#vulnerability & trust & honesty & communication
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ladytauria · 7 months
Character A getting hit with a truth serum/pollen/spell and B willingly telling them the truth back is my favorite trope. Ever. It’s not fair, it’s violating, they can’t forget but at least they can give back some of it. Leverage? Making themselves just as vulnerable? Yes. Yes. Especially if B is usually even less open than A
yesss; it’s a really good trope!
honestly—anything involving vulnerability & trust just. gets me right to the core. esp willing vulnerability, with characters who have been given reason several times over not to trust, who have built up walls to make sure they’re never hurt again… but who ultimately make the choice to try again anyway.
ofc i also love when that vulnerability initially isn’t a choice (as in the case with truth pollen/serum, or sex pollen, fear toxin, cuddle pollen, etc) but then becomes one—after they’re met halfway/shown nothing bad is going to happen this time~
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jaatanilsolanki · 1 year
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novlr · 5 months
How do you write characters who ignore their feelings
When you write characters who ignore their feelings, you delve into a complex psychological landscape that, if done well, can resonate deeply with readers. These characters are walking contradictions, their emotions simmering just beneath the surface. This tension between their inner experiences and external expressions makes them fascinating and relatable to readers.
Disregard their own emotional well-being
Focus on logic and facts
Appear stoic or unfazed in stressful scenarios
Engage in compulsive behaviours as a distraction
Will take on burdens without complaining
Avoid conversations about their feelings
Can be reliable in a crisis
Immerse themselves in work or hobbies
Seen as cold or insensitive by others
Exhibit control issues, and micromanaging tendencies
Difficulty forming deep, emotional connections
Uncomfortable with physical displays of affection
Struggle to empathise with others’ feelings
Change the subject when discussions turn emotional
Appear indifferent or detached in social settings
Perceived as blunt or straightforward in their communication
Offer practical solutions to problems, rather than emotional support
Have a small, close-knit circle of friends, if any
Inadvertently hurt others by dismissing their emotions
Often seen as the ‘rock’ or ‘anchor’ by their peers
Body language
Cross arms or create physical barriers when emotional topics arise
Maintain a steady, controlled posture
Rarely exhibit nervous ticks or fidgeting
Minimal eye contact during emotional conversations
Often have a rigid or stiff walk or stance
Avoid touch or recoil slightly from unexpected contact
Neutral or hard to read facial expressions
Look away or distance themselves from emotional displays
Rarely cry or show signs of emotional distress in public
Likely to control voice pitch and volume meticulously, even when agitated
A practical and no-nonsense demeanour
Often skeptical of emotional reasoning or decisions
May seem dismissive or cynical about sentimentality
Value strength, self-sufficiency, and independence
Pride themselves on not ‘giving in’ to emotions
Can be incredibly self-disciplined and focused
View emotional displays as weaknesses or inconveniences
Have a strong drive to maintain composure under pressure
Sometimes accused of lacking passion or enthusiasm
Can come across as disinterested or aloof
Positive story outcomes
Learn to acknowledge and accept their emotions in a healthy way
Build stronger, more genuine relationships through vulnerability
Find themselves more at peace after emotional breakthroughs
Gain respect from others for their growth and emotional maturity
Overcome past traumas that caused them to suppress their feelings
Develop a more balanced approach to problem-solving
Become a role model for others struggling with emotional expression
Facilitate a cathartic moment that resolves a central conflict
Experience personal breakthroughs leading to unexpected joy
Discover hidden strengths through the acceptance of weakness
Negative story outcomes
Relationships may deteriorate because of emotional neglect
They could face a breakdown from accumulated stress
Might cause unintended harm to themselves or others
Risk becoming isolated because of their lack of emotional openness
Can suffer from health issues related to suppressed emotions
Might miss out on life-changing opportunities because of fear of vulnerability
Could be overtaken by their emotions in a critical moment
May lose the trust or respect of peers who crave emotional honesty
Potentially fail to resolve a major conflict because of emotional barriers
Their growth as a character might stagnate, leading to a tragic outcome
Helpful Vocabulary
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astrojulia · 10 months
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Challenges in Love with Venus
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Love is a complex and beautiful journey that brings us both joy and challenges. Each zodiac sign has its unique set of hurdles when it comes to relationships, and understanding and facing these challenges can lead to deeper connections with our loved ones. Let's explore the challenges associated with Venus in each zodiac sign:
⌦ .。.:♡ Aries Venus - Aries Venus tends to prioritize their own desires and can be impulsive and explosive in relationships. To foster a healthier connection, Aries needs to learn to listen to their partner's needs and opinions and be more considerate in their communication. Slowing down and being attentive to their partner's wants is essential for a harmonious relationship.
⌦ .。.:♡ Taurus Venus - Taurus Venus may cling to comfort and fear change, avoiding facing their anxieties head-on. It's important for Taurus to embrace vulnerability, confront their fears, and allow room for growth and new experiences in the relationship. Letting go of what no longer serves them will lead to a more fulfilling partnership.
⌦ .。.:♡ Gemini Venus - Gemini Venus tends to struggle with restlessness and anxiety in relationships. To improve their love life, they should learn to appreciate moments of stillness and develop a deeper connection with their partner beyond the idealized image. Honesty and transparency are crucial in building trust and understanding.
⌦ .。.:♡ Cancer Venus - Cancer Venus often places excessive emotional responsibilities on their partner, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Taking emotional responsibility for their own feelings and communicating openly without blame will help nurture a more loving and stable relationship.
⌦ .。.:♡ Leo Venus - Leo's inflexibility and desire for a fairytale romance can lead to disappointment. Understanding that relationships require compromise and accepting the reality of their partner's individuality will lead to a more authentic and lasting love.
⌦ .。.:♡ Virgo Venus - Virgo Venus's tendency to focus on flaws in their partner can hinder their ability to form meaningful connections. It's essential for Virgo to practice self-reflection and understand that no one is perfect. Embracing vulnerability and taking risks in love can lead to more fulfilling relationships.
⌦ .。.:♡ Libra Venus - Libra Venus may avoid confrontations and withhold their true desires in relationships. Learning to assert their needs and communicate openly will lead to a healthier balance in the partnership.
⌦ .。.:♡ Scorpio Venus - Scorpio Venus's tendency to magnify small issues can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Learning to let go of past baggage and developing a more gentle and loving approach to relationships will lead to a more harmonious bond.
⌦ .。.:♡ Sagittarius Venus - Sagittarius Venus may prioritize personal interests over the relationship. To improve their love life, they need to embrace the concept of "us" rather than "me" and be more open to compromise and collaboration with their partner.
⌦ .。.:♡ Capricorn Venus - Capricorn Venus's inclination to rely on strategies rather than emotions can create distance in relationships. Embracing vulnerability and emotional expression will lead to a deeper and more meaningful connection.
⌦ .。.:♡ Aquarius Venus - Aquarius Venus's fear of losing freedom can make it challenging for them to fully commit to a relationship. Recognizing that love can coexist with personal freedom and being open to emotional intimacy will lead to a more fulfilling partnership.
⌦ .。.:♡ Pisces Venus - Pisces Venus may avoid confronting relationship problems and may idealize their partner. Facing reality and addressing challenges directly will lead to more authentic and compassionate relationships.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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seraphic-saturn · 8 months
Venus Signs Maturity & Immaturity
Venus in Aries:
Immature: They pursue relationships impulsively and aggressively, often exhibiting possessiveness and impatience.
Mature: They approach relationships with courage and honesty, fostering mutual respect and passionate yet respectful connections.
Venus in Taurus:
Immature: They exhibit possessiveness and materialism in relationships, sometimes prioritizing security and comfort over emotional connection.
Mature: They express love and affection with stability and devotion, fostering a sense of grounded intimacy and genuine appreciation for their partner.
Venus in Gemini:
Immature: They engage in superficial and flirtatious behavior, sometimes leading to inconsistency and a lack of emotional depth in relationships.
Mature: They prioritize open communication and intellectual stimulation, fostering a sense of mental connection and genuine curiosity that promotes lasting emotional bonds.
Venus in Cancer:
Immature: They become clingy and overprotective in relationships, sometimes fostering emotional dependency and moodiness.
Mature: They nurture their relationships with empathy and understanding, fostering a sense of emotional security and deep, nurturing connections that promote mutual growth and support.
Venus in Leo:
Immature: They seek constant admiration and validation in relationships, often exhibiting egotistical and attention-seeking behavior.
Mature: They express love and affection with generosity and warmth, fostering a sense of genuine appreciation and mutual admiration that encourages emotional authenticity and heartfelt connections.
Venus in Virgo:
Immature: They exhibit critical and nitpicky behavior in relationships, sometimes prioritizing perfectionism over genuine acceptance and emotional connection.
