#vlad is so excited danny likes his interests
britcision · 10 months
Okay hear me out
Vlad only finding out Danny is a trans boy because his creepy stalking detects that Danny was googling “packers” and got way too fucking excited
Danny is horrified to receive 20 huge crates of Packers football team merch he just wanted to see if he could get a packer online without everyone knowing
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DPxDC AU: Tim receives an interesting email from DalvCo explaining why the CEO is not to be trusted- It's an internal email and suddenly Tim is experiencing supernatural phenomena. He knows that the two events are absolutely related, but he's going to let the cutie stumble his way through data points and vague threats anyway.
(Sorry this got long lmao)
Tim is exhausted after a long night of staking out a new drug cartel with Hood (which in itself took a lot of energy from both of them to have the patience for the other- things are good, not great)... so right now he's logging into his WE email on the train to his office because he's incredibly late. And while he scrolls and contemplates the failsafes he has to make sure Tam doesn't murder him outright- he sees an unexpected email from Vladimir Masters.
Tim's curiosity is piqued, he'd thought that Vlad would have gotten the hint after Tim dismissed him at that Christmas gala a few years ago. Most people took Tim's snubbing as a fatality in the Gotham socialite scene- Most knew him to be 'an agreeable young man', and Tim's reputation had paid a small price for making Vlad's failed vibe check known to the room. The tabloids blamed it on the champagne glass he had in his hand- Has he mentioned how much he hates Vicky Vale lately??
Tim has a few stops to go and he's pretty sure that he's going to delete the email, but in sleep deprived inspiration, he decides it might as well entertain him while he waits. The letter isn't at all what he expected.
"Hello Wayne Enterprise's CEO Tim Drake, I'm sending you this letter on behalf of the entire Midwest to advise that you, under no circumstances, come into contact with or speak to the CEO of DalvCo Vlad Masters. He is underhanded and utilizes untraceable tactics to procure deals. We have reason to believe you may be targeted in the next few days and hope that you are able to take steps for your own safety to avoid Vlad Masters at all costs.
Sincerely, 👑"
Tim feels bewildered for a moment and then... Like a cat with a new toy mouse. A game was afoot! He needed to track down these hackers, he needed to be their best fucking friend (find out their secrets & Vlads) and he needed to apprehend Vlad ASAP! Untraceable tactics? Tim scoffs, but the challenge excites him.
Arriving at WE, Tam looks ready to throw a knife his way (he reminds her that Pru does it better) and states that if Vlad Masters tries to make an appointment- accept it but give him the run around. Make an appointment and continue to contest it, change it, delay it until Tim is actually ready for him. The lights start to flicker, both of them notice it.
Everytime Tim gets a second to investigate Vlad in his office, the room's temperature drops. Tim notices it, and having experienced a number of supernatural phenomena, he knows it has to be related.
Tim decides not to beat around the bush. He comes back to the office that night equipped with a Ouija board, candles and a bag of other occult accessories. He quickly finds, upon setting up, that there is now a groaning Teenager in front of him- lambasting his efforts and chastizing him for taking a meeting with Vlad. Did he not get the fuckin memo??
Tim quickly begins to ask his questions, grateful to not have to deal with the party game board, and takes diligent notes.
"Right, so, you're just a concerned citizen ghost who knows what kind of nefarious deeds Vlad gets up to, how?" ---
Danny is losing his shit. Here he is, having done all the ground work to tell this guy not to meet with Vlad and he's already got him on the schedule! Danny took a page from Technus' book and transported himself alongside the short email. He didn't get this guy at all! Tim was like, basically the same age and clearly super fucking smart, why was he acting like this was a fucking birthday gift? Scratch that, the dude has a Ouija Board- it's like a lame ass birthday party in here!
Danny cannot help himself but return to the visible spectrum and give this guy a talking to- Which, the atmosphere of a birthday party still doesn't change, for ancient's sake this guy is taking notes with a megawatt smile! He's smiling! Danny just described Vlad taking down like, three American dynasties and the dude is nodding his head along gleefully.
Then suddenly, Danny realizes that he might be on the chopping block. Tim asks his first question and it's not about Vlad at all.
"Er, yeah. Just a concerned ghost citizen." Danny cringes.
"Right, and that's why you hacked into the Mayor of your town's email... Right Tucker?"
Danny blanches, not because the guy knew about Amity Park, but because apparently Tucker's online persona had been compromised. SHIT.
"Uh, I'm not Tucker." Danny attempts to lie- why was he so bad at lying again?!
"Of course you aren't, he's currently playing doomed, but it would have been smart to take the out I offered you. Do you want to tell me your name or do you want me to throw out another random guess? You should know that I've done my homework."
"...It's Danny."
"Certainly not Danny Fenton? Who is, sorry to say it, heir to DalvCo? The same one who totally doesn't have a school record of absences equivalent to well documented town hauntings?"
"Yep." Danny cringes, and giving up the goat, transforms back into his human self, "But seriously dude, you can't meet with Vlad. He'll just... take it all."
Tim blinks at him a few times, and his cheeks flush. Danny desperately tries to ignore that response as well as his own (he knows his ears are red, sue him).
"Right. Well, how would you like an internship? First order of business would be meeting with me and my PA Tam and helping us play ball." The guy has a feral grin. The grin kind of scares Danny, it definitely annoys him and a small part of him is curiously charmed.
"Dude you're not hearing me-" Danny tries before being cut off.
"Yeah yeah, supernatural bullshit is involved, Got that." Tim waves him off. Okay never mind, not charmed at all, Danny is completely annoyed.
"I swear to all the ancients-" Danny has to stop himself to calm down, "Dude consider yourself fucking haunted. I'm not helping you with a suicide mission to talk to the creep and I will be making your ass miserable for deciding to go down this path."
"Is that a promise?" Tim is basically batting his eyelashes at Danny and Danny is desperately trying to ignore that.
"Bet." And then he goes invisible.
"That's cute, pretending to leave me." Tim smirks and Danny can't help but let out an exasperated groan.
As it turns out, Tim is incredibly difficult to spook and his normal haunting methods are not fucking working. Has this guy just, like, seen every single horror movie?
Tim knows this is going to be fun, even if it means not going out as Red Robin for a while... Maybe he should get back into his night photography and give the guy a chance to enhance the creepiness of Gotham? Maybe start going to restaurants alone and get the guy to join him at a secluded two person table? Tim has plans on plans on plans.
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helloilikepurple · 6 months
DC X DP - Danny Drake
Tim's parents didn't intend to have another child. One was plenty. And then an one drunken night resulted in Janet getting pregnant. It's a bit of a predicament, seeing as neither of them want another child (who will need to be fed and raised and stuff) but are also both generally against abortion. So, she rides out the pregnancy, limiting public appearances so it remains secret. She doesn't want to deal with the publicity her being pregnant would get her. It's too much drama. So she keeps it secret from everyone but her husband, and gives birth in a private hospital.
She refuses to sign the birth certificate. She doesn't want this baby tied to her. She doesn't even bother thinking of a name. She gives him away as soon as he's out. A yet-to-be-named newborn Danny is handed off to an orphanage as soon as he can be. The Drake parents go through medical procedures to ensure another pregnancy won't happen.
He stays there for a only a few weeks before an over-eager, excitable couple comes by with their young daughter, in search of a son to teach all their ghostly hunting ways to because for all Jazz, even so young, is smart, she has no interest in their research. Also, Maddie doesn't want to go through another pregnancy since her first one wasn't very enjoyable (she was in a lot of pain for most of those 9 months, basically unable to work on her research).
They see Danny and are quick to adopt him (well, as quick as you can be, but, with it being a Gotham orphanage, it's a lot quicker than it should be). Jack claims he can see the ghost hunter potential in him and Maddie thinks he's adorable. She's excited to have a little baby again to take care of and hold. She'd always wanted a big family, and while 2 children isn't really a lot, it's enough for someone as busy as her. Jazz is excited to have a little brother, and takes to reading books about babies and parenting to better take care of him. She loves holding him, and brags to all her friends about her baby brother, who's undeniably the cutest baby ever.
Danny grows up with the Fentons, not knowing he's adopted. Everything happens as it does in the show. And then, when Danny is 15, his parents take him to Gotham for a ghost hunter convention, Jazz busy with university hunting. Going to Gotham should've been a nice vacation for him. No ghost attacks for a good two weeks. Just Danny in Gotham - with free reign of the most crime ridden city in the world. Yeah this wasn't gonna' go well.
Gotham is dark. The air smells like sewage, death and bitter hope. The people feel like candles flickering in a storm, stubbornly refusing to go out. Danny decides he likes it. The hotel his parents choose is fancy (paid for by Vlad at the insistence that Maddie couldn't stay in some random, run down place after catching wind of their trip). Danny thought it suspicious but figured he'd deal with it when he needed to.
Anyway, Danny has his own room right across the hall from his parents. It's got a queen sized bed, full sized bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub, a walk-in closet, a tv and a balcony. It's very nice. Danny sets his bags down and collapses onto his bed with a huff. He lays there for a minute, and then reaches for his phone to text Jazz, Sam and Tucker that he made it to the hotel safe (something they insisted on).
And then he stews.
Mum and Dad, for all their brilliance, can be forgetful when it comes to their children. Danny basically has free reign to do whatever for most of the 2 weeks they'll be in Gotham (which is his whole winter break and a little of the first week back).
Vlad's invited the Fentons to a few galas he's attending, insisting they'll be able to show off their inventions to a bunch of people. Danny knows its an excuse for Vlad to spend time with Maddie, make digs at Jack, and show him off as if he was his son. He's not looking forward to it, but the offer came with free, great hotel rooms so it could be worse.
(Plus, with Vlad paying he can spurge on room services and bleed him dry.)
Besides, Danny could do whatever he wanted the rest of the time. He could go to the planetarium and stuff. All he had to do was not out himself as a meta-adjacent person in a meta-hating city. Easy peasy.
All in all, what better time for all this to happen than on Christmas?
Honestly, even with the galas, the garish Christmas decorations all over the place, the music, and Vlad, this is seeming like a better Christmas than usual.
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
all masks must come off
DannyMay2023 Day 6: Eclipse
words: 2517
Excerpt: "Eclipses are... hm, kind of like holy days for ghosts." Danny began and Maddie fully relaxed. Ghosts weren't sentient enough to have anything approching religion or faith. "You can't hide under an eclipse. It's night and day both turning their gaze to you and no disguise can bear both the sun and moon's scrutiny."
It was Vlad who told him what would happen, though still in the interest of self-preservation and not any kind of kindness or goodwill. Surprisingly enough, it had been Sidney who further expanded, who explained why it would happen. 
Danny, of course, had known about the upcoming solar eclipse for months, what kind of space Obsessed ghost would he be if he didn’t, after all? The closer it came to time, the more his core vibrated in his chest in excitement.
The closer it came to time, though, the harder it became to hold his form, the more he felt the masks he wore trying to slip.
His idea for the day might be madness, he knew. But… he was tired. Two years of this - of lying, of being shot by them - and he was tired. If they didn’t take it well… well, he knew how to care for himself. It wasn’t like he needed to eat, like all of his human biological processes were more suggestions than requirements. There were plenty of abandoned buildings and he was a ghost, may as well give into cliche if he needed to.
He prayed he didn’t need to. He prayed for their love. Who, or even what, he prayed to, he didn’t know. But he prayed with every fiber of his being that they loved him more than they feared ghosts, even once his mask was stripped from him.
A deep, stuttering breath as he reined in his fear. He knew they would accept him, part of him, he had seen that much courtesy of Freakshow last year. But they hadn’t known it all. They didn’t see the whole truth.
