#weddings cw
schmergo · 1 year
Maybe a unpopular opinion these days, but ceremonies are important to me.
When I was planning my wedding, I noticed a trend of people wanting the least ceremony or shortest ceremony possible. Get the vows over and done with and then focus all the planning on the reception. I enjoy attending weddings like that, but for me, the wedding ceremony was the most important part. I wanted every detail of it to be meaningful and personal. It was about 35 minutes long, which I don’t think of as insanely long, but it wasn’t just the bare bones, either. 
I did maybe feel a little guilt about that because the prevailing attitude I’ve heard from many other couples is that they don’t want ‘all the fuss’ over them or people to have to sit and pay attention to a boring long ceremony. I think ceremonies are seen as old-fashioned.
I’ve also heard similar attitudes about funerals. “I don’t want anyone to make a fuss over me. Just put me in a box. Just donate me to science. I don’t want anyone spending time crying over me. Why would I want a big ceremony? I’m dead.”
I totally think that both weddings and funerals are industries with hyper-inflated pricing and with too many cultural expectations to spend a ton of money. But for me, the areas that feel excessive to me aren’t in the ceremonies themselves. 
I’m someone who deals weirdly with change sometimes. When my family moved from the house I lived in for 17 years growing up, it was a difficult adjustment for me. Starting college was a difficult adjustment for me. Moving out of my parents’ house for good was a hard transition, too, even though I was really excited about it. I had trouble sleeping for months. Heck, even closing night of a show I’ve been rehearsing for months tends to be hard on me. And I’ve noticed that when big life changes happen to me, sometimes it takes a long time to fully accept them. I’ll wake up thinking I’m in a different home, or I’ll think about getting in touch with someone only to remember they’re no longer alive.
 I did not have that problem with the transition to being married because there was so much time dealing with the preparations, planning, and ceremony that I felt very present that day and had fully absorbed what this next step in my life would mean to me.
To me, even if you don’t have a religious tradition you practice, ceremonies are a way to make sure you stay present in the moment and absorb its meaning, which is helpful to me as someone who’s often kind of zoned out and thinking about a zillion things at once. They’re a way to officially mark life changes, a pre-determined turning point. They mean you’re sharing the same experience with many other people rather than just coming to terms with it on its own. Weddings help you re-conceptualize a person or people you know as part of a new family. Funerals help you re-conceptualize a person you know as having moved on from the world. Heck, even the weird little rituals surrounding midnight on New Year’s are a way to refocus and conceptualize the year ahead.
My favorite YouTube channel is Ask a Mortician. I think the host of the channel, who is a big advocate for personal choice surrounding death and what happens to our bodies after death, is a really inspiring personality and someone who’s made me think a lot more deeply about some of the big transitions that are generally seen as the biggest and scariest of all: end of life. Watching her videos while planning my wedding WHILE during a pandemic definitely made me think about the Other Major Ceremony, not in an anxious and foreboding way but in a thoughtful way.
When I do die, I do want a funeral. I do want a ceremony. I want people to be able to have a shared space to process their feelings. I want people to gather and take time to think about my life and think about what things will look like moving forward. I personally want people to have allotted time set aside to accept and understand that I am not around anymore instead of trying to do that by themselves. I don’t think it needs to be expensive or lavish, and I don’t want a lot of money spent on it, but I do want some time spent on it.
I have no problem with people who don’t need ceremonies to process these things. I think that’s cool and great. But I just wanted to speak up for those of us who do appreciate ceremony as a sort of shared ritual to process transitions. I don’t think you’re boring or self-indulgent or overly superstitious if those things are meaningful to you. There are DOZENS of us!
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transmascsimonriley · 3 months
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vamp mactavish or something
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strayingsocks · 2 months
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what a romantic wedding ceremony
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sootnuki · 5 months
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i got him on the wedding list! 🩸💒<3
bloodless version:
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inspired by this lovely animation:
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fandomcringebucket · 29 days
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crunchchute · 2 months
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Shotgun wedding
Inspo from a Mac Conner artwork; uncropped under the cut - slight blood cw
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vintagexherry · 9 months
5 ways to say "I love you" without words.
