#why so creature❓
images-of-ice-finn · 28 days
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Edwin and Dream share something in common. Something more than a love of books.
⚠️❓ - Possible Trigger Warning
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[ficlet contains mentions of fear/anxiety and being afraid of small spaces/claustrophobia]
Dream didn’t talk about his imprisonment much.
It was said mostly in passing, as a way to explain why he hadn’t met Hob when that story was told, but the how and why and other details had never been told.
Hob, of course, knew. He knew what had happened to Dream as the Being had told Hob everything. So, when he reminisced about the past, which he often did, Hob never talks about those details. That was for Dream to talk about and Dream alone, when he was ready.
No one ever expected or anticipated that the day Dream would be ready to tell someone else about it, it would be in a chaotic, noisy pub.
Dream, Edwin and Charles were loitering around The New Inn, as they usually did when it was absurdly busy and Hob needed to jump in and lend a hand.
Edwin was at the bar, reading a book Dream had produced from his library in the Dreaming, while Charles was trailing closely behind Hob, asking questions and knowing no one else could see him while Hob, who could see him, talked away.
In the beginning, the customers would ask Hob if he was ok, concerned that maybe he was working too hard and was slowly losing his sanity, but he would just flash them a big grin and say, “I’m alright. Just talking to a ghost.”
They stopped asking.
Dream was perched next to Edwin by the bar, sipping on a glass of white wine that never seemed to grow to room temperature no matter how long it sat there. He wasn’t paying much attention to Charles’ mischief or to Hob’s multitasking chaos.
Instead, he was keeping an eye on Edwin.
If you passed a quick glance at the young spirit, you wouldn’t notice anything amiss. Just a boy, casually reading his book, trying to dive into the pages and words.
But Dream knew better.
Edwin may have had the book open, but in the hour they’d been sitting there he had barely gone through 5 pages. His gaze may have been trained on the inked words in front of him, but his eyes showed that his mind was elsewhere. His jaw was tight, his shoulder’s stiff, and Dream could see a small tremor in his hands where they gripped the edges of the book.
Dream recognized this look. The look of fighting the rough waves as you tried to stay afloat, trying not to sink and drown. He himself had to tread through those rough waters until they settled.
Sometimes, he still had to.
“You do not have to read the book if you are not enjoying it.” Dream said before bringing the glass of wine to his lips.
Edwin blinked, the fog in his eyes dissipating as he looked at Dream. “I am.”
Dream raised an eyebrow. “Are you, though, Edwin Payne..?”
Edwin opened his mouth, closed it, looked back at the book, and then shut it softly before whispering, “No…”
Dream hummed.
“It’s not that it’s not a good book.” The young spirit said quickly as to not offend the Prince of Stories. “I just…”
“Are currently unable to enjoy it.” Dream finished. “Your mind is…occupied. By feelings and images of the past.”
Edwin looked again at Dream, eyes wide. “How did you know?”
“It is not often I find myself understanding how one may feel.” Dream said softly as his thumb ran up the curved glass. “It is even more rare that I understand because I have gone through a fairly similar experience myself.”
Edwin stared at Dream, who was staring at his white wine with furrowed brows. He realized, with surprise, that Dream was very much referring to his own imprisonment. “You’re…well…you’re you. How could you possibly have gone through what I have?”
Dream’s eyes hardened, growing dark. “Endless may not be able die like most creatures do…but we can be captured and hurt through the use of the occult.” White stars glanced at Edwin. “Humans often meddle with things they do not understand. You know this to be true.”
Edwin was silent for a while, turning his attention back to the book that laid on the bar counter. He brought a hand up to stroke the velvet cover and traced his fingers over the gold lettering.
Perhaps…Dream could truly understand…
“I thought what I experienced in Hell would be the trigger to this fear…” Edwin whispered after silently gathering his thoughts, his hands dropping to his lap. “But…instead…what triggered it the first time was a dark basement. It wasn’t until it happened a second time I realized it was because of that room. That room in the attic of the school where I was dragged to and sacrificed….” He scoffed venomously. “4 bloody walls in the dark overpowered all the terrors of Hell.”
“It’s frustrating…” Edwin continued. “It’s been decades since that night and the fear of it prevents me from going into any small, dark space that remotely resembles an attic. It impedes on our detective work if I cannot enter a small room where a crime has been committed.” He clenched his fists tight as he hissed, “I want it to stop.”
The dream eldritch was silent as he stared at the young, frustrated spirit. Though Edwin was over a century old and very wise, there were times where he showed that, deep down, he was still a 16 year old boy.
Eventually, Dream spoke. “I was also confined to a small room, much like your attic. Inside this small room was my prison, that was even smaller than the space it resided in.” He stared at his warped reflection in the wine glass. “My prison was a sphere. A sphere made of steel and glass…hidden away in a pathetic man’s basement where ancient markings kept me in place and where above me was cruelly decorated like the night sky to mock me and remind me of what I was missing.”
Dream let out soft sigh. “Once I was free, it took me many months to finally be able to stay for long periods in a small room where the walls felt too close and the ceiling too low.” He looked up at the ceiling of the pub. “Even now, there are times that this space becomes fearful.”
