubbing that spot inside relentlessly while using the heel of his palm to apply pressure to your clit. Your noises pick up in volume, struggling to stop them futile as he nips and sucks at the tender skin of your neck. Geto can tell you’re close by how your legs try to close, hips jerking and pussy clamping down around his fingers while you mewl under him in pleasure.
“Hah… I was wrong. This expression looks the best on you.” He’s speaking more to himself as you finally come apart for him beautifully. Your eye makeup mostly removed by his hand but a bit of leftover eyeliner smudges down your cheeks as your eyes water and body convulses. You look ruined.
He lets you catch your breath, kissing over your tears and cheeks sweetly while murmuring praises.
“You did so good for me.”
“Looking so beautiful coming on my fingers. Look how much you came.”
You aren’t really given much time to transition from his fingers leaving you though, and being replaced by his hot aching cock. The soft tip unreserved as Geto pushes into you with no verbal warning. You keen, back arching as you feel his thick appendage stretch and fill you almost painfully. Your fingers dig through the fabric of his robes and into his skin, his breath catching as he groans at the feeling of you so tightly wrapping around him. “Really, so fucking tight.” He sounds almost pained even as his laughs, smiling at the sight of you struggling to take him. He doesn’t pause his hips though, just a continuous pace of filling you until he’s kissing up against your cervix. Cramming every inch of himself inside of your wet heat. “Good little witch, look, I’m all the way inside.” He’s amused as you pant, looking down to see indeed his hips were nestled right against your own, pubic hair lightly tickling you. “A little late for this, don’t you think?” He murmurs softly, brushing a few stray tears off your face as you huff, tilting your head back with narrowed eyes. Geto couldn’t help but liken you to the cats which he saved from the forest that night for you. The cute felines also playing sweet until he happened to graze their belly, only to have their eyes narrow and claws come out. Geto laughs, pulling his hips back meanly and slamming inside you, causing you to choke on a moan as you go to wrap your arms around him again. He sets a mean pace, relishing in how good you feel, and while he’s not overly experienced he’s aware he’ll never feel anything as heavenly as being inside you.
“S-slow down! S’too much Suguru!” Your speech is a bit slurred as you cry out, your defiant eyes from earlier melting into something softer and more to Geto’s liking.
“I told you I was going to make you mine, did you forget already?” He’s not kind as he slides his knees forward, your grip lost around him as your hands now clutch onto his robes and distort them. The fabric pulling until his chest is exposed, his appearance more debauched now as his face contorts in pleasure. His cheeks reddened, eyes darker and lips curled into a seductive smile that leaves you tightening around him in arousal. “My pretty and foolish little witch, I’m going to show you why those monkeys don’t deserve your efforts or that of any sorcerers.” You can’t think as he bullies himself into you over and over, cock dragging so perfectly against your walls that you can’t think straight. “I’m going to prove your place is right—hah—here.” you’re left reeling as he sinks even deeper, palm coming to push down on your lower abdomen where he’s punishing your cunt. The black silk nightgown is torn down with his other hand so he can’t watch your tits move with each thrust into your sopping cunt.
“Too much!” You wail pathetically, but he’s too focused on fucking as deep and hard into you as possible to care much for whines. Grunting as he feels the signs of you being close.
“Do you want to cum?” His question hardly registered, a hand coming to grip your jaw tightly as he makes you look at him. “Answer or I’m going to stop.” His threat finally cutting through the fog of overwhelming pleasure. You nod, trying to drag him down to kiss you again, but stopped.
“If you want to cum little witch, I suggest you beg.” His smile is cruel, enjoying the way you panic a bit as you realize he’s slowed down and your high was quickly escaping you.
“You can do better than that…” his hips roll gently now, but you could feel him so much better like this.
“Suguru… I want to cum.. please…!”
Geto groans, his thrusts still even and gentle now, keeping you tightly wound without letting the cord snap. Your hand which moved to touch yourself is quickly captured by his own. Threading your fingers together and pushing your hand into the futon to anchor you. He’s watching himself sink into you, too slow for your liking though as you tremble and babble beneath him. Begging him to make you come.
“I can’t! Please please please, I’ll be good, please.” It’s so desperate and needy it sends shivers down his spine, his cock twitching and balls tightening in arousal. Your hips jerking, trying to make him speed up and failing.
