#with an equally weird name
styllwaters · 4 months
saw your post about accepting art requests. Can you draw the early Devonian marellid arthropod Mimetaster? i think they look cool and weird in a silly way :O
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Weirdest normal girl I've ever seen
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that-guy-morg · 4 months
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I’m downright shocked that Sanuso isn’t more popular because I’ve just finished Sabaody and they have????? So much chemistry????? They’re delightful oh my goodness they are delightful!!
The illustration is continued below the cut!
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mintflavoredart · 1 month
hey guys you know what's better than ONE unhinged scientist ?
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nothorses · 9 months
I think these conversations would go better if we conceptualized terms like "homophobia", "transphobia", and "misogyny" not as the "basic" oppression that you start with until you sprinkle intersectionality on top, but rather as names for where more complex experiences overlap.
"Transphobia" is not the "base" we start with and build on with other experiences; it's the place where more specific experiences overlap. It's the middle of the venn diagram where "transmisogyny", "transandrophobia", and "exorsexism"/"nbphobia" all overlap with each other.
It's the thing we all have in common; not the thing that some people get extra special versions of while others do not.
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yunmeng-jiang · 3 months
that man does NOT think of wei wuxian as his gege
#jiang cheng#wwx#twin prides#i have a whole post about how they both think of themselves as having an older-sibling role#but even if that wasn't true jc still always calls him by his full name and the one time wwx tried to call him shidi jc yelled at him#their relationship is not that simple! it's a huge thing that wwx occupies a weird in-between role in their family!#he's definitely not a servant but also definitely not a full member of their family and that's super important to the story!#even if jc WANTED to think of him as his older brother he would need to get past seven layers of trauma to even realize he wanted that#and then he would have to admit it to himself and then work up the courage to admit it to someone else#and even then he probably still wouldn't say it to wwx's face#sure yanli calls wwx her didi but things are much simpler from her point of view#plus she's one of those people - like lxc - that can hold an opinion deep inside herself and be at peace with it even if it conflicts +#+ with what the world says and what she's been brought up to believe#jc is not like that. he internalizes way more from the outside world and if he feels conflicted he just kind of implodes#he's spent his whole life being told that wwx is not his equal and is someone to compete against#and also secretly believing that wwx is eventually going to abandon him because he doesn't think anyone truly cares for him#plus wwx treats him like a bff who is also a liege lord rather than a beloved younger brother#he would Not form a secure attachment to wwx lmao#it also really annoys me that when people write/conceptualize him as someone who thinks of wwx as his real gege +#+ they tend to completely erase jyl and minimize her importance to jc. he HAS an older sibling who he trusts unconditionally and confides +#+ in and takes comfort from! that person already exists! and they ignore her in favor of the protagonist#it also really bugs me when they have him mourning wwx those whole 13-16 years but don't put in a single word about yanli#this kind of turned into a rant about jyl... i have a lot of feelings about her especially since i'm the oldest sibling in my family#anyway. that man does not think of wwx as his gege#haterade#(kind of)
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childrenofthesun77 · 3 months
Going through some servamp moments centered around lily, mikuni and misono and...argh. I want to hit lily and mikuni over the head with their stupid chess boards.
Yes, lily. I believe you when you say that you don't know what love is. And mikuni doesn't know what love is either. Or at least he has forgotten about it.
People are not chess pieces for you to play with and sacrifice. They are not objects, nor living tools to reach a goal or an ideal to be put on a pedestal. They are also way more complex than the limited role a chess piece is allowed to fulfill.
You can't truly love if you don't acknowledge that everyone around you and you yourself are people. People with flaws, feelings and with their own free will. If you love someone you don't lie to them, lock them away, deny them their self-determination and tell them this deprivation of freedom and honesty is done out of love for them. That's just abuse.
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nevesmose · 1 month
Syndroma Holmiensis
Things are different now. That was the last advice Mikulin's father had given him. The Imperium is the biggest gang on the whole planet. The Night Haunter's gang. Stick with them and you'll do fine, son.
