#what happened to just enjoying your fave's works 😭
not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
“Later, it was decided that movies must be released theatrically on the same day that they debut on streaming and must play on the big screen for at least seven days in order to be nominated” as of 2023.
I guess that answers that. Googled it and an article from screenrant came up.
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thanks! now, like anon #2 said, I'm gonna wait for it to drop before even thinking about whether it's a strong enough performance to warrant awards talk. đŸ€”
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
JJK men with a big-chested reader
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Pairings: Nanami x reader; Geto x reader (nsfw); Yuji/Sukuna x reader; Gojo x reader
Word Count: 4,4k (she's big)
Warnings: THIS IS A FIC WITH A BIG-CHESTED READER! so if this triggers you, don't read it (especially in Sukuna's part, you might get triggered when having smaller boobs so just do me a favor and don't read it instead of leaving a sassy comment), boob play in Geto's part so nsfw, in general harassment but big old fluff from your faves, not proofread bc I have my final exam tomorrow - hope you enjoy! đŸ€
Special thanks to one of my moots for letting me turn her cleavage into a cover for this fic - you look STUNNING + thank you to everyone who sent me their experiences for this!
Since I'm not big-chested myself, I'm calling all my big boobie girlies to leave me a lil review about this fic - it would literally help me so much 😭
Click here to get to the small-chested version
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Nanami Kento
You sigh to yourself, too exhausted to even stand up straight anymore. Today was like a trip to hell and back. All those fucking curses, the death, the horror. You rub your tired eyes, the stinging pain in your back reminding you more than urgently that you have been up for way too long.
“You look tired, darling. Go change and get into bed with me.”
Oh, that deep voice behind you, the voice you learned to love to the moon and back. How did it even happen that a man like Nanami Kento was seeking interest in you? What was it that made a man like him even look your way? You’ve known each other for quite some time, seeing each other on missions from time to time. But when you began to work at Jujutsu High, everything changed so fast that you couldn’t keep up. And now you’re sitting here in his bedroom, watching in awe as he crawls into bed with nothing but his boxer shorts on.
You would love to get out of your uniform right now, But most importantly, you urge to take off that soaking wet bra that has been bugging you since afternoon. You have no choice, though. With a large chest like yours, it simply isn’t possible to leave the house for missions without extra support. You glance at him while he reads in his book, your gaze falling to your chest.
This isn’t exclusively about missions and you know it. Even though you’ve been together for a few months now, you were never brave enough to show Kento your breasts. Not without a bra, let alone completely naked. Just the thought of him seeing how your big breasts fall down when they slip out of their bra shells, the look on his face when he realizes that you don’t look like those large-chested models with their boobs standing like mountains. Yours definitely don’t. And you fucking hate it.
“I know that look on your face. You are uncomfortable, aren’t you?”
His soft voice rips you out of your pondering immediately. Fuck, he caught you again.
I mean
Yes, kinda
You can’t lie into his gorgeous face, not even when the truth makes you feel so uncomfortable. Oh, how much you wished you look the way he deserves it with delicious female curves that suit his flawless appearance. But as soon as you look down, you just know how awful your boobs will look when set free. So you’ll do what you do every night: wait until Kento is asleep to finally take off your bra only to set an alarm in the morning to get up before him and put it back on.
“I always wondered why you are waiting until I sleep to take off your bra and put it back on before my alarm goes off.”
You can’t help but stare at him, mind racing while your palms start to get sweaty. Fuck, how did he even notice? No, why did you ever think he wouldn’t? Kento cares about you like none other, never pushed you to take off your shirt, never failed to ask you how you’re feeling.
“Listen, darling.”
He gets off the bed and kneels down in front of the chair you are sitting on, gently taking your hand into his.
“I just want to make sure you feel comfortable around me. Am I the reason that you don’t want to take your bra off? I can see clearly how uncomfortable it makes you feel.”
“No!”, you blurt out immediately.
Calm down your tingling nerves, this is ridiculous. You stare blankly at your hands intertwined with his.
“I mean
It has nothing to do with you, it’s me.”
“How is this about you, love? There is no reason for you to feel uncomfort-“
“I’m afraid.”
You swallow hard. Are you oversharing? Will he laugh at you for something so ridiculous? But what if he sees you naked at some point, his gaze dropping to your chest only to be greeted by your large hanging chest? You can imagine the look of disgust on his face, how he turns away from you, how-
“Hey, look at me darling. Look at me and tell me what’s wrong”
He cups your cheek gently, forces your haunted eyes to look at him, to stare into his orbs filled with sincerity. There is no way out of this, you can’t lie into his gorgeous face.
“When I take my bra of my breasts just
hang. It’s even visible through my t-shirt
”, you mumble, cheeks redder than the devil.
Thick silence hangs between both of you, his gaze still as soft as before. What is going on inside his head? Is he secretly laughing at you, does he even care about what you have to say?
“Let me make a few things clear.”
He lifts himself off the ground and pulls you up. You squint your eyes, mind racing over why on earth he made you stand up. Is he going to leave, to laugh?
“First of all: I love you just the way you are. I love your gorgeous smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. And I love your breasts-“
“You didn’t even see them yet.”
“I don’t have to in order to know that”, he continues.
“Nothing makes me sadder than seeing you uncomfortable each and every night before going to bed. Of course, I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it to be really painful after some time. Isn’t it digging into your skin?”
Oh, you think about the countless times the sweat underneath your bra made you almost go insane, the red streaks that visibly show where the wire cut into your skin all day.
“It kinda is
”, you confirm with low voice.
“Don’t do this to yourself. I adore you just the way you are and I am dying to see you laying comfortably in your t-shirt next to me. So please, would you allow me to take it off for you?”
Your eyes widen in pure shock. Is this a bad joke, is he just teasing you? No, this is Nanami Kento. And the way he gazes at you with nothing but affection gleaming in his eyes tells you that he’s telling the true, that this is what he wants right now. But are you ready to expose yourself like this? What if he’s still disgusted after saying all those nice words?
You let your head fall against his chest, breathe in his delicious scent. A voice deep inside you tells you to stop, to just relax inside his arms. This is the man who chose you out of all people, who stood by your side no matter what. Kento proved more than once that he loves you dearly, never made you feel the slightest bit bad about yourself.
“Go ahead
”, you mutter against his chest.
His hands wander up your back gently, make shivers run down your spine until he reaches the clasp of your bra. Your heart simply stops when he unclips it through the fabric of your shirt. You fade into darkness as soon as his hands wander up to your shoulders, slide down the thick straps and pull down your bra until he finally lands on the floor.
Slowly, he takes a step back and picks it off the ground.
“You will never have to wear this again when you are home with me, okay? Not when it makes you feel so uncomfortable”, he gently speaks out.
You stare in awe while he carefully places your big bra over the chair and returns in an instant to pull you close against his chest.
“Come on, let’s go to sleep.”
“Yeah”, you mumble, body slowly but surely getting flooded by warmth.
“Going to bed sounds good
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Geto Suguru
You feel hot but at the same time cold, turned on but at the same time scared. This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. At this very moment, none other than Suguru Geto is laying on top of you, kissing you so passionately that you forget how to breathe.
What an overwhelming feeling it is to call him your boyfriend for a few months now. Such a kind and loving man, always looking out for you, giving you the time you needed for this to finally happen. You couldn’t believe your own ears when whimpering that you want him, that you are ready.
But are you really ready for showing him that part of your body? The part that began too grow way too early in your life, the part you’ve always got picked on by all the other girls.
“Look, there she is! She looks like a cow ready to milk!”
“That cleavage
She’s literally begging for it, what a bitch.”
“Ew, are those pimples on your tits?”
You know you are better than that, that your big breasts just belong to you and that you should love yourself just the way you are. But with none other than Suguru laying on top of you, his hands slowly but surely coming dangerously close to your breasts

“Wait”, you breathe out, haunted eyes making Suguru stop in his tracks in an instant.
“Did I do something wrong? If you don’t want to, we don’t-“
“No, this is great. I- 
 I waited so long for this. But I just wanted to let you know that
You swallow hard. Are you acting ridiculous, destroying the moment with your behaviour? Suguru’s chocolate brown orbs don’t show a hint of annoyance. Instead, he gently strokes your hair while waiting for you to move on.
