#wow i am sorry this is sooooo long
boxwinebaddie · 1 day
same nervous anon from earlier anddd i graduated!! idk why i was scared i was totally fine lmaosl im the queen of overreacting. anyways im officially a graduate and i got SUMMA CUM LAUDE HELL YEAH
hello, baby!!!!! first of all, i just want to say...
graduating is no easy feat, seriously. i am so fucking proud of you, i was so excited to finally have enough time to answer this because i am so happy that my face hurts from SMILING SO BIG!!!! :DDD
you did the damn thing!!! like i know that at points it was really hard, but you powered through it and i am so excited for you to start this new chapter of your life and see what life has in store for you. <3
i am glad your culmination went smoothly because hooooly fuck, chaperoning the culmination from my school was HELL ON EARTH, hoooooly shit. parents are so entitled and so mean to me like yeah, okay maam, i'm sorry that you are sitting in the fourth row and you wanted to sit in the front row, SO DID EVERY OTHER FUCKING FAMILY HERE TOLD, like i don't care how much you donate to the school???? i didn't make the damn seating chart, yell at the WALL!
it was...oh my god. i still get flashbacks, bro.
and congratulations to all my friends in school or not, whatever you are doing, and however well or not well you think you are doing, know you are very loved and i am very, very proud of you.
sorry, i haven't been around...again, if you were dying during finals week, so am i because i am GIVING THOSE FINALS when teachers decide to rage quit and take their vacations early like??? thanks so much, legend! it's not like i...you know...have never ran your class before and i have to comfort nervous students WHO AREN'T MINE?
but yes, mwah mwah mWAH! i love you guys, i posted a very lame ask meme finally after 73093740934 years and i'm sorry, but because i am so busy i may go dark randomly and come back. the posting is slow goings and i am worried about how stressful working summer camp will be ( though, i am stoked for the structure ) but if you're on the struggle bus, its the hello kitty bus and i'm driving.
which unfortunately is not great news...
because i can't drive.
anyways! cheers! mazel! <3333
-uncle nina, grinning ear to ear
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march32nd · 1 year
thoughts on me being back on tumblr ????????????
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
I hear you take requests and here I am👀 it might be a bit long so please bear with me🥹 So a Satoru × fem reader angst plus spicy without smut plz! (haha can I be more obvious?) So the reader was classmate of Satoru and they teach at jujutsu high together now! They are very close with each other and Satoru loves to annoy her. (Imagine like how he is with Nanami but he is actually fun with her and reader doesn't mind his teasing) Everyone knows they are closer than friends but not exactly lovers so they have will they won't they situationship!
Well well trouble comes in paradise when a new temp sorcerer comes to jujutsu high for some mission and she needs Satoru's help with it. She has some interesting curse technique so Satoru takes an interst on it. Slowly Satoru unknowingly starts spending less time with reader. Everybody but Satoru notices this and Reader asks Satoru out to hang out or go on mission with her but he is always busy. (Really he is an idiot cuz he doesn't realize what he is doing lol) Some time pass and after few days Satoru realizes that he hasn't seen reader so he looks for her but can't find her at school so he tries to call her but he can't reach her so he goes to Shoko to ask about her. Shoko has seen how reader has been feeling down due to Satoru not paying attention to her so she makes up a little white lie and tells reader has been injured during mission so she is resting. Truth is, reader WAS injured. A little cut that just needed 3 stitches. She is just at home binge watching shows and eating her favorite food because she just needed a break. Well Satoru doesn't know that so he comes to her house worried out of his mind just to come and see her chilling at home in pajamas with a little bandage. AND HE STILL FEELS BAD because regardless of how small the injury is, it took him this long to realize he hasn't seen you so he apologizes and then things get heated when you both realize how much you missed each other? (Sorry that was sooooo long😭😭😭 also I'm not good at spicy part so do what you want with it!)
No pressure. Write it if you feel like it because I'm just not sure where this whole idea came from lol.
OMG YES. OKAY HERE WE GO. (Sorry for making you wait so long I got caught up.) Apologies rn it seems like a bit of a slow burn.
Gojo×(fem)Reader angst
TW: Angst, some spice (but not smut), stitches 🥲
Unedited 1000ishh wordssss
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"SATORU" You screamed watching him get stabed and absolutely murdered by Toji.
"no-" you said, your voice broken
You stood frozen, not even being able to move toward him. You felt useless.
He laid motionless on the ground. Toji steped back with a smirk, admiring his work.
He started to walk when he walk right past you.
"What are you gonna do now that your little boyfriends dead?" He said laughing hysterically.
He kept walking on. You wanted to go and kill him. You wanted him to pay but...if Gojo died to him, he would be no match for you. You thought.
Slowly your foot takes one step forward. And another. And another, reaching Gojo.
Your knees weakend so much you fell to the floor in a puddle of Gojos blood.
Your fingers dung into your palm, you didn't know how to do cursed technique, but you asked Shoko how to do it and she told you. But no after how many attempte you tried over time it never worked.
With tears in your eyes you held onto Gojos arm.
"Come on Satoru, remember what Shoko said. Uhhh you spin it then you channel it? And then you uh..." You tried your best to break it down as much as possible.
"Please Satoru" You said hunching your back over his face, your tears spilling now he, wasn't coming back.
You felt a twitch in his hand and some cursed energy flow through your body.
You gasped. The blood around you started to pulse. He was doing it.
"SATORU, PLEASE, YOUR SO CLOSE" you yelled as you saw his wounds slowly heal up.
"Awww man, I got a major headache" He said sitting up.
You could help but wrap your arms around him.
"Wow looks like someone missed me"
"How'd you know?" You said trying to mask your tears in his blood soaked uniform.
"And that's how I met your mother!" You heard Gojo say to little kid Megumi only giving an eye roll.
I thought you said you never wanted to babysit again? Is what you wanted to say but with Megumi there you didn't want him to think you were trying to get Gojo to get rid of him. Even so, it was obvious that Megumi favoured you way over him.
"Hey! You might wake Megumi!" You whispered harshly as Gojo caged your body between his and the couch.
"Hes dead on the inside, plus I don't think he'd care."
His head leans down slowly locking eyes with you when he's only inches away a small voice comes out of no where.
"Ewwww get a room."
"And that's how we trumatised Meguimi!" You heard Gojo telling the first years.
God he was the devil, when he wasn't bugging you, it was Megumi, poor kid.
"Hey stop embarrassing Megumi" you said giving him a slap on the shoulder.
He looked back at you with a wicked smile.
"So when you stab you want it to be right in the neck and pull all the way down yhe torso and just rip it all the way. I know it works because it killed Gojo-"
"And Y/Ns little heart, she was devastated!" Gojo budded in coming from nowhere.
"I'm teaching here." You said. As soon as he arrived you could feel tensions change, you just didn't know why.
"SENSEI CAN I PRACTICE ON GOJO SENSEI!" Maki said with a cursed object in her hand, looking at him like she was going to do more then practice.
"Fine but if you kill Gojo Sensei then I would-"
"Miss him very dearly and be heart broken forever. Then I'd have to burn all our wedding photos." Gojo finished your sentence for you, how kind.
"Were not even married-"
"Yet. We're not even married yet."
" Are you getting this guy Yuta? He's totally pushing it. No way he deserves y/n." Maki said aiming her knife at Gojos head before throwing it.
He caught it.
"So he is useful for one thing" Panda said.
"And that's how we became engaged!" Gojo was said, explaining 'your relationship' to the new sorcerer who transferred from Kyoto to Tokyo.
You didn't understand why the needed another sorcerer here but you thought it would be good so Gojo could have more time off (as if) and heck you guys might become friends.
"Hey wifey, this is the new transfer sorcerer."
"Hello" you said with a smile reaching your hand out for her to shake.
"I don't see a ring on that finger" She said
"Oh yeah, were not actually married" you said with a nervous laugh
"Interesting" she said shaking your hand.
"I got a bad feeling about her" Maki said seemingly appearing out of nowhere making you jump in surprise.
"Maki? Well, we just met her okay, we can't make these assumptionsabouther right now." You sighed.
"No, shes deffinatly up to something" Nobora said making your head whip around your other side seeing her with her arms crossed.
"Oh common, maybe that's just the vibe she gives off"
"Yeah people who plan evil things give off that vibe" Panda said behind you.
"Alright okay all we have to do is tolerate her, don't have to like her, but tolerate her at least."
Sure enough not long after that you'd walk around campus and see her clinging onto Gojo's arm laughing at all his jokes. Maybe your students were right.
"No, no your doing it wrong, you go from the torso and rip it right up"
"Yeah right lady, let me just do my thing and you do yours." Maki said annoyed at the woman 'correcting' her.
"Well I'm actually a teacher now so I'd think that I am qualified to mentor you." She said with a grin.
"After all the Zenin clans failure should get all the help she can, right?"
"Maki? What going on here?" You asked seeing her trying to hold back on staring the woman.
"It seems they aren't very open to criticism" she sranled looking away from you.
"She insulted me about my clan like the little maggot she is, getting under my skin like that. Gross"
"I was just saying the obvious." She rolled her eyes.
"Look, don't insult my students, Maki is one of the strongest sources I know and she worked hard to get here." You said looking at her pissed.
How dare she insult your students. Who dose she think she is?
"Look Miss..."
"Oh you can call me Mrs Gojo."
Your eye twitched. You got to be kidding me.
"If were going to have problems i'll have to tell you to just stay away from my class."
"Oh nobody told you? Well since I moved here Satoru was kind enough to help me get a position in teaching, now your class is my class."
"What? No they can't just do that?" you said now furious
"They can and they did." She said with a smirk.
"Have fun in the feild!" She said looking at you walk away all the way to Yaga's office.
"EXPLAIN YOUR SELF!" You shouted pulling open Yaga's door with pure anger running through your vains.
"We need you out on more missions Y/N, there's been a sudden rise in curses and we need you to help."
"So send the other damn woman!" You said fist slaming down into his desk.
" Your a special grade, shes not even close compared to you."
" Thanks but I don't take flattery as a form of persuasion, give me back my class, I'll work twice the missions after if thats what it takes-"
"No, It's no good to over work yourself" A voice said behind you.
"Satoru, did you know about this?" You said turing your head to him feeling betrayed.
"Hes not wrong y/n there are more curses now, more then even I can handle right now."
"Traitor" you mumbled as you aggressively pushed your way past him bumping his shoulder.
"I hope your right about this" Yaga said looking at Gojo who has his head down.
You were in no power to over turn both Gojo and Yagas decidion so you ended up drowning yourself in missions and everyone you took, the more carless you became. You just let whatever happen happen, a scratch on you? Whatever. Stitches? Okay sure. Cast? what a downer.
Nothing seemed to bother you anymore, nothing motivated you.
"Thanks Shoko but its okay, I'll just put a bandage on it. Wouldn't want to waste your time, plus I got another mission to get to."
"Are you kidding me y/n, its bad enough you don't smoke at all but also the fact you keep coming here almost every hour with a different injury." She said taking a deep inhale of her cigarette.
"Well you know, I got no students, No class room, teaching assistants..." You think of the time Gojo spent dropping into your classes daily and how it would always be a joyful atmosphere. But that rat took your place.
"You know what Y/N? I'm sending you home for a full week, and you have to stay home the entire time. No missions, no Jujutsu. Doctors orders." She said writing a note on her clip board.
You sighed "Thanks Shoko." Even though you didn't want to your body felt so exhausted and so did your mind.
So you got up and walked out of Jujutsu high, when you walked out the field you saw Gojo and ... that woman with your students all on the oval making your heart throb in you chest. You clutched at your shirt hoping this choking feeling would go away.
"Hey Shoko, have you seen Y/N lately? She hasn't spoken much, plus the kids started skipping class since she left."
"When haven't I seen her? She comes here after every mission with a new injury, man you should have seen the last one, nasty, nasty gash just pouring blood every where like she was a fountain" She exaugurated.
