#wonpil oneshot fluff
kwanisms · 1 year
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for day6 and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in these groups have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
»» Creature Feature
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»» Creature Feature '20: The Summoning ♧ p.sungjin
— oneshots
»» Creature Feature '20: Bad Moon Rising ♧ k.wonpil
➥ 7.4k; Sungjin is an incubus that hasn’t seen any action in years. So when Y/N summons him, thinking she can make a deal with him for power, Sungjin is more than willing to play her little game. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Sungjin doesn’t make those kinds of deals. But that doesn’t mean summoning him will be a complete waste of time, right?
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➥ 11.2k; Being cursed a werecat, Wonpil often wishes he’d been bitten by a werewolf. Instead of turning into a fearsome half man, half beast every full moon, he turns into an eight pound black house cat. What will happen one night when he gets rescued by a witch named Y/N and taken to her cottage in the woods?
ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me. Content and support banners made by me using cafekitsune's template.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Testing ||| Wonpil x Reader
Genre: flufffff Warnings: none Word count: 745 Song(s): none AN: a request from anon, i hope you enjoy the twist :))
“We should get a roomba.”
You rolled onto your side, tucking your hands beneath the feather soft pillow by your head. “Our house isn’t that dirty!”
Wonpil joined you, curling his body and dragging the edge of the pristine duvet to cover his face. He’d blocked his precious lips, something you were already formulating a plan to undo. It meant you were left to stare into those bright innocent eyes, peaking between a tousled fringe. “Not to clean,” he said, soft voice muffled.
It of course meant you had to shuffle closer, though you knew full well that was an excuse. Planting your temple on the bottom corner of your pillow, the tip of your nose brushed his and you giggled when it scrunched. “Then what for?”
It took him a few moments of thinking to find an answer. His gaze faded to elsewhere and you just knew there was a pout beneath the covers—there usually was whenever he thought about his ideas. “A friend,” he finally uttered with a small but certain nod. 
“So I’m not good enough company?” you teased, pursing your lips to cover a grin. It spilled through at the corners nonetheless, but Wonpil barely noticed. He drew the covers away, ducking his head back towards you whilst his hands found their way to the collar of your shirt. 
“Nooo!” he whined. “That’s not what I meant and you—!”
“I know, I’m joking, I promise,” you reassured, heart melting at the sight of his soft pout. Feeling his fingers trace across the exposed skin by your collarbone, you couldn’t resist but take them into your own. You weren’t sure you wanted to be tickled, especially not there because god alone knows what that would look like from a distance. Although, you were certain that the hands of your boyfriend deserved attention. 
You pressed a kiss to the pads of his fingertips, maintaining eye contact as much as you could, but even you couldn’t stay invulnerable to the confident puppy eyes being sent your way. 
Soon enough, one of your hands had been retrieved and placed by Wonpil’s lips instead. He giggled into the kiss he bestowed to your knuckles there and it coaxed you into laughing too. “What?”
“Nothing.” His smile was coy, drawing you in helplessly but there was no way you would even choose to back away.
“Just...?” you preempted.
He rolled further onto his back, holding your hand by his heart as his eyes blinked up at the ceiling high above. The numerous spots of light suspended by industrial cable turned to glitter in his eyes. You always wondered what magic he possessed to be able to do that, but you supposed that was the beauty of it. He had no idea how ethereal he could be, and without even trying. “I’m just wondering how long it’ll take them to notice.”
Laughing, you closed the gap that had formed between you and it was as if the two of you moved out of reflex. Abandoning the pillow your head came to rest upon his chest while his arm swept round to hold your back. “What we’re doing?”
“Yeah,” he hummed, the velvet seeping past his heart to your ear, “and that we’re still here.”
A chuckle bubbling on your lips, you let your hand run across his midriff, mapping the ridges of his ribs and the softness of his stomach further south. “I’m surprised they don’t check this place more often. We can’t be the first ones to—”
There was a series of mechanical claps that echoed from far off. Rigid in their rhythm, they brought a darkness that approached one block at a time, until suddenly the harsh bright of the vast room where you lay was cleaved by darkness.  Blinking into the sudden shadow you barely moved despite your circumstances. Your eyes searched for any light, finding nothing but a single hazy beam. It was a diluted silver, and it glanced across the block navy and paint box yellow that made up the IKEA sign positioned where no person could reach. 
