#warning pet death
melhekhelmurkun · 2 years
One of the senior cats I adopted to give my last remaining cat some company has developed a tumor in his mouth. The vet would have to remove his entire lower jaw to get it, and I don’t want to do that to him. Poor boy is drooling everywhere because of it, and he’s biting his tongue because of the mass
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coyoteclan · 4 months
Big TW for pet loss
Hey, clangen tumblr and those who just enjoy the silly cats on this blog. I know it's been a little bit of time since my last update, but unfortunately during the past few months, I have been caring for my closest friend, Comet.
She's been my best friend for 15 whole years, and on February 9th of 2024, I'm sad to say that she has passed. I won't lie when I say that this is one of the hardest posts I've ever made, but I want to continue this blog in her honor. Normally, I have a terrible habit of just letting projects like this slip by me and gather dust; however Comet was meant to play an integral part within the blog to immortalize her, and I refuse to let something meant just for her to go to waste.
I want to thank you all first of all for being such an amazing community. I've genuinely had so much joy come of this blog, and it pains me that I let it go stagnant for as long as I have. There are 568 of you now, which is so extremely wild to me; but I hope that from now on, you can all love Comet as much as I did, even if as a memory.
I hope to return to posting content both here and on my main, @mxssacre , but for now I still need time to grieve and come to terms with the loss of someone that was so incredibly intertwined with everything I've done since I was 9 years old.
Thank you for everything Comet, my heart, my soul, my love.
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More of my favorite photos of her beneath the cut.
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It's hard to choose favorites out of the thousands of photos I've taken of her over the years, but I hope these do her justice to show what an amazing being she was. I hope you're hunting your toy mice in the stars, Comet.
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SUMMARY: After tragedy strikes, a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead.
mod L says: why does that baby look like he's about to start twirling his cane and singing "hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal."
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Barney is gone. 
He & Flynn both had some kind of nasty stomach bug around Easter & sadly, it was just too much for my dear old Barney. We tried to help him feel better & he tried to keep going, but the poor old pup went into kidney failure & was just very poorly & sore & tired, so I decided to let him go. He had a nice morning today & even managed to eat a little bit & have a tiny walk in the park, in the sunshine. He passed away very quickly & peacefully, while I stroked his ears once last time.  
My heart is completely broken, the house feels so empty & wrong without him here. When Barney came to me, I was 19 & at university... He helped me get through difficult cancer treatment in my early 20s. He’s been a constant, steady, sensitive, loving & joyful presence at my side, for my entire adult life. I am so unbelievably lucky Barney found his way to me & was here for so many years, but it could never be long enough. Such a good, good boy.
RIP, Barney 31st October 2006 - 19th May 2023
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We wish we had more time with you. We wish you didn’t feel any pain. We wish we could go back and be with you all over again. We have a thousand wishes for you to be at peace.
This morning we lost our fur baby. I’m going to be gone for a bit. I’ll see you all when I see you.
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viktoriavika67 · 1 month
I want to call Kinito Kinitka SO BAD, you have no idea.
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shortfeather · 3 months
oh new impulse stream vod! perfect to have on while I eat some food and then get to woodworki— keralis what the actual fuck
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
Anyways would you like to have a debate like Ancient Greek scholars about religious imagery on the DSMP
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“…and every revival only births a perversion of the original, and yet a return to form and renewal of the mission. Wilbur brought back to ambition, Tommy to fear, Techno to anarchy. This is because they were not properly revived through holy means, instead in symbols associated with satanic imagery; a grimoire, a totem. The revival book’s association with Dream echos ideas of Satan offering power that ultimately corrupts. Other symbols of Christianity show up beyond souls, revival, and satanic imagery, likewise tied to Dream. In the garden of Eden—”
“Golden apple as a symbol of the temptation of power! Of course of course! Knowledge as power, the fall of man from grace. This shows particular on the summit meeting between Techno and Dream, wherein a god apple is given by Dream. This falls neatly into parallel with Eden, where Eve is lured with the promise of having the same wisdom and thus power as god. It is the temptation presented, power promised in the same breath as suffering and conflict…”
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sirenspells · 6 months
Remember that one whisper warnings post where I said I wasnt sure who Mari would meet with who would tell her about what she would have to do in the real world (like how Sunny has Omori and Basil has Stranger)? I had said I was thinking of Headspace Mari, cause I couldn't really think of other options, but I just realized another, potentially funny option (but that makes more sense to me than Headspace Mari), that being Mewo
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barmadumet · 3 months
CW: Pet Death
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It’s been a year today. I didn’t tell many people at the time because it was so hard to talk about. It still is. There’s many people irl who still don’t know. Between my grandparents, parents, and unborn babies, I’ve faced all types of grief in the last handful of years, but this? A new definition of emotional pain. His was a presence with me for more than half my life. He was there every day, an essential part of my comfort space. Every night, he was in my bed. I still feel very incomplete.