He deserves to know it
“I might not have the nicest boobs. They are big, but not well formed like the ones of those models. I tend to sweat a lot underneath them, my skin breaks out from time to time and my nipples might be-“
“Stop that right now, (y/n).”, Suguru gently interrupts you with a grin.
But it doesn’t look like the grin of the girls who picked on you for years. No, this grin is filled with warmth and loves, fills you with what feels like confidence. After all, he said that he loves you just the way you are over and over, right? Still, he didn’t even see your boobs. What if he changes his mind?
“There is absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING about you that isn’t ‘nice’. I don’t care about what the chest of random models looks like, to be honest I don’t care about anyone but you. And you are everything I want, you are everything I see, you are everything I love.”
His words make you tear up in an instant, send your whole body into space. As long as you can remember, no one ever said really nice things about your breasts and therefore you. You were either insulted or sexualized. But that force of a man on top of you
He just looks into your eyes that are filled with nothing but warmth. This man means every word he says.
“Well, that’s cool”, you mutter without even thinking about your words, lost in the sheer sight of his sincere eyes.
There is no one in the world you want to show your boobs more. Like in trance, you pull up the hem of your shirt and let it fall to the floor mindlessly.
“Are you okay with me touching them?”, he purrs against your ear.
A silent whimper escapes your lips while you simply nod, whole body on fire where it touches his. Painfully slow, he lets his hands wander down your hair onto your shoulders, trace the line of your collarbones until he reaches

Your breasts.
What an unknown feeling. But oh, what a sensation as well. You arch your back out of instinct while he massages your breasts, the feeling of his fingertips against your still skin alone simply driving you insane.
God, who would have thought you’d ever hear Geto Suguru moan against your ear by just looking, touching, squeezing your boobs? His eyes are darkened by lust, the way his heart pounds against his ribcage echoes through your very own body.
“You look absolutely gorgeous. I can’t stop looking at you, (y/n).”
You feel like flying, fainting, losing your balance. There is no doubt in the fact that this man adores you the way you are, that your constant fear of him not liking your large chest was more than unfounded.
you don’t mind the way my breasts look?”, you whimper underneath his bittersweet touch.
“More than that, I adore you”, he replies in an instant. “And now, let me see you in your full glory.”
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You’re back feels like it might break every minute, shirt dripping in sweat in the sheer heat of the summer sun. You just want to get out of here, away from those disgusting people, back into your dorm. How stupid it was to leave Jujutsu High on your own for a little stroll through the city. Without the protection of Maki or Nobara, without any good friend who shields you from all the unwanted looks your large chest attracts. While most people think it must be a blessing, it definitely is a curse to you 80% of the time.
Just like right now.
“Come on, I just asked for one grab!”, a guy shouts after you.
Out of instinct, you pick up your pace, not even daring to turn around. What did you even do to catch his attention? You gaze down at your breasts that uncomfortably bounce up and down in the way too tight bra you are wearing today. No, you did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s just these disgusting people who seem to see nothing but the size of your chest.
“Why would you want to touch her? She looks like a cow”, the girl next to him comments along with an ugly laugh, making your heart sting in an instant.
“What a slut”, another voice mutters.
“Oh, I didn’t know you are out today! How are you, (y/n)?”
Your heart almost stops inside of your chest, hands beginning to tremble in an instant. No, not him. Not right here when these people are chasing you. If there’s someone you don’t want to hear those things about you, it’s Yuji Itadori.
l-leave”, you stutter.
“Huh? But I just met you! Would you like to watch a movie with me?”
“Look, the cow brought her friends!”
“Do you think he’ll get in her pants today?”
“What a lucky bastard, I’d love to touch them just once
Yuji’s face drops in an instant when realizing their words are directed towards you.
“Hey, there’s no need to be rude”, he begins but gets stopped by uncontrollable laughter immediately.
You want to die right here on the spot, disappear from the surface of earth. As if being treated like this wasn’t enough, why does it have to be Yuji who witnesses it all?
“Step aside, loser. Let me handle that.”
Sukuna leans forward in his throne, thick anger rising inside of his chest. You, the one who caught his eye when he first saw you. You, with the immense powers. You, with a dangerous mind that could end wars. Who are these people to talk to you in this manner?
“Are you crazy? I definitely won’t let you out right now”, Yuji replies in an instant.
“You aren’t able to help her brat, now get lost!”
“I won’t let you-“
“Now who exactly do you losers think you are, huh?”
That voice, that aura? Your mouth feels dry like the desert in an instant, eyes widen in pure shock. No, this is impossible, Yuji is in control over his body, this can’t be-
“With tits like yours, I would be jealous of someone gorgeous like her as well”, he spits at one of the girls following you.
“And you.”
With a swift motion, he grabs on of the guy’s wrists roughly. Just a little more pressure and it will snap.
“P-please. Don’t!”, you shout after him.
Urgh, why does your begging voice make his grip loosen in an instant, what is it about you that made him switch with this brat anyway?
“Were you really just trying to touch her chest? Thinking just because she has a big chest, you are allowed to touch her, to sexualize her, huh? You humans disgust me with your simple desires”, Sukuna continues.
“If it wasn’t for her unshakable character, I would kill every single one of you right on the spot. But for now-“
In the matter of seconds, all their arms hang in unhealthy directions, visibly broken by the sheer force of none other than Ryomen Sukuna.
You want to scream at him, want to run away, want to get away from this place. But on the other hand, a warmth fills your chest. Did the king of curses just stand up for you, protect you from their rude comments?
“Get going”, he barks at you.
“This was unnecessary”, you mumble.
“And give Yuji back.”
“You should be thankful, (y/n). They will worship you for the rest of your life.”
“No, they will be scared of you for the rest of their lives”, you clarify, hands still trembling.
“So what? Nobody gets away with insulting you over your perfect body. Especially not over the size of your chest. How ridiculous
You can’t believe your ears, eyes darting towards him in an instant while you turn redder than a tomato. Did he just say that you are
“You didn’t mean that”, you breathe out.
“Oh god I’m so sorry (y/n). Did he hurt you?”, the familiar voice of Yuji cries out.
Calm down your tingling nerves, your pounding heart. Sukuna’s gone. Sukuna
stood up for you. Sukuna said you have a perfect body.
“N-No”, you stumble.
How are you supposed to get over this?
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Gojo Satoru
Finally. You sit in front of the bar, excited by the smell of alcohol and cheap perfume that hangs in the air. After working your ass off for what felt like an eternity, you decided to use your day off right. You put on the dress that fits you best, packed your purse and went into the first bar you’ve seen.
Damn, when was the last time you were out on your own? With all your friends being out of town for vacation, this definitely is new.
“Not bad”, you mutter to yourself, eyes roaming around people making out, heartfelt laughter and a group of women sipping on their cocktails.
A cocktail, exactly what you need today.
“Hey, I’d love to order something”, you speak out when the waiter finally comes cross you.
What a lucky day, they even have your favourite cocktail in store. You’re usually not the type of girl to go out on yourself, but these last months, you truly learnt how enjoyable time can be with yourself as your only company. You smile to yourself. Yeah, this is definitely something you could get used to.
“There you go”, the friendly male announces and places the glass filled with joy in front of your hungry eyes.
You gift him the sweetest smile you have before taking a sip. Oh, this tastes absolutely amazing.
“I’ve never seen a woman like you alone in a place like this.”
Your heart drops to the floor in an instant, hands holding onto your glass tightly. Ew, a man is certainly the last thing you want to hear right now with the bartender being the only exception. Instead of even looking his way, you just take another sip of your well-mixed cocktail, the music blasting out of the boxes might make him think you can’t hear him and leave.
Honestly, there aren’t many things that creep you out more than men approaching you. Since you’ve reached puberty and your breasts starting to grow bigger and bigger, it almost felt as if you weren’t a person anymore. With rare exceptions here and there, most of them only talked to you because of one thing:
Your boobs.
Is the man sitting next to you one of them?
“Hey, I’m talking to you, gorgeous.”
Your whole body tenses up in an instant, eyes darting towards him by the sound of his harsh voice.
“Excuse me, I’m not up for a talk”, you bite back.
