#wish i was joking. why did she NOTICE this tho
musashi · 6 months
co worker: why do you always type [other co-worker's] last name instead of his first when looking him up?
me: oh, uh, weird situation where i can just type that name faster. more efficient to go last name.
the last name: wright
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newtkive · 4 months
shift shenanigans - social media au (pt. 2)
note: yes there’s the main work chat w carmy, the secret coworker chat w/o carmy, and the secret secret bestie chat w syd, marcus, and yourself. it would be canon.
warnings: crude humor, slightly offensive jokes
part one
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liked by carmyberzatto, marcus.brooks11 and 40 others
chefboyardee: life lately
see all 9 comments
syd_adamu: that pho was life changing
↳ chefboyardee: i think it was the best i’ve ever had
marcus.brooks11: feet off the table @syd_adamu
↳ chefboyardee: leave my girl alone
↳ richietheking: I knew you guys were lez
↳ syd_adamu: we aren’t and you can’t say that
↳ chefboyardee: oh.. we aren’t? ☹️😔
↳ syd_adamu: 😑
carmyberzatto: 🍲🔥
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[ 7:45 AM ]
y/n: did you see
did you see
syd: pardon??
what did richie do oh my god
did he post another picture of him with the gun from that one day
fuckkkk carmys gonna be so mad
marcus: nope i wish
y/n: he commented on my post 😭😭😭😭
syd: who
marcus: think about it
who else would cause this reaction
y/n: carmy!!!!!!!
i woke up to him commenting 🍲🔥 😍😍😍😍
syd: woah and the heart eyes?
y/n: no that’s my addition
syd: the bar is in hell
marcus: y’all so hype to be pregnant THEN BOOOMMM ‼️ THE BABY’S UGLY AND BALD WITH ECZEMA 😩🤨
y/n: bye im done
im leaving for work.
don’t talk to me ever again
marcus: bye 👋
why do you leave so early fool
syd: so she can be teachers pet
marcus: smh always there before everyone
y/n: not true.
syd: i thought you weren’t talking to us
y/n: 😒
marcus: want me to bring y’all an iced latte again
y/n: …. 😁
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[ 8:15 AM ]
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great job cleaning up after work yesterday 😊👍
richie: Is this a joke?
y/n: why would i joke about such a thing
carmy: Y/n what are you doing
y/n: u said to tell everyone their housekeeping is shitty
carmy: No I said I was going to tell them that, and you said no I’ll do it
This is not what I meant
y/n: well you yell too much
marcus: ouch
that’s my station 😔
carmy: Well clean it better
y/n: im using reverse psychology and positive reinforcement
carmy: Not what that means
y/n: well notice how no one’s mad at me
im making alliances day by day
richie: You’ve worked here for two years and we are already friends
y/n: so you’re saying you aren’t my ally
richie: No
We are definitley in an alliance
y/n: love u richie
richie: Don’t go that far
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chefboyardee’s instagram stories
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[ 3:25 PM ]
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he so fine im bouta cermmmmm
syd: …..
marcus: :O
y/n: why are you acting shocked
like i haven’t said this daily
tina: Woah girl who?
y/n: HUH
richie: I’m not in the picture I don’t get it
syd: let’s just keep working before carmy notices
tina: I don’t care I’m on smoke break. Who are you talking about girl? Spill the tea..
marcus: she was talking about me you guys
y/n: the guy in the back
oh i mean yeah marcus
tina: The meat delivery guy? He has a wife..
y/n: we are having an affair
marcus: no it’s about me
richie: I didn’t know Marcus and Y/n were a thing..
tina: Something ain’t right. No way they are.
marcus: we aren’t it’s just our sense of humor
y/n: i was just being funny!
tina: What did Jeff just yell inside?
syd: came out of the office and said “just cuz we’re slow doesn’t mean you can play on your phones” 👍💯
tina: Whatever. No chance Y/n meant Marcus. You got the hots for Jeffrey?
y/n: what no
tina: Well I wouldn’t blame you. He’s cute
its the tattoos isn’t it
richie: You have to be fucking joking
tina: I was playing..
y/n: im confused
syd: that was cruel
marcus: who cares it’s not a big deal
y/n: so you don’t think he’s cute tina?? ☹️☹️
tina: No he is cute… for you 😝
y/n: this is humiliating
richie: I’ll tell him
y/n: NO
richie im not joking i’ll put a bomb in your floorboards
richie: I’m just fucking with you kid
tina: This isn’t over.
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[ 3:40 PM ]
syd: y/n….
marcus: you look like a ghost y/n
y/n: i cannot believe i sent that to the wrong gc
i’m done im so done
marcus: stop looking so sad it’s making me feel bad
syd: it’s okay! just be thankful it wasn’t to the work groupchat with him in it..
marcus: true it could be worse
y/n: i guess so
thank you for trying to cover for me marcus
marcus: anytime you know i got you
syd: let’s get back to work before we start looking obvious
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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bloodyymaryyy · 4 months
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Bumped into you
Max verstappen x reader
Request : yes
Warnings : English isn't my first language other than that none
The sun came up, the birds are chirping and singing happily, people on the street having fun, laughing, shouting at each other and talking, others are smiling and other are grumpy or having a bad day, not being in the mood for anything.
Nobody knows what is going on in people's lives or minds but they choose to go out today.
Y/n was a semi morning person that depends on the day and the weather as most people are.
Having being waken up by the alarm clock that she forgot to deseable the night before. She curses herself for not turning it off, she tried to go back to sleep but to no avail, grunting she got out of bed and she decided to be productive she did the household chores like vacuuming the floors and mopping them, washing the piles of dirty dishes
Planning to make something extravagant she got freshen up and dressed into something comfortable but presentable she headed to the nearby supermarket which she knew that would have the things that she wanted to make the dish.
Strolling from aisle to aisle looking for what she needed, she was suddenly hit by something losing a bit her footing she stumbled back a few steps.
Looking up at her "attacker" there was a man with short blonde hair, icy blue eyes, tall, she liked tall men...her daydreams.
His face showed concern and in his cheeks were rosy pink from the embarrassment of this whole situation.
Oh my god I wasn't looking at where I was going! Didn't meen to bump into you! * he said taking a few steps ahead where y/n was* are you okay miss?
Oh yeah I am okay, just watch where you are going next time please...
I am so sorry again! I hope you are okay again...miss....?
Oh y/n nice to meet you..?
Oh yeah I am Max btw
I don't want to sound like a stalker... But have we met before? You look familiar... I can't point me finger on it tho * her eyebrows knitted together tilting her head a bit to the side.
Max panicked said *oh I don't think so...?
Oh can I get a picture though? I want to show my family their future son in law... * y/n said biting her bottom lip softly looking up to his blue eyes
Uhm sure! * max replied his cheeks red suddenly getting shy
Y/n pulled out her phone and put on the camera app getting closer to him and taking a few selfie photos.
After seeing the photos if they are good then it dawned on her, from his perspective you could hit the wheel of her mind working, flinching a bit and widen her eyes.
Oh shit! Now I remember!... * she paused looked around and leaning near his face and whisper shout * Are you Max Verstappen?
You noticed that he was taken a back for being recognised by her and she acted quickly
Sorry I won't say anything! But my sister is a big fan of f1, that's why you seem familiar! * she said hitting her forehead * Sorry I will leave you to it!
She went to take her cart to search for the rest of the things she wanted but she was stopped by him saying her name.
Y/n could I get your number by any chance? You are lovely... * max said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Sure! Give me your phone I will put it on, how is that?
They exchanged number and went home after a bit, while going home y/n texted her sister
The best sister
You won't believe who I just met!
Lil b
Omg! Who?
The best sister
Max mother fucking Verstappen!
Lil b
Really?!? Did you take any pictures?!
The best sister
*picture attachment *
Lil b
Omg! You are so lucky dude, I wish that was me fr!
After that y/n and Max were texting back and forth, going to low-key dates for 3 almost 4 months y/n became his gf and him wanting to take her to his home race in the Netherlands giving her a paddock pace his second card of his hotel room having fun in the paddock and meeting all of his friends, laughing and joking around at their hotel rooms playing games and everything.
I hope you liked it and hope its what you requested!