Silence fell over the two of you at that moment, the realisation slowly sinking in.  Pressing your lips tightly together, you peered blankly into the dark where Wonpil’s face had to be, since you had no clue what to do about your newfound predicament—something that, rationally, you should have known he would share.
Hence the only wisdom he offered was a quiet, hapless, “Oh no.”
AN: so far unchecked/unedited so sorry for any mistakes!
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pesiko · 3 years
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Lavender and Midnight - fantasy AU [5k]
Band Sessions: Wonpil - he worries bc you’re clumsy [2.3k]
A Confession, of Sorts - he gets a little drunk [4.6k]
Anatomically Correct Heart Shaped Pretzel [1.6k]
Are You Asking Me Out - mafia AU, diamond negotions [1k]
Where’s the First Aid Kit? - “why does my heart hurt?” [1k]
Jelly Beans - diameter of the sun, ft Sungjin [.6k]
Of Opportunity - “in the movies they throw pebbles” [.5k]
Amethyst for anxiety
College AU Wonpil
[main masterlist] [day6 masterlist] updated 5-18-21
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thepixelelf · 4 years
[Of Opportunity] You couldn't see the moon from where you stood, which only served to make the whole situation that much worse.
Standing on your front lawn, hands on your hips, you stared at your house. Your room on the second floor could be seen from the front, the light kept off so you wouldn't attract any attention — though that was the least of your worries at the moment.
"It's official," you said, a boasting sound threaded through your tone.
Next to you, Wonpil's eyes kept on your bedroom as well, on the window frame specifically. His voice came out quiet, embarrassed. "What's official?"
"You're the dumbest person I've ever met."
He turned from the broken glass to pout in your direction. "You don't mean that!"
"You really thought that would work?"
"It's what they do in the movies!"
"In the movies they throw pebbles, Wonpil! Not freaking boulders!" You couldn't help it, you started laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. "What were you thinking?!"
"I don't know! I wanted to be romantic!"
"By breaking my window?!"
Wonpil fell into a crouch, hiding his face in his hands. Under his breath, he mumbled, "I didn't mean to break it."
"If this is your way of asking people out, Wonpil, I'd hate to imagine your previous relationships."
He mumbled something else, but either you were too far away or he didn't want to be heard. You stepped closer and crouched down yourself. "What?"
"You're the first," he admitted into his palms. "I've never... I haven't..." Sighing, he dragged his hands down his face. "I've never confessed to anyone before. You're the first — and last — because I just made the executive decision to never do anything again ever."
You resisted the urge to 'aw' — now was not an appropriate aw moment, despite how cute he was being.
"Wonpil, you're like the love of my life and I absolutely will go out with you, but you have to admit this wasn't your brightest idea."
His head popped up, not unlike that of a meerkat, an awed expression painting his face. Under only the street lamp, he looked oddly beautiful.
"Seriously?" He totally skipped over you essentially calling him an idiot, but you didn't mind. "You like me?"
You rolled your eyes. "I thought it was obvious."
Without another word, Wonpil lurched forward, circling his arms around you and tackling you into the grass. It was cold and wet, but Wonpil's relieved laughter distracted you for the time being. His arms squeezed you tighter than his normal hugs. You both laughed in the night silence, you to the black sky and him to the skin of your shoulder. It took a moment to catch your breath, and when you did, you only started giggling again.
Perhaps too much time passed in the cold before you spoke again.
His voice was nothing if not enamoured.
"You know you're paying for my window, right?"
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nextchae · 4 years
day6 reaction — having a curvier significant other
You and your boyfriend’s relationship was built on trust and love. In fact your boyfriend loved nearly everything about you, and especially your body.
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Not to be too cliché, but Jae loved you for your personality and not just for your looks. Those were definitely a plus though.
Even after dating for a while and seeing each other without clothes, Jae would freak every time he walked in on you in anything less than shorts and a tee shirt.
“Oh, my go- Sorry!” He squeaked out, covering his eyes and refusing to move.
“I’m just in my underwear” you laughed looking at the already blushing male. “And, you know, you’re my boyfriend”.