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Serial Killer!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Multiple Scenarios, Both reader and Miguel are unhinged, heavy Gore, blood, murder, torture, expirements, possessive themes, graphic depictions of wounds, Fluff, Suggestive themes
A/N: This is a collection of scenarios of you and Miguel's married life, heed the warnings
[Way #1: Gift Giving]
You exhaled a breath of relief once you enter your house, removing your shoes and replacing it with house slippers.
You sigh as you set down your bag and groceries on top of the kitchen counter.
Today's work wasn't that busy but the amount of meetings made you tired. Atleast that pesky co worker wasn't there to harass you to date him.
You look up to the clock seeing it's perfectly time for dinner and a few minutes till your husband comes back from his work. You can't wait to eat and sleep at the arms of your husband.
Gabriella was still at her friend's house, having a sleepover. You chuckled at the memory of her painting his dad's nails. You wonder if she's doing that with her other friends right now.
"Y/N? Are you home?" Miguel called from upstairs.
"You're home early today?" You watch as Miguel comes downstairs to greet you with a kiss while you hung up your coat.
"Yeah, leaked gas occured, and all of us got dismissed early today. How's yours?" Miguel asks as he unloads the ingredients of today's dinner to the counter.
"Well, wasn't that busy aside from meetings." You kissed his cheek as a thank you while you put on your apron.
Miguel smiled as he went back to the living room, wanting to check the news while he waits for dinner.
You nodded and headed to the fridge, but as you opened the fridge, you froze.
There sat a decapitated head of that one pesky co-worker you always told Miguel about, his head was inside a jar full of unknown liquid, his eyes wide open, almost making his eyeballs pop out and his jaw slacked open wide as if he was killed before he could even screamed.
"Miguel!" You called from the kitchen and Miguel arrives a second later.
"Si, Mi amor?"
"You shouldn't have~" You cooed
Miguel smirked at your reaction.
"Surprise" He went closer to you, kissing you on the forehead.
"No wonder my day at work is brighter than usual." You kissed him back on the lips.
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor" (Anything for you my love) Miguel smiled.
He's glad that you enjoyed the gift he got for you.
[Way #2: Acts of Service]
Miguel was at work today while it's your day off today.
Not wanting to feel bored, you decided to clean the house since dust started to gather.
You changed the bedsheets in yours and Miguel's room, dusted the bookshelves, arranged the items of Miguel's home office table, and finally sanitized the kitchen counter.
All of these chores don't compare on what you're about to clean next. All of these chores didn't even made you drop a sweat.
But you know what will.
You prepared your mop, your cleaning chemicals, your mask, and elbow length gloves so you don't inhale or touch unnecessary bacteria.
You bring all these items downstairs until you reach your basement.
You hummed a tune while you opened the basement lights.
On the bed, you saw was a naked woman near your age. Her ankles and wrist were strapped by leather belts into a metallic bed table. Her body is covered in cuts, some dried and caked with blood, while others look like it's been stitched.
The basement got renovated to look like a hospital room, complete with a medical bed, cabinets of surgical equipment, a table by the side, and a bookshelf full of thick medical related books.
An IV was plugged into her arm, keeping her alive, while a monitor next to her shows her heartbeats.
She seemed to be awakened by the harsh bright light and her panicked wide eyes landed to your form.
"Pl-please, I do-I don't know... Who you are but please, help!" Her voice wheezed out, and you could just hear the dryness of her throat.
You ignored her pleas as you headed straight to the table next to the bed, arranged with medical tools like scapels, a kidney tray, and some forceps, but what caught your attention was a cup of empty Starbucks coffee.
You sigh. How many times have you told your husband that there's a trash can for a reason? For a medical type of expirements he's running he doesn't seem to know how to keep a station clean.
You grabbed the coffee cup and swayed it to the face of the lady.
"I swear! He never listened to me when I told him to throw his trashes properly. Husbands amiright?"
You chuckled at the end while you threw the cup away.
The woman seemed to be taken aback by your carefree attitude to the whole situation, talking as if it's just another Friday afternoon.
"Ple-please!" She tried begging again.
"You gott-a to he-help me!"
"'fraid can't do that hun, that's what you get for not teaching your child any manners."
You held yourself back from slapping her.
Miguel took the opportunity to kidnap her at the dead of night, when both of you found out during yesterday afternoon that Gabriella got reportedly bullied by some kid during soccer practice.