“Mom, dad?” Danny asked, peeking his head around the corner of the lab doorway. Even if he wasn’t half ghost, he would probably do this, to be honest. His parent’s lab safety was absolutely nonexistent - he was proof enough of that. It had half-killed two people.
“Danno!” His father boomed, a wide grin taking up half his face. Danny couldn’t help but smile back, Jack’s exuberance was practically tangible. (And also, outright delicious. Danny loved the taste of happy emotions, the darker ones left bitter tastes in his mouth.)
“What’s up, sweetie?” Mom asked, stepping away from whatever they were tinkering with on the desk and pulling her hood down. 
For a moment, Danny just enjoyed this, hoped it wouldn’t be the last time he was able to do this - absorb his parents’ love for him from the air.
“There’s an eclipse soon. Would you like to watch it with me?” Danny asked, gesturing towards the ceiling and the Ops Center above.
Surprise tinged the air as they looked at each other. He didn’t need to guess what they were thinking about. When he was younger, he had pulled them to the Ops Center so many times to just watch the night sky, it hadn’t even needed to have a notable celestial event happening. He had just been young and adored the stars and wanted to share it with his parents.
He hadn’t asked for anything like that, not even for the meteor shower, since he’d died.
“Of course!” Jack said, setting down the half finished device covered in disconnected wires on his desk.
“We’d love to.” Maddie agreed, though Danny saw the tears she blinked away. He knew they were tears of happiness, though.
He didn’t need to be an emotion eater to know that.
“C’mon, then!” He said, waving his hand to follow as he hurried up the stairs, though he pulled his phone out on his way up and shot a quick message to Tucker.
Hack and disable the suits.
He shoved the phone back in his pocket before getting a response, though the vibration he felt less than a minute later and the faint sound of machinery whirring down that even his ghost hearing struggled to hear were all the confirmation he needed.
His parents followed him all the way up, not even pausing when he dropped the ladder that led them to the top of the Ops Center, where nothing else remained over them. His core sang and he saw the first sliver of the moon begin to pass in front of the sun and he knew his countdown had begun as they each sat down, his parents pulling their hoods back on to protect their eyes, Danny fishing eclipse glasses from his pocket even though he didn’t need them.
“I need to talk to you two.” Danny said, leaping headfirst into whatever destiny determined for him as he felt his hold on his mask begin to shatter.
“Should’ve known, you haven’t asked to spend time with us in years,” Mom teased, but Danny sensed the pain behind her words.
Maddie smiled at her son, though his entire focus was on the slowly disappearing sun above them. Her husband, who sat on Danny’s other side, had a similar smile. It had been so long since Danny wanted anything to do with them, that they weren’t forcing him to do.
“If Jazz or I came back. What would you do?” Danny asked, his gaze never wavering from the show in the sky.
Both parents’ smiles were wiped away, confused frowns replacing them.
“What do you mean, Danno?” Jack asked.
“The Fentons have one rule. What if Jazz or I broke it?”
“The only rule we have is to stay dead,” Maddie said, suddenly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was going. She knew she was being less than subtle when she reached for Danny’s hand, holding it in her own, reassuring herself when she felt the pulse of his heart beneath his skin.
“I know.”
Maddie hesitated. What would they do? Obviously, it wouldn’t be her children anymore, but it would still be an echo of them. Could she hunt something that had once been her child?
It was Jack who ended up answering. “I… I don’t know. I couldn’t shoot something that looked like you, I know I couldn’t. So please move on, if it ever comes to that.” Jack swallowed, pain in his eyes as he even contemplated the idea of their son dying. “Please don’t linger.”
“And if it isn’t that easy? To just move on?” Danny asked. He began to look fuzzy around the edges, though Maddie didn’t even really acknowledge it, eyes full of tears as they were.
“I… I don’t know, Danny.” Maddie admitted. “I couldn’t hurt you. I couldn’t. Not something with your face.”
“It may not look like my face anymore.” Danny said cryptically.
Maddie was still struggling for words when Danny continued.
“Want to know something cool Sam discovered in one of her ghost books?”
“Uh. Uh, sure?” Maddie stuttered out, though some relief settled within her. Clearly, something in Sam’s books had been wrong and had caused a train of thought more painful than Maddie had ever imagined.
“Eclipses are… hm, kind of like holy days for ghosts.” Danny began and Maddie fully relaxed. Ghosts weren’t sentient enough to have anything approaching religion or faith. “You can’t hide under an eclipse. It’s night and day both turning their gaze to you and no disguise can bear both the sun and moon’s scrutiny.”
The moon continued to inch further in front of the sun.
“I…” Danny swallowed harshly. “I didn’t mean to.” He said, pulling off his glasses and tossing them from the roof.
“Danny!” They both yelled in worry, preparing to cover his eyes, but he scooted back too quickly.
Neither knew what to do when green eyes stared down at them. “I didn’t mean to stay.” He repeated and Maddie could no longer deny the fuzziness of his body wasn’t a trick her eyes were playing on her. He looked up at the sky again and Maddie just looked at her husband, shock, fear, worry, grief painting his features.
When she returned her gaze to her son, Maddie’s mind felt oddly empty. She just… she didn’t understand. When did her son die? She had just felt his heartbeat!
But there was no denying she was talking to her son’s ghost as he raised into the air, still with his legs crossed, floating without effort.
“Danny?” Jack whispered, reaching for him. Danny visibly flinched when his father managed to get his hand, but he didn’t pull away, even as Jack pulled him back to the ground. “Danny?” He repeated, pain the like of which Maddie had never heard from her husband in his voice as he grasped both of Danny’s shoulders, as though seeing him for the first time.
“I’m sorry,” Danny whispered back, the faintest hint of an echo seeping into his voice. Still in his father’s hands, he turned slightly to look at her. “I’m sorry.” He repeated, tears slipping from his eyes too.
He returned his gaze to his father and seamlessly pulled away from him, phasing through Jack’s hands. “That… that isn’t all.” He said. The eclipse wasn’t at totality yet, but it was nearly there. “You know two of my masks, my disguises. No one knows what I actually look like anymore. Not even me.”
Danny stood and stepped back away from them. “First, I need you to understand. I didn’t mean to die.” Those words were a knife to Maddie’s heart. “I didn’t mean to come back.” Suddenly, Maddie didn’t care about the stupid old Fenton rule. “But I’m happy. I’m still here. I… I’m still Danny. Still your son.” Maddie could no longer hold back tears at the last statement, how unsure he sounded in those few words despite everything else said with such confidence. No words came to her to say though, the lead in her chest suffocating her as his eyes continued to glow green.
“How long?” Jack asked, slightly lifting up his hood and letting a stream of tears escape. He wasn’t looking at the eclipse anymore.
“A little over two years.” Danny admitted and whatever was left of Maddie’s heart shattered so hard it was nearly audible. That long? How had her son been dead for two years and his parents didn’t know? 
Suddenly all of their ‘malfunctioning’ inventions made a lot more sense.
“But!” He continued, motioning for both of them to look at him. “I’m only half ghost. I… my accident with the portal, do you remember?” Maddie pressed her hand to her mouth as she began to actively, loudly sob.
Her invention had killed her son.
“Half?” Jack asked, emotions wavering in his voice. “That… that isn’t possible, son.”
“People said the same thing about ghosts.” Danny replied simply. “It’s time.”
Maddie could tell when totality hit, even if she hadn’t seen the change in color and light, hadn’t seen it out of the corner of her. Because she saw her son.
Her heart knew it was her son, even if her eyes didn’t.
As soon as the moon fully blocked the sun, he changed. The fuzziness faded from his edges. He grew taller, darker, his hands suddenly too long. He was still humanoid, but only barely. His torso stretched too far, his legs too thin, his face too blue. Inexplicably, she still saw the human in him. His heart shone through the darkness of his chest, his veins glowed. She could see his heart beating. Every time it pumped, his veins burned a very human red, fading to the green of his eyes, only to repeat the cycle at his next heartbeat, the crown floating above him pulsing in tandem. As she watched, a second set of what looked like veins began to glow a solid green, but the shape was wrong. It took her mind a moment to realize this new pattern of thin branches were shaped like lightning and only shot through half his body.
Maddie felt like she should be terrified. The being in front of her was monstrous, the thing children were warned would get them if they misbehaved.
But even as the… the thing in front of her opened his mouth and showed too sharp teeth, she didn’t fear him. He bit nervously at his lip, he rubbed a hand behind his neck.
In his mannerisms, she knew it was still her son in front of her.
Though, as she studied white hair, as the monochromatic symbol glowed on his chest, she wondered how she hadn’t seen it before. How she’d never seen her son in Phantom.
Maybe because Danny Fenton was a human boy and Danny Phantom was a long dead teenager. She’d never looked too closely.
“Mom?” He asked, voice echoing with static beneath, though it did nothing to hide the fear beneath. “Dad?”
Danny had never felt as free as he did in that moment, the restraints of the mask he wore deteriorated to nothing. He had known, for a long time, that the way Phantom looked wasn’t the true way he was, but he’d always been too afraid to see what he may really be under the surface.
Phantom looked human, Phantom didn’t scare the people.
As he yielded to the eclipse, let it unravel every disguise he’d forged, he knew he would return to his costume as soon as he could. His body was too long, too thin, too tall. He could see his veins changing color as his ghost side and human side fought for dominance, could see his death scar glowing brightly in the pitch black that was his skin. His teeth felt too sharp against his tongue, his hair brushed against ears that were too long, a crown he kept trying to refuse weighing him down.
He had never seen this before. Only his death scar, though it remained hidden beneath his jumpsuit.
As free as he felt, he also knew he was horrific.
His parents’ emotions tasted sharper, sweeter, than anything ever had before. The horror and sorrow they felt tasted like ash.
But the acceptance was better, honey-like and with a pleasant aftertaste.
It was their love, though, that tasted better than anything he’d ever experienced before.
“Danny.” His mother said, standing and looking up at him, dwarfing her. He’d be dwarfing his father too right now. Danny hesitated then knelt down onto his knees, so he only towered slightly over her. “My son.” She continued, holding open her arms.
“Mom.” He said, voice breaking as tears spilled from him, as he accepted her embrace.
Jack said nothing, just enclosing his wife and son in his arms.
As they embraced in silence, the moon continued to move, allowing the sun’s light to spread again. Danny felt his masks come back to him and welcomed them, despite the constricted feeling he now was aware of, that had always been there.
When his parents pulled away, it was normal Danny Phantom who stood in front of them, shrunk back to his normal size.
There were a lot of discussions, a lot of guilt he knew he and his parents would have to work through.
But as love filled the air, filled his entire being, nourishment down to his very core, Danny knew it would all be okay. 
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five-rivers · 8 months
Danny doodled absently in the margins of his homework.  He’d gotten into the Astronomy elective this year, and although he’d finished that homework, he wasn’t ready to start on his Language Arts homework.  Instead, he daydreamed, his thoughts drifting slowly from the sun, to satellites, to stars, to planets.  
“Clockwork, are there ghost portals on other planets?  I mean,” he said, revising his question, “could a person travel to another planet, like, um, Mars, using natural portals?”
For a long moment, Clockwork didn’t answer, and Danny sighed, aware that he did sometimes push his luck when it came to Clockwork and questions.  As Clockwork said, he couldn’t give Danny all the answers.  
“That’s an interesting question,” said Clockwork.  
“It is?” asked Danny, sitting up on the couch (which bore a remarkable similarity to the couch Danny’s parents had blown up when he was six).  
“Yes,” said Clockwork.  “It is.”  He moved to the side of the time screen he’d been looking at, letting Danny see it.  
