#wanted to introduce ann into the au
just-absolutely-super · 7 months
OP au crack
Lan: you think we'll meet that Zap guy again and his crew?
Mega: I don't know, but if we do I'll handle the worst of it this time. I don't want you to get an electrical burn again
Lan: excuse me? Like hell you do. You're not going anywhere near a guy like that with electrical powers.
Mega: Lan, I get your concern, but I can handle it and I have ranged attacks. It's you who should be worried about only being able to do close ranged attacks.
Lan: I will duck tape you to the mast if I have to!
Mega: the duck tape won't hold me, and you will be the one who's gonna be duck taped to the mast
They continue to bicker
Yai: sometime I wonder how we're doing so well in battle when our Captain and first mate fights like toddlers?
Much much later, they do meet Zap and Elecman again...but under different circumstances
Lan and Mega: YOU!
Zap: YOU!
Lan: What are you doing here? This is just a humble port town! Did you track us down? You looking for a round 2?!
Mega: Stand back, Lan, I'll handle this!
Lan: No, we'll handle this! We're a lot stronger now than the first time we faced off against them!
Elec: Just say the word, Count, and I'll take them on!
Zap: Alright, you brats, are you ready for another duel to your deaths--
???: ENOUGH!
They turn to see a middle-aged woman
Elec: M-Mother..
Zap: A-Ann, honey, this isn't what it looks like...
Lan: Ann?
Mega: Mother?
Ann: Are you two bothering these poor boys?
Zap and Elec: N-No ma'am...
Ann: And I assume you two used to cross paths with my foolish husband and son?
Lan: Husband?!
Mega: Son?!
Ann: How about I make some tea and you can tell me all about it. Jack, Eddie, please finish your community service then you may have some tea as well
Zap and Elec: Okay...
Lan: Wow they're whipped...
Mega: This is a stark contrast to last time we met them...
Lore notes:
Elecman is Ann and Zap's adopted son, and they are actually a very loving family, but hard times led Zap to take on piracy and his son followed in his footsteps. Ann didn't approve but she she was often reassured they weren't doing anything too terrible, just stealing treasures from other pirates...it was a lie of course
Count Zap has so many fucking names due to the localization as well as his love for pseudonyms apparently, so I decided to just kinda mash things in a certain way:
Count Zap is his pirate name--his real name is Jack Elecitel as per his Japanese Name
Elecman is his pirate epithet or nickname--I've decided to give him the real name "Edison Elecitel" (or Eddie) in reference to Thomas Edison
Ann's full name is Ann Elecitel instead of "Ann Zap" like BN6 will call her
After being defeated by the Hikari Pirates, Zap and Elecman fled before the Navy could find them and headed back home to Ann who was pissed off at them for lying and becoming wanted criminals
They grovel for a time, and she forgives them...provided they wrong their rights and undergo intense community service
The Navy does not know of Ann's existence so they don't think to go to her residence to look for the wanted pirates. They also don't know Zap and Elecman's real names, so it's easy for the family to lay low for a bit and reinvent themselves
0 notes
agroteraa · 4 months
Never Be Like You
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Felix Catton x f!Reader
My fic masterlist
Summary: AU where Saltburn's ending never happened. Felix lived happily up to 2016 (and on), where he met you at your new job. Meaning he is around 29 here and you are younger.
Yes, a fic based on THAT Jacob Elordi edit
Using the song "Never Be Like You" by Flume feat. Kai
Shout-out to Kasey @kcsvids ❤️
Tags: fluff, implied slow burn, AU.
Word Count: 3,8K
Early August in London this year was quite rainy, but fortunately, the day you had to go around the city with the documents turned out to be surprisingly sunny and pleasant. It was the second month of your new job.
The bell on the door in the coffee shop tinkled as you went inside in search of your senior colleague, whose errands you had been running for half the day.
"Annabel, hi! I’ve signed the documents, made copies and notarized them. Here are the originals in the folder, and here are the copies," you said, sitting down on the opposite chair and rummaging in your bag, taking out all the necessary papers.
"Oh, thank you, Y/N! I expected that you would only have time to pick up the documents, and you have already done everything! Cool, you're doing great!" the girl smiled at you, and then added, "Our new capable young employee."
She said this to a young man in a colored seemingly expensive shirt who was sitting relaxed close to her on the couch and drinking coffee. He looked at you with a smile while Annabel was having a dialogue with you and complimenting you on the work done. God. This was the guy from your job, whom you saw rarely and from afar, but you really wanted to know more about him. You didn't even know his name because you were too shy to ask, and besides, you didn't talk close yet to people in your new place.
"Felix. Felix Catton," he introduced himself, extending his long arm across the table.
"Y/N," you answered a little timidly, shaking his hand. His fingers were no less long than the hand itself, and his palm was warm, "Um... Y/N L/N."
"Okay, I have to run, bye, Ann," the guy kissed her on the cheek, threw some money on the table and smiled at you again, "It was nice to meet you, a new capable young employee."
Young. Not that young, it was your second full-time job after graduating from the university, but of course you were younger than the two of them. Annabel, as far as you knew, was almost 29 years old. Felix was probably about the same age, it was hard for you to tell. It seemed that he could be aged from 23 to 33, given that he looked so youthful and lively.
"So... does he work for our company? It seems that I saw him in the office, but very rarely..." you tried to find out information about this man from Annabel as casually as possible.
"Yes, Felix has... a more of a free schedule. His father is a co–owner of the company. So, he is not particularly worried about being a worker of the year. However, it's not like I live at work either," Annabel began to tell you openly. It seems you had already realized that she was also a pretty laid-back person, "So… What are you ordering?"
Despite your protests, Annabel ordered and paid for you coffee and lunch anyway, and then continued, "We studied at Oxford together. You could say he helped me get a job here later."
Oh. You got it. It seems that the picture in your head had finally begun to take shape. It became clear to you why some people worked hard from early morning till night in the same office as someone came at lunchtime at best and generally behaved as if they had known each other half their lives. Because that how it was. Many of them were Oxonians, and had known each other since the university, and some even from boarding schools. Of course, you also received a decent education, but it was nothing compared to Oxford. But this was also often not only about education, but also about lifestyle in general. Your family was not any close to be called poor, but still it was not comparable to this level of life, and you were able to get a current job only because of your hard work and probably decent amount of luck.
You felt a little sad at the thought that for them you probably were a girl who came out of nowhere and did the paperwork, and it was very possible that you would remain that way in their eyes. In Felix's eyes, in particular. That was how you imagined his life as a golden boy, who was apparently at this stage of his life employed in his own parents' company, where he did not need to make any effort to stay there and at the same time receive a round sum of money. Usually it also led to a certain lifestyle.
While Annabel was stirring her coffee with a spoon, you noticed an engagement ring on her hand, which you didn't seem to notice before or just didn't pay attention to.
"Oh... can I... congratulate you?" you asked, barely hiding your awkwardness, "Is it... Felix?"
"Yes, thank you… What? Felix?" the girl laughed, "No. We used to date back at the university, and after that… Well, now we are not. I can't imagine Felix as a fiancé or husband. To be honest, I don't think he can either. He's a pretty free spirit, let's put it this way."
You exhaled and nodded, on the one hand satisfied with the answer, and on the other hand you were upset and got into thinking even more. Yes, it seemed that you two were different, too different, and it came to be clear in just a half an hour on a lunch.
But that didn't stop you from thinking about him anyway for the whole next month. He still rarely came to the office, but now he nodded and smiled broadly if he saw you. You even chatted briefly a couple of times in the hallway and over a cup of coffee in the office kitchen. You still didn't know what he really was like, but he seemed nice and friendly, even though he was always in a hurry for somewhere else. Or someone else. You couldn't help but still look forward to these short meetings.
And that how the autumn came.
"Well, lucky you, Y/N – it seems that a small anniversary of three months of your work here coincides with our seasonal party," sipping from her cup, Annabel informed you, "Once in a season we go out somewhere with the whole team. Well, to be more exact – with the least boring group of people here. Come with us? We're thinking of going to a club this time."
You willingly agreed, pleased that you were invited to this party. After all, it was not for nothing that you'd been Annabel's indispensable assistant, helping her out all the time. And, to be honest, you did a lot of her own work for her. And also you hoped that you and her began to get closer in personal level, even though you were quite different, it was still quite a fun.
Week later, you were hurrying along the streets while looking at the navigator where exactly the club that Annabel was talking about was located. You were late because you spent a lot of time on dressing up and doing makeup. You wanted to make an impression and you were a little nervous. Nervous because all this time you were wondering if Felix would come or not. You were worried about both scenarios, but you still wanted him to come first of all, even though you had no idea what and how should happen next.
The place greeted you with loud enough but pleasant music and colorful lighting. Your colleagues were sitting on the sofas nearby. Annabel waved cheerfully, "Y/N! We're here! Hi! Yes, you're not even the last one, so make yourself comfortable."
You greeted everyone who was sitting. You felt quite awkward, because you didn't communicate with everyone at least on the same level you did with Annabel, but you hoped that the evening would go well and that you didn't come in vain. And it turned out to be quite alright, but anyway, part of your thoughts was roaming whether Felix would come or not.
"Okay, guys, and now we'll drink to the Y/N! She's been helping me a lot lately. Y/N, I hope this is just the beginning of your work with us!" Annabel toasted.
"To a new young capable employee!" said a velvety deep voice behind you. You turned around. Felix stood behind, dressed in a white shirt and jeans. He had a shot glass in his hand and he had some kind of red cowboy hat on a rope behind his neck and back.
You all clinked drinks together and then started to sit back down on the sofas.
"Hello, Y/N," Felix smiled broadly at you, "Glad you were invited too."
"Oh, Felix, where have you been?" your colleagues began to ask him as he sat down with them and began to tell about being stuck in another club and then getting through traffic jams here to you all.
"Unexpectedly. I thought he wasn't coming, huh," you said softly to Annabel.
"Why wouldn't Felix come to the party? It's not like going to office meetings, you know," the girl chuckled.
You continued to chat with Annabel this evening. Felix, unfortunately, did not approach you, and seemingly had fun chitchatting with all the people on the couch in front of you, although he kept glancing at you, so it seemed to you. But maybe it just seemed, because you had been drinking for the first time in a long time, and your head was already starting to feel a little dizzy.
But over time, your interlocutor talked more and more about her own with her long-time colleagues and friends, until she almost completely forgot about your presence. You began to feel gradually lonely in this company. Maybe you were right. A girl from nowhere who couldn’t even afford too many drinks in this place in central London, who was helping Oxford graduates who were, are and will be fine, with paperwork they weren’t really willing to do. But it was better to splurge on another drink than to sit and think all these thoughts.
Walking through the crowd to the bar, you stood in line and chose what to take for yourself. Something strong, but not very expensive, if possible.
"You have a small anniversary in our company today. It should be celebrated," a pleasant voice spoke softly almost in your ear. Turning your head to the side, you found Felix, who was leaning almost his entire body against the counter. He had definitely had a drink and was even more relaxed and cheerful than usual, "It's all on me, of course."
You protested a little, but Catton quickly dismissed all objections, taking two drinks for you at once and one glass for himself, "And this is about time you tell me how do you find the work here with us, where you came from and generally about yourself."