“Good girl.” Is all you get before he’s sliding out and flipping you over. Your hips are yanked up, back forced to arch as he applies pressure to your upper back to keep you pressed into the futon.
When he sinks back in, it’s an entirely new experience. Geto filling you so much better like this. “You want my cock?”
“Yes! Yes, I’wan it~!” Your slurred speech erotic, having Geto closer than he’d like to admit to his own finish due to how tight and wet you were. Your mindless pleas only furthering his own ego and turning him on. “I knew you’d beg so perfectly.” Geto is back to slamming his hips into yours, the soft flesh of your ass taking the brunt force of his pelvis smashing into you. His new angle and pace have you seeing white, hands clutching the fabric of the futon in a death grip as you come harder than you’ve ever experienced. “Fuck!” Geto can’t help but curse as your cunt locks him in a vice grip. His nails sink into your hips, using the momentum in which he bounces you off his cock to yank you back onto him. You’re left limp and pliant, using you more like a sex toy than anything else now as he chases his own high.
“I’m going to cum inside you.” He’s not asking.
“W-wait—!” His words snap you from your pleasure induced haze, panic gripping you as you realize now is the most dangerous time of the month for that and you aren’t on any birth control.
“Pull out! I’ll get pregnant, ngh!” You cry out as you feel his cock twitch and fill you. His hips jerking minutely, not pulling out enough to let his semen escape, but enough to try and press it further into you.
Geto laughs at your whimpers, petting the hair from your face sweetly as he stays still inside you now.
“That’s the point dear.”
It doesn’t dawn on you how absolutely crazy and obsessed this man is with you until this moment. His wandering hands moving you onto your side so he can tuck you against him, lips kissing you like a lover might.
“I told you little witch, you’re mine now.”
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hello! If you are still open can I request these two characters from LMK (Lego Monkie Kid)?
YANDERE! Sun Wukong and YANDERE!Macaque the six-ear monkey (together) with a Y/N who extremely fear people who are stronger than them so they always hide when meeting one
Y/N: they are a person that has Social anxiety and overthinks alot even in small situations and they always hide behind something that is big enough to hide them (EXAMPLE: BIG Rock) (when their trust one is not there) and hide behind their trust one (EXAMPLE: Hiding behind pigsy) (when their trust one is there) when meeting a stronger person. And it took REALLY long to get their trust.
Sun Wukong meet them beacsue M.k introduced them to him
Macaque meets them on accident (which you can choose how /3)
I hope you can do this!! :D (NOT FORCING)
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: reposted by: unknown on Pinterest and crated by flying bark
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC sun wukong . ALSO JUST WANNA AGAIN, thank you guys so much for the request!!! <3. You guys and this fandom are truly awesome!!!!
Swk: sun wukong
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Headcanons began now
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I feel like sun wukong and macaque would find it adorable. Yet they would try their best to help you in the situation.
Like for example gaining your thrust, even if it takes a good while, it better for you to try hiding behind them then pigsy or anyone else. These two monkey boys get jealous at the smallest things
The swear to protect you no matter the cost so when anyone villainous or to powered shows up you know it’s about to be a show not to mention how sun wukong and macaque like being show offs while doing so
If both of them know the person will be a bit of a struggle to put down if they are a threat. One would carry you off to MK as the other fights. They only trust Mk with you cause he is the only one with powers such as theirs and well he’s the one they know the most of course!
When Mk introduced you to sun wukong, sun wukong was immediately memorized, especially by your cute little movements no one else but him noticed. Like the way you clutched mks sleeve while nervously, or the way you but your lip when you thought hard, or even when you played with your fingers to distract yourself from uncomfortable situations
But to sun wukong dismay soon macaque learned about you one way or other. They both budded heads with each other constantly due to you
They did come to a resolution after one incident that made them work together to save you from a outta control demon. I know sun wukong is immortal but holy hell did that give him a death scare
They keep you close and follow you anywhere, where ever you go they go. Even if your just rounding a small street Conor to a store they’ll never be too far behind always trailing right behind you.