"Eh ya'know Y/N stuff, she stopped caring about her self so I ordered her to stay home for a week after her, lets see, 15th visit IN AN HOUR." She said placing a clip board down beside her.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION THIS EARLIER?!" Gojo said teleporting before Shoko could even respond.
Knock Knock
You almost missed the sound of the knocking, you had the T.V on a high volume to buzz out your reality. You get up and walk through the door, hand on the door knob before you stop.
"If that's you Gojo, i'm busy, I have a mission in 2 minutes." You lied hoping you could drive him away.
"No you don't, Shoko told me the prescription. No curses for a week." He said.
"Now open the door."
Slowly you turned the handle and pulled the door open. There Gojo stood just staring at you. You couldn't physically see him stare but you could feel it, all 6 eyes.
"Was that it?" He asked gesturing toward the small Cinnemaroll bandage on you head.
"Yeah, can you believe it, a week off for this" you said trying to put on a playful tone but it died in your throat.
"You and I both know that that's not the reason for the week off"
"And? You and I both know the reason it happened in the first place. You betrayed me, replaced me, what for? For that...that woman!" you said anger starting to rise.
"Oh is someone jealous?" he asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Look Gojo just go tell that lady your jokes if your trying to crack any, i'm sure it boosts your ego to when she laughs." You sigh going to close the door on him.
His arm reaches out holding the door open before walking into your room.
"Y/N I'm telling you right now, on my life, there is nothing i want with that woman, she just sticks around a lot and is kind of helpless, so we out her in teaching"
"Yeah. And she thinks that to huh? Calling her self Mrs Gojo and all huh." You said watching as he closed the door behind him.
"What? She did? besides the point okay, you want the truth? I dont like her, I even told Yaga to send her back to Kyoto, your not you right now but you need to see that it hurt me to-"
"Why? because she took your spot as the strongest or something? Replaced you? She-"
"Because I like you."
The room fell silent.
"Its not worth keeping anyone around if their going to drive you away from me. Because I really do want to be more than just what we are now, whatever it is." He said leaning closer to you, making you move all the way to the arm of your couch.
"Well maybe you should have thought about that before, because I always...I always waited for you, but every time you just turned it into a joke, I don't want to be a joke to you Satoru but you make me one"
He takes a bigger step forward, wrapping his arms around you, making you fall onto the couch backwards.
"I'm sorry" He said moving strands of your hair aside and kissing the bandaid.
"I just...I want to move on" You said feeling his hand slowly travel down your head to your neck, gently drawing patterns on it.
"Why?" he said now leaning down and kissing the nape of your neck.
"Because- you'll never need me, when theres something, some one new i'll just be cast aside again." You said feeling tears pool in your eyes.
He hovers his head above yours.
"That's not true." he said before brushing his lips over yours.
"The problem is- I can't move on from you" You said finally feeling his lips on yours.
He pulled away wiping the tears from your eyes.
You heard his breath hitch as he went back down and gave you another kiss, but this one was more passionate, filled with all emotions. One of his hands glides up your thigh while the other went behind your head trying to get his tounge in deeper.
"I'll never hurt you again, I promise."
Your arms wandered up his shirt feeling the out lines of his chiseled abs. Slowly you could feel his chest rise up and down as things got more heated and you found your self pulling him closer to.
That night you almost forgot about the past few days as Gojo just kept littering your skin with kisses and hickeys. You wished the Kyoto lady was still there so you could show them off.
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AUTHORS NOTE: @mo0nforme I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, USUALLY IM FAST-ER. I just got busy for a few days but now i'm back to posting regularly so, yay? Hope you liked it thanks for reading. reblogs r goot
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
You hit the nail on the head! I‘ll ask for more professional assessment: honest opinion on Crystal?
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Following on from my ramblings about Sally Park. Oops! Edited to add in Zoe too.
Well written female characters in Lookism? Uhh...
When the bar is at an all time low, it's really not hard to step over it.
At this point, I've been pavloved to think that any female character that expresses a personality trait other than 'simp' is pretty good. Simp is fun when it's part of a list of characteristics (Zack, Ryuhei). Not so much when it's the only thing.
Long live PTJ, the greatest feminist. Anyway.
Female characters I like
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Mary Kim
Love her. Empress of 2 seconds. Queen of my heart.
Surprisingly kept a platonic relationship with Vin Jin, showing quite a healthy mixed gender friendship. Sassy and smart. Loyal. Good taste in men (Jace). Is shown having a life and interests outside of a man.
On my hands and knees praying that PTJ doesn't ruin her. Kinda glad she hasn't appeared in a while so she is kept away from his incessant need to turn everyone into a love interest.
Lua Im
Once we got over the odd Johan panels, which I heard the Korean audience didn't like and I'm quite happy about, she's fine. And it's not that I care that much about Johan staying a single dog-dad, I just needed a coherent reasoning/build up why they would be interested in one another.
Lua has potential.
Sourcing intel, even impressing the likes of Gun? A little Muay Thai knowledge? Jake and Jerry scared of her? Lol. Ok. Good. Let's build on this.
Just please don't white knight her.
Crystal Choi (meh)
And Ms. Choi, because anon specifically asked. I really don't mind her? I know she's meant to be anti-Lookism but still judges people based on their looks eh. That's fine. Pretty realistic actually. Whatever.
She can be a bit bitchy for no reason. So can I. Handwaving all that.
What I do take issue with though, is her so called title of Business Genius. Please show me the chapter where she actually does something to earn that title besides the one where other people ooh-ed and aah-ed over her in the meeting with DG.
Wow she's sooooo gorgeous. Ok good for her. If that's the route they're taking her character then at least OWN. THAT. SHIT. Use her beauty and looks to sign deals and get what she wants. GOOD. DO IT.
Zoe Park (also meh... Wait)
Sorry anon, I think 'really well written' is a bit of a reach... She does have some decent character development, starting as quite a flighty, shallow girl and then showing that she has a heart of gold, liking both Daniels and. Huh.
Wait. You're right. She is pretty well written. She's selfless and kind and loyal to her friends, putting up with Logan's bullshit. There's enough of a character arc for her from the Zoe we're introduced to at first.
And I do like that she's good at maths too.
Wasted potential
Minseong Kang (Jake's momma)
Appreciate this is the older generation and from a much more conservative culture. Saying that, I am so over the slighted and bitter housewife rotting at home while her big powerful husband cheats on her.
And then some sort of marriage redemption cos they pop out a kid. Whatever. (Sorry Jake bb, I love you).
If you were going to do that, give me the most toxic red flag shit where they are constantly at each other's THROATS. Show me how they are equals. Can't live with or without one another. That's the good kinda shit.
Leonn Lee
I just. What the fuck was this.
A girl in Burn Knuckles? A group that reeks of testerone and (positive) masculinity? Show us why she joined! Show us why she stays. SURPRISE. Main character trait?? Having a crush on Vasco.
She could have been SO interesting. And she obviously trains, why not get her to fight?
Hate for irrational reasons
Joy Hong
Listen, she's not really in enough or significant enough for me to really feel one way or another about her. BUT. The reason I HATE her is because I was trying to write a headcanon involving everyone and then I got to Joy and I was STUMPED.
Sub in a plank of wood, and it would have the same depth of personality.
Truly. Who is she apart from Jay's sister and a Daniel simp? At least everyone else has something.
I don't really think about them. Sera Shin has potential I guess.
And of course a special mention to Daniel's momma. She's not exactly a unique character, but who doesn't love her?
Lastly. Why can't we see women fight? Like the men's fights are realistic LOL. Ultra instinct? Smashing through walls? So why are women fighting men outside the realms of this.
And yes yes. Men are SoOoOoOo strong. But can they take a kick to the balls?
Are you saying Gun Park has been training his dick and balls and would be able to eat a hit there? He wouldn't go down like a heap of shit??
In Summary
Mary by and large is pretty well written. Lua has improved.
I don't care much about anyone else.
And I wanna see Gun, Goo, Sammy, Vin etc. get kicked in the balls in a fight.
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fernsnailz · 1 year
i love reading your sonic loreposts i was wondering if you could please explain archie charmy to me, i have heard stuff and i am so curious but i am not a comics in general kinda person. the lsd poisoned friend or the brain damage literally just anything that happens to him your pick
hi anon i’m just going to go over everything that happens to archie charmy pre-reboot so i hopefully never have to talk about it after this. i'm sorry i'm so so sorry
Archie Charmy is subject to a lot of controversy and discussion because despite his limited role in the comics, he goes through some of the most batshit insane character and plot beats in the whole series (and that you’ve already mentioned). I’ll be skimming over some of the more boring parts, but the wild stuff I'll go pretty in-depth with.
I’ll also be attempting to explain WHY all of this happens to Charmy Bee of all characters, taking into account the context of the story, what was happening behind the scenes in the writer’s room, and even comic trends in general. I want to try and keep away from the very reactionary “wow archie sonic is sooooo crazy” discussion that happens around this stuff and hopefully provide a little more useful analysis. i talk about comic PSAs for a while so be warned
There are some very, very important content warnings that are coming with Archie Charmy lore: warning for non-consensual drug use and overdose (specifically LSD), child death, genocide, implied ableism, memory loss, implied age regression, breif homophobia mention (not related to charmy)
this is going to be a very long one. charmy lore under the cut
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Charmy Bee’s first appearance in Archie Sonic is in the Knuckles’ Chaotix special, which adapts the first game he appeared in. This issue introduces the entire Chaotix cast (six new characters) in a mere four pages, so Charmy doesn’t make much of an impression other than “bee who likes to explore and adventure.” He lacks that annoying little brother personality that he has in most Sonic media, and he’ll often speak with language that feels extremely out of character for the Charmy that most people know.
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This is because this version of Charmy is based off of his character description from the Knuckles’ Chaotix game manual. Despite the series being based off of the video game franchise, the Archie Sonic writers were often given very little information about upcoming game releases from SEGA when they were asked to adapt them into the comics. Often they had to go digging for the canonical materials themselves - for example, the only way they were able to adapt Sonic Adventure into the comics is because Patrick Spaziante (one of the comic’s artists) had a Japanese version of the game that he bought himself. They had no English translation and zero guidance from SEGA, so they had to attempt to piece the story together without SEGA's help. This was the case with most of the game adaptations, and it was honestly a miracle that they had access to the manual for Knuckles’ Chaotix at all.
There’s just one problem: the manual for Knuckles’ Chaotix describes a version of Charmy that is very, very different from the one we know of today. It describes a 16-year old that is… sophisticated?
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(sorry for the low quality, there aren't many images of the manual. also fun fact, there was no age for Charmy listed in the original Japanese manual)
Charmy's differing age and personality will lead to many, many problems, as the writers decided to give the “sophisticated” Charmy darker stories. This brings us to the Knuckles the Echidna mini-series.
The Knuckles mini-series is. Bad. Charmy Bee is certainly there for the first few issues (as are most of the Chaotix), but he doesn’t get much focus until issue 13.
I don’t know how to put this in a way that doesn’t sound extremely blunt: This is the issue where Charmy’s best friend overdoses on LSD and dies.
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Charmy's best friend is named Mello Bee. This is his first and last appearance in the series.
Mello started feeling strange on their return trip from Happyland, a sketchy theme park that recently reopened under new management. Charmy isn't sure why Mello died, but Constable Reminton (essentially the sheriff of Echidnopolis) reveals that there have been a series of cases similar to Mello's - cases where people were suffering from… Lemon Sundrop Dandelion poisoning.
The Chaotix go to Happyland to see if they can find the source of the poisoning, but what they don't know is that it's actually laced into the food. The manager of Happyland, Renfield T. Rodent, has been lacing the park's chili dogs with LSD in hopes of making everyone addicted to them. However, the amount of LSD he's been putting into the food is too much for most people to handle. This is probably the most insane paragraph I've had to write for one of these loreposts
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Unknown to the Chaotix, they all start eating the chili dogs during their investigation (except for Julie-Su and Knuckles, who is absent) and start tripping balls.
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Continuing the story into issue 14, Charmy’s LSD trip reveals that he’s actually the prince of a bee colony and has been running away from his responsibilities as a member of the royal family.