His father had lost an eye in a streetfight years ago and the bribe to fit an augmetic was far beyond their means. Mikulin tried to focus twice as much on the other eye instead, solid depthless black like those of every other Nostraman, as it gleamed with something like desperation combined with raw avarice.
Was it hope, he wondered? Something so rare on the Sunless World that they'd had to steal the Gothic word to describe it exactly. Whatever sibiliant kennings and poetic phrases his ancestors had used to subtly imply the possibility of a better future were gone now. Inefficient in comparison to the language of their new overlords.
Most of the time Mikulin found it hard to care overmuch. His ancestors had mined adamantium and murdered one another in the dark for century upon century and achieved nothing. Built nothing. Created nothing but further generations of void-eyed killers.
Until the Night Haunter came. He who flayed and freed Nostramo, pinned the planet down and eviscerated it inch by inch, block by block, heart by heart and corpse by corpse until nothing was left but order and a full stomach.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
It was natural for him to hold both thoughts simultaneously. He loved and feared his father too, didn't he? A strong provider, working shifts in the mine when the work was there and doing what he had to when it wasn't. But also a monster when he'd been paid and given the money straight back to the company bar.
When he was old enough to work they moved to the nearest great city, Nostramo Secundus. Dear Grey Place, the Adamantite City, a hive built into a vast outcropping of ore-bearing rock that jutted out into the roiling black ocean.
His father had called it a promotion, but the truth came out eventually. The mine bosses were scared that his drunken actions, his too-public offences against the new rules of society, would bring the Night Haunter to them. And the Night Haunter rarely found just one criminal worthy of punishment when paying a visit.
Far safer, therefore, to send the problem away into the teeming masses of the nearest hive city. Losing the work had destroyed his father but Secundus gave Mikulin a new razorgang to run with and all the freedom he was brave enough to steal. And he had the Night Haunter to thank for it.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Mikulin cared little and knew less of the other demigods who had come later, surrounded by an inferno of blinding light and guarding their father the Emperor. Such events, occurring so far away in the capital, were of little importance to remote grey Secundus. Only the Night Haunter mattered because time and distance meant nothing to him. He could be anywhere on Nostramo, seeing and hearing all in his domain and dispensing punishment to the high and the low alike.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Then the news reached Secundus that the Night Haunter had left to join his father and brothers in conquering the galaxy for humanity. Mikulin had looked up at the coldly glinting stars and felt a twist of envious fury in his gut. They had taken Nostramo's king from his people and wouldn't even use his name.
Konrad Curze, the Emperor had called him. An alien name from an alien being. Mikulin knew it was the Night Haunter who Nostramo's first Astartes followed into the void, him and no other.
They had tested Mikulin once for suitability. Just put your hand in the box on the servitor's chest. A brief sting and a few moments later the verdict was given - negative. Elevated hereditary cancer risk and other minor genetic flaws not meeting the threshold of mutation, the magos biologis announced before moving on to the next prospective recruit.
Stick with the Night Haunter's gang, his father had said. So Mikulin had apprenticed himself to the Administratum, serving the new Planetary Governor appointed in the Night Haunter's place. One of the first natives to join, they said.
Natives grated in his mind like two ends of a broken bone. We weren't natives before you came, before you took him away. We were ourselves. But things are different now.
The first time he really saw offworlders up close he'd just about managed not to stare, or grimace in the closed-off Nostraman way which, to the initiated, was just as expressive as a scream. Someone has put coins in your eyes, he'd thought irrationally, or broken glass in different colours. It happened sometimes as punishment for people who sold out their gangmates or saw things they shouldn't have.
It took him a long while to accept that it was just how they were, the same way they walked the street wrong, slowly, looking at the sights around them like prey. Behaving like that would get a Nostraman killed but, collectively, there seemed to be an indulgence for offworlders.