Mature: They approach relationships with practicality and thoughtfulness, fostering a sense of mutual growth and emotional support that encourages a stable and nurturing connection.
Venus in Libra:
Immature: They prioritize harmony and avoidance of conflict in relationships, sometimes sacrificing their own needs and opinions to maintain superficial peace.
Mature: They promote fairness and balance in relationships, encouraging open communication and mutual respect that fosters a sense of genuine understanding and harmonious connection.
Venus in Scorpio:
Immature: They exhibit possessiveness and jealousy in relationships, sometimes fostering a sense of secrecy and emotional manipulation.
Mature: They foster deep emotional intimacy and transformation, promoting trust and vulnerability in relationships that encourage mutual growth and profound, authentic connections.
Venus in Sagittarius:
Immature: They become restless and commitment-phobic in relationships, sometimes prioritizing freedom and independence over emotional connection.
Mature: They promote openness and optimism in relationships, encouraging personal growth and a sense of adventure that fosters mutual learning and a genuine appreciation for diverse experiences.
Venus in Capricorn:
Immature: They exhibit emotional detachment and materialism in relationships, sometimes prioritizing practicality and status over genuine emotional connection.
Mature: They approach relationships with responsibility and commitment, fostering a sense of mutual respect and stability that encourages a deep and lasting emotional bond.
Venus in Aquarius:
Immature: They display emotional detachment and unpredictability in relationships, sometimes fostering a sense of rebellion and a disregard for traditional emotional expression.
Mature: They foster inclusivity and innovation in relationships, promoting open communication and a sense of unity that encourages mutual respect and a genuine appreciation for unique perspectives.
Venus in Pisces:
Immature: They exhibit escapism and emotional dependency in relationships, sometimes fostering a sense of martyrdom and unrealistic expectations.
Mature: They express love and compassion with empathy and understanding, fostering a sense of emotional connection and spiritual depth that encourages mutual support and a deep, transcendent bond.
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quietblueriver · 6 months
A little Imodna fic re: Imogen’s trip through Ruidus and Laudna’s reaction to it. Angst and fluff and comfort bc they deserve it.
When the dream is over, Imogen has feelings about her trip through Ruidus, about what she wants and whether she’s wanted.
After the others leave, she and Laudna get some time to talk about it.
It’s quiet in their room.
Imogen’s curled toward the edge of the mattress, knees tucked up just slightly, the thick comforter keeping her almost too warm. Normally, she’d turn to Laudna, press close so that the cool of her body balanced out the heat of their bed. Tonight, she doesn’t.
She knows Laudna is awake, can hear the push and pull of thread through her latest project, feels the light touch of fingers on her shoulder every few minutes, gentle enough that they wouldn’t wake Imogen if she were sleeping. She’s not sure if Laudna thinks she is sleeping or if she’s letting Imogen pretend. Which is another way of saying Laudna’s either not paying enough attention to notice that Imogen is awake and caught in her thoughts or she doesn’t feel the need to check in. Either way, and despite herself, Imogen feels it like a slight.
A feeling that causes the weight of shame and an ever-lurking sense of failure to rise up and make the heat almost unbearable. She worms a foot out as quietly as she can, ears hyper-aware of the rustle of fabric she can’t stop.
Laudna’s sewing continues uninterrupted. Imogen’s chest grows somehow more full with her feelings and all the words she’s biting back.
Even now.
Even after their trials with Nana Morri, after all that angsting over honesty and communication and trust, Imogen is quiet.
There are options. She’d known that before they’d been thrown into a pit and attacked by murder wasps and tricked into doubt. There have always been options.
She could turn over. She could reach out her hand and grasp Laudna’s wrist and let Laudna see her eyes. She could ask Laudna to talk to her, could tell her about the thoughts circling and circling through her mind, the ones that have been there since that night in the basement with Delilah.
She doesn’t. She’s tired. And she feels, if she’s honest with herself (and maybe that was the exercise they all needed first, because Imogen’s fairly certain she’s not the only one of the Hells who has difficulty living in her own truths sometimes), like she has been the one bridging the gap, or trying to, without any indication that it’s welcome. Like her honesty and vulnerability have recently been met with hesitancy and hedging and eyes toward a future very different from the one that Imogen had thought they both wanted.
The doubt, an old friend, had begun growing louder in that basement with Delilah and had reached its peak tonight.
The question about giving in to Ruidus was genuine. They’d talked about it before and put it to the side, but now that they’re closer, now that they’re getting ready to really go and do this, it felt important to raise again. She wanted their opinions, because they’d just watched what happened if one of them decided to make a choice like that in isolation, and it wasn’t good.
She wanted to know what they thought, wanted to be as smart about it as she could be.
If you’d asked her, though, even the moment before the question left her lips, whether Laudna needed to be there for that conversation, she would have said no.
Because she knew Laudna’s answer. She saw Laudna’s face furrowing in reaction to her offering her soul on the Crimson Abyss, heard Laudna’s violent threats of protection on her behalf, felt the cold of her form of dread spread and snarling over her as they fought. She knew Laudna’s answer, and it was, “No.”
This was a given, because she loved Imogen more than she loved anything, and because even if Imogen wasn’t trying to be unnecessarily self-sacrificial, there was no denying that giving in could be dangerous.
Except it hadn’t been no. It hadn’t been no, and then, when she’d come back to herself, come back to the cold, exhausting world after feeling so warm, so whole in the heart of Ruidus, and told them just a sliver of it, it still hadn’t been no.
It had been, “If it’s what you want.” It had been, “I don’t want to hold you back.”
And Imogen knows that Laudna loves her. She knows, because Laudna shows her, has shown her, every day.
But the deep and sharpening doubt inside of her says confidently that the love they have for each other isn’t the same.
Imogen wants Laudna. She wants her in every way. There is no future for her, hasn’t been for a long time, that doesn’t have Laudna at its center.
There is nothing she wants more than a cottage with a horse or two and garden beds for Laudna, a porch with a little table where she can start her day with the sunrise while Laudna sleeps and they can end their days with the sunset together, a kitchen like Zhudanna’s, with a stove that works and favorite mugs and a window that looks out at the forest. A home that is warm and easy and theirs.
There is nothing she wants more than to be there, with Laudna. To kiss her good morning and good night and anytime in between. To love her for as long as she’s alive.
And yes, Imogen knows that Laudna loves her.
Long before she kissed her in that marketplace in Jrusar, Imogen knew that Laudna loved her in a way that nobody else ever had. A love so deep and steadfast and self-sacrificial that it made Imogen scared to express the nature of her own feelings because she was afraid Laudna would force herself into something she didn’t want just to make Imogen happy.
Without the circlet, she’d been able to hear the flow of Laudna’s thoughts, often, and understandably, preoccupied with the immediate dangers of their lives after joining the Hells. It felt selfish, in light of that, to ask for more, to put one more thing on her.
And she’d been afraid to say anything without certainty, without some kind of hint from Laudna that she wasn’t going to hurt Laudna and herself and everything they’d built together.
She’d gotten close, before the Solstice. The future they were imagining, the roles they played for each other, Laudna’s own words about Imogen and what she wanted—it closed the gap a little. Made it easier for Imogen to think that maybe, one day, she’d know they were in the same place. That it would be safe to tell Laudna that her love had at some point spilled over its neatly drawn box and had only kept spilling, running over the lines between friendship and devotion and desire until it was all one big pool.
The circlet might’ve made it harder. After all, it was the opposite of confirmation. But the split, her time in Uthodurn, it only made Imogen’s need, selfish as it was, stronger, and when she didn’t have the discouragement of what she thought was knowledge, didn’t have access enough to know that her own want, so fierce sometimes she could hardly think of anything else, was unmatched, she couldn’t keep telling herself the same story about waiting. Fear lost to love (to greed, to desire, to impulse) and suddenly she was kissing Laudna next to the bread stall.
And Laudna was kissing her back. And Laudna was touching her and telling her, softly and with the purpled blush that made Imogen warm and light with affection, that she loved her.
Imogen believed her. She had no reason to doubt her.
Except, of course, for the circlet. Except for the niggling, shameful, persistent voice that reminded her that she could be sure, if she just took off the circlet. That she could be sure, if she let herself explore. That it would save both of them pain if she took even just a minute to be certain that they were on the same page, that Laudna wasn’t just doing her another thing to try to make Imogen happy.
She’d never pry. But without the circlet, she could maybe just stumble into the truth. Fall on it the way she fell onto so many thoughts in the world.
It’s the ugliest part of her. The part of her that believed for most of her life that she knew people because she knew their thoughts, that she didn’t need to listen or to watch who someone was in the world because she could see the real them, the true them.
She knows better now. She knows that people can, and do, fight against their impulses and desires and the darkest voices in their minds. That people work to be more, and better, than their base thoughts.