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Charmy is knocked out for the rest of this arc as he goes through his trip - they have to operate on him and some other stuff happens I guess (Julie-Su gets thrown off of a roof, Knuckles fights some guys in a desert, Vector is a misogynist, stuff like that). At the end of issue 15, Charmy learns from his trip and returns to his family, temporarily leaving the Chaotix to return to his royal duties. Mello's family and his all mourn Mello's death and bury him back at their home.
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So. What was the fucking point of all that
In the long-term, Charmy returning home to his family essentially writes him out of the story for a while. Knuckles the Echidna issue 15 released in 1998, and Charmy doesn't really return until 2001. While I'm not entirely sure what the reason for this was, there were so many members of the Chaotix that I honestly think this was an okay decision.
However, there's one very important question left to answer: Why was LSD and a drug overdose included in this arc at all?
When I first read this arc, I had a burning thought that I couldn't get out of my mind:
PART 1.5 - wait is this an anti-drug PSA?
(if you want to avoid me talking in-depth about the abilities of LSD and my ramble about comic PSAs for a while, you can skip to PART 2 where I continue the Charmy lore)
Comic PSAs (Public Service Announcements) and propaganda are a fundamental part of the medium’s history, whether it be to aid their country’s war efforts, give health information to their readers, or warn kids about the dangers of drug abuse. While a comic being used as a PSA isn’t inherently a bad thing, it’s usually VERY obvious. One of the most interesting ones I've found is a PSA that features Green Lantern debunking misinformation about the AIDS crisis. The image quality isn’t great, but the comic doesn’t hold back when talking about how the AIDS crisis is spreading homophobic ideology - if you read this, you know it’s a PSA and you know what message it’s trying to send. Sometimes propaganda can be subtle, but PSAs are usually loud.
(cw: homophobia)
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This is why anti-drug PSAs are so common and so remembered - they’re over the top, they’re blunt (lol), and they have a very specific message they’re trying to send. For example, there’s an issue of New Teen Titans from 1983 that introduce a character called the Protector to teach kids about drug awareness where the issue literally starts with the Teen Titans in an auditorium telling kids about a dangerous drug. This issue also includes some bad trip imagery, and it’s uh… honestly i kinda love this
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Anti-drug PSAs usually don’t work for this very reason - showing how a drug affects fictional characters can increase interest in the substance, and a single superhero telling someone to stop smoking is not going to break someone’s addiction.
So. Is Knuckles the Echidna issues 13-15 an anti-drug PSA?
Probably not, but if it is it’s doing a fucking terrible job of it
Some of the main factors of a PSA are the information it's presenting, the opinion it wants the consumer to develop, and the bluntness of its presentation. While this part of the Knuckles series is certainly over the top, the rest of these factors are really muddy. First, anti-drug PSAs usually don’t create a fake drug to replace the one they’re advising against. An anti-weed campaign will just tell you that weed is bad because that’s the opinion it wants you to walk away with. So when Knuckles issue 13 introduces a substance called “Lemon Sundrop Dandelion” and never actually refers to it as LSD, it’s less of a message about “drug bad” and more just a sly nudge and wink that goes “hey you see that? yeah, that’s drug.”
Then there’s the problem that there isn’t really much of a lesson to be had from these issues regarding drug use. Yes, Mello dies horrifically of an overdose, but most of the cast is able to walk off the trip like it’s nothing. Charmy needs to be operated on, but the doctors literally treat it like it’s fucking NOTHING
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he's literally talking about how he told a patient that couldn't afford surgery to go to the butcher like HUH?????
In fact, Charmy’s trip seems to help him in the long run - he’s forced to face his past, and eventually returns to his family because of the literal guilt trip he has. It’s a fundamental part of his character arc.
This isn’t to say that I wish these issues were explicitly drug PSAs - I bring all of this up because these issues were released in 1998, in an era where the anti-drug movement was arguably at its peak. The people working on these comics would KNOW its content is similar to and even promotes the anti-drug movement. While I don't consider these issues to be an anti-drug PSA, they can definitely serve as anti-drug propaganda.
With this in mind, considering Knuckles the Echidna as a form of propaganda really opens up how utterly terrible these issues are. These comics can be genuinely harmful pieces of anti-drug propaganda because the way they use LSD to advance they plot is untrue to how the drug actually works and relies entirely on fear mongering. While LSD can be laced into other substances like drinks, it probably wouldn't last long in cooked meat - LSD usually degrades at higher temperatures, and telling comic readers that they need to be afraid of LSD-laced fair food is fucking stupid and likely based on false urban legends. Not only that, but Renfield T. Rodent’s plot to addict everyone to his LSD chili dogs is also fucking stupid because LSD is not considered an addictive substance. It can be extremely dangerous at high or multiple doses, but LSD does not normally lead to compulsive use.
I don’t talk about all of this to be a cinemasins guy or to nitpick a comic from 1998, and I also don't want to imply that PSAs can't spread lies and misinformation (anti-drug PSAs famously over-exaggerate things). I bring all of this up to show an ineffective and possibly dangerous use of something that could be considered anti-drug propaganda. Spreading blatantly untrue information and placing false fears into a reader’s mind is truly incompetent on the writer’s behalf, especially considering that this comic was targeted at kids. And that’s not even mentioning that there’s barely any moral to all of this. There’s no lesson and they never talk about this again.
Do I think this was all intentional on the behalf of the writers? I have no idea. I have no goddamn idea what they were thinking with this one, and I honestly don't think much thought was put into this arc at all. Maybe this was a strange attempt to make a Sonic-themed anti-drug PSA, maybe they were just inspired by the drug PSAs of their time when writing this, or maybe they just did not care. I don't know man. Anti-drug propaganda is stupid and it doesn't work and these comics drive me crazy
alright enough of that. let's talk about genocide
don’t worry this part will be shorter (cheering and clapping)
Like I mentioned a while back, Charmy is essentially written out of the story for a while after the Mello incident. While living in the Golden Hive Colony, he reunites with another friend, Saffron Bee. Saffron becomes Charmy’s girlfriend, and they’re together for basically the rest of the comic. Usually if Charmy shows up, Saffron is there too.
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(image of Charmy and Saffron I stole from... the Shipping Wiki??)
They eventually return to help Chaos Knuckles, a green version of Knuckles who is uh. Kinda going through it. Not much important Charmy lore needs to be discussed here, but some of his actions do eventually lead to him creating a genocidal villain that will cause many problems later. Don’t worry about it.
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Things are quiet for a while for Charmy and Saffron. That is, until Eggman attacks their colony and wipes out most of its population.
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Charmy and Saffron are the only survivors we see from the Golden Hive Colony. Eggman transforms the colony into a new base and traps its residents in an invention of his called the Egg Grapes - basically, he puts Mobians in these little pods that sap all of their life force, powering his empire. Most people do not survive the Egg Grapes.
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The two bees return to join the Chaotix for a little while, and the rest of the Chaotix confirm that the Golden Hive Colony and its residents are truly gone. Espio destroys what’s left of the colony so Eggman can’t use it as a base, and no other survivors from the colony are found.
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So. yeah what the fuck
Archie Sonic is known to have a LOT of characters - I’ve talked about the sheer number of echidnas the series has before, but there are a lot of characters that have massive extended families. The arc where Mello died introduced like eight new bee characters, but most of them were background characters that didn’t need to stick around.
Most people cite writer Ian Flynn’s debut to the series as when a lot of these unneeded/background characters were written out or killed off, and I agree since one of his objectives as a writer was to tighten up the story. However, the trend of “Archie background characters getting killed off or written out” started a little bit before he joined the team. There’s the destruction of the Golden Hive, and many echidnas in this arc suffer from the horrors of war - a number die off after Charmy and Saffron rejoin the Chaotix. yeah it's kinda fucked up
This is the second major arc where Charmy has lost people close to him - first Mello, and now his entire family and kingdom. The same goes for Saffron - they only have each other left. I mean the Chaotix are also there but still, trauma is trauma
How could it get any worse?
Remember how Archie Charmy is based off of the Knuckles’ Chaotix manual? The one that said he was sophisticated and 16?
This is about to cause a few problems.
At this point, it’s around 2007. The Knuckles’ Chaotix manual is terribly outdated, and most versions of Charmy within canon are 6 year-old kids. Charmy is known to be the annoying comedic relief, which is the exact opposite from how he’s portrayed in Archie Sonic.
So when SEGA asked writer Ian Flynn to change Archie Sonic to be like his video game counterpart, the solution was uh. well. it could have been handled better
Like how he obliterated the Golden Hive Colony, Eggman’s next target to destroy is Knothole, the city where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters all live. It’s a surprise to all of the residents, and he manages to teleport most of the population into his Egg Grapes. Before Sonic can save them, Eggman singles out Charmy to be used as an example of how the Egg Grapes work.
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Sonic and friends manage to get Charmy out, but not before the damage is already done. In the limited amount of time the Grape sapped his life force, Charmy’s memory was partially wiped and personality changed forever. After this, Charmy has very little memory of the Golden Hive Colony at all, only seeming to remember Saffron and his friends. His becomes much more child-like, similar to his game counterpart.
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the fucking sigh i just sighed
For clarification, Charmy is still 16. The only thing that was altered was his mind, with the intention to make his personality more in-line with his goofy video game counterpart. The problem is that giving a character brain damage to turn them into a comedic relief character is fucked up and unintentionally ableist.
This is something that writer Ian Flynn identified pretty early and openly regrets (I’m not sure what the source of that statement is, I’m assuming an episode of Bumblekast but I’m don’t know which one. I’ll edit this if I find it). Because of this, he mostly kept Charmy out of any comedic situations for the rest of the series. Charmy has a very limited role in the series after this until the reboot, only appearing sporadically and in one Sonic Universe arc. When he does show up, his childish demeanor is usually met with the patience of the Chaotix and their sad expressions.
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Although the intention was to make Archie Charmy more like his game counterpart, in practice I honestly think this action only made Archie Charmy even MORE distant from his game character. From the Egg Grape incident to the reboot, Archie Charmy’s trauma never leaves my mind and leaves me feeling strangely hollow.
I find the Archie Sonic series unfathomably fascinating. While I love the series, I can’t deny that most of the events I went over are poorly handled by the writing team and leave the series with such a strange legacy. With Archie Sonic, it’s often incredibly easy to see the biases of the writers and how they affect the characters and stories, leading to some genuinely fucked up moments that could have easily been avoided in my opinion.
Archie Charmy was really one of the characters that got it the worst, but it's honestly so strange that all of this happened to him specifically. The fact that all of this shit happens to a silly little bee is so, so Archie Sonic to me. Charmy is such a simple character to understand - he's a funny kid who's kinda annoying and hard to handle. So when I look back and see the 3,000+ words I just wrote about Archie Charmy... fucking hell why did i do that
In conclusion. I am sorry and do not become a comics person
thanks for reading if you got this far. as always let me know if i need to tag any other content warnings or if there was anything i got wrong! alright good night tristate area
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
thank you k @mecachrome i LOVE to yap and i love to see other ppl yapping!!! f1 tag game time!!!
Who is your favorite driver?: lando's grip on my brain should be studied in a lab tbh
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i am fond of many many drivers... oscar obviously is #2 to me. just the tiniest bit below lando, sorry oscar <3 and then there's a medium sized gap to anyone else but i am extremely fond of the williams guys. and i am studying alpine and aston martin like bugs. and i have a lot of blorbo-in-laws that i feel very fond of...