-🦈 anon
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agnesthecartoonfreak · 5 months
⚠️Age gap, smut, dilf⚠️
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You were warned
(Also be kind. English is my second language)
Price always knew the power he had over woman in general. He was a fit military man with who could pick them up and throw them over his shoulder anytime he wanted. That gave him confidence. After being almost a month tied to a wheel chair not much confidence was left.
Despite his confidence he was never a fan of his own body, growing old does not go easy on anyones selfesteem, his fit shereded body became a dad bod. Which he did not like. Fun fact about our captain, he is pretty much a perfectionist when it came to his own phisical appearence.
That specific day he was looking at some old photos of his young adult days in the army. The peak of his phisical shape. He would get so much attention back than. But now? Price sighs not noticing
From the other side of the room you notice tho.
"You've been nostalgic Captain?" You ask a bit worried about his mood today
He smiles warmly in your direction
"Remembering the glory days hehe"
You don't exactly understand
"Glory days?"
Price chuckles
" My youth... I miss having a body like that. I wish I met you back then darling. We would have fun" he kind of did not notice his last words
But you did...
You kneel next to his wheel chair. Looking at his old pictures. He was indeed handsome. Most likely a ladies man
" I think I wouldn't be into you back then"
Price looks in confusion
"What? Why?" A bit offended but he wouldn't admit that
"You were still growing up. You were probably reckless and imature... The things I admire in you were not there yet"
He chuckles
"Like your patience, your soft but rough voice, your charm , your beard and your body"
A bit surprised he talks back
"My body was way better back then"
"I disagree" you insist
He looks at you waiting an aswer
"You were trying too hard I think. Too skinny I think, probably in some crazy cut diet to show your abs. You look much more manly now a bit bigger but still strong as a bull" you reply
He seems touched by what you just told him. He gets a bit closer to you and you do not pull away. Both of you glance uncontrolably at each others lips.
They touch... Softly, like a slow dance. The soft kisses continue till they are interruped by a annoying ringtone
" Shit..." price mumbles
It's his daughter he has to answer it
He talks to his daughter on the phone for a while. You recompose yourself setting his bathroom so he can have a shower afterwards
She makes a promise to herself to keep on acting normally, like nothing happend. That would be professional right?
He comes back and you announce
"Sir it's time for your bath"
Price is a bit confused by the sudden change of topic. He gets a bit disappointed
Maybe you regreted? However he caries on with the task
As you shower him he cracks jokes making you feel more confortable during the task. When he thinks the mood is apropriate he says
"Listen I don't want you to feel forced to please me just because you admire me or something. I get it. I'm too old for you. I'm not mad at you I just want you to feel confortab-
Suddently you interrupt Jonh's speech by sitting on his lap and kissing him. You two kiss in silence for about 5 minutes before both of you completely run out of breath. Keeping your foreheads connected, both trying to catch their breath.
"I thought..." Price starts
"I wanted to be professional. Sorry for making you feel unwanted"
He laughs.
"What are you laughing about?"
"I wanted to do that for so many weeks..."
You chuckle looking down at his lap
"I can tell"
Price closing his eyes realizing he has now a huge boner
"That is embarrassing"
You shift your hips on his lap so you can feel him. He grabs you hips with his good hand by reflex. He open his eyes, they are now darker with desire
"I wanted to be a gentleman and take you out to dinner first..." he says but he clearly doesn't want you to stop. He uses his hand in your hip to rock your hips together
A deep shy moan escape his lips
" We can do that later Jonh. But I think now we need to take care of your needs"
Taglist: @sillylittlereader
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pablitogavii · 11 months
Can u do a fic where reader and Aurora are bestfriends and hang out a lot and Aurora teases her brother about how his girlfriend likes her more than him, maybe like, innocent reader
You're my girl, baby!!
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Pablo loved your close relationship with his older sister because he knew that when he couldn't spend much time with you, Aurora was always there to keep you company.
Part of him felt blessed that he knew you were safe as long as you're with his sister, but another part started to worry that you might love her more than him.
Obviously those were silly fears, because you love her as a sister and him as a lover but still made him a little jealous of your strong bond.
"Amor, do you want to go to the water with me??" Pablo asked during one of the days you've spent at the boat in Formentera wishing to hold you close and just spend some time with you alone.
"I'm sunbathing with Rora cariño.." you answered and Pablo just shrugged although deep down he hated that you chose her over him again...it felt so annoying to feel like he is competing with his own sister for your attention!
Formentera, Spain
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a brunette to my blond! te amo!! <33 tagged: y.n.bebe
y.n.bebe: te amo hermanaaa! <33
aurorafanclub: THIS bond!!!! Queens!!
gavirafamfanclub: love to see them together!!
mario_rzs: cheers to the best photographer!!
aurorapaezg: forever thankful to you JAJA
y.n.bebe: not to mention this was the very first try!!
barcawaggzz: she loves rora more than pablo JAJAJA
Obviously that comment was a joke and it was clear to Pablo but he still felt his jaw clench when he read it knowing that deep down he did feel jealous.
During the evening, Pablo didn't join the rest outside like usual where they would make some grill and listen to music while hanging out by the pool. You noticed that he was missing, going to check up on him in your shared bedroom.
There he was laying on the bed on his phone looking absolutely fine.
"Everyone is wondering where you are at cariño..why don't you join us?" you ask but he just shrugged his shoulder looking very disinterested about your request.
"Did your get sunburned today at the boat??" you ask wondering if that's maybe why he was moody and exhausted but it was clear that wasn't the case..something was definitely bothering him tho.
"Pablo, que pasa? Why don't you talk to me about it??" you sat down besides him and he put his phone away about to open up when he heard his sister calling your name groaning in annoyance and grabbing his phone again. "I promised to tell her if I like the dress she got recently..I'll be right back cariño" you said walking out of the room for a few moments but Pablo was no longer in the mood to talk so he just laid down and closed his eyes pretending to sleep when you returned
A few days after we got back to Sevilla, Pablo's mood have changed a little but he still seemed gloomy whenever his sister would spend time at home with the two of you.
The moment she comes, she just snatches you away and Pablo is left observing you from afar laughing and enjoying time with his sister instead of him. He was starting to grow frustrated from jealousy! You were his girl!!
"Can you move?" Pablo said but in more rude way that he should of making Aurora give him an 'are you serious rn face!?' to which he didn't respond.
"I want to sit next to my girlfriend if you don't mind!" he repeated again with the very rude tone and you were looking at him in surprise. Why was he being so cold and mean all of the sudden towards his sister??
"What if I do mind!?" Aurora smirked wanting to tease her younger brother but he was in no mood to entertain her for much longer.
"Well, I don't fucking care! She is mine so move!" he spat and that really made both of you stunned. Was Pablo really ready to fight his own sister like she is some guy trying to steal you away!?
"Well, she is MY best friend!" Aurora said smirking that he was getting so worked up over it.
"Pablo!" you said in a warning tone and he looked towards you his eyes softening when they met you dark ones before he just groaned shrugging his shoulders in annoyance that you weren't backing him up. It felt like you were siding with her against him despite how crazy that sounds...
"You're just jealous she loves me more cabrón!" Aurora said not thinking that her brother would really take that seriously but those words really hurt Pablo's feelings.
He looked at you and when you didn't say anything he just turned around and stomped into your shared bedroom sadly. You sighed telling Rora that you need to talk to your boy about whatever is going on with him and she of course understood.
"Pablo? Amor, can we talk about it please.." you sat on the bed besides him where he had his head buried in a pillow.
"Are you sure you have time to talk to me?? Maybe Aurora wants to talk to you now too" Pablo said sarcastically and you really tried your best not to burst out in laughter that he was really jealous of his own sister.
"You're cute when you're jealous.." you said really enjoying him acting like a child whenever he got moody about something. It was one of the most adorable things about him to you.
"I'm not jealous!" he said turning to look at you warningly and you smile making his eyes soften when he looked at you.
"Do you really love her more than me??" he whispered like he was ashamed of the question and you moved to lay on top of him kissing his lips lovingly.
"Of course not Pablito! It's a different kind of love altogether. She is my best friend and my sister. But you..you are my lover..my soulmate..my home. I don't love anyone like I love you cariño" you said after pulling away smiling when you saw that his cheeks got pink in response.