The problem is, though, that sometimes they don’t. Sometimes people let their impulses lead them and they keep their mouths closed and their hands busy and suddenly you’re watching your friend explode into a million pieces, putting themself and everybody else you love at risk.
She would’ve known, if she’d taken off the circlet. She would’ve seen the plans and heard the reasons and she could’ve done something.
And yeah, it’s about trust. Of course it is. But it’s also about reality, and the reality is that people find it hard to talk about things, especially hard things, and with the Hells, that has the potential to be catastrophic. Has been catastrophic.
It’s easy, to let that logic lead her. She needs to take it off. For protection. For the people she loves.
But if she’s honest with herself, if she fights to be honest with herself if no one else, there are other, more selfish reasons why she sometimes wants the circlet gone.
The biggest one is lying right beside her, humming softly to herself as she works through “the difficult bit. Do you think green or orange, dearest, for the tail?” A question asked before Delilah’s appearance, Laudna’s eyes excited as she held out the options and Imogen kissing her in favor of an answer.
Imogen loves Laudna far too much to leave the worst parts of herself an opening, so the circlet had gone back on as soon as it had been just the two of them. Temptation removed. Laudna had watched but asked no questions and Imogen had offered no explanation and now she’s stuck here in this too-hot bed with her own rambling and pathetic thoughts, lonelier than she has been in a long, long time and looking for a reason not to run as fast as she can back toward the warmth and comfort of that place in her dreams.
Part of her understands. She’d sat, broken-hearted and trembling, on a floor in godsforsaken Whitestone and told Laudna that she loved her and that it was her choice, whether to come back. It was her decision, and Imogen would never ever try to take that from her, even as every part of her wanted to beg and plead and crack open in supplication.
Imogen had refused to be yet another person who denied Laudna a choice. If loving her had meant letting her go, then she would have done it, no matter the cost to herself.
So she understands, a little. If Laudna thinks that what she wants is to leave, to…join with? Return to? Whatever, with Ruidus, and she thinks she’s the reason Imogen is denying herself, then sure, Imogen can understand some of it.
But Imogen’s hopes for the future aren’t mysterious. Even before their kiss, she was clear with Laudna that what she wanted was her. She’d said it over and over again. She’d offered those dreams willingly, in defiance of every part of herself that told her it was foolish and dangerous and pitiful, that reminded her that building a future with someone else was a surefire way to end up like her daddy, lonely and bitter.
Her love won out, and, in the biggest gift of Imogen’s life, Laudna understood. Laudna wanted the same things.
Except maybe she didn’t.
She kicks her second foot out from under the covers, less concerned with the noise, and Laudna stops her motion for a moment, reaches a hand out to touch Imogen’s shoulder.
It isn’t really a choice, in the end. Laudna has called her, so she will answer.
“Are you…”
The bed shifts, sounds of Laudna putting away her things and moving until her body is against Imogen’s, the hand on her shoulder drifting down to rest on her waist. The cool press of her is such a familiar relief that Imogen almost cries.
“Are you alright?”
Yes. No. Of course not. She feels weak as the water gathers in the corner of her eyes and she bites back her instinct to snap. Anger is first, almost always, and tonight is no exception.
Love surges quickly and she lets it win, feels it temper in the form of an exhalation and the moment she needs to settle herself. Laudna’s trying. Imogen wants her to know, and this is the only way she can.
The metal of the circlet presses into her temple as she gives her body what it wants and shifts back, closer, holds Laudna’s arm to her with her own.
“Do you…do you really not…”
She clears her throat, embarrassed at the sadness and exhaustion that fill the gap left by her receding anger. She’s so tired, and she hates that they’re having this conversation. That they have to have it. That she can’t say what she wants. What she needs.
The question about Ruidus wasn’t a test. This one wouldn’t be either, but it also won’t get her what she needs.
She tries again. Starts with what she knows.
“I…I want you to want me here. With you.” Laudna’s grip around her tightens but she doesn’t say anything, and Imogen takes a second. She sighs out, forces tension from her shoulders and the pride from her throat, open and open and open for Laudna. Trust and honesty and communication. Gods, it’s fucking awful. She presses forward anyway. “It hurt me. B-badly, I think. When you seemed so ready to let me go to Ruidus.”
Nails, now, present but not painful through the fabric of her nightshirt and against her belly, and Laudna’s body tense against her back, and still she’s quiet. Imogen laces their fingers and brings their joined hands underneath her shirt, pressing Laudna’s palm to her skin and shivering as she gathers her words.
“I was tellin’ the truth, earlier. It felt good, bein’ there. But Laudna, I…” She squeezes at her hand and then lets go, pulls and pushes and turns until they’re face to face and she can put her palm against Laudna’s cheek, see the worry in her dark eyes. “I don’t know how else to make you understand that I want you. That I want my future to be you.”
Laudna’s mouth opens and closes and Imogen presses a thumb to her bottom lip and kisses her forehead.
“Sometimes I think I understand the way you feel about me. But the last few days especially, I…” She stumbles again, because they’ve already talked about that night, and she doesn’t want to do it again, although she will if she has to. “I just…” She closes her eyes for a moment and reaches past the sadness and into the fire, lets the slow and steady and bright flame of love and determination and want move her forward. “It doesn’t matter how Ruidus feels. Alright? What’s the moon to me if you’re not there?” She kisses her, hard and quick, and holds her eyes again. “It’s not home. It can’t be. Not without you.”
Laudna swallows and licks her lip and says, slowly, “I want you to have all the things I didn’t get to have.” The pad of her thumb runs underneath Imogen’s eye, turning until the nail is tracing her cheek and down her jawline, over her chin until it comes to rest in the center of her throat. She stares at it as she whispers, voice raspy with the strain of a rope long rotted, “Most of all, I want you to have choice.”
Imogen covers the hand with her own and brings it down, cradling it against her chest.
“I know. I know you do. And I do have choice.” She kisses her again, longer and slower. “I’m choosing you. If you’ll let me.”
She watches the emotions play themselves out on Laudna’s face, expressive eyes widening and crinkling, the corners of her mouth twitching with all the words she doesn’t say, preternaturally sharp teeth tearing at the skin of her lip.
“I can never quite believe that.”
Her lips taste of ichor even more than usual, the texture catching on Imogen’s tongue as she soothes the newly broken skin.
“I know. I know you can’t. But it’s true.” She bites her own lip and asks a question she hopes she knows the answer to. “Is it alright? That I choose you? Would you…would you choose me, too?”
Dark eyes soften and soften, a pair to the arm holding her close.
“Imogen. I chose you a long time ago. I’m so sorry, darling, that I’ve made you doubt that.” She runs her fingers through Imogen’s hair, lets them catch at the back of her head. “It’s beyond my understanding how lucky I am that you would choose me, too.”
It would be easy, to let it go. And maybe she could. Maybe they understand each other, this time. But they’re here, and she wants it to be the last time they have to be (at least for a while, gods help her) so she pulls on the last reserves of her emotional energy to say, “Can you…can you believe me? Please? Or…or maybe we can have a signal, for when you can’t? Because Laudna, I…it’s hard for me to understand that you want me, too. And when you…I can’t always convince myself it’s true, when it feels like you’re tellin’ me to choose somethin’ else.”
Imogen watches as Laudna’s eyes move almost absently over her shoulder before coming back, resolved, as the hand in her hair tightens. “Yes. I’m going to try to remember. This is…thank you, dearest. For telling me. I’m going to think about this more. We can…we should talk about it, again.”
Her displeasure at the thought must register on her face because suddenly Laudna is laughing and the hand in her hair has let go to come pat at her cheek as Laudna tuts. “It’s dreadful, isn’t it?”
Imogen groans and buries her head in the crook of Laudna’s neck. Fingers return to her hair as she nods her agreement. She feels a tug on the circlet.
“Thank you for this, as well.”
Suddenly she’s pulling back, because this is important, because Laudna should know that…
”Laudna, I promise I’d never…”
She’s being tucked back into Laudna’s body before she can finish, lips against her temple before words are whispered into her ear. “I know, my love. I know. But you could, and it means something that you don’t. So thank you.”
She relaxes into the hold, noses into the space behind Laudna’s jaw and breathes for a minute before she kisses the skin there. And again.
Maybe it shouldn’t be as easy as it is for her mind to wander away from Ruidus and their mission and the conversation they’d just had. But maybe they deserve it. Maybe this is what it means, to choose each other even at the end of the world—that joy and desire get their time between exhaustion and fear.
So she doesn’t fight the impulse. “We should sleep,” she says, as she bites gently at Laudna’s neck, moves down to lick her collarbone.
Through a very lovely gasp, Laudna asks, “Forgotten the chasm already, darling?”
