#we live in a society lmaooo
hood-ex · 5 months
ooo ive got some tea for you. im living with three other roommates rn and one of them is this guy who is a nice person but a HORRIBLE roommate. anyway we've been having a pest problem for a while now and i called in some pest control to take a look at it and the guy said we have german cockroaches which are apparently CANNIBALS and regular traps don't work on them which is the WORST. but anyway.
i told my roommates this and the guy who is nice but a bad roommate was like "oh yeah i hate the roaches. im pretty sure they're from roommate X and her boyfriend since they make bread and cook all the time" and i was like well they haven't in a few weeks? you're the only one that's been using the kitchen and making an absolute MESS of it?
the reason this guy is a bad roommate is because he's an absolute slob. he leaves wet clothes in the laundry machine for HOURS while he's at work, makes a mess of the stove (read: BURNS his food on the coils and doesn't clean it up), leaves dirty dishes with food on them for DAYS at a time (record so far is 2 weeks), and will blast music, vacuum, scream, yell, you name it!! at all hours of the night with zero regard for how thin the walls are- and im right next to him </3
anyway, i told roommate X what he said and she was like uh huh yeah its allll my fault, def not the guy leaving his shit out everywhere and refusing to take out the trash
another roommate, roommate Y, lived with the guy for a year before X and i moved in, and she gave us the wholeee run down of what its like living with him. he's a big dude and easily is stronger than all of us girls, so confronting him about his shit is hard (he's punched a wall before- MASSIVE baby behavior imo) and he gaslights the hell out of anyone who tries to hold him accountable for his mess. like literally today when i was telling him about the pest people, and i said we need to be extra clean in the coming days, he was like "oh yeah totally, i always try to wash my dishes, and... you know what, i think i took out the trash too" and he peeks around the corner to see the old trash bag taken out and a new one in and nods to himself all like "yeah i did take it out" WHEN IM THE ONE WHO DID AND TOLD HIM SO BUT HE IGNORED ME
anyway. thats my tea <3 roommate drama sucks, everything is fine so nothing to stress about, but i thought the drama might be something fun for you to giggle about <333 peace and love emily!!
I'm sorry did you say CANNIBAL cockroaches?? 😭
That roommate sounds like the worst. I cannot stand people who are that inconsiderate. And not only inconsiderate but just obnoxiously loud with no regard for anyone else. Like the type of people who will slam their doors closed at night when everyone is sleeping and are somehow oblivious as to how that could disturb other people. Ugh!!
And that's so frustrating that y'all can't even confront him about it out of fear that he might hurt you! That man needs to learn how to take accountability and grow the hell up.
"Yeah, I did take it out." Like sir!! You best get out of my sight rn!!
Bad roommates suck! I hope he skedaddles and leaves y'all to your peace 😩.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Shoutout to all the other adults who have acne or any other condition of the skin that you are expected to outgrow or "just deal with."
Adulthood isn't this magical time where everything just disappears, and the reality is that these skin conditions are largely genetic. It isn't your fault (nor your skin's fault) that you are an adult with different skin than other people. In fact, it's neutral (and even, dare I say, good!).
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italoniponic · 1 year
you know there's something really unexpected about the tweels when Floyd's masterchef groovy looks more composed and sane than Jade's but so does every other masterchef groovy at this point tbh
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emodennis · 1 year
why did i decide to take a job at an extremely active and sport-focused camp this summer.
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holytrickster · 8 months
i keep seeing people use this audio on tiktok that's like "behind every girl growing her hair out is a little girl with a FUCK ASS BOB" and my gremlin brain has latched onto that now and is like "elves this is just elves." my stupid headcanon that I don't actually believe but think would be funny is the idea that they all have long hair in the lotr trilogy bc everyone is walking around with fuck ass bobs in rop. everyone just collectively was like "wow what were we DOING in the second age"
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Also don't think anyone has said this (thats a joke) but like, art styles aside:
The animation, expressions, movement, everything of ATSV is IMPECCABLE.
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Like insanely, ridiculously, almost mind bogglingly good.
[This is a MEDIUM length post]
The main strength is the Emotion -
In terms of animation, the range of emotions Miguel is capable of expressing is like... crazy good. Gwen's emotions ARE UNSPEAKABLY IMPRESSIVE.
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And the movie hinges on this - almost every scene has an emotional cue that HAS to hit. Whether is Jess's looks of hesitation or Peter B.'s looks of horror.
And this may seem like the most ridiculous comparison ever made but like...
The Bee Movie and Across the Spider-Verse came out FIFTEEN YEARS APART.
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THE BEE MOVIE...THIS MONSTRASITY that has plagued humankind - was made less than two decades from THIS:
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The fact that we progressed that far as a society (pun intended) in that short of a time will never not baffle me.
I genuinely cannot name any other animated movie that:
Has multiple styles throughout the duration
Can seamlessly change styles without the viewer immediately noticing (like Gwen returning to her universe)
Show two or more animation styles on screen at the same time (and no, Roger Rabbit and Space Jam don't count - that's half live action lol)
Just off the top of my head - ATSV shows up to three styles in one scene: I'm mainly thinking of the scene that shows Hobie (customized - style 1), Peter B. (standard - style 2), and Miguel (a light stylized - style 3).
It can be brought to four if you want to count Miles/Gwen, though their style isn't visible.
I can think of a couple scenes that genuinely blew me away in terms of animation -
One being Rio's 'What-EVER?!' because of the little stance correction and head bob she does, because it's such a natural thing to do. And it adds so much to an already perfect line.
It's something someone would genuinely do IRL without even noticing.
Another I LOVE is Pavitr and Hobie roughhousing.
Like, I can't yell about these five seconds of animation more.
It's SO fluid it looks like Motion-Capture and I left the theatre googling is any Mo-Cap was used in the movie (and from what I can tell - no, it's all original animation).
The way Pavitr falls to the side and bumps them - This not only being a natural reaction to Hobie and his weight, but it also LOOKS natural. So much so you can see it affect Hobie's model too. The movement has kinetic energy on both models -
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In this shot alone, there's the guitar, vest, AND Hobie, all of which have their own animation rules. Plus the outline on his guitar AND him. And then there PAVI too, who's running at a higher frame rate, touching and interacting with Hobie.
