#we goin feral on your ass
speaking of Pokemon, I've used the dlc to upgrade my third team, which includes my Dabi Mimikyu. And at first he was getting KILLED out there I felt so bad so I was like 'oh it's okay we'll just have a few of your big brothers and sisters on the team and you can get the shared exp for now!!' so I've since leveled him to mid-80s being more or less on the bench most of the time
But the last couple bosses in the dlc had some hands and were kicking my mains asses and MULTIPLE TIMES Dabi was the last pokemon I had and I would rescind to fate like 'baby I'm so sorry I gotta put you out here but it's okay we'll get 'em next time"
It eventually became a thing where if I was struggling I'd send out my skittering little demonic fairy in a raggedy sheet like SIC 'EM
and he would, in fact, sic 'em
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bones-aa · 1 year
Yan!MIGUEL O'HARA (platonic)
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warnings; obv possessiveness, creepy shit, Miguel 'feral' O'hara.
i just watched ATSV and I am OBSESSED with the thought of Miguel being this overprotective dad for a spider-kid. so here's a lil oneshot for you :))
Obviously SPOILER WARNING FOR ATSV, so shoo shoo if you haven't watched the movie
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Miguel watched you, it's wrong but he had been watching over you since he had first asked you to be in the spider society. He watched you as you strolled through the Spider-society, laughing as Hobie told you a joke, your smile. it was warm and wide, your laughs could easily melt anyone's heart. And it melted his cold, hurt heart. He felt protective of you, how a father would for his child.
And ever since, Miguel felt protective and he obsessed over you. From your health, to how you were doing, things he would normally never care about. Especially when it came to teens, usually he would leave it up to Jessica to deal with the younger spiders. But with you, he felt like he had to protect you. And that he did.
When he first found you hurt on a mission, he felt something snap, it was as if he was possessed. He tore into the villain as if they were nothing.
Ever since then , you couldn't see him the same, every time you saw him you hid. You noticed how he changed around you, the amount of times that he had benched you because of some minor injury that wasn't even related to the missions he sent you on. Miguel became suffocating.
He noticed it, he noticed how meek you were around him. Your sunshine personality toned down around him as you timidly bowed your head around him. You were the closest thing to a child he had, ever since he let his daughter slip through his fingers. There was no way he would let you do the same.
This time was no different, he had called the 5 of you down to his space for a mission briefing.
"Fuck, I really don't wanna go." You whined as the hologram of him went back down in your watch. "I mean, we can ditch if you want. Y'know I'm down." Hobie said as he shoved his hands into his vest.
"Ughhh, I've missed like 3 of his dumb meetings, Jess said if I didn't want to get kicked out of this society I'd have to attend this one." Hobie shrugged.
"And? The entire point of being a spider-person is so that you could do anythin' you want. So fuck him, let's ditch that prick, alright?"
You laughed but then sighed, your shoulders sagging. You were going through something similar to what Gwen was going through. Your parents had found out that you were the spider-person in your dimension, when Miguel had found you, you were on the bridge of getting thrown in prison for being a vigilante.
He took you in, and your were stuck in HQ's dormitory for the time being. You were terrifed that the moment you went back home you were going to get thrown out on the streets or arrested by your dad.
"You know why I can't just ditch." You said, Hobie nodded. "Right, yeah I forgot. Sorry you can't just stay at my place, Gwendy took the only other shitty mattress I have."
"Eh, don't worry about it." You said as you kicked the non-existent gravel away. "Where are the others?"
"Oh, they're just finishin' up some mission, said that they're coming a little later." Hobie said as they got to what Hobie called Miguel's 'cave'.
"Y'know what lil' spider, Imma get goin', can't stand that knob right now." You rolled your eyes at that nickname as he ruffled your hair. He walked away, giving you a two fingered salute. "Yeah, yeah, what a great friend you are for abandoning me."
"You'll survive mate, you're tough like me." he says as he disappears into the brightly colored portal. You grumbled to yourself as the portal closed behind you.
"Tough my ass, god I hate that British asshole sometimes." You grumbled some more, you fiddled with your watch a little before a small hologram of Jessica pops up. "Heeeey Jessy-"
"Oh so you finally decided to show up hm?" You wince slightly at the tone and laughed it off awkwardly. "Harsh, but, valid. Sorry for missing all those briefings Jess, can you let me in...?"
You saw as the hologram sighed and the giant doors open, a gust of wind hitting your face. You sputtered a little before walking into the cold room, you walked up to the intimidating Spider-woman and grinned sheepishly at her.
"Finally listened to me, the threat worked right?"
"Oh yeah, definitely, scared the shit outta me." You nodded aggressively as you said it, Jessica let out a little laugh. "I was kidding by the way, Miguel would've murdered me if I kicked you out." She whispered as she walked up towards the platform as it descended.
You shivered. murder. You always heard, at least in your time at the spider-society, that superheroes never killed. But what you saw, what he did, it was burned into your head.
"Where are the others." Miguel's deep voice boomed, interrupting your thoughts. "We sent Pav, Miles and Gwen on a mission, they said that they would be here in a few minutes aaaand Hobie...?" Jessica turned to you.
"Oh!- Oh right uhm he said he didn't wanna come." You trailed off, Miguel sighed and muttered a few curses under his breath. "Y/n, you can inform him of the mission right?"
"Totes! Ahem I mean, totally yeah." You coughed, you felt as your face heated up. You wanted to curl up and die right there and there, why couldn't a portal open up below you and transport you literally anywhere else.
Miguel on the other hand thought you were adorable, how embarrassed you looked as you tried to hide behind Jessica. He wanted to scoop you up there, hold you close to him. He had to be patient.
"Alright," The platform finally descended down to the ground, allowing Miguel to walk down and near you. Yay, the last thing you wanted. He easily towered over you, his hulking mass of muscles were intimidating.
"You're not going on the mission." He says after he stares at you.
"...What?!" You exclaimed, earning a confused look from Jessica as well. "Right, we need all of them for this particular mission. Miguel, what are you talking about?"
"I've made up my mind, take Ben with them." He says to Jessica, his tone firm. Jessica wants to speak out but she shuts her mouth, walking out to talk to Ben.
"I- wait, no this is wrong, I've been benched for the past 3 fucking weeks-"
"What?- That doesn't matter, just listen to me." You practically begged him. He let out a long sigh as he walked away, you followed behind him. "I swear I won't do anything reckless on this mission, I haven't been on a mission with my friends in too long. I'm missing on things."
"It doesn't matter, mi hija, it's too dangerous." He slightly turns his head. You scoff. "What, you think I'm not strong enough? I'm as much a spider-person as any other fucking spider-people in this society."
"LANGUAGE." He turns around sharply, fangs bared as he yelled at you. You flinched backwards, stumbling a little at the harshness of his voice.
"Mierda- sorry, I didn't mean to-" He says, you were backing away from him, memories from that night came back again. "Sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to hm?" He tried going closer to you, he could see the fear in your eyes, how you cowered from him.
"Please don't look at me like that." Now he was begging you. He stalked closer to you, grabbing onto your arms harshly bringing you closer to him.
"N-No, stay back. You killed- you killed that man I-" You were hyperventilating, you couldn't catch your breath as the memories came back.
"He hurt you, I did it to protect you." He muttered darkly, but it still had an eerie hint of softness behind his words. He admitted it, he fucking admitted it. "And this, this is also to protect you, you'll understand in time, kid."
You were too busy struggling to notice what he wanted to do, he barred his fangs again and bit your neck, you gasp sharply at the sudden pain in your neck, you felt the feeling in your upper body start to lose control. You fell limp in his arms, you could feel him brush your hair from your face.
"I'm doing this to protect you, every time you come back from missions with injuries my heart aches." Miguel says as he brushes away the tears from your cheek. "That's why I've benched you, I can't lose you, you're mine."
You looked up at him as he looked back down at you lovingly, it was sickening. You couldn't move, the pain from the bite was throbbing as you felt yourself being lifted up. You felt small as his figure dwarfed you as he stood up, cradling you to his chest.
"I'll protect you, no matter what it takes." He whispers into your hair.
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A/n: Ok this got out of hand, I am extremely inspired though I might make a follow up to this :))
we love a crazy dad around these parts, also hi i didn't die, i'm back with a new obsession teehee
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 months
Shared Interests [Pt.4]
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | SMUT 🔞 [Pt.1] [Pt.3]
Lily grows strong and you only get sadder, but Daryl helps in making it all good, but then you run into your past.
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With the party over and everyone awake you spent your morning hanging out and chatting at the kitchen table. The conversations ranged from everything to nothing, just like you preferred early morning talks.
The brothers Dixon enjoyed their coffee while you sipped tea and played with Lily who's energy levels were all the way up.
Merle left as the morning passed, leaving you and Daryl to do some after party cleanup until you ended on the couch, tired but happy. "Glad ya ended up throwin' tha party after all?" A raised brow look was sent your way, smirking as he knew he was right in convincing you to invite the pack again. "Your family is great, hun. But we already knew that."
You slumped against him, enjoying his warmth. He was always so warm compared to you, who was always cold.
Daryl could feel your mood drop and pulled you into his lap. "Alright, spill. Wha's goin' on witcha?" His arms wrapped around you so you had no chance to get away from him.
"I'm tired. Always cold. I miss the wolf blood properties. My boobs are sore from Lily's teeth." You rambled on, letting all the frustrations out while Daryl soothed you, trying to give you some words of comfort but eventually settling on a deal.
"Ya know what? If yer bein' sad don't fade in a coupl'a months we can have another pup, yeah?" You smiled up at him, agreeing with his plan.
But even with the efforts to work around the issues of your permanently tired, sore self the sadness never faded. Daryl felt it too. He spent nights trying to drown out your loud internal struggles. He wasn't going to give in, he had to wait it out just like you did.
But with Lily being almost four months old now he felt you had tried long enough.
You slept early, putting Lily to bed before hiding away under the covers but Daryl had enough of it. He followed you upstairs and watched you be the softest momma to Lily and then joined you in bed.
"Daryl? It's so early." You wondered if he wasn't feeling alright for a second before dismissing that thought. Werewolves didn't get sick.
"S'early, yeah. So why're ya goin' ta bed?" Daryl mimicked all your steps, getting out of his clothes and getting under the covers with you. "C'mere. M'makin' ya a mommy again. Can't have ya always bein' sad 'n tired."
You turned to face him fully at his words. "Are you sure?"
Daryl only laughed at your sudden uncertainty. "M'a werewolf. If ya were one too ya'd be heavy with mah third litter by now."
His hand went to rest on your stomach before he flipped you over and trapped you underneath him. "M' gonna breed ya good. Just gotta keep quiet so ya won't wake Lily." His gravely voice melted away your sadness and replaced it with want. "I'll be good I promise." You felt him grin against your skin, his hands making quick work of getting your panties off and getting rid of his boxers. His already hard cock slipped between your thighs, his hips rutting against your ass. You were quickly reminded of his strength as he easily overpowered you, pressing you down into the mattress and slipping his thick length between your folds. He bottomed out in one smooth thrust, letting his feral side take over. "So sweet fer me baby." His fangs grazed your neck, right where he marked you and licked at the sensitive flesh making you moan out his name.
His claws dug into your hip and shoulder as he mercilessly fucked you until you were begging to cum, pressing your hips into his for more.
"P.. please.. Daryyyll~" your face was pressed into the pillows to muffle your sounds, but he heard your pleas and happily fucked you over the edge, finishing right after you.
Your body went limp on the bed, only startling back to life when you felt him twitch inside you. "Still hard?" You mumbled tiredly before hearing the unmistakable sound of him shifting. "Breed ya good." His distorted voice sent a rush of panic through you. The bed dipped further as his weight increased and the claws that held your hips grew.
"Hahh fuck pull out, Daryl!" His claws dug deeper into your hips as he held you pressed tight against him, his swelling cock easily tripling in size while still buried deep inside you.
Your lower body laid on the mattress as your hips were held up against him, drool dripping onto your back with his muzzle forming and started rocking his hips when his tail grew.
The sudden increase in size had you cry out into your pillow, the stretch burning and your hand moving down to feel at your belly that now protruded with the sheer size he was pumping in and out of you at an almost rude pace.
With his knot rubbing against your clit with each thrust you were soon coming around his cock.
And again after couple of thrusts.
Then three, four times before you were nothing more than a fucktoy for him to bury his knot into, pumping you so full of his seed you looked already pregnant by the time he laid down with you.
You were still passed out when Daryl shifted back during the night, the bedside lamp still on an casting a soft light over the room. He lifted the covers and took a peek at your sleeping form. Your shoulder had short dried cuts where his claws had dug into your skin and your hips were bruised and bloody too. He'd make sure to apologize in the morning, but for now some more sleep was the plan.
Until Lily awoke and started crying. It was only 7AM and Daryl woke up faster than you so he hopped out of bed, shimmied a pair of sweats on and went to calm his daughter.
As soon as he reached her bed he could sense what was going on with her. She'd shift soon. He held her close to his chest, rocking her softly and walking downstairs with her. He cooed at her and softly hummed a tune as he moved around the living room with her.
When you woke up you were alone in bed, feeling gross and sticky and in dire need of a quick shower. Except getting there turned out to be quite the challenge with sore legs and a busted hip. Every step felt like your knees creaked but the hot water quickly eased the pain. It did sting on the cuts, but that was less of a bother than scrubbing off your thighs and ass and everything in between covered in Daryl's dried cum.
Even touching your outer lips to clean had you wince thanks to last night's session.
Once you were clean and dry you threw on a loose hoodie and sweats and headed downstairs where you were met with Daryl who was walking back and forth along the couch, rocking Lily in his arms and humming tunes to her.
Yeah, you had forgiven him for the harsh treatment already.
He was so focused on Lily he hadn't heard you come downstairs, but she had and started actively squirming in Daryl's arms.
"Good morning, my loves." You walked up to them and took Lily from Daryl's arms and sat in your lounge chair with her, placing her in your lap and shrugging off your hoodie so she could feed.
Daryl hadn't paid much attention to your feeding times and so hadn't seen the damage Lily was doing to you until now.
"Man, I really haven't been payin' much attention to yer body. M'sorry bun." He sat himself down close to you and watched as your daughter fed, leaning in to plant kisses on the cuts on your shoulder and apologizing for the pain he's caused you. "When ya said she bit ya, I didn't realize it was this bad." He touched around the sore, bitten skin and silently prayed to the moon last night was a success and you'd heal by tomorrow. You noticed Daryl's glance at the ceiling and knew what went through his head.
You never told him you heard him that one night before Lily was born, out on the porch smoking a cigarette and speaking out into the night sky. He had asked for a birth with no complications and a healthy child, either wolf or human.
