#why yes this is my most toxic and disgusting ship
whalehouse1 · 9 months
It’s a KiaraxEmiya Alter kind of day.
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cpericardium · 1 year
Taylor's locker didn't give her toxic shock and claiming it did is ignorant and misogynistic
When I was growing up, my mother didn't let me or my sister use tampons, citing the risk of toxic shock syndrome. We didn't have them in the house. Literally I thought I'd die the moment that thing entered my glovebox. I also went to an all-girls convent school for much of my life and never met anyone who used or advertised the use of anything other than pads.
My sister has since moved on to using cups, but even now I don't think I can ever use a product that you insert. Lingering Catholic guilt, you understand. But I looked into toxic shock syndrome anyway to counteract the terrible sex ed I was getting from both my school and my mother (father's a doctor, so for all his conservativeness he's more inclined to give me unvarnished medical information). Because it's my body, and being AFAB I'm practically required by law to be afraid all the time. May as well find out which fears should be prioritised.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can develop when staph bacteria, and in some cases strep bacteria, enter the bloodstream via open wounds like cuts and abrasions. These bacteria are normally harmless and live all over your skin, but under certain conditions they can multiply rapidly and release toxins. Adolescents are more susceptible, mostly because they haven't developed the antibodies to fight the infection.
“The first is vaginal colonization with a strain of S. aureus, which can make the toxin; the second is production by the S. aureus of the toxin; the third is penetration across the vaginal epithelium of enough toxin to cause disease; and the fourth is a lack of adequate titers of the neutralizing antibody to the toxin,” says Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of The North American Menopause Society.
The incidence of TSS is estimated to be around 0.8 to 3.4 per 100,000 in the United States. Cases have declined massively since peaking in the 1980s. The point is: TSS is an incredibly rare complication of a complication that requires specific conditions to develop under.
So why is it on the worm subreddits and discord servers and forums, there are always people insisting that the locker incident was an act of bioterrorism, that her bullies need to be shipped off to Guantanamo for what they did? Why are there so many wormfics where Taylor physically rots in the locker as a result of TSS compounded by aggressive necrotising fasciitis, and this necessitates Amy staying with her for days to tend to her failing organs? Why are people doing nonsensical Tampon Math to justify her being on the verge of death when she's found? See thread for more inane arguing.
Yes, the locker was biohazardous and it was inarguably a cruel prank, a disgusting experience all around. But absent other circumstances (like the bullies deliberately planting a virus or Taylor uhhh getting impaled on a coat hook? both of which I've seen in more than one fic), Taylor in all likelihood didn't get TSS from it. Sure, authors can do what they want, but out of all the possible deadly infections, why oh why do they always specifically choose TSS?
Is it because of the tampons?
The reason it happens with tampons is that the bacteria can become trapped in the vagina and enter the uterus via the cervix. Most cases result from the use of highly absorbent tampons, as dry tampons can abrade the skin when removed and thus provide more entry points for bacteria. The National Organization for Rare Disorders estimates that TSS related to tampon use occurs in about 1 in 100,000 menstruating women. It usually happens if the tampon is inside them and they left it in there for days. The risk of toxic shock via tampon rises significantly after eight hours.
The tampons were not inside Taylor. She was also only trapped in the locker for about an hour and a half. Afterwards, she spent a week in the psych ward, and as far as we know had no significant physical injuries. But, detractors say, all her struggling might have broken skin, and the bacteria on the tampons could have fermented over winter break!!! Have you ever fished out a used tampon that's been in a bin for a while (i.e. weeks)? Just saying, Taylor is more likely to get an infection from all the used hypodermic needles that are undoubtedly a large component of Winslow bathroom trash.
To quote Kyakan whom I had to pester for the canon info about Taylor's stay,
"There are a lot of things that can go bad with the human body when exposed to X Y or Z conditions, but we survived long enough to evolve. It's not like touching blood will instantly disintegrate us. Human bodies are resilient even without modern medicine."
Here’s my theory. People don’t understand what TSS is, its risk factors or its rarity. They have a vague idea that it’s the icky female period disease even though only about half of all TSS cases are menstruation-related, so obviously Taylor contracted it from touching icky female period blood.
I won't say it couldn't happen to Taylor, ever, in (fan)fictional stories written by men. Just that it's not as likely as you think.
A final note—if you, the author, are fixating on gruesome medical details and describing the contents of the locker in terms of microbiology, you are completely and tragically missing the core of Taylor Hebert's trigger event. .......but that's just a theory! a worm theory
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rowanwithaz · 10 months
The Izuchako problem.
(⚠ I want to make sure everyone knows I'm not hating on anyone or anything,if I say anything negative about Izuchako that's just critiques,and all the negative things I say about Izuchako shippers is just certain people who have been assholes,I'm not hating on anything,just wanted to write some issues on the Izuchako community and issues in some media that the toxic side of the community supports,and,yes,I'm aware every shipping community has toxic shippers,I'll talk in much more detail on that⚠)
⚠WARNING⚠: Contains: Wishing and promoting Suicide,talks about child pregnancy(very brief,) Homophobia,sexism,racism,and fucking talks about TORTURE.
First off,I have talked about Izuchako numerous times,but I've only spoke briefly on...the problems with the community.
Ochaco the baby maker?
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Okay,look,I'll get a little "personal" . At a young age (4 or 5) I was told the greatest thing I could do was have children. I was told REGULARLY AS A FOUR YEAR OLD my greatest achievement would be pregnancy and child birth. So,this kinda hits a more...soft spot for me. And,I want to explain why this is so FUCKED up.
Ochaco Is a CHILD. You are saying a fifteen year old girl (17 now) should be impregnated (in this context by Izuku,also a minor) and that would be her GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT. This is pushing a narrative that has been around for hundreds of thousands of years,that a woman's biggest achievement is child barring,like,how can people say everyone is "woke feminists" when people like Matt Walsh want the age of consent laws in marriage to be sixteen ,because woman are more fertile.Weather you like it or not,you remind me of that bastard.
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...I-I share a fandom with Matt Walsh wannabes. (I know non of them spoke about "child pregnancy" ,but,they didn't say, "When Ochaco gets older" . Without that context I'm going to assume you're that diluted.)
Death Threats? Who cares?
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*Deep inhale* Here we go. I,uh,there is much much more,but,those contained talks about r*pe,and I was recently sexually harassed,(DON'T WORRY,IT WASN'T TOO BAD.He just did some good ol' borderline sexual harassment,so nothing too bad happened,he just sexualized me and wouldn't give me space lol) So,kinda didn't wanna talk about that.
But,yeah,this shit is so disgusting. I don't think I have to explain why this is fucked up,so I won't. Let's go to the most pressing manner,no one but US calls them out. No.One. And,the usual response is "It's just my opinion." What? What's your opinion? People should die because they like two characters that happen to be boys together romantically? But,no one calls them out,because Izuchako is the "normal" or "average viewer " ship. That translates into, "We don't call out people who ship herto ships because it's NORMAL" . Like,I won't deny that GreeNade shippers made mistakes,but,when they DID it wasn't even THIS bad. And,to top it off,all of that stained the ship's reputation,but,Izuchaco shippers can say whatever the hell they want. And NO ONE,will call them out on it.
Hori is middle aged...?(how is that relevant? Uh,let's see)
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Okay,I have NO IDEA,what him being middle-aged has to do with this. And,uh,what..? What do you mean Horikoshi doesn't care about gay people? Look,I know a lot of media *cough* Disney *cough* milk gay people for money. But,if you couldn't tell,Hori,y'know has a best selling manga? He has money,and he didn't need to add gay characters for that. This man put two,(Technically three) trans characters,made Mineta bisexual cannon,hinted HEAVILY at Toga being bisexual and also hinted heavily that Mina is Aro. He.Did.Not.Need.To.Do.That.
He didn't just add trans characters and say, "Well,I'm gonna get some money." He gave them backgrounds ,he gave them RESPECT. And,in the episode when Toga and Twice correct Over Haul on Big Sis Mac's pronouns,I cried,because.
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Is it Homophobia?
Well,yes and no. No,because not shipping something isn't homophobic,BUT,using a gay ship to...say certain things is.
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Yep,it's homophobic,sexist,and racist...damn.