So much so that Hobie's model nearly wraps himself around Pavi. Pavi's hair is moving, Hobie's guitar is moving, there's movement in the background - and it looks GREAT.
PLUS THE CAMERA IS MOVING AND GOSTLING. IT'S NOT A STATIC SHOT. The models and camera are moving AS IF THEY'RE REAL when they're not.
But by far, I think the range of expression used on Miguel is like... Chef's kiss.
(of course I was gonna trick you into reading another post about Miguel. Uh-huh that's what's about to happen)
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Like... are you kidding me?
The whole later half of the movie hinges on Miguel looking buckwild crazy insane and they NAIL that. And like-
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Oh my god what the actual fuck
?????????????????????????? I........ I have nothing to add. After that picture......Nah... LMAOOO
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(left: actual photo of Moche watching this happen)
But Anyway chile, This movie is like.. genuinely a modern marvel.
If Marvel gave Tim Gunn 4 billion dollars and five years, whatever live-action rendition he would have made would not even compare to ATSV on any conceivable level - that's how good it is so jot that down.
And like...don't even get me started on Hobie..his design..his representation...girl I will start crying in this Arby's do not play with me
I just felt that needed to be said.
you get what I'm saying yall know what I mean iight coo
Here's a picture of Hobie to cleanse your palette.
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torimidori2-blog · 1 month
Can we please stop preventing ourselves from saying "not all men"? I honestly don't get people who are trying to stop targeted transphobia to transmasc people, yet still say that they're not trying to say "not all men". Trans men are men, right? Not all trans men are terrible right? We also have cis male feminists and allies, right? Are they helping us? So they aren't bad people? Hm.... Well if you said yes to all of these things, lemme tell you something that may surprise you... I know it's gonna be really absurd and you might just freak out about it, but uh... not. all. men.
There. I said it! Not all men! We can't generalize anything about all men, because if we do, trans men will be in that generalization! Then we'll get people posting shit like "omg men are trash especially trans men lmaooo" We shouldn't be blaming men for the way people perceive gendered norms. If we can have a cishet man waving a rainbow flag to support his friends at pride, we can also have women who say that women should stay in the kitchen and live life like a 1900s housewife. People are pretending that the moralities are associated with gender and is black and white, when that isn't the fucking case at all. How about we blame our main offenders: Misogynists? Misogyny can come in many different forms and can be spewed by many different people, even trans people! If we fight against those people instead of blaming one gender for all our problems, we could actually have a chance at making a change and making people have revelations about the reason why they think men are trash. It's like even people within the LGBTQ++ community have a "Girls rule boys drool" attitude towards gender. Damn...
And for the record, I understand why those generalizations are made, because masculine cishet men are the most accepted people in society and their social pressures aren't as bad as everyone else's because men are the ones who made those gendered standards in the first place which caused them to oppress those who were different from them, but times are different and men are being encouraged not to hide how they express or how they feel even if they're cis. Masculinity in society is always expected to be as thick as an eyelash, but men are starting to realize what masculinity means to them on their own without letting society dictate that. Please give those people a chance, and stop making generalizations about them, that way, those stereotypes against them being aggressive, degenerates, airheaded, and egotistical won't be translated into the trans community towards trans men.
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sunny-speaks · 11 months
Alan x Reader (My Dear Hatchet Man)
So I don’t know much about Hatchet Man lmaooo- He’s more mildly possessive but not a full blown yandere or creep or stalker-- so I'm adding a couple of personal touches!
But seriously, we don't get much Yandere! Alan content in the demo so far aside from him being a lil posessive. Or at least what I've seen so far, I could be wrong--
Wants nothing more for him and his doe-eyes to just avoid society and live together for the rest of their life
Is way too committed for a relationship despite meeting you yesterday ‘for the first time.’
Maybe you don’t remember him, maybe you do… But see, you made eye contact and smiled at him a year ago! So that had to mean something to you!
Even if you were just working at a convenience store for quick cash, you wouldn’t just smile at anyone !
(He made sure you didn’t.)
Studied every habit of yours down to the narrowest of details, just so he could act and pretend think like you were right there with him at all times of the day.
He's so observant for you, isn't he?
He wouldn’t venture out far from the forest, but on special occasions, he would stumble upon you sitting on a bench, feeding bread crumbs to birds.
Ohhh, that’s his pretty doe-eyes for ya, hmm? So kind, so generous, so… breathtaking.
Gosh, all his tech is so outdated. When he saw you taking photos of yourself on that fancy rectangle you call a ‘phone,’ he almost regretted becoming a hermit. Simply thinking about the quality photos he could get of you from your style of ‘phone?’ Sent shivers down his spine.
But he supposed he’d have to settle for an older method. Black-and-white camera out, film loaded and ready to take as many photos of his precious darling as possible.
During the day, inconspicuously guarded by the thick lines of trees and maybe at night, if you left your window open. He could scale the walls and crawl in or get a vantage point from a tree.
You were so innocent, his doe-eyes. He had to take such good care of ya, huh? Forgetting to lock your windows sometimes, leaving the curtains open, awh… You must’ve forgotten how creepy the rest of the world is. Don’t worry, Alan’s here to protect you…!
And if he took a couple photos of you sleeping, that’s no one else’s business but his own.
He couldn't wait for the day where he'd be able to be beside you while you were awake too..
So, won’t you be a dear and notice how much he loves you…?
