#wayv headcannons
imninahchan · 4 months
já que você deu as ordens,camarada Nina,gostaria de pedir um headcannon com o hendery nerdola ou otaku,ou os dois porque ele é.sinto falta dos seus posts com ele🫡
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⌜ 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐘 como seu namoradinho nerdola e otaku ഒ ָ࣪
conteúdo sexual.
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o HENDERY é aquele moleque que cheira a nerdola, você olha pra ele e não tem dúvidas que ele curte anime, games, etc;
vocês costumam assistir animes junto, é quase que um ritual. Se ele quer começar um novo, vai te contar, não é um convite, é tipo uma máxima dentro do relacionamento. E se você não quiser, ele não vê (só escondido na casa de um amigo);
tem as melhores reações durante os episódios. Fica chocado quando acontece algum plot twist, chora nas cenas dramáticas e é daqueles que comemora em cenas de luta;
se as personagens dizem alguma palavra que pra ele soa engraçado, seja só pela entoação, ele repete, olhando pra você e rindo. Capaz de ficar repetindo o termo a semana inteira, só pra te fazer rir outra vez ou estalar a língua;
gosta de ficar fazendo teoria com você, quem vai morrer no próximo ep e coisas parecidas, e fica super entusiasmado com as teorias dele;
sente ciúmes quando você tem um crush num dos personagens. Vê seus olhinhos brilhando e não gosta nada. O que o nanami tem que ele não tem? UM EMPREGO??? Mas não diz nada, só te observa;
pode encorporar algumas características sem querer querendo de algum dos seus personagens favoritos só pra te agradar. E você tem que lembrá-lo que gosta dele do jeito que é;
assim como o anime, vocês jogam juntos também. Cada um num cômodo da casa, fones no ouvido e um aparelho em mãos para uma partida online em conjunto. Os gritos dele se misturam aos seus, ambos com o humor à flor da pele a cada deslize ou perda significativa do time. Podem discutir sobre isso de vez em quando, mas ele sempre vem com jeitinho depois, dizendo que não queria ter brigado contigo e dando beijinhos na sua bochecha, com as mãos na sua cintura;
também chora com os jogos e diz que você tem coração de pedra quando não chora junto;
os mangás enchem as prateleiras do quarto, de várias sagas diferentes. Vocês leem juntos também, jogados na cama. Por vezes, está sentada no colo dele, na poltrona, passando o olho nos diálogos enquanto HENDERY segura o quadrinho em mãos;
geralmente, para estarem assim nessa posição, é pra ler um gênero em específico. Você senta bem posicionadinha por cima das coxas dele, descansa as costas no peitoral e sente o queixo masculino se apoiando no seu ombro. HENDERY corre a mão livre pela sua perna, acaricia os joelhos, lendo em silêncio contigo os diálogos sujos das cenas gráficas. Cada desenho erótico, cada expressão que vê gravada ali é um estímulo a mais para te imaginar na mesma situação;
às vezes, te leva pra cama, com intenção lasciva de encenar o que leram naquelas páginas, porém outras vezes o tesão se torna tamanho que não aguenta nem levantar da poltrona. Explodindo dentro da bermuda, a sua bundinha se esfregando em cima da ereção como se nem soubesse o quanto aquilo o deixaria quente;
já te fodeu na mesinha do pc gamer, pressionando os seus seios contra o teclado colorido, enquanto te pega por trás. Se é no meio de uma partida com os amigos, é ainda mais gostoso. Sente a adrenalina nas alturas se tem que te manter quietinha, chupando os dedos dele;
HENDERY ama a imagem da sua face de prazer; os olhos brilhantes, o cenho franzido e os dentes mordiscando no controle do PS5 na boca para suprimir os gemidos. Ama quando você quer fazer cosplay de alguma personagem quando transa com ele, e está mais do que contente se você pede pra ele vestir algo parecido com os personagens que você gosta também. Com esquecer a imagem do seu namorado tão charmosinho trajando o conjunto social, os botões da camisa branca desfeitos, te chamando de princesa.