He left the kid sleeping on his bed, unaware that his mother was here bleeding out. He also tried to find the father, but found out they were divorced and the dad is living in another state and could only take his child during holidays due to custody reasons.
You and Miguel only met the dad a few times, but he seemed to be a better role model than the mom, so maybe taking her out of the picture will be better for the child.
You turn your back from the woman and decide to clean the floor, which you could see a few dried droppings of blood.
You started to hum again while you pour chemical solutions on the bucket and dipped your mop into it.
"Ple-please I-Im sorry!"
You still ignored her, continuing your moping duty.
Your thoughts start to drift off to what lunch you could make before Gabriella returns from school.
While you drag your mop on the floor, your eyes land on the wall of the basement where you can see framed pictures of your family, and so is a few drawings of Gabi.
Your heart always melts at the sight. How could you get so lucky with a man like that?
"I beg you ple-"
You groaned, getting tired of her incessant whining.
"Look, sweetie, my husband always tells me not to touch with his work, but you're making me break that rule." You said as you turned to face her.
She whimpered, You wonder if she could feel the pain of her wounds, but knowing Miguel, he probably didn't give her anesthetics.
Her hands started wiggling around the straps around her wrists.
"I suggest you stop doing that, Im not a doctor, but you might reopen some of those wounds." You suggested as you put back the mop on the bucket and turned to the wall so you could wipe the framed pictures.
While you back is turned, you didn't notice the straps on her wrist loosened. You didn't notice her sudden silence. You didn't notice her taking the scapel from the table. And you didn't notice her quiet steps towards you.
"You bitch!-" She shouted, and that gave you enough to turn around in surprise and move out of the way, but the scapel still grazed your cheek, leaving a bleeding cut on its way.
You wince from the sudden sharp pain on your face, but there's more important things to worry about, like a naked bleeding wounded lady coming at you with wobbly yet swift steps with a scapel.
You immediately stepped back and grabbed the forceps off the table.
"Fuck you! and your daugh-"
She didn't get to finish that sentence since you drove the sharp end of the forceps to her left eye.
Blood sprayed on you while she screamed loudly from her throat while stumbling back, holding her eye that's still has the forceps dangling from.
You quickly gathered your bearings and ran up to the lady, pulling out the forceps out of her, making more blood spray onto the floor and onto you.
"Don't you dare talk about my daughter!" You angrily spat. The nerve of this woman.
Both you and that woman started to go at each other's throat.
You dodge the upcoming scapel that was aimed at your neck and she dodged the forceps too.
You gotta admit, for a heavily wounded woman this bitch got spirit.
"Fuck you!" the woman swung the scapel, cutting a tear from your dress. Dammit Miguel just brought this one for you.
While she moved desperately to kill you, her stitched wounds reopened one by one. Her movements started to become wobbly due to blood loss, but that didn't deter her from leaving another cut to your exposed forearm.
You swinged your forceps to her other neck.
This time you were successful.
You seemed to hit a vein since blood sprayed everywhere, some to your face up to your body.
Her screams sounded bloody while she started to choke on her blood, and her legs started to move backwards, making her trip on her own foot.
She fell backwards, and that seemed to deal with her enough. Her body started swimming with her own blood, and her one eye showed no light.
You started to breathe heavily, the smell of blood with chemicals made your head foggy, so as the event that transpired.
The straps on her wrists seemed to be loosened, and you hated yourself for not noticing it sooner, but right now, anger is still coursing through you. The fact that she tried to talk bad about Gabriella seemed to make you move automatically to her dead body.
dropping the forceps, you kneeled and took the scapel next to her and started stabbing her chest even more. Anger did nothing but blind you that you didn't notice Miguel coming down.
"....amor! I heard screaming what happe-"
You froze.
You turned around and immediately stood up, dropping the scapel. You somehow forgot the words of Miguel about touching the expirements.
You looked at Miguel, who froze at the sight of the bloody scene, the while porcelein walls were covered with speckles of blood and the floor wasn't any better.
But his attention was mostly on you, covered with blood all around, especially the new dress he got for you. Your arm and cheek seemed to have cuts but weren't that deep.