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kaeyx · 8 months
In any monster au chuuya would 1000% be a vampire. Blood in wine glasses, dark moody reds and black, hates bright lights, lives in extravagance with a night time job. Hes the refined, elegant type that has successfully integrated into human society but misses being an old romantic. Chuuya closely monitors the modern era, absorbing all kinds of information from technology to ethics. Initially it was to better blend in but now he has an appreciation for human tenacity and ingenuity. When he falls in love he falls hard, he cannot bare to part from you but he cant stand turning you into a cold monster such as himse-"but if im a vampire we can fuck forever" .....you make a good point and he will think on it. In all seriousness though he is a gentleman who considers your happiness and wellbeing above everything. If you come to the conclusion that you want to remain human he is absolutely going to dedicate an entire mausoleum and garden to you inside his castle- he leaves the city behind to stay with your corpse until he also returns to dust. Its the hardcore romanticism in him. For as long as your alive though, dont expect him to ever leave you alone
Dazai is harder for me to pin down but i feel like he would be genuinely unsettling/inhuman. Thinking drider/jorogumo, kelpie, jinkininki. I think kitsune also fits very well for the trickster aspects but the monster side needs to be beefed up for me to appreciate. Regardless he is found in the dark, dangerous, and empty corners of cities. On the surface he is completely adjusted to life as a human, especially when he is able to present in human form. But at his core he is still a monster who doesnt expend empathy or kindness to humans. His tricks, his traps, his appetite for human flesh are still alive and well. Thankfully at some point someone instilled in him the idea of morals so dazai's diet consists of human scum. He isnt romantic like chuuya but is devoted and tender. Unfortunately a true monster fell in love with you and he will find a way to make you immortal. There are plenty of talented witches and taoists that owe him favors. Theres no existence without you, he will bind his soul to yours so he never has to be alone again
Suffice to say both monsters are yandere and the sex is intense
But yes that's me you're telling me I get to sleep during the day and wander around in low cut shirts with puffy sleeves?? Forever??? And also this hot man will bite me??? Sign me UP I'll work graveyard shift somewhere
Ugh it suits him so well tho,,,, big cold corridors, nice clothes, fancy wine glasses, yearning from a distance, love letters sealed with wax, lots and lots of blood,,,,,, ehehehe I need him
This bastard definitely embraces the more unsettling, inhuman aspects of himself. Being a little too tall, limbs a little too long, teeth a little too sharp even if he's mimicking a human. You look into his eyes too long and get a little dizzy, like looking over the edge of a cliff. Weird shit is always happening around him, though it's unclear whether that's because of his magic or because he's just Like That™.
And my god the sex. Absolutely insane sex on both sides. Chuuya has endless stamina and would want nothing more than to turn you while he's fucking you, drinking your blood until you're lightheaded and can barely move, letting him go as many rounds as he likes. Dazai digging his sharp teeth and claws into you, fucking you in weird places like alleyways or in the middle of the forest, chasing you through the city before pinning you to the ground and fucking your brains out. Plus he has a knot
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Shed Your Titles (Satoru Gojo x Reader) (NSFW)
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Switching it up a little this time with Gojo plus my first nsfw, also reader being a mamaguro of her own because i love megumi with my entire heart
I'm not going to lie to you I almost entirely disassociated to my shuffled liked songs playlist and wrote half the smut section to Life is a highway by Rascal Flatts on accidental loop so I’m sorry if it’s incoherent as fuck lmaooo
warnings: established relationship, smut, unprotected sex (WRAP BEFORE YOU TAP), praise, comfort sex
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“Satoru!” You exclaim, “What on earth happened to him?” Megumi’s face is trickling blood and he’s heavily favouring one side of his body, clutching his ribs. You race up and cup the boys cheeks, tilting his head to get a better look as he grumbles, “Stop fussing, I’ll be fine,” His futile attempts at batting your hands away do nothing to deter your anger at the white haired sorcerer beside him, “What on earth did you do?” “Why do you assume everything is my fault?” Gojo says, “Come on, you think I sent him out there because I knew he’d get hurt?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m not assuming it’s your fault, but you did send him out on this mission, only for him to come back looking like he’s just stepped out of a fight club, so what the hell happened?” Gojo grabs you by your arm as Shoko appears from her office and collects Megumi, pulling you off to the side, “He was supposed to retrieve one of Sukuna’s fingers,” He whispers, leaning down into your space, “But the boy he met who had it ended up eating it to save Megumi and his two classmates from a powerful curse,” Your eyes widen, “Is the other boy-?” He shakes his head, “It’s worse than what you think, Sukuna manifested inside him,”
You find yourself unable to say anything, your mouth wide open as you stare at Gojo. He shifts a little and then taps your chin up to jokingly close it, shocking you back into words, “Is he okay?!” You whisper-yell. He shrugs, “He seems to have some level of control over Sukuna, the discipline he carries over his body is unprecedented, but the elders are terrified and want me to execute him,” He brings his hand from your chin to his, thinking, “Megumi asked me to protect him, let him live, and I intend to do just that as soon as we figure out his standing when he wakes up,”
Your mind is still racing a marathon, you can’t even begin to imagine the consequences this will have, a thousand year old curse in modern day society. Especially with how powerful Sukuna is said to be, but you bottle up these fears and shake your head, “Have you lost your mind?” You ask. He laughs, a loud sound that carries, “Not recently, I was hoping you’d jump on this bullet train ride with me, see where it takes us,” He lowers his blindfold a tad, just enough to meet your eyes, “Darling, he’s a good kid, I’m sure you’ll love him when you meet him,” He murmurs, taking your chin again in his other hand, “Trust me, please?”
You sigh, your eyes fluttering shut and shoulders slumping, before you push forwards and bury your face in his chest. The blindfold falls to rest limp on top of your head and his arms tighten around your back and waist, “I’ll take that as a…?” He coaxes softly, making you groan, “Fine! I’m on your side, it’s not right to kill a kid when he just wanted to protect others, is that what you wanted to hear?” You grumble against his black jacket. “Great!” He scoops you up and spins around once before putting you back on your feet, albeit a little dazed, “I’m gonna go keep an eye on the vessel, you stay with Megumi,” He pats your shoulder, “See you later!”
You can do nothing to stop him leaving as you shake your head to clear away the daze, resigned to follow after Megumi and watch over him as Shoko treats his wounds. Once finished, you allow him to lean on your shoulder as you take him back to his room, “How are you?” You ask as you sit beside him on his bed. He huffs, “You don’t need to be so fussy, I’m alright,” You put your hand on his knee, “Megumi,” You murmur, “Please, let me be worried about you,” He shifts towards the pillows, moving the covers until he can slip under them, lying on his uninjured side without replying. A few moments of contemplative silence pass by as you look out the window, thoughts elsewhere, when his voice brings you back to the present, “Well, aren’t you going to tuck me in?” He grunts.
