sinfulsalutations · 1 year
don't wanna think wanna watch wrecker edits from tiktok all day
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oldshowbiz · 2 years
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more to see on wrec-tv
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iamcoralinenotcora · 2 months
Tbb is a divorce between Crosshair and Hunter and Hunter gets the children (We all know what Tech and Wrecker act like) and the house and Echo helps him get his life back together. He goes on a path to raise his daughter and ensure everyone else doesn't die while finding his self-fulfillment. In the end, he emerges a better and more mature person. Crosshair gets the money.
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tearsofcalamity · 1 month
thank you guys for feeding my boothill brainrot so much holy shit
rebrand coming soon this has revigorated my desire to write. keep sending thirsts I actually love responding to them
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zeephryy · 11 months
On the topic of fixing my designs for the AVA stickfigures
I had a conversation with a friend that was just a debate of "dilfafying" Mango / KO
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
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heckitall · 11 months
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back - next
GET WREC---oh nothings happened
i ask as if i don't know whats happening next
day 482302847472 forgetting Leo's hecking stripes. its like im allergic to stripes
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zoeykallus · 1 year
I love your bad batch headcanons!! They feel so I’m character :)
I’ve got a nsfw question, how would the batch react to their SO wanting to dominate/ peg them?
Interesting question.... Again, as always, if you don't specifically tell me to use GN reader or male or female, I go with fem, automatically, although no pronouns are mentioned, but certain... tools (so to speak)
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Domination
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Warning: Mention Of Sexual Activities/Suggestive/Strong Language/Pegging18+
This is mostly just about the reaction, not about the act itself. But still 18+
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His reaction to your suggestion:
"You want to do what?"
At first, he is quite uncomfortable with the thought. Hunter is used to being in control and being the dominant part, and he feels very comfortable with that. But he knows your question is serious and thinks about it.
"I don't know," he says hesitantly, "This is definitely new territory for me."
"You trust me, don't you?"
He nods in agreement, "Yes, of course I trust you"
"I think if we do this right, you could definitely enjoy it"
Hunter is not so sure about that, but he is willing to take the leap after proper preparation.
His reaction to the act itself:
At first, Hunter is still quite tense, it takes him a bit to get used to not being in control and playing the submissive part. But if you care for him appropriately, he will take a liking to it.
Use your hand or a toy on his cock while you work him with the strap on, combined with little caresses, like kisses and strokes, Hunter will be able to let himself fall more easily. The feeling may be intrusive and foreign to him at first, but will eventually lead to an intense orgasm.
Hunter still likes to be the dominant part for the future, but is no longer averse to the occasional exception.
His reaction to your suggestion:
At first, he is surprised, a bit shy perhaps, but he is definitely curious. Echo trusts you, otherwise you would never have gotten close enough to discuss this idea.
"An interesting idea," he finally says after you explain what you have in mind.
"Would you be willing to try the idea?"
Echo smiles slyly and says, "Why not, I trust you, and I'm curious too."
It doesn't take too much to convince him. You have a connection built on trust, among other things, he will always be open to your ideas.
His reaction to the act itself:
So you are preparing accordingly. You and Echo finally have some time to yourselves and take the leap. Echo is incredibly forthcoming, even though he is visibly a little nervous, he is just as joyfully excited.
The preparation alone has a certain appeal, getting lubed up, feeling your hands so gentle and also guiding, he finds very pleasurable. Of course, you don't let him miss out. Echo enjoys your attention, every touch.
Echo is developing into a switch. He can be both for you, the dominant or also the submissive part. He can enjoy both to the fullest, because he rightly trusts you.
His reaction to your suggestion:
He looks at you in confusion, scratches the back of his head thoughtfully. The tough guy has never really given it much thought. Since others always see him as the typical, big strong guy, at least on the surface, he's never really given it much thought.
But Wrecker is an open, curious mind, playful and always ready to discover new things with you. Still, he hesitates a bit.
You try to make the idea appealing to him by telling him what else you can do for him during the act to intensify the feeling.
"Depending on the pose, you can see me naked during the act and I can massage your cock".
He smirks lopsidedly and says with amusement, "You've already piqued my curiosity, sweetie".
His reaction to the act itself:
Wrecker is playful as always, just as he is now. He is completely absorbed in his role and submits to you, letting you make all the decisions and following your lead. Even if the very first feeling when the strap on enters him is strange at first, Wrecker doesn't give up this idea so easily.
He tries to relax, listens to your words, your suggestions and also commands. It doesn't take him long to find his center in this game.
In the end, it's a playful, sensual, hot experience for both of you that you'll both love to repeat.
His reaction to your suggestion:
He blinks, finally slowly lowers the datapad, pushes up his goggles with his index finger, and looks at you questioningly.
"Would you describe this idea in a little more detail?"
Of course, you oblige him. At first, it's very hard to figure out what exactly Tech thinks of the idea, because his expression barely moves at first as he listens to you. Then he frowns thoughtfully, almost critically, and you fear that he is not interested.
Tech is quite experimental, very curious and as soon as he is thawed out, he has a much stronger sexual drive than you would probably believe him to have at first glance. But there's a whole other problem. Tech doesn't like to give up control very much, things he can't consciously fully control, usually cause him great discomfort.
For this reason, the early days when he realized he was falling in love with you were also very stressful and scary for him. It took him a while to let go of the fear and let himself fall. In the meantime, however, he can no longer imagine not being in a relationship with you.