Who is your least favorite driver?: it depends on the day whether i even dislike anyone or not. today i feel neutral and up about everyone!! sometimes i distinctly do Not feel neutral... (usually during races)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: i am very driver oriented but obviously my like . internal ideas about drivers are heavily influenced by who their teammate is/what team they're on. and since i've been into f1 the driver lineups have. not changed. so in my head the teams n the driver pairings are pretty immutable (obviously that will Change djfldsakjfa)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: i am so deeply attached to the orange bitches 😔 i just watched the season 6 mclaren dts episode and when claire williams went “the likelihood of a team being able to turn around their performance to any kind of significant degree during a season? i can’t tell you how difficult it is. it’s pretty much unheard of” i just smiled SOOOO evil. sooooo evil. i believe in andrea stella's hot nerd vibes bless that man
How long have you been into F1?: since uhhhh approximately one week after qatar 2023. made this account right around cota 2023
What got you into F1?: twitter algorithm put some tweets about the shitshow that was qatar on my timeline (literally one of them was just. a little of names and like . blank threw up. blank was hospitalized. blank couldnt get off the ground.) and i was like:
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(why is that picture SOOO large) and also i had been admiring the f1 web weaves for a while bc i would look at the 'web weave' tag and half of them would be f1 and i was like wow. these guys have a collective shit ton of daddy issues. fascinating... tbf!!! i have always been sports brain lol. just never quite rpf sports brained? so the stars aligned for this fr (recommended tweets, f1 web weaves, and me being unemployed, geographically isolated from all my friends, and severely depressed)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes . i am constantly cooking . everyone here is soooo smart and cool and the writing is genuinely so incredible. and 8104 specifically has just like. a really dope bunch of ppl ive become friends with that i am constantly like. wow i cant believe these ppl want to talk to me!!! (k you are included in that <3)
How do you view new fans?: by looking in the mirror... djfladsj jk. i am a new fan! i am not a ""dts fan"" (have literally watched two episodes Ever and one of them was today) but none of it matters and i don't really find those kind of lines to be helpful. i have disagreed with ""dts fans"" and i have disagreed w ppl who started watching before i was born and i'd do it all again (this probably says more abt how opinionated i am than anything else)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: personally i am delusionally confident enough to believe i could run that bitch like the MARINES. at the very least i would not be running my mouth like toto lol. vibes wise idk if i could do it at Any Team (like. imagine mercedes being run by a punchy american woman. LMFAO. imagine FERRARI) (i'd say mclaren for papaya reasons but a) andrea stella i could never replace you and b) i think i would set zak brown's fuckin sports car on fire day 1.) but based on location only alpine!!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: uhhhh no. my dad went to exactly one motorsports event when he was like my age maybe a year or two younger and saw a really horrific deadly crash so that ended any family interest. my friends are mega sports ppl but they're into like. american popular sports. and running. i do have a tifosi coworker and a couple friends from high school who are into it but that's it
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes!!!!! i am so horrifically extroverted i love to chat i love to make friends!!! i am in so many ppl's dms on the Daily just sayin shit to the point where im like maybe i should cool it. lol.
tagginggggg @monacotrophywife @freeuselandonorris @liamlawsonlesbian andddd @red-flagging if you want !!!! this was fun n i love hearing how ppl got into f1 bc i feel like i might've taken an odd route
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tunastime · 3 months
TUNA TUNA TUNA TUNA TUN- *trips and falls on my face*
That docsuma fic huh HUH , I absolutely LOVED it you don't even know how hungry I am for those two interacting, especially in dbhc au
You just kinda know when to post these I guess since I've been thinking about dbhc docsuma lately and this fic saved me
and just to put it into perspective, I am a person who prefers oneshots drabbles stuff like that, you know short stuff, whenever it's a longer fic I need to take breaks y' know but you have accomplished something that almost no one could because you made me read the whole +3000 words fic in one sitting and then I even re-read it which I NEVER do, so that's how good your writing is I guess wow....- there aren't many authors who can put such realistic images in my head when I read something
also props for writing sleep deprived/exhausted Xisuma so realistically - It's a popular thing in xisuma-centric fics but DAMN you definetely know how to write it properly, in a way that really makes me enjoy the fic. I like how you portrayed that feeling of when you, like, flow from sleep to concious state when you're tired it's just MMMMMM (need to add that descriptions of Doc's feelings are really sweet he's such a silly guy he's so confused <3 also how much he cares for X is so cute <333)
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^ this sleepy derp invaded my computer today so I'm handing him back to you
Sorry for the long ramble! Just needed to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it, it made my day for sure!
PICKS YOU UP AND PUTS YOU BACK ON YOUR FEET. GRABS YOUR SHOULDERS. MAY MAY MAY MAY I'm going to explode into one billion small pieces!!!!!
FIRST OF ALL. XISUMA. XISUMA IN MY ASK BOX? HE IS SO PRECIOUS TO ME?? ;.; ohh the way he looks so so tired and comfortable, and the lighting is so soft, I adore him so much.
gimme a second I need to lie down. brother, I am CRAZY about them on such a fundamental level brother it is NOT OKAY. I'm not okay. I needed to post this as soon as possible so people knew that KJSHDFJKDSHF
but also, WAUGH?? WAU!! I'm so so honored... I'm always a multiple sitting reading girlie because I get either so so sucked in and NEED to stop myself, or I'm reading at such an inopportune time LOL. BUT THAT IS SO SWEET. AUGH. I'm so so glad when I get something across (like sleepy xisuma, or the half-consciousness, or xisuma all stiff and in pain, or the sleepy affection). and writing Doc like this has been sooooo fun.
Doc really is trying hard to grapple with something he doesn't quite understand or can't compartmentalize, and I spent a good and fair amount of time talking with shep about how xisuma and him might be interacting without the helmet on, what emotions might come into play, and how they might both navigate that situation. I like to joke that nobody understand xisuma/docsuma like I do but that absolutely cannot be true LMAOO I'm just crazy about him/them for no reason
auwawugh. sniffling really pathetically. I need to go lie down I think <3
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Your kokichi is soo good! Sorry if you’re tired of him but could I request the “break” prompt for him please?
I'm glad you like how I write Kokichi! And oh no, it's all good! I enjoy writing for this purple gremlin honestly XD
Break - “Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Warning(s): Established Kidnapping, Threats, Mentions of Broken Bones
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"Are you stubborn, or just stupid?"
You didn't have the energy to answer his question, but you figured it was rhetorical to begin with. However, you will say, this attempt was out of desperation and you knew escape was determined.
Your luck might've just ran out this time...
An exaggerated sigh leaves Kokichi, "Aren't you tired of this? You struggle, only to fail. I'm sure that's taking a toll on your mentality sooooo why not stop? Everything here is way better than what's out there! I'd chalk it up to being stupid if you wanted to escape this place so badly in favor of whatever boring life you want out there."
"It's not boring!" A glare was sent to him. He had the nerve to call your former life boring, when to you, it was the opposite. You had friends, family... But he ruined it all!
Kokichi smirked, "Oh? You decided to talk? Great! Five minutes in, too! A little shorter than how long you avoided me last time." His face shifted into a pout. "But did you have to be so mean about it? I know you're being moody and all, buuuut I can't take you seriously like this."
He's just toying with you. Getting a rise out of you by pushing your buttons. What does he even get out of all this? You've wanted to ask this since being brought... Wherever here was, but some nagging part of you believed he'd just lie on the spot once you ask. He claims to love you but it's probably all bullshit he spewing out. There's no love in all this. It's more likely entertainment for him. But why you?
You know he was still talking, trying to reel another reaction out of you, but it was all being tuned out. Anything else was better than listening or acknowledging Kokichi. It would only give him the green light to press further.
A sigh leaves as you try to picture yourself back to a time where everything was doing so well. Before any of this even happened. You question why such a thing happened to you and what you've done to deserve this. Such a cruel fate you could have never seen coming or so you think...
Maybe there were signs of something more sinister when you first met Kokichi, but you just couldn't pinpoint them fast enough. Could you have prevented this?
“Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.”
Your head immediately turned to look at him. He's... Joking, right?
"Wow! That really got your attention! Y'know, I hate being ignored." His voice lowered a bit but that damned smile was still up. You swear that it faded for a split second. It didn't sit right with you but you couldn't let him know that.
"You're just lying."
"Oh, am I?" He lets out a laugh. "Are you reaaaally sure? It wouldn't be that hard. I could use a hammer," his finger went up to his cheek as if he were pondering on the options. "Ooor my bare hands would work, but that'd be so much work..."
You grit your teeth as he pouted. He's playing around, you tried to convince yourself. If anything, this was a way to get back at you for trying to escape. He wanted you to beg for forgiveness for what you've done. Cry at his feet and promise never to do it again.
"Aw, you got all quiet~ Did I scare you? C'mon! It's not that bad! You won't die from a broken leg and the best part is that you'll get extra attention!"
He slowly walks up to you, causing your body to move away in fear. His smile widens at this.
"Just a simple *crack* and it'll all be over~! Oooor do you have something to tell me instead? Speak up or forever hold your peace." In this case... If you don't say anything, things can just get worse from here on out.
Kokichi stared intently at you, his eyes boring into your form as your breathing picked up. He's giving you a choice.
So you better answer before he makes it for you.
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So I’m again on my Once Upon A Time rewatch and I just finished watching season 4, and y’all, this season is sooooo chaotic. And so freaking funny.
Introducing Frozen but no one in Storybrooke knows anything about Frozen
Elsa almosts kills Emma in the ice castle and instantly feels bad about it
trying to find the author of a magical storybook
“I knew there was a good reason why you kept me locked in there for all those years, waiting for the time you needed me most.”
Regina puts Sydney back in the mirror
Anna meets Charming who has long hair
“I’m not bossy, I’m the queen.”
Basically any time Kristoff and Elsa are on screen together
The Snow Queen and Elsa coexisting AND ARE RELATED
Sooo many moments that are references to the original Frozen movie scattered throughout the Arendelle plot making it feel like one big inside joke that we are let it on
“You’re the mayor now.” “I am?”
The stunned silence at Mary Margaret finally losing it
“Can I have ice cream, Mommy? REGINA let me get ice cream.”
Will Scarlet. Just. Will Scarlet.
“You seem like a decent sheriff. I trust you’re not the sort to shoot a man in the back.” “What…?” *starts running*
“TWO sheriffs?? That’s just bloody unfair.”
Belle frantically calling Emma because a drunk man passed out in her library and she has absolutely no context and is definitely freaked out by it
“I may be a thief, but I’m not a liar. Let me show you.” *immediately starts trying to break in* *fails to break in* *EMMA BREAKS IN INSTEAD* “Neal taught me a few things.”
The character arc of Hook’s left hand
Emma finding her parents waiting eagerly for her to return home + Mary Margaret who wants to hear EVERYTHING about Emma’s first date vs David who thinks that some details are okay to be left out
Mary Margaret finding Will Scarlet and thinking that David set it all up and Will being So Confused
“I’m the sheriff’s wife.” “You’re married to the blonde?” “No that’s my daughter. I’m married to the other one.” “What now?”
“So…the sheriff’s wife can pardon me?” “I’m also the mayor-” “He did it.”
“I’m an idiot.” “Finally, something we can agree on.”
“Regina, I was hoping we could talk.” “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m about to storm an evil ice cream truck.”
“It’s bad enough that I’m stuck with you and Captain Guyliner making eyes at each other.” “We don’t make eyes.” “Ready love? 😃”
“Have I ever told you the story of how I met Marian?” “Only about 3 dozen times.” *starts recounting the story* “3 dozen and one.” *tell the story together*
“My whole life I have stuck to my code of honor.” “So why are you here…?” “Today is not one of those days.”
Mary Margaret telling Regina to button her shirt before she goes to check on Henry
“Wow you royals REALLY go through exhausting lengths to ignore your issues.”
Frozen Hans in the closet
“I think it’ll be easier to break into the library now since I’m not drunk and taking punches!” *Robin opens door with ease* *points to sign* “Open till ten.” “Well that’s generous.”
“Guess what! You’re my oldest friend!” *rips Hook’s heart out*
“Now it’s Elsa trying to find her sister that’s screwing us all!!” “…Coming from you that’s terrifying.”
“Kristoff!” “David!” “You cut your hair!” “So did you!”
Ingrid convincing Emma to stay in the foster home instead of running away by encouraging her to terrorize a kid with rubber spiders
…The spell of Shattered Sight, and all Snow and Charming do is roast each other
“I AM NOT HAPPY!! 😡😡😡”
“Sealed in My Own Vault?! UGH!!” *looks at outfit* “what the hell am I wearing??” -> the evil queen is back!!