While you did meet genuinely nice men and have some male friends, the one sitting next to you certainly is one of the other categories. God, how much you hate it, being looked down at and reduced to the size of your breasts. You can’t even count how many times you’ve got commented on them, how many men and women just shamelessly stared at your bust instead of your face while talking to you. It’s safe to say you have enough of all of this.
“A woman who presents what she has like that is up for a talk and far more than that. Why would you come here dressed like a slut if you don’t want me to talk to you?”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat, all thoughts vanish into thick air. This disgusting guy with his beard filled with crumbs and breath stinking like the cheapest beer is definitely up for no good. You, dressed like a slut? You wear a basic black dress, the only one your boobs didn’t fall out when trying it on. What the hell is this creep talking about?
“Just because my boobs are big doesn’t mean I’m a slut. Watch how you talk to me”, you bite back.
“I talk however I want to a bitch like you. Are you up to go somewhere more
The scene that lays itself out in front of Gojo’s eyes is hard to bear. He doesn’t even know the woman in the black dress sitting in front of the bar, let alone the guy sitting next to her. But just one look into your disgusted face is enough to know that something isn’t right. How you cross your arms in front of your chest, your eyes filled with horror, the way you scoop backwards with every word this man says. Are you okay? He shouldn’t let other people’s business bother him. Fuck, wasn’t he here to get his mind off saving everyone all the time? Nah, he should enjoy his evening, drink that new whiskey they offer, just relax and-
You aren’t even able to comprehend what is happening next to you. He stretches out his hand, ready to touch your breasts without consent when another pair of hands stops him mid-air.
“I think the lady said no. Don’t ya think it’s a little over the top to go into a bar and touch a woman’s boobs?”
His voice might sound playful, but your blood freezes inside of your veins by the power he radiates. Just one glance into his face tells you he is like no men you’ve ever met.
She said she wanted it to!”, the crumble beard tries to defend himself.
“I said what? Are you out of your fucking mind!? I told you to leave me alone and you harassed me!”, you clarify in harsh tone.
Oh, how much you’d love to break his nose right now, to give him a taste of his own medicine. But the white-haired man seems to have the same plans.
“A guy like you wouldn’t end up with her anyway. That lady has class. And you, my friend, are just a disgusting pervert. Are you touching other women too without consent? Isn’t your first time, huh?”
With a swift motion, he begins to twist the man’s hand around itself. He whines out in pain in an instant, face twisted just like yours before when he talked you down.
“Let me go!”, he cries out in visible discomfort.
“This is what you get for treating a lady so badly. You can be glad she even looked your way.”
When he gifts you a sly grin, you can’t help but blush. What is it about this man that feels so different, so damn inviting? He seems like no other men you’ve met before. And the fact that he just called you lady
Why do your knees suddenly feel weak?
“Now repeat after me: I.am.sorry.for.disrespecting.you.”
“I will not apologize to a girl who’s dressed like a slut!”
A loud crack makes the already muted room go completely silent, the violent scream coming out of this man’s mouth when his wrist breaks like spaghetti echoing through the room.
“Wrong answer”, the white-haired man purrs.
“Hey, would you mind just taking the trash out?”, the barkeeper questions.
“Did you hear that, dirty boy? Let me show you the way!”
“Are you alright? I didn’t even notice he was harassing you. I’m so sorry”, the bartender speaks out towards you.
“Oh, it’s okay.”
You aren’t even able to give him a real answer, eyes glued on the white-haired man who carries your harasser out like trash.
Like in trance you get back on your feet and follow him out into the cool air of the night.
“Have a nice evening!”, he friendly shouts after the man who sprints down the streets like a coward, as fast away as possible.
“You definitely scared the shit out of him”, you comment.
“He definitely deserved it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m used to shit like that”, you reply with a huff.
“But normally, they aren’t this disgusting.”
“I hate to hear that. You seem like a genuinely badass and nice person. You didn’t deserve his words.”
“Not as nice as my knight in shining armour who stopped him from touching my boobs.”
He lets out a heartfelt laughter, bright blue orbs set on you.
“Hey, what about me escorting you back home? I’m totally in the mood to beat up any other men who gets in your way.”
“Only if you let me join, though”, you challenge him.
“Definitely a deal. Hey, what’s your name?”
“(y/n), huh? Cool name, suits you right? My name’s Gojo Satoru. Nice to meet you.”
He stretches out his hand in front of you, inviting you to take it. You can’t help but smile at his sheer excitement. No, you just have to take his warm hand into yours and shake it.
“Let’s get you home, okay?”
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Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz@darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @maya-maya-56 @jinririz @getou0309 @ieathairs
Dividers by @saradika đŸ€
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yoonbroom · 9 months
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a list of BTS fics I really enjoyed! pls go and show these amazing authors some love <3 if there wasn't a summary I just included a little blurb from the fics! and anything with * are my own thoughts. now onto the recs ↓
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TURN BACK TIME - @raplinesmoon
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut
After total humiliation at his middle school baseball try outs, Kim Seokjin wants nothing more than for his awkward years to fade away until he’s thirty. Cue a magic baseball glove, and his wish is finally granted. Seokjin suddenly wakes up seventeen years later, now the star pitcher of the team he’d always dreamed of playing for. Confused and overwhelmed at the prospect of the new life waiting for him, he turns to the only person who seems to understand him — you. Will Seokjin learn what it truly means to be thirty, flirty, and thriving? Or will he find himself wishing he could turn back time?
WITH YOU - @yoonpobs
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, ceo, marriage, divorce, parent
marrying your childhood best friend was not the love story that most painted it to be. you knew that better than anyone else.
UNTITLED - @eoieopda
drabble, fluff, est relationship, parent
"I loved the dad joon and dad yoongs drabble đŸ„č it's freaking cuteeee omg jade 😭😭 *whisper* can you do dad-to-be or dad seokjin too please...? I'm on a seokjin missing hour đŸ„č thank you ❀❀"
LONG TERM COUPLE - @taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, idol au, strangers to lovers
long term couple masterlist *the whole long term couple series is honestly one of my faves😭*
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, idol au, strangers to lovers
long term couple masterlist
NO MORE - @gyukult
series (two-shot), angst, smut, fluff, unrequited love, college, secret relationship
yoongi doesn’t like your consistent pining, and one day, after finally coming to terms that he will never reciprocate any feelings back, you give up. yet, for some reason, yoongi is the one who can’t come to terms with the consequences of when he says ‘no more.’
series, fluff, angst, smut, arranged marriage, est relationship
You’ve been in your arranged marriage with Yoongi for five years, and he’s never once retaliated for anything you’ve done to him. One day you realise you’ve lost your appetite for provoking him, and you set about trying to win his heart instead.
CARE FOR YOU - @archivedkookie
oneshot, fluff, est relationship, marriage, doctor au
Yoongi will always care for you, no matter what.
BABY, YOU CAN DRIVE MY CAR PT.2- @jungshookz
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, mechanic au
welcome to min mechanics - what can i do for you today, doll?
THE TROPHY WIFE - @taeyohonic
oneshot, fluff, angst, est relationship, idol au
the proposal doesn’t go as planned
BACK-BURNER - @/yoonpobs
series, angst, fluff, smut, sisters best friend, friends to lovers
sometimes you felt like you were the back-burner of a two-decade-long friendship. how could you ever compete?
VEGAS BABY - @chimivx
series, fluff, angst, smut, idol au, parent au
A peek into the life of an Idol and his soulmate tackling the obstacles that come with having a surprise in the whirlwind of a world they live in. { This link takes you to the full collection of works. }
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
ONE NIGHT LIGHT - @bts-reveries
series, fluff, angst, smau, parent
Hoseok has been living his very own version of a perfect life. Unlike some of his best friends, this doesn’t include a happy marriage, adorable kids, or even a stable relationship. All he would ever need was music, dancing, and of course, the parties. Now what happens when he gets a wake up call from reality when the door rings approximately six years after his last one night stand?
AT THE CONCERT - @katnisspeetaprim
oneshot, fluff, est relationship, idol au
Hoseok was quite insistent that you come to this show in particular...
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LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
UNTITLED - @/eoieopda
drabble, fluff, est relationship, parent au
ALONE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY - @monimonimoon
drabble, angst, est relationship
Namjoon promised he would be there on your birthday, he wouldn't be working, he certainly wouldn't work late. Sometimes, increasingly frequently, he broke his promises.