Of course, you already know quite well how he ticks and say, "We would of course discuss together what exactly we want to do, how we proceed and set a safeword, so that you can pull the emergency brake at any time, should you not like it".
He sighs softly, thoughtfully.
"That sounds reasonable, my dear"
His reaction to the act itself:
Everything is planned out, prepared, and you're ready to go. Tech is a little uneasy, nervous, but a gentle touch here and a soft kiss there, slowly thaws him out.
Gradually, Tech adjusts to the new situation, and he plays his part quite wonderfully. As you sink the strap on into him, his hard cock pulses in your hand. It's different, it's challenging for him and yet exciting in a pleasant way.
He trusts you, fully and completely, otherwise he would never have agreed to try this.
In fact, Tech has much more fun than expected and is quite willing to repeat and even other variations of this kind of lovemaking in the future.
His reaction to your suggestion:
His brows go up questioningly, his look almost as if he can't quite grasp that you've dared to broach the subject.
"Are you serious?" he asks dryly.
A little unsure, you nod and say, "Sure, why not?"
Crosshair hates to submit, give in, or admit any weaknesses. He is a victim of his own toxic masculinity, now and then. So, for example, for him to admit interest in the idea, or even to dare to try, would be a sign of weakness.
First of all, it probably makes sense to wait with this question, this idea, until your relationship is really solidified, and a real and firm basis of trust is present, which is practically unshakeable. But even now, he will resist at first, even if he is curious himself.
Finally, he will give in rolling his eyes, as if this experiment, was a mere favor for you, with no benefits for him.
His reaction to the act itself:
He acts all bitchy, stubborn, and unyielding. You'll have to have a lot of patience and a thick skin, otherwise this could very well end up in a fight. Crosshair is sometimes like a spoiled brat who always wants to get his way, which of course doesn't go so well with what you're up to here today.
Or maybe it does?
If you get the hang of giving him orders and threatening him with punishment, while sounding insinuating and having appropriate punishments in store, Crosshair might suddenly take a liking to the whole thing quite quickly.
"You're pretty bratty, we should get that out of your system, don't you think?"
It's not often someone dares to contradict him, especially in this area, so this could be a really refreshing, erotic change of pace if you go about it the right way.
He won't admit right away that he liked it, but eventually he might, and maybe, just maybe, he will ask for a meeting of this kind himself.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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pockitsdraws · 8 months
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ghostofskywalker · 8 months
Not Lost, But Not Yet Found
Fictober Day 16 of 31
Words: 1,193
Summary: After returning to his brothers, Crosshair finds himself wondering about the new member of the team. Once he finds out the reason you're acting so withdrawn, his view of you changes completely.
Note: this fic can be read as both something that will be eventually romantic or something more platonic, it's up to you :)
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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Crosshair was still getting re-oriented with how things worked on the Marauder now, and one of the many things he had questions about was the newest member of the team. Not Omega, as he had spent enough time going through the Republic-turned-Empire’s files to know her story, but you.
You weren’t rude or abrasive, but you kept to yourself on the ship, and Crosshair rarely found himself in the same room as you. Even when the rest of the team was gathered together, if the meeting was not mission-related, you were not present. At first he thought it might be because you were uncomfortable around the others, but from the snippets of conversation that he caught from the rest of the his brothers when you weren’t around made it sound like you hadn’t always acted this way around them, and that your current state was a new development.
He probably shouldn’t have cared as much as he did, but it wasn’t hard to tell that there was something going on. Of course he wanted to be able to know whether or not he could trust you, but he also wanted to know what role his brothers had played in your past, and what had changed to make you this much more secluded
Hunter and Tech probably wouldn’t give up much about your story, especially if they were unsure about Crosshair’s intentions, so he decided to ask Wrecker. The most openly empathetic of the batch, he knew that Wrecker probably felt the strongest worry for you (if there truly was something wrong), and he was most likely to admit to it when asked.
“I haven’t seen the new member of the team around too much,” Crosshair said as he drank a cup of caf in the cockpit of the ship. No one else was up but him and Wrecker, and that wouldn’t change for a while, which made it the perfect opportunity to get some information.
“I know what you mean,” was Wrecker’s response. “She’s around, but I think her sleep schedule is all messed up.”
“Is she alright?” Crosshair asked.
“She’s not sick, but I think her heart is a little bit broken,” Wrecker said. “After Echo left and all that.”
Echo. He had obviously noticed the absence of the ARC trooper that had spent time traveling with them before Crosshair fell victim to the Empire. He knew that Echo had left to travel join a more organized sect of the Rebellion with Rex, but he didn’t quite understand the what connection that piece of information had to you. “Echo?”
Wrecker nodded. “Don’t tell her I told you, but she got all smiley when he was around and he never noticed.”
Okay, all of this was starting to make sense. Although Crosshair hadn’t experienced what was being described, he knew that heartbreak was a powerful adversary, and that it would likely be a while before you truly recovered. “Did Echo feel the same way about her?”
“He never said anything about it, but I think so,” Wrecker said. “He always looked out for her way more than he did any of us, even though we all knew that she could take care of herself. But he felt we should be doing more to fight, and Hunter wanted to find somewhere to settle down.”
Deep down, Crosshair felt the same way Echo did. He didn’t think he would ever be truly able to settle somewhere if he knew that the greedy hands of the Empire were continuing to reach towards the every end of the galaxy. But he also understood the fear that was probably consuming Hunter’s brain, the worry that they would be the ones responsible if Omega got hurt. He had always been the one in charge, and that meant he felt it was his responsibility to care for the whole squad.
