#with the 'sudden' interest in antisemitism
doberbutts · 2 years
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
Re: “Ethnostates”
I think that what bothers me most about the current discourse regarding ethnostates — aside from the fact that it’s just blatant antisemitism and Islamophobia, which I might address in a separate post (but I wanna keep this one focused) is this:
Neither Israelis nor Palestinians are going anywhere, and they both deserve guarantees of safety and equality based specifically on their ethnicities. They need to both be assured, in a written constitutional document that they will both always have representation in government (ideally, equal representation), they will both be guaranteed protection from violence, expulsion, and segregation. They will have equal freedoms and access to resources.
And right now, the only way we know how to do that is with the dreaded nation-states. And, like, everyone railing against nation-states is currently living in one, because that’s the world we are living in.
Yeah, if we wanna talk open borders, I don’t know much about that. Maybe that’s an interesting concept or a very flawed one. I don’t know. But I do know that whatever solution Israel and Palestine will and must eventually find will be an experiment already. It will be dual state or a state that actively represents two historically oppressed groups who have been pitted against each other.
The government they create as a solution will be enough of an experiment already. Why is the world putting the pressure of an anarchist dreamland on them too? How about we let them solve this issue the best way they can and the way every other currently existing nation has solved their problems—by building a new, better nation to the best of their collective ability.
Why, all of a sudden, is this an unacceptable solution? Why do Israel and Palestine have to create your fantasy while trying to solve their own problems? It’s nonsense!
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witchyfemking · 1 year
🌹🐉Queen/Mother Lilith master-post 🐍🦇
There are many people saying that working with Queen Lilith is closed, id ask that you please go to the last link. A Jewish content creator goes into detail about why 1.) That's false and 2.) Why claiming this is actually antisemitic.
I understand that this deity may hold a negative context to different people/cultures(i.e. people of Jewish culture)/faiths etc. Please be respectful and mindful. Both the people and the divinity have the right to respect. Just because a divinity/entity has been the best thing in the world to you, doesn’t mean that’s the case for someone else(vice versa). Thank you for your consideration.
Mother Lilith is a divinity that I hold very dear. She has been a big help to me and has guided me in my journery of self love and reparenting myself.
Lore/mythology (briefly summarized)
Lilith originally was the first wife of Adam; made from the same primordial matter as her counterpart by the one who created her. She has left the garden in anger because she refused to lay under Adam; Lilith wanted to be seen as Adams equal but he refused. God sent angels to take Lilith back to Eden at Adam’s request. She was located near/in/at the Red Sea. Her children had been slain because of her refusal to return. ( I have heard conflicting info from different sources but I’ll recall what I think is to be more accurate at this point). Some of the fallen angels (a big figure being Lord Lucifer) had made themselves acquainted with her and they had gained each others’ trust. This is the point where Lilith had became a demon and was at least set on the path to becoming a highly ranked Infernal deity(if not at this point already). Lilith at some point after this whispered empowering thoughts into Eve during her dreams; leading her to eat the fruit.
Lilith also has an aspect tied to the Mesopotamian demon Lilitu.
Signs/Symbols of Queen Lilith(some i’ve personally experienced as well):
Snake imagery
Birds( robins, cardinals, blue jays, doves, owls or any corvid/black bird) I’d like to mention that she left me a robin who had passed, cause she knew I’d give it a proper burial.
Witnessing any of her other sacred animals (mentioned below) or frequently seeing imagery of them
Me and other devotees of hers have known her to send really animal that’s black as signs
rose imagery
sudden interest in her
sudden yearning desire to explore oneself/identity
speaking up/ standing up for yourself in circumstances in which you normally wouldn’t
for uterus owners; in my personal experience she had gotten terribly frustrated that i wasn’t noticing her so she started affecting my ‘moon cycle’. I experienced irregularities, increased pain and moodiness. I also got much more fatigued during my time of the month in the time she was trying to get my attention. She may or may not feel the need to do something of this fashion to get your attention; My only assumption that she did so in my case is because I was extremely oblivious. However I highly implore you discuss things with your doctor before concluding that this is the cause.
You may notice the wind howling louder
Vampiric/Succubus imagery/energy
Draconic and/or primordial energy
Energy of water or the ocean
Feeling of not necessarily one certain element (maybe all of them together)
feelings of a motherly energy
dreams/visions of red or dark haired woman( i’ve honestly had her appear to me as blonde). She may be a witch, possibly a queen. She could be protecting you during the experience ( if you’re on her good side ofc)
Sacred animals of Queen Lilith
Cats of various kinds ( domestic, wild, especially with black or dark coats)
What does Queen Lilith specialize in? What can she help you with?
taking back your power
shadow work ( specifically the feminine side of the side)
tapping into/ welcoming your dark feminine energy
welcoming dark femme energy into your life
dark femme workings
defends women/femmes and children who’ve suffered abuse(especially s3xually)
Improving sexual relationships
asserting independence
support in women/womxn’s/femmes rights
fighting oppression/sexisim placed on women/fem identifying people by the patriarchy(or in general)
assistance in gaining respect and/or recognition for contributions
exploring/awakening sexuality (especially if you need assistance with you libido)
sex magic ( more specifically feminine dominance)
Assistance with menstrual magic/spells/rituals
Help in any women/female health issues ( menstrual issues, moods swings, feritility, MtF/FtM etc.)