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jinisnuggets · 3 months
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ᵖᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ʰᵘˢᵇᵃⁿᵈ ˣⁱᵃᵒʲᵘⁿ ˣ ᵍⁿ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵍᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ
ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: 0.3ᵏ
ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗᵐᵃʳᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ⁱⁿ.
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ʰᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᵠᵘⁱᵗᵉ ᵃ ˢᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ʳᵉᵃˡⁱˢᵗⁱᶜ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗᵐᵃʳᵉ, ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᶠᵒʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵘˢᵇᵃⁿᵈ ˣⁱᵃᵒʲᵘⁿ.
ᵇʳⁱᵉᶠ ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇˡᵒᵍ
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It was a normal night, at least for Xiaojun it was. For you…
Well not so much.
Going to sleep everything was okay, it was while sleeping that you just couldn't get a good night rest.
Alarms ringing, an unknown person, your house supposed to be a safe spot, you would've been okay If it weren't for the last part of the scenario…
You husband… Xiaojun, ended up distracting the intruder so you could get away…
Before seeing you forcefully awoke yourself, looking around everywhere upon the unsettling feeling.
“What's wrong…?*
You heard the familiar voice, comforting voice of your husband speak from the other side.
Your husband couldn't help but grow worried at you scared expression, so he got up and scooted closer to you while pulling you in for a hug as he rubbed your shoulder lightly.
“Babe… what's wrong?”
“Nothing… just a nightmare”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Does it make you uncomfortable..?”
You slowly nodded your head in response to him, he understood and just brought you into the comfort of his warmth
“It's okay… it was just a dream.. not reality”
“I'm just scared that it might actually happen. It's not something that can easily be brushed off.. judging by the fact that it can happen at any moment.”
“I'm sorry… but no matter what I'll always be here.”
You glanced back at your partner, looking at him softly as you stared at him.
“I hope so.”
“Do you wanna sleep closer together?”
You nodded your head slowly and laid down in his arms, as he pulled you close and brushed with your hair.
“If you have another nightmare, hit me so I can wake you up.”
He said it half joking half serious.
“I'll make sure to do so”
“Please do… I hate seeing you like this.”
You looked at your husband in the eyes and nodded your head.
“If I can find you I will.” You said with a giggling tone.
“Thank you love. Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight Xiao…”
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andysorbit · 1 year
hiii i wanted to give u a prompt, wanna share any thoughts or a whole headcannon? anything works!!
every time xiao gets the opportunity he fingers his s/o also he uses this as punishment by making her come and come and come over again
Ay yo you nasty as hell 😎
I think for Xiaojun, it was just a thing that he did and liked just about like anything else he did with you.
Slipping a hand between your thighs during car trips, in the darkness of a movie theater during a romantic movie that you two had gotten bored with scoffing at, in bed with your legs spread wide for him to explore you: he just loved the feel of you.
But one day in particular, the shift would come when he just can't get enough of you.
"You can take one more, right? One more time for me, pretty girl? Just once more?" he'd ask you softly as he peppered your face with kisses.
You'd nod and grip his forearms for stability and he'd slowly slip his fingers back into you and curl them up just right.
"I can do it like this... or I can rub your clit if you want. Tell me how you want it... it's the least I can do since you're being so good and letting me have what I want " he'd whisper.
"Xiaojun!" You'd cry followed by a slew of other incoherent things and He'd thrive.
"Is this too much, kitty? Do you want me to stop?" he'd moaning into your ear because nothing makes him feel more pleasure than knowing he's making you feel so good.
Of course, you'd shake your head frantically because why the hell would you want him to stop?
Then it'd move onto establishing a safe word and of course, it'd be something stupid like "Chogiwa" and that would be your thing.
From there, it would be his obsession. He'd find any reason to have you spread out before him and begging for mercy.
It's never been the first, the second, or even the third orgasm that has him hooked. It's the ones beyond that. The more the merrier for him because it's in the crying, blubbering, sweating, pleading, and incoherence that he'd find his pleasure.