"Maybe I was a little silly..but you're my girl baby <3" he said and you chuckled nodding your head and kissing his lips again while his strong arms wrapped around your waist to pull you even closer to him.
The longer you kissed the harder it got not to just rip each other's clothes off but when Pablo caught his breath whispering in your ear "maybe we should go to the beach alone tonight..I really need you amor" and you felt your panties get wet and your cheeks flushed. You wanted the same thing as him..but you just couldn't help yourself but to tease him a little bit.
"I think Rora wanted to do something tonight.." you said and he raised his brows at you with a disappointed face but when he saw you crack a smile he knew you were just messing with him.
"Amor!!" he said pulling you down and kissing all over your face while you giggled at his adorable reaction. Not jealous!? Yeah right!!
"I'm kidding Pablito!!! I'm all yours!" you said and he nodded liking that answer a lot better than previous one!
A few days later when Pablo finally realized how silly his little 'non jealous jealousy' was he of course apologized to Rora who called him a massive simp for you which he didn't deny.
He was a proud simp for the girl he loved more than anybody or anything else in this world!!
Sevilla, Spain
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You're my girl, baby!! <33 tagged: y.n.bebe
y.n.bebe: forever yours bebé <3
pablogavi: te amo princesa!!
ansufati: too adorable for this world!! liked by pablogavi
ferrantorres: hermano living his best life!!
pablogavi: si señor!
fcbarcelona: love to see it!!
pablogavi: <3
aurorapaezg: best photographer ;)) but she's still MINE!! JAJA
pablogavi: shut up!! she's MINE!!
y.n.bebe: hehe <33
gavirafanclub: not him being jealous of his sister JAJAJA
pablitoosgirls: him being possessive of his girl ;)) so hot!!
aurorapaezlove: forever team rora!! hahaha
gavigavifan: idk if i'm jealous or in awe!!!!
I hope you enjoyed :))
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yamahex · 2 years
another prank. reader puts a condom and the car and pretends to find it and jack is like terrified bc he didn’t leave it there 😂
A/N: Back with Jack and another prank fic, I did switch this up tho. So instead of the reader doing this, Jack planted the wrapper💀 I hate and love this but yolo
One night on the way back to his apartment Jack had noticed you left one of your favorite jackets in the back of his car which gave him the bright (and possibly dangerous) idea to prank you once again.
So he decided to make a quick pit stop to the nearest CVS on the route back home to grab the key materials for the prank. These materials being: the first box of condoms he happened to lay his eyes on and a perfume that smelled like nothing you would wear.
After paying for the supplies he sprayed the perfume in the back of his car then opened one of the condoms and left the wrapper on the floor, behind the passenger seat.
Now that phase one of the prank was complete, all that was left was to call you then show up at your apartment to return the jacket.
“Hey babe.”
“Hey J, what’s up?”
“Nothing just heading home, you left your jacket in my car. Do you want me to just stop by on the way and give it to you?”
“Shit, I was wondering where it was. Yeah if it’s not out of your way.”
“Nah it’s cool, I’ll text you when I’m outside.”
“Alright, see you soon.”
All according to plan. Now was the easy part, just letting it all play out. Upon pulling up outside your apartment he started filming and commentating. This time however he decided to hold the camera to get better angles.
“Alright ya’ll back with another prank on Wifey. Hopefully she doesn’t try to kill me again.”
His attention turned to you walking out of the front door and making your way towards the car. He spoke one last time to the camera before subtly hiding it somewhere on his person.
“Here she go, wish me luck.”
You opened the passenger door then leaned in to give Jack a quick peck. Immediately a strong, unfamiliar scent filled your nostrils.
“Hi baby- Jesus why the hell does it smell like that in here?”
“Smell like what?”
“Like fruit mixed with elderly perfume.” The look on your face was priceless.
“I don’t smell anything babe. By the way your jacket is in the back seat.” You nodded your head.
“Hm, alright. Thanks.” Your eyes squinted at him before shutting the passenger door and making your way to the back.
When you open the back door your eyes immediately dart to the foil package, which happened to catch the light. You picked up the ripped package and examined it.
“Jack is this a condom wrapper?” You held it up and looked back at him.
“Shit, yeah it must have been left over from me and you.”
“Mhm so it smells like another woman in here and there’s a condom wrapper… you wanna tell me something or…?”
Jack turned to make sure the camera caught the interaction.
“Um nah babe I’m pretty sure that’s from us.”
“Yeah alright this gotta be a joke cause I know damn well your ass doesn’t wear magnums. Let alone ‘Magnum XLs’.”
Jacks eyes widened, he didn’t even realize what he bought at the store.
“So either you got a dick implant and is fucking some cougar on the side or you let someone beat down an old lady in your backseat, So which one is it?”
He smacked his lips.
“Man why you always tryna play me?”
“Jack. Come on now, let’s not lie. You are not even filling half of a magnum.”
At this point he gave up on pranking you.
“See this is why I don’t prank your ass cause you always got something smart to say.” He pulled out the phone in defeat.
“And you always doing some dumb shit. You gotta do better than that, Jackman…”
“Ha ha. Now tell the people you was just lying.”
Your lips stuck out with a nonchalant face and you slowly started to exit the vehicle.
“Thanks so much for the jacket… LOVE YOU, BYE.” You closed the back door and jogged back to your apartment.
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randomgentlefolk · 4 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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x--ghost--x · 1 year
I really like your writing and i have this idea on my mind for soo fricking long. I already send this for like,three people but no one make it. You are my last hope 🥺
Ok ok ok,the idea and scenario is:
Rise!Leo x blind reader (alredy looking cute right??? But wait,her me out here. And ah,reader can be female,preferable)
Leo always visited her exactly because she's blind so the reader wouldn't mind about him been a turtle for obvious reasons,but one day reader goes "i wanna know how you look like,can i touch your face?" and of course this boy PANIC cuz the blindness is what making this friendship possible. Even afraid,Leo allow her to feel his face finally knowing about the mutant thing. Now,you would think "she gross out didn't she?"
Reader just say "i don't care about your look or aparence,i love you for who you are"
Yep,she confess,like it's nothing and this boy is flabbergasted. Of course he confess too like,who wouldn't after this??? And the kissie kiss in the end for the ⭐️flavor⭐️
What you think? Good enough to write?
And this idea is so cute omg, I actually wanted to write something similar for Leo cuz I had idea like that and now I have an excuse to write it!
Love is blind
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Leo gently knocked on the window, standing on a fire escape and leaned on the railing. He tapped his foot to the rhythm of the song playing constantly in his head for all day, looking at the bright lights of passing cars below him. Today's night was really nice, warm wind, clear dark sky and the thought of seeing the person he's been waiting to talk to for almost the entire week. The turtle was busy trying to keep the city as safe as he and his brothers could, not having much of free time.
Leo tugged on the material of his blue bandana when he heard a soft click of opening the window. He looked up and smiled noticing a familiar figure.
"Hello there. Long time no see, Leo."
He chuckled at the obvious joke, walking up to the windowsill you were leaning on.
"Well, hello to you too." he crooked his head to the side (not like you actually could see tho). "How did you know it was me?"
"Who else would knock on my window in the middle of the night?" you retored with a smile appearing on your lips.
The turtle made a humming sound comedically information you of him thinking hard on your question, which caused you to let out a quiet giggle, knowing that louder noise could bring unwanted attention. He grinned at that softly, happy he was able to make you laugh.
He knew, despite your constant assuring, that it made you upset when he wasn't able to visit for longer periods of time. He didn't blame you, really, he was equally upset about the thought but he couldn't just tell you why he was away for so long. Was he supposed to just say that he's fighting crime being a ninja mutant turtle? Yeah, sure, that won't happen.
The only thing making this friendship possible was the fact that you couldn't see who he was - who most would be scared of or feel grossed out. And you literally couldn't see.
Sometimes, Leo felt bad for thinking that your blindness was something good. After all, he wished you could see the beauty this world had to offer, how many cool places he would have shown you! The turtle could've only imagine how nice it would have been watching Lou Jitsu movies with you or playing console games or holding hands and looking into each other's eyes- no, wait, he needs to get his head out of the clouds.
'But this can't happen' is what he thought. Not when he's so different than you.
Unfortunately, these thoughts didn't stop the warm feeling that blossomed in his chest when he was with you.