Imogen grins. “We should.” Her hands press at Laudna’s hips until she’s below her, bracketed by Imogen’s knees. “But I have another idea.”
Laudna laughs. “Can you be quick?”
Imogen pulls off her nightshirt and feels incredibly smug at Laudna’s wide eyes, the way her mouth is still half-open from her laughter, frozen there.
“Chasm answer? Or would you rather I…”
It’s her turn to gasp, Laudna’s mouth against her and her hands braced against the bare skin of Imogen’s back, nails dragging in that way that makes Imogen whimper shamelessly.
“Hush, now. We’ve done quite enough talking, don’t you think?”
It’s breathed into the skin of her shoulder, and Imogen can only nod, pulling Laudna closer and letting herself remember that she can have this, forever, if she chooses.
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enhahooninurwindow · 3 months
Lingering Love
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Pairing: Sunghoon x reader 🍓MASTERLIST
Genre: angst, fluff
Wc: 688 (?)
Syn: It had been eight long months since Sunghoon and you parted ways, your hearts heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. But as they say, time heals and healed ur pain bringing love again
It had been eight long months since Sunghoon and you parted ways, your hearts heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. The breakup had been tumultuous, fueled by misunderstandings and miscommunications that left you both wounded and longing for each other's presence. You, in a fit of doubt and fear, had accused Sunghoon of cheating, a claim that tore at the very fabric of your once-strong bond. As the months passed, the pain lingered, but so did the love. Sunghoon found himself staring at his phone, fingers hovering over the keys, longing to reach out to you but held back by pride and uncertainty. Meanwhile, you often found yourself lost in memories of your time together, the laughter, the shared dreams, and the warmth of his embrace. One quiet evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the world settled into a hushed calm, he gathered his courage and typed out a message to you. It was a simple "Hey, how have you been?" but behind those words lay a universe of emotions waiting to be unraveled. You, startled by the notification, stared at the screen for what felt like an eternity. The memories flooded back, the good and the bad intertwined in a bittersweet tapestry of nostalgia. After a few moments of hesitation, you replied, tentatively at first, but soon the floodgates opened, and you found yourselves pouring out thoughts, feelings, and apologies.
The conversation flowed like a river finding its course after being dammed for too long. You talked about everything— the hurt you had caused each other, the doubts that had plagued your minds, and most importantly, the love that still burned brightly despite the distance and time apart. As the days turned into weeks, your virtual exchanges deepened. You shared your daily routines, your dreams for the future, and the lessons you had learned during your time apart. He apologized sincerely for any actions or words that had hurt you, and in turn you acknowledged your own role in the misunderstandings that led to the breakup. Slowly but surely, trust began to rebuild its fragile bridge between you. He made a conscious effort to be transparent about his life, sharing his thoughts and feelings openly with you. Likewise, you learned to let go of the past grievances, choosing forgiveness and understanding over resentment.
One evening, as you spoke about your favorite memories together, he took a leap of faith and confessed, "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. Not for a single day." The words hung in the air, heavy with vulnerability and hope. Your heart skipped a beat as tears welled up in your eyes. "I still love you too, Sunghoon," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. With those simple yet profound words, the barriers crumbled, and you knew that your love was not a thing of the past but a flame waiting to be reignited. You decided to meet in person, to look into each other's eyes and find solace in the warmth of his embrace. The reunion was nothing short of magical. As you stood face to face, all the pain and sorrow melted away, leaving behind only love and a deep sense of belonging. You laughed, you cried, and you held each other tightly, as if afraid that the moment would slip away like a fleeting dream. From that day forward, you embarked on a journey of rediscovery and rebuilding. You took things slow, savoring each moment and cherishing the newfound appreciation for what you had. Communication became your cornerstone, honesty your compass, and love your guiding light. Your story was not without challenges, for scars of the past don't vanish overnight. But you faced those challenges together, hand in hand, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm. Years later, when you looked back on that fateful reconnection, you smiled knowingly, grateful for the twists and turns that had led you back to each other. For you both, breaking up had been a painful detour, but it had also been the catalyst for a love stronger and more resilient than ever before.
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sonics-atelier · 1 month
Professor Sonic here to educate yall why Rhysand Hiding vital information about Feyre's body from her was wrong
1. Lack of informed consent : By withholding vital information about Feyre's pregnancy and the risks associated with childbirth, Rhysand denied her the opportunity to make an informed decision about her own body and reproductive health. Every individual has the right to know and understand the potential risks involved in pregnancy and childbirth, and Rhysand's failure to disclose this information deprived Feyre of her autonomy and agency.
2 . Endangering Feyre's health : Pregnancy and childbirth are inherently risky processes, and concealing information about potential complications puts Feyre's health and well-being at serious risk. By keeping her in the dark about the possibility that childbirth could be fatal, Rhysand failed to prioritize Feyre's safety and disregarded her right to access necessary medical care and support.
3. Emotional and psychological harm : Discovering the truth about the risks associated with childbirth after becoming pregnant can be deeply traumatic and emotionally distressing. Rhysand's decision to withhold this information not only endangered Feyre's physical health but also inflicted significant emotional harm, as Feyre was forced to grapple with the fear and uncertainty of facing a life-threatening situation without adequate preparation or support.
4. Lack of trust and communication : Healthy relationships are built on trust, honesty, and open communication. By choosing to hide vital information from Feyre, Rhysand undermined the foundation of trust in their relationship and created a barrier to effective communication. Feyre's ability to trust Rhysand and confide in him was compromised, leading to a breakdown in their relationship dynamics and exacerbating feelings of isolation and loneliness.
5. Sensory deprivation and isolation : Rhysand's decision to shield Feyre from everyone and everything, including crucial information about her pregnancy, subjected her to sensory deprivation and emotional isolation. Deprived of access to external support systems and resources, Feyre was left to navigate the challenges of pregnancy and impending childbirth alone, exacerbating her feelings of vulnerability and helplessness.
In summary, Rhysand's actions in hiding vital information about Feyre's pregnancy, including the risks associated with childbirth, were deeply wrong and harmful. They deprived Feyre of her autonomy, endangered her health, inflicted emotional trauma, undermined trust and communication in their relationship, and subjected her to sensory deprivation and isolation. It is essential for partners to prioritize honesty, transparency, and open communication in matters concerning reproductive health and to respect each other's autonomy and agency.
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opia-tarot · 1 year
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aries venus
The passionate lover
These people are in my top 3 fav venus signs honestly. They're so passionate. So what are aries venuses about? These people want you to be your authentic self if you're dating them or friends with them. They can tell when you're not being yourself. Being comfortable around an aries venus is important to them. Aries venuses are soooo freaking passionate and just so raw. What I love about them is how authentic they are, you never have to question if an aries venus wants you. They are typically pursuers, not necessarily always in an overt sense depending on their other placements. Some of them are more overt and some of them will take smaller steps in pursuing a love interest. If you are trying to win over an aries venus don't bother being subtle, they won't notice ahahaha. You have to be more obvious about it. Aries venuses love honesty and authenticity, so just be yourself to attract them. Honestly I can confidently say every aries venus hates fake shit. A shadow aspect of this placement is needing constant reassurance from their partner, remember it's a shadow aspect every placement has it so it's okay. An aries venus will literally do anything for the people they love. These people are such impassioned partners, I love it so much. They can make anything a date, anything is fun when you're with them. They allow you to be childlike and just be in the moment. Love for them is ride or die. A healthy aries venus knows their worth in a situation where they are being used or taken advantage of. Aries venus remember your energy matters. Overall aries venuses are a whirl of hot energy, they'll sweep you off your feet. Seriously aries venus love is so raw and it's not with underlying intentions, it's just real and that's what i love about them. Aries venuses don't like being bored, they need the rush of the moment.
