#yandere Kokichi Ouma x reader
kittenmey-rin · 4 months
Yandere Dragon Drv3 Boys x Female Princess reader, Prologue.
Fantasy au.
Once upon a time, in the middle of the forest is a medium village, on the mountains is a royal castle, and inside of the royal castle is Princess Y/n, Princess Y/n is the next Princess as heir to the throne as queen, Princess Y/n doesn't want to use her subjects as slaves to obeyed her commands, so she decided that she will have her subjects to work of jobs in the village.
In the next day, You went into the forest and started to have an nature's walk, during your nature's walk, you heard 3 different dragon snarls, you decided to investigate the noise and follow the noise, and then you spotted 3 different types of dragons, the 1st dragon is navy blue scale color, has navy blue eyes, has like swirled-straight dragon horns, and is not really taller than the Navy green dragon, but not really shorter than the dark purple dragon, the 2nd dragon is dark navy green scale color, has brick red eyes, has swirling dragon horns, and is really taller than the Navy blue scale dragon and the dark purple scale dragon, the last dragon is dark purple scale dragon, has dark purple eyes, has straight dragon horns, and is really shorter then the dark navy green scale dragon and the navy blue scale dragon, you almost never seen 3 dragons before.
The next day, you seen 3 dressed men. You were confused for a few minutes later, and you said "Hey, who are you 3?" You said while looking at them. After the introduction, you 4 started becoming best friends, however, you never know is that the male dragons are in yandere love with you, and wants you to be their future wife.
The end.
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angelic-yandere-doll · 2 months
Random danganronpa boys when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 2)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore, swearing
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: did the girls, now doing the boys
Characters: byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiyotaka ishimaru, nagito komaeda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, kaito momota, kokichi oma
♡ byakuya togami ♡
offended >:0 how dare someone hurt his darling?
thinks about hiring a hitman, or better, paying a gang to torture that person for days on end. he can get anything done with his money. would rather not get his own hands(too) dirty, it might cause him problems
people might suspect him at first. he'll just make something up. if they still suspect him, he gets some people(toko and makoto) to stand up for him to make his alibi believable. gets y/n to do it too(lol)
not very good at comfort. good at buying y/n things(he’s a rich boy). will buy them clothes, jewelry, chocolate. if y/n wants a hug, he’ll be hesitant, but will give in eventually(it’s not that he doesn’t want to, intimacy is strange to him). uses his free hand to cover the blush on his face ‘cause he’s flustered
“sigh… ok, calm down already. listen. they’re the foolish one, not you. they were dumb enough to think they could hurt you without a punishment. understand? good.”
♡ mondo owada ♡
mad. no. more than mad. he’s furious
hits that person in the face, making their nose bleed(in front of everybody). doesn’t want to kill them at that moment, would rather keep that impulse on hold(as much as he can) until he gets the person to a secluded area. kills them instantly, not(necessarily) the sadistic type to want to take long to see the person’s pain
knows at least enough on how to hide the murder. tries his best to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. if he’s confronted by others, he can get nervous, which can cause him to say some things he shouldn’t say. but his bro(taka) will defend him at all costs, not having a single clue of what he did
gives y/n a hug, brings them to places on his motorcycle, letting them wear his jacket. probably lets them sleep on top of him(he’ll be blushing like mad)
“it’s okay, y/n. fuck them. they’re just a fuckin’ asshole. making you feel that way and all. it ain’t your fault. they’re gonna regret ever doing that! they will.”
♡ kiyotaka ishimaru ♡
what? how could they do that? and to his darling y/n?
more of the type to scold the person if they did something else but this… this crosses the line for him. hurting y/n and not getting in trouble? not on his watch. kills the person even if it goes against what he stands for. someone hurts y/n, they get the worst coming to them
almost nobody would suspect him. he just seems like the type who wouldn’t kill. he just keeps on his day to day life doing his job(and his other job, which is taking care of y/n)
doesn’t let anyone near y/n(except mondo and chihiro), studies with y/n and teaches them about important topics to keep their mind off the pain, brings them food and water, doesn’t let them go anywhere without him. he just wants y/n to be safe and happy
“y/n, please, you have to understand. you’re better than them! they don’t understand! if they did, they wouldn’t have hurt you. and they really shouldn’t have.”
♡ nagito komaeda ♡
surprised. asks himself how someone could hurt his darling. disgust towards the person who hurt y/n
asks hajime to watch over y/n while he’s away, doing what he must do. he considers the person hopeless since they ended up dying at the ultimate hope’s hands. they’re just a talentess scum to him. he has always saw himself as trash, but that person is much more trash to him than he ever thought of himself to be
people have always seen him as quite a strange young man. suspicious, but maybe not enough to suspect him of murder. he’s just… strange to them. he can keep rambling on about how he loves hope and nobody would see anything different(not realizing the hope he talks about is his beloved y/n)
gives y/n anything they want(as long as he can do it). y/n wants a hug? has his arms open. y/n wants a kiss? he puckers up. y/n wants him to sleep with them? already laying on the bed. his darling is his only hope. he needs to protect them
“i know trash like me can’t tell you how much you matter, but, from the bottom of my heart, you’re the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world. and i would never change you for anyone else. never.”
♡ fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
angry. ready to kill the person. asks y/n for some details
brings peko along to murder the person. plans to make it agonizing for the person. no mercy. just despair. they will feel the wrath of the ultimate yakuza. that’s what they get for messing with y/n
people are afraid to interrogate him and his ‘tool’. they know it’ll get nasty if they try to fight against the ultimate yakuza and the ultimate swordswoman. they know he won’t hesitate to plan a murder or ambush against them
buys y/n sweets, holds y/n’s hand, doesn’t let them leave to go anywhere. if they want something, they can just ask him. he doesn’t want them to get hurt again
“that motherfucker… they don’t deserve any shit. they don’t deserve any fuckin’ breath of life. i’m gonna fuck them up real bad!”
♡ kaito momota ♡
shocked and full of rage. how could they hurt his shining star y/n?
walks up to that person and hits them with his fist. hits them even more. ends up with the person bleeding and having a broken bone. they might end up dying. if they don’t, he’ll use something else to end them. he doesn’t want them around y/n anymore for what they did
nobody considers him to be suspicious. just an eccentric, hyperactive, space loving guy who has a big heart. but his classmates don’t even realize his big heart is only for y/n. he would do anything for them. anything. as the luminary of the stars, it’s his duty to protect his darling
cuddles with y/n, gives them forehead kisses, brings y/n outside to watch the night sky as he teaches them about constellations
“damn y/n, i just can’t believe they would do that! and to my shining star! but don’t worry! from now on, i won’t let it happen again. i promise! nobody should ever hurt you… nobody.”
♡ kokichi oma ♡
oh he’s really mad. but he won’t show it, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing
very sneaky when it comes to killing the person. he may make somebody else do it for him if he feels that would be the best course of action. but he might want to do it himself. he wants to see the pain in that person’s eyes as he tortures them
people will suspect him. after all, he’s known for lying. but he knows what to say, how to play with people’s minds, how to make them believe him. he can also blame it on somebody else and make it seem like it was them, not him. there may be people who still suspect him but are kind of afraid to accuse him. they don’t know what else he’s capable of other than lying
tries to make y/n laugh, brings them their favorite snacks, trash talks the person, lets them hug him if they need it(but also because he wants to be held by y/n)
“hey, cheer up! they’re soooo stupid to think they could get away with making you feel upset. they must be the dumbest person on the planet to even think of doing that. they must be…since they died so easily.”
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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thequietkid-moonie · 10 months
hi moonie! ❤ i've been waiting for requests to open again and i'm finally going to request something now 😌
how about yandere nagito, kokichi, kazuichi and rantaro with a darling who's super distant and closed off from others but only comfortable with them, only laughing and smiling when they are near them?
i'm looking forward to requesting more and i hope you're having a lovely day 🍀 love you! <3
Distant darling is only open with them
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Nagito, Kazuichi, Kokichi, Rantaro ]
[ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ]
⚠️ Yandere, I dunno support this kind of behavior in real life, I just write it for fun!