ME AND YOUR MAMA - @joonberriess
oneshot, smut, fluff, est relationship
you like to remember both what life before the little one was and after with your loving boyfriend namjoon.
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ROCK BOTTOM - @jkbabiey
oneshot, angst, fluff, smut, marriage, idol au
When, in a four-year marriage, you get to the point where you question its worth, you know that’s your rock bottom. How many I’m sorry’s will you handle? How many times are too many times?
MASK ON - @herherteartear
series, fluff, angst, smau, single dad au
blind dates are never the move.. unless your best friend is vouching for the person you're going on a date with. it couldn't be that bad, right? wrong. now you're in love with a man who has a big secret. a big secret with chubby cheeks and pig tails.
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, friends to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
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MINI ME - @bts-reveries
series, fluff, angst, smau, strangers to lovers, parent au, artist au
Unlike his best friends, Taehyung was young, wild, and free. No relationship, no babies, no responsibilities. Well he had his puppy, but that was it. Taehyung watched his nieces and nephews grow up and it was no secret that he too wanted to have one of his own someday. So what will happen when he finally finds someone that matches his personality (and himself) well?
oneshot, fluff, idol au, strangers to lovers
"He’s been watching your videos for quite some time now, ever since your channel started rising. Art was one of his major interests and he absolutely adored the way you made your videos with the calming, ASMR-like sound of mixing paint and how you skillfully glided the brush across the canvas. On days when he found himself tired and in need of a quick way to relax, he’d subconsciously find himself binge watching videos on your channel— even repeating several videos since you were only starting. He found it fascinating, but also because he found you interesting."
ONE OF THE BOYS - @littlemisskookie
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, childhood friends, best friends to lovers, high school
All your life you wanted only one thing- for Kim Taehyung to like you. You did everything you could to make this happen, from picking up his hobbies and rejecting anything feminine. But who do you start to become when you stop trying to impress him?
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, (best)friends to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
oneshot, angst, idol au
"pls do 12 and 27 with tae (angst)"
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UNTITLED - @onlyswan
oneshot, fluff, angst, est relationship, idol au
in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to
 make him a little too dizzy.
ME AND MY HUSBAND - @gashinabts
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, est relationship, parent au
You don’t want to brag but you have the world’s greatest husband. Jungkook packs your lunch everyday, and makes cute shapes with the fruit. There’s even a little note, ‘ Have a good day at work, Baby! <3’. Smiling to yourself you place the note down, and eat your food with content.
17 GOING ON 27 - @hansolmates
oneshot, fluff, angst, photographer au
one second, you’re sobbing at prom because the most popular guy in school dumps you due to your relationship being a little prank to break your heart. the next? you’re a creative editor at Ego, the hottest young adult fashion magazine. as you try to figure out what’s the deal with this sudden time skip into adulthood, you come across relationships and friendships that are made to be cherished and made to be broken.
HOME - @bonny-kookoo
oneshot, fluff, smut, idol au
Singing about love without having experienced it properly before, Jungkook felt a little foolish- as if he didn’t quite have the rights to the words he’d put out there for others to listen to. But Jungkook also loved to learn new things; and loving you was one of them.
LONG TERM COUPLE - @/taetaespeaches
series, fluff, angst, smut, strangers to lovers, idol au
long term couple masterlist
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want recs for other groups? check out my navigation → here!
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erabu-san · 20 days
i think i've sent in something similar before, but thank you for feeding the remaining
platonic cyno and tighnari enjoyers; i just read your most recent post and i'm so sorry that happened to you. i experience something similar when it comes to certain ships, which is why i'm grateful for tumblr's tag blocking system. i quit instagram for good cause some content kept appearing for me even though i've dismissed them countless of times, and it ruins my mood to the point i don’t want to scroll anymore. like it gave me literal anxiety.
it's probably harder for the person who posted, cause you see every note you get. here's to hoping to people try to be more understanding regarding these kinds of things. cheers, and i hope you have a good day!
Oooh I totally get you anon ! I have this intense anxiety I just.. don't consume any fanart of my fave. 😭 I feed my own delusion with my art and that's how I survive /lh
And glad I did that. I didn't know a lot portray tighnari as a horny boy until one of my followers told me ! I don't know if it is true or not but haha I don't want to see it by my own eyes 😭
It is indeed hard.. There is a time on insta people sending me ship post on DM (it stops, lucky me ! I am so glad people understand). I numerously consider if I should remove comments, block DM, or do a new whole account. But I know there is some platonic enjoyer like me who like my content and want to interact with it, and I also love see reaction of my oomfs! That's the joy of sharing and interacting, and that's why I love posting content. But huuuh... yes, if I start to feel anxiety about my own passion, what is the deal ? I tried to stop playing genshin, or just being interested on another character and it just doesn't work. 😔
Now I just accept this, thinking abt oomfies who enjoy tighnari and cyno platonically and doesn't have a lot of food. We are in same boat !!
May I share a drawing I was scared to post because of reaction ?? Them huggies đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č they always have each other's back and take care each other a lot and I AM LIVING FOR THIS đŸ˜­đŸ«¶đŸ’•
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I only shared this on insta story, but I wouldn't dare post it on twitter haha 😭
Anyway !!! I can totally understand your anxiety anon. I definitively have a better afternoon thanks to you all đŸ’•đŸ«¶
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pinkrifle · 1 year
Hello wonderful person!! I’m not sure if your requests are open, if not, just save this for when they are. Could you write hc’s for the main 4 + butters (or just one person if that’s too much) with a Canadian reader? (Except they don’t look like the Canadians in south park, maybe they were born in America but grew up in Canada, or were just adopted or something 💀) And at some point they nonchalantly bring up being Canadian and the group is so confused because they somehow had no clue (even though the reader fits practically all the stereotypes; too nice, says eh, watches hockey religiously, etc.) Just kinda what the aftermath of that would be? This actually happened to me a while ago and I’m still flabbergasted bc idk how my American friends didn’t know I was Canadian 😭 (they now refuse to call me anything other than ‘canuck’, maybe you could incorporate that) Ok this request is getting kinda long so I’ll let you do the rest, have a great day! :)
have no fear! i love long requests, it gives me more to work with ^^ also i’m srry if this isn’t how you wanted it to be i dnt know much about canada and stuffs đŸ«¶ also i’m so sorry this is short, i kinda didn’t know where to go with this <3
— butters + main 4 finding our reader’s canadian!!
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cws/tw’s: none
— Kyle B !
was 100% not surprised, he probably knew it before you even thought abour telling him
but he is a little more confused when you tell him
i mean, you do fit the traits, nice, your a severe hockey lover.. but you don’t look canadian? đŸ€š
but his brother is canadian too, so whenever you come over he always brings ike to you!!
he hates when ppl try to take advantage of you for your kindness, it’s just a perk of being canadian!
“WAIT YOUR.. CANADIAN?? i mean. uh. your canadian? 😙 my brothers canadian!! maybe you guys know eachother
. wanna come over later?!”
— Stan M !
another one who suspected you were Canadian, surprisingly. but didn’t really mention it.
would 100% watch hockey games with you when you hang out even tho he doesn’t know wtf to do in hockey 😭 he jus loves his friends
loves the way your so nice, it makes him feel amazing!! definitely a nice replacement for cartman (kyle agrees, 100000%)
when you go over to his house, your always so nice to shelly even though shes a little bit of an ass, to you and to her turd brother.
his ass loves that maple syurp snow thing and makes it everytime you come over!!!!!!!!! (with ice instead of snow, if y’all don’t feel like going outside)
“CALLED IT. i so called it.. so.. do you know how to make that maple syurp snow thing or not?.. 👀 oh uh my fave hockey team,,uhhh the yankees?—”
(clueless man. i love clueless man.)
— Eric C !