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taurus venus
The loyal lover
These people are so loyal. Taurus venuses are no bs types of people, if you want to win them over don't bother trying to sell when you can't deliver. They have high expectations because they know their type of loyalty is rare and they won't just be vulnerable with anyone. They are sensual and they like to be spoiled. No this doesn't mean they're demanding, but show them some affection and demonstrate how much you appreciate them. Taurus venus is the complete example of show me how you feel because honestly every taurus venus hates meaningless words. If you say something, mean it, it's that simple. A taurus venus is all about the courting, they want equal reciprocation. A taurus venus shadow trait is either being too possessive or being too detached due to trust issues. Another taurus venus shadow trait is being overly stubborn in relationships especially if they have a fixed mars sign. A healthy taurus venus has a balance within their personality and is able to communicate their needs in a friendship or a relationship without resentment. Taurus venuses love quality time and when they really love you, they love being physically intimate, cuddles etc. Taurus venuses HATE superficiality. They want someone who accepts them as a whole, not the clean cut aspect of them. They don't want to feel like they have the change themselves to be in a relationship. Never try to change a taurus venus they'll just cut you off ahaha.
gemini venus
The fun lover
I would say this venus placement is really misunderstood in the astro community. So i'm here to tell you what a gemini venus is really about. These people have a bit of an odd reputation. So what does a gemini venus like in relationships? They want freedom period. They don't appreciate being told what to do, or being manipulated to be something they're not. Gemini venuses want to be accepted for who they are. Period. A gemini venus shadow aspect is looking for approval where they shouldn't and lacking confidence in their ability to connect with others. A healthy Gemini venus will be able to say when they need space without detaching from people too quickly. Gemini venuses love intelligence, stimulate their brains and you'll win them over ahaha. Gemini venuses HATE games and manipulation. They just want things to be simple and not complex. Make them curious, keep them guessing. Gemini venuses like people who excite them and they loveeee spontaneous people. They will likely question you about what you like, because gemini venuses love to pick the brain of their love interest. In terms of friendship, gemini venuses tend to love quality time, not necessarily always spending time together, but time where you can really bond. Because space is really important for a gemini venus. They despise feeling suffocated. Gemini venuses are about the natural progress of a relationship. Don’t try and force the process with them. Allow them to have their own space to flourish within the relationship.
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cancer venus
The soft lover
Such a sweet placement!! Cancer venuses are deep lovers. I feel like this is something we don't talk about enough. The cancer venuses i've met are intense lovers, they literally dive in relationships heart first. A cancer venus shadow aspect is being too emotionally attached in relationships or friendships they should detach from. They can be easily drained by others, a healthy cancer venus knows their energy is precious. Cancer venuses are reliable, the type of people to be there no matter the issue. They are also very trustworthy. Cancer venus really values deep emotional connections. They love to feel appreciated for just being themselves. An shadow cancer venus aspect is feeling a sense of insecurity in relationships whereas a healthy cancer venus knows they are enough. Period. Cancer venuses are about making their partner feel comfortable. They want to be your safe space. They want a deep bond. Cancer venuses tend to be worried about rejection and tend to also have a fear of abandonment. Cancer venuses need emotional reassurance, like it’s okay to feel like that. I’m here for you. Does this make sense? Never invalidate a cancer venuses expression of love or their feelings, they’ll shut down. They want to make memories you only have together. They’re the types to keep a napkin from a first date ahaha. Probably even frame it😭😭 So sweet!!
leo venus
The dramatic lover (sorry i had to ahaha)
Hello my darlings! Leo venus supremacy (not just because i'm a leo venus👀 ahaha). I LOVE leo venuses. I'm going to be unbiased don't worry. The people i've been closest with have been leo venuses so i've got a personal understanding. Leo venuses have astronomically high standards ahahaha. And to be honest leo venuses will not lower their standards, they would rather be single. They are so loyal!! Unhealthy leo venuses can be a bit demanding in relationships without reciprocating, whereas a healthy leo venus understands other people's love languages and makes an effort to reciprocate in friendships and relationships. Leo venuses are possessive and an unhealthy leo venus can amplify the fixed energy to a unhealthy degree, wanting to own their partner. The possessiveness is something i struggle with sometimes, so i tend to vibe better with more intense venus signs due to this. A healthy leo venus understands their partner needs space and they understand this doesn't equate to rejection. Leo venuses tend to struggle with self worth during adolescence. It's something they develop over time. Leo venuses love to SPOIL!. For example my friend was sick so i travelled hours to go get her a coffee. My other leo venus friend made it necessary for me to meet any potential love interests to sus them out ahaha. This is what leo venuses are like, but a healthy leo venus makes sure they aren't being used in friendships or relationships. Every leo venus has overinvested their energy at some point, it's a necessary turning point for them to establish boundaries and self worth. Leo venuses are highly sought after, and they love attention ahaha. However, a leo venus, like taurus venus needs you to show them you appreciate them. Remember what foods they like, remember the shirt they said they want to get. Little things matter to them, which i wanted to talk about. Leo venus have a bit of a superficial reputation, a healthy leo venus values the displays of love and the love itself.
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virgo venus
The attentive lover
Virgo venus, the parent of the venus signs ahaha. Virgo venus is not all practical, they love love too. Virgo venuses have apprehension in regard to vulnerability. They don't like being vulnerable. It takes a person they feel really really safe with in order to be vulnerable. Virgo venuses don't like unreliable people. An unhealthy virgo venus can be overly critical of their partner's flaws in an attempt to micromanage them rather than having an honest conversation. A healthy virgo venus is aware their partner has flaws and if anything does irritate them, they are able to convey this to their partner. A healthy virgo venus is caring and so so supportive. Virgo venuses have their reservations but when they do feel comfortable they are very loving. Virgo venuses don't want superficial love or situationships, nope. They want a serious commitment, they are similar to capricorn venuses in the sense of valuing their time, they are not going to waste it on just anyone. They are the type of people to put a blanket on you if you're cold but they won't say anything ahaha. They usually express their love practically, doing little things or being there when you need them. Support and service basically. Virgo venuses can feel a bit cringe displaying dramatic expressions of love so they won't. But you'll know if they like you. They are all about investing in the relationship in order to strengthen the connection. These people go out of their way to be there for their partner. Oh you had a bad day? Okay they’ll drop off a coffee during your lunch break. Like practical yet such thoughtful expressions of love. Virgo venuses are a little bit sensitive to criticism so be nice when addressing issues. Virgo venuses want a partner they can do everyday things with. Shopping, chores etc.
libra venus
The romanticist
Libra venuses are known to be very sensual. Libra venuses want passionate love, they're the type of people to watch movies and yearn for it. Libra venuses value reassurance, tell them why you're dating them or why you like them. It's necessary for them to be confident in relationships. An unhealthy libra venus is demanding in terms of how much reassurance they need at the expense of their partner, whereas a healthy libra venus will be aware of their worth and won't allow their insecurities to be an obstacle within their friendships and relationships. What are libra venuses attracted to? They love people who have a cohesive appearance, great style etc. Libra venuses need to be attracted to their partner's appearance. This isn’t a bad thing btw just an observation. Libra venus likes being spoiled and they’ll do the same for sure. Libra venuses are the type to imagine romantic scenarios before bed ahaha. They most likely have some of love playlist. Yep i’m telling on you ahaha. Such romantics. They want romanceeee. You can’t attract a libra venus if you aren’t romantic. They like to be romanced and swept off their feet. Picnics under the stars and poetry. This sort of vibe. They usually have an idealistic view of love and they usually always have an idea of who they want. They have an ideal partner and they’re on a constant lookout for them.
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scorpio venus
The intense lover
I'm obsessed with scorpio venuses. Oh yes i am and i'm not ashamed about it. Scorpio venuses are delectable. Honestly. Anyway what are scorpio venuses about and what are they attracted to? Scorpio venuses are the most mysterious venus sign. You'll never quite know what their angle is and what they're after. They keep their cards close to their chest. An unhealthy scorpio venus is a bit calculated within their approach, hence why they can be known to test the limits of love interests to gauge their personality. A healthy scorpio venus will allow themselves to be vulnerable in order to really get to know a potential lover rather than scheme or calculate does this make sense? Scorpio venuses really struggle with vulnerability. Scorpio venuses have dealt with some sort of heartbreak or a damaging experience in the past and it's basically made them really reserved in regard to any aspect of expressing vulnerability. This is something they have to learn. Anyway onto my next point. Scorpio venuses are INTENSE, so fucking intense. If you have unlocked this aspect of a scorpio venus count yourself lucky honestly it's really rare. Scorpio venuses won't be overt at first. They like to figure out what makes you tick. What drives you? What do you do? Why are they attracted to you? What about you makes them curious? They basically study whoever they want. They are attracted to mystery, an outcast in society, someone with an edge etc. The scorpio venuses case studies i've done have displayed a correlation, these people are really seductive and they always have admirers. They're the person you're questioning yourself about, why am i so drawn to them?. They have an undoubtable allure. And it’s like this tangible, almost engulfing aura. It’s almost like scorpio venuses can manipulate energies, natural alchemy where they’re able to attract anyone they want. Scorpio venuses are loyal to the point of complete absorption. They don’t just want love, they want merging. They won’t accept any less. Scorpio venuses are usually picky too, because they’re aware not everyone is able to handle their energy. They tend to be possessive and healthy scorpio venus doesn’t allow this to stem from insecurity because they understand love requires a certain amount of risk.
sag venus
The spontaneous lover
My wanderers. Sag venuses are so fun. If there's anything a sag venus hates it's restriction. Their worst nightmare is a partner who doesn't want them to have other friends or an overly clingy partner. They hate it. If you really want to attract a sag venus, be spontaneous!! They don't tend to like routine or predictability. Surprise them, it will intrigue them. Sag venuses are all about passion and having new experiences in friendships and relationships. Sag venuses have a bit of player reputation in the astro community and i think it's because of their experimental nature. Of course it depends on the chart, but sag venuses need the excitement. An unhealthy sag venus is avoidant and doesn't emotionally bond in relationships because it requires an element of permanence. Sag venuses don't like to feel stuck. A healthy sag venus understands love doesn't have to be restricting and will not see emotional vulnerability as a cage. What do sag venuses want? Spontaneity and passion. They're capable of being loyal but it requires a partner who can keep up with them. They can be a little impulsive in love and this sometimes gets them in trouble ahaha. They’re the type to come home with overnight plane tickets. They’re a do it now, think later sort of lover. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re reckless, a healthy sag venus is able to withhold this energy to be spontaneous and exciting rather than self destructive. If you want fun and adventure these are your people.