“It does…?” Edwin asked, his voice trembling a little. “So…the fear…it doesn’t leave?”
“No.” Dream replied turning his gaze back on Edwin. “It does not. Though it happens less, that fear still plagues me. It will always be there in the back of your mind, trying to drown you.”
“Then there is no hope for me.” Edwin said, defeatedly, his shoulders dropping.
Dream smiled a little. “There is always hope, Edwin Payne. That hope, that raft that will keep you afloat during those fears…that comes from the people around you.”
“The…people around me…?”
The Being turned his gaze. Edwin follow his line of sight, seeing it had landed onto Hob, who was laughing with some of his customers. The immortal caught their stares and waved. Charles looked where Hob was looking, noticed them as well, and grinned widely, also waving.
“The people who love you and care for you…they will be your raft. Your life line. Even if you have no hope in yourself, even if you tell yourself you cannot do it…they will be the hope that will tell you that you can.”
“Hob was…and still is…my raft…” Dream said softly. “He possesses an otherworldly patience I have only ever seen in my sister…and even she has her limits. He has endlessly showered me with it as he has helped me through my fear.” He turned to look at Edwin again, still smiling. “You do not have to battle those waves alone, Edwin. You have many around you who are willing to be your raft.” He placed a slender hand over Edwin’s that had loosened their grip on his slacks. “Myself included.”
Edwin opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Hob, who had finally been able to make his way down to the end of the bar.
“Bloody hell what a night.” The immortal smiled apologetically at them. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to be around much this evening. One of the hazards to owning a business.”
“You were around me.” Teased Charles, who had come up behind Hob.
“Look here, you little shit, that was not because I chose that. That was because you decided that tonight was the night to make ol’ Hob seem more crazy than usual.” Charles laughed as he dodged a swat from Hob, running around to hide behind Edwin.
To any remaining concerned patrons in the pub that evening it looked like Hob was scolding the air next to a shadow of a man and then swatting at a fly.
Those patrons quickly returned their attention back to their drinks.
Hob shook his head at Charles, trying to look stern but unable to as he laughed at the young ghost stick his tongue out. “To make up for it, I’ll watch whatever movies you wanna watch. No complaining.”
“Really!?” Charles beamed.
“Not you.” Hob said as he pointed a finger at Charles. “You don’t get to pick.”
“What!? Robbie, c’mon!”
“Don’t ‘c’mon’ me, you menace.”
“I’ll just possess the TV again.” Charles replied, smugly.
“Do that and I’ll invite Death over for a visit.”
The spirit boys had long since been told by Death herself that she wasn’t going to take them. They were free to roam on earth as long as they continued their work.
Regardless, Charles still paled at the threat. Death was still Death, the taker of souls, the Grim Reaper. Their non-lives were in her hands.
Charles huffed and crossed his arms. “Well played…you win.”
A few customers waved at Hob, beckoning him over to order. “Ah, bollocks…here we go again.” He smiled sheepishly at the spirits and the Endless. “Only a couple more hours, promise.”
Hob hurried away and Charles was about to follow, when he stopped and turned to Edwin. “Hey, are you doing alright? I know…I know you don’t like small rooms very much.”
Edwin blinked, then glanced at Dream. “I…I’m ok right now. Thank you, Charles.”
“Of course. Anything for my best mate.” He placed a hand in Edwin’s shoulder. “If you aren’t ok…please come get me. We’ll…we’ll go outside or something, alright?”
Dream’s words echoed in Edwin’s mind.
‘The people who love you and care for you…they will be your raft…You do not have to battle those waves alone, Edwin.’
The young spirit smiled and placed his hand over Charles’. “I will come get you, I promise.”
Charles grinned and gave Edwin’s shoulder a squeeze before he bounded after Hob once more.
Dream smiled at Edwin. “I believe you will find yourself able to read now.”
The ghost boy looked down at the velvet covered book. He picked it back up, then took in a deep breath and opened it once more.
He did, indeed, find he was able to read.
Twitter/X•AO3•Pillowfort •Linktree•Bluesky•Ko-fi
I struggled a bit with this one.
I will admit, I haven’t watched DBD yet. I will be this weekend tho.
But that doesn’t stop me from falling in love with the characters. I am the type of person who “spoils” movies and shows for themselves. I enjoy learning about the characters and the plot and story before I dive into the show. It helps me connect.
The problem with this…method…is I don’t always know the entire plot of something.
Which was issue here.
(If you do not wanna read spoilers for the show and comic, then do not read past the line)
Because DBD is so new, there not a lot out there yet on the show’s version of things. What I mean is, is that in the DBD comic fandom wiki, it says:
“He (Edwin) was abused by bullies who, one evening in 1914, dragged him up to the attics where they dressed up, drew a circle on the floor, and sacrificed him along with frogs and rabbits in an effort to raise devils that never came.
They hid Edwin's body in a trunk, and it was never found, Edwin thought no one looked particularly hard for him since his killers barely covered their tracks.”