"Hmm, you do have a point." he spoke when a smirk appeared on his face. "Unless you have someone else visiting you at night?"
"Of course not! You're the only one, Leo." you snorted backing away from the window. "Would you like to come in?"
"Yeah, very much." his cheeks started to feel warm as he hoisted himself on a windowsill and jumped inside the building.
He walked up to the nightstand and flicked on the small lamp, dim light scattering around the room. He sat on his usual spot at the foot of the bed and watched as you closed the window. Every time he looked at you the only thing on his mind was how sad it was there you couldn't see how beautiful you are. Therefore, Leo swore to himself to compliment you often, even if you only saw that as a joking flirt.
He sighed, looking away. He really shouldn't get his hopes up.
After a while, the turtle felt the mattress dip as you sat beside him, resting your back on the wall.
"Everything okay?" you asked concerned.
"Yeah, it's fine." he answered quickly. Leo didn't want you to worry so he changed the topic. "How have you been the past week? Anything interesting happened?"
For some reason, he seemed somehow off today but you decided to not push on if he didn't want to talk about it.
"Ah, it was boring as always without someone's constant nagging over my ear." you laughed hearing an offended gasp beside you. "But nothing really happened. How about you, Leo?"
"Well, me and my brothers were pretty busy with stuff, but I managed to get a hold on that game I've been talking to you about last time!" he excitedly waved his hands in the air, his gaze landing on your face.
You smiled, happy he cheered up.
"Oh, yeah, I remember! The one based on the Lou Jitsu movie, right? Tell me about it!"
"Yes, this one! So, when I started the game..."
"He did what-" you tried to take a breath while hugging a pillow to your chest, laughing uncontrollably and almost falling of your bed.
"THAT WAS EXACTLY MY REACTION WHEN RAPH TOLD ME-" the red-eared turtle was already halfway on the floor, also trying his hardest to control the cackling leaving his mouth.
After almost a two hours of catching up with each other's lives, Leo brought up his genius brother's latest incident with trying to improve the mobility of a toaster - whatever that meant. Apparently, the poor device ended up exploding, causing the destruction of some part of the kitchen. Leo wasn't home at the time so you could imagine his shock seeing the oldest brother making Donnie clean the dark smudges off the walls.
"You really don't have any boring days with your family, huh?" you asked jokingly, wiping the small tears that formed on the corners of your eyes.
Couple more chuckles after, the blue-bandana turtle lifted himself back by your side on the soft cushion as his gaze drifted to your face. He always loved hearing the sound of your laughter, how you couldn't calm yourself down sometimes, the way your wide grin caused the corners of your eyes to crinkle and that happy glint in your usually dull pupils- He's getting ahead of himself again, isn't he?
Covering the bottom of his reddening face (even if it wasn't necessary), he sighted and, apparently, to loudly because concern immediately appeared on your face.
"Leo," you started gently. "are you sure everything is okay?"
Your worried tone somehow struck right through his chest because he struggled to not pour out everything that's been on his mind lately. You were his safe space, someone who would listen to him spilling the contents of his mind, willing to help or just be there for him. Of course, he had his brothers but there were some things that he found difficult to talk to them. But you always knew what he wanted- no, needed to hear.
And Leo was scared of how much you affected him.
"Uh," that's why he did what he found to be the easiest move - bottle his feelings up. "Yeah, everything is good, just a little tired."
You frowned. Knowing from the start that something has been bothering him, you didn't pry, hoping he would eventually told you himself. Though, he started to rebuild the wall that you worked so hard on putting down. You won't let him isolate his feelings like that again.
After a brief silence, you stopped messing with your fingers and filled with determination (get the reference pls), you turned to fully face him.
"Leo, I want to know how you look like." you stated firmly but your voice faltered saying the next sentence. "Can I touch your face?"
He was not expecting that at all. Or maybe just decided to ignore the possibility of this situation for the good of his mental health. That turtle absolutely did not know how to react to that so his body decided that panic is the best option.
"I mean- if you don't feel comfortable with that, then I'm not forcing you or anything! Yeah, that probably sounded weird anyway-" as the answer for his silence you started to frantically wave your hands before your chest. "I just thought that- or maybe, like, I haven't thought at all-"
You stopped your rambling hearing the quiet breathy answer.
"...you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
Soft humm left your mouth as you slowly started to lift your hands. Nervousness filled you, you never asked how he looked like before nor did you care, but now, sitting with him in your room and enjoying yourselves, you slowly started to realize your desire to know more about him - all of him. You wanted to see him.
Leo was the only one who treated you like any other person, not a little child who couldn't do anything on it's own. He was the one who never failed to make your day better with just his mere presence.
I wished to tell him how much he meant to you.
Suddenly, you felt a cold skin pressing to your wrists making you aware of how you stopped all your movements for couple of seconds. Small gasp left your lips at the roughness of his hands and how gently they hold yours. They felt so unusual, their size and temperature were so different of yours, making questions rise in your brain but never leaving your mouth.
With a soft look in his eyes, the turtle began to lead your hands to his face, closing his eyelids and trying to calm himself down. Shiver went down through his body as he felt your warm palms on his cheeks, fingers gently tracing on his skin. His own hands left your wrists thinking you'll going to pull away soon with disgusted expression oh your face, telling him to get out and never come here again. Leo tried to prepare himself for this outcome but he knew that nothing would stop his heart from breaking.
But instead of rejection his eyes snapped open at the quiet 'wow' and the feeling of your hands attentively studying his cheeks, snout, corners of his mouth and soft material of his iconic blue bandana.
"What are you?" you muttered still amazed, no revulsion behind your words, only pure curiosity of experiencing something new.
"A turtle." he answered equally as quiet. "Mutant turtle exactly."
"So you have a shell?" you asked stopping your movements.
Leo nodded but upon realizing you couldn't see that he lowly hummed making your palms slide down his neck and to his back.
"Can you hide in it? Or is it to small? Wait, should I even ask about that? Oh no, did I do something inappropriate-"
"NO! No, it's okay!" he quickly assured you. "I can easily hide in it. Uh, but..."
Your hands found his face again and rested on his cheeks as you waited for him to go on.
"Don't you feel... grossed out? Disgusted? I'm not human, I'm so different form you and- " he paused to take a deep breath, preparing himself for the next words leaving his mouth. "I probably should apologize. I should told you sooner but I used that fact that your not able to tell who I am to keep this friendship. And if you don't want to end it because of me being a mutant then for being selfish liar and that's completely valid-"
"Leonardo Hamato."
The turtle stopped hearing his full name and a small smile on your lips.
"I don't care." breathy laugh leaving you after hearing his confused noise. "I love you for who you are, you know. The one who is there for me when I'm lonely, who makes me laugh and not feel like I'm all alone there. So why would I care if in addition you're a mutant turtle, which, by the way, is like insanely cool."
His brain has stopped working. Wow, good job on breaking him.
"You, what- huh-" the poor turtle tripped in his word not being able to form an understandable sentence, his face becoming warmer and warmer every second.
"Are you okay, Leo?" you asked feeling the unnatural heat from his face.
"Huh? Yeah! I am, hah- yeah, I'm okay, sorry. It's just," he reached and lightly grabbed on one of your wrists. "I wasn't expecting that... If anything, I thought I would be the one to told you I love you. That is, if you wouldn't have freaked out haha..."
You laughed, not as nervous as he did, bringing your other hand to cover your face. You could understand him thought, why he was hesitant to tell you. Most people would sure have freaked out. But you're not 'most people'.
"Hey," you caught his attention, softness in your voice. "can I kiss you?"
You are going to kill him, he thought.
"Woah, you're really straightforward today, huh?" he asked teasingly hoping that would cover the noticeable embarrassment.
"Yeah." he confirmed chuckling. "We were talking so long the sun is already rising."
"Oh well." you shrugged. "I guess it's the perfect moment then."
Without any other warning you moved forward, your lips pressing softly to his. Warm sensation pulled in your chest, your own cheeks now heating up. It didn't take long for Leo to kiss you back lifting his free hand to lay on the back of your head, softly creasing your hair.
After several seconds that felt like an eternity, you pulled away taking a breathe, wide smile plastered in your face.
"So, are we now..?" Leo asked with the same grin, eyes sparkling with adoration.
"Hmm, I don't know, are we?" you teased tilting your head.