Yeah,and they GET AWAY with this. They don't face ANY repercussions. Look,I blurred out all the names because I didn't want to help spread hate to anyone. Even biggots. I think they need to face some repercussions,but I don't want to help spread hate,I want to spread awareness. So,if you stumble upon someone talking like that,report them,they are saying really really nasty stuff,and because it's a straight ship they get away with it. Unfortunately,that's how it is. And how it will be if we don't spread awareness and try to get these people off the platform,this isn't "saying a opinion" this is hate speech . I believe most of these people are homophobic,sexist,racists assholes who are using a popular BL ship to spread hate to those communities using the Izuchako community as a shield. So,most Izuchakos are being used to spread hate...that sucks,don't it?
Do not talk about minors getting pregnant,(I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT),on the note,stop supporting a woman's only use being a baby factory,stop sending death threats and using the excuse "my opinion" ,Hori's age and gender have NOTHING to do with his work,Stop using a gay ship to push your homophobic,racist,sexist,views on and defending yourself with an undeveloped relationship to justify yourself from any repercussions.
Let's end this with a high note,yeah?
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Mineta calling Katsuki gay :) (only in sub tho,the dub FUCKED that up)
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
The way everyone was in rage when Blitzo was sleeping with Chaz in that one episode because "hE BeLoNgS WiTh sToLaS! BlItZo iS ChEaTiNg oN HiM-" GIRL BYE 😭✋ I cannot with these obsessed Stolitz fans. They act as if Stolas fucking owns the bitch. Are we forgetting that Blitzo only fucks Stolas for the book? He doesn't even love the bitch like Stolas does. And don't give me that "but he was sad and concerned that Stolas got hurt!" Yet, we never saw an episode where Blitzo visits him at the hospital. I guess it just happened off screen, right? Give me a fucking break.
People act like Blitzo and Stolas are this perfect couple when they barely have chemistry at all. Not to mention, most of their interactions are just disgusting and sad. Blitzo doesn't even smile around this motherfucker. The only time he actually and genuinely smiles around a demon is FIZZAROLI. Who was his CHILDHOOD best friend. His REAL best friend. Especially Striker. The fact that fans will shove negativity down your throat if you even dared to pair Blitzo with Fizzaroli because "he's already in a relationship!-" literally shut the actual fuck up you're only saying that because it's ruining your "pReCiOuS StoLitZ ShIp" that barely has any actual romance besides sex. Nobody gives a shit when you ship Charlie with Alastor, who is in a healthy relationship with Vaggie, but get pissy when people ship Blitzo with somebody who actually gives a fuck about him more than Stolas and doesn't force him into having SEX.
These people need to stop 💀
Oh girl. Girl. 💅 (gender neutral sorry if u aren’t a girl) these fangirls annoy me so much. It’s like they know how much power they carry in the fandom and they attack every blitz ship with ‘what would stolas say about this??” And even Blitz x Fizz x Ozzie they feel the need to come in and say “stolas to make it 4!! Stolas in the back saying let me iiin” what happened to ship and let ship. You almost never see the reverse happen. It’s like a holy grail.
People used to get on my ass for shipping Blitzfizz because “fizz gives him an inferiority complex” AND THEN THEY SHIP HIM WITH THIS RICH OWL DUDE
Stolitz: you can’t memorise your fuckin spells? Oh yeah and your memory is so great? What’s his phone number? Fuck you. Exactly.. 🧊 💀
— this sounds abusive, they are cursing at and insulting each others intelligence personally. This is coming immediately after he mocked Stella for not being able to spell in the previous scene, which was supposed to be a yas queen moment? Why does he speak to his supposed love interest the exact same way he speaks to his hated toxic ex wife?? Huh?? I think there’s a common denominator here. I guarantee he would be so fucking nasty to blitz if they ever bit the bullet and ended this.
Blitzfizz: I just said I don’t care. I literally don’t care what you think. You always cared what I thought!! (Hold hands as Blitz protects Fizz mid-argument while saying he judges and doesn’t like him or need him in his life, protectively puts arm out in front of him) The love letter reveal immediately followed by Blitz making a brief sad face but then saying he’s happy for Fizz. 🔥 🔥 🔥
No words just. Yes. Damn. Being supportive and kind to the man you still love instead of choosing your own happiness and satisfaction, because seeing him happy is enough for you??? The fuc??? Blitzø is that you??!!
Damn. I still want them to happen.
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maryonaccross · 10 months
Hello, love your blog. I was wondering what are the things you would like to see in the next season(s) of HotD? Honestly, I'm not really hopeful and was quite disappointed how they handled some important characters and storylines in season 1, but I'll give a chance to season 2. If it disappoints me, well, at least I tried. The thing that worries me the most is the fact that it will only have 8 episodes because I think that could only harm the pacing. Anyway, here are some of the things I would like to see:
1. First of all, I want Alicent to stop being so apologetic and finally show some teeth. Team blank already hates her with passion and I want to see her acting for real like they were pretending she was acting in season 1. Let her be decisive, resentful of Rhaenyra, unconditionally supporting and protective of her children. I don't want to see any of "my old childhood friend" bullshit anymore. It was a good idea to start the story, but that is also something that should have been dead and buried long ago, especially after Driftmark. How could she actually approach Rhaenyra after the dinner and act all apologetic and humble again, even after that same "friend" asked for her maimed son to be "sharply questioned". No mother should get over it and I don't want to see "Rhaenyra is actually the most important to Alicent" narrative again. It would also be interesting to see the development of her relationship with Criston, not necessarily in a romantic way.
2. More Helaena screentime and her dreams/visions. I would like them to give her more importance and agency than she had in the book, especially after B&C. Explore her relationship with her family, make her an actual character, not just a "weird bug girl," "an innocent victim",...Same goes for Aemond and Aegon. I want to see Aegon as a complex character struggling with his new position, but also learning how to be more responsible and perceptive. Give me some intense scene between him and Aemond where they actually confront each other and finally express the way they see their place in the Targaryen family, how they cope(d) with their father's neglect, maybe discussion about Helaena and her abilities. I would really like to see some scenes between the green kids like the ones the Lannisters had in GoT, especially in the early seasons. This show needs something like that because it lacks depth when it comes to certain relationships. And yes, they better finally give Dreamfyre and Sunfyre the attention they deserve.
3. As for Aemond, I must say I'm not looking forward to his Harrenhal storyline, I prefer him in KL and interacting with his family. Furthermore, I'm not an Alys fan, when it comes to Aemond ships I'm more Rhaemond (will never become canon, I know) and Helaemond (might become canon, but not very likely) so I believe this Alysmond relationship will probably be something like Daemyra, deeply problematic and toxic, but quite popular among the fans. I just hope they won't make it some great love story because it won't make much sense imho. And of course, more scenes between him and Vhagar to show their bond and similarities. I'll never forgive them not including her roar when he lost an eye.
4. Give Baela and Rhaena more agency. Maybe some confrontation with their father and/or stepmother wouldn't hurt. If they really intend to depict Baela as Daemon no2 I'll probably hate her lol, but three is still hope for Rhaena. I've always imagined that she would be disgusted with B&C.
5. Include Sara Snow storyline. Regardless of what some people say, there are no romantic feelings between Jace and Baela imo and she will probably have another romantic interest, so why not give something to Jace to make his story more interesting? I don't believe in Cregan xJace and the way some TB fans defend that relationship as more acceptable and less harmful to his betrothal to Baela is ridiculous. Cheating is cheating, so why Sara isn't acceptable, but Cregan is? And anyway, that betrothal was forced upon them to cover for Rhaenyra's mistakes, so let Jace be rebellious for once, not just meek and dutiful. We've seen his darker side so they could explore that a bit more.
6. Please, don't make Nettles Daemon's daughter. Honestly, this is a tough one since their relationship was strange in the book too, but whatever they do, I hope they won't make her his daughter.
7. Don't make B&C a botched kidnapping or something. That would be too much and could actually make me stop watching
8. Show more cases of the dragons acting on their own, like Vhagar and Arax at Shipbreaker's Bay. Explore more "the idea that we control the dragons is an illusion". I want to see that on both sides, it would especially be interesting with the more experienced riders.
9. A good Rhaenyra vs Alicent confrontation scene. At least one.
10. No more Larys/Alicent scenes like the one in episode 9. Please.
Hey, thanks so much for the ask!
To be honest, you perfectly summarized everything I’d like to see in season two although my hopes are extremely low. The first season was a complete disaster with characters changing personalities every five seconds I don’t even want to know what they’ll turn season two into.
