#wrist whump
Alrighty, first prompt in a Bit. I hope it’s good…
Cw: language, puke mention, general uncomfortable closeness, lmk if I missed anything
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Whumper lunged and grabbed whumpee’s wrist, twisting their arm a way that it shouldn’t and relishing in the whimper whumpe gave. Whumper was so close that whumpee could feel their hot breath in their face. It made them want to puke.
“You might want to watch your mouth little one. Or you might not like the repercussions.”
Psst, hey. You there. Like my content? Feel free to send in questions and prompt ideas any time. Luv ya!
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letitbehurt · 2 months
Whumpees hung from the ceiling by their wrists. Defiant Whumpees mouthing off despite the pain, and having weights tied to them as a consequence.
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anguishmacgyver · 6 months
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sowhumpful · 10 months
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the-baby-storyteller · 9 months
Heeheeheehee manhandling.
Throwing a resisting whumpee into bed
Moving a weak or feverish whumpee from one room to the next
Bridal carriesssssss
Lifting and hefting up a whumpee under the armpits to help them reach something
Roughly pulling a whumpee out of trouble and into their arms
Gripping a Whumpee’s wrist when they try to run away
Restraining ill or injuredwhumpee to make them stay in bed
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okay okay so I had a dream about a robin hood-style band of outlaws who were captured in a group by royal guards.
The leader was interrogated in front of his men by having arrows driven into his legs, which were then tugged on and moved around while embedded there to cause more pain and damage. When threatened to have it done to his arms too, he cracked, spilling vital information/confessing to the group's crimes in front of his men.
The rest of the outlaws were pretty pissed off, and shunned him, even when he was begging for help/water after the guards left.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 9 months
Whumptember day 10
“What are you doing to them?” Brainwashed | Hanging from their wrists | Phone call
It felt like their brain was vibrating. All they could hear or feel was an endless buzzing, like all their atoms were trying to pull apart from one another. It was overwhelming, muffling any sensations from the outside world. They couldn't hear, they couldn't think. Their brain was vibrating.
It’d hurt, before. Or they thought it had. They couldn’t remember much before the buzzing had started, but they remembered struggling against the feeling. Had they fought because it hurt? Because it was bad? They didn't remember.
They didn’t struggle now. They didn’t know how, when the entire world was vibrating.
It was like bees had taken residence in their skull; not to harm it, but to reshape it. Everything useless was tossed away, the gaping holes being filled with honey. They’d fought to stop it, but then the memory of why they were fighting had been drowned in sticky sweetness.
It was dizzying and disorienting, it put their teeth on edge, but they didn’t know if it hurt. They couldn’t know anything, not when their brain was vibrating.
They heard voices somewhere outside of their hive they’d become, distant and nearly drowned out.
“What…what is this? What are you doing to them?”
“Hero, you’re aware of our reformation project, yes? Villain is our first patient.”
Just barely, they could hear the voices approaching.
“I–So you’re what, brainwashing them? Is this ethical? Does it hurt?”
Yes, the thought bubbled through the buzzing, it does, please it–
”No, not at all. It’s entirely painless.”
–doesn’t hurt? No, it doesn’t, but didn’t it before? They weren’t sure anymore. The question was being thrown away alongside the other trash, swallowed up and drowned out. They quickly lost hold of it.
Something touched a distant part of their body, and it took a long moment for them to realize they were more than their buzzing skull. Something had been holding their arms aloft, and with a click, it released. They nearly fell forward without the support, but something wrapped around their face held them up, pulling at their scalp.
“Villain, can you hear me? It’s Hero,” The voice was back, closer, but still muffled by the chaos in their mind. It felt like the voice reminded them of something, but they didn’t know. The part of their brain that had known had been scooped out and replaced, leaving barely the shape of a memory.
Something clicked, the noise echoing in the mind, and the buzzing sharpened. They shivered at the sensation of their brain finally sitting still, the see of static shifting into an organized effort.
“Stand up,” The voice wasn’t muffled by the noise, it was the noise. The vibration was shaped by the words, speaking with power that they felt in their bones.