I do not know how accurately the show went with the comic as the only thing I can find is an article about how the boys died, which states:
“Edwin's past in 1916 is quite heartbreaking. He had a crush on Simon at their British boarding school. He was invited to a date, only to be ambushed by Simon and his friends. The bullies thought they would have some fun with an occult ritual meant to summon the demonic Sa'al. It feels like they weren't sure that the tome they had would really bring the demon up. But they just wanted to hear Edwin scream and cry. The drunken hazing quickly turns sour as Sa'al comes up and roasts the bullies to ashes. He apologizes to Edwin, but the rules are the rules. Sa'al drags Edwin to Hell as the sacrificial part of the ceremony must be honored.”
So, as I stated above, I struggled. I truly wanted Edwin’s fear to be of the box his body had been hidden in. The fear of the confined space and the four walls and the darkness, because, perhaps, maybe his spirit had been stuck in the box too before he realized and figured out he could leave it.
But the box wasn’t used in the show.
So, I opted for the room, the attic.
Anyway, I’m rambling about this too seriously. I can headcanon things and situations all day long, but I like when those headcanons and my fics have true to the original story details if I can get them in there.
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discoveredreality · 11 days
200 follower event thingy under the cut :D
for ppl new to my blog, intro post is here <3
lol click this: 🌿🌺🍂🌼
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tysm to everyone who has followed me :D
please only send one request at a time
but feel free to drop literally as many asks in my inbox as u want <333
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for mutuals/followers <3
✨ — i make u a moodboard. please lmk if u want something specific or i'll do it based on your blog (i honestly love doing moodboards so if u want this i am encouraging u to ask lol)
❓ — i'll give you a random fun fact about literally anything. could be about a book character or sea creature or anything in between.
🎵 — send me a any song. i'll listen to it and give u my honest opinion on it
❔ — ask me any literally question about myself. i will try to answer as honestly as i can. unless it's something i'm not comfortable with
🥀 — if u ever need to be cheered up, send an ask and i'll tell u why you're an amazing person and i'm so glad you're here <3
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for moots/ppl who i'm close with only
🌷 — i'll make u a handwritten letter and tell u why i'm literally so grateful for u <3
🎶— lmk what your music taste is like. what artists or what genre or whatever. and i'll make u a really short playlist :D
🌱— honestly i'm running out of ideas here but i don't want there to be only two things in this section cause that's not aesthetic lol. so if there's anything else that i haven't included feel free to send an ask and i'll probably do it unless i dont want to lol
ok that's all <3
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this is will end when i unpin this lol
all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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kelocitta · 1 year
Hi, hello! Sorry to bother you but I love your blog so I thought you can answer my question if you can. So, um, can you tell me why is everyone in the Rain World community saying that both Hunter and Artificier are girls and lesbians? Did I miss something? Was there some Q & A that revealed their gender and preferences? Does it have something with the Downpour dlc (haven't gotten it yet btw)? Again, sorry for so many questions but I'm just very confused rn 😕❓
It's fine! The most straightforward answer is really just "its fun" and "its their vibe" As many of the Downpour slugcats started as effectively ocs, I'm sure that some may have had some intended gender as creations of people, but as far as i'm aware at no point in RW itself (or Downpour) are any of them gendered nor are there any statements (such as using certain pronouns on streams) on it meant to be taken as the official lore for them. It's just really people having fun with assigning headcanons to funny creatures. For me personally I just like a bunch of combat-savvy girl characters (Hornet) who happen to be red so I like to playfully assign girl status to any creature that fits that theme. Given what slugcats are, who even knows if they have either genders or distinct sexes- none of that (or even any wider slugcat biology) is ever discussed or canonized. As for pairing them together or calling them lesbians, that's mostly just cause they're both red-ish slugcats with a focus on combat/violence so people think they match in that sense and theyre mostly saying it jokingly haha. Rain World slugcats are so open-ended that people have a lot of "play" with in the character sense, so people do.
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
hi ( sorry I finally found the ask lol) I love your work and I have a few questions for the giant siren au.
1.what are the giant sirens opinions on humans. Do they lure humans to eat them or like steal their stuff. Maybe that’s how they got the things they wear like chains head bands and tops.
2.what were each one of the families first experience with humans
3.are they’re ages the same as humans or do they live a lot longer in order to develope such growth.
4.what are the sirens biggest rivals? Still humans?
Not a question but I’d like to see or read more about the encanto sea community and other sirens
hehe that’s it for now love your work, def should be a story. I also saw the latest chap with Abuela and the guppies so amazing and wholesome, they’re like Abuelas remedies. Thx again for this story I’m very glad I found it. have a good day /night
WHAT'S UO AND WELCOME❓❗ Glad you could find it. Anyway of course I have answers. Ya girls been into world building lately, lucky for you.
Sirens, at least with the Encanto Island community, do not like humans. It is a well-known and stated fact among the people that humans are dangerous creatures and are out for them.
Guppies are told to never go near ships, it's hammered into their heads. Of course, if a swarm of guppies gets ahold of the ship, the humans should probably stay away from them. They are very smart, and very cunning, and will feign innocence. As for grown sirens, yes, they will lure humans, but nine times out of ten, it's away from the islands. Despite it being covered in thick fog, they still don't let anyone through. And yeah, the chains, flags, anchors, even glass are used by the sirens. They will take them, especially since it's such a rare thing to find.
Alma is very against humans. Her first 'real' experience interacting with them was when Pedro was killed. So.