I think the only things I have to add are that I don’t want them giving all of Aegon’s storylines to Aemond. The writers have really gone out of their way to make Aegon as unlikable as possible and if it wasn’t for TGC’s efforts the character would be entirely unlikable. Aegon’s main redeeming quality in the books was his love for his family and his siblings so I’ll probably stop watching if they show him being in a brothel while blood and cheese happens, or if they’ll have Aemond executing them instead of Aegon.
Also, concerning blood and cheese, I have heard rumors/theories about how Dyana is supposedly going to be involved in it which I find absolutely atrocious. What are you trying to achieve at this point?? First you have to make him a rapist for some reason, and now you want to make his rape victim look like a terrible person by making her an accomplice to child murder.
I hate what they did to Beala in Rhaela, their inheritance was stolen and apparently they’re completely thrilled being the cupbearers of the woman their father married days after their mothers death and who is rumored to have killed their uncle. I hate how they took away all their agency and made them happy being married to Rhaenyra sons.
Most of all, I want the show to stop picking sides and nitpicking what they want to present as abuse and what they’re going to ignore (you can’t say anyone who supports Aegon is a rape apologist, while giving pedo wifekiller Daemon a free pass)
The only way to make the next season interesting is by depicting both sides as nuanced and morally Grey instead of making it into a good vs evil shit show 
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ok so i typed out an ask. and then hit a button. but i can't remember if the button was "ask" or "close", so i'm sending it again but if you've gotten two asks from me, welp. 😂 for the shipping ask game: tell me about lamb/braden if nobody else has asked for it yet, or dev/niall if they have
Oh ho HO, my dude, you have no idea what you signed yourself up for. Blanket warning because Lamb inherently makes everything spicy.
What made you ship it?
These two have an insane amount of sexual tension. If I'm not laughing at the Shepard POV in Reno, I'm analyzing every interaction between Lamb and Braden in that chapter.
"There's no such thing as a 'real' vampire" / "I assure you I'm real"
Lamb is just begging to be fucked here. Their arguments make me want to tear my hair out and write a 20k backstory with half of it being graphic vampire-bite-filled smut. (I'm having COTTA 2024 thoughts now xD) I want to over-analyze everything they say to each other and every feeling they have about each other. I want to intimately craft every detail of the relationship they have from Lamb's Turning to where they're at in Wayward Son. AURGH, I'm So Normal about them.
Lamb's absolute DISTASTE and DISGUST for Braden and Braden absolutely DETERMINED to push EVERY SINGLE ONE OF LAMB'S BUTTONS. Yes, please, I will take more of it, thank you.
Does the fact that I somehow got this ship rolling also add to why I'm fucking obsessed with them? Definitely. Is it a bit narcissistic? Maybe. Do I deserve it? Most assuredly. Will I shut up about it? Probably not. Does this mean I still pull the face Viren makes in Infantis Sanguine when he finds out he and Aaravos have a child together when I remember that others ship lambden? Yep. Will I shut up about lambden in general? Never.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are toxic as FUCK
They're vampires
They both have the potential to be EXTREMELY bratty
Em and Kal's pornbot prank involved lambden
The vampire biting potential. Lamb teasing Braden relentlessly about the pasteurizing, and degrading him in bed whenever Braden drinks from him (because you know he does and doesn't let anyone from the Next Blood know about it).
Braden's fucked up face with a gaping hole in his cheek still being kissable
Lamb the vampire king
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I mean, the ship is a rarepair, so. I think the ship itself isn't very popular to begin with 🤣 There are only five fics tagged "Braden/Lamb" on AO3, and two of them are mine.
Send me a ship!
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
So I came upon your blog while looking through the asoiaf tag and explored it a bit. Would you please explain to me how are you against Targaryen incest, but find Jonsa fine? I’m genuinely curious, as I’ve just started reading the books (I’m half-way through a storm of swords) and find nothing fine about any form of incest, whether it is or not considered as such in-universe. I also find little to no Jonsa moments. Could you help me? Thank you!
okay so first of all i got sent an ask forever ago about what the appeal of jonsa is and i’ve been working on explaining basically where i see the plot going and why it’s thematically relevant and is2g i’m still actually putting it together it’s just doing that in a middle of a reread is tough bc my ideas are kinda all over the place lmao (just like this ask is about to be sorry!) (also once again, sorry if my tone comes across very weird, i swear i reread like twelve times to make sure i don’t sound too snarky and wasn't just vomitting up a thousand words of nonsense lmao!!).
BUT. Well there’s three points to this: what the characters may feel, what i feel about jonsa, and what i feel about targ incest. so first the characters:
I think it’s important to point out that first cousin marriage (and auncle/nibling marriage, esp if it’s a “half” relation) are not considered true incest in westeros and in many parts of our world. rickard and lyra, ned’s parents, are cousins. joanna and tywin lannister are first cousins. jonnel and sansa and edric and serena are uncle/nieces, and you’ll note that when alys karstark comes to jon for help, he is disgusted that her uncle is trying to steal her inheritance and not that he’s her uncle attempting to marry her. i point this out because not only is there nothing legally stopping a jonsa marriage, the characters themselves may also see it that way (as not incest). and if your next point is “well they grew up thinking they’re siblings” my answer is - yes and? One of the influences on this series is Mervyn Peake, who wrote gothic medieval stories, and both incest and pseudo-incest is very much a big part of gothic stories! A lot of the storylines in this world are dedicated to exploring incest as a force of socialization and romanticism, from Naerys pleading to live “as brother and sister” and Aegon insisting “we already are” to Alysanne’s “Alyssa is meant for Baelon” to Jaime’s “he heard none of it" in the sept. I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch to posit that two characters we have POVs for will fall in love and grapple with what that love says about them, about society, about their role in the world - and in fact, about half of Jon’s most popular ships are between him and a female relative. Sansa makes more sense to me because she’s closer to his age than Arya, has a more troubled relationship with him, is involved in the political aspects of the story just as much as he is, and isn’t likely to immediately start setting people on fire after they meet.
Now as for me, basically - i think both types of incest are the result of socialization + extreme trauma, and I fully expect that if Jonsa goes canon it will have a tragic ending. I think Jonsa takes some of the inherent misogyny of targ incest and plays around with it - Jon having significantly less societal privilege than basically every other Targaryen and what that means for Sansa as an heiress - but just because I think an exploration of that dynamic will be interesting, doesn’t mean I don’t expect it to be rife with problems.
because the problem with incest is the power dynamic ultimately, and you cannot escape that power dynamic bc people don’t exist in a vacuum. For all the Starks have some fucked up skeletons in their closet, Lyanna doesn’t show up in Ned’s bed naked and ask him to stop her betrothal to Robert, does she? This is the fundamental difference between targ incest and Jonsa or even Lannicest; Lannicest is rampant with toxicity from both of those deranged weirdos but they feel entitled to each other's bodies because of their own trauma surrounding their tumultuous childhoods (and probably some normalization of incest from their parents and proximity to Aerys/Rhaella/Rhaegar), but no one is saying "Jaime you are owed Cersei's body" or "Cersei your womb belongs to your brother and your brother alone." So I don't feel the need to sit here and go "Lannicest is toxic" like yeah? Clearly, lmao, these two feel like they are so damaged, and made so special by that damage, that they can only love one another, that's not what anyone would call healthy. I don't think it's necessary to sit here and explain that dynamic has abuse problems; it's right there in the text!
"well what about the power dynamic between jon and sansa?" YES WHAT ABOUT IT. that's the point! i'm interested in how a dynamic that is inherently abusive will play out between two people who were raised to believe some types of incest are okay but not others, who are victims of abuse and societal alienation themselves. because at the same time that i condemn targ incest, there are obviously real feelings and genuine care in these relationships and in these people, because again, people don't exist in a vacuum. daemon backs rhaenyra into this corner and then crucially does not kill any of her children because he realizes that's a step too far, she'd never forgive it, perhaps even because he grew to love them (i mean, Lucerys and Joffrey likely barely remember any other father but Daemon!). maegor is a monster who very specifically never harms rhaena's daughters! aemon is a useless pos but it seems likely he had a hand in raising naerys' son to be better than aegon because he could see the harm he and his brother were doing to naerys even if aemon was too much of a coward to actually stop that harm in any meaningful way! the difference, to me, is that jon will see that this relationship built on trauma and grief may be the only love he and sansa will ever allow themselves to feel but it is not healthy for them, and jon will leave! and sansa will realize she is not the impassive, frozen, detached symbol that the men around her want her to be, but a living, breathing person with her own wants and desires and agency, and will let him go!