You headed back to the sofa with drinks. Since the path was laying through the dancing crowd, and you had two glasses in your hands, Felix held you protectively, placing his hand on your back and guiding you through all the people, making sure that no one would touch you. The feeling of his big warm hand on your back, on your skin, half-opened due to the design of the dress, definitely excited you and gave you goosebumps.
Some people from your company, including Annabel, was already gone to the dance floor, so you sat down on an empty sofa together and started talking. It was very uneasy and unusual for you to see Felix so close to you, also in such an informal setting. His big brown eyes looked at you attentively while you talked a little about yourself, about your education, how you got a job at this company, what you were doing here and who you started communicating with. What dark fluffy eyelashes he had. He was so handsome. You blushed a little and got embarrassed, but still, because of the abundance of information that you had to tell him, your brain was a little distracted and calmed down.
"That's great, Y/N. You're so... hardworking. And, apparently, you’ve achieved a lot on your own. That's very cool," Felix nodded with a serious face.
"Well, I haven't achieved anything special yet that I would really like, but thank you for the kind words. It's great that you're interested in your future subordinates."
"Oh, so you know? Well... we'll see about that. My dad is a co–owner of the company, but not the owner. So, it's not at all a fact that I'm going to manage over here," Felix was a little embarrassed and cleared his throat, "And I don't know what's going to happen next, I don't guess into the future for that long… Maybe I'll go abroad somewhere, like I've already done before, huh."
Then Felix began to tell about some parts of his own life - a little about his childhood, about studying at Oxford, what he did there and where he went later. He was quite modest and obviously tried not to emphasize his fabulously luxurious lifestyle, but this was the kind of thing that could not be completely kept to oneself. This manifested itself even in behavior and appearance, not to mention the stories.
But you liked, you really did like talking to him. With all that said, Felix Catton had a talent for making you feel like you were welcome, that you were no worse than him, that your lifestyle was no less boring or less important when he wanted to grant his attention. Even if you were completely different. You were listened to very attentively.
Due to this feeling, combined with his appearance and charisma in general, you were ready to never get up from this couch, if only your conversations would last forever.
But the forever ended quickly when Felix's friends yanked him onto the dance floor. Friends, and maybe not only friends. It seemed that many female colleagues and just a lot of the girls nearby were staring endlessly and smile charmingly at him in the hope of getting more of his attention. Of course, you could understand that oh so well. But all the same, you were upset that your chances were probably much less than those of all his acquaintances in his circle. Even if it was just about a sort of a close communication.
You finished your second drink and went to get another one. While you were standing in line, one of this year's hits started playing in the hall. A gentle female voice began to tell her story:
What I would do to take away
This fear of being loved, allegiance to the pain
Now I fucked up and I'm missing you
Never be like you
I would give anything to change this like-minded heart
That loves fake shiny things
Now I fucked up and I'm missing you
Never be like you
You couldn't take your eyes off Felix, who was having fun in the middle of the crowd – he was giving himself up to the music, dancing to the beat. Green, blue and sometimes purple spots of light slid across his face and his clothes. How graceful and natural he was now, as if he had been born on the dance floor.
I'm only human can't you see
I made, I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything's okay
'Cause I got it
Never be like you
Felix completely broke up and went dancing at the pole jokingly. You didn't know if he was already so tipsy or just so relaxed naturally to that extent, but you couldn't look away with your mouth slightly opened. He was holding onto the pole with one hand, and with the other he was waving in the air, also swinging his hips.
How do I make you wanna stay
Hate sleeping on my own
Missing the way you taste
Now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you
Never be like you
Stop looking at me with those eyes
Like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why
Now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you
Never be like you
Your heart sank. Even though this song was about trying to bring back an existing relationship, it still somehow resonated especially with you right now. Particularly the line "Never be like you", which seemed to repeat your thought, which you carefully tried to hide from yourself tonight. You would never be like Felix.
The crowd gathered at the bar gradually pushed the gawking and not moving you closer to the dance floor, where Catton noticed you.
"Hey, Y/N, why are you just standing there so lost? Join me," the guy said cheerfully, slightly pulling you by the hand closer to him.
You started dancing together, he put on his red hat on to make you laugh a little. He was smiling widely, swaying from side to side bewitchingly in front of you.
I'm only human can't you see
I made, I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything's okay
'Cause I got it
Never be like you
His white shirt was unbuttoned now, apparently, he had been hot for a while. Beads of sweat gathered on his skin and disappeared with him in the rays of the strobe light from time to time, which shone behind his back. In such lighting, it seemed as if he was moving in slow motion, and that was all a beautiful movie in which you accidentally fell into the place of the main character. But it wasn't a fantasy, it was your night right now.
I'm falling on my knees
Forgive me, I'm a fucking fool
I'm begging darling please
Absolve me of my sins, won't you
You wanted this moment to last forever. And unlike the conversation on the couch, it really felt like it was happening, like in a dream that no one dared to break. You were drowning in his magnetic gaze and smile, which he was giving only to you now. He was like Prince Charming of the 2010’s.
I'm only human can't you see
I made, I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything's okay
'Cause I got it
Never be like you
Baby, baby please believe me
Come on take it easy
Please don't ever leave me... oooh
Never be like you
You mentally repeated the last lines of this song until your face itself took on a slightly pleading look. Felix seemed to catch it and touched your shoulder. His lips parted in the desire to say something, but he just stood there for a few seconds in silence, as if considering what to say and do next.
"... by the way, you look great today. I mean, your office looks are cute too, but this… You're full of surprises, aren't you?" he said after a while.
You smiled sheepishly as you continued to dance, drifting back into a musical and slightly alcoholic trance until it was interrupted by several of Felix's friends and your colleagues.
"Buddy, we've going home," the guys shook hands, and then started talking about some of their business. You moved a little to the side, and as soon as you did that, Felix slowly began to be surrounded by familiar and not so very familiar people. You went for a cocktail, and then headed to the couch, where you started talking to a colleague of yours. You kept glancing in Felix's direction at the same time, but he still didn't come up, engrossed in talking and some dancing.
After saying goodbye to your colleague, who also left, you finished your cocktail and finally decided to check your phone. Oh. You didn't know it was so late. You started looking for a taxi, but it costed a lot right now. Confused, you sat alone, staring at the screen and sucking from a straw a mix of melted ice and a cocktail from the bottom of a glass.
"Please pardon me for leaving you for a while," the hot hand laid on your back and then its owner appeared behind it, who plopped down on the sofa next to you. He looked at you with slightly regretful doe eyes, "Are you... leaving already?"
"Yes, it's very late, and there's a lot to do tomorrow… But the taxi is still expensive, I guess I'll wait a little longer."
"What are you talking about? I'll get you a car right now," Felix took out his phone and began to quickly type something on it.
"Oh, come on, don't..."
"Hey. We're celebrating your anniversary at work, our new best employee. Have you already forgotten?" the guy interrupted you, grinning, "Tell me your address, please."
You gave your address, Catton smiled slightly.
Five minutes later, a business class taxi pulled up to the club. You just went outside, and the warm air of an early autumn night pleasantly enveloped you after the hot and stuffy nightclub.
"Is this really my car?" you were amazed. Felix turned his head to the left and right, and then, leaning over, said in a serious tone, "I don't see any exactly the same beautiful girl waiting for exactly the same taxi, and do you?"
You giggled and blushed noticeably. There was a pause hanged in the night air.
"Thanks for your company, Y/N. I'm glad you're with us now. I hope we'll see each other more often from now on."
You looked him straight in the eye, and then nodded slightly and slowly.
"Good night. Please text when you... Ah..." Felix rolled his eyes at himself, "I don't have your phone number."
He looked down, shaking his head and chewing lightly on his lip. A knot tied in your stomach. Felix. Catton. Asked. You. Your. Number. It might had been more of a common courtesy, of course, but your heart started beating a lot faster anyway. Of course, you dictated your phone number to him, which made him full of ill-concealed joy. Having recorded it in his smartphone, he said, as if nothing had happened, "Yeah, great, now I have a place to text to find out how you got home," and put you in a taxi.
He gently touched your shoulders once more when he put you in the car. He pressed his lips almost weightlessly to your ear, "Good night again, Y/N. Thank you for this evening," his mumble was very warm and pleasant, you felt your hair rising on your skin.
Watching the taxi leave, from which window you looked at him back, Felix lit a cigarette. He was smiling widely and contentedly, exhaling smoke and slightly twitching his whole body on the spot from another surge of energy. He was obviously going to attend the work more often from now on.
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who-is-there · 1 month
Deciding to write a fantasy high au where the Rat Grinders hide their connection to the overarching plan better than in canon. This is achieved by them actually (basically) stalking the Bad Kids everywhere, so they know more.
Or that was the plan. But it turns out that Kipperlily is really the only one sneaky enough to get away with it, so for the time skip between the beginning of Sophomore year and spring break, the Bad Kids keep accidentally finding the Rat Grinders watching them. It’s weird the first few times, but then the Rat Grinders are sort of- unofficially invited? to hang out with the Bad Kids? Like, they aren’t told when and where, but the Bad Kids usually just invite them into the conversation and talk to them more if they’re found out. Kipperlily encourages this because it means they’ve got more intell.
Except that’s not what happens. They ask Ruben about school, and the way he describes bard classes actually convinces Fig to give them a try. She introduces him to new music, and they start writing songs for each other to look over. When Fig starts her band, she asks Ruben and his band to be her first opener. The two have a decent overlap in audience, but they also pull their own listeners into each others music.
When Fabian asks Mary Ann about her tamagotchi friend, she’s the most excited they’ve seen her. Gorgug asks about it a little, and confines that it’s the small, complex kind of tech he’d never be able to make. The bad kids encourage him, and around winter break he comes in with a- strange looking bird that he says is named Chloe, but that’s not what it responds to. A few weeks after they come back from their spring break, Gorgug gives Mary Ann a construct of her tamagotchi, small enough to fit in her bag, and she cries.
Ivy tries to get Fig on the ‘mean girl’ idea, but Fig shuts it down pretty quickly. She introduces Ivy to Baxter, and Ivy now comes to the Manor solely to pet him. She meets Sandra-Lynn, who sees this girl that is almost her, and asks Jawbone to have a talk with her, just once. Ivy tends to be quieter nowadays, but a little nicer too, and Fig can understand her mom a little more with Ivy next to her.
Adaine and Oisin meet earlier, and the two talk more about their school work. Adaine apologises for not remembering him, and the two are a speed team in their class that semester. The first time Oisin made a comment concerning lower classes, Fabian pulled him aside and they have a talk about family, and what it means to use your class to help others rather than insult them. They both come out of it a little better.
Lucy and Kristin talk some. Kristin still likes hearing about other Gods, and Lucy doesn’t often get to talk about her ancestral religions. She helps Kristin and Tracker, since she doesn’t have anything against other Clerics or their religions. When Kristin gets doubt, she talks it out, and Lucy learns some spine from Kristine assertiveness.
With Riz, the Rat Grinders have been told stories from Kipperlily, so they expect things, but Riz isn’t like that. He isn’t dismissive or impersonal, and while he’s definitely- intense, there isn’t superiority there like they thought. When he talks about his dad or his home life, they don’t see a great backstory like Kipperlily wants, they see a kid at their age, that has to do twice as much for half the reward. They don’t know how to tell her.
But he does relax. With more people helping each other, Riz is a little less stressed. And the Rat Grinders, more than anything, see an adventuring party that are actually friends, that rely on each other and actually hang out together outside campaigns.