He cleared his throat, removing his hands to finally get a good look at you. Your usual overly confident boyfriend was suddenly nowhere to be found.
“You look... good”.
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“Where are you going?” Sungjin asked, his tone unintentionally brash yet needy.
“The gym” You answered, though it sounded more like a question too.
“In that?” He continued, now standing from the couch to view your body at a different angle. You watched the way his dark eyes lingered over your exposed bust and down to your hips.
Looking down at your leggings and sports bra, a small smirk came too your lips.
“Jealous?” You asked. One simple word that set him off.
“Me?” He laughed dangerously, quickly shortening the distance between you two. “Why would I be jealous of something that’s all mine?”.
young k
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“Wow” your boyfriend whispered from the doorframe, but it was just loud enough to be audible to your own ears.
Whipping around to face him, a wide smile was already spread out on his lips.
“Hmm?” You hummed, curious of his actions.
“You are stunning” he answered shamelessly while running his hands along the fabric of your new dress that perfectly hugged your curves.
Rolling your eyes, but being unable to stop the blush from rising to the surface of your cheeks, you turned and attempted to ignore him.
“Oh, don’t mind me! I’ll just watch you finish getting ready” he spoke, completely unbothered, before hopping onto the bathroom counter.
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You couldn’t help but notice the way your boyfriend’s eyes were fixed on you as you two sat together on the couch. Because one: he wasn’t paying attention to the movie in the least bit, and two: his breathing would hitch every time you moved. More specifically though, his eyes were fixed on your neck down.
“Wonpil” you whined, playfully hitting at his chest. “I’m literally wearing an oversized hoodie and sweatpants”.
His eyes widened at your confrontation with him and he couldn’t do anything but smile. “I think you always look great, no matter what you’re wearing”
You laughed, though simultaneously cringing at his words.
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You thought it was sweet the way Dowoon would immediately just stop, stare, and smile at you every time he got a first glance at yourself. He wouldn’t ever say much about your body, but you could tell he noticed your curves.
His hands running along your sides as you laid in bed, Dowoon had believed you were asleep. To his horror, though, you slightly flinched at the touch and turned to face him.
“I was just-”
“I love you” you interrupted, his eyes widening even more in surprise.
“I love you too” he finally responded after a few seconds and soon his arms found themselves around your waist once again.
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virgoterritory · 4 years
Soft kisses with wonpil and slightly insecure reader
Oh god i’ll cry!! These soft kinds of kisses would be so amazing with him,just holding each other close as you press your lips to his,feeling the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile when you hold his hand! Can you imagine having some time to yourselves,like spending the whole afternoon inside playing games and watching movies and ordering your favorite foods. You’d both love spending time like this together, phones put away and no distractions from the outside world. Can you imagine clearing away the board game you had been playing, a small smug smile on your lips,happy that you’d finally beaten your boyfriend. He’d be watching you from his seat on the couch and would hold out his arms for you when you had finished tidying away. He’d pull you onto the sofa beside him and you’d kick your legs up behind you,letting him fold you into his arms. You’d lay with your head on his chest and you’d feel so safe and warm and so beyond loved. He’d be playing with your fingers as you enjoyed the silence before he gently lifted you from his chest so that he could look at you. baby would have the sweetest little smile on his face and you’d be giggling asking what was wrong and he’d be blushing telling you how pretty you looked. You’d brush him off with a chuckle telling him that you looked far from pretty with your messy hair and makeupless face but he’d be shaking his head telling you that you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. his thumb would come up to brush your cheek and he’d slowly lean in to press his lips to yours,,it really would be so soft, his touch would be light as a feather as he gently pulled you in to him,,your hand would find his and you’d hold onto it as your lips pressed against each other,you’d feel your heart start to swell as you processed his sweet words and you’d pull back from the kiss,a small smile on your lips as you told him that you loved him
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
I will now be accepting Day6 requests!! Can’t wait to write about these hooligans!!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Day6 (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Wonpil/Reader, Kim Wonpil/You Characters: Kim Wonpil Additional Tags: pure fluff, Comfort, i badly needed a hug so i wrote this, also another product of crippling procrastination, kim wonpil is the cutest, as gender-neutral as possible Summary:
Kim Wonpil is the best boyfriend ever, due to his power of reducing your massive work-related stress.