"Speaking in tongues, baby?" he'd chuckle.
It's in the way you scream for him to stop and then beg him to keep going when he does.
"You don't even know what you want from me you silly girl. You beg me to stop and then you beg me to keep going just to beg me to stop all over again... such a dumb little whore. That's why you need me... to show you what's best for you." he'd say teasingly as he brought his other hand up to dry your eyes.
It's in the deep, soul rattling sobs you let out as you squeeze your thighs shut and try in vain to scoot out of his reach just to be held in place by him. It's a punishment you both love and hate and for that he will always be addicted to it.
"Aw, babe... don't run from me. Come back here and take it like a big girl. You know you want to. I know it's never enough. That's why you let me keep going no matter how hard you cry."
He'd definitely have the worst rules to follow on purpose just to have a reason to punish you. Like telling you not to cum just as you're falling apart or telling you if you don't be quiet then he's going for another orgasm as if anyone could possibly remain quiet after five repetitive orgasms.
It would also be his way of blowing off steam after a particularly rough day.
Thank you so much for this! This was fun as hell 😏
- Andy
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nakakitty · 2 years
amg tô muito viciada em brasilcore, não consigo parar de imaginar os neos versão br... tu podia dissertar aí um pouquinho né, fala o que tu acha
Pois muito que bem, trago-lhes minha opinião sobre os neos versão br
Taeil: Acho que todos concordamos com uma coisa: Moon Taeil se fosse brasileiro, seria nordestino (fonte: n��o preciso). E digo mais! Seria baiano ou pernambucano, Salvador ou Recife me lembram muito ele, essa vibe de cidade alegre e colorida, bem histórica mesmo.
Taeyong: Lee Taeyong pra mim, é goiano, comedor de pequi igual eu KSKSKSKSKSKS, ele mora mais em cidade mais turística, tipo Pirenópolis, e é do tipo que sempre que tem chance ou tá em Brasília ou em Caldas Novas.
Johnny: Carioca. Sem discussão! Johnny é carioca, torcedor do Flamengo, tá sempre curtindo nos bailes, algo me diz que ele tem uma vibe lá de Copacabana mesmo, todo burguesinho.
Yuta: Ele me passa uma vibe de quem mora naquelas cidades pequenas que tem paisagens lindas. Ou ele moraria em Fernando de Noronha, ou ele seria lá do Maranhão que todas as férias tá visitando os lençóis maranhenses porque nunca se cansa da beleza natural do lugar, ou seria do Norte, Amazonas, sendo específica.
Doyoung: De Brasília, bixin enjoadinho, mora no Lago Sul e sempre, repito, SEMPRE se perde nas tesourinha da Asa Sul e fica putinho.
Jaehyun: Outro do Sudeste, paulista que mora no Rio de Janeiro. Tá nos mesmos rolês que o Johnny mas os mlk tudo pega ranço dele porque nas festas ele pega as mina tudo.
Jungwoo: esse eu não sabia onde pôr mas aí lembrei: paulista. Estudante de artes na USP, ama os rolês na Liberdade e sempre que pode vai curtir os shows da Pabllo Vittar porque aqui é ELITE BEBÊ
Mark: mineiro, eu SINTO e ficou mais nítido depois da fific da Nininha KSKSKSKKSK não sei por quê. Estudante da UFMG, um exemplo.
Haechan: Carioca também, versão 2.0 do Johnny, flamenguista, conquistador e sempre anda com os JohnJae, já tomou baculejo porque tava com os amiguinhos que a mãe falou que não pode andar!
NCT DREAM + Sungtaro
Jaemin e Jeno: Eles eu penso a mesma coisa: outros dois mineiros direto de BH dessa vez. Cresceram juntos e são melhores amigos até hoje, tentam desviar o Mark do bom caminho de estudioso com convites pra batalha de rima.