And then Spring break happens, and it’s a little better. The Rat Grinders convive Kipperlily to go on another quest, instead of to the mountains. Gorgug is more secure, Fabian’s more aware, Adaine has pushed her spells more, Riz is a little less stressed, Fig’s more focused and Kristin still doubts, but she’s better at taking about it. But it’s still bad. They still go through the forest, still have to deal with fighting and their fears, still get beat up and everything.
And when they come back, the Rat Grinders don’t see them getting praise. They don’t see all the great rewards for saving the world they expected. What they see, is a change to a deadline that was going to happen anyway, and that this group of people that were kind to them have gone through absolute hell. They’re tired, they’re scared, it’s rough. And then a week later, they’re running off again, after an endless night. And when they come back, it’s just more consequences and reprimands from a system that the Rat Grinders have been told favours the Bad Kids. And they realise that maybe Kipperlily doesn’t understand the Bad Kids as well as she thinks.
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m-jelly · 2 months
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DIY Daddy
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, Dad Levi, fluff, romance, girl dad, DIY job, married, pregnant reader, small town life.
Levi and you run a DIY company where you clean, repair, decorate and move things for people. Levi and you take your little three-year-old daughter Lilly to a job because she wants to help the two of you out instead of going to grandma's.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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You walked over to Lilly and cleaned her face after she finished eating. "Those pancakes okay?"
Lilly grinned. "Yummy mummy! Thank you."
You kissed the top of her head. "You're welcome."
Levi chuckled when Lilly reached over and held his hand stopping him from turning the page of the plans for the current home he was working on. "What's up, Lilly bug?"
She bounced in her seat. "Daddy, may I have a hug?"
He picked her up and out of her seat then sat her on his lap. "Of course." He hugged her tightly. "You can get all the cuddles you want."
She looked over at you. "Mummy?"
You hummed as you sipped your tea. "Yes, little Lilly love?"
She sucked on her bottom lip a little. "May I help today?"
You looked over at her. "You want to come with Daddy and me today?"
"Yes please!"
You gazed at your husband. "Up to you honey, what's on the job list?"
Levi looked at his wide-eyed daughter and smiled. "Well, I do need our super duper painter today and an assistant."
Lilly gasped. "I can help!"
Levi laughed. "Well then, I think we can take you with us."
You tapped away on your phone. "I have texted Kuchel to let her know."
"Thanks, bunny."
You smirked at the pet name. "You're welcome." You winked at him and then gazed at your daughter. "Do you want Daddy to help you change?"
Lilly nodded. "Please!"
Levi stood up and carried his daughter to her room. "Let's go!" He popped her on her little feet as she giggled. "What would you like to wear today?"
"Same as Mummy!"
He smiled and grabbed a shirt with bunnies on and some dungarees. "Your Mummy will wear something like this. She always wears dungarees." He picked a pair of socks for her. "Here you go, little Lilly bug. I'll do your hair after."
She huffed as she pulled on her shirt, but then struggled with the dungarees. "Daddy, help."
He knelt in front of her and did the clips. "There you go. You even have a pocket at the front for snacks or a little cuddly toy. Mummy puts snacks in hers. What do you want in yours?"
She hummed in thought. "Bunny!"
He grabbed her little bunny and put it in the front pocket. "There, you can work together." He combed her hair and tied it up on top of her head making him chuckle, it looked like a pineapple top. "Perfect. Lastly is socks, do you need help?"
She sat on the floor and wiggled her little feet. "Please."
He slipped on her pretty socks and smiled. "All sorted, the little beans are safe."
She clapped her little hands. "Beans!"
The two of them hurried over to you as you waited by the front door. You all wore your work shoes and climbed into Levi's vintage pickup truck. All three of you sang along to songs playing on the radio causing a lot of laughter and smiles.
Once you'd arrived, Levi spoke to the shop owner to let them know that Lilly was with him and if it was okay. After getting a very happy and excited yes, the two of you introduced Lilly to the shop owner. The owner told Lilly what she wanted done to her shop and asked if Lilly could do it all.
Lilly gasped. "I can do it!"
The lady giggled. "Wonderful, thank you so much. I will happily pay you in ice cream or cookies."
Lilly grinned. "Thank you!"
You watched Levi and Lilly run inside the building. "Thank you so much. She was so excited about helping today."
The owner watched fondly as Lilly carried in small tools for Levi as Levi carried in a large number of things. "It makes it more meaningful knowing a whole family made my dream shop a reality. I can't wait to come back later and see it. You Ackerman's are so talented and incredible. This town is lucky to have you."
You welled up and hugged her. "Thank you."
As soon as you went inside you were overwhelmed with how cute Levi and your daughter were. The radio was on and the two of them were dancing and singing together as he started setting up the room for painting. Lilly was holding onto the tap as Levi was putting everything in place.
You had to take things easy because you'd recently found out you were pregnant. Levi and Lilly wanted you to relax more, so you were going to do as they said. You opened paint cans, poured paint into the right trays, and set up the tools.
Lilly walked over to the paint and picked up a roller. "May I?"
You smiled at her. "Ask Daddy."
Levi picked up Lilly making her squeal with laughter. "Let's do this!" He smiled when you held up the paint tray. "Thank you, Bunny. Now Lilly, roll the roller in the paint."
She kicked her little legs as she did. "Got it!"
He carried her to the wall. "Now roll up and down on the wall."
She squealed in delight. "I'm painting!"
Levi kissed her puffy cheek. "You are. You're a natural."
"Like Mummy?"
"Yes, like Mummy."
Lilly moved the roller up and down. "I did it!"
Levi moved her over to you. "Again, little Lilly pad."
You hummed a laugh as the two worked together to paint the wall. After some time, Levi had to put Lilly down because he needed to be careful and he has to speed up. While he was working, you were getting Lilly to help you put together some furniture. You would tell her what to hand you and she would give it to you.
When a few hours passed, Lilly stopped working and whined. You smiled at her. "What's going on little one?"
She rubbed her eyes and hiccuped a little. "Tired." She crawled over to you and flopped on your lap. "Mummyyy."
You wrapped your arms around her and held her. "I got you. I think it's time for a break."
Levi had made massive progress, so a rest was okay to have. He walked over and lay on the floor next to you. "Let's rest together."
You lay back with Lilly and cuddled up to Levi. "Naptime."
Levi watched Lilly and saw she fell asleep quickly. "Cute."
You played with her hair. "She's had a busy day."
"She has." He looked deep into your eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay, a bit tired as well."
He leaned over and kissed you. "Rest as much as you need to, okay?"
You hummed. "I will. How are you feeling?"
"You know me, my bunny, I feel great because I have you and Lilly with me." He reached over and held your hand. "And our little cute bun growing."
You giggled. "You're right."
He moved your hand to his lips and showered it with kisses. "I love you."
"Love you always."
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morbethgames · 3 months
Next Week On Patreon - Nameless Legends!
Alright everyone, time for a little tumblr post here. Next week on the Patreon is a first look at the world I'm contemplating playing around with after The Bureau series is over. Still a long ways out, but if I write scenes related to that world for content here on Patreon, I'll slowly build up a lot of content I can use to kickstart myself into that world when the time is right!
Nameless Legends -
is an idea I had that was kind of a mix of the Fate anime series and the Soul Eater series. Heroes and villains alike get pulled from the past at random when fate deems they have a chance to redo a regret so large that they feel their life was unfulfilled. People in history or stories told that aren't part of the stories themselves. Their names never come up. Their own stories never told. It is a chance for them to be remembered by whatever brings them back.
The catch? They are always tied to a person living in the modern day for one reason or another. They are bound to them by fate and feel a pull so strong that it makes it hard for them to rip themselves away, even if they wanted to. The PC is one such person.
You, the player, will choose in the beginning of the game which notable person of old you will be the bloodline of; the infamous Anne Bonny or the noble Arthur Pendragon. Depending on what bloodline you pick will determine what nameless legend will appear by your side.
This first look into the story and the world introduces one of those legends. A pirate by the name of Charles Connolly. Her Irish accent is only outshined by her ruthlessness with a blade, and that certainly shows in this upcoming short story that will be available on the Patreon NEXT THURSDAY!
To read the previous short story starring an AU version of Team Leader Hawks and a spicy ending, click below and become an Agent Tier member today! There's a version for both Female and Male Hawks!
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cinnanamii · 15 days
Ganjis 3rd year birthday letter and the heavy mischaracterization of the characters in game 3/just ranting about the birthday letter
Ganjis 3rd year letter was leaked recently (you can probably find post about it on tiktok and on discord servers) and I am so far beyond unimpressed and disappointed.
To start out this yap session/rant, I’m going to list the characters serial numbers, so that you can know who I will be talking about so that you can get a grip on what I will be discussing.
• 3-1-2 is anne
• 3-?-1 is aesop
• 3-1-4 is ganji
• 3-?-3 is Victor
The fact that netease decided to fill the letter with shock value racism, ruin annie as a character, and just ruined Ganjis character arc, and basically made Victor useless is so BEYOND me. This is a a lot, so I wanna start by talking about the blatant mischaracterization of annie and ganji in this letter.
To start off, they made annie so unnecessarily, hateful and racist towards ganji. It would make sense for annie to be afraid of loud noises, as they did introduce her as a timid woman, but making her afraid of ganji and becoming violent to him because of his accent is so beyond me. The whole reason why annie attacked ganji was originally because aesop manipulated annie into hurting him, not that annie got scared of the way he spoke? Plus, due to her timid and sweet girl type personality i could never see annie physically fighting/attacking ganji, it’s just not something that would happen. How could she ever have the confidence to do that, when she was literally scared of ganji? Then, on top of that, annie wouldn’t be provoked by his accent so easy? In her trailer, she was literally described to be like her mother, who was very nice, that being a trait annie had. So for her to just go attacking him so so EXTREMELY out of character for her.
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Then, next screenshot I’m showing right now is the shock value racism randomly put in this for god who knows why?
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“unfavorable impression” caused by 3-1-4’s accent? This is so ooc for annie, it feels like a poorly written oc/au. The antagonization of annie feels so unnecessary and just not needed. Game 3 might not have had a Hunter, but it did have an antagonist, that being aesop. The whole antagonization doesn’t feel right for her at all.
Then now, I wanna talk about Victor. One of the main things in game 3 is that they were not able to talk or communicate with each other. if they were able to do that, what’s the point of him even being here if they could already speak verbally? His writing was already kinda not the best, but this entire letter takes whatever relevance he had to the plot away. He needs to get something consistent, or else in this case his character is just useless. It’s completely unfair that aesop is able to get clear motivations and goals, but the other characters goals and aspirations just get handled horribly.
Game 3 was so unique in the way it functioned, and with the characters that were so similar, but so different at the same time. What could have been a group of compelling a deeply well written characters now feel like a dumpster fire or mischaracterization and the severe lack of coherence. All just from one letter too. This feels like a big fat slap in the face for me as someone who loved game 3, and all of the characters for game 3, ESPECIALLY annie, and if you loved game three, also this should feel like a slap in the face for you too.
**im aware that this is a leak, and it could be potentially false, but this has been on my mind practically ever since I heard of it, and everything is just so absurd.**
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sysakiddo · 2 months
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I finally edited chapter 6 of diplomacy au y'all! I struggled a bit with a burnout after getting my degree in january lol but hopefully it won't take so long for another chapter to appear!!
ao3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
“It's like watching the most awkward first date happen in front of your eyes. And you know, of course, that they are not going to fuck.” Max says after taking a long sip of his third gin and tonic. 