“Emma, you’re prickly, but I don’t hate you.” “…I’m prickly??”
I’m sorry but Regina just has THE most comical face when she realizes Emma is coming, and any time she’s acting like the evil queen in this episode, all of it is just over the top and such a caricature and comical and I can’t take it
Poor Anna trying to make everyone feel love
*sing song-ish voice* “Snow White is a murderer. I killed the evil queen’s mother. And I said I was sorry when I wasn’t.” …Snow??? What???
“YOU said you could keep a secret!!” “I! Was!! TEN!!!!!!!”
Basically all of Snow’s and Regina’s sword fight
Plus David watching uselessly (except for when he teams up with Snow briefly to disarm Regina)
Henry making Hook trip on marbles when he enters the mayor’s office
Will wants another go at Hook, charges, misses, Hook knocks him into the wall, Will crumbles
Anna: *hits Kristoff over the head* *reads note* “*gasp* Kristoff! Do you have any idea what this is?! *pause* Oh, right, I knocked you out. *moves closer* wake up! We have to take this to Elsa. *kisses him* I love you! You’re amazing! …You’re unconscious. *gets up* I’ll be right back, okay? Stay there! I mean I know you’ll stay here but I’ll be back anyway!!”
Ingrid sacrificing herself and the music going on in the background at that point OH MY GOSH
*very confused* “…what am I wearing?”
Regina, David, and Mary Margaret laughing, like,, authentically laughing, like so much that it almost looks to me like they’re Lana and Josh and Ginnifer just having fun, and they’re all falling over laughing too, and it’s almost a blooper reel
“I’m sorry I tried to kill you.” “With a cross bow! You tried to kill me with a crossbow!”
“The door to Arendelle must be around here. It’s just a matter of finding it.” *magic broomstick finds it instantly* *silence* “…there it is.”
Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella DeVil’s first entrance like wowie that is cool and ahhhh they look so good
They just. Released Chernabog. From the hat. Freaking Chernabog was just. In the hat.
Regina and Emma’s phone call with Ursula and Cruella
*Chernabog turns to Maleficent* “I knew it.”
“I hope you choke on my bones.” THAT IS SUCH A RAW LINE WHAT THE HECK ASFJJJGJDS
“The Chernabog was looking for the heart with the greatest potential for darkness…but it was not looking for Regina. It was after Emma Swan.” AHHHH CHILLSSSSSS
“If you say a word about this to anyone, especially Emma, you won’t have to worry about Regina. I’ll rip out your hearts myself.” …SNOW??? WHAT??? DUDE??? HUH???
Snow finding out she and Maleficent will both be mothers and she’s straight up like “nah, I don’t wanna work with you. I won’t darken myself by associating with you.” And Maleficient is like “you…wouldn’t want to make a better world for our children…just because you don’t like me??”
Regina crushing the glass after taking the shot as if it was a heart, like. What. Regina how did that prove you are villain it just proves you have a strong grip (you’re lucky you were wearing gloves or else your hand would be pretty messed up)
“First one to save us loses.”
Basically Regina is trying to join a gang
“I said we needed to meet covertly! You brought the whole Charming Softball Team and their pirate mascot??”
*Regina without warning possesses Mary Margaret to communicate where she is and what she’s doing*
Robin Hood stealing a horse in New York
Actually right before that as the camera is panning into the scene you can hear someone shout “I’m walkin’ here! I’M WALKIN’ ‘ERE!”
…I don’t even wanna get into the Zelena is Marian plot because that’s a really icky part of the plot
Ariel: *sees Hook* *immediately slaps him*
The Apprentice putting Isaac in the book without warning
Pinocchio being turned back into August
August being wood and then being a person again but then his nose grows
“We have a lot of questions.” “I bet you do.” *brings down curtain ONTO A WOUNDED MAN and runs away*
It looks like Cruella is going to get a heartbreaking traumatic backstory to show why she is how she is…but really she’s just a bad person
Emma and Regina go on a road trip
The wolf making them crash, giving everyone watching déjà vu to season one (including Emma)
“You know me from the diner, right? Smile and hold my hand and walk around the block for a little bit and you get free burgers for a week.”
*teen Emma is depressed on the bench waiting for a bus* Lily: “heyyyyy 😁😁”
The Apprentice thinking it’s just Okay to sit next to a teen girl and address her by a name she didn’t tell you. Like. My guy. I know YOU mean no harm but you REALLY gotta think about what it looks like to HER
Lily’s conspiracy board
Lily steals Emma’s bug -> Emma grabs a wrench, smashes a car window, and steals a car
Regina looking freaked out when Emma starts talking like she herself would
Regina holding on for dear life when Emma is angrily chasing Lily
*spreads arms out* “go on. Kill me. Put me out of my misery. Put an end to this.”
“There have been many authors, from the first cave painter […] to a man named Walt.” *1966* “Our last author…he passed away recently.”
Rumplestiltskin almost dying (again) (you know, just his seasonal near death experience even though he’s immortal)
Seeing Isaac write “Once upon a time…”
Henry standing up to Isaac
Rumplestiltskin the light one.
“This does not come with a price!” THAT FREAKING BROKE ME
Charming saying “I will always find you” but it sounds Wrong
The dwarves do in fact whistle…but it is Unsettling
Regina is the outlaw with a bow and arrow instead of Snow White…and she’s aiming at Henry
“My name is Henry. I’m your son.”
Regina and Robin’s meet cute that is just like the first time they met and AHHHHH I LOVE IT
Zelena is Robin’s … fiancée
Episode 22 ending with Emma locked in the tower
Henry breaking into the castle using a Star Wars reference
“Why isn’t it rum?” “Rum? I’m allergic to that stuff.” “Of course you are.”
Hook is jealous of himself AGAIN
“Now you’re down to six. Would you like to make it five?”
Regina and Emma meeting again
“What does your heart say? I know what my heart says. But what if his doesn’t say the same thing?” “Isn’t that a risk you’re willing to take?”
Emma confronting her parents with such a brilliant speech and amazing expression…but if you watch in the background you see Hook holding the sword above his head, pointy end going being him, gritting his teeth, bouncing forward and backward, trying to look brave but actually just looks like a scared doofus (in the most endearing way)
Hook sacrifices himself for Emma
They all go to crash a wedding
Henry becoming the author
Hook scaring Emma because he’s not where they left him
Henry breaks the Author’s pen
Rumplestiltskin isn’t doing so hot
Belle storms into the shop yelling at Rumple but is immediately concerned when he falls to the ground
The Darkness overtaking the Apprentice
Regina is about to be taken by the darkness
Emma becomes the Dark One.
I’m pretty sure I’m missing a few things too.
Anyways, like said, this season is chaotic as HECK.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
tbh dani i dont give a fuck about the clave or alec or david or (th eone i never understood or care for) kincaid (like bro even gabriel killed his demon father all he had to do is out his dad or take a stance against him but he wants the damn glory and feels tied to his destone and no i am not willing to hear anything in support of this familywho somehow is still more powerful than lance), nor do i care about that bitch victoria( bc no matter her mental problems I HATE HER), or that asshole fucking hope he gets mauled kyle,
I only care about max and lance and david (and yes that is right i really dont give a shit about arthur either)
I think its obvious i am high on this chapter's feelings, idk i feel strongly for accountbaility where its due and revenge in general but esp for lance. Though i had hoped lance would burn idris or get revege by killing people , bc arthur got hurt i wasnt that mad like i was mad bc of teh reasoning behind it and bc i hate kyle but it was sort fo his fault did he think it wld be all lalala land if he goes to idris that littel shit anyways, BUT BUT GWEN ?!? DANI , wow wow i am speechless but in a mad kind of way. i dont accept this. nope no no no
how much is that family esp lance and david going to hurt, i just want a proper revenge for them at teh end, like people begging for thier/them for forgiveness sort of, i know they are never going to be apert of the shadowworld but i had hoped it alawys had shadow demons over them, i hate them that much
i also dont like that kincaid was so easily able to defeat lance and people celebrated it, I loved lance in this ch like wooo go off boy, and wow max being all powerfull and manipulating blood was sooooo cool, go be badass baby, also arthur should be grounded for a decade or so or even for life, i hated how kincaid downplayed lance and arthur relationship like idgaf whether arthur CHOSE you or not, lance is superior sorry kid.
I also HATED RAFE , but that is normal for me now, i havent liked him in lbaf for a long long while. i hope they lb family just cuts all of thier siblings and cousins off, like no contact and they fucking realize or feel how much that family suffered , like of wow you didnt have sun for 20 years big deal bro, there are places on earth which doeasnt have that for 6 mnths every year since eternity. they DESERVED THAT isaid what i said, i am just getting bored of rafe and his reasoning like oh NOW you decide to fight harder what does he want congratulations?!
the idris people and kincaid deserved the bad thinsg happening to them for me, like i feel it isnt enough, also madeline srsly you knew abt lance being david kid and possibly inheriting the demon blood, did you think it was a good idea to go to idris when pregnant with your husband like i think you vicariously consented to the liability and possibility of damage when you also knew david can do shadow demon shit.
so yeah i am beyond reason in this fic when it comes to hating idris and all living being there and only support lance and david and max ( yes i am deliberately leaving arthur his idiotic naviety that kincaid cares about him when it comes to him vs his own family or so called destiny he is irritating me , like sir he doesnt give a shit about what he said to you idk why he believed kincaid's promises.)
i just want someone to lecture them after locking them in a room preferably alec i have no hope for rafael in this fic he is beyond any hope for me and so is kincaid so
😘thank you for teh rollercoaster of the chapter bye. But i hope you give vengeance to lance and his family against idris. 👿
This was A RIDE lmao.
I love when y'all take it personally and get emotional (shows me I am doing my job 😎)
I can't promise you anything. But I can tell you that I believe in happy endings, but I don't think everyone gets one. A story where EVERYONE gets their happy ending doesn't make sense to me. Some people do and others do. As to who will get it and who won't is entirely up to (in this scenario, me lmao).