( i recommend you be treated by a medical professional along with the last point; mundane before magical; magic/spirituality shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment, simply as support.)
Correspondences/ Offerings
Belladonna (POISONOUS)
Nightshade (POISONOUS)
Mugwort ( still use with caution)
Sandalwood(Red + White)
Dragon’s Blood
Fire opal
Red Jasper
Red Carnelian
Black Moonstone
Black tourmaline
Clear quartz
Chocolate ( Especially anything Dark and/or spicy )
Pumpkins/ Gourds(idk if gourds are edible tho, but to a deity it doesn’t matter lmao)
Red velvet sweets
Chocolate cake
In my personal experience, she loved these Sriracha Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes I used to be able to get.
Spicy foods
Pomegranates/Pomegranate juice
Reds (Especially blood red or velvet tone)
Dark pink
Dark Grey
Witching hour (either Midnight or anytime 3-4 am)
Dark/New Moon phase
Beltane Sabbat/May Day ( sexual theme of the holiday)
Oct. 24 ( some sources claim this is the day Lilith left Eden)
Feb 29 (on leap year. Woman are known to break traditional norms during this time)
Empress (Tarot)
High Priestess (Tarot)
Moon ( Tarot)
Strength (Tarot)
Any Queen Card ( More Specifically to my UPG, Swords and Wands suits)
Air and Fire are her main elements. However, she does not limit herself to one specific element, she has traits of all.
Vampiric/Succubus energy
Draconic/Primordial Energy
What is she like?
To me, Lilith is very much like a mother. Im sure you could probably guess by how I addressed her in the beginning of this post( which I call her Mother Lilith for personal reasons). She very much holds the energy of a firm mother who cares very much for her children. Lilith is very much stern when she feels the need, but knows when you need her to be gentle. Many times she has been a source of comfort and encouragement for me. If you show her the decency and respect she deserves, she will give it to you in return. If she sees you as her child (or holds you dear in anyway) she will go to distant lengths to protect you or to show your abusers not to mess with you again ( at times on her own accord). There are times where she made things difficult for people who wronged me on her own(probably a lot more I don’t know about). Mother Lilith is extremely supportive and will be there when needed, but she will not coddle you. She will not baby you. I see a lot of practitioners say “ she wont hold your hand” that’s true in a sense. Yes there are things you need to face alone, but a mother wont deny holding your hand if needed, she just wont do things for you. She will empower you to do things with independence. Lilith is definitely the kind of mentor to give you a rude wake up call when you’re not acting like yourself or doing things that wont benefit yourself or others. She is not afraid to be mean and wicked with you if need be.
Lilith’s energy generally feels airy and fiery. She carries herself regally and a sense of pride. Like i’ve mentioned, she doesn’t necessarily tie herself to one element, I’ve felt energy of all elements come from her, I assume this comes from her shapeshifting nature.
Sources and links
My own personal experience and UPG
Lilith Queen of the Night
Lilith and Witchcraft
Lilith: The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Lilith ( Occult world entry)
Tumblr users entry on Queen Lilith (i’ve honestly had a rocky history with the author of this post, I hadn’t realized who this was until after I recorded the information, but I still am going to give them credit where it’s due because it’s only right and their post gives solid information)
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Hey gio I accidentally got into an argument about how Rowling, and how she’s not transphobic and how’s she’s misunderstood, do you have a list of reliable sources and evidence to point out she’s not a good person?
okay i want to say that. unfortunately i DID have some discussions similar to this in the past, and they always ended with the other person going "let's agree to disagree :)" and so i know it's a lowkey Lost Cause. however. wanna give out obvious proof? like nothing that can be misread or misunderstood?? like of course i can just throw her twitter link here and call it a day, but again. i've met people who were adamant and kept saying that she was just pro women, well.
sure let's go. putting it under read more because i know that it's very upsetting. we're discussing transphobia, but i also want to lampshade her racism and much more so. yeah.
also point 0.5: i know you want proof of transphobia but i want to remind everyone that she's a bad person through and through. just by reading the book you can see a lot of fatphobia - especially with the dursleys - excusing slavery with the house elves to the point that the only one who's happy with being free is considered "weird" and the one person who wants to fight for their rights being constantly used a a joke, antisemitism with the goblins description, the racism when it comes to non-white characters (the chinese character is literally called cho chang and whatever the fuck she did with the native americans) and much, much more. I won't lie, I still have fond memories of the books from when I read them as a child, but you can't ignore that she really pissed outside the bucket more than once
1. again, just read the books. in harry potter i think it's just something very vaguely hinted with Rita Skeeter being described as masculine and being a character who constantly badmouths and stalks the underage protagonists, and we all know how her main villain in "troubled blood" is what a trans woman is in the eyes of a terf: just a man who crossdresses to enter in women's bathrooms to kill them. there's also her new book where she makes the victim we need to avenge a cartoonist who's killed for being accused of being transphobic, but honestly i didn't read too much into it nor i want to because just the premise makes my blood boil
2. small, but while her rampage on twitter can "be misunderstood" as "her protecting women" ( no it can't, but again. that's what people i discussed with were preaching :^) ), i think the ultimate smoking gun was her blocking stephen king, someone she openly reverred jus a few hours before he stated that trans women are women
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3. similarly, Katherine Waterson, the actress who played the main love interest in "Fantastic Beasts", was casually pushed aside after she was very openly went against J.K.'s transphobia. In the latest movie her character was "unavailable" until th very end, as far as I know, where they rushed to close her love arc.