Chenle: riquinho de Brasília também, passou pra fazer odontologia na UNB e mora lá no Lago Norte, na beira do lago Paranoá. Só vai em rolê no Clube do Choro ou no Centro de Convenções Ulysses Guimarães, foi assim que conheceu o Doyoung. Nunca pegou um busão na vida e nunca pisou na Rodoviária do Plano Piloto.
Renjun: era outra quase incógnita mas pra mim, ele é cearense, de Fortaleza. Odeia o calor e tá sempre curtindo uma prainha.
Jisung: paulista, mas é mlk gamer, não sai do quarto pra nada pq tá sempre jogando. Faz curso de técnico em TI na Unicamp.
Sungchan: catarinense, de Florianópolis, mora pertinho do shopping Beira Mar, todo fim de semana tá lá com os amigos ou na Praia da Daniela.
Shotaro: carioca, torcedor do Fluminense, também conheceu o Johnny, Haechan e Jaehyun, e sempre é zoado por torcer pro Flu, mas é tão fofo que a zoeira para na hora. Solta uns passinho massa no baile.
Kun: No tópico aberto que rolou aqui um dia, eu falei que o Kun era brasiliense né? Mas também acho que ele pode ser Alagoano ou do Rio Grande do Norte.
Ten: paulista, estudante de dança na USP, toda noite tem rolê, e é grafiteiro também. Não gosta de futebol, prefere mais ver as novelas na Globo.
Winwin: versão do Ten que não sai de casa, prefere assistir o Caldeirão ou Pantanal do que interagir com pessoas.
Lucas: o mlk é cria, carioca e flamenguista também, não perde um jogo sequer no Maracanã. Faz trampo de cabelereiro direto, sempre deixando o cabelinho na régua. Tá tentando passar na UFRJ.
Hendery: versão do Jisung de Minas Gerais, mas ele tá fazendo curso de programação e gosta de sair. Torce pro Flamengo e se levar ele pro baile o mlk sai rebolando até no poste.
Xiaojun: Tenho pra mim que ele é Corinthiano, mora em Campinas e evita ir pros bailes porque ele emociona fácil.
Yangyang: se acha mas é cria de condomínio igual os mlk de Águas Claras em Brasília. Estuda no Marista mas respeita ele "porque a tropa dele é perigosa"
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ericshoney · 2 months
NCT Masterlist
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~ Brother!Johnny (Headcannon)
Ten Jaehyun
~ I can do better (Oneshot) (SMUT)
"I mean....I like you....a lot" (Oneshot)
~ Brother!Jaemin (Imagine)
~ Brother!Jisung (Headcannon)
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yunopouts · 2 years
If anyone every wants head cannons or reactions or mlt’s (most likely too’s) then please don’t be afraid to request them!
I’m taking my time with come on mess me up and I feel bad not posting anything for while you wait :(( I feel like my other works are starting to get old so I want to give you new ones so you can be entertained!!
fic: come on mess me up - l. donghyuck [teaser]
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chenlizard · 3 months
~ when they're jealous !
---- thought this would be a cute first headcannon :3
pls do requests in bio im begging
genre: fluff, teeeeny tiny suggestive
warnings: ten and hendery's are erm a little erm erm erm... suggestive but nothing too much
he would not want to say it.. like at all...
he would probably try to ignore it for a while, since hes mature enough to realize hes being irrational, but sometimes if its bad enough he'll just look obviously upset until you notice
if youre out in public and this happens, and he gets really upset (rare), he mighttt (might) just grab you and take you home
expect a nice dinner, a bath, wine, and being pampered all night!!!!!!!!!
he would probably want to prove he can treat you best out of anyone🤷‍♀️
overall cutie
lets be real here. he is the KING of jealousy.
he wouldnt even hide it. depending on the situation he could just get the person away from you, or steal you or your attention, but definitely expect him to react.
would say something along the lines of "they cant fuck you like i can." to rile you up since he was pissy you were giving someone else attention he wanted
overall king of sass..