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theonlysoph · 5 years
You’re Cute
Request: “ A dowoon from day6 x reader where he is insecure about his braces but they reassure him and just dowoon fluff because he is the cutest please 💕💕“
Length: 348
Note: i’m backkkk !! now that links are working and i have a few weeks off from school i’m trying to bust out these requests cuz i feel bad for making you guys wait :))
Masterlist         Request
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“What’s up baby,” you smiled and squished Dowoon’s cheeks playfully.
He pouted and shook his head before walking away from you into the kitchen. You frowned a little bit watching Dowoon walk away. He was never this moody. Normally your sweet boyfriend was full of smiles and giggles but today he seemed like the world weighed on his shoulders, and it worried you.
You tried to think of someway to talk to Dowoon, then followed him into the kitchen. He refused to look up when you came in and busied himself by making ramen. You leaned against the counter watching him for a little bit. There was definitely something wrong.    
“Wasn’t the photoshoot today? How’d it go?” You tried asking.
As quickly as Dowoon looked up at you he looked away. “It was fine.”
“Really,” you questioned, not believing him at all. “Doesn’t sound like it went fine.” There was a pause between you two. “Wanna talk about it?”
Finally Dowoon gave you a sad, insecure look. You immediately fell for him all over again and ran to hug his side. Dowoon held you just as tightly. You both sat in silence for a little bit. Dowoon wasn’t quite ready to speak and you didn’t want to push him.
After a few more seconds he finally spoke up. “I just didn’t like how any of the pictures came out,” he mumbled. “My smile looks awkward but if I show my teeth you can see the braces. And even worse all of my hyungs are already so much more handsome with me and it feels like I’m nothing when standing next to them.”
You squeezed Dowoon tighter then looked up at him. His eyes jumped all around the room so you cupped his face with your hands to get his attention.
“Dowoon,” you started softly. “You are the cutest, most handsomest boy ever. And you know that MyDay love you with or without braces.” Dowoon gave a cute pout and you went up to you tip-toes to peck his lips. “No need to feel insecure my love,” you smiled.
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day6ficfest · 5 years
More Wit, A Better Kiss
by  teenuviel1227 for antijosh
pairings: youngk/jae
fluff, 2.6k words, link
[summary n/a]
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is it chill that you’re in my head by writing_way_too_much
site: ao3
rating: teen and up
pairing: sungjin/jae
universe: modern au
word count: 2,087
chapters: 1/1
summary: jae's cousin wonpil invites a load of his friends over for thanksgiving.
my thoughts: hi i wrote another thing please go give it love
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Flirt ||| Wonpil x Reader
summary: wonpil is acting strange. and you have a... small theory as to what he’s doing but that would mean accepting that your feelings are mutual. and can you believe that? no. not yet. but maybe someone will help you to.
genre: flirty... fluff? i guess some attempts of (niche) humour warning(s): occasional foul language (1x s**t) word count: 2038 song(s): baby - astro an: sorry it took a little while anon! i struggled to start this one for some reason? anyway i hope you enjoy it! it’s a lot longer than i intended. again. oops.
you couldn’t tell what was up with wonpil. it wasn’t like he’d been acting this way for weeks or even days—in fact, this strange air that had overtaken him had only begun an hour ago, when you had arrived at their place with another of your friends—and yet he seemed such a different person to what you normally saw of him. sure he was affectionate, and cuddly, and could often say odd phrases that could be wildly construed as meaning things he most probably did not. but not to this level. because now, catching the abnormal glint in his eye, you could have sworn he did mean it. and you were torn between wanting to shy away to save your heart the pain of bursting, as well as never wanting him to stop.
because truth be told, these displays were the boldest indicators that he actually liked you back. he wasn’t just holding onto your arm because that’s what he did with people he was close with, he was holding onto your arm because he wanted to be close to you, and his hands only drifted away gradually as if he wanted to return. he wasn’t seemingly biting his lip out of deep thought anymore either—how could he be, when he seemed to make such strong yet brief eye contact with you while he did so? he didn’t clear the corner of your lip with a napkin like he usually did if there was a crumb there, he did it with the tip of his thumb instead, with a napkin right there—
and quite honestly, you didn’t know what to do about it all. it was as if your dreams were being presented to you on a platter, and all you had to do was be bold enough to take them but in the end you could never truly be sure enough to do so.
