#wow that was long winded
calmbigdipper · 2 months
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What you mean to me
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againstme · 4 months
idk man i’m just thinking about against me! and transness, especially cause we’re coming up on ten fucking years of transgender dysphoria blues, on the 21st.
lyrics have been swimming in my head lately.
“what god doesnt give to you, you’ve got to go and get for yourself.”
“if i could’ve chosen, i would’ve been born a woman. my mother once told me she would’ve named me laura. i’d grow up to be strong and beautiful like her.”
“you wouldn’t think something like gender identity would complicate something like asking for some company.”
“she spent the last few years of her life running from the boy she used to be.”
“standing naked in front of that hotel bathroom mirror, in her dysphoria’s reflection, she still saw her mother’s son.”
“agitated states of amazement, never quite the woman that she wanted to be.”
“you want them to see you like they see every other girl, they just see a faggot, they hold their breath not to catch the sick.”
“chipped nail polish and a barbed wire dress. is your mother proud of your eyelashes? silicone chest, and collagen lips. how would you even recognize me?”
“no more troubled sleep, there’s a brave new world that’s raging inside of me.”
“all my life, wishing i was one of them. there will always be a difference between me and you.”
“what’s the best end you can hope for? pity fucks and table scraps?”
“all the young graves filled, don’t the best all burn out so bright and so fast?”
“sometimes at night, i pray to wake a different person in a different place.”
“i don’t want to hang around the graveyard, waiting for something dead to come back. i know you think you’ve got one up on me, that you can see something i can’t.”
“i wanna be so real, you can see the difference.”
“dig up your bones, early graves are not homes.”
“come on, shape shift with me! what’ve you got to lose? fuck it!”
“confessing childhood secrets of dressing up in women’s clothes, compulsions you never knew the reasons to.”
“i’m sick of feeling like i’m losing my mind. sick of doing the same things most nights after night. sick of self loathing and self absorption, self destructive narcissism.”
some of these are directly referencing transness, some just alluding to it. some are just ones that i relate to as i’ve grown up struggling with my gender and sexuality and accepting my own transness and dealing with self harm and self destruction and relying too much on drugs.
finding myself buying baggies of coke and just stuffing them in my wallet while i walked downtown, feeling this immense guilt at the bottom of my stomach for essentially just wasting 25 dollars on a drug that wasn’t doing much for me besides making me feel like i was feeling something different than what my life was. getting scared shitless while in the line at the convenience store after picking up, seeing cops come into the store, and the small tied up bag filled with what was more baby powder than coke in my back pocket felt like the the heaviest and most obvious thing in the world.
and then i’d find myself on calls with my friends, with my camera turned off or pointing at the ceiling, suddenly muting my mic holding a cut up piece of a straw in my teeth as i crushed shit up with my library card from a city i wasn’t planning on living in again. just having them talk while i was racking baby lines, tilting my head back and rubbing it on my gums after. i was sniffling all the time. sometimes my nose would bleed when i would wake up. and i wasn’t even really feeling much; i didn’t know at the time that this would be because of having adhd and just basically spending money on overpriced shit that was just like taking an adderall, but it was a drug in front of me, that gave me the idea or the false hope of running away from my life during the short lived high.
“before you know it, here i am again, fucking 6 o’clock in the morning, rolled up dollar bill in my hand.”
“what the fuck are you cutting this with, anyway?”
“how low can you go before you can’t turn around?”
i don’t think that when i was 14 and getting into against me! that i would ever actually get to a point of fully relating to those lyrics. of running away from such a huge part of yourself or your problems, trying to fill the void with drugs that you’d plow through so quickly, faster than you thought you would every time.
the thing is, was that at this point, i had already started my transition. i was already “passing.” but i never got to the root of it. sure, i’m trans, but who am i? and i didn’t know how to answer that question. so i just pushed it away, pushed it under the rug.