would be pissy about it all night unless you make it up to him
poor baby wouldnt wanna say anything, so he would stay silent and just watch.
when you two get home it would take a bit of prying to figure out why hes so upset, but once he tells you he calms down a little
physical touch is easier for him so he just holds you for a while to prove to himself youre all his
overall baby
nothing more to add
i love winwin
king of sass part 2. would just eye the person stealing your attention, tap his legs against yours a bit so you notice him, maybeeee say something but it would just be to grab your attention
sometimes would just bring you home if you were out and about, but not often
if you two went home he would demand a show marathon or a bath together, like the others, to prove you belong to him.
overall.... xiaojun🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(he is my ult bias so i will be writing a lot of him)
will get surprisingly really pissy about it. not enough to be fully angry or anything, but enough to make the person and you notice so the person could leave you to him.
if it got too much he would steal you away to a private room or balcony just to stand with you, hug you, anything the other person couldnt do.
lots of kisses, everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
would give you hickeys so when you came back inside the person, and everyone else would notice, and again, know you're his.
overall, protective + possessive king
would just be really whiny about it, looking at you like you stole something from him, like a little kid.
hes obviously adorable, but this exceeds adorable.. like omg... >w<
would grab at least your hand and just hold onto you casually, not making a huge scene but still letting you notice he wants you to himself, and honestly, hes fr! listen to the man... damn
overall cutie pie tysm
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SOO bad for a first one but its whatever i dont care
PLEASE do requests i have no inspo
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8myass · 3 months
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅ hi, y'all! i'm new to this community and i just wanted to do a little "intro to my account" post with a bit about me and my writing! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ my name is lele, i go by she/her pronouns, and i'm 18 y/o, but i've been writing (and reading) fanfics for years. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ this is an 18+ account for the mature themes written. i know minors will read anyway, so just read responsibly and understand what you're getting into. there should be no shocker when there is smut in a smut story. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ i follow everyone back! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ will include a lot of dark content, fluff isn't my strong suit. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ works are scheduled to be posted every saturday and sunday (hopefully). `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ if you enjoy my works, please like, comment feedback, and reblog! that would be very much appreciated!! 🩵 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ requests are open! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ prompts for requests are found here, but any requests are appreciated ♡. requests will be answered out of order, so it might take a bit for me to wrack my brain of good content to answer requests! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ anons are welcomed. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ currents anons are: 🧺 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ taglist is open!
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ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i won't write: strictly bxb content (i'm inexperienced, maybe i'll try it in the future, also might be on sidelines of stories), incest, mpreg, male reader for smut (as i am not male, i deem it hard to write the mc as a male. but gender neutral is okay), nothing much that i won't really write. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i do write: gxg, stepcest, age gaps (legal), infidelity/cheating, noncon (no consent given), dubcon (consent is questionable), cnc (roleplayed noncon scenarios, but it's fully consensual), bondage, any kink you can think of (no piss/shit kinks tho 😐), pegging, dom!reader, switch!reader, yandere, stalkers/stalking, gore, knife play, gun play, sensory play, branding, murder (not of mcs), omegaverse / a/b/o (never written before, i can't promise it'll be good, but i can try??), dacryphilia, unprotected sex, breeding, voyeurism/exhibitionism, blackmail, sensory deprivation, femdoms (whether this means reader or idol), g!p, anal, threesomes/foursomes/anysomes rly, orgies/gangbanging, monster fucking??? idk ig that's all for now, i'm willing to try everything at least once, i'm a rather experimental writer. if it's not listed, i will probably write it anyway lmao. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- genres i write: smut (w or w/o plot, preferably w), fluff, angst, horror/thriller, suggestive, crack, honestly just anything (always experimenting). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i write: series (possibly), drabbles, oneshots (less than 4k words), fake texts, headcannons, hard/soft thoughts, full-fics (more than 4k words). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- boy groups i write for: nct (all units; nct dream, nct 127, wayv, nct wish but only fluff for all minors), riize, seventeen, stray kids, txt. however, i'll write for any boy group! these are just the only ones that my brain typically needs no help in coming up with ideas for. male soloists can be written for as well! (ngl, i just write for anyone i feel like, so any group is open for requests) ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- girl groups i write for: (g)i-dle, aespa, blackpink, itzy, newjeans (only fluff for hyein and haerin), le sserafim (only fluff for eunchae), twice, and mamamoo. (kard can also be requested as a co-ed group, female soloists are all able to be written for as well) (i really just write for anyone, so anyone is open for requests too)
