#wearing frills just whenever is nice
arbokzee · 1 year
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my favorite coords from 2022 🎀✨
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Jessica Rabbit Effect pt. 4
So a lot of people have asked what if Crocodile & Mihawk found out about Buggys hot wife. So here we are!
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• Buggy would be dragging his feet and reluctant on letting you go.. Truthfully he wanted to keep you on his little island village were you could live in ignorance and bliss. (Cause he's possessive)
• However it seemed some things couldnt be helped-
• Especially after your kidnapping attempt. So he felt safer dragging you with him to the Cross Guild meeting-
• "I'm so nervous" You admit, stepping in land as he kept you close.
• "Don't be- You'll be fine. I promise nothing will happen" He stated confidently, you assuming because these men were his friends- (While Buggy ment he'd kill to make sure no one harmed you)
• Once inside you saw them- And you damn near were ready to run back to the ship..
• They looked so much scarier in person!
• Craning your head up to meet the two massive men- Your nerves now all over the place as they just seemed to stare down at you.
• Hard-
• Your hand instinctively squeezing Buggy for reassurance.
• "Croc, Hawk- This is my Wife (Y/N)" Buggy said calmly with a hint of irriation in his voice at having them meet you at all, keeping a secure hand on your waist as you smiled softly at the two infamous men, still a bit nervous.
• "It's lovely to meet you both"
• Sir Crocodile and Mihawk exchanged puzzled glances as they stood before Buggy's wife.
• Perplexed-
• This pretty women was Buggy's wife?- Sure they had both heard rumors that she was apparently attractive but they assumed this was just Buggy's dramatic words floating around.
• However you were actually gorgeous!?
• Crocodile muttered, "Lovely to meet you as well-" Migawk nodding in greeting to you.
• "I know its a bit short notice me coming here and all, vut I made you both some gifts as a gesture of kindness" You say so sweetly as you reach into your bag and pull out the nice gifts for both of them nicely wrapped in colored tissue paper. Mentally praying Buggy's information was correct.
• Both Guild Leaders took the gifts in question- Still assuming something about this was fishy as both slowly ripped the tissue paper to take a peak at what you'd made.
• You had made a beautiful silk orange gold puff tie for Sir Crocodile since Buggy kept saying he was wearing a 'scarf' as a tie (But you knew better that it's a Puff Tie and not a scarf)
• And for Sir Mihawk you made him a white ocean cotton button down with front frills, you didn't make it as dramatic as you typically made Buggys but it was a incredibly pretty and beautiful shirt that would be comforble to wear whenever.
• Both men stared at the gifts, like they were trying to figure out what sort of trickery this was.
• "You made these?" Mihawk questioned at first,
• "I'm a seamstress" You state calmly, a bit worried they wouldn't be interested. However smiled when Crocodile complemented your craft and the quality of the tie.
• Once inside the main meeting room, conversation flowed naturally, You chatting up both men so they could become familiar with you. Even telling them the story of how you and Buggy met all those years ago.
• "Are you wanted to married him?-" Crocodile mused, taking another drag of his cigar.
• "Of course! He's so sweet afterall" Buggy looked miffed by Crocodiles words and the fact you gushed so much-
• Mihawk was the most interested in you however, taking sips of wine as he looked over you calmly.
• "Would you reconsider your marriage for a more suitable option?-" He so bluntly asked which made you blink in total surprise.
• "HEY!" Buggy yelled, Wrapping a protective arm around you as he began to yell at Mihawk for daring to 'hit on' his lovely wife- His temper definitely getting the best of him.
• Buggy throwing a full on tantrum now as he pointed a finger at Mihawk and screamed at him. The yellow eyed man grabbing his sword in warning-
• You flushed in embrassment and patted Buggys arm gently to calm him down before he got chopped to bits. "No No- I'm very happy in my marriage and love my husband dearly. I wouldn't choose anyone else-"
• Buggy stopped his little tantrum and seemed to be soothed by your gentle hands and soft words.
• Both pirates respecting such a loyal trait and moving on from such conversations.
• Both Guild Leaders found you quite enjoyable- You had wonderful humor, great in terms of conversation and essentially made up for everything your husband lacked.
• Work did take place however, Buggy and the two men talking over strategies of wealth and gaining a greater sense of power between them all.
• They did however find it irritating they couldn't beat Buggy's ass like normal- Seeing how it would upset you and the man seemed to be practically glued to you.
• By the time for you and Buggy to retire, Maps, Plans and even money had been exchanged-
• As the meeting delved later. Food and Alcohol was served, which left you full and a bit tipsy. Leaning your head on Buggy's shoulder as you soon fell asleep against him.
• "(Y/N)? Buggy said softly, claiming his arm to properly secure you against him as he saw your sleeping form.
• "Seems it's time to go our separate ways" Migawk said calmly, having finished off 4 bottles of wine himself and not too far behind you in terms of sleep. Crocodile wiping his mouth of the crumbs with a napkin as he set his near finished cigar on a ash tray.
• "Yes.." Buggy said softly, scooping you up with care.
• "....Since my wife is asleep- I need to say this to you both"
• Buggy didn't look at the two of them just stroking your hair as you slept- "I will only speak this once... If you two hurt my wife or make her upset in any way- Death will be the kindest thing I can give to you"
• They had always know Buggy hid his true abilities and simply didn't take things seriously- But they saw you were his only button.
• His only weakness-
• No words were exchanged, but a silent agreement seemed to settle on the three men.
• You were off limits.
• Buggy carried you out of the meeting hall, taking you to his private quarters so you could rest properly. Already mentally mapping out changing you into your nice PJs-
• The two men left behind watching their peer leave with his prized wife. Crocodile muttered, "How did Buggy manage to snag such a pretty and sweet wife?"
• Mihawk, equally mystified nodding in agreement.
• "It's a mystery as profound as the Grand Line itself."
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"I can't believe those dirty bastards got you to make them clothes!" Buggy yelled, stomping his foot dramatically as he watched you sew at a purple and gold vest which clearly would belong to Crocodile by the large size.
You sitting in your favorte chair, dressed in comforble clothes as you continued to work into the evening in the home you shared with your dramatic husband.
"I make all your clothes" Gesturing to his low riding pajama pants and socks he was currently sporting. He waved this off with a dramatic eye roll-
"That's different your my wife and I still pay for your time since it's important! and they shouldnt get it fre-"
"They are paying me Buggy Boo" You cut him off quickly, taking the winds from his sails as he stopped mid rant.
"Eh?" He said confused, not knowing what you were talking about. You reach into your vanity next to you and handed your husband the letter both men had slipped you when you'd first met them in the guikd hall.
"They have me a lump some for 5 peices of clothes for each of them. 2 pairs of trousers, 2 shirts and a special item for each. For Crocodile he wanted this vest Im working on- and for Mihawk to restore a coat he liked" You explained, Buggy raising a brow at this news as he opened the letter quickly and read over how much they offered for such peices.
Buggy yelled as he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth at seeing the large number.
15,000,000 Beri for each man....
He couldn't complain-
Well not about the men paying you so handsomely but about having to become the grumpy delivery man for his wife once the clothes were finished.
When he went to the meeting handing his two peers the clothes they had specially bought from you in the nice boxes youd always packed everything in.
Both men quick to open them and look over their new purchased goodies. Mihawk immediately putting on the repaired coat after seeing its quality- which was better then when he bought it.
"Tell your wife I'd like to make another commission when she has free time- I'll pay double" Mihawk said smoothing out the coat and seeing the nice gold pattern on the sleeves and nice red satin insides of the inner coat.
Crocodile adjusting his orange Puff Tie and he nodded in agreement and went through his box with great satisfaction. "Same for me as well-"
"I fucking hate you both..."
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m-ayo-o · 5 months
18+ explicit rough sex / degradation "slut", "little girl" 21+ bf megumi is soooo busy... 1.3k
He’s been busy stressing out all day about this damn interview he has tomorrow, prepping, discussing, planning… you honestly think he deserves a rest. 
And really, you’ve been needing his attention today.
“Are you okay, Megumi?”
You perch on top of him, restricting his view of the laptop. 
He pushes your body aside, resuming his tapping and reading. 
He groans while halfheartedly pushing you off his lap. 
You whisper in his ear, as bright as gold, a little lilt to the end of his name. 
The way your voice chimes brings a shudder to the man, heat rising through his stomach. 
“What is it,” you pause, kissing his ear, “Megumi?”
He loves it when you say his name like that, but there’s no way he’s giving in so easily. 
“I’m trying to focus here.” 
He mutters with that serious look on his face. 
You fidget around in his lap, adjusting yourself to sit with your back against his chest. 
He continues working, his arms reaching around your body to the keyboard, until you start to grind on him. 
It’s more of a squirm than a full drag of your hips, slow and gentle, but he notices. Oh god, he notices. 
“What the fuck are you doing?”
You feel the swell in his jeans immediately. It was an instant reaction to your ass over his cock. 
And it felt so goddamn natural. 
He brings you closer, with your ear next to his lips. 
“You’re starting to piss me off now, little girl.”
You bite your lip. 
He bites your ear. 
You whine.
It’s soft, hushed, but he certainly hears it. His ears prick, eyes darting to your lips.
“I barely touched you.”
You go quiet now, blushing at his comment.
Maybe he could go for a break, after all. Just a short one.
He sets his laptop on the coffee table, his hands finding your skirt.
He insists you wear cute stuff like this around the house, giving him easy access whenever he needs you.
And tonight is no exception; the frills of your tiny skirt barely cover your ass– at least he allowed you to wear one of his jumpers so you didn’t get cold.
His fingers toy with the skimpy material covering your lower half, tugging it up to expose the cute lace and bows of your socks, before slipping up to your waist.
You shiver a little, feeling his cold fingers push up to your chest.
“No bra? Good girl,” he hums in your ear, his fingers starting to tease your nipples, tracing circles over them until they’re raised up and hard.
He plays around with your soft boobs, massaging and pinching, until he suddenly tugs on your nipples.
“Oh- not sso hard-!”
Your back presses flush to his chest now while he drags his hands over you, starting to get mean with his squeezing.
“Hnn– ahh–”
He lets out a dry laugh, “Hah, you sound like a slut, whimpering like that.”
You can’t help it. 
One of his hands remains on your chest, the other slides down your waist and under your skirt, finding the wet heat in between your legs.
“Shit, you’re pretty excited tonight, hm?” He muses, tracing circles directly over your clit.
“Was trying to wait for you...”
“And that didn’t go so well, so you came to bother me?”