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I'm really excited too V-chan!! I'm having a pretty good day but now that i had your request is way better!! ^^
Thanks for requesting such an amazing prompt with amazing characters!! I had a lot of fun writing this, hope you like it too!! ❤️❤️
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Nagito Komaeda
Even since the moment Nagito met his darling he knew it was a person filled with hope, a person with a bright potential and a future filled with hope, his admiration quickly grows as an obsession as he has the opportunity to see you more, an obsession that only grows more and more with each passing day
For Nagito it doesn't matter if you let him be in your live or doesn't even aknowledge his existance, for him is more than a blessing being able to be near you, and he wouldn't blame you if you don't want anything to do with trash like him
Nagito didn't mean to be pushy to enter in your life, but since he can't be away from you for too long and that need of being around you only grows with his obsession it was obvious that at one point you two will end up meeting. He expected for you to hate him for even daring to be around you but if you don't mind him being near you or even accept him he is shocked for it, and yet he will not dare to doubt you and just accept it
Once you let him enter in your life there is no way to get away from him, Nagito had swear to himself (and even to you) to be always with you and do whatever is needed to help you bright in an inmense and infinite hope and for that he become really clingy and dependent of you, doing whatever you ask him and accept whatever you say to him with a smile
Nagito just get used to you being cold and distant towards him, he doesn't expect nor think he deserve something else, won't even dare to ask for more, so when you start to open up more to him, even if is just a little he is incredibly surprised and even brush it off as if it was his imagination at first, but as you start to grow more and more comfortable around him there is no way for him to deny it
Nagito will probably try to deny it for as long as posible because he doesn't feel like he deserve it but it start to become more obvious in diferent ways, you had started to talk more, you start to express more of yourself and even smile, sometimes he is lucky enough to heard you laugh, and if he pay enough attention he can see your body language directed towards him, it was obvious that you started to feel free to open up to him
Nagito noticed your change but is too scare to accept it, so it isn't going to happen until someone else point it out (and even so it would take him a while, unless is you), and when he does finally accept that he is the one with who you feel the most comfortable he swears to himself that protect that feeling and never disappoint you
Your smile becomes his reason to continue living, and being the only one you allow to see it give him a boost of confidence, sudendly he feels special and important (but never more than you). Nagito even become more intense in every way posible, wanting nothing more to be with you and be able to make you happy, now he is even more eager to do everything in his power to make you happy and just fullfil your wishes, to help you reach the greatest hope
Also, Nagito never dare to question you anything he just accept you the way you are, so he never really pry into the details of the reason of your distrust and distant attitude towards others (he may actually wondered why but always brush it off as saying that is none of his business), he won't ask you even when you finally open up to him but if he get to know that is someone's fault because they had hurted you in the past it would be more probably that he will take things into matter because he hates the idea of you suffering, and he does it with the excuse that is because that bastard made you feel despair
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Kazuichi Soda
It doesn't take him much time before falling in love with you, Kazuichi is the type that could fall in love at first sight, and when he does he does it hard, and just as quickly it is for him to fall in love it is to grow obsesive over you, in no time you had become the only thing that wander around Kazuichi's mind (not that he is complaining)
Kazuichi is delusional, he sees you as the peak of perfection and beauty, everyone most know and admire your beauty (but he doesn't concentrate on doing other admire you, he is more focused on admiring you himself and trying to give you everything you deserve), as well he doesn't even ask you or tries to win your trust before hand, he just came into your life and isn't planning to go away, one day he just came and talk to you as if you two already know each other from all your life (but with a little too much respect, maybe even as if you were royalty)
Although, even when he sees you as perfection itself he is unable to think that you don't like him, that posibility will break him completely so his mind doesn't even think on that, instead, when you act distant towards him he just doesn't believe it, it would take him a while to catch the idea of you not being comfortable or not wanting to share much with him, and when he does he is blaming himself for it, thinking that is probably his fault and he has to make it up for you
And just like that Kazuichi tries from all the ways he can think on to make you forgive him and to get in your good side again, he does everything he can for you, shower you with all kind of compliments and praises, trying to protect you from any kind of threaten (or at least, to anything that he sees as a threaten), Kazuichi is actually pretty open with his obsesion because he doesn't see anything bad in it, in his eyes everything is what you deserve and out of love
It will take him a while to notice that you had become more open and comfortable with him, and won't really notice it until it become more obvious, he doesn't get the little hints and just keeps trying to make it up for you, but when he finally does he couldn't be happier that you finally seem to be accepting him
When he finally sees your smile for him you had grow now even more beautiful! his praises and obsession only increase, from that day he just gets more determinanted to serve you and make you smile, it would take him a while to notice that you only feel comfortable to show yourself with him but if he does it only give him a boost on his ego and selfconfidece, someone so perfect like you shows him their perfect smile! obviousle he will feel honored! sudenly he feels incredibly special for being the only one allowed to see the smile of someone so special and perfect
Speaking of, he may don't brag about it with other but he will not shut up with his compliments and praises. As well, he is already pretty jealous but if he sees you smiling towards anyone else he wil be increadibly jealous, he thought he was special! he will never take it against you but it isn't probably that the other person will be safe (at least to his deadly glares and threatens)
Kazuichi doesn't pry for deep details, he asks more for superficial detais, personal details only when it comes to your likings and so on, so is probably that he won't exactly nor wonder why do you act the way you act, it is up to you if you decide to tell him or not, but if he ever get to know if is someone else fault that you don't feel comfortable being yourself he will be completely offended for what happened to you (like if it had happened to him), is more likely that he won't search revenge for you but it trigger his protectiveness, from that day he is keeping a close eye to anyone who dares even aproach to you, he had swear that no one will hurt you again in any way
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi isn't the type who falls in love imediatly, for him is a slowly process, it started by a simple interested, your distant personality catches his eye and immediatly atracted to him but as the time pass that interest slowly and careful grows more and more, it reachs the point where he was so curious about you that wanted to know everything he can of you without noticing, becomes an obsession without him able to stop it
Kokichi is really smart and doesn't do anything without a plan, so even if he approach to you casually he has already a plan to get to know all your secrets, while in the outside he is just being goofy and childish in the inside he is getting all the information he can of you by all the means he needs
For Kokichi all of this was a simple game, he was just playing around with you, he planned to make you the victim of his silly jokes until he can get a reaction of you, however Kokichi didn't know (or at least he didn't want to accept it) but this was a game he was losing, the more time he pass with you and the more he gets to know about you his love and obsession done nothing but grow more and more, he thought he was the one in control when in reality he was already down bad for you, but he will not dare to admit it because he didn't want to feel that vulnerable
Once Kokichi knows everything he can of you the new part of his plan started, make you laugh. Kokichi wanted nothing more than have some fun, do some silly jokes and be consider funny by the ones he cares, even when he is terrible with expressing his true feelings, and since the day you catches his interest Kokichi had cling onto you and doesn't plan to let you go you become the one he wants to make smile the most
Kokichi is incredibly smart and is always paying too much attention to you, so he notice when you start to feel more comfortable right away, even if is only a little and there are only small hints of it that is more than enough for him to feel like he is starting to win the game, and to make him feel a boost of confidence on himself and his plan
When he finally manage to get a smile, or even better, a laugh from you is the point of not return, even if is something that lasted one second it was more than enough for Kokichi to fall in love all over again with you, that moment is what make Kokichi realize how beautiful you are, how much he loves you and how much he wish to see that beautiful smile again
Kokichi doesn't want to admit it, not even to himself (even when he has it clear) but he is quite dependent of his darling, he can say all he wants that he doesn't care for you and he does whatever he wants but in reality your opinion is what matters the most for him and he is desperate for you to love him the way he is, so when you finally smile for him, and only him, he becomes even more dependent, he becomes dependent of your smile and it becomes his purpose in live to continue making you smiling
It may wouldn't be so intense if it wasn't because of your distant personality, now that you allow him to be the only one you are able to express yourself freely and truly smile he is not willing to lose it, he is going to make everything in his power for you to never lose that smile and for you to smile for him and only for him. That honor of being the only one you smile at makes him even more possessive, it makes him feel special and it makes him want to be the only one to enjoy that pleasure
Kokichi already knows everything about you, so he already knows, or at least have an idea of what happened to you to become so distant from others, and if there is someone to blame for it he will make them pay without a doubt, they deserve it for trying to erase your beautiful smile
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Amami Rantaro
It doesn't happen imediatly, it takes some time for him to happen, he falls in love first and then his obsession grows slowly but stronge, and even when he notice those growing intense feelings inside of him he just accept them because are feelings that grow out of love
It isn't difficult for Rantaro to enter in your life once he gets interested on you, even when he can be pretty misterious he is really charming and attentive, he appear to be trust worthy, he even openly accept if you don't trust him yet or aren't comfortable around him right away, or at least that what he says because inside is something that bothers him but stay calm reminding himself that is just matter of time, he will let you know that he isn't a threaten and you can trust him
Rantaro will be kindly pushing you to accept him, he understand that you prefer to be are distant to everyone and even wary but he isn't planing to let you go, so he just insist too much, but he do it so kindly and gentle that can go unnoticed or don't bother you at all