The screen showed a starscape, detailed, bright, and familiar.  Earth’s night sky.  
“A portal may form anywhere that sufficiently captures the soul,” said Clockwork.  
“Like… imagination-wise?”
“That is the most common element in these situations, yes.”  
Danny squinted at Clockwork.  “The way you phrased that is weird.”
“But no less true.”  
“People imagine Mars all the time,” said Danny.  
“So they do,” said Clockwork.  He flicked his hand and the image on the screen dispersed into static, only to resolve into what Danny quickly recognized as the beginning of Sam, Tucker, and his disastrous trip with the Infi-Map.  "But natural portals do not only pierce through space."
Danny floated up off the couch, abandoning his homework.  "Is this your way of telling me that we're going to start finding weirdly old bodies on Mars and stuff?"
"There are other planets than Mars," said Clockwork.  "And more than humans pass through portals."
"Yeah, I know, but Mars was–" he stopped.  "You don't mean planets in this solar system, do you?  You mean– you're talking about things from Earth going to other solar systems."
"It is a possibility."
"But," continued Danny, approaching the screen, "people didn't know about exoplanets until pretty recently.  So, were the portals just aimed at the stars, or…?"
Rather pointedly, the Danny on the screen tumbled from the sixteen-hundreds to Rome.  
"Right.  I guess time, um."  He winced.  "Portals can form regardless of time."
"Nice save," said Clockwork with a raised eyebrow.  
"I'm trying to follow your clues," complained Danny.  He continued to watch the screen.  "Is that just one sided, from the future that knows about things, to the past that doesn't?"
"Were you trapped in the past?"
"No," said Danny, "but we also knew about the future."
"Hm," said Clockwork.  
"I guess I'm trying to ask…  If you had something in, like, I don't know, the time when bacteria started producing oxygen–"
"The Siderian Period."
"Yeah, then.  Could a portal open then, in the, uh, the Siderian Period on Earth, and go through the Ghost Zone, and have the other side be on planet that it could, um.  Live on?  That wasn't Earth?"
"The chances are small," said Clockwork.
"But they exist?" pressed Danny.  
Clockwork waved his hand again, and the screen flickered, going from Danny and Vlad fighting in a coliseum to a cloudy blue-green ocean.  A neon green whirl came to life among the blue, and the point of view zoomed through it, coming to a stop above a gray ocean under a whitish sun.  Bluish water trickled through the tiny portal, splashing into the gray sea.  The color diffused, slowly.  
Danny bounced in the air, excited.  "And it could live?"
"I believe you are the one who told me humans had calculated the odds of a mouse surviving on the surface of the sun for a week."
"Then that means, that means that there could be real alien life that ultimately came from Earth."
"What makes you think this is not Earth?" asked Clockwork, tilting his staff at the screen.  "The sky you know takes much of its color from the composition of its atmosphere.  What makes you think either of them were Earth?”
Danny’s mouth slowly formed an O of surprise.  
"But then," said Danny, “you could basically have a chain.  Life going from one planet to the next and the next after that…  Would things get traded back and forth like that?  Is that where missing links go?”
“Most holes in the fossil record are simply due to chance, or certain organisms being difficult to preserve.”
“But not all of them?”
Clockwork hummed noncommittally.  
“That’s so cool,” said Danny.  “Like, aliens had to exist, either way.  Life happening in one place and not anywhere else– Well, that’s way too unlikely.  But this is really cool.”
“As you have said.”
“But if the crossover is consistent… if it’s consistent, wouldn’t someone have noticed?  I know people disappear all the time, but people showing up out of nowhere is different.  Isn’t it?”
“Remember,” said Clockwork, “the current awareness of your world is a relatively recent development.  For most of human history, if a new group of people arrived in an area, and local people were not able to recognize where they came from, they simply assumed they were from somewhere far away, but still knowable."
"Well…  okay.  I can see that.  Just.  Wow."  He leaned back in the air, still caught in a sense of wonder.  "There could be whole civilizations out there…  Imagine if we could make portals that go to those places and visit.   I know there's the Infi-Map, but still."
"There are reasons that ghosts no longer seek such things out, except for the foolish and the power-hungry."
"Oh," said Danny, but he only deflated a little bit.   
Danny righted himself to look at Clockwork.  "Yeah?"
"It may come, someday, that you will ask a question that seems to have no answer, or encounter a situation to which there seems to be no solution.  Think back to this when you do."
"Okay," said Danny.
"Now, get back to your homework. I know you haven't done it all." 
Danny stuck out his tongue and flitted back to the couch.  Clockwork was right, but he didn’t have to say it.
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt: The Lack of a Hero Complex
Once Danny publicly shames Vlad into returning the status quo of Amity Park, Danny also stops ghost fighting.
The Human Trio and Vlad confront Danny about his lack of action. The Human Trio finally gets a taste of the sleep deprivation Danny experienced when he didn't want to burden them from their schedules while the property damage continued to tarnish Vlad's public reputation. Danny just laughs.
Sam, completely livid at the lack of reaction: Who’s going to protect the town, Danny?
Danny gets up from the couch and looks directly into Vlad's eyes: Yeah, Vlad, how do you plan on protecting your town?
Danny lightly chuckles while he goes down to the lab where the Fenton Parents were working. He was just gonna play on the family computer while his Dad would boast about their latest idea.
The human trio:
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When the ghosts who come to directly harass Danny, he decides he just needs to be completely honest with each of them.
Danny: Listen, I'll admit I kinda had fun with the bantering, but I want to focus on better things now. I was never really interested in any of you.
The Ghosts:
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The results?
Vlad has to set up legit ghost detectors all over the city and properly hire the Fentons for protection. Vlad hoped that the hiring would gain him favor from Maddie, but he finally got to see how she really was compared to his idealized version. Their constant public damages made Vlad's reputation even more tarnished, and their lack of change despite him personally talking to them about it makes him grow equal resentment towards both of them. It gets to the point where Vlad just sets up the same ecto repellent he uses to keep ghosts from escaping his portal back in Winsconsin. The extra paperwork he has to do now governing is not worth the mess he caused. Political power wasn't as worth it as he thought it would be.
The Human Trio gave Danny the cold shoulder for a while, but that just gave him some well needed alone time to raise his grades. He even finally got to join the astronomy club like he planned before the portal accident. They were a very chill group and welcomed him to sit with them at lunch, so he was never alone. Dash tried to start their usual routine, but that was immediately hauled by the club leader.
Dash wasn't clever enough to figure out how to respond to being called 'Pussy Lips' by a girl, so he just kinda sulked away.
Dash will say the occasional snarky comment, but he never bring himself to get too close to Danny after a club member told Danny to tell Dash and the other football players they could take turns sucking him off after their club meeting. Dash just wasn't clever enough to get things back to normal.
Though the club members weren't A-listers, they weren't at the bottom, so Danny social life became better.
The Human Trio tried to continue on like before, but they were soon caught ghost hunting by the Fentons. There was no punishment, just overactive excitement, seeing they were finally interested in Ghost Hunting. Now, having to join the Fentons whenever there was a ghost detected, the fun of it is zapped away for them, making the tiredness not worth it anymore. The three eventually apologized to Danny, which he accepts, and the group finally accepts the new changes.
There are many things that can upset a ghost, but the universal act that can anger any core is being ignored. Even with the ecto repellent, the stronger ghosts manage to get through and try to get Danny's attention. The boy always just texts Vlad about how he sucks at his job and to take care of the disruption. The ghost eventually pick up that their violent outburst aren't working, so it gets to the point that they try to get his attention another way.
They tried to coax him with things they believed he liked. It is comparable to how Hyper Cat-lovers try to get a shy cat to love them.
Lunch Lady offers him a freshly made meal when he's low on money one day. He thanks her but says he had a big breakfast.
Ember tries to act like their best friends in front of the A-listers, so Danny will become more popular at school. He greets her but continues on his stroll like she was a typical citizen.
Technus offers to give Danny the answer key to all the tests for his classes, but he denies this offer instantly. He'll never cheat on a test ever again.
It got to the point that Skulker said he would drop the promise of getting Danny's pelt if he just let him see his ghostly form. Creeped out, Danny just backed away. He was thankful Valerie was close by.
Box Ghost actually got somewhere when he offered a three-dimensional solar system model. It was in a box he had, so Box Ghost offered it to Danny. He accepted it as the one in the club was showing its age.
This seemed to make these random ghost visits even more frequent. Danny guessed Box Ghost bragged about his 'accomplishment'.
Basically, the ghosts' obsession to defeat Danny changes to them wanting his attention. Vlad’s obsession becomes solely focused on Danny as he just finds Maddie and Jack so annoying now. Like, Vlad just wants to get custody of Danny and get the hell out of Amity Park. He doesn't even want to kill the Fentons now out of fear that they will become ghosts.
After the Ember incident, the A-listers kept trying to buddy up to him. However, Danny learned how they really were, so he just treated them the way he treated ghosts. Now, it seemed they were just as desperate.
Danny will turn into Phantom only when it's necessary, that or he's in the mood to fly. The downside to this change is that whenever he does transform, he always has an entourage of attention-starved ghosts following behind him. He can't even imagine how things would be if he went to the Ghost Zone.
For those who want to know the members of the astronomy club-
For those who want to see the club room-
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 20
wooo we hit chapter 20!! yeaahhh
Beautiful, sunlit beaches blanketed the coastline underneath the street level where colourful tiles crisscrossed. An umbrella kept the heat away from the rustic wooden table at which the Fenton family, minus their youngest, and Bruce Wayne sat. The SAV sat peacefully by the pier where they had disembarked.
They had been sailing for the better part of the afternoon, finally stopping to pick up lunch at Jazz’s insistence. Mr Wayne’s insisted on paying, ever the rich philanthropist.
Jazz Fenton couldn’t be more worried, although she had to hide it. Sitting opposite her, Mr Wayne idly chatted with her parents about their college days. Once she knew what she was looking for, it was painfully obvious that he was interrogating them for information on Vlad Masters, another billionaire thorn in the family’s side (not that her parents knew).
She fidgeted. Her foot tapped repeatedly on the stop, arched to not make sounds that would give her state of general anxiety away. Once she told Tucker what was happening, the boy had gotten to work right away. It would take some time to locate the files containing the specs for the newest inventions, and then more time to analyse them and pinpoint what damage she could do.
She’d need to call Sam next. Tucker had given her the number for Sam’s spare, although there was no guarantee she’d be able to answer soon.
Until then, Jazz was on her own. She picked at her sweet and sour fish broth soup, rolling the tomato chunks around. If she gave herself food poisoning somehow, that might give the boys potentially a week to get away. Then again, there was an equal chance one of her parents would stay with her while the other went with Bruce.
As it was, she could definitely malinger a stomach issue, and delay them for maybe half an hour. Sirens swam quickly, so that time could be valuable for them.
“What about you, Jasmine? What got you interested in psychology?” Came Bruce Wayne’s baritone. Shit.
Jazz was startled out of her thoughts. Before she could open her mouth, she did an awareness check. A mental checklist of where she was and what she needed to do and not do appeared in her head. If she tipped off this man, then it could very lead to her brother underneath a scalpel. No pressure at all.
“Uhm, well. Mr Wa- Bruce.” Jazz found herself stuttering when talking about psychology for the first time in her life. Dammit. She looked to the side, where her father nodded like an excited puppy. Not helping, dad.
“Well I’ve always been interested in people, you see.” Jazz kept a close eye on Bruce Wayne’s posture, studying him. “What makes them upset. What makes them happy.”
She side-eyed her parents. On one side, her mother glared viciously at her fried fish. On the other, her father arranged fries into smiling faces.