They usually like teasing you when you hide behind a rock or anything, mainly sun wukong but if it actually turns out serious and you end up hurt these boys are going to go CRAZY
Whenever you get hurt they are most differently fighting and blaming each other, while also smothering you and making sure your okay
To be honest their like your personal body guards anywhere you go. Like I mean anywhere 😭
Macaque is horrible at social situations even with his slide guy mask. So he understands your pain, aswell as sun Wunkong a bit, but he’s more social then both of you so when it comes to talking or anything it’s usually up to him
Pigsy catch up’s to this and tries standing up to them but….let’s just say he stayed silent real quick -_-💧
Over all these two monkey boys are very overprotective of you so you better get use to two magic monkeys following you around 24/7 💧 I wish you luck reader -_-💧
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
In your opinion who is most likely to be scary Yandere for you? Like what is the most terrifying Yandere that you are GLAD that you are not their obsessions?
Oh, this is an interesting question! I’m happy to answer. There’s four in total to go over here- and thank you for asking!
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I’ve only written twice for Huntsman, (mostly because I can’t find gifs for him) but I genuinely find him to be the scariest Lego Monkie Kid yandere. His obsession with you is based almost entirely around your skills, either as a hunter equal to him or as prey worthy of pursuit. The love present between is mutual, in a way- grindstones alike, whetting your skills in lethal pursuit and escape. You invite his predation, then struggle to escape it. It’s a perpetual, equal race to the mastery of his and your respective skills, hunting and escaping.
If Huntsman does catch you, he’ll likely end with him stuffing your body as a dinner table prop or having you for dinner outright. At least he’s got a nice recipe for you.
Then again, you might just do the same to him if you win.
Either way, neither of you will ever forget the impact that the other has made on you.
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Unlike Huntsman above, Tang Sanzang (also criminally few gifs) isn’t on this list because his intention is to harm you, or because he’s willing to follow through with actual butchery of your physical being-
No, it’s because he will win. There’s no escape from the pious pilgrim. He finds you, snatches you up, snaps a golden circlet or two onto your body somewhere, then forces you along on his journey, intending to make something better of you.
And after enough tightening sutras and lectures and escape attempts that are thwarted by his loyal disciples… you break. Confidence, stubbornness and rebellion can only last so long before you are left wearied and in need of comfort.
One moment you’re sniffling and clutching at the bands that cover your wrists, the skin long worn raw from repeated punishments. You stand on shaky feet with your head bowed, trying to stay strong in your quest to abandon this long, arduous journey.
The next moment you’ve got your head in his lap, sobbing your eyes out into the pants of his cossack. You apologize for every last thing you can think of, desperate for his kind touch and forgiveness. Sanzang offers you both in plentitude, his hands stroking down your hair and rubbing at the bands that have tortured your wrists for so long.
He’ll hold you close the rest of the day and then all through the night, his gentle fingers patching your wounds with herbal paste and untangling the knots in your hair.
And you’ll wonder why you ever wanted to leave in the first place.
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Power, wealth, status. Big Mama has all three in abundance. She’s got a collection of mystic baubles and magical curios as far as the eye can see. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of servants and slaves gladiators.
And she’s very, very, cunning.
The webs she weaves to deceive are more than tangible- they’re snared to achieve a position where you’re forced into submission.
Big Mama will have you.
With an arcane bibelot to tamper with your mind and leave you unsettled. Using a rather disposable servant to stage a rescue that leaves you indebted. Sending a Yōkai to demolish your workplace and leave you in desperate need of her ‘generous’ offer to sign you on to her staff.
By brute, overwhelming force, if she must personally collect you. If you fight her too much here, she’ll leave you strung up from the ceiling with web over your eyes and ears to deprive you of your senses. Only for a while, of course. It wouldn’t do to damage her new little darling too much, even if her method of procural leaves you bruised and battered.
No matter the manner, she will have you.
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(I held off on writing for this guy for the longest time, because I wasn’t sure if my followers would enjoy darker content. But I got the go ahead!)
Dabi’s a monster. He’s a man who prioritizes the downfall of his father above all else, and he’s a mile-long sadistic streak to pair with it.
He enjoys hurting people. Innocent people, to boot. No regard for their friends, for their families. No regard for the snuffing of precious, fragile life.
His mind is fractured from the strain and heartbreak of being cast aside by his father, replaced by his brother, and forgotten by his family in short turn.
You’re a outlet for Dabi, not someone he loves.
I don’t think he’s capable of love anymore.