And just like his prayers had been heard you gave birth to a healthy daughter the next night, barely a full night between your first contraction and your pup laying in your arms. "It'll take, hun." You reassured him. "And if it doesn't we'll try again." Now that you knew you were both on the same side of the plan you got excited, the bad slowly starting to melt already.
When Lily had finished breakfast it was your turn. Daryl had offered to prepare something as part of his ongoing apology and you loved to have others cook for you. And Daryl was a great breakfast cook. You weren't sure if you could ever function without his cooking anymore.
He served up a large stack of pancakes. The ones you could eat throughout the entire day and pick at them even when cold.
"You're gonna hate me for saying this, but man I miss chocolate spread on pancakes." You knew you could just buy a jar and have it when you weren't pregnant or breastfeeding, but maybe it was better to just not eat it at all.
"Yer crazy, woman. Ain't havin' any a'tha in this house when there's curious pups runnin' round." Daryl made a really good point. The pups would eat anything they could get their hands on and get seriously ill if they ate chocolate.
"Yeah, you're right. I should really swear it off, for the kids."
"Yer actin' like we can't go into town fer ice cream some time." Daryl pointed his fork at you, talking with his mouth full. "Ya know, when yer not carryin' or feedin'."
Lily kept you both up at all hours of the night every night. So much that you hadn't even realized the scratched Daryl left on you had healed overnight.
It was only when Daryl had clung to you all morning, sniffing at you and melting against your skin with his hands over your belly that it all clicked and you shrieked in excitement.
Daryl turned got in his grasp and peppered your whole face with kisses. "Love this scent on ya. S' even better than them other dads say." He kept his face buried in your neck, deep calm breaths that had you relax against him too.
Your moment was quickly ruined by Lily being back to hiccuping and whining.
"I'll go get her. I really hope she shifts soon.." Daryl stalked behind you, keeping an eye out on his daughter.
There was no progress for two whole months, just lots of crying, lots of soothing and barely any sleep.
Still, you felt fine. As long as you ate enough your energy levels were fine. You just had a harder time moving around at two months with twins. Just one more month and your pups would be born, but you still worried about Lily.
She slept in the bed with you most nights now, it helped all three of you sleep.
Except for tonight.
She cried without pause, no matter what either you or Daryl tried.
He had changed and pulled her close to his furred chest, the rumbling of his soothing purrs not even quieting the pup.
"Daryl, can't we call an aunt or something?" But he shook his head, softly grumbling something at you. "This is fer parents only." You heard his voice in your head and perked up at the sudden noise. Daryl was lapping at the pup's fur, hoping the pressure would stimulate her change as you sat there.
Powerless in that moment.
Useless to your child and partner.
Daryl's lips curled up as he let out a short growl at you. "She feels ya. Think happy stuff."
You gave a soft apology and went to stroke her fur. "You'll be fine, baby. Don't fight it." You used words you learned from books, thinking back at that first time meeting Daryl and falling hard for the man. And then those days spent sneaking around with him and the interest he showed in you as well.
And then Lily. She was perfect in any way, from the first moment you felt her presence. You reached for her and pulled her against you, letting her rest against your chest on top of your bump. "You're a strong one. I can't wait to see what little human you looks like." She still only cried softly, unable to lay still.
It was close to morning by the time she finally started showing progress. You stroked her fur and a clump stuck to your fingers. "Eh, Daryl?" You raised your hand to him with the fur between your fingers.
His ears perked up and had his face close to her in a second, nuzzling at her and watch the fur fall away as she let out a loud cry as her legs changed shape and her muzzle disappeared. Her ears shrunk and shifted along with the rest of her head and you felt her tail and spine shift against your arm.
With some more soft brushing and her crying down to hiccups she now looked entirely human.
You carefully handed her over to Daryl so he could keep her warm against his fur while you went to grab her some clothes, making sure she was covered up properly while getting used to her new body.
"We really need to go into town. She needs more clothes."
Daryl had laid her down on the bed so you could dress her while he shifted back into his human form as well.
Dressed in his shirt and sweats he picked up his daughter and stared into the large cabinet mirror, seeing the three of you like this made him happy.
"Wouldya look at us. Lookin' close ta normal." You joined him at his side and almost wanted to suggest getting family photos taken. Lily in Daryl's arms with you beside them, rounded belly on display. Daryl could stay staring for days.
But sleep was way more important now when he saw you fight back a yawn and noticed Lily had fallen asleep in his arms.
"Bed?" You nodded in response and went to pee before joining your family in your large bed. Lily's tufts of fur on the cover would be dealt with when you woke up again.
To say you all slept well was an understatement, managing to all three sleep through the entire day and night til the next early morning. Daryl was the first one to wake, being the light sleeper that he is and took the opportunity to sneak out of bed and go find that stroller he had been gifted some time ago.
You had put it aside somewhere claiming you weren't going to need it anyways since you weren't leaving the house with a wolf pup.
He found it in the barely used front door hallway and took it to the living room with him and made sure it was all good to go before you were leaving to go to town.
Daryl didn't mind to mingle, hell he even had a job of some sorts as an on-call mechanic.
But first breakfast. He wasn't letting you leave the house without at least a sandwich in your system.
You had come downstairs with Lily while he made some simple sandwiches for you both and was pleasantly distracted halfway when you slipped your top down to feed Lily.
Normally the two of you would chat of you'd multitask but now you were intently staring at the child on your breast. "You stopped biting now, huh." You commented out loud and Daryl suddenly got very aware of his staring.
He made quick work of finishing the food and set it out before you so you two could eat together.
"Ya wanna go buy her some clothes? Got nothin' planned today, would be ta go out witcha." He knew you missed getting out of the house, and he didn't mind some time together away from home either so going out to buy Lily some clothes was the perfect opportunity.
"Oh man, I'd love to!" You beamed, getting to stroll along the shops again sounded amazing. "And we can now! Because Lily's looking human we'll be a normal family!" You quickly clapped a hand to your mouth. "Okay no we are. We are a normal family." You needed words to correct this. "W.. we now just.. all look human. We.. We'll blend."
"Bun, yer fine." He had made his way towards you and rubbed your shoulder in comfort. "Ya said nothin' wrong."
You two got yourselves and Lily ready and put the folded stroller in the truck bed before heading out. The whole way there you had a smile on your face as you talked about the different shops and things to do in town all the way up to where you parked.
When you got to the first store Daryl kindly took over the stroller and let you loose, following you through the children's' section and picking out all kinds of cute items. Daryl let you toss it all into your basket and merely shrugged at the price tag.
On your way to the second store you spotted a crowd on on the other side of the road. There was a small church there and between all the people you saw them. A man in a pretty suit and a woman in the most beautiful dress, hand in hand as they made their way out the door to be cheered on by their friends and family.
"Bun?" Daryl looked around and spotted you a bit further back, having stopped dead in your tracks while Daryl talked to you to stare at the married couple. He had stepped up beside you to see what caught your attention and almost felt bad. He had mated with you, yes. But the idea of marrying you on human terms never even crossed his mind.
"C'mon. Wanna take ya somewhere." You followed his lead as he strolled along the sidewalk, stopping at a large bike shop and garage. "You worked here?" Your question had him chuckle and shake his head, before he put his one free hand on the stroller handle and moved to cross the road when no traffic passed.
Across the street and straight ahead through the front door of a jewelry shop.
"Go pick somethin' just no silver."
You were stuck. No movement, no thoughts. "Daryl.. what?" He stepped over with a smile. "Anythin' my girl wants, she gets. An' pick one fer me too."
The store clerk looked at the interaction and gave it an 'only slightly strange' on the scale of folks that came in. The man surely didn't look like the ones that usually came into the shop.
"So, no silver, madam?" You perked up at the salesman's voice. "Yes, no. Allergies." He game you a kind smile, seeing you were clearly brought here without prior knowledge.
You were shown a selection of golden bands but none of them really spoke to you. The color never suited you so you moved on to the silver colored materials. "These here contain no silver, I hope one of these suits your wishes." You took your time to really taking in all the designs and different types of stones in the rings while Daryl browsed some designer items on the glass wall. He hadn't bought stuff for himself in a while and the leather and chain bracelets and big rings in the cabinet really spoke to him.
He waved over the salesman for some items while you continued to browse the rings, having taken a few to look at closer before moving on to the next box while Daryl finished his purchase and added the accessories to his current outfit and putting the boxes with your previous purchases.
"Hey, Daryl. Come look at these." You called him over from where he stood, checking on Lily who slept in her stroller.
"I'll love anythin' ya pick. Man knows ma ring size so yer all good."
You rolled your eyes but admired his trust.
"These are without silver too, right?" You pointed at a set that caught your eye. "Yes, but know this is the most pricey box you're browsing. A soft 'oh' left your lips and Daryl spoke up "she don't mind. Let 'er pick wha' she likes."
And thus the salesman dug for the right size men's ring and helped you find yours too. You gave it a good hard look on your finger and confidently spoke 'Yes'. You wanted these.
"Lemme see whatya got, princess." You happily showed your hand to him that held the ring, and held his up for him to take. "I hope they're okay." Suddenly shy your hand trembled as you held it out but Daryl took his without hesitation and put it on, giving it a good look with a smile on his face. "Ya chose perfect."
Yeah. You really did. It looked good on his hand, the small stone in the silver colored band being just subtle enough and the black band that laid against it fit perfectly with his tattoos.
Your thinner ring held a beautiful diamond in between the two entwined black and gold bands.
But when you caught the total for the two rings your heart dropped. Still, Daryl paid like it was nothing.
It made you feel weird. You had never discussed money with the pack being so self sufficient, and extra groceries were always bought by Daryl on his way back from a job.
But you kept it to yourself.
Once outside and away from the shop Daryl opened up about your worries. "S' easy ta save money when ya barely need ta spend." He had a cigarette hanging loose on his lips. "M' the only one in the pack tha works a steady job among humans."
You went to grab a small lunch together and decided to head back home after. You had bought what you came for and quite the extras. And you were admittedly getting tired, not being used to being out this much anymore.
"So, ya had fun today?" Daryl had an arm around your waist as he kept up beside you, all your bags in his other hand.
"Yeah, we should do this m--" Oh shit.
Just as you rounded the corner your breath caught in your throat at the sight of them.
Your dad. Together with his new girlfriend and Carl too.
To say you were terrified was an understatement. You were out with the man that was part of you guys' fight, your child in her stroller and heavily pregnant again.
You broke all contact after the fight and were in no shape to rekindle that connection right now.
Michonne was the first one to speak up. "Looks like her obsession got only worse after your great idea." She gave Rick a look, who only sighed and tried his best to see the good in this situation.
"Looks like you're being taken care of." He spoke to you, looking at your wedding bands. Carl was less weird about things and was at your side in seconds. "Can I see the baby?" He wouldn't peek until you nodded and carefully rounded the stroller and said hello to your daughter.
"You two have been busy." Michonne poked her head around to look as well, looking between Lily and your belly. Daryl chimed in now, taking note of your discomfort. "The whole pack's got lotsa kids. We wanted tha' as well." It was a clear statement that said a lot more than just that.
"So, you got married." Rick's eyes were back on you. If you truly did then he was truly a horrible father in your eyes, but you shook your head no. "We eh. We just got these today. Not married, in the human sense."
Carl was buzzing with questions but respectfully kept quiet, unlike his parents who all of a sudden seemed interested in your relationship.
"How old is she?" It was Michonne's turn again now. "She's six months." You got a comical look at that answer before the looked over at your stomach. "Two months." You replied to her silent question. "One more an' they'll be 'ere." Daryl still held a protective stance around you.
"Yer not gonna look at yer grandkid, brother?" It was important to Daryl that Rick knew he still held that title, despite what happened between you and him. But Rick was having a harder time with it.
Still he rounded the stroller to look and visibly softened.
"What's her name?" It came out genuinely curious, so you answered way more kindly this time as well. "Her name's Lily.
Daryl felt you had been social enough for the day and announced his leave. Using the excuse of you needing lots of sleep to head back to the car with awkward goodbyes.
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A/N: The return of the Grimes family!! There's gonna be a lot to discuss between them.
The whole way home was quiet. The conversation on repeat in your mind, all the words you didn't say and all the things you thought they'd answer.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
HELLO IT IS I AGAIN (Razor's mom /real)
So you know those imposters aus where characters chase the reader for being an 'impersonator'?
What if... It's a continuation from my ask (where we meet Razor first before everyone), and Razor is just confused at the patrolling knights near Wolvendom constantly asking him if he have saw 'the impostor'
Tbh he just shakes his head. Who tf is the impostor????? Wtf is an impostor???????
Many question marks later..
He had encountered an epiphany (not really it's just the Springvale ppl talking about someone copying the creator's looks).
The 'Impostor' they have been searching is you.
But you're not an impostor! Razor knows it! Andrius knows it! And with how the nature and the monster responded to you, Teyvat knows it too!
So like the good son he is, he sheltered you even more severely.
Ur not allowed to go out of his sights at this point (he'll still take you to places with many lampgrasses if you still wanna make a crown w it)
And my imagination ends there, do you think there's something else he'd do?
Ty for answering my last request btw, ur the best and I hope you get your favorite characters w one 10 pull and your desired artifacts w the best stats <3
Much love and sweets
-Razor's mom
RAZOR'S MOM!! HELLO aw im so glad u liked it :)
Srry about the late reply! 💜💜💜
Ok, so I think this is a good time to point to my shiny
Writing Requests/About Me Post I have pinned on my 👉 blog!!👈💅 taaa daaaa :) i did it guys here ya go
Yall have been GREAT so far abt keeping the requests chill and fun, and i dont have that many "Donts" that arent obvious (homophobia, transphobia, ableism,etc)
Dont worry Razor Mom, i just wanted to use this as a way to talk about this!! /nm /gen
About Imposter AU, there are plenty of other blogs/posts that write for that or posts under SAGAU tag! :)
I said wayyy earlier on in some of my first asks, but basically I really want to lighten up the Genshin SAGAU / Isekai tag and branch out from all these darker Imposter AUs :)
And also add more world-building posts or AUs <3
(language brainrot for example)!!
TL;DR: I am not accepting hunting down/yandere/cult au/imposter au Genshin Sagau, only a funny or chill version of it.
Please check my writing rules post :)
Example: u look like Creator, but everybody's like, "oh lucky them wow rlly blessed, have a free drink, etc.
OR omfg where r they?? They descended to Teyvat oh fuck we lost our god-"
Heres the Razor post !!!
If u wanna check it out :]
Cracks knuckles, Saddle up Baby, bc its time for my version of the Imposter AU 🤭😋😈
(and sorry for answering super late/possible scare Razor mom anon!! :'/ )
So it begins rlly small right?