Having learned a lot from his conversation with Wrecker, Crosshair didn’t change the way he went about his days, but he always kept an eye or an ear out for you. He noticed when you spent the day in your bunk and said something offhand to Tech, who made sure that food was set aside for you when you wanted it, and every once in a while he would mention something in passing to Omega, and she would spend a little time trying to cheer you up. Obviously it never completely changed how you lived, but you could never resist the infectious smile of his little sister.
When they decided to spend some time on Pabu, you started to come out of your shell a little. Maybe it was the sunlight, maybe it was the food, or maybe you were just starting to get a little better, but whatever it was, Crosshair was happy to see it. You were always kind to him, even though you didn’t interact with each other too often, and he could see why his brothers cared about you.
The first real conversation that he had with you happened to be in the middle of the night. He was sitting on the shore of the city, staring out at the waves as they crashed in and pulled away on the sand, all illuminated by the light of a moon high in the sky when he heard something behind him. It was only when he turned around did he see you, looking a little shocked to see anyone else but otherwise generally okay.
“Sorry,” you said quickly. “I didn’t realize anyone else was out here.”
“Don’t worry about it,” was Crosshair’s response. “You can stay, if you’d like.”
“Thank you,” you said, sitting down next to him.
The two of you sat in relative silence for a few minutes before you broke the silence, and the next thing he knew, you were having a full-on conversation.
Talking to you wasn’t stressful or annoying, Crosshair realized, like it could sometimes be with people he didn’t know too well. It was clear that his brothers had talked about him to you, because you mentioned things in passing that you would have no way to know about, like the way he took his caf or the fact that he had a sweet tooth worse than anyone else on the ship (even though he still claims Tech’s is worse).
It broke his heart even more knowing how you must feel, thinking that Echo never noticed you and then just got up and left. And unwittingly, he felt his ice-frozen heart begin to melt just a little bit faster after speaking to you. Maybe he did have a permanent place among his brothers, and he would certainly want to stay here if he found out you were staying too.
He didn’t bring up the fact that he knew about why you were withdrawn, instead trying to give you a reason to break free from the haze of melancholy that followed you around.
It wouldn’t be an instantaneous switch, that he knew, but Crosshair liked to think that when the two of you finally went your separate ways (after hours sitting there on that beach), you were feeling a little bit less heartbroken.
- the end - 
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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photogirl894 · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing. Could I request 33 Fluff/Romance with Wrecker x Femreader ?
Congrats on the followers!
Hello, love!! I can most certainly do this for you! Thanks for the request!!
"On My Mind"
33. “You’d be surprised how often I think about you.”
Pairing: Wrecker x fem reader
In recent days, you found your crush on Wrecker growing more and more with each passing day...but he didn't seem to pay too much mind to you.
You tried to not take it too personally; sometimes it was easy for Wrecker to get distracted and he did treat you nicely, but it seemed like, right when he and his brothers would get back from a mission, he would disappear and immerse himself in work with his explosives. You would see him briefly at Cid's bar, he'd say a quick "hello" and that was it. Sometimes he would barely even say "hello". You'd get a quick nod and he'd leave. Did he actually not like being around you? Had you done something wrong?
Finally, you just had to ask about it. After Wrecker once again left the bar and his brothers stayed behind, you approached them, saying "hi" to them like you always did, being the bartender and all.
"Hey, why is it that Wrecker always bolts almost as soon as you get here...and why is it always after I greet him?" you asked them. "Did I do something to upset him?"
"On the contrary," said Tech, "you do not upset him in the least. In fact, he is rather fond of you."
"Then why does he hardly talk to me?" was your next question.
Hunter answered, "He's just shy around pretty girls. It's nothing that you did."
Your cheeks warmed up just a bit and a small smile began to form on your face. "He thinks I'm pretty?"
Hunter offered a grin of his own. "He does. He's gone back to the Marauder if you want to go talk to him."
"I can't, I'm working," you said back.
Echo spoke up, "We'll tell Cid you had an emergency to take care of. We'll cover for you."
You were surprised at how supportive they were being, but smiled at them nonetheless. "Thanks, guys." Without waiting, you took off out of the bar.
A few minutes later, you spotted the Marauder and saw that the ramp was left down. Wrecker must've been inside the ship. As you got closer to the ship, you heard metallic thuds and clattering from inside. What was he up to? You gradually walked inside and found Wrecker sitting on the floor in the main cabin of the ship, his back to you, and he was messing around with metal parts of some kind.
"Wrecker?" you asked aloud to announce your presence.
He flinched slightly at suddenly hearing your voice and turned to look at you. "Oh...hi! I wasn't expecting to see you," he replied.
You slowly walked into the ship. "What are you doing? Is everything okay?" you questioned.
Wrecker turned away and you could see over his shoulder what looked to be pieces of something that had been disassembled on the floor in front of him.
"I'm taking apart an explosive and putting it back together again," he told you. "It helps me think."
"What's on your mind?" you inquired, coming around to his side and kneeling down next to him.
You heard a small gulp from him and he wouldn't make eye contact with you. "I'm a good fighter and I'm good with explosives. Those are the things I know the best." There was a brief pause. "What I don't know is how to talk to women...mostly you." Then finally his head turned and you could see the shy yet also sad look on his face..
"Me?" you repeated.