As the time pass Rantaro grows more clingy as his obsession grows, he just loves you so much that can't stay away from you and even when he isn't physicaly near you somehow he always knows where you are and what are you doing. He excuses himself by saying that he just want you to be safe, he had already lost all his sisters and despite everything he have done to trying to find them he haven't even find a trace of them and that lead him to be terrified by the thought of the same happening to you, he doesn't know what he will do if you ever go missing so he prefers to watch you closely to asure that you won't just disappear one day
Even when his unhealthy and obsessive behavior can be pretty obvious at times he always manage to cover up as being worried of you or even accidents, he is so good at covering up and finding convincing excuses that it is scary
Rantaro is a really observant and perseptive person, he is smart enough to notice when you start to feel more comfortable around him, even if there are just little hints like you getting a little more closer to him or starting to express a little more he notice it right away, and it makes his heart melt, Rantaro was used to your distant attitude and even when this was something he expected and wanted is still flattering, it gave him even more motivation to continue
Once you open up to him completely there is no way to stop Rantaro, he just feel like he is special for you, maybe as special you are to him, it make him think that you had fully accept him in your life and that would lead him to be more possessive and protective over you, he just had find out how beautiful your smile is and he isn't planning to lose it, besides he is really mature and is used to take care all of his sisters, he knows what it is the best for you and wants nothing more that see you smile
He wants to spend every second of the day by your side only to be able to discover all your other beautiful expressions, but, as much as he loves that you finally feel comfortable to express yourself with him Rantaro wants to be the only one with the privilege to see that beautiful sight, he had grow a little bit depend on you so if he even see you starting to express mor with another person, even if is a little Rantaro will feel threaten, and if he is trigger enough he will do something about it (not against you, never against you)
Rantaro had tried to find out the reason of why you are so distant to others, and won't be calm until he finds out, one way or another (without hurting you, of course) and if there is someone to blame Rantaro will hate them with his life, he won't do anything against them (unless that person hurt you badly), but if they cross his path or dare to even look at you again he probably won't be able to hold himself back
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oumagines · 11 months
First Time With A Shy AFAB S/O Wearing A Skirt With Themes Of Reclamation
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Anonymous Asked: "can i have a lemon or a lime... kokichi x a very nervous AFAB reader (please use they/them pronouns on the reader tho- just female anatomy)...i would prefer if kokichi initiates, and the reader is wearing a skirt in this imagine- if thats ok...since hes a yandere themes of reclamation are fun!!! if you need more info let me know im so nervy requesting this haha"
Warnings: N/S/F/W, Slut-Shaming, Dub-Con (No Non-Con), Non-Explicit Consent, Female Anatomy, Jealousy, Slight Degradation, Slight Breeding Kink
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 🍋
Notes: This was so much fun and so nerve wracking to write- Tumblr, please have mercy on my soul-
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Kokichi didn't like how close you had been getting with everyone. Rantaro, Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Kiibo... He was your boyfriend! Didn't you understand you belonged to him? It didn't help that the Killing Game was overloading his stress to the maximum, and he really needed to show you who you belonged to...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The climax of the event came after you had been ignoring him at dinner in favor of talking to Himiko and Gonta... and he couldn't have that, could he?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He had had enough, grabbing your wrist and dragging you bag to his room. You knew sort of what his intentions were, and although you were surprised, you still trusted him and didn't particularly mind, even if it was a bit frightening.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The second you were in the door, he shoved you against the wall and began kissing and biting on your neck roughly, clearly with the intent to leave marks. As he listened to you moan for him, you could feel his "little friend" becoming more excited, thanks to his body being pressed against yours.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Before you could protest or push him away, as is human nature, he pinned your wrists to the wall and whispered huskily to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Shh. The little diva decided they were too good for their king, now they have to suffer the consequences~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The making out continued for a long time before he let his hands drop to your thighs, lifting up your skirt ever so slightly as his hands went higher and higher, eventually finding their way to the hem of your panties.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The more you squirmed and writhed under his touch, the more turned on he got. He slipped a hand into your panties, feeling just how wet you had gotten for him as he smirked.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "My, my~... My favorite toy is quite the whore, aren't they~? Is this what you're like when you talk to alllllll those other people~?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ His voice was teasing, but there was a bitter edge to it. And you knew better than to defy it, so instead, you let out a quiet whimper as his delicate hands teased your wetness, almost as though he were gauging for something.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Then, without warning, two fingers slipped inside you, earning a gasp from you as he giggled at your adorable reaction. These faces, these sounds... They were all for him, all his to savor.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He kept pumping his fingers in and out at an unfocused, brutal rhythm that made it difficult to feel true pleasure from it, but enough to keep you turned on and desperate to reach that pleasure he was depriving you of.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Tsk tsk~. My little angel should know better to think I'd do charity work~... You're gonna need to get the real thing in order to cum~. Does my pet understand?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ You nodded softly and he smiled at your obedience, pushing you to the bed and down onto it. He flipped up your skirt slightly and pulled your panties down with his left hand as his right went under your shirt to play with your breasts. After his left hand was done, he unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop to the floor, dropping his boxers shortly after. He saw you get nervous from the impending penetration and only smirked.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww, little one, you don't get to chicken out now, do you~? You caused this, it's your responsibility now~... Don't worry, My Love, I'll be gentle as I make you mine~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He leaned forward quickly, snapping his hips against yours. He resisted the urge to let out a long moan as his cock wedged its way into your warmth, his eyes slightly rolling back. Desperate to reclaim his image from that, he giggled lowly and started thrusting at a slow and steady pace, finally allowing you to taste pleasure.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Ohhh, yeah, that's it~... Scream for me, my toy~... And know that this is better than anything those guys you're talking to could ever give you~... Let this be a lesson: you belong to ME~."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He continued thrusting and thrusting in a quickening pace, but he suddenly noticed a worried look in your eyes, in addition to the pleasure your face exuded.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Aww, scared I'm not using protection~? Nishishishi~... How else would I claim you from the inside with a piece of plastic blocking me~?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And that's when he came and sent you over the edge...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He'll get you the pill, don't worry, he's not that mean-
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yanderecrazysie · 5 months
i love love LOVE ur writing like i think i’ve read basically everything u have on ur page i’m so hooked 😭 i was wondering if i could request a yandere kokichi with a darling that’s able to psychoanalyze him and see through all his lies?? thanks so much and have a great day!! <3
Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you like my writing, it means a lot to me to hear that you enjoy my writing!! And Kokichi is one of the best Danganronpa bois, so I’d be glad to write for him!
Forgive me for not knowing everything about psychology, there’s probably some mistakes there. And this is a little cheesy but I wasn’t entirely sure how to write it.
Title: See Through
Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, therapist reader, Kokichi’s a little shit
Summary: You can see straight through Kokichi, and he’s not sure how to feel about that.
“Kokichi, would you like to have a therapy session with me? I’m not charging.” You teased.
Kokichi put a finger to his chin, as though he were thinking hard about your offer. “Hmm, doc, that’s very tempting, but I have to meet up with Shuichi at noon.”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly disbelieving, “You can just say you don’t want to do therapy, I’ll understand. No need to make something up.”
Kokichi just grinned back at you.
As the Ultimate Therapist, you had seen all of the other students so far, happy to try to lift them up in such a worrisome time. A killing game could take a toll on everyone’s minds, so you did your best to be there for them.
The others all had their own issues to work through. Maki had trust issues that had nothing to do with the killing game, Miu had a tendency to be promiscuous, Korekiyo had sister issues, Tsumugi was clearly hiding something, Shuichi had past trauma involving his Ultimate talent… While Kokichi refused to sit down and talk with you, it was clear what issue he had.
There were two types of liars: pathological and compulsive. They were similar, but with key differences. Pathological liars lied for some sort of gain or manipulation. Compulsive liars couldn’t help themselves, and lied about even the smallest of things.
While you leaned towards the latter, you wanted to sit down and talk to Kokichi. You wondered what his reasons for lying were, although you had some ideas.
“Why do you lie, Kokichi?” You asked him pleasantly, “Is it to feel better about yourself or can you not help it?”
His grin faltered just slightly.
“Just have one session with me, that’s all,” you pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
For a second, you saw his mask slip. That grin melted into nothing but a blank stare, his eyes swirling with an emotion even you couldn’t place.
Then, the grin was back and he was cheerfully saying, “Okay, okay, doc, no need to beg.”
He took a seat across the table from you, resting his chin on one of his fists while he watched you carefully, cautiously.
“Do you remember the first lie you ever told?” You asked.
Kokichi smiled, “Yes. I lied that I took a bath, when I didn’t.”
You held back a small groan, “Kokichi, I can tell you’re lying.”
“Well how am I supposed to remember something so long ago?” Kokichi asked, a little giggle escaping his lips.”
“That’s a lie too,” you monotoned.
Kokichi’s grin faded, “How can you see through me so easily?” His voice was serious this time, a little deeper than before.
“I’m a therapist, that’s my job.” You said briskly, “Let’s move on to a different question. How-”
“You smell like strawberries, you know,” Kokichi smiled, kicking his feet back and forth under the table like a child.
“Um, thank you,” you replied, unsure of how to respond. “How do you feel when you lie?”
“I feel bad-”
“No, you don’t.”