They didn't know what the people said or thought about them and they didn't have to care. Often Mikulin found himself hating them, hating their accents and their language at the same time as he learned to mimic both to rise up in their organisation.
The outsiders planned great things for Nostramo in the Imperium. We can make this world so much better, someone with eyes the colour of ice melting into slush told him. Mikulin said nothing.
They built Nostramo Secundus a botanical garden to rival any city in the Imperium. A vast adamantium-ribbed dome of glass filled with a kaleidoscope of verdant colour and shape tended by specialised horticultural servitors, the whole edifice illuminated by numberless ultraviolet and visible-spectrum lamps to allow the plantlife to thrive even on the Sunless World.
On the wall surrounding their creation, where Mikulin had to pass every day to reach the Administratum complex, the offworlders had commissioned some famed remembrancer to paint a mural of a lush, rolling Terran landscape lit by a rising sun and bearing the title LET NOSTRAMO FLOURISH.
The people of Nostramo Secundus hated it and the building it adorned. The cost of entry was high enough to exclude all but the wealthiest and every Nostraman visitor had to wear thick eyeshades or else suffer hours of headache and near-blindness, all just to look at plants. Mystifying.
Mikulin had access to the records of just how much power, water and heat the gardens drew away from the rest of the city. How many hab-tenements could the same resources support instead? He had calculated it once on a scrap of parchment and the answer sickened him.
The Night Haunter would have judged the creation in an instant, razed it to the ground and impaled the builders among the wreckage. Eventually Mikulin came to realise that the gardens were never really intended for him or any other native, only to improve the lot of the offworlders condemned to serve the Imperium on dark forbidding Nostramo.
Once, without thinking, he'd saluted an Administratum superior in the Nostraman way, hand clawed over his heart to say may it be torn out if I am untrue. The condescension and pity in their eyes had struck him like a physical blow.
Damn you all, he thought, eyes stinging with a shame he couldn't begin to process. Take your costume-jewellery eyes and your costume-jewellery Imperium and leave us alone like we always should have been. Our world was already better. We were already better.
Mikulin loved the Night Haunter. Mikulin feared the Night Haunter.
Mikulin grew old slowly, the decay held back by juvenats and technology for as long as the Administratum had the budgetary headroom to provide. Nostramo seemed to rot quickly in comparison. The nobility and oligarchs reappeared with new names and faces but the same blood in their veins, the same corruption in their hearts, and no Night Haunter any more to excise them like a chirurgeon.
He didn't remember exactly when it happened, but one work cycle he realised that the Imperium was no longer the biggest gang on the planet. Work orders, requisitions, suicide statistics, every item of paperwork that used to filter upwards to the Administratum had slowed to a trickle and eventually just stopped.
Mikulin continued to attend the office and the Administratum continued to pay him, but in reality the alternative government of the gangs and nobles had slipped into place like a knife between ribs to quietly usurp both their functions.
Eventually the last offworlders left Secundus. No one would say whether it was voluntary. Their replacements were black-eyed and loyal only to the shifting politics of the warlords they followed. They funnelled the city's sparse resources to pay debts and shore up alliances before the newer, hungrier gangs overthrew them and were consumed in turn by their own children in the incestuous reproductive cycle that was as irredeemably Nostraman as the smog filling up their lungs.
Through it all, Mikulin of the Administratum was present, observed and said nothing. They treated him with something like respect - that rarest of things, an elderly Nostraman.
In the end it was Mikulin who finally closed down the botanical gardens. Let the plants rot and the gangs split the proceeds however they pleased. He left and went back to his tenement, hobbling slowly the same way he did everything else now, and went past that accursed mural once again.