100% ripped on you before you told him. but rips on you even more when you tell him 😈 black air forces energy
pretends to be scared of you when you come over to them in the bus stop, and clings to kyle.
then he realizes kyle is also “part canadian” because of his brother (even tho he’s adopted 💀)
he gives you puppy dog eyes and a weak apology a few hours later. you accept &lt;3
he definitely takes advantage of your kindness, but hes really grateful for it since you don’t beat his ass every 4 seconds because of his recklessness
“i’m sowwywyyđŸ„ș sowwwyyy đŸ„șđŸ„ș so sorrryyy đŸ„ș can we be friends again i like canada đŸ„șđŸ„ș (has a piece of paper with the canada flag on it taped on his shirt)”
— Kenny M !
dirty jokes, doesn’t matter what gender u are 😟.
doesn’t really care what you are, kinda just wants to hang out with you regardless. loves how your super nice too, and super caring when he dies :((( feels bad when he wakes up but he’s glad you don’t remember (surprisingly)
(also forgets your canadian like 2 hours later you tell him, forgive him 💔)
likes watching hockey with you, gets into it just cause of u!! also enjoys that maple syurp snow thing as much as stan, him and stan make it all the damn time!!
“cana-ussy huhuhuhu.. oh yeah. good for you! me and stan uhh we like those maple syrup candy things :3 i think you’ve heard that enough from stan tho.”
— Butters S !
very excited when you tell him!! wants to know ALL about canada and bugs you for days.
you guys are both super duper nice, and he always feels so warm around you knowing you actually care about him &lt;3
doesn’t care that your canadian, but he does find it cool as hell!! tries to like hockey, but it’s too confusing for him ,,,
puts a small picture of the canadian flag in his room and shows it to you when you come over (it’s so precious)
he tells his parents all about canada, whatever you tell him!! they don’t find it interesting but who gives a damn, they suck
“O HAMBURGERS, that’s amazing! how come you didn’t tell me sooner?! do you like hockey? what part of canada are you from? wh—” literally asks 100 questions, but you love ur bestie
once again i’m so sorry this is so short :( i didn’t know how to interpret it, but i hope you do like it!
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heart2beom · 1 year
Hellooo I’ve said this as an anon before but I absolutely love your writing! Unrelated, but I was wondering if you have any Beomgyu fic recommendations? I read everything I could in the long post containing fic recs on your previous 4beomy account and I loved every single one of them, but now I can’t find anything left so I’m just rereading my faves LOL Thank you! (And also, thank you for writing! Again, your fics make me so happy)
You’re sooo sweet, thank you for complimenting me not once but TWICE 😭😭?? In terms of recs, I honestly have no idea if I’ve read anything much lately so I had to quickly cruise through my likes both on here and my old blog 😭
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I present to you the list of beomgyu fics I’ve decently enjoyed (hopefully no repeats from my other list):
-> Message in a Bottle by @delacyrose224
very cute stuff, best friends to lovers...everyone knows at this point, but i'll forever express my love for this basic ass trope (i literally have a full list of books for b2l. the best romance books come from this trope!!!). one thing i loved about this fic is the portrayal of beomgyu-- just a genuinely good guy. the way he was discreet about his jealousy instead of making a whole deal about it, like fuck i love a mature, healthy dynamic, its so freaking cute
-> Night In by @tqmies
a dark fic, but its so good. i especially liked the fantasy element/twist on a common trope. everything about this is well written but the ending will give you some heebie jeebies (cant believe i just used that) its some fucked up shit 😭 um but b2l beomgyu!! (shoot me in the head)
-> A Recipe for Love by @tinietaehyun
who doesnt love a good old b2l beomgyu roommate fluff!?!?! it's soooo freaking cute i swear i never giggled so much 😭 this writer in general is very good with words and imagery, it's incredibly vivid.
-> how could you not know? by @angelbythewindow
have you noticed the pattern? yeah, it's another b2l. i LOVED the use of flashbacks here and the cute usage of the childhood "beanpole" nickname like shut up do you want me to die? the emotions here were OVERPOWERING. i felt everything beomgyu felt, felt everything mc felt, it was just sosososososo well written.
-> Why We (Don't) Work by @cafeseoulmate
haha. definitely not another b2l!!! i never included this on my other blog's rec list (bcs i dont think it was out at the time) but it is my most recent reblog on 4beomy so i'm fairly sure you've seen it. but regardless, for anyone else who's looking for beomgyu fics, please please please READ THIS. i wouldn't say it's a plot sort of story, it builds off of a lot of flashbacks and whatnot, but that's what makes it so great. like you get a feel for their relationship, why both characters just wouldn't work out (hence the title) but then the more you read the more you're like...alright... YOU KNOW?? like fuck, i almost teared up by the end it was such a cute love confession. a must read for all the bamtoris.
-> slam dunk, lover boy by @qqtxt
just absolutely cute stuff. check out everything from this blog, just binge, you're guaranteed fluffy cuteness. nothing really happens between the two here, but its still really cute and ykw i wanted some change here, so this is a sprinkle of e2l beomgyu
-> Stood Up by @imaginidol
okay, it's angst, i'll be straight up. but idk it was an enjoyable read, even though a little sad at the end 😭
-> Moonflower by @sleeping-sirens
really sweet short stuff, i love beomgyu i swear
-> somniferous confessions by @gyu-xiao
i don't usually read bulleted fics (this is the only one i've read actually 😭) but this is worth the read. i genuinely squealed a few times, giggled like tons, it was so adorable i loved it.
-> be my date by @blossom-hwa
honestly a little bit of a blur, i read this ages ago, but it's good because blossom hwa wrote it like trust me.
-> i know i love you by @universecorp
tried really hard to not include smut but this is definitely a little more plot driven than it is smut, it's sweet. a little angsty but i love it. smut at the end is definitely skippale, just concluding it as the fact that they made love is cute enough too 😭
-> check yes, juliet by @fairyofthestar
-> Yours Truly by @boba-beom
so so freaking cute. we're back with the b2ls but who cares, we all know it fits him so well!!!
-> old friend by @hueningshaped
a little bit of a spin on the fake dating trope and i love it. exes pretending to be lovers? hello? i'm so happy the ending wasn't hard hitting 😭
Fics I'm looking forward to read:
-> The Case by @tinietaehyun
not beomgyu centered but idk i love everything this person has written so far so i'm going to tackle this series. give it a read, i'm sure this'll give someone a good mindfuck since it is a detective series 😭
-> Ashen by @writingmochi
i think i might read this tonight actually, but yeah definitely check this one out. i can sniff out a great writer when i see one!!!!
-> Newsflash! by @ijhyo
teaser has me hooked, like everything about the secret identity...yeah, will wait on it.
-> This Love by @delacyrose224
ive always thought a beomgyu and taehyun love triangle would be a recipe for a perfect fic like
 it just makes so much sense because theyre so different in personalities and that clash is just a perfect storm for a love triangle. so i will be reading 🙏 plus, it’s decently long! does it get any better?
Hopefully I got you covered for a couple of days anon 😭 I'll go back to reblogging recommended fics again once I get my shit together at uni, too many good writers out here 💔
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ceilidho · 4 months
idk why i didn't put 2 n 2 together and saw that you were emphemeron on ao3 even tho i see it in your bio every time i want to go reread one of your fave works, but i have so many of your ao3 stuff bookmarked from before finding you by chance on tumblr and just EATING, DEVOURING everything you post. i happen to fall in love on ao3, become inactive in preference to tumblr, and then fall in love with the same person. oh to be able to know that my love never changes, it is always drawn to your beautiful brain. those creative hands, soft with eloquent words, yet they strike me so deep that i'm forever scarred. cursed to remember, blessed to love. i will never forget the way your writing has changed me. it has truly spoiled me. i don't think i can better associate what good writing is if it's not connected with your name.
idk what got into me there but it's YOUR fault. i'm such a big fan of you idk what you did to me and my brain. i found out by accident when opening my ao3 in what felt like forever and saw all my bookmarks and was like... wait i know this name. i feel so stupid for not paying attention no matter how many times i go back to your addictive writing 😭 only like 6 months later do i make the connection. i'm a fake fan for that 💔 i'm sorry for the ramble but i just had to express my appreciation for you. ceilidh you are a gem to the writing community
ahhh it's always so cool when someone's been following me on ao3 for a bit before organically finding me on tumblr/twitter some other way lmao!!!
this was so lovely to read, thank you for sending me this!!! you're not a fake fan at all lmao i feel like ao3 is my TRUE home and these accounts are just extensions of that. thank you so much ahahah, im so glad you've been enjoying my fics!!!