You scream when his flaming fingers jab deep into your skin. You cry when his fingernail cut into your skin and ignite. He grabs big fistfuls of your hair and burns them off, chuckling as you sob, stinking of charred keratin.
His touch is tricky, mixing torturous pain with gentle relief. His softer actions are not true kindness- he’s only patching your wounds and stroking your hair so you’ll never now exactly what his next touch will consist of. Is he going to beat you? Pat your head? Rip out your fingernails?
You can’t know, not with the deliberate duality he displays. Every time he comes close to you, you tremble and whimper, smelled of burning hair and charred flesh. And Dabi hurts you, again and again and again.
But he won’t kill you. If there’s even a single, infinitesimally small speck of love left in his heart, it is dedicated solely to not killing you.
That is not a mercy.
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fluff-n-cookies · 10 months
imagine this
Soft yan mama Rei trying to teach you how to knit and crochet and while you are making a granny square Rei has made you a little stuffed dino, your fav dino too!
she will wear anything ANYTHING you make for her. even if you made her a scarf (which she would normally never since she has an ice quirk and likes the cold ) SHE WILL WEAR IT AND WEAR IT WITH PRIDE like you coulda made her a necklace back in kindergarden and she will wear it to a fancy party and be all like "oh THIS, THIS is the MOST WELL CRAFTED, AMAZING, DOLLAR STORE BEADS NECKLACE MONEY CAN BUY!!! oh yeah, MY DAUGHTER made it"
yan mama rei is a very wholesome person, the type of person to help you make cupcakes on your b-day to bring to school (and if you are a summer b-day like me then she takes you out to the beach or plant shopping which ever one you pefer!) the type of person to bandage you up and kiss your boo-boos when you fall off your bike
the type of person to brautally murderer your bio parent cause she felt they were not worthy of you. but she will never let you know that
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this scene from brave when the queen is knitting and the MC (callin' her MC cause I can't spell her name right) was a child and playing with a wooden horse before she gets scared by thunder and runs to hug her mama is what i think of when I think of yan mama rei and daughter (y/n)
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yanyanderes · 1 year
can’t get the thought of yandere rottmnt turtles x villain (y/n) out of my mind
yeah there’s a lot of potential for angst and stuff, but i’m gonna focus on the crack. put everything under the cut cuz it’s a long ramble
like, (y/n) and the turtles are fighting, leo keeps flirting with (y/n), raph yells at leo because he doesn’t want to make (y/n) uncomfortable, mikey is being an absolute fanboy (like (y/n) could literally grab him by the face and throw him to the ground and he’d be like “omigosh i’m never washing this face again!”) and donnie’s the only one (except raph kind of) taking this fight seriously because he just wants to get the handcuffs on (y/n) so they can take them to the lair
i like the thought of (y/n) being all frustrated and yelling “TAKE THIS FIGHT SERIOUSLY!!” and donnie’s like “YES I’D LIKE THIS TO BE OVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE” but leo says something along the lines of “aww (y/n) you’re so cute when you’re mad” making donnie yell at him and (y/n) throw him into a wall or something
like, donnie and (y/n) are the most enemy-like. donnie’s the only one who fights them seriously, they’re the biggest rivals, but they also end up agreeing with each other a lot of the time, and (y/n) actually respects the amount of effort put into his inventions
possible donnie villain arc? haha, jkjk…. unless-
i also like thinking at some point during a fight, one of the brothers says something like “haha i’m totally (y/n)’s favorite” and they all start arguing, to the point where they stop physically fighting just to argue. like, even donnie stops fighting to argue and (y/n) is just standing there like 🧍
and then the turtles all turn to (y/n) and go “(Y/N) I’M YOUR FAVORITE RIGHT?!” and (y/n) goes “WDYM I HATE ALL OF YOU!!”
or maybe (y/n) is super manipulative and says something like “i mean, i hate all of you, but i hate this one turtle a little less” and they all start arguing even more and (y/n) uses the opportunity to get away
bonus points if (y/n) works with/under another villain and there’s a platonic yandere. there’s so many possibilities.
foot clan (y/n), where foot lieutenant and foot brute are platonic yans and cassandra is a possible romantic yan.
draxum henchman (y/n), where draxum is (y/n)’s father figure and huginn and muginn are like annoying little brothers.
big mama worker (y/n), where big mama dotes on them all the time and they’re employee of the month every month and she spoils them. they could spend a week doing nothing but having tea with her and she’d still pay them more than any of their hard working employees.