Everybody who hears him laughs, already watching the couple standing by the bar. Charles tugs his ear in what seems to be a nervous tick while Sebastian casually leans on the chair, even though he is everything but casual. He watches every move of the man in front of him, shuffling his feet a bit when Charles licks his lips after a sip of his skinny bitch. 
“Pathetic,” Alex laughs, not unkindly. “It seems to me like there is no salvation for them,” George adds, leaning forward on the couch they all squeezed on to see the show in front of them. 
Anne doesn't feel like this is something she can ask them about. That is not to say that she is not terribly curious and confused about how one could refuse Charles Leclerc giving them heart eyes while biting his lips. Instead, she breaches a topic she thinks is a safe zone. “If you think this is tacky, how did you guys meet?” 
Daniel looks at his hands immediately, a nervous huff escaping from his lips. He hates telling that story. He rarely ever thinks about that time now unless he really needs to. The swirling of the ice in his negroni makes a loud noise. 
Because truthfully, Max met Daniel at his lowest. It was in his LA house, where he spent most of his time, the D.C. office vacant more often than not. They turned up just as the sun was setting, Sebastian and Max. It was the older man who insisted on introducing them.
Daniel straight out refused. He didn't care about Sebastian’s little charity project. It went too far, saving aggressive puppies, Jesus. He did not want to meet anyone named Verstappen when he wasn't paid to do so. 
Daniel was barefoot, his swimming trunks still a bit wet. The LV shirt had an obnoxious pink print and it was slipping from his shoulders. It was late enough that he was glowing from the sun, the diamonds on his necklace shining. He looked at the wunderkind, at Max, the youngest ambassador in the US ever. 
Max wore a three-piece suit despite the day being too hot for it. His Berlutis were gleaming, and he was straight-up glaring at Daniel.
“Howdy,” he grinned at them. Sebastian assessed Daniel's pupils, shaky hands and a sheen of sweat on his forehead with a grim face. He gave him the pep talk about easing off the drugs just a few days ago. Max extended his hand, and Daniel shook it. It was a reflex. Max’s palm was warm and soft. 
Sebastian cleared his throat. “As I told you, Max, this is Daniel-” 
“I, of course, know who he is.” Max didn't let Sebastian finish his sentence, coming off unnecessarily rude. Daniel laughed awkwardly. 
“Sounds like I'm famous, baby.” he winked at Sebastian and from the corner of his eye, he saw Max visibly cringe. 
“We met at work, Anne. Sebastian introduced us when we were all in the USA. He is painfully proud of that, calls himself a matchmaker and everything.” Max huffs out a laugh. He knows Daniel feels uneasy and puts the target on his back to protect him. Like usually.
“Who did the first move then?” Anne asks, just as Charles, who lost Sebastian somewhere on the way between the bar and the table, makes it back to them. 
“Oh, Daniel did. It was very romantic.” Max says matter of factly. When Daniel finally looks up, he is surprised to see his eyes foggy, as if he is experiencing the moment for the first time again. 
Nevertheless, Daniel huffs, mad that Max always uses his version of the story. “Romantic? You slapped me!” 
“Well, it is only right I did,” Max shrugs. “I, of course, thought you were making fun of me.”
Charles giggles, which is honestly progress. He was the one who took the fall, consoling Max after he returned from their dinner, fidgeting with his fingers, two red stains high on his cheeks. His voice sounded like he was eating gravel for dinner when he told him Daniel had kissed him. He was rapidly blinking like he was trying too hard not to cry, and Charles still thought it was the best proof of his professionalism, the fact that he hadn’t laughed to his face right there. But. He locked himself in the bathroom after Max somehow calmed down, turned on the faucet, and laughed hysterically. 
Max originally feared Daniel had figured him out and was just playing mind games. He thought Daniel was ridiculing him, or worse, he tried a new technique to manipulate and eventually blackmail him. What enraged him the most was the fact he wasn't prepared for it. He hasn't read a tutorial named what-to-do-when-your-counterpart-kisses-you in any of the assigned readings in the university. 
The only emotion Daniel felt when Max slapped him across the face immediately after the kiss was pure humiliation. He couldn't believe he read the signs wrong, him, Daniel Ricciardo. It was unheard of. Plus, Max did kiss him back for a few seconds. But then. 
And Daniel felt stupid and walked home alone and got drunk alone and fell asleep alone. 
Now, Daniel looks at Max with deep empathy. He squeezes his thigh, smiling. 
“Well, that shitshow was still a lot better than Baku,” Charles says with a grimace. That wasn't Max stuttering and rubbing his red eyes furiously; that was Max throwing random things across the room, his scream ricocheting through the whole hotel floor. 
Daniel snapped at Charles, “No, we’re not talking about Baku!“ Charles smirked, looking at him with a look that meant trouble. But Daniel has never in his life been scared of Charles. He was such a sweet kid before he fell under Seb’s influence. He takes a second to mourn the version of him he knew before he introduced Seb to him. 
“Always you are mad because you don’t want to admit you were wrong. Christian also said you of course did not act according to the protocol.” Max buts in, chronically unable to get over things. 
Daniel turns to Max with a stormy expression, the empathy all but gone. “Christian would also suck your dick if you asked, I don't see how his opinion is valid in this situation.” he spits out.
Charles hums, taking another sip of his skinny bitch. “He does seem to touch you an awful lot, when you are together, Max.” 
“That’s exactly my point, thank you, Charles.” Daniel is done, scoffing. 
Max, however, is just about to start another rant. “But Daniel, I told you your tactic wouldn't work. You pulled out of the negotiations too soon, it was very amateurish from you, you must admit at least that. Who leaves the negotiating table with no backup plan?” he gets into it, flaring his hands around like an octopus. “It just buggs me, you know, that you still blame me. You of course made a mistake, Daniel, and that happens but it was a stupid rookie mistake and you should have apologized-” 
Daniel stands up abruptly. “Hey, Max?” 
For a frightening second, Anne thinks he is going to deck his husband right there.
Max just hums, looking up. “I love you,” Daniel says surprisingly, bending down and giving Max a loud, smacking kiss. Then he turns around and leaves to the bar to stand next to Sebastian who resurfaced in the meantime. 
When Anne looks at Max, he is red as a tomato, glaring at the straw in his drink. “Well, what was I saying-” he stutters, interrupted by the laughter of the men sitting across from him. 
“I can't believe this shit is still working out for him, oh my god.” Alex wheezes. 
“Manipulative bitch,” George quips, still giggling.
Max is unimpressed. “Don't call him that.” he snaps and glares at him, George shutting up immediately. 
Charles looks at Anne and smiles a little. “I think maybe it is time for us to go home. I'm terribly tired. What do you think?”
Anne nods, pointedly not saying anything about noticing how Sebastian kept yawning at his spot beside Daniel. 
Daniel doesn't understand why he wakes up at first. It's pitch black, the blackout curtains doing their job properly. He stares at the ceiling for a bit, then closes his eyes to make himself fall back asleep. 
“Ik zal het oplossen.” Max meowls in Dutch next to him. “I just need more time! Ik zal het halen, dat beloof ik. No, no!” 
It clicks for Daniel, Max's rigged breaths, which he has not noticed before. The night air is suddenly too cold. 
He runs his hand up and down Max's forearm, not saying anything but his name to wake him up. When Max snaps out of his dream, his whole body violently twitches, and he slaps Daniel's hand away. 
“Hey, it's okay now,” Daniel isn't deterred, his hand finding a way to Max's hair, waiting him out. “It was just a dream. You are safe.” 
Max's breaths come out staggering like he just returned from his run. After a few minutes, he finally opens his eyes and looks at Daniel. A macabre grimace is on his face, something that wanted to be a smile. 
“I wasn't prepared again, Daniel,” he whispers. Daniel hums, not answering in any way, even though he subconsciously clenches the fist that's not playing with Max's hair. 
“You are safe with me,” Daniel says, trying to ease Max's shivering and make the haunted flicker in his eyes go away. He never shared any gruesome details about his time in military school. But. It's not like he had to. “Do you maybe want to take a shower?” he asks him and Max hesitantly nods.
They only fall back asleep when the birds are already chirping outside.
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juicycoutureheaux · 1 year
Fixer Upper
This is an AU with sheriff!Leon x innocent!farm girl reader
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
I usually don’t write for Leon, but I felt inspired to write after a work inspired by Lol I felt like the story idea was fitting for his character. This is set in another time, around the 1950s, so there will be some sensitive topics that my personal values DO NOT align with. We can’t change the past but we can change the future, I will put TW but if I miss anything please let me know, I would love to be accommodating. Let me know what y’all think if it’s good enough to be a series or if I should even want to entertain the idea.
This fic was inspired by a new friend who I have been so excited to be able to get to know over a short period of time. thank you for everything @heavennights , you're an amazing human.
Y/N wiped the sweat from her brow as she leaned over the truck’s steaming engine.
It was her daddy’s old Ford truck and she wasn’t even supposed to take it out this long. She cursed herself for not bringing her tool set, but she didn’t anticipate the truck to get overheated so quickly either.
You wanted to cry, you were dreading the tongue-lashing you’d get from your daddy when you got home. Y/N had just turned 18 earlier that month, right before she graduated high school. 
You wanted to go to college,learn about space, and how to get there; but mama & daddy said it was a waste of time, they would never let a woman work at NACA; no matter how hard she tried. 
Instead, Daddy had pulled in a favor from one of his childhood friends that worked at the police station and got you a job there as a secretary. Daddy prayed that Y/N would settle down with a good man that could take care of you. The farm was going to be passed down to your older brother, Hank. 
Hank was already married with a child on the way. His wife, Mary-Anne, was one of your only friends. She was two years older than you but they genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. 
You were deep in thought when you heard tires coming down the dirt road. She turned around and saw the flashing lights coming from the vehicle's top. 
When the vehicle came to a stop, you realized you hadn’t recognized the man getting out of the front seat. You couldn’t help but stiffen up at the stranger and felt a cold shiver down your spine despite it being close to 90 degrees outside. 
You couldn’t deny the man was handsome; his clear skin was complemented by his stormy blue eyes. His features mirrored the men in the magazines, his hair longer in the front and slicked to the side. His official Springfield County Name tag read “Deputy Kennedy.”
You must have been staring too long because he smirked at you playfully. It made you blush.
“Looks like you have a dilemma here, darlin.” He said, his voice lacking the southern accent most people had in this area. 
“Oh…uhm…” you said timidly looking at the broken down truck. You were sure you had never seen this man before despite working for the local police force. She knew the sheriff's position had opened up but didn’t realize they had someone in mind since Chuck DuBois had resigned.
“You’re not in trouble, sweetheart. I’m here to help.” He smiled a toothy smile at you. 
You couldn’t help but return it meekly. “I was trying to get home, but my engine overheated,” you said, trying to choke back tears. “I can walk up the road to Parker’s Gas station and call my daddy, I don't want to waste your time.
The man looked at you shocked. “In this heat, sweetheart? You might as well call the coroner now.” 
It was a hot day, and your hairline growing damper by the second. 
“Let me take you home, I’m sure we can get your daddy out here and we can fix the truck for you.”  He opened the passenger door for you and you gladly accepted.