So we shall wait and see :)
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toodrasticallydumb · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Oh! Hello! I was tagged by @pinkytoothlesso11 ! Thanks for thinking of me pinky! I’m kinda new to the whole fanfic scene so i really appreciate it! This was already a long list of questions to begin with but i fear i may have made it worse…
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Unfortunately just 2, though I do plan to add a few more in the future as ideas flow. Might take me a minute ‘cause my schedule is just a little bit kinda sorta really swamped down with my main child which requires let me you, A LOT OF CARE DONT SIGN UP TO ADOPT KIDS PEOPLE IT’S NOT—
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Phew. ummmm it changes very rapidly (because i’m a girl w suspected adhd and can NEVER be told to shut up) with every chapter but as of this moment is 228,665! wow! i don’t really know how great of a number that is but i’m sure it’s a lot! I told you I can never shut up! (-whispers- Hey kid, u want some dRuGs? i mean- an update? That itty bitty word count is about to take another not regularly scheduled mini-skyrocket so get ready for it ehehe ;})
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For now, just Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia, mainly Trollhunters despite the fact that the first of the Tales of Arcadia shows that i watched and really enjoyed was actually 3-Below, but oh well my man is in Trollhunters sooooo oopsie but i DO have some random snippets of fics for Miraculous (rewrite), the Star Wars sequels (rewrite), Batman, some for the Dream SMP, and weirdly enough also Raya and the Last Dragon (rewrite). All of which i prolly wont ever post because i wrote them a while ago and yeaaaahhh not my best writing but if i get enough people other than my best friend wanting me to post them, i might…
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
uhhhh i dont actually HAVE five fics to my name, so i’ll just…put em in order (w their long-ahh title names):
Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen
'A MiStAkE' because I haven't updated in ages--A Stricklake month 2023 prompt collection
but i am so happy for the people who have left so many kudos on my work it really warms mah little heart ❤️
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. At first, I sorta struggled with it (who the heck am i kidding i STILL do) but since my fic USED to be two times a week updates i would feel like i couldn’t respond to a comment left after i posted a new chapter so i might’ve left some comments in the earlier days unanswered, super sorry. Nowadays i make it a point to reply back to everyone in the order that they commented in because (anxiety makes me think if i don’t respond they won’t comment anymore and know that i love reading their comments and that they’re so amazing for actually taking the time to write something back AND I DO LOVE IT I PROMISE IT JUST TAKES ME A WHILE TO RESPOND—) …because it’s pretty chill to geek out w em and see they liked stuff that i loved to write! I do have a backlog of comments to get to i just end up overthinking everything to match the person’s energy to be sure they know i love em.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Unfortunately, i haven’t actually finished a fully-fledged fic to say it has the angstiest ending bUt definitely a contender would be chapter 1 of my 2023 Stricklake prompt collection because i just leave it on the sad note and don’t do anything about it because angst and because spoilers for my actual story fic that will eventually make it to that point.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest ending, huh? I like to say that most of the things i will/have chosen to write end happy/hopeful because i hate when books/tv shows end bittersweetly it’s like i have enough with life itself being bittersweet most of the time let me be happy LET THEM BE HAPPY. But that doesn’t exclude me from providing the proper banquet of angst that ends in caretaking, my absolute favorite trope.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh heck no. I would be devastated honestly, but thankfully everyone who comments is always the sweetest and kindest people ever and really encourage me to keep going, for that i am only thankful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just no. I love romance but i am a minor, so i’ve never consumed smut nor intend to ever write it. Give me a soft romance and loving gestures, I can allude to greater happenings but not details.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t, sorry. I don’t know something in me just doesn’t sit well with crossovers, for the life of me I don’t know why. Like genuinely i wish i could get into them but maybe it’s like food on a plate? i don’t like the foods touching each other so maybe the same rules apply??? yeah i’m drasticallydumb
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so, and if someone did they’re in for a heck of a lot of work there…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’d like to sometime but i have no idea how one even goes about making a co-written fic, on top of which i am a very sporadic person in terms of motivation and random ideas produced by a song i’m listening to while writing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Stricklake obviously is a really big contender if not the winner, the ship that brought me to AO3, writing fanfics, and tumblr. But, if i had to pick other options i’d say Eugene and Repunzel from Tangled would be one of my ogs, another might be uhhh Chris and Aviva from Wild Kratts the og of the ogs.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Chapter 3 of my stricklake 2023 prompt collection, it just has a lot of moving parts and me and my best friend are chronic procrastinators and with the month pretty far gone it might just end up sittin’ there for the foreseeable future 😞 but who knows
16. What are your writing strengths?
Phew, that’s a dozy mainly because i’m not super sure. I’d like to think one of my main strengths is descriptions and really putting you in the mind of the character, i don’t really like spelling things out and i like a little investigating to get you where u end up, u know? I like to think my writing FEELS a little more like a show on a page rather than a true book, most to blame would be my maladaptive daydreaming taking up a lot of time in my planning for my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah. How the turn tables. I would say that my weaknesses in writing mostly consist of me going a little *too* far into detail on meaningless things or making it too convoluted for people to understand, sometimes spelling it out is better in certain scenarios and i just really need to get myself past that. Another one i would say is that i go REALLY into detail not only in a sentence/chapter sense but also a complete STORYLINE sense, i hate time skips and i shoot myself in the foot wanting to completely document every moment of everyday w a character and hence it seems like a lot of time in universe hasn’t gone by. Trying to improve and grow tho 💪
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Can’t wait to do more of it! Especially with Claire and her family (including NotEnrique) speaking spanglish w each other automatically mainly because i am hispanic and completely fluent in Spanish and live in a similar household so i just love to add a little ✨personalization✨ to my dialogue and interactions in that way. Other languages………….yeaaaahhh i’m not super good will prolly use google translate and hope.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters, my gateway into AO3. HOWEVER. if you promise not to tell, the very first fandom i read/wanted to write a fanfic for was actually, as far as i can tell, Wordgirl. don’t ask why. don’t ask me how. it just kinda happened. But, officially, it’s Trollhunters. (maybe with a side of Warrior Cats).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Not hard at all! My pride and joy, my youngest baby in the grand scheme of my writing journey, Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen! A surprise to absolutely NO ONE. It’s honestly so amazing to both write and see people read and enjoy as much as I do, he’s my little man ❤️ And doing so much rewriting and character growth and having so much written and planned for the future, it’s just my absolute fav
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No Business Like Show Business | Part Four
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Series Summary: you work backstage at a theatre and become close with the star of the show (who you may also have a slight crush on)
Pairing: James McAvoy x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: like 2 swear words I think..? also not proof read because its 12.30am and I need to sleep but I really wanted to just get this out there so sorry if its shit
A/N: wow whoops how is it almost a year since I last updated this story?? I am so SO sorry, its been a difficult year but honestly THANK YOU for the comments and messages about this series. You guys keep me motivated to keep writing so thank you thank you thank you!! Feel free to substitute James for any actor of your choosing. Also, spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part Three | Masterlist
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Sooooo, James McAvoy kissed me… I know right? WHAT?! 
Is this real life? Am I dreaming? Have I fallen through a wormhole into some alternate reality? 
All I know for sure is, Vera is bloody good at playing Cupid.  
— — — — 
Walking into the work the next morning you can’t help smile. Getting kissed by James McAvoy certainly has a way of putting a spring in your step. As you approach the theatre you notice more people hanging around than usual. There’s normally one or two guys with cameras hoping to catch a glimpse of James or Anastasia, but today there’s a whole group. And even more unusual is, they’re actually paying attention to you. 
“It’s her! Over here love!” 
“Flash us a smile?”
You shield your eyes as cameras flash brightly in your face, disorientating you as you try to reach the theatre door.
“How long have you been dating James?”
“What does Anastasia think about your affair?”
“Leave her alone!” A voice cuts through the noise as an arm comes around you and directs you safely inside. “Should be ashamed of yourselves, shouting at a young girl like that. Vultures!” Vera shouts before slamming the theatre door shut and turning to you “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine” you reply, even though your hands are shaking. “What the hell just happened? Why do they suddenly care about me?”
“You haven’t seen?” Vera asks, reaching into her bag and pulling out a magazine which she hands to you. There on the front cover is a photo of your face staring back at you. 
“What the…” you say in shock as you read the caption ‘meet the mystery girl who stole James’ heart’ along side a photo of the two of you smiling at each other in the coffee shop. “This is mental”
“It gets worse” Vera says as she opens the magazine to the article in which details about you have even printed for anyone to read along side a couple of your selfies taken from your instagram account. They found out your age, where you grew up, where you studied. 
“This is madness! It was just coffee, surely no one actually cares this much about who I am?”
“Just coffee..?” Vera asks “Because I have to say you do look quite cosy there”
“Miss Y/L/N!” Alan the director calls from down the corridor, startling you “A word please.” A statement, not a question.
You nod, taking a breath before heading down to meet him. He leads you into his office and closes the door, gesturing for you to take a seat. You notice a copy of the magazine on his desk. 
“Care to explain what’s going on here?” He picks up the magazine, pointing to the photo of you and James. 
“We went to get coffee” you reply simply, not quite understanding what all the fuss is about. 
Alan opens the magazine and begins to read “McAvoy and his new girl were spotted getting close as they talked and giggled together in cafe nero, leaving us to wonder if his relationship with girlfriend and theatre co-star Anastasia is in trouble. We cant wait to see how this backstage drama plays out.”
“Like I said, we just got coffee. People recognised James, saw me with him and put two and two together to get five.”
“Well I hope the coffee was worth it because I’m going to have to pull you from the production team.” 
“What?! No, Alan, sir, please-”
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll arrange someone to cover you”
“Alan?” James bursts through the door “sorry to interrupt but you can’t replace Y/N, she’s done nothing wrong. Its my fault we were there, I asked her to come. It was supposed to be a group thing but everyone else dropped out.” 
You feel your heart flutter at the fact he’s covering for you, even if he is bending the truth slightly.
“Look James, I understand it may have been a mistake but I cant risk this love triangle of yours effecting the show.” 
“There is no love triangle.” James laughs “All this is is two colleagues having a drink after work”
‘Colleagues’? You think to yourself, has he forgotten the kiss you shared after?
“Oh come on, you have to admit these photos look rather cosy” Alan points to the magazine.
“It was loud in there, we had to lean in close to be able to hear each other. It’s not Y/N’s fault that people are seeing something that isn’t there!”
You feel your heart sink as the words ‘something that isn’t there’ play on repeat in your mind.
“Fine, you can stay.” Alan’s voice pulls you back out of your thoughts. “But you’ll have to tell Anastasia” he directs the last bit to James who rolls his eyes. 
“So this was her idea then” James says.
“She’s just concerned about how this negative press could affect ticket sales.”
“That’s bullshit Alan and you know it!” The anger in James’ voice surprises you. You would never dream of talking to a director like that. “You’ve said yourself there’s no such thing as ‘negative press’. As long as people are talking about the play then people will come to see the play. Your words, not mine.” 
“I know” Alan sighs. 
“Ana is just jealous and looking to stir trouble, that’s what she does.”
“Yes but we need her.”
“Do we?” James asks, and a silence fills the room. You awkwardly glance between the two men, feeling uncomfortable being in the middle of this heated conversation. 
You clear your throat, causing Alan and James to look at you. For a moment you think they may have forgotten you were still there. “Can I go?” You ask. 
“Yes of course, apologies Y/N. You must have work to be getting on with.” 
You give a small nod and get the hell out of that room as fast as you can. 
— — — — 
You give yourself ten minutes to just sit when you get to the props room, head on the desk just processing the past 24 hours. 
James kissed you. Paparazzi are obsessing over you. Alan nearly fired you. 
“Hello dear- ooh, are you alright?” Vera’s voice fills the room, you didn’t realise you’d left the door open. 
“Yeah” you say sitting yourself back up in your chair. 
“…no.” you respond honestly.
“What happened daring?” Vera takes a seat on the chair next to you. “I heard raising voices when I passed Alan’s office on the way here.” 
“Alan wanted to remove me from the production team. James stepped in and basically saved my job.” 
“Oh, well at least you're still here. That’s a good thing.” 
“Yeah, but he also said some things that I don't know how to feel about.” 
“No, James. He said we’re just colleagues and there’s nothing between us but yesterday at the cafe it kinda felt like a date and then when we got back here he kissed me so now I just really don't know-” 
“He kissed you!!”Vera interrupts, a mix of shock and glee on her face. You forgot you hadn’t had chance to tell her yet. 
“Yeah, but then he said all that-“
“That doesn’t matter darling, he was probably just saying that to Alan to keep you here. Have you talked to him?” 
“No, I haven’t been able to. This morning as not gone to plan at all.” 
“Well then I wouldn’t worry about it just yet. You need to speak to him.” 
“Hello?” James voice calls as he appears at the door. 
“Speak of the devil” Vera whispers to you with a cheeky smile as she gets up from her chair “Hello James dear”
“Don’t let me interrupt you” 
“No not at all, I was just leaving. See you later Y/N” she winks before disappearing out the room, closing the door behind her. 
James watches her and turns to you. There’s a brief silence a the two of you just look at each other, a small smile on your faces. 
“So I-” “I should-” you both say at the same time, making you both laugh. 
“Sorry you were saying?” You ask.
“No no, you go” he replies. 
“Okay, uh.. I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me with Alan.” 
“Of course, there was no way I would let him fire you.” 
“I don't think he would have fired me, but he was definitely about to remove from this production.”
“Oh! Well in that case…” James jokes and you playfully hit him on the arm “I’m kidding, I’m glad you're still on the team.”
“Yeah me too.” you say absentmindedly fiddling with a pen you found on the desk. He places a hand on top of yours, causing you to look at him.
“And I know it got you in trouble, but I really enjoyed our coffee yesterday.”
“It was good coffee” you say sarcastically. 
“You know what I mean…” he says with a laugh. 