It was raining when I found him in 2004. I was at work – my first job. I heard a customer say they’d seen a kitten dart under a running truck. It was actually out of character for me to abandon my post and flee to the parking lot. I stopped the driver just as he was about to leave. I kneeled in the puddles of gravel-filled, muddy water and looked under the back wheel well, and there he was.
Love at first sight is real. When I met the blue eyes of the yelping, tiny, snowball-white kitten, I knew he was mine.
He was perched up on the center of the undercarriage of the truck. I smashed my face against the side panel, reaching my arm as far as it could go. I didn’t care about the exhaust fumes I was breathing in from the tailpipe. I didn’t care that I was getting soaked. I didn’t care about work. I reached for him – until the tips of my fingers touched him for the first time, and I was able to coax him to me. When I had him in my arms, I pulled him to my chest, and since then, he has always been close to my heart.
It was one of the hardest moments of my life when I put him in the ground. I knelt in the damp mud around the fresh grave. He was snug in his bed when my husband and I lowered him down. When he was secure in his resting place, we covered him in a blanket. And before we covered him in earth, I reached for him. And again, I didn’t care about the mud, and I didn’t care about the mess of my falling tears and running nose. I bent over as far as my body would allow, and stretched my arm until my fingertips slipped under the blanket and grazed the soft fur for the last time.
It hit me in that instant that he’d come into my life and left it in a similar manner, and it’s hard to describe the flood of emotions that came over me then. The poetry of it captivated and soothed me, but the finality of it tore me apart.
I think of him every day. There isn’t a relationship in existence that can compare.
Evan, Ev, Rudes, Rudy. . . Until we meet again 🤍
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Thanks for the love!
Thank you to everyone who has sent me wonderful tag love over the past few days. I've seen it and I appreciate it. Sorry I'm not up to individual answers but each of them has made me smile!
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Cat update below. TW for sad
Two weeks ago today we got the news that my cat, or fur sibling, Shelly had stage 4 kidney disease. We got her fluids and the medications the vet prescribed the next day. When she came home initially from the fluid appointment she ate well, and the fluids did lower the values slightly. The prognosis depends a lot on how individual cats respond to the medication. Rather than a bad reaction she had no reaction.
On the weekend she wasn't well and the first appointment we could get was yesterday afternoon. Shelly had made it clear she was ready to go so 23 hours ago, amidst many tears (I used like half the tissue box) the vet helped her over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for all your kind thoughts sent our way, she had a peaceful exit, and had spent the morning snoozing on her favourite blanket on my lap or in the sun. We will be getting her paw prints and her ashes in a box.
I want to keep checking in on tumblr because routines help me stay sane. But if I'm less peppy than normal, or comment less, this is why. I can't tell you how much it means to me that over this time none of you have unfollowed me, you've kept liking my posts, included me in the asks, and treated me with the regular kindness I see you display here. Thank you.
P.S. If you see someone with a cat carrier and can't see a cat inside it, don't ask "do you have a cat" because it might pain them to answer "not anymore" and then you'll probably feel like shit and I can confirm they'll definitely feel like shit so let's not do that friends okay? Just like how none of you would ask a stranger when their baby is due unless they say they're pregnant, right?
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honeycombhank · 3 months
Well, I have sad news
⚠️ Pet death trigger warning ⚠️
I was holding my rats how I always do, sometimes one or many at once until everyone has had some good quality time and if I don’t get to everyone then I start the next day with who ever was up next.