It was a relief, and they chased after that peace. They stood on legs they hardly remembered they had.
Something was moving on their head, whatever had been wrapped around their skull being removed. The world exploded into color, the change taking them a moment to adjust to. When they opened their eyes, two figures stood before them.
The vibrating was already coming back, their moment of peace fading. But then one of the figures clicked a button they held in their hands, and everything sharpened.
“Tell me, who are you and what do you want?”
They hadn’t known the answer seconds ago. They still didn’t know, and yet the truth formed in their mind. After the disorientating chaos, the confidence they felt at their answer was a comfort.
And outside of the angry hive Villain’s mind had become, Hero watched, a horrified onlooker, as their former foe’s face split with a vacant, dull-eyed smile.
“My name is Sidekick, and I want to help you in any way possible.”
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iwritewhump · 9 months
"Can I go home now?" + young whumpee + captive + chains around the wrists
day 16 of @whumptember
272 words
warnings: young whumpee, being left behind/forgotten
Villain walks into the small room and sets a plate down in front of Sidekick. “Hungry?” 
“Can I go home now?” Sidekick asks, eyeing the plate warily. 
Villain shakes her head, “Not just yet, little one.” 
Sidekick writhes against the restraints, she stares up at Villain and cries, “Why are you doing this?” 
Villain kneels down in front of Hero and frowns, “I’m trying to teach someone a lesson.” she says, cupping Sidekick’s cheek. “He’s been too reckless with you for too long. Some day, you won’t come back.” 
Sidekick pulls away, she curls more into herself and her cheek rests on her raised arm. The cuffs groan with the added weight and the chains jangle with the movement. “He’ll be here for me before you know it. He- he’ll kick down your door and save me.” she forces a smug smile and sighs. “I know he will.” 
Villain stands and brushes the wrinkles out of her clothes, “I hope he is. But, if he isn’t…I’ll take the chains off and let you go. You have my word.” 
She turns and exits the room, leaving Sidekick alone. She waits for five hours, alone, scared, and restrained before the door opens again. 
Smiling, Sidekick pushes herself up against the wall and tries to stand, despite the restraints. “I knew you’d come for me!” 
The door pushes the rest of the way open and Villain walks back in the room. She smiles sadly and walks up to Sidekick with a key in her hand. 
“I’m sorry, kid. I wish he’d shown up for you.” She says, softly removing the cuffs from Sidekick’s worn wrists. 
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whumpty-dumpty · 11 months
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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan S04E06 (Proof Of Concept)
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letitbehurt · 12 days
Personally I love it when the whole team is captured, waiting for interrogation, and the first thing Whumper does is break the medic’s hands.
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kybercrystals94 · 7 months
Just a “Little” Concussion
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 22 | Prompt 22: Vehicular Accident
Rated: G
Words: 431
Summary: Fives ends up in med bay. I might have gone a little easy on the whump this story…I just felt too nice today.
“You are an idiot,” Kix says.
Fives rolls his eyes. “It was a good plan! If that civilian hadn’t gotten in the way, it would have been absolutely flawless.”
“But they did, so you decided crashing the speeder into a wall was the next best option.”
“It was that or oncoming traffic.”
“The fact that those were your only two options make me think this plan was anything but flawless.”
Fives huffs, settling back comfortably into the stack of pillows he’d somehow convinced the medical droids to provide him with. Kix swore the man had reprogrammed the damned things; although, Fives would argue that he was just that charming. “You have terrible bedside manner,” Fives grouses. “I’m an injured war hero, and you’re over there calling me an idiot.”
“Idiot will be a compliment compared to the names Echo is gonna call you when he gets here.” Kix returns, turning to his data pad.
“You told Echo?” Fives cries.
“Of course I told Echo. I don’t want to be on his bad side. Better you than me.”
“I barely broke my wrist,” Fives whines, “and it’s just a little concussion. What Echo doesn’t know won’t kill him.”
“This ‘little concussion’ you have is making me keep you overnight for observation.”
“It’s not my fault you’re paranoid.”