“Do I?” You ask, pulling your hands away as you sit back in your chair and look at him “cause I’m picking up on some mixed signals here” 
“Was kissing you not a clear enough signal?”
“Well I thought it was, but then you said that we were just colleagues and that there was nothing between us”
“What? When did I say that?” He is genuinely confused.
“This morning, in Alan’s office. You said that people were seeing something that wasn’t there! So I got the hint that you didn’t actually like me and maybe you regretted kissing me or maybe you just kiss everyone like that-”
“Y/N” he takes your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him “What I said to Alan I said because I didn’t want you to lose your job. I didn’t mean it. Just like I do not kiss everyone the way I kissed you and I most definitely do not regret it.” He smiles at you the most genuine, warm smile which makes you smile back. “I really like you Y/N, and I would really like to kiss you again. If you’ll let me..?” 
He searches your eyes and as soon as you nod he leans in and gives you the most tender kiss you’ve ever received. You melt into him completely, but suddenly pull away. 
“Wait, what about Anastasia? I don't want to be part of some love triangle.” 
“There is no triangle Y/N. Ana and I are not together.” 
“But the papers said-”
“It’s fake news, set up by the people in charge of the theatre’s publicity. They think more people will want to buy tickets for the show if the lead actors are dating. It’s bullshit I know, but I’ve been forbidden from setting the story straight until after the show closes.” He pauses, giving you a second to take in what he’s explained “I understand if this is too complicated, you shouldn’t have to be dragged into this mess and I wouldn’t blame you if you told me to get lost-“
Now its your turn to interrupt him. You pull him into you and kiss him, passionately. 
Eventually you pull apart slightly, wrapping your arms behind his neck and looking up at him. “Was that a clear enough signal for you?” You joke.
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I think you need to show me again” he winks and you return to your new favourite hobby; kissing James McAvoy… 
Part Five
Taglist: (if you want to be added/removed please let me know)
@halfofwhatisayismeaningless @internetgremlin-reads @blahblahblah0987654321 @mcavoy-girl @username21mk 
Also please bear in mind I can't reply to comments on fics from this username as its a sideblog but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them. your comments give me LIFE 💛
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inkvvvells · 10 months
galaxy on fire - prelude (thrawn x original female character)
Title: galaxy on fire Pairing: Thrawn x OFC Rating: M (eventually) Warnings: violence, torture, blood (eventual mentions of past assault, slavery. eventual sexually explicit content) Other Things: Enemies to friends to lovers, SLOW BURN, both the Empire and Rebels suck, touched starved, competency kink… I don’t know what else lol Summary: Born into slavery on the Outer Rim, Celena thinks she finally has a surefire plan to buy her freedom from a Hutt crime family. But everything goes wrong when she’s caught by Imperials and accused of being a Rebel and just when she thinks things can’t get any worse she meets a certain Grand Admiral…
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Note: This may or may not be the start of a longer fic. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now and I haven’t posted fic in YEARS because normally I don’t want to post anything that’s not finished and I don’t finish anything but… idk. Here I am, lol. I like the idea of someone just trying to exist in this galaxy with no ties or love for either side. I know that most fic on here that people want is x reader fics but as I sometimes tldr introspection I don’t think I can pull that off for an x reader fic because I don’t want to tell anyone how to feel lol. So enjoy I guess, maybe I’ll write more. I might also rewrite this bc I’m not happy with it. I just wanted to bang this intro out and see what happens so… BASICALLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!
Note 2: Also I realize that this is like confessing to sins but I haven’t read the new Thrawn trilogy. I am an expanded universe girlie and I have never emotionally recovered from them axing all of that. I’ve based this Thrawn mostly off Rebels with the EU in the back of my mind. Will I read those books? Maybe? I know Zhan wrote them and I trust him but I am a bitter, petty, salty bitch SOOOOO. There will likely be some references to things and characters from the EU (most likely Mara Jade and Thrawn’s reasons for joining the Empire). Sorry not sorry. If when I read the canon books I may incorporate parts of that. IDK.
Note 3: Also I pictured Deepika Padukone as Celena. But feel free to picture her however you want.
Note 4: I don’t really like this title so it will likely change.
“I will ask you again, Rebel Scum,” Governor Pryce’s voice was cold as ice. “Where are the Rebels who sent you?!”
Celena’s ears were ringing and her vision was blurry. They had been like this for hours, with her strapped to a gurney and Pryce torturing her and yelling, demanding to know who sent her. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been so painful, the fact Pryce was so convinced that Celena was with the Rebellion when in fact she hated the Rebellion.
Almost as much as she hated the Empire.
Celena had been caught trying to steal a weapons cache just outside of the Imperial base on Lothal. The most curious thing about it was she had been alone. It was daring to be sure but it raised the question of who sent her. She was human, late twenties with brown skin and long almost wild dark hair. She would have been beautiful if she hadn’t been strapped down and covered in blood and grime. 
“I already told you,” Celena raised her head to look up at Pryce. Her head was throbbing from the gash in it and she could feel blood trickling down her cheek. “I’m not with the Rebels.” “Do you really expect me to believe that?” Pryce leaned closer to her. 
“I don’t care what you believe,” Celena winces. “It’s the truth.”
Pryce sighs overexaggeratedly and takes a step back. “There are other ways of making you talk,” she gestures to the IT-O hovering in the corner of the room. “I simply wanted to give you the opportunity to say it on your own terms.”
“Wow,” Celena rolls her eyes. “How generous of you. With all the torture I totally missed how nice you are.”
Pryce’s nostrils flare and she hits the button controlling the shock treatment, sending another course of electricity and pain through Celena’s entire body. Celena tries to hold back her scream but fails and her scream seems to only make Pryce more excited. Almost like she was getting off on this. 
“I’ll give you one more chance or this is going to get very painful for you,” Pryce says menacingly. “Where are the Rebels who sent you?”
Celena can tell Pryce is getting annoyed and she can’t help but be amused by that. A smirk tugs on her lips one that seems to make Pryce even more annoyed. “Do your worst.”
Pryce snarls, she’s about to bring over the IT-0 droid when the doors to the room slide open. She freezes when she sees who has entered the room. “Grand Admiral,” Pryce tenses slightly. 
“Is this the thief?” Thrawn says, not even looking at Pryce, instead his attention is on Celena. 
Celena doesn’t say anything, she just looks at Thrawn. Her eyes narrow slightly as he moves to stand in front of her. She doesn’t seem impressed or scared of him. 
“I was just about to use the serum on her,” Pryce replies.
“You’ve been questioning her for hours Governor,” Thrawn is still looking at Celena. “And she has yet to break. Perhaps you are losing your touch.”
“I just need more time Grand Admi–” Pryce is cut off by Thrawn raising a hand to silence her. 
“You are done here Governor, you may go,” Thrawn says dismissively. Pryce bristles slightly, for a moment it looks like she’s going to protest but then she leaves. Celena chuckles weakly. “Ohh… she didn’t like that,” Celena muses. “No,” Thrawn says. He continues to stare at Celena, as if he’s trying to figure out who she is just from looking at her. “If you’re going to torture me I’ve had worse…” Celena winces as she raises her head to look up at him. She’s realizing now that unlike all the other Imperials he isn’t human, she makes a slightly confused sound. “Something amuses you?” “You’re …not human.”
“How observant of you.”
“And you’re with the Empire? …why?”
Thrawn raises a brow. It was curious to him that this woman would think to ask that when she was the one captive, she was the one being tortured. And yet she was curious about something that to him was trivial in this moment.
“What is your name?” Thrawn asks instead of replying.
It was a question that Pryce hadn’t bothered to ask her.
“Celena.” “Celena. No surname?”
“Are you a Rebel?” “Your friend seems to think so.”
“Governor Pryce has a tendency to be… overzealous in her methods,” Thrawn leans in closer to Celena, as if he’s studying. “Is that what you’d call it?” Celena scoffs slightly. She feels uneasy under the gaze of his glowing red eyes. She’s met Chiss before so it wasn’t his eyes that unnerved her it was something about the way he was looking at her. 
“Are you going to tell me your name?” she asks. 
Thrawn tilts his head. “Thrawn.”
“...your actual name.”
Thrawn pauses a moment. “Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”
“Mitth’raw’nuruodo,” she repeats. She doesn’t seem to struggle saying his name as most humans would. There is barely even a hint of an accent as she says it.
Thrawn is surprised but he doesn’t show it. He doubts this woman is with the Rebels. The Rebels wouldn’t have sent someone to do something so risky alone. Which made the question of who she really was all the more interesting. He moves to the side of the gurney Celena is strapped to and presses a button, the straps retract and the suddenness of it sends Celena falling to the floor. She hits the floor hard and groans softly. 
“Bring her to my office,” Thrawn finally looks away from her, focusing on the Stormtrooper standing by the door. “I will question her there.”
Thrawn leaves the room, leaving Celena on the floor. Every part of her body aches, now that she’s on the ground it even hurts to breathe. This hadn’t gone how she hoped it would. And inwardly she feels sick. She had been so sure her plan would work she hadn’t really thought of the alternative. Or maybe at this point, she didn’t care. Getting caught by the Imperials was no worse than what she had to go back to. The Stormtrooper yanks her roughly off the floor. “Get moving Rebel Scum!”
Thrawn watches Celena as she uses a damp cloth to wipe the blood off her face. When she got to his temporary office he had a cloth with a bowl of warm water waiting for her as well as food. There was something different about this woman, something he found intriguing. And since torture hadn’t made her talk, he would try something else - something less crass than the interrogation droid.
“Do you always stare,” Celena asks, lowering the cloth so she can fully look at Thrawn. “You aren’t a Rebel,” Thrawn says simply. “That much is obvious.” “To you,” Celena replies, her eyes going down to the food. “It’s not tampered with,” Thrawn tilts his head. “That would defeat the purpose of bringing you here.”
“Why am I here then?” Celena lowers the cloth. There is still blood on her face. It’s dried and it’s itchy on her skin but that feels like the least of her concerns right now. What she needed was a way out here. 
Thrawn doesn’t say anything right away. “I must say I’m impressed you withstood Pryce’s torture. Most would break under such duress.” 
Now Celena is the one who is quiet she looks at the plate of food - basic bread, likely from those portion packets she had gotten so accustomed to eating. 
“I take it you have met my kind before,” Thrawn says.
“Once,” Celena replies. She doesn’t want to elaborate on that. Instead, her attention goes to the few art pieces in the room. 
Even if this was just a temporary office for Thrawn before he went back to his ship he liked to be surrounded by art. He had made sure to bring a few pieces with him, after all if he was going to be here for any length of time he needed something. He had brought one of Sabine Wren’s paintings with him, it made sense considering the Ghost crew’s ties to Lothal. And it would give him more time to study it, to understand it – to understand the Rebels. 
Celena begins to wipe at the blood and grime on her face again, moving the damp cloth down to her neck. Thrawn watches her, he studies her. With some of the blood removed there really is no denying she is beautiful, it wasn’t attraction just a simple fact. He squints slightly as she wipes away the dried blood from her neck, there is a mark there…
“I know you are not a Rebel, Celena,” Thrawn stands up and moves to stand behind her chair. He leans down, putting a hand on Celena’s head to move her so he can get a better look at it. “What are you–” Celena tries to pull away from him. “This mark,” Thrawn stares at it. It isn’t just a mark, it’s a brand. “You belong to the Hutt Cartel.”
Celena pulls away from him, dropping the cloth and standing up. From the way she pulls away it’s clear she doesn’t like being touched. She crosses her arms over her chest as she glares at Thrawn. “And if I do?” 
Thrawn straightens and puts his hands behind his back as he looks at her. “The Hutts would not be foolish enough to send you to steal from us and considering how you still have that brand,” he pauses for a moment. “Did you think you could give them the weapons cache in exchange for your freedom?”
Celena moves her arms tighter around herself. “Does it matter?”
“I suppose it does not,” Thrawn takes a step closer to her. “At least not to most of the Imperials here.” “You’re Imperial.”
“Yes, I am.”