It had been smashed and defaced countless times, the people of Nostramo Secundus giving vent to their fury at the image of an idyllic fantasy they would never possess. The rising sun was blotted out by an arterial splash of black paint and, above it all, someone had scrawled new blood-red lettering to change the painting's title.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Tim Ten pt 2
Part one Back at Drake manor, Tim immediately went in search of his father’s toolbox. He hefted it up into his room and up onto his desk. Getting out a few tools, he picked up a screwdriver and placed his newly altered wrist onto the desk.
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 “Woah,”He whispered, inspecting the device. It was incredible how the technology seemed to glow, yet it didn’t feel like anything harmful. Tim figured it might be sleeping, or something of the sort. He felt a spike of panic at the thought that the device might be leeching his life force or something, but brushed it off. The only feeling he could get from the device was a weight on his wrist that wasn’t there before. Taking a breath, Tim inspected the watch for any sort of area he could use to pry it off before tapping it with his screwdriver. Nothing happened, and the watch seemed unaffected at his ministrations, so he continued. Half an hour later of careful prodding and Tim was about to try breaking the watch. He felt a bit of panic at not being able to get the thing off, and he just wanted to be done with it. It was scaring him. He picked his screwdriver up determinedly, prying more harshly at the edge when suddenly his vision went bright green with a flash.
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  Tim shut his eyes quickly, hoping the watch didn’t suddenly want to kill him, and felt a bit of disorientation. It was like his whole body went fuzzy, and he couldn’t feel his limbs. Upon opening his eyes- eye? He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened. He could feel something buzzing all around him, something like electricity? He looked down at his hands, noticing the black, white and green color scheme as well as the distinct lack of human hands.
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  Did the watch turn him into an alien?? He wondered. Tim stood up, surprised at how fluid he moved with this new body. Did he even have bones? He wasn’t so sure. Turning, he inspected his new body to find a lanky, tall white and black creature with glowing green lines. And the buzzing. He could feel a pull towards it, and instinctively followed it to his computer. Tim felt a bit giddy as his eyes laid on his monitor screen, and he reached out to touch it, only for his new body to rush to cover the technology. “Woah,”Tim breathed, reeling at the microphone quality to his voice. He could feel the way the computer altered under his own thoughts, and the internet beyond it.
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  Tim laughed, feeling excited at the new experiences. Maybe the watch wasn’t so bad if it gave him superpowers, Tim thought. He’d worry about changing back when he was done upgrading his computer though. Upgrade, Tim repeated in his head. That had a nice ring to it.
part three
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itsjustjelly · 1 month
If you like D20'S Mistfits and Magic and your favorite character is Evan Kelmp, you should really watch JRWI'S Apotheosis bcs there's a character I think you're gonna like
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crazyw3irdo · 10 months
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who could believe the dark blue acrobat (former trapeze artist) raised romani superhero with a dead brother and a fun, flirty personality on a team brimming with interpersonal relationship drama and some quite literal found family whose hero name is “night______” and whose costume is skintight and mostly black with a v-like stripe across his chest and is drawn with no irises would beat the other one? what, are swords cooler than eskrima sticks? is it cause he has powers? …no it’s cause i promised to draw dickwing fanart, and you’ll get that later, but for now:
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brothersonahotelbed · 4 months
kind of. thinking about putting he/him pronouns away on a shelf for a later time when i can truly embrace masculinity without feeling like im pretending at it.