He laughed tugging your closer to him, wrapping his arms around you.
"Yeah, we definitely are."
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Why can't I just write a fic in few days than a month or something
Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
No but uh. I was listening to No More Birthdays while writing this. It was so sad, so fun <3333 I need to do more for other aus tho. Gonna post a housebroken one later, though if anyone has an ideas for an au I haven't done any writing for in a while. Lemme know any prompts or ideas <333
Camilo sat on a bench, underneath a tall tree. He was watching the kids play. The human kids. It was rare that they were able to go out and play in the daylight. They didn't burn to ashes like the stories, but they did get sunburned easily. That's why their Abuela made them stay in the shade.
Isabela and Dolores had parasols that they used sometimes, but it wasn't the same. It was worse for Antonio, because he wasn't allowed outside really at all; Alma rarely left him alone, but when she was gone, she always had someone over at Casita keeping an eye on him. Thankfully Señora Guzmán was happy to do it today.
Camilo looked over next to him, where Mirabel was sitting on the other side of the bench, staring longingly at the kids.
"Hey, Mira?" Camilo asked, looking at the ground while Mirabel turned to him. "Do you...do you ever miss playing in the sun? Like we used to?" Camilo asked, not making eye contact with Mirabel.
Mirabel looked at the kids again, her eyebrows furrowing. "Yeah, but...you know we can't..."
"I-I know! Abuela said. And I don't wanna make her upset," Camilo quickly said, sighing. "But I just...I just sometimes wish we were still normal. Like the other kids. I know Abuela saved us but...I'm still sad."
"Mirabel nodded. "Yeah. I don't like being hungry all the time," Mirabel said heavily, leaning on her arm and looking out at the field. "And whenever I eat, it doesn't help."
"That's the worst part," Camilo pouted. "He saw his sister across the market, her parasol above her head. Luisa was nearby with Isabela, clinging to her older sister's dress. He blinked a couple of times before sighing, catching Mirabel's attention. "Well. I guess we can't complain. I mean, Abuela saved us."
"Yeah," Mirabel nodded. "You are right there. Plus we get to have a ton of birthdays. Speaking of, what do you wanna do for your 27th birthday?" Mirabel asked. It was strange saying that, yet she and Camilo still physically looked 5 years old. But she had gotten used to it after year 23.
"I wanna invite our friends over and stay up all night," Camilo said, smiling. "I think this year we can pull it off and go into the morning," He said, and Mirabel giggled.
"Abuela always says we fall asleep, but...I think so too," Mirabel giggled.
The two were laughing and giggling, making jokes about their "situation". They didn't even notice their Abuela, Alma, behind the bench they were sitting on.
"What are you two laughing about?" Alma asked, and Camilo and Mirabel jumped but quickly recognized her.
"Abuela!" Camilo exclaimed, smiling and turning around, Mirabel following close behind. "We're planning my birthday party."
"But it's not for another 4 months?" Alma asked, laughing softly. "You're not going to stay up again, are you?"
"We can do it this time!" Mirabel said, pouting and Alma gently squeezed her chubby cheeks, shaking her head.
"Yes, of course you can," she said with a small smile. Camilo and Mirabel laughed, clinging to their abuela's dress. They seemed fine until Camilo's face dropped. He grimaced and looked up at Alma.
"A-Abuela?" Camilo asked, pulling away from his Abuela. Alma frowned, her gentle hands holding his face. Mirabel frowned, her face twisted into an adorable pout.
"What is it nieto? Are you okay?" Alma asked and Camilo looked up at his Abuela, his fangs having extended, peeking out of his mouth. His eyes had a red flint in them as he frowned, grimacing again as he clutched his stomach.
"My stomach hurts," Camilo said, holding his stomach. Alma felt her heart shatter with guilt and sadness as tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm so hungry."
"Oh, mi pobre bebé," Alma cooed, picking up Camilo. Mirabel made her way around the bench, her small hands clutching her dress. She felt Alma's free hand rest on her curly hair, the girl's round green glasses reflecting.
Alma kissed Camilo's forehead as he buried his face in her chest. "Let's gather your older sister and primas. Then we'll get you something to eat, okay?"
Camilo nodded, his face still in her chest. Alma sighed, her heart heavy with guilt and she guided Mirabel alongside her, heading toward Isabela, Dolores, Luisa. She felt so bad for her little grandchildren, so guilty, and she wished it didn't have to be this way. But it was and...she would do anything in her power to make them feel happy and safe.
No but you know how devastating it is for Alma to celebrate their birthdays and not see them age??? She feels bad for other kids too; I mean her grandchildren do have friends, but they're all most vampires as well, and it's honestly heartbreaking to Alma that they'll stay kids for so long until they age again 😭😭
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eliziarts · 1 year
It really gets me how you can't say shit about Helluva Boss (or Hazbin Hotel for that matter) to actually critique without fans getting buthurt, and the only people agreeing with you people who just hate Vivzipop (for the record i dont lol). But here are my gripes that I wish people were actually talking about (btw I really *want* to love Helluva Boss and none of this is mean-spirited, just things I've noticed that I wish the team would fix, or I believe are beyond fixing):
1. The very confused tone. I know a lot of people deflect any criticism from the show by saying 'oh but it's a comedy you shouldn't take it too seriously'. Here's the thing- it's literally taking itself too seriously. There's a balance that a show can have between dark elements and humor, but Helluva Boss consistently tries to tackle very, VERY heavy subjects. This combined with the Brandon Rodgers-essque d!ck joke comedy doesn't.. work. At least not in the way they're attempting. I think the most egregious example of this is the scene in the latest episode when Moxie's dad is literally threatening to kill him if he doesn't follow through with an arranged marriage... immeadiatly followed by Moxie walking though a hall of wall d!ldos. It kind of says, 'hey, we were taking this really seriously 2 seconds ago, but jk actually now you should laugh!'
Juxtaposition doesn't work if it actively confuses its audience on what to feel. I'm not sure how much influence Vivzie and Brandon have on the outcome of the show vs the rest of the writing team, but it seems like Brandon's humor and Vivzie's tendency to write melodramatic soap opera scenes just aren't really meshing together quite right. I wish it had more similar pacing and tone shifts that HH had, because it felt more sudden in a purposeful way, rather than 'we're too lazy to find a good transition between these two scenes.'
2. Why does Vivziepop never write interesting female characters? I know this is talked about a bit more, but it's growing increasingly prevalent in Helluva Boss. We still haven't gotten an episode focused on any of the female leads that's actually about *them*.
Millie is practically nonexistent without her relationship to Moxie. Even the episode where we meet her family, it doesn't give us any insight about her. Every time she goes feral(tm) it's either to save her husband or it's part of a group fight. The only backstory we got for Loona was there to service Blitzo's character, and show us *his* reaction. The only things we've seen with Octavia were put there to help us learn more about Stolas. Even in the scene where they only had Loona and Octavia on the screen, it didn't feel like it was about them at all. It didn't feel like the scene existed to show us them bonding about their shitty dads. It felt like the scene was there to once again ask the audience to give Blitzo and Stolas pity points. Which- brings me to my next problem.
3. Its justifications of abuse. I know they're in hell. Most of them should be shitty people, and they are! But I wish the story would stop trying to pretend they're not. Helluva Boss keeps doing this thing where it draws a line between 'good' abuse and 'bad' abuse. And this kind of completely changed Stolas and Blitzo's relationship. Ik some people may like this change but I personally don't.
Earlier on, we were made to believe Stolas kind of fucked up by cheating on his wife. Not only did this affect Stella (tho ofc we later learn it's due to image reasons) but his daughter as well. It's just generally an uncomfortable and tricky situation. And I liked it! It was interesting and had levels of nuance. However, now that we know that he was basically being abused by Stella this entire time, and met Blitzo when they were kids (which is a WHOLE OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE CAN OF WORMS LMAO) the audience no longer feels like Stolas did anything wrong. Now his actions feel justified.
As much as I loved his confrontational scene with Stella the first time I watched it, as I know many people did, I also know that it kind of ruined any sense of nuance that whole situation had. Now, Stolas suddenly has been absolved from any previously implied mistakes. And, Stella is portrayed as this 1 dimensional cruel monster.