Kokichi finally seemed a little frustrated, his lips curling into a pout. You felt a little bad for pushing him too hard in your first session, but it was important for him to know that you weren’t falling for his lies.
“I don’t feel anything. Lies are just more interesting than the truth. There’s only one truth but infinite possibilities for lies. And there are lies meant to spare people’s feelings or not creep them out. I wouldn’t normally tell you, for instance, that I’ll do anything to make people I like like me, even strangle them if I need to. And you’re someone I like, doc.”
You swallowed dryly. For once, Kokichi was telling the truth. “I thought you disliked me.”
“Nope!” Kokichi popped the “p”, a dark grin spreading across his face. “Tell me if I’m lying here, doc.”
He leaned across the table, face drawing nearer to yours until his warm breath played across your lips.
“I follow you around the school sometimes, just because I feel warm being around you. I’ve picked the lock to your room and poked around in there, lying on your bed because it smells like you. I can’t help thinking about you every moment of the day.”
You swallowed again, closing your eyes and trying to still your wildly-beating heart.
He was telling the truth again.
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chainoftalent · 2 months
Can you do yandere kokichi with a reader who basically doesn't care as long as they get princess treatment?
We are so back (we are not, im just forcing my brain to work for once)
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Yandere Kokichi With Spoiled Reader
Nice try, while he may think it's cute, but this is an organization after all. Sure he'll buy (read: steal) you nice clothes and games and stuff, but you gotta put some work in back. You're going on the pokemon card heist, you have no choice.
In slightly more serious terms while he doesn't mind spoiling one of his partners in crime, dont expect to get to lounge around all day. What kind of leader would let his precious subordinates just waste away! You are going to be put on the chore list and he will not budge on it. You can wiggle out of some of the more illegal and morally questionable jobs but that just means you are going to be doing the dishes more often. You also are going to need to prove yourself as trustworthy and obedient before you go from having your metaphorical pigtails pulled to being spoiled.
So he'll get you whatever you want, but you are at the end of the day still one of subordinates, you aren't his equal. You're still going to be expected to follow orders and listen to him, and he will take back these privileges in a snap if you think you can just coast off of his affections He's also going to kinda mock you for being easy, you will be constantly called a gold digger and spoiled and he'll badger you about how you don't reaaaallly love him you just love his moneeyyyy WAHHHH!
He won't be aggressive though, just snarky and dramatic, as long as you don't make him need to escalate beyond pestering you to take out the trash and obey what he says/return his affections you'll be pretty safe. Just remember that a gift can easily be stolen back, and that he will be keeping track of what you do with it so don't expect to be able to pawn anything for emergency cash or anything.
Really it's for your own good, he'll take care of you, even spoil you a little, but he's not going to let you stagnate over it.
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limitedgigi · 11 months
welcome to my blog!
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my name is gigi, im 22, and im a gemini! my favorite fandoms are danganronpa (more specifically sdr2 & drv3), the disastrous life of saiki k, soul eater, pokemon, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, inuyasha, doawk, alice in borderland, hamilton, heathers, seven deadly sins, kakegurui and bungou stray dogs!
my blog is kirby themed (obviously) but i may change it occasionally!
i don't necessarily write alot, but i do make headcanons! my requests are always open!
i write for:
nagito komeada
nekomaru nidai
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu
hajime hinata
gundham tanaka
kazuichi souda
rantaro amami
gonta gokuhara
korekiyo shinguji
kaito momota
shuichi saihara
kokichi ouma
you can also make requests outside of danganronpa with the fandoms above, but i'm not sure i'll be able to write for it.
i also make yandere ocs!
you can request hcs of a yandere in my inbox :)
(ex; yandere jock, yandere masochist, etc)
i will write everything except for;
-piss, scat, or any bodily fluid besides cum
-foot fetishes
most of my hcs are directed towards fem! or gn! readers!
korekiyo gambling hcs
yandere! nurse hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! bully hcs (male yandere)
yandere! jock hcs (male yandere)
yandere! wolf hybrid (male yandere)
yandere! nerd hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! wide reciever hcs (male yandere)
yandere! bunny hybrid hcs (male yandere)
yandere! sugar daddy hcs (male yandere)
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dangan-yandere-blog · 2 years
Hey! Could I request Yandere Kokichi with a naughty fem S/O who's like to run away from him just to mess with him and when she's captured again she's like "oh, I got captured again. What a shame \_(^_^)_/"? And aftet this, she run away again leaving a note written "Try to catch me this time, babyboy ;)"
Hello anon! I apologize for how long this took to write— but nonetheless I hope you enjoy it! I did have some fun with this one. Thank you for requesting!
-Mod Mikan
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yandere kokichi with an s/o who likes to run away!
•You’re lucky you’re just doing all of this to be playful, and even a bit naughty
•Because if you were serious about trying to escape, Kokichi would make sure that there was absolutely no way for you to ever leave him again
•And that will be that! You’re his, and his alone
•But... he’s all for fun and games
•So when he saw, “See if you can catch me again, babyboy! <3” scribbled onto a napkin on the kitchen table, he was more than intrigued
•Of course, he was quite quick to search for you, hunting you down and soon finding you at a nearby store
•That confirmed that you weren’t really trying to escape— if that was the case, you would have gone to a family member’s house, called a close friend, or even to a police station— anywhere but a store that he frequented
•So, he let you off without much punishment, grinning ear to ear at the way you playfully giggled, allowing him to take your hand and lead you back home
•It was when it happened a second time that he decided to take further measures
•You two were closer, now. You were close enough that he allowed you to walk free around the house— and even sleep in the same bed as him!
•Though, one morning, when you weren’t there beside him when he awoke...
•It was safe to say he got a bit worried
•It didn’t matter that you liked to run away from him, it didn’t matter that you seemed to love him
•You could be hurt, you could have gotten tired of him, there were so many possible reasons that you weren’t there!
•So he sent D.I.C.E members looking for you
•He messaged and called your family and friends, appearing casual despite the fact that he was horribly concerned
•When he found out that you were hanging out with your friends at a party, there was nothing but frustration that filled him (and maybe a twinge of longing— after not seeing you all day)
•He made his way to the building in which the party was arranged at, scanning through the crowds of people before finally spotting you
•And while he was not surprised what you were doing, he wouldn’t lie that it made him upset to no end
•There you were, leaned close to another person, a cheeky grin on your face as you twirled your hair between your fingers
•Now, if Kokichi was reasoning well and if he was a polite, well-mannered citizen, he may have waited until you two were finished talking before he pulled you aside
•But he was angry, he was upset, he was frustrated and he was maybe even a little hurt. He knew you liked to run away, he knew you liked it when he chased you down, but you were flirting with another person aside from him, and he wasn’t going to let you off of the hook with that
•He walked right up to you, wrapped an arm around you, gave a forced, “That’s my girlfriend,” to the person you were flirting with before gripping your shirt sleeve tightly, leading you out of the building
•He brought you to the car, and he drove you all the way home without saying a word
•It wasn’t until you two had gotten home and the door was locked shut that he turned to you
•“So, S/o...” He narrowed his eyes, “Would you like to explain why you were flirting with someone else at a party I was never aware you would be at?”
•You did nothing but grin, leaning closer to his face as if this was all a game to you
•“I’m glad you managed to find me,” You hummed, “I missed you.”
•Did you really? For the first time in his life, he couldn’t tell if you were lying or not
•But you were quick to wrap your arms around him, resting your head against his chest with a smile
•You were a mystery to him
•But you kept things interesting
•As he wrapped his own arm around you, he sighed
•Perhaps that was why he loved you to no end
•You’ll definitely be getting punished later, though!
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Your kokichi is soo good! Sorry if you’re tired of him but could I request the “break” prompt for him please?
I'm glad you like how I write Kokichi! And oh no, it's all good! I enjoy writing for this purple gremlin honestly XD
Break - “Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Warning(s): Established Kidnapping, Threats, Mentions of Broken Bones
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"Are you stubborn, or just stupid?"
You didn't have the energy to answer his question, but you figured it was rhetorical to begin with. However, you will say, this attempt was out of desperation and you knew escape was determined.
Your luck might've just ran out this time...
An exaggerated sigh leaves Kokichi, "Aren't you tired of this? You struggle, only to fail. I'm sure that's taking a toll on your mentality sooooo why not stop? Everything here is way better than what's out there! I'd chalk it up to being stupid if you wanted to escape this place so badly in favor of whatever boring life you want out there."
"It's not boring!" A glare was sent to him. He had the nerve to call your former life boring, when to you, it was the opposite. You had friends, family... But he ruined it all!
Kokichi smirked, "Oh? You decided to talk? Great! Five minutes in, too! A little shorter than how long you avoided me last time." His face shifted into a pout. "But did you have to be so mean about it? I know you're being moody and all, buuuut I can't take you seriously like this."