“Deputy Kennedy” cranked the car and the radio blared to life playing “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash.
He extended his hand to you. “I realized I didn’t introduce myself; I’m Kennedy, Deputy Leon Kennedy,” he eyed you up and down absentmindedly. “And you are…?” 
You blinked. “Oh, I’m, “Y/F/N, Y/L/N.” 
Leon looked at you for a minute, before he asked, “That last name, is your father Farmer L/N?” 
You shook your head.
Leon smiled at you brightly. “So you’re my new secretary! Damn, this town is really tiny!” He laughed. 
You couldn’t help but giggle along with him. What were the chances?
You decided to be brave and get to know your new boss. 
“Where are you from?” 
“I’m actually from Colorado, but I moved to Georgia about a year ago.” 
“That’s really neat.” You said meekly, not quite sure how else to respond.
“I guess, have you ever been?” 
You shook your head, “I’ve never been out of the South, but I would like to ride on an airplane one day!” You said excitedly.
His handsome features turned into a genuine smile. “I know you will, Y/N.” 
You blushed and they rode together in comfortable silence until his car pulled down the long driveway of the farmhouse.
Y/N’s father and mother were waiting for her outside the farmhouse. You gulped and suddenly felt like a small child.
Leon let out a deep whistle. “Looks like they’ve been waiting for you.”
He exited the car, waved in the direction of her parents, and opened the door for her. 
She hesitantly got out and walked up to the house. Y/N’s father was the first to talk.
“Where the hell have you been?” He looked at Leon. “And why the hell are you wasting the deputy’s time to escort you home? Why didn’t you call?” He raised his voice.
You were scared to answer, you were shaking and very upset to get the courage to speak. 
“Sir, I insisted that she ride with me. The truck she was driving had broken down and she wanted to call, I felt that it would be more efficient to just take her home.” 
Y/N’s father’s glare softened. “If you insisted,” was all the rugged farmer could say.
Your mother grabbed you to take you inside, but you resisted slightly, thanking Leon for his Kindness instead. 
He tipped his hat, “No need to thank me, miss.” he said genuinely, “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at the station.” 
He walked back to the patrol car and drove away, the dust from the unpaved driveway following him. 
Your mother wasted no time in pulling you harder than before, into the farmhouse.
“Y/n!” she scolded. “What were you doing accepting a ride from a man you had never met before? I hope Patrick’s parents don’t hear about it!” 
You cringed. You were so taken up with Deputy Kennedy’s kindness, you had completely forgotten that your parents had set you up with someone else.
Patrick was a young, college-educated fellow whose parents were influential in not just your town, but the entire southeast. Your mother was absolutely delighted when his mother, Suzanne approached her in church one Sunday and suggested setting you and Patrick up.
According to Suzanne, you were a charming match for her son, you had no reputation of being “fast” and came from a good god-fearing family. 
You had never interacted with Patrick before, despite your brother Hank having gone to school with him. When you asked Hank about Patrick, Hank scoffed. “That guy is known for being a candy-ass, but popular with the ladies. He was always playing backseat bingo with some floozy.”
“Mama and Daddy want to set me up with him.” She confessed to Hank. “Miss Suzanne insisted we meet.”
“You’ve got to be kidding, they’re that desperate to get you off the farm? I knew you were talking about that NACA stuff, but I didn’t think they were listening.” He said bluntly.
“What are you talking about?”
“They don’t want you going to college, Y/N. They want you close to home, that space shit, its just a bunch of bullshit.”
Y/N felt her ears get hot. Sure, she wasn’t the smartest, but she had won the Science Fair three years in a row, all of her projects inspired by NACA. She was interested in how intricate mathematical equations could put men into space.
“It's not bullshit.” She said quietly. 
“I know it's not bullshit to you, Y/N; but people around here, they don't know the difference.” 
She decided to end the conversation and head up to her room after that.
The next day she was dressed in her Sunday best waiting in the Armstrong family’s Parlor. It would be her first time meeting Patrick. He came strolling in, dressed in preppy casual attire, oblivious of his surroundings.
She rose to meet him. “Oh, darlin’ don’t you get out of that chair, I didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” You blushed at him calling you a pet name so quickly. 
“I apologize, I didn’t know what to expect.”
“You’re too polite! I know why my mother had such an interest in you.” He said proudly.
You analyzed his features, his eyes were dark but expressive; his windblown hair had soft curls. You thought he was quite handsome, no wonder Hank had mentioned him being so popular with the girls. 
He sat down next to you, smelling of aftershave. You were enamored with him already, none of the boys at school ever paid you any mind. You could have never imagined holding a princely character such as Patrick’s undivided attention. 
As you two were starting to engage in casual conversation, an older woman in a maid’s uniform brought in a tray of iced tea & other refreshments.
“Thank you, Lavinia.” Patrick said passively. 
Lavinia just bowed silently and hurried out of the room quietly.
You had never been served by anyone before. You were so shocked you couldn’t even focus on the fact that Patrick was eyeing you carefully.
“Sooo, what do you do in your spare time y/n? Surely you don’t spend all your time entertaining farm animals all day.” 
That last part of the statement caught you off guard. Is that all he thought of you as? A simple farmer’s daughter?
You laughed awkwardly. The laugh was more for Patrick’s comfort as he was obviously proud of his poor attempt at humor. 
“I enjoy reading to the animals,” you said sarcastically. You looked as Patrick’s handsome features contorted into an expression between confusion and genuine concern.
“That was a joke,” you rushed to say. “I enjoy reading, but obviously to myself.”
Patrick’s face relaxed, relief spreading over his features. “Oh, that's neat! What do you like to read?” 
“Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles is one of my favorite books.” 
Patrick looked at you, the confused look coming back to his face. “That's…interesting.” He said, trying to be polite. 
“What do you like to do?” You tried to direct the conversation to himself.
You quickly learned Patrick loved to talk about himself, he couldn’t stop talking about his various “Achievements”. 
You listened patiently, thankful that he probably wouldn’t ask you any more questions about yourself; you didn’t want to embarrass yourself further. 
After he listed off his various conquests of sailing and horseback riding, he began to scoot closer to you.
“I think this has been a wonderful meeting, mother was right, you are quite beautiful.” He said, brushing stray hair behind your ear.
You blushed, you had never been touched like that.
“Do you think we could meet again next week? I would love to take you out.” 
You nodded enthusiastically.
“Wonderful!” He checked his wristwatch. “It looks like it’s getting late, would you like me to take you home?”
You looked at him hesitantly, you were unsure about having another man drive you home. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, an almost devious look shone through his eyes, “I don’t bite.”
You reluctantly agreed and soon you were in his 1956 Red Corvette. It was a sporty thing, he insisted riding with the ragtop down. He handed you a pair of sunglasses that were hiding in the glove compartment.
“You’ll need these.” He said as he put his own pair over his eyes.
He looked perfect. How could he be anything less? His life was absolutely charmed. You wondered if he ever felt out of place, of course not.
As the two of you were riding in the car, he moved his hand closer to you, slowly and put it on your knee.
You felt butterflies in your stomach, completely overwhelmed by all the new sensation. Wind blowing your hair violently, the scent of summer and Patrick’s warm large hand on your bare knee. 
The ride was over too soon for your liking. You handed the sunglasses back to him.
“Keep ‘em sweetheart. You’ll need them again when I pick you up next time.” He winked at you. 
You felt like your knees were going to turn to liquid and you felt like you couldn’t move.
He leaned over and gave you a peck on your cheek and you almost fell over. 
You quickly gathered your things.
“T-thank you for your time. It was really nice!” You stuttered out. 
“Anytime Sweetheart.”
When you got to the door safely and waved goodbye he started the car and rolled away. 
You would be dreaming of this moment for a while. 
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ashisgreedy · 11 months
Read on Ao3
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-Garreth Weasley-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC “My Fire In Your Veins”  Dragon-Shifter AU ✍️
F!MC "Fulfilling a Fantasy" Anal Sex✍️
F!MC “I Like Men On Their Knees~" Anilingus ✍️
F!MC "A Potion Of You" Professor Ch. 2✍️
M!MC “I Don’t Want To Be Parted From You"  Mutual Masterbation✍️♂️
F!MC “I Don’t Want To Be Parted From You.” Mutual Masterbation✍️
F!MC "Good Boyfriend" Fingering✍️
F!MC "Get A Room!" Foreplay/Feeding ✍️
F!MC "A Punishment Game" Spanking ✍️
F!MC "Everyday Is Kind of the Same~" Stoner!Gar
F!MC "Please Don't Tell..." Bodyguard AU ✍️
F!MC "You're Desperate" Cock warming Long AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "I'm Going To 'Play', and You're Going to Play." Long AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "Let Go, Come For Me AUDIO 🔊
F!MC "I'm Very Whiney" AUDIO 🔊
F!MC Eating out | Face Sitting AUDIO 🔊
⋆ ࣪. Fluff˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC "A Potion Of You" Professor Ch. 1 ✍️
HC F!MC - As Your Boyfriend✍️
F!MC "The Antidote" ✍️
-Richard Jackdaw-
Lore: Richard Jackdaw: A Timeline of Events.
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC - "You and Jack" Spectrophilia | Voyeur | "Forbidden" love ✍️
⋆ ࣪. Fluff˖ ࣪⭑
Richard Flirting AUDIO 🔊
Jackdaw & Garreth Make A Deal Part 1 AUDIO 🔊
Jackdaw & Garreth's Deal Part 2 AUDIO 🔊
Richard's Letter To Anne AUDIO 🔊
-Sebastian Sallow-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC "Catch-A-Ride" Forced O/Made to Cum✍️ || Biker!Seb Pic Inspo ||
F!MC Ignoring Kink Drabble ✍️
Fluff: Lifeguard!Sebastian Sallow x You ✍️
-Ominis Gaunt-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
Vampire!Ominis Gaunt x F! You | Biting TW:Blood Kink ✍️
-Imelda Reyes-
⋆ ࣪. Smut˖ ࣪⭑
F!MC “In Her Embrace” ✍️
GIF -Garreth Leaning on desk
Scenario Event - You're at A HL House Party Music HC✍️
⋆ ࣪.Music Playlists˖ ࣪⭑
Richard Jackdaw - A Moody Playlist 🎶
⋆ ࣪.OC content˖ ࣪⭑
Introducing: Cole Knight - OC
Introducing Bowbert - OC
Please let me know if any links don't work/are wrong. Thank you!
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symphonic-scream · 2 months
I'm still working out details for the P5 D&D au, so I'm just gonna lay out what I have and if anyone has any ideas, let me know
Their DM is Morgana, and the other Phantom Thieves are the players.