“you can pray all night and day, but you’ll still wake up the same person in the same fucking place.”
against me! has been there for me for ten years. throughout so many transformations of myself, so much shape shifting, so much dysphoria, so many late nights wishing i was a different person in a different place.
i found solace in their lyrics. it gave me some small bit of hope, some realization that i didn’t know that i needed; that trans people always have been and always will be here, that being able to be trans and be alive is possible, and that i don’t have to be digging my own grave, spending late nights staring at the mirror and seeing the girl who i used to be.
against me! gave me the courage to be alive.
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How do you think the Lost Boys would handle technology if they reach 2000s? Like cameras -- would they get caught sooner because of it? Or cellphones -- would they even have one? Would they even be able to use it/charge it if they did?
(Assuming that vampires in this universe specifically don't appear in mirrors or film because of silver being used in the production of both...)
I think, once the digital age is alive and well and suddenly they can appear on camera, it's going to be a love-hate relationship.
On one hand, Santa Carla has one hell of a security camera sabotage scheme going on. Every time a new camera is installed, its cord is either sliced clean through or the lens is spray-painted black, and no one is ever seen doing it! Eventually, the shopkeepers learn that outside cameras are just not viable in this town, so they leave the damaged ones up as deterrents for the tourists and only keep functioning ones pointed directly at their cashiers.
Cellphones, at least at first, are a novelty. The boys have telepathy, who needs a phone? But occasionally Paul and Marko get ahold of two phones and play around, calling each other back and forth, telling stupid jokes, or pretending to be important businessmen until the batteries run out and they toss them like trash.
When GPS gets introduced to cellphones, Max gets a little nervous about them. (He has always got the latest model, but only keeps it with him between work and home.) He worries that tracking the phones will make it easier for police to find bodies or evidence. So now the Boys are told, "No mucking around with cellphones, especially the ones you pick up off victims. In fact, destroy them immediately and toss them in the sea."
Now, I have no doubt that these rascals have Max-flavored Demand Avoidance, and suddenly cellphones are a forbidden fruit. David may insist on tossing victims' phones, but now Paul, Marko, and even Dwayne are lifting phones off people on the boardwalk.
The first time they realize they can order pizza delivery to just about anywhere is a revelation. They get a blood bag delivered, the pizza they ordered for free, any other pizza that may be in his car, and all the cash that he's received that night. Max loses his mind when he finds out.
But THEN, camera phones become widespread, and suddenly they can take photos and record videos of each other. Even David can't resist this. So there are photos of Paul jumping off cliffs, and Marko records the pigeons cooing and strutting and David is checking his hair, and there are photos of Dwayne modeling his new jacket...but they still don't have electricity, so eventually the phones die, but these they keep. Like an old archive, there's a cellphone graveyard in the cave that they can't really use, but can't bring themselves to get rid of. Maybe on occasion, they pull one or two out and find a public outlet in a diner or something to charge them. The service has long been canceled, so they can't call or text, but the photos are still there.
I remember back when I had an old Nokia phone, I had a bejeweled trial on it, but my parents didn't even pay for texts, much less games. So I just played that bejeweled trial over and over, anytime I got bored. I can see Dwayne or David fucking around on the games, even the trials when they're standing by their bikes, having a smoke, waiting for the other two to return.
The availability of porn steeply increases the local cellphone theft rates.
When MP3 players become widespread that's an entirely new revelation. Suddenly they don't need all these tapes and CDs, or this bulky CD player. It's just this neat little device that fits into their pockets. Suddenly the need to keep a device charged is stronger than their short attention spans. Sure they keep the boombox around for the cave, but the personal players are so useful. Now when David's in a mood and they can't use the stereo, they can go to their little corners and still jam. When someone is feeling broody, they can take their player and go for a walk (or a flight). This may prompt them to work out a generator setup with outlets in the cave. Or maybe they just include a stop by some public outlets in their nightly activities.