3.5. the actors of Harry, Ron and Hermione and many others were also openly supporting trans people btw, and since she doesn't really have power over them anymore Rowling being absent to the Harry Potter reunion really says a lot to me
4. This is my personal smoking gun: her promoting a terf site
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i think the name of the site itself is proof enough, but just to make sure that they didn't have a sudden change of heart or it could "be misunderstood" i took one for the team and checked their site and
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this was their landing page besties. can't be more obvious than this
5. JK yes you can. Wanna know with who she hangs with lately?
these people :) I heavily encourage watching this video, as upsetting as it might be -- and check out this channel's Harry Potter essay too, they really go deep into how badly she fucked up, but the TL;DR version of the video above is "they're all terfs" like you can say you're not transphobic as much as you want, but if most of your besties are transphobes I think it's kind of obvious you are too
6. "Merry Terfmas"
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margoshansons · 1 year
regarding to your post of hogwarts legacy JK R*wling is not even involved making the game only the IP. If anyone is buying the game you are only supporting the AVALANCHE team and it’s crew that’s it. No money what’s so ever is going to JKR. I just don’t get it why people boycotting the game “if you buy it you’re supporting JKR and not an ally!” THAT’S BS now all of a sudden if you want to buy the game you’ve been waiting for years people are trying to make you feel bad about it? That’s stupid
I don’t care if she’s involved or not.
She’s still making money off the IP and as long as Harry Potter stays relevant with shit like this, she will continue to make money. She gets a cut of the money Avalanche makes because they have to pay her royalties to use her IP. She gets a set percentage of their sales because they’re using her IP so don’t tell me she’s not making any money.
And the backlash against Hogwarts Legacy is not a recent thing. This has been boiling since at the very least 2019, and people have been boycotting this game far longer than the past few months.
This is my blog and I’m not going to waste my time explaining AGAIN why I—a non-binary person—am not interested in interacting with a game that supports an IP a transphobe and antisemite made, even if it was important to me in childhood.
Death of the author doesn’t apply until the author is six feet underground and burning in the fires of hell and even then it’s a case by case basis.
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communistkenobi · 1 year
I finished chapter 2 of anatomy of fascism, which goes through a history of the earliest movements in europe that could be considered fascist. a few points of interest:
Fascism sprang up spontaneously and simultaneously across many European countries after WWI - Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Britain were the most notable. There is also the example of the KKK in America, which is an “outlier” in the sense that it happened outside of Europe and predated the post-WWI timeline. I’m hoping Paxton returns to this in later chapters
Most fascist movements in Europe never amounted to much. Many did not engage in electoral politics or amass any great amount of power, mostly outputting bigoted (often antisemitic) newspapers or pamphlets. Mussolini and Hitler were therefore also “outliers” in this regard. This doesn’t mean fascism has become a normal part of these countries’ politics, but that they didn’t enjoy the mass success of Germany and Italy.
Fascists collected a lot of members from the middle class. They had working class members, but socialist power was growing in Europe and many socialist organisations and unions had captured a lot of the working class, “immunising” them against fascism. Some fascist movements attracted the unemployed as a consequence, who felt left out of socialist union organising. Additionally, veterans seem to be a recurring important group in fascist movements
Fascists were from the very beginning anti-socialist, and cited the socialist commitment to the abolition of the state as a fundamental axis of disagreement between fascists and socialists. Some fascist movements, such as in Italy, drew membership from socialist groups, again using the rhetoric of nationalism to bleed support from socialist movements. This is not to make equivalent socialism and fascism, but to identify that fascism seemed to be a particular radical reaction to the radicalism of socialist movements, and to some, the revolutionary language of socialists and the revolutionary language of fascists was difficult to distinguish, and so support of either fascism or socialism seemed to hinge on the embrace - or rejection - of nationalism
Antisemitism was often but not always an organising force in fascist movements, and was especially important to faux anti-capitalist rhetoric
Paxton hasn’t made any definite arguments as to why fascism began arising around this time period, but does make the claim that mass politics is a pre-condition (ie, democratic elections where a broad swath of the population could vote) for fascism to germinate
He makes the fairly banal (but important) argument that you cannot view fascism as a political pathology, that its proliferation across Europe cannot be explained by “mass hysteria” or similar psychiatric diagnoses. Nor, importantly, was fascism the movement of deviants or marginal groups. The way he phrases this makes it seem like this is a contentious thing to say lmao? There does seem to be a lay fixation on the gay men who joined the Nazi Party, but that’s not historically unique (gay people join all kinds of parties lol)
What I’m currently most interested in is the fact that fascism sprang up in many places in Europe at the same time, without cross-country organising. This means that there is some broader economic or social conditions going on that explain its rise (again, very obvious). Paxton points to European democracy, the sudden mass of war vets after WWI, and growing socialist power as all necessary conditions.