Miguel's gaze made you nervous. This is the first time you have broken a rule. You felt nervous about what's to come. It grew more as he started approaching you.
"Mi-Mi-Miguel, Im-im so sorry, I know what you told m-me but-"
Your words were cut off when a pair of strong lips covered yours in a passionate deep kiss.
Your eyes widened at the action, taken a back, but his lips continued to lick and bite yours, the taste blood seemed to spur him on, and you felt something twitch between his legs.
He finally let go of your lips, his eyes looked at you with nothing but admiration, your name fell from hips in whispers, as if calling you like a mantra.
"Oh mi amor, mi amor....You...I...I love you." He breathed out while he smiled down upon you, his hands caressed your face lovingly, and you melt from his touch, relieved that he isn't mad.
Miguel froze at the sight of you since this was the first time he ever saw you covered in blood, he usually does the dirty work but seeing you all bloodied up with a corpse behind you just seems to do something to him.
"How... Did I ever get so lucky to marry you, huh?" His eyes seemed to be still in daze.
You were about to say something but was cut off when you yelp, seeing that he carried you over his shoulder, heading straight back up the stairs and to your bedroom.
Safe to say, that you had to clean both basement and bedroom all over again.
[Way #3: Quality time]
You and Miguel have been busy with work and "other things" (depends on you how you interpret that.)
So when the weekend came, it was finally time to enjoy each other, especially with Gabriella.
Miguel couldn't wait to pick her up from school to finally bond more without distractions from work.
During the drive, Gabriella excitedly talked about her biology class.
"Oh?, and what did you learn?"
"The anatomy of human beings! Our teacher said we have this upcoming contest, and the best project gets to have their work displayed."
"Project? I can help with that."
"Thanks, Papa! And after that you and Mama have to come with me to see the winner."
Few hours has passed and Miguel and Gabriella were doing the project.
What he didn't expect was it's supposed to be clay.
After buying supplies and planning the entire thing out, Miguel didn't expect to work with clay to be harder than disecting a full-grown adult.
So he did the best thing he could think of.
Call for your help.
Now, all of you three are on the floor, moulding and sculpting organs of the human body. You mould the kidneys, Miguel moulds the heart and Gabi the lungs.
Having a husband that specializes in the human body, he made sure each organ looks the best they can be.
And both you and Gabi think it's too much. The way Miguel stares down at the model of the heart his creating, the way he moulds each aorta, and the way he mixes clay to get the right tone of red. Whatever he's making, it could pass enough to be the real thing, and you know for sure Miguel has experience with the real thing.
Time passes by, and after moulding the kidney, heart, lungs, and other organs you all need a human cutout to place and glue the clay models on.
And what better model for the cutout other than Miguel O' Hara himself.
You and Gabi giggle as Miguel spreads his body out on a flat piece of cardboard, and both of you start tracing an outline of body. After tracing and giggling in the process, Miguel took the responsibility to cut out the cardboard.
After molding more organs, tracing the model and cutting the cardboard. The three of you arranged it accordingly.
Once done, Miguel placed it upon the wall for all of you to see the final result.
"Woah...It looks real," Gabi admired the project.
"Maybe not real. We could put blood on it."
You chuckled at his words, you admired the finished product and the organs done by Miguel looked too real, making it stand out like a sore thumb.
"I'm sure it looks real enough." You mused.
But Gabi seemed to like the idea of blood on her project, you laughed.
Like father like daughter.
So with that, you took the food colouring off the kitchen shelf and gave it to Miguel, who coated the organs with as much red he could put, Gabi cheering him on the process.
The next day came by, and everyone was on school showing off their projects. Once you and Miguel arrived, Miguel puffed his chest in pride when he saw other projects don't compare to the ones you three made.
You were glad Miguel made (threatened) his job to give him a free day so he could attend. While the school staff displayed each work and judges picked the best, Gabi went off to find her friends while Miguel entertained you on criticising the other work done by others, and you can't help but be amused
"Psh, That liver isn't even big enough"
"Tsk, that one didn't even try on the brain."
"Someone get this person a proper reference. That kidney looks like it got murdered. And that's saying something from me." He whispered the last part to you, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your laugh.
Time passed by, and while Gabi sits with her friends, the parents sit at their designated chairs.