Ultimately, while i think romanticizing and sexualizing the taboo is fine and even healthy, for me, there has to be some acknowledgement that you are in fact romanticizing the taboo. This is why the shitty dudes in asoiaf work for me in a way shitty dudes outside of asoiaf don’t usually - my general bitching about parts of the narrative that don’t click for me aside, there’s firm condemnation of the people engaging in these behaviors, from cersei sexually abusing lancel to sandor creeping on sansa. just because the narrative also shows us and wants us to feel empathy for sandor and cersei and why they’ve become bad people doesn’t mean what they’re doing isn’t bad. that’s what i like! i don’t want a story that holds my hand and drags me to the moral nor do i want a story that presents a god awful person who is supposed to be morally upright and not mean for us to dig deeper into them!
(this is why i like the pt but not the st of star wars, if you want an example - for all the prequels are um. flawed. lucas has an overreaching story about the effects of war, slavery, and interpersonal abuse that he’s dedicated to, and we are meant to be horrified by anakin choking padme just as surely as we’re meant to mourn their relationship and love for each other when palpatine gleefully tells anakin she’s dead and ani destroys the room in grief. vs like. what were the sequels even fucking doing man).
So the thing here is that I actually do in fact find Targaryen incest interesting while being morally repugnant as a practice, and I'm positive Jonsa will play around with both the morality of incest and the romanticism of it in a way that I find just as interesting, varied, romantic, and fulfilling as like, the Jaime/Cersei(/Brienne/Tyrion) mess or the Daemon/Rhaenyra/Laena/Harwin debacle! I like incest and I also hate it! I contain multitudes!
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ellasupagirl · 7 months
Simple question.
Why people often do think that you must ship your favorite character with somebody just because it's your favorite character?...
Why do people think that you ship two characters by just the fact you love the relationship between them?... That you draw or just simply want them to hug, cuddle, laugh or spending time together? I mean... it kinda triggers me a lot. There are many more types of love than romantic or brotherly.
It always makes me so uncomfortable also because I am a woman and I have a straight male friend who I truly love and sometimes cuddle with. But we are not a couple. We will never be. And he feels exactly the same. We don't want our relationship to be diffrent and it annoys us when people ( usually the fučkin same ones ) asks us over and over again that maybe we should try be lovers or do we actually secretly fell in love with each other. It is uncomfortable. Why do so many of you think so negatively?
Now that I've started this topic, I'll tell you what prompted me to write this post.
Recently I noticed that some people are asking or even stating facts on their own that I ship Daryl Dixon and Beth from the TV series "The Walking Dead". Probably because I share illustrations of them hugging or looking at each other in the comfortable way. ♡
So yeah. Daryl is my comfort character and I love him the most in the entire series. But godamn that doesn't mean I have to ship him with anyone. I do not. I don't ship Daryl Dixon with anyone ... at least for now. Yes I love his relationship with Beth. The fact how pure, honest, beautiful, delicate and innocent it was. I love what Beth opened in Daryl's heart. How did he feel after so many traumas. He saw that there really are still good people in this fučked up World. I love his relationships with many other characters too. Especialy with Maggie, Rick, Judith and Lydia. But still Beth and Daryl is one of the bonds that influences me the most.
You know... I'd probably like to have a similar one with Daryl. Maybe that's why. It doesn't mean that I would like him to be my boyfriend. I just simply love this kind of relationships when you can open your real self and be close without any weird thoughs. I have this kind of relationship in real life. I'm greatfull for that.
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I don't know how else to sum it up. People and their looking for shit in something really beautiful is disgusting. I've experienced this many times on the internet, in many fandoms. Probably because I'm quite well-known and recognizable in the fandom where I'm most active (on the ig). A bunch of people really want others to think that i am a "proshipper", toxic, obsessed in the unhealthy way of things or generally a bad person. I'm not usually up to date with their ideas, but sometimes they come to the surface and other fans ask me about various things while watching these people's sweats and aggression. I don't care how old the fans are. On the Internet, everyone takes responsibility for what they say to others.
Thanks for reading ♡
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pholiabanna · 1 year
Sloppy seconds byler aren’t endgame angels with a nightmare is a fool a 25+ year old women with fantasies about teen boys being gay how’s that any different to men’s fantasies about lesbians?
Y’all are so caught up in you’re echo chambers you can’t see it and it’s gonna crash and burn so badly it’s not the byler show either it’s stranger things
Omg I feel so honored to get my first real hate ask!
There's so many things to unpack here, so I think Im gonna go one by one.
First of all, I assume you either ship Mleven or at least you despise byler, but my last post was only tagged as byler so there was no reason for you to see it unless you were stalking the byler tag, which in that case I'm glad you're such a dedicated fan!
Second of all, I'm assuming you're the same anon who has been sending around other anon asks the past couple of weeks always mentioned the words "sloppy seconds". Now, I know nothing about you or about your life enough to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but I think I'd should let you know how disgusting of a term that is, and what it implies. I'm assuming if you like Mileleven you like Mike too, since he's one half of the ship. That's why it's shocking to me how you seem so adamant of thinking of him as nothing but El's leftovers, as if he wasn't his own person with his self worth! Also, someone's worth doesn't lessen just because they've already been kissed or touched by someone else. That's a sad outlook on life, and I'm not telling you to be mean, but because I think you'll live happier if you leave such toxic mentalities behind. They really do no good to someone's self esteem.
About the women fantasies about gay men, please notice how most people in this tag are underage people of all genders. This is not a sexual fantasy, as these characters aren't even portrayed sexually in the show to begin with. This is people who want to see good stories about themselves being written, and I think that's a really valid thing to wish for. Even if you've seen a couple weirdos out there on the internet, that's not the case for almost the whole of the fanbase. There's creepy people everywhere in every fandom. Also may I add that if you prefer Mike and El (which is completely valid if you do, you're allowed to have your preferences!) they are the same age as Mike and Will. Wouldn't you be predatory as well if you ship them? No you wouldn't, because they're kids and their relationship has never been sexual. Just like with Will and Mike. Assuming that every gay romance is automatically sexual is a very homophobic mindset ingrained in our society. If you really see gay people this way, probably you've been conditioned by society to do so, in that case it's not your fault but it's never too late to educate yourself. You'll be happier, seriously.
Finally, I wouldn't say an echo chamber is a ship community that has more Billions of wievs on TikTok that the other ship and surpasses it on every other platform, and that has general audience filmmakers and professional writers say themselves that they also understand how it's set up to happen in the final season. But again, it is not my job to convince you and you're not forced to change your mind. We will all have to wait until the final season to see who was actually right, only the Duffer brothers know what will happen.
Finally, Stranger Things is obviously not the byler show. However, one of the most important rules of storytelling is writing personal arcs and relationships for the characters to serve as subplots to the main story, so that the characters become full fleshed and realistic. The fact that you can relate to fictional characters, even though you've probably never time travelled done magic, lived in a post apocalyptic time or wathever you wanna imagine, is because you relate to their personal stories. A story isn't good without personal arcs, every professional writer you ask will tell you this. So yes, relationships are an episode aspect of stranger things that people can discuss if they want to. And the byler tag, or any other ship tags exists precisely to focus on those relationships. It doesn't mean that people don't like any other aspects of the show.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little rant anon. I wish you have a great day!
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PAABITB had gone radio silent for a while and part of me hoped that she actually changed and was starting to do better, but she seems to have come back exactly the way she was, so I guess she must've just found a more private outlet to spew her toxicity, most likely with like-minded fandom scum who's just as bad as her.
Yeah, not only has been more active on her private Twitter and Tumblr from what my followers say, but it turns out that now, she’s uploading videos to YouTube lecturing the fandom on how to act. In fact, she uploaded one almost two weeks ago. Let’s go over it, shall we?
And before any of you act like I’m the one stalking her, just know that she still follows my blog while I’m still blocked from directly responding to her.
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Also, she’s still smeared me in the past, in addition to some of the more prominent users in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.
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So yeah, if she can act like the fandom police to other users, I don’t see why I can’t give PAABITB a taste of her own medicine. Ready for a thorough rebuttal to her latest attack on the fandom from yours truly?