His voice makes your lower back bend into him more while he only presses his fingers deeper, entering you and slowly starting to fuck you open.
“Tell me, why was that?”
“B-because I- ‘ve been thinking about you... all day,” you let out the cutest little mewl. You know he’ll get impatient if you don’t answer him straight away.
And you’re not lying. You both know you’ve been desperate for him- the way you’ve been giving him those needy glances, touching his shoulders, kissing his neck.
“Mm,” he hums in approval, “thinking about me... fucking you?”
The way his voice lowers makes you so wet.
“Mhm, y-yeah”
“You want it now?” He asks while plunging his fingers in and out of you.
“Mhm, mhm, please?”
“So polite- looking for a nice reward, hm?”
You almost purr, letting your head loll back onto his shoulder when you feel the warmth of his cock under you. He slips himself out and under you seamlessly. He slides his fingers out and starts teasing you open with something much bigger.
“Go on, princess, are you gonna ride me today?”
“Mmh- m- Megumi, a-as long as you’re inside me...”
He lets off a pleased laugh and watches you start to move, sliding your pussy over him, tilting your body back and forth like you’re giving him a lap dance.
Then, to your pleasure, you feel his thumb tug on your entrance. Oh, and he lines himself up... he’s gonna go inside now.
But he just holds you there for a minute and works that fat tip of his over your pussy. He angles your body so he has the perfect view and you hear him intake a sharp breath.
“Shit- you look so fucking hot-”
“P-please fuck me then?”
He was going to tease you a little more, but after that- and after seeing you spread so pretty for him- he can’t resist. He grabs at your ass and his head hits the back of the chair as he lets off another long and deep groan.
He brings you down and starts thrusting immediately. You plant your hands on the arms of the soft chair to steady yourself. You’re basically sitting on him, over him, just taking his dick with every buck of his hips. His thrusts are strong and deep, powered by the muscles of his legs and abs- they’re just so relentless it makes you think he was needing you badly today as well.
“This what you wanted?”
“Y-y -hh- yeah~”
He slows down and watches you for a moment, sliding yourself up and down- he spreads his legs wide, smirks to himself and grabs your hair, pulling you down harder and faster until you're shaking and pleading for him to slow down.
But he’s not done yet.
He pushes you forward and bends you over the table, where your hands land either side of his laptop. He spreads your pussy and sinks back inside, mounting you and nearly making you collapse under his weight.
“F-fuck, you can take it- a bit harder, right?”
He tugs at your ass and smacks your cheeks until you nod and tell him you can.
“Good, want my cum inside?”
Your eyes roll back and you feel your body clenching up at the prospect-
“Plea-please- yes!”
One more whimper is all it takes to get him spilling, groaning and grabbing at your perfect body to stop your squirming.
“Good girl, that’s it- happy now, you’re full of my cum?”
You nod and hum his name like a mantra until he pulls out carefully and turns you around to sit on the coffee table. He disregards the mess for now- he can clean it up later. But now you’ve distracted him, you have his full attention and he’s not going to leave you alone all night.
Should he do a little more preparation? Maybe.
Is it the best use of his time, to kneel on the floor in front of you and eat you out till you can’t take anymore? Definitely.
You are his favourite method of procrastination; the most fulfilling passtime.
If you managed to distract Megumi from a task in the first place, that’s an incredible feat in itself. But now, you’ve got to be ready for the consequences.
He knows he’ll ace the interview anyway. And he’ll come home with a new job tomorrow and maybe you can suck him off to celebrate?
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megumi | m.list
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yujajacha · 1 year
welcome home
pairing: rei suwa x reader
synopsis: rei doesn't like working, preferring to laze around all day. however, coming back home to you always cheers him up. one day, he comes home to you in a maid dress.
wc: 4.5k
cw: nsfw/mdni, fem!reader, sub!reader, maid dress, fingering, blowjobs, penetration, master, rough sex, etc
notes: my first full fic.. enjoy and happy valentines! btw i will edit tags and formatting later :3 also this deviates from canon —> no miri or kazuki.. sorry o_O + posted on ao3 here ! thanks for reading!!
your doorbell rings. you drop what you’re doing and excitedly rush to the door, wishfully hoping it to be your boyfriend, rei, returning home early. it isn’t him, which is what you actually expected. he’s been gone on a mission for most of the day, and it was planned that he should be back much later. you aren’t that disappointed though, as your interest is shifted to the delivery. it ended up being a package you ordered recently. it was actually an order that you ended up forgetting about, despite the contents not being forgettable. you have other stuff to do before opening it, so you decide to put it aside for later, placing it in your room and opting to finish your endless list of daily tasks.
awhile has passed since the delivery that shooked your routine and luckily many things around the house we’re getting done. rei’s pile of used cigarettes were thrown out properly, his endless pile of new games put away, his messes (empty chip bags and more) on the couch were cleaned up, the laundry was washed and folded, packages were packed away and more. rei should be back soon, at least you’re expecting him to come back in not too long. you’re aware he won’t be back just yet, but this gives you enough time to prepare your surprise.
in the meantime, you finally decide to open your package. everything was neatly packed. while opening it, you’re starting to get embarrassed. it’s a maid outfit and it’s making you feel really shy. the material is great and all the frills are cute. the order comes with cute accessories, and the dress itself is really your style, it’s just a bit revealing as well. there’s no way you’re gonna let yourself get cold feet, especially knowing how much rei would enjoy it, but the idea of wearing all of this is making your headlight.
you sheepishly try on the headpiece. you decided that they’re pretty cute. with a bit of hesitation, you start putting on the rest of the costume. you put on the dress, then add the apron, the arm accessories and the matching thigh highs. it fits pretty nicely and is rather flattering on you, and you shyly admire yourself in the mirror. after sheepishly putting everything on, you patiently wait for his arrival as you assume he should be finally home.
there’s finally a faint rustling of keys that can be heard in the distance. your body shifts towards the noise. “i’m home,” rei announces, locking the door and removing his shoes while making his way through the front door.
upon hearing this sound, you make your way towards the front and come greet him with a shy “welcome.” you can’t meet his eyes out of embarrassment and just end up looking away. you can feel his gaze piercing through you.
whenever he comes back home after a mission, rei’s always pleased with seeing your face cheerfully come greet him. just thinking about you makes him feel better anyways. however, this time not only is he greeted by you, which is already such a treat, but also you’re wearing those clothes. it takes him a second to take everything in. the kind of clothes that make his pants feel unbelievably tight. he can’t lie to himself, he is so pleasantly surprised by all this. he thinks it’s really cute of you to want to surprise him by acting like his maid, it wipes the scrowl off his face immediately. he just stares at you, taking all the details of your outfit in and observing the cute expressions on your face as well as how your body looks so good. the clothes just flatter you so well.
“how was work?” you stutter out, trying to make conversation while ignoring your obvious choice of attire. you want to wait until he brings it up, which you know he will do so promptly.
rei puts his hands around your waist, and proceeds to bring your body closer to his. you look up towards him, bringing your face into his and give him a welcome back kiss, something you always make sure to do. he always enjoys your kisses the best. this time it’s honestly more like a peck. you can tell he likes it anyways, and gladly accepts the peck. the way you’re acting shy, as if you’re not the one who decided to put this all on your own, gets him really going. he puts his face into your neck and rubs it like the cat he is. he then gives it a kiss. “it was ok,” he eventually speaks out a reply, “i’m more interested in what you’re wearing. what’s all this?”
“nothing,” you reply, face red, looking away from his intense gaze.
“really?” he teases. “there’s no way this is nothing,” he bluntly states as he brings up his hand to brush the tip of the lace of the headpiece that are adored on the top of your head. he’s really intrigued by your current appearance, but with good measure. “you prepared all this just for me?”
you avoid the intense look he gives you while you bring your arms around his body, hugging him back.
“maybe,” you finally answer back after a small delay, still feeling very flustered.
thinking of you as wearing these kinds of clothes makes him really excited. “does this finally make you my maid now?” he says with a flight excited tone in his voice. his hands are currently toying with the bell on the collar.
you don’t answer back, even if you would find the words to answer back you physically couldn’t. he already has his lips back on yours before you could even come up with an answer. he kisses you until you’re out of breath. he only pulls away once you slightly push on his chest for air.
you then nod to him, looking up dazedly into his eyes as you don’t have it in you to answer as of right now.
“hm?” he taunts, “you already can’t speak? i haven’t even touched you properly yet.”
“well.. y’know..” you know what he wants to hear but you can’t bring yourself to say it.
he holds your face roughly with one of his hands and tilts your face to make sure you’re looking at him in his eyes. “come on say it, you’re gonna be a good maid for me, aren’t you?” he playfully exclaims.
“yeah, this does make me your maid, rei,” you answer back.
he shakes his head. “if you’re my maid, doesn’t that make me your master?”
“ah. yeah..” you hide your face in his chest.
“then you’d have to address me properly, no?”
“i’m.. your maid, m-master” you muster up.
“didn’t you also forget to greet me properly when i came in?” he snickers and abruptly lets go of your body, taking a step back, putting a bit of physical distance between both of you.
you stare at him with a confused look, but then it hits you. “ah, yeah.. welcome back, master,” you say embarrassingly. you bring your hands to your skirt, ruffling the bottom and lifting your skirt up, revealing to him the lewd matching panties you got specifically for this outfit. you can’t help but feel shy when facing him in those clothes, saying those words. you’re sure he’s gonna appreciate that act of boldness.
in response to that lewd act of yours, rei swallows out of arousal. he takes a step forward and meets your face. he leans into your body, slightly towering over you. “i can’t believe such a lewd maid is greeting me like this,” he sneers. he brings himself even closer to you, to the point where you feel the warmth from his body.
you let out a whimper when he brings two fingers to your clothed pussy and rubs it roughly. you almost let go of your skirt before he gives your skirt a slight pull with his other hand, “make sure to keep still and don’t let go. you don’t want me to punish you already, right?” you murmur an agreement to his words.