The announcer applauded everyone of their hard work (Miguel rolls his eyes) and proceeded to announce the winner.
Everyone applauded as Gabriella's name was announced first place, and you and Miguel excitedly stood up to give her the medal.
Miguel could admit he enjoyed the time he got to spend with both of his loved one.
[Way #4: Physical Touch]
Miguel is fully aware that he isn't a people person.
Miguel is fully aware his mouth spits nothing but fire to his co workers.
Miguel is fully aware his eyes aren't meant for looking for affection, always set in a permanent glare to whoever looks his way.
Miguel is fully aware that his hands aren't meant for soft caressing and touches.
Yet here he is.
His mouth sings a soft lullaby for the newborn in his arms. Something that he once heard from his mother.
His eyes looked at admiration for your hard work to bring a new life to your and Miguel's already perfect life.
His hands cradled you and his daughter in his arms, his world in just the palm of his being.
He never thought how he would get to this, never thought he could be a better man. Never thought redemption was a thing until you came.
His calloused hand, rough from his work, rough from the murders he committed. As of right now, he used to feed the baby that babbles incoherently at him.
"Si, si mija. Here you go"
In one swoop of his hands, the spoon arrives at the destination of Gabi's mouth, and she babbled happily.
He finds himself smiling, something he thought he stopped doing since forever.
That night, Miguel and you put the baby to sleep, admiring her peacful face, her nose just like his father.
You two prepare for bed, but Miguel wants more time with you. The day has been hectic with work and duty to care for the baby.
During the bath, his hands scrubbed your body gently, contrasting the way he scrubs himself off the blood of his victims.
Miguel dries the both of you off, and after some persuassion, you let him choose your clothes for the night.
That should have been it.
But Miguel is a selfish man, always wanting to get what he wants whenever he wants to.
His hands looked for his phone and automatically played a soft and sensual music.
His hands lead you to dance with him while you chuckle at his invitation. The song progresses, and Miguel leads you to spin, to dip and to sway.
The song progresses even more to a romantic tone, but both of you didn't notice when the two of you were busy touching and caressing each other's naked body.
His hands roamed around yours, his lips kissing each scar and beauty mark he could find. He found all of them,for his eyes memorise the dips and curve and every inch of skin he could caress.
He thought he would never be close to a person this much, sure there were women who warmed his bed. But that's only temporary, temporary feelings and temporary touches that would soon be replaced by another.
This felt different, intimate even. The way you held his both in both your hands after an energy draining night felt different. And his glad its permanent this time.
He has someone to wake up to, look for, touch with and to talk to.
And with Gabi in the image?
He couldn't ask for more.
[Way #5: Words of Affirmation][this has inspiration from Corpse Bride]
Large church bells, a grand cathedral, bountiful amount of guests, a three layered cake.
And don't forget the Bride and Groom.
This day was the day you felt true happiness. You felt as if the world did revolve around you, at least just for this day.
People watch in awe as you walk down the aisle, a flower girl leading you in, leaving pink colored petals on the floor.
Your dress flows behind you eloquently. Your veil hides your face, but everyone knows you're the happiest you could be.
You look forward, and you see your soon-to-be husband, standing by the altar, watching you with awe more than the guest, and his eyes speak of emotions no great poetry could describe.
Everything that transpired that day felt like a blur.
You said your vows, and he said his
The priest declared both of you husband and wife, and Miguel didn't waste time holding your veil and gently yet swiftly put it behind you and kissing your lips.
Reception came in, and it was time for you and Miguel to have you a moment by dancing together and cutting the cake.
Miguel would sometimes mingle with other guests but would mostly stay by your side and you did the same.
You both had fun dancing, eating, talking, and throwing the bouquet as you and Miguel drove off to your honeymoon place.
That was a year ago, and now both you and Miguel are placing boxes on top of boxes in your new home. Where memories could grow.
After your honeymoon phase, Miguel surprised you with his own wedding gift, a house both of you could live in, three rooms, an island type kitchen, a backyard and a basement, You couldn't ask for more.
More years passed by, and you felt yourself living the dream.
But something feels off.
You would sometimes blame it on the passing of the honeymoon phase, but it feels bigger than that.
He would come home normal.
Tired but normal.
But instead of going to the bathroom to freshen up, he would head to the basement.