it had continued all throughout the evening. whenever you spoke to him even on the smallest and most insignificant of matters, those deep spools of onyx stared right into your soul, and seemed to settle there comfortably, while his usual bright smile was replaced by a dimmer one. you had worried if he was upset at first, until the possibility dawned on you that that was what a wonpil smirk looked like. it unnerved you that you’d never seen one before, and you quickly shrugged it off. 
though your mind continued to question what the hell he was up to.
with cheeks flushed and eyes focused on your meal, you avoided your friends’ stares, until one finally gathered the confidence to ask. 
“you alright, y/n?” it was younghyun. which meant you should really respond.
plastering the most convincing smile you could muster on your face—which surely couldn’t have been too unconvincing since you were slightly delirious with the possibility of your dreams coming true—and raised your head confidently to answer him. “yeah! i’m fine, just tired!”
“right, you look a bit hot,” sungjin continued, gesturing to his cheeks to represent yours. 
feeling the eyes upon you, it took you a few seconds to work out what excuse to use. unfortunately, those moments were all that wonpil needed to strike again with his sudden flustering confidence. “too right they do,” he said simply. 
jae broke into laughter as dowoon subtly choked on his ramen. your friend meanwhile, having been close colleague to you for a couple of solid months (which was not long enough to know anywhere near a hundred percent of what anyone was really like), giggled and teasingly piped up, “oooh, someone’s got a crush!”
you rolled your eyes at how cringey she sounded, as well as to cover for just how the mention of wonpil liking you in that way made your face no doubt heat up even more. sungjin though spoke up quickly to clarify, whilst the others just laughed, “no no, he means like they do look hot—not hot as in attractive, hot as in genuinely... high temperature.”
with the others distracted you felt your eyes drawn to the man sat directly opposite to you, and what you found there was truly heart-stopping.
he was smiling. which was bad enough for your stability, as whenever he beamed you felt your spirits lift and the world brighten, as if nothing bad could happen, and that you were truly cared for by somebody. but this time, once again, that smile had that bold undertone. that gleaming gaze. if you would ever a simp, it would be for this man and this man alone.
however, things didn’t end there.
“you should get some water,” jae suggested, chuckles dying down as he nodded in encouragement. “it’ll help, park’s word.”
“good idea, i’ll come w—”
younghyun had begun, but before he could even put his empty plate on the coffee table, he was forced to halt in his tracks.
“no, i’ll do it!” wonpil interjected, “i’ll help them.” 
within moments he was up on his feet, food practically discarded, his bandmate left to lean back in his chair, wondering what had just happened. or at least that’s what you thought of the situation.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
absentmindedly, you had trundled after wonpil as soon as he’d offered to accompany you, simply because you couldn’t imagine not going with him. wherever this man went you would go. but no, you weren’t totally, utterly in love—pah, of course not.
reaching the kitchen, when you saw there was enough space, you scarpered around him and straight over to the cupboard to get yourself a glass. jae had been right, you really did need something to cool you down.  the room remained silent as you heard the conversation in the living room pick up once again, muffled by your overwhelming heart beat. you avoiding his gaze by keeping your head towards your glass and your back turned. wonpil didn’t seem to make any attempt of moving across from the opposite stretch of counters like you expected he would. nor did he speak for the longest time, which worried you more than all of the ‘flirting’ (you weren’t sure if you should pin it as that just yet) combined. 
eventually though, the quiet was broken. 
“why were they all laughing?” he enquired, voice a dab closer to the usual soft pili you knew inside and out. 
you figured that indicated the ‘flirting’ explanation was less probable. either way, you explained while pouring water into the glass. never did you think you would be staring at the quickly popping bubbles of a boring old drink over the most gorgeous man you ever met. “because it sounded like you were saying that i was attractive-hot, rather than hot-hot,” you chuckled half-heartedly, “don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, english sucks.”
there was another moment of peace and you figured he wouldn’t talk and expect you answer for a bit, so you took a sip of water. the ice met fire and you could feel your heartbeat begin to slow from its incessant march.
that was, before his voice returned, a lot more shy than just mere minutes prior. “but... that is how i meant it.”
you choked on your drink, and within a single second you were ready to implode all over again.
he rushed to your side and it was like your cheeks couldn’t get any redder. his hand tapped your back lightly as he repeated apology after apology. though through your coughs, you smiled—properly this time. because your normal wonpil was pretty much back. big eyes wide and shining, voice sweet rather than sultry, and at your side.