The triplets were sheltered from humans as guppies, and didn't even really see them until they got older. They had gotten to help scavenge a shipwreck, and a survivor kimda sorta tried to attack them, not even out of malice, it was out of fear. Felíx, when he was first out of his shell, accidentally capsized a boat, and did his best to fix it. Keywords, 'did his best'. Agustin was on the land of the island, and he tried to talk to them, but due to his size ended up scaring them off. Isabela and Dolores ties in with Luisa, they were with a school and they were kind of on like. A field trip with the caretakers of the Grotto and ended up getting to see a fishing ship. Isabela and Dolores didn't like the humans. Luisa didn't see how they were dangerous. Camilo and Mirabel's ties in as well. This was the first guppy incident that implemented the rule of guppy schools not being able to out ratio the caretakers (the ratio is 1 caretaker for every 15 guppies. This was latter changed after the second incident.). They, and the other guppies within the school, raided a ship for all the food they had. This also implemented the feeding schedule for them lmao. Antonio's encounter was similar to Camilo and Mirabel's, just not nearly as severe.
So. They age about the same as humans until they grow out their shells. So like, maybe between 5-9.
They don't stop aging, just age slower. Alma is probably older than you might think. Same with other elders. It's not entirely known how they age, but they stop aging like humans after they leave the shell. They develop similarly I wanna say, especially as guppies considering they're most human-like. Grown sirens biology is like humans, but there are differences.
Yes. It's still humans. It will likely stay humans too.
To humans, giant sirens are considered sea beasts. They think they're meant to be hunted and out down. Hence why sirens live on giant inhabited islands in pods/communities. Their biggest ally are jellyfish. Giant sirens and jellyfish go way back. So poisonous and defensive jellyfish will defend against humans, by instinct. Most the guppy grotto and most shells have some kind of jellyfish near them, typically box jellyfish and moon jellyfish, both for different purposes of course.
And I can most definitely supply more content❗❗ feel free to ask for specific stuff, but here's some stuff I currently have <33
Some drawings RAHHHHH 🦅🦅 First one is the caretakers and their shifts lmao <33 Ignacio and Maria were specifically set to night shift because. They can glow in the dark/provide self sustaining light.
Second is basically what the island would look like. It's far bigger than pictured, and the community itself stretches far beneath the ocean and across the ocean floor. Part of it goes to a trench below the island, for deep sea sirens like Ignacio.
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This one is really just a joke but. It guppies are not fed they will eat inanimate objects. Things that aren't meant to be eaten. Whoever's watchin them gotta pull it out of their mouths, because they won't listen if you ask them to spit it out.
Second one is. Just sleeping, because growing out of their shells is surprisingly very tiring, and takes a few weeks.
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No but. The harpoon is freaking huge. Bigger than pretty much any ship
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I'll see about writing more once school ends❗❗❗ hope I answered your questions <33
EDIT I FORGOT TO TAG 💀 @cookydray2
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local-soda-can · 11 months
my live reaction throughout the new puppet history episode bc i’m insane-
his little outfit :DDDDD
no trophies 🤨⁉️
history wizard honestly sounds like a great title, i want that cap
i want to touch his fuzzy little head :(((
he’s just a little guy :D
B BOYS‼️‼️‼️‼️
watcher band when❓
why did he drink that-
he is insane-
little fuzzy feet :>
did he or did he not go to hell-
“i was a nervous creature” steven just like me fr
“no shirts, yes sax, no problem” someone needs to frame that and hang it on my wall
who’s hating on the professor i will find them and force them to like him /j
i guess he’s not immortal 
the drawings :>>
ruh roh- they’re both unsupervised in the dumpster- surely that won’t cause problems
“‘cause he’s so thick” MA’AM😦
why’d she say beef boy like that-
they look absolutely amazing in their new hats :>
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torchiiko · 1 year
questions i dont mind being asked a bunch x3
but that i wrote so other ppl could steal if they wanted :) feel free 2 rb or just copy paste the ones that suit ur needs! send in an emoji (or the question itself) n ill answer!
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general questions
these can apply to anyone! they arent themed or tailored to anything unlike the next 2 categories
💭 whats your current or most recent thought?
☁ whats the weather like rn? how do you feel about it?
🎮 whats the most recent game youve played?
🎶 what song or lyric is stuck in your head?
🎓 whats a random fact you know?
💙 whats your favorite (blank)? (askers choice)
😊 whats smth that makes you happy? :3
💢 whats a pet peeve/smth that makes you angy?
😱 whats the scariest thing youve seen recently/smth that freaks you out?
🃏 whats smth dumb that makes you laugh?
🎲 a random fact abt you!
🍽 is there a food youre craving rn?
⏰ what time did you wake up/go to bed?
⏩ whats smth you wanna do in the future?
🐻 do you have any plushies? do you have a favorite?
📖 is there anything you collect/want to collect?
🎁 whats a gift or item you rlly want?
📦 a favorite thing you already own?
💻 how/why did you pick your current username?
📸 show a screenshot from your drafts!
💾 show a random image you have saved!
❓ free space! askers choice to ask whatever they want :3
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simp questions
these were made w my current bf spamton & other selfshippers in mind :3 anyone w any number of f/os should be able 2 use these!