I don't think computers or laptops will really hold their interest too much. They may enjoy grabbing one at the library every now and then to look something up or add music to their players, but otherwise, that just seems like a waste of time. I think portability is the name of the game for their technology usage.
Kindles and eReaders though, I think that's going to be a hit with David and/or Dwayne. They keep books in the cave, they may even prefer to read physical books, but there's probably some difficulty keeping them from molding in the wet sea air and getting damaged from repeat readings. Plus the eReaders can fit just so many books into such a tiny space. (The image of David reading on a tablet in his wheelchair is just so vivid for me, rn.)
But also consider: some types of touch screens having difficulty picking up on their touch, lmao
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yurikogane · 1 month
this ones more of a ramble-y post, but. you know idrc its my tumblr its interesting to think about how the team in canon was supposed to be depicted as so close, but really they dont leave space with close connections despite fighting in a war with these people and living with them for an undetermined amount of time. like. ok let me explain:
when the paladins come back to earth, the only real new connections made were with the lions and lance dating allura. those were the only ones depicted with any sort of significance i mean. which is really interesting when you think about it: because for the most part these people are more so bonded through trauma rather than being depicted as actually knowing each other. theyre a unit but really when you take them away from each other in canon, what real connections do they have with each other that werent pre existing? garrison trio, broganes.. i think this is kind of furthered when we see how lance is kind of left to grieve on his own after allura sacrificed herself (which i could make a whole other post on bc it was so STUPID but i digress) and he just. went back to earth with his family? and there was no depiction of anyone really like attempting to help him or even that the rest of the team (minus coran) were really affected by her death. which is crazy, because she was supposed to be a leader figure and like a big part of the team. we dont really see that though and thats interesting to me. to circle back a little you might be thinking "oh but keith and lance had a pretty significant relationship build! they become friends doesnt that count" or "keith and hunk too! they had those few moments where they seemed to rely on each other really, so what?" and to those i say: we dont really see the effects of those relationships though. yes yes they had significance to the fans (cough klance cough) but like, looking at the whole story? if you took those interactions out, nothing changes. not like the others at least, because the build of relationships doesnt seem to have much of an effect on the characters when they return to earth / the small glimpse into the future we get. and it annoys me to no end that these people are supposed to be considered found family from space but they dont have interpersonal relationships that weigh on any real plotlines (which are shaky themselves...yawn) TLDR: basically just me ranting about how no real relationships between the characters were built in space despite voltron being said to depend on team bordering on family. i would have added more but it would end up on a whole side tangent about altean capabilities, plotlines to nowhere, and a long long tangent about how each individual was handled within the shows canon. thank god for fix it fanfics everyone??
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merlinemrys · 8 months
as someone who is very very very in tune to how characters refer to each other or maybe more generally, names, and the power of them, it is such a shame the merlin creators didn’t do Something More with emrys. it’s a title as much as it is a name and it would’ve been soooo delicious if when merlin becomes more accustomed to his power, the more his name fits like a name than a title or just somethinggggggg idk
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bright-and-burning · 4 months
thank you for the tag @albonoooo <333
star sign: leo (attention whore signs 4 the win)
favourite holiday: my neighborhood does neighbor day every year and that’s a solid percentage of my favorite childhood memories. my neighborhood is very very close (very much so an “it takes a village” mentality) so i grew up with essentially twenty aunts and uncles. and also like ten dogs and thirteen vaguely cousin-esque figures on my block. anyways it’s like a massive potluck barbecue thing, it goes from like noon to whenever the last person heads in (which can be quite late). think like. potluck barbecue to casual day drinking to big bonfire w smores as the day goes by. as a kid i spent the whole day roaming the neighborhood and coming back every so often to grab food from the tables before heading off again. as an adult i got to get drunk on seltzers with a bunch of 50 somethings and it was incredible
last meal: omg it was my last ohio meal… i got it from this really special like local version of sonic’s (like a drive up food place). they make their burgers w a little bit of brown sugar and mashed banana (they’re the best burgers i’ve ever had). so i had a double hamburger w fries and a mint shake w brownie spindled in. if you’re ever driving through ohio PLEASE hit me up to get this place’s name it’s GLORIOUS. 1980s pricing (admittedly 80s portions too lol). neon signs everywhere. what i will miss the most
current favourite musician: i tend to just hit play on my liked songs so whatever i liked most recently gets played wayyyy more. a lot of the backseat lovers rn
last music listened to: mama’s gun by glass animals (BANGER OF A SONG!!!)