At first, you brush it off, thinking he was redecorating the basement to his liking of some sort. You asked him about it, but all he said was for you not to go down due to dangerous equipment.
But now you feel like as if you're missing something. Something that tells you that your husband isn't saying something to you.
You first feared that maybe he was cheating, but after making sure, he doesn't go home late, and if he does, he would tell you, second, there's no foreign smell of perfume or a stray lipstick mark. Third, you trust him, perhaps as deep as the pacific ocean and he trusts you too.
You decided maybe he's still renovating the basement and doesn't want you to see and wanting it to be a surprise.
Headaches start to form when you think about it deeply so once again you brushed it off.
Until one night.
You and Miguel were sleeping in your bedroom.
Until you thought Miguel was sleeping.
Your body jerked away when you heard a distant scream of a woman downstairs.
It was loud and sounded desperate.
You felt scared and it increased more when you didn't see your husband next to you.
The screams would continue, and you got concerned. You put on a robe to cover yourself and head downstairs cautiously. You quickly head to the kitchen to grab a knife in case something bad happened.
You start to notice the screaming would continue down to the basement and you hesitated.
Your husband isn't with you, there's a woman screaming and he told you not to go down.
But more pressing matters made you ignore that rule and went downstairs, clutching the knife tightly.
You winced at the volume of the screams, and the more you descend, the more the screams sounded choked.
But all that attention to the sound was immediately thrown out the window when the sight in front of made you freeze.
There stood Miguel slicing and cutting a woman alive, her torso covered in so much bloof you don't know which cut it orignated from. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, and her throat sounds choked from the screaming.
The basement seemed messy with empty boxes scattered and the walls covered in dirt, grime, and dried blood. The odour didn't help much since all you could smell was iron and rotting bodies.
He seemed to be focused on what he's doing, and you didn't realize that the woman was an ex of Miguel who started bad mouthing you when she found out you two got married.
"te mereces esto perra" (you deserve this you bitch) you hear him murmur himself over the choking woman.
Yet your focus was still straight to your husband, who seemed to not notice your presence. His face held anger you had never seen, his eyebrows turned down, and his mouth formed a deep frown.
The woman seemed to die when her screams suddenly went to a full volume to wet chokes, and then finally nothing. Yet you felt no remorse for some reason, no guilt when you realized your husband killed a person.
"Mi-Miguel?" You stammered, testing the waters.
Miguel's body jerked up as if he got electrocuted. His body turned immediately to face you, and he froze.
"Mi-mi-Vida...." He stammered, his body shaking in horror as if he was the one who found you killing someone instead of him.
"Kill me."
You paused, taking in his words. You realized his eyes were set on the knife you were grasping.
"No I-"
"I... You...Mi Vida, you weren't supposed to see this, I..."
"Mi amor if it makes you feel better, please." He shouted, and you froze, confusion set in on you when he demands for you to kill him.
You waited for him to finish.
"Listen, I-I know you're confused, but por favor...." He seemed to be holding back tears
"Don't leave me, please... You can kill me, report me to the police but please don't leave me mi amor.."
You didn't say anything, but your feet find themselves walking straight to Miguel.
Miguel's eyes seemed to beg you. He never wanted you to find this side of him, and if you did, he swore to never forgive himself. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. You accepted his perfection so as his flaws, but he fears you will never accept this. He can handle being killed by hands, thrown behind bars by your order, but you leaving him? He couldn't bring himself to accept that.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mi vida, just please kil-"
His words were interrupted when he felt a pair of lips pressing onto him, your hands on each side of his face. Feelings and promises seemed to fill out from that kiss, and he couldn't help but melt.
After a while, you paced back a bit letting go his lips, and he held himself back from grabbing you again.
"Do you... Do you remember our vows?" You asked as you grasp both of his large hands on your palm and carresed the wedding ring. The knife long forgotten on the floor.
He seemed to pause for a while. You don't seem to be scared nor hesitant to talk to him. Which is good.(?)
You chuckled.
"Well...Do you remember when I said."
"I, Y/N L/N will promise to take all weaknesess and make them your strengths, I promise to take your soul either be it perfect...."