Which brings me to the point of abuse in this show. It's a very prevalent theme, and it's a heavy one for a show branded as a sit-com to portray (hard, but not impossible). But it fails on the end that it doesn't stay consistent in its condemnation of it. Every time a character does something 'bad', as soon as we find out there is a reason for this bad behavior, the show suddenly makes it seem like we should feel bad for them and that their actions are justified because they're a broken person. See: the narrative around Stolas' affair suddenly being changed as soon as we find out he was being abused by Stella.
Inconsistent emotional consequences in writing is lazy for sure. But the real problem is when it gets to the abuse side of things, it can actually become harmful. It's implied that Blitzo had an emotionally abusive relationship with Verosika. But ohh we know he had a fucked up childhood and has fear of forming emotional bonds so! Geuss it's okay! But when it comes to Stella, she's just downright mean, 1 dimensional, and literally says she's doing things for no reason other than to make Stolas suffer.
It's important to note that every single time a character gets a *reason* for their assholery, it becomes a *justification* in the way the show frames it. But whenever a character doesn't have a reason for being as asshole, like Stella (at least not one that's shown), that's where the show then draws the line.
This is harmful! Hate to break it to you but the bulk of abusive people out there were abused themselves. They have multitudes of reasons for why they are the way they are. But that doesn't excuse their actions! And I really hate that this is the standard of framing Helluva Boss has set up for their show because now, no matter how bad a character's actions are, they can slap on a sad backstory and suddenly make that character a sympathetic one.
Yeah but anyways idk. If you read all of that I thank you for taking ur time to listen to my 2 cents. The last episode I really enjoyed was the Ozzie's one and I'm just kinda bummed at a lot of this stuff I mentioned.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 months
Right Here — Stahl x gn! reader
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summery: Lissa tries tirelessly to make you realize your feelings for Stahl. Once you do, things don't go as smoothly as you'd like.
tw: anxiety, anxiety attack (This is fluff tho I swear), hurt/comfort
wc: 1.3k
Master List
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“He’s looking at you again,” Lissa pointed out, a giggle falling out of her pink lips. 
This had been going on longer than you thought it would. Your close friend Lissa had been pointing out every time she had caught Stahl looking at you. At first you thought she was just messing with you. She had quickly caught on to your feelings for the olive haired knight when she noticed how you were warmer to him than anyone else. Whereas others wouldn’t bat an eye at you bumping shoulders with Stahl jokingly, Lissa had honed in on the smallest interactions she caught between you two. 
Little did you know, she had also picked up on signs from Stahl. The way he leaned into your jokes, or how he always seemed to have something you needed when you needed it. She felt hopeless watching the two of you subtly showing your signs of care and affection for the other. The two of you were so blinded by your own feelings, you missed how the other felt. 
Rolling your eyes, you replied, “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Lissa pouted, getting sick of your ignorance.
This had continued until finally you were forced to face the facts. You were innocently teasing each other, enjoying the other's presence.
“You’re so mean to me,” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Only to you,” Stahl teased with a bright grin adorning his face. You missed the way his eyes watched you warmly. Instead you reached up to his cheek and pinched it in slight frustration (perhaps a bit out of cute aggression as well). 
“Ow!” Stahl yelped, holding his cheek protectively as it was his turn to pout at you. A wave of guilt had suddenly hit you, not wanting to have actually hurt him.
“I love you,” You blurted, hand forming a heart shape. It was something you did when you felt you may have gone a bit too far, hoping to make amends before the other person could get too mad. You had done it with your childhood friends, they had been who you learned it from. So you didn’t think much of it until you parted shortly after. 
Lissa pounced on you, pulling you over and jumping up and down excitedly. With your back turned, you had missed the warm pink that dusted over Stahl’s face, walking towards his next duty with a beaming grin. He couldn’t help the excited flutter his heart gave recalling the memory. Even if you hadn’t said those three words in the way he wished, he was still content hearing you aim them towards him regardless.
“You told him you love him!” Lissa squealed once the two of you out of ear shot. 
You felt yourself warm at the implication and quickly went to clear the obvious misunderstanding, “I meant it as a friend.”
Once again, Lissa pouted, cheeks puffed out in frustration, “Then why did he give you the most lovesick look after you said it?” You paused, trying to recall how he looked. Damn you for being too anxious to look at people fully. 
“He did?” You asked meekly, a strange feeling encompassing you at the thought. You continued to contemplate your feelings, and they were stronger than you had anticipated.
“He has been for the longest time!” Lissa exclaimed, crossing her arms. “And I’ve been pointing it out this entire time! You’re just noticing?”
You couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. The sudden realization of just how deep your feelings had scared you. You’d never felt so scared for loving someone before. You loved your friends deeply and unconditionally, but not to the extent you loved Stahl. It was scary how you could envision your future with him, even scarier was the thought of him not being there. 
You kept stewing in these thoughts, sitting by the fire as the other’s started retreating to their tents. You had never seen yourself being dependent on someone else. The thought alone was terrifying. Relying on someone else, giving them your heart and trusting they won’t break it. But then your mind drifted to Stahl, and the thought of giving him your heart seemed less daunting. He was so sweet, easy to talk to and fun to be around. He had shown you nothing but kindness and your fearfulness seemed silly. If you were to depend on anyone, it would be Stahl. And just as you came to that conclusion, Stahl had joined you by the dwindling fire. 
Suddenly your self assurance had vanished and the anxiety of giving someone your all had returned full force. You curled in on yourself, holding your knees to your chest as you watched the flames dance around. You could feel Stahl’s worried eyes watch you, and where this would usually calm you down, it had only heightened the anxiety coursing through your veins. He had scooted closer to you. This too would normally calm you down, but this time it made you feel like you were drowning.
“What’s wrong?” He muttered, voice soft.
Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you buried your face into your knees, hoping it would hide you from your fears, “I’m scared.”
Stahl frowned, watching as your breathing picked up and you suddenly grabbed onto your hair. You kept repeating that you were scared and he felt his chest tighten. He hadn’t seen you like this in a long time, and he hoped he never had to. Your anxiety had been clear to him since he first met you, and it was his personal achievement that his presence had seemed to quell most of it. Although this time, he was the cause without even knowing.
He placed his hand on your back, bringing you into his chest and holding you. Resting his head on top of yours, Stahl gently rubbed your back. You grasped onto his tunic. Not only was he the source of your anxiety, but he still managed to comfort you.
Once your hysteria started to die down, Stahl asked, “Do you want to talk about it?
Your fist clenched onto his tunic once more, whimpering out pitifully, “I love you and it's scary.”
Stahl’s heart pumped faster, yet it twisted as well. Was loving him really so harsh? He knew it wasn’t that, but his own mind couldn’t help but warp it to be as such. 
“I’ve never felt this way for anyone before and it's so scary,” You continued, unaware of Stahl’s internal conflict. “I love you so much but I’m scared to let you in.”
At this, Stahl nuzzled the top of your head, “You don’t have to do anything you're not ready to do.”
“But I want to,” You replied back almost pathetically, melting into the warmth of his affection. “I want to love you and care for you, and for you to love and care for me.” 
“I do love and care for you,” Stahl replied instantly, only pulling away enough to meet your eyes. The usual feeling of warmth and affection filled him every time you were near filled him tenfold. He brushed back a stray strand of your hair as his hand rested on your cheek. 
His touch sent your body aflame, unused to such a gentle caring touch. You stared at him with unending love and adoration for the man who sat in front of you, who held and touched you with such reverence. You felt your mind finally ease, and the thought of giving your all to him had finally brought you peace. He cared for you just as you did him, and you couldn’t be any happier than you felt at that realization. 
Closing the small gap between the two of you, you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. You both watched the other with tenderness, not wanting the night to end just yet.
Lissa picked up on change in both of you the next day. She watched with near awe at your unabashed adoration for the other, how you were even more relaxed by Stahl’s side, how he managed to dote on you even more than before. 
‘Finally,’ Lissa thought to herself with a slight huff.
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gothra · 1 year
Do you have any butchie fic rec’s?
sorry this one took so long, it turns out that gathering links takes a bit longer than i thought it might. just a warning: I’m going wide, because I don’t know where to stop so I’m just going to be loading a bunch in here. and they are mostly smut except for a few domestic ones, and a few bits of angst.