😳 name a trait/feature makes you go awooga!
🍷what kind of date would you take your f/o on? what date would they take you on?
💌 how might you confess to your f/o? how might they confess to you?
💝 whats a gift you would give your f/o?
📝 do you have a ship name?
💬 what pet names/nicknames would you like them to call you? what would you call them?
🥄 whos the big spoon?
🎧 any songs that remind you of your f/o?
💘 whats your fav part of them/smth you rlly admire abt them?
😘 how would your f/o flirt pre-relationship? how would you?
👤 whats a character you are/have been attracted to but not focused on atm?
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misc questions
theses were made w myself in mind but if they apply 2 anyone else then by all means use them all you like :3
🎨 whats a drawing youre proud of?
📌 an idea you havent gotten to draw yet?
🎉 whats a fun fact abt one of your ocs/sonas?
🔴 whats your favorite pokemon/shiny?
✨ whats your most recent shiny?
💖 whats a shiny on your wishlist?
🐾 show off a creature from a petsite you play!
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aalinaaaaaa · 2 years
A Box of Chocolates ||
a series of unusual worldbuilding asks
🍾 – two people from two different cultures walk into a pub together, what happens? (do these cultures clash or compliment each other?)
🎙– if your world were to have its own version of Eurovision, how would it go? (how many countries, who has the most wins, do any countries have a 12 points exchange [a la Cyprus/Greece], etc)
📖 – does your world have any infamous playwrights, dramas, fairytales and the like? (if so, what has been the impact, if any on this society? any recurring tropes, themes or motifs as a result?)
📞– if you have any conglangs, tell us about some prank names
🍇 – got any grapes? what are your world's favourite/most common drinks? (these can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
🍋 – when life gives out lemons, how do people approach it? (what sort of values and mindsets do people prioritise for tackling obstacles, be those big or small?)
🐓 – which would you rather fight? 100 *insert heres* or 100 *here inserts* (fill in the blanks with your own world's creatures, tell us about them and decide which one you'd rather fight)
📸 – flash! who would constitute as part of your world's rich and famous?
👻 – who you gonna call? what sort of pests exist in your world, and how do people deal with them? (is there an external form of pest control, or is it a diy job?)
🏙 – what sort of personality or notable features do your cities have? (e.g, very cultural, full of students, beautiful, corporate-y, etc)
🏡 – if given the choice, would you want to live in your created world? Why/why not?
😱 – what's the number one way to offend a religious leader in your society?
🏺– talk about some of your world's most precious/sacred artifacts
❓- snap in one, two, where are you? how does your world go about missing person cases?
Fancy an ask or two of these? Feel free to reblog 😊
I'd love to get some of these asks ngl 👀
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Paranoia? Or truth?
Word count 307
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              The Changeling.
❓Are you a witch or
Are you a fairy?
Or are you the wife
of Michael Cleary?❓
A changeling, also historically referred to as an auf or oaf, is a human-like creature found in folklore throughout Europe. A changeling was believed to be a fairy that had been left in place of a human (typically a child) stolen by other fairies.
Bronchitis? Staring at the sick sleeping form on the bed, is that what it is? Or something else? Her attitude and personality has changed especially towards me Daniel thinks to himself. She looks the same, even smells the same as he sniffs her hair, but she has changed! Did they get her? The little ones! Is she a Changeling?
Fever! Her body is hot, coughing non stop coughing! Is her body trying to expel the parasite? Daniel stays by her side  the ever  vigilant boyfriend. Am I paranoid? What if I am not? I have to save her! Antidote! She needs the antidote, the antibiotics are not working!
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Lusmore tea, foxglove, she needs to drink this. "It's spicy!" 
Drink it " "its bitter" 
Why is she defying me when I am trying to help her?
"Daniel what is this?"
"Are you trying to poison me?"
How could she say such a thing? I'm only trying to save her? I will have to go to plan b . Heat need heat, "why is it so hot in here?" Daniel muses better than plan c, urine.
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I think it's working, she must realize  I'm doing this for her own good. Fire would be better but well I have to work with what I got.
"You're cured! I saved you!" Daniel smiles. 
"Cured? Saved me?"
"Changeling! I saved you"
"The antibiotics are finally working"
"Hey don't look at me like that, I'm not paranoid!" Daniel states.
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wellreadwyvern · 1 year
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🐉RATING:🔥🔥🔥🔥/5 ❓Do you enjoy odd or quirky books? I love a quirky little book. If you are like me - and you enjoy stories that make you ask, “What did I just read?!” - then pick up a copy of Kelly Barnhill’s The Crane Husband. Writing a review for this book is a challenge. I know I liked it. I’m not sure I understood it. A widowed mother of two brings home a new lover - a crane she calls Father. Who is this creature with leering eyes? Why is the mother so devoted to him that she neglects herself and her children? What are they doing inside the locked art studio? The story reads like a nightmarish fable of generational trauma. Included are themes of motherhood, abandonment, transformation, and the magic of art. A fable, by definition, ends with a lesson. But if The Crane Husband has a lesson, I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m continuing to ponder how all the themes and imagery weave together. Are they parts of a whole? Or do they just swirl around each other in a dance? And that’s enough rambling. If anyone wants to join me in this metaphorical rabbit hole, let’s chat. Thank you to @tordotcompub and @netgalley for providing this ARC. #thecranehusband #kellybarnhill #quirkybooks #novella #whatdidijustread #craneisamanisacrane #featherseverywhere #bookreview #bookrecommendations #netgalleyreads #netgalleyreview #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpfs2VUhkve/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wolfofwinchester · 7 months
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@derjaegermond asked: Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it! As for why I picked this one! We haven't had a whole lotta opportunities to plot because of how tied up and crazy things have been-- I can see them easily being on pretty friendly, and warm terms as it stands. A way to describe it? Like two human-shaped creatures from a similar(or the same) neck of the deep woods, meeting again for the first time in a very long time.