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natasha-in-space · 1 month
What will you do if you one day wake up as your favourite mysme character
....probably have a panic attack?
LASKDFJAASDF, no, but listen. It would be a terrible day to be Saeran's MC. I don't care if I'm in Ray's or Unknown's shoes. While I do some basic coding for my own projects, I am no programmer, and definitely not a hacker. I don't know shit about half the work he probably does on the daily. And trying to figure it out through tutorials on YouTube won't help me much either. And since I'm Saeran and not MC, I don't even have any protection to depend on. That's not mentioning the fact that I'll probably wake up feeling sore as hell, tired out of my mind, and borderline starving, considering his working conditions.
I'd like to say that I'll be smart and resourceful by trying to find V, or contact Saeyoung depending on the situation, but uh... Realistically, I'd probably mess up my duties, eventually make Rika too disappointed in me, and then get cleansed. And you can't even try and escape out of Magenta by car or on foot. It's literally in the middle of nowhere, and I am not only notoriously bad with directions, but I do not posses half the skills needed to get myself out of there. Saeran had to carefully shut off the cameras and plan a clever escape route for you both to escape in his own route... It is no walk in the park. And even if I do get out, now I have to worry about the prime minister hunting me down as well. I'd probably give Saeran some gray hairs from all this stress 😭
So, uh, my isekai experience is not going to be enjoyable, to say the least.
Oh, but what happens if I wake up as GE Saeran, VAE Ray/Saeran, or SE Saeran? That's an entirely different story. It'll be very weird and awkward for sure. I see Saeyoung as my bestie, so to find myself in a position of his brother all of the sudden... Well, that's an awkward situation to say the least. I would honestly feel a bit bad and guilty. It's as if I took away his brother or something. I would probably just come clean to him, and we'd try to figure out a way to get things back to normal together. Because I want them both to be together now. And happy.
As a bonus, seeing Natasha as his MC would make me extremely happy >:) Even though, uh... Meeting a character you created is surely a bizarre experience to go through. But I would definitely have long conversations with her about this and that. And I would love to try her cooking! Oh, and since in the GE timeline they actually have a doggo, I would have the time of my life playing with her as well.
Overall, this scenario is a bit more lighthearted. But I would try and get things back to normal! Maybe I'd leave Saeran a little note expressing my gratitude to him once we do figure out how to get things back on track. I would love a chance to say how proud of him I am, and how much I want him to enjoy his life to the fullest from now on.
Now I wanna now about you! How would you try and figure yourself out if you suddenly woke up as your fave? 👀
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arminsumi · 7 months
I see so many of my fav bloggers leave and I barely understand what’s going on with all the drama cuz I just come here and read fics, but I just wanted to say plz don’t leave too 😭 your work is AMAZING
YEAHHH i noticed that happening too đŸ„Č just yesterday i was reading thru tags n saw one of my faves deactivated. it's very sad but i understand the reasons people leave n i respect their choices. i am just glad i was able to enjoy them and their writing at all 😋💗
anyways i like writing but i like seeing reactions to my writing even more than actually writing the stuff. so i am sure i will be here for a long time as long as people enjoy what i write đŸ«Ą i am happy my stories have found a home in ppls minds
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
Betty my love, my dear, my sweet, I have IOF asks!
Will we get to see Oliver’s reaction to either/both finding out he’s going to have a sibling, and/or meeting them for the first time?
Who’s going to live where? Will Robin stay with Steve and Oliver, or does she want somewhere more private with Katie? Where will Steve and Astrid live? Her place, his place? Will we get to see Eddie and reader in their new place? Is this all explained in the extras we’ll (hopefully) be getting?? đŸ„Ž
Please say there’s a ‘world’s coolest creche’ in the offing out the back of the Velvet Hammer+tattoo parlour?? I’m just imagining loads of kids with funky haircuts in miniature leathers and kuttes and with temporary tattoos
 Coolest kids ever

Will Candy Necklace remain as a oneshot, or will it be removed or eventually subsumed into IOF as a different version? It’s one of my fave Steve fics and it’s making me anxious thinking it might disappear!
Finally, given Eddie’s propensity for clothing-based perving, what did he do with those jeans that he promised ‘not to wash for a while’
.? đŸ˜‰đŸ€€
Kittie!! What a thoughtful ask! Makes my heart so happy that you are thinking about IOF 😭 Let me try and answer these without giving anything away....
In the epilogue we will see Ollie with his new sibling, plus another surprise 👀 Oliver is the best big brother.
As far as the group, there will be a communal living situation happening, because Robin is still Oliver's mom, and wouldn't want to live too far away from him. Also, I love the idea of Astrid having a lot of help when the new baby comes. We will defo see Reader and Eddie at their farmhouse!
I didn't know what a creche was at first! hahaha, I could see maybe a place upstairs that works as daycare/nightcare for the dancers/staff who have kids? that would be a lovely work perk. but it is a loud, rowdy tiddy bar, so I don't think many of the locals would be bringing their kids there lmaoo. But I get your vision! I want to see Oliver in his kutte with a lil fauxhawk.
Candy Necklace will always be there!!! That is a personal favorite as well. I also have an idea for another biker steve au (same steve, slightly different world) where he works with Eddie at the shop, and has his own reader/romantic interest.
Ahhhh the thigh riding incident đŸ«  Tbh he definitely did not wash them for a long ass time lmaooo. He could smell you on them, and he wanted to "enjoy" that for as long as possible. He may have also licked the denim a few times.
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zayray030 · 1 year
I’m starved for ace content lol, I saw you updated your catace fic!! I was actually gonna ask if that one was abandoned when I saw you updated it lolol it’s so good I love catace. Ace is fairly good at reading people so like maybe he can tell something’s a little off about cater but caters gotten so good at hiding that ace is able to push it aside until they get close and ✹feelings✹ happen, I love the “oh fuck I like them” moments. Maybe ace is a little apprehensive bc cater is happy and open with anyone and feels cater isn’t sincere but he also doesn’t see the way cater is more gentle with his hugs or how he doesn’t hold anyone’s hands but aces, your honor i love them 😭
But do you have any catace headcanons to share or any headcanons really, I wish there was more basketball trio stuff bc they are my fave club they’re dynamics are so funny and I think they’d all be really cute together
Basketball club is also great bc they are so different like completely different backgrounds to play with and see how interaction turns out
Treyridoace I think is also an interesting interaction, I love your treyace and riddance interactions and I think the three together would be interesting too, I imagine there’s some good room for lots of angst lol, maybe ace feels a little left behind bc of Trey and riddles history? Or like he’s gonna be the last one left at nrc so I imagine he’d be real sad about that
Anyway I totally relate to the lack of good ace content 😭 I don’t mind reader inserts, I think a lot of them are really sweet but I also really want ace and canon character interactions that don’t completely butcher his character 😭 I really dislike when him and deuce get reduced to troublemaking idiots bc that’s so that they’re character, or when ace is a complete ass bc yes he can be a jerk but he’s also so friendly in his vignettes and the ones he appears in others and he like totally adores his upperclassmen like?? Anyway I had a lot I need to dump out lol
Sorry for the longish ask!!
Babes I was honestly so stuck on how to answer this because it was like IDEAS but it was also like ideas.
Anyways first things first! Catace! I was procrastinating doing my assigments and I stumbled back into it and I was like oh yeah! Chap 3! But yeah! The both of them only showing their real sides to each other is my favourite thing ever and it's just so soft? Like idk i just love the both of them
Catace headcanons:
When they first went out they didn't tell anyone because they wanted to see if anyone would work it out' Turns out everyone thought they were fighting with each other because they both wouldn't publicly acknowledge the others existence because they didn't want to tip anyone off.
Due to the opposition of their taste pallets kissing is a 50/50 chance of either one of them jerking back because the other had eaten something salty or sweet.
Ace likes to sit on Cater's lap and do his makeup whilst cater likes to do Ace's nails when the younger is sat on lap watching a movie. It's therapeutic for the both of them.
When Ace gets jealous he either gets bratty or he starts crying, which either amuses Cater or makes him want to dig the other persons grave. When Cater gets jealous Ace just winces in sympathy for the poor soul flirting with him.
Basketball club! Honestly it still pisses me off that we don't get a personal story from their club cards because what I would pay to see a normal day in that club is unreal.