Like, Razor does not know the new knight patroling Wolvendom's borders
,, weird but ok, he thinks basically
And then when it was time to visit some domains a little closer to Springvale for grinding
(Or rlly just to get some of their tiny restaurants homemade food yumm)
He notices more Favonius knights lurking around than usual
Or at least widening their patrols
And hes like wtf?
Ur like, huh.
I'll ask Springvale ppl wtf goin on
The locals respond that the search for the Great Creator has begun.
...you and Razor: 👁👄👁 w h o m s t ❔️
Upon further questioning
(which was apparantly weird that yall didnt know, but eh, u just used the whole "feral wolf child with feral blacksmith parent living in woods ignorance" excuse)
Admittedly yall, quite literally, live under a rock lmao
They explain theres a whole ass prophecy
Abt how the Great Architect would succumb to a long slumber somewhere else in the vast universe after making the planet.
And when the time is right, they will reconnect to Teyvat, and awaken, and descend in a mortal form
(like the archons)
..but the kicker is nobody knows wtf they look like bc:
1. All that lore is hella crumbly and old, and very hard to translate
2. Mortal forms sometimes look different than god forms, so even if they did know some defining features of the Creator, that wasnt guaranteed to be them...
(i.e. they will have brown eyes, well. Thats a fuckton of ppl with brown eyes innit? 💀)
So thru certain signs, that this mysterious prophecy wooooo
Said would happen, the nations of Teyvat and their many supernatural inhabitants are aware the ultimate god has descended
(The crops flourished? Animals got more wily, many of the sick ppl got better for no reason, the Irminsul started regrowing/filling out its base- like how it looked like a lightning struck tree rn 💀)
So every country are now trying to find them to be the first to welcome them home
Needless to say its lowkey a competition
Meanwhile you and Razor are just:
... (゜▽゜;)
"Haha yeah cool..."
(Andrius already told u what u r to Teyvat and explained to Razor)
Ur both immediately slapping a cloak on u and keeping the hood up all the time
Yall dont wanna be seperated :(
Ur both paranoid for diff reasons,
Razor's just scared his Lupical is going to be taken from him again bc there r better, more refined humans wanting to be ur Lupical ;-;
And ur like-
Omfg that sounds like sm work 💀
While its nice to daydream abt what itd be like to be famous, realistically,
U could not handle that shit.
People crowding you all the time?
U cant just look busted anywhere u go, like a midnight snack run
Ppl would also expect u be,
To act like a competent ruler maybe???
Hell no.
U just wanted to play a pretty gacha game and spoil ur skrunklies
(At least, if they do wanna call u that, they dont make u do anything political 💀 but u doubt it)
Needless to say, Razor is glued to ur side everywhere u go.
A domain a half mile away? Oh he'll come with dw
Ur gonna go stop by that food merchant further up the road for ingredients? Cool he'll sniff the best ones!
Ur going to see Andrius??
Oh he needed to see him too-
😭😭🥺🥺 poor babe
Surprisingly enough,
Or maybe not his house is right tf there
Diluc is the first person to actually recognize you.
Razor had been subtly steering u away from Mondstadt for 3 weeks now, ever since yall talked to the Springvale locals
An u cant say u didnt notice, but u werent rlly stopping him
You wanted to be like Venti, chillin among the ppl regardless of ur powers, not the Raiden Shogun :/
And maybe shock some ppl who dont know ur a god like him too lol
Diluc had been looking around the lesser patroled areas of Mondstadt to search for the Architect
He didn't even need those incompetent knights to tell him their god had finally descended
He already saw the signs long before Mondstadt
Bc youve been in Wolvendom, the area has flourished over time, more fish in the water, more game to hunt and bigger, crows making circles in the sky despite there being no corpse
And one of the closest places to you,
Is the Dawn Winery.
Diluc's security against Venti began to hold up better, the staff didn't have to clean as much things like dirt or weather damage to the manor,
His hawk had never been faster delivering his letters, he almost thought the little guy had been drugged with something
He patroled Stormterror's Lair, and deep in the woods surrounding the manor that the knights hadn't bother to go into
Afterall, he figured you'd never had a mortal form before, so u were unlikely to fend for urself for very long in the woods lol
so he wanted to find u quick (aww softy :')
He even made a trip out to the Thousand Wind Temple and Dragonspine (he did report that one to the knights, he didn't want Amber, Bennett, or Creator-forbid Klee, being the few pyro users to have to explore it)
Finally, after doing the further away locations, siginificant in history and rich with leftover magic
Diluc figured that's where you might land first, so he saved Wolvendom for last
It would at least let him check on that wolf kid and maybe get to talk to him long enough to ask him if he's seen anything unusual.
The lord of Dawn Winery manor heads into the Wolvendom woods, just as sunset colors the trees...
It was a Friday evening, the sun was setting, the weather was pleasant and it was time for all of the Lupical to come together and eat a big feast!! :)
About once a month, Andrius will come out for a few nights and dine with all of yall
Hes an old wolf give him a break, he takes long naps
So u cook lots of Mondstadt favorites to eat on and a few Liyue dishes too
Razor, ur favorite helper, has helped u finish the last dish and is now romping around with the puppies bless <3
U guys have dragged ur coffee table dining table setup out to sit and eat at
Andrius lets out a not too loud, not too quiet howl, and as the wolves, Razor and you lmao join in
Yall dig in, bones flying everywhere, spagetti noodles flingling around, it would put toddlers to shame lol
Diluc hears a howl that is too... big to be a regular wolf.
It filled the air of Wolvendom like no howl before it, as he used the glowing lampgrass to help light the path deeper
He sneaks past a hilichurl camp or two, all fast asleep
He scans the woods, and figures he'll search the woods besides the path after he gets to that old stone carved pit-
Diluc sniffs the air, and squints deeper into the forest
The black branches shade the way ahead, but just barely... he can see the flicker of orange and blue light?
He summons his claymore, bracing it on his shoulder, and creeps into the treeline to better hide him
You swear to god (dammit swear to.. you??) someone is watching you.
You look around the piles of fluffy doggos, happy and stuffed full they r slowly forming puppy piles
Andrius is finishing his meat platter, also sitting on all four legs on the ground
Razor is splayed on his back beside you, eyes closed, his feet sticking out the other side of the table, u chuckle at him
But not a single Lupical seems to be looking at you.
Gulping down your last few bites, you scan the treeline
U refuse to be that bitch in a horror movie where their gut says smth is off and they brush it off or barely look at their surroundings
Turning around to the treeline behind you, u see something... red fur?
U sit up some more, peering over the bushes at the bottom of the trees
You meet a pair of warm brown eyes, widened like they're just as shocked to see you
As u notice his familiar red high ponytail (but also not?? Its weird going from 2D to 3D and still recognizing bitches)
U peer down at his chest, as he carefully stands out of the foliage-
That familiar star shaped button that u can press for the character menu screen, the same thats on Razor, on Benny, on Fischl, on Lisa-
Hovers over Diluc's chest.
Diluc is in the bush, observing the human(???) stranger (he really doesnt want to attract the attention of that.. giant spirit wolf thing)
The figure sitting at a ... table?? (He can barely process all these absurdities at once, hes only got so much brain space)
Has sensed his presence, and as he grips his claymore, ready to demand answers,
Razor startles, and jumps up, smelling the pyro user, he summons his weapon-
The figure locks eyes with him, and all he sees is gold.
Diluc drops his claymore.
Have a cliffhanger bc idk 🤷‍♂️ Also srry it wasnt exactly Mondstadt finding u, and it somehow turned into a whole scenario?? Idk man
🤧 welp i hope that was decent Razor mom! Tysm for ur sweet feedback abt our beloved son 🙏💜🐺
Feel free to always talk again, thru comments, asks whatever!! :D
(guys im so stupid i coud've been signing off with this simple emoji combo the whole time,, 😭i didnt actually think abt emojifying my name, just making it look pretty with some of my fav emojis... 😔)
If anyone reads this u should let me know which one is better lol
OR like a combo???
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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masterqwertster · 11 months
Noticing trauma, #33 with Chetney (so tempting to put Ashton there but that almost seems too easy) and and another member(s) of Bell's Hells of your choice.
33 "I'm gonna find the fucker that hurt you and reduce them to the sorry son of a bitch they are." Lol, yeah. It's a very Chetney or Ashton worded quote for Bells Hells. Maybe Laudna if you worked her up enough. As for a second member of Bells Hells, let's get everyone in here at least a little bit. Prompt
Imogen and Orym come back from their information gathering roughed up. And it's not the "we were kicking ass and taking names!" sort of roughed up. More a "don't touch me, I've been unwillingly touched today and had to force them to back off."
There's a difference to the look. And the smell, Chetney's now noticing. And that is not o-fucking-kay. Especially not with his kids.
Laudna and Fearne are, of course, fussing over their best friends, and FCG is ready to throw out the heals. But Chetney can see the way Ashton clocks the duo's mood, catalogues their injuries, and the dangerous glow of their head as they maneuver to be between the fussing group and the world.
He shares a curt nod with the genasi. Whatever happened to their people, it won't happen again and it won't go unanswered.
Chetney sidles through the crowd of concern, drifting close enough to get a good whiff of Imogen and Orym, particularly whatever scents of their attackers may linger on them.
Orym clocks him taking a sniff (can't get anything past that little fucker) and so does Fearne. But where the halfling wears a consternated frown, Chetney's lovely lady of chaos wears a wicked and toothy grin. He just loves when the faun gets a bit feral. It's hot as fuck.
Once the group is settled into a room, quiet and away from people and problems, Chetney gives Fearne a look. The druid smiles that wicked smile and flounces over to his side at the door.
"Where are you two goin'?" Imogen asks, puzzled.
"Oh, just out to have a little fun," Fearne breezily answers, throwing in a wink.
Imogen flushes and looks away. Probably remembering that wonderful night Chetney had with his ladies in the Savalirwood.
"Fearnie," Orym admonishes.
"I'm not lying," Fearne insists with a pout. And she's not. They're going to have some fun putting the fear of Bells Hells into those motherfuckers.
"Where are you two going?" the halfling demands in a too calm tone.
"Fuck! Fine! We're gonna go find the fuckers that hurt you and reduce them to the sorry sons of bitches they are," Chetney admits.
"You really don't have to-"
"Oh, but we really want to," Fearne counters, that feral little smile coming out again.
"Yeah! So you kids sit tight. We'll be back in bit. Maybe with some severed heads," Chetney agrees, holding the door open for his lady.
"That's disgustin'," Imogen complains.
"Don't get caught," Ashton instructs them.
Chetney locks eyes with them, passing an understanding that the barbarian is charged with keeping the others safe. A nod seals that deal.
"Make 'em bleed!" the genasi calls out before the door closes.
"They're gonna be doing more than bleeding when we're through with 'em!"
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authorautumnbanks · 3 months
Accidentally Dating (8)
Summary: A series of accidental dates and meetings between Kagome and Satoru over the years.
Pairing: KagomexGojo
Series Master list
To say Satoru is pissed would be an understatement.
He is furious.
"Get up!" He barks out at InuYasha, who wipes the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. "Sorry excuse for a demon."
InuYasha glares, but his ears droop. "It was an accident…I didn't know."
"She's missing half of her soul! You think I want an apology?" Satoru advances. Fuck this. Fuck him. And fuck his sorry ass apology.
"Enough," Father commands. "Both of you." He strolls forward and stands between them on the training grounds.
"What are you even doing here?" Satoru mutters. Doesn't his dad have other things to do, like running Mom around on her errands? That's all he does these days.
"Putting a stop to this foolishness." Father crosses his arms. Satoru squints. Are those marks on his chest? Did he get into a fight? Father normally wears his tops more open, except for today.
"Butt outta it," InuYasha grumbles, stumbling to his feet. "It's complicated, alright."
"The hell it is! You think I care about some dead bitch?"
"HEY!" Father pins him with a glare. "Watch your mouth. I don't care how angry you are."
"This dog boy," Satoru spats out. "Is fine with his zombie girlfriend walking around with half of Kagome's soul, and you're okay with that?"
"No. I never said it was okay, but beating InuYasha isn't going to solve anything, and Kagome will be upset when she hears what you've done."
"She'll get over it."
Father sighs and drags a hand down his face. "And how do you propose you get the rest of her soul back if you can't go down the well?"
Satoru flinches. That's a sore spot and father knows it. That stupid well only lets Kagome and InuYasha pass through.
"Keh, Kagome's fine wit' it. She said so."
"InuYasha, stop talking," Father sighs. "Your mother would be upset to hear you two fighting and no, she would not get over it."
InuYasha flushes. His cheeks are stained pink.
Satoru scowls. Of course, Mom took InuYasha in. She has a thing for strays. They don't need any more family members.
Ito rushes over with a medical kit in hand. InuYasha rolls his eyes and shrugs her away.
"He stinks," Satoru declares.
InuYasha lifts his arm and smells. "I don't stink."
"You smell like dog."
"I am a dog!"
"A mongrel."
InuYasha growls, barring his teeth. "Yeah, and dogs are carnivorous."
"ENOUGH!" Father booms, grabbing InuYasha by the ear.
Satoru smirks.
Father drags InuYasha towards him and grabs his ear, too.
"Oi! Satoru and InuYasha complain. They look at one another and snarl.
"You're both feral children," Father complains. "Ito Fetch one of the drivers and tell him to ready the car."
"We goin' to the shrine?" InuYasha asks. "I can run there faster than some stupid car."
"No, you two are doing a mission. Together."
"Hell no. I don't need his help taking out a curse."
"If it ain't got a shard, I don't care about it."
"Funny," Father drawls, "I don't recall asking either of you your opinion."
"You can't be serious!" Satoru tries to jerk free, but his father grips his ear tighter. "I don't need to learn how to work with him. InuYasha isn't a sorcerer."
Father ignores him and drags them out of the training grounds, past some guards and servants, and down to where the car is. One thing Satoru will say about Ito is she knows how to hustle and she takes her job seriously. It would be nice if she stopped taking orders from the old man since she's supposed to be his attendant.
Ito bows and then stops in front of Satoru. He rubs his ear and huffs. Why is he being dragged into this? Seriously? A mission together? What good will that do? What if he accidentally shoots off a red and InuYasha gets caught in the crosshairs? Satoru covers his mouth with his hand, hiding the smirk.
Doesn't sound like a bad idea. InuYasha allowed some witch to get close enough to Kagome and take her soul. And this isn't even the first time that he let something happen to Kagome after he promised to protect her.
"Satoru-sama," Ito whispers. "I have procured an archery teacher for Kagome."
Satoru cuts his eyes towards her and nods. Good. That's what he's talking about. Efficient. He climbs into the backseat and spreads out his legs. InuYasha growls and spreads his legs out too.
"Don't make me bind you two together," Father warns from the front seat. "Knock it off."
Satoru gags. "InuYasha isn't a sorcerer. Don't know if he can even do anything to curses."
