#visit the zoo day
rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Visit The Zoo Day
If animals are your passion then Visit the Zoo Day gives you a great opportunity to really get close to some of the most intriguing and engaging species on the planet. No matter where you live, your usually not far from a zoo, so why not go for a visit and find out more? Some people think of zoos only as cruel prisons where countless animals are kept, bored to death, from the moment they’re born till the moment they die. But these days zoos are at the forefront of much of the research which goes on into animal behaviour and how best to protect vulnerable animals from extinction. Many zoos have breeding programmes running, where they work with other facilities around the world to increase the numbers of endangered populations. In most of the better zoos around the globe, the enclosures the animals are kept in are relatively roomy and attempt to mirror an animal’s natural environment as closely as possible. Some zoos house indigenous species as well as or rather than those from further away. All in all, zos are fascinating (and often smelly) places where we can get a lot closer to nature than we would ever have the chance to otherwise, and that’s definitely worth trying at least once or twice in life.
The History of Visit The Zoo