#winchester repeating arms company
fanfictionalraven · 26 days
Dream Warriors Chapter 6
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 6
Summary: The reader thinks she has everything figured out.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, other original characters
Word Count: 2,288
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril
Author’s Note: Enjoy!! Things are getting even twistier.
Read Chapter 5 here.
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The doctor examines you and tells you that you’re going to be okay. You manage a smile and nod. More memories begin to work themselves into your consciousness. Hunts you, Dean, and Sam had been on. Dean going to Hell. Sam’s soul being left in the cage. The apocalypse. 
You’re only alone for a moment before Dean comes back into the room, Ella on his hip. You smile over at him as they sit in the chair next to you. You knew you needed to get back to the real world and tell Dean and Sam what was going on and who was behind it but a few more minutes in this perfect world couldn’t hurt. 
“Mama,” Ella says, reaching for you. You push yourself up in the bed enough for her to sit next to you and Dean carefully sets her down, making sure you’re okay. She curls into your side and you run your hand over her arm slowly. 
“Sorry for the scare,” you tell Dean, looking up at him. He smiles a little and shrugs. “Are you and Lisa…” 
“No,” he says quickly. “She just came by to check on you. She may have tried but…I told her I wasn’t interested anymore.” You can’t help but smile. He reaches over and takes your hand firmly in his. Ella looks over at him and giggles. “I called Jackson to tell him about the accident. He said you’re both my problem now. I may have had some choice words for him that I can’t repeat in present company.” You laugh lightly and nod before sighing. 
“I love you,” you say. He smiles and shakes his head. 
“Yea, yea. Love you too, Sweetheart,” he teases. You push yourself up slightly and pull on Dean’s hand, drawing his attention from Ella. His eyes meet yours and you reach over with your free hand, caressing his cheek gently. 
“No, Dean. I am helplessly and completely in love with you,” you confess. While you’re aware this isn’t real, you know your statement is true. You are in love with Dean Winchester and you know you always will be. No matter what world or what version of Dean you’re given, it will always be him. Dean’s face breaks into a wide smile before he leans over quickly, catching your lips with his own. Smiling, you slide your fingers back into his hair. It feels right and real, his lips against yours. You pull away, clinging to memories of your life as a hunter, as Dean falls back into the chair. 
“I love you too,” he says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Ella leans over, reaching for Dean again. Letting your hand go, he pulls her back into his lap. You smile softly as you watch them, thinking about your own Dean and the baby you had lost. Ella curls into his side and he drops a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You sure you can handle us both?” You ask. He laughs as he looks back at you and you take a moment to note the subtle differences in his face. He looks a little younger than your Dean, years of fighting monsters and being to Hell not having taken its toll on him. His eyes seem a little brighter. His smile a little wider. 
“You’ve both always been my girls,” he says. You nod slightly as he looks down at Ella, dozing off in his arms. The look in his eyes nearly rips your heart out. It’s a look you wished you had the opportunity to see in your own Dean. He’s looking at the young girl with so much love and adoration and he doesn’t even know… 
“Dean,” you say, your voice soft. He looks up at you now, the same love still shining in his eyes. “She does have your eyes.” He smiles a little and looks back down at her. You wait patiently as you see the gears begin to turn. You can see him processing your statement, word by word, before looking back at you. 
“You mean…” He trails off, staring at you. Nodding, you look down at your hands. 
“She’s yours. I’m sorry I never told you. By the time I found out, you were back with Lisa and I was two days from getting married,” you confess. He doesn’t say anything and you look back at him to find he’s looking down at Ella again. Somehow, the love in his eyes has managed to increase, a feat you didn’t know was possible. 
“I’d wondered, hoped really. Thought the timing was a little suspicious. But to know,” he says, breaking into a wide smile as he looks back at you. He’s on the brink of tears. “I have a daughter.” You let out a laugh and nod. 
“You do,” you say. He sniffles as he looks down at her once more. 
“We’re gonna make both of you full Winchesters soon,” he promises. Your heart swells at his words and you have to take a moment to remind yourself that this is all just a dream. Your Dean was back in a motel room, most certainly worried sick over you while you’re sitting here in a dream world, happy and healthy. 
“I think I need to get some rest,” you tell him. Looking up, he meets your eyes and smiles. 
“Of course. We can tell everyone at the cookout this weekend,” he says. You smile and nod, holding a hand out for him. He links your fingers together before bringing your hand up and kissing it. 
“Sounds perfect,” you say, watching him. And it was. Absolutely perfect. Too perfect. You lie back on the bed and it isn’t long before the overwhelming sense of exhaustion overcomes you once again. Your eyes close to the hospital room and reopen to the motel room. Dean’s standing over you, eyes filled with worry. 
“She’s awake!! Sammy,” he calls out, sitting next to you quickly. Slowly, and with Dean’s help, you rise to a sitting position on the bed. “You good?” Dean asks, watching you still. You nod slightly, readjusting the sheet to cover yourself as Sam comes into the room, the phone to his ear. 
“She’s awake. – Yea, we’ll let you know,” he says into the receiver before ending the call. “What happened?” He asks. 
“Sam said your dreams were getting worse,” Dean says. You nod slightly and attempt to run a hand through your blood-matted hair. 
“I was driving when you woke me up, crashed the car,” you tell them. “I need a shower.” You move to rise from the bed but Dean catches your arm quickly. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. You just started bleeding from your head for no reason and passed out for two hours,” he says. You look at him and smile, reaching up and gently caressing his cheek. 
“I’m fine, Dean. I’ve figured everything out. Well…almost everything. Motive is a little fuzzy but I know who’s behind the dreams,” you say. “So, I’m going to wash my hair really quick then we’re going to the morgue.” 
“The morgue?” Dean asks, watching as you rise from the bed, wrapped in the sheet. 
“Yes. I’ll explain later,” you say, rushing into the bathroom. You stick your head under the faucet in the bathtub quickly, the red running down the drain. Throwing your hair up into a towel, you go back into the room. 
“Sam’s in the car already,” Dean tells you as he hands you a set of clothes. You nod and drop the sheet from your body as you take them. 
“Don’t get too excited,” you tease him as you begin to dress. He shakes his head, no trace of humor in his face. 
“Too worried to get excited,” he says. You smile and pull your shirt on before taking his face in your hands. 
“It’s all going to be alright. I promise. It’s almost over,” you tell him before kissing him firmly. He relaxes slightly under your touch and nods. 
“Alright. Let’s go,” he says. Grabbing your gun off the nearby dresser, you nod and follow him out the door. 
The three of you get to the police station a little after two in the morning. You try the door and smile when you find it unlocked. Sam frowns and looks at his older brother, concerned. 
“Who leaves a police station unlocked?” He asks. Dean merely shrugs, following you through the door. 
“It’s a small town,” he answers. Guns at the ready, you lead the other two down the back stairway and towards the morgue doors. You step in quickly, the two men directly on your heels. The petite blonde with striking streaks lets out a squeal and drops a set of folders in her hands. 
“Agents?!” She asks. You leave your gun trained on her as Dean gives you a curious look. 
“The M.E.?” He asks. You nod slightly, watching her. 
“I don’t know why you’re doing this but reverse it. Now,” you threaten. The woman looks between the three of you, terrified. 
“Wh-what are you talking about? I…Agent Wayne? What’s going on?” She asks, looking at Dean. He drops his gun slowly and turns to you now. 
“Y/N, what is going on?” He asks. You glance at him momentarily and frown. 
“She’s behind this. She’s making me dream. Djinn or witch or whatever. I know it’s her,” you tell him. Sam reaches over and touches your shoulder. 
“How do you know? I mean, you were dreaming before we even found this case,” He says. You shoot a look at him before returning your glare to the woman in front of you. 
“She was in the last one. But she was pretending to be Lisa and, trust me, you’re not Lisa,” you say. The woman continues to stare at you and you just notice Sam and Dean exchange looks at your sides. 
“Who’s Lisa?” Dean asks. That throws you and your arms lower just slightly as you stare at him in disbelief. 
“Lisa?! You’re ex?!” You ask. Dean shakes his head slightly. “Tall, brunette. Had a son.” Dean continues to stare at you in disbelief. “You went to live with them when Sam got stuck in the cage!!” 
“I got stuck where?” Sam asks, taken aback. Dean reaches over and touches your arm gently.  
“Sweetheart, you’re the only woman I’ve ever been with,” he says. Now you know something is really wrong. That was definitely not even remotely true. You two had only been… 
“No,” you shake your head, pressing against your temple as more memories, different memories begin to play in your head. “Wait…we…we aren’t even…this isn’t right…” 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Dean asks, watching you. You gasp as everything comes back to you at once. You raise your gun to the woman once again and narrow your eyes. 
“I remember you,” you say. The fear fades from her face slowly, replaced by a smugness. With a snap of her fingers, Dean and Sam both disappear instantly. “Bring them back!!” You snap, eyes going wide. She rolls her eyes and pushes herself up onto the desk behind her.
“They aren’t real. None of this,” she waves her hands around, “is real. You said you remember.” You frown, gun still trained on the woman in question, as you drag the memories from the deepest parts of your subconscious.
“We were on a case…a witch…it was you,” you recount. The witch smirks and makes a slight bow with her head. “What did you do?”
“Oh, you might figure it out eventually. But by then it’ll be too late. What do you say we have some more fun?” She asks, jumping back down from the desk. You shake your head as she takes a step towards you.
“Pass,” you tell her, pulling the trigger. She starts to laugh as nothing happens. You look at the gun, horrified, then back at her.
“You don’t have a choice. Now say goodnight Y/N,” she cackles before snapping her fingers again.
You gasp as you bolt upright in a bed, nearly knocking a laptop off your lap into the floor. Grabbing at it, you look around quickly. Your eyes adjust to the darkness around you and things begin to feel familiar once again. You’re in your apartment, tiny as it is, laid out across your bed. The jostling wakes your laptop up and it draws your attention.