You smile softly, “I thought you were too old for that kind of thing,” You tilt your head, examining him, “Tell me what happened, Gumi,” You murmur, shifting up and bringing the covers with you, sitting in front of him with your legs off the bed as he shifts back to make space. He looks up, a shimmer of vulnerability in his eyes, “I wasn’t strong enough,” He sighs, “I told him to run, but he insisted on staying, and then gambled eating the finger to save everyone,” You brush some of his hair back from his forehead, “I suppose I should thank him for that, shouldn’t I?” You say, “After all, he brought you back to me,”
When Gojo took Megumi and Tsumiki in you’d had your doubts considering who Megumi’s father was, and Gojo wasn’t exactly ‘father’ material, but that was fine because he never pretended to be their dad. He simply guided them through life his own way and silently protected Megumi from the Zenin clan, like any reasonable person would. You’d been the only one out of the female sorcerers at Jujutsu Tech to take an immediate affectionate liking to Megumi, much to his chagrin, and that had meant you eagerly secured your spot in the softer maternal role he’d been lacking since his mother died. He liked to pretend he was annoyed when you doted on him, but over the years you learned to read him better than anyone else, making you the one he called if he needed to talk to someone. He’d also been the reason you’d eventually realised your feelings for Gojo, though you thought them to be in vain, Megumi had convinced you otherwise when you caught the pair of them scheming and he’d immediately confessed he was helping the man with his master plan to ask you out to dinner.
Megumi’s face flushes lightly, “Yeah,” He murmurs, “But now Sukuna is back, so was it really worth it? I could have prevented that,” You shush him softly, “If anything, Gojo should have been more alert and ready to step in, especially dealing with those damn fingers, tch,” You snort, “But from what I’ve heard, the boy can suppress Sukuna, so there’s that at least,” His eyes close and he relaxes into the pillow. “I’ll let you get some rest, but there’s one more thing,” You say, “Why did you ask Gojo to spare him if you’re so worried about Sukuna?” He cracks one eye open, “I don’t know,” He mutters, “Just felt like it was right,”
You sigh, “Alright, sleep well Gumi, I’ll see you later,” You murmur, touching your hand to his arm briefly before standing and leaving his room. You take a few deep breaths in the hallway once the door is shut, before steeling yourself and setting off to go let out some steam on the school’s training field.
After a good few hours of training, time well spent since the second years were drawn in and ended up training with you for a while before leaving for dinner, Gojo shows up once more with a pink-haired boy in tow. You can sense the immense cursed energy coming from him even from a distance, it rivals that of Gojo’s energy and you have to calm yourself as they approach. “Hey!” Gojo raises a hand in greeting and you find it in yourself to smile weakly, “Thought you’d like to meet our newest first year, Yuji Itadori,” You bow slightly to the boy, “It’s good to meet you, I’m Y/n L/n, I’ll be your other teacher,” He bows in response before looking up, “Does that mean you’re as powerful as Gojo?”
You look pointedly at Gojo for a moment before rolling your eyes and shaking your head, “No, as unfortunate as it is he’s the most powerful of us at the moment, I just happen to have a proficiency in teaching so I can pick up the slack where he’s lacking,” Yuji looks at Gojo like he hung the stars in the sky and you chuckle, “I’m hope your time here is fulfilling,” You murmur, “Cherish what you love,” He nods, grinning happily, “I will,” “Go on Yuji, go get some sleep,” Gojo waves him off and the head of pink hair disappears off towards the boys dorm.
When he’s out of sight you reach up and gently cup Gojo’s face in your hands, “Thank you,” You murmur, “For bringing Megumi back to me,” He smiles softly, leaning into your touch, “I’ll never be able to save everyone, but I’ll always do everything in my power to save him,” He breathes, “We may not be his parents, but he’s our son,” He leans down and presses his lips to yours, warmth spreading through your body as you sink into his touch. His hands clutch your hips, clingy and fiddling with the edge of your shirt as you reach up and remove his blindfold, stuffing it into your pocket. He is insistent, seeking out your warmth and your skin and tasting you with everything he can.
You pull back only slightly, looking deeply into the hazy blue as he stares back, eyes half-lidded as he pants, “Are you okay?” You murmur, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs, “Megumi will live, but you…” You brush his hair back, “Please, promise me you’ll talk to me if you need to?” He nods, blinking slowly, his six eyes taking in excessive information about your body and your energy. It’s strange, you can almost feel where his eyes pass over as he examines you, but it’s never been invasive, he’s always done this to make sure you’re okay reuniting after missions. “I love you,” He murmurs, “I’m so happy you’re alive, so happy you’re with me,” He mumbles, “I promise, I promise you my life, my everything,”
The weight of the Gojo name seems to lift from his shoulders for a brief few moments and you do everything you can to stay in this little bubble, “I love you too,” You whisper, “Satoru,” He tugs your arms lightly and you follow him back to the small house you share on campus before he presses you up against the back of the door, “Please, please, I need you,” He whines softly. His vulnerability is written all over his face and it almost makes you cry, “I need you so badly,” You nod, “I’m right here, Satoru, I’m yours,”
He pushes his face into your neck, licking and biting as tears drip onto your shoulder, his hands grabbing at your curves through your tight fitted clothing. You become pliant under his touch, one hand buried in his hair and the other over his shoulders as he lifts you and carries you to the bed you share. “You’re so pretty,” He mumbles against your skin, lifting his head to reveal his eyes, almost entirely black with a thin ring of the bright blue you know and love barely showing. “Satoru,” You coo softly as you softly undress one another, quickly becoming a heated tangle of limbs and tongues. Your fingertips trace down his chest and he shivers lightly, taking your hand and kissing the back of it before crawling over you, caging you beneath him. He watches you intently as his hand trails down, fingers dipping slightly into the wet heat between your legs, “So wet for me, huh doll?” He smiles, giddy with love.
His pupils are practically heart shaped as he gently works one finger into your warmth, making you gasp and arch your back up off the bed. His other hand kneads your breast lightly, tongue flicking out to caress your nipple. Soft moans and breathy repeats of his name fall from your lips as he works you open on his finger, curling it inside you to graze the spot that makes your vision blurry with ecstatic tears. “Y/n,” He groans, pushing a second and third finger inside with little to no preamble, making you grit your teeth a little as you squirm, “You can take it, I know you can,” He murmurs, lips trailing over your bared neck, “Such a good girl,”
You nod breathlessly, moaning as you screw your eyes shut with pleasure, “Satoru!” You cry out as his thumb pushes up against your clit, kneading the area softly. “Good girl, say my name,” He rumbles, swallowing your moans with his mouth for a moment as his hips rut against your thigh, desperate for some contact. You moan and tug him away from your lips with your hand knotted in the hair at the back of his head, “Please, please, Satoru I need you so bad,” You whine, trying to close your thighs as you feel the knot in your stomach build up, “Wanna cum with you!” He looks just as wrecked as you feel and his hips stutter against yours again, his hot length slipping through your folds with ease.