last movie watched: the muppet christmas carol i think . yeah according to letterboxd that lmfao
last tv show watched: i just binged monarch: legacy of monsters w my parents (amazing godzilla tv show but godzilla’s only in it for like. 10 minutes total lol. gay people <3) and then we started lockwood & co tonight on a whim
last book/fic finished: the invisible library by genevieve cogman !!! so good. librarian spy thieves…
last book/fic abandoned: oh gosh. i am such a completionist that i don’t think i ever leave books unfinished. technically i won’t be able to finish the masked city (the sequel to the invisible library) bc it belongs to the library and i am moving. but i will be picking it back up as soon as i have a library card in my new area so? does that even count? yeah i don’t really dnf things
currently reading: the masked city by genevieve cogman technically. lol. i’m trying to read at least a page a day in january. some days that means literally reading a page other days it’s reading 300. since i started the masked city like four days ago ive only made it through 30 pages bc moving is a nightmare so.
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: hm. technically for the last thing i like posted that would be the drug testing guidelines for f1 (tldr fun fact party drugs are fine out of competition). i read like. 60 pages of legalese. and a bunch of medical stuff and then several wikipedia pages and guides for athletes. the last wikipedia article i opened was for NATO and i have no idea why LOL
favourite online fandom memory: i have the memory of a goldfish… i’m also pretty sure f1 is the first time i’ve been involved w a fandom like. as it’s happening. i’m usually a latecomer . i did enjoy whatever the fuck went down w supernatural and putin that was fun second hand (literally thru a groupchat bc i was in my significantly less terminally online era aka i was in college)
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: newsies (1992) my beloved… i plotted out a fic that would stretch over like. 40 years. i went INSANE on historical accuracy research. and then i got depressed… someday my magnum opus (slice of life polyamory through turn of the century nyc) will come to fruition
favourite thing you enjoy that never had an active or big fandom, but you wish it did: i feel like there’s been a million times i’ve walked out of a movie (or finished a book, or a tv show) and gone to ao3 and then it has like. 4 works. the rivers of london series by ben aaronovitch only has like . 1k fics on ao3. and not a lot of ppl posting on tumblr. so maybe that?