Timidly, he nodded. "I do think about you. A lot. I want to talk to you more and be able to do more things with you, but I just...get so shy when I see you and I have no idea what to say to you. You're on my mind a lot when we're on missions, but when we come back, I just freeze up because I don't know if you think about me the same way. It's...embarrassing."
He turned away dejectedly, but you simply smiled. "You'd be surprised how often I think of you, Wrecker," you admitted. Then to further drive your point home, you leaned forward and softly kissed his warm cheek.
Wrecker perked up immediately at feeling your lips on his skin and his head whipped around, his eyes catching the bright smile you were giving him. "Really?" he asked.
"I've been dying to talk to you more," you said. "I get excited when I see you boys come back, but then you disappear every time after you greet me. I was afraid I'd done something wrong."
His eyes widened in panic. "No, you never did anything wrong!" he stated.
"Don't worry, the boys already reassured me of that," you assured him. Then you reached out your hand and laid it on top of his. "You don't need to feel shy around me and you don't have to talk to me in any certain way. I'm no one special, so just talk to me like you would anyone else."
"That's not true. You're very special and I want to treat you that way," he countered.
You were about ready to respond to him when his hands gingerly took a hold of your face and he kissed you ever so sweetly. For someone who was practically a giant and had the toughness and muscle to go with it, the way he held your cheeks and how his lips caressed yours was far gentler than you could've imagined and oh, how it made your heart soar in the moment!
Still in a light daze after he kissed you, you replied to him with a wide grin, "I think you're special, too." Then you returned the favor and kissed him this time, him enveloping you in his arms and falling back onto the floor of the Marauder.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance Prompts
Photogirl894's 1000 Followers fics
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littlesoka7567 · 1 year
I wanna see Hunter just going absolutely feral.
Bad batch spoilers, rated M
Imagine he gets to the planet Omega and Crosshair are on. He manages to get into the base somehow, and he doesn’t even wait for Echo and Wrecker. He doesn’t use the stun feature. The entire landing pad is gone by the time the other two join him.
He’s pushing on, through hallways. He shoots down storm troopers as he goes, paying attention to which ones are just troopers and which ones look like higher ups.
“Um, Hunter?” Echo asks, his blaster raised but still cold from disuse.
Hunter finally finds an officer. Grabs him by the throat, slams him into the wall. “Where’s Hemlock?” He growls, teeth bared.
Echo and Wrecker pause behind him, blasters raised at the ready for any back up this officer may call.
“I don’t know,” the officer chokes, hands uselessly clawing at Hunter’s arms. “But if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“I believe you,” Hunter spits, and the blast in the officer’s stomach forces the man limp.
“Hunter?” Wrecker asks, eyes looking on worriedly.
Hunter doesn’t answer. He goes through a door. Another. Dead bodies pile up, never even had a chance to shoot back. Hunter doesn’t pause, doesn’t stop moving. He shoots as he goes.
Through another door. Down a flight of stairs. Another officer. He shoots everyone else, aims his blaster at the officer’s face. “Hemlock,” is all he says.
“I know where he is!” The officer says, hands raised in surrender. “I can take you to him!”
“Where is he?” Hunter growls.
“Floor -70. He’ll have heard the alarms by now. He’ll be in his bunker.”
Hunter shoves the man into Wrecker’s chest, who grabs him by the scruff of the neck and starts walking him to follow Hunter.
Elevators. Hunter fucking hates elevators. They’re slow, they force him to stand still. The officer won’t stop whimpering, face forced to look at the floor.
“Hunter,” Echo tries again.
Hunter works his jaw. Tilts his head just slightly to show he’s listening.
“What’s the plan?”
Hunter rolls his jaw again, looking back at the elevator doors. “Find Hemlock. Make him take us to Omega. Get out.”
“Are there any…in between steps?”
Hunter doesn’t answer. The door opens. He shoots down everyone running at him. Echo stuns the ones running away. Wrecker punches a few people in white coats standing in doorways.
“Take a left up here,” their captive whimpers out, refusing to look at the fallen teammates. “It’s a long hallway. His bunker will be at the very end.”
Hunter does. It’s only lab coats now. Hunter shoots them down, uncaring.
They reach the door, and Hunter kicks it in easily. It’s not a bunker. It’s an office. Hemlock isn’t there. He turns to their captive, fury turning his vision red.
“He’s supposed to be here!” The man cries, wincing as Wrecker’s hold tightens on his neck. “He said he would be here if there was ever an invasion.”
Hunter walks over to him, grabbing his chin. Wrecker lets go. The man whimpers, the words to beg for his life dying on his tongue. “I believe you,” Hunter says. For a second, a flicker of hope lights up the man’s eyes. But then those eyes go dull as Hunter quickly snaps his neck.
“Hunter!” Echo hisses, disapproval painting his voice.
Hunter ignores him. He pushes past them both, forcing his way back down the long corridor. He takes a right where he before took a left.
“Clones!” Wrecker yells, looking at the cells upon cells of locked up clones.
“I’ll let them out,” Echo says, something raw in his voice. “This must be where they’re taking the decommissioned clones. Rex was telling me about a mission to save-“
Hunter holds up a hand, indicating silence. Echo’s voice falters, stops.
Hunter listens. The prisoners are yelling, begging for release. Distractions. “Silence!” Hunter yells, after shooting three rounds into the ceiling.
Quiet. Good. He closes his eyes, focusing. “Wrecker, with me. Echo-go ahead.”
He feels more than sees Echo nod his affirmative, and he sets to work on unlocking the doors.