“it’s ok, i’m fine,” you urged, clearing your throat before taking another sip to help more effectively this round. 
he waited for you to finish this time before speaking in a whisper, “i’m why you’re blushing, aren’t i.” 
he looked so earnest, so sincere.
“n-no.” you cursed your cowardice. this would have been the moment to admit everything, to tell him of all the feelings you’d failed to confess for so long. 
“its ok, i know, you’re the reason why i am too.”
not that it really mattered, as he already knew. 
thoughts running along cogs in your head, it took you a few moments to gather what he was inferring. 
but it was true. so focused inwardly, on keeping yourself together, you hadn’t even regarded the face of the man you liked so dearly. whipping your head across to him, you found his cheeks flushed rose just like yours, though admittedly less rampant. 
“you... you know?” you stammered, forcing yourself to inhale. you needed to stay alive at least long enough to hear the rest of what he had to say, otherwise everything up to this point had been for nothing.
at this point however, he looked sheepish. guilty even, with his lips pressing firmly together as his eyes began to avoid yours, flitting around the kitchen haphazardly.
“yeah. i... kinda found out yesterday.”
“yesterday?!” you exclaimed. “how?” you didn’t let him reply as you immediately moved on. “wait, that’s what this was all about? all those lingering touches and gazes and the... the cleaning of my lips without a napkin?!”
he nodded.
“pil, you shit!” a laugh broke through your curse.
wonpil began to whine nonetheless. “look! you made me flustered this whole time! and i-i wanted to be confident to you! for once... like younghyun! he’s confident to people he likes—”
“you made me flustered too! this whole time! outside of like... whatever happened today,” you insisted. however, your voice lowered soon after as you turned away from the counter to face him fully. “wonpil, i only want you to be yourself though, ok? you don’t have to be like younghyun, i love you just the way you are.”
his head lifted to reveal that characteristic smile slowly growing upon his lips. “you love me?”
your eyes widened in horror at what you’d let slip. breath hitching in your throat and leaving you completely unable to explain what had just happened, you needn’t have worried so much. wonpil’s bright smile only continued to beam and soon, his arms were around you.  you clutched to him out of reflex, inhaling deeply and letting his presence calm you at last. his hair was soft by your cheek, grip tight at your shirt as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. 
“i love you too,” he murmured after relishing in the peace, and with your heart fluttering you embraced him tighter. it had been such a convoluted way to end up with your dreams right in your lap but you didn’t care. he was here now. 
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“ha! i win, hand over suckers!”
several sighs and groans merged behind you, and you pulled away slightly to see what on earth was going on. there you found your friend, stood proudly at the front, with her open palms being filled with the eventual equivalent of a wad of cash. only sungjin didn’t seem to be taking part. when her hand was pushed towards him, he shook his head.
“no i didn’t take part.”
when she looked quizzically over at him, younghyun stated, “would have been his fourth time.”
unfortunately it didn’t add much clarity. “what?”
you heard wonpil whine, arms still loosely looped round the small of your back and you offered him an apologetic smile.  taking a deep breath, you pressed a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose, and laughed at how his blush began to slowly return. 
“you want to get out of this joint?”
he giggled. “yeah, it’s dull. ice creams?”
“perfect. move it losers, we’re coming through,” you chucked over your shoulder jokingly, and with an arm around him you lead the two of you out of the kitchen. the small crowd instantly parted for you to make your way through but not without a couple of cheers, mostly from jae. 
although as you passed, you felt the overwhelming urging hand of curiosity push you to ask wonpil, “hey, how did you know?”
“to be fair, everyone knew, so it only seemed fair,” interjected a deep voice from the sidelines. 
an: i’ve just realised that this may not work in korean? so... in this world they all magically speak fluent english too yay.
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fascinationsublime · 4 years
Howdy. I'm posting this here even though its not new. The dopil tag honesty needs more love and I'm here to do my part by providing
✨ content ✨
Its kinda just fluff and mutual masturbation (completed, oneshot, 1.5k words). But it pretty in character if I do say so myself.