tempting project you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: all of them tbh… runners au really (it’s spawned into like three different fics of plot lines Plus an epistolary type companion…). i literally constantly come up w ideas (usually hyper specific aus) all the time ask dees it’s a PROBLEM for me. bc i have no time for any of them…
no pressure tags if u wld like <3 @userkritaaay @leclercenjoyer @drivestraight @oscarpiastriwdc @eyes-likepilotlights (i have not paid a ton of attention to who has done this/been tagged sorry)
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thegirlwholied · 5 months
Charmed (1998) rewatch but only seasons 1-3 and then treating the season 4 premiere as an open-ended finale 🤷🏻‍♀️
#charmed#charmed 1998#charmed wb#i remember what comes next all too well#honestly I am sorry to miss out on some of the phoebe/cole scenes of early s4 when they were still fun#but i don't think i can take the s4 plotlines again let alone the reminder of s5 looming#going back as an adult is fascinating though#1 - so much of the fashion is back in#season one especially#also wow preteen/early teen me was really oblivious to fashion though i did wind up thinking leather pants = cool from what i absorbed then#2 - i can absolutely see the change from the original showrunner and really wish i knew what constance m burge intended next#3 - the inconsistencies. the inconsistencies#not just the mythology they were making up on the fly#(how long are you a ghost v moving on to next life since past lives are a thing but also visitors from the afterlife etc etc)#but the timeline#how old was phoebe when victor left (thank god they recast victor absolute glow-up)#why did leo have a past life in the 20s when he should have been already growing up#cole refers to 'mornings waking up next to you' about his ADA apartment when it's very pointed that he & phoebe only hook up there once#4- fascinating how sex is treated in the early seasons v the latter#(it went over my head back in the day but) they very much make clear which boyfriends they're sleeping with v which they *aren't*#(i.e. they spell out that prue only sleeps with andy once & never with jack & that piper never sleeps with Josh etc)#5 - biggest mistake the reboot made was doing the half-sister storyline in episode 1#it gave them no wiggle room when a sister DID leave the show but#more importantly you lose the original grew-up-together-push-each-others-buttons dynamic that is so good#not many siblings shows on that level (supernatural is the only comparison coming to mind)#6 - I'm so Team Cole still#talk about dropping the ball on character - his half-demon backstory motivated by saving his father's soul is great actually AND DROPPED#still about phoebe/cole but the prue and cole dynamic makes more sense knowing they were dating IRL#and shoehorning in paige out of the blue distrusting cole mid s4 as replacement for that dynamic just will never work for me#anyway as my sister is now my roommate in the old house we rent Charmed (early seasons) hits different and holds up better than i expected!
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
Watched a couple videos about hobbyist and professional mermaids and like...
I just think it's so utterly wonderful how humans could dream up something so beautiful and imaginative as a mermaid and be so passionate about it that they'd learn to make it a reality. Like, you can literally be a mermaid if you want to. You can learn to hold your breath and learn to swim in a silicon tail with your legs together and you can go underwater and touch the sand and lie in it and swim with schools of fish like a fish and you can literally be a mermaid. That's downright magical. Like, we dreamed up a mermaid all on our own and thought: "what if I could make that possible?"
It sort of reminds me a little about how Leonardo da Vinci dreamed up a flying machine that looked like bird wings, and hundreds of years later people today would skydive with wingsuits and gliders and see the world with a bird's eye view. Da Vinci drew out the blueprints because he dreamed people could fly, and isn't that just funny? Putting wings on a human. That's whimsy. That's something out of a fairy tale.
And yet, we made it possible. Today, humans can fly.
We can be birds and we can be mermaids and I guess this is just a funny way of saying I love how humans have a habit of dreaming up something breathtaking and finding out how to make it real.
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forter-from-meteos · 7 months
so real life stuff picked up a bit (nothing bad happened) but uh, sorry for the hiatus. will i keep posting daily? no. but i will post at least every once in a while!
anyways here's an arodian as a dragon
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
you know i had a thought what if the mafioso that giorno rescued was tonio and when he went to morioh he took giorno with him
So Tonio was doing fine. Between the restaurant and Doppio’s boss he was financially stable, he was starting to get more casual customers, and the Gang Member customers were starting to actually respect him! He didn’t have to remind anyone about the No Violence rule, and if someone did try all he had to do was walk out from the kitchen and stare without even saying a word. Heck, it seemed as though a good deal of his customers actually liked him
And then he got shot
He hadn’t even been doing anything. Not really. He was just talking a calm walk when suddenly he’d gotten jumped and shot. Luckily in the scuffle he’d been able to phone Doppio and give a rough location, but it would be far too late by the time help arrived
Or at least….. it should have been
But then a small black haired child with a bowl cut directed his pursuers away without a second thought
He owed that child his life. Every second he spent breathing was thanks to them, and he wished to repay that debt.