Floyd and Jamil enjoy teasing Ace way too much but the moment they sense someone else do it they wrap their arms real tight around Ace. Ace fears for his life eveytime Floyd's arms wrap around him.
One time Ace faked crying to see what they would do. He still cackles when he sees the fear in their eyes as they realise they made him cry (one time they did make him cry and he didn't talk to them for a week. After that they shower him in more praise and gifts)
Datenights either consist of movies, walking across the beach or cooking. It has varying results of sucess.
Treyridoace is honestly just Ace and struggling to deal with authority figures lmao. Trey has a lot of fun teasing them both because they are both so gullible it's painful. Riddle enjoys teasing Ace and pushing his buttons because it's fun to see Ace riled up and blushing, and still managing to succeed in whatever Riddle teased him about. Ace at first didn't do much in terms of teasing and the 3 had a long discussion about power dynamics and all agreed that punishment wouldn't change from when before Ace was even in the relationship.
Self-insert for me is tricky because so far all the one's I've found make Ace unbearable or the bad guy in one way or another. Few of them are in a way I like to characterise him and I've seen some of the others x reader and it's actually universal how badly Ace's character gets treated whenever it's x reader or with a character shorter than him. That's why I maily stick with x canon and stick with floyd and them lot because despite how cripilingly low there are fics of them, at the very least I can enjoy them without feeling icky inside.
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
1. gun to your head, you gotta save one of them and the other's going to die : levi or hange? 😈
2. who's your fave metal band/artist of all times, and which type of metal do you enjoy most?
3. how do you handle hange's fate most days and does it vary? are you more Team Denial or have you accepted it because you think it's a fitting ending for their character, or anything in between?
yeah i'm curious and i can't sleep either hehehe
Krikkit 🙂
Thanks for asking ! Sorry to reply so late, but I finally fell asleep earlier than expected 😮
1/ I should have known you would ask a tricky question like this, you evil moot lmao !!
[speaking of canon characters here] According to my preferences -even if I almost love both of them equally by now- you could fairly expect me to choose Levi, but I would save Hange ! [Disclaimer : me not saying Levi's life is not valuable, don't misinterpret my words, people, please & thank you]
Besides Hange's fighting skills, their brains still have so much to offer to Humanity after war, in terms of progress, knowledge, improvement, technology, based on their scientific experimentation & enthusiastic curiosity. Their kindness & heartwarming sunshine personality would spread positivity & comfort around them as well, helping those close to them cope with their griefs & heal their emotional wounds. [But this would be so cruel, as I imagine they would mourn Levi for years & -secretly- hate me so much for choosing them over him 😭😭😭]
2/ My musical tastes are basically goth (mainly old school lmao) & metal since I was 12 yo. As far as metal is concerned, I used to listen to Rammstein & Marilyn Manson A .F*CKING .LOT !!
But as I grow older, my interest focuses on Black Metal, especially Satyricon [Dark Medieval Times & Nemesis Divina are my all times fav BM albums] & I recently experienced musical epiphany thanks to @stellar-smth 's advice : I literally fell in love with the Swiss band BORGNE omg I love their music so much !! If someone is interested, I can send the link to my Spotify playlist đŸ€˜
3/ Oh my, this one pierces right through my kokoro 💔 I DON'T handle their fate AT ALL, I can't ! The more we get close to March 3rd, the more I get depressed. After reading chapter 132, I cried for 2 full hours at least, I couldn't stop, even after re-realizing they were a fictional character. So when I'll watch the animated scene...
I'd say I'm somewhere in between. The way Hange sacrifices themself of their own free will to save their comrades - & thus humanity- totally fits the character imo. It's no surprise they follow their convictions & beliefs until the very end. Once again, I'll say they are the real hero of the story as they SAVE EVERYBODY ELSE'S ASS for f*ck's sake !!!
On the other hand, I wish they could survive the Rumbling & live a peaceful life with Levi 💚💜😱 So I'm more than often Team Denial & read so so much fics where they're both alive & happy together, I also focus on what happened during the 4 years time lapse in the story [mainly Levihan working together, lovingly taking care of their growing brats together, increasing their bond/love just being together all the time & so on & so forth, Levihan living rent free in my mind 24/7 tbh] Also : Hange is the most underrated character in snk, even more than Levi, & we need a f*cking back story for them please I'm on my knees begging you Isayama 🛐
I hope you finally fell asleep, I don't know how you can survive your long shifts !!
Thanks for passing by, always a pleasure to see Krikkit in my notifs ❀
Mwah kith 😘
The two dorks Valentine's Day gifts they found for each other [just to cheer up the mood]
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Since I'm also a dork, here's a Levihan kiss 💚💜
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simpjaes · 3 months
Hello đŸ„č odd question but I’d really like to know your stance on this!
I worked for one Korean entertainment company where I interacted with some kpop artists including the boy group I was a big fan of back then multiple times (had professional and casual conversations with them, etc).
That being said, I did say ‘was’ meaning I don’t stan them anymore ;; And that’s not on them being bad or anything but after talking to them and just seeing them joking around with each member and like, just scrolling their phone during break time - just being normal (which is completely valid because idols are human!!) I just didn’t feel (?) the spark of wanting to stan them anymore or maybe I just felt weird that I was a fan of my co-workers (?) đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č
I know I’m rambling but idk :’) If in the future, I was given a chance to work with enhypen, I don’t know if I would take it in case the emotions/feelings I get as a fan of enhypen would change or idk just dissipate like they did my previous group ;; I think if I were to only get to work with them once - it’d be okay because I don’t think they’ll remember after only meeting once đŸ„č it’s another story if it were to happen a lot of times 😭
If you were put in that situation, would you take the chance to work with the boys? I’m genuinely curious! đŸ„ș
Anyway! I really can’t wait for your sunghoon fic đŸ„čđŸ©žRest well and hope you feel better soon đŸ„șđŸ€
Ah, that's interesting.
I think it's pretty normal to work around celebrities and idols and realize that most of what fans see is a façade. After all, they are just people who do normal people things. I really don't think it's strange for the rose-colored glasses to come off upon seeing them in their own safe spaces.
I mean, i've met bands before (not k-pop mind you) and it made me completely stop listening to their music or looking at the members in any sort of way for various reasons. It's always a sad feeling to see who a person really is, but this is regarding weird behavior not normal behavior.
Scrolling phones and just being normal isn't necessarily something that would shatter my fantasies ngl. then again, i think it's good that you're not a super-stan working with these dudes. this is how we end up with malicious actions and the selling and stealing of personal items/information.
i'd actually advise against companies hiring stans of groups simply because there are a lot of things that can come of that. but if you're like me and able to be a casual stan upon being around said group (as in, not acting like a fucking weirdo towards them) then it would be fine ig?? if I ever got the chance to work with a band like enhypen, or any of my other fave groups, i think my feelings would change. i'd probably listen to them differently and view them differently due to a work relationship with them but I wouldn't necessarily stop enjoying them as a band. i'd probably stop writing fics tho because there's a huge difference between writing a character based on someone you've never met and writing about someone you'd come to know on a more personal level yknow? It would be too real at that point.
ofc, i would take any chance to meet the bands i love. i wouldn't go into it as a huge fan though. It would be a work thing, and the stanning would be secondary to how I speak with them.
im rambling a little bit but the point is, yes i believe my level of stannery would change after working with a band i love. but i don't think it would make me unstan. It would likely just have to happen for professional purposes.
After all, no one wants to work with someone that appears to be fucking obsessed with you, yknow? most people would be like "YES!!! THIS IS MY CHANCE TO FUCK [INSERT MEMBER HERE]" but my thought process would be more career driven i think??? like "omg this is gonna get my work out there!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! RECOGNITION!!! THANKS HOT GUYS WHO I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT IN DETAIL!!!"
no fr, id delete every fic of enhypen i've ever written. the embarrassment would be next level.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
i just finished reading the last chapter of "to the end" and FUUCCCKKK...winter? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MEEEE?? you are HANDS DOWN one of my favorite writers EVER. the way you describe everything...you always use the most eloquent wording. you're like a visual artist, painting your vivid images in my mind so perfectly!
but listen. chapter 6? I SOBBED!! it wasn't just the story though...it's like when you hear a sad song with the most beautiful music and poignant lyrics. that's what reading chapter 6 was like for me...you moved me to tears with the way you conjured so much out of thin air. i felt EVERYTHING both sukuna and reader felt: the grief, the anger, the love, the fear, the uncertainty, the hatred, the despair, the anguish, the fury...you brought every single one of these emotions to life in 7k words. i felt that shit IN MY BONES.