Today I had been holding TipToe and Apple pie and then went to feed everyone because it was far past bedtime and I needed to start bedtime routine, this means I make sure I at least look at every rat making sure they are doing well and ensures I never miss something like a new health issue or injury that could have popped up that particular night, I saw everyone, everyone except mama moony, she had not come out for dinner, and even in her old age she always came out to eat dinner and say goodnight, tonight she did not, I knew what this most likely meant and moved boxes and bedding very carefully to try and find her, she was in their fizzy water box house and had passed away sometime this evening. My love helped me move her.. the ants had come to try and salvage her body and I couldn’t handle seeing it.
I won’t describe it but I will say it was really frightening and made me feel so uncomfortable and sad. I couldn’t have kept that from happening because even though I am taking steps everyday to keep the ants at bay they still are coming out immediately at even a thought of something worth it to them. I’m doing my absolute best at keeping things clean..
We quickly found something to put her in and removed her three daughters as well and placed them into a small cage with fresh bedding and water. I will clean their big cage tomorrow.
I have more to say but I just wanted to share what happened with you guys, I hope what I did share wasn’t too scary for anyone.
I am missing our sweet Mama Moony, she was so good at caring for all her babies and really showed such emotion and empathy towards other living creatures, she was always so kind and gave me one of the best experiences getting to watch her give birth and become a mother and seeing her navigate the way of the world.
Rest in peace Mama Moony Pooh. Don’t forget about us up in ratty heaven.
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SUMMARY: A man bumps into an old crush and holds her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works.
Not even Dominic Monaghan is enough for the mod to watch this movie. It does have some very interesting ideas though.
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dockofshame · 11 months
Some Quick Headcanons of Duncan x Reader Who’s Grieving
TW: Death, grief, death of a pet.
Duncan would totally be that pet owner who’s like “I don’t want a dog!” and then six months later the dog is his best friend. Not that he’d let onto it, but it would hit him hard when your pet’s health is declining.
If you want to be in there when your pet is put down, Duncan would be by your side either hugging you while you cry into his chest or he’d be squeezing your hand reassuringly, and if you wanted to be in the waiting room while your pet is put down he’d be there with you.
Eventually, down the road, he gets you something with a rainbow on it in honor of your pet crossing over the rainbow bridge. Just don’t let other people know he was the one who got it for you, okay? He doesn’t want anyone thinking he’s soft.
Duncan would want another pet but not for awhile.
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silvereternitywrites · 9 months
My Monarch!
Prompt: Ever since first contact, many alien races have considered humans to be primitive, to the point where we are seen as intelligent animals over our own race. Because of this, many aliens have humans as pets. You are the pampered pet of a very rich alien monarch. Prompt Source: userSuperaptorminion ; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
Most of the time, my life is fantastic- there's a pretty big faction of us, though no one seems to agree on a name except "species traitors". I, however, am of the opinion that if I can live a life of pampered luxury, with no responsibilities, every need taken care of and the only thing asked for in exchange occasional companionship, give me the fucking collar. Fuck capitalism, fuck the grind, fuck all of that shit from back on Earth.
Some kind of Monarch bought me, too, so when I grabbed my mates of choice by the hand and bared my teeth, they laughed, called me cute, and bought them too.
They haven't the slightest clue that we aren't tame, aren't 'just copying them'; like a housecat back home. Sure, you know that your Pomeranian or fat tabby is capable of killing you, if pressed, but you never expect it, because if you treat them well, why would they?
I don't love the Monarch, not really- not like some of the other pet humans do, at any rate. I appreciate that they tend my every need and those of my mates, I pay them with cuddles for providing treatment for my mate's chronic conditions and making them able to pursue what gives them joy again, I tolerate their checks of my own person for such issues (and don't hold it against them when my mates rat out my old injuries), and I enjoy my life of ease. I speak their language- all of us do, because honestly it's funny to watch them lose their shit every time we say intelligible words to them.
Today, however, a threat came to my Monarch- and my Monarch is folding, fearing for the safety of their people and us, the pets, since the challenger is not one of the ones who thinks we are "cute".
This is not acceptable. You see, my Monarch is mine.
Sacrificing themselves for the good of their people is very well and good- but no one is allowed to steal what is mine away from me.