"Good thing you'll be there to watch your brother's back then."
"HE'S NOT MY BROTHER!" Satoru and InuYasha shout. They glance at one another and scowl.
Satoru lies his head on the window and stares out. He has nothing more to say. This is the worst. Now he and InuYasha are speaking at the same time. What's next? Brotherly bonding? Disgusting.
"You guys are…back?" Kagome stops right in front of the Goshinboku and her mouth drops.
"Keh," InuYasha says. "Let's get goin'. Tired of being in this time. It stinks."
"You're smelling yourself," Satoru deadpans, wincing slightly. His muscles ache. That mission should have been classified as a special grade one. Whoever scoped out the area and assigned the grade should be fired or forced to do one themselves because what the hell. His Father is strong, but even he would have had difficulty with that mission.
Not that he's going to praise InuYasha for his help, because he's not.
Kagome rolls her eyes. "I'm not going back today. I have a test in the morning. But why do you two look so beat up?" She crosses her arms. The pink sweater looks nice on her, naturally. He had Ito buy it for her.
"Mission," Satoru says, "It wasn't classified correctly. But it's fine. We handled it."
"Yeah, that fucker was annoying." InuYasha mirrors Kagome and crosses his arms. "Kept multiplying and shit."
"Good job sniffing him out, though," Satoru says with a yawn. "It was far more intelligent than some of the other curses."
"Too smart," InuYasha agrees. "Thought they were all mindless. The ones I've seen in my time are nothing more than insects."
"What? So, you have seen some?" Satoru turns to InuYasha. That means InuYasha's time is a part of this world. But if that's the case, where the hell are these demons, then? He'll never admit it out loud, but InuYasha isn't weak. A full-fledged demon must be even stronger.
"Only a few over the century. There were a lot of them in the estate and some villages have some roaming around, but no one seems to notice em."
"Estate? Wait, are you from a clan?"
InuYasha flushes. "Mom got kicked out for sleeping with a demon. Father was some great dog demon or whatever. A general."
Satoru scratches his cheek. "Then why are you so uncouth?"
"Oi!" InuYasha lunges at him and because Satoru still has some fight in him, he keeps infinity off and goes after InuYasha, too.
"Are you two serious right now?" Kagome asks. "Unbelievable."
"Wait!" Satoru punches InuYasha and the cheek right as InuYasha lands a punch on him. "Where are you going?"
"Away from you two. You two fight like siblings, and I don't want that rubbing off on Sota."
"Keh. He started it."
"You threw the first punch," Satoru jabs. "Anyway, where's Mom? I'm hungry." He stretches his arms. Nothing beats Mom's cooking. The cooks at the estate need to take lessons from her.
Kagome squints at them. "She grabbed her purse and left as soon as you guys got here."
She did?
InuYasha sniffs the air. "Old man ain't here either. Guess they went somewhere together."
"They're always together," Satoru huffs.
"Well…Gramps is making dinner tonight."
InuYasha and Satoru both gag. "We're good." They look at one another and sigh. This is getting old. InuYasha needs to go back to his time. They are clearly spending too much time together these days. And he is so over it.
"What's wrong with Gramp's cooking?"
"What isn't wrong with his cooking?" Satoru pulls out his phone. "We can just have Ito come by and make something."
"Absolutely not. Leave that poor woman alone. She needs a break from you."
"First of all," Satoru says, rolling his eyes. "I'm a joy."
InuYasha snorts.
"Second, Ito doesn't want me to die of food poisoning, so she would be more than happy to come out here and cook for all of us."
"Your stomach is that weak? Keh."
Satoru blinks slowly at InuYasha. "Says the dude that can't handle certain smells without passing out."
"I'm a dog!"
"Yeah, and dogs sleep outside."
Kagome sighs. "I'll just leave you two to it."
Satoru snaps his attention to Kagome's retreating form. He jogs to catch up to her with InuYasha not far behind him. "Wait, what if I cook instead? It can't be that hard."
InuYasha laughs.
Kagome trips and almost falls over, but he catches her around the waist.
"You cook?"
"It can't be that hard." He pouts.
InuYasha continues to crackle in the background. Satoru glares at him over his shoulder. Will he knock it off? He can cook. It's not that hard to throw some stuff on the stove.
"This I gotta see. You? Fancy boy, cooking?" InuYasha doubles over and pretends to wipe a tear from his eyes.
"Like you can do any better. You can't even use a remote properly."
"Oi!" InuYasha pushes a sleeve back and shakes a fist. "I bet I can do better than whatever crap you conjure up."
"You challenging me?"
Kagome sighs again. "You two fight like cats and dogs." She walks away again, shrugging Satoru's hold off.
InuYasha smirks. "Yeah, and dogs eat cats."
Satoru clucks his tongue. "How about I knock all your teeth out?" They butt heads, snarling at one another.
"Oh, Mom won't like it if you guys get blood on the shrine grounds," Kagome calls.
They jump back from one another, cross their arms, and huff. Whatever. InuYasha isn't worth the effort, anyway.
A/N: Happy Saturday! Suguru's chapter will be next :)
Kagome's grade will for sure be a lot better this time around and Syouma has pulled some strings to keep her out of trouble with the school, so Gramps doesn't get to make up nearly as many diseases as he did in canon lol. Next update will be Wish I Could. Not sure what date that will be coming out.
So this question was more general: "What's going on with your reviewers It's not normal and scary, both for you and for your devoted reviewer. Don't let yourself be peer pressured into writing like this." - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Everyone's been awesome and you guys have me cracking up in the reviews. I do appreciate the concern and I want to stress that I'm not being peer pressured into anything. Writing the fanfics is fun for me. It feels like an escape. And if I'm being really honest, me writing the fanfics is me procrastinating lol.
Stay safe! Make sure you are watching/reading/etc things that fill your well. Drink plenty of water and gets lots of rest. Below is a snippet of some original stuff I have procrastinated on lol:
"Here," he holds out his hand.
I gag. "Is that a heart? Are you insane?"
He tilts his head to the left. "You need to eat. Do you not want it? It's from a dark mage."
"I don't care how hungry I am. I am not eating a heart. Or any thing raw."
He shrugs and bites into it.
Oh I'm going to be sick.
"They're looking for you," he says in between bites.
"What? Who?"
"The undead of course. They have orders. But why you?"
"Your humor sucks."
"How strange, every female I have entertained has complimented me on my humor."
What is my life right now? "Perhaps they didn't want to insult your dick then?" Objectively, he's attractive. So it can't be his looks. Though his personality is kinda sucky.
His brows pinch together. "Cocks." Roharu turns away and licks the blood off his hand.
Cocks? As in plural?
"Why would the undead want you?"
I blow out a breath. "I've never seen an undead. The closest I've gotten to the dead is a tombstone."
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shadoedseptmbr · 1 year
wednesday wip
A bullet hit one of the containers EDI had warned them about and in seconds a red mist had filled the air and alarms sounded from her suit filters, geared to recycle atmo, sounding like they were echoing down a tunnel. She dropped to her knees behind a crate as the memory hit her and for half a second she was small and skinny in a cavern of a warehouse; her mouth full of blood, a haze of red over her eyes,  and a faint flicker of blue haloing her fingers.
 “Analysis.”  Aedan managed to gasp through the not quite flashback. She could use it.  Latching onto that thought, she clawed her way back to the present. There’d just be one shot, though. And these scrappers weren’t worth it. Now the gunship…the gunship was a surprise. “Goddamn idiots. Why are they firing on their own fucking hide?” Massani muttered beside her. There was a tremor to his fingers she didn’t like so she grinned with just the right edge of feral to be distracting.
“We’re just that fucking annoying.” 
His surprised chuckle was raspy but his fingers were steady as he cleared  another shot and took out a fin of the rear rotor. Only eight more to go. “I’m gonna have to tap out, if we get any more of that sand.”
“Yeah. You take Kasumi, watch our asses in case we need to retrace.” 
“Your flags ain’t goin’ off?”  He glanced down at the readout she’d adjusted.
“Nah. High efficiency filters.” Another shot, another fin…and some smoke. Nice. “I’m used to being fucking annoying, People try to gas me a lot.” He chuckled again, standing to direct fire to the couple of yellow armored Eclipse minions that filtered in through the door. The numbers were getting sparser and that niggle she’d learned to listen to told her that they were- finally- coming to the end of reinforcements. They couldn’t be too far from the hub, now.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog thoughts, gods and monsters
This. This is the best title sequence and opening of all the episodes. It is. I am going to shatter.
The way it fades out and we are back in reality and the body is dead and floating in the water and within the song, within the end
I am emotionally fucking brittle going into this I can already tell holy fuck ok
Layla you are so hot I love you kill bite maim
Sandy lil Ammit….
Layla crying over the body her face breaking her hands so delicate n she kisses their forehead and her grief is anger it is fury it is revenge and she lets them go let’s them sink and she is going to kill and die trying
“I don’t need to show you my papers, you need to show us your soul” is possibly the funniest line in this episode
Taweret talking through bodies I LOVE YOUUUU
Layla n Marc r both so stubborn n have that one minded view on things
Also I love that this shows us what’s been happening in the upper world
“Marc says wonderful things ab you” yeah like how she’d b up for murdering u w him HSHHDHD
The other gods r beta cucks n Ammit is the alpha, that’s what the A is for
White man enters the pyramids, 5 dead, 0 left alive which sucks
The score building to Ammits release FUCKE AND SHE IS SO COOL OHHHHH LADY YEAH LADY WooOO
Sandy lil Khonshu hehehe
The one scene Arthur looks pathetic n it’s what he deserves Ammit is cool
He’s so sweaty tho
They have a freaky thing goin on
When she pushes his hair back n he looks wrecked lol
Khonshu is dustyyyyyy
Layla once again very human. She is scared but pushes on and she is emotional but that doesn’t cause her to falter.
Yknow what Khonshu’s hair tendrils remind me of? Thin lil rice noodles
Marc in the field of reeds… I WILL cry
“It’s so… quiet” the way his voice is fragile n disbelieving
Manifesting the silence, which means danger, no loneliness or hurt, and no Steven. No voice talking to him
Holy shit ok
I have the chills Ok
Marc walks over to Steven w such purpose n such a fucking open n sad face
“Lookin pretty rough man”
Sorry I had to watch the speech I couldn’t type
I rlly rlly care ab these guys
Ammit uses her hair to swing at Khonshu that’s so cool
Khonshu getting his ass KICKED
The coming back to life scene I’m
And then the bullets fall out
This is when the CG suit looks fakest but it’s followed by the chad real suits so it’s ok
“I knew you’d miss me” FREAK
“Steven Grant I was not speaking to you 🙄”
Steven ily
Khonshu is still
What a guy
“Hurry up! Idiots!”
Osiris’s guy is not having a great time
Blood gurgling asmr sorry idk what’s wrong w me
“Taweret..? Are you there..?”
This ep is gorgeous
She does Taweret vs Layla so well
Layla getting to know her father is ok n gets to be proud of her WE DONT TALK AB THAT ENOGHH THATS FUCKING HHHGGGHHHGG AGGHG
Marc b flying
Harrow is climbin
Leg work out
What if he didn’t climb to the top in time lol
Marc Spector more like Dart Spector w how precise he’s going through the air
So many ppl die in Cairo that’s so
Fucking sad
Ammit looks epic tho good for her
The battle in the air is amazing the gods battling it out I’m just
I love this so much I love it so much
Right after harrow n Marc crash to the ground in Cairo hes just laying there n it is the funniest shot I have ever seen
Ammit using her tail is so cool
“Layla…” /in love
“Layla” “Marc” “oh baby, thank god you’re ok” “oh you look amAzing what are you wEAring?”
I’m im I’m immmmmmmmmm
Layla is so cool n Marc jumps over the car n it’s amazing n Ammit bites Khonshu in the ribs n they’re fighting together as avatars and equals im fucking yelling
I love this episode SO FICKING MUCH JESUS HELL
Harrow is so sweaty ew
Shut up harrow lmao
You suck
N not even balls balls r too good for u
U suck dirt
God…. The suit getting blasted off their face the heartbeat taking over Khonshu falling in the background
I’m fucking unwell this is so good
“That wasn’t you was it Steven?” “Not a chance mate”
Jake came to party babeeee
Ammit where r u even dragging Khonshu lmao
Dragging his ass into next week
Layla n Marc holding hands n chanting n saving the day n sharing power
Both their voices sound so nice here
The way cutting the connection still has Marc recoil n not Layla bc Khonshu is harsher
Layla is his morals and she reminds him he is free and he doesn’t have to listen to Khonshu
Literally the only moment I wish was a bit longer fuck all the other bits the pacing is actually fine on a rewatch
Dr harrow time to get FUCKED UP
Oscar’s acting in this scene, Marc n Steven switching smoothly bc they have come to even ground, the clear differences between the two
The bloody footprints
The dream… to the waking of being in bed together and safe and on even ground
And it’s Marc waking up in Steven’s clothes n there’s two fish now n he gets to be in the house and be the one that trips n just
Jake time
Yes let’s go
His gloves… his confidence…. This man
Kicks the wheelchair
N Khonshu’s neck cracks
“You can’t hurt us.” “Yeah..? Wanna know something?”
“Meet my friend, Jake lockley.”
God ok o rmr why I love this episode it’s bc it SLAMS
All of u that shit on gods n monsters need to do a full rewatch and NOT EXPECT IT TO B WHAT IT ISNT IT IS A FUCKING GREAT FINALE LEGIT
I’m not ok I can’t go to sleep now what the fuvk
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certainlysyko · 3 months
okay okay okay but?? music recommendations??
I had a long ass post with a bunch of links but Tumblr is a biotch so here's a basic ass list with my top songs
My music taste is pretty diverse, but mostly delves on the hard rock/ metalcore side. This isn't everything but its what I listen to on a daily basis more often than not.
I'm a huge music girly; My neurodivergence comes out I swear. I'm very particular about my music but also not at all, if that makes sense. I like music that tells a story. I don't mind the genre (most of the time) so needless to say I don't understand rave culture but to each their own haha.
Bad Omens - broken youth, exit wounds, feral, the worst in me, kingdom of cards, dethrone, the hell I overcame, burning out, said & done, IDWT$, what do you want from me?, just pretend, the grey, like a villain, the death of peace of mind, bad decisions, artificial suicide
The Band Camino - damage, 1 last cigarette, what am I missing?, save my life, same page, novocaine, three month hangover, see through
Beartooth - after all, clever, you never know, keep your American dream, the lines, beaten in lips, I have a problem, might love myself, sunshine!, the surface, doubt me, my new reality
Bring Me The Horizon - all of it. I'm not playing games right now.