My instinct is to point back to both Adorno’s and Césaire’s diagnosis of fascism. Adorno points to industrial economic production as a framework for viewing reality, that these mass modes of production that produce standard units of commodities therefore produce mass culture, and in turn produce ways of viewing society as increasingly rigid stereotypes. I’m not wholly sold on that explanation, but I think the fact that fascism grew out of the first “industrial” war in Europe, and during a time of industrialisation spreading across Europe from Britain, was not an accident. What are concentration camps if not the industrialisation of death? I don’t think you can decouple fascist politics from the factory. This is not to say we need to do away with industrialisation (far from it), but that industrial production under capitalism produces a kind of alienation and relationship to society that allows for fascism to be cognizable. I also think this is an incomplete explanation - if this is the case, why was Britain, instead of Germany, not the first country to descend into fascism? It’s where industrialisation began, and Britain was the most successful imperial power in modern history.
Which leads to Césaire’s diagnosis - that fascism is colonialism come home. I think that definition holds a lot of explanatory power, but again, why was Britain not the leader of fascism in WWII if that’s the case? Perhaps it’s just a simple fluke of history, but that feels like an easy way out. I hope Paxton takes colonialism and white supremacy more seriously as a necessary force for fascism. I don’t think you can produce a defensible definition of fascism that isn’t explicitly tackling colonialism and white supremacy as fundamental social & economic forces. We’re talking about the birth of fascism in predominantly Western European countries (and America). This is not a coincidence lol
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Mcu Stan's are some of the most ignorant and annoying people especially tony, Wanda and Peggy Stan's. I never understood how you could get mad at Jewish or romani people for having a problem with the way the mcu handles its characters. Countless Jewish people have pointed ot why peggy is problematic and why Wanda is to but people get so up in arms about it like a billion dollar company dosen't have the resources to research the characters they're writing.
Peggy as a character fustraits me so much because I know her problematic orgions in the mcu and so do the writers but they keep pushing her and it's starting to effect things outside the mcu.
‘Nonny, I couldn't agree more! 
They've already retconned the comics-Peggy to match MCU-Peggy/HA, to cover up that they adapted Cynthia-the-Nazi by another name.
(Sorry folks, a turd by any other name still stinks!) 
under a cut cuz you know I had to go off:
They've given this new Buff Liz Truss her own run in the comics, where she performs sudden leftwingism by- omg, guys -discovering Colonialism is bad?? Oh wow, so impressive, give her a biscuit!
And they've had her attacking, somehow beating, and victim-blaming comics-Bucky, saying it's 'insane' of him to question her motives.
(Just like She-Hulk lusting over Steve's ass, you can tell it's a nasty dig by male Disney execs at female fans; in this case at those who point out how rotten Peggy is. 
Ironically, it's super authoritarian, radfem and totally in-character of Peggy to violently attack anyone who dares to question her majesty, since that's the very first thing she ever did on screen!) 
Right before pissing away 80+ years of comics history, showing absolute devotion between Steve and Bucky, to turn comics Bucky into a full blown villain who attacks Steve (y'know, like she did?)
Cutting off comics Bucky's nose to spite MCU Bucky's face, cuz all they really want to do is further de-gay MCU Steve in order to bring his stalker Agent Brexit into the main MCU movies again, (because that's her only value! As an accessory to a man!), while they’re supposed to be raising up a black Cap they transparently Did Not Want. 🤮
And just as it was absolutely unforgivable to take Jewish-penned Antifa Steve and pair him off with a Nazi, (I can't help feeling the Indiana Jones movies might have been an influence, there?) 
It was also unforgivable to take Romani Jewish Wanda and turn her into a Nazi. 
Her joint Jewishness and Romani heritage were important, too, because they showed the intersectionality of Fascism’s victims, since comics-Magneto (Jewish) met her Romani mother while imprisoned in Auschwitz. 
(You could also count MCU Bucky under this whitewashing heading, too, since MCU Bucky is partly based on Jewish comics character Arnie Roth. Another Jew made into a villain to serve Disney's Fascist 'don't say gay' values! 
There’s even speculation that they’re going to give WhatIf Bucky Peggy’s shitty corrupt backstory in the next season, and shift the blame off her by having Bucky co-found SHIELDra instead of her. I wouldn’t put it past these whitewashing bastards...)
I can't fault the mere existence of Wanda's villain arc, since that is in the comics... 
Except for two things: 
1) it was transparently done too soon, just because a male creative wanted to be the one to have Cool Scarlet Witch Stuff in his movie.
(If there had been, say, a second season of WV, detailing her slow post-bereavement descent down a dark-mother path? That would've been more interesting and made MoM more organic, IMO.) 
2) The real problem, as someone on twitter I think pointed out, is that if you know about Wanda’s Jewish background in the comics... 
Well, the whole film is about an evil red-headed Jewish witch trying to kidnap and hurt a child for magic ritual purposes. 😬  
Which, if you know about the history of antisemitism, and that Wanda was originally Jewish, makes MoM ‘Blood Libel: the Movie.’ 
And it’s not like Disney would give a shit about the antisemitic vibes, if they knew. 
They’re about to undo all the good of the Captain Marvel movie by doing Secret Invasion, where evil lizard people are secretly infiltrating the earth (IYKYK). 
I saw one Jewish person on twitter pointing out: “Someone was arguing that the skrulls don't deserve their own story because they're evil infiltrators and... this is not comforting to me as a Jewish person, you know? antisemitic conspiracy theorists literally describe Jews as evil lizard people who infiltrate and disguise themselves...” 
Captain Marvel repositioned the Skrulls as innocent maligned refugees, but I guess Disney doesn’t give a fuck about standing by that. 