(y/n) who was a student of hypno-potamus before he was mutated but continued supporting his career anyways.
(y/n) who works for repo mantis, they were looking for a job and couldn’t find success anywhere else so they ended up at repo mantis salvage. (y/n) didn’t judge him for being a crazy mutant, and repo wasn’t about to complain about another set of hands helping him out, and he ends up being like a cool uncle.
(y/n) who works under meat sweats. their dishes actually impressed him, especially with their young age, and he took them under his wing. even after being mutated, he still finds opportunities for (y/n) to really show off their skills.
i’m sure i’m forgetting someone but that’s enough rambling for me-
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lopsushi · 10 months
I have a question I just say your there can only be one father to mk
Did sun and PIGSY fight and did he get hurt and what did mk do when he Heard about it would he beg sun he would do anything to let him Keep his pig father alive. And that means no more fighting. And what would mama Macaqa reaction to hearing pigsy braliy staying alive
Actually Yandere Wukong first plan was to kill Pigsy because Mk has a really close bond with him. (Also since Pigsy is Mk’s real father 😤)
So Y!Wukong got angry/jealous planning to kill him when Mk snap one day on telling Wukong he isn’t his father and Pigsy is. Of course mama Macaque saves the day by talking to Wukong and telling him “If you kill the pig demon Mk would HATE you and I will HATE you too if you make our cub destress.” Of course that would scared Y!Wukong and wouldn’t kill Pigsy, for now.
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yanteetle · 10 months
it's canon: Big Mama would absolutely nickname her darling spiderlily.
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iloveolderman0 · 9 months
Yandere Josef?? 🤔
Yes sir! He will be alpha male 💀
I was actually wondering what type of yandere he will be but I’m not sure, idk if he might be a weird one or not but ehh Let’s try!
Yandere!Josef x Gn!reader
!Warnings! Josef being a yandere, Obsessive love, unhealthy relationship, kidnapping & more!
- When you decided to be his camera person He was happy that he had someone to record him and to end up in the record pile
- but that all changed when you met in person
- He was gobsmacked and scratched the plan he originally made
- Once he got to know you and you introduced yourself to him he did the same when you guys were walking in his house ( like the scene he did with Sarah)
- he did try to scare you but if it worked he will be so happy about and if it didn’t work he will be like oh… whoopsies
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- When you also questioned his job experience he just flat out ignored you
- The more time you stayed there to record him the more weirder, more clingy and obsessive he became
- Once it was time for you to leave he took you to a spot, through the woods which did give you a bad feeling but you ignored it
- You we’re taken so far into woods you don’t even know how long you have been walking until he stopped and turned around to face you
- You still had the camera in your hand and it was pointed at him still, You were confused and had a bad feeling and your gut was telling you to leave
- He expressed how he loved you and how much you make him feel needed and how you guys are like wolves
- he went into detail about the wolf thing and yeah even about the mating stuff 😭
- you looked at him like he was insane and you got second hand in embarrassment from the wolf talk
- you caught him off at some point when he was getting into more detail about what he wants to have with you and what he wants to do to you
- You told him nicely that you didn’t want to be with him and you apologised
- When you were about to leave he knocked you out with a rock and dragged or carried your body to the cabin
- When you woke up, you had a chain around your ankle and arm to prevent you from escaping or doing anything that might harm him or yourself
- It was hell and torture, You were stuck with a man you didn’t even love
- He never forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do, but he did force you to eat and drink
- Whenever you did try to escape he did get mad at you
- He started to get weird and said to you that you were his mate, his lover and you know where this is going
- you looked at him disgusted and uncomfortable by his presence and what he just talked about
- He just want you to love him back and if you keep saying no he just shows you a clip of killing people that he had as a camera person
- He just wants you and only, just love him back!