SIMPLE SHIPPING MEME!! // accepting!
Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it!
Yesssssss. They interacted very briefly but oh my god, it felt so warm and sweet? Cordial? I meant to continue it but, like you said, life's been pretty hectic. They just came together like sap on bark, like they had history together in a good way! Like they come together at the end of the day and just chat or coexist in the same area and you just see Sims ++s coming off them? idk maybe that's just me.
All the yes. Give me that sweet Doctor Helena and Countess Claudia connection, I am ENTIRELY here for it and have been weak for that dynamic since we started being mutuals AKFAFSDKSFDK. I am all here for old history rekindled.
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therealgutdoctor · 8 months
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Hey folks! Your gut does a lot more than just breaking down food. It's a big part of your whole health! Why Care About Gut Health? 🤔 Your gut helps with mood and staying healthy. It's packed with good bugs that help you stay well and feel good. A happy gut can mean a happy mind and strong body. Let's Dive In! 🏊‍♂️ Know Your Gut 🧠🌿 Brain Link: Recent science shows our brain and gut talk to each other. So, a happy gut = a happier you! Good Bugs: Our gut is like a big city of helpful tiny creatures. They help digest food, fight off germs, and even make important stuff our body needs. Not-So-Good Signs: Feeling bloated? Tummy troubles? Or even tired all the time? Your gut might be trying to tell you something. Easy Ways to Boost Your Gut! 🚀 Eat More Fiber: Foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains help your gut bugs thrive. Try Fermented Foods: Yogurt, pickles, and some other foods have natural good bugs that help balance your gut. Drink Water: Water helps your gut work smoothly. Skip Junk Food: Too much sugar and unhealthy fats can upset your gut balance. Relax & Breathe: Stress can mess with your gut. Find ways to relax, maybe try yoga or deep breathing! Quick Questions! ❓ Why are good bugs (probiotics) important?: They help balance our gut and keep us feeling great! Sleep and Gut?: Good sleep helps your gut work its best. Exercise Helps?: Yup! Moving around can make your gut healthier. Natural Gut Helpers?: There are supplements and herbs for gut health, but chat with a doctor before trying any. Wrap-Up 🌟 Your gut is a superstar in keeping you healthy. By eating right, staying active, and managing stress, you're on the way to a happy gut and a happier you! Take care of it, and it'll take care of you. 💖🥦🌿 #GutHealthMatters #KnowTheGutBrainAxis #HealthyGut #HealthyLiving #FunctionalMedicine #RegenerativeMedicine #IBS#IBD#SIBO#GERD#Crohns #DrMark #5XBoardCerfified #TheRealGutDoctor
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
Short people
Lmao I was thinking about this movie. Marathoned it plenty of times and. I'm totes rematching it. Specifically for Desolation of Smaug, because it's my favorite
But basically just Mirabel asking questions 😭 then she gets made fun if for being the baby of the company❗❓❗❓
"So...why are you called "King Under the Mountain?" Mirabel asked from atop her horse, looking over at Thorin. The dwarf stared ahead, not answering. Mirabel waited for a moment, before turning back. She didn't want to be rude and keep pressing, her mamá taught her better. Bwsdies it could've been a...sensitive topic.
There was a tense silence before Oakenshield finally spoke up. "The castle is under the mountain. Or, rather within it," Thorin explained, and Mirabel turned to him with bright eyes. "It is a grand place, where my family used to reside."
"Used to?" Mirabel asked. She knew of the kingdom, and how great dragon attacked. But she didn't know the whole story. Balin spoke up next.
"Ay, lass. Until Smaug overtook it. He lit Erebor ablaze. It was truly something to behold," he said, throwing his hand up. "All of the gold and riches you could imagine are in that castle. A room filled with gold and treasures. And dragons love gold. Greedy creatures."
Mirabel thought for a moment before speaking up. "So...we're going back to Erebor...to take back the kingdom and the castle?"
"Exactly," Thorin said, his face growing dark for a moment. "171 years have passed. And I'm done waiting."
Mirabel's eyes widened as she looked at Thorin and the other company. "Wait, wait...171? Like one, seven, one?" She got nods as she gawked. "If I may ask, how old are you, Thorin?"
Thorin looked at her strangely before looking ahead again. "I'll be 196 soon." Mirabel looked at him in disbelief. He looked younger than her abuela!
"A-And you?" Mirabel turned to Balin, who laughed. "Just a tad younger than Thorin---178."