Mask off antisemitism for the Rat. 🤢
In terms of Wanda’s show, while WV was a great, well-made show, which I enjoyed, while she was an interesting character in it, and Olsen gave a great performance, what I didn't like were the conservative values. 
It reminded me of the anti- second wave feminism films of the 1980s, where any woman who has a career (read: power, like Wanda has) is shown basically being driven insane by it and secretly just wanting to be a tradwife all along, even to the point of threatening her man if he interferes with it. 
In Wanda, we have a woman who never mentioned wanting the white-picket-fence life before, suddenly being desperate to give up an icky career to be a stay-at-home-mom in the suburbs, just because of the kind of 'golden age' sitcoms Disney would love to be associated with.
And it's presented as a terrible tragedy that she doesn't get to keep this sheltered 'dream' 1950s nuclear-family life and the slaves sorry, ‘prisoners with jobs’ necessary to maintain it. 
The spirit of Kevin Feige’s pathetic self-insert, aka Endgame Skrull Steve, is alive and well.
(As usual, a black woman receives the brunt of the violence, and is then made to comfort Wanda about the 'sacrifice' she has made by giving her hex-slaves sorry, ‘prisoners with jobs', their freedom at the cost of her own comfort. 😯 Holy? SHIT??)
Wanda becoming a villain coincides exactly with her turning from white tradwifism and embracing her (career-related) power. 
As usual with Disney tho, they dun fucked up and accidentally made something you can also read as kinda queer? 
Like: a couple who can't have biological children of their own together (like queer couples)? Who don't get to have that white-picket-fence life? Getting run out of town for trying to live that fantasy anyway?
And then Wanda breaks bad because she's annoyed about that??
Yeah it's no wonder she has been embraced by the gays as a diva!
And, NGL, seeing her deliver some karmic justice to MAGA Carter was SO SWEET. 😩 
(It should've been Bucky tho...)
Tony and Peggy have a lot in common because, no matter what they do, it’s never their fault.
The resemblance to Elon Musk grows stronger every day. 
TERF joke, rape joke, the mistreatment of women in the early IM movies, (ditto the slut-shaming he and Pepper engage in), industrial espionage (buying the rights or outright stealing other people’s inventions and passing them off as their own), eulogising a real Nazi (Wernher von Braun) for doing what Stark Industries did, arguing in favour of Ultron (who operated out of a Hydra base) and Hydra’s Project Insight in EG... and then in Spiderman he just re-makes Project Insight anyway (re-named EDITH)! 
I thought he was supposed to have stopped being the Merchant of Death?
He calls himself a “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.” 
But a) he just finishes off designs his daddy stole off other people, 
b) the value of which created his inherited generational wealth (not impressive sorry bro, what else did he get? an emerald mine?) 
c) he obviously mis-characterises his interactions with women (stripper-pole air hostesses under his employ? female journalists get a scoop after sleeping with him? pepper made CEO after dating him but mysteriously immediately dumps him once she’s been empowered? saying ‘I want one’ and being reminded of lawsuits when he ogles Natasha at work? this is giving Weinstein), 
and d) what billionaires call ‘philanthropy’ is actually just using charities for tax write-offs, donating to their old alma maters, etc. 
Daddy was a basic bitch thief, who dealt in stolen vibranium, knew about TWS, co-founded SHIELDra, had a villain business partner, and was BFFs with a Nazi torturer of POWs, and the woman who- gawd -she just can’t stop working with Nazis, bless 'er! 
Tony was blowing up people in the Middle East for decades, making a bundle and very obviously enjoying himself (sipping on champagne while the missiles fly) and only stopped doing that, when- gasp -it affected him personally? 
(The villains of IM movies are the ones just: doing what Tony did.)
Despite claiming otherwise, he hung around with black market arms traffickers often enough for Ulysses Klaue to recognise one of his catchphrases and claim “Stark used to say that to me.” 
He helped design Project Insight and saw nothing wrong with it (we know he didn’t, because he kept arguing in favour of it / recreating it.)
Even after this, he lied and sneaked around behind the Avengers’ backs to hubristically tamper with alien tech in order to create Ultron, leading directly to the endangerment of the world and further deaths in Sokovia (in another universe, this almost destroyed the entire multiverse).
He co-signed Accords which violated human rights, not affecting him since he’s rich, just to shift future blame and responsibility off himself and make him look dateable to Pepper. He admitted he knew Bucky was a brainwashed “Manchurian Candidate” but tried to murder him (to spite Steve) anyway. 
He refused to call Steve back when Thanos was coming, just out of piqued pride (if you wanted to calculate the potential consequences of that, maybe: half of all life in the multiverse?) And when asked to help undo the Snap his ego helped create, he says he “won’t, even” because, hey, it doesn’t affect him personally so who gives a shit, right?? 
But like a true billionaire none of this ever has any consequences for him!
He only sees the inside of a jail when he’s visiting!
So what with his messianic nuclear-family ending you can see why Disney haven’t felt the need to sabotage his comics incarnation. MCU Tony is right on-message!
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canichangemyblogname · 5 months
No, Republicans do not actually care or suddenly care about antisemitism. Not on college campuses. Not in government. This is the same party whose members routinely go onto Fox News to espouse antisemitic conspiracies about Jews controlling the military or “transing” our children. This is the same party whose members have defended the Charlottesville Nazis. This is the same party that is currently led by a man (Trump) who enjoys playing with antisemitic stereotypes, namely those related to greed. This is the same party that insists the Jan. 6th insurrectionists we’re innocent, peaceful protestors rather than violent, right-wing racists.