- he always reminds you that you’re his and he doesn’t care if you keep denying it
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Thank you so much for sending this in! I feel like Josef will be the type of one to kidnap you tho, He’s a little bit weird but you don’t care he’s your little pookie bear 🐻
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
Their Baby Mama P2 (Angry Mama) Yandere Asmodeus X Baby Mama Listener X ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR (Depends if you are in the right time zone lmao XD) 
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hi there! I wanted to ask, if the request are still open can I request Yandere Macaque x Female reader where Reader, feeling persecuted, decides to escape or hide from him, but he only takes that as a game of hide and seek, being able to see her using his shadows
When I think of a Yan Macaque I always think of him using his shadows to his advantage, this jerk XD
I don't know if it's a good scenario 😅 but I would like to be able to see it in your interpretation if you want of course ☆ thank you! And have a nice day! 💗
❤︎︎Yandere macaque x fem!reader❤︎︎
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Jossy Rodriguez and Fasha <3 on Pinterest!, art is produced by Flying Bark Productions
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE POLL JUST A WARNING!! I will still be waiting for results and I will still be writing a character! This is just a cool requesting just couldn’t wait >_<!!!
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Scenario and Head-canons began now
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His laughs filled the forest like venomous gas, each step he took made your heart pound like as if it was going to jump out of your chest. Your vision was shaky as your mind was Ingolf by fog of thoughts and scenarios that only made your body Trimble more. You knew this was just a game to him, a fun cat and mouse chase, but you still had little determination in you to keep hiding, to escape. Your chances were low and you knew the consequences of getting caught by the six eared macaque. “Y/n, you know you can’t hide” he sung as he walked with pride, making his tail swing excitedly behind him “I love these little games you play, truly, but cmon you really think you can get away from this?,from me?” He laughed as he taunted you. You only coward behind the large bolder surrounded by trees, praying to whatever god/gods out there to lend a hand in your desperate situation yet no use as your prayers fell on death ears as nothing came to your rescue.
The leaves and sticks crunched under macaque as he finally appeared to your side, you eyes widen as your breath hitched cursing every living being you could. You stood still like a deer in head lights staring at his smug face his lips parted as he let a out a low warning, “run” at his word you quickly crawled away before scrambling up to your feet and running away, laughs echoed out and bounced off trees, you could hear him giving chase behind you but you dared not look back in fear of the horrific sight. Your legs felt weak, begging for you to stop but the adrenaline kept you pushing forward not daring to stop for miles but at some point you would have to. God the pain coursing through your body was worse then ever, you only stopped when you noticed the absent of his running you let out a small shaky sigh of relief. As your hands went to your knees, now being supported by it as you let your burning lungs greedily inhale the air around you. You looked like a mess with snot and tears running down your face as your lips were dry.
“Y/n” he’s voice sung once again your body tensing at his voice. You looked around you trying to spot him yet you couldn’t, and the moon was already taking the suns place making your situation worse. “Please..no” you mumbled tiredly and scared you could hear his laugh in the distance yet. Your body was to weak to move his voice grow closer as your body tried using any energy left to start moving yet it was to late.
“Boo” he said his voice right next to your ear leaving it tingling because of his breath hitting it . You let out a scream as you scrambled away only to get surrounded by his shadow clones “nuh uh” he laughed as his clone mimicked him they all moved closer slowly in an antagonizing manner. You looked helpless, and overly defeated. “What’s wrong my small crow, to tired to run?” He cooed as he finally appeared from one of his portals, standing right above your already calloused body “looks like someone exhausted themselves” he humored as he crouched down to your eye level “it’s been fun,really,but it’s time to go” he said grabbing you chin between his thumb and pointer finger as he faced your head to make eye contact with him. He planted a small kiss on your forehead before scooping you up in his arms “I love playing these games with you, but when will you learn, you’ll never be able to escape. A shadows something you can’t get rid of my crow” he said laughing before taking you with him through the portal, you looked tiredly behind him only to see his clones laughing along and waving bye to you, you truly were just a scared mouse to him weren’t you?
Head canons cause I love this fandom so much! \(^ヮ^)/
As you can see him calling you “crow” has appeared very often in the short scenario, so I’ll explain that first!. It’s a nickname he gave you while stalking you at the beginning of his obsession with you, he saw a small crow land near you on a bench while you gave it a small peace of seed you were munching on. He found the little action adorable so of course this lead him to the little pet name. Some other common nick names are for example: little shadow, my moon, and other things like such
He’s prideful and full of himself some times sure, but he’s also quite and emotional detached sometimes. It really depends, one minute he’s cooing at you while running his fingers through your skin/fur and the next he’s despaired for multiple weeks or even months. Don’t expect him to even acknowledge it and it would be in your best interest not to bring it up
Don’t even mention sun wokung, this man won’t even let you think of him let alone met him. And in the off chance that you do oh boy, Mk and his friends are gonna have their hands full
He’s like a cat if anything, nagging you for attention but after awhile just becoming distant not wanting to be near anyone nor be touched before going back to you and your arms
For as smooth as he can be sometimes he’s also a bit awkward.