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cap venus
The serious lover
Another impeccable venus sign in my opinion. I love these people. I don't think there's a completely accurate grasp on who cap venuses are and what they want in a relationship, because they are quite misunderstood imo. Capricorn venuses need stability. They cannot be in a relationship with someone who isn't clear about their intentions. It's not about them being stuck up, it's about them needing the safety of stability. Cap venuses are definitely closed off and like scorpio venuses it takes time for them to be vulnerable. They really don't like it. How can you attract a cap venus? Be serious, honest, loyal and make sure they are in your plans. Cap venuses are about the future. They don't like situationships or messy situations. They don't have the time to mess around with unserious people. So once they express interest, and you have the conversation regarding your intentions make sure to mention how you see a future with them. They love this. Capricorn venuses are intense about commitment, it's for life or they don't want it ahaha. An unhealthy cap venus is suspicious about people, whereas a healthy cap venus is able to put themselves out there for the sake of developing a relationship. They will spoil the fuck out of people they love. You’ll know a cap venus likes you when they make time for you. They’ll allow you in their inner world. You might have to get past security and steel walls but it’s worth it ahaha.
aquarius venus
The ecclectic lover
This is definitely a more complex venus sign, and to be honest it took me a while to figure out my aqua venus friend. She confused me at first. But anyway i've got personal experience so i'll include some insight regarding what an aqua venus is like. Aquarius venuses are complex in love. They sometimes struggle to figure out what they want and this can make them seem quite aloof or perhaps even uninterested. An aqua venus wants a partner who is not close minded, oh my gosh these people don't like people who are rigid. They don’t tend to have a solid idea of what they want, they like who they like. They're not the type of people to have a list of preferences. They're receptive to experiencing the opposite of their past experiences. Aqua venuses don't like talking about emotions. This doesn't mean they don't care, they just need time. The worst thing you can do is approach an aqua venus with intensity and instant commitment. Like let's do it! You'll instantly put them off. Aqua venuses need privacy and space. Their worst idea of a partner would be someone who sees them as an extension of them. Aqua venuses need their individuality to be truly present in a relationship or friendship. You know an aqua venus really likes you or values you when they're vulnerable or they communicate in a raw way explaining why they do certain things or say certain things. It's hard to explain but if you know you know. They love creative people or people who aren't afraid to express their authentic self. Be yourself!! And bonus points if you have an odd hobby or you do something out of the ordinary.
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pisces venus
the dreamy lover
Pisces venus have such an interesting reputation. Pisces venuses find themselves frequently caught in limerence. They are the type of people to see a stranger on the train and imagine their life together ahaha. Pisces venus are some of the best lovers. They are in deep, you can really feel their depth. It's like a dream almost. They have a very neptunian quality about them. They are the types of lovers to make your dreams a reality. You never have to be worried about being weird around them, they want to see who you are beyond the facade. This is where the neptunian energy is at play. They are all about uncovering the mask of people they meet. Show them what you won't allow anyone else to see, that's how you attract a pisces venus. They want to feel safe and they want the fairytale sort of love. They aren't particularly interested in the practicality of it because pisces venus will go to any lengths when they love someone. An unhealthy pisces venus is self sacrificing, almost like a martyr in love. Whereas a healthy pisces venus allows a natural union not allowing their partner to feed off of them. These are the types of people to meet in astral travel, like hey🙂 ahaha. They can be intense in the sense of wanting to know your secrets, your true self. Pisces venus will love you like you never have been before. Pisces venus needs a romantic and engulfing lover. They are unbelievably deep lovers. Oof their love is so Shakespearian.
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vivmaek · 2 years
Placements that can definitely win a debate?
This is a hard question to answer because I think it depends greatly on the type of debate at hand. So, these are the types of debates certain placements will most definitely win. This is a short list that could be expanded upon. I wrote on placements that first came to mind. Ethos - appealing to the speaker's credibility, authority and status. 
Sun Conjunct Saturn - When it comes to laying down the law, people with this placement do it well. They command respect and authority due to the high level of responsibility they take on. They follow through on their actions and consistently prove themselves time and time again through their hard work. In debates, they are well regarded because their words match up with their actions.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn - These types are disciplined and efficient. They are known for their wisdom and give out the best life advice. Most importantly, they trust themselves and will not waver when facing conflict. People with this placement are also known for their leadership qualities and are very inspiring. 
Jupiter Trine Pluto - Those with this placement garner a lot of authority and influence over the course of their life. They are incredibly persuasive and charming. Their large presence is intimidating and people can’t help but nod their head along to whatever they are saying. I also like to think of this as the “yes-man” placement, they will most definitely have some strong supporters in their corner backing them up. 
Sun in the 10th House - You just can't help but want to believe in these types of people. They have a way about them that is regal and authoritative. Usually, a lot of success and glory is attached to the names of those with this placement. They are well regarded by authority and through that given respect. 
Jupiter in the 1st House - For one, these people are naturally lucky and there is a good reason to believe that they may win their debates simply through chance. However, this doesn't take away the respect they garner through their developed sense of character. Their happy go lucky nature is to be expected, so when a more serious side to their nature comes out, other people can’t help but notice and pay attention. 
Pathos - appealing to the audience's emotions and beliefs, the use of feeling. 
Moon Trine Mars - These are some of the most passionate people out there and they could definitely overtake a debate. They have a well developed moral code and are strong defenders and protectors. They care deeply and are authentic with their emotional expression. Other people greatly appreciate their vulnerable honesty. 
Moon Trine Midheaven - When it comes to appealing to the masses, these types do it well. Their sense of empathy knows no bounds and they are fantastic at reading a room. They can see themselves in every person they meet. Their understanding of human nature and skilled intuition is going to give them an edge.  
Mars Conjunct Pluto - These types bring an intensity to a debate that is unmatched. They are incredibly fierce and assertive with their opinions. Their audience is going to feel on edge and it is going to be difficult for them to want to speak up. They know how to use other people's vulnerabilities and have the use of skilled manipulation tactics at hand. 
Moon in the 3rd House - People with this placement are masters of communicating emotions. They can speak on matters of the heart clearly and can use their words for vulnerable appeal. 
Mars in the 9th House - Those with this placement have opinions that elicit a strong emotional response from other people. They can use their knowledge as a weapon and do so through their passion and veracity. Thoughts and ideas that differ from their own don’t make these types uncomfortable and they can approach debates with an open mind. 
Logos - appealing to the audience's sense of reason and logic, the use of facts and common sense. 
Mercury Trine Pluto - People with this aspect notice every single detail and have an investigative mind. They are oftentimes experts within their field of interest and have a lot of tactful knowledge to display. Their deep insights are impactful and their penetrative mind can see through any sort of lie or falsified statement. They can be manipulative with their words and entrap people with their semantics. 
Mercury Trine Uranus - Their scientific mind and practicality make them out for strong debaters. Most importantly, they know how to deal with the unexpected and can take on a curve ball without sweating it. They are the best problem solvers and also know where exactly an argument is leading. Nothing takes them by surprise and they have the facts to back themselves up.
Mercury Trine Mars - If I had to choose specifically, I think people with this placement truly make for the best debtors. They can spot weakness in an instant and use it against their opponent skillfully. They are quick with their words and not without reason. They are the experts at “winging it” and can come up with arguments on the fly. Their communication skills pack a punch and they use logic like a weapon. 
Mercury in the 1st House - Being intelligent and quick witted by nature, these individuals are going to do well in a debate. They are well known for their fantastic communication skills, so it is no surprise that they would be on this list. 
Mercury in the 9th House - Their knowledge is unlimited and they can probably debate anything. They know a little bit of everything and there isn't a topic they won’t be able to fact check.
Uranus in the 9th House - They are going to pull ideas from seemingly nowhere, leaving their audience shocked. Other people don’t know where these individuals are going to take a debate but it always seems like they have the upper hand. They are intelligent and their thought process is well thought out and tested. 