He blinks and shakes his head, dislodging your hand which falls to rest on your own chest, his hand reaching down to grab the base of his cock and pumping it a couple of times to spread the precum. He bites his lip as he properly shifts his knees between your legs, pulling your hips up towards his with his exceptional strength and then lining himself up. “I love you so much,” He whispers, “Never wanna let you go,” He groans as he pushes the tip inside, your toes curling and back arching. His hesitation only lasts for a moment before he drags you to him by your hips and pulls you into a seated position on his thighs, sinking you the entire way down his cock.
You slump against him, arms over his shoulders with his fingers digging into your hips as he lifts you up slightly so he can thrust shallow and hard, “Fuck, so pretty, this pussy’s all mine,” He grunts, slurping his tongue all over your neck and chest as he leaves teeth marks and bruises in hectic patterns. You’re lost in the feeling of his cock pressing insistently against the sensitive places inside you and dragging against your walls, “S-Satoru~” You moan, “M’ close!” You cry out, gripping the hair at the back of his head as he increases his pace, his eyes drawing you in almost hypnotizing you, “Me too doll,” He mutters, “Can you come with me? Be a good girl,” He leans in to whisper against your ear, his muscles tensing. You nod, “Yes, yes, g’nna cum with you, please!” You whine, clenching hard around him as the knot in your stomach snaps, your walls pulsing around him.
You go limp in his arms as he pushes himself to the hilt, crying out and burying his face against your neck as he holds you close, letting his body fall forwards so he’s resting on your chest. His warmth fills you and then spills out past where you’re connected, trickling down your ass and onto the sheets, but you can’t find it in you to care right now. You slowly remove your fingers from his hair and rub his scalp gently as the two of you find your way back down to earth, his heartbeat thumping against your own and his breath hot on your neck. “Satoru,” You whisper, voice hoarse, “I love you,”
His only reply is a hum and the softest butterfly kisses with both his eyelashes and his lips on your skin, pushing himself closer to you despite the combination of sweat and cum that slicks your skin. Right here right now, he is allowed to just be Satoru, and can shed the titles and the responsibility that he’s carried since birth. Being the strongest means nothing if you have nobody to love, and you vow to make sure that he will always have someone to love, be that you or Megumi, so he doesn’t ever come close to losing himself.
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I hope y'all enjoyed my first nsfw work, I don't often write nsfw because i get halfway through and get writers block or don't write it very long so I hope what I wrote here is of sufficient length :)
remember my requests are open if you have something in mind! &lt;3
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canisalbus · 6 months
*cracks knuckles* mlp au here we go.
Luckily for you, I literally JUST finished the series for the second time >:]
I think Vasco would be some kind of unicorn because I can definitely see his family being a high status unicorn family, definitely having a connection with the princesses in some shape or form. Def a flowey ass golden unicorn
Machete I think would be an earth pony that worked his way up in high society that's more common for pegasi and unicorns but non the less!
Don't ask why but I for some reason I can imagine these two living before pegasai, Earth ponies, and unicorns united and still somehow finding a way to love each other despite their leader's differences
AS FOR CUTIE MARKS!!their cutie marks depends on their special talents and what makes them unique! I'm honestly real bad at coming up with them so I I nothing for ya on that department 😭
Oh my god I'm so sorry for rambling LMAOOO
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ofmermaidstories · 1 month
From your posts so far I feel like you have such a wide variety of understanding complex characters. How do you think you would tackle writing for Todoroki Touya, and have you ever considered any storyline for him? What kind of civilian reader do you think you’d craft for him if so?
beyond a post-canon bonnie and clyde AU, i’ve never really seriously considered a fic for dabbers. 🧐 he’s a fun character in canon, but to me that’s because he’s a walking tragedy—his hatred and desperation for his father. his resentment of his perfect baby brother. the way both of those things blindside him to his other brother, his sister, their mum. i don’t see him as like, the fun flirty bad boy that i think was a given read of him, earlier in BNHA—i think what he eventually goes through will profoundly change him, if he lives. it’ll take hard work for him to get to a place where he can be like, happy with the family that’s reaching out to him—his father, his mother, his siblings…. his perfect baby brother.
for a post-canon dabbers fic, i’d probably strike at the in-between time between him physically and mentally healing—like, his injuries have been treated, he’s gotten physical therapy. maybe he has a prosthetic arm like his arm, or a cane to help him walk but he can do things, he can physically be apart of the world again—but he still bubbles with his resentment. touya’s a massive fazacon in canon and everyone who disagrees with me can argue with a wall LMAOOO i’m right about this forever, but like, for a x reader fic i think that means competition for his attention on a very base level, you know? like, how do you bond with and romance a guy that’s constantly sour about how his father ruined his life??? to me that means you benefit best from having a Reader-insert who either has their own baggage, or is nihilistic enough to laugh his off LOL. and i think if you’re going to make them both like, kinda unrepentant assholes, you’re almost obligated to give them a happy ending??? or rather—that’s how i would write it. like with the dabi/bonnie & reader/clyde idea, i would set it up so that they both think they’re gonna die at the end of it, that the reader (lowercase) thinks they’re gonna die, that endeavour and rei and the todo siblings (minus Shouto) think they’re gonna die—and then at the end they don’t. one of them—maybe dabi himself, because i think we owe him that chance—tries to pull a stunt that like, lets Reader live, say. maybe he meets up with his perfect baby brother at some stage during the Crime Spree and it’s Shouto who’s like, I can help you. I can help both of you, please let me, and at first Dabi’s furious (how fucking dare this useless squirt of endeavour’s hot fucking snot talk to him like a hero) but then. you know. he gets attached like a chump, or whatever. maybe he sees more of himself in you than he wanted to, or maybe being outside of the careful, clinical surveillance he was under before means he has to confront like—what the point of it all is, you know? he failed in killing his father, his baby brother, himself. he got patched together and now endeavour’s grovelling like a worm for forgiveness Touya doesn’t want to give him, almost (it’s not atonement or forgiveness he wants—he wants the family he should’ve had, the power he should’ve had from birth, perfect and whole). and it’s like—the choice is either go out in a blaze of glory or…. i don’t think he’d even let himself imagine it, LOL. you and him and your fucked up issues like linen in the cupboards of some cute little house with a tidy fence around it? bullshit. pathetic.