Admittedly it did take a couple months to find him. His account of the events was made fuzzy due to blood loss and pain, he hadn’t even gotten a clear view of the kid, and he also had to recover from being shot and nearly bleeding out and the Boss and a few others tracking down the ones who ordered the attack. Plus, as much as he did like Doppio, he wanted to keep the number of favors he owed to Passione at zero thank you very much
But eventually it does happen and he finds Giorno.
And it….. hurts, honestly. Seeing the life this brave, compassionate boy is forced to endure
If he had any actual ties and power in the mafia he might’ve been able to do something about it. He could’ve stopped the other children from being cruel, could’ve stopped the source of those hidden bruises and limps, could’ve given the boy back some flicker of life behind his dulled, broken eyes all while keeping him far out of reach of the mafia that had Tonio in a chokehold
But he can’t do any of that. So instead, he does the only thing he can
He offers Giorno a place to hide. A place where he can eat and rest and be safe for as long as he wanted to stay. Tonio wishes so desperately that he could’ve offered more, could’ve protected him from the things that caused him pain, could’ve done something to stop him from being hurt in the first place…… but he can’t. Not right now. All he can offer is temporary relief. To him, it isn’t enough and that tears him up inside
But to Giorno? To Giorno this is the kindest thing anyone has every done for him. The fact that this person saw him, saw him hurting, and went out of his way to help with nothing to gain?
Giorno couldn’t offer enough thanks
So they settle into a routine together. Giorno will arrive at Tonio’s after school or early in the morning on weekends and stay until sunset. There’s a reserved booth seat near the back where he can sit and do his school work or color, and Tonio will bring him food if he asks. If it’s a slow day, he’ll even sit with him and the two talk. Tonio never presses about Giorno’s homelife, which Giorno appreciates, but he does notices that his bruises and injuries always disappeared by the time he leaves Tonio’s
But of course, nothing can stay perfect for long.
After nearly a year, Mr.Giovanna finally finds out where his punching bag goes to every day.
And he is not happy
Just like the day Tonio been saved by Giorno, the day had started off as normal. Ordinary. In the long run, easily forgettable.
Yet the second Tonio walked into the dining area, he immediately noticed the large man standing by Giorno’s booth and had a feeling the day was going to take a turn for the worse
His customers knew better than to go near Giorno. They all know he is firmly under Tonio’s care, and even approaching the booth is going to get you stared at.
So, putting on his best Customer Service Smile, he walks over.
At first the man who he assumes is Giorno’s father seems perfectly pleasant. He talks like any other customer, respectfully apologizes for any problems Giorno might’ve caused, and by all means seems like a perfectly normal father
But Tonio had seen the bruises and cuts. Had seen how Giorno would flinch and shrink in on himself whenever anyone raised their voice. Currently saw how lifeless yet terrified Giorno was
And at that moment Tonio makes a decision. How long has he been standing idly by as he’s seen Giorno hurt? How many times has he knowingly allowed Giorno to return to that sorry excuse of a home? How many times has he merely nursed his injuries instead of doing anything to stop it from happening in the first place?
Well no longer
So when Mr.Giovanna tells Giorno it’s time to go home, Tonio stops him. He brings up his “concerns” with a smile that grows a bit sharper.
See, Tonio had done a bit of asking around about Giorno’s father when the boy hadn't been present. Nothing too nosey, just the standard gossip which Tonio gets quite a lot of. He ends up learning that the man wasn't anyone important nor did he have any connections. He was just a simple, ordinary, powerless man
A man who in the long run wouldn’t be able to do anything to Tonio
Mr.Giovanna stiffens. He tries to refute what Tonio says.
But Tonio stands firm and says that he can’t in good faith let Giorno return home. Distantly he realizes how good it felt to finally say it, to finally do something, to finally help
Mr.Giovanna tries to make a grab for Giorno, but Tonio grabs his arm with shocking strength.
Tonio smiles at him with his eyes open and his words balancing on a knife’s edge. “I think it would be best for you to leave :)” he says
And then Mr.Giovanna punches him in the face
It would undoubtedly bruise. Mr.Giovanna was not a small man all things considered, and still a fully grown adult.