The Republicans see this as an opportunity to further US geopolitical interests and as an opportunity to— hopefully successfully—malign Palestinian movements, higher education, anti-nationalism and anti-colonialism. But their constituents do not care, and neither do they. They do not care about the safety of Jewish people domestically or abroad.
Stop painting Republicans as the sudden bastions of pro-Semitic sentiments in the US or as leaders in the fight against antisemitism. Unconditional support for Israel is not an indicator that someone is pro-Semitic, especially considering that this is the party of “Jewish Space Lasers.”
And before someone “bean soups” this post with something like “What about the Democrats; there are antisemitic Democrats” or “There *are* leftist antisemites” or “college campuses aren’t bastions of anti-bigotry, they *do* have an antisemitism problem” or “there are antisemitic anti-Zionists,” I would like you to go back, reread the post, and point to where I denied these things. And would you look at that! I didn’t. Engage in good faith. Don’t purposefully derail or distract with whataboutisms. Thank you!
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matan4il · 1 year
Idk if you're watching Lone Star but I am LIVID and if you've seen it I'm sure you have very eloquent thoughts??
about the (SPOILER AHEAD)
Nazi bar thing with Owen
Hi lovely! How are you? I’m giving you BIG hugs and I hope you’re taking care of yourself, my darling! *cuddles*
So I tend to binge watch shows. I know, 911 OG is a glaring exception for me (in part so I can write weekly meta posts for everyone interested), but binge watching at the end of a season is what I’ve been doing with LS. For you, however, I went and watched 401.
Well. Yeah, I can’t say that I’m feeling too great about it. As you know, I was already critical of 911 LS’ Jewish representation with TK (and his mom, Gwyn). To me, doing a storyline like this is touching on REALLY sensitive matters, and before you can do that, you should “earn” some credit. Based on seasons 1 through 3, LS has not yet earned that “credit” by showing us it is fully committed to handling these issues with the required care and sensitivity.
On the other hand, I’m also not livid. So, let me try and share my thoughts, in the form of bullet-points to give each one its space, and I hope they can explain where I’m at right now when it comes to this storyline:
First off, it always troubles me when people refer to ‘Nazis’ past 1945. After that point, it is only correct to refer to ex-Nazis or to neo-Nazis. Let me try to explain why this distinction matters. The Nazis might have started as an extremist ideological fringe group, but they rose to be a political party with considerable influence in Germany (responsible for the murder of several individuals and the corruption of German justice even before they came into power). Once they became the ruling party, which then led Germany and used all its resources to launch a world war, occupying as well as collaborating with countless countries, that increased its strength tenfold. They had power the likes of which today’s neo-Nazis never had (and hopefully never will), and they used that power to commit an actual genocide against the Jewish people, as well as persecute and murder members of many other groups. We mustn’t dilute these heinous crimes by conflating the Nazis with today’s neo-Nazis, who are still just a pitiful extremist ideological fringe group (again, hopefully they’ll never rise to be more than that. That’s on us to prevent). And we must also not absolve the neo-Nazis of what it means, that they CHOOSE to follow the ideology which was responsible for those crimes against humanity. Today’s neo-Nazis can’t claim ignorance about the meaning of this ideology, not when its history is so well recorded. The fact that 911 LS is referring to these guys as ‘Nazis’ rather than ‘neo-Nazis’ is already a bit troubling to me.
Another thing is the humorous reveal. TBH, I’m not bothered by the fact that Owen rode with these guys for a week without realizing they’re neo-Nazis. It does ring true to the way such groups indoctrinate new members, which is indeed gradual. If anything, it’s the sudden and complete reveal that they’re neo-Nazis which rings false. They would not have sprung that out of nowhere on a potential new recruit. It’s done this way to bring humor into the situation, which is 911 LS’ way of telling stories, but this is just too serious of a matter, which means once again the credit to use humor here has to be earned IMO. First show us that you’re not taking this lightly, that you are integrating this storyline because you actually care about things like the current rise in antisemitism in the US, and only then do you get to inject humor into it. The fact that this was not a throwaway joke, the fact that they will develop it into a whole storyline where they might yet show us that they are taking this seriously, is the main reason why I’m not livid right now. But it doesn’t mean that this is okay, it just means that I’m reserving judgment until we get the whole storyline and have a better, fuller idea of how they’re treating it.
One of the reasons why I’m giving 911 LS credit that it might still do this storyline justice is because I know that Rob Lowe is married to a Jewish woman, and their kids are, in terms of ancestry, half-Jewish (and in terms of Halacha, the Jewish law, they’re Jewish. Period). One of those kids actually works (I’m assuming he’s on board for s4 as he was for seasons 1 - 3) as a scriptwriter for 911 LS. Even just based on Rob’s involvement as a producer for the show, and assuming he cares about this issue as a man who’s married to a Jewish woman and raising Jewish kids, I’m willing to assume the intention was good. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll do this subject justice, but I am willing to believe they brought it up because it is something that does bother them.