“Alright, we need to talk, Miraculous fandom. I get it. I seriously do. At one point, we were all naive, oblivious, and unaware of what we hated or liked. But honestly? How some of you deny or say Adrigami doesn’t work, but think Marigami works is insensitive and disgusting.”
Oh my God, people are shipping different characters together? That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen!
How many times are you going to say that it’s perfectly okay to belittle other people for their different views regarding ships while you keep acting like anyone who doesn’t ship Adrigami is a terrible human being?
“Seriously. I’m sick and tired of this. I’m seriously sick and tired of this. Not to mention you believe what the show writers tell you. You fall into their brainwashing, and look where it gets you: Nowhere.”
“Brainwashing”? What, do you think Mr. Big is in charge of broadcasting the show? Do you think anyone who doesn’t ship the Love Square is kidnapped by ZAG employees and is subjected to the same kind of torture Winston got in 1984?
No matter what you think of the writing of the show, whether you think it’s getting better or worse, I wouldn’t say they’re actually trying to “brainwash” viewers. Yes, a recurring problem is the way they try to act like certain plot elements have always been there (Ladybug mistreating Cat Noir, Marinette not being in love with Luka, Adrien and Marinette being best friends, Marinette giving Adrien a lot of advice), but I don’t think “brainwashing” is the best way to describe it.
And so what if some people still enjoy the show? It wouldn’t have five seasons if nobody liked it, wouldn’t it? The main idea behind the “Miraculous Ladybug salt” tag is so that people who are more critical about the show can discuss it without upsetting anyone who has a more positive outlook on it, because even some of the biggest salters know that not everyone can share the same opinion.
I don’t think I can speak for everyone else, but I wouldn’t call anyone who still enjoys the show “brainwashed”.
“Stop believing in them. They are not going to do anything good, and when they do, they always find a way to make it about someone that it’s not about them. You have an Adrigami episode back in Season 4, ‘Lies‘; somehow make it about Marinette because of that stupid lucky charm. Not only is that insensitive to Adrigami shippers, it’s insensitive to people who enjoy Adrien’s character.”
How the hell was Marinette the reason Adrien and Kagami broke up?
The lucky charm in the episode wasn’t important because Marinette made it. The whole point of the charm was that Adrien lied about losing it, and Kagami realized it when she had it. Adrien had to lie about losing the charm in order to come up with an excuse to fight an Akuma as Cat Noir, and as far as Kagami sees it, he’s just coming up with excuses not to spend time with her for more selfish reasons. If Adrien said he lost his wallet when Kagami saw it on the ground, the context for the situation wouldn’t change at all.
“I don’t know why you believe in the show writers doing well, but you need to break out of that shell of reluctance, and actually stand up, break out, and tell the show writers off, or at least, admit they aren’t good at writing.”
“Why can’t anyone who enjoys Miraculous Ladybug admit the writers are terrible at their jobs?” - You.
Again, I know that I see the show in a different way than a lot of the other fans online, but I don’t let my problems with the show prevent others from enjoying it. The “Miraculous Ladybug salt” tag exists for a reason.
“Because I am sick and tired of Adrigami being slandered and Marigami taking over. I’m all for gay ships, but Marigami? No. After how Marinette treated Kagami in the past, just no.”
I’m not really sure what that has to do with the writers, seeing how Adrigami isn’t mentioned at all after “Mr. Pigeon 72”, and there isn’t any real teasing for Kagami being in love with Marinette.
Also, you’re acting like Marinette still hates Kagami with a burning passion, when you forgot that Marinette felt bad about how she treated Kagami in the past after learning how she had no friends (Ikari Gozen), and even tried to get her back together with Adrien when she learned they broke up (Mr. Pigeon 72).
“And another thing; I’m really freaking sick and tired of how people say ‘Oh, the Kwamis are aroace’. That was never confirmed. All Tikki said is ‘Kwamis don’t fall in love’. She didn’t say they can’t fall in love. Maybe you don’t project or jump to conclusions so quickly, because the show writers are not good at what they do.”
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Are... Are you really in a position to say that? What does that even have to do with the writers?
Again, what’s wrong with people headcanoning Tikki and Plagg as aroace? Is it because you ship the two? Because newsflash, people can have different opinions on certain characters when it comes to romance and shipping. 
“I haven’t seen a show fall this badly since... Well, I would say Star vs., but honestly, Fairly OddParents kind of fell off when they decided not to do something that easily could have been done, but besides that.”
You mean not introduce a bunch of pointless new characters to boost ratings? Not make three movies starring Drake Bell? Not make a live-action reboot that’s somehow worse than the aforementioned movies starring Drake Bell? Let me know when I’m getting warmer.
“Adrien could be better off with anyone that’s not Marinette, at least in the canon show: Kagami, Zoe Lee, Chloe (if we go from Season 2), Lila (if we go from Season 1, kind of), Wayhem, Nino, Luka, anyone around his age who actually interacts with him only a little bit. And yet, it’s still more cuter than when Marinette’s like ‘Oh, Adrien. Let’s have a frickin future with three kids and a hamster’.”
Okay, let me get this straight. You’re so against Marinette that not only are you unwilling to forgive her actions in canon, you think that Chloe and Lila, two people who have violated Adrien’s personal boundaries, would be better for Adrien than Marinette, as well as Wayhem, a crazed stalker who is arguably more obsessed with Adrien than Marinette is?
Yes, Marinette’s behavior regarding Adrien is unhealthy, and yes, it needs to be addressed more, but if you’re so against how Marinette treats Adrien, then why are you okay with the way Chloe, Lila, and Wayhem treat Adrien when they all can be just as bad, if not worse in some areas?
“Just understand this: If you think Kagami’s character got better because she became softer towards Marinette, you don’t appreciate what strictness and bluntness are, and probably might be a bit of a pushover, and need to learn to stand up for yourself.”
Wow, you’re really just  going to go out on a limb and belittle anyone who actually likes the idea of Kagami and Marinette becoming friends, aren’t you?
Are you sure you actually appreciate Kagami’s blunt nature because of how it fit her personality, or because said bluntness just so happened to be directed towards Marinette in Seasons 2 and 3? What about in “Lies”, when she was “blunt” and “strict” about how upset she was with Adrien when she dumped him. And yes, for someone who hates what Marinette does in canon, you seem to forget that canonically, Kagami dumped Adrien.
“However, if you are in a difficult situation with a family who doesn’t understand the best of your frustrations, you probably should take your time before confronting the problem. Never confront the problem if you don’t know what to do. I learned that the hard way as a kid, I really did.”
Oh my God, just say the rules don’t apply to Adrien already. We all know that’s why you said that after supposedly calling Kagaminette shippers “pushovers”, because you’re aware of how Adrien rarely stands up to his father, and don’t want to look like a hypocrite... Well, more of a hypocrite than you already are.
“Just to say it, I don’t hate Chloe, and I don’t hate Zoe. I believe in what Deneen Melody said about them being like sisters.”
Not sure what that has to do with Kagaminette, the Kwamis being aroace, or Kagami’s “bluntness”, but I find it funny that you’re willing to drag Marinette for her canon actions, yet don’t hold Chloe responsible for her actions. I’m a huge advocate for Chloe redemption, and even I don’t defend the stuff she did after Season 3.
“So yeah, stop hating on characters who don’t deserve to be hated, and stop shipping things that shouldn’t be shipped.”
Mind defining what warrants hating a character in your eyes, besides being named Marinette Dupain-Cheng? And outside of incest or pedophilia, can you please explain why there are ships that shouldn’t be shipped?
Oh wait, I get it now! You’re saying that you want people to like the same characters you like, hate the same characters you hate, ship the same ships you ship, and hate the same ships you don’t hate! I cracked the case!
I know this might sound like a major revelation, but it’s entirely possible for people to have different opinions and still get along, especially when it comes to fandom stuff. You seriously think you can police the fandom and shame them into going along with your views because you say so? 
Whenever I talk about Miraculous Ladybug, while I make my views clear in my posts, I always try to make sure other people can chime in through asks and give their own opinions, because that is how we as a society express our individuality. The whole reason I started this blog in the first place was to call out Astruc for telling us to view the show in certain way. For someone who thinks we shouldn’t respect the writers at all (something I haven’t even said once, by the way), how does that make you any better?
And if you think I’m wrong, prove it. Unblock me and try to back up your claims here, so we can both talk about this like adults. I���m willing to at least try and hear you out after everything you’ve said in the past.