Are you still watching?
“Watching…” You mumble, clicking back off the screen. The faces of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki greet you on the homepage of your favorite TV show, Supernatural. “Holy crap, that was a wild dream.” You run your hands over your face before closing the laptop and setting it on the floor. “Dream within a dream…freaking Inception crap…” You snort a laugh as you lay back on the bed, pulling the comforter over yourself. 
Somewhere else…
Dean Winchester stares out the window of the hospital waiting room. A raindrop slides down the glass slowly and his eyes follow it, his mind a million miles away.
“Hey,” his younger brother’s voice draws him from his thoughts. Sam steps into the waiting room, two cups of coffee in his hands. He walks over and hands one to Dean.
“Thanks,” he mumbles.
“Any news?” Sam asks. Dean takes a long drink from the recycled styrofoam cup before shaking his head. 
“Nothing since the last, ugh...incident,” he says. Sam nods and looks out at the rain. “First, the burn from nowhere. Then, it’s like she got hit by a car in her freakin’ hospital bed.” Dean stops and shakes his head, looking at the cup in his hands. “The hell is going on, Y/N?”
Read Chapter 7 here.
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @brightlilith @kazsrm67 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @demons-eats-pie-too @chriszgirl92
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theworldofwars · 4 months
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Workers making Browning machine guns at the Winchester Repeating Arms Company at New Haven (Connecticut), 6 April 1918.
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canonicallysoulmates · 11 months
J2 Main Panel SFCon 2023
Look at these cuties 💖
Would Jensen consider doing a musical? And would he ever tour with Radio Company?
He has done a musical. In high school, he was in West Side Story, he had never sung in front of anybody before and he played Tony who is singing all the time; he would definitely entertain the thought of doing something like that again but he does mention it's a lot of work. As far as touring with Radio Company they've talked about it, he's not sure about a regular tour like hopping in a van and cruising down the highway but maybe setting up a few dates in a few different cities. And it's so cute when he says this Jared goes fingers crossed.x
What's the wildest thing they've ever experienced?
Jared shares the story about how the last time he had been in France, a couple years ago, they had been staying at a hotel with a beautiful view, and he and his friend Josh were hanging out when their wives came running up to them and told them there was a guy outside who looked like he was about to beat a girl up. So Jared and his friend run out to intervene, and it seems to be a couple and they're yelling at each other, so his friend stands next to the girl and Jared stands in front of the guy. And the dude is aware of his presence but he's not looking at him, he and the girl keep screaming at each other in French until the girl storms off down the road. After the girl storms off, Jared tries to ask him if he's good and the man looks up at Jared, pauses, and goes, in French, 'Supernatural?' and Jared replies "oui", and the guy goes "bon" (meaning good) starts to walk away with his friends then stops, looks back at Jared and goes "merci, Sam Winchester."
The fan who asked this question said that originally they were going to ask something else that was mind-blowing but he forgot so Jensen jokes that's the wildest thing that has happened to him. That poor dude took a roasting 😆
Of all the places they've traveled to which has been their favorite? Excluding Italy and France. And what's one place they'd love to go to that they haven't been yet?
Jensen says Jared is just as good in Italy as he is in France, and he tells the story about how one time they were eating this amazing meal in Italy and the chef came out to ask how their food was, and Jared unknowingly did a rude hand gesture, which is basically the equivalent of flipping the bird in Italy (because in Texas this gesture means something else), to tell the chef the food was good! And Jensen was like 'that's not what you think it means', grabbed his hand, slowly put it down, and told the chef it was delicious thank you, and the chef walked away with a frown on his face. I highly recommend taking a look at this moment because it has heart eyes, some hand-holding, and they sound like such husbands! x
To answer the question, Jensen says Switzerland. Japan is also one of his favorites. A place he hasn't been to that he wouldn't mind checking out is the Maldives. Jared semi-echoes, saying he loves Switzerland, that he went there the first time because between s1 and 2 Jensen talked about going there so Jared and his brother went on route to China, and he's never been to Japan but he'd like to go. x
Is there a song that whenever they hear it it's ingrained that they associate it with SPN?
Brothers in Arms absolutely guts Jared. And Space Oddity will forever make him think about Dean chasing a fairy, basically, any David Bowie song will make him think of that.
Jensen mentions the Heat of the Moment by Asia and Jared tells him that at least he was dying instead of watching his brother die. Jensen also says his daughter found an older pop song and kept playing it on repeat in her room for like a week or so, so now he associates it with his daughter. The song in question is Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne. That kid has excellent taste 🎶
Out of any creature, existing, extinct, or mythical which would they like to saddle up and ride?
Without a second of hesitation, I think the fan hadn't even finished the question, Jared answers dodo bird and Jensen Liger. Then Jensen changes his mind and says Falkor.
And then, for some reason, he decides to basically serenade Jared by singing a little bit of Neverending Story which is very sweet and cute 🥰
Jared also says save a horse, ride a Winchester 😏 And the husbands continue husbanding cause the fan says they would want to ride a T-Rex and Jared does the little T-rex arms and is rubbing against Jensen (I don't know how else to word it okay) and Jensen just goes '15 years' and Jared replies '18'. They are so married, I can't deal with them. x
After years of Ken jokes on SPN were they disappointed to not be cast in the Barbie movie? And if they had gotten cast what Barbie would they have wanted their wife to be aka what career?
They are both so confused by this question, they don't know anything about Barbie. Jensen didn't even know Barbie had a career he thought she just shopped! And when I tell y'all I gasped literally gasped when I heard this man say that, Barbie has had over 200 jobs!
Anyways, Jensen does say that if can work with Margot Robbie he's happy. And Jared says he knows what career he wouldn't want his Barbie to have and it's deep sea exploration. I'm not explaining that joke but I had to pause I was laughing so hard I almost ended up in tears 🤣
What is their favorite department, or most important department when working on a film set?
Jensen replies that all departments are important, film and tv shows cannot be done without all departments every one is a link in a chain. That being said he would be very sad if the weakest link in the chain was catering cause there's nothing like breakfast coming off a truck like that and keep in mind breakfast is the first meal of the day, when you're filming a lot of times throughout the week the call times keep rolling later and later and later so by Friday you're not showing up to work sometimes until the sun's going down so like 7pm or whatever and then you're filming till 2, 3, or 4 in the morning but when you show up at 7'oclock they're serving breakfast out of the truck. In all seriousness, you can't do anything without the camera department, without the grips, the electrics, the props, everybody is integral, it takes an army of people to do what they get to do, and it's sad people don't get to see all of their faces because nothing gets done without them.
Jard says probably two of the most important but maybe get the least credit for what they do are the writers and the editors. It begins with the writers and it requires grips, electrics, actors, and wardrobe, and it ends with the editors.
Jensen says he knows Jared's favorite crew position: the onset carpenter. Because he breaks sets constantly it's like putting a real-life moose into a set he just breaks stuff all the time and Dave, their on-set carpenter, always had his belt ready to go and just follow Jared around putting more screws in things as needed; Jensen started noticing things were being much more greatly reinforced.
The person who asked this question is in film school and Jensen advises them to do as much as they can because the more cross-department they can work in, the greater their knowledge of how the whole thing works then they can really pick and choose where they want to be. x
What's their favorite gag reel that did not make it into the bloopers?
They think for a minute, then Jensen answers there were quite a few, that they've often said there could be a six-hour cut-together gag reel per season. They would have enough for a whole season of gag reels after two episodes.
Jared says that when SPN started back in '05 they were shooting on film so they would have to print the film, send it to get developed, then send it down to LA but in later seasons they were shooting digital so it was on a memory card and to save gags on the memory card is much easier and less expensive and time-consuming than on actual film to get processed so that's one of the reasons why they became longer.
Another thing is that when you're on set and they call action, they start rolling the camera, whether it be on digital or on film, and something goes sideways and it becomes a gag of some sort when they call cut unless the director says to print it meaning save it essentially then it's lost forever. And sometimes, directors, because they don't want to seem like they have no control on set just won't print it because they don't want to send down 30mins of the boys horsing around even with it coming under budget and under time and all that cause it makes it seem like they just let them fool around. And because they weren't producers on SPN they couldn't say when to print a gag so he thinks they lost a lot.
Jensen says there was a lot of trying to get each other to break out of character while the cameras were rolling, it was a game they did quite often and was so fun that a lot of the crew would join them, they wouldn't print that cause the crew could get into more trouble than the actors but there was one time where Dean was on the case (this makes Jared go "tell me more"- gentlemen what is with you this con) and he had to go down a basement. He opens the door and down the stairs in the basement were the camera operator, their focus puller, and their camera assistant all in their undies and there were sex toys in the basement that they adorned on themselves so he opened the door and what made him crack wasn't them doing that because he was used to them pulling that stuff it was that the guest star had no idea yet he didn't react.
Jared says MC and Alex were the easiest to break, Jensen is very difficult to break but there is one person who was undefeated: Jim Beaver. So much so that he's not sure if this made it into the gag reel but when Bobby is in the hospital and Sam and Dean are standing at the foot of the bed talking to him, Jared realized the camera was below the chest area and he reached under the sheet and started pinching Jim Beaver's toes but he didn't break so Jared grabbed his other hand to secure his right hand and pinched as hard as he could on Beaver's big toe but he still didn't react until they called cut and he called Jared a damn idiot 😂 After that Jared gave up on trying to make him break. x
Next fan volunteers at a non-profit dog rescue, called doggie protective services! And they use themes to come up with names for the puppies they rescue so could they come up with a creative theme and a handful of names for the puppies? Requirements they have to be G rated and no SPN because they've already done that theme.
Jared says Barbie professions like Astronaut the chihuahua 😂 I actually really like that name for a chihuahua not gonna lie.