Mirabel sat on her horse, looking baffled. She then turned to Bilbo, he looked like he was in his 30's. "Bilbo, how old are you?"
Bilbo looked distracted and looked at Miravel for a moment as he walked. "Oh, I just turned 50."
"Lass, you're nothing but a wee baby," Balin said, laughing. "Only 10 years old. Not even of age for a Hobbit."
"But then...Gandalf?" Mirabel said, and Gandalf turned his head slightly, blowing smoke. "How old are you?"
Gandalf chuckled, gesturing for Miravel to lean closer, and she did, her eyes having stars in them as she awaited his answer. "That is a secret you aren't ready for, my small adventurer," Gandalf blew smoke into her face, which turned into butterflies. Mirabel sputtered, his face turning into a pout as the others laughed at Gandalf's antics.
"I'll find out one way or another!" Mirabel declared and the others continued to laugh at the small girl. She had determination, they'd give her that.
WOAHAKSBUS so. So rad right. Don't flame me for the dialogue, I aint seen the movies in a minute, but I'm working on it 🤨
ANYWAYYYYY I'm probably gonna post a couple more asks later, currently playing wit a friend rn 🦅🦅🦅🦅 will also be doing art
I discovered the power of genderbending aus. Im abusing it with housebroken.
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As a member of the nerd species, I find fun and excitement in studying all the weird, funky looking creatures of our world.
And now you can too!
At the ❓Mystery Shack❓ there's a ton of strange and unusual creatures to explore! They have the Sascrotch, a cryptid even shyer than your usual Sasquatch that he wears clothes to cover up the family jewels! Or a real life giant's ear, that my brother Stanley Pines, chopped off in the midst of a daring and courageous battle! Or my personal favorite, the Cornicorn, a unicorn made entirely of corn! A creature made of two of my favourite things!!
Now some smartass pointdexters may say that all of these exhibits are fake but I say that's absolute poppycock! After all, you can clearly see them right in front of you with your own two eyes, that means they must be real! And even if they were fake, which they Are Not, it would take an impressive amount of creativity and effort to create these things so you should appreciate them anyways.
So go to the Mystery Shack right now, to enrich your minds with the knowledge of all these wonderful and amazing creatures!! And while you're at it, why not en-rich the owner with all the money in your wallet, as thanks for the privilege of getting to do so! You won't regret it!
Go visit the Mystery Shack today!
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leaderoffestivals · 1 year
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Madara: (Those are reeeally forceful words. And, it doesn’t look like they’re lying, huh?)
… … ‘Healing techniques’, ‘monsters’. There are so many things to be concerned about here… …
Got it. We’ll put our trust in you now. 
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Tatsumi: That’s right. It is regrettable, but we know far too little about the biology of those creatures you call ‘monsters’. 
We’ll leave this to you. However, if there’s anything that we can do, please tell us. 
Yuu: Thank you so much!
Spitzes: GRRRRR!
Rustoa: Yuu-kun!
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Yuu: Yes! Alright… …
Spitzes: Grrr… …?
Rustoa: It looks like everything has worked out well!
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Yuu: Yes!
Madara: (... … Those mysterious creatures have all calmed down. What in the world is this ‘Healing technique’?)
< A few minutes later. >
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Tatsumi: … … So, what you’re saying is that the power Yuu-san used earlier is called a Healing technique. It is an ability that can Heal the creatures that you call ‘monsters’, thus calming them down. 
Yuu: Yes. We’re here at the request of the sponsor of an event that will be held in ten days time.
This forest is adjacent to the event site, you see. That’s why we’re here to Heal the monsters, as a precaution. 
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Merc: —And that’s how we happened to stumble across you guys!
Mayoi: An event, you say? 
Rustoa: Yes, it’s gonna be a festival of song and drama!
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Rustoa: It’s called the ‘Stage On Fiesta’, a really grand event where many idols and theatre companies will gather!
Aira: Oh! Will there be idols coming TOO…!? What kind of groups will they be? I’m pretty knowledgeable about that, you know~!
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Rustoa: Er. Errrrm… …
Tatsumi: I understand how you feel, but we are straying from the point. 
Aira: AH! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to… …
Tatsumi: Well, in any case… … It’s all thanks to that, that our lives have been saved, haven't they? This too, must be God’s guidance. 
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Aira: (Wow, Tattsun-senpai’s adaptability stat is way too high, isn’t it? He’s conversing with them so naturally now… …
Unlike me… When I saw Merc-san, I actually yelled out loud, “The water is talking!” (2))
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Madara: WOOOW! I’ve witnessed something reeeally amazing! All those monsters were in such an excited state, but they went back to normal as soon as you used that Healing technique!
I’m reeeally interested to learn more about how these Healing techniques work and to be able to use them myself! I’d reeeally like it if you could teach me more!
Yuu: Too close, so close… …! This person is coming onto me really strongly!
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Madara: Haha~! That’s because I’ve never met a person with an ability like yours before. It’s been such a long time since my curiosity’s been piqued to such an extent! 
Yuu: I’m glad that you’re so interested, but, errr… you are—? 
Madara: I’m Mikejima Madara, but do feel free to call me Mama! 
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Yuu: ❓Errr, are you a… … Mama?