Hunter leads Wrecker down the hall. Left. Right. Another right. Through a door. Another left. Pauses, has to shoot a guard. Through a door.
Hunter raises the gun, aiming it at the woman in a white coat. “She looks important,” Wrecker says softly.
“My name is Emerie Karr,” she stutters out. “I’m the lead scientist.”
“And I care because?” Hunter growls, stepping forward and getting the blaster closer to her chest.
“I’m the one working on Omega and Crosshair.”
Hunter’s blood goes cold. He stops breathing. His hand shakes. “Where. Is. She?” He spits through gritted teeth.
“This way,” she says, but doesn’t indicate or move. She only stares at the blaster.
“Move!” Hunter yells, frightening her. She starts to back up, but realizes that’s not fast enough quickly. More rooms. Moor hallways. More doors. It takes no time at all and an eternity.
“She’s in this room,” Emerie says softly. “Hemlock is in there.”
“Open. The. Door.”
Wrecker moves closer, blaster trained on her. “I’ve got her, Hunter. You check it out.”
Hunter can barely hear over the blood pounding in his ears. The door opens. His blaster aims inward, no target yet. He looks around, his own breathing deafening him.
He almost breaks.
The high pitched voice is scared. Hunter momentarily worries he’s covered in blood. If he’s scaring her. But no; it’s not him. It’s Hemlock.
“Take one more step and I shoot her,” Hemlock’s low, soft voice lilts. As if he’s the one in control.
Hunter aims his blaster, teeth bared in aggression. “I won’t ask you twice,” Hunter spits.
Hemlock presses the gun more firmly into Omega’s temple, and the girl cries out in pain or fear. “You aren’t the one making demands here, Hunter.” His voice annoys Hunter, and the growl which rips through his throat is involuntary.
Hunter’s entire body is shaking with the desire to rip Hemlock apart. “Omega is too close,” Emerie whispers unhelpfully.
“Put the gun down, Hunter. It’s over. Put the gun down and let my scientist in the room. My guards will be here shortly.”
Hunter grins, too much teeth to be anything other than threatening. Any guards will be meeting the fury of countless decommissioned clones right about now.
Hemlock seems undeterred. “I’m only keeping her alive to control Nala Se. I don’t care if she lives or dies. Now that Nala Se has seen her, I can convince her Omega is safe and held in a cell. You’re the one who wants her alive.”
Hunter laughs, and it sounds so unlike anything he’s ever made before. “If you kill her, I will tear you apart, piece by piece, until you beg for mercy that won’t come.”
Hemlock has the sense to at least hesitate now. He looks between Hunter and Wrecker, whose gun is still aimed at Emerie.
Omega cries softly, not looking at Hunter anymore. “I’m scared,” she whispers.
Hunter fights back the urge to growl again. He works his jaw instead, eyes flicking from her to Hemlock. He sees movement behind the pair as he does; it takes everything inside of him to not focus on the body slowly inching towards them.
“You hear that?” Hemlock asks, voice somehow still calm and soft. Taunting. Hunter bares his teeth in rage, allowing Hemlock to think he took the bait. “She’s scared. Do you think she’s scared of me, or of you?”
Wrecker shifts behind him, and Hunter can practically see the excitement he’s trying to conceal. Hunter ignores them both. “Omega,” Hunter pleads, lowering his gun. “I’d never hurt you,” he promises.
Omega looks up, eyes full of tears. “Hunter,” she whines.
Hemlock pretends to coo, mockingly. “Hunter,” he copies, but a wicked smile distorts his face into something inhuman. Emerie’s breath catches as she notices, but Wrecker presses the blaster more firmly into the back of her neck. “Go ahead and put the gun down, Hunter. I win.”
Hunter holds his gun tighter, still lowered to point at the floor. He grits his teeth, pretending to fight himself on what to do. “It’s okay, Omega,” Hunter says softly. “Just look at me.”
Omega stares into Hunter’s eyes, her own full of tears. “I want to go home,” she says.
Hunter takes one hand off the gun, pretending to raise it in surrender. “I’m here, Omega. I’m here.”
Hemlock laughs in victory, aiming the gun instead at Hunter. Stupid, arrogant mistake. “That’s right. Put that gun down. Nice and slow.”
The blow is sudden, and hard. Hemlock loses consciousness immediately, and Omega sprints for Hunter’s arms. Hunter catches her easily, arms wrapping around her and holding her as tightly as he can.
“You lose,” Crosshair spits, swaying on his feet. He leans heavily on the bench Hemlock is now slouched over.
Wrecker hits Emerie over the back of the head with the handle of his blaster, and is pushing past Hunter and Omega before her body hits the floor. He throws Crosshair’s arm over his shoulder, using one arm to help support his weight. “I knew you were still in there somewhere,” Wrecker says lowly.
Hunter pets Omega’s hair, holding her to his chest. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you. I’m here now.”
“Hunter,” Omega cries, tiny fists clenching at his hair to keep him close.
“Hunter,” Echo calls from behind them. “Rex is on his way to get the decommissioned clones. Or…” his voice turns sad for a moment. “The ones who are left. There were a lot of guards here.”
Hunter raises himself from his kneeling position, bringing Omega with him. Her legs wrap around his waist, and he half rests her on his hip. “Good. Help Crosshair. Wrecker, grab Hemlock.” All three of his brothers hesitate, questions on the tip of their tongues. “Now,” Hunter growls.