He also suggests favorite amendments, and Jensen jokes 5 doesn't talk much, that's hilarious! Then Jared says but one won't shut up and Jensen replies one won't shut up so two shot him these men are on point today with the jokes 🤣
(For the international fans the fifth amendment is the right to not self-incriminate, the second is the right to bear arms, and the first is free speech)
Jared also suggests favorite vice presidents...from colonial France. Jensen suggests colors with a Mr. or Ms. in front of them, but they've done that already, and the same with breakfast foods. Jared says conspiracy theories, Jensen says James Bond villains but Jared reminds him that's not always G, and the jokes they make leave me in tears x
During the final question, the fan compliments both of them and Jared replies that Jensen is a handsome dude, and Jensen says staring at Jared is like looking into the sun awww Jensen! That's so sweet 💛
The last question is basically if Jensen's hair is longer than Jared's now, he says no but the fans are not so sure; he also comments that actors a lot of times don't cut their hair or shave until their next role cause then it's easier to cut it and do what's needed for the particular character. x
And with that, we wrap up this panel, and let me tell y'all I don't do justice to how married they were acting during this thing it was wonderful.
J2 Main Panel SFCon 2023
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pulpsandcomics2 · 8 months
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Winchester Repeating Arms Company
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broadcastarchive-umd · 3 months
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#VoxPop During World War II,  Vox Pop broadcast from defense plants all over the country, interviewing men and women of all backgrounds, including African Americans. On January 24, 1944, the show broadcast from the Winchester Repeating Arms Company in New Haven, Connecticut.
Among the interviewees was Earl L. Carl, a blind worker at the plant whom Parks Johnson would later single out as one of the Vox Pop “All-Stars.” Here Carl (center) is shown towering above his fellow interviewees, surrounded by hosts Parks Johnson and Warren Hull, along with plant manager Thomas Boak.
Carl would go on to graduate from the Yale Law School and, in 1948, join the faculty of what is now the Thurgood School of Law at Texas Southern University. In 1992, the Earl L. Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy was created in his honor. He passed away in 1996 at the age of 77. 
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Pairing: Crowley X Reader (he/him)
Requested by: anon
Warnings: body image issues, Crowley using insults as love language
Word Count: 1,190
Summary: insecurities, Crowley's friendly insults because he is Like That and a confession
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"Objectively speaking, am I really that ugly?" The words were tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. The thought had been gnawing at his brain for the better part of the day and apparently wanted to get out and in the open now. Took him by surprise too, that fucker.
Crowley's head shot up from the contract he was working on, brows furrowed. "Pardon?"
Yeah, no he wasn't gonna repeat that. Y/N pulled his shoulders up and raised the lore book back up to his face. "Uh nothin'."
A beat of silence followed that made Y/N hopeful that he was off the hook. The words on the paper were actually making sense after a breath or two and he buried himself in the source material to escape the embarrassment of his words.
Since Crowley was more or less allied with the Winchesters - and Y/N by proximity -, this had strangely enough become a part of their normal schedule. At first, the demon had showed up sporadically, whenever they were about to be really really fucked and helped them. Allegedly to have something to hold over their heads.
Only that he never took them up on it. Sure, they ganked a few demons here and there in Crowley's interest but that was it. Still, it had become a regular occurrence to see Y/N and the king of hell working in peace together. Dean wasn't too happy about it but he wasn't covering everything with devil's traps anymore so he had to be secretly okay with it.
And Y/N had made the mistake of striking up conversations here and there. And because he was talking to supernatural beings on a daily basis, it didn't faze him the least to notice that they were getting along. Oh, how naive.
Of course, Y/N's life was never that easy. Soon, more than friendly feelings had followed. Naturally, it had to be the king of hell and not, y'know, someone that he would have a pinch of a chance with.
The book disappearing right beneath his hands shook Y/N out of his thoughts.
Confused, he looked up and was faced with a pissed off Crowley.
He was leaning against the table, not two feet away from Y/N, arms crossed and eyes burning holes (fortunately not literal ones) into his skull. "Are we gonna ignore that Winchester level low amount of self esteem or is there a possibility that I can punch some sense into you?"
"...What?" Y/N leaned back in his chair, taken aback by the intensity in Crowley's voice. And his glare. That glare was terrifying.
The demon huffed. "Let's take this from a different angle, mouse. Who exactly told you, you were ugly?"
"Uhm," yeah, well that was not the reaction he had expected so excuse him for being confused, "no one?"
"So now you're lying as well?" Crowley honest to God tutted, "I can't believe that I'm wasting my time with this."
And there it was. Y/N pushed himself up a little straighter and glared. "Just ignore that I said anything okay? It's dumb anyway."
"The only thing that's 'dumb' here-" if Crowley wasn't freaking him out right now, Y/N would be laughing at the air quotations, "- is that you're being aggravatingly stupid! You are not and will never be ugly, Y/N. Quite the opposite in my humble opinion."
Now, Y/N was truly speechless.
Which did not go unnoticed by Crowley. "Oh come on!"
He threw his arms in the air in annoyance. Only then, Y/N felt how close Crowley had actually gotten. He was standing right in front of him; if Y/N so decided, he could pull the demon down into his lap.
A thought he banned from his mind immediately.
Meanwhile, Crowley was talking again.
"You didn't think that I would spend time with you out of the kindness of my heart, would you?" He said condescendingly and took the last step between Y/N's legs, "no, mouse. One, you're ridiculously hot - just like every of you godforsaken hunters apparently - and two, I enjoy your company. Would in the biblical sense too if you'd just get your head out of your ass."
Y/N just barely swallowed another undignified 'what' and stared instead. Maybe not the wisest choice in the face of this confession but he couldn't help it.
This was a lot to work through, okay?
Only when Crowley made to move away - maybe not quite hurt in his slumped shoulders but something close to it - Y/N unfroze. Employing his handy hunter reflexes, he snatched Crowley's arm before he could snap away (or walk to the door of the bunker and snap away from outside of wardings).
"What." Now, it was Crowley's turn to utter the question.
"Just to be clear-" now that he was standing, the size difference had turned to his advantage and he could look straight at Crowley; clutching his arm tightly, "-you won't punch me in the face if I kiss you now?"
"I will punch you in the face if you don't," he retaliated and yanked Y/N closer unexpectedly.
Which made the kiss more of a headbutting than anything else. At least initially.
Crowley's lips were surprisingly soft on his (and conjured an image of the demon lecturing Dean on toxic masculinity - and if that wasn't a sign for Y/N's brain being dangerously close to melting than he didn't know what else would be) though the hand at the back of his head was possessive enough to make up for it.
And then, Crowley licked his lips and Y/N wasn't thinking at all anymore.
"Now that we established that -" Crowley was lying half on top of him and still maintained an air of superiority. Like a cat, Y/N thought idly. "-am I getting an explanation for that little breakdown of yours?"
Y/N looked at his fingers that were fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "Does it matter?"
"Hardly. But I still want to know." Crowley managed to sound both annoyed and concerned.
Yeah, Y/N really could have chosen someone easier. But the words and the exact way in which they were spoken made him ridiculously giddy and wanting to share all his secrets. So yeah. No changing those feelings.
He sighed and tipped his head on Crowley's shoulder. "Just the wonderful mix of standing next to underwear model one and underwear model two on a daily basis and on top of that being plagued by the being you're hunting with dreams that are telling you all kinds of nasty things while - by definition of the lore - being unable to lie."
"The creature responsible is dead I assume?" The steel in his voice made Y/N remember that he was talking to a demon.
So he nodded quickly and brushed his lips over the exposed skin under Crowley's shirt.
It had the desired effect. Crowley merely scoffed and relaxed back into the cushions. "They got off easy then."
"Do we have to keep talking?" Y/N complained and tugged on Crowley's collar.
Crowley grinned devilishly. "Not if I can help it."
Y/N had absolutely no objections to that.
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440mxs-wife · 2 years
It’s About Time
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Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader, mention/hint of Dean x F!Reader (past). Other Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Clint Barton, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and Jeremiah Nelson/Demon!Dazon (OMC). Mentioned: Happy Hogan and Bobby Singer.
Word Count: 6456
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, but for the most part, here there be FLUFF. (And maybe some references to “bow-chicka-wow-wow” times, but no smut.)
Summary: The final battle is at hand, with the Demon Dazon making his appearance. Everything seems to be going to plan, until....it doesn’t. A wrinkle in the plan appears from an unexpected source, so you have to think fast. You only hope your hunting skills will be enough to be successful in defeating Dazon and avenging your parents.
A/N: Last part!! It all comes down to the final battle between the Hunters and Avengers vs. the Demons. And of course, there was no way I was going leave this without including a wedding! This has been a fun mini-series to write, but the characters make it so easy. Thank you all so much for joining me on this ride, and hope you like this last part.
A/N 2: You;ll find Part 1, Perfect Timing here, Part 2, Running Out of Time here, Part 3 In the Nick of Time here, and Part 4, Turning Back Time here. Enjoy!
By the time you and Bucky had joined the gala, it was nearly in full swing. You saw the usual crowd of CEOs and other executives with their wives in attendance, along with some government officials. Some were dancing, others were hanging out at the bar, the buffet table, or bending Tony's ear about something.
Every once in a while, you checked in with your team members through your earpiece to determine if Dazon had made an appearance. So far, no one had seen him, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up. Until then, you'd have to remain on your guard and ready for pretty much anything.
A little over an hour after you and Bucky arrived, you were coming back to the table when you spotted Dazon at the ballroom entrance. He was flanked by the same two bodyguards that had stopped you, Natasha and Wanda outside the clothing store a few days ago. "Heads up, everyone, the Eagle has landed," you murmured into your earpiece.
"Do not engage, repeat, do not engage," Dean commanded. "You're the one he's after, and you need to stay out of his sight," he added.