“With this family, I’ve had a lot to think about.” That was a good start, right? With any luck, he would be the one to give something away, something she could use against him.
Bruce Wayne chuckled, an easy (fake?) smile worn like a mask. “I can certainly relate. Many times my boys have left me pulling my hair out. It’s a chaotic house most days.”
That was right! Jazz recalled the preliminary research she had done earlier in the day. Bruce Wayne was known to be an endlessly kind man, but suffered several interpersonal issues over the years. One was the notorious apparent teenage tantrum thrown by an 18-year-old Dick Grayson, shortly before his second son, Jason was adopted.
The less said about Jason’s unfortunate fate, the better. Although he may have been brought back, somehow??
She wasn’t sure whether to envy his therapist or not.
It had been exhausting teasing the truth out of the myriad gossip articles on the Wayne family. If Danny were here, he’d bully her relentlessly for going back on her noted disdain towards the ‘shallow and vapid celebrity news industry dedicated to turning private interpersonal conflicts into products to be consumed.’ Oh how the mighty have fallen.
What she could be reasonably sure of was that the present-day family dynamics of the Waynes were testy, to say the least. Apparently their youngest, the Damian who had disappeared into the waves just two days ago, had been dealing with violent tendencies for some time and had no patience for entertaining the elites like his brothers used to. And that was just the public stuff.
Right. She could work with this.
“Was it difficult? In the early days, with your first son.” Jazz said, putting on tones of sympathy and empathetic connection, the kind she would use when she’d try to get Danny to open up.
A pained look came over Bruce. That was good!
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to poke any sensitive issues.” She added with false franticness. The longer the ball was in Bruce Wayne’s court, the better.
Mr Wayne waved her off. “No, it’s fine. Just old memories.”
“Are they fond memories?”
“Yes. It was the happiest time of my life. There was a lot of adjustment. I was a bachelor in my twenties, and suddenly I had an entire child in my hands. Dick had me running around like a headless chicken half the time.”
“Did it get easier?” Jazz asked. The billionaire’s eyes almost glazed over.
“Not particularly. If anything, things got harder. I learned very quickly that experience raising one child does not entirely transfer to another.”
Oh, that was good. Jazz filed this information into her mental notebook.
“But enough about me and my old man troubles.” With that endlessly disarming smile, she could tell why people fell for the playboy turned beleaguered father. “If you’re looking for a good psycho-analysis, I’m afraid I’m a bit basic compared to what Gotham has to offer.”
Drat. Was she that obvious? No, he’d just talked about her psychology interest. She could handle this easily. She just needed to be careful what she said, and didn’t say.
“I guess you could say I’m interested in non-traditional family dynamics. My parents have always been… eccentric.”
“That’s the Fenton way!” Her father shouted. Several other patrons looked at them scathingly. “Too bad Jazzpants hates siren hunting almost as much as… as…” Her father’s expression sank.
That calculating look came back in full force. Dammit dad! She needed to salvage this.
“My feelings towards my parents’ profession aside, the evidence points very strongly to Phantom being connected to my brother’s disappearance. I may not enjoy the siren hunts, but my brother comes first. What else can I do? Sit home and do nothing?”
Her father clapped her back, grinning proudly. “You wouldn’t be doing nothing, sweetie! You’d be keeping Vladdie company!”
Yeah… Jazz mustered all her will power to hide the cringe.
 “And besides, have you seen my parents when they’re at work? Yesterday they spent like 36 hours straight preparing the SAV with only one single break.” Jazz’s head fell back. “They’d probably forget to eat if I weren’t here.”
“Hey that’s not true, Jazz! Your mother and I are excellent at this work-life balance you always babble about. Yesterday we took two breaks instead of one. Progress!”
Jazz gestured to her father with an exasperated sigh. “See what I mean?”
Bruce Wayne hummed. His head tilted in thought as he sampled his mackerel. “Have you always been this responsible, Jasmine?”
“Of course! Look, I may be sixteen, but I very much possess the maturity of an adult. If it’s my job to wrangle this family into healthy habits, then so be it.”
Bruce Wayne appeared to have something to say about that. Jazz’s phone buzzed at that moment, having been turned silent earlier. It was Tucker, you miracle worker.
She shot up from her chair, twisting her expression into an agonisied grimace. “Sorry I think I’m having a bathroom emergency. I’ll be right back!”
Jazz dashed away, feeling perfectly fine in the stomach, except for her nerves.
“I have questions.” Damian told him. They were well on their way south now, Danny’s tail swishing away at top speed. Mostly the boys stayed silent, enjoying each other’s company and the rushing of water.
“Shoot.” Danny said.
“Are you a male? Or is this merely an assumption that others have made?”
Danny sputtered. The question almost knocked him off course with how sudden it was. “W-What? Why would that be a question?”
Damian hummed. “My brothers have taught me not to make assumptions. In addition, siren biology seems heavily based off of fish, many of whom are hermaphroditic in some way.”
“Which leaves us with the question. What am I to call you? For most of time together, I have been thinking of you as a male. Was that incorrect of me to do so?”
Danny’s eyes subconsciously drifted to his navel. Was he actually biologically male anymore? He’d always assumed so, but being a half-siren in a siren-hating down didn’t leave much time to learn siren anatomy in and out.
Had he been a girl this entire time? No way… No, he always acted the same as he always acted. If he was a boy before being turned, and acted the same, he could be a boy now, right?
“Uhhh yes. I think I’m a boy. Maybe.”
“For that matter, I would like to inquire how sirens reproduce. Surely the turning of humans is not the only way your species increases its numbers?”
Danny’s face heated to boiling. Blue blushes crept down his cheeks and covered his neck. “Maybe you could ask your dad about human reproduction first?” He squeaked.
“I am already aware!” Damian grouched. “I believe I deserve to know the specifics of the body which I have been forced into.”
“What if I told you I didn’t even know where siren babies came from?” Which was a sad, sad lie, bullshit that Damian clearly saw through.
Danny threw his hands up, which threw off his balance for a moment. “You’re tiny. Can you guarantee your dad won’t sell me to the GiW for telling you this stuff?”
“I absolutely can.”
“Not the point! Please ask something else. You ain’t getting crap out of me on that front. I am like Davy Jones’ locker. Zip. Shut. Tight. Not happening.”
Damian seethed. This close, Danny could feel the kid’s chest vibrate with growling sounds.
“Very well. What are sirens classed as?”
“Inhuman non-sentient sea monsters bent on the destruction of humans.”
His back stung as Damian slapped him with his tailfin. “Biologically!”
“I dunno! Do I look like I have a marine biology degree?” Danny shrugged.
Damian lowered his head. “So you are uneducated.”
“Hey, rude!” Biology was never Danny’s strong suit. His mother was the one with the however many PhDs. And Sam was the one campaigning for animal rights every other week. He was more of a space guy! This was not new information to Damian! “You tell me! You’re the kid with the animal obsession.”
“I shall lay out the evidence. On the one hand, we possess scales, gills and fins, like all fish do. However, the heat your blood, despite the cold water suggests warm-bloodedness. Furthermore, I have paid very close attention to you, and the female sirens we met in your cave.”
“And what did you see?” Danny tilted his head back.
“The nipples.” Damian ground out. “Which suggests breastfeeding, which is a mammalian trait. However, I am not sure if my own are because of my former status as a human. That is why I must ask you this.”
This was definitely going to be awkward. Danny preemptively suppressed the cringe reflex.
“Do sirens breastfeed?” Damian asked. Danny blanked at that one. Yeah. That question was a hard no clue. “Have you ever breastfed?”
Damian. Oh Damian. Kids just say the darnedest things. Damian. Danny’s cheeks heated up again. He squeaked out an answer. “N-no! I’ve been on my own in the ocean.”
Damian narrowed his eyes at him. Did suspicion have a smell? Because Danny felt like it did, and he was smelling it.
“Do siren parents not take care of their children?” Damian finally asked.
Danny thought back to Youngblood, how Ember basically made him her younger brother (which made her teasing of him for having Damian around totally hypocritical). It was in this moment that he realised he didn’t know any sirens outside his normal enemies. 99% of all times he had interacted with another siren. Hell, any other sea person, was when he was fighting them.
“Danny? Danny?” Damian’s voice raised.
Danny shook his head. “Sorry, I’m just thinking…”
He sounded so pitifully sad in that moment. When a series of familiar whale calls breached the surface, he eagerly welcomed the distraction.
“We’ve caught up to the whale pod!”
Damian gasped, attention turned fully away from his interrogation. “Where are they?”
Danny carried him forward, surging to greet Damian’s new friends again. However, what he saw chilled him.
About a hundred feet away there was a small boat with a flat open deck, a dingy vessel with barnacles coating its hull, and men carrying harpoons and operating cranes, pulling in a net that thrashed violently. And on the deck, tied up by rope and netting, was a baby whale.
Damian swore in a language he didn’t understand. Danny swore too.
Damian’s fins shot ramrod straight. His teeth bared with an inhuman growl. His hand went to the sword sheathed at his waist. He itched to sink it into the bodies of these treacherous men.
“Wait.” Danny said. Wait!? What a preposterous thought. They needed to save Dorothea and her pod now.
“Are you insane!?”
His companion’s voice lowered dangerously. “You realise if we attack them, then the GiW will know, right? The whalers will call for help, or get to shore and it’ll be on the news. We’ll be hunted again.”
Damian did not hesitate. “Do you intend to prioritise our own safety over that of an endangered species being poached illegally?”
Danny shook his head. “Nah. Let’s go fuck them up.”
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radiance1 · 9 months
Let's combine your most common AUs
Instead of a teddy bear, 5 year old Danny has a plushy eastern dragon when he has his portal accident
Alternately, teen Danny gains the power to turn into a bear. Maybe an Ursa from MLP:FiM. Aragon probably still wants him for being a magic star bear in that case
Forgive me for the late response.
Hm, a two in one that I'm not sure which to do, so why not both!
Danny's favorite mythical creature was the eastern dragon, so much so that he begged his parents for a plushy of one for his birthday, they ordered one, and then he got one.
He's only ever been so happy when he found out about the wonders of space.
Despite his parents multiple attempts at trying to get him involved in Ghosts, he's just been spending his time playing around with his plush imagining both of them flying through space on super dangerous missions or exploring.
Of course, the one time he was interested in one of his parents inventions was because they said that the place they were trying to get too was basically like space.
As in, they meant the vastness of it and the unexplored territory.
But Danny took it as that it actually was space, and got extremely excited over it, much to his parents glee because he was finally showing interest in their work.
None of them could have guessed the fate that would befall such an interest, however.
An amount of time later, when his parents and sister were dead asleep, Danny sneaked his way down into the lab. Bypassing the security systems by using the methods he watched his parents do, not that they were sneaky with it, but they probably didn't expect him to remember them either.
So, in the dark of the lab, flashlight in hand, dragon plush in the other. He approached the portal. His parents said it was incomplete, but looking at it he didn't really see anything wrong with it, something about a power source and a few kinks they had to iron out that he booted from his mind. So, Dany stepped inside, just to look around, then he saw a random hole (where a button is supposed to be) and then, with his brilliant 5-year-old mind and under zero adult supervision, stuck his flashlight inside it to look around.
Such was the case of it somehow turning on, zapping Danny, his plush, and his flashlight all at once and remaking him into the body of a plush dragon boyo.
He was ecstatic at first when he found himself his plush toy because its cool, confused the next because he was glowing, even more so confused when he looked around and saw green and floating islands.
This wasn't space.
He didn't know how to get home, so he went exploring to try and find one.
Never has Danny so hated yet loved an ability of his.