Wrecker gently passes Crosshair to Echo, and then throws Hemlock over his shoulder. Omega buries her face in Hunter’s neck, quiet sobs breaking his heart.
They make their way to the elevator, and Hunter glares at the escapees so they won’t join them. There isn’t much room left anyway.
“I’m sorry,” Crosshair says after several minutes of silence.
Hunter looks to him, and for the first time since Ord Mantell, his face softens. He raises the hand not holding Omega to cup his shoulder, squeezing. He doesn’t say anything; he doesn’t need to. The sigh of relief Crosshair tries to hide is indicative of message received.
There’s a lot of questions which will be asked later. Later. Once they’re free from this hell planet. Once Omega is safe on their ship. Once he has time.
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corpus-chorus · 2 months
I think my favorite part about the boopening is the new tumblr-flavored friendships I'm making. Now instead of just having beloved mutuals I never talk to, I also have beloved boopers in my activity and boopees who I'm about to fucking wrec
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kaminocasey · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us
Summary: You thought Rex was killed in action. You tried to move on with Hunter. Rex comes back and you question if you've really moved on.
Pairing: Hunter x Reader, Rex x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst, mentions of death
WC: 3K
A/N: I heard the song "A Glimpse of Us" by Joji and KNEW I needed to write something angsty soooo here we are. I cranked this out in like 3 hours so I apologize if it's rough! But for real, go listen to that song. So good. So heartbreaking.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3A | Part 3B
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“Hey what’s going on in here?” Cid shouts as you all make your way back to the bar. “Who are you?”
All of the guys have their guns drawn, waiting for the first sign of trouble. You can’t see past Hunter, so you’re not sure what’s happening.
“Rex?” You hear Echo ask.
Rex? It couldn’t be. You peek around Hunter’s shoulder and sure enough… It's him. The former love of your life. The one you thought had died during Order 66. You know Hunter can probably hear your heart pounding right out of your chest. You feel like you’re going to throw up.
“Oh great. Another clone. Just what I needed. Well, don’t get comfy. I’m done taking in strays.” Cid complains then turns to Hunter. “This ain’t a clone clubhouse, ya know.”
Cid grumbles as she walks back to her office.
Rex’s eyes go soft when they meet yours. You want to run into his arms. You can’t though. You stay beside Hunter. Your current partner. Your love. Your cyare. You notice the way that Hunter moves closer to you. 
Rex puts his blaster away. You cross your arms, unsure of what to do. 
“It’s okay.” Hunter murmurs to you. 
You look up at him and then back at Rex. You cross the ten feet between the two of you and throw your arms around him, Rex does the same, enveloping you in his arms, burying his face in your hair. 
“I thought you were gone…” You whisper, feeling your lips tremble as you try to fight back tears. 
You think back to the day that Tech told you that Rex was gone… you were wrecked and couldn’t sleep for weeks.
“To be honest, so did I.” He tells you. “I’m so glad you found these guys.”
“They found me, actually.” You tell him, looking up at him but not letting go.
You were with General Billaba when the clones turned against her, against their will. You were terrified out of your mind, but you trusted the Batch. They were just as confused as you were. You had all managed to escape the new “Empire” for the time being. 
“Captain.” Hunter pulls the two of you out of your moment. 
“It’s been a while, boys.” Rex nods to them and then pulls away only slightly.
“Where have you been, Rex?” Echo asks.
“Hmm. That’s a long story.” Rex shrugs. 
Rex proceeds to tell all of you exactly what happened to him and Ahsoka Tano and how she helped him get his inhibitor chip out and then how they managed to escape being killed by the other clones. Then, he tells you about how he’s been keeping a low profile.
“Very low. Imperial files have you listed as killed in action.” Tech tells him.
Your heart clenches at the words, even though you can see that it’s clearly not the truth. Thank the Maker.
“Being dead in the Empire’s eyes has its advantages.” Rex tells him. 
He keeps an arm around your lower back as you stand next to him while he sits at the bar. You don’t know how to tell him about Hunter. You don’t know how to pull away from him after all this time. You just hope that Hunter understands. 
“Well, how’d you track us down?” Echo asks him.
“Trace and Rafa Martez.” Rex replies. “They said a squad of rogue clones helped them on Corellia. They told me I could find you here. And that you were traveling with a kid and a woman. And now that I’ve figured out the mystery woman… Who's the kid?”
You look at Hunter. He doesn’t quite meet your eyes but looks at Rex and explains who Omega is and how she’s a clone just like them. The look of shock on Rex’s face is brief due to Wrecker and Omega coming back from getting Mantell Mix.
“Well, look who it is!” Wrecker laughs, loudly. “Come here, Rex.” 
Wrecker picks up Rex and hugs him tightly. You take that moment to return to Hunter’s side as he leans against the bar. He smiles softly down at you in reassurance and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Your anxiety is starting to rise slightly. Hopefully no one expects you to be normal right now.
“Yeah.” Rex grunts, struggling for breath in Wrecker’s arms as he dangles like four feet off the ground. “Good to see you too, Wrecker.”
“I thought you didn’t like the regs?” Omega asks, confused.
“This one we like.” Wrecker chuckles as he sets Rex back down.
Rex looks over at you again and sees you next to Hunter. You can see it click in his eyes. He knows that you and Hunter are together. Which is fine. Right? 
“Omega. This is Rex.” Hunter tells her.
Rex peels his eyes away from you and turns to look at Omega, kneeling down to her level. 
“I’ve met many clones in my life, but never one like you.” Rex’s voice is soft, sweet even. 