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Dating Bjorn Ironside Would Include:
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As a man of action, there's no downtime when you're together. You're out raiding, fighting off rivals, and exploring the world. Dating him is never boring. You can expect a lot of excitement, whether you're in bed or in battle together. He's got plenty of stamina for both.
Dating him is a memorable experience. He is both an intense and passionate lover, yet he can also be reserved at times. He would always try his best to provide you with a sense of security and comfort. He is loyal and devoted, and he would do any and everything to protect you and make you happy. But he can also be unpredictable, and he will not hesitate to take bold actions.
Dating him is like having your very own personal hero. He'll take care of the bad guys, he'll be your knight, and he'll be your companion. He's dedicated and loyal, and he will never leave your side. Plus, with him, you never have to worry about being bored or lonely--there are so many stories he can share with you, and so much life to be lived together.
Being with him isn't easy. He has a fiery temperament and a stubborn mind. If you don't agree with him, he will make sure to let you know about it. He can be unpredictable and impulsive, but at the same time, he is very protective and passionate. He wants you to feel safe and loved, but he is not one to sugarcoat things. Sometimes, he may say things that come off as inconsiderate or insensitive, but he always speaks his mind. He is a very passionate person, and he loves with his whole heart.
Dating him means never knowing what to expect. He is constantly evolving and growing, which makes him both interesting and unpredictable. He likes to keep things spontaneous and exciting, so if you're looking for something more stable and predictable, he may not be the right person for you. With him, you will always be on your toes, and I hope you are ready for that.
He loves physical affection. He enjoys cuddling, kissing, and hugging. He likes to be touched and held, and he appreciates it when you are not afraid to be intimate with him. He also likes to show affection through acts of service and gift-giving. He is not someone who is very articulate with words, so he shows his love and admiration through actions.
He may not show it outwardly, but jealousy is definitely something he experiences. He is a very protective person, and he doesn't like to share the things and people he cares about with others. He does not like when you have close relationships with other people, especially those of the opposite gender. Despite these feelings, he tries to be reasonable and trust you to maintain appropriate boundaries. Still, it is not easy for him, and it can lead to conflicts at times.
He is a person who values honesty and loyalty. He is not someone who will keep secrets from you, and he expects the same in return. He wants you to share your thoughts and feelings with him, even if it may not be something that he wants to hear. He values communication and trust in a relationship, and he tries to make you feel safe and secure. He doesn't like playing games in his relationships, and he much prefers to be upfront and direct. He respects you and your decisions and always tries to make your needs and wants a priority.
He can be quite intense at times, but it's never boring. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he's always honest and true to himself. He has a big heart and a lot of love to give, but he doesn't hold back when voicing his opinions. If you're looking for an adventure, he's your man. He's not here to play games, and he doesn't have the patience for bullshit. He's just looking for a partner who can keep up with his intensity and match his energy.
He is a very caring person, and he loves to show his affection for those he cares about. He is not a fan of mushy sweetness, but he loves to let his loved ones know that they are important to him. Although he can sometimes be tough on the outside, he is very vulnerable on the inside. He has a lot of feelings, both good and bad, and he is not afraid to express them. However, he does not open up easily, and it takes time for him to trust someone.
In addition to being a passionate and protective lover, he is also a great listener. He is always willing to hear your thoughts and feelings, even if he doesn't agree with them. He values open communication and honesty in his relationships. Although he may be impulsive at times, he always strives to make decisions together with you. He believes that trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and he strives to create an environment of respect and mutual understanding with you.
He can be quite stubborn and strong-willed, so he could see how some might view him as "whipped" in relationships. However, he would argue that this is simply a characteristic of his passionate and determined nature. He is not afraid to take charge and make decisions, but he is also not afraid to listen to your needs and desires. Ultimately, he is not so rigid and inflexible that he cannot compromise or see things from your perspective. However, when it comes to matters of principle, he is firm and unwavering.
Dating is a matter of the heart, not the mind. To truly fall in love with him, you must experience the rush and excitement of being with one of the greatest Vikings in history. You must feel the thrill of adventure as you sail the seas in search of treasure and glory, and the warmth of the fire as he tells tales of his conquests. And you must have the courage to join him in battle and stand by his side, even in the face of certain death.
He has an interest in rough sex where he can be as dominant and assertive as he wants without any judgment or repercussions.
He has a particular interest in public play and exhibitionism, where he wants to be seen by others while having sexual relations with you.
One of his passions is exploring various forms of power play and dynamics, such as mistress/master, Dominant/submissive, and daddy/little, and seeing how you respond to these interests him.
He also enjoys engaging in light bondage and restraints, such as using leather straps or handcuffs to bind you to a chair or bed in order to have his way with you.
He especially enjoys teasing you or letting you tease him, knowing that it is both a fun game and a way to build anticipation, leading to an even more gratifying release later on.
He enjoys the feeling of power that comes from being able to make you feel good and give you the pleasure you want. And, of course, he loves seeing your reactions as he pushes you closer and closer to an amazing orgasm.
He loves to take control and tie you up, blindfold you, and tease you until you can't take it anymore. He likes to leave you on edge, building anticipation until you're finally begging for release.
He also plays with ice during sex. He loves to freeze some toys and introduce them into your playtime, letting the ice melt on your body as he brings you ever closer to the edge.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
“you read me well” synastry • Astro Indicators
❥ Positive aspect for potential : conjunction, trine, sextile
Sun / Moon
Sun / Neptune
Sun / Pluto
Moon / Moon
Moon / Neptune
Venus / Jupiter
Venus / Uranus
Asc / Sun
Photo credit @le.sinex
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❥ Sun / Moon
Each finds what they need in the other
The Sun appreciates the Moon's sensitivity. The Moon understands and supports the Sun's ideas, which encourages the Sun.
The Moon expresses feelings and emotions freely and openly, giving the Sun the validation and feedback needed to grow and develop. When they are together, there is a sense of peace, comfort and joy. The Sun enjoys the Moon's companionship and emotional nurturing, which provides a sense of belonging, safety and grounding like a true home.
❥ Sun / Neptune
A well-aspected spiritual attraction and karmic connections
The Sun feels that Neptune brings passionate, refined, and even high-quality spiritual life. You may have common interests in art, religion, or theology.
The relationship between Neptune and the Sun leads to more confidence in Neptune and actively encourages creativity in the Sun's party.
❥ Sun / Pluto
You may share a common dedication to spiritual inquiry, metaphysics, politics or science.
The Sun and the Pluto party can join forces to create revolutionary ideas that reshape society, fueled by their shared energy, motivation, passions, and visions.
Your relationship motivates you to challenge limitations through transformations in pursuit of a higher purpose.
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❥ Moon / Moon
There are no walls or masks between you
This open communication nourishes trust and intimacy in the relationship, creating a safe space for both vulnerability and growth. With your hearts and minds so closely aligned, you form a united spiritual and emotional bond that transcends mere words.
Your authentic sharing of your innermost thoughts and feelings make you feel safe being fully yourself in the other's presence.
❥ Moon / Neptune
You share interests in art, poetry, religion, or meditation. If this relationship continues to develop, there may be a feeling of sacred union between you. The mystical union between you enhances both of them while also forging a complementary whole greater than the sum of its parts. There is a miraculous synergy in your combined creativity, compassion, and spiritual vision.
❥ Venus / Jupiter
There’s is a sense of compatibility and "like-mindedness" between you. You see eye-to-eye on many important issues and principles, giving your relationship a firm foundation of shared values and outlook.
❥ Venus / Uranus
This initial spark has the potential to grow into a deep and abiding love built on mutual respect, trust and understanding. It will require openness, honesty and patience as the euphoria of the honeymoon phase wears off and reality sets in.
❥ Asc / Sun
There is a sense that you are allies and partners, standing together as a united front against life's challenges.
You make each other's lives richer, happier and more fulfilling. Your partnership enhances both your individual growth and your shared goals. You encourage each other's development while pursuing common dreams and visions for the future.
To determine if the connection will work, consider the full chart.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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atomicwrite · 1 year
Random Shadow hc for my fellow shy people! ♡
🖤 Shadow the Hedgehog x Shy!Reader Headcanons
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
⚠ Warnings: None
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
• Shadow would initially be drawn to you because of your shyness. As someone who often keeps to himself and struggles to connect with others, he would find your quiet and reserved nature intriguing.
• At first, you might be intimidated by Shadow's aloof and mysterious personality. But as you two spend more time together, you would begin to see the caring and protective side of him that he usually keeps hidden.
• Shadow would often go out of his way to help you feel comfortable around him. He might take you to places where you feel safe and offer you quiet moments of solitude when you need them.
• Over time, you would open up to Shadow and share your fears and insecurities with him. Shadow would listen patiently and offer you words of encouragement, helping you to feel more confident in yourself.