He's just toying with you. Getting a rise out of you by pushing your buttons. What does he even get out of all this? You've wanted to ask this since being brought... Wherever here was, but some nagging part of you believed he'd just lie on the spot once you ask. He claims to love you but it's probably all bullshit he spewing out. There's no love in all this. It's more likely entertainment for him. But why you?
You know he was still talking, trying to reel another reaction out of you, but it was all being tuned out. Anything else was better than listening or acknowledging Kokichi. It would only give him the green light to press further.
A sigh leaves as you try to picture yourself back to a time where everything was doing so well. Before any of this even happened. You question why such a thing happened to you and what you've done to deserve this. Such a cruel fate you could have never seen coming or so you think...
Maybe there were signs of something more sinister when you first met Kokichi, but you just couldn't pinpoint them fast enough. Could you have prevented this?
“Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Your head immediately turned to look at him. He's... Joking, right?
"Wow! That really got your attention! Y'know, I hate being ignored." His voice lowered a bit but that damned smile was still up. You swear that it faded for a split second. It didn't sit right with you but you couldn't let him know that.
"You're just lying."
"Oh, am I?" He lets out a laugh. "Are you reaaaally sure? It wouldn't be that hard. I could use a hammer," his finger went up to his cheek as if he were pondering on the options. "Ooor my bare hands would work, but that'd be so much work..."
You grit your teeth as he pouted. He's playing around, you tried to convince yourself. If anything, this was a way to get back at you for trying to escape. He wanted you to beg for forgiveness for what you've done. Cry at his feet and promise never to do it again.
"Aw, you got all quiet~ Did I scare you? C'mon! It's not that bad! You won't die from a broken leg and the best part is that you'll get extra attention!"
He slowly walks up to you, causing your body to move away in fear. His smile widens at this.
"Just a simple *crack* and it'll all be over~! Oooor do you have something to tell me instead? Speak up or forever hold your peace." In this case... If you don't say anything, things can just get worse from here on out.
Kokichi stared intently at you, his eyes boring into your form as your breathing picked up. He's giving you a choice.
So you better answer before he makes it for you.
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
꧁✿ 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵 ✿꧂
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Hello there! So I decided to introduce y’all to another requesting topic, but based on my story on Wattpad!
Basically, you can request scenarios, headcanons, oneshots, and drabbles about the two romantic relationship in the book which is obviously Kokichi Oma x Ultimate! Florist Reader! I find that fun figuring that there is gonna be more things related on that wonderful story!
The rules from the pinned post as well as the the writing symbols are still the same! Nothing has changed.
I always love to share my ideas with you guys just so that you have also have fun requesting things and enjoying some of the things that I created on here and on wattpad! It just makes me smile because now that i’m on summer break, I can finally have lots more time to write as well!
So please, feel free to request anything you like as long as it follows the rules! Have a safe day/night!
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kittenmey-rin · 11 days
Yandere drv3 characters lines.
Drv3 Boys;
Gonta gokuhara: "Y/n safe in Gonta's arms, Gonta's protecting Y/n like true gentlemen."
Kaito Momota: "Hey Y/n, you don't have to worry about anything, I am going to be your new knight in shining armor."
Kiibo: "Y/n, I love you no matter what we are, so please let me know that you need me to comfort you."
Kokichi Ouma: "Nishshishi, it seems that you are blushing bright red, so cute."
Korekiyo Shinguji: "It seems that I will stay with you for the time being."
Rantaro Amami: "Hey Y/n, can I come to your dorm, I heard that you have nightmares."
Ryoma Hoshi: "Hey Y/n, wanna play tennis, I will sometimes go easy for you."
Shuichi Saihara: "Y/n, can I hear your beautiful singing voice, I want to hear it again."
Drv3 Girls;
Angie Yonaga: "Y/n, Atua said that we should get along well and started make beautiful memories of art."
Himiko Yumeno: "Y/n, I am running on low magic energy, can I sleep on your lap please???"
Kaede Akamatsu: "Hey L/n-chan, I have been piano practicing and I want you to listen to my piano music."
Kirumi Tojo: "Y/n, you are so magnificent whenever you started to sing a song."
Maki Harukawa: "Do you want me to hurt someone for you, Y/n, I am sure that you are being a bit annoyed by someone."
Miu Iruma: "Ugh, You may not be so annoying after all, you are adorable."
Tenko Chabashira: "I'll make sure that no disgusting boys will come near you, Y/n-chan."
Tsumugi Shirogane: "Wow Y/n, you looked adorable when you are cosplaying as (Favorite/Anime/Character)."
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oleander-limerence · 2 years
General Info
“Are you afraid, darling?”
Requests: Open
♡ Kit | ♊️ | Infp | requests: open | practicing horror and romance writing♡
The mc will mainly be gender neutral or female but I do take male requests
I will write as often as possible but I have to focus on school and work, therefore I’d rather not be rushed. A gentle reminder or question about your request is acceptable :)
I will NOT write inc3st, p3d0ph1l1a, v0re, or anything else I add to this list in the future
☆ Fandoms I will write for ☆
Genshin impact
The amazing digital circus
The coffin of Andy and Leyley
Original Characters
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thequietkid-moonie · 9 months
Weak and naive darling
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ 9S, Adam, Eve, Kokichi, Nagito, Kazuichi ]
[ NieR Automata ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers
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Soooo sweeeeeet!! V-chan always make the best request ❤️❤️ I think i went a little too wild with this request, but I can't help it, you chose my favorites video games with an amazing prompt!!
Love u @frickingnerd ❤️ please enjoy
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9S is always so curious about the world around him that he will always be happy to meet someone new, human or not it doesn't matter, even if you were a machine he will still be quite intriged by you
As he gets to spend more time and get to know better your personality 9S can't help but find it incredibly fascinating and adorable, he think that you are like how a human child would be and he can't help but want to be around you at all times. What started by fascination it quickly become an obsession, even a need to have you around or to know where you are at all times, is just that you are one of a kind and he can't help but be atracted to you and as he gets to know more about you a protective feeling towards you grows inside of him
Your naive personality matches perfectly with his inmense curiousity, he isn't more than a simple YoRHa unit, an scanner type, but with you he is more than that, is difficult to don't trust in the reliable and friendly 9S so is more likely that you start asking him whenever you aren't sure of something or even curious about something and that makes him feel inmensily happy and special, like if he is someone important, like if with you is were he belongs and he is going to protect that little paradise (growing a quite possessive over you, but he is good at hiding it)
You can be so sweet and adorable at times that it becomes even painful for 9S to be apart for you for so long, and since he will like to travel and explore the world with you he probably just end up bringing you with him around at all times, taking advantage on your naive personality and how much you trust him without even noticing, he is even insist that you should only trust him
9S has always been curious and with you it isn't going to be an exception, he wants to know everything he can about you, your past, your present and even what you want for the future, and even if you don't openly share it with him 9S will find out one way or another, so is for sure that at some point he will get to know about your past experiences with people that were just taking advantage of you and he hates it, he isn't easy to get mad but this is too much for him, he hates the thought of someone approaching to you only to fulfill their selfish desires, and he will hate it more if those memories makes you sad, although, as much as he hate it he will be more focused on comforting, also this experiences only feed his need to protect you and keep you close so anyone will dare to do something so terrible to such kind soul again, and with this he insist that he is the only one who is trust worthy, swearing on his life that everything he does is only because he wants the best for you
9S insist that he is the only one who is worth of your trust and that you should be wary of others, but the only one who is an exception to this is 2B, he tell you that you can trust her (just as he does), however even when he knows she is capable of protecting you and knows that she will do it for the care she has for him 9S can't help but worry over you and want to be with you, so most of the time you don't spend much time alone with 2B
9S is already pretty protective over you but you having such weak body just increases his worries, he wants for you to be free to enjoy all the world have to offer but the world is already too dangerous and you so weak, that just increases his need to be with you, even if you are already uset to constantly have little bruises and injuries for you how fragile your body is he isn't, and he probably will never get used to it, he does a big deal almost all the time but even when he could be panicing he is always able to help you, he had even learn everything that he can about how to help your injuries, how to fix all kind of injuries and seem to always be prepare
9S can be really energetic and excited to go in adventures with you but always treats you with care and even gentleness, you probably will never recive a harsh treatment from him unless he is in a lot of disstress and yet he will deeply apologize if it happen (even if it was an accident or you didn't get injured)
9S is already a little dependent of you for how lonely he was after meeting you, but before all the problems he had in the last fight of YoRHa and losing 2B he just breaks completely and his sanity becomes almost entirely dependent on you, his protectiveness and possessiveness only get worst and worst, here is when he is more probably to actually be harsh to you, he is so in the edge with everything that he can pass from screaming at you or at someone else for putting yourself in danger (even if it was for accident) to have a complete breakdown, apologizing to you and begging to please don't leave him, at this point you are the only thing he has in the world and he can't lose you too