So it is without preamble that I get off my cushion, where I spend most days absorbed in books or writing my own, pressing a button on my wristlet to send a pre-established signal to my mates. One is down in the combat arena, as they always are this time of day, training now that their body obeys them again; the other has been studying intergalactic law, including treaties and declarations of war. In our own language, I consult with them first; I am the culture expert between us, so we have a fairly well-rounded plan when I reach into the side compartment of my Monarch's throne, remove the blaster there, flick it to 'lethal', and shoot all three aliens at the front of the enemy formation.
The clamor and the screaming is enough to give me a migraine, so I am scowling when I step forth, in front of my Monarch, and give them the same hand signal they give me when they want me to move- pointing, paired with a word. They sit.
I turn to the enemy formation, which has sloppily formed up again, though the front three spots, reserved for the leaders, are left conspicuously empty. Good- they had no contingency for if they fell, and no designated people to step into their roles, and without that being pre-established, their culture did not allow for a common soldier to seize command.
It DID allow for 'theft' of the battalion by a conquering commander, though.
"You answer to me now, by right of conquest," I snapped out in their own tongue, prepared to be challenged. The galaxy at large saw us as pets, or PESTS, not as people- someone would challenge that I had the right to claim by conquest at all.
They looked among each other- which was their right to do, to confer if they wanted to challenge whoever had taken out their commanders- before one stepped forward, and I kept my body loose, balanced on the balls of my feet like my mate taught me, but no challenge had been called so I kept still. This one must have been a former commander- a right hand, certainly, because despite not really being able to judge age on their species this soldier was thick with scarring, and though their march never fell out of step, there was the slightest of limps in one of their four legs.
That one knelt down, folded hands on knees, and bent forward, baring the back of their neck in the sign of obedience.
"We are conquered. We answer you."
Oh good.
"I live the life of a Queen, given everything my heart desires, tended to by my mates of choice, given entertainment, food, leisure, and all the time I require to enjoy all of these things. I will not have need of a battalion often- and you are soldiers, loyal and true, battle-tested and strong, so I would not insult you by setting you free. But I have no wish to go out and conquer more, and would not hold a good soldier back from serving honorably elsewhere, for all I can offer is drills and defense should enemies come to invade my holdings, which is rare. If any wish to leave, they are free to find a battalion that fits them better," I told them in my best formal tones. After all, conquering them for my own was only the first step- and if they wouldn't be content to stay, there was no point in keeping them, fostering resentment all along the way.
"A Queen should have guards," the Lieutenant answered, just as formally. "And should a soldier cease to function well as a guard, they may serve perhaps elsewhere."
"As they should, in accordance with their most skilled performance ability," I replied.
"I will stay. My battalion will follow, until they are drawn elsewhere."
"Then be welcome to my service. Your right and left hands?"
Two younger ones with impeccable posture stepped forth, bowed their heads, and held position in the traditional commander's triangle.
"Then it is done. Tend your wounded, honor your dead, then the hale are to report to the combat arena- that is where my right hand trains, and they will know best how to schedule rotations for guard posts. They are my shape and limb arrangement, but with a darker carapace and with the strength of a Soldier apparent in their limbs. My left hand is my shape and limb arrangement as well, but of the same carapace color, and poison-warning blue headfur. His tongue is as dangerous as his color suggests."
My new Commander dipped his head deferentially as he rose to his feet and started directing the battalion. "Understood, my Queen."
Ah. The hazards of using 'queen' with an insectoid species.
Everything settled, I turned my blaster back to stun, put the safety on, and put it in the cubby before climbing up into my Monarch's lap and laying full-body against them in the way they understood meant "I desire my hair and back petted and scratched, NOW".
"I think perhaps our opinion of human pets may be outdated," they said, even as they provided the scratches.
I smiled. "Not really. I'm just a felidae-type human. I don't tolerate people messing with what belongs to me. That includes you. That's how it works, with cats. You don't own us- we own you."
my Monarch looked a little alarmed at that.
I just laughed, and said a joke I knew they would never get until they met an Earth cat: "Meow."
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devildom-moss · 5 days
Sorry. I’m delaying finishing and posting the May poll fic for a while longer. I’ll explain in the tags if you want to know why, but just please be patient with me for now.
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