Speaking of doing this right, Owen is actually not a likely candidate for this neo-Nazi group. I’m not saying it’s impossible, there are always exceptions, but such groups usually prey on people who are young and disenfranchised, feeling cast out and unwanted by their own societies. Young people who are likely to be patriotic towards their country, but angry towards its chosen government, which they blame for their own failures. Owen is older, less likely to be easily malleable to their ideology, he’s successful in his profession, and while as a firefighter he can be assumed to be patriotic, they have no indication that he harbors any animosity towards the American government. If 911 LS was gonna tell this story, it has no way of really doing this one right, ‘coz none of the 126 members is a likely candidate for a neo-Nazi gang. Which makes sense, that’s the cast diversity they were proud of and even integrated into the actual plot in s1, right? I can only once again assume that they took on this storyline because it matters to them, and in spite of not having the right cast to tell the story as it usually unfolds. They can still “fix” that if in the following eps they’ll have someone (like maybe the FBI agent we saw) address the fact that Owen doesn’t fit the usual profile.
Which brings me back to what I said earlier, that to a great degree I feel like my final judgment of this storyline, whether it’ll make me just slightly uncomfortable or downright angry, is something I’ll only be able to properly address once I’ve seen the whole storyline play out.
I hope this helps? I’m here for you either way, you can always talk to me about whatever upsets you, regarding this storyline or anything else. Sending you so much love, hon! xoxox
(more of my posts about Jewish rep can be found here, and my other ask replies here. xoxox)
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schraubd · 1 month
Art Maven Roundup
All of the sudden, I've been on an art kick. The below image is a silkscreen I recently purchased from DC-based artist Halim Flowers. Flowers was convicted of felony murder as a juvenile and sentenced to two life terms. He was released after serving 22 years following statutory reforms aimed a juvenile offenders who had received life sentences, and now is showing in galleries around the world. Pictured: "Audacity to Love (IP) (Blue)" by Halim Flowers. The colors are meant to be reminiscent of the Israeli and Palestinian flags (blue and white, and red, white, and green). * * * Trump continues to show his contempt for American Jews, saying any Jew who doesn't support him "hates their religion" (and Israel). An in-depth story about a White supremacist who was elected to city council in Enid, Oklahoma, and the recall campaign to try and remove him. Given the well-covered softness in Biden's support in the Muslim community, it seems suicidal to me for Democrats to give into the repulsive Islamophobic attacks holding up the confirmation of Third Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Adeel Mangi (the story indicates that Biden has remained rock-solid in backing his confirmation, but there may be some misgivings in the Senate Democratic caucus). Writing on the sudden "heterodox" support for revisionist accounts justifying George Floyd's murder, Radley Balko flags what has been obvious for a long time: as much as this cadre likes to bleat about respecting truth, free-thinking, and rationality, it is as if not more beholden to ideologically-convenient narratives at the expense of reality. Pretty much everyone on the internet has been sharing this with their own story of the alt-center blowing past truth in order to push conservative grievance politics; mine was watching them stand in unblinking support of a hit piece on California's Model Ethnic Studies Curriculum even after it was revealed the author completely fabricated the inclusion of a seemingly-damning antisemitic quote. Interesting retrospective on the Israeli Black Panthers in JTA. The Supreme Court's frosty reception to the contention that government officials privately lobbying social media companies to take down misinformation is a First Amendment violation is the latest suggestion that the Court is finally losing patience with the regular drumbeat of insane legal theories emanating out of hyper-conservative Fifth Circuit. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/n6GxwX9
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Because I've been seeing a sudden spate of people emasculating Kyle in their fanworks lately (eg. referring to Kyle as Stan's "wife", describing him as "pretty", "petite", or "delicate" in fanfic when his love interests get to be described as "handsome", "rugged", "buff", etc.), here's a friendly fucking reminder that this has thousands of years of history and it's antisemitic as fuck. Thank you.
Antisemitism goes beyond outright hatred of Jews. Even people with the best of intentions can be guilty of it. I know that a lot of you are attached to your visions of Kyle, but said visions are shaped by your unconscious biases, especially since they don't have canon basis. It doesn't make you bad people, but it is important to examine your biases. You need to ask yourselves why you see Kyle as less masculine than his peers and/or love interests when he's been nothing but conventionally masculine in canon.
BTW, we Jews are not being "entitled", "arguing in bad faith", or "virtue signaling bitches" (all three of these are actual things that people have said about me) when we post about these issues.
Please consult the links in this post for more information on this harmful portrayal of Kyle.
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thesquirrelqueer · 1 year
It’s honestly so sad to see how vocal all of a sudden the trans community is about antisemitism when it benefits them. Where was this interest before?? Stop virtue signaling on a dead website and maybe actually contribute to helping the Jewish community.
I am once again reminding you that I am FUCKING JEWISH
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starknell · 2 years
"harry potter is my thing and i can't stand jkr even more than you can't." You can stand her enough to still support her and her work, though lol?
TL;DR: I hate JKR and her books. I do not support her. I enjoy shitting on HP and trying to fix it with what tiny kernels of promise live in its plot. I did not say I enjoy it and I very specifically chose not to say I enjoy it. My phrasing of "i hate her more than you do" was shitty and I will change it, as well as clarify that my enjoyment comes from pulling the books apart rather than what they are and what they stand for.