But as Tonio catches himself on the booth table….. a realization strikes Mr.Giovanna
It’s dead silent in the restaurant.
The chatter and clicking of silverware that had been present when he’d walked in had halted completely
Every single customer was staring at them
And every single one was not happy
Weapons of all types were in hand. Knives, firearms, silverware, even Stands
Sometimes being neutral felt like a curse, but in this moment? In this moment it meant Tonio had several gangs and individuals backing him
Everyone respected the rules.
The second rule was that you don’t fight at Trattoria Trussardi
The first?
“You’ve broken the rules, Mr.Giovanna.” Tonio speaks, a smile still on his face and his eyes open wide. Only now there was something else to the expression, almost predatory in nature and ready to tear. Him. Apart
You don’t hurt the Chef
That night Tonio asks Giorno a question. Hidden away in a back room of the kitchen right by the door which leads to the stairs to Tonio’s living area
“Do you want to go home?”
Giorno shakes his head.
And the next day, Giorno Giovanna because Giorno Trussardi
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spirk-the-lecture · 2 years
Hear me out. There is not much Spirk in the following episode but there was some character analysis—specifically Spock’s—that I missed during my first watch through and I think is important.
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Wordy. Not very Spirky. I apologize if I disappoint and if I have, I’ll be getting to the good stuff very soon. All said and done, I would like to say that I have not studied Macbeth in years. This episode may be more like Hamlet for all I know and I’ll have to redo this under the scope of that lens. Additionally, I absolutely could have forgotten parts or gotten things wrong. Should this be the case absolutely tell me so I can adjust things to have the most accurate and thorough analysis possible.
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zenithpng · 23 days
‼️‼️ tw for suicidal ideation + vent in tags
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burymeinblack2022 · 10 months
No bc I literally don't understand what the actual FUCK paramore were thinking joining the biggest tour in the world as an OPENER as a replacement for an EU tour that fans gave been asking for for the longest time *AFTER* the presale period for said tour tickets (that cost an arm, a leg, your first born child, a blood sacrifice and your kidney on the black market excluding accommodation and transport 🙂) has already ended a MONTH ago and somehow thinking fans would actually be happy abt this. Like I seriously cannot understand their train of thought behind this. Literally who signed off on this. Who genuinely thought this was a good idea and not a massive "fuck you" to EU fans, some of which (like us here, hi, remember us? It's been 12 years this week...) have been waiting for TEN+ years wishing and hoping and holding out hope we would have our special moment seeing everyone else get to have theirs and just have so much fun and awesome experiences while we sit and watch and tell ourselves someday, somehow, it will be us.... And then whenever it is time for shows to happen (bc pmore is not a touring band, there's only one shot and it's when there's an album out - so it's been at least 6 years for everyone here) we either get ignored or.. whatever the hell this is.