• As you become more comfortable around Shadow, you might start to initiate physical contact with him. This could start with small gestures like leaning against him or tapping his shoulders.
• Shadow would be patient and understanding with you, always respecting your boundaries and never pushing you to do anything you're not comfortable with. He would always make sure you feel safe and secure in his presence.
• As your relationship grows stronger, you would start to see a softer and more vulnerable side of Shadow. He might open up to you about his own fears and insecurities, and you would be there to offer him comfort and support.
• Despite your differences, Shadow and you would find common ground in your shared desire for safety, security, and a sense of belonging. You would support each other through difficult times and celebrate each other's victories, knowing that you have found something special in each other.
• Shadow would also show you a more playful and carefree side of himself. He might initiate activities like playing games or going on adventures, which would help you feel more relaxed and comfortable around him.
• Your shyness might also inspire Shadow to be more patient and understanding with others. As he spends more time with you, he might develop a greater sense of empathy and learn to be more open and accepting of those around him.
• Shadow might also help you overcome your fears and anxieties by showing you how to confront them head-on. He might teach you self-defense techniques or offer you guidance on how to assert yourself in social situations.
• You might also encourage Shadow to open up and share more about his past and his innermost thoughts and feelings. Through your support and acceptance, Shadow might begin to heal from his own traumas and learn to trust others more.
• As your relationship deepens, you and Shadow might start to rely on each other for emotional support and comfort. You might share intimate moments of vulnerability and honesty, which would help you build a stronger and even more trusting bond. You two really trust each other.
• You might also learn to appreciate Shadow's strengths and abilities, seeing him not just as a protector, but as a skilled and powerful ally. You might feel a sense of awe and admiration for him, which would only deepen your feelings of affection towards him.
• Over time, you and Shadow might find yourselves falling in love, drawn to each other by your shared experiences and the deep sense of connection you have developed. You would learn to communicate your feelings openly and honestly, and build a relationship based on mutual trust, respect, and understanding.
• Sonic might initially be surprised by Shadow's interest in you, but he would likely be supportive of his rival's/friend's romantic endeavors. He might tease Shadow a bit, but ultimately he would be happy to see him finding happiness with someone.
• Rouge might be more observant of your feelings, given her expertise in interpersonal relationships. She might sense the attraction between Shadow and you before you even realize it yourselves. She would likely encourage you to explore your feelings and offer advice on how to navigate a romantic relationship.
• Amy might be a bit more protective of you, given her own history with Sonic. She might be wary of Shadow's intentions towards you at first, but as she sees your relationship develop and sees how happy you are, she would come to accept and support their relationship.
• Omega might not understand romantic relationships, but he would certainly support Shadow and you in whatever makes you happy. He might offer logical advice on how to make your relationship work and provide his technological expertise to help you overcome any obstacles you might face.
• Shadow would likely take a direct and straightforward approach when confessing his feelings to you, while also being mindful of your shyness and discomfort with expressing your own feelings.
• Shadow would start by finding a quiet and private place to talk to you, where you would feel comfortable and at ease. He might take you to a secluded part of the forest or a rooftop where you could be alone.
• He would begin by expressing his appreciation for you, telling you how much he enjoys spending time with you and how much he values your presence in his life. He might point out specific moments where he felt a deeper connection to you, such as when you showed courage or kindness in the face of adversity.
• Shadow would then reveal his true feelings, telling you that he has developed romantic feelings for you and that he wants to pursue a relationship with you. He would be clear and direct, but also respectful of your boundaries and comfort level.
• He would also reassure you that you doesn't need to feel pressured to reciprocate his feelings, and that he values your friendship above all else. He would want you to feel safe and respected, and would be willing to take things at your pace and comfort level.
• Finally, Shadow would offer his support and encouragement, telling you that he is willing to work through any challenges or obstacles you might face together. He would want you to know that he is committed to making your relationship work and that he values you as a person, not just as a romantic partner.
• After Shadow confesses his feelings to you, you might initially be surprised and taken aback. However, as you process his words and reflect on your own feelings, you might come to the realization that you have romantic feelings for him as well.
• You would likely express your feelings to Shadow, telling him that you also have feelings for him and that you want to pursue a relationship with him. You might be a bit shy and nervous, but ultimately you would be honest and sincere about your feelings.
• Shadow would be overjoyed to hear that you return his feelings. He might express his excitement and relief, telling you how happy he is that you feel the same way. He might also express his gratitude for your honesty and vulnerability, telling you how much he values your trust and openness.
• The two of you might share a tender moment, perhaps holding hands or embracing each other. You would likely feel a deep sense of connection and intimacy, knowing that you have finally acknowledged and acted on your feelings for each other.
• From there, Shadow and you would begin to explore your new relationship, taking things at your own pace and enjoying each other's company. You would likely face some challenges and obstacles along the way, but you would be committed to working through them together.
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 6 months
Fascinated by the fact that the Hells (bar Chet and to a lesser extent Ashton) where way more concerned with "winning" the trust scenario by sussing out and neutralizing the doppelgangers than they were actually working together and trusting each other
Because in addition to resulting in not one, but TWO party members making "read their minds and find the doppelganger" their entire plan for the exercise, most of them were working very independently on their own idea of what they should be doing, rather than making a cohesive plan as a group and sticking to it. Because stick to a group plan would have left them vulnerable if the lead voice in developing that plan was a doppelganger
They approached the trust exercise as a game they could win, rather than a lesson they could learn. Which, honestly, also happened with the other two exercises, honesty and communication were also approached by the Hells as more of a task to complete than a learning experience where progress was more important than completion
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seraphic-saturn · 8 months
Mercury Signs Maturity & Immaturity
Mercury in Aries:
Immature: They communicate impulsively and aggressively, often dominating conversations and disregarding others' perspectives.
Mature: They express themselves assertively yet respectfully, fostering open dialogue and encouraging collaborative problem-solving.
Mercury in Taurus:
Immature: They exhibit stubbornness and resistance to new ideas, often dismissing alternative viewpoints without consideration.
Mature: They approach discussions with patience and practicality, fostering a sense of open-mindedness and receptiveness to diverse opinions.
Mercury in Gemini:
Immature: They engage in superficial and scattered communication, sometimes spreading rumors or engaging in gossip without regard for the consequences.
Mature: They prioritize meaningful and insightful exchanges, promoting intellectual curiosity and constructive dialogue that encourages mutual learning and growth.
Mercury in Cancer:
Immature: They become overly sensitive and moody in communication, often taking things personally and exhibiting passive-aggressive behavior.
Mature: They communicate with empathy and emotional intelligence, fostering a sense of nurturing understanding and creating a safe space for honest and vulnerable conversations.
Mercury in Leo:
Immature: They seek constant validation and attention in communication, often dominating discussions and disregarding others' contributions.
Mature: They express themselves with confidence and warmth, encouraging collaboration and mutual respect in conversations that promote a sense of genuine appreciation for diverse perspectives.
Mercury in Virgo:
Immature: They become overly critical and nitpicky in communication, often focusing on flaws and disregarding the bigger picture.
Mature: They engage in constructive and detail-oriented discussions, fostering practical problem-solving and a meticulous approach that encourages efficiency and mutual growth.
Mercury in Libra:
Immature: They prioritize harmony over honesty in communication, often avoiding conflict and sacrificing their authentic opinions to maintain superficial peace.
Mature: They promote diplomacy and fairness in conversations, fostering a sense of balanced and empathetic communication that encourages open dialogue and genuine understanding.
Mercury in Scorpio:
Immature: They exhibit secretive and manipulative communication, sometimes using information as a tool for control and power.
Mature: They communicate with depth and emotional honesty, fostering trust and transparency in conversations that promote genuine connections and mutual growth.
Mercury in Sagittarius:
Immature: They become tactless and argumentative in communication, often dismissing others' opinions without considering their validity.
Mature: They encourage open-mindedness and respect for diverse perspectives, fostering meaningful and insightful discussions that promote personal growth and collective understanding.
Mercury in Capricorn:
Immature: They exhibit rigid and authoritarian communication, often prioritizing authority over collaboration and discouraging open dialogue.
Mature: They communicate with responsibility and leadership, fostering a sense of structure and practicality that encourages mutual respect and effective problem-solving.
Mercury in Aquarius:
Immature: They display rebellious and detached communication, sometimes challenging convention without regard for the impact on others.
Mature: They promote innovation and unity in communication, encouraging collaborative problem-solving and open dialogue that fosters a sense of inclusivity and progressive change for the greater good.
Mercury in Pisces:
Immature: They exhibit vague and escapist communication, sometimes avoiding direct conversations and fostering a sense of confusion and emotional detachment.
Mature: They practice empathy and compassionate communication, fostering emotional connection and understanding in conversations that promote mutual support and spiritual growth.
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