(but you patch each other up. and the way you laugh when someone eats shit trying to run during one of your robberies makes him think of his days with the League of Villains—the way everyone was so unrepentative in what they were after, the hurt they wanted to inflict. And yet Toga’s out there somewhere, getting rehabilitated back into society and last Touya heard Spinner was working with heteromorph discrimination programs after a rough recovery—and you could still make it, he thinks in disdain. He’s on his last, last chance but you—you could still have that tiny home, somewhere. The linen cupboards that hold more than the issues that sent you to the same centre he was languishing in. You could still have a future, and later that night when you’re asleep he walks away from the car you’ve traded (stolen) the van in for—and calls his perfect baby brother, who answers the phone silently, waiting.
“You wanna help?” Touya asks, dry. “Then help, Hero.”)
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
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defensivelee · 10 days
ok ok here's my detailed nsfw headcanons (or ig....canon anyway bc it's my story?? LMAO) for six lives. obvious warning for nsfw/kink but also for mentions of domestic violence and sexual abuse (of adults and minors)
-William IS asexual in the usual sense that he doesn't experience attraction, however this society doesn't... have a term for that
-ironically, he's the guy fucking the most here. he has a very unhealthy view of sex-- he thinks it's unnecessary, it's awkward, he'd prefer to avoid it altogether, but he feels that because he CAN have sex as an Overlifer... he SHOULD. something his father taught him!
-he CAN enjoy it, just for the stimulation, but even that makes him kind of ill afterwards. it's a mix of the feeling that he saw something he shouldn't have as well as his trauma from the CSA
-he likes all sorts of BDSM, it genuinely makes sex a little more fun for him bc he's actively doing smth else while fucking. he CANNOT handle just lying there and taking it, and he can't handle seeing someone else that way, either
-for example: he loves to stim with the gags Bentinck puts on him. they need to be taken off pretty quickly so he can breathe, but he lovesss drooling over it
-he does draw the line at choking tho DO NOT CHOKE HIM
-if he loves you (like he does Bentinck) then he'll wrap his long long tail around your waist while you fuck his brains out 🥺🥺
-i've mentioned this before but he's very vocal. if you get him into subspace, he'll say things or make noises you NEVER could have imagined for him...
-now Bentinck! so this guy acts normal but he's kinky as shit, same levels as William
-he can be a gentle dom but he has a mild preference for subbing. he LOVES to be ruined
-he doesn't like pain so much tho, he's more into bondage and servitude and humiliation
-he loves gangbangs, especially when shit gets MESSY. he wants to be covered in cum and piss and drool and sweat
-however sometimes it's hard to enjoy them when he knows the people fucking him aren't really attracted to him, they're attracted to the idea of fucking an Ally, like some kind of power reversal. his biggest fantasy is being 'worshipped' by a bunch of his followers, and being instead fucked by people who would like to see him dead really messes with him... it's like, they don't deserve to see that of him
-he hardly ever cums without jacking off or someone doing it for him
-he's very good with fisting (he took someone up to their shoulder once and YES THAT IS POSSIBLE AND NO DONT ASK ME HOW I KNOW THAT) and huge dildos. he owns a few crazy monster cocks and has great fun riding them
-eating ass/pussy is his favorite thing in the world (oh yeah when Keppel shows up it's gonna be over for you bitches)
-he laughs. a lotttt. it's kind of a nervous response in the aforementioned gangbangs William sets him up to do, but he also does it bc he's having fun when he's topping
-Mary time!! she's actually pretty vanilla but rlly enjoys blindfolds, and she's got a bit of a sadistic streak
-she loves making boys cheat on their partners with her it's her favorite thing (imagine getting cucked by Mary tho LMAOOO)
-she's actually not super horny all the time like her father but when she gets high, she goes fucking nuts and is something of a power bottom
-also when she gets high, she's very loud
-she'll only let girls dominate her
-that's why she's got a bit of a friends-with-benefits situation going on with Anne Villiers, they regularly fuck and Anne's great at it so Mary has High Standards for her partners
-she prefers to have sex with her assassination targets before she kills them bc she rlly hates getting blood on her clothes. to her it's the hottest shit when she's washing blood off her tits
-and yes as Anne mentioned before she has lots of dildos and sex toys too. she can have her own fun
-in particular she loves vibrators
-and now we have her father!! oh dear where do i even begin. full on sadomasochist, the extremes of both sides of the spectrum. not a kink out there he doesn't like. he'll try everything
-generally he prefers to be a dom as well as a top, there's VERY few people he's willing to sub and/or bottom for
-however even as a dom he likes to receive pain. and like i mean crazy amounts of pain, he loves being whipped until he bleeds and he's REALLY into CBT
-there's also, ofc, knives, which he gets if he genuinely attempts to kill Maria. force her to fight back and all that
-you can't even nonconsensually torture this man bc he loves it so much
-as for the pain he INFLICTS, he loves flogging, beating, slapping, choking, shocking, all that wild shit. he'll just do it unprovoked tho, like without any discussion beforehand
-he regularly ignores safewords and pushes his partners to their very limits
-obv he ADORES bondage
-his favorite aspect of bondage is gags, specifically ring gags (the ones that force your mouth open). he loves to use Marly's mouth like that
-can't forget the green stockings kink. here it's extended to him being drawn to just the color green in general, he couldn't tell you why but he LOVES to see it on people and makes his partners wear it to remind everyone that he 'owns' them
-completely opposite views from William; he believes that as an Overlifer, he's entitled to the bodies of everyone around him. and he'll take them whenever he likes
-when he forces himself upon somebody for the first time, there's a very good chance he'll kill them if they don't show him respect for it. he seems to calm down a little after you get used to it, but it's terrifying for anyone involved. ofc, part of what's so thrilling to him is the fear
-he loves humiliating Marly and Maria. sometimes both at the same time
-sometimes when fucking Marly he'll mock the latter for his moans, like he'll hear Marly let out a gasp and then he'll copy it just to echo how pathetic he sounds
-mean rough fucker, won't let you cum without begging. and he's VERY good at making people beg
-there's no love for his subs after he's done with them. despite the fact that they might have reacted like he wanted them to, he still finds them fucking UNBEARABLE to look at afterwards. for just a moment, he hates them for their powerlessness
-necrophilia? probably. don't ask
-and now for everyone's favorite: Marly!!! ooh he's not kinky at ALL, despite the fact that he often finds himself in some damn Situations in all his movies/shows, and has actually come to hate BDSM for what he associates with it