"Acknowledged, Dean. I'm not going to do anything to make things worse," you retorted.
"Oh, like you did the other day outside the store?" he shot back.
"Hey, let's cut the chatter and keep our focus on the objective," Steve broke in.
"Sorry, Cap," you replied. By this time, you were back to Bucky's side, his arm around you. The smell of his aftershave sent a wave of comfort over you.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Bucky inquired as he kissed that spot behind your ear that he knows can make you weak in the knees. He took a deep breath and caught the scent of his favorite perfume on you, causing him to be the one with possible knee problems.
"I'm fine, just want this to be over and done with already," you muttered. As you scanned the room, a thought occurred to you. Of all your team members, you had yet to see Clint "Hawkeye" Barton. "Hey, has anyone seen Clint yet tonight? Repeat, anyone got eyes on Hawkeye?"
Before anyone could answer, Tony appeared on the stage with a folder in his hand and grabbed the microphone. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for being here tonight. As you know, the Stark Foundation is always looking for opportunities to support the community. The inspiration for tonight's award comes from someone within my own company," he announced.
Tony went on to explain that a scholarship was being created in honor of your parents in the amount of $1million. He mentioned that while you attended college, you took classes within the Foreign Language Department. Since then, the Foreign Language program of your school had received private donations from your parents to keep it afloat. With his help, the scholarship would continue to fund the program for future students of foreign languages.
Tony's eyes roamed the crowd until they landed on yours. He smiled and beckoned you to join him on the stage to accept the award on behalf of your parents. A certificate had been printed for you to present to the dean of your college alma mater.
As soon as you were halfway up to the stage, the lights in the ballroom went out, plunging the entire ballroom into darkness. Realizing that Dazon was finally making his move, Tony shouted, "FRIDAY! Lock down the Tower and seal off this room!"
When the lights came back up, your upper arms were being gripped by Dazon's guards. But most concerning was that Hawkeye was standing in front of you. He had an arrow in his bow, drawn and aimed straight at your heart. His eyes had flashed completely black, indicating he was being possessed by a demon, confirming your worst fears.
Bucky, Steve and Natasha started to rush towards you and Clint. "WAIT! NO, DON'T! STAY BACK EVERYONE, PLEASE!" you implored. Dazon's guards tightened their hold on your arms, making you wince from the bruises you knew were being inflicted.
Dean and Sam walked slowly over to the table where you and Bucky had been sitting. "Yeah, don't. You'll never reach her in time, and there's a demon controlling Hawkeye right now," Dean carefully explained.
"Excellent advice, Mr. Winchester, and you are exactly correct," Dazon confirmed. "Although, if you care more about your precious archer than this woman, then by all means, keep advancing," he smirked. He sauntered over to where you were being held. "I've been waiting a long time for this, my dear. Your parents caused me no end of trouble by interrupting my plans for a demon army," he remarked.
You lifted your chin in defiance, glaring at Dazon. "My parents were right to put a stop to you all those years ago. The world may be a mess right now, but one thing it doesn't need is another demon trying to rule it," you spat out.
Dazon drew his hand back and slapped you across the cheek, leaving a red mark. Bucky charged at Dazon, intent on making him pay for putting his hand on you. Steve and Natasha were only barely able to hold him back, knowing it would be worse for you if Bucky tried to fight Dazon. You silently communicated to Bucky that you were all right, and to hold on just a little bit longer.
"You know, I think I like this meatsuit. He's durable, in great physical condition, and a captain of industry. Which means I have thousands of loyal employees ready and willing to do whatever I tell them to do. I like it here. I think I'll stick around for awhile, rebuild my army," Dazon mused.
"Now, you know we can't allow you to do that," Dean replied, his M1911A1 pistol raised and pointed at Dazon. In response, Dazon waved his hand and sent Dean flying across the room, crashing into a table covered with empty drink glasses. Dean was a little slow in rising to his feet, but you were more concerned with the gash in his forehead from the impact with the table.
"I don't think you're in any position to stop me, Winchester. None of you are, as a matter of fact," Dazon declared. "It was so easy to get to Mr. Barton here," he motioned in Clint's direction. "Apparently, he forgot to get himself inked, which would've kept my lieutenant, Tarkil, out. But, with no anti-possession symbol, it was like walking through the front door and setting up shop," Dazon gloated.
You turned to Hawkeye, locking your gaze on him. "Clint," you started. "Clint, I know you're still in there, and you're stronger than the demon. You know me, I'm your friend, and I know you don't want to hurt me. Come on Clint, you can do this! Fight it! Kick the demon out!" you shouted.
The grip on his bow and arrow had started to waver and his aim had shifted a little from its original target. He was blinking rapidly and shaking his head as if trying to clear it from the demon residing in his body. Suddenly he dropped his bow and arrow and clutched his head with both hands, roaring in intense agony. The demon was trying to keep control, but you could tell it was rapidly losing ground to Clint, who was getting close to expelling the offending party.
"That's it, Clint, you're doing great, you've almost got him out," you coaxed. Black smoke suddenly erupted from out of Clint's mouth and he dropped to the ground, still alive, but unconscious.
"SILENCE!" Dazon screeched. His hand shot out and grabbed your neck, lifting you off the ground, then he started to squeeze. "You are as troublesome as your parents were, and you know what happened to them," he seethed.
Black spots started appearing in front of you, and were getting larger the harder he gripped your neck. You didn't have much time before you would completely lose consciousness. "Any last words before I finish choking the life out of you, hunter?" he retorted.
"Yes," you managed to whisper. You took a deep breath before uttering what you hoped wouldn't be your final words. "FRIDAY....SMOKE ON THE WATER," you exclaimed.
A puzzled look crossed Dazon's face at your choice of last words. A chime sounded to indicate that FRIDAY had indeed heard your command and began to play the pre-recorded message.
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo, draco maledicte. Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!
A red smoke seeped out of Jeremiah Nelson and floated to the ceiling while his body dropped to the floor, unconscious, but alive. Dazon's spirit tried to escape through the air vent, but was blocked. It tried seeping under the door, which was also blocked. The smoke that was Dazon's spirit began to swirl around on the ceiling, as it was trapped with no meatsuit to wear.
From a nearby table, Sam produced an Enochian puzzle box and opened the lid, which pulled Dazon's spirit in. As soon as the lid to the box was closed, the markings and symbols glowed orange for a few seconds then went dark. Sam took the puzzle box and placed it inside of a bigger box. The larger box had the proper warding and symbols on it to ensure Dazon's permanent captivity.
Once Dazon's spirit was no longer connected to his meatsuit, you were released from his hold and you dropped to the floor. Bucky rushed over to your side and cradled your unconscious form in his arms. "No no no, baby, come on," he crooned. "Please wake up, sweetheart," he pleaded while rocking you back and forth.
Dean knelt down beside you and Bucky, his fingers pressed to your wrist. "She's just unconscious, I can feel her pulse but it's kinda weak," he affirmed.
"Okay, let's get her to the MedBay. FRIDAY, ask Dr. Cho to meet us there so she can check--" Tony started but was interrupted by a groaning noise heard from you.
"My head hurts," you rasped. "Did we get him? Is everybody okay?" you asked through half-lidded eyes.
Bucky breathed a sigh of relief that you had regained consciousness. His right hand cradled your cheek, and when you gazed into his soulful eyes, you could see unshed tears shimmering in them. "Hi," he whispered shakily.
"Hi," you whispered back, then turned to press a kiss to the palm of his hand. Bucky closed his eyes, reveling in your touch. A few tears escaped, which you brushed away with the pad of your thumb before covering his hand on your cheek with your hand. "Is it over?"
Bucky nodded. "It's over. His spirit is trapped inside one box, which Sam put inside another box. Clint's demon is gone, he's being tended to right now," he informed you.
You tried to maneuver yourself to a sitting position so you could then stand up, but your body was still a little weak from the fight with Dazon. Bucky helped you up from the floor and into a nearby chair from one of the dinner tables. He brought you some water to ease the burning in your throat due to the lack of oxygen.
"Tony, everybody, get out of my way, I have to see her," Clint bellowed. He was struggling to escape from Tony and the medical personnel trying to treat him to get to you. As soon as his eyes found you, he ran over to where you were sitting. "Sunshine, I'm so sorry for what happened," he implored. "I can't believe I almost....If I had released...." he trailed off, trying to keep his emotions under control.
You put your hand on Clint's arm and looked him straight in the eyes. "Clint, you have nothing to apologize for. I know that wasn't you in control, because the real you wouldn't have let anything happen to me," you replied.
"I would never," Clint whispered, his bottom lip trembling. "I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything, couldn't stop any of it from happening."
"I bet it felt like you were in a dream, right? You know, the kind where you scream at the top of your lungs and no one hears you?" you asked, to which he nodded. "Yeah, I've been possessed by a demon before, so I know what it feels like and it sucks," you chuckled. Clint responded with a watery grin. "You're still my friend, Clint, that hasn't changed. I'll follow you into battle any day," you asserted with a smile. The two of you embraced, then Clint allowed himself to be taken to the MedBay to be checked over.
"How about you, pretty girl? You ready to be checked over by Dr. Cho?" Bucky asked.
"I'm fine, James. Nothing a little rest and cuddling with my favorite super soldier wouldn't fix. And if it happens to lead to....'other activities', well....I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it," you added slyly.
Bucky scooped you up in his arms and held you close to his body. "I can certainly manage some cuddling, but I think we should stick to getting some rest. We've had a busy night, solnyshka," he replied with a weary grin.
Back up in your room, you and Bucky helped each other out of your formal attire and made sure it was all carefully hung up in the closet. After you had changed into pajamas, you climbed in under the sheets and Bucky soon followed. He laid on his back, with one arm curled around you, keeping you close by his side. Your free arm was draped across his midsection, your fingers dancing on and under his T-shirt.