While he does disappear sometimes don’t expect to be left alone, oh no,no,no you are wrongly mistaken he’ll be watching your every move from afar and that Erie feeling of being watched you feel? Yea better get use to it cause it’s not going away anytime soon I can promise you that
He’s overprotective from afar, he won’t ever out right say he is but when you notice friends, family, hell even coworkers if you have job disappear I think you can connect the dots. He basically forces you into isolation in fear of not wanting to hurt the innocent
He’s a manipulator , he can easily do it to you if he wants to guilt you into staying or some other reason really
Out of all the yanderes in the LMK he’s the slowest in realizing or acknowledging his obsession and need for you, he tries hiding it in the deepest parts of him but in the end he lets it consume him. No point in fighting for a losing battle
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rottenomelet · 5 months
yan noritoshi is hard to be angry at because he treats you so delicately. not because he thinks you’re weak or that you can’t care for yourself - but because he genuinely wants to care for you. he wants you relaxed and happy. he only wants the best for you, and he’ll do anything to provide you comfort. so just lean on him, ok? it’s so easy to be happy when noritoshi gives you everything you could be possibly need.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Hello! I would like to request a Mama Bear Yandere Concept from Dark Deception please! Could it be a Romantic/Platonic concept as well? Thanks!
Adding another to the psychotic bear collection.
Yandere! Mama Bear Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Possessive/Vaguely protective behavior, Sadism, Manipulation, Murder mention, Mentions of being a pet, Forced affection, Forced companionship.
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Mama Bear can be seen as a twisted form of platonic or romantic but I do feel she leans more towards platonic.
If romantic she'd probably try to force you into some sort of parental role, like a spouse.
If platonic, the motive she'd most likely have towards you, she acts like a suffocating mother.
Mama Bear is a collection of the souls from mothers who ruined their kids' lives.
As a result her behavior is much more akin to that.
She's suffocating towards you regardless of the intentions she has in her obsession.
You are the only mortal in her care that she hasn't killed for her babies.
She would take her darling into her “happy family” instead of killing them.
Not sure what's worse, death or being forced to persist in her realm.
Like her usual victims, there's no escape for you.
You'll be lost in twisted tunnels and the halls of her cabin for all of eternity.
She doesn't plan on killing you, either.
There's no point in waiting for that portal to open… it won't open for you unless you get help.
Where are you even going to get help?
Malak probably sent you to her for one reason or another fully expecting her to feed off you.
Instead he comes back to see her making you her pet.
Oh well…?
Mama Bear would be overly affectionate with you.
She often calls you affectionate nicknames, like “dear”, even if you express distaste for it.
She'd probably give you literal bear hugs too.
Even if you hate her affection she doesn't care.
She's your new mama, regardless of the intention….
This is her home! What she says goes!
Not only are you endlessly lost in the twisting paths of her home, but you also have Trigger Teddies tracking your every move.
Mama essentially has eyes everywhere to keep track of you.
She doesn't want you escaping or helping any of her prey, yeah?
Mama Bear expresses sadism at times towards you.
Any time you try an escape attempt she gets excited at the idea of catching you again.
As a result I doubt she gets bored or irritated at your escape attempts.
You really are a new toy for her.
Her affection/obsession tends to border on you being a toy/pet and a twisted form of love.
You're mostly kept with her in her cabin, the basement locked away from you.
You'd stay there unless she felt you needed to be punished for one reason or another.
In that case she'd drag you to her tunnels, her real den, to keep you there.
Overall I feel Mama Bear is a predator/hunter at heart, one that finds joy in the hunt yet a twisted form of obsessive care for her darling.
She'd be really taunting about the fact you can't escape her.
You're stuck in her little game… in her little family… for as long as she wants you to be.
There's no running from Mama… Mother knows best!
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yanyanderes · 1 year
yandere rottmnt villains idea (aiming for platonic, but you can view this as romantic)
so you know how the hidden city restaurants like hueso’s pizza place? imagine (y/n) runs one, but it’s a bar and it’s in the slums of the town.