CORPSE - see: bring me the horizon
Dayseeker - without me, burial plot, quicksand, neon grave, dream state, sleeptalk, parallel, drunk, crooked soul, homesick
A Day To Remember - 1958, you should have killed me when you had the chance, you had me @ hello, the plot to bomb the panhandle, monument, heartless, since u been gone, a shot in the dark, the entire homesick album, the entire what separates me from you album, the entire common courtesy album, paranoia, we got this, same about you, bloodsucker, resentment, only money, degenerates, permanent
Eminem - lol he's the king so if I have to give you recs of him there's an issue
ERRA - pull from the ghost, diversionary, gungrave, pale iris, cure, blue reverie, skyline, drift, snow blood, vanish canvas, sol absentia, nigh to silence, breach, unify
Halsey - without me, nightmare, I am not a woman I'm a god, sorry, eyes closed, 3am, you should be sad, die 4 me, the tradition, 1121, so good, alone, bad at love, strangers, girl is a gun, the lighthouse, colors
Harry Styles - see: discography. put one direction in there too
I Prevail - bad things, gasoline, bow down, doa, there's fear in letting go, body bag, deep end, paranoid, breaking down, let be sad, low, scars, stuck in your head, come and get it, alone, lifelines, chaos
I See Stars - anomaly, are we 3ven?, murder mitten, calm snow, running with scissors, break, white lies, yellow king, drift
Jack Harlow - way out, heavy hitter, rotten, lovin on me, I wanna see some ass, first class, already best friends, poison, nail tech, Tyler herro, out front, goin back down
Knocked Loose - deep in the willow, counting worms, blinding faith, god knows, deadringer
Machine Gun Kelly - everything. EST till I die.
Matchbox Twenty - real world, push, unwell, don't get me wrong
Mayday Parade - jaime all over stay, jersey, anywhere but here, first train, I can only hope, when I get home you're so dead, three cheers for five years, ghosts, girls, hold onto me, oh well oh well, when you see my friends, call me hopeless not romantic
Michael Buble - lost, everything, haven't met you yet, hold on, home, sway, nobody but me, its a beautiful day, come your eyes, to be loved, I got it easy
Motionless In White - another life, sign of life, werewolf, slaughterhouse, BFBTG: corpse nation, scoring the end of the world, voices, America, immaculate misconception, masterpiece
Queen - again, if I have to give you queen recs, there's something wrong.
Rod Stewart - forever young, have you ever seen the rain, downtown train, the first cut is the deepest, it's a heartache, you're in my heart, Maggie may, have I told you lately, hot legs
Sleep Token - rain, alkaline, chokehold, the summoning, the night does not belong to god, ascentionism, the apparition, DYWTYLM, take me back to eden, Euclid
Taylor Swift - listen, that is my queen and my entire childhood. speak now & 1989 are my fav albums but folklore is also *chefs kiss*
Too Close To Touch - RIP KEATON 😢 - eiley, before I cave in, sympathy, nerve endings, novocaine, hopeless, control, miss your face, what a shame, pretty little thing, restless, hell to pay, until I collapse
Wage War - manic, stitch, hollow, the rover, relapse, godspeed, if tomorrow never comes, prison, me against myself, low
0 notes
wolfsoulchild · 8 months
Hey! So I'm on a mission to make sure the alterhuman/non-human/otherkin/and so many others/ communities are properly represented. I'm a snow leopard kin and voidkin myself and know that there are a lot of misconceptions about us, a long with just not much information on some certain topics about our communities. With all of that being said, if you were to see more writing about our communities, what do you think needs to be mentioned more often?
i totally didnt forget i had asks in my askbox nooo pshhh what do you mean? /sarc /j
honestly wanna see more fiction-based identity representation. as a fictive-heavy system we still get weird shit said to us like every week.
i wish that i didnt have to fend off multiple other people with misconceptions about who i am because of my sources. i just live here dude. ive had some wack ass scenarios with like..even other fictives and fictionfolk
i wish people also talked abt the dark side of things too. i know more recent things and essays sometimes talk abt the darker nature of our identities, but dude there's still so much farther to go. for example i write dark fiction to cope with different things i got goin on and like some other folks really, really want me to not post it even with the warnings attached.
im just a guy. just a little feral gremlin, if you will. i guarantee that i try to be as nice as i can (despite bein bitchy) and i wishhh that i didnt have so many issues just bein a guy. people should write abt being feral and beastly more often. i think writing dark things will fix me, actually.
this was def more of a ramble but thats what you get with us. we always love when people write tho...writing is one of our passions. art and self expression and showing the world who you are without being ashamed (within reason of being safe and yk, not dyin or some shit) is what we live for. idk how many of our followers came from our panel on being punk but like...idk. im cringe and free and i refuse to be quiet about it.
write more, read more, share more, educate more. tell others abt who you are because you never know who will relate and find a home in your words. write more fictionfolk stuff and also write things that make you happy. fuck cringe culture, be fuckin free. be the change you wish to see.
thanks for the ask!! we looove asks sm people should ask us more things. stay safe out there folks!
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eufezco · 2 years
i sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek.
—Keep goin', baby...
Fezco moaned throwing his head back, his hands helping you to bounce on his cock as your grip became tighter in his shoulders to help you steady yourself. Fez's lips attacked your breasts, licking, sucking, and biting the soft and sensitive skin of your tits.
—No marks Fez, fuck...
You were enjoying so much his mouth working there but that was enough. You couldn't show up at your boyfriend's covered in hickeys.
—I want you to be mine —. He mumbled. His hands traveled to your ass, using the grip in that part of your body to make your movements deeper.
When he moved away his lips from your skin, he couldn't stop himself from being angry at this situation. He wanted to mark your body, watch you walk around his house with no clothes on and hickeys decorating your breasts, your neck, the inside of your thighs... Fez wanted you to sleep at night with him, to kiss you in public, to act like a couple and not just like friends. —You need to break up with that mother fucker...
Oh not now, you thought. —Why are you mentioning him now, Fez? You want me to think of him when we fuck, huh?
Your hips sensually rolled against his, slowly but intensely and still passionate, knowing those questions would make him go feral. Fezco groaned, his fingers squeezing your ass and his hips raising to meet yours. One of his hands hit your ass cheek making you whimper and move your body faster.
—I want to be yours, Fez. You don't know how much I want you to make me yours.
He bit his lower lip and came as soon as you said those words. Your forehead resting on his shoulder as your orgasm hit you and your legs shook around him.
—Stay here for the night —. Fezco caressed your back as you caught your breath.
—You know I can't do that.
At that moment your phone buzzed, the name of your boyfriend appearing on the screen. By this time you should be leaving Fezco's and driving to your boyfriend's house. You stood up and picked up your clothes from the floor as you went into the bathroom.
Fezco followed you and helped you to put your bra on, then he leaned against the door smiling, he was proud of what he was looking at, he could even consider it his masterpiece.
You slipped into your panties when you felt your ass cheek burning. —Ouch —. You frowned and turned around to look at your ass in the mirror. The mark of a big red hand decorating it. So that was the reason Fez was laughing. —You idiot.
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fourmarkdove · 3 years
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Title: Upstate. | Masterlist
Summary: When the Captain learns you’ve kept a secret all these years, he’s more furious than he’s ever been.
Pairing: Syverson x Reader
Words: 5.5k
Warnings: 18+ Smut. Angst, breeding kink, daddy kink, size kink, rough sex, dirty talk. Infertility/PCOS. 
A/N: Had this in my drafts forever and sort of forgot I wrote it. Comments are welcome! Thanks for reading!
It wasn’t supposed to take this long to get pregnant.
It just wasn’t.
You went on the pill shortly after you met, which wasn’t the most glamorous story, but that one drunken pounding against the ladies bathroom wall just days before he was set to ship out set the tone for your relationship. At least in the beginning.
He did two more tours after that. The first time he was on leave, he dropped to a knee, all suntanned and scruffy, after dinner at your favorite little fish shop on the pier.
“We haven’t known each other so long, but your sweet voice on those phone calls, babydoll. They keep me goin’ when I feel like there’s not much reason to.”
That last time he promised, “We’re gonna settle down for good. You an’ me an’ our brood. Daddy just has some unfinished ass to kick, but don’t you worry, sweetness. Nothin’ but picket fences and backyard barbecues soon as I get back.”
You said of course you’d marry your coarse, burly soldier and there never was a happier man who swept up his girl on that pier in a yellow sundress.
You never thought you’d see the day when your hardline, take no bullshit, don’t give em’ an inch Captain would shed a tear - let alone in public - but he did just that the moment he turned his shoulder and saw you in the just barely off-white dress.
He swept his woman off your feet, saying he wanted to be a gentleman and treat you right. But you knew by the intensity of his gaze and how he barely glanced at the pretty white lingerie before he started tearing it off your body that he was going to have trouble being gentle. Not that you minded. You had no regrets when it came to this swollen beast of a man filling every hole, manipulating your body in unnatural positions because you were smaller and he was strong as a horse and built like a brick wall. He’d pin your wrists to the bed above your head and gorge on your heaving tits, or grip behind your knees and have your feet bouncing behind his thick neck, until you were a sweat slick, foul mouthed whore begging for more of his meaty shaft pounding you into a moaning, senseless mess. You thought growing up there’d be something magical and pure about being a new bride dressed in white giving yourself over, blushing and shy, to the man you promised to love forever.
The reality was so much more visceral. All you wanted for days on end was his thick body forcing your thighs open, his hands gripping your flesh, fingers leaving bruises on your hips, crushing kisses that nearly made you faint, the salty taste of his sweat and cum dripping from your lips and cunt, rolling down your thighs, smeared onto the teeth marks he left around your nipples and on your ass like a soothing balm. The only soundtrack in the house was the grunting feral sounds over you as if he willed his very being into yours through the force of each veiny thrust. And the lewd slapping of flesh against flesh, sometimes muted just a bit by the rough hair trailing down his torso leading to his monster cock. The sound of his thighs clapping against your ass and thighs as he fisted your hair and drove himself into your cervix never ever got tiresome.
When he’d get too close, he’d devour your cunt, biceps and forearms flexing and lifting you to his face, swallowing every drop of your slick mixed with his, swirling his thick tongue over your sensitive clit, feeding the mixed liquids back inside your slit. He’d drop to a knee and spread you over his shoulders if you didn’t make it to bed, or in bed, he’d trail down your body, nipping and biting, picking up your skin between his teeth, flashing those blue eyes up at you. He loved going down on his woman maybe even more than burying his throbbing cock, so he’d always glance up to see your lashes flutter, eyes roll back, lips part and scream silently as he gorged on your sex. His beard scratched between your thighs and made you that much more sensitive but fuck you loved it and he loved marking you. He’d sink his sharp canines into the crease of your thigh and bite down just hard enough to make you cry out and arch for him.
By the time you were begging to come and whimpering his name like a prayer, he’d force his heavy, uncut cock all the way inside and start grinding, flexing every muscle in his core powering the grunting snaps of his hips into yours, seeking both of your release. And his mouth would get so filthy pressed to your ear.
“Gonna fuckin’ fill you up with all this cum. Not gonna be able to walk straight for weeks. That’s right spread wider for me. Fuckin’ give me that cunt. You’re gonna take it all like a good girl aren't ya? Get you all round - knocked up with my seed over and over. All that thick cream in these balls is just for you. That’s right. You want it? Milk it, babe.”
He growled and groaned, slapping his balls against your ass, all of the things that made you gasp and close down on him. You’d come first. Always. pulling the head of his cock right up against your cervix. He’d keep thrusting through your orgasm and his followed quickly after.
His big body could crush you under his weight but you loved it, practically demanded it, so he’d half roll off, resting mostly on his side and forearm and hip, while he panted into your hair on the pillow. But you wanted him all over your skin. The musky scent of his, still rolling down his hot skin, sweaty and thick with pheromones and sex, from working so hard to get both of you off over and over, you had no way to explain how you loved it - except by licking up the side of his neck and suckle kissing behind his ear while he panted into the pillow, his bicep and forearm heavy across your chest or around your hip, still holding you possessively.
He’d chuckle, still panting and turn his head on the pillow. Voice still rough from the beating his vocal cords took while he growled, huffed, groaned and barked instructions to you, he’d whisper in those quieter moments.
“Insatiable, kitten. Gimme a minute. Daddy knows what you need.”
You’d turn over in his weighty, tree bough arms and nuzzle into his hairy chest, feeling his thumping heartbeat hard and steady under your fingers. Tree trunk legs could pull all of you into him, and he’d fold you into his center, so not a single inch of you would have to touch sticky bed sheets when he rolled over onto his back. Thick fingers spread across your back, soothing over your roughed up skin, lifting your hair off of your sweaty neck, until the cool air in the room and his perpetually hot skin balanced to the perfect temperature somewhere in the middle.
It went on like that for three, six, nine months once he was home for good. Only two things changed as the months went on. His chocolate curls grew and spilled onto his forehead - which you loved to run your hands through - and you conceded the beard stays if the curls do too.
You came off the pill immediately, from that first night he came home, and never went back to it.
“Sweetness, don’t stress about it,” he’d coo gently, finding you curled up in bed or in the bathroom, sitting alone in the empty back bedroom in the new house. He’d try to squeeze the sadness out of your body every single month with his huge bear arms.
“It’s fun to try again, ain’t it?” he’d wiggle his eyebrows, and make you giggle through the tears. The more playful he was about it, the harder he leaned into trying everything he could to make it easier on you, so that meant a lot of research on websites. He never in a million years thought he’d be reading up on ‘luteal phases’.
He never had to be told twice that you might be ovulating. You’d whisper it to him sometimes he’d sense it. In bed, he’d smell that wet heat before you even backed your ass up against him, wiggling your aching core against the base of his raging erection. Slipping his big hand down your tummy and into your panties, he’d slide a long couple fingers through your slick heat, spreading your pussy lips achingly wide before withdrawing his hand and wrapping his other arm around the front of your shoulders.
“Mmph looks like you’re ready,” he’d groan, checking the viscosity of your juices. Spreading your slick between his fingers, he’d lick at it, gripping you tighter as you’d smirk and work your hips mercilessly on his dick.
That one taste would be enough to work him into a rutting frenzy though. “Got damnit, I need a taste,” he’d growl, climbing down and burying his face between your thighs. His mouth and beard would come up glistening with your juices and he’d look positively lust drunk on the stuff. Spreading his knees, he’d hoist your thighs up onto his, spreading your knees over his hips, so he’d be able to have a perfect look at your swollen cunt.
Pupils dilated and breathing hard, he’d pinch the hood of your clit and stroke it between his finger and thumb, making you squeal and writhe, pulling your own hair. He was in awe of your pussy every time he actually looked at that tiny, suckling hole - how in the world did you manage to stretch and accept his girthy cock? It had to hurt, right? It HAD to. Gripping your hips, he pulled you up to himself, one forearm supporting under your ass, and the other around your back. Touching foreheads, he nuzzled you lovingly.