Turning into a bear was never on his list of things he thought would ever happen to him, despite having fought an alternate him from a different timeline. Danny just, never thought that far about things like this.
Of course, an instant plus for him was that there were literal stars floating around inside his body and, if he concentrated enough, he would be able to form any constellation he wanted to!
The size was another plus, along with the physical strength that came with it. He could literally look down on anyone he wanted to, which is always good in his opinion.
Of course, the part he hated came in the form of an enemy previously forgotten and discarded, coming back for round 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Trying to force him into a marriage.
Recently, he's just been slapping the guy around for a bit because leaving. But Prince Aragon was many things, surprisingly persistent was one of them, even if Danny could always be sure of his victory, it was annoying to the farthest reaches of space and back how many times he keeps coming back.
Of course, Danny had to vamoosh as soon as Prince Aragon came close to beating him even once, which is way too many times in his opinion. Hell, he even got Vlad of all people to help him cover for him when he went on the escape (how Jazz managed to do it, he would never know).
He eventually ended up in some random mountain, that's surprisingly furnished as if someone lived here, yet also extremely dusty and rundown as if it was abandoned. Then he decided, hey, why not just live here?
He just needed to fix it up a bit, which was require him to be human-ish (same as Dragon Danny, except this time with the bear paws, ears, tail and that) to get at the places that need a smaller and more dexterous hand.
Eventually, he did manage to clean up the place to relatively working order! Maybe replace some things, like that TV, but all in all he's happy with what he did!
What he wasn't happy with however, is these random people pulling up to his place and calling it their base.
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soup-spoonn · 3 months
The boy at the gala pt.2
“So, you’re telling me that this kid knocked out the joker with one blow, and asked for help while getting in a car with Vlad freaking Masters? And we’re supposed to believe that?” Dick asked incredulously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it? This kid could be in trouble and we need to figure out how to help him.”
“He knocked out the joker with one blow, how much danger could he possibly be in?”
“I don’t know, but he asked for help so we need to do whatever we can.”
Bruce was doing research on Masters and found that he adopted the boy, who’s name is Daniel James Fenton, who’s family unfortunately passed in a lab accident a few months ago. The police department suspected foul play was involved, but didn’t investigate for some unknown reason.
“This is getting interesting.” Dick said, leaning closer to the monitor.
“Daniel, why did you do that?!” Vlad started yelling as soon as they arrived at his mansion.
“I told you I didn’t wanna be there. And anyway, he was gonna hurt that little girl!”
“You couldn’t have left it to the city police department? It’s kind of their job!”
“They wouldn’t have arrived in time! I didn’t want anyone to get hurt!”
“Okay and what about you? What if you got hurt?!”
“That’s not gonna happen, I’m half dead, remember?!”
Vlad turned red, which is apparently something he does when he’s angry.
“That still means you’re half alive, and still in danger!”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?!”
“I could turn you in to the GIW whenever I want to! You’re legally not sentient, not human!”
Danny tensed at the mention of the GIW. He couldn’t believe Vlad would stoop so low as to threaten him with… them.
“What does that make you?” Danny asked, leaving Vlad standing in the middle of the entryway with a shocked expression.
Danny went upstairs to his room, which he decorated with stars and planets stuck to his ceiling and lights where the stars are.
He almost sprinted to his laptop and started a video call with Sam and Tucker when he saw what time it is, 6:59.
They made it a little tradition of theirs to call exactly at 7:00 PM every night.
They picked up almost immediately.
“Danny!” They yelled in unison.
His core felt safe hearing their voices.
“Hi guys, how’re you?”
“Good, we took a test today, you would’ve totally aced it.” Sam said.
“It was on the solar system!” Tucker said, excited.
“I think we only might’ve passed because of your ranting for hours” Sam giggled, “anyway what did you do today?”
“I went to another stupid party with Vlad.”
“Where was it?” Tucker asked.
“Some weird place called Gotham City. It was super boring, and we had to take a jet to get there.” Danny paused, “something weird did happen though,”
“What happened Danny?” Sam asked, looking genuinely curious.
He smiled and continued, “some weird clown guy and his annoying goons came in and started monologing, he was gonna hurt a little girl though, so I knocked him out. Everyone was super surprised, am I supposed to know who he is?”
“Wait you said in Gotham?” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, why?”
Sam and Tucker exchanged a look.
“That was the joker, he regularly attempts to kill everyone in gotham but there’s a guy who dresses like a bat and stops him.”
“So someone who regularly attempts mass murder and a furry vigilante both live in Gotham? Weird”
Sam and Tucker started laughing when he said that.
“There are more too!” Sam said.
“What, furry vigilantes, or mass murderers?”
“Both!” Tucker choked out.
Danny felt a smile tugging at his face, the type of smile that he only has when he’s talking with Sam and Tucker.
A genuine smile.
“Daniel, dinner!” He heard from down the stairs.
Danny groaned and apparently Sam and Tucker heard too, who tensed at the sound of Vlad’s voice.
“Guys, I have to go. Vlad gets all pissy when I don’t eat dinner with him, and I just yelled at him so I’m in deep shit already.”
“Okay, bye Danny, we’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Sam said.
“Bye Danny, visit soon!” Tucker said before Danny smiled and closed his laptop.
Danny really does want to visit, he just doesn’t think Vlad would even consider letting him.
I could totally just leave…
Danny shook his head as if to get rid of the thought.
No, not again.
“Daniel! Dinner!”
Danny groaned again and stormed down the stairs to see Vlad at the table, accompanied by a man in a white business suit.
No way he actually followed through with it.
“Hello, Daniel.” The man said.
part one:
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nanaarchy · 9 months
okay so ! prompt time
dp x dc girlies (gender neutral) where y'all at
feel free to use this >:D
red hood met someone in his neighborhood this past week. a new... ally, not a friend, a bit older than tim. dante is... chaotic, always falls into his shenanigans, immediately found out about his identity and is keeping some secrets. and clearly this guy has nowhere to go, just look at him, so hood lets him crash in one of his safehouses. that's all. he definitely doesn't feel somewhat protective over him. no way.
nightwing has been taking care of this one kid on the down low. he doesn't want to admit it yet to the rest of the family, cause he just doesn't know enough about this kid. but ellie is just so lovely! she's a sweetheart and her puns are hilarious. she's obviously some sorta meta, and she's definitely homeless, so he needs time to figure things about before the batfam meets her. it's only been a few days. he'll tell them eventually. maybe tomorow.
tim drake's new friend CANNOT stop himself from getting in trouble. that danny boy finds himself in every unlucky situation possible - both at gotham u and in the pits of gotham's criminal activity. they've met like, a week ago, and danny's already been in every possible messy situation. he's from... amity plane? or something? he couldn't really find anything on the town, but he was gonna have to look. tim just hoped this new friend of his had any relatives, or else burce would want to... oh no.
barbara gordon's new coworker is interesting. just like her, the new redhead works at the library part-time. apparently jazz is staying here while she waits for her acceptance as arkham's new resident psychologist. why would anyone want that job? at least damien seems to like her - he came to visit her once, and jazz immediately knew how to deal with the feisty little guy. maybe the rest of the fam could meet her some day.
bruce wayne's really old friend has surely made a life for himself. They met when they were both young - some small gala, he barely remembers it. but vlad masters' ambitions led the two of them to meet a lot more often. they're friends, beyond the whole cheerful rich guy persona. bruce genuinely is very interested in the guy - both for their genuinely lovely conversations, and for all the secrets bruce is sure vlad hides.
so when vlad is visiting one day, bruce suggests a family dinner. alfred is very excited to call all the batkids that day. surprisingly, all of them individually decided to bring guests! who would've thought. alfred just hopes he can keep everything in line.
maybe the dinner guests are normal, for once. please let the guests be normal.
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timeoutsoup · 1 year
Dig You A Grave
Part 4
They eventually stumbled upon an abuelita selling tamales from coolers, at the mouth of an alley. The sketchier the place the better the Tamale.
After buying 4 dozen and a few waters, the boys find a park to eat in.
“So, what is this exactly and how do I eat it?” Klarion asks as he holds up the tin foil wrapped item.
“You’ve never had a Tamale before? Well, you are in for a treat. A tamale is a thing of masa or corn dough that has a bunch of different kinds of filling, is wrapped in a corn husk or banana leaf, and is then steamed to perfection.” The halfa waxed poetically.
Klarion watched as Danny unwrapped the first layer of tin foil, and then the corn husk, taking a huge bite out of the still steaming dough. He then mimicked the actions with his own and was shocked at the taste of this seemingly simple dish. He had never had anything like this before. He is pretty sure no one from Limbo Town had.
“This is amazing. I’ve never had anything like this before.” Klarion said before scarfing down the rest of his and grabbing another. This one is marked ‘mole’. “’Mole’? Is this one made with mole meat?” Klarion asked excitedly. He had never heard of a dish where mole was served.
Chuckling Danny replied. “No, it’s not made with mole. It’s pronounced ‘mol-a’ and it’s a sauce or maybe marinade, that is kinda earthy, kinda nutty and has chocolate in it, but it isn’t sweet like a chocolate bar. It’s good, trust me.” He also grabs a ‘mole’ marked tamale.
Excited to try a new form of chocolate, the witch boy digs in. This one is just as tasty as the previous one but has that lovely hint of chocolate.
The two sit in silence, with only Teekl’s content purring, as they enjoyed their lunch, each feeding the tabby bits of chicken. By the time they finished, 16 tamales were gone. (Teekl ate an entire chicken tamale by herself.)
Klarion was full and was enjoying just resting in this park with Teekl and Danny. Being so far from his familiar, for so long had worn him out. While he felt much better now, he could really use some rest and relaxation. Maybe he should spend some time here. He could cause chaos anywhere, but Amity seemed to have some that occurred naturally, and it would be nice to just watch and enjoy it instead of always having to cause it and then deal with heroes or worse a Lord of Order. Besides maybe having a friend who doesn’t know you are an all-powerful Chaos Lord could be nice, at least for a little while.
Danny stretched his arms over his head, enjoying the nice day, with a full stomach, and good company, when a question pops into his head.
Danny lowered his arms and began to scratch Teekl’s back. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what did Vlad do to make you fight a bunch of heroes and destroy his lawn? Not that he doesn’t deserve it, but inquiring minds want to know.”
Klarion looks over at his companion and debates on what to tell him. He has already decided to leave the light, so giving up some of their secrets and plans wouldn’t hinder anything he had coming up. Also, Danny seems more interested in the fact of whose stuff was stolen and destroyed, than why.
“Well to be honest. This Vlad just had something I needed, and those junior justice jerks tried to stop me. The property damage was just a bonus.” Danny smiled at this.
Before their conversation could continue, Danny’s phone began to buzz. It was Tucker and Sam asking where he was and if he was coming back to school. With a groan Danny replied.
“Ugh. I need to get back to school. Apparently, the administration isn’t going to dismiss us for the day, even though everyone’s lunch was basically ruined.” Danny slid down the bench, slouching, but sat right back up, turning to face Klarion. “This was fun though. And it was nice to spend a little more time with Teekl. Maybe we could hang out again?” Danny asked, averting his eyes at the end.
Klarion smiled. “I would like that. And I would be a miss if I denied Teekl the ability to visit you.”
“Well the best way to contact me is by text.”
Klarion grinned wide. “Are you asking for my number Danny?”
Blushing hard, he replies by handing over his phone with the contacts open. Klarion quickly put in his info and handed the device back, quietly thanking Tim for convincing him to get a cell. “Alight then. now it’s your turn.” Passing Danny both phones.
“Okay, all done.” The blue-eyed teen states as he hands the phone back and stands up getting ready to leave.
“Well until next time.”