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k-vanity · 2 years
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WayV | NCT | NCT 127 | NCT Dream | Stray Kids | GOT7 | BTS | ATEEZ | Seventeen | TXT | B.A.P | The Boyz | The Rose | Kard | Pentagon | Astro | Monsta X | Day6 | EXO | SHINee | SuperM | Enhypen | 2PM | Victon | Winner | Billlie | Kingdom | iKon | StayC | SF9 | ZeroBase1 |
Xiaojun | Taeil | Hendery | Jaemin | Johnny | Haechan | Jaehyun | Sungchan | Taeyong | Mark | Felix | BangChan | Han | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Jay B | Yugyeom | Mark Tuan | Jinyoung | Jackson Wang | Bambam | Suga | V | Jimin | RM | Jungkook | J-Hope | Seonghwa | Mingi | Hongjoong | Wooyoung | San | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingyu | Yeonjun | Taehyun | Beomgyu | Yongguk | Hyunjae | Sunwoo | Q | Younghoon | New | Dojoon | BM | Yanan | Yeo One | Kino | Wooseok | Kihyun | Minhyuk | Hyungwon | I.M | Young K | Jessi | Lay | Taemin | Shownu | Jeonghan | Jeno | Baekhyun | Kai | Minho | Jungwon | Sangyeon | Seungmin | Eric | Sehun | Sunghoon | Heeseung | Joohoney | Juyeon | Jungwoo | Jun K | Wonwoo | Chanyeol | Joshua | Jin | Seungwoo | Soobin | Jun | Suho | Ten | Jongho | Woozi | Hongseok | Hanse | Seungsik | Yuta | Yangyang | Shotaro | Junho | Mino | Hoshi | Jisung | Vernon | DK | Eunwoo | Dino | The8 | Scoups | Jay | Moon Sua | Tsuki | I.N | Wonho | Dann | Huening Kai | Jake | Kevin | B.I | Isa | Woosung | Kun | Chen | Seungkwan | Hwiyoung | Wonpil | Rowoon | Inseong | Changbin | DPR Ian | Matthew | Doyoung | Haknyeon |
x Reader | x Member | x OC | No Pairing
Smut | Fluff | Romance | Angst | Drama | Fantasy | Action | Crack
Oneshot | Series | Drabble | Social Media
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nextchae · 4 years
day6 reaction — confessing to their crush
Swirling around the contents of your glass with a straw, you looked across the table at the male in front of you. This was the third time you’ve went out with him, just the two of you, but things were just as unclear as the first. Was it a date? He never specified. It was always the “let’s go grab some lunch/dinner” suggestion. So you didn’t know if the feelings you had started to develop were mutual.
The tension that hung thickly in the air, though, was something new this time. You couldn’t help but notice the way he repeatedly twisted the ring on his finger or how every time you’d catch him sneaking a glance at you he’d quickly look away. Something was up and you were finally going to get to the bottom of it.
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It was noticeable that he wasn’t his usual self. Not once did he joke around with the server or make fun of you for your food selections. Most importantly, though, his general radiance of confidence, or rather contentment, was completely wiped clean and replaced with unfamiliar timidness and insecurity.
It wasn’t until the two of you were finished at the restaurant and walking outside did he finally speak up.
“There’s something that I’ve been wanting to get off my chest” Jae said, taking a deep breath as he abruptly ceased walking. “I, see you as more than a friend. I don’t know if I’m moving too quickly or too slowly, but you need to know that I- have feelings for you”
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Initially, Sungjin wanted to be straightforward about his feelings, but the second he saw you that all just crumbled. Line after line that he had rehearsed mentally, even wrote down at one point, was nowhere to be found in his panicking head. So, him attempting to come up with some backup confession seemed like uninterest and boredom to you.
“Are you okay?” You asked, slightly shifting to be in focus of the male’s eyes.
“Huh?” He asked, jumping slightly at your voice. “Oh yeah, sorry” he mumbled, voice trailing off.