The two of you had been laying in bed together, enjoying each other's presence, when you lifted your head and waited for Bucky to look at you. "Let's get married," you declared.
"What are you talking about, sweetheart? We're already getting married a few months from now," Bucky reminded you.
"I know, but I mean this week. Let's get married this week," you clarified. At the puzzled look on Bucky's face, you continued. "Think about it, James. All of our friends--family, really--they're all already here. That's all we need. I'm sure Tony can pull some strings to expedite the marriage license, but why couldn't we?" you pondered.
The more Bucky thought about it, the more he realized you were right. Neither of you wanted a big, flashy wedding, but one more intimate, only close family and friends. "Okay. Okay, let's do it," he responded with a grin on his handsome face.
"Really?!? You mean it??" you exclaimed, to which he nodded.
"Solnyshka, there is very little in this world I would deny you, and this definitely isn't one of those things. I can tell how important this is to you. If it makes you happy, then who am I to stand in the way of that? Besides, it means I can call you my wife that much sooner," he added with a gentle tap to the end of your nose.
"Oh, James," you whispered, tears prickling behind your eyelids. "I love you so much, and I can't wait to call you my husband," you remarked.
"I love you, my solnyshka," Bucky replied, then rolling over so he was facing you. He started dropping feather-light kisses anywhere he could reach, your cheeks, your neck, eyelids, nose. It was like he was on a mission to leave no inch of your skin untouched by his lips, as if to devour you. Not that you minded in the least.
It's amazing the amount of stuff that can be done in a short amount of time with an unlimited bank account. Tony was indeed able to call in a favor for nearly every major part of the wedding experience. Whatever you needed, Tony had a connection for it.
Tony was able to get an expedited marriage license for you and Bucky, because one of his friends was a judge. This judge also happened to be at the fundraising gala that night and was a former hunter, long since retired from the life. He was only too happy to grant this favor to Tony in exchange for having saved his life at the gala. The judge even offered to officiate the wedding, to which you and Bucky agreed.
For his part, Bucky chose Steve to be his Best Man, with Sam Wilson as a groomsman, while Thor and Loki were designated as ushers. Knowing how important they are to you, Bucky personally extended an invitation to the Winchesters to be his guests for the wedding. As such, it put them in the front row at the ceremony. At the reception, Sam and Dean had seats near the head table with all the other Avengers.
On your side, you asked Natasha to be your maid of honor, with Wanda as a bridesmaid. Since your father and Uncle Bobby could not do so, you asked Tony if he would walk you down the aisle.
When you asked him, he tried to act like he wasn't emotionally affected by hiding behind his tinted glasses. You could tell he was a little choked up, but you wisely refrained from saying anything out loud. Deep down, you knew he wasn't expecting you to choose him, though he was deeply honored to give you away.
Everyone in the wedding party and the small number of guests were either Avengers or close friends. For this reason, you and Bucky chose to have the ceremony in the Tower Gardens. As such, there was no need for the men to dress in tuxedos, but they did make use of Tony's favorite tailor. Everyone got new suits, including Sam and Dean.
The bridal party once again set out together to find their wedding attire. The bridesmaid and maid of honor dresses you chose were floor-length in navy blue satin with spaghetti straps. They had a racer-back and a mesh criss-cross at the waist.
Your wedding dress was a white, off-the-shoulder ball gown style, with a sweep train and a navy blue and silver beaded sash at the waist. It had metallic appliqués with beads and sequins from top to halfway down the tulle skirt that sparkled when you moved.
The minute you stepped into it, you knew it was the dress. Nat and Wanda's reactions confirmed that you had made the perfect choice. Although you were more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, you felt very much like a princess in your dress. You couldn't wait to see Bucky's reaction to you.
As was tradition, the night before the wedding saw you and Bucky sleeping apart. Of course, that didn't stop the two of you from texting each other well into the night. The two of you officially signed off at around 1:00 a.m., with promises to meet each other at the altar.
The wedding day was a flurry of activity, making sure everything for both sides of the wedding was done perfectly. For the bride's side, that included professionals for hair and makeup. Tony also sent Pepper in to the bridal suite to keep everything organized and running smoothly.
"Okay, something old? Check, I have this locket that once belonged to my mother. Something new? My dress. Something borrowed? Nat's shoes, thank you, love. Something blue? The sash on my dress. And a sixpence for my shoe," you finished, looking around for a penny.
"Here you go," Pepper held out a penny with the current year on it and helped you slip it into your shoe. "You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you threw Tony for a loop when you asked him to give you away," she shared.
"I wondered about that," you murmured. "He tried to hide behind those tinted glasses of his, but I know he wasn't expecting me to ask this of him."
"Yeah, he's tough on the outside like that iron suit he sometimes wears, but inside? He's just a soft marshmallow," Pepper grinned as she shrugged her shoulders.
You giggled at her analogy. "With the penny, that's everything, then. I'm ready to get married now," you affirmed. "How do you think it's going with the guys?" you wondered.
"Hey, Steve, you've got the rings, right?" Bucky asked his Best Man.
Steve made a show of patting his pockets and looking around like he didn't know where the rings were. "I don't know, Buck, they were just here. I swear I put them in my pocket, but I don't feel them in there right now," Steve replied.
"Aww, you gotta be kiddin' me, Steve! How could you lose the rings? Holding on to the rings was pretty much your only--" Bucky trailed off when he saw his best friend's shoulders shaking from laughing so hard. "Punk," he muttered.
"Just a bit of pre-wedding humor, Buck," Steve remarked.
"Yeah? Well, you nearly gave me a heart attack," Bucky retorted. Then he gave Steve a friendly nudge to let him know all was forgiven. "Wonder how it's going with the girls. 'Specially my bride, I bet she looks just like an angel, Stevie," Bucky mused. "Today's the day I make her my wife."
Steve clapped his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know. Let's go get you married, Buck," he grinned.
Bucky, Steve and Sam made their way to the front of the altar to await the procession of the bridal party. First, Natasha sauntered down the aisle and took her place opposite the groom's party. She flashed a wink at Dean, taking him completely by surprise. Wanda soon followed, filing in behind Natasha.
The music changed to Pachelbel's Canon in D, signaling it was your turn to walk down the aisle towards your groom. You caught Tony just before he took his first step forward. "Sunny? You okay?" he asked.
You flashed him a brilliant smile worthy of your nickname. "I'm perfect, Tony. I'm marrying the love of my life today, and a lot of the thanks goes to you. So thank you, Tony. For everything," you whispered, trying to hold back your tears.
"You're welcome, kid," Tony replied gruffly, his voice thick with emotion. He cleared his throat to disguise his attempt to get his emotions back under wraps. "Let's go get you married, Sunny," he smiled.
When you took that first step into view of the altar, Bucky's breath was taken away. He already knew you were beautiful, but today, you were exquisite. For him, time seemed to slow down and the rest of the world melted away until it was just the two of you. With each step that brought you closer to him, his smile grew so much, his cheeks felt like they would split open.
The moment your eyes landed on Bucky, his was the only face you saw. No wedding guests on either side of the aisle, no bridesmaids or groomsmen at the front, just your future husband. Every step you took was one towards a life you would share with the man who was your best friend, your lover, your everything. And he would soon be yours, as much as you would be his, as husband and wife.
Once you finally reached the altar, you looked closer and could see there were tears shimmering in Bucky's eyes that had yet to fall. You hoped they were of joy, because it was rare for you to see Bucky cry except under extreme circumstances. Bucky held out his hand to guide you the few extra steps to the altar. As Tony put your hand in Bucky's, he leaned over and said, "Take care of her, Barnes." Bucky nodded in response.
"Hi, sweetheart. You....you look....you do look like an angel," Bucky finally managed.
"Hello, my love. You look more handsome than I've ever seen," you remarked softly.
A rogue tear had broken loose and rolled down Bucky's cheek. You handed your bouquet to Natasha and turned back around to Bucky. With your right hand, you cradled his face and wiped away his tears with your thumbs. Bucky gave a huff of laughter and he smiled. "There it is. That smile I've been missing since we parted last night," you whispered.
"Let's do this, hmm?" Bucky responded with a wink. You nodded, then you both turned your attention to the judge.
The ceremony was simple, but it was easily the most beautiful, because of the love you and Bucky held for each other. The judge announced that you both had written your own vows, and he invited you to share them with everyone.
"My sweet solnyshka....you are one of the best parts of my life. You accepted me, all of me, even the darkest parts of my life. But that's why I call you 'solnyshka', which means 'sunshine'. It's because you shine your generous, caring heart on me to chase away the darkness. I will love, honor, and definitely cherish you. I will be your shoulder to cry on if or when life overwhelms you. To share in all of your joys and to not be the source of your pain. This I promise to do for the rest of my days," Bucky affirmed. He winked at you and mouthed the words, "your turn".
"My brave sergeant....ever since that first conversation we had in my office about books, I knew how special you were. I had heard about what the hardships you'd experienced in your life. But despite it all, James, you have remained a kind, compassionate, thoughtful man. You are worthy of everything good this world has to offer you. I will love, honor, and definitely cherish you. I will be your safe harbor whenever a storm rises, and mend any parts after it passes. To show you how much you mean to me and to not let you forget it. This I promise to do for the rest of my days," you pledged.
Next came the exchange of rings. This time, Steve did not risk Bucky's ire by pretending he'd forgotten them or couldn't find them. With trembling hands, Bucky slid your wedding band on your left ring finger, then kissed it. You grasped Bucky's wedding band and gave him a wink before slipping it on his left ring finger and kissing it.
"By the power vested in me by the great State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," the judge announced.
Bucky wasted no time in sweeping you into his arms and giving you that first kiss as a married couple. "I love you, solnyshka," he whispered.
"I love you, James," you responded.