Goro isn't a player at first, since the character he ends up playing was supposed to be the big bad. However, that changes, and Morgana asks him to fill in and play as a player for that character later on
I. Only have three characters worked out. The rest are just, race and class
Akira is playing "Joker", a mysterious Eladrin Rogue with a haunted past, who lurks in the shadows and wants to become a folk legend, like the takes told to scare children into obeying. He's also horny
Ryuji is playing a half-orc Barbarian
Ann is playing a human Sorcerer
Yusuke is playing a drow Warlock
Makoto is playing "Just", an outcast tiefling monk looking for a place to belong, without having to accept torment or compromise their morals. Her character uses varied pronouns
Haru is playing "Ulyssa Noir", a former noble half-elf Paladin who discovered the dark deeds of her family, and left to atone for their evils, pledging herself to a just and good god, planning to return one day to convince her family to seek salvation
Futaba is playing a Tabaxi Artificer
Sumire is playing a halfling Ranger
And, Goro eventually takes up the role of an Aasimar Blood Hunter
I'm down for ideas of names and shit, I'm just having fun, this all sparked from my recent love of Dungeon Meshi so, aha, yeah
But! The plot of the au outside of the campaign is pretty mellow. Morgana and Akira are brothers, Akira adopted him so he wouldn't be in their foster home without him, and they live with Ann and Ryuji. Haru is Morgana's tutor and Tea buddy, and who introduces the young nerd to D&D. Akira invites the other players to the table, having met them all during chance encounters and such
So, everyone but Morgana and Haru are new to the game. Akira knows a bit, and uses it to torment his lil brother.
Anyways. Yeah
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eagna-eilis · 13 days
Depending on how S2 shakes out, if IWTV gets a Season 3, and I really hope it does, the writers are going to have such a difficult task squaring the circle with Lestat. Especially with casual non-book fans, and the understandable contingent of nonwhite fans who are delighted to have a supernatural show with protagonists of colour.
The writers can't just have a white guy flounce in and "well ACTUALLY" Louis and Armand as things stand now after S2E3. Even if the book girlies are all pretty convinced that Armand is a big lying liar in his telling of 1700s shenanigans, they're going to need to earn any correction of the record which Lestat might issue. Otherwise, it will alienate a part of the fandom that was brought on board by the fantastic changes made for the show if they don't handle it right. I don't think that introducing moral complexity and narrative duplicity to Black and Brown characters should automatically be considered a negative, surely everybody deserves to occupy every character archetype (including emotionally complex anti heroes), but it is going to need to be handled gracefully and thoughtfully.
They definitely have space to do this. Judging by the names on some of the Talamasca files on Daniel's laptop, Armand's extremely tragic backstory is in play. Assad plays Armand with incredible pathos, and infuses the character with something that is on the page in the books but which I never personally felt until seeing him onscreen. This will hopefully help in making sure the show isn't seen to be, or indeed actually, demonising its characters of colour in favour of Anne Rice's specialest blonde boy.
There's a traumatised desperation in many of these characters as they exist in the books. Lestat has a void in him that even the love of thousands seemingly cannot fill until towards the "wish-fulfilment AU" style ending of Blood Communion. Armand has extremely intense abandonment and control issues and a heartbreaking relationship with his own compulsive cruelty - he doesn't want to be awful, but he lashes out in his desperation. Louis in the books is the least developed of the three in this regard, and his traumas are very much the creation of the show so we shall see.
The show is going to have to maintain the pathos and sympathetic elements of all three men, to explore why they hurt one another and lie about one another. I think Lestat is going to have to go on a major redemption arc, too, though. Getting his POV isn't going to be enough, I don't think, even if we establish the extent to which Louis and Armand present him with false negativity.
In a different media landscape, perhaps one more comfortable with ambiguity and existing in a less fraught moment for social politics, this wouldn't be such a challenge. As it stands, though, a challenge it will be.
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cc-horan28 · 4 months
Be My Valentine - 6
Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss
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Soulmates AU (G) 1.3k
Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles
There was one boy in particular, with rectangular glasses and a beanie pulled down over his hair who caught his eye, gesturing extravagantly as he boomed out the lines to what sounded like Grease in front of a small group gathered appreciatively in front of him. 
Harry just changed schools, and finding his soulmate wasn't what he expected at all
No warnings!
A/N: I am back at it with the Oops, Hi! Headcanon. I’m obsessed. Sorry not sorry. For the purpose of this fic, lets assume H and Lou are the same age. Also i wandered into the love at first sight category instead of first love but eh. As always, huge thank you to Akeyla for this fest! <3
Title from 1d's 'Last First Kiss'
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Harry brushed his fringe aside, digging his other hand awkwardly into the pocket of his jeans. “I know, mum,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice level, not wanting her to sense his apprehension and fear. “I’ll keep my nose clean, I’ll behave, drink water and message you when I leave. Don’t worry, I’ll be responsible,” 
“When are you not, baby?” Anne smiled, reaching up to adjust his hair for him, Harry already gangling over her at 16. 
“Oh, don’t cry mum,” Harry said, scrunching his face up as he furtively looked around to see if anyone had noticed them yet, “It’s not like it’s my first day of school or anything. It’s just a new one. I’ll survive,” 
He wasn’t sure he would. Moving here hadn’t been easy. Holmes Chapel had been so small, everything was so familiar. Everyone had known everyone else, and Harry had had his own group of friends. 
He’d have to start over again, and this school was so much bigger. Swallowing down his worries, he smiled and waved goodbye to his mum, walking into the big brick building, looking around from the admin block as he passed through the huge glass doors.
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A couple of minutes later he was standing in front of another set of double doors. He quickly glanced up at the room number, cross checking it with the time table clutched in his hand. He could peep through the little glass inlays in the door and see people moving around, but he didn’t want to take any chances. 
Sure that it was, indeed, the room he was supposed to go to for his first period drama class, he pushed the door open, eyes catching at the grey anchor on his wrist. He tugged the sleeve of his jacket down as he entered. 
It wasn’t exactly like he was ashamed to know he had a soulmate, many did, but he didn’t want it advertised in front of everyone. He shivered a little at the prospect as he made his way to the back of the class, the entire room empty with all the desks pushed up to the sides.
Everyone was loud enough to not have noticed him when he entered. Many were grouped together, going through what seemed like lines. There was one boy in particular, with rectangular glasses and a beanie pulled down over his hair who caught his eye, gesturing extravagantly as he boomed out the lines to what sounded like Grease in front of a small group gathered appreciatively in front of him. 
He pulled his eyes away, wondering if there was some pre-requisite reading he had somehow missed out on. He set his bag down on a desk as he leaned against it, riffling through his bag to check if he had actually missed something. The last thing he wanted was to make a bad impression on the first day.
“Hi,” he heard a soft voice to his left and whipped around, mind already reeling with how he had practiced he would introduce himself. All thoughts vacated his head at the sight in front of him. It was Beanie-Boy. He could see his eyes more clearly now and was seized with an inane urge to rip his glasses off and just stare at his eyes. 
His gaze wandered up to the feathery bits of hair peeking out from under his beanie and found himself wondering why Beanie-Boy covered everything up. His hair looked very soft and Harry wondered what it would feel like between his fingers,
He was jerked out of his reverie when the other boy cleared his throat, blushing.
“Oops,” he mumbled, “I didn’t mean to stare, I just-” he held out his hand, shooting him a small smile. “I’m Harry,”
“Louis,” Beanie-Boy smiled back and Harry barely had time to notice that there was a grey mark circling his wrist before he felt his own burning up. He glazed down at his hand shoved into the pocket of his jacket and oh-
The anchor was getting darker.
Louis was frowning down at his own hand, and Harry stared at him for a moment before the realization hit him. 
“Is that an anchor?” Louis said, voice low enough that Harry had to lean forward to hear. Louis’ eyes were now fixed on Harry’s jacket. 
“Yeah,” Harry breathed out, too dumbfounded to say anything else. 
“Oh my god,” Louis exclaimed, “I- mine’s a rope. I always thought it was a bit stupid. Like- i was tied up or something but I-” he broke off, staring at Harry’s face now and Harry felt a bit warm, blushing a deep red. 
“We’re soulmates?” they both said simultaneously, Harry sounding like he was in disbelief, Louis nothing but overjoyed.
“This is not how I pictured my first day going,” Harry admitted with a sheepish chuckle, letting go of Louis’ hand almost grudgingly.
“Me neither, Curly. But I like it,” Louis grinned and Harry found himself a lot more flustered than the nickname called for. 
The door swung open and everyone hushed, lining up against the walls as the teacher walked in. 
“What say, Curly?” Louis smiled, taking Harry’s left hand in his right and leading him to the back of the class, rope lining up with the anchor perfectly. Harry smiled at the sight. “Bowling sounds good?”
“Yeah,” Harry smiled back, biting his lip as he tried to disguise the look on his face. “Bowling sounds great,” 
He couldn’t wait for the day to end.
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“I can’t believe this is all actually happening. I mean, if you would have told me back then- when I joined, I mean- that I would be at prom with my soulmate. I wouldn’t have believed it,” Harry whispered to Louis, looking down at their joined hands. Louis turned his head to press his lips against Harry’s temple, leaning the chair onto its back back feet as they watched the rest of their year dancing. 
“Me neither,” Louis said, and Harry could’ve sworn he could hear the smile in his voice, “I mean when I saw you coming in, looking around and like- you thought no one noticed you,” he chuckled, “Have to be blind to not notice you, by the way. I’d made up my mind already, but to… see our marks. We were always meant to be,”
Harry flushed, batting his free hand weakly against Louis’ thigh. “Stop being so over the top,” 
“I’m not!” Louis protested, “We’re literally soulmates!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to be soppy,” Harry giggled, flushing despite his words.
Louis paused for a moment, and Harry raised his head off Louis’ shoulder, a little concerned as he tried to read his expression in the dim lighting. 
“I love you, Haz,” Louis said softly,
Harry smiled back at him, tilting his head to the side and watching him for a few moments before leaning in for a soft kiss. “I know. We’ve been over this,” he quipped, raising an eyebrow with a smirk, ducking when Louis made to ruffle his hair. 
“Hey, it took me hours to get my hair right,” he giggled, slightly out of breath, “Now will you ask me for a dance already,” he smiled, getting up with his fingers still linked with Louis’.
Louis shook his head fondly as they made their way to the centre of the floor, looping his hands around Harry’s waist as they turned to face each other, moving slowly. The younger boy rested his head on Louis’ shoulder.
“I love you, Louis,” he whispered. 
“I love you too, baby. We’ve been over this,”
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A/N: Reblogs are always appreciated 💕
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Get In Bitches I got Luke Lore
While working on my Fallen One AU and planning I decided to flesh out another one of my favorite characters since he, Triton, Ann, and Mihaly are family to Wanderlust and Luke will show up in the AU
First things first he and Ann grew up very different. Ann's mother Regnir (I think they could work if you think Ann's sparkles as gold lil lighting sparks) sent her to be raised by her father in Melosia Realms so she wasn't bombarded with deity duties. (aka the reverse traveler /hj) She had a few bullies at young age but for the most part grew up with other nymphs and coaches with powers she quickly befriended. Even a certain performer and close friend of the traveler we'll touch on later.
Now Luke grew up in Flow Word confined to his mother's lava caves for the most part. Due to being a surprise baby Derkes wasn't keen about having him around so she focused more on her duties then him. And he was picked on by other deities and coaches for his demon features from his dad's side. (He never met him) Making him feel like there was no one that would like him. Though that was soon proven false
While practicing his portals Wanderlust came into the caves and met Luke, not caring a bit about his demon features. He even thought they were cool and the two became close friends chatting about their parents and helping each other with their powers. Even dancing together and for each other giving Luke his love of performing.
Wander tried to defend Luke from the other deities whenever he could but as they became teens he was pulled away more for training. Leaving Luke to become easily angered and even starting a few powerful fires from the bullying. But all of that made the bullies come up with new ideas.