“Until next time.” Danny agrees, as he grabs half of the remaining food and waves goodbye, as he starts to head in the direction of his school.
Once he is out of sight, Klarion looks down at Teekl. “You have a great read for people, but I’m still upset you left me alone for so long.”
“You are quite right. There is plenty of time for you to explain everything, and for me to plan revenge on the Light, but first let’s head back, I am still very tired.”
Klarion stands up, opening his arms for Teekl to jump into. “Hmmm, maybe Danny would like the book I stole for the Light.” The witch boy mutters to himself as he teleports them back to their home.
Once out of sight, Danny ducks into an alley and transforms. He zips back to school excited to share what happened with Sam and Tucker as well as give them a few Tamales to make up for them missing lunch. In a matter of minutes, he is near the school. He de-transforms and continues on foot to class.
He gets seated and hands his friends a few tamales each. Vegan ones for Sam and one of each meat for Tucker. They are very grateful for the food. He even slips two to Wes, who gave up trying to expose his secret identity last year and has been a pretty decent person now. Even got some of the other bullies to lay off him a few times.
The last few classes of the day drag on, as the three friends impatiently wait. When the final bell dismisses them, they sprint out the door and down the hall to freedom.
Once they were far enough from the school, and close to Fenton Works, they began to talk.
“Okay so how did your fluffy house guest get out, and more importantly end up at school?” Tucker asked.
“And who was that guy in all black and devil horn hair, who chased after you?” Sam followed up with.
“Well to answer Sam’s question first, that was Klarion, Teekl’s person. And for your question Tucker, apparently, she is a mischief maker. So, she most likely got out not too long after I left and followed me, and then once in the school made her way to the cafeteria.”
“Huh. That makes sense. Okay dude, next question. Why aren’t you all sad about Teekl being gone? You looked miserable this morning?”
“Well Tuck, Klarion said that he would visit and bring Teekl. So, I will still get to see her. I mean, yeah, I am sad that she left but knowing it’s not forever makes it hurt a lot less.”
“Okay now that all of that is cleared up, where did you and Klarion run off to?” Sam asked, giving Danny a pointed look.
The young halfa began to blush and stutter, trying to get his words to make a complete sentence. “Um. Well... You see… No not that… We ended up… Um.”
“Come on dude. Spit it out.”
“We ended up in the park eating tamales, we exchanged numbers and I don’t know if it was a date-date, or just a friend date.” Danny rushed out, face aflame with embarrassment.
“Aw nice. Ghost boy got game.” Tucker cheers, as he makes finger guns at his best friend.
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dagranwrites · 9 months
thoughts on Jack, Vlad, children and the timeline where Danny prevented Vlad’s accident tl;dr - Jack wants a person, Vlad wants an ideal
Jack didn’t just want children, he wanted a person, and he wanted to watch that person grow up, he wanted a baby, a toddler, a child, a teen and an adult with all in between and after, he signed up for the whole package, and he’s excited about the whole package, he’s excited for his kids to grow up and show him the kind of people they’ve become
and partial proof for that is in the lab suits he had made for Danny and Jazz preemptively, yes of course, he was a bit short-sighted in thinking Danny would come after him and Jazz after Maddie, but still there he acted out of love for something that was yet to come
and while Jack may not get everything right, while he messes up, while he tends to be overexcited about his own interests, because he loves to share, there seems to be room with him, room for what Danny and Jazz enjoy without him
because it’s part of who they are, which is ultimately why I think Jack has an easier time accepting Danny for who and what he is after the accident, regardless of how many years of research that overturns, because he wants the person, and Danny The Person is now half ghost, and now Jack wants to find out about that, no matter how messy that makes other parts of his life - because he wanted the person
but all Vlad ever wanted was an ideal, which is probably why he went totally off the rails with the cloning when he couldn’t adopt Danny, but that’s beside the point, because children cannot be ideals, that’s why he and Maddie didn’t have any in the timeline he was spared, that’s why he didn’t want Maddie to have her lab, not because he forfeited his own passion for the research, not because he didn’t love that part of her, but because allowing either would have led her to Jack and broken his ideal of a marriage and relationship with her
after all, it could be argued that they should have had at least Jazz since she takes so much after Maddie in appearance, and wouldn’t have Vlad doted on a little Maddie, no? but why would he care about that, when he doesn’t really seem to care about children themselves, and only really about the ideal they represent
now extending that logic onto their friendship, Jack wanted the person, he didn’t just want a friendship for college, he wanted joint-research papers, a shared lab, working on gadgets together, being ghost nerds together, he wanted ten, twenty, thirty years from then, he even wanted the struggle, and that’s why he so readily forgives Vlad at every turn, because he just thinks that’s part of the deal of being friends with Vlad, but Vlad just doesn’t see it like that, and even if he eventually understood he’d have a hard time coming around I imagine
meanwhile Jack would still hold on to their friendship for a good while, because if Vlad understands his point of view, surely there is a way to reconcile in Jack Fenton’s eyes, but it depends on Vlad to make that work, how willing he ultimately is
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inthememetime · 2 years
DP × DC but it's a tired and burnt out Danny that makes landfall in Gotham, in this AU Danny is a halfa but it is his sister that plays the role he does in Canon and he only got his powers via ectoplasm contamination. He got burnt out acting as his sisters occasionally sidekick and her alibi in regards to their parents, so after he finally graduated from Casper High he opted to find himself while Jazz joined the Justice League.
So here we have a severely overtired and burnt out Daniel Fenton working at a local Lexbucks Coffee Shop when out of the blue he gets involved in the usual Gotham drama that results in a drive-by shooting wherein Danny gets shot. Danny, being a Halfa, gets up despite having been visibly shot in locations that would be fatal to anyone else but for him it's nothing and he goes back to work.
So begins the interest in Gotham's newest criptid; The Undead Barrista.
(Lmk if you'd like to read this on my A03, and/or a version from his coworkers POV!) Ok so I did a fic!
Length: short boi. Save about 10-15 minutes.
Summary: see ask above. PLUS Danny sasses Gotham's Rogues Gallery into submission and finds out he really wasn't as useless as he felt.
Danny was second; he was the second child. The second smartest child. The second best as dealing with people. The second one to DIE and get superpowers.
At first, it was exciting! Phantom and Wraith, superhero duo of Amity Park! But Jazz- or Wraith, when she was in ghost form- had the ability to make people feel safe. To calm down situations before they ever started.
Danny had the ability to tear enemies to shreds, destroy infrastructure, and scare people.
Even Sam and Tucker agreed, although not in so many words. They didn't need to; after Dan, after they knew what he'd probably become, things really changed. He was watched, less to make sure he was safe, and more to make sure he didn't become Dan.
When he started sympathizing with that Fruitloop, Vlad, he knew something had to change.
So he flew up, up, into Earth's orbit, so he could look at the planet below. He didn't know how long he stayed there, but when he saw the sun set over the Himalayas, he felt something in him... settle, somehow. And he came to the realization he needed to leave.
It wasn't their fault- his sister, Sam, Tucker. He was the worse liar, so their parents suspected him of everything. He dealt with ghosts better than people, so Wraith was more trusted. As they aged, and Wraith looked the same but older and Phantom started looking like Dan- well. It wasn't the people of Amity Park's fault, either. Besieged by monsters, who would want to rely on one?
He got his things and left. He left a note saying he needed a fresh start, and then took off. He didn't leave the name of the city he was moving to. He didn't know.
That was how he became a barista at a Lexbucks in Gotham with a tiny loft apartment. And for the first time since he was 15, he was happy. Really, truly happy. He made friends in an astronomy club, and got together every other Friday withe people to watch old movies.
He was about to start a management program at Lexbucks. He would be 'needed' by Clockwork every Monday for an unknown amount of time (it was hard to tell time when CW paised as needed. Sometimes Monday lasted weeks, if he thought it was warranted.)
Clockwork being Clockwork, that sometimes meant he needed to solve some ghost issue, or fix a paradox, or come over for dinner, or take a vacation. (Was there a portal in his closet? Yes. Yes there was.)
He saw Frostbite once a week too, Gotham being closer to the Far Frozen, and was learning Greek- both ancient and modern- from Pandora.
He was finally going to ask out Eduardo from the bookstore across the street today.
That meant, of course, he was shot right outside his apartment. Danny left for work around 3 AM; his apartment was pretty close to the edge of Crime Alley, he was the store opener and they started serving customers at 4 AM. A match made in hell.
He heard the gunshots before he felt them, and reflexively turned invisible to change into Phantom. The drive by shooting ended as quickly as it began, leaving Danny to curse and change his shirt. Dammit.
Ah well. Gotta love Tuesdays, right?
Next Tuesday was when Condiment Man walked into the Lexbucks. Probably to try and rob it, but it was difficult to understand over all the giggling from his regulars.
"Bring Gotham to-"
"Sir, this is a Lexbucks. Please just order your coffee, tea, other drink, or something to eat."
Condiment Man gaped for a moment. "I- I don't want coffee. I want villainy."
He nodded. "Fair. But this is a Lexbucks. No villainy, just coffee, tea, sodas, food. No evil available except the evil inherent in corporations."
"I. Um. Ok?"
After a moment, Danny cleared his throat. "So about your order?"
"Um. Well. Can I order you to join me in my quest to bring Gotham to its knees?" He asked nervously.
"Kinky." He said, and Condiment Man sputtered. "But no." His calm demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. "Get your hand off the trigger for that mustard right now, or you'll be cleaning every inch of this place with a toothbrush until it sparkles!"
Condiment Man yelped and left. The locals- regulars and newbies- started laughing. He was pretty sure somebody started crying. His tips were glorious.
Maybe Tuesdays weren't so bad after all.
"I got a hit on Danny!"
Jazz spun around. "Really? You're sure, Tuck?"
"About 50%, the video is pretty grainy. But you tell me somebody else who deescalates villains with sass."
"That's the problem. They were using a VPN. It's somewhere in the US, probably Gotham, Metropolis, or League City- Gotham Rogues get around sometimes."
Jazz's face started to fall. "Tucker, thank you, but- it's been 5 years. Are we sure his face didn't totally change? I mean, remember Vlad's before and after?"
He sighed heavily. "Jazz, we failed him. I failed my best friend. I missed that he was hurting for 3 years before he ran. No matter what that note said, I was probably part of the problem. Give up on him of you want. But I'm gonna keep looking."
God, those notes had been like kicks in the teeth. If it was Vlad, he'd say it was orchestrated. But it was Danny. He very much did not blame them. He didn't want to go. And what was carefully not said, but pieced together when they compared the note left for him, Sam, Jazz, and the elder Fentons was they were the biggest reason he left.
"I, the Baffler, will bring chaos and confusion to Gotham's streets with your assistance, Undead Coffee Person!"
That was, oddly enough, better than Inviso-Bill. Still. "Hey man, this is a Lexbucks. And I have a name."
He seemed delighted. "Wonderful! What is your villain name?"
"No, no, no villain name. I'm not a villain. Just a barista. My name's Jack. What's your order?"
The baffler seemed. Well. Baffled. "But aren't you going to join me in my life of crime?"
Danny sighed heavily. "Dude. I just wanna pay my bills. Coffee, tea, what do you want?"
"You can pay your bills with crime!"
The Baffler seemed so honestly pleased it was hard to get angry. Just a big guy in a dumb costume, and Ancients he missed his dad. But then he shot the cash register. "See? Crime!"
Danny snarled and, quick as a blink, The Baffler's hamds were frozen to the counter. "You have ice powers?!"
"And you have dumbass powers, you knockoff Riddler. I'm calling the cops."
"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help," Vlad said with amusement plain on his face.