I don't support her in the slightest. JKR is a transphobic, homophobic, racist prick. She is a terrible writer who left dozens of plot-holes littered throughout HP. Part of my interest in HP is a determination to sort out her plot-holes and problematic tropes through writing fanfiction and fixing all of the disgusting and annoying issues with it because I'm spiteful and if I stumble into a special interest, I am going to puzzle it out and fix it wherever it needs fixing. Part of my sustained interest in HP is a determination to fix it.
I am deeply aware of all the ways HP is problematic. I am aware that Cho Chang, Seamus Finnegan, and to an extent Ron as well, are stereotypes of their races / ethnicities; I am aware that Rita Skeeter is "trans-coded" in the most offensive ways possible; I am aware that JKR has claimed lycanthropy is a metaphor for HIV when the only interactions we see with characters with lycanthropy are Lupin being alone with Harry [when a male educator being alone with a student could be scrutinized on its own; not that I'm condemning Lupin, because he's one of my favorites], when we see him try to attack children because he forgot his medication, and both times when we see Fenrir Greyback it is deeply implied that he is pursuing underage girls [never mind the fact that he was allowed to torture Hermione. the implications are clear when pieced together], and one could argue Lupin is q-eer-coded; I am aware that Snape asking Voldemort to spare Lily and 'give her to him' has very clear implications of potentially holding her captive and that otherwise he is a disgusting incel who bullies children; I am aware of the goblins being incredibly antisemitic stereotypes and the house-elves being racist depictions of slavery and how it was "necessary" and Black people were "happier" enslaved; of burying and/or straight-marrying q-eer coded characters; and more issues that I cannot think of at the moment.
I am aware—though I'm sure you're less interested in this, it's also important [though obviously less] to me—of the contradictory conversions of Wizarding money to Muggle money; of the mere function of Horcruxes; of the missing 24 hours after James and Lily's deaths; of the ridiculousness of sorting children into Houses based ultimately on what is social pressure and values they have been raised with as they are not old enough to have learned to be critical and develop their own; of the sharp decline in the already-middling writing quality past POA as well as a sudden inability to remove filler scenes; of the piss-poor gramnatical editing from OOTP onward; and, again, more that I cannot think of at the moment.
I do not LIKE Harry Potter. It is a poorly-written series littered with stereotypes and harmful tropes. I hate Harry Potter. I said it's my thing. I didn't say I enjoy it. In fact, what I enjoy most about it, even more than trying to work out how to better it, is shitting on it, particularly whenever I realize new issues. No. I do not support the series; I support what scraps of potential live inside of it. And I certainly do not support JKR.
I understand that this seems oxymoronic. And I understand that the following is going to sound like a bad excuse, but I'm going to say it anyway because it's true, and you can take it or leave it: four years ago, my best friend went through an HP phase (mostly of fanfiction, being again, the series sucks balls) and got me into fanfiction. It was a year and a half before I bothered to read the source material, because from what I remembered of the few books I read in elementary school, again, it sucked balls. I didn't read it because I liked it. I don't reread because I like it. I read it because I wanted to understand the context of the stories I was reading, and I reread it so that I can nitpick and have more fun dismantling it and find more problems that I need to fix. It has been four years. I understand the issues with HP. If I could pick a different special interest, I would have. But tearing it up and trying to rebuild it makes me happy. So that's what I do. That's my thing. I will alter my description to reflect this.
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sel-lzr · 2 months
already cultivating myself to be like someone I think he'd want me to be,
can't think for myself
really no sense of agency
I frustrate myself like this over and over again, when will I learn to have a personality and not just be a sudden reaction to everyone else?
I sense a pattern - does this mean I'm lost? A pattern that I can't seem to break out of. The question really is what do I like? Who do I want to be when no one else is watching &/or cares?
maybe read more books? write more? develop myself? worry less? are any of those things possible? just more haunting rumination? living in the modern world. want to shut my brain off. need to get out of west roxbury, go to israel, and learn hebrew. it's crazy but I know it's the right choice.
still, I can't but stop wondering, what will people think of me doing this? and then the next thing I think is, why do I care what people think of me doing this? why do I feel so guilty about it? or embarrassed or ashamed? would I judge someone else for doing this? I don't think I would, and I also wonder why I would keep people in my life, or like let them have access to me, if they want to be haters? what does it say about their values that they're unwilling or unable to see nuance? do I not want to admit some of my friends or at least some of the people in my life are unrepentant antisemites? should I just cut my losses now? how badly do I want/need to be liked that I would deny my own people's connection to their ancient land for a bunch of people I don't even talk to or hang out with and who, if I didn't have instagram would even know I would be going there in the first place? like how dare they have this much room in my brain! I say, time to evict! time to be free! I just want to be liked so badly, it's like pathological with me. it's never been about what I like, it's always been what I think other people are thinking of me.
According to chatGPT: "It sounds like you're struggling with self-awareness and possibly low self-esteem, focusing more on external validation than your own feelings and desires." - practice mindfulness - explore your interests - journaling - set boundaries (learn to say noooooo) - practice self-compassion (be kind & gentle, ugh) - challenge negative beliefs with balanced, affirming statements - connect with your values (like judaism) the thing is... I know what I want to do! and god damn it it excites me so much!
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donveinot · 3 months
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underwaterslopthem · 5 months
Can't wait for hate crimes to soar on Hanukkah with no repercussions for the people that commit them despite the supposed sudden interest of the US government in fighting antisemitism so cool living in a very stable and good country nothing wrong with this place not a mess that is rotting and collapsing under it's own weight at all
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