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Adam loves learning, specially about humans he is just so amased by it, so he won't really lose the opportunity to met someone new (specially if you are a human), it just only take him a moment to understand how it is your personality and when he does his curiosity only grows
Adam is completely fascinated by your personality, specially because this world is really hostile and in war, he can't entirely understand how you have such personality and he just want to find out, at some point he even thought that it could be a facade, the posibilities and curiosity only grows more and more until it reach the point where it isn't just curiousity but an obsession too, and even when he noticed his feelings he just accept them with open arms
Adam finds incredibly fascinating your personality, he can help but laugh softly at how naive you are, once winning your trust (because he is going to win your trust) he can tell you anything and you will believe him, although he isn't going to take advantage of that he just knows what is the best for the two of you and that is what he tells you
Adam is pretty possessive over you, not really wanting for anyone to be able to enjoy of your company aside from him or Eve (and still he always reminds Eve to be kind with you), and his possessiveness only increases with time as he get to know more about you, your past experiences with people that only take advantage of you make him angry in a whole new extent (is probably what make him get to know a new intensity of hate) but he doesn't let you see that, instead just ask for details of your experiences
Although, when he get to know about those past experiences he find it an opportunity rather interesting, he was mad at those people but more than doing something himself he tried to teach you about anger and hate, he explained to you how those people only saw you as an easy prey and taken advantage of you, and the more you deny it the more cruel he becomes with his words. He will only stop until you finally start hating those people or can't take it anymore, in any case his obsession will grow a little more, satisfied at some extent with the results (not matter how you react at the end, but he will feel bad if he end up making you feel sad) and yet this will only make his feel the need to protect you
Adam found incredibly interesting how weak your body is, he was intriged by it at first but it quickly start to be troubling for him because he hates the idea of you being in danger, he had grow to love you so much that everytime you got injured it bothers him in a way that he hates seeing you in pain, and since you are so weak and easy to get injured it reach a point where Adam can't just get away from you for so long because he start to feel anxious about you (even if you are with Eve he can't help but worry). As time pass by Adam will just end up keeping you by his side at all times, besides he loves having you around
Adam will not leave anyone have the oportunity to find, not matter if is an android or a machine, not even if is another human, whoever dares to even just get close to you is quickly vanished by him, Adam can't just take the risk of something happening to his precious little darling, or someone trying to ruin the image you have of him, he can't have that neither. However he prefer to don't be violent in front of you, and whenever he does he apologize to you for such horrifing show but it was necesary (sometimes he just ask Eve to do it, leaving him to have fun and do whatever he wants to the prey)
Adam is always gentle with you, with his touch and words, his protectiveness grows so much that it reach the point where he doesn't let you do almost anything, he does everything for you and is always by your side, he is taking care for you no matter what you two are doing and almost all the time he holds your hand and guides you, he sometimes even talks to you in a soft voice. Adam treats you like if you were a porcelain doll that could break at anytime, but he does it out of love
Adam is incredibly fascinated with humans, even with death (since he can't actually die), however the only thought of something happening to you and losing you terrified him to the point that he will rip apart in a second anything that can threat your life, without a doubt, even if that destroy his own body, he will find a solution later anyways (no matter if it was an accident or even if it was his brother, although he will just punish him because he still loves his brother)
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Eve doesn't care much about you at first, for him it was enough having at his brother and meeting you wasn't a big deal (unless was his brother who introduced you to him), however he slowly start to show more and more interest on you because his brother is always busy, he slowly start to talk more about you and spend more time with you and yet it doesn't take much time for him to become completely obsessed with you
Eve likes your naive personality, he finds it rather interesting and adorable, Eve is a killing machine, he had born only to protect his brother from the androids, not that he mind but you are always so sweet and gentle with him, always asking for his opinion and hearing him carefuly, even when the smart one is his brother you even look up at him and can tell that you admire his strenght at some extent and that always makes his heart melt
As well, one of the things he loves the most of you is that you never say him no, his brother is too busy with those books and never had time for him even when he had eat all those apples, but you don't have the strength to say no even if you want, he doesn't notice when you aren't as interested or excited as him but it isn't like he mind it, he will just take your hand and drag you wherever he wants
Although, he has always been bother for how weak you are and how easy you get injured, he hates that whenever you two are hanging out or playing around most of the time you have to stop because you have hurt yourself, but he hates more seeing you in pain or being sad for being a burden to him, Eve always scold you and sometimes even raise his voice whenever you trip or get a little injured but seeing you sad by it aches his heart and end up apologizing, he always does the same and he always tell you to be more careful next time even when he knows that it would happen again because you can't help it
Eve doesn't think much of you being weak, and probably even clumsy, he just scold you like always, but something changes on him the first time he sees you seriously injured, seeing your human blood runs or your machine system exposed through an injury just trigger him in a way that nothing have done it before, not even with his brother, somehow it makes him realice how weak you actually are, how easily he could lose you and that makes him a little paranoid (and he will be even more worried if you are a human since Adam had already tell him that you probably are the only one of your kind that is still alive)
Suddenly Eve is reading and asking his brother all he can about medical information or engineering to be ready to any posibility that could happen, Eve is so scare that he gets completely ready to stop a bledding and treat a broken bone, or to assemble and change parts of your machine body (even if you are an android, he will find a way to get that information) because he is scare of something happening to you
You are his entire world, you and his brother are the only thing that matter to him, also Eve had born to protect and he is planning to do so, he isn't going to leave your side ever again, no matter where you go Even is following close behind, ready to protect you from anything and everything
Something else that will trigger him a lot is the fact that you have been taken advantage of in the past, when you tell him about your experiences he doesn't understand much at first and it has to be Adam who explain to him that those people just were playing with you for their selfish desires (because you decided to trust them and don't think bad of their actions) even if that means putting you in danger or even humiliating you, and Eve can't bare the thought of that happening to you, if those people are in this land you can be sure that he will hunt them down, if not he will hold that anger with him
From that day Eve just become fierce with wanting to protect you, he is always keeping you close to him and is trigger by every little posibility of threat, anyone who dares to comes close to you (that isn't his brother) is already a threaten for him, even if are docile machines they have to do as little as gently touch you for a moment for Eve to rip them apart and turn them into dust in a second, but he will try to hold back a little if it makes you uncomfortable or sad
Eve is dependent and desesperate, even when he is completely violent and doesn't hesitant in using anything to kill and destroy anything that can hurt you he still love you, when he is mad he can raise his voice and take your wrists pretty harsh but still is pretty obvious the fear that holds his voice or the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes everytime something happens to you, and even if it wasn't obvious enough his inmense fear and sadness it becomes even more obvious whenever he hugs you as if his life depended on it and his voice cracks while begging you to please don't leave him, he doesn't know what he will do if you leave him one day
And all of this only gets worst as he lose his brother, aside from you Adam was the only things for him, you and Adam were where he belongs and his only reason to be alive, but now that Adam isn't here his fear of losing you only increases, and his need to protect you too
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi will never say that what he felt was something like love at first sight, although since the start he was immediatly atracted to you, he just knew you will be someone funny to mess with. It doesn't take him much time before he approach to you and introduce himself just as how it doesn't take him much time to notice how naive you are, however he will be kinda surprised and even distrust of you for that, you could easily be pretending and that is why Kokichi takes it as his personal goal find out whatever you are trying to hide
Kokichi feels an inmense curiousity that quickly grows as love and obsession without noticing, and, of course he deny it and even it frustrated him, he wants to be mad at you and he want to proof that your kind and naive personality is nothing more than a facade, so with that excuse in mind he justify to himself why he insist so much on being with you and wanting to know everything of you
As time pass and he gets to know you better is when he finally accept that you are being sincere with your innocence and naiveness, and it only take him a second to fall in love harder for you for it, he just adores so much how naive you are and he is going to take advantage of that