The first and best ones I read were the ones in aishahiwatari’s repertoire. This is kind of one of the larger collection of Butchie fics that I’ve found in the tag, so it would take forever to explain the premise of all of them, if you have spare time just take a look. There’s a lot of porn (and you will soon come to realize that that’s kind of the running theme here) but the one that really fucked me up was earth or diabolical creature because FUCK Hughie and Butcher have a toddler and she’s cute and I’m losing i
I also like this series, it’s got a lot of creative and interesting choices for smut scenarios and it all ends in a dramatic and emotional fashion.
this one is slightly like the one above but I’m not complaining because it’s good and it’s cute
okay now we’re getting into the standalones. I’ll include any of the more important content warnings, but it’s a lot to type so bare with me if you click and there’s something I’ve missed im sorry
bitter skin by none_the_wiser (one-shot. short and spicy! really encapsulates the sort of rough-and-tumble, love-to-hate-you-hate-to-love-you high that butchie seems to be on. they honestly write it better than I can.)
if you wanna be my lover…, by watchthequeenconquer (spice girls!!! The comparisons are apt. if passing out, choking, mildly dubious consent, verbal humiliation, intoxication or play fighting bothers you, avoid.)
this writer has a series of other fics that are more domestic and fluffy, centered more on them raising Ryan, which I LOVE and need MORE of:
but it may be a lunatic you’re looking for by cathect (love how horny this one is and the blurb always makes me laugh)
(bad?) neighbors by motherfuckingsorcery (I love fics that exploit hughie’s obvious praise kink)
Most of the butchie fics from holyfudgemonkies 2021 kinktober collection (keep your eyes on the tags as some have some darker and dead dove stuff but overall a fun reading experience). honestly just their whole tag has some fun stuff
if you’re noticing that I’m getting less and less specific and I’m just posting full collections, it’s because I didn’t realize just how much work this was so I’m basically just posting every fic I’ve ever read. that being said…
struck by a bolt is a very sexy series by (ourdramaqueen)
one way ticket to a dead end by ezran (hot! a bit of toxic behavior in this one tho)
ask a question, get an answer by satsumasegments (I WISH this had happened instead. it’s such a hot, smoothly written fic I love it)
when I say that this next fic fucked me up, I’m not joking. I don’t know why I read it, because death bothers me a lot, even fictional deaths, but I read it and I couldn’t function properly for days after. I think I’m just sensitive but Christ it was painful.
so you should definitely read what do they know about friends by satsuma segments
the spare knife of happiness by flwrgardens (did I mention how much I LOVE Hughie and butcher being domestic with Ryan?? Because I love it. this is such a you-have-already-left-kudos-here ass fic I love it I love it)
house of stone by tylerose (more domesticity. GIVE ME MORE DOMESTICITY AND FALLING IN LOVE!! tw for drug use but it’s just Temp V)
touch me gently, it’s been too long by spacelesscass (so tender like chicken nugget. so soft.)
please note that not every fic I’ve ever read and liked is on this list, I just tried to maintain what little brevity I had left because putting this together was so exhausting?? if you want the rest let me know but i'd basically be putting the whole tag in there since 1. it's very small and 2. i read a lot of fics
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sunshinewwx · 1 year
꧁Breath in and out..꧂
( After you and you’r family went to the metkayina clan to stay there bc of the war you get a little close to a certain ‘boy’. You and your siblings had to learn their «way» so you are trying to do the best of the impossible and get your breathing under control only for a certain boy to take notice and help you)
(WARNING) * fluff * joke/ mean words *mention of touching *slight enemies to lovers? * soft Aonung
Notes: This is my first fic hope you guys like it✨
(Ao’nung x reader)
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-No you gotta breath from here.
You watched as Aonung placed his hands on your stomach. His hands were cold and it made your stomach crumble down. You took a deep inhale and closed your eyes trying to concentrate but you just couldn’t. His hands were all over your stomach, his thumb scraping over your bellybutton many times. This made your heartbeat and breathing go faster then normal.
(Aonung) - God… Your breathing is much worse now! Why can’t you atleast try to get it. He grumbled the last words as he puffed his chest out a little. Aonung looked like he would leave any minute now, his light blue eyes looked around for any person walking by to switch whit, He had tried to teach you but you just couldn’t do it right. What was wrong? He wondered if you ever took lessons to be this stupid or if it was natrual.
(Reader) - Im sorry im really trying my best but i just can’t concentrate whit your hands all over me! You hissed at him and he slowly took his hands off you watching you get back into position for another try.
(Aonung) - Wow (reader) Everyone’s entitiled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege. As he said that a smirk creeped up on his lips as he laughed right in your face.
Now you tried your best to stay calm and not get into a stupid agrument. everything you did was wrong, as you were the oldest sully daughter you were the expectation in the family. Your duty was to take care off the most, such as feeding the sius in the morning, picking up beautiful sheels to use for making necklaces, diving under water for a certain plant, pick up coconuts and at the same time, watch over you’r siblings who would always pick up a fight whit each other. Your father said it was a way to show our greatfullness for getting to stay here, but you never understood why only you got these tasks. Of course your siblings help you a little now and then but it wasn’t often as they liked to play and run around in the water. You understood them tho, it’s much more fun to play in the water as you wish you could switch places for a bit. As for the omatikaya siblings they had the job to teach you guys and go out fishing and that was enough already, you knew it was hard for them as you teached your siblings in the past. They could be pretty dumb sometimes-…
(You took a deep inhale again as you took your hands in your palms and held your breath.)
(Aonung) -That is also wrong. You gotta breath from here..
( Reader)- I know exactly where i have to breath from! You yelped out only for him to smile and laugh at your so called «mad face»
( Aonung) - Then do it
(Reader) - I will… you grumbled as you tried to concentrate again.
Aonung soon found out what you did wrong, you didn’t have a clear mind. For it to work you had to concentrate whitout a crazy mind. That’s prob why Loak, Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam already mastered it, they are calm and concentrated and thought about something that made them calm their nerves down.
He asked if he could help you but you didnt even get to answer as he took your hand in his and dragged you over to a place where noone was. He thought about it twice as you two walked thru a small cozy forest, should i really bring her there? Is she gonne master it? Of course he didnt wanna «help you» but the sooner you got the breathing under control the sooner he would have one minus person to help when in the water.
(Reader) - Hey! Where are you taking me? You asked as you looked over his shoulders.
(Aonung) - A place where you can calm down and get your breathing under control. He simply replied whitout a joke this time.
As you guys were walking you notice he still had a good grip on your hand and kinda whouldn’t let go? Also that his hand were warm and not cold. As you two reached your destination Aonung quietly sat down on the grass followed by your figure. It showed a pretty view over the village whit palm trees and soft grass touching your silky skin as you sat down. He never really took anyone up here, this was a place he usally went by himself if he ever were stressed about something or needed to clear his mind.
(Aonung) - Ok to get your breathing under control you gotta be calm and think about something to make your stress go away, for me it helps to look at the view, here give it a try.
He let go of your hand blushing sigthly as he sat himself cross from you, he took a hold of his hands in his palms and took a deep inhale giving you a eye contact to do the same. As you both sat there eyes closed just enjoying each other prescence for minutes. You for almost the first time felt calm and not worried about your siblings, feeling the wind brushing sigthy over your ears and a shadow that suddenly blocked the sun and view from your eyes made you get back to reality. As you opened your eyes you saw Aonung figure standing over you.
(Aonung) - Looks like you mastered your breathing, we have already been sitting here for some minutes. He looked down at you, a little red in his cheeks as you swore you saw him smile just a bit. - Good job (reader) he examinated as he took out his hand to help you stand up.
As his hand touched your you blushed, you didnt know why, was it beacause you mastered the breathing or beacause Aonung was sweet and actully used his personal time to help you?
As you got up he offered to walk you back to your mud because it was getting late.
(Aonung) - Im only walking you back home because it’s late you snake he said as he looked forward not wanting to meet your gaze that was looking at him.
(Reader) Thank you for helping me today Aonung, i really appreciate it, you said as you saw a form of pink forming onto his cheeks.
(Aonung) - It’s nothing… It’s the least i could do for you stupid freak.