You kissed him hungrily, sinking your teeth into his bottom lip before letting go. Hair mussed and giving him the darkest look, rolling your hips in his lap, you purred deep. Much to your confusion, he was the one to slow things down, smiling in his gorgeous blue eyes, kissing over your forehead, temples, eyelashes, nose, each lip.
“I wanna give you everything, babydoll,” he sighed, dropping his head to kiss over your shoulder.
Arching your back, you had him grip onto your hands and ease you, still spread over his hairy thighs, back onto the bed.
“Put a baby in me,” you demanded. He huffed out a sharp breath, puffing out his cheeks, before plunging two thick fingers into your cunt, scissoring his fingers to stretch you out. You shrieked and moaned in pleasure, arching deeply.
He could have been gentle but those five little words; that demand of yours. You were his new CO and when he received orders, he ploughed through at a punishing pace.
“Gotta prime these walls,” he grunted, thrusting his fingers in and out, turning his hand so he could rub sloppy juices spilling out of your cunt. Leaning over, he pressed his palm against the mattress next to your head and did something near a one handed push up, coming nose to nose with you.
“Why we gotta prime walls, baby?”
You whined as he flexed and slipped a third thrusting finger into your slurping cunt, begging for something larger to grip onto.
“We prime…” you panted, clawing across the tense muscles in his chest, “because you’re gonna… paint my walls… with your seed.”
Giving you his tongue, he withdrew his fingers and smeared his fingers over his precum-leaking meaty member. Just pushing it down to the right angle and you arched, digging your toes into his tree trunk thighs as you accepted his cock into your aching insides. You cried out, tossing your head back, but that just made him latch onto your throat and thrust into your cervix like a battering ram.
You screamed his name two, maybe three times, and he bared his teeth, growling and swearing, struggling to hold on, planking on his forearms desperate not cum yet while your smaller slippery body, squirmed and writhed under him. One second you were hissing and gasping, sinking your teeth and nails into his shoulders or biceps. The next you’d sob and dig your feet in, because you were so stretched and so sensitive. If he could just hold on that second longer, you’d grab at his ass, let your thighs open up and release your massaging death grip on his cock still buried as deep as he last thrust before you clamped down on him to begin with. Then he slowed just a bit to kiss your panting mouth as the orgasmic shockwaves relaxed. Your deep purr indicated you were ready for more, so he’d catch under your knees and fold you in half, pounding your body at a different angle.
When it was time, he bore his teeth and groaned, burying his face in your neck, getting sloppy with his thrusts until the last two that were exceptionally deliberate, seeding white hot cum directly to the source, his slit ground mercilessly against your cervix, for a direct shot at emptying himself into your womb.
When all was said and done, you’d toss him a pillow and he’d kneel between your legs, pushing the pillow under you to keep your hips elevated. Hooking his arms under your thighs, he kissed all around your sensitive mound. Kissing inside your thighs, he could thumb your swollen lips apart and see how completely full he’d filled you, to the point of leaking, but neither of you minded. If it wasn’t too tender, he’d clean you up with his tongue before lying down with you again, closing your legs, and drawing both your knees up over his hip.
You assured him every time that the pain was hardly anything as you shuddered and clung onto his imposing frame. It was only the last couple of months that instead of giggling and demanding ice cream in bed after what you both agreed was the best sex anyone on the planet was having, you just wanted to be held.
“Shhh, shhh... I got you, sweetness,” he’d soothe, drawing up blankets, rubbing you all over. He’d tuck you into his chest, and you’d curl up even smaller, your soft little body trembling against his twitching muscle always felt amazing before. But not when it came with tears. You hid your face away when he asked what was wrong, but he felt the little puffs of held breath and silent tears falling into his chest hair.
Finally, finally, one night spent cradling you in his arms and kissing your tears away, he convinced you. And you didn’t just break your silence.
You shattered.
“Doc told me years ago... it isn’t... I’ll never have…babies of my own. My hormones are all wrong for it. She said shots, maybe IVF but… even conceiving… even if possible, it’d be…”
The worried lines around his eyes and across his forehead smoothed out as he stared at the blinking red light on the smoke detector above the bed. He stayed quiet, putting an arm behind his head.
“I hoped I would have found a better way to tell you all this before now.”
“You knew before we met?” His voice was uncomfortably calm. “Five years ago.”
“Yes, but I didn’t mean to—“
“Ya kept it from me. No indication whatsoever there were problems on the home front, though.”
“I hoped I wouldn’t ever have to say anything because we’d somehow be pregnant by now and—“
“Ya let me think everything was fine. Told me, “Come on home, soldier. Let’s try workin’ on that family again.’ And I did. Every tour. I came crawlin’ home to you.”
Sitting up against the headboard, he flicked on the bedside lamp and scratched his beard, eventually dropping his upturned hands on his thighs, displaying his defeat.
Even though you wore his shirt from the night before and he was naked, barely covered by the bedsheet, you felt entirely exposed. You wanted to dissolve into liquid and melt into the floor or shed your skin and slink into a nook and never come out again.
His wide eyes plead with you: ‘give me something substantial to grasp onto. Toss a rope and a damn good reason for all of the lies to a drowning man.’
There was only one reason, but you couldn’t bear saying it out loud. You couldn’t the entire time you knew him.
Slipping his hand behind your neck, he thumbed your chin up to look at him. “You thought I wouldn’t want ya if I knew, huh.”
Your bottom lip quivered but he didn’t let you collapse into yourself. Looking over your tense, teary, flushed features thoughtfully, he stayed silent. He had a way of looking still as a sheet of ice while a raging current boiled just underneath. That kind of stillness gave those under his command confidence because even amidst chaos, he made solid decisions. Ones that saved their lives, kept them out of harm's way.
In that moment, you felt no confidence. Sitting on your knees expectantly, you trembled all over. He moved his thumb down from your chin as he inhaled audibly, and furrowed his brow exhaling forcefully, wrapping his massive hand around your throat.
The moments waiting made your ears hot and the blood rush to your face. Tightness crept across your chest. You broke the silence first or you’d have lost your mind.
“You’re angry.”
He chuckled ruefully and went placid in an instant. “Angry. Mmm... Yes, that is one way to describe it, darlin’. Never more so, as a point of fact.”
Swallowing down tears, if he wouldn’t let you drop your head, at least you could close your eyes.
“No.” His calloused thumb stroked up and down the side of your neck. “No—no, you don’t get to do that. Not with me.”
“Please, Sy!” You burst, holding onto his wrist with both hands. “Please say something! I can’t take it!”
He sniffed and took his hand back, rubbing them together instead of touching you any longer. His broad shoulders lifted and dropped. “Not quite sure what to say.”
“I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t look at you, not entirely, so he arched a brow and gave a sideways glance. His voice was rough and deep with more emotion than either of you anticipated. “I was uh… unapproachable?”
Lifting your head from your hands, it made your heart shred into a pulp seeing the lifted brows and pained expression tensing his features. “What?”
“Unapproachable,” he graveled, cursing the emotion that made him choke up. “Fuck. I know I can be direct. I been tryin’ real hard to be gentle with you. Did I give the impression you couldn’t, ya know, tell me things?”
“No, of course not, Sy. I tell you everything.”
His smoldering ember pile only needed a breath of fresh air before it came roaring to life, consuming these new logs you’d placed on top.
“Gotdamn it. You knew this was important to me. The way you carried on, let me believe we had a life together. A future. With our family. Do I even know you?”
Smoke from the fire burning inside him made your eyes sting and water.
“Please, stop it, Sy,” you pleaded, pulling away from his grasp. “Please!”
The flames of anger - or was it hate - turned his pupils dark and made him somehow appear even larger with each deep breath.
“How do I know where the lies stop and you begin?”
Embers of his rage floated in the air and easily took to you like the driest kindling. You exploded unlike you never had before. Fists balled and panting, you squared your shoulders up and shifted your weight.
“You know what? Fine. Here’s the truth: I was barely 18 when the doctor looked at me and said, ‘consider adoption’. I wasn’t even thinking about kids then, only why I had cramps every month but no period.
“We’ve tried correcting hormones for years with so little success I’ve felt like a goddamn science project while my friends moved on, grew up, got married, raised families. Do you know how devastating it is to slog through one of those baby showers? Everyone is so warm and happy, celebrating new life and how their bodies produce something amazing.
“Meanwhile, all I can think about is how if I were to conceive by some fucking miracle, the chances of miscarriage are so high, it’d make more sense to plan some kind of memorial for a child I’ll never meet instead of a cute little fucking baby shower.
“And it’s the one thing you asked of me! What kind of a woman am I that I can’t give you the one thing you wanted?! A broken one. With a broken womb. So yeah, be upset with me. Hate me, Sy. But I promise you’re never gonna catch up. I’ve got years’ worth of a head start hating myself.”
Eyes bleary and completely heartbroken now that he knew your secret, your head dropped and you held it in pain from the headache that exploded from the tension.
You didn’t wait even thirty seconds before he nudged your head back up again with his knuckle. Your chest ached so badly from barely containing the sobbing. The moment you saw his arms were already open waiting for you to fall into, you gasped and let the tears come.
You leaned in an inch and he scooped you up the rest of the way. Helping you settle into his lap, thighs spread over his, he cradled you tenderly to his bare chest, wrapping you up in his entire upper body. Burying your face into his neck, you mewled his name softly when his lips pressed behind your ear.
“Sy, I—“
“Shh shh shh…” his baritone was so deep, you could feel and hear it as he dropped his head low to speak close like it was your own secret space to be alone together. “I’m sorry, sweetness. I know, babygirl, I know. Shh shh…”
Rubbing circles over your back, he gave you time to release through deep sobs some of that suffering you’d been dragging with you.
“I’m disappointed, shh—disappointed we can’t have our own, ‘course. But I think I’m more disappointed that you been upset this whole time over somethin’ we coulda sorted out together. Years ago. Babydoll, it breaks my heart to think of you bein’ this sad. Makes it a hundred times worse if you were upset ‘bout lettin’ me down. And you usin’ that ‘hate’ word in the same breath to describe the love of my life… Geez babygirl, that tears my heart right out my chest.”
Tears streaked down your cheeks. You pressed your palms against his hard as rock chest while he encircled you in his long reach. Tears rimmed his blue eyes as you wordlessly attempted to work out if he planned to let go or hold onto you. Eventually, you collapsed into him, exhausted.
“Look at me, Sweetheart. It’s important. What? Louder. Deep breath and one more time? Oh. No, I know it’s gonna make you cry more but imma make it better, I promise. Lemme see my girl. There she is.”
You sniffled and rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand. Your lips and eyes felt swollen from crying, and your hair was a mess, but he smiled in his soft blue eyes and stroked it back.
“Kids, no kids, doesn’t matter. I wanted you. Ask Parker or any other CO I work with. That very first night I saw you I said, “Imma marry that girl,” and here we are. But since we are married, I wanna know the things goin’ on inside ya. Not just ‘how ya feelin’, are ya hungry, are ya horny’ type stuff.”
You scoffed, kissing his cheek softly. He squeezed your hips tightly, lifting you closer, up higher on his pelvis, angling slightly back onto the pillows. He didn’t want you to get the wrong idea, but your heat, wiggling in his lap, and that you were starting to let go of some things inexplicably made the blood rush to his groin. You’d feel it in a second if he didn’t adjust your seating situation and lie back with you a bit.
“You’re not ‘broken’, sweets. And I don’t ever want to hear ya talkin’ ‘bout my girl like ‘at. You’re all woman, an’ the only one for me. You locked that right down in that pretty blue dress down on the pier years ago. Was it yellow? Nah. Really? With the little red… Huh. Color blind or not, this heart ain’t even mine no more so best be lookin’ after it. Yeah, you can cry now. Come here, babygirl. Daddy’s got you.”
When most of the tears were shed, he thumbed the dimples right above your panty line, just under the back of his lifted shirt you wore. Soothed very nearly to sleep, your fingers wound their way through his hair. He sighed letting his head fall back into your hands; he always loved when you scritched him like a puppy. Wrapping both hands behind your thighs, he held you in place, pressed to him and straightened up his neck when he really enjoyed what you were doing to him.
“Right there?” you cooed softly, raking your nails through his hair, down to the nape of his neck.
“Mmph,” he grunted affirmatively, tipping his chin down. He found one button on the shirt you wore straining against the fabric, exposing your bare skin right in front of his face. So he nuzzled into it. The unexpected tickle of his beard when he kissed inside made you gasp and arch back.
“Hey!” you squeaked and a mischievous smirk flashed across his face. He looped a finger inside his red flannel, releasing the fabric right below your belly button.
His eyes flashed up at you again as he pressed his mouth to your belly, swirling his thumbs in circles over your hips when he slid them inside the oversized flannel draped loosely on your body.
You closed your eyes, curling your fingers in his hair, and listened to the sound of the deliberate, wet kisses he placed from one hip to the other.
Hugging just under the curve of your behind, he ran his scratchy beard against your sensitive skin, but you still cradled the back of his head to you just the same. Finally kissing down to the apex of your sex, using his tongue to moisten the spot first, he placed a slow, suckling kiss that made your clit pulse and hips jerk involuntary.
“Sorry,” you mewled, pawing his hair. His jaw tensed and head lifted just slightly when your body responded so abruptly.
He nuzzled your skin and arched a brow up at you. “Don't be sorry, babygirl. Are you gonna let Daddy make ya feel good?”
A darkness fell across your features hearing that particular pet name for him. You tugged the shirt together.
“I don’t think I can do this, Sy. It’d be the first time not trying for... I can’t think about the… the emptiness. Feels like I’m giving something away too soon.”
“Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, collecting your hand from his shoulder. “Tell me what you need and I’ll get it for you.”
“Time… I guess. And you. Fuck, Sy. I must sound crazy. The way I’m talking, it’s like somebody died.
Here I am going on when you’ve actually witnessed people die.
I don’t want to diminish what you’ve been through with my nonsense.
Of course we need to do this.
We need to do this.
I want this.
I need you.
I need us.
I need this.
Fuck me, Captain.
Fuck me senseless.”
You made quick work shrugging out of his shirt and wrapped both arms around his thick neck. Fisting the mattress, he shouldered your ribs so quickly, it knocked you right off balance and onto his arm. Gripping under one of your thighs, he used that massive upper body strength of his to lie you back gently onto the mattress, holding your whole body up with just one arm.
As he eased you down onto your back, you went quiet and he leaned on his elbow to look down over you.
You stared up at the red blinking light on the smoke detector a long time while he pressed his large forearm down against your chest, between your breasts, and spread his palm over your sternum, attempting to give you an anchor point. Your arms laid limp, one above your head, one at your side, almost like you were having a nightmare except wide awake.