"....or flawed." Miguel finished the sentence for you. His eyes seemed to glisten with tears. And you smiled. it seems like he remembered
Everything felt as if it's your wedding all over again. This time, it was in a basement with a dead body. But just like your wedding, both of you only focused on each other and nothing else. His eyes find yours, although a bit blurry from the tears his holding back he still looks at you, and you look at him.
"Y/N...." His eyes bore into you with a longing gaze, His hand took your hand with the ring.
He paused for a while, seeming to take in everything, and you watched him with tears already flowing down.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup shall never empty for I will be your wine...." He paused for a moment. He felt a tear coming down while yours started streaming slowly but surely.
".....With this candle, I will light your way to darkness...."
"With this ring... I ask you to be mine."
His hand lifted yours to kiss your ring, after, he lifted his head,awaiting your answer.
Your words are choked due to the tears flowing down, and Miguel smiled widely at you.
"I-I do.." You continue to cry happily.
Miguel didn't waste time lifting you up to his height and kissed your lips as deeply as he can, both of you closed your eyes, and tears were streaming down. Everything felt like your wedding day, except this one felt lighter, even better. A weight on his shoulder has been lifted with you.
The two of you always find different ways to say "I love you" without words.
The End
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nuzzle · 3 months
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spro-o · 6 days
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*explodes from hyperfixation*
BEWARE, SLUT HOUSE BELOW!! [suggestive] view at your own risk :3
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octoberspirit · 29 days
Durge: I've decided to accept Gortash's hand.
Ketheric: In marriage, right?
Ketheric: ...In marriage, right?
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yanyandere · 2 months
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firefly wedding (ホタルの嫁入り) // support the artist (eng)
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asparklethatisblue · 6 months
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Hodge is a little confused but he has the spirit
Introducing the Fitzier Shotgun Wedding Cinematic Universe, cause @aurpiment made me have brainworms
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casboobs · 4 months
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tunnel lights - chelsea wolfe
happy third destiel wedding anniversary
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harbingersecho · 8 months
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WODtober 14 > Lines Drawn In Blood ⥄ RVBtober 14 > Crossover
"He and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us."
So. Here's some possible bg/lore mixing - idk if normal, 'non-secret service/intelligence agency' humans in this universe know vampires exist but disregarding that -
I think a lot of the vampires, esp the ones in space, are pretty high generation or thin-bloods (i.e. they're weak). Originally Locus + Felix were on the v edge of being thin-bloods (like gen 13) but... they're not anymore. The wonders of diablerie - not that they really advertise it. Views on that haven't really changed. They're also autarki aka freelance/mercenaries, but I dunno when they were Embraced; could've been before, during or after the War. Doesn't rly matter that much, they can all work imo but at least for Locus post-War works best
Locus could have either the Blood Addiction bane or the Noxious Blood bane since I think both could work for him, and Felix would have the classic Ravnos Bane of needing to move around.
I'll post more thoughts abt why I chose those clans for them + more abt sharky etc a bit later bc I don't want this to be too long lol <3
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Wedding Planner AU] Part 2: On the Restaurant's Balcony Area.
Tagging: @unfortunatelyevent @usernamesareoverratedseriously and @mademoisellemacabre , all of whom have expressed wanting to read more of this AU. I hope you like it. 🖤
"I was thinking the wedding should take place just as the sun starts to dip into the horizon, and the reception be held right after," Mrs. Nyx Endless says, then titters. "Of course, the reception would last until morning. We have to make sure that all our hundreds of guests are happy until they leave, and that would be whatever time they decide to leave. I'm thinking an open bar and two dozen new hors d'oeuvres every half an hour. We'd absolutely hate to bore anyone."
Hob nods and notes all of those down, saying nothing but already cursing internally. A sunset wedding alone is going to be hell to arrange. He'd have to consult actual meteorologists for it, and then pray to a hundred different gods to make sure it's not going to be rainy, cloudy, or whatever the hell England's weather is planning to do on that date. And two dozen new hors d'oeuvres every half an hour? Christ.
"A sunset wedding sounds marvellous, Nyx," Mrs. Muse agrees. "The golden hues of the sun would complement the golden theme of the wedding. And, of course, Calliope must look like Midas's daughter herself."
Hob nods dutifully again and notes that down, careful to keep his face blank, then bites the insides of his cheeks so he doesn't laugh in Mrs. Muse's face at that unfortunate reference.