During a deity get together in their teens Luke slipped outside for some time alone when suddenly he was bombarded by balls of water thrown by lower water deities and nymphs. (Water can hurt Luke thanks to his fire deity side, basically causing his and his mother's versions of skin burn) He tries to fight back but due to how much water got on him his powers were just kaput. So he had to run from the jeers of the coaches until he found a secluded place in the garden to try and get the water off. As he struggled to dry off he noticed small droplets of water floating off him, then going somewhere behind his back?
Luke looked behind him to see a nervous looking sea creature coach bring the water over to him. the coach mutters an apology but he saw that the water caused Luke pain and wanted to help. He comes over and introduces himself as Triton, who had been adopted by Belacus a few days prior after finding him washed up on the shores of Flow World with no memory.
He helped Luke dry off and even dumps the water on himself to make Luke feel better since never minds being wet. The two hit off bonding over how different they are and decide to head back in, though not before Luke sends a small fire at the bullies.
The two go back to the party when Wanderlust rushes up wanting to introduce the two to a two coaches. The first being Ann who is ecstatic to meet her cousins, especially Luke since they're closer due to who their fathers being just opposites power and statist wise. They all hit it off when the other person Wander wanted to introduce comes over.
Scarlet Gold, Wander's godparent who also takes the other three under their wing. They got really close to Luke, who always loved to perform but never felt comfortable doing it in front of the deities. They also treated him like the mother he never had. While not many hear it he has referred Scarlet as Mom before. They don't mind though, after all they're a mom to all their drag children!
By the time he was 18 Luke and Ann had been employed at Scarlet's Palace and he decided to move to Eternyx. He had learned about it and realized that he would be better there with all the other monsters. But surprisingly Ann wanted to come with, she felt bad he had such a rough life and wanted to make up for lost time. So with help from Scarlet (Though they were strict on them to stay away from Cygnus so they won't risk getting involved with Night Swan)
Not long after that he and Wanderlust ran into Mihaly who was trying to run away from Night Swan. Wander takes reins on taking Mihaly to Flow World and meeting Master Panda but he, Ann, Luke, and Triton were quick to bring them to the lil group they made.
Now he's living his best life, away from Flow World but happy with his cousins and drag family. He may seems sassy and sarcastic to many coaches but to those he's close to know his heart is as warm as blue fire. Though might not want to make him mad ;)
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crownsofesha · 5 months
Top Post of Each Month of 2023
(I used tumblr top ten to find out which when the top post of each month)
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This was just a really simple post, in my old editing style as well, apart of a short series of portiture introducing the Holmes. Cousins of Anne through Jane. Not my favorite of the month, but still cute. Other parts of the month in general was just some story posts.
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I love this post a lot, it marks the beginning of a collab that will come out in the next arc. I thought it would have come out sooner, but I ride the waves of motivation. The picture itself was one of my favorites with that editing styles, and still is. February saw one of my favorite posts, featuring Jane and their kids (including Anne).
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And so begins my recent editing style. I love it so much. This post as well. And I was able to come out with the part two to this lookbook in this year, thats a win for me. The post itself really helped me establish more cultural things about the people of Esha and their connection to plants and colors. In March I made my first and probably only guide on Russian Titles and the first part of the "What Once Was, Will Never Be." The second part gets to come out wayyyy later.
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My first poll! (I'm pretty sure). I just love dressing Esther up, and wanted a little cinderella moment, but Hildegard really did look way better in the dress (as well as the color chosen for her). This month I only posted 5 seperare posts, and most of it was asks.
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An introduction of three Queens and a Grand Princess through out the history of Esha. (Including one for the future) I introduced a decent amount of future gens this month. I wish the mother's day post from this month got more traction than this. (It had my next two gens featured) I also did a couple of lookbooks.
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I finally had another story post this month and this post for some reason was the most popular of the month, and for the rest of the year until just recently. Its just a picture of a crown! I was so confused when I found out that it was my top post. Don't get me wrong I love the work and worldbuilding I put into the royal collection I made, but it just confuses me why it was so popular. I did a lot of worldbuilding in June.
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This was very fun to do! Also technically a worldbuilding thing for me in the fashion, but the portraits that came out of it are really pretty! I didn't have much going on for this blog during July.
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A lookbook of Arabella's outfits! This was very fun, it got me more interested into what They wear for royal outings and just in general. This month saw another story post (One of my favorites) and the start of the Six Queens storyline!
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This is an Au post where if Anne didn't marry George, Esther would have, for ...reasons :) The month saw the beginning of chapter two of the six queens story and just some of my favorite edits as well. Like some magazines I did for Esha.
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This was the beginning of a series of portraits I did for the modern royals of Catalia. October was also the start of Sima and I creating a second short story other than Six Queens, which will come out after Six Queens has finished. It also saw two of my favorite posts of the Six Queens short story and the end of Six Queens Chapter Two.
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One of my favorite posts of all time, and getting to feature some of my favorite historical sims that are now dead in the present. The month itself was mostly just portraits and answering asks.
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The post that beat the crown! I was so happy with how this came out. This involed more worldbuilding for the country of Chelyabinsk, and me wishing for more Kokoshnik cc. This portrait was used for Tsarina Sofiya's wikipedia post, which I accidently forgot to add her death date, which I will add at a later date and publish again with other wikipedia articles. I want to add more just to hers. The rest of this month was more portraits and a chanukkah post that I planned on having more to it, which I do plan on posting for when its chanukkah in universe (insert crying emoji here) and I got to 200 followers, which was very exciting!
I can't wait to see what happens in the next year for this blog. I have a lot going on in TBS and I can't wait to publish it all. Happy New Years!
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m-jelly · 9 months
Hello, my darling Jelly!
I love how you write Levi with the kids, he's so sweet and caring 🥰
What do you think about the New Year holidays? Levi and reader started dating and she invited him to spend the winter break with her family and introduce him to her family as her boyfriend.
But there is a small problem. The reader has a younger 8-year-old sister who scared away all her ex-boyfriends (who actually was bad guys) and arranged hard pranks on them. In fact she did it because just doesn't want anyone to hurt again her older sister so she is childishly trying to protect her sister with such behavior.
A reader warns Levi about a possible little 8-year-old cute trouble, but he says that’s okay. At first, the reader's younger sister was wary of Levi and tried to prank him a couple of times. But after a while, she realizes that Levi is a very good person and accepts him. Kid stops her pranks and attempts to get rid of Levi and apologizes for thinking badly of him.
Levi says he accepts the apology and he is very happy that he is fully welcomed in reader’s family, because this is very important to him.
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@ladycheesington <3
Two kinds of love
Levi x fem!Reader
Modern AU, couple, fluff, romance, cute, family, sweet, Levi has great reflexes.
Levi comes over for the New Year's holiday to meet your family. You think it's all perfect, but your sister and Levi are having a secret battle over your love. Eventually, they have a heart-to-heart and connect over their love for you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Athena's gaze bore into Levi as he stood in the entrance hall with you at his side. She was determined to get rid of him because Levi looked like he was another bad man for you. Athena had to protect you at all costs. She blushed hard when Levi looked down at her and gave her the tiniest smile. She had to admit, he was handsome but he had to be trouble.
She didn't like it when you hugged Levi's arm and smiled in pride as you told your parents all about Levi and how madly in love you were. She pouted hard when Levi agreed with you and said you were his entire world, the love of his life and his soulmate. Athena wasn't buying it.
She hurried away and grabbed the first thing she needed to attack. She grabbed her slingshot and filled a balloon with water. It was clear she was up to something. She pulled back the balloon, aimed it at Levi and released the balloon.
Athena gasped in awe as Levi happily talked to you, reached his arm out and caught the small balloon without breaking it. He excused himself and got rid of the balloon. She expected Levi to get her into trouble, but he didn't say a thing.
Levi moved over to her causing her to hold her breath. "Your aim is impressive. I'd love to see more of your slingshot skills."
"You...you! Poopy head!"
Levi hummed a laugh as she ran off. He turned and joined you. "Your sister is funny."
You grinned. "She is. I know there is a massive age gap between us, but she's a little darling. I love her and I hope you get on with her. She's not been pulling pranks, right?"
Levi rubbed your back. "No. It's all good."
He played with your hair a little. "Are your feet okay? The shoes you wore here are new."
You hummed. "They're okay."
Levi knelt in front of you and pulled your socks off. He massaged your meet as he inspected. "I don't see any marks. Does this feel okay?"
"Thank you." You sighed. "You spoil me too much."
He smiled at you. "I love you. I love doting on you. I'll do anything for you."
Athena gazed at you and Levi in your own little world. She felt guilty wanting to go after Levi, but she didn't trust him fully. It didn't matter that you both were smiling and sharing sweet kisses.
She ran to the kitchen and made Levi a drink with washing-up liquid in it. She giggled and trotted over to Levi and handed the drink to him. "Mr! I have a drink for you!"
Levi gazed at it. "Oh, how sweet of you Athena. I would love to take it, but I already have a wonderful cup of tea made by your dad."
You smiled. "I'll take it."
She pulled the cup away from you. "No! It has to be his!"
You stared at her. "Athena. What's in the drink?"
She went white. "N-Nothing."
She ran away from you. "Nothing!" She poured the drink down the sink and huffed. "Smart sister." She huffed and heard her dad talking to Levi about seeing the garden. "Perfect."
She grabbed some legos from her room and then put them into the slippers waiting for Levi. She skipped outside and grinned in pride knowing she had beaten Levi. She was calling it. She had victory.
She watched you walk out with Levi and talk to him. She frowned when she watched Levi start fiddling with someone in his hands. She clenched up when Levi walked over to her and offered her something.
Levi opened his hand to show a flower made from Lego. "For you."
Athena blushed. "Cute."
"I've never really played with Lego before, so thank you for getting me some to play with."
Athena took the flower. "You didn't have Lego as a kid?"
Levi shook his head. "No. I was poor as a kid. My mum and dad worked very hard to put me through school. I didn't play much as a kid because I was studying so much so my parents would be looked after when I was older." He smiled fondly. "They're lovely. They'd love you."
"You...you can play with my toys."
"Really? Thank you. I'd love to."
She shifted a little on her feet. "Um...what do you do?"
He sighed. "Well, I'm the CEO of a tea and coffee company. I like to spoil your sister with my money." He chuckled. "It's hard though because she doesn't like to be spoiled."
Athena giggled. "She doesn't ask mummy and daddy for much. She doesn't ask for things for her birthday."
Levi crouched in front of her. "How about we make a deal? I know you love your sister a bunch and you've been trying to prank me to get rid of me like the others. However, I'm not like those horrible men. I really, really love your sister and I want to grow old with her. So, how about we spoil her together? We work together to make her a very happy person."
Athena nodded. "Yes!"
Levi offered his hand. "Deal?"
She shook his hand. "Deal." She stared at Levi. "So, you're a nice man."
"I try to be. I do everything I can to help others and to make your sister smile." He blushed and sighed. "She's so pretty when she smiles and her laugh is so cute."
Athena nodded. "And, and, and she's so smart and funny!"
Levi smiled. "And her hugs are the best and she tells wonderful stories."
"She's brave and scares the monsters away."
Levi hummed a laugh. "She help you with nightmares?"
"Yes. Does she help you?"
"All the time."
She petted Levi's head. "Nightmares go away and leave this handsome man!"
"Thank you."