He’d seen that vacant look in the eyes of fresh infantry grunts after their first real battle and brush with death. But he never thought he expected to see it stateside, in the eyes of his wife.
Doing what felt natural to do, after all he was trained for it, he dropped his voice and redirected your attention.
“Eyes on me, darlin’. I know you’re feelin’ pretty rough inside. Grief is grief however it comes. Yeah, it’ll take time. But that’s why you’ve got your Unit to fall back on. Unit of two, you an’ me. Makes us a pretty elite team. I’ll do some of the heavy lifting for ya now that I know what we’re working with. I need ya to stay with me though, yeah?”
“Unit of two. I like it. Will you ever… Oh Sy, will you ever touch me like that again?”
He frowned, wrinkles lining his forehead. “Sweets, hell nor high water gonna keep me from lovin’ on you.”
Three months later, you returned home from a walk with the new puppy to find Sy standing in the front lawn, one hand on his hip and the other waving at the delivery truck to keep backing up.
“More wood?” you called from across the street over the roar of the diesel truck lift dropping green treated lumber along the side of the house. While your husband signed off on the delivery, you crossed to meet him in the grass with the puppy under your arm.
Looping a sweaty arm around you, he pulled you in by the hip and kissed the crown of your head.
“Thank ya, sir. See ya’ next Saturday,” Sy smiled behind his reflective sunglasses, shaking the driver’s hand.
“Next Saturday?” you repeated, glancing over your shoulder at the new pile of lumber that had been dwindling as he completed projects. Or at least it was. “I thought the treehouse was done, my love.”
“Oh, it is. Come have a look see.” He dwarfed your hand in his, taking you to the sprawling backyard. His truck was parked at an angle on the lawn with his tools laid out in the back and sketches drawn all over sheets on the hood.
Leaning in with his hip, he showed you his drawings, motioning with his hands as to where they should be or already were in the yard.
“Swing set? Done. Slides over there? Done. High and low bars - also done. Rope bridge, climbing apparatus, bouncer thing, treehouse, done.”
Tilting your face, you bumped your head against his chest appreciatively and he smirked. “I want to build out chairs that flip down on the deck. Not sure on the height is all. I don’t suppose you have any input?”
“All the social worker has said is to plan on three siblings from upstate. Two boys and a girl, between the ages of 5 and 10. Sorry I don’t have any help as far as height goes. I think we are more than ready for the little ones next week, Sy. Why don’t you come inside and cool down with me?”
Scratching the back of his neck, he glanced over his shoulder at the freshly installed fence blocking the neighbors’ view. “Better idea, babygirl. How ‘bout we give those swings a try first. Should hold both our weight, I reckon.”
Arching a brow, you folded your arms across your chest, pretending to be annoyed. “Oh, you ‘reckon,’ hm?” you repeated, patting his sweaty chest through his tank top. “Bear, we already have a sex swing upstairs.”
“Yeahhhhh...” he drawled, giving you his most sly smirk, “but this one is outdoors.”
“Captain! I can’t believe you!” you gasped, touching your imaginary pearls before pushing off the wall of muscle your husband provided when he folded his arms across his chest, launching yourself into a dead sprint across the grass toward the swing set. “Ladies first!!”
He chuckled, and jogged behind. “’Course, babygirl.”
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shugojima · 3 years
𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 🍋🏃‍♀️🔞
I was on my way to Atsumu, a classmate of mine who wanted to have me over for a movie night.
I agreed althought I wasn't really sure where this is even going. I was new at Inarizaki and didn't know many people.
He seemed like the kind of guy that already did a lot of date nights before and I really wasn't goin to be another one of his slutty ass girls but he was cute so... here I am.
Standing outside the house that had a huge "Miya" sign besides the front door.
"Tsumu!! Get yer ass downstairs that's probably one of those hoes again!" I heard someone screaming.
His dad perhaps? Does he have siblings?
No answer.
I heard loud footsteps a few seconds later the door opened and...
"Atsumu? Did you dye your hair?" I asked and he just stood there laughing now leaning against the door.
"If ya call me that again I'll have to bathe ma ears in bleach." He said and I started to realize....
"He has a twin??" I pointed out mouth wide open.
"Samu. I'm the better version of that stupid pisshead. And you are?"
he asked raising a brow and checking me up.
"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you but where is he?"
"He's not home. Ya guys fuckin?" he blankely asked and I felt my head turn red.
"Wha-... Nooo.. No we're just friends I guess." I stuttered looking anywhere but at his twin.
He walked up to me, put his fingers under my chin, turning my head so our eyes met.
"Means I don't have to feel bad afterwards?"
he asked smirking.
"I-... What?" I needed to hear that again. Does he...
"Ya know I was just wondering if you'd really prefer ugly ass childish yellow over mature, experienced grey..."
I was pretty sure I knew what he was talking about and I decided to play along. Me and Atsumu aren't something anyways so...
"I don't now... That might depend on what grey actually is experienced in."
I said an innocent smile on my face.
He pulled me inside closing the door shut before slamming me against it holding down my wrists.
"Ya really wanna find out?"
"How should I know what's to prefer if I don't find out myself?" I whispered in his ear and placed my leg on his inner thigh going up and down.
"Well... Ya asked for it, pretty girl."
he said giving me an intense kiss, his tongue fighting with mine making me wet from only feeling him in my mouth.
He kneeled before me hands sliding up my legs under my short skirt.
The way he touched me was immaculate. He knew where. And how.
Samu started placing kisses on my thigh and before he could reach my most sensitive part I grabbed his hair forcing him to look up to me.
"You better eat me out real good cause If not, I might just end up fucking your brother." I said and this, you could tell caught him off guard.
"Try me, bitch."
he growled before roughly ripping off my panties throwing them away.
His head disapeared between my legs and a second later I felt his large wet tongue between my lips, sweetly spreading them apart.
I pushed him against my soaking hole where he easily entered making me moan out loud.
"Nghhh fuck... ahh"
I swear I knew he was smiling this exact moment.
His tongue skillfully circled my clit as he started sucking on my most sensitive spot.
"Ngghhhhh for.. fucks sake...."
I'm already close how is this so good??
Going faster he ate me out like he was starving for weeks.
He pulled away looking at me, nose all wet from my dripping pussy.
"It doesn't matter if ya go fuck Tsumu or not. You'll be coming back to me either way." He said continuing to pleasure me.
"How do y.... nghhhh.. I'm gonna cum.. I-..."
"Say ma name while ya cum all over ma face, babe."
He started sucking harder making me go feral on his mouth. He slightly bit into my clit and I exploded all over his sweet lips, covering them in my cum.
"Ahhhggh nghhh... FUCKING HELL.. SAAMUUU!" I've never been so loud but I couldn't care less.
I was shaking so bad and I thought my legs were giving up on me but Samu pulled me up dragging me upstairs to his room.
"Samu? What are you doing?"
"Huh? We cuddle. I'm a gentleman after all."
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jarofstyles · 4 years
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A/N: We had so much fun writing the last one that we decided to do another one 👉🏼👈🏼This is another prompt from @majorharry​​’s 20k fic celebration! (congrats again cass, we lysm) we used prompt 40 “Cover up, please.” a nice little smutty possessive harry moment for you all in contrast to the last one ✨ - n + d
If you like this, check out our Patreon!
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warning: smut, exhibitionism, daddy kink, spit kink
word count: 3.3k
“Cover up, please.” Harry muttered, clenching his jaw noticing the stares coming over to them. It was to Y/N though. The pool party was a good idea in theory but once he realized people were going to see more of his lover in general, he felt that little (big) possessive head of his rear and he felt feral, a little bit. He didn’t like other people looking. Simply put— she was his. Of course she was her own person. Independent. She didn’t need him, but she chose to be his and that was the best damn thing that has happened for him. Adding in the fact that yes, Y/N was the most beautiful person he had ever experienced, he knew other people could see it too. Most of the time? He loved it. He showed her off to many people. But when she was showing so much skin and people’s minds would wander... he did worry. He didn’t like people imagining what her skin felt like or how it felt to grab his waist or how beautiful her shape really was. Harry took her cover up and scowled, holding it up to her. The roll of her eyes made him whine, pulling her further into his body. “No. Don’t want ‘em staring too much.” His large hands covered her ass, pouting slightly.
“Baby...” Y/N chuckled, looking up at him with her brows raised. She knew he had a tendency to be possessive, but it was something she thought of as no big deal. He was just protective of her, wanted to assert his dominance over anyone who thought about putting the moves on her. But this? She didn’t realize this would cause it to flare up. “We’re at a pool party, what’d you think I was going to wear?” She asked, pushing a few pieces of hair away from his face in an attempt to soothe him. “No one is looking at me.” Y/N pecked his lips a few times, “and if they are, they can clearly see you’re with me, no?” She wiggled her bum a bit in his hands. “Let’s go swim hmm?” She suggested, thinking that if she was in the water then she would be covered up in theory. “It’s way too hot for me to be wearing anything else.”
“Fine. At least in the water they can’t eye you up.” Harry glared at a group of younger guys looking her up with a near snarl on his face. No way in hell. He didn’t know where exactly this type of possessiveness came from. He usually was quite cool and collected, only having his moments sometimes. But today it was ten times as bad. He was truly unsure as to why besides the fact that she looked fucking incredible. He walked with her to the pool and laughed when she decided to jump in without him, Harry following shortly after. This was someone’s fancy house party and they had a sick pool. One with a water fountain and one of those pool bars and shit. But Harry was more focused on getting to a place where he could be with her alone. Before they’d made it to the pool, she had her cover up on and talked to people, Harry’s arm around her shoulder. They’d met up here after a long day of classes and hadn’t seen each other all day.
Y/N pushed her hair back as she came up from underwater, adjusting her bikini top so that nothing was falling out before she swam over to Harry and took his hands. “Come deeper.” She mumbled, pulling him further into the deeper end of the pool where it was less crowded. She’d missed Harry today and though they were at a party, she felt like she could take a few minutes to spend some time with her man. They both worked really hard and whenever they had spare moments they always found ways to make them count. 
Once they were in too deep she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, tangling her hands in his hair to get it wet. Harry looked incredible like this, granted he always did. Y/N couldn’t help but think that part of it was because he was looking at her like she was the last meal on earth. She swore he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since they got here.
“Look so good today. Always look phenomenal but... just have a glow.” Harry commented, feeling a sense of serene come over him while she had pet over his hair and got it wet. Harry moves them to a little shelf in the pool wall, perfect for him to sit on while she clung to him. “Been missin’ you all day, bunny. Wanted to kiss you first thing but, everyone else tries to steal your attention away.” He pouted. It was a needy day, which was pretty rare considering his natal chart, but it happened. Especially because he felt so stable with her. Never had he had an easier relationship. She made everything feel at ease. He really did love this girl. “Want to be selfish with you for a little bit. Can I have my kiss hello before someone comes n’ interrupts us?”
“Thank you, angel..” Y/N felt herself grinning wider and wider. She loved when Harry got like this. She loved seeing him get all soft and sweet and needy for her attention. Y/N knew most of the time I was her bugging him for his attention, but this was a welcomed change. “Mhm...“ She hummed, leaning in to press a sweet and gentle kiss to his lips. It wasn’t long before that one gentle kiss turned into a slow and steamy one. Y/N expected it though, continuing to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. The slight scratch of his facial hair was something that was new, but she didn’t mind. It just reminded her that Harry was growing into this beautiful man that she loved. She pulled back hesitantly, giggling as he chased after her lips and nuzzled her face in his neck. “Missed you...” Y/N mumbled against his skin, “Didn’t mean for people to steal me away... forgive me?” She licked at the most sensitive spot.
“S’okay. You’re just so desirable. Everyone wants to be around you. Don’t blame ‘em. But you’re mine.” Harry felt even more safe with the cover of the water to hold her ass, keep her close to him. The kisses on his neck had him sigh to himself. She loved to kiss and lick at his neck a lot,  thing between them both, something he loved too. He was incredibly sensitive there and he felt good whenever she decided to treat him to some affection there. “Sometimes I don’t like Sharing you with everyone. They know you’re mine but still look at you like you’re available n’ if I was a bit more aggressive I’d probably call ‘em out on it. But I’d rather sit and get kisses from you than get in a fight.” He sighed, leaning his head a bit to the side. “You have a good day otherwise?”
“Yeah?” Y/N smirked to herself, he’d rather get kisses from her than get in a fight. “You’re such a good boy, hmm.” She teased, nipping at his skin just a little bit. “I am yours, don’t have to worry so much. Know I’m only ever going to want you, yeah?” That much was true. She hadn’t even looked at anyone else the way she looked at him. He was everything she could ever want or need from a man and it seemed that he felt the same about her. They’d been together for a few years and yet they hadn’t really left that honeymoon phase. “My day was alright... same old stuff. ‘S better now though.” She hummed, clearly her mind was somewhere else. There was just something about Harry being so possessive and needy that made her feel desired... wanted... Honestly, that’s all a woman really needed to get turned on.
“Good.” Harry took her in and could read her face. It was obvious, because he knew her. She was aroused. Horny. Whatever you chose to call it, she was wanting touches and biting her lip, looking at him with a little bit of a lost look. It was then he decided to swim them over to the waterfall area, letting themselves get wet as they moved through it. Thankfully it was empty, a small area behind it went deeper and he felt the mischief light up in his eyes. 
“You’re shit at hiding when you’re horny.” He chuckled, pressing her against the wall of the faux cave. “Completely shit. You’ve got the drunk eyes and you keep stroking me.” It was making him smug as hell but he knew she wouldn’t really care. “What’s got you all turned on then?” He ran a hand under the water to grip her waist and tug her closer to him, adjusting their stance. “I’d like to know what’s goin’ on in my girls head.”
“Who said I was trying to hide it?” Y/N said as a matter of factly, looking up at him with those ‘fuck me’ eyes that she knew she was horrible at concealing. Wasn’t that the point though? Wasn’t the point for him to know whenever she needed him? He always took good care of it, she never had to touch herself. He was always there to help. She wished she could just strip them both naked in this pool, wished he would make a mess of her and make her feel breathless for the rest of the party. Y/N wasn’t opposed to doing things in public, they’d done it many times before. It was a different kind of rush. One she couldn’t explain. “Like when you get all protective of me..” Y/N told him, “like when you’re needy for me... makes me want to climb you like a tree.” She couldn’t be any closer to him at this point, that familiar throb appearing between her thighs. “‘s fucking hot.”
“Oh? Didn’t know you were so hard for me when I got possessive over you.” Harry smirked. It probably was because it was rare that he got so openly needy or annoyed at the attention she got because he wanted all of it. “M’glad you think it’s hot.” He found himself at her neck, returning the favor of kissing her neck. “But I can’t leave you all horny n’ not take care of you. What kind of boyfriend would I be?” He cooed. 