Sam narrowed her eyes, and Tucker scowled. "Yeah, well, we need untraceable cash, and you're the kind of guy to keep that on hand."
"And why do you need it?"
Sam grit her teeth, but replied, "let's just say if we find what we're looking for, the number of halfas might be back up to 4."
His eyes flashed brightly. "Well, then. How much do you need?"
"Together, we will bring Gotham into the next ice age!" Mr. Freeze roared.
Danny narrowed his eyes. "Doctor, this is a Lexbucks. What do you want to order?"
"You, too have powers of ice! Together, we can bring Gotham into the cold!"
He sighed. "Ok. So frozen. Small, medium, or large?"
"I- I am ordering destruction, not coffee!"
Danny pointed to the menu. "Do you see destruction on the menu here? No. No, you don't. Your order?"
He gaped. "Chai latte? Mocha cappuccino? You seem like a smoothie kind of guy, want one of those?"
Mr. Freeze cleared his throat. "What kind of smoothies do you have?"
"Are you seriously going behind my back with Plasmius?"
Wraith stood, arms crossed with a scowl. "Oh back off, you're nowhere near as scary as Phantom. Or even Skulker." He snapped.
Batman cleared his throat. "I'm told you have information about an incredibly dangerous illegal meta in Gotham?"
Sam shook her head. "I wish I could say I couldn't believe this. He's your brother."
Jazz swallowed. "You don't even know for sure if this is Phantom. This could be a legitimate threat."
"Every time I start to wonder why he left, all I have to do is remind myself about-"
"He's our best friend, Tucker! And she just might've gotten him thrown into Arkham, because Batman doesn't believe in rehabilitation!"
And another argument began.
"I'm so sorry, Jack. I really like you, I do! It's just..." Eduardo trailed off, shaking underneath Danny's jacket.
"It's ok. You didn't sign up for getting kidnapped by the Penguin in a sick job offer."
He smiled a little shakily, and Danny hugged him tightly. "I'll see you around, ok?"
"Thanks, Jack."
Why the hell was he so broken up over a guy who didn't even know his real name?
Thursday began at the sight of the Joker prowling around. Danny let his jaws drop and released a hiss that made fully grown ghosts back the hell up, following it by the unearthly rattle he learned from Fright Knight.
The Joker backed up. Swallowed. Put on his trademark grin, and stepped back in. Albeit a little further from the front counter. "Now, now, kid, I'm a clown! Kids love clowns, yeah?"
Another hellish hiss echoed from behind the Joker. He paled, then stiffened as a massive blue hand was on his shoulder. "Perhaps this isn't the best place for you."
The Joker laughed shakily. "Hey, pal, I'm-"
Plasmius' glowing eyes flashed, and the Joker's started glowing red. The clown's face fell slack. "This isn't the best place for you."
"This...isn't the...best...place....for me." The Joker slurred.
"Leave." Commanded the vampire ghost.
The Joker staggered out drunkenly. Plasmius turned his attention to the counter. "Can I get a large black coffee? With a shot of espresso, please."
Danny cocked his head and tried not to laugh at Kristen's face when the fruitloop sat next to her. "Sure. Kristen?"
She looked at him, wide-eyed. "He's not going to hurt or overshadow you. Right, Plasmius?"
"Of course," he agreed magnanimously.
Plasmius drank his coffee at the store. He bought a blueberry donut. Gave him a $500 tip. "The number hasn't changed. Call me, and we'll see about moving you before Batman and his friends crash the place."
"I can fly, you know."
"He has multiple jets. And besides, from what I've heard, Wraith is helping him track down the big, scary meta."
"Thanks for the warning, Plasmius. I'll think about it."
The elder halfa nodded and left, phasing through the door.
Jazz was hunting him. Jazz was hunting him. His sister was- it wasn't fair. He left her the entire territory of Amity Park. She had the undivided love and attention of everyone in Amity Park. Inside the roll of $100 bills was a business card.
He pocketed it, and yet another super came in. Plasmius was right. They were hunting him. Red Robin frowned at the menu.
"Hey, do you still have the mint hot chocolate?"
"Yeah," he said quietly. "Small, medium, or large?"
"Large, please." Red Robin waited in silence while his drink was prepared. "So, Jack Walker isn't your real name."
Danny shook his head. "Nah. If you're going to arrest me, might as well just call me Danny."
He observed him carefully, then nodded. "I'll see you around, Jack. Try to keep out of trouble."
"He isn't a threat!" Tim snapped.
"You deliberately disobeyed me! We agreed not to approach the person who can use mind control!"
"You agreed, B. Wraith, just leave him alone, ok? He just wants to make his coffee and leave every day."
"Is he my brother or not?"
"Does it matter? He left." Tim snapped. "That guy is just trying to make a living. He's not going to hurt anyone who doesn't start trouble."
Jazz embraced both Sam and Tucker, feeling real, true hope for the first time in years. "It's Danny! Guys it's Danny, we can bring him home!"
"None of you are leaving until we can bring him in for questioning."
Jazz's face hardened, then she agreed. That was alright. She had a secret weapon. Two of them, actually.
"Jack, you've got people asking for you."
Danny groaned.
"Sorry Jack, you're the one who made the rule about people in weird suits with guns."
"Yeah, fair. Thanks."
He stepped out behind the counter, and froze. "Danny?"
He swallowed. Blinked to make sure he was seeing what he thought. "Mom? Dad?"
For the first time in 5 years, he was embraced by his parents. He didn't feel bad about the tears. He couldn't. "Let's go home, baby. Let's go home."
"I can't. I- I'm not..."
"It's ok, Danny. We know now. About Phantom."
"I'm so sorry we made you feel your only recourse was running away."
He had started to get the idea Jazz might be hunting him in a violent way. The only violent thing was the force of her hug, and the way her nails dug into his shoulder to keep him close.
Danny couldn't quite understand her over the blubbering, but that was fine; he had always been a sympathetic crier. Although the way all of the bats, Constantine, and Superman were shifting awkwardly, trying not to watch them while watching them, was pretty funny. It got worse when Sam kicked Batman in the knee and joined them. Then there was Tucker, and his mom, and- his dad was squeezing them tight enough to pick them up a few inches.
It took a ridiculous amount of time to get them all to stop crying- and Danny included himself. He had a good 5 years of believing he did nothing but harm to his human(ish) family to cry over.
"So just to be clear. You are not a villain."
"Yep. Used to be in the hero game, even."
"And you're not going to start being a villain."
He chuckled. "No, I won't."
"For now, your stay in Gotham is fine, though you should start using your legal name. If you don't like Danny Fenton, you can always legally change it. Can we call on you if we get a ghostly threat closer to home?"
"Wait! Danny, you're going home, though, right? With us?" Jazz asked hopefully.
"I'd like to visit," he said quietly, "but Jazz- I scare humans. Pretty badly."
"The ghosts negotiate with you, they listen to you! And people- look, now that Phantom's not there stopping fights by talking to ghosts before they start, or helping the new dead solve their murders- well. Phantom has been missed."
"Jazz, you do all that too. And you calm humans down way better than I ever have, so-"
"Danny," Tucker interrupted, "please, buddy. You don't have to stay, just come for a week. Things are different now. Promise."
And. Well. Even if they were wrong, he missed them. So much. "I can do a week."
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Reverse age au
Phantom: you guys are just kids.
Sam: so are you!!!
Tucker:* whisper* sam!
Phantom: not everyone has the luxury to die old.
Tucker: sorry its just... we weren't experting someone like...you. to be king.
Phantom: what did you ecpect then?
Maddie: someone who wants our skin on your wall for fun or something like that!
Phantom:... i see you've met skuler.
Vlad: yes and it seems I've become a faveriot of his.
Phantom: hmmm has he showen uo outside your bedroom window?
Vlad: wha- no! Why would he-?
Phantom: then your definitely NOT his favourite... seems that place still goes to me.
Vlad: you...were hunted by skuler?
Phantom: oh yeah...most annoying 3 months of my life.
Vlad: wait why-
Phantom: ANYway... i think we should be getting to business
Vlad: *gulps* i suppose
Phantom: to begin i need your names and specific being you are
Sam: samantha mason, liminal
Tucker: tucker foley, liminal
Jack: jackson fenton, human
Maddie: maddiline tippy, human
Vlad: *swallows* Vladimir masters, halfa
Phantom: did you say masters?
Vlad: *confused* yes?
Jazz: as in jacob and lilian masters?
Vlad: how- How do you know my parents!!!
Phantom:... and you said halfa?
Vlad: *frustrated* yes, yes I'll show you * detransforms*
Phantom: hmm
Jazz: danny what are you thinking
Phantom: im thinking...
This calls for a more in-depth look.
You all may leave but do be warned we will be closer than youd like. Much closer for you Vladimir.
Maddie: HEY WAIT-
Phantom turnes one of his hands into a claw and rips a portal through the floor around the 5 friends, sending them all through. Landing in a heap behind casper high football feild.
What happened concerned them all, especially phantoms aparent interest in vlad. They'll have to figure this out together
Danny and jazz were talking, about the appearance of a new halfa, and jazz had to tie danny down so he wouldnt float away on excitement.
Jazz was happy for her brother and curious to see the new halfa, she had the perfect way to, while messing with the gjost hunters a little.
It was time to reach out to her old college buddies
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ursaspecter · 2 years
Tumblr media
More redesigns! More redesigns! This time it's the whole Fenton family! As always, my notes will be under the cut. I really appreciate everyone's support and feedback about this series. I plan to work on Vlad next. I think I'm the most excited for his since it also has to do with my unnamed au that I shared a while ago, but haven't done anything for yet. Until now that is >:).
Reblogs > Likes! Tools used: XP Pen Artist 15.6 Pro, Clip Studio Paint
A lot like Tucker, these are really just minor changes. They're less so redesigns as they are just drawing the characters in my style.
Jazz I made her hair a little wavier because I personally think it's more interesting than just plain straight hair. I gave her a tunic top with a belt that's very fitting for 2004 in my opinion. Her headband is still there, it's just mostly hidden because of the way I drew the hair at this head-on perspective. I was debating about keeping it, but then I remembered the part in The Ultimate Enemy where she ties the note to the boomerang with her headband, and that it's also an important part to my Dan design. Oh and I gave her freckles, but they're not as prominent as Danny's are.
Maddie Replaced the spandex jumpsuit with more practical coveralls and added more age to her face. I also gave her a more unhinged expression in general. She can be a little more zany. As a treat.
Jack Same story with the jumpsuit. Although he doesn't have as many pockets as Maddie or Danny do on their coveralls. The Watsonian reason is because he probably thinks he doesn't need pockets and just attaches pouches to his belt as needed. The Doylian reason is because I already spent like three hours on Jazz and Maddie's sketches that by the time I sketched Jack, I was more focused on getting the pose right and the anatomy of his arms (which are covered by the sleeves anyway) correct that I simply could not be asked to add the pockets. Also I accidentally made him a DILF so I guess you're welcome for that.
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five-rivers · 2 months
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 7
The documentary was more interesting than Danny had thought it would be; football itself, on the other hand, was quite boring most of the time.  Oh there were a few moments of excitement, usually in the few minutes before the game ended, and maybe it’d be more fun if he was actually playing, but otherwise… 
Yeah, it was boring.  Vlad seemed to like it, though.  And the popcorn was good.  Very buttery.  
“That was exciting, wasn’t it, my boy?”
“I, yeah,” said Danny.  “It was fun.”
Vlad nodded, seeming satisfied.  “Let’s go get lunch.  It’s about that time, and I can show you the dining room and kitchen.  You’ll be able to get things from there whenever you want, of course, but it is primarily the Dairy King’s domain.”