Madara: Umu… I wanna become everybody’s Mama, you see!
Yuu: I understand now. Since that is what Madara-san wants to be called by—
In that case—Mama-san! 
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Merc: Mama-san, it’s sooo very nice to meet you! 
Madara: I’ve had this thought before but—when I’m called like that so obediently, it kinda bothers me too!
Tatsumi: Let us take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as well, shall we? I am Kazehaya Tatsumi, and standing beside me is—
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Mayoi: —I am Ayase Mayoi. 
Aira: Shiratori Aira! Nice to meet you~!
Hiiro: I’m Hiiro. Amagi Hiiro!
Yuu: It’s nice to meet all of you. 
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Hiiro: Umu! Since we have had the good fortune to meet each other here, I really hope that we can all be friends!
Merc: Wai~! Of course, we will!
Rustoa: Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter after all! It looks like we’re all performers attending the same event, so I’d want for us to get along well, anyway!
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Tatsumi: Is there an event?
Rustoa: Oh? Was I mistaken? I honestly thought the clothes you guys are wearing were the stage clothes you were going to perform in, though!
Aira: Ah, about this—We were dressed like this without us knowing how it happened… …
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Aira: There’s no doubt that these are our outfits, but we don’t know why or how we happened to be wearing them at all~. 
Merc / Yuu: … …?
Tatsumi: We would definitely need information on that too. Excuse me, but could you please answer some questions of ours for us to learn about our situation? In truth, we found ourselves in this place without knowing how we came to be here… …
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Yuu: EHH! Isn’t that an insanely bad situation for you guys? Please, do not restrain yourselves on our account; you may ask us anything about what you wish to know. 
Aira: Uwah~ You’re such a great help! Ah, we seem to be peers who are close in age, so it’s fine if you totally skip the use of formal language with us! 
Yuu: Alright, if you insist. 
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Mayoi: … … …
(Ahh~, he has a very adorable face too! He and Aira-san are looking more and more like a set together—)
Tatsumi: HAA—! BEGONE!
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Tatsumi: Ahh~, please forgive me. I had felt an unsettling presence just now… …
Mayoi: I’m sooo sorry for being so faithful to my desiresss!
Yuu: (It looks like you guys are coping pretty well… …)
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Tatsumi: I’m the one who derailed the conversation, so let me be the one to bring it back on course.  
First, let me share with you our situation here. The place we’re from is called Ensemble Square, or ES for short. 
Mayoi: Yes. And there, we were suddenly enveloped in a bright light… … and then thrown into this place that looks like a forest… …
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Mayoi: Uh… This place… Where exactly are we?
Rustoa: Mehterhaane. 
Aira: Huh?
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Rustoa: If you’re asking about the country we’re located in though, we’re in the one called Kingdom. Have you heard of it? Aira: KI—KINGDOM~!?
—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 1 Pt 1 / Chapter 2
Translator’s Note: 
狐に化かされた kitsune ni bakasareta: being deceived / bewitched by foxes. Japanese myths speak of foxes as animals which have supernatural powers of transformation and abilities, which are used to play pranks on, or to spirit humans away. A Western localisation would be ‘kidnapped by aliens’.
Yuu’s companion, Merc, is a girl made of liquid and lives in a bottle. 
In the fantasy world of Merc Storia, there are 18 Countries . Kingdom (王国) is one of them 
It’s not proofed so if you have any feedback, please DM me. 
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margareth-lv · 2 years
I believe you, Sassenach.
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So I decided to do what she has been asking for so many years... and I believed her.
I believe you, Caitríona.
You say that you sleep with a guy who doesn’t even wake up when your “Vocal Son”, your COMMON child, is crying at four in the morning, I believe you (I don’t quite understand why to share such a “bedroom story” with a journalist who asked about your BAFTA nomination, but you know what, I do not even care).
Personally I don't think I'd want to share my bed (and my life) with somebody who is like that, an emotionless robot, but he was your choice, not mine.
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Anyways, it’s not funny but sad that “your husband” went back to sleep when you told him that you’ve just had your first BAFTA nomination.
You know, I think it's quite a remarkable achievement for someone from a little Irish village literally hidden at the end of the world, isn’t it? And your “husband” hasn't even kissed you? Ahhhh... he said ok and he just fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow?
It was because he had to get up early for work ? You know what? I do not think so.
You poor creature, I really feel sorry for you!
Please, even your smile's crooked...
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And when your daddy says that you don’t get carried away, I believe him.
And I believe him when he says that your baby (gender-unspecified individual) and your husband (Tony! clarifies your mum, your husband Tony!, so that no one can doubt) are your number one, I believe him. I do.
Even, if it is not exactly what he said, the story was slightly upgraded by the journalist, but I know that you know (and your parents know it too) that no one should spoil a good story by telling the truth.
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And I believe your dad when he says that you were always a person of many talents, as a young girl you were able to perfectly fake whoever you wanted, Margaret Thatcher, Caitríona McGill…
I believe you, Caitríona.
Anyway, did you see the newest IG post of your stylist, Karla Welch (shared on February 7, 2022, liked by Gareth Bromell)?
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THIS Karla Welch?
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Look, what a coincidence!
[February 8, 2022]
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