-he's not even that much of a hoe tbh. he just happens to work for James, who thinks Marly is a horny little bitch who eats everything up
-despite being terrified of bondage, he finds the powerlessness and vulnerability kind of DOES turn him on. even the fear itself does smth for him. he's not sure why but the idea that he likes it even a little bit makes him highly uncomfortable
-as well as James taunting and humiliating him for it? no thank you, not for him
-he hates pain especially, all the ways James slaps and bats him around during sex INFURIATE him. he wants to be treated nicely in bed yknow
-he can tolerate BDSM a little bit more if it's consensual, but ofc it never fully is bc. well it's kinks he doesn't like. but like, if James is extra affectionate that night... he thinks he'll be okay
-he's never once complained about it tho. he thinks if that's how James wants to use his body, then he deserves to, and he gets enough out of it by having James fuck him anyway and knowing that his master is rlly enjoying himself using HIS body. oh it's an honor to him
-i mean it's crazy, he REALLY loves James' cock, he loves sucking it and worshipping it and taking it
-he's very polite. calls James 'sir' and thanks him for everything, even when he's just about losing his mind in the middle of it
-also a lot of 'i love you's. he tries to be very sweet
-oh yknow the tattoos on James drive him nuts
-something he's weirdly into is how he'll put on makeup and by the end of the night it'll be SO fucked up bc of how rough James was with him
-sometimes, if the two of them are drunk enough, they'll have the closest thing to loving, consensual sex they can get to. none of the bondage or violence Marly hates, just a lot of kissing and whispers on James' part, and Marly thinks he can remember why he ever fell in love with this man in the first place
-it's just a very complicated thing for him. some nights, James' touch is all he can think about, other times he just wishes James would look away for once
-during the three-ways with James and Maria, he'll usually be their sub. mostly he just feels bad for her; she's clearly VERY uncomfortable
-he's never had sex with Sarah once. he believes it to be heresy and that he doesn't deserve her, even tho he REALLY wants to do so...
-ok here's a speed round for characters that don't fuck much in the story/haven't appeared yet but i still think about them
-Keppel's favorite thing in the world is sucking cock without a doubt. he's soft when someone's fucking him, but he'll be hard as shit while blowing someone
-he loves drinking cum
-he can switch his genitalia out anytime!
-with a pussy he's a squirter like no other and loves being eaten out
-also he's a fierce power bottom and brat. takes a lot to get him to fully sub for you but... i think William can manage it, no?
-Charles is 100% a pup. he's got the hood and everything
-he also likes to be called 'good girl' and have his asshole referred to as a 'cunt.' curious, curious
-Maria's not that much into BDSM either, but James finds her a lot more receptive when she's drunk or upset. she'll do anything for him in that state
-she's actually fully asexual too and struggles with a lot of guilt when it comes to pleasing the devil ancestors
-Anne Villiers is absolutely a full sub and bottom, she WISHES Hanni would tie her up like he does to William...
-Shrewsbury is an exhibitionist. period full stop he just loves humiliation and having people watch him and degrade him and all that. he might be a sex worker here but i gotta think about that
-Louis loves being gang fucked by a bunch of his nobles and politicians, it's a form of worship to him
-he also has a breastfeeding kink, having given birth to his own kids he likes it when his partners suck milk out of him too
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
Okay so not to bastardpost....but I wanted to touch on a lot of the really un-nuanced discussions about bastardy, legitimacy, and laws of inheritance in the fandom. I keep on seeing takes like this, 'Well, Martin is trying to say that bastardy doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter, and bastardy and legitimacy are social constructs!!' and just....no? LOL. I don't think that's what he's saying at all and if he is then why set this series in a rigid feudal medieval monarchy that basically runs off of houses coming together to join bloodlines and pass land to each other through marriage and legitimate children. Also, the whole 'it's all a social construct it doesn't mean anything!' is such a midwit take - it's giving 'money is just paper it's meaningless, why don't we print more to get rid of debt!' Yes, things like money or legitimacy are 'social constructs' but they doesn't mean it's not real lmaooo and that there is no real life value to those concepts because....there literally are? It's just a very baffling, modern take on a piece of media that doesn't warrant it.
Absolutely, every time period has its set of rules and practices and customs that made sense for that specific arrangement of society and for the technology available at the time. No, they weren't fair, they were unacceptable conditions for a person living in 2024, but sometimes they were just the best available options. Don't have sex outside marriage? Well, yes, because there is no foolproof contraception and no protection against venereal diseases either, so not only could you get pregnant with someone else's child / father a bastard child, but you could also infect your partner with who-knows-what and they could maybe even die or become disfigured because of it. Even a simple UTI can cause a ridiculous amount of pain. Yes, a life without antibiotics and modern medicine categorically limits the extent to which you can enjoy that life! And, yes, people tried to police each other's behaviour to the extent that they could limit such negative consequences. In the absence of effective cures, prevention remained the best option. That shouldn't negate the critiques on the excesses that lead to women's oppression and limitation of rights, but it's doing no one any favours to ignore why people might have a legitimate grievance against the siring of illegitimate children.
All of this, the health aspects and the economic incentives, do come back to basic ass concept of respecting contracts: are you not being an arsehole if the other party is upholding their side of the bargain and you are not? So, of course they're social constructs, but they're there for a reason. I mean, are you truly "sexually liberated" if your sexual behaviour is causing all sorts of complication and pain in your vicinity? Or are you just a selfish dick? It goes both ways, you know.
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lostfracturess · 2 months
nici i’ll have u know i just took two shots of tequila in preparation for this chapter 🤣🤣 and it’s close to 1pm on a tuesday
“how can u stay so calm?” “drugs, sweetheart. it’s the drugs.”
i cackled so fkn hard 🤣
"Tell me," he whispered, his breath a warm caress against your ear. "Where would you want him to touch you?"
Geto stripped the rain from his hair, then twisted the dark strands into a fresh bun. His eyes flickered between you and Satoru, a single raised eyebrow his only question. You wouldn't meet his gaze, the floor suddenly fascinating. 