For a few moments, they stood there, staring at each other. Something about the way Thrawn looks at her makes Celena’s skin crawl and soon she has to look away. Instead of looking at him she turns her attention to the painting in the corner of the room. 
“You like art?” Thrawn asks.
Celena says nothing, she takes a few steps closer to it as she takes it in. The shapes, the colours, they all seem to have meaning and for a brief moment she feels a pang of jealousy. This artist had a story. A purpose. Thrawn watches her, her reaction to the piece makes him more curious about her. 
It was hard not to be curious. Besides… she could become useful later. Connections to the Hutt Cartel, connections to the Outer Rim.
“This was painted by a Mandalorian,” Thrawn moves so he’s standing next to her. 
“This is a story,” Celena says, still looking at the painting. “I doubt you’re supposed to have this.”
“I like to collect art from my adversaries,” Thrawn says. “It allows me to understand them better. Their motivations.” “I doubt the artist likes you have this then.”
Thrawn almost chuckles. “No, I doubt she does either.” 
Celena turns to look at him then, her brow furrowed. “So what are you going to do with me then?”
“I am going to give you a room, with a proper bed,” Thrawn replies. “You will stay here until I decide what to do with you.” Celena’s mouth opens to say something. “Do not mistake this for kindness Celena. I am merely deciding how useful you could be to me. Until then you will be locked in a room. I suggest you don’t try to escape.”
Celena stares at him, there is something almost menacing about the way Thrawn says that. She knows if she tries to escape he won’t stop whatever will happen to her. It also seems clear that he knows she has nothing to escape too. Go back to the Hutts or stay here and just wait and hope that she may have a better outcome.
She didn’t have a choice. So she forces a smile. 
“With Imperial hospitality, how could I refuse?”
Thrawn smirks.
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rantingravingliving · 8 months
Wow, such a quiet day over at Boraland
Sooooo many updates that my fever couldn't catch up and it just decided to make itself at home for lord knows how long.
Also nursing a nasty cough and cold. But I am happy I managed to banish the headache away. So let's call that a win.
Anywho, I hope to be all giggly like Mimi on 10/13. I mean there's so much to celebrate (and money to spend on those magazines) this Jimtober. Can't wait for JPD on the 23rd! Me time with the best boy!
Also, sorry my Jiminie, I caught a cold! Please don't spank me (unless you are into that). Will be dreaming of you while I recover!
Stay healthy and happy everyone!
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imanes · 11 months
tw food // 
my sister is a literal demon lol long story short my pcos is acting up biiiig time like worst flare i’ve ever had i was waiting for my period for 5 weeks and i have to go low carb against my will lest i truly become diabetic and i’m on day 3 and it’s sooooo frustrating and there are moments in the days where i feel like crying bc eating is hard lol anyway sorry but so yeah my sister knows that and on three separate occasions today she rubbed my face in it by saying how good her chocolate cake was or like she sent me a bunch of pics from her potential hello fresh order and ALL of them are like pasta or bread based and i’m like ???? and then she’s like oh oops i forgot lol lol. no apology no self-reflection no nothing. and like am i insane for being like girl i am going to tell you as nicely as possible you can’t do that to me right now it’s REALLY annoying and i’ve already told you TWICE today. and now she’s like wow you’re so rude also don’t come to london with me because you’re going to impede on my food plans i mean i’m giving you a choice but i’m implying don’t come. so that’s where i’m at mentally haha should’ve gone to the weeknd concert at least my friends would’ve comforted me since they know that i’m struggling with my health. but between my callous sister and my mom who’s like always commenting on what i’m eating especially now with her non-expert advice or just saying point blank you’re fat!!!!! i’m just at the end of my rope. and it’s only day 3. what if i just moved for my mental health lol wouldn’t that be crazy
also that trip was supposed to be an early bday gift and like it’s not like i was dying to go i was actually looking at my bank account thinking i’m gonna have to make those pennies stretch for london but now it’s not an option and it wasn’t even my choice but that’s fine everything happens for a reason or smt
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duck-kmt · 1 year
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I watched Kimetsu in theaters 😭💞 it was sooooo good, i'm so excited for the next season. Here's my Impressions so don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.
They give a booklet at the entrance containing a short lore recap, staff commentary, keyframes of the Upper Moons and a Setsubun postcard ("Demons out! Fortune in!" ... why is Zenitsu playing the demon when Nezuko is right here??? Well I guess I wouldn't have the heart to throw her beans either... but....)
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It started with a short recap of season 1 with Gurenge playing in the back, then Mugen Train with Akeboshi, then a recap of season 2 until the last two episodes that were screened again in their entirety.
I think rewatching them on the big screen made me appreciate them more - I watched it a lot of time already, but I cried again at Gyuu and Daki's last moments. I love how the lightwork is done in this scene, Ume always in the light but ultimately joining Gyuutarou in the dark... it's beautiful 😭
Then after Zankyou Sanka played, finally Swordsmith Village arc started!!
Episode 1 is one hour long.
It starts with the Upper Moon meeting and WOW ... Infinity Castle is BEAUTIFUL and extremely stylish. I was impressed with the camera work- usually I am not a huge fan of 3D and 2D mixed together but this was so well done, I was really in awe. Especially I have in mind a shot of Akaza with the camera panning up, it looked so smooth! Maybe it's evil of me lol but I had in mind Chainsaw Man anime which tried and, most often failed at incorporating 2D characters into 3D environments... Ufotable gave us a lesson in how to do it masterfully IMO.
(They are still not forgiven for the ugly Enmu tentacles in Mugen Train. But I Almost forgive them because Infinity Castle looked that amazing. Makes me look forward to the final arc...!)
The whole scene had that pressuring, stressful feeling to it- you can Feel how dreadful Muzan is even to the Upper Moons and I really liked that. The weird camera work due to Infinity Castle's messed gravity added to that uncomfortable atmosphere.
Mamoru Miyano as Douma is ... well... what you'd expect of Mamo lol- and I feel this character enables him to perform in that over-the-topness that fits him so well, so him and Douma are a match made in heavens.
Kousuke Toriumi is Gyokko, I felt odd about it but it works, he's gross and gives me kimochi warui feelings so it's a success lol. Seeing the mouths and eyes animated adds to the grossness.
Toshio Furukawa is Hantengu!!!!! I'm so excited!!! I'm sorry but I have a huge Furukawa bias, especially lately, so I'm glad he took on a new role... in Kimetsu no less...! And again it might be my bias lol but his acting breathed a lot of life into a character I never paid much attention to. It's exciting! IDK if he'll dub all the Hantengus or just the tiny wrinkled one... I hope he gets to play them all and show off in a cool role again 😤
Marina Inoue is Nakime. And well... we don't hear her much. But actually hearing the Biwa really adds to the unsettling feeling of the scene.
And finally Okiayu Ryoutarou is Kokushibou. FINE! I believed Koku would be dubbed by Tsudaken to the very end...😭 But Okiayu's Koku had that terrifying air of greatness to him, I love how he performs the signature slow speech, so I approve of him 😤 (who cares about my approval really.)
Anyways, Upper Moon meeting was a huge flex all around- the music, the animation, the camera work, the lights, the characters - it makes the Infinity Castle, And Muzan, as huge and terrifying as they should be. And IMO it will make the last arc much clearer to understand.
(i think during the commentary Shimono and Kitou had said something about demons showing up and getting lost in there because it's so huge😂)
Then the focus switches to Tanjirou's dream of Sumiyoshi and Yoriichi. The way Yoriichi appears mirrors the way Kokushibou is introduced - focusing on his back, his hair color, his earrings, and finally his face. Kokushibou looking absolutely terrifying with loud orchestra music in the back, Yoriichi appearing calm and (apparently) serene in a quiet dream. This was very well done, and effectively tricked my anime-only friend who watched with me into thinking they are the same person 😂 Well done!
IIRC Sumiyoshi wasn't dubbed by Hanae? I'm not too sure. But otherwise looked the exact same as Tanjirou down to the color palette.
Tanjirou wakes up and events unfold just like in the manga. A bit more of focus on Gotou, and Kanao is really cute in that scene, it's good hearing her raise her voice.
We see Inosuke departing on a new mission, and Zenitsu who has already left to one. Of course he's crying and complaining, but he's wearing a cute scarf with a pattern reminiscing of Chuntarou. Cute!
We get good panoramic shots of the Swordsmith Village which...makes me want to travel frankly. I need to go to a hot springs soon haha. Some added scenes I think of Tanjirou watching the Swordsmiths at work, praising their skills and showing gratitude.
Mitsuri is still introduced through the onsen scene- but this time we get a butt shot and a front shot panning up from her crotch to her face. Nice. (important commentary)
Mitsuri is like, a role made for Kana Hanazawa lol, she just sounded really cute in every scene, but also serious when needed. Her complaining about Genya ignoring her then quickly changing her mood when dinner is mentioned was cute. The 'Kanroji Mitsuri supports the Kamado siblings!' line was really good as well. I think special care was put into the scenes where she interacts with Nezuko, I like the way their hands were animated, and the focus put on them in the scene where Mitsuri mentions her own siblings. I'm glad Nezuko has someone giving her affection that isn't Tanjirou. As Kitou said she's always surrounded by boys so this was really cute and heartwarming.
When Mitsuri runs to Tanjirou and he yells 'Watch out! Your chest is going to show!', he catches her and fixed her kimono so her boobs are tucked in again. Tanjirou is such a good boy ... what a cute scene lol. I also liked the way she whispers into his ear and he tries to keep silent through his nosebleed. A Good Boy indeed.
Then Tanjirou finds a tooth in the bath...
Finallly... At last.... Genya!!!! 😭💞 I got so excited seeing him at last!!! I was so worried because on every piece of promo art he has been so far, he's drawn so weird, I guess to match his appearance from the manga, but I'm really glad it was updated as well to match his design from this arc in the manga... He looks so good, so handsome, I'm sorry I have a Genya bias, he's one of my favourite so my heart leaped when I saw him 😭
The timing of the scene was fast paced, but well done! Tanjirou reminisces the boy he met at Final Selection, shouts his full name, and strips- this is where the eyecatch is (the eyecatch's illustration is a naked Tanjirou with his crotch covered by a crow lol.)
And of course he is told 'Die!' immediately as his head is pushed into the water... Even if it pains me because Genya is always compared to Bakugou and it's dumb and I Hate It, I Have faith in Nobuhiko Okamoto to deliver us a good Genya! He didn't say much but I liked it! A very genya like 死ねえ!!! Thank you!
I want to watch it again, it was fast so I didn't get to look at how Genya's body is drawn enough...😤 it sounds weird but, I wanted to take a good look at his scars...
Anyways, the episode ends with Tanjirou looking for the mysterious weapon Mitsuri mentioned and stumbling upon Muichirou, Kotetsu (dubbed by Ayumu Murase I think?), and the Yoriichi doll, which only the back can be seen, making Tanjirou (and the anime-only viewer. rubbing my hands together evilly at my friend who went Ooohhh!!!! next to me in the theater.) mistake it for an actual person. There's focus on the earring of course, and it's a great way to end the episode, tying the doll's cliffhanger appearance with Kokushibou's introduction and Yoriichi's appearance in Tanjirou's dream, tricking you into thinking they are all the same person... Well done ufotable well done...
Finally, the opening plays - by Man with a Mission (one of my favourite bands!!! wowie!!) and Milet. I don't have much to say because it was so fast paced lol, but it was good! They do the thing again where Tanjirou + the hashira of the arc, here Mui and Mitsuri, look together in the same direction. A slight spoiler right? Rengoku san....😭😭😭
Right, also about the opening! I wish Genya showed up more. Did we see his gun? I don't remember. He gets a short sequence and is seen again in the end in a group shot of the cast. (shut up about Genya. shut up about Genya.)
After that there was the cast commentary and appearance of the cute Kamaboko chibi mascots, them all together making a little ceremony celebrating officially the beginning of Kimetsu World Tour😌
And that was it!
I'm so excited I'm going to die. I almost want to go again LOL i want to tattoo every frame Genya appears in my brain 😤😤😤
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