You walked over and giggled. "Handsome huh? That's the first time you've said something nice about a boyfriend of mine."
Athena smiled. "He's really cool and nice. We've reached an understanding."
"That so?"
She nodded. "Make sure to play with him all the time! He said he didn't play much as a kid. And, and, and no Legos!"
You looked over at Levi. "I promise to play with him every single day."
Levi blushed hard. "Tch, brat."
Athena frowned as you and Levi got playful. "You're both weird."
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sparklepoint · 6 months
hey i saw stuff about ur asau (hermit!yusuke is perfect and kitteh ann is the fluffiest little baby and i love her) and i just wanted to ask if you have the other arcanas planned? is it a direct one to one swap or is it different?
omg. ty for giving us a chance to introduce
 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ card shuffle ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
@floodbender’s and mine roleswap au in which the story roles are remixed based on randomly reassigned arcanas + canon backgrounds
it’s kind of a work in progress so this is not q definitive & some arcs are less developed than others, but we do in fact have something planned for everyone :3c let's meet the cast!!
starting with <3 bitter bitch besties <3
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○ the fool – akechi
he has pretty much the same backstory as canon, but without Metaverse access; therefore his only outlet has been trying to prove himself academically etc. to show them all
it isn’t really working. even with all the effort, he still gets written off automatically most of the time
there is no arrest/probation/anything out of the ordinary that brings him to staying with Sojiro and going to Shujin, just a last minute arrangement by his previous foster placement 
Akechi POV: you’ve been booted from a family who didn’t want you there for the n-th time in your life and are now moving to stay with some rando who doesn’t want you there either. and everyone at the new school immediately labels you a troublemaker with a problematic background
(of course Shujin is going to make up rumors regardless)
personality-wise, it is as you might expect from a no powers AU Akechi - at the start he’s a bitter, cynical bastard masking behind his Pleasant Boy mode
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if he didn’t meet someone who gets it
rest of the story is spent rehabilitating this man with the power of friendship, mutual understanding, and insane romance. and flufy kity
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akechi and makoto: the world is a cruel and unjust place. *minutes later* omg lady ann!!!
i. the magician – ann
flufy kity
backstory inherent to the arcana role
she does not have hang ups about not being human specifically and embraces cathood quite well
instead her issues stem from feelings of comparative inadequacy and not knowing what her role in life and on the team is supposed to be, especially after the PTs get a dedicated navigator
similar to her canon arc, she does mostly handle these feelings by focusing on trying harder & with more purpose rather than growing resentful
when Morgana coined the ‘Lady Ann’ nickname it stuck and now everyone calls her that
still has a widdle crush on Shiho
the only reason Akechi has any side confidants
vii. the chariot – makoto
Makoto handles pressure from Sae far worse in this one
attempted to investigate and expose Kamoshida’s behavior on her own last year and got kicked off the student council for her trouble
grades are suddenly hard to keep up even though she’s putting in the same amount of effort if not more. keeps being left ‘accidentally’ out of the loop about important info. school just kind of making it clear it doesn’t like her anymore
entire social circle crumbled and no support from Sae who at this point is simply mad at her for ‘sabotaging herself for childish reasons’ 
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if she didn’t meet someone who gets it
disillusioned, desperately lonely, and stewing in a lot of suppressed rage
in light of this it’s not surprising that she and Akechi end up bonding pretty much right away in spite of his typically raised hackles
used to be friends with Haru in middle school
vi. the lovers – haru
while Okumura still has a Palace, his behaviour towards Haru is more distant and less outright abusive, and she does not have an engagement hanging over her
instead Kamoshida creeps on her, fixated on adding a demure chaebol princess to his conquests 
Haru’s having trouble rebuffing him as she has issues setting down boundaries with men in general due to her proper upbringing, and is of course scared of his position of authority
in particular, the rooftop garden becomes a hazard for being cornered instead of a sanctuary; 
(fortunately it is also a prime place to be overheard by anyone who's heading up there for definitely not a teen vigilante meeting)
Kamoshida lets out that Haru is the Okumura Foods heiress, which makes her seem like a stuck-up rich princess to the Shujin rumor mill and leaves her ostracized
with regards to Makoto: in Shujin Kamoshida Issues forced them to drift apart, and now, even though both of them want to reignite the middle school friendship, each is reluctant to involve the other in her own respective mess via association
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(pictured: childhood friend matching bwacelets)
after that is sorted, they reconnect and begin a prolonged awkward romance dance
(meanwhile the rumor mill is busy debating which one of them is dating Akechi)
iv. the emperor – joker ren akira
legal name, under which he is mildly famous, is Ren Amamiya, actual name he goes by is Akira
for these claiming your chosen identity reasons, his codename is Daybreak :)
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his parents are both in the entertainment industry, and the second Palace belongs to his father
Dad Amamiya is a formerly acclaimed, currently washed-up movie director. a nightmare to work with who uses his old connections to run people he doesn’t like out of the industry and ruin their careers
his wife is aware of his transgressions but is too attached to the lifestyle to care 
to Akira’s parents, he is more or less a prop in their public performance as a happy picture-perfect celebrity couple; in his father’s Palace, his cognition is played by an actor
he had long since learned that going against his parents achieves nothing, and has been going through the motions keeping his head down until he meets the team
the meeting is a chance encounter prompted by Emperor-typical  overwhelming fascination with Ann, which in his case is because he’s That Much Of A Cat Person 
rest of his arc is about separating himself from his parents’ legacy as somebody who still wishes to pursue a career in entertainment
ii. the high priestess – morgana
he has Ann’s parents and last name since she doesn’t need them anymore
unlike her, he doesn’t handle their constant absence well and is therefore desperate for the Thieves’ companionship (while being just as tsundere about it in human form as he is in canon)
he kickstarts the Kaneshiro plot despite not being on the student council: since he is a very special smart boy, he can absolutely solve Shujin’s mafia crisis all by himself!
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(it is probably rather obvious how well this goes)
his arc is a more mundane version of his canon one about recalibrating the self-worth issues and loneliness until he can be comfortable with himself and his place in the group
his awkward crush here is converted into being an even bigger Ann Stan than the rest of them
still besties with Akira. also perpetual ninth wheel
ix. the hermit – yusuke
Madarame does not have a Palace
without the international recognition from stealing Kitagawa-san’s masterwork he has to subsist on smaller-time forgery and predatory contracts and the like
his main victim is Yusuke’s mom, who lived long enough to start actually raising her son, but her poor health made her the perfect exploitable dependant 
after she succumbs to her illness, Madarame proceeds to take his frustrations over losing the convenient setup out on Yusuke in his typical insidious way
over the subsequent years trapped in an abusive living situation you’re told to be grateful for, the comments about how she would have lived longer and created masterpieces if she didn’t have to take care of you accumulate to create the most depressed teenage boy in the world
as far as Madarame’s concerned, if Yusuke’s too miserable to keep up with his schoolwork, it’s just another instance of him being a drain on everyone in his life. Madarame’s not going to cater to him and pay for his scholarship – he can just stay in and keep house, if that’s all he’s good for
that leaves Yusuke just listlessly haunting the place, convinced that all he can really do with his life is wait to die and go to hell for the sin of being himself: he sees his life with Madarame as perpetual penitence for his mother’s death, his work as almost ritual sacrifices to appease him, and the shack as his purgatory [--beginning navigation]
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his Palace is stylistically themed after the Shinto Yomi with more general underworld theming as well; cognitive Madarame is of course the final boss, although he only drops the benevolent underworld guide pretence once thoroughly provoked
the gang finds out about All This after a series of Mementos requests from Madarame’s latest underpaid helper
post change of heart we’re getting Yusuke the fuuuck out of there
Sojiro ends up taking him in, first temporarily and then permanently
neither of us has the vocabulary to concisely explain the respective holes in their heads this Yusuke and this Akechi have about each other
team navigator. please take a moment to imagine yusukespeak navigator lines
iii. the empress – sumire
the Okumura setup is still happening (sorry Haru), but the PTs recognize it as bait and stay away, instead ending up doing a different palace entirely
the Palace Ruler for this arc is the Yoshizawas’ abusive coach (not the one from Sumire’s confidant)
a classic unethical teen sports situation with disproportionate pressure and a concerning disregard of their physical and mental wellbeing as long as they Get Results tm
neither of the sisters is good at standing up for herself, which in Kasumi’s case spirals into continuous self-denial for the sake of The Sport and in Sumire’s exacerbates her feelings of inadequacy
at the moment Kasumi is being pushed to compete despite an injury which would put her out of commission, which is the deadline/reasoning to deal with this ASAP
the palace theme is Colosseum/gladiatorial arena, with the implication of entertainment of the masses at the expense of the athletes’ lives
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(pictured gladiator!cogsumi)
xi. justice – ryuji
Ryuji is the one to get slapped with the arrest record courtesy of Shido in this one
the consequences for a 14yo on scholarship and with no support system outside of his mom (except he just feels guilty about creating problems for her) are predictably devastating 
he winds up at Shido’s Palace afterwards by accident while loitering around the Diet building, which is where his awakening happens
he’s spotted entering or exiting the Metaverse, which leads to Shido making him the job offer he cannot refuse
initially framed as “help with secret research” in exchange for erasing his record and bankrolling opportunities for a sports career, but it’s not like there are any easy ways out once the requests starts getting seedier
he’s just the Metaverse assassin/errand boy for the conspiracy, no astroturfed public persona
to an extent Ryuji convinces himself this is for the best since many of his targets do very much have it coming and it’s AN outlet for letting out some steam over the bleak as shit view of society he now has, but ultimately this arrangement and all the murder involved make him utterly miserable, and on a level he understands this is not going to end well for him
gives himself away to the Phantom Thieves early and in the dumbest way possible
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for all the above reasons, he’s not at all hard to persuade to switch sides and start double-agenting
did you guess who’s faith no you didn’t
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○ faith – hifumi
we just really like hifumi so she’s included
at first her deal is a toned down version of her canon arc, with her mom pushing her towards an idol-like career based off of shogi. then her father actually dies
mom’s grief response is to lean in further into building her career, thinking that this is what her dad would have wanted; Hifumi’s own grief response is to start crumbling under that pressure until “I wish I could just be the person my mother wants to see” is the prevailing sentiment
this is where Maruki’s unethical therapy comes in and actualizes her into the perfect teenage celebrity personality
thirdsem Hifumi is terrified she will never be enough as herself and it takes the team effort to get her to let go of the idol persona, but conveniently there are SO many people with parent issues here to talk to her about it .
bonus: xvii. the star – futaba
Wakaba survives the assassination attempt, but is left unable to continue her scientific work, igniting Futaba’s interest in researching the topic herself
her confidant’s Mementos quest block is still her uncle, who is not as horrifically abusive, but treats them poorly and demands Futaba reimburses him for taking care of them financially
Sojiro is still a pseudo-parental figure in her life, but his role is limited since he cannot insert himself into the situation without permission and Futaba conceals the extent of it from him
she becomes available as a confidant during Yusuke’s arc, which still overlaps with the Medjed crisis
her fixation with cognitive pscience leads to digging into the Phantom Thieves leads to offering to deal with Medjed for them – but only if they prove themselves to her by sorting out a specific request that hit a little close to home. cue Yusuke arc
from then on she’s their tech guy
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and that's everyone ✧∘* thank you so much for expressing interest and thank you @floodbender for cowriting this post with me ♡
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