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how do you DO it, winter?? every time i think i've read your best fic, you go and outdo yourself. you are so incredibly gifted at this craft. i legit look up to you as a writer and an artist. and i also happen to think you're one of the sweetest, sunniest humans i've met in my life, both on and off tumblr. 💗 you're the bo to my akaashi. 🩉
i'm kinda sad "to the end" has reached its own end, but it's okay bc i know you're going to continue churning out even better work (which seems impossible, but again, you always somehow manage to top even your best work. and i admire tf out of you as a writer for the way you obviously push yourself to get better and better!)
sorry this ended up being so long 😅 i could go on and on about you and your godlike talent! i'm such a fangirl PLEASE 😭😭😭
(p.s. - i'd like to think that if the virus is ever cured, sukuna and reader will go on to have a little boy together and name him yuuji...and he'd have pink hair just like his dad and uncle đŸ„č💗)
KEL I READ THIS AND THEN I BAWLED MY EYES OUT BECAUSE I GOT SO EMOTIONAL AAAHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! <3<3<3 This is so sweet of you!! And it means so much to me because I was so invested in this story. I lived in this world, and I suffered with the characters. I fell so in love with this version of Sukuna. Idk but he was such a disaster. He was so bad for himself, and that made me want to save him so much and love him even harder. I felt so protective over him :(( And the scene in chapter 6 where they confess their love is still something that makes me cry when I think about it. So it makes me all giddy when you say that you could feel all those emotions too!! I cannot even put into words how much it means to me that you enjoyed the story and especially chapter 6!! I AM CRYING AGAIN!!
Omg helppp I LOVE your headcanon about them having a little boy who they name Yuuji omggg my heart!! It's what they deserve! <3<3
Thank you again, babe! I will never forget this! It means so much to me!! Especially since I am such a big fan of you!! You are one of my fave writers and such a sweet and fun person! I am so happy that you are my friend <3<3
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satoruhour · 6 months
t!! how are you!! am here with some flowers and sparkles to brighten up the season!! ✹💐 i hope you’re having a wonderful weekend đŸ„ș
and i am curious!! (again đŸ€­) if you were to receive/give a gift from/to your fave/s, what would it be!! đŸ„ș
heheh youre welcome to be curious in my inbox any time sel 💟 im watering my flowers and giving them back to you my love! i hope theyll thrive cause im not sure if its snowing where you are đŸ„č i hope you had a wonderful weekend muah x
i have trouble making decisions always but i would love a lego flower set from either of the boys!!! i feel like more gojo bc then we would build it together <3 i mean it’s nice to receive something i like - like maybe a keyboard for writing or new watercolour brushes but.. i dont work on my hobbies enough to be confident in them so usually i have no idea what i want đŸ„č
things to do however are just great to do in general!! like gojo would enjoy the lego. i think geto would enjoy puzzles together. both of them would love those mystery solving books or mazes?? idk!
i think both of them would appreciate hand made gifts quite a bit since my side job involve paper crafting đŸ„č i actually planned to make my boyfriend a paper bouquet before shit happened lol, so i didnt have the opportunity to. purchasing wise, geto would love things that is functional to his apartment/dorm or whatever. like a google home, or something to aid in his hobbies (easel, typewriter) or whatever!
gojo would just be cheesy and say my presence is enough lol but tbh give him anything and he would be grateful, i think its just the way he was brought up ... hes been shown a lot of things but when it’s coming from someone he cares about he cherishes it a lot ❀ even if that something (that the product is known to be popular and expensive for one brand) is bought from a smaller, less expensive shop, he would love it sm bc he doesnt care abt the price 😭😭😭😭 like im p sure his sunglasses cost literally a mortgage but if u just wanted to buy him smtg similar at a cheaper price i promise you he would wear it at every take đŸ„č
send in an ask! 💌
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Hey again ,how are you? Hope you're doing well and getting some rest. I love the back to back updates (even though I can't bring myself to read them yet, again, like I said, still a little obsessed with IALS but I will soon!) but you need to sleep and rest and take a break my friend! So,when I told you I'll be spaming you with my IALS feelings, I meant it. This is all your fault though, you are too good of a writer😭
Okay IALS scenarios that I can not stop thinking about, I have some theories about them that I will share later:
Where did all of Max's trophies go? Why did Magnus and Alec take them down in the first place?
I would love Lance's reaction when he realized that the song he played for his audition as a kid is the song that brought his parents together, I think he would act all disgusted by how gone they are for each other but would be secretly pleased and kinda happy about it on the inside because he's secretly a softieđŸ„°
I would really like to think they get married eventually, maybe one day after they move to France, they kids are there to visit them and David walks downstairs and he sees Max cooking with the kids and laughing, they way they did when the kids were little, before the divorce and thinking, damn I have to make that man my husband again (officially)
I can't stop thinking about the first time they kiss or the first time they have sex in the same bed or when they move together (I know they don't mean that David is all healed but they're still pretty big milestones and must have meant a lot for both of them)
I also can't stop thinking about them in France, David going to the place he ran away from and doing it with Max, I can't even imagine how that conversation went before they agreed to do it, it must have been really difficult for both of them
I remember Max telling Arthur that he'll let him know the next time he washes his hair so he can teach him how to braid them, I can just see Arthur needing more than one time to get it right and David tagging along, you know, for research 👀
I know David loves Max's tattoos too much and eventually (after many years perhaps) did eventually made him strip and asked (kissed and licked) about every single one of them (a girl can dream and I dream big)
I kinda keep thinking about how Mavid running into Jaden again would go. Or even Mona, I have to admit I'm more curious about Mona, what can I say, I think about jealous, possessive David, I melt away, I'm a basic bitch
Completely unrelated, but the "I love you. I'm going to kill your dad. But I love you" quote you posted from your new fic scares me. I have many theories, but I really hope it's Max saying it to David. The pour guy didn't even get to punch the sadistic prick in IALS. He deserves compensation
Okay, that's about it for now, I'll go back to uni stuff. Have I mentioned how much I hate uni stuff?? Do you feel that way about work stuff too? Or do you actually enjoy it? Seems like a silly question but I'm curious, okay byeeeđŸŒ·
PS: Song rec~ You are the reason by calum Scott and Leonard Lewis, I keep thinking about David playing this on the piano for Max and I just can't functionđŸ„č
They took it down with Max's permission and at his request. I think Max didn't want it anymore because he didn't want to be defined by it - and he didn't want his boys to feel the same pressure (We already saw Lance feeling it a little). Although I don't think malec threw it away. They know how hard Max worked to win every single one of them. It's probably in a storage unit :)
He would definitely find out about it (because he is watching the show now). I think if he was with Theia he'd sniffle a little. If he was with his parents he'd be like 'ew wtf is wrong with yall'. (as if this hypocrite doesn't compose music for his gf lmaooo)
I see it happening very much like that. It's not a big moment. Just a soft realization. It's a 'he is still here' and a 'i am ready now'.
I was extremely tempted to write this scene. But it did not make sense in the epilogue. I did not want it to be rushes so I left it out :(
Very difficult indeed. Also for Max - because it's a place that cost him a lot. A place that reminds him of Mallory. Moving to France is a symbolism of a big step. Bigger than even marriage or sex. It's a 'i'm not scared anymore'. They might not be fully healed (and perhaps never will) but they are not afraid of that anymore and that's beautiful.
He did he did he did
One can never get enough of Jealous David content. Although I can see them meeting Jaden again and a lot of passive-aggressive comments lol. Of course Lance was there to serve cunt. Tempted to write this too...
You shall wait and see :)
I am fortunate enough to pick and choose what kind of work i wanted to do and what to avoid. so i mostly like the work i do - i just find it tiring because it's a lot. but of course even among the stuff i do choose, there are bits i don't like and hate (and it's often other people who make it feel so). if you ever want to rant about uni stuff or just wanna talk about it, you know where to find me x
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