“these panties are so wet,” he says, pressing into the evident dampness even more, “it doesn’t surprise me from such a perverted maid,” rubbing more intensely at your cunt through your panties. you moan back at him. he moves his hand to cup your pussy, which makes you shudder. he hooks his fingers to your panties and swiftly moves them to the side. he doesn’t even bother completely taking them off, he’ll do it later. right now, he’s honestly out of patience.
he enters his finger into your dripping wet cunt which makes you gasp. it’s so tight and wet, he really wants to dig in. he makes sure that his finger is fully inserted before he brashly removes it. he then promptly sucks your juices off his finger. he thoroughly sucks it while making sure you look straight into his eyes. you give him a dazed look, to which he purposely removes his finger with a loud pop sound, “tastes so good,” he announces and the flavor makes him automatically lick his lips, itching for more.
now with two fingers, he enters into you once more. he rubs inside, looking for the spot that makes you see stars. he draws his fingers in and out of you, until he finds that spot. once he hits it, your legs quiver. with his other hand, he lightly rubs at your clit in a circular motion.
you almost let go of your skirt out of shock because of all the pleasure to which rei definitely did not miss. he purposely rubs onto your clit harder and starts pumping his fingers in and out of you quicker. “hold on properly until you cum,” he deadpanly warns. you can’t help but moan out and clench onto your skirt.
you’re standing there in front of him, coating his fingers with your juices. he enjoys the sounds that come out of your squelching pussy so so much. he wouldn’t have it any other way. it is really a treat to come back home and already have you like that for him.
he’s gradually sped up more and more, and you start feeling your orgasm take over. your pussy spasms around his fingers and he doesn’t slow down. you feel it come throughout your whole body. your legs shake intensely and you finally let go of your skirt.
he intensely watches you while you cum, “you’re such a good girl, cumming like that for me.” he pets your head, proud of you for behaving.
he then brings your face right up to his. he rests his hand on your cheek, before bringing his fingers to your lips and caressing it. your eyes meets his and he gives you another lazy lustful stare. you shiver knowing what’s going to come next. you close your eyes while he leans into your lips. the kiss is sloppy, with his tongue eagerly entering your mouth full of need and want. a string of spit connects both of your mouths when he ends the kiss. it makes you feel so vulgar for just a kiss.
“this isn’t enough to satisfy me, you know,” rei chuckles, bringing his hand down to your neck, where the collar resides. he plays with the lace that’s on it. rei reminds himself how cute it looks on you.
he completely lets go of your face before picking you up bridal style. you cling onto his body. “let’s go somewhere more comfortable,” he declares while landing a kiss on your face and moves away from the entrance. he carries you with ease given the strength he possesses.
he doesn’t go too far and decides on settling you on the couch. he wants to indulge you quickly, and your shared bedroom is too far, he doesn’t have enough patience for that today. the couch is good. the position he places you has you sitting with your legs dangling off the edges. he makes sure to place you comfortably. he lets his body fall on the couch, right besides where you’re sitting. you slightly jump when his body weight makes the couch dip. he brings your body over his and makes you sit above his crotch, facing his chest. you can already feel how hard he is. it excites you how he’s really raring to go.
rei toys with the maid skirt again, while grinding his hips into your crotch. his hands start caressing your thighs, playing with the socks. he gives your legs a firm squeeze. eventually, his hands go up your body, from your hips to grasping at your waist and he stops at your boobs. he cups your chest over the soft fabric of the maid outfit. he holds each of them firmly and rubs your nipples with his thumbs. he can feel how erect they’ve become through the clothes. you then bring down your face and start kissing him again. once the kiss end, he starts regaining focus, “you just came,” and he draws out a breath, “i deserve a reward, don’t forget, i’m the master.”
your mind already feels clouded after your first orgasm and the kissing didn’t help, so you just reply with a tiny whine. you get a slap on your cunt for not properly answering. your body jumps at that. “be a good girl and reply properly, what did i say about actually answering?” he grinches.
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” you whine back while nodding, finding it hard to properly form your sentences.
“hm? yeah to what?” he grunts out.
“you deserve a reward, master,” finally comes out of you. it sounds more like a whine than proper words. you’re surprised you’re even able to still form coherent thoughts.
he quickly grabs your hips one last time and grinds himself on you. you can feel how hard he is. he then gives your ear a quick kiss before letting himself lay back and relax on the couch.
you then absentmindedly lift yourself off rei and drop to your knees, between both of his legs. your hands are placed on both of his thighs, slightly gripping the fabric of his pants. you bring your head right above his crotch and rub your face on it. he signals you to start unzipping his pants, so you comply. he then lifts his own hips to help you remove them with ease. he’s now in black boxers and it is so obvious to see how hard his dick is. you decide to give it a few licks through the cloth, letting him feel the wetness seeping through from your mouth. when you retreat, he roughly palms his dick before letting his cock jump free. he quickly discards everything on the floor.
your face is still inches away from his dick, and is still very close. however, before you can actually grab his dick, he uses it to tease you. he loves how obedient and willing you are to serve him, however he loves toying with you even more. he drags the tip along your lips and pulls back with a “uh uh” when you bring your face to try to lick it.
rei squishes his tip to your lips and coats them with his precum. he's making sure to drag it, so that your lips move. he then decides to move his arousal on the rest of your face. your face always looks so attractive to him, but it’s just something else when his dick right in front of it. no words can describe how much he likes it.
eventually, he stops purposely teasing you and lets you grab his dick. you hold onto the base and start from there, giving his cock, small, kitty licks. one of your hands holds his balls, while the other starts gently squeezing his tip. your tongue moves up and finds itself at the tip. you then give it one big suck. this makes rei’s hands find themself into your hair. he gives your hair a good tug. he then decides to move the stray strands of hair and place them behind your ear.
you remove your mouth from his tip and continue licking the rest of his dick. your hands massage and stroke him. “this is a special massage you know?” you tell him between licks. he then thrusts into your mouth which makes you gag. “what do you mean by special?” he asks, already being fully aware of the answer, but wanting to hear it directly.
“well, you know..” you stutter out, still licking.
“know what?” he answers back.
“it’s a special maid service, okay!”
he silently chuckles at your flustered reply, firmly holding your head the whole time. you then meet his eyes. the look you give him when you look up into his eyes with his dick stuffed into your mouth could make him cum on sight, but he has better plans. he would really want to fuck your mouth, so badly, but he’ll do that another time. “i’d rather cum inside your pussy,” he warns you. you remove your hands and let go of his dick, letting your mouth make a “pop” sound.
he brings his hands under your arms and lifts you up. with a small delay, you shuffle, trying to sit up and he helps you by lifting you up. he’s so strong that he doesn’t have any difficulties manhandling you to his will. it always shocks you how he does it with so much ease. nevertheless, it never fails to turn you on. you’re now facing him again, with your legs around his hips. you put your hands on his shoulder and lift your hips so he can remove your panties. he puts them aside and starts spreading your pussy lips, admiring how glistening it is.
rei then takes his dick and taps at the front of your pussy. he then rubs his tip all along its length, making sure to cover his dick with the wetness that’s leaking from you. he rubs the tip in a circular motion all around you. he pushes the tip of his cock into your pulsing heat. it’s so wet he can easily slide in. he lets out a grunt before snapping his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his whole length inside. your cunt sucks him in. you moan at the sudden feeling of being so full. you can feel him stretching you out.
“don’t hold back any of your sounds,” he grunts out, watching you bite your lips. hearing every little moan, whimper, whine you do makes him crazy. any word that comes out of your mouth in that voice of yours makes him speechless. even if you wanted to stay quiet, you wouldn’t be able to, not with the way his dick is reaching so deeply into you.
“i won’t,” you need a second to gather your thoughts, “i won’t hold back any sounds.” he feels fulfilled by your reply and rewards you with a kiss.
you feel so warm that he can’t help but grab your hips even harder, to the point of bruising them. even if he wanted to be gentle, he wouldn’t be able. you’re so wet. your pussy drools around him, coating his cock with your juices. he starts setting a harsh pace, which you brace yourself by holding onto his upper body with a tighter grip. “it feels really, really good master,” you tell him. he can’t help but buck his hips in pleasure, letting you know he heard you. your gummy walls squeeze him so well.
your hands eventually find themselves under his shirt, craving his warmth even more. however, you can’t help but scratch his back and claw at it when nearing your high. “you’re just like a cat, scratching my back,” he says, amused and turned on, “those are my favorite kind of marks.”
he then grips your hips and starts setting a brutal rhythm. he feels your body trying to scramble away from the pleasure, “c’mon, take my cock like a good girl, you’re supposed to be a well behaved maid.” you hold onto him more, trying not to let go. with the way he’s fucking you, you feel your body shake at his thrusts.
“you’re gonna cum soon, aren’t you?” he tells you. there’s no way he wouldn’t be able to tell, with the way your body is tightening up around him with your walls spamming, how you’re slurring every word, just looking at your face is enough to realize.
you nod to him and desperately moan out a yes. he brushes your hair out of your face, “then what should a cumdump like you say?” he asks, landing a kiss on your forehead. that gentle action is so different from the rough way his hips are moving and the filthy words that come out of his mouth.
you know immediately what he wants. he always likes making you beg and you’re sure that with the maid outfit he wants to hear it even more. “please let me cum, please master,” you mutter out.
he twitches at that pleading scream of yours. “wow, you have good manners now,” he says in between thrusts, “you really wanna cum that bad?”
“please!” you whine out, bringing your hips back to meet his, trying to chase your orgasm. he could listen to your voice begging and pleading to him for days on end. no matter how many times he hears them, they never bore him. “i want your cum, please master,” finally comes out of your mouth.
“fuck, you’re so naughty,” he makes sure to bring your face into his, while his other hand comes to flick at your clit, “come for me, you naughty maid.” your orgasm takes over your whole body, as well as his. he cums so much, and it fills you up. you can’t help but clench, wanting to milk him. you feel so good and full. he loves pumping you full.
you both reach your high, however he isn’t finished yet. he thinks to himself how he needs more. he’d be a fool to end it right now. he hikes your skirt up and stares at the place where you’re both connected, before removing you from his cock. he makes sure to watch it attentively, not missing any detail. his cum spills out and he swears that it just fires him even more. he wants to stuff it back into you so badly.
he stares at it, letting his cum spill down your pussy. he brings his finger and scoops up the leaking cum, fingering it back inside of you. you jitter at the intrusion of his finger, your breathing still ragged. your worned out sex face meets his now eager eyes. for someone who’s so lazy, he just doesn’t want to stop yet, “if you give me those eyes, you know i won’t leave you alone.”
he then flips you, head now facing down and back to him. you’re laying on the couch, on both of your knees. and you eventually find yourself head down. he brings both of your hands behind your back and firmly holds them there with one of his hands. you slightly shuffle in response. rei then spanks your ass, “stop trying to tempt me even more,” and with this, his cock enters your cunt once again. he’s fucking you from behind, not trying to go slow and gentle at all. he is not envisioning a break anytime soon.
once he lets go of both of your hands, you place them to your sides, supporting you. it’s not long until he places his own hands on top of your arms, gripping onto you again. he cages you with his body.
“i wanna keep you like this forever, not being able to do anything at all,” he shamelessly tells you. you’re practically drool all over the couch at his words.