"Ladies and gentlemen: It is my distinct honor to present to you Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes!" the judge proclaimed. The garden erupted into cheers of joy and shouts of congratulations for the new married couple as they walked back up the aisle and into the Tower for the reception.
"Reception is in the first ballroom on the 81st floor, the one right as you step off the elevator," Tony informed the guests.
After a lavish dinner of prime rib or chicken, with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, it was time for toasting the happy couple. Steve went first as Best Man, followed by Natasha as Maid of Honor. Each of the wedding party members, including Thor and Loki, had a chance to offer their congratulations or even words of advice.
Even Tony had a chance at the microphone and after he was finished, he placed it on the table near Sam and Dean's places. The brothers first looked at each other, then at Tony who acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. Sam motioned for Dean to take this opportunity and give his toast. Dean rolled his eyes, but picked up the microphone as he stood from his chair.
"Hey everybody," Dean started, then cleared his throat. "My name's Dean Winchester, I'm pretty new around here, well, I guess so is my brother, Sam. But, we've been friends with the bride for a long time, since we used to work together. I could probably tell you some really good stories, but I think I need a few more drinks for that," he chuckled. A ripple of laughter went through the crowd at his remark, then he continued.
"Her nickname around here is 'Sunshine', which sure fits. At one point, I used to think she and I would end up together, but....guess it wasn't meant to be, not for us anyway," he remarked. Raising his champagne flute to you and Bucky, he continued. "She's an amazing woman, Sergeant Barnes. One of the best. Take care of each other, be there for each other, love each other. Do that, and you'll have it made. To the bride and groom," Dean finished.
Everyone raised their glasses after Dean's speech. Afterwards, you locked eyes with Dean and smiled, then mouthed, "Thank you". You then turned and gave Bucky a lingering kiss on the lips. Tony walked over to Dean's table and retrieved the microphone to make a few announcements. He mentioned that some of the tables would be cleared momentarily so that the dancing could start.
Fortunately, Tony's usual go-to DJ for his parties was available. After the tables were cleared, you and Bucky shared your first dance as a married couple. After that, it was dancing with the parents, but both your parents and Bucky's were gone. So, Tony danced the father part with you, while Pepper danced with Bucky as the mother part.
The DJ played the usual group dances, like the Cha-Cha Slide, the Hokey Pokey, the Electric Slide and even the Chicken Dance. During one of your breaks, you told Natasha how Dean had asked about her the day he showed up at the Tower.
Nat gave you a knowing wink and left you with Bucky, then approached Dean at his table to ask him to dance. You were surprised when he accepted, because the last you knew, thee Dean Winchester did not dance, not even when asked. They danced the end of a fast song, which led into a slow one. At one point, you caught Dean's eye and toasted him with your drink. He gave you the thumbs-up from his hold on Natasha.
After much dancing and champagne drinking, it was time to leave for some alone time with your husband. You and Bucky decided to spend your wedding night in your room in the Tower. Soundproof measures were engaged of course, courtesy of FRIDAY.
When you got to the door, Bucky opened it a crack, then scooped you up into his arms. You let out a shriek of surprise when he cradled you to his chest, then threw your arms around his neck. Once inside, he gently set you back on your feet, but didn't fully release you. He dipped his head towards you and gave you a long, breath-stealing kiss.
You carefully slipped your feet out of Nat's borrowed shoes, groaning in relief. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky staring intently at you, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "See something you like, Sarge?" you wondered coyly.
Bucky took your hand and tugged you closer then wrapped his arms around you. "You're so beautiful, solnyshka. I can't believe you're finally mine," he murmured.
"I was always yours, James," you remarked, caressing his cheek with your hand. "Now, I can't seem to reach the zipper on the back of my dress. Would you be so kind as to assist me in that task, Mr. Barnes?" you asked innocently, batting your eyes.
"As you wish, Mrs. Barnes," Bucky replied. He placed one hand on your shoulder and with the other, he brushed your hair from your neck. Then he took hold of the zipper tab, slowly dragging it down, wanting to savor every second of undressing his new wife.
Bucky leaned forward and dropped soft kisses to each new inch of skin revealed by the retreating zipper. Once it reached its end, he pushed the dress off your shoulders while you drew your arms out of the sleeves.The fabric and lace pooled at your feet, leaving you in your thigh-high stockings and new lingerie. The item, a white bodysuit with a lace front and cutout in the mid-section, was a gift from your bachelorette party.
"Whoa, baby," Bucky whispered. "Who do I have to thank for this?" he asked.
You giggled at his reaction. "It was a gift from Wanda at my bachelorette party," you explained.
"Definitely have to thank her for this. Now, as much as I like this on you, I'd much rather it was on the floor," he remarked. He curled his pinky finger around one of the straps and gently tugged it down from your shoulder, then repeated the motion on the other side. By the look in his eyes, you were in for one of the best nights of your life, made better because now he was your husband.
It was late morning the following day before any Avenger or Winchester ventured outside of their rooms. Steve came in first, followed by Sam Wilson, only one of whom was nursing a light hangover. Thor and Loki were next, still feeling the effects of the Asgardian mead they consumed at the wedding reception.
Sam and Dean came in next, followed by Natasha and Wanda. Neither Winchester appeared to be nursing much of a hangover at all, a fact which did not escape attention.
"Wait a minute, hold up," Sam Wilson started. "You two drank the most of all of us, yet you're in here fresh as daisies. What gives?" he demanded, pointing at Dean.
"High alcohol tolerance," Dean responded. "Whiskey, or alcohol in general, is pretty much currency in the hunting world," he explained.
"He's right, Falcon, but even the great Dean Winchester has his limits. Oh, I could tell you some stories," you teased. "Good morning, everyone," you smiled. Bucky appeared a few seconds later, wrapping his arms around you from behind and offering his greetings as well.
"Good morning to you, newlyweds," Natasha replied. "Certainly didn't expect to see you today, if not for a few days at least," she smirked.
"Really, Nat? I certainly didn't expect to see you in a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, either. Particularly because I know exactly where it came from," you responded smugly. Natasha's face flushed a deep red, which left her unable to reply. On your way to make coffee, you affectionately squeezed her shoulder so she knew you were only teasing.
Moments later, Tony appeared with a large envelope in his hand. His face broke out into a smile when he noticed you and Bucky in the kitchen. "Ah, good, you're both here. Although, I must say, I'm a little surprised," he mused. "Anyway, I know you were stressing about the honeymoon, not wanting it to interfere with any missions, so here you go. Two weeks, go, have fun," he said as he handed you the envelope.
Bucky peered over your shoulder as you opened the envelope to find a pair of airline tickets. In addition to the wedding, he had taken care of planning your honeymoon as well. He assured you that it was all arranged and all paid for you and Bucky to take a two-week cruise in the Mediterranean. There were stops in Lisbon, Marseilles, Athens and so many other cities it made your head spin.
"Tony," you breathed. "This is wonderful, it's a dream come true, but it's too much. You already did so much for us as it is," you protested and tried to return the envelope.
Tony held up his hands, refusing to take it back. "Nope, uh-uh, sorry Sunny, but this is non-refundable, so you two had better go get packed. There's a car waiting for you downstairs for Happy to take you to the airport. I'll even let you use my jet to take you to the port where you board the ship," he stated.
You and Bucky looked at each other and decided that yes, this would be the perfect honeymoon. Before you left the kitchen, you threw your arms around Tony's neck. "Thank you, Tony. We'll never forget everything you did for us," you choked out.
"Okay, okay, come on. Go get packed, you don't want to miss your boat," Tony muttered. You disentangled yourself from Tony. Then you grabbed Bucky's hand and practically ran back to your room to pack your bags.
About thirty minutes later, you and Bucky were in the car, waving goodbye to everyone as it pulled away from the curb. Happy drove you around to the private jet terminal, where there was a red carpet leading up to the steps to enter the jet. Two flight attendants greeted you and Bucky and followed you up the stairs into the cabin of the aircraft. They congratulated you on getting married, and you promised to let them know if there was anything more they could do.
Soon after you and Bucky were secured in your seats, the overhead speaker crackled to life, with a pre-flight announcement from the pilot. You smiled as you reached over and took Bucky's hand in yours, intertwining your fingers.
"Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking. We are currently fourth in line for takeoff to your final destination, which we will reach in just under two hours. I would like to wish a sincere congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. I hope that the two of you will have a wonderful and romantic honeymoon on your Mediterranean cruise. Please relax and enjoy the flight."
As soon as the seat belt sign was off, you grabbed the packet of information that Tony had put together for your honeymoon. "Oh, James, this is going to be so amazing! We have our own private balcony on the ship, right outside our room. There are tours we can take to explore--" Bucky gently interrupted by placing a finger on your lips.
"My love, my darling wife, all of that is wonderful, really. What I'm most looking forward to is the room service available 24/7. Because I don't see us getting out of our room much, at least not the first couple of days," Bucky remarked, an amorous look in his eyes.
"Oh. Well, I can see what you mean, my love. However, I don't think we should spend ALL of our time on the ship. We're going to be stopping in some pretty amazing places," you pointed out.
"Hmm, that may be true, but they're not as amazing as you, sweetheart. By the way, did you know that this jet has a bedroom in the back? Care to join the 'Mile-High Club' with me, Mrs. Barnes?" he grinned and waggled his eyebrows.
You took his hand in yours and started walking towards the back of the plane. "I would, but....I may have some trouble getting out of this dress," you pouted. "Do you suppose you could help me with that, Mr. Barnes?" you batted your eyelashes.
"I'm right behind you," Bucky chuckled. He nudged you forward until you were practically dragging him behind you to the room. Once inside, he closed the door and slid the lock in place. "I love you so much, Mrs. Barnes," he remarked.
"And I love you, Mr. Barnes," you replied.