Seeing the confused look on your face, he bit at his lip before heavily sighing. “Okay, there is something on my mind that you deserve to know. I like you and I don’t know if you feel the same, but I can’t keep this bottled up anymore”.
young k
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Rather than being quiet and closed off, he was the opposite. He would jump from subject to subject as if he was wanting to focus on something else. You didn’t want to pry, but you were curious to if you had done anything.
“My cat? Yeah, she’s fine. This is probably the third time you’ve asked though” you laughed.
“Oh really? I’m sorry”
Shaking your head to tell him it was okay, he frowned and sat down his fork.
“I was gonna wait until later, but I don’t think that really matters” he started, looking you in the eyes. “I don’t think I’m okay being just friends you, because I want more. I like you Y/n”.
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Had it not been for the occasional glances he’d give you or his other uncomfortable movements, you wouldn’t have noticed a problem. Normally Wonpil wouldn’t talk much when you were eating, so that was somewhat normal, but he would always sneak in a question about your day and such. Today, however, there was none of that.
Walking beside the male as the two of you began towards the parking lot, you watched as he ran a hand through his hair and suddenly stopped. Before you could even get a word past your mouth, he was already explaining.
“You’re really special to me, Y/n. I want these outings to be significant and something that makes you happy because I have feelings for you”.
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You could feel his eyes on you without even looking to see. It was a different kind of feeling than usual, though. Almost more, intense. Every time you’d look up, however, he’d quickly look back down and brush it off with a cough.
“Is there something on my face?” You suddenly asked, attempting to see your reflection in the silverware.
“You look really pretty” he immediately blurted, face then contorting into a mixture of embarrassment and fear.
It took him a few moments to regain his composure before finally completing his thoughts. Rather straightforward, but it was better than the awkward tension from before.
“I like you. Do you want to, um, try dating?”
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meloday6 · 7 years
A Thousand Words
Reader X Wonpil Oneshot
| Masterlist |
Words: 455
Warnings: none
Side Note: “A Thousand Words” is a series that explores 5 different scenarios with 5 members.
Jae | Sungjin | Young K | Wonpil | Dowoon
In which you run from a storm but Wonpil’s there to catch you.
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All I can say is: Wetpil
Side Note: "A Thousand Words" is a series that explores 5 different scenarios with 5 members.
               A thousand words.
               They come flying out your mouth a mile a minute the moment the first clap of thunder roars overhead. The darkness of night offers no shield between you and the sky as you rush to your destination on the lonely streets of Seoul. Gibberish, the thousand words may be, but they are the only reason you haven’t bolted in any random direction your legs take you. Everything will be okay once I get to Wonpil you think as the Day6 dorm comes into view.
               You’re turning the key in the door when the rainfall comes and you tumble in before slamming the door shut. You are greeted with more darkness.
It’s empty.
No Wonpil.
BOOM. The war between thunder and sky begins; it’s a tragedy of noise and water. It’ll find you.
You start to shake, thousand words flying faster, and you go the only place that’s safe.
Wonpil’s room.
You dive into his bed just as another clap shakes the earth. Even when you’re trembling under his blankets and surrounded by his scent, your panic doesn’t decrease. Bullets of rain start showering the window. It’s going to get you.
Where is Wonpil? Your anxiety begins to overwhelm you to the point of deliriousness. The thousand words are making your throat sore, but you say them so that you can focus on any noise other than the storm.
BOOM. You almost lose consciousness as the room is momentarily engulfed in light. You squeeze your eyes shut, praying that Wonpil comes home. You barely hear the slam of the front door or Jae’s tired laugh as he teases Brian because his hair is sticking to his face, or Dowoon turning the television on over the clattering of instruments, and Sungjin praising them for a good job at practice.
All you hear is the voice of your best friend.
“(Y/N?)” he calls.
He had noticed that the door was unlocked with your shoes strewn in front of it.
You’re so relieved when he bursts through the door of his room that you begin sobbing, the thousand words slowing. He climbs onto his bed, wrapping the blankets tighter around you as he pulls you into his lap, into his embrace. His hair is stuck to his face, white t-shirt soaked as it clings onto pale skin and his eyes betray exhaustion after a long day of practice, but he hums softly as he rocks the both of you side to side.
Wonpil may be the smallest of all the members, but his arms hold you the tightest. So when another BOOM shakes the night, of the thousand words that die in your throat, all it takes are his two.
“It’s okay.”
And it just was.
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