“rei” you moan out, gripping the couch out of pleasure. he really wants to fuck you stupid.
“you should just always be my maid,” he says, treating you like a fleshlight. you wouldn’t be opposed to his suggestion. being treated like that everyday would make you lose your mind, in the best way possible. “you’d like that wouldn’t you? being fucked senseless everyday by me.”
you frantically nod. “yeah, i would, would want that so much,” you reply, desperately.
“i know you would, you wouldn’t have to think at all, just like right now.” you tighten up even more.
“you’re mine right?” he says after a particularly hard trust, you’re words are working him up. it was so hard you can even hear his balls slapping on your ass. you arch your back, whining out a yes. “who does this cunt belong to?”
“you, master,” you scream out, “my whole body belongs to you.”
“yeah? everything?”
“yeah.. it’s all yours, all of it,” you mutter out.
“good, with the way you’re taking my cock, fuck, i never wanna leave this pussy,” he slams his hips into yours. you honestly don’t want it to end either.
this time his thrusts are even more rushed, he’s losing control and wants nothing more but to chase his pleasure, using you. you love it as well. god, you want nothing more than to be used by him. “i love using your body like this,” he mounts?
when he finally cums, he’s making sure you’re aware of his body on top of yours, and he sinks his teeth into your neck, in an animalistic manner. you take him so well, and the fact you’re now stuffed with his cum really excites him. you don’t have any more strength and let your body fully relax. he then removes himself, and also lets his body slump besides yours, being careful enough to not squish you too much, but just a little bit. he cups your face with his hands and lovingly stares into your eyes.
“let’s go take a shower,” you giggle at him.
he then rubs his face into your own and grunts, “sure, but let’s just stay like this a bit longer,” he sighs, satisfied. you also want to bask in the afterglow, so you hum an agreement.
“oh but.. since you’re my maid, that means you’ll wash me up in the shower, no?” he smirks.
“ahh, really? i thought you wanted to rest more,” you sigh. your legs are still twitching.
“a maid shouldn't talk back to her master,” he giggles while kissing you on the cheek, “maybe i should discipline you.”
you shuffle in his lap, “i behaved more than enough,” you say jokingly sighing, but still making sure to return his kiss playfully.
“i love you,” he reminds you. before you even get time to reply, rei stands up, which ends up distracting you. he brings his arms around you, lifting you up in the process. you giggle playfully at him, letting him carry you to the shower.
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chocsra · 10 months
"A Waste of a Lovely Night, right?"
15! Chuuya x reader
Based off the song A Lovely Night because La La Land 😭🫶
Implied fem! reader
Content: swearing, being teenagers, classy romance, fluff, oneshot, mafia! reader, rivals to lovers?, pre-relationship, ooc? chuuya
Sorry for any grammar mistakes!
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You were supposed to be basking in the evenings breeze, free from the loud screaming in one of the Port Mafia's luxurious parties; letting the wind lift your styled hair and fancy dress. Yet you find yourself standing like a solider under the night's sky, 'what the fuck' written all over your face.
There stood next to you, the former King of the Sheep; the king that claimed not to be the king everyone says he was. He was a smaller boy with orange hair about the same age as you, only recently joining the Port Mafia. His name was Chuuya Nakahara, you didn't seem to like him very much, and neither did he.
He always boasted and was blatantly arrogant because of his ability; gravity manipulation. The kid never stopped yapping and especially yelling; he and the Demon Prodigy made a scary but annoying team. It was always filled with complications, surface hatred and care; nothing you'd see in a regular friendship.
And you weren't sure why Chuuya didn't like you either, because you mostly stayed your own way in the mafia. Not your fault you're just good at what you do. Maybe it was the scowl on your face everytime he shouted at something so miniscule, or perhaps the snicker that pulled from your throat whenever you overheard the tall bandaged boy make fun of his height.
"What a sight," the boy smirked, his alluring blue eyes illuminating under the moonlight. He had his gloved hands stuffed in the pockets of his tailored suit, intaking the beauty of the city's skyline. You turn to look at him with predictability, eyes running across his sharp features and piercing gaze. He looked back at you, his gaze shifting towards your pearly white heels, then your frilled black dress; monotone enough to be considered mafia fashion. "too bad you're here." Chuuya's smirk disapated as he looked down at the concrete floor.
"Leave if you're so bothered then." You retort with a scoff, the redhead only looked at you with a cocked brow and turned to slowly walk away from you. "Nah." He replied, you knit your brows in response. Chuuya was right, the view was beautiful. The sun was nearly gone, city lights were starting to turn on, and the ocean below the hill you both stood on reflected the bright moonlight. You almost cursed at the swirling sky for granting such a sight to him; a cute, romantic couple would for sure enjoy this.
"Then don't complain." You put your hands on your hips and leaned forward with a scowl, making the boy chuckle stiffly in response. "Chill, I'm just saying.. the view is way too nice to be seen by us." he sighed, tapping his leather shoe on the concrete. "What a waste." Chuuya clicked his tongue; you got out of your position and stood straight, looking to the side, "I guess." you murmur, you two seemed to have the same thoughts. "Yeah, no offense, but you're just not my type." Chuuya sighed, kicking a rock softly as his hands were stuffed in his pockets. "Was that really necessary?" you scoff, folding your arms over your chest. The teenager chuckled and nodded.
"Well if you're gonna be like that, I'll say it first: you're not my type either, who even wears those rat ass fedoras these days?" you looked to the side, snickering a little. The boy adjusted his raven fedora, a light blush tinting his cheeks. "Don't come for the hat, dude." he mutters, brushing off some dirt off his black suit; he seemed to care a lot about his looks.
"Yeah, yeah," you laugh, watching him as he starts to slowly pace around the hill. "Actually, you're right. This would be nice for somebody who appreciates romantic scenery." You add on, looking over to the beautiful sea, Chuuya takes a seat on a wodden bench in the corner of your eye. "Oh yeah?" he inquires completely uninterested as he pulls out his phone.
"Mhm, just not with you." You say with a snicker, walking over to the boy scrolling on his phone, manspreading annoyingly in his black slacks. "Wow." he deadpans at your insult, ticking you off a little. "So you agree?" Chuuya asks, azure eyes finally gazing up to meet yours, you nod in agreement. "That's right." You smile begrudgingly. "What a waste of a lovely night." You heaved a sigh as you take a seat next to him, using your palm to steady yourself atop the wood; instead feeling fabric brushing under your fingers.
You looked over suspiciously, seeing your fingers tangled over the redheads. You both swat your hands away with pink spreading all over your cheeks. The boy's once bored eyes widened in surprise, looking into your shocked ones; he clutched onto his phone with his other gloved hand for dear life.
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avocado-writing · 8 months
Kinktober 14
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14. Uniform, Suspension Bondage, Abduction/Kidnapping
It’s 2008 and your boys are about to go and try to halt the apocalypse by helping raise a baby. To you it all seems a bit convoluted, but you long since learned to stop asking questions about your lovers’ little projects. 
Doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun, though.
You tell your boys to come over to your house for dinner tonight. Dinner very rarely means just dinner (even though the promise of food is an easy lure for Aziraphale) so you’re not surprised when they say yes and hear the key go in the lock that night.
“Nightingale? Where are you?” Crowley calls, and you grin to yourself.
“In the dining room, love.”
Your lovers walk through and pause when they catch sight of the scene.
You’ve set up the dining table with two places. Candlelit. Got the fancy plates out. The good wine, the nice silverware.
And you’re wearing a maid’s uniform.
And it is a uniform, not just an ‘outfit’, from the amount you bloody paid for it. It hugs your every curve and leaves very little to the imagination with its frills and silk. The neckline is cut deep and shows far too much of your chest to be decent. You have a little collar tied with a bow around your neck to give the illusion of your being a present they’ll get to unwrap later.
“Oh,” says Aziraphale, eyes hungry for more than just the duck pâté you’ve laid out.
“Hello, sirs. Please sit down. I’ve got the whole evening planned.”
Your lovers exchange a look, and then do as they’re bid. You make a show of taking their serviettes and placing them carefully across their laps, making sure to grab a decent handful of thigh as you go.
And so you play the scene.
You ate earlier, assuming you’d probably need the energy at some point later tonight. That means that you can take your time with it, too. Serve them slowly, course by course. Crowley doesn’t really eat but he’s so swept up with it that he finds himself clearing his plate every time there’s something placed in front of him. You pour their wine whenever they get to the bottom of their glass, simpering and giggling bashfully. At one point you make a show of knocking a spoon to the floor and reaching over to pick it up - revealing that not only are you not wearing underwear, but there’s a pretty little jewelled plug in your hole too.
“Oh my,” Aziraphale chokes, and you hear Crowley grip his wineglass so hard it shatters. When you turn around to check he’s miracled up the mess and is pretending nothing has happened.
Dessert is Eton Mess. It’s one of Aziraphale’s favourites. Well, that’s easy. All desserts are his favourite. But when they’ve finished their bowls and you turn to grab another bottle of merlot from your wine rack, you hear the sound of crockery being swept to the floor, and a hand closes around your wrist. With a gleeful giggle you’re pinned onto the bare dining table.
Your lovers stare down at you.
“Someone’s feeling particularly teasing tonight,” Aziraphale manages, his free hand reaching to undo his bowtie. You smile faux-bashfully.
“Just thought that it might be a while before I saw the two of you again. Wanted to make it special.”
“Oh,” Crowley laughs, huskily, fingers reaching under the skirts to stroke your plug and make you gasp, “I think you did that just perfectly.”
Turns out the real dessert was you.