And don't even get me started on the ppl trying to gaslight EU fans into feeling bad or make us the bad guy here for not being happy with this shitty arrangement... Yes, this is big for them. Yes, they're gonna make a shit ton of money and yes, h and t are friends so they're literally chilling with friends for months (extra fun for them) but bands are literally nothing without the fans and we're being told to just smile and suck it up and be happy for them bc somehow money and fame matter more than the people who got you where you are and are just asking you for something as basic as respect bc they're literally being treated below everyone else... That's all it is abt, right? The money and selling out arenas (bc 'tHeY cOuLdnT dO iT oN ThEiR oWn tHiS iS mAssIvE jUsT ShUt uP anD bE hAppY fOr tHeM')....as long as u can make a shit ton of money it's a free for all, fuck the fans and their feelings right lol 🤪🤪🫠 like 'omg ur upset one of ur fave bands is treating u like ass/lesser than?? omg grow upppp they dont owe u anythinggg 😒😐'
Anyway I'm still pissed and I do hope they will do the right thing and like, at least try to have their own shows between her gigs or smth and can fix this for everyone specially considering how many people are giving them pushback for this bc this is absolutely atrocious and a diservice to EU pmore fans and our right to be upset is valid and I will not be told to calm down by Americans (et al but mostly americans) who are used to everything being handed out to them on a silver plate telling us to be happy abt them making bank and that we're overreacting fuck that noise lol
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miamierre · 1 year
#i want to write that km prompt that just went up today :/ i cant but i want to#also was thinking abt married pierre n charles and how they spend their first night together.#like obviously they have sex! obviously. they just became a family of their own and theyre both insane abt Family Life#but like. maybe they think that. bc this has been their whole lives. they can pretend like nothing has changed bc really nothing has#all that's changed is that there's now a legal document saying theyre married. everything else feels like it was before. so like.#they try for quiet! and normal. they call it a night after one round. except charles cant sleep even if he's been tired all weekend#and he just. cant stop thinking about that one little change. how pierre is his forever now. how he is pierre's just the same.#pierre is out cold and charles just stares at his sleeping form half the night so full of love for this man here beside him.#eventually pierre wakes up to go pee and charles is half awake (finally sleepy after HOURS) when he comes back to bed#''why are you still awake...husband'' pierre whispers and charles just laughs#covers his face. answers ''i dont know...husband'' just to make pierre laugh. but then gets all soft and serious and confesses#that he's just. thinking about their love. yk? something tender and sentimental. pierre kisses him softly in his sleepy honesty#and they fuck (''make love!!!!'' charles protests later in the morning) again and it's just about the belonging of it all. just to be close#just bc they can and this was always how it was meant 2 b! matching rings for real. a life shared. a love so long-winded it will never end.#wow i watch one (1) scene from a show and go off. i think ive got some pent up insanity to release.
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literaila · 2 months
hi, i want to start writing stories, and i admire your work, and i have a few questions if you don't mind, have you always been good at writing, do you write something everyday and how did you feel confident enough to start posting your work?
have i always been good at writing? no. absolutely not. i have always written things (evidence: the 1k novel i wrote in third grade about a dolphin adopted by a lobster which lacked quotation marks) if that’s what you’re asking.
writing, like all things, only truly improves with practice (and reading, absorbing information is no joke). sometimes i read things i wrote in the last year and have to sit and question myself for a good hour on exactly what i was thinking. my first work on tumblr was god awful, but i can admire it from afar because it got me where i am.
i personally think i lack the natural affinity for writing because i struggled in school and couldn’t really read until i was 10, but you’ll find your niche and it’ll work out.
do i write something everyday? ummm unfortunately no. i certainly think about writing every day, but typically i write 2-3 times a week during a good writing period. though! i wish i was disciplined enough to write something everyday because if would probably make writing a lot easier and less strenuous for me
(take that with a grain of salt though because i have a terrible attention span and can’t sit still for periods longer than 10 minutes. recently i’ve been writing when we’re slow at work, if that means anything to you)
how did i feel confident enough to start posting my work? simply put, i didn’t. i still don’t most days. writing is an entirely debilitating experience in my opinion and it sucks! i hate it! it makes me feel like walking on a thousand legos!
but if you’re feeling nervous about posting something, i encourage you to just do it. don’t worry about what others will think. when i posted my first story (on here, don’t ask about the eras before) i didn’t really like it, but my readers did. and that made it worth it to keep posting more. if you’ve got an idea that you’re passionate about, go for it! no one’s going to write it like you will.
honestly, i try not to take my writing too seriously (and i do a terrible job, obviously) because it’s supposed to be an escape from all of the terrible things about the world. so i’ll keep pretending it is an escape (wink wink). so, write whatever story you want, and post it on every platform across the earth. someone, like me, will love it.
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saeraas · 10 months
finished canto iv and I love yi sang so much
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