Omega looks at Rex as if she’s studying him. “You’re a generation one.”
“Now, how’d you know that?” Rex asks her.
“From the lines on your face.” She shrugs. It reminds you of Tech which makes you smile.
All of you chuckle with Rex. She technically just called him old. Which wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, you suppose. Clones do age faster than a regular human. 
“Yeah, I guess I’ve been around.” Rex looks back at you.
“You got that right.” Wrecker grins and then groans, gripping his head. “Y/n, I need one of those med patches.” 
Wrecker has been complaining of headaches for a while now. You and Tech have been keeping an eye on it, keeping him comfortable with med patches and medicine. You chalked it up to stress to all the new changes.
“You used the last one, Wrecker. I’m sorry.” You try to look at his head where he’s gripping it. 
“What’s wrong?” Rex asks, his face completely serious now. 
You look at him, confused. 
“Nothing. It’s just a headache.” Wrecker explains. 
“Which are becoming more frequent.” Echo adds.
“Is that so?” Rex asks, his voice lowering with concern and seriousness. 
“If you’re concerned about the so-called inhibitor chips, don’t be. Our deviant nature seems to have impeded their functionality.” Tech chimes in. “Except in Crosshair.”
Rex’s eyebrows furrow deeper. “You’re telling me you haven’t removed your chips?” 
“No, not yet.” Tech answers.
Rex steps in front of Omega and pulls back his poncho so that his hand can hover over his blaster, sending everyone else into alert mode. What’s wrong with him?
“Rex?” Hunter steps away from you, shielding you from Rex and putting his hand out. 
“Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you. Even them.” Rex gestures to Omega and then you. “You’re all ticking time bombs.”
Hunter steps closer to Rex with his hand up in a non threatening way. “Take it easy, Captain.” 
You feel your heart in your throat, unsure of what’s happening. You’ve never seen Rex like this. 
“What’s in your head is more dangerous than you can imagine. I’ve seen what happens when the chip activates, and I don’t want to bury anymore of our brothers.” Rex tells them. 
You can see the hurt and anguish in his eyes. He’s been through something terrible. You want to reach out to him and console him. You stay behind Hunter, though. 
“Trust me… it is not something you can control. I couldn’t.” Rex looks down for a second and that’s when you step away from Hunter and walk back up to Rex, resting a palm on his face, making him look at you. You just need him to calm down for a moment.
The tension in his shoulders practically melts as you touch him. Just like before… When he’d come back to you, all you’d have to do is wrap him in your arms and he’d melt like putty. 
When you think he’s okay, you pull away. 
“It’s a risk you do not want to take.” Rex glances back at Hunter.
Hunter looks at you and then Omega. “How do you suggest we get them out?” 
“Good question. I’ll be in touch.” Rex nods to Hunter. 
Rex looks at you one last time before leaving the bar and you can feel your heart try to leave with him again. You look back at Hunter and you see his gaze shift away from yours. Perhaps consoling Rex was the wrong move… 
“Do you think you could find out about Captain Rex of the 501st?” You ask Tech as everyone else is asleep. 
“I can try.” Tech nods, pulling up his holopad and searching. 
After a few moments, he puts the pad down and looks at you, pulling his goggles up on his head so that he can really look at you.
“Tech?” You feel your stomach start to sink.
Please no… 
“I’m sorry…” He looks down.
“No… look again.” You shake your head.
Rex was the love of your life. You were supposed to grow old together and move to a farm and get married and have kids… The two of you had your entire lives after the war planned out. And now…
“Look. Again.” You tell Tech.
You don’t mean to sound rude or angry… but it just couldn’t be true… could it? Rex survived everything… It wouldn’t make sense for him to not survive this. 
“Please…” You beg Tech.
He hands you the holopad to see for yourself. There in your hands, on the screen, is the face of the blond love of your life… with the red banner across the top: KILLED IN ACTION. You hand him the holopad and quickly walk to the fresher, letting the door slide closed behind you as you slump to the floor and sob. 
Hours later, Hunter comes and scoops you off the floor and carries you to a bunk, letting you cry until your eyes go dry and hurt. You don’t leave the bunk for days. Echo kneels next to you, trying desperately to get you to eat.
“How can I go on?” You ask Echo as Hunter stands in the doorway, terrified. 
“One day at a time.” Echo squeezes your hand.
He was right. Slowly, the pain just took the backseat and you were able to ignore it. 
Back on the ship, in hyperspace, Wrecker shakes his knee, gripping his head. You try everything you can without the med patch. All you have to offer is a warm compress to hold over his eyes. Unfortunately, Wrecker is just a smidge impatient and tosses it back to you as he gets up to pace. 
“I don’t like this plan.” He groans to Hunter as Hunter comes back toward the bunks where Tech and Omega are working on Gonky as you try to help Wrecker. 
Hunter glances at you and then places a hand on Wrecker’s shoulder. “We agreed to meet Rex on Bracca. That’s what we’re doing.”
“He wants to cut open my head.” Wrecker points at his head, nervously.
“All of our heads, actually.” Tech points out. 
“Not mine. I don’t have an inhibitor chip.” Omega points out. 
“Why not? Now, that’s not fair.” Wrecker grumbles. 
You try to get Hunter’s attention but he ignores you and starts to talk to Tech about the chip scanner. You take that as your sign to leave the room and walk up to the cockpit, joining Echo at the steering panel.
“Are you alright?” Echo asks you, softly.