As you two reached your pud and shared a farwell you went to bed, but for the chief son he couldn’t stop thinking about you❤️
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spicyraeman · 5 months
We're both having shit sleep cycles, maybe that's why we can follow each other's rambling! Energy drink Goblins, unite! (I'm joking but I hope you'll feel better)
The piercing zel you just did? Hot diggidy damn, I have to restraint myself. I don't need a new ear piercing. I don't...
HOW do we feel about other types of piercings, James?🪤👀
I didn't understood shit to my linguistic classes, and it took me hours to understand a bit about the sounds in my native language. The fact that you did all of this on your own, with just the power of hyperfixation and worldbuilding-syndrome on your side, is very, very impressive! You created a phonetic chart with a dream and a dictionary, that is dedication and I respect that so much.
It looks too much like english to be described as guttural or brutal. Buuut if it had that german R, it could become more brutal. They already have an ach-laut adjacent sound with that GH. A bit more Pointy Helmets in your Fascism-trope soup, my lord?
I didn't notice the lack of P, I'm laughing like a goat because it makes me think of arabic. To imagine gith violently shake me down to steal my Bebsi is way too funny.
Sadly very long word is a common german disease, I don't think it would fit naturally the short words and glottal stop. At least for the rythm, not the sounds. But this gith can fit so many headcannons **slap top of the head**, why not? Who am I anyway, the accent police?
There are so many headcannons in my mind now, this is chimera'zel.
I'm gonna let you in a shameful secret : i didn't hear much gith. I don't play much with the sound on since I'm on racoon time. I did leave it on for my first run. But...I...kinda...killed her the first run?
**dodges torches and runs away into the forest**
Hell yeah! Goddd I wish I had energy drinks, reminding me that I should buy another case
I'm living my piercing dreams through Lae’zel (it's impossible to find reputable piercers where I live) and I mean when you have that much ear real estate to work with it’d be a crime not to. Also, It’s uhhhh safe to say that in the band au she’s pierced from top to bottom 🤭
It truly is crazy how much you’re willing to learn when you’re in too deep about the fantasy world in your head. I think I learned more about my own language that way than I ever did while I was in school.
Adding a German R to it would def make it more brutal sounding, but Yeahhhh while the headcanon that the space fascist has a stereotypical German accent is funny as hell, German is just nothing like Gith. 
At this point, I’m just having fun and throwing HCs at her to see what sticks lol
Bebsi tho… Lae’zel is a Coke girl only bc she said bebsi once in front of the gang and never lived it down
I honestly don’t blame you for killing her on your first run 😅 depending on what type of character you’re playing there are plenty of reasons for killing pretty much any of the companions
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weirdcat1213 · 10 months
chap 1:
-happy days and everything is going to shit...yeap thats trigun
-i just noticed they have separated rooms and that makes me sad for some reason
-i love to see that rem was nice to everyone but was also getting annoyed by that guy, shes not perfect and I LOVE HER
-ngl, im not sure if the other guys did something
-its so cool to see the scientists joking around for a bit but then getting to see them in silence cuz IT IS a weird situation to be in. you are alone in space and something happened "on its own"..... It makes the situation more serious
-it hasnt even been that expanded in 98 (im sorry for the spoiler ig) or stampede (YET), but rem is so funny. shes more than a living saint and im glad we get to see more of her here. shes the only mom ever
-also i thought knives *fixed* the thing, i forgot he caused it lmao
-arent they adorable? :3 pls dont touch them :3
-"it could end in disaster" you dont say....you dont say....
-BABY KNIVES WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU (ik what happened to him)
-"if you can love someone with all your heart then its alright".........im gonna take so time to think about that cuz....yeah, i guess thats true isnt it?
-oh that doesnt age wel...not even story wise but life wise....if we could only talk with each other
-ok so...is that a fucking ghost? and if it is, did she really appear when knives's faith in humanity was at its peak? really :c?
-great....scientific....discovery.....you say......... so the scientists were ready for another tesla situation....
-pls no pls no pls no. you teach her how to speak and then you do that shit. stop
-by looking at the pictures and descriptions we can say that the scans began on her 13th day of life (multiple scans as the chapter mentions), and 87 DAYS LATER they started to ask themselves if that was correct to do from a moral standpoint...87 days. and just after they started to question themselves she started dying. just 10 days later...fuck
-"we have no desire to rest" WHAT ABOUT YOUR "SUBJECT" THO ASSHOLES
-its never not gonna make me sick how they killed a child in 100 days. thats all it took.
-ajjjj :c im fucking sick
chap 2:
-same vash same
-ily rem but no, thats too fucked up to forgive
-knives, my poor baby :c
-"i wish i could cut myself from everything too" oh mood, i mean what
-ok but rem trying to pick vash up and he refusing has to be so fucking heartbreaking for rem cuz thats her fucking child no matter what
-imagine your child who loved you so much rejecting you like that. i would literally shatter
-"you can continue the experiments with us" vash stfu i swear. catch me actually crying over that line btw im not ok
-INTERESTING how rem says she felt powerless (and i get why) but during the whole thing the crew had so much power over her life
-it fucks me up this is a one year old trying to die of starvation. yeah he looks older and etc etc but hes still less than 2 years old. life is pain. why nightow.
-also idk if im interpreting the panel right but i think he *was* going to eat but saw rem in his room so he stopped
-or are those different days? idk
-alright, today you are eating you sick son of a bitch :]
-the panel being blurry on purpose, 10/10
-hes sitting the same way rem did- oh im ending it all
-i feel kinda weird saying this but i just fucking love that story: the metaphor, how she tells it. it really feels like a parent trying to teach a kid something. its sad but feels comfy. i could literally read/listen to her telling that story of the train in her dreams over and over
-[pause for crying]
-its "separated ways" cuz that talk with rem lowkey divided rem i think. knives would be way different if he had heard what rem said. damn it why did he had to faint
chap 3
-"king of loneliness" pls i want to stop crying
-i know he didnt block the memory, i feel it
-yey creepy knives is here....yeyyy....
-amazing transition btw, gives me the yibbies every time
-why he looks so cool while being creepy stop it knives stop it
-idk if im understanding it right, but i think knives did the thing he did in the first chapter but for all ships. it comes full circle
-god i hate when hes right
-im sad to say he looks beautiful and epic. also for the life of me i could not say if that plant agreed with him or not
-yknow what i think she didnt agree to that
-age of chaos wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
[i took a one day break cuz the volume made me too sad BUT IM BACK BABY]
chap 4
-yeah ig my baby has been to so many funerals if you think about it
-wolfwood: you dont wanna mess with this guy he will break you
the guy in question: :c
-aw his cute little and stupid face :3
-i love to see vash having a good time :') god he needed that
-oh man we're getting sad again
-also yes they take those people who did whatever they did but the bartender is also taking vash in, even the demons get to drink there huh, nice
-why tf is this guy so wise, why is he saying what vash (kinda) needs to hear? amazing, im devastated
-wait so the feathers or whatever hurt??? because of the face he made. SO DOES IT HURT???? NO :C
-knives can you not-
-the final panel its so cute and then there's the fucking speech bubble that says "dumbass" its true tho xd
chap 5
-NOT THE FUCKING FEATHER i dont want to go there
-he looks so tired :c
-oh shit i forgot about that panel of his face wth
-"the last thing i want to do is be a burden to him" STFU WOLFWOOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
-"youre the one who needs to be careful" I WILL CHEW GLASS
-elendira ily sm
-thank you wolfwood for saying trans rights lmao
-oh no his glasses :c
-ah fuck hes awake noooooooooooo
chap 6
-dont you bring tesla into this >:[
-idk whats happening but KILL HIM
-*sigh* i hate when knives is right
-DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT AFTER STAMPEDE MF :C "if they come for us lets just run as fast as we can" YOU ARE MAKING IT SO HARD TO READ THIS MAN
-also yey he regained his eye :3
-:cccccccccccccccccccccc im so happy that talk was in stampede
-also yeah vash hates knives with a burning passion but EVEN THEN he still was willing to give him a chance and live together with him, i cant do this anymore really
-im picturing legato kind of jumping in his metal handbag to move around as if he was in a sleeping bag cuz i think thats way funnier lmao
-:cccccccccc vash pls
-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :c his armmmm
-oh geesus oh god no OH HELL NO
-ohhhhh i see. look at legato being useful lmao /J
well that was certainly a volume
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