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@bootlmoth @elleofdragons  @angelic-anarchy27 @yeethaw13 @candlewitch-cryptic @kwyn-q @rat-that-writes @buryustogether @letthenightingalessingagain @ltlthetrifecta @angiestopit @purplefrog1sblog @wereallbrokenangels @angelspathway @clarina04 @belilwen @chaospossum @eightsdoctor @oo-delallymrcrow @silcosmoke @climbingivy97 @live-logs-and-proper @project-sad @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @imagination-phantom @anonymously35 @corgis04 @peytonpenguin37 @catlynharper @unabashedgentlemenpirate @wolfe-houler @darktealrat @mxxny-lupin @willbedecided @detectiveapparatiagreen @shadowluna25 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @xquinn-bartonx @blue-bell22 @foolishprincipalitee @fandomawesomeness @eweweweewewe @latersgaters-steven @llamaproblem @night-affiliate @randompost18 @hunterispunk @jessica-laufeysdottir @uxcaran @bunnymallowo @jae-michael @jelly-terror @larkiesparkie
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
s/o who likes the yume kawaii aesthetic hcs ; wally
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requested by ; anonymous (09/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; wally darling
outline ; “hello! may i request a wally x reader where reader likes to wear scene fashion or fairy kei/likes the yumekawaii aesthetic? you can pick either one, whichever is easier! thank you!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
wally thinks that you’re the cutest person he’s ever seen and loves loves loves illustrating you and all of the delightfully pastel outfits you wear — you and your aesthetic become a big inspiration for his art for a while and a lot of his pieces from early on in your relationship are more abstract and dream like compared to his usual work
getting to sketch and paint all of the feathers and frills and fluff of your outfits is incredibly calming to him and even before the two of you were officially an item, you were one of his main muses and whenever he found himself feeling stressed for whatever reason he’d default to illustrating you in the last outfit he saw you wearing
(if you ask him about it he’d get a bit embarrassed before admitting to it and showing you the sketchbooks and notepads he filled — and, of course, if you asked for any of the pictures he’d happily give them to you)
if you ask nicely then he’d absolutely try out some yume kawaii style outfits for you (all styled by julie, of course, who thinks you’re the cutest thing ever), but he’d probably be a bit flustered by how different it is to his usual look — he’s not opposed to the pastels, but all of the fluff and frills are new on him
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draweronly · 20 days
updated avalights
Name: Max (because he's based off a macaroni penguin)
Pronouns: he/him
Looks: Black hair that fades into a warm yellow, black eyes, wears a decorated black trench coat that is white on the inside, boots, wears a frilled shirt, and fingerless gloves.
Personality: Aloof and quiet
Relationship with the rest of the Avalights:
Cider: Somewhat negative, "I don't get it, why does Kai get to bite him but not me :("
Julian: Indifferent, "He's very intimidating. I don't know how to feel about him"
Isaiah: Somewhat positive, "Shares snacks. He also can't see. So I help him. It's cool."
Kai: Negative, "He's full of himself, makes everything about himself. Overall just dumb. Speaks a lot for such a small guy."
Name: Cider (Based on apple cider)
Pronouns: they/he
Looks: Long light brown flowing hair that fades into red, hazel eyes, white long sleeved shirt with brown vest, green shawl, pale yellow skirt(ish), brown shorts, and boots
Personality: Low energy, easygoing, and talkative
Relationship with the rest of the Avalights:
Max: Indifferent, "He's a bit mean to me butttt!!! He's cool"
Julian: Very positive, "MY BEESSSTIIEEEE!!! I don't get why the others are terrified of him."
Isaiah: Positive, "They're a work of art, but in a good way. Very nice!"
Kai: Positive, "He likes chewing on my hair or on me for some reason. Maybe it's the zombie thing?? He doesn't do it to anyone else though... So I don't know."
Name: Julian (no inspo)
Pronouns: he/him
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Personality: Playful, silly, assertive, confident
Relationship with the rest of the Avalights:
Max: Somewhat positive, "Max is an.. Individual who has his head in the clouds. He doesn't bother me all that much."
Cider: Very positive, "A sleepy lil guy. Ver affectionate. I like his personality."
Isaiah: Positive, "He needs me."
Kai: Somewhat positive, "Screams whenever I'm around him. But when I'm in my soul form, he loves to squish me. I like teasing him."
Name: Isaiah (Thought of naming him Jerimiah like the bible character but was like nahhhh then the next idea was Isaiah)
Pronouns: he/they
Looks: Black hair that fades into white, horns that dig into his eyes rendering him blind, black cloak with purple accents (this hides the one wing), blue crop top with open shoulders, cargo pants, and knee high boots that the cargo pants cover.
Personality: Rather shy, helpful, caring
Relationship with other Avalights:
Max: Very positive, "We spend a lot of time together, with Zander and Gale being close friends. He also helps me around to see and likes to carry me around in my smaller form!"
Cider: Positive, "Very easy to get along with. A gentle, but lively spirit. Not physically, but in the way that they talk, they're most definitely energetic."
Julian: Positive(?), "Scary. But. He... He's good to keep around. He helps with my pain."
Kai: Positive, "He likes to pat me on the head. He also checks up on me which I find endearing, seeing as he's mean a lot of the time to others."
Name: Kai (patay [tagalog word for dead] -> pay [pronounced pie] -> mai -> kai) (could also be interpreted as bangkay [tagalog word for corpse] then taking kay then turning it into kai out of it)
Pronouns: he/him
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Personality: Rude, gullible, cautious (despite being dead like boy you got nothing to worry about)
Relationship with other Avalights:
Max: Negative, "This guy hates me bro. No idea why. But if he's hating on me, I'm a hate on him too."
Cider: Positive, "Apple..."
Julian: Very negative, "I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM... WHY DOES HE ALWAYS DOING THIS TO ME!? I HATE IT! I- He's okay in his soul form. I can hold him tight so he doesn't hurt me, or anyone."
Isaiah: Positive, "Gentle. He reminds me of Nyambie for some reason. I want him to be free. But death is off the table. I try my best... BUT THAT FU- AUGHH. I just wish that it wasn't him.
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bu11seye · 3 months
starter for @bairdsings .
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it's the day of the reaping and jessie was wearing frills . she's seventeen , one month away from turning eighteen , watching as the guards in their boots stand beside the stage that was planted in the middle of district four . jessie's mother tried to hug her , thin lipped and eyes looking anywhere but on her daughter as jessie stiffens within the woman's grasp . jeanie is on camera right now , she has to make sure she looks like a doting mother with her pearl earrings and red hair up in a tight bun . the mayor stands at the podium not too far from them , and jessie wants to tug at the tag on the back of her dress that her mother made her wear .
it's one minute until the reaping starts and it's dead silent as everyone gets into lines . jessie's hair is in a fishtail braid down her back , isabelle did it nice and tight so her hair wouldn't fall into her face . jessie had the same hair as her mother , long and course , never stayed in one place for too long . she thinks of isabelle whenever she touches her braid , and by default thinks of how woody is doing up at the capitol . their parents wanted him to get a foot up on his education , sending him to the top university and had him accustomed to his trust fund early . he's twenty one , trying to make a name for himself and the tuckers back home .
jessie's gaze drifts over to emily , beautiful angel emily with her blonde hair dangling down her back in perfect ringlet curls . she just wants to run over and hug her , but the girl was still avoiding her -- eye contact being rejected as icy blues dart down to her mary janes and jessie feels as though her heart is getting stomped on . she didn't have long to feel that heartbreak though, effie trinket making her appearance and ending all small talk for what seems like eternity .
jessie stands in her row with her hands clasped in front of her . effie in an extraordinary outfit introduces herself and a video -- the same video that has been playing since the dark times and the rebellion started . jessie could say it word for word by now , but instead keeps her lips in a thin line . there was a feeling of pins pressing to the back of her neck , and jessie wasn't sure if it was anxiety or fear . being the mayor's son had its privileges when the games were just starting , but jessie is younger and the rules have changed drastically . there were no exemptions , especially when she wasn't her parents' favorite anyway . jessie's always had a skewed sense of justice , but even she knew that the games were wrong , and that even with all the rebels that were speaking out against it , they all end up dead , just like the tributes , and just like everyone who wasn't part of the wicked game .
effie dangles her gloved hand inside of a giant fishbowl , digging into the sea of papers with the townsfolk's names on them before heart painted lips smile as she picks the lucky tribute that's going to go fight for their lives in an arena .
jessie doesn't want to look and wants to plug her ears , but her body is frozen , just waiting for the worst of the worst to be spoken out loud to her . eddie opens the paper , a giggle escaping her lips as she waves it around . what do you know , it's blank ! let's try this again ! jessie could've collapsed then , but then she wouldn't of heard effie's loud and boisterous voice squealing the name JESSICA TUCKER !
her legs begin to shake as she stays planted on the ground . cameras zoom into the girl's face , tears glossed over emerald stare as she wants to run, wants to hide , wants to take off on bullseye into the woods but she knows the capitol will drag her there by her fingernails or kill her before the games even started if she resisted . jessie's eyes bulge larger , eventually getting pushed by a neighborhood girl before she's staggering up to the stage . if there was a time where she wanted to rip her own insides out , it would be this . jessie goes up to the stage , looking up at the screen as the camera darts to woody back at the capitol who was being pulled out of the camera room. eyebrows furrow as she's trying to step closer , yelling out for them to show jessie her brother again , flinging her arms outward as she tries to push away the guards that were yelling at her to stop. why was woody there ? what the hell was happening ? jessie kicks her heel up and slams it down on one of the guard's legs , only for jessie to be shoved into the back of the podium and handcuffed before she's shoved into the back of a van , and drugged before she lashes out even more .
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jessie wakes up on the train . she curls into her own body as she runs her hand through her braided hair , pulling the strands out and fluffing it out . she meets eyes with another woman sitting not too far from her . " what happened ? " her voice is above a whisper , hand going up to massage her wrist from where the handcuffs were .
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anendoandfriendo · 4 months
Even if it was not a systemic issue, it is shitty, just in general, to not acknowledge people as what they are and there should absolutely be specific words for the flavoring of those.
The mother has literally given us dresses at christmas for "whenever we want to be a girl" and we just kind laughed right at her and said "that's never going to happen, but thank you for the nice pajama top, we'll just wear it with those plaid pajama pants you gave us a few christmases ago when you asked" and also that's the wrong kind fo dress if we're going to wear one it'd better be those big fancy-ass cruise ship ones, with the frills going all of the way down our legs in the back.
Seriously we want to be man or at least transneutral depending on the day, but we want to wear this too where can we get more of THESE for cheaper:
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(Queue many discussions/arguments about "honey that's a queen" "no it isn't" and "stfu gays and theys we don't know what we are talking about, how about we go to the gay bar down the street and just ask on a Tuesday or something and say we're asking for a friend")
~ 💜 until like the very last second lol
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contreparry · 1 year
Hello! Id love to see where you take the prompt “A window filled with eerily smiling faces”
Absolutely! Here’s some preteen f!Hawke from the roommates AU for @dadrunkwriting !
“Oh, isn’t that nice, Marian?” Mother asked, and she pointed to a dress in the boutique window. “It would look so pretty on you!”
Marian Hawke bit her tongue. Papa asked her to go for a walk with Mother while he and Carver stayed with Bethany at the hospital. Look around at the shops downtown, he suggested. Get an ice cream. Pet a dog. And because Mother was pacing in the hall and Bethany was clinging to Carver’s hand tight enough that the skin over her knobby knuckles went as white as bone and because Papa never asked for anything, Marian shrugged her coat on and ruffled Carver’s curly dark hair before pressing a kiss to the top of Bethany’s head.