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sysig · 8 months
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Psyche, she was meant to be weird this whole time (Patreon)
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2018 “Cure” like: Lol you thought
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It really is hard to translate her design to paper! Even just trying to get her body type down and decided on was tough - is she a bean? Not exactly, but she’s not hourglass either, or exactly chubby or round, but not just a rectangle?? I don’t know how to describe her, and that’s completely discounting her face. I do remember that she’s both very short (a little bigger than your average teddy bear but not by much, so around 2′6″?? Maybe??) but also rather wide so her proportions are all weird
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The original look at her wide eyelash concept - still not sure :0 I imagine they’d be brightly coloured as well, probably hot pink or maybe a gradient of colours. She’s definitely meant to have some elements of eyestrain in her design
#Doodles#Original#Vaguely offputting if you prefer#It really is mostly the eyes#There's still not just one eye design I can settle on and be like ''Yup that's completely accurate''#I think it's just another one of those things that's gonna have to be ever-changing#At least that'd make her easy to draw in one sense haha - there's no real way to be completely accurate#So that means plenty of things are all equally inaccurate and valid lol#She'd probably have obnoxiously layered sparkles and shine-shapes and colours - Blingee sparkles as a base haha#Anyway - she does /actually/ have some trueisms of her designs:#Cure isn't her real name - 'cause she doesn't have one lol - and she's regularly very smiley and non-blushy#Which is a real shame for me 'cause y'all know how much I love drawing blush marks but she just doesn't!#She's meant to be just a little off-kilter - not in a danger way just a little freaky lol#Her character feels hard to describe lol - it's like agreed-upon antagonism? She's playing the villain and loving it#But she's also only playing the villain as much as anyone playing against her wants her to - she's only as strong an opponent as desired#So in a literal sense she's unbeatable but she only wants to play lol - once it's no longer fun she turns it off and steps back#She still likes being off-putting in a harmless way but her goal is never to hurt just to toy - I mean she literally is one lol#So yeah she's a weird one#Maybe someday I can put exactly what's been in my head all this time down to reality haha - doubt it! But I can keep trying :)
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manifestmerlin · 2 years
I'm going insane I tell you fucking INSANE over portfest because apparently rhe entire event is just Ruggie and Jack dating without knowing they're dating and it's got tons of Jack backstory and he's taking charge and being a good leader and the two of them are having arguments and talking about their feelings and immediately dropping the argument once one of them thinks the other got hurt I'm going to fucking EXPLODE.
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jenny-dreadful · 1 year
yk when someone confidently slides on their socks into a complex ongoing discourse to be like “um actually. [term] means [thing] 💅” all smug, and expect to be taken seriously, not realizing they completely lack a concept of a specific and contextually-applicable usage which everybody else here already understands. <<<<<<<<<
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
also i swear to gd i Need to get less weird and anxious about the mere concept of talking to maestro. i have known and played with him for seven years and in that time he has been literally nothing but kind and friendly and helpful and supportive. and yet every single time i have to ask him a question (or if he comes to talk to ME or like sends me an email or something) i swear to gd my heart starts racing like i’m about to get banned from every orchestra ever or something
#it's so weird. idk why i'm so weird about talking to him in particular cause i rarely feel the same about other professors.#ig it probably has to do with the greater level of like. formality? involved in orchestra#like i'll call other professors by their first or last name sometimes (though not usually directly to them...#only rarely like for my jazz prof in freshman year who was like 'just call me jake lol')#but i straight up refuse to refer to maestro as anything but maestro. y'know.#so much of classical music is about tradition and formality/politeness is an element of that...#which is usually nice for me and my social ineptitude but also occasionally is not. for example when i need to ask maestro a question lol#especially one that's not relevant to the rehearsal#i would make a 'going to get a bad grade in orchestra which is both normal to fear and possible to achieve' joke here#but i literally can get a bad grade in orchestra and he's the guy who'd assign it.#(y'know...hypothetically. i would die before i willingly did anything to tank my grade like skip rehearsals/concerts#or purposefully play horribly)#ig my nervousness might also have something to do with the fact that. like. i've known him since i was in high school#and so the thought of like. being a grad student and working on a much closer to equal/professional footing with him#as opposed to just like. student musician in the orchestra.#fucking weird! it's a weird idea to me#which i'm sure i'll get over myself enough to actually proceed if/when that becomes a reality#(though not over myself enough to cease all anxiety entirely lol)#i wanna talk about me#sasha speaks
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bearinabandana · 1 year
I am learnings that I'm really sensitive on the topic of names because I got really fucking devastated when most my friends said they didn't like a name that I found super cool
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