“Right,” said Danny.  “I’m looking forward to meeting him.  He’s your grandfather, right?”
“Yes,” said Vlad.  “Although I’m afraid to say we aren’t all that similar.”
“He’s… something of a… well, he has a somewhat interesting sense of humor.”
“Uh huh,” said Danny.  He didn’t really get it.  
“You’ll see soon enough, regardless,” said Vlad.  
They walked into a grand dining room with a long, polished table and a sparkling chandelier.  There were paintings of food on the walls, and Danny’s stomach rumbled, seeing it.  
“The kitchen is right through here,” said Vlad, ushering him through a door.  
Behind it was a shining, modern kitchen, covered in all sorts of gadgets and devices.  The central island counter was piled high with food.  Presiding over the stack of food was a small, round, green man with white hair and a bushy mustache.  He was wearing a parody of royal clothing.  
He was, it was quite clear, none other than the deceased founder of the Dairy King restaurant chain, the Dairy King himself.  
“Oh ho!” he said.  “I didn’t expect to see the two of you until dinnertime, dontcha know!  How are you settling in, Phantom?”
“I’m fine,” said Danny.  “My bedroom looks cool.”
“Glad to hear it!  Now, what kinda lunch were you fancying?”
“I don’t know,” said Danny.  “Surprise me?”
“Ohho!”  The Dairy King waved his hands, and cheese, sausages, and cold cuts followed.  “How about some lovely charcuterie?”  
Danny didn’t know what charcuterie was, but it didn’t look bad.  
“It’s finger food,” said the Dairy King.  “Nice and light, and full of the most important food group: CHEESE!”
It was, indeed, full of cheese.  
“Maybe some vegetables won’t be amis, either,” suggested Vlad, a bit of a sheepish look on his face.  “Some fruit?”
“Is cheese not good enough for you?” asked the Dairy King.  “For shame, Vladimir, for shame.”
“It’s good enough, but living beings can’t survive on cheese alone, grandfather.”
The Dairy King smiled and pulled a plate of fruit and carrots and celery from behind his back.  “I’m glad you’ve finally realized that, grandson!”
After lunch, Vlad went on to show Danny around the rest of his mansion, which was put together in a much more logical way than the Observants’ place.  Vlad even showed him the entrance to the lab, although they didn’t come in.  Danny was pretty sure he could find his way around.
The Dairy King tagged along with them for a while, then bowed out, saying that he had to start on dinner.  After that, it was just him and Vlad walking the halls.  It was pleasant to walk quietly for a while, but Danny’s curiosity was too strong to leave it that way for very long.
“So… You knew my parents?”
“Yes, I did,” said Vlad.  We met in college and became fast friends.  Your father was my roommate, your mother shared most of our classes.  We joined most of the same clubs, too.  It’s a bit of a boring story, isn’t it?”
“I mean, no?  Since I didn’t know any of this before.  What were they like?”
“Well… your father was always very… enthusiastic.  Your mother was brilliant.”
“So, kind of like Jazz.”
“I suppose so.”
“Both the enthusiasm and being smart.”
“... Yes.  I suppose so.”
Danny was tempted, very tempted, to ask more about his parents, but he could tell Vlad was very uncomfortable talking about them.  A point towards him telling the truth otherwise, although something was still niggling at him.  
“And you knew me,” said Danny.  
“Yes,” said Vlad, with some relief.  
“Tell me something about myself, then,” said Danny.  “Like, something we did together.”
“Oh, my.  Well, let’s see…  Where to start…  Ah, I know.  Did Jasmine mention anything about what you use your powers for?”
“No,” said Danny.  He made a face.  “I think she must have misunderstood the rules.  She kept trying to convince me that she was my mother.”
“She took the ‘become your parent’ part literally, I suppose,” said Vlad, shaking his head.  “In any case, after you received your powers, you became something of a superhero for your town, protecting it from rogue ghosts and other blackguards.”
Danny decided to ignore the really egregious euphemism for dying in favor of absorbing the fact he’d been a superhero.  That sounded so cool.   “Really?”
“Yes, really.  We even fought side by side a few times,” said Vlad, briefly buffing his nails on the front of his shirt.  “Perhaps I could tell you about the time you inadvertently absorbed another ghost’s ability to control the weather?”
“Please,” said Danny.  
They went to dinner after that, and it was very good.  Gourmet burgers, cheesy french fries and all.  Vlad seemed a little put out by it, but Danny liked it.  
Danny swam in the indoor pool for a bit after dinner, then played around with a few of the video games - he especially liked Doomed - but when it was time to sleep…  He didn’t quite feel like it.  Instead, he went downstairs, to the kitchens.
“Ah, Phantom!” said the Dairy King, who was doing… something with a gallon of cream.  “What brings you to the kitchen this fine evening?”
Danny shrugged.  “It looked like you wanted to tell me something at dinner.  And you call me Phantom.  The Observants called me that, too.”
“Well, it is part of your name, dontcha know?”
“I don’t know, really.  Clockwork said my name is Daniel, and Jazz called me Danny, and the Observants just called me Phantom, and said that was my only name.  What’s the truth?”
“I’m not all that well acquainted with you, but I’d say they’re all the truth.  I don’t rightly know your family name - couldn’t tell you if I did, against the rules, dontcha know? - but I know you by both names.”
That was one mystery solved, even if it was one of the less important ones.  “And the reason you wanted to talk to me?” 
The Dairy King sighed and floated down to sit on one of the kitchen counters.  “Well, now, that’s a bit more difficult to talk about, dontcha know?”
“Not… really,” said Danny.  “Since I don’t know what you’re talking about.  Like.  At all.”
“You’ve got a point there.  Well.  You know that I love my grandson, ya know?”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
“Yah, well, he’s my grandson.  And he cares about you, sure enough.  But the two of you didn’t always get along, per se.  Not to put too fine a point on it all… you two were enemies.”
“Enemies?”  There was the other shoe Danny had been waiting for.  He'd known this was too good to be true.  
The Dairy King nodded sadly.  “He's always wanted to take care of you, but he didn't go about it the right way.  Picked fights with you instead of talking to you.  And then that feud with your parents.  Nasty business, that.”
“They had a falling out in their youth.  Nothing they should have gotten so worked up about, is my understanding, but Vlad took everything so personally…  Although, I wasn’t there to see it myself, dontcha know?”
“I guess,” said Danny.  He’d really thought that Vlad might be genuine, but he was hiding something big like this…  “So, we fought?”
“You did, I’m afraid,” said the Dairy King.  “But I can guarantee good as gouda that he regretted it.  He considers this whole thing a second chance.  A clean slate, so he can start over again, do things right this time.  But it didn’t sit right with me, not telling you, dontcha know?  And you’d remember eventually, and then what?  You’d feel tricked, betrayed, and then everything would be worse off than before.”
“They’re pretty bad now,” muttered Danny.  
“He really does mean to do better by you,” said the Dairy King.  “Please, won’t you give him a chance?”
Danny bit his lower lip.  He’d given Jazz a chance, even though she’d lied to him.  This felt different, though.  Still.  
“I’ll give him a week to tell me the truth.  That’s how long I gave Jazz.  If he doesn’t…”
“Yes, that sounds reasonable,” said the Dairy King.  “Thank you.”
Danny shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet.  Neither of us know what Vlad will do.”
First thing after breakfast, they headed down to the lab.  Somehow, knowing what, exactly, Vlad’s deal was made it a lot easier to go down there.  The lab was… not what he expected.  
It was very clean, for one.  All the different pieces of equipment were stored neatly and labeled.  The ectoplasm samples were stored in carefully marked, sealed jars.  Large, bright, computer screens displayed screensavers.  And in one of the walls was a large octagonal hole, leading down a dead-end tunnel. It was roped off with caution tape. 
Danny stared at it.  There was something about it… 
“The portal,” said Vlad.  “Don’t get too close.  It’s off right now, due to the requirements of the trial, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a dangerous piece of equipment.”
“Then why have it?” 
“Because it is also very useful.  Come along.”  
Vlad led him on, into a large, seemingly empty room.  The floor and the walls were padded with thin athletic mats.  
“Now,” said Vlad, walking into the center of the room as Danny looked around.  “First things first.  The transformation.”  
He struck a pose, and a black ring that somehow glowed sprung out from his waist.  As soon as Danny registered its existence, it split into two and swept over his body, turning Vlad from an aristocratic-looking human into a blue-skinned, horned, fanged, and clawed ghost.  
“Wow.  I knew you could do that, but wow.”  
“And you can do it, too,” said Vlad, his voice subtly deeper.  “In reverse order, of course.”
“How?” asked Danny.  
“Let’s take it step by step.”
They settled into a kind of routine.  They’d all eat breakfast together.  Then, Vlad and Danny would go train.  With Vlad’s help, Danny got a lot better at using his powers, even if he was nowhere near Vlad’s level.
(He had to wonder how he survived their enmity, with such a gulf between their skill levels, but maybe he either was better before losing his memories, or Vlad was going easy on him.)
At noon, the three of them would eat together, and Vlad would assign Danny a few hours of ‘homework.’  It wasn’t as bad as Jazz’s punishing schedule, but it still was tiring.  Probably good for him, though.  
Then, at dinner, Danny would harass Vlad and the Dairy King for stories about himself.  There was just so much he didn’t know.  
Finally, they’d usually watch a football game or some movie together before separating for ‘personal activities’ (Vlad’s words) and bedtime.  
The days passed quickly like that, and before Danny knew it, he’d reached the deadline he’d set for himself.  The evening of the seventh day.  
“Did I tell you about our little trip through time?” asked Vlad.  “It started with a rather interesting map–”
“You already told me that one,” interrupted Danny.  “Come on, you’ve got to have at least a few from before I died, right?  You don’t have to worry about embarrassing me with baby stories.  I get it.”
“It pains me to say it now, but I was not as involved in your life as I wish I had been.  I…” 
Danny looked up expectantly, wondering if this was when he'd admit to the truth.  When he'd tell Danny they used to be enemies. 
“I lived rather far away, you see, and fell out of contact with your family for many years.”
“Oh,” said Danny, disappointed in more ways than one. 
“I only made contact again at the reunion, which is when I also learned about you.”  He shook his head.  “I was so shocked when I found out about you,” he said, voice distant.  “I was just…  It was unbelievable to me, that what happened to me could happen to someone else.”
“It was a lab accident for you, too?”
Vlad made a face.  “Yes.”
Danny pushed the remains of his peas around on his plate.  What a way to kill the conversation…
“I’m probably going to leave in the morning,” he said, desperate to break the silence that had gone on for far too long.  
“What?” said Vlad.  “But we’ve been getting along so well!”
“We have,” said Danny.  “But I still need to visit the other people on the list.  You’re only the third.”
“You don’t exactly have to,” started Vlad.  
“But I want to give everyone a chance.  It’s only fair.”
Vlad sighed heavily.  “You are nothing if not fair.  I do wish you had told me beforehand.  I would have made something special for dinner.”
“You mean, you would’ve had me make something special for dinner,” said the Dairy King.  “Dontcha worry.  I have an ice cream cake in the freezer, on account of this being the one-week anniversary of you being here.”
“Thanks,” said Danny.  “I’ve really had a nice time.”
“I’m glad,” said Vlad.  “I hope you do consider returning.  I don’t know who else has applied for your custody, but I am, at least, a safe choice.”
Danny nodded.  He was better than the Observants, anyway.  But hiding the fact that they were once enemies didn’t exactly scream safe to Danny.  
“Yes,” said Vlad.  He sounded just a little choked up.  “Well.  On to the cake, I suppose!”
“Yeah, cake sounds good.”
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