“We’ll be back soon, ‘kay?” she murmured.
“‘Kay.” Bethany’s voice was so soft and small it could have been the autumn wind blowing through the window. Carver, who stood as straight as a lamppost, nodded stiffly. His bright blue eyes were fierce, as if he thought he could beat back Bethany’s sickness by glowering at it, at everyone, at the whole damn world.
“I’ll bring something good for you. Both of you,” Marian promised them, and soon enough she and Mother were on their way.
That’s what Marian was looking for now as she and Mother walked down the sidewalk: something good she could get the twins once Mother had walked off her nerves (that’s what she liked to call it, walking off her nerves). Downtown Denerim had to have at least one bookstore or toy shop, right? But it was all high end boutiques and cafes and the occasional fast food joint, and every window reflected her tense, fake smile back at her until all Marian saw was that wide, eerie grin.
“Yeah. It’s a nice dress,” Marian hollowly agreed, her eyes staring past the pale yellow wisp of a gown that looked like a summer sunbeam given form. Mother always hoped she’d start enjoying frills once she got older. But here Marian was, thirteen and allergic to dresses. Bethany was the feminine one, the one who liked pretty things and dressing up (even if she fought like a demon and chucked snowballs better than anyone else in the neighborhood). It really was more of a Bethany dress, the sort she could wear to a party someday, when she…
When she… Marian clenched her jaw. Bethany WOULD get older. Her baby sister was going to be fine, everyone said she’d be fine, they caught it early and there was a cure now, it was going to be- she would be fine. She’d get better. She was tough and a Hawke! Bethany would be fine.
You could heal from the Blight. Healing magic and medicine had come a long way these days.
“Mum?” Marian asked softly, half-hoping that her mother wouldn’t hear her.
“D’you…” Marian paused. Stared at her reflection in the glass and that strained smile. Her gaze drifted up to her mother’s reflection and the smile that mirrored her own: stiff, cracked, fake. It would be so easy to break those smiles. Marian wanted to do it. Instead she cleared her throat.
“I, uh… the gift shop has a bad selection of kid books. Just so you know,” Marian said. Mother paused. Blinked. Marian turned her head and faced her, traced her elegant, weary profile as she waited for a response.
“Really now?”
“Yeah,” Marian replied. “Baby stuff, Bethany and Carver won’t like any of it. Can we- d’you think we can go to a bookstore? A good one?” She couldn’t fix Bethany’s sickness. She might be a Mage but she wasn’t any good at healing. They didn’t even let apprentices practice at hospitals anyways. And Carver bristled whenever she tried to reassure him, and Bethany was just so tired and Papa and Mother were on edge all the time- but Marian could find some good books for her siblings. She could bring them a toy and a book and a sketchbook and crayons and- and whatever else they needed.
Marian would always make sure her siblings got what they needed.
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yes. i'm going. i'm doing it. my Official Ranking of All* VUKOVI Songs by How Much I Likeys Them
*i'm not including 17359, Verify Your Worth, or DEPARTURE cos they're more serving the album as a whole and don't stand too well as individual songs so it feels unfair. you may notice i excluded ATTENTION we'll get to that
NULA / Fall Better / VUKOVI / EPs
HADES: these first five NULA songs are the ones that really share the same spot but with how much this one's etched into my soul it had to take top prize. i like my women sinister
QUENCH: this one takes second because da swank. ok why'd i decide to do this i don't know how to describe music. it's swanky!
TAINTED: my normal taste is on the hardcore side and this tickles the innards just right on that one without screaming, ever. i thank janine so much for that
Gutless: also got da swank but summertime sweetness edition. knocked for being the same thing twice
LASSO: still got that grindy goodness if a little bit empty at times. probably the strongest & clearest messaging out of NULA (besides XX duh) which given how some of these tracks go i appreciate it
I'm Sorry: only song to make me cry like every time i hear it. i don't normally want that in my music but i must commend it.
SHADOW: i don't know how it's done, this has everything i'd normally knock but i love it to death. something about all its pieces fits together so well.
La Di Da: punky, spunky, powerful, with a chorus i can actually get behind. just not too frilly. i want a few frills.
Snakes & Ladders: this is the store-brand version of Gutless but specifically like sandwich cookies. only words i got for it.
All That Candy: personal points to this for being the first song i charter for clone hero & my brother adoring it. sister of La Di Da that doesn't wear deoderant
Run / Hide: wow ok. fuck do i say. my only thought is 'semipermeable membrane music'. does that mean it hits under the skin only a little bit? nothing's wrong with it really and it's on the right side of hard
Colour Me In: well it used to make me cry but i got better. apparently only the debut album's good at getting soppy, but this one's a lil confused
ATTENTION: same feeling as SHADOW for a lot of disparate parts making a banger of a whole. though it is two minutes and there's only one word. real good on handling those energy levels
KILL IT: a good bit awkward but not enough to slide into the Valley of Disappointment. already sounds like a dance remix so idk what was done for the actual dance remix
Behave: the first one to actually click in my head that it's abusive. but hot damn it's catchy. but hot damn i feel bad for liking it. ...and it is annoying in parts.
SLO: honestly the same as Behave in my head to me. it's probably actually better but i have a worse personal history with this one sorry
And He Lost His Mind: i don't know where the substance is but it's still pretty fun
These Ghosts Won't Let Me: i do like this one on the surface but when i penetrate it there's plywood. big energy level mismanagement, not much cuts through
I EXIST: FUCK dude i'm upset at this one. the messaging feels so mixed to me, the breakdown is great but i can't stand the rest, it fits the album so well but doesn't cut it on its own.
Aura: i only have a purely objective stance on this one, somehow, but it's another one that doesn't do much wrong. just don't like it too much.
Play With Me Cos I Can Take It: slime music. there are occasions i want to be slimy however
HURT: the same feeling as I EXIST but it toys with me even more. it Should be good but dear lord it plain is not
C.L.A.U.D.I.A: see i listen to this one regularly but for some reason whenever i try to remember it it's irritating. Huh
Schwagger: moldy but fun. why does she make puppy noises
Prey: poster child of the debut album to me. head-voice isn't too nice but like. it's fine. it's understandable. they tried their best. i can't be mad here.
XX: this one is far more an album song than a standalone song to me. it's been a while since i've heard pure girl-power third-wave rebel feminism but apparently i'm too trained on systemic nuances and gender diversity to like it in my music. i mean the whole album had that flavor but this one's blunt as an atom bomb
Target Practice: frankly this one's just suffering from overplay. i've heard it once a week for three years now. but it was my first VUKOVI song so i can't just abandon her
Thick Skinned: this is the most punk song they've done not for its content but for how it's somehow incredibly shittily good. i think it's gonna drive me insane after long enough so i'm downgrading it but on first listen it's just under Aura
Weirdo: same sort of opinion as Prey but just not as interesting
A Girl Called Jade: i listen to this regularly too but i should stop. repetition problem like most of the EPs but it's not even cool with it. and the fakeout ending was kinda mishandled
Where Are You: i can't remember this one for the life of me so it clearly isn't that good. but i do remember liking it. so here it stays
Vincible: the outro gets grating and the hollowness isn't Great, but it's servicible
Animal: yeah this is the chunk where it's all just boring. Animal i can at least groove to when i'm not paying attention but it's just. blah.
SAD: see this one should be called I EXIST cos fuck it sure does
Wander: lyrical nonsense that still manages to pull my heartstrings, but it's still worth only 5 cents in some jurisdictions and 10 cents in others
Get Hot and Feel the Butterflies: this is probably the one i'm most in love with janine's voice but i mean like. ain't much else.
Obsessions: there's like nothing here. still cute though
White Lies: what's a sugar pie
I'm Wired: well my dear greataunt had schizophrenia so i'm a bit defensive of it.
He Wants Me Not: ok we're done with the boring segment
So Long Gone: this is so generic i can hear it at the pharmacy connected to the department store. i'm not even on the woman's side either when i think i'm supposed to be. the post-chorus thing is interesting but really not suited to the song
Bouncy Castle: what the fuck is she actually saying. that's a usual complaint i have i know but this is exhaserbated to a comical level. i only know it's english from gut reaction. dead middle of Valley of Disappointment
Boy George: maybe there is actual value here but i keep hearing 'virgin poopie' and it just rips me out of it. personal failing
We Are Robots: narsty
Try Before You Buy (Use Your Sex): narstier
Part of Me: haven't heard this actually! somehow! i'll get to it but given the era these are from i have no idea how i'd react
conclusions: i've got favorites from most albums but the older they are the more iffy they get. except for ...BIWWYA apparently
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shadeuchrome · 2 years
How I Made My Celestia Ludenberg Wig (Final)
Because the base has a hard hat underneath, wearing it made my head look large. So I had to pin Celestia's head band strategically to make it look like the frills are atop the head. It made the base and by extension, my head a bit smaller.
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The base wasn't properly styled yet in this photo but I just had to try it on. I'm not sure if you can spot it, but there are parts where I missed painting black. Instead of correcting it, I let it be and when I checked the photos from Anime North, underneath the sun, the white parts I missed painting gave my hair a nice line of shine.
After the drills, I brushed the wig base and straightened them with the hair iron. I used the styling scissors to thin the bangs because Arda wigs have them thick.
In the con, whenever I told someone (who asked) that I had a hard hat underneath my wig, they told me that it wasn't noticeable at all.
Here are some photos!
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I met a Gundham!
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Anime North was so much fun 🥰🥰
Last bits to mention.
There's no hair in the inner curl. I didn't find it necessary because the paint was matte. If you wish to add hair in the inner curl, I have a tip to make the job easier. Let me know if you need the info.
And that's it! I hope this is detailed enough. I wanted this to be a single post but I didn't know how. Thank you for reading this far and good luck to your projects.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 years
What if. I remade that shirt I did last year. but with better fabric
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Demon Form Thoughts™️
Earlier this week @sparkbeast20 put out a wonderful post ranking the different demon forms and invited us to share our own opinions and oh boy do I have opinions. I largely agree with a lot of what Spark said in their post, but I’ve decided to tack on my own addendums. So without further ado - I present: another monsterfucker discusses the demon boys.
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Now I love these boys. I do, really. But... There aren't enough claws and fangs. Where are those giant teeth all the better to bite me with? Where are the claws/talons/spikes that could easily flay a man? Would they ruin the manicure too much?