“A bad one...” Y/N hummed in response, letting out a happy sigh as he kissed at her neck. “but you’re the best...” She told him, leaning into him as his hands began to move. 
His fingers wandered south, finding the bit of swimsuit covering her cunt, smirking when he could hear her let out a shaky gasp. The water from the waterfall and the music and commotion from outside the party was loud enough that he wasn’t worried as long as they kept it down a decent amount. “Mm. That’s my girl, s’what I want. Do you want to cum?” He questioned, nipping a bit harshly at the joint of her jaw and neck.
“Yes. I want to cum. Please.” She pleaded in a whiny tone. “So bad, please... can I?” Y/N huffed, gripping a little tighter at his hair and feeling another shaky breath escaping her. She wanted relief. She knew he would give it to her, but how? Her free hand rested against his shoulder, that little bit of height difference making her quiver. There was just something about him looking down at her, all wet and hungry for her. His fingers tucked so perfectly between her folds. Even the slightest shift had her wanting to whimper. They were in public though, she needed to be quieter.
“Course you can, baby. M’not gonna let you suffer like this.” Harry murmured, pressing his fingers against her to rub a bit. Get her warmed up. To be honest, public shit got them both off. It did, and it was hot. He had taken her in the car, fingered her in a taxi (making sure to tip well), in many club or pub restrooms, as well as various other places. It was the rush. 
“Gonna let me make you cum in the pool? In front of all these people? Such a naughty little thing.” Harry chuckled under his breath. “Love when you get all dirty for me. Can’t even wait till we get home, jus’ wanna cum all over my fingers.” He rubbed over her clit a bit harder, licking over her jaw.
A squeak of pleasure came from her, her hips jolting forward to get more but he knew just what to do. Slow and steady, perfectly pressured movements against her most clit. It was perfect, but she became ravenous once she had a taste. “Thank you, daddy.” She breathed out, her hips starting to move in sync with his fingers. “Yes!” She squeaked out once again, giggling knowingly when he said he loved when she got all dirty. He had given her the nickname bunny for that reason. Y/N fucked like one. Hard and fast and needy. It was good for the both of them, he liked to tame and she liked to be tamed. “Wanna cum all over your fingers daddy, want to make a mess for you, like a good girl.” Y/N told him, biting down on her lip to hold back a moan. She was looking up at him, keeping eye contact as he moved his fingers and felt his cock begin to harden against her stomach. 
“Daddy...” She whined, brushing her front up against him just enough. Y/N felt overwhelmed with need, his fingers felt so good. She looked up at him and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue just enough. He knew what it meant.
“Oh? My dirty lil’slut.” Harry grinned before he leaned over, spitting into her mouth. They didn’t do it every time, but it was an immediate cock tease when she wanted it. He loved her so much, especially because of how damn compatible they were. “Wanting me to spit into your pretty mouth n’ finger your cunt when all these people are around. Getting all wet because m’needy?” He let out a chuckle. “Course. You’re just my dirty girl. I love it so much.” He gripped her chin, opening her mouth again to see her eager tongue before he spit into her mouth again. She clenched and he could feel how hot it got her, pressing one finger in. A harsh whine came from her mouth, eyes closing, which had his attention. “Shhhh. Do you want them all to hear how much of a slut you are for me?” He asked, a bit condescending— he knew it made her wet— waiting for her to respond.
“No, daddy, I’ll be good.” Y/N whimpered quietly, feeling her cunt pulse at Harry’s words and actions. He always got her this riled up, it was never just a little bit. No, they were very much all or nothing but that made things extremely fun. “Please— don’t stop.” She whimpered out thrusting her hips forward. Y/N loved whenever he spat in her mouth. She felt like it was an unspoken dominance thing and it never failed to have her sopping wet. Of course they were in the water, but there was a clear difference between the water and her slick. Harry’s fingers moved so well, she knew she couldn’t have gotten any more soaked than she was. Another moan threatened to escape her but her own hand flew up to cover her mouth, biting down on the skin in an attempt to muffle the noise. She kept eye contact with Harry, feeling her knees growing weaker with every brush against that sweet sweet spot.
“Mmm.. I don’t know.” Harry cooed lowly. “I think you do get off on it. I think it makes you wet to think about everyone knowin’ how dirty you are.” He grinned, feeling her clench around his fingers again. Oh, yes. She absolutely did. They’d been together long enough for him to know exactly what she liked. “C’mon.” He breathed against her mouth as he fucked his fingers into her. “Admit it. Tell me how much you want them to know how dirty you are.” He was taunting her for sure but she seemed to like it, her soft little whine and whimper against his mouth as her hips bucked into his hand. When she hesitated, Harry let out a tut and shook his head, sliding another finger into her. “M’not asking again, baby. Tell me.” 
Her hand moved from her mouth to grip at his bicep for stability. Y/N whimpered against his lips, feeling the orgasm building within her stomach. Harry was doing it on purpose, he loved the power he held over her, knew that he had her in the palm of his hands all desperate for relief. Y/N was too scared to speak, she knew she couldn’t keep quiet for much longer especially with how perfectly his fingers were moving inside of her. She looked up at him blankly, letting out a pathetic closed mouth whine. 
“Yes, daddy! I do want them to know! I want them to know I’m a dirty slut for you!” She gasped at the feeling of now three fingers inside of her. “Make me feel so good, want everyone to know! Want everyone to know because they can’t have you! You’re mine.” Y/N was damn near tears at this point, bouncing in sync with his movements, begging to cum. “I’m so close daddy, please?”
“That’s my girl.” Harry grinned smugly. Harry loved making her admit those things, loved having her give in to him. A kink, maybe. Whatever that would be. “Cum for me. Let go.” He nipped are her skin, thrusting his fingers harder into her cunt and felt as she finally let go. His hand coming underneath her ass, holding her up as her body trembled and she let out the prettiest whine. There was nothing prettier than watching his girl cum. Nothing. “That’s it baby.” He continued thrusting his fingers in, curling them a bit to make her shudder. Keeping the orgasms going was the best thing ever, feeling her lose it on him.
Y/N felt like she couldn’t see straight, had proper stars in her eyes. Nothing could ever explain the true feeling of bliss that came after a release so sweet. She was panting, out of breath, trembling under his touch. Her eyes slowly closed as she attempted to catch her breath, fully leaning on him for stability. It was silent for a few moments, only the sounds of her heavy breathing, the water falling down, and the sound of the music. Y/N couldn’t have imagined it to have gone any better. She pressed soft kisses to his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling herself relax. 
“That was so good...” She mumbled against his skin, “so fucking good.” She let out a chuckle and moved her hands up to cup his cheeks, pressing a sweet and loving kiss to his lips.
“Mm. I love you, sweetheart.” Harry murmured, pulling his fingers from her and gently adjusting the bathing suit bottoms so she was covered again. There wouldn’t be much clean up thanks to the water. “Now.. how about we go off and grab some drinks? Yeah? Can sit in my lap while we dry off by the bonfire.” He suggested, brushing a bit of the wet hair from her face away. 
God, did he love her. Who knew having a bit of possessiveness would get them this far?
A/N: This was very fun to write! we did get some requests to write some filthier stuff so consider this the beginning 😅and again, congrats to cass!! - n + d
let us know what you think!
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seaofashes · 3 years
Tech that's not what she means when she's asking about the war 🤧
Commander Crosshair do be lookin foine in that black armor tho 😔✌🏻
I just fucking know Crosshair about to pop up like surprise motherfucker
fuck when that was falling down my brain went "when worlds collide" but in the voice from that one SpongeBob episode why am I like this
AND THEY BLEW IT UP! and they're goin down down down down ploop.
CROSSHAIR LOOKS SO BAD RIGHT NOW OH MY GOSH please I'm not okay with this episode
what a fucking EPISODE. I fucking loved it, it was a great episode and I cannot WAIT to see what happens next.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
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“P-Phil,” you whispered panicked as you crossed your legs under the dinner table, the warm vibration of the little bullet causing the ripples to spread through your lower half. 
He smirked, flipping the volume up slowly on his phone as he let out a cough to stifle your hand gripping his thigh under the crowded restaurant. 
“What’s goin’ on babe?” he pandered to your scrunched face, the waves beginning to build more and more as you let out low breaths from your nostrils, “something wrong with the food?” his lips pouting as he sipped on his wine, his phone safely in his farthest pocket as he pat the spot. 
“Y-you k-know exactly w-what,” straining your voice just enough to catch the attention of Paul across the table. 
“Y/N?” he set his fork down, watching as you slowly scooted around yin your chair, the speed picking up on your clit as you took a huge swig of water, “everything okay?” his eyebrow raising as he watched your embarrassed and aroused face smile at him. 
You slammed a hand on the table, a laugh escaping Phillip as he dialed the notch to the highest degree, hearing your gasps while you pushed your thighs closed as tight as possible. 
Your disheveled behavior signaling most of the people surrounding your group to look over at you as you held a shaky thumbs up. 
“J-just f-f-f-i-i o-oh f-fuck!” the pleasure sweeping over you in a huge tsunami while your doting boyfriend kept his chuckling up, clearing his throat while his cock twitched in his slacks. 
Your cries now signaling most of the restaurant to glance at you, flipping your hair back as you smoothed your dress over yourself, the overstimulation causing you to wince openly. 
“I-I’m s-sorry,” you whispered, taking another sip of water, “this chicken is j-just s-so good,” cooing as you took a hesitant bite, smiling as you chewed and completely mortified at what had just occurred. 
“Is it honey?” he cooed in your ear, kissing the side of your cheek as he smirked, exhaling a breath on your lobe as his aftershave wafted in your nose. 
“I think I may wanna have what you’re having,” Wendy piped up, signaling the waiter to grab her the same dish as you took another bite of the chicken, sipping on some wine while you sat in your own spend the remainder of the dinner. 
His hand brushed the inside of your thigh, teasing your wetness again as he nestled his face in your neck. Kissing your pulse as his family droned on about the week they had. 
“I wanna take you home so fuckin’ bad right now baby doll,” his deep baritone vibrating to your core while you let out a pained moan that only he could hear. 
“Then what are you waiting for?” moving your face to meet his while a hand snaked to tickle his goatee, “you already are in for a whippin’ anyway,” smirking as you pecked a kiss on his waiting lips. 
“Oh is that so?” his eyebrows raised, “wasn’t it you who suggested that we should spice things up tonight, darling?” his pandering insufferable as you popped your tongue on the roof of your mouth. 
“Not admitting to shit, huh?” he giggled, swirling his wine again to stare you down, your eyes becoming slits as you shook your head in shame. 
“You’re so hot when you’re mad,” his toothy smile peeking through the glass as he took a sip, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, making you salivate at the sight. Your lips curled in your teeth as you tried to hold back sucking a hickey over it in front of the family. 
“What are you lookin’ at angel?” he cooed, placing the cup on the cloth again to rub his hands on your thighs, your faces coming within inches of each other again making you revel in his signature scent. His buttons straining in his dress shirt as he reached his frame to you, enveloping you in the deepest of kisses, shoving his tongue with yours. 
“Okay,” brushing his very prominent erection in agreement, “I think you need to go home honey,” gripping his girth as he hitched a breath from the touch. 
He coughed again slightly, pushing his seat back and saluting his family as he grabbed your hand to escort you in front of him to leave the restaurant, bidding everyone goodbyes and air kisses while you sauntered your curves out of the doors. 
The drive back was excruciating, the bullet whizzing on your clit again as he couldn’t help himself with his new torture toy. Every stop light he changed the mode on it, beckoning a moan from your lips while he adjusted in his seat. 
His erection was so hard by the time you pulled in to the driveway he practically forgot to switch the car off to carry your ass inside. 
Bursting through in a fit of teeth, tongue, hands, and flailing appendages, he slammed the door with his large foot, taking the stairs to the bedroom with you bridal style two by two with you latched to his lower lip. 
He threw you on the bed, wiping the crimson from his mouth as he ripped his shirt off in one tug, your dress falling off of you in the blink of his eye as he took in your laced body. 
“Good God,” he hissed, lowering himself over you on the plush comforter, a fit of hair sprawled in a halo around your gorgeous face as he sucked in a breath, “how did I get the hottest wife in the whole world?” his lips kissing your jawline as you found his locks in your fingers. 
“You’re a smooth talker you naughty boy,” whispering with a chuckle as you pulled his throbbing cock to meet your entrance, “now fuck me like you mean it,” clawing his back as he lowered himself to touch your forehead with his. 
“Yes ma’am,” smirking as his gaze met his head, tapping on the top of the key before he inched himself in your sopping hole, “I think I gotta warm you up that way more often,” feeling your tightness choke his girth as he settled himself deep within you. 
“Shut your gorgeous mouth and fuck me babe,” you strained, his grin meeting you again as he set a punishing pace over you, the headboard banging the wall with every push he made. 
“Mmmm.. such a dirty little mouth my pretty wife has,” grunting at the feeling of your nails digging into his meaty shoulders, his tits straining with every moan he made over you. 
Melting into each other as the wails continued, and the pacing sped up. His tip touching your G-spot as he changed his angle slightly, making you choke on the air in a cry. 
“There we fuckin’ go,” he mused, pushing even further and faster as you cried under him, the sensation sending waves upon waves of fire through your spine as your release rose to new heights. 
“Fuckin’ cum all over my cock angel,” he growled, the sweat dripping from his short locks onto your glistening skin, digging into his biceps as you stared into his blackened eyes. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me baby doll,” he cooed, the damn breaking as a feral wail left your lungs, the pleasure sending you into overdrive as he reveled in your second climax of the night. 
It lasted longer than you could count, the ringing in your ears clouding the sounds in the room as you felt his warmth coat your insides in the most delicious way. 
The fog lifting when his movements slowed down, hearing his heavy pants as his seed spilled in its rightful place. 
“J-Jesus,” he huffed, removing to see the thick mixture spill from your gaping cunt as it begged to be plugged again. 
“That,” slapping the top of your thigh before crashing next to you on the bed in a thud, both your sweaty bodies spent in the best way as you listened to him continue, “was the best investment... Ever,” grabbing a handful of tit in a giggle. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself honey,” rolling your eyes again with a smirk. 
“I know you enjoyed yourself too, babe,” kissing your cheek, “and so did the entire restaurant,” in a huge fit of cackles as he dodged playful slaps from you and rightfully so. 
taglist: @maybe-your-left, @safarigirlsp, @clydesfavoritegirl, @emeraldsiren20, @thepalaceofmelanie, @obsessedwiththemadness, @hopeamarsu, @caillea, @historyandfandoms50, @mariesackler, @millenialcatlady, @thepriceofstars, @roanniom, @kathorax, @driversmutbucket
LMK if ya wanted to be added to the list! All of the love! 
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