@katelyn--renee, @evergreencowboy, @lassie-bird, @phoenixisred, @rslizj, @writercole, @vicmc624, @huffle-pissed, @imherefordeanandbones​
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adgp35 · 1 year
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The Missing Rifles
“But Moonbeam, this is ridiculous!” Silver Arrow protested as he and his blood brother Falcon, swung ignominiously from trees, suspended by strong rope tied under their arms and with their hands bound behind their backs. The Kiowa woman looked up at her erstwhile partner knowingly. “How so, my brother?” she retorted. “I caught you in the company of these two rattlesnakes uncovering the cache of arms stolen from the fort.” The warrior maiden indicated noted swindlers Jake Barton and Harry Sawyer, similarly suspended and tied up, with a toss of her raven maned head. Silver Arrow looked both angry and frustrated, astounded that he, along with three others, had been captured and bound so easily by a single squaw, even if that squaw was Moonbeam. He eyed the Winchester repeater rifle in her hand, part of the new stock of supplies brazenly spirited out of Fort Apache. “You are a true warrior, Moonbeam,” he said through gritted teeth, “but in this you are mistaken. Falcon and I tracked these villains to this lair and were on the verge of capturing them when you began shooting into the ground at our feet.”
Moonbeam considered Silver Arrow’s handsome and earnest features before turning to her paleface outlaw prisoners. “So, you skunks,” she addressed them, “what say you? Is this chief of the Kiowa speaking true? Is it just you two who are the thieves?” Jake and Harry continued to sway gently in the breeze. They gave each other guilty sideways looks. At last Jake spoke. “We ain’t sayin’ nuthin’, ma’am,” the nervous looking conman replied, “either way it seems our goose is cooked. I reckon you just goin’ to have to work out if you believe the redman and his sidekick or not.” Moonbeam frowned. These fools would be if no help, the female Kiowa warrior reasoned. It seemed she had a decision to make…
My interpretation of the story behind this cover to Vapnene Som Forsvant, in Solvpilen #49 (1981),
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robjackson616-blog · 5 days
Sporting Guns Market to Experience Radical Expansion
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Sporting Guns market to witness a CAGR of 7.9% during forecast period of 2024-2030. North America Sporting Guns Market Breakdown by Application (Competitive Shooting, Recreational Sports) by Type (Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun) by Metal Type (Copper, Tin, Zinc) and by Distribution channel (Gun Stores, Sporting Goods Stores, Online, Others). The Sporting Guns market size is estimated to increase by USD      Billion at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD 2.86 Billion.
Get Detailed TOC and Overview of Report @
Sporting guns are firearms designed and used for sports shooting, hunting, and recreational shooting activities. These guns vary in type, including rifles, shotguns, and handguns, and are designed to meet specific needs of sports enthusiasts and hunters.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. (United States), American Outdoor Brands, Inc. (United States), Remington Arms Company, LLC (United States), Beretta Holding (Luxembourg), Legacy Sports International (United States), Smith & Wesson (United States), Creedmoor Sports (United States), J. G. Anschütz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Browning Arms Company (United States), Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. (United States), Remington Arms Company, LLC (United States), Colt's Manufacturing LLC (United States), Savage Arms (United States), Winchester Repeating Arms (United States), FN America (United States).    
Book Latest Edition of Global Sporting Guns Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=6912
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HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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mistyh886868852 · 4 months
Facebook Apologizes Over "Bullet Train" VR Demo At Right-wing Conference
Is there a BB gun revolver? What is the age and value of a J Stevens Arms Company Favorite model? What is the worth of a JC Higgins forty four DL? Is it illegal to carry a butterfly knife in Georgia? Can a convicted felon reside within the house if the proprietor has a registered firearm in the state of Maryland.? What is the value of a Beretta Model 92FS? What guns can a felon pocess in sd and when? What's the serial quantity vary for Winchester model ninety four Cowboy Commemorative? What Year was Kenmore dishwasher model 665 serial quantity 16934000 manufactured? Who can you get the scamatices for a Ramington Airmaster .177 bb repeater? How do you equipt a weapon in tails journey? Where can you buy an A10 bullet? What gun do you could kill a bear? Where are you able to buy a clip for a Bryco Jennings 380 auto model 38? How many rounds does the 25 caliber Rigarmi pistol hold? What's the value ofa Winchester Model 70 pre 64 cal 264 western? Who is the UK importer for Smith and Wesson? Replacement hammers and triggers for old shotgun?
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FNPT inlet thread (2) TA-J44 Intercon. FNPT inlet thread (2) TA-MC-F-sixty six Intercon. Fitting / Source Fitting, FEP coiled tubing assembly - 6 ft long. FNPT inlet thread (2) TA-MC-F-sixty six Intercon. FNPT inlet thread (2) TA-J88 Intercon. Fitting / Source Fitting, Blue polyurethane coiled hose - 7 toes lengthy. Each DI water spray gun is packaged in a 4 mil bag. Spray gun could be introduced into a cleanroom gowning room, unpackaged, wiped down and introduced into a cleanroom. Spray guns are cleaned all through the manufacturing process. A last cleansing is done before packaging. DI water spray guns are packaged for a cleanroom environment. Product Code: TA-SG-802 - DI Water Spray Orbi Gun Assembly Includes: Blue polyurethane coiled hose - 7 toes long. For extra choices, take a look at our giant selection of DI water spray guns and PTFE cleanroom elements. Shipping Instructions: The DI water spray guns can ship through UPS or FedEx. The order ships accumulate or prepay and add to the invoice. If transport accumulate, add your freight account number within the "Comments Box" when trying out. Customer is chargeable for the freight cost. In addition to DI water spray guns we additionally offer quite a lot of nitrogen spray guns.
Far Cry 6 is a superb first-particular person shooter, building upon the legacy of the best Far Cry video games to deliver an expertise that respects its past and reveals hints towards the place it could go in the future. Machine Games has been answerable for the fashionable Wolfenstein series ever since 2014, and Wolfenstein 2: The new Colossus went ahead and delivered a end result of the growing story around B.J. Blazkowicz and his crew. It's by far the most story-centered entry, and in between the frenetic and infrequently over the top cutscenes, there's plenty of Nazi capturing to do. Classic weapons make their comeback, as properly because the charming dual wielding, but the brand new additions such because the hatchet elevate already uncooked and brutal combat to new heights. The plot results in a sure point in the middle of the story the place the whole lot modifications and the capabilities of B.J. Together with the campaign, an array of collectibles to find and lots of talent trees to stage up, you can good your talents throughout assassination missions, which may be accessed both during and after the story is over.
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Long vary Integrated scope Blurry or fizzy imaginative and prescient Stone Entrance Shoots cannon-blasts of water P.S. - Santa’s Wish List, Builders of Justice, Nos Populi Exhibit
The TEC vary started in 1974 with the Hipermatic TE glue gun. The Hipermatic TE was the second all-electric industrial 43mm glue gun accessible. Previous models accepting formed glue sticks and slugs had been aimed on the DIY markets. The Hipermatic TE was the place to begin for many modern day industrial glue guns. Available with a primary range of glues, it was appropriate for a choose few tasks. On the time, key purposes included shoe manufacture, packaging, and carton sealing. The TEC 2000 (left) model got here onto the market in 1978; one other predecessor of the modern TEC 3200. The design was revolutionary at the time, because of it’s "flick" standby swap. An upgraded TEC 2001 (proper) was released quickly after - with an auto-standby perform. Today, an enormous vary of TEC glue guns are available. Each with its design strengths and suitable applications. The guns vary from small, craft glue guns to industrial, heavy-responsibility glue guns. Cordless guns could be taken straight to the point of application - as an alternative of bringing elements to the gun.
For its time, the gun was pretty impressive. But it surely didn’t perform too well inside the glue gun market. By the mid-1970s, a glue gun revolution was in full flight - with many engineers working to advance glue gun design, and plenty of patents had been filed. In 1974, Herbert C Dickey filed a patent for an air-assisted glue gun. It’s believed to be the second pneumatically-managed 43mm gun. In 1976, Robert L Ornsteen filed a patent for the second 43mm industrial glue gun. His instrument is a predecessor of the TEC 3200 we all know as we speak. Although it’s undergone a number of design changes, the fundamental functioning is (almost) the identical. The Plastitherm PG 751 was compatible with sleeved glue slugs - performing as a seal throughout the instrument. The gun was actually developed locally, by Tivoli Kay in Bury! Their range of guns also included Minimatic, Hipermatic, and Supermatic models. And from 1979, we offered the Plastitherm PG 751 - buying and selling then because the Kenyon Group.
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sfbay123 · 8 months
The Winchester Mystery House
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The Winchester Mystery House is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic landmarks in San Jose, California. It's a mansion with a unique history and design that has led to numerous legends, speculations, and tales of the supernatural.
The house was once the residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of William Wirt Winchester, heir to the Winchester Repeating Arms Company fortune. After the death of her husband and daughter, Sarah Winchester reportedly began construction on the house in 1886 and it continued almost nonstop until her death in 1922. Legend has it that Sarah believed that continuous building would appease the spirits of those killed by Winchester rifles.
The mansion is known for its perplexing architecture. It has staircases that lead to nowhere, doors that open into walls, and windows that look into other parts of the house. In total, it boasts 160 rooms, including 40 bedrooms, 2 ballrooms, 47 fireplaces, over 10,000 panes of glass, 17 chimneys, two basements, and three elevators.
Some stories suggest that Sarah Winchester was advised by a psychic to build the house to appease spirits, while others believe she was simply expressing her grief and showcasing her personal and unique artistic vision. The mansion's unconventional design and Sarah's own reclusiveness contributed to these legends. Today, the mansion is often touted as one of the most haunted places in America.
The house is now a popular tourist attraction. Guided tours take visitors through the maze-like rooms and hallways, sharing both the historical and the paranormal stories associated with the mansion. They even offer flashlight tours during Halloween and on Friday the 13th, enhancing the spooky experience.