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write 😭 BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
ok i have to stop quoting every other line lmaooo
"Just so we're clear," Satoru's voice suddenly cut through the quiet, "I don't share. Not you."
sighhh the conversation ab the 37 y/o pt passing n how he’s just a statistic now 😭 so heartbreaking yet realistically put
im loving the daddy dom energy satoru is exuding in this chapter i just love when usually flirty/amused men lock tf in when things get serious lol it’s so hot. also so sweet how all he’s concerned ab is her reputation & career ahead
“A familiar ache rose in your chest. You longed to reach out, to bridge the chasm he insisted on maintaining. But his posture, rigid as stone, and his clenched jaw, sent a silent warning. This was his battle, one he'd fight in isolation—as always.”
ughh i feel like this perfectly sums up their dynamic. also if s&c was a paperback book this wld 100% be a quote that readers wld highlight on the page n crop to post on pinterest lmaooo it’s so good
“He was falling apart. But all you could do was watch.”
🥲 pls. stopp im so fragile rn.
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down 😭 was it like the jealousy that he wasn’t able to become a successful surgeon like gojo n had to settle on educational matters instead? :”) im dumb sry. ik he’s the root of gojo’s addiction but i think i might be missing something here lol. or do we not know yet
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying🧍🏻‍♀️not saying reader isn’t brilliant n talented in her own right, but for sure, satoru’s attraction to her has given her opportunities that other qualified students were potentially robbed of (we live in a society lol). but idk how exactly she ranks among her peers, so maybe she rly was the best student for the job, but that’s all very subjective
"Because you would do the same," you finally managed, the words scraped raw from your throat. "You would stay. You wouldn't leave me."
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS. im gaspeddd :””(( reader loves him sm and if her commitment to not letting him take all the blame isnt evident enough, her sticking w him thru his drug addiction is truly a type of devotion that comes from a purest point of love
“You—you make me feel things I've spent a lifetime avoiding, things I don't know how to handle. It scares the hell out of me."
ouchhhh 😭 ok but i feel him on this. that avoidant attachment be hittin againnn lmao me n him are so same
"You don't need to deserve me, Satoru. Love isn't about deserving. It's about choosing each other, again and again, no matter what. And I choose you.”
CRYINGG YES 😭😭😭💕💕💕 this healed a part of me ngl
"If you don't come down in the next few minutes, you're the one getting folded, first-year."
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
FFFFFUCKKK MEEE JUNKYARD BOY CHOSO!!!!????? I BET HE SMELLS LIKE GREASE N SWEAT N SOMEONE I WANNA FUCK. omg he called me pretty company 🤭🤭 bye dr gojo im all about them blue collars im sorry 😔🤚🏼
"I love you, first-year. Damn it, I love you. I don't care how complicated this gets, I want you."
god pls 🧎🏻‍♀️ if i’ve done anything good in life, then just give me this man
"You give in too easily." A teasing smile played on his lips. "You don't really want me to fuck you on this hood, right?"
😐😐 this isn’t funny. im not laughing rn. i will not stand this sort of edging. gimme dick NOW
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him. also this is so random and must be my daddy issues speaking lmao but satoru (minus his addiction) wld be such a good family man🧍🏻‍♀️the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol bc i feel like he’s almost always, at the end of the day, right about everything? haha i cld be proven so wrong ab this but i just had to share the thought
mannn im on the second court hearing n im just SO damn curious what is going thru satoru’s head rn 😭 it seems like something switched in there somehow, his demeanor is so different
him actinf so calm rn is scarinf the shit ourta me im ngl🧍🏻‍♀️like bb ur scaring me. PKS IN SO SCARED WHY IS HE SUDDNELY TELLINF US HE LOVES US
ah. and there it is. satoru’s impending fall from grace. i saw it coming from a mile away and that he wld do something like this, but fuck. the way it was written. i thought it would be something that came a place of more heightened emotions from him, something desperate to protect (kinda like in the first hearing). but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
:( im heartbroken rn. amazing chapter 😭💕 thank u sm for writinf it, oh my gosh, jusf amazing
i need more tequila
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giiirl!!! not the tequila ahhhhh 😭😭 that brings back bad memories omg.
& yes the story is over 100k already and still no end in sight. i never thought i would write so much lol. but also i'm already so sad when the story will eventually someday end. like i never want to not write about my unhinged neurosurgeon gojo help.
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write
thank you so so much!! that's such a big compliment coming from a fellow author <3
BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
so glad the angst transpires well in this chapter!!!
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down
so first: sukuna is an asshole.
second: sukuna is an asshole.
no seriously, how i portray him is like a very power driven man, that thrives on the misery of others. moreover satoru being his lifelong rival and sukuna finally getting a change to push him of his throne is just something he wouldn't let slip through his fingers. so it's really all about power and control on sukuna's side.
also satoru's states in that chapter that he did something stupid in his past that sukuna is still mad about. feel free to speculate, given satoru's past 😂
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying
yes it is!! satoru really has just eyes for yn and is defensively letting other students down in the process. this just adds to the overall mess their relationship is.
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS.
hmmmmmm ahhhhhhh SO HAPPY that these lines landed well <333 love them!! they are so messy and raw ahhhhh
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
he had a little bit of drugs and was all happy again lol.
i was wondering, if i should just do a random character or one of the jjk cast and choso just came into mind at first. idk why but i think it fits ahaha.
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
here to serve!! so glad you liked the spicy scene. they are always a pain in the ass to write.
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him.
YES!!! you're the first to comment on that!!! also thought that this is so so so SO BAD for him. like he would never (physically) hurt her and doing it unintentionally in his sleep??? EVEN WORSE. poor boy must have felt so miserable and angry at himself after.
the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol
honestly, love your observation about the potential family man side of satoru! his love IS fierce, demanding, and sometimes overbearing, but at its core, it's deeply protective, and i think you're spot on about that being grounding.
but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
so happy satoru's fall from grace hit well!! wanted that choice of his to feel both shocking and inevitable. not a desperate outburst, but this chillingly calculated decision, born out of love. it just hurts so good!
thank you so so much for your lovely reactions to the chapter ellie, as always!! it means the world. also give me some of the tequila lol. sending you kisses and hugs ♡
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