The wings are all a bit too small too - comically so, if you try to imagine them flying. I know it's probably just by virtue of the art-style/avatar sizing so whenever I talk about the wings, please realize I'm imagining them at like. 3x the size.
Like most people who've also discussed this before me, I agree Lucifer's design really does nail it. The horns, the wings, the gem, even the outfit all scream "prideful fallen favored son". The fact that he still has feathered wings, obviously from his past as an angel, is also really great for giving some of that subtle character exposition.
Mammon's is also one of my favourites. If Lucifer is a demon who reflects his past as an angel, then Mammon is a demon who has suffered his past as an angel. The white markings/scars from his celestial outfit just proudly on display. The wings transformed into dragon wings. These are scars that show a transformation, and I love it.
this is what I'm TALKING about. The horns/antlers. The tail. The scales. I do really enjoy that his shirt is a see-through/mesh shirt too. The scales aren't all one uniform color - you can see some fading with age, which makes them feel organic. 10/10. Kinda wish he also had a forked tongue to match.
We can all agree Satan's demon outfit is whack, with his lil ribcage bow that doesn't sit right. But. His spiky tail with that unnatural gradient? Yes. The feather boa - presumably what remains of Lucifer's third set of wings? YES. I do like to think that boa is part of him - no matter if his outfit changes, those feathers remain in some form.
Asmo's demon form is actually the scorpion on his chest and he's being ratatouille'd constantly. It's why his stare is so blank.
This is excellent character design and you can't change my mind. The fly wings for the avatar of gluttony? Superb you funky little man. Even the horns are reminiscent of an insect's mandibles. I think they could've pushed it a little further, like maybe fractal eyes, but then it would've been incongruous to the rest of the cast. I also want to wear his jacket because it looks comfy and I bet it smells nice :)
I think it's interesting Belphie doesn't have wings. I like to think maybe they were injured as part of the fall, or maybe are reflective of his guilt for Lilith. I do love his tail though. It's very Floofy. Overall though it's a bit meh, really.
You know what I love more than monster boys? Monster boys decked out in fine goods and jewelry. Monster boys accessorizing. It' about the gold! The furs! The belts and chains! Even on his horns and wings! I would climb Diavolo like a tree. That is all.
Barbatos suffers from the same bad sense of style as Satan. If you ignore his outfit, his Demon form is actually quite interesting. It's off in a way that the other's aren't - it could be the tail with the unnatural glowing veins. It could be the skeletal wings emerging from his head. It does a lot of heavy lifting. But the outfit. Barbatos, sweetie. Please let me rip off those frills. You can do anachronistic fashion, but this is not it.
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kaeyasaki · 3 years
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miya atsumu x f!reader
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after coming back home from an overseas trip, atsumu comes back home to discover that his pretty little wife seems to have let a few certain rules slip, it’s a good thing he’s more than happy to help her revise them. — wc; 4K
thank you so so much @tsumue for beta reading, you helped so much fr hottie <3
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dt; @7tsumurai i told you i’d get out a fic im happy with for you when i had more time and here it is, i love you so very much and thank you for everything you’ve done for me, you’re a real life saver and i wouldn’t want anyone other than you as my hot milf mommy <3
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warnings; nsfw, unprotected sex, dumbification, rough sex, degradation, slapping, misogynistic behaviour + overstimulation bye i really said i didn’t have it in me
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slotting his house key into the lock, atsumu had a content smile gracing his face as the next scene he assumed to be ahead of him was already playing out in his head.
you in a pretty dress he had so graciously bought and maybe even one of those cute frilly aprons he’d insisted upon gifting you. you would drop your cooking utensil immediately upon his arrival and rush over to him to take care of his jacket and bags while chanting about how desperately you missed your dear husband while he was away. atsumu would then shower you with the attention you had been missing out on and he’d have his darling little wife sit on his lap mindlessly chattering about how much she needed him.
atsumu was sure this was what was going to play out before him as soon as he opened the door.
so why the fuck had he opened the door to see otherwise?
his eyes twitched with irritation slightly at the sight of you in sweats on the couch lazily scrolling through your phone, but he refused to throw a fit immediately. he was kind enough to allow you the chance to explain yourself, afterall, he was adamant he was a good husband to you. the best husband to you.
“baby.” his voice rang clearly through the room as your head perked up at the sound of his voice. immediately you smiled upon seeing him as you hopped off the couch and dropped your phone to wander over to him. while you offered atsumu a warm smile, it didn’t seem to be reciprocated as a small but familiar glint in his eye told you enough to know something was off.
“i missed you.” you tried to shake that look from him as you wrapped your arms around his slim torso and inhaled the scent you’d found yourself missing over the week. “yeah?” he questioned as you looked up to meet his still piercing eyes. “of course.” you sighed before burying your face back into his chest for a moment.
for just a second, atsumu forgot why he was even mad. did he even have a right to be mad? he had a nice house, a job he loved and most importantly, the most perfect little wife. but then it all came back to him and the irritation stayed present as he stared down at you wrapped around his body.
the perfect little wife should have her husband’s dinner cooking and ready to be served upon his arrival. the perfect little wife should be dressed appropriately according to her husband's personal preferences which in atsumu’s case, were the dainty little outfits he was constantly having you try on and strut around the house in. the perfect little wife should respond appropriately whilst talking to her husband which for atsumu meant he’d prefer you at least pretend to be a little more mindlessly excited about seeing him again.
maybe you weren’t his perfect little wife anymore, but he could only blame himself. you were just too stupid to think for yourself, how could atsumu blame you for forgetting the rules he has in place if he hadn’t been around to remind you of them this past week? no matter, he’d just have to remind you as many times as it took to get these demands through to that pretty head of yours.
“i think someone’s forgotten a few things since i left.” atsumu stated flatly as you pulled away from him, eyes desperately looking up at him pleading to know where you had fucked up.
“i have?” you questioned, hands tugging at the hem of his jacket a little. you looked down refusing to continue looking at the disappointed expression of the man you loved the most knowing you had caused him to be upset.
atsumu smiled slightly as you slowly began to fall back into your submissive ways as he brought his hand down to hook his fingers under your chin forcing you to look up at him. his eyes were a little softer than before as thoughts of your kind and wonderful husband flooded your senses once more. you felt so terrible upsetting him as soon as he had come home. this was the man who insisted upon giving you anything and everything you ever asked for on a silver platter. he spoiled you to no ends and always pampered you to the point where it was clear you were his brat.
desperately wanting to make up for your out of line behaviour, you pulled the jacket off of atsumu and took his bags from his hand as he hummed in approval. the slightest grain of praise sent your head into turmoil as only thoughts of atsumu were permitted to dance around in there. smiling at him, you turned towards the direction of your bedroom before you were stopped by atsumu’s voice.
“and when you come back, i want to see ya dressed how you know yer meant to be.” you gave him a quick nod as you hurried to your shared bedroom to drop his things and throw on an outfit you knew would be approving of him.
carefully scanning through your choice, you finally decided on wearing a cute little cami mini dress atsumu had bought you a few months back. the soft material stopped at your mid thigh as the short spaghetti straps held the dress up your body as the material tugged around you in all the right places. determined to show atsumu you were extra sorry, you grabbed a delicate apron he had bought you a few weeks beforehand and it was one you were yet to wear. the dainty frills and clean material were tied around your waist as you stared at your reflection back in the mirror.
you had missed atsumu, really, but you had missed this routine more and you were grateful your husband was kind enough to keep you in check whenever you slipped up rather than blow up over it.
you really were a lucky wife.
satisfied with your appearance, you pattered down the stairs to find atsumu leaning against the kitchen counter scanning over the meal you had been cooking prior to his return left cold on the stove. noticing your presence, atsumu smiled at your outfit as he open his arms for you to fall into. “at least you got one thing right.” he sighed as you nodded noting he was referring to the meal you had been preparing just thirty minutes before he had stepped through the door.
pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, atsumu pulled away before tapping your inner thigh making you jolt slightly. “well, get to it, i’ve had a long journey and i’m starvin’.” he sighed, smile still slightly evident on his face.
you nodded and stood over the stove before turning it on. the cooking process was simple, it was practically just a matter of heating the food up as atsumu never required you to do any actual heavy cooking. he’d never dare have you do anything that could potentially callous or wear down your soft hands that he loved having you run all over his body. he only ever put you to a little more work when it came to taking care of certain things. housework and cooking were mundane things he liked to let you get off with lightly. preserving your energy to have you selfishly take care of his personal needs.
two minutes went by before you felt a looming presence behind you. instinctively, you stepped back slightly allowed atsumu to wrap his arms around your waist and press his body up against yours from behind. thumbs traced small circles over the sides of your waist as you tried to keep your focus on the food on the stove careful not to burn it. not that atsumu would particularly care if you did, ordering in was always an option, but he’d always let you have a try and providing for him beforehand.
your head was going light as your husband's hot breath fanned right against your ear as you struggled to keep your focus on the stove. “i’m disappointed.” atsumu sighed lowly sending shivers through your body as he leaned in closer. “i thought i’d taught ya well enough to be able to remember how things work around here.”
your heart tugged at the degrading tone he was using whether it was intentional or not before atsumu continued. “it’s a shame really, i could’ve rewarded ya for being away from me for so long, but now it looks like i’m gonna have to use that time to remind you of a few lessons.” you nodded curtly at the light scolding as your husband's hand dipped between your inner thigh grazing over the pretty panties you found to be increasingly annoying.
thumb tracing the hem of the material, he continued to sigh and mutter small disapprovals of your previous behaviour, but none of the derogatory terms educating nor belittling you, but rather exciting you instead.
you could only hum and nod in agreement at atsumu’s words as the more you gave in, the more he did too. with each acceptance of scolding, your husband would reward you by pressing his fingers a little harsher through your already soaking panties.
“stupid girl,” he muttered up against your ear as your breathing grew slightly ragged. “i thought i taught ya to know better by now.”
his words only worked you up more as he buried his head into the crook of your neck, allowing his teeth to nip at your hot skin. now focusing his attention on your neck, atsumu sucked harshly making sure to leave bruises littered across where he had access to making sure to rebrand you as his own. “tsumu…” you whined as his fingers continued dragging along the soft silk material. “just take them off already.” you whimpered before your husband bit a little harsher causing you to yelp.