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esidolmail · 4 months
Dear Izumi..
I don’t really know where to start, this is pretty long.. so, for a long time, I have been struggle physically mentally, and socially. I used to crush and suffer all the time because of a lot of things. They were so overwhelming (and still is.)
I have been misgendered and verbally harassed for being feminine and looking cute / girly naturally despite being amab (and having a deep/ normal voice that sounds annoying and disgusting which I have become insecure of.) my family calls me “gay” in a teasing manner and they treat and judge me by the stereotypes. (I don’t even care about my gender. I just want to enjoy my life.)
My parents, and most of my friends misunderstand me and don’t see me the way I see myself. My parents think I’m some shut in that’s lifeless and addicted to my phone. Most of my friends think I’m this wild crazy annoying person (yes I am wild and crazy /pos, but without the annoying.) I mean.. I don’t try to be annoying.. (well considering I am heavily implied to having adhd since childhood but I’m not sure) idk.. I do get a but hyper sometimes, but I always try to be nice and supportive to my friends. But whenever they do, they think I don’t have any problems in life since I act annoying when in truth.. I’m just really silly like that.
One of the main reasons why I can’t really be myself (cute but chaotic but soft) is mainly because I’m insecure about my appearance and voice..? I wish I was thin, had naturally straight hair, perfect skin, no excess fat, and was able to have makeup. That thinking was really toxic but I’m over it now. I really wish I was cuter had a cuter face and had a cuter voice. I thought that, that way, people would think I am too innocent, and I wouldn’t be called annoying when I tall, my family wouldn’t keep calling me “gay” as an insult even tho I’m not. I am currently trying to be better but I’ll continue that later.
There were really a lot of problems, especially around a dozen months ago. My parents, insecurities, bad habits, and even more stuff. However, you were there. To be honest, ever since I started to like you, it wasn’t that bad. It was still bad, but at least it wasn’t that horrible anymore. Whenever I would shut myself in my room and cry in frustration because of everything, I would simply imagine you trying to comfort me until I was better. When I was about to hurt myself, I would imagine.. “what would Izumi think? He’s be worried.. he’d be sad” sometimes, I even imagined you stopping me.
You really were able to protect me. You really are like a knight, I thought. When I felt like the world was breaking apart, you kept it together with me. When I started being open about shipping myself with you however, I came across more problems. People would harass and hurt me online even if they know that you are trying to help me get better. They told me that I was “delusional and cringe” and even worse things, and that you would choose someone else. It was bad.
But I got over that. I knew that they didn’t matter, and you would like me anyways. Present time, I am still frustrated. I have good grades, but my appearance only improved by a small percentage. (I know I will look cute if I tried. It’s just that I need to research more. And me being amab makes it harder because of my parents wanting me to be more masculine instead.) I always wanted to sing as a child, but got conscious of how disgusting my voice is and people would say I sound annoying. And how I can’t dance, and I can’t even color my artworks properly. I am still insecure about some things, and frustrated about things.
There’s more things I want to say but can’t put in words. But these days, I feel like I have improved a lot. I know I just started, but I will become better at the things I do, and my appearance. And I’m not that insecure about my voice anymore, and I’ve become a bit more strong mentally.
And you helped me get through all the times I was hurt and sad. I don’t know how else I can repay you for this, as I can only give you my love. I’m so thankful you give me happiness and motivation to do better everyday. When I reach my goals, you’re gonna be there with me. I honestly don’t know where my life would be right now if it weren’t for you. You’re the best knight ever, Izumi. You protect me from all these bad things and make me happy.
Thank you.
I love you so much, Izumi 💙!
Love, your Princess/Prince Fu-chan/Fu-kun
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
while rapid toxic dogs popping their veins over a hug and even lesser interactions calling an idol disgusting names, sending him death threats (not just now.. for years because of a fucking ship), a 25 years old idol took his own life reminding everyone that idols are real people, real feelings who see everything and being affected by it...
And it's accurate not just Jimin but all of the BTS members and every other idols too..
May he rest in peace...
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25 years. Gone too soon. Gone too fucking soon. This is why everyday I'm glad the Tannies are so close to each other. That they go to each other even when depressed. Jimin said when he was having a rough patch they told him to turn it into music. Y'all have heard Jackson talk about how lonely he used to be and even though he was rich and popular he still had no one.
Jimin is the most hated member rn yes, but luckily he has JK and the members and is in a better place.
My condolences to this this guy's family and may he rest in peace. 😔
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tokofukawa506 · 5 months
For some reason I haven’t been here for a very long time... And yes, good day. Happy New Year to you all! I wish you a great year and that everything goes well for you! Hope you had a good holiday!
This is purely my personal opinion, you may not agree with it! I will be based on the canon, my views and attitude towards this ship. I’ll say right away that validity, overvaluation and canonicity are relative concepts, everyone has their own. I ship characters based on several criteria:
1. Relationships of characters (Mutual sympathy, friendship or supposed friendship (if the characters are not familiar). I don’t ship enemies and those who have unpleasant relationships)
2. Combination of characters' colors (For example, Saimatsu: Kaede - pink, Shuichi - blue)
3. My attitude towards one of the characters. That is, I will not ship my favorite character with my least favorite one
I'm also a fan of unusual ships, but there's a limit. Unusual ships are divided into 2 types:
1. Well-founded
2. It’s as if the characters were chosen by roulette, that is, very strange
Well... I think I've said everything, let's begin
First I will evaluate the popular ships with Toko. Namely Togafuka and Tokomaru
1. Togafuka (Toko/Byakuya)
Honestly, this is the most toxic ship I've ever seen.... Especially if you remember Byakuya's attitude towards Toko. He insulted her, wished her death, framed her at trial, and as a result, people idealize a disgusting attitude both towards a person and towards themselves (this is about Toko). I think Toko deserves a lot more treatment. Yes, he changed a little at the end of the 1st game, as well as in UDG and in the 2nd season of the anime, but this does not change his terrible attitude towards her
When I first joined the fandom, I was looking for some Toko ship that I would like. But at the moment I didn't know about the existence of Fukaguji, and I didn't like Tokomaru, so I had to watch Togafuka content :_
2. Tokomaru (Toko/Komaru)
For me, this ship is too overrated.... Even too much. People turned a blind eye to 2 facts that prevent this ship:
1. Toko’s attitude towards such a love line
Toko literally hates yaoi and yuri. Well, a person who hates this is unlikely to date a person of the same gender. Yes, Jack likes this genre, but that doesn't mean she likes girls. Moreover, this was not mentioned anywhere. And I don't understand people who say Toko is a lesbian. How can she be a lesbian if she likes Byakuya... In theory, she is definitely not a lesbian anymore
Okay, people don't pay attention to this fact, okay. But now let's move on to the next fact
2. Age difference
If you read the wiki, you can see that Komaru is 15 years old, and Toko, due to memory loss, is somewhere around 20-21. Well... As for me, this is a very unpleasant fact... Especially considering the fact that Komaru is underage. In Japan, adulthood begins at age 20.
I see their relationship as mentor and student. They are definitely friends, but nothing more
3. Chitoko (Toko/Chihiro)
To be honest, I don't know why they ship them. Most likely they are shipped because they are both shy and introverted, and also hide their real personalities (Toko has her split personality, and Chihiro has his true gender). I have nothing to say about this thorn, well, it’s supposed to be there and that’s all
4. Ishitoko (Toko/Kiyotaka)
Same situation as Chitoko. I don't know what to say about him. No idea why they ship them. I just don't care about this ship
5. Leotoko (Toko/Leon)
This ship is very strange to me. I don't understand why they ship them
6. Hagafuka (Toko/Yasuhiro)
The same situation as with Leokawa. I don’t even know what’s weirder, this ship or that one
7. Naekawa (Toko/Makoto)
I am neutral about this ship. As I understand it, they are shipped because of the freetimes. Well, okay in principle, I don’t care about this ship
8. Rantoko (Toko/Rantaro)
THEY ARE SHIPPED?! Honestly, this is the first time I've seen this ship... I don't know what to say. I can't even imagine why they might be shippered...