The Winchester Mystery House has inspired numerous documentaries, movies, and TV shows. Its story has been retold in various forms, adding to the allure and mystique of the mansion. Located at 525 S Winchester Blvd, San Jose, CA, the house sits on a 4.5-acre plot. It's a designated California historical landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
For those intrigued by architecture, history, or the supernatural, the Winchester Mystery House offers a unique blend of all these elements, making it a must-visit when in San Jose.
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matthewmoss · 9 months
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Just back from the 2023 edition of the Arsenals of History Symposium which this year was hosted in Springfield, Massachusetts at the Springfield Armory National Historical Site.
It was wonderful to see colleagues, visit some interesting local museums and finally visit the Armory. It was also great to present my paper on the role of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company during the First World War and to lead a really interesting round table discussion about how we can share and engage with firearms history using social media.
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Firearms and Ammunition Market Look a Witness of Excellent Long-Term Growth – Worldwide Survey by 2028
The Latest Released market study on Global Firearms And Ammunition market provides information and useful stats on market structure, size and trends. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and strategic insights to help decision makers take sound investment decisions and identify potential gaps and growth opportunities. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses changing dynamics, emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, opportunities and restraints in Firearms And Ammunition market. What’s keeping Smith & Wesson,Remington Outdoor Company,Beretta,Winchester Repeating Arms,Northrop Grumman Corporation,FN Herstal,General Dynamics Corporation,Sturm, Ruger & Co,Glock Ges.m.b.H.,Taurus,Kontsern Kalashnikov,SIG Sauer,Colt Defense,Heckler and Koch,Springfield Armory, Inc.,Barret Firearms,Browning Arms Company,MossbergSturm, Ruger & Co.,Savage Arms,Weatherby,Walther Arms,Cadex Defence Keep Growing in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and latest Market Share and Sizing of Global Firearms And Ammunition market recently published by AMA Firearms is a gun that is designed to be used by an individual. Whereas ammunition is the material fired from firearms. It is expandable and a part of another weapon. Both of them are dependent on each other. Over the 5 years, the manufacturing of guns and ammunition has increased. Due to the increasing asymmetric warfare, the demand for arms and ammunition is growing. According to American gun facts, the gun ownership rate per 100 residents is 88.8 in the USA, 54.8 in Yemen, and 45.7 in Switzerland. The global firearms and ammunition market was estimated to be around USD 31,078 million in 2019, according to the AMA study.
The Firearms And Ammunition Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Firearms {Rifles, Machine Guns, Pistols, Shotguns, Others}, Ammunition), Application (Civil & Commercial, Defense, Others), Raw material (Polymer cased bullet, Brass bullet), Caliber (Small Caliber, Medium Caliber, Large Caliber)
On the geographical front, the market has been segregated into North America (the United States and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia and others), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and others), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and others), and Middle East and Africa.
What’s Trending in Market: Development of Lead Free Bullets by Key Players
Technological Developments are Being Done for Light Weight and High Range Bullets
Market Challenges: Defense Budget of Various Developed And Developing Countries Negatively Affects the Market
Market Opportunities: Increase in Defense Expenditure by Various Countries
Rising Terrorist Activities around the Globe Is Creating an Opportunities for Arms and Ammunition
Highlights of Influencing Drivers: Development of Interests in Hunting and Shooting
Rising Concern for Personal Defense
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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playitagin · 1 year
1866 –Winchester Repeating Arms Company
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
Today is coincidentally the birthday of three gun designers: Eliphalet Remington (pictured, October 28, 1793 – August 12, 1861). He designed the early-generation Remington rifles and founded what is now known as the Remington Arms Company. Wilhelm Bubits (born October 28, 1954), an Austrian handgun designer and creator of the Caracal Pistol and Steyr Mannlicher M and S Model pistols. Horace Smith (October 28, 1808 – January 15, 1893). He was an American gunsmith, inventor, and businessman. He and his business partner Daniel B. Wesson formed two companies named Smith & Wesson, the first of which was financed in part by Oliver Winchester and was eventually reorganized into the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. — I have set sale prices on all of our shootable replica black powder revolvers at Elk Creek Company. Note that no FFL is required to order, and that cartridge conversion cylinders are available for many of these models. This sale will end on Tuesday, November 8th, so order soon! — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 103 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: The photovoltaic power specialists at Quantum Harvest LLC  are providing a store-wide 10% off coupon. Depending on the model chosen, this could be worth more than $2000. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate. This can be used for any of their one, two, or three-day course (a $1,095 value), Two cases of Mountain House freeze-dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value), A $250 gift certificate good for any product from Sunflower Ammo, American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) is providing a $300 certificate good towards any of their DVD training courses. Two sets of The Civil Defense Manual, (in two volumes) — a $193 value — kindly donated by the author, Jack Lawson. Second Prize: A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. Three-day onPoint courses normally cost $795, A SIRT STIC AR-15/M4 Laser Training Package, courtesy of Next Level Training, that has a combined retail value of $679 Two 1,000-foot spools of full mil-spec U.S.-made 750 paracord (in-stock colors only) from www.TOUGHGRID.com (a $240 value). Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security, LLC, A transferable $150 FRN purchase credit from Elk Creek Company, toward the purchase of any pre-1899 antique gun. There is no paperwork required for delivery of pre-1899 guns into most states, making them the last bastion of firearms purchasing privacy! Third Prize: Three sets each of made-in-USA regular and wide-mouth reusable canning lids. (This is a total of 300 lids and 600 gaskets.) This prize is courtesy of Harvest Guard (a $270 value) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21 (a $275 value), A transferable $150 FRN purchase credit from Elk Creek Company, toward the purchase of any pre-1899 antique gun. — More than $750,000 worth of prizes have been awarded since we started running this contest. Round 103 ends on November 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how-to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.
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lofuqiweg · 2 years
Smith and wesson 5906 mode d'emploi
                    Smith & Wesson® 5906 Éclaté . Smith & Wesson® 5906 . Smith & Wesson® 5906 Éclaté. Cliquez sur un numéro rouge pour afficher plus d'information sur la pièce et l'ajouter au panier ou cliquez sur "Liste de Pièces " pour afficher toutes les pièces. Smith & Wesson® 5906 Pièces. Connexion. Adresse e-mail / Nom d'utilisateur. Mot de passe. Connexion. Mot de passe oublié ? S'inscrire Description. This is a Smith & Wesson 5906 Double Action/Single Action Pistol, it is chambered in 9mm and has a 15 round capacity. This pistol has a stainless steel finish, a 4" barrel and black polymer grip. It is in good used condition and includes an additional magazine. Smith & Wesson mod. 5906 STS - 3rd generation high capacity 9mm Le Smith & Wesson, 5906 est une troisième génération de pistolets fabriqués à partir de 1990 par Smith & Wesson. Le 5906 est un full sized, en double colonne. La construction est en acier inoxydable. L'arme est chambrée en 9mm Parabellum. Disposant d'une véritable double action,cette arme à feu à la caractéristique Smith & Wesson was founded by Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson as the "Smith & Wesson Revolver Company" in 1856 after their previous company, also called the "Smith & Wesson Company" and later renamed as "Volcanic Repeating Arms", was sold to Oliver Winchester and became the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. The modern Smith & Wesson had been previously owned by Bangor Punta and Tomkins plc File: Smith and Wesson Model 5906.jpg. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search. File; File history; File usage on Commons; File usage on other wikis; Metadata; Size of this preview: 782 × 600 pixels. Other resolutions: 313 × 240 pixels | 626 × 480 pixels | 1,001 × 768 pixels | 1,280 × 982 pixels | 1,843 × 1,414 pixels. Original file ‎ (1,843 A favorite of the law-enforcement community in the 80s and 90s and beyond. These are great pistols that are very durable and age nicely.Before the polymer ha I hope I can learn from you guys. I have a question: I own a S&W5906 and want to fit it with a guide rod laser. I tried contacting Lasermax but they told me that they don't manufacture those anymore (models LMS-5901-B or LMS-5901-S). Can anyone help me maybe giving me a contact of someone who may still have a NEW one of those in the US. The Smith & Wesson 5906 is a pistol manufactured starting in 1989 by Smith & Wesson. Where can i get The perfect Smith and Wesson 5906. The perfect Smith and Wesson 5906. The perfect Smith and Wesson 5906 on Deep web. In Covid's recent days, the used weapon has battled with the several other elements that are pushing individuals to purchase additional firearms. I receive from people regular Smith & Wesson 5906 Stainless Steel Pistol. Smith & Wesson 5906 Pistol. Police Surplus. NRA Rated Good. 9 mm semi auto. 4 inch barrel. Double / Single action. Production 1989-1999. Comes with 1 magazine. Check out our smith and wesson 5906 selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our hunting & archery shops. Check out our smith wesson 5906 selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our leather shops. Check out our smith wesson 5906 selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our leather shops. LET Smith & Wesson 5906 9MM pistol available for sale at the Ammo Gun Shop at the best price. The 5906 model number means it is a full-size, double-stack magazine, DA/SA, in stainless steel. This was a very popular pistol in the late 80's and through the 90's, as many law enforcement agencies around the U.S. adopted this pistol as their
https://www.tumblr.com/lofuqiweg/698278138904461312/236-cat-loader-service-notice-mode-demploi, https://www.tumblr.com/lofuqiweg/698278016191709184/synology-ds-214-manuel-mode-demploi, https://www.tumblr.com/lofuqiweg/698278138904461312/236-cat-loader-service-notice-mode-demploi, https://www.tumblr.com/lofuqiweg/698278138904461312/236-cat-loader-service-notice-mode-demploi, https://www.tumblr.com/lofuqiweg/698278016191709184/synology-ds-214-manuel-mode-demploi.
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