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you can find my male idol masterlist here and my female idol masterlist here! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ recent works: nct 2023 yandere headcannons, suicidal (yandere!felix) ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ what i'm currently working on: your touch (yandere!anton) [wip, but on hold]
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ jaehyun 2024 birthday event!! [m.list for event can be found here] (on hold)
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beenbaanbuun · 2 years
beenbaanbuun’s masterlist
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All Members
Reaction to their S/O giving them the silent treatment 
Reaction to their S/O winning an award for best kiss scene
Reaction to their S/O changing their lockscreen to their bias
Reaction to seeing a cutout of their S/O at a concert
Reaction to their S/O wiping off their kisses
Reaction to their sibling dancing in an M/V
Reaction to their S/O putting ice down their shirt to wake them up
Reaction to their S/O being clingy
Kim Seokjin
Late Night, Come Home (Fluff)
Min Yoongi
Pretty Little Baby (Smut)
Truth or Dare (Smut)
Filthy (Smut)
Kim Namjoon
Intertwined (Fluff)
First Time for Everything (Smut)
Kim Taehyung
His Girl(s) (Smut)
Match Made in Heaven (Fluff)
Jeon Jungkook
Work of Art (Smut)
Hold Me Closer (NSFW/Fluff)
High School Reunion (Smut)
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All Members
95z reaction to their S/O being short
reaction to their s/o laying their head on their lap
reaction to their youngest member getting injured
Hip Hop Unit
Reaction to their S/O being naturally clumsy
reaction to their s/o falling asleep waiting for them
Vocal Unit
Reaction to their S/O being sick 
Reaction to their S/O being clumsy
Reaction to their S/O being sleepy
Performance unit
Reaction to their S/O being a night owl
reaction to a jealous s/o
Yoon Jeonghan
Perfect Misery ft. Kim Mingyu (Angst/fluff)
Jeon Wonwoo
Sleep On the Floor Pt2 (Fluff)
domestic bliss (fluff)
Lee Jihoon
Frozen Devotion (Smut)
Kim Mingyu
Perfect Misery ft. Yoon Jeonghan (Angst/fluff)
It’s you and me (’til the end of time) (Fluff)
Vernon Chwe
petals for amour (fluff)
Lee Chan
Love Sick (Fluff/Angst)
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All members
Hyung line sending their s/o a photo of themselves
Maknae line sending their s/o a photo of themselves
Reaction to their s/o asking the worm question
Telling their s/o ‘i love you’ for the first time
Reaction to their s/o getting injured
Reaction to their s/o running into their ex
Reaction to their s/o being sick
Reaction to their s/o falling asleep waiting for them
soft cuddles
first kiss
hyung line being sent an accidental nude
maknae line being sent an accidental nude
Park Seonghwa
Hard thoughts w/hongjoong
messy room (hurt/comfort)
Kim Hongjoong
Hard thoughts w/seonghwa
Jeong Yunho
Best girl w/Mingi (smut)
toys (smut)
kang yeosang
relationship headcannons (fluff)
Choi San
First Christmas (fluff)
stretch marks (fluff)
Song Mingi
Best girl w/Yunho (smut)
sweatpants (fluff)
face sitting (smut)
emo mingi (smut)
Jung Wooyoung
mean but soft (smut)
Choi Jongho
Warm touches (smut)
Boyfriend texts (fluff)
Boyfriend texts pt 2 (fluff)
Christmas thoughts (fluff/smut)
bad day (fluff/angst)
periods (fluff)
cock warming (nsfw/fluff)
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All Members
Reaction to their S/O being clumsy
Reaction to their youngest member giving them kisses
Reaction to accidentally revealing your relationship (Maknae line)
Reaction to accidentally revealing you relationship (hyung line)
Reaction to their S/O having a tongue piercing
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All Members
00′s line - reaction to their S/O saying ‘daddy’ as a joke
Reaction to their S/O struggling to learn their native language
NCT 127
Reaction to their youngest member giving them kisses
Reaction to their S/O fainting during an argument
Reaction to their S/O comforting them during a horror film
Reaction to their crush confessing
Reaction to foreign S/O not wanting to call them ‘oppa’
Reaction to their S/O falling asleep whilst studying
Reaction to their S/O acting bratty
Reaction to their youngest member giving them kisses
Reaction to their older S/O being insecure about their age
Reaction to teasing their S/O
Reaction to their S/O giving them the silent treatment
Reaction to their S/O calling them daddy as a joke
Reaction to their S/O having a strong British Accent
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lovekaikim · 6 months
What type of Yandere's WayV(OT7) would be?