9. Fukaguji (Toko/Korekiyo)
This is one of my favorite ships. For me it is very comfortable. Although they are from different parts, we can see their interactions in Danganronpa S. For example, when Toko and Korekiyo were having discussions with Angie on the topic of faith, and Korekiyo agreed with Toko. Or when Korekiyo talked to Genocide Jack about her behavior (I don’t remember what exactly they talked about, sorry :_)). I also really like the way he addresses her, which is "Little Lady". I think if they were in the same game they would be shipped. As for me, they have a lot in common, they have something to talk about. And they could help each other (For example, Toko would help Korekiyo write articles about his travels). I also like the combination of purple and green
10. Yamafuka (Toko/Hifumi)
For me this ship is on par with Togafuka. Very disgusting. I admit, Hifumi is one of my least favorite characters in the franchise. He is as repulsive as possible. Most likely they are shipped because they are both writers and vulgar. But they have completely different reasons for this behavior. Toko has it because of his bad experience, and Hifumi... Well... Because that's how he is. I don't like this ship
11. Owakawa (Toko/Mondo)
I have no idea how this ship appeared... Well, really. I do not know what to say
12. Fumaeda (Toko/Nagito)
Yes, there is such a ship. Most likely they are shipped due to interactions in UDG. But I don't see any love line in their relationship. It even smells toxic
13. Kuzukawa (Toko/Fyuhiko)
14. Gokukawa (Toko/Gonta)
The same situation as with the previous ship....
15. Fukanata (Toko/Hajime)
Most likely, this ship appeared due to the fact that they both have split personalities. A very strange reason for their shipping
Something like this. I won't rate ships with girls because I don't see the point in doing so because of Toko's attitude towards femslash
Oh... Something has boiled over me... I hope you didn’t find my point of view negative. That's all for me, I wish you all a good day!
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leslie057 · 5 months
re: the writing ask, 7 and 14!
hi! thank you for the ask ❤️
7 - what character do you enjoy writing most and why?
already answered
14 - what is your favorite relationship featured in your fic aside from the main couple?
cant figure out how i should interpret this question lol. like my favorite couple or just any pair of characters?
if nonromantic st pair, i’ve enjoyed playing with nancy and mike a lot lately. though outside of my wips, i havent yet gone into depth with them the way that i want (its mostly just been like; little brother disgust; eldest daughter rage; lets mix these two ingredients; we get fun sibling rivalry) but yeah i think deep down there is this flicker of softness between the two of them, a weird sense of understanding. i dunno.
if romantic st pair…honestly joyce and lonnie? but again im not sure how to interpret the question, maybe im mistaken on what its asking. because yes i think they are my second favorite relationship to write but its certainly not my (or anyone’s) ship to ship. obviously. you know? i like to try and get into the joyce and lonnie stuff because i enjoy parsing out Past Joyce. not to say that that girl is gone completely but i dont know, i find it easy to write about her victimhood and the way she would have naturally been more susceptible when younger. more surprised. and powerless. she definitely fell on denial to cope with the abuse and thats sad but i guess i like writing about it anyways. however i can only think of a couple things i’ve published that really center on this (this flashback chapter of a fic i kinda quit and this oneshot with her feelings abt the pregnancy).
but yeah i might have not answered that quite right? to clarify my second favorite ship in the show in general is lucas and max but i’ve always ran into trouble trying to write about the kids or show their point of view. so when i say joyce and lonnie is my favorite, i mean out of what i have written, and i only mean that its interesting to explore joyce in that way. like to reiterate, i dont find their relationship’s toxicity “exciting” or anything. i will shut up now i think you know what i mean!
thanks so much again! so good to see you in my inbox :)
send me a fic ask
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fireopal-tash · 1 year
This is probably the most controversial ask on this but do you hate how Connie was handled in future and something about her speech to the cgs's immaturity made her a bit hypocritical because she somehow contributed to Steven's meltdown? As well one of the reasons why you ship Steven with spinel and connverse shippers attacking you?
Again a very controversial loaded question, it's something I was wondering about because people not liking Connie and connverse shippers supposedly being toxic
Ok, this is going to be long!
(I'm unsure if it's really controversial, some people just take this stuff too seriously and too personally 😅)
-> Let's start with: I like Connverse. However, I liked it more before SUFuture or maybe way before, around the 3rd, 4th season? Those two acted closer to a puppy love (cute) rather than an actual romantic relationship, which makes sense since they were kids and experiencing all of that for the first time (I think)
I didn't take it very seriously as I was more interested on the story being told than the ships
-> Now, I don't hate Connie
(although she's not even close to my favourites, she's still cool as a character)
but yes, I do hate how she was handled in SUFuture. I can understand that the others were crying and saying how it was their fault and so not helping at the present moment,
(which, btw, it shows that they at least take responsibility for what they did, that they feel guilt and remorse, unlike some...)
but Connie's reaction... It left a very bitter taste and strong disgust. The shouting helps even less than crying. If she did that with me I wouldn't have been very happy with it, that's for sure.
And she's not even that different from the gems! She hurt Steven multiple times, especially on the emotional aspect of things - from the very first time they met to later on -
(example: giving him the silent treatment. I understand she was hurt, but he was hurt too. That was... not a kind thing to do, and they should just have talked it out, even if it takes many times. Communication is key, right? Also, what's up with Lion? I never understood why would Lion prefer to take Connie's side... It just doesn't make any sense)
She was young, so it is understandable that she would let her emotions get the best of her. But that doesn't excuse the fact that she didn't take responsibility for what she did to Steven (nor apologise or explain anything)
+ she lied to her own parents, again
(she lied many times, even after telling her parents about her training on how to use swords, example: Steven asking to marry her)
What she did was yell at the others and proceeded to do as you said: To be hypocritical
She literally didn't see what was in front of her: Steven falling apart (Steven made it pretty clear, actually!) so it's hard to understand how she didn't see it... Even worse, the fact that she had to act as if she knew better that everyone else when she's the youngest and with less experience. She has traumas of her own but the crew made her as if nothing ever happened to her. Honestly... Even a stranger could have noticed something weird going on with Steven!
I'm not saying that bc we are viewers, but because Steven was more obvious in certain scenes, and with Connie even more so
She didn't explain herself, didn't apologise, she just left him there, alone. She's smart, she should have seen it, shouldn't she? Well... If she's so smart, so brave, so strong, so skilled and so mature, why didn't she?
Unsurprisingly, her faults only appear when it becomes relevant to the plot and never to paint her as the one to be blamed, but Steven or others. But that's it. She was perfect for the rest of the show. No traumas, no problems, mature, bla bla bla
It's, frankly, very annoying and not at all relatable
It made me dislike her during Future. I would have preferred if the crew left Connie the way she was before... I hurts to see so much potential wasted or wrongly used
-> SUFuture has many odd things with the way the characters were behaving tbh (I can't blame it solely on the crew; they weren't given much to begin with, but still)
example: Spinel with her traumas, she's not just a clown or a toy. It doesn't makes sense for her to be suddenly sooo happy and normal and "fixed". Maybe the idea was that she was faking it... Idk, but it didn't feel right. Plus, she can understand Steven better than anyone, so why not use her?
Or Greg. Again, I understand he wasn't perfect. No one is. But like... He was actually a good father: He cared about Steven, he provided for him even if that meant not spending as much time with his son. And even if the crystal gems didn't know how to properly take care of a human kid, they aren't the only ones. We, as humans, can be worse than them at something we are supposed to be good at
+ Steven had opportunities to ask to go to school or the hospital, but he never did. Greg once told him he could go to School but Steven's response was: I'm with the crystal gems all the time. With Connie (and other people in Beach City) Steven probably learned a lot about what was normal for a human kid, like going to the hospital. He never said anything either. When he got hurt he never said anything to anyone, so how was Greg suppose to take him to the hospital? Or anyone else for that matter
Let's not forget the fact that gems are not citizens, so Steven technically doesn't exist. Plus, how much do humans actually know about gems? Even Beach City, as close as it is to gems, doesn't seem to understand or know anything about them
-> Personally, I don't know why Connverse (or even not Connverse) shippers attack Stevinel shippers, that's something that I will never understand despite all the... words used against us. And I do not care. Really, it's very immature of them, so why should I?