(y/n)’s the boss and bartender who’s seen some stuff, can easily deescalate bar fights, can suplex someone twice their weight and size, is constantly surrounded by yokai like thugs and criminals, but doesn’t really care and has long gotten used to it.
it’s been forever since i’ve watched the episode with the mud dogs in it, but i can imagine them hanging around the place just because of (y/n). they become regulars and are pretty much the bouncers of the place. all (y/n) has to do is snap to get their attention, then point at the rascals causing a ruckus and the mud dogs will take care of them.
maybe one day the turtles decide to take another vacation to the hidden city and draxum gets chased by the cops again, and ends up in this bar. it’s filled with all sorts of gangs, and they’re all staring at him as he walks in, when (y/n) welcomes him. they see he’s new around here, and say that they don’t really care about what kind of crime he’s committed as long as he doesn’t cause too much trouble at the bar.
they let him vent his frustration and offer him mystic drinks on the house, and he grows to enjoy their company. he comes back more and more often, and sometimes even brings (y/n) lunch.
but no matter what, he refuses to let the turtles or splinter find out about (y/n). he finally has somewhere peaceful to himself with someone who doesn’t mind him voicing his frustrations, he does not want them barging in and ruining their alone time. similar to the mud dogs where he’ll take care of anyone giving (y/n) trouble.
big mama’s a unique one. maybe she comes to the rougher side of town in search of someone truly ruthless for her battle nexus, finds (y/n) in their tacky bar, and is immediately intrigued. what an adorable little yokai in such a brutal part of town.
she admires their work, and the drinks they brew are absolutely splendid, so she offers them work at her hotel. should they refuse, she’ll only be more entranced. passing up on an opportunity as great as this one? yokai would kill to have that position, you know!
aren’t they the most intriguing little thing?
she comes by more often and never lets the topic of (y/n) working for her die. unlike he mud dogs or draxum, big mama will do the exact opposite; she’ll send more ruffians to trash the bar, because, “oh dear, what a mess this place is! there is certainly no possible way you could work in these conditions! worry not, perhaps you could work for me instead? big mama will always welcome you with open arms!”
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pianocat939 · 1 year
In this house hold we Simp respectful for Bigmama 😎 would it be ok to request on platonic HCs please
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She gives both wine aunt and nice cat lady next door vibes to me. And her accent isn't shit unlike other Brits (Brit slander is valid).
Tw: Implied torture/murder, slight manipulation
Platonic Yandere Big Mama Hcs
Type: Deceiving + Violent
As we know, Big Mama can be both loving and murderous. So as a mother figure, she is a mix of both. While she may be so kind to you, giving you everything you could ever want or need, she's killing or caging anyone she doesn't see fit to you.
That new friend you met up with last week? Strange, it's as if they disappeared by force...Maybe they wanted to start a new life. They're currently fighting for their life in the Battle Nexus right now.
At some point, she'll convince you to move into her hotel. That way, she can keep an eye on you, and if you ever need anything, she's right at your beck and call.
There isn't anything too strange about her compared to a loving mother, except for her Battle Nexus situation and how manipulative she is sometimes.
She'll give you head pats and supports any hobby or your interests. If you have any issues, she's right there, ready to solve the problem.
She affectionately calls you "Little Spiderling."
"Little Spiderling, help mummy settle the guests to their rooms?"
Now, as I stated before, she's protective over your relationships. Most friends are hard to get through her, but romantic relationships? Basically out the window.
In her view, they need to be both strong and empathetic. The personality aspect isn't strenuous to achieve; however, her perspective of strength is to win as Battle Nexus Champion (with no weapons nor companions under any circumstances).
Ideally, she prefers you work in her hotel and not pay attention to romance. She's jealous that you distract yourself from her.
Great mother figure overall, although overbearing.
Listen, AU where Leo gets separated from bros and ends up with Big Mama. It makes a lot of sense honestly.
- Celina
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cxrine · 9 months
Ezolianna MorningStar
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"The darkness exists to make the light truly count...."
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@crownxie @primordixl @bertry3 @achy-boo @nyrwve @writerig @yourlocalintrovertt @nunezs-stuff @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe @juvellianovo @roseadleyn @dxmoness
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