(Yes I am doing ot7 cuz I love Lucas too much to let him go)
(Also this is Male Reader, so ladies, please find something else, and if you're sapphic ladies, check out some of my other works)
Kun - The Protective Yandere
He's probably the most lenient(apart from Lucas and Yangyang), only wanting to protect you. Kun would feel like the only punishment he could give you was no candy and no junk food for a week. Yeah, he's more of an annoying parent than a Yandere.
"Honey! No! We're not getting Animal Crossing New Horizons yet! I know you're bored, but we can still play New Leaf. Deal?"
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Ten - The Petty Yandere(yes, petty)
He's a bitch, lets be real. If yoy looked at someone for too long, he'd accuse you of cheating. You'd get sick at it, and so everytime he does something petty, you'd have a resting bitch face.
Ten: "I don't care if you like Louis!(1D) You're mine! Mine!"
You: "Ffs...he's just my favorite member!"
Yeah, you're basically an old married couple.
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Winwin - The Sadistic Yandere
This motherfucker is a psychopath! He's degrading you, and he punishes you REALLY SEVERELY. He's making fun of you, and basically being a total asshole.
"You're just a pathetic little slut for me to fuck with. You're MY fucking slut. MINE."
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Lucas ‐ The Tsundere Yandere
He'd always try to make you think he didn't like you to put you off the scent - even though you liked him back. Lucas can be a bit harsh, but just know that he's actually a soft boi inside.
Tsundere Lucas: "W-what do you mean you wanna watch Friday the 13th with me? T-that's a horror film, you imbicile."
You: "But I can't watch it without you! You'll keep me safe! If you actually cared..." *you start crying*
Yandere Lucas: Oh I'm so sorry! I'll watch anything to protect my love!"
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Xiaojun - The Quiet Yandere
I can barely say anything about this guy. He wants you. Thats all that matters. His marks on you tell people everything. You're. His.
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Hendery - The Awkward Yandere
I know, this is a Yandere headcannon. But - I gotta stay true to Hendery's character.
He wouldn't know what to do.
So in the end, you'd be tied up, and he's sheepishly smiling at you.
"I can explain my actions..."
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Yangyang - The Sweet Yandere
Okay, you can't stay mad at Yangyang!
He knows that you'd wanna start things slow before starting the relationship, so thats what he does. Soon, he gains your trust. Not wanting to break it, he doesn't say anything about kidnappings and stuff.
Also, if you don't wanna be in a relationship with him - either due to you finding out his weird side or you finding someone else - he'll understand. He'll support you no matter what. He'd gladly watch from the sidelines.
And if your new partner mistreats you...well. Good luck explaining that to him.
(If you end up with someone else)
"You're not in a good relationship! They are taking advantage of your trust and then cheating on you! You deserve someone better!"