However, that is not the reason why I ship Steven and Spinel
Connverse and Stevinel are not opposites. Liking one doesn't automatically elimine the other
Ship wars are stupid, immature, and negative. Unwelcome. It shouldn't have ever existed. Many use ships as an excuse to hurt others without any regard, being anonymous making them 'brave' and uncaring about who's behind a screen, while also using the excuse of 'saving kids' - which they aren't-
I don't want any excuses, kids from real life were hurt, and it's not okay
-> Steven and Spinel have many similarities:
- they both felt abandoned (in their own way, at least)
- both have Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz in common. Although, Steven had his father and the crystal gems but he was not completely alone like Spinel was
(not in a family type of way, that's not how gems work unless they call themselves as such: siblings, parents, etc. Family in gems exists only since Steven was born, and only related to him. Literally. It was said by the crew. The Rose Quartzs from the zoo are a good example of that! The Diamonds can be and/or act like a family, but they really weren't, it's mainly fans who saw them as a dysfunctional family, and a good example of that, too)
- Both behave/react in similar ways
(Positive, happy and kind when 'younger', reaching to others, saying NO in that same way when someone they care about was leaving, their pain turning into anger against others and danger to themselves... Even changing their forms to assimilate/show the way they feel!)
- Both are pink, too xD
- They both are my favourite characters and are also the easiest ones to draw for me 🤔 😊 xD
-> Anyway, what I mean is that there's many reasons why people ship who they ship, whether bc of the aesthetic, their chemistry, their interactions...
I felt like they had potential. Potential to help each other, to understand each other, etcetera
Another thing. Spinel is a sign of growing up and leaving behind your childhood, forgetting too, and Steven was growing up. They both were a sign for the viewsers who were growing up, together, while watching the show
No more puppy love. Connie and Steven have a good friendship, but I don't see any romantic chemistry. To me it feels forced for them to be together in that way. It also makes me feel as if all childhood friends have to end up as romantic relationships just because they had a crush, or the fact that they were close. It feels like all shows do that, lately. It's tiring
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yourtigerlily · 1 year
jealousy, jealousy
2007. it's a rainy day when Patrick and Richie began something that they are not supposed to. (I am DelilahAndTheUnderdogs on AO3, SISSIBVG on Wattpad, I have another tumblr ff account ELIFANFICTION. This one it's just my PC account) tw: cigarettes, weed, death, verbal abuse, mental health, alcohol, swearing (and getting creative about it), toxic behaviour, blood. it's an AU and Free Form fanfiction, don't like, don't read. dead dove: don't eat.
a necessary author note 
so, ugh, usually I don't post notices/notes for fanfictions.
but this time i do because i want to be sincere with you all.
when i first was intrigued by patrichie, it was in the movies’ universe, especially the first installment of the 2017/2019 two part movies. while with henry and bill i always kind of shipped them in the book too, in the first movie i felt between Patrick and Richie a tension, much more that in the book.
as for Patrick (and Henry tbh), in the book he plays the part as the “evil homosexuals” while Richie (and Eddie) is more like scared and “in the closet” homosexual trope because let's face it: in  the book they are written as children of their time, especially IT was wrote in the 80s and for the most part set in the 50s. 
Patrick is an abusive, who deserves nothing but death, in the books. Richie, in the books, copes with the fact that his mom wanted a girl with his passion with stand up comedy and ventriloquism. the book really touch many dark human sides, that's intriguing yet disturbing, like a lot. i do not recommend reading it during classes at 15. lmao, anyway.
at that time, it was different: expressing emotions, toxic masculinity and unhealthy standards in society (and Beverly faced this issue greatly, for the pressure to fit conventionally beauty standards and what meant to be a girl, set by a machist society — i mean, Eddie’s mom in the book doesn't like the fact that his son is friends with a girl, who she think is a slut, just because Be befriended boys) and racism, most of them are racist, the Bower's Gang predominantly and are loud about that, because it was accepted and normalized (hopefully today it's less but racism is still here) and people like Eddie's mom (still her lmao) thought it was disgusting to be friends’ with a black kid like Mike which honestly is the most pure and innocent kid on earth yet people cannot get pass on his skin colour. 
in conclusion, this is an AU but disturbing things will be there, though. i set it in the early 00s which was not the brightest time in our society, or its highlight because let's face it: I was a  pre-teen in the early 00s, so many traumas for me, and it's really long to fully unpack. here we are: me channeling my experiences through those characters which are really distant yet i can relate the most (Richie in particular).
enjoy this journey with me ~
weight is on my back
September 1st, 2007
A jet-black, straight haired boy was smoking a Malboro, in Derry Middle School's empty parking lot. Patrick Hockstetter was fazed, headphones on, Teenagers by My Chemical Romance playing. Derry was still sleeping. He looked eerily calm, on the verge of mass murdering, it seemed. It was not the case but not that far from truth, most days. He was simply angry. He wanted to scream, his voice stuck in his guts. His unhappiness was in his veins.
And there he was, Richard Tozier. A chihuahua trying to imitate a bulldog, Patrick thought. 
His blue eyes wandered on Richard's face. Why is he so magnetic for? 
He repressed himself. Suddenly, Henry greeted him with his annoying voice: «what’s up, fag?» He hated that word with a passion. He could not go against Henry because yes, his voice might be annoying but he's physically aggressive. Who isn't calling people with that word, meaning it as a slur? It's 2007, not many things changed from the 90s. He was born in 1991 and was four in 1995, when, fun fact, Richard was born. He remembers things, from that time. He doesn't want to, honestly. His dad beating him up senseless. Or finding himself killing his brother. 
He shooed away these thoughts, in the distant part of his brain. When Patrick was still distracted, he acknowledged Richard Tozier, nicknamed by many students (and teachers) Trashmouth.
Richard was awkward and talkative at the same time. Richard watched SNL way to much since he memorized by heart Bill Harder’s repertoire. especially, Vinny Vedecci and his italian gibberish.
Trashmouth reminded him Harry Potter, mostly the body size, the glasses and the talk-back attitude.
His cigarette was slowly burning in his right hand while looking at the short boy, absentmindedly.
«Let’s go» said Patrick, slapping Henry’s thigh «Nelson, first period, right?» said Belch «can we just skip classes? a smoke a joint?» then asked.
Patrick replied: «why not» while eyeing Henry, seeking his approval.
Every student went to their class. The courtyard went creepily silent. They moved around the building and Patrick went straight to his favourite spot, the gym. The other three did not care were he was, they went downtown, all together. 
The rain started to pour down ferociously, a growing mud smell went to Patrick nostrils. Something dangerous this way comes, he thought. He saw Richard standing there, behind the brown wall, under the gym canopy. He was smoking a cigarette and when the shorter guy saw Patrick, panicked a: «Oh fucking shit, not you» trying to run away. Patrick bloocked him under his body and shushed his mouth with his wide chalk-like hands. 
Patrick was dead serious when he whispered: «Now, Richard, shut the fuck up or I'll will kill you.» he made a brief pause, checking if the other three boys followed him but no, the were not there «or I can spare you from humiliation. There are Henry, Belch and Vic with me. You must not make a sound. Understand?» Trashmouth nodded, eagerly. «Or I swear to that fucking God, you'll never see the light again.» Patrick felt dizzy for a moment. Richard's heat was overwhelming. He removed his hand from the shorter boy's mouth and he distanced his boy for few inches.
«You are fucking insane, you know that, right Hockstetter?» said Richard with a glim in his eyes. 
«I know, Tozier» said the older one, lighting his joint «and you know that you are not safe with me, right?»
«Call me Richie» the curly haired one said, still smoking «and I don't care, honestly. If you want to excuse me, Hockstetter, can we make this important discussion in the gym?» 
They both tossed away whatever they were smoking and Patrick broke into the structure with Richie. The latter took Patrick's hand and he dragged him into the locker room. 
«Kiss me» said Richie, straightforward.
Patrick satisfied his request with an enormous pleasure: he put his lips on Richie's and began to devour him in seconds. Hands were traveling on almost naked bodies and Patrick realised that he was into Richie and his mischievous yet magmatic gaze, all this time. He tighten his huge hands on the other boy's curly hair while still deeply kissing him, tounge and all. 
HE'S MINE, MINE, MINE, FINALLY MINE, NOT EDDIE'S BUT MINE, his brain frantically shouted. 
«We should go back» said Patrick between his breath.
«Yeah, I think so» replied Richie, stealing another kiss. 
Their faces were still red when they dressed themselves. «Where have you been, Mr. Hockstetter?» said Mrs Orson when Patrick sat down. «I left my lunch at home, Ma’am» he lied. Mrs Orson wanted to believe him and she did. Patrick didn't know what to think when he came back to class, as confused as he was yet wanted more. Richie wrong-feet him. Big time. That feeling was new and dangerous. 
Anyway, Patrick always liked the taste of blood, after all. 
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