“first i come home to ya looking less than presentable and now yer telling me what to do?” your heart hammered at his dark tone as he pulled away momentarily. “baby,” he shook his head. “how could ya give me instructions when ya can’t even follow simple ones yerself.” he sighed as you whispered a quick apology.
his hand pulled away from between your thighs to instead grip the sides of your hips. rough hands running up and down your sides under the pretty dress you’d chosen for him. “let me show ya why i’m in charge around here yeah?” his hips were pressed up behind yours forcing you to feel how pent up he was too. “please.” you whimpered mindlessly grinding against the growing tent in his sweats.
atsumu chuckled before nipping the shell of your ear halting your instinctive movements. “good girl for asking me so nicely.”
with atsumu assaulting your neck once more and further adding to the sensation by pressing up against your clothed clit, all thoughts that weren’t regarding miya atsumu had disintegrated and now your only motive was to make your loving husband proud and take what he was willing to give you.
slowly, your movements grew to become more frantic as his hands stayed firm on your hips as he steadied himself behind you. “oh angel, ya really missed me huh?” he teased while slowing you to rut against him, clothes separating the two of you much to your frustration. you chanted small “uh huh”s as atsumu smiled upon your mindless behaviour. “it’s okay baby, let yer man take care of ya, i’ll make sure ya never forget these little rules again.” you mewled out his name which only delighted him further.
you were just too easy.
“so independent,” he whispered, fingers finally hooking under the hem of the silky undergarments before slowly pulling them down to pool at your ankles below. “it’s my fault, yer too stupid to be left alone for more than a few days right?” you nodded completely missing whatever you were agreeing to as atsumu continued to trace dreadfully slow patterns under your dress.
“it’s okay baby, i know you didn’t mean to make me angry did ya? it’s not yer fault ya can’t think for yerself.” atsumu continued to degrade you to nothing more than a brainless doll as you gave in to his desires completely all while trying to give the heating food on the stove even the slightest grain of attention you could.
fingers pressing onto your aching clit, your husband began to draw rough patterns onto the sensitive area, making sure to get a good feel of just how aroused he made you feel. humming in approval at the short breathy moans that left your throat, atsumu continued to tease you as you melted back into his chest keeping you in place against him and the stove.
“that’s it, good girl.” he praised the moment your legs parted a little wider for him to access. “feel good?” he asked despite the fact he already knew what your answer was. “yes atsumu, feels so good.” you blabbered as he selfishly stole all your focus onto him.
pushing his middle finger inside of you, atsumu’s eyes lit up at the feeling of how tight and wet you were around his finger. while your behavior wasn’t always perfect, your pussy was. he’d always tell you how you were made for him, your mind, body and soul all rightfully his as you always gave into him, atsumu’s grin widened when he felt you clench around his digits, your body already well accustomed to him. just how he’d trained it to be.
it wasn’t long before your husband was kind enough to give you his index finger, thumb ghosting over your clit after every few movements. relishing in the pretty sounds he was drawing out of you, atsumu picked up the pace knowing fully well you were practically teetering on the edge by now. your stuttered breathing, whimpers and pleading of his name were enough of a giveaway to know you were desperate for release, but the setter wasn’t about to give in.
while he had forgiven you a while ago, atsumu had decided that perhaps a little more punishment would really help you remember not to let him come home to anything less than what he expects again as he pulled his fingers out of you immediately after feeling you tense up.
���atsu- why?” you sobbed out frustrated and upset that he’d taken your high away from you. you were the most worked up you’d ever felt at this point and atsumu knew that too hence why he decided that now was the time to have a little bit of fun on his side with you. “i’m still mad ya know.” he cooed mockingly from behind you. “or did ya forget?”
“no, no, i didn’t i’m sorry.” you cried out, tears trickling out your eyes as atsumu stared up at your reflection against the glass panels up against the stove. part of him wished he waited, just to get you in a position where you were facing him, but for now he’d make do as his dick throbbed at the sight of your reflection. upset and ashamed, you stared back into your own reflection meeting your husband's wicked gaze.
“of course ya are.” atsumu hummed, hands temporarily pulling away from you to reach down to his own sweats. “and yer gonna show me how sorry ya are, right?”. pulling down both his sweats and boxers in one go, your breath hitch despite the fact you weren’t facing the terrifying thing. you didn’t need to be looking at it to know what it was capable of. atsumu’s cock was nothing new to you, but everytime you were met with it, atsumu proved himself to be just as relentless as the first time you’d experienced it.
both long and girthy, you were certain miya atsumu was the biggest you’d ever seen and taken, with thick veins running up and down the shaft adding further to the arousal he caused you.
“tsumu…” you breathed out as he pressed the swollen head in line with your entrance. “i’ve already gotten ya ready, don’t be greedy.” he scolded before you could even speak. despite his harsh words though, atsumu was still considerate enough to try and take some of the focus away from any potential pain with his fingers as he let his hand dip back down between your thighs fingers circling your clit gathering any slick he could before smothering it over your pretty pussy which at this point was clenching around nothing much to your demise.
rubbing the head up and down your clit to make access a little easier on the both of you, atsumu pushed into you stretching out your walls as you chanted his name like a mantra. his fingers were a lot different from his cock, as tears were dripping down your face in a mixture of both pleasure and pain all while he allowed you a moment to adjust to the dramatic size difference you had just gotten used to.
lifting the hem of your dress up, atsumu’s mood was left content at seeing your tight pussy struggle to take him all in. he was a proud man, proud of you and proud of his capability to get you like this.
pulling his hand away from your clit now that he’d pushed inside of you, the setter took both his hands to firmly grip on your hips as he began to start thrusting at a slow but steady pace to get you going.
while you thought atsumu was mad at you, he missed you more than anything and while he’d love to pull you away from the hot stove and fuck you over the clean marble counter, he was determined to enjoy the feeling of slowing making you his all over again for now. he’d have all the time in the world to roughly punish you should he ever choose to, but in this moment, he was content with what he was giving you and he was certain his pretty little wife had learnt her lesson.
finally getting you accustomed to the size of him, your cries turned into soft moans as the tip of his cock hit against your cervix sending your head to go blank and your actions to become completely instinctive. the only thing bringing you out of this mindless trance is the feeling of a hard slap to your ass as your head jolts up and you cry out.
“so, are ya really sorry for upsettin’ me?” atsumu challenges, speed continually picking up as your head scrambles to string together some form of answer. you know better than to keep him waiting as you open your mouth to speak, but before you can even try to get any words out, another slap lands just as harshly as the last, the pain mixing in with the pleasure throwing your make do answer out the window as you struggle to reply properly.
“yes tsumu, so sorry- never again.” you weep as the dried tears are replaced with a fresh wave dripping down your face much to atsumu’s satisfaction. “never what again?” he pries further all while slamming his dick in and out of your dripping cunt. “never - shit- never break your rules again.” you plead doing your best to show him just how sorry you really were.
sinking into you completely, atsumu really starts fucking you with the head of his cock hitting your cerfix repeatedly, the smacking of his balls slapping up against your ass mixed with the sound of your dripping hole being used as if it were a fleshlight echo through the room for you to hear.
“tsumu, ‘m sorry, m’ sorry, so- please!” you sob reaching the edge of your high once more feeling desperate for allowance from him this time. “not yet.” he hisses out as his thrust shows no relentlessness. all while you’re trying to hold yourself together, you feel the heat of the stove bring you back to some sort of sense as you make quick work of turning the gas completely off paying no mind to what the state of the food was inside of the pan.
“look up.” he demands, one hand straying from your hips to hook onto your jaw as he forces you to face the glass reflection of yourself being fucked stupid by him. “stupid slut.” he spits out pistoning his cock in and out of you at an unbearable pace. “my stupid slut.” he hisses slamming in and out of you forcing cries and wails out of your throat.
“not a slut.” you whimper out now refusing to take his degrading any longer. “‘m your wife tsumu, your good wife.” you insist, desperate for any form of praise from him. your husband sneers as he holds your jaw in place forcing you to stare at your fucked out expression.
“i don’t want a good wife, i want a perfect wife, ya got that?” he demands squeezing your hip as his own hips move faster than before. tears still streaming down your face from the immense pleasure and frustrations, you nod before mindlessly blabbering out your pleads.
“your perfect wife yeah, wanna be your perfect wife all yours.” you beg hurriedly in fear of him depriving you of your second orgasm of the night.
he liked the sound of that. knowing he had you completely and utterly wrapped around his finger pleased him. your words only affirming this satisfaction as you gave yourself into him completely allowing him the rights of making you his and his alone. it’s like he always told you; you were made for him.
“go on then,” he grunts. “cum for me, pretty girl. now.”
he doesn't have to tell you twice as his hard thrusts pay no mercy to your cute little pussy, you can only think about cumming around him at this very second. the tight coil in your stomach finally allowed to break, your walls spasm around his cock as he continues to pound inside of you all while youre granted the pleasure of finally releasing. the feeling making you see stars, atsumu continues to use your hole as he pleases his only motive now chasing after his own high.
tightening his grip on your hips, he pressed his lips up close to your ear, once again nipping lightly at the shell. “gonna be my perfect wife yeah? yer taking it all for me got it?” he growls as you nod quickly, head still spinning.
“yeah, yeah tsumu, your perfect wife, all yours.” you beg, the overstimulation preventing you from thinking straight.
“that's right, mine, mine, mine.” he finishes forcing his load into your tight hole, his hot cum filling your womb completely. the feeling of him inside of you causes your tongue to drop out as both tears and spit dribble down your face as he continues to ram in and out of you through his orgasm.
finishing, atsumu grunts and pulls out of you, eyes bright seeing your abused hole leak out with his cum. seeing you completely fucked out by him was one of his favourite sights and he was certain he’d never get enough of it.
regardless of his rules and words, atsumu adored you no matter what. but to see you completely ruined by him and him alone, it only made him fall harder knowing you were willing to always take whatever he desired to give you. it made him proud to know he’d cuffed someone so willing for him.
as you catch your breath, atsumu looks over your shoulder that the burnt food you had yet to notice. meeting his gaze, you look down at the contents in the pan and internally cuss yourself out at the mistake. so sure you were getting another scolding, you jolt at the feeling of atsumu’s hand resting on your shoulder.
“yer too cute for cooking anyway.” he mutters allowing you to breathe out relieved. stepping away from you and pulling up his boxers and sweats, atsumu allows himself one more glance at the sight of his cum dribbling down your thighs from behind. smiling to himself, he nods over at the direction of the house phone before heading towards the couch.
“show me you’ve learnt ya lesson and ring up for dinner yeah? maybe then i’ll give ya the reward i was talking about earlier.”
he smiles at the sight of you nodding, your wobbly legs making their way over to the landline to ring up for whatever takeaway came to mind, your husbands load still dripping between your thighs.
miya atsumu was adamant he was a lucky man. he had a nice house, a job he loved and now he was now certain he had the most perfect little wife.
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