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(If you end up with him)
*loves wrapping his arms around you* "I oove you, M/N..." *sleepy baby, you can't help but smile*
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yongislong · 2 years
¡ masterlist !
now boarding
ncity playlist event
bunny - jeno
take care of you - jaemin
little person - yuta
room 119 - jaemin
red light therapy - mark
remind me - kun
holidate - jaemin
winner winner soup dinner - 127
break up prank - dreamies
pretty in pink - renjun
intimate moments - dreamies
phrases in relationships - dreamies
intimate moments - 127
skinship - dreamies
pet names - dreamies
skinship - 127
jar prank - 127
ily prank - 127
favorite physical insecurities - dreamies
love languages - dreamies
love languages - 127
back scratching - dreamies
clingy s/o - dreamies
surprise hugs + dreamies
idea types + dreamies
receiving skinship + dreamies
jar prank + wayv
jar prank + dreamies
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imninahchan · 4 months
Oiii Ninaaah, então já que é sexta de headcanons vc poderia fazer um dos neos reagindo a vc sentando no colo deles? Tipo ele tava no sofá e vc só foi lá e sentou no colo dele
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Te recebe com um carinho na lombar, mas não faz muito além disso, porque mais que seja LOUCO pelos momentos em que voce faz isso. Te deixa ali, sentadinha no colo dele, e continua fazendo o que queira que estivesse fazendo antes de você chegar;
Também te recebe com um carinho, mas também abre um sorriso largo. “Ei, princesa”, murmurando, e você vira o centro da atenção dele;
Automaticamente se excita, abrindo um sorrisinho canalha. Por mais que tente levar pro lado casual, você sempre se encaixa tão bem que não dá pra resistir. Evita até te tocar pra não estimular mais ainda o próprio corpo, correndo as mãos pelo rosto, mas em pouco tempo já está arrastando um “mô...” e te pedindo por algo;
Te envolve nos braços, aproveitando a conexão pra poder apoiar o queixo no seu ombro;
Também te envolve, mas beija pelo seu pescoço, abraçando forte. Depois te solta, porém, casual;
Não te dá muita atenção de primeira, julga a ação normal. Porém, nos momentos em que está mais distraída, ele mexe as pernas pra cima, pelo gostinho de te vê desequilibrar e ri da sua cara;
Tsc, estala a língua;
“Ei, gatinha”, mordisca no seu lóbulo, sorrindo largo, “veio sentar no meu colinho, hm? Gosta do meu colinho, é? Gosta? Ai, eu sei que você gosta...”, fica tão bobo, rindo da sua cara, que você até se levanta.
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jinisnuggets · 1 month
мαѕтєяℓιѕт ℓιηкѕ!
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ᴛᴏᴍᴏʀʀᴏᴡ x ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ
ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅꜱ
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍꜱ
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andysorbit · 1 year
How he responds when you're drunk and say "Oh so people can't say 'excuse me'?"
"It's a crowded in here, shut your drunk ass up" squad:
Doyoung, Ten, Yuta, Jeno
"Well start pushing bitches back" squad:
Haechan, Renjun, Chenle, Hendery, Yangyang, Jaemin
"How many people have you said 'excuse me' to?":
Johnny, Kun, Winwin, Taeyong, Mark, Jungwoo
"Okay we're leaving" squad:
Taeil, Xiaojun, Jisung
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rieadiary · 5 months
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RIEA | she/her ; pansexual ; i write mostly about :
- treasure
- enhypen
- nct (dream & wayv )
- skz (possibly)
- riize
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i shift realities so most of my posts will be based on that and headcannons on who acts like what.
- you are an anti-shifter
- you believe i’m lying or anything of the sort
- you ask me to write about minors
- basic dni criteria list
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i mostly (plan on) writing :
- smut
- angst
- head cannons
- fluff
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pls be nice to me because i’m just now starting this out from awhile ago.
xoxo, riea!
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mrkspo · 4 months
𓈒 ݁ ₊ 𐙚  Lista de Headcannons:
[ te pedindo em namoro ]
[ com ciúmes ]
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