Kokichi is pretty possessive over you but don't like admiting it, he wants all your attention and take advantage of your naiveness to get it, saying a lot of jokes and always saying things that made he seen like an amazing and smart person person, someone funny and lovely tricking you on wanting to be with him all the time (trying to turn things so his need of having you near can go unnoticed at some extent). As well, he makes sure to win your fully trust to have a better control over you, making sure to been seen as the person you can trust the most and the only one you should trust, making sure you heard everything he say to you
Kokichi isn't just possessive, he is also dependent, he is easy to get jealous when you are spending time with others, feeling like them are trying to steal you from him, and, as well one the things Kokichi wants the most it is to be seen as funny for others and have fun so he is easily trigger whenever the good imagine you have of him is threatened or whenever you show a little bit of negative feelings towards him
Kokichi has no shame while taking advantage of your naiveness, however he doesn't want anyone else doing it, what lead him to be a little paranoid and protective over you, he is keeping a close eye to whoever dare to get close to you, even if you don't tell him he will, soon or later, find out about your bad past experiences with people who took advantage of you make him furious, you are just so inocent and sweet that it almost hurt knowing what happened to you, it even make him feel ashame of taking advantage of it too (but he swears that it was everything for innocent fun and to protect you), Kokichi is really mad about this but it would depend on you if he decides to take revenge over them, depending in your reaction to that situation and what they have done to you, it would be expressed as simple but cruel jokes to him going to Gonta or even Maki and convince them that those people are dangerous and a threaten for your safety so they would teach them a lesson
Kokichi probably make some jokes about how weak your body is and even when he laugh deep down he is terrified, at first he thought it was funny how this actually matches your personality but as the time pass and he realice that you are so weak that getting injured is a common thing for you he can't help but be scare, he had grow so dependent of you that whenever you are injured he feel like is the one that has being injured, but he won't show it, let alone in front of others
Kokichi makes sure to carry with him some band-aids and other things to help you with your injuries and always insist on taking care of them personaly, he always brush it off with jokes but in reality everytime it happens his heart race and he panics a little, he is the one treating your wounds as a way to calm down and try to convince himself that you are alright
Everytime you get a deep injury the worry is more obvious in his face, he doesn't have the head to try and hide it when he is panicing about your safety, you are the only important thing for him (even more than his orgsnization) and the thought of losing you scare the hell out of him. If someone dares to hurt you on purpose Kokichi will not doubt on take the matter in his hands a make that person pay for what they have done
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Nagito Komaeda
Meeting Nagito is more probably to happen either by your hand or because of his luck and in any case he will imediatly put down himself, it doesn't even matter if you are talented or not because since the start Nagito can see that you are a hopeful person, what makes him grow obsessive pretty quickly
Nagito is convinced that you are a person who is destinated to bright with an inmense hope and, even when he see himself undeserving of even being in your presence he can't help but want to be around you, and he is really stubborn so he grows clingly pretty quickly
Nagito is really smart so it won't take him much time before understand your personality, naturaly naive and sweet and, in his eyes, that only makes you more hopeful, that naiveness only increases your bright hope making you even more perfect, for what it also make him even more unwhorthy, so for a while he will be stuck between wanting to go away from you because he probably will only bring you misfortune but at the same time he just grows more dependent of you, Nagito has lived all kind of terrifing events and someone like you, so sweet and naive, is all he needs what it lead to be even physicaly painfuly to be far from you. He will stuck between going away but being clingly at times and it won't stop until you reasure him that is okay for him to be around you (what will only feed his delusions and obsession with you, starting to actually believe that you are some kind of angel)
After meeting you Nagito's purpose on life is to help you reach the greatest hope, that is why for Nagito he is for you to use as you please and he doesn't hesitant on telling you so, but is more likely that you doesn't think much of it or that doesn't take it with the intensity he is expressing it, Nagito knows this, he is aware that you are too naive for all this mess but that is something that makes you special and he wants to protect that, Nagito doesn't take in consideration if this could bring you problems because in his mind he will be always there for you, to serve you and protect you, that is why he start to be overprotective over you, he doesn't let anyone try to corrupt your inocence
Nagito isn't an idiot, he know that people would try to take advantage of your naive personality and he wants to prevent that from happening, even when he knows that despair always brings a bigger hope the thought of you suffering from something so horrible as despair makes him feel sick, so when he gets to know that people used to take advantage of you (or even still do it) he is shocked, he take it as if he had failed you (even if he haven't met you yet at that moment), it would depend in how bad this have affected you to if he will try to take revenge on them, and probably have a mental breakdown over it (what, of course, will worsen his protectiveness)
He is already on the edge with you being in danger for your naive personality, but you also having a weak body only worsen his anxiety and worry for you, is already painfuly for him to see whenever you are sad or hurt (even if it is emotional), but being physicaly injured only make him worried sick, everytime he sees you with an injury, even a little scratch, he panics and the more it happens, the more little injuries you get, the worst he get, to the point that the fear of you dying doesn't let him sleep at night
Nagito end up trying to shield you from everything, it even reach a point where he is babying you, doing almost everything for you and walking in front of you to serve as a shield if something comes too close to you. People can thing that he is being overdramating but for him is the minimun he can do for you, and if it happen that you get injured because of his bad luck he will blame himself non stop, he will have a mental breakdown over it but one that not even you will be able to help him, he feels like he deserve to die for injuring you (even if is something small) but at the same time dying it would be a too pious of a fate for what he have done
Nagito is so on the edge, worring for your safety at all hours of the day that he, soon or later, will end up kidnapping you with the excuse of being the only safe option to asure your safety, and, even when he sees himself as nothing more than trash he will do everything in his power to assure your happines and help you bright in the biggest hope, he will investe every little thing he owns (even his life) on assuring your safety and happiness
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Kazuichi Soda
For Kazuichi is love at first sight, since the first moment he lays his eyes on you he is completely mesmerize by your beauty, he feels his heart go faster and his cheeks warm and yet he is eager to aproach to you, Kazuichi tries really hard to aproach to you to be able to meet you
Kazuichi is pretty delusional, in Kazuichi's eyes you are the perfection itself, even before getting to know you and he treats you as royalty and he looks up at you as if you were an angel, and your naive and sweet personality only feeds that delusions. Even before getting to know you Kazuichi has the thought that you are pure and innocent, he sees you as incredibly pure so you actually so naive only confirms what he thought of you and even increase it, he thinks of you as an angel
Kazuichi is clingy and incredibly obsesive, is almost like he actually can't stay away from you because doesn't see why he should be away from you, even if you aren't physicaly there with him you never leave his mind and it could reach the point where if he spend much time away from you he can't even do his work for how much you are occupying his mind (not that he is complaining)
Also, Kazuichi slowly becomes more and more possessive and protective over you, is just that Kazuichi loves you too much that he hates when others are too close to you or when you put too much attention to others rather than him (he complains but never blames you), he slowly convice himself that he is the only one who can treat you the way you deserve to be treaten and that others can be a threaten, and he can't let you be in danger! Although, since he isn't too good at fighting he just opt to always be with you and save you from danger in different ways
Kazuichi already feels the need to protect you from anything and everything but getting to know about your past experiences with people that just wanted to take advantage of you make him furious, he knows pretty well how it is to be betrayed like that and it trouble him a lot that you had been through that too! (although, it may take him a little to comprehend how things were when you tell him about it, specially if you say that it was nothing), thanks to this Kazuichi grows a little paranoid, not wanting to let anyone get near you for fear of that person wanting to take advantage of your innocence, what lead him to monopolize you more and more with the excuse of protecting you
You being so weak has a doble efect on him, in one hand it only feeds his delusions of you being some kind of angel and only reasure him that you are one of a kind, completely perfect and special, but it also make him grows a little paranoid about your safety, fearing and thinking that everything can hurt you (what is only comfirmed by you being easily injured) and make him more and more possessive and protective, those ideas together leave him to reach the point where is practically babying you, doing everything for you (as long as you let him, or well, when you finally give up and leave him because he is stubborn and will never stop insisting)
At first he didn't thought much of your injuries, yes he worries about them and probably thinks that someone had hurt you on purpose, but if you reasure him or ask him to calm down he will do and try to don't think much about it (what is difficult for him since the thought of it just stucks in his mind), but at the more injuries you have his just patient runs out and is when he start to get paranoid, he has the need to protect you and since he is dependent of you he can't risk something happening to you!