Kix gives him a look, but decides arguing with the ARC is a waste of his precious time. He dims the lights of the room. “You are to avoid any mental stimulation for the next few hours. Then we’ll reevaluate.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, he’s got nothing up there to think about anyway,” a voice comes from the doorway.
Fives grins. “Aw, my loving brother comes to visit.”
“I came to tell you you’re a kriffing di’kut,” Echo says, coming into the room.
“You don’t even know what happened,” Fives says.
“I read the report.”
“The report exaggerated.”
“You wrote it!”
Fives yawns. “Did I? Oh, I must’ve forgotten because I have a concussion and I’m supposed to be on mental rest. Thanks for stopping by, Echo.” He closes his eyes.
“We’re going to discuss these impromptu plans of yours later,” Echo says.
Fives waves him away dismissively with his uninjured hand. “Yeah, yeah. Save the lecture. I’ll listen patiently to your whole spiel once Kix clears me.”
Kix quirks an eyebrow.
Echo gives his batch mate a long look before he turns sharply on his heel and leaves, grumbling as he goes.
Once he is safely out of hearing distance, Fives opens his eyes. “Kix, please let me stay forever.”
“Yeah. Not gonna happen.”
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista
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sowhumpful · 10 months
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 5 months
anon i couldn't stop thinking about this so i can to make the fastest little scrungly lesbian sketch about an undead 1999 prom queen back to slaughter the competition and some theater kid undergoing the most ill-timed sexual awakening of her life
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
The Heretic (1)
Previously: June of Doom, Day Nine
I should have listened to you: smoke // sprain // defiance
Villain waited in an alleyway entrance across the street from the Academy, the shadows moulding around them. Hero asked them not to follow them and Villain trusted them, it wasn’t like they were spying, per se. It was more a… protective watch, just in case. Villain trusted Hero.
Villain trusted Hero.
It was Superhero they didn’t trust.
Superhero who delighted in dealing out harsh punishments to anyone who opposed them. To anyone who even thought of disobeying them. Villain wasn’t going to let Hero go through it alone, so they stayed close by and waited. If Hero needed them, Villain was there. If they didn’t… well, Villain was still there.
“Mmmm… late night rendezvous, Vil?”
Villain’s spine went straight, turning their body halfway to look down the alley where they could see the red dot of a burning cigarette. Followed by an exhale billowing of smoke and there Other Villain stepped out into the dim light of the academy’s windows. He was grinning ear to ear, the cigarette dangling precariously between his teeth.
“Fancy seeing you here,” said Other Villain, tone conversational. Eyes, anything but. Alight with interest and genuine surprise that it coloured his features intrigued. Eyebrows knitting together as his grin settled into a smirk, leaning his back against the opposite wall of the alleyway.
“Why are you here?” Villain asked, turning their body back to the Academy. Hero was taking a long time, or maybe it just felt like that as worry coiled deep in their chest. Other Villain’s sudden appearance wasn’t exactly helping put Villain at ease. He was like a black cat crossing Villain’s path, it only spelled trouble.
From the corner of their eye, Villain saw Other Villain shrug as they took another long inhale. “I’m here to see some friends of mine.”
Villain scoffed. “You don’t have friends.”
“You wound me, Villain. Aren’t we friends?”
No. “I don’t know, are we?”
A long, pregnant pause. Then, “you should save your flirting for that Hero of yours. Is that why you’re here?”
Villain could feel a traitorous blush tinge their cheeks at hearing Hero of yours, but praised the merciful night for hiding it in shadow.
Villain said nothing in reply.
Maybe that said everything.
Other Villain pushed off the wall and came to stand beside Villain, keeping a friendly distance from Villain. He looked up at the Academy, tapping out his ashes.
“I bet you miss it,” said Other Villain. “You could be in there with your precious Hero right now if you knew how to follow the rules.”
Villain’s hands balled into a fist at their side. “If your business here interrupts mine,” said Villain, finally looking at Other Villain and catching their grinning eyes. “I’ll show you why I’m no hero.”
“Easy, Vil. We’re on the same side. That’s fighting talk, we’re having a chat between friends.”
“You’re not my friend.”
Other Villain sighed. They dropped their hand, letting the cigarette fall to the wet ground and stubbed out the rest of it with their shoe. “No. You’re right. I’m not your friend… but I am Superhero’s.”
Before the words fully registered Other Villain was slamming into Villain, throwing them back against the brick wall of the alley. The wind was taken from Villain’s chest with an oof, but they dodged the punch Other Villain threw at their head and shoved him back away from them.
“I got a call tonight, Villain,” said Other Villain. “My friend asked me to come and make a scene, enough of a fuss for a certain little Hero to get involved and sometimes in these situations Hero’s die.”
Villain lunged for Other Villain. Other Villain grabbed Villain’s wrist and brought them close. He brought a sharp knee to Villain’s stomach and then another and Villain gasped. A punch came down on Villain’s cheekbone and Villain’s head whipped to the side. A leg swept Villain’s from under them and their back hit the damp tarmac. Other Villain kept Villain’s wrist in their iron grip and planted a heavy boot on Villain’s chest, leaning down over Villain so they could see the smile on Other Villain’s face.
“You being here is honestly a welcome treat, when Hero hears your screams they’ll be besides themselves with worry.”
“If you touch them—“
“Oh, don’t worry, Villain,” Other Villain said, cutting Villain off by leaning their weight down on Villain’s chest. Villain grunted with effort below him and tried to tug their wrist back but Other Villain wouldn’t let go. In fact, they grabbed Villain’s wrists with both hands.
The snap had Villain howling, which settled to a quiet pained him when Other Villain dropped to their knee down on Villain’s chest.
“Hush, Villain. It isn’t broken, just a minor sprain. And really, what’s a sprain between friends?”
“I’m going to kill you,” Villain hissed and cried out when Other Villain pressed down hard on Villain’s sprained wrist.
“You are terrifying, Villain. Truly a menace to society. Let’s see if I can make you scream loud enough for Hero to hear alright? Round two?”
Continued here
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whumble-beeee · 9 months
Whumptember 2023, Day 16
“Can I go home now?”
Young whumpee | Captive | Chains around the wrists
The Bee’s Whumptember Masterlist
~940 words
CW: CREEPY WHUMPER, kidnapping, noncon touch, implied future noncon? (it's kinda vague but jic)
“Please, please, I– I don’t know what’s going on–... What– what are you gonna do wi– with me?...”
Whumper looked down into the bright shining eyes of their platoon’s latest catch, their breath hitching so pretty as they trembled against the wall, holding their shackled arms protectively crossed over their ribcage. Like a dead man walking. How fitting.
Whumper slowly inched closer to their captive prey. They were so young too. Must have been the type to enroll as soon as they turned eighteen. “Calm down, sweet thing, we just want some information. This’ll all go easier if you just let go, it’s gonna happen one way or the other…”
Whumpee did the opposite of that. They pressed themself further into the wall, eyes darting around wildly looking for any, any escape, sinking into themself and curling into the tightest ball they could manage, chain clinking as it fell across their legs and winded around to an eyelet in the floor. They were literally chained to the floor. They squeezed their eyes shut as they buried their head in their knees, crying incoherently. “Please, please, stay away, don’t touch me, please I do-on’t wanna die PLE-E-E-EAS-SE!”
Whumper crouched down in front of Whumpee, examining them with shining eyes. Sure, they were only supposed to get some information out of them; where the troops were headed, what weapons they had, that sort of thing. But Whumper couldn’t resist an opportunity like this.
Whumpee flinched when they ran their fingers through Whumpee’s hair, scratching at their scalp in a way that might have been soothing in another context.
 “Oh, sweet thing… you’re not really helping your case right now, are you?” Whumper cooed, lilting their head understandingly. “But I suppose you can’t be helped. You’re so small, just a baby…”
“I– I-I’m no-o-ot,” Whumpee hitched. They tried to duck away from Whumper’s tender hand, only to let out a yelp when Whumper grasped their hair and slammed their head back into the wall.
“You are, though.” 
Whumper drove Whumpee’s head back again. Whumpee could practically see stars dancing across the darkness at the sides of their vision. “Maybe if you were bigger, you could have prevented this, hm? Maybe you could have stopped us from slaughtering all your friends… Hell, maybe you could have won! Bigger, tougher, stronger, what if, what if…” Whumper tapped Whumpee’s head with a single finger. 
“But seeing as you’re not, you’ll do as I say. So get up. ”
They didn’t move. The world fuzzed around them, everything a dark grey smudge. They sure felt small.
“Get up.”
Get away get away getawaygetawaygetawaygetawaygetawaygetaway.
“GET UP!” Whumper raised their fist and slammed it down on Whumpee’s head. Whumpee cried out, their entire vision turning red and static-y.
“You gonna get the fuck up now?”
Whumpee shot up stock straight, so fast that they stood over Whumper for a moment as they too stood up to their full height. Any small sense of victory that held was shattered as Whumper towered over them once more. Whumpee was small compared to them, huh? No, no, Whumpee was average, Whumper was the one that was the fucking freak.
Nonetheless, Whumpee stared right up into Whumper’s patronizing eyes. “Th-there, is that what you wanted?” they spat, almost managing to control their shaking voice. “Can I– Can I go home now-w?”
The request was meant to be sarcastic. Rude. Defiant. But just the thought of them being able to go home? Away from this hell hole and the psychos that captured them, the ones who only seemed to care about tormenting and hurting them instead of interrogating them? It made Whumpee’s jaw tremble.
Whumper chuckled darkly, and Whumpee had to fight the urge to shrink into a little ball again. Whumper slammed them back into the wall and pinned them with their forearm, face so close that Whumpee could taste their disgusting breath.
“Oh, you really are adorable, sweetheart… Shame I’ll probably have to kill you, no?” Whumper drawled, holding their gaze with a wicked smile. Whumpee made sure to shoot back every ounce of hatred they could muster. Whumper brought their other hand up and ran their fingers gently down the line of Whumpee’s jaw. “But hey, I’ve got you here now. Lets have some fun, yeah?”
Whumpee kicked Whumper in the shin as hard as they could and shoved them away almost on reflex. Whumper stumbled back with an angry shriek, and Whumpee ran. There was no fucking way they’d ever let that–
The chain binding their hands went taut and yanked Whumpee backward, sweeping them in such a way that they landed prostrated right at Whumper’s feet. Whumper stomped on the chain linking their hands together, and on two of their fingers in the process, tweaking their hand painfully between the binding manacles. Whumpee cried out, in equal parts from frustration, grief, and pain. They curled in around themself again, tears spotting the filthy floor underneath them.
“You need to be taught some manners when you’re around your superiors.” Whumper tutted, anger edging the very corners of their voice like Whumpee was a dog that just scratched them. They twisted the heel back and forth, grinding Whumpee’s hand into what felt like a fine paste under the chain. Whumpee could barely do more than gasp and choke on their own throat in an effort not to scream.
“Luckily, we have all the time in the world.” Whumper clutched a handful of Whumpee’s hair again and pulled up, making Whumpee’s back arch painfully as they forced their desperate captive to look straight into their twisted smile.
 ”Where I can do whatever I want with you.”
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whumpbump · 1 year
Whumpril day 17
Cw: self-treatment, panic, cursing, resetting a dislocated joint
Caretaker’s cellphone rang, Whumpee’s name flashing on the screen. Unsuspecting of what was about to occur, they picked up and cheerily answered.
“Caretaker?” Whumpee asked in a small and breathless voice immediately cluing Caretaker in to what the call was about.
“Yyyyeessss?” Caretaker responded slowly.
“I uh, I fucked up. I fucked up bad.” They wavered.
Caretaker’s heart rate picked up.
“How bad?”
“Tell me. Please. In detail.”
“I dislocated my knee and I’ve spent the past 30 minutes trying to reset it and I can’t,” Whumpee’s voice broke, “it hurts.” They were crying now.
“Ok, ok, it’s going to be ok-“
“How do you know thaaaat?!”
“Because we’re going to go to the hospital and make it ok. I’m going to pick you up, where are you?”
“My house, bottom of the steps. The door is unlocked,” sniffled Whumpee.
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