Were Ms. Calliope to look like Midas's daughter herself, then Dream would be marrying a silent, golden statue. But then again, maybe he would prefer that. Lord knows he'd want someone as different from Hob as he could get, who everyone and their 3rd butler knows is just one dirty, stinking, unworthy, flea-bitten mongrel.
"I..." Calliope hesitates, then looks around for support. Hob pointedly does not notice how she toys with Dream's fingers, and how Dream squeezes her hand back. It looked like an automatic, intimate gesture. A silent conversation where meanings are translated almost instantaneously because of how well one understands the other. Hob looks steadfastly down at his notes and wills his own hands not to shake. "I would just like to have a simple garden wedding, actually."
Mrs. Muse tuts at her. "Nonsense, darling. A 'simple garden wedding' will not be the most talked-about event of the season. No, we'll have to have your wedding on a beach, somewhere lovely with white sand, and you'll be bedecked in topaz and sapphires like a goddess."
Mrs. Endless gasps in excitement. "Oh, Mnemosyne, that's such a brilliant idea! Sweet Calliope would look absolutely stunning in topaz and sapphire jewelry, while Dream could wear some matching blue and yellow roses pinned on his lapel."
Hob, again, says nothing to that and only notes everything down. In Calliope's previously empty column, he writes down '(simple) garden wedding.' In Mrs. Muse's column, he adds 'white sand beach wedding, sapphire and topaz jewelry (lots).' In Mrs. Endless's column, he adds 'blue and yellow roses pinned on groom's lapel.'
(Hob doesn't think he can write Dream's name yet. He thinks even that will hurt him.)
Dream has yet to say anything, and his column is as empty as the promises he once made to Hob. "And you, Mr. Endless?" Hob asks his notes. "Do you have any preferences?"
Dream takes a moment to even acknowledge that he has been asked a question. Hob thinks this is because Dream's father, that old curmudgeonly bastard, just died a year ago, and Dream is probably used to others saying, 'Mr. Endless' and the title referring only to his father. Well tough luck, because Hob isn't about to call him Young Master Dream or whatever their staff calls the Endless children.
"Anything Calliope wants," is what he finally says, voice still sounding the same, so hypnotizing and deep, if a bit hoarse, like he wasn't used to talking anymore. His eyes remain on the mostly full plate in front of him. He has barely eaten the previous courses, and his small square of chocolate cake with raspberry filling (decorated with gold leaf and a small gravity-defying chocolate sculpture of a bird in flight) had only been played with to create the illusion that he took a bite.
Hob hates that he still notices these things. Notices these things and worry. That it still makes him want to drag Dream to the nearest hole-in-the-wall restaurant he knows where they serve cheap but hearty meals that fill your stomach as the cozy atmosphere fills your soul.
"Dream," Mrs. Endless scolds. "Will it kill you to sound enthusiastic? This is your wedding, too, you know!"
Mrs. Muse hushes her friend and coos at Dream. "Oh, Nyx, please, it's fine." To her daughter, she says, "Did you hear that, Calliope? Dream says, 'Anything you want,' so you better want something truly spectacular! My, what a good man your son is, Nyx," she continues, seemingly not noticing how Mrs. Endless is continuing to scold Dream through her eyes. "So sweet and accommodating."
Mrs. Muse then turns to Hob like he is just another lady in her court during rich-people tea time. Like they were close and she isn't thinking about how his mere presence is polluting the very air she breathes. "Isn't he just the sweetest, Mr. Gadling?"
Hob thinks about his boyfriend Dream from years ago and how he is in the mornings, wearing nothing but Hob's ratty jumpers, his messy hair that looks like a bird's nest, his eyes soft and blinking sleep away, smiling at Hob like he's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He thinks about Dream's gentle, addicting little kisses that Hob only token protests at because finals week is coming up and they need to study and not fuck like rabbits again. He thinks of Dream saying, 'yes,' saying, 'I love you, Hob,' saying, 'I'll love you forever.'
Hob nods politely, showing Mrs. Muse his most impersonal smile and speaking in his most professional voice. "I'm sure he is."
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marinusart · 9 months
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Король Півночі - King in the North
One more reason to dislike weddings.
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