Kazuichi grows wary of almost everyone and is quickly to confront anyone who do as much as push you, immediatly raising his voice and accusing that person of trying to hurt you and won't stop unless you insist enough (but he won't exactly calm down)
Kazuichi will never dare to lay his hand on you, if he ever hurts you intentionelly will only be in his worst nightmares (and even if it was a dream he feels guilt), he is always looking after your safety so if he ever end up hurting you by accident he freaks out imediatly, he is stuck between feeling like the worst person in the world, feeling like he doesn't deserve forgiveness, and don't really understanding or accepting that it was him who hurt you and try to find a culprit, although his reaction will depend in how bad he had hurt you, the worst the injury is the worst he react
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oumagines · 11 months
Kokichi With An S/O Who Escaped But Was Later Found
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Anonymous Asked: "Yandere Kokichi with a darling that successfully escaped from him but then the darling was later found by him"
Warnings: Kidnapping, severe self-neglect, implied limb removal, implied drugging, Kokichi biting reader's lip to the point of injury, blood
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Rating: 💀🍇
Notes: God, this was dark-
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When he noticed you escaped, he didn't want to believe it. On the one hand, he had partially seen it coming, but on the other hand, he had deluded himself into believing you wouldn't even try.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He doesn't understand why you left. Why don't you want to be with him??? Don't you love him??? Didn't he do enough for you??? Were you hurt??? Did you get lost trying to find him??? So many thoughts were running through his mind on what he could have done to prevent this.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He searches for you tirelessly, to the extent of neglecting his own health to try and find you before you either rat him out to the police or get yourself in trouble.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Of course, you never go to the police. By the time you would manage to escape, he would have you so paranoid and believing he could spin any situation into his favor and make it seem like not only are you lying, but that you were the aggressor and he was the victim.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But regardless. He stops eating, barely drinks just enough to stay alive, doesn't sleep more than forty minutes at a time... He's a complete wreck without you, and D.I.C.E. notices it rather quickly.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D.I.C.E. doesn't support what he does, but they can't stand to see their leader look so... broken and disheveled from the lack of hygiene and self-care after you disappeared.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ So they begin looking, too, but ultimately, they find nothing. You've completely disappeared, and it's almost as though you've vanished off the face of the earth completely. D.I.C.E. is devastated when they realize that they won't be able to help Kokichi.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Months go by before they find you, and Kokichi loses his entire will to live. Those around him notice that he becomes more withdrawn and depressed, and he never seems fully mentally present. His eyes are glazed over and glassy, and he never seems to fully be able to comprehend what they're saying... Everyone that knows Kokichi would describe him as "broken" and "hollow", like he just isn't himself, and most of them don't know why...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ That is, until one day, when you had dared to do your shopping in an area you knew D.I.C.E. activity was prevalent. You figured that with Kokichi so depressed, D.I.C.E. had probably disbanded as a whole, if not greatly decreased its activity.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ That was your first mistake. But your second? Your second mistake was assuming Kokichi would have mercy on you after you woke up tied to a chair with D.I.C.E. members in uniform, masks and all, surrounding you. When you asked what was going on, the girl with long brown hair simply replied "Kokichi will be here soon." And that sentence terrified you beyond belief.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ As you waited for your pseudo keeper to come fetch you and drag you to what you practically assumed would be your own execution, you begged and pled and reasoned and fought and did everything you possibly could to convince D.I.C.E. to let you go and spare you Kokichi's wrath. But in the end, deep down, you knew they would hear absolutely none of it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When Kokichi arrived, you noticed his lack of being properly groomed or taken care of. He was thin, he smelled like he hadn't showered since you left, his hair was long and messy, his lips were cracked and dry, and the bags under his eyes were darker than the night sky.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ But more than anything, you noticed the look in his eyes. Sadness... relief... gratitude... love... pity... obsession... lust... desire... but most importantly? Rage. He was angry, and you knew it was because of you. Would he show you mercy? Somehow, you doubted it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "S/O..."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ His voice was creaky and broken, and it almost sounded like he hadn't spoken since the day you left and was now struggling. But you could hear the overwhelming malice and venom his tone dripped with.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He climbed half onto the chair with one knee on the edge of it as he roughly kissed you. It wasn't a pleasant kiss at all for you, no. There were teeth involved, and by the end of the ten minutes he kissed you, blood was dribbling down your chin and you were in agony, feeling like he had completely chewed your lip off. Fortunately, he reassured you he wouldn't damage your beautiful face permanently...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D.I.C.E. helped him drag you back to Kokichi's place without being caught, using a gag to muffle your cries for help as the suitcase they locked you in was reinforced to prevent any escaping pleas from making it to the outside world. They didn't want anyone to come save you, now did they~?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When they put you in Kokichi's basement, he proceeds to chain your arms to the wall and shove a sock into your mouth to keep you quiet as he began to prepare for what he knew had to be done. D.I.C.E. left you to suffer Kokichi's fury on your own, but you knew you'd see your secondary caretakers again...
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ "Do I have to cut your legs off to make you stay with me?! Is that it?! Do I have to remove any and all chances you have to get away from me?! You should know you belong to me!"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ And as he left to the garage and came back with a circular saw, your fate was sealed. All you remember from that night was the sound of your screams...
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yanderecrazysie · 4 months
i love ur yan kokichi omg i need more... plot can be whatever u want go crazy babe
I hope this turned out okay- I decided to mess around a little and came up with this plot. A bit cheesy and short, but my brain isn’t working well.
Title: Frayed Edges of Sanity
Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Kokichi is a ghost, murder
Summary: Are you losing your mind, or is someone behind all of the hallucinations after all?
“Fighting the fear of fear
Growing conspiracy, myself is after me
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling”
-From “Frayed Edges of Sanity” by Metallica
“So this is the place,” you wrinkled your nose a little as you looked at the decaying house.
A patchwork roof riddled with holes, peeling paint, a generally displeasing aura… that about summed up the manor you were met with.
But it was a house. And it was free. What kind of person would turn that down?
Apparently your great uncle, who you had never met, had entrusted this house to you for some reason. The whole thing seemed like a scam but here it was- an actual place to live. No strings attached.
There was no path to the front door, so you walked through the yard, grass crunching under your boots. The yard is choked with weeds and the grass is turning brown. The entire property is one big mess.
“This is going to take a ton of work,” you groaned. You should’ve known this would be a little too good to be true.
But still, it was a house. Not your tiny, musky, thin-walled apartment or an extra room at your parents’ place. 
You unlocked the door and pulled it open, ignoring the ear-splitting creak it gave you in reply. There was a mirror in the entryway and you nearly walked by it, when something in your peripheral vision flashed in the glass. You took a step back, but the mirror didn’t show what you thought you’d seen.
No dark-haired boy in sight.
You shook your head, banishing the thought from your mind. It had simply been a trick of the light, that’s all.
Your therapist had suggested you keep a journal to document your mental state. Since you were starting over your life in a new home, you might as well start a new habit.
January 8th
Got a new house! Finally out of that awful apartment.
Looking forward to a brand new start.
January 26th
I feel like someone’s watching me. And all night, I hear giggling.
I think I’m going insane.
You put the pen down and buried your face in your hands. Every day, you felt like you were slowly going crazier.
Your furniture kept rearranging itself, your possessions kept disappearing, you kept hearing a voice whispering in your ear, telling you to turn around, only for you to find nothing there. 
You climbed into your bed and pulled the covers up to your ears. You closed your eyes but the feeling that someone was watching you was overwhelming.
You opened your eyes and were met with a pair of purple ones.
“Good moooorning, sleepyhead!” A playful voice met your ears. Your blood ran cold- that voice was the same one whispering and giggling in your ears since the day you walked in.
The dark-haired boy was floating upside down, arms behind his head as he regarded you with amusement. 
“Who… What are you?” You demanded, scooting back on your bed until your back hit the headboard.
“I’m Kokichi Oma,” the boy replied. He puffed out his chest and added, “I’m a ghost.”
“Why am I only seeing you now?” You asked suspiciously.
“Get up,” Kokichi’s grin grew, “Get up and you’ll see.”
He held out a hand to you, but you waved it away from you, anger bubbling up inside of you. He’d been bothering you for weeks, making you think you were insane. 
You slowly stood up, watching Kokichi carefully. He merely gave you a closed-eyed smile and pointed behind you, “Now turn around.”
You obeyed him and, as soon as you did, your entire body froze. 
There, on the bed, lay your body. 
Your eyes were open, unseeing, glazed over with death. Your skin was several shades lighter than it usually was and a dribble of blood had dried on your lips. A knife was driven through your chest, blood soaking through the shirt in the area around the blade.
“I’m… dead…” You stared at your body, realizing only now that you were just a spirit, “Kokichi… what happened?”
“I killed you,” Kokichi supplied cheerfully.
“What?!” You shrieked, “Why?”
“So you could finally be with me,” Kokichi pouted, “You couldn’t even see me while you were alive. But I hung out with you for a while and decided that we should be together!”
“What is wrong with you?” You screamed, “You killed me because you wanted me to be able to see you?”
“That’s not the only reason,” Kokichi said, “Now, I have you all to myself.” Kokichi let out a loud giggle, “If you don’t believe me, try talking to anyone else. They can’t hear or see you.” 
“I’m all you’ve got left.”
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chainoftalent · 1 month
Not a request but what do you think kokichi would do if the reader simply just chose to not do anything as in literally not moving from their spot to spite him or something, honestly i think your kokichi try to tease them at first or something as plan A, not sure what he'd exactly do for plan B since i cant see your kokichi genuinely threatening him or at least from how much i read about him from you
I keep meaning to answer this and then fucking forgetting
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Kokichi with an Apathetic Reader
You're gonna have a tea party
No, genuinely, there's going to be a tea party. If you refuse to do anyyyything at all beyond breathe, he's deciding it's time for a tea party. Either you're going to let him dress you up in fancy clothes and have a fun little tea party, or you're either going to start struggling and doing something, either way he wins!
He's gonna dress you all dramatically fancy and bring in all the other dice members and basically have a mad hatters tea party with games and fun and lots of tea and sweets being shoved into your mouth, you'd need patience of goddamn steel to not react at least a little to this. Either he gets his fun little tea party where you get to be his fun little doll he dresses up and gets to move around and feed, or you're going to have a reaction and he gets to latch onto that.
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