You shrug, leaning your head back against the seat. “Doesn’t matter.” 
“Of course it matters.” Echo assures you, turning to look at you.
You roll your head to look at Echo. He’s looking at you softly. He knows about you and Rex. He was one of Rex’s closest friends. He and his brother Fives.
“Do you remember when Tech told me about Rex being killed in action and all I could do for weeks was lie awake and cry?” You ask him.
He nods. Of course he does. He was there for you every single day. 
“I used to wish more than anything that he’d come back to me. And then Hunter and I just… happened. We’ve only been together a couple weeks…” You murmur softly, trying not to let Hunter hear you. 
“You have to do what’s best for you.” Echo tells you. 
“How do I know what that is?” You ask him.
He shrugs. “Well, no offense, but we saw the way you calmed Rex down…” 
“Yeah and now Hunter is mad at me.” You groan, quietly.
When you finally reach Bracca, you land near Rex’s ship and all get out. You try your hardest to keep your eyes down, knowing it’d be hard to look at him again. 
What you and Hunter have is great. You’re able to rely on each other. He is so sweet and kind. It is new, though. 
“Stay here.” Hunter and Rex tell you simultaneously.
They look at each other with a furrowed brow. You roll your eyes. 
“Whatever. Come on, Omega. We have plenty to keep us busy.” You tell her, sitting on the steps of the Marauder.
Omega glances at Hunter and he nods. She follows you and sits next to you as you rest your chin in your hands, watching the guys walk away. Rex glances back at you first and your chest tightens. Hunter glances back at you next and you feel the ache in your chest next. 
“What’s going on?” Omega asks you.
Omega is the most perceptive child you’ve ever met. She catches on to everything very quickly, but you know this isn’t something she needs to worry about. Not to mention, it’s not appropriate to burden a child with adult matters. Granted, she’s been through more than a lot of children. 
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” You put a smile on your face as you look at her. 
“How much older?” She asks you.
“Hmmm… at least five years older.” You shrug, amused. 
“Ugh.” She rolls her eyes and you can’t help but laugh.
 You get up as you pat her on the shoulder and go back into the ship to make yourself busy. Hopefully, they'll find what they’re looking for quickly. 
About five hours in, you have music playing as you and Omega just finish up cleaning the entire ship and decide to play a board game that you secretly took from Cid’s. You feed Omega dinner as you play. You hear voices coming and go to greet the guys but find TK troopers, which means that Crosshair probably isn’t too far away. 
“Hide. Now.” You whisper. 
You help lift her up into the overhead unit and then crawl up there yourself, shutting the door as softly as possible. You don’t know how Crosshair could have possibly found you, but right now, your biggest concern is keeping Omega safe. 
You watch the TK troopers through the vent as they walk throughout the ship.
“Ship is empty.” One of them speaks into their comm as they exit the ship. 
“We’re staying here until the guys get back.” You whisper to her, softly.
She nods and starts to make herself comfortable, resting her head on her arms. You pat her softly on the back with a reassuring smile.
You aren’t sure how much time goes by, but when you finally hear the guys’ voices, relief washes over you.
You hear Hunter call out for you and Omega, panic clear in his voice. You move the vent over and let him know you’re still here.
“Oh thank the Maker.” He nods. 
You lightly wake Omega up, letting her know the guys are back. She barely wakes up, just enough to let you pass her to Hunter. You jump down after and watch Hunter lay her in his bunk before returning to you, pulling you into his arms. Watching how amazing he is with her warms your heart every single time. 
“I’m so sorry.” Hunter kisses you on the head. 
“It’s okay.” You assure him.
“Thank you for staying safe.” He rests his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.
You see Rex in the doorway in your peripheral. He doesn’t take his eyes off of you. You can’t look away from him. Hunter notices, of course. He never misses a thing. 
“Can I talk to you?” Rex asks you.
You look at Hunter and he nods, letting you go. You follow Rex outside the ship, pulling your sweater around you. It had gotten dark since you’d hidden in the overhead unit with Omega. 
“I understand that you’ve moved on. I get it. I-” He starts. You interrupt him. “I haven’t.”
“I haven’t moved on.” You whisper. 
He walks toward you. You look up at him and time feels like it stops. Just for a moment. You know that you’re never going to stop loving him. You know that this man will always have your heart and anything you give to Hunter…
“Come with me.” Rex begs, softly, yanking you from your thoughts. “Please.”
You look up into those golden brown eyes that you used to get lost in once upon a time. You feel your stomach flutter at the way he’s looking at you. Like you hung every star in the galaxy. It’s the same look he’s always given you. And you know he’d continue to look at you like that for the rest of his life if you let him.
“Please stay…” You hear Hunter’s voice behind you. 
You look back at Hunter. It feels like you’re stuck in place, unable to move. You know you need to choose, but the look on Hunter’s face breaks your heart all over again and you know you can’t bear the thought of hurting him. You care about him so much. Not to mention, the Batch. You love them all individually. Omega has become like your little sister. Wrecker is like your big brother. Echo has always been a friend. And Tech is so easy to chat with about things that he’s become a good friend as well. And Hunter… Well…
You know you’re going to have to make the decision now.
TAGS: @studioramekin @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @shytastemakerthing @twistedstitcher27
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insinirate · 1 year
thank you so much for all the nai fanarts and his ships yum yum 🙏🙏 esp the knives/wood one hooo boy cant wait to see that woody boy get wrec—*muffled noises as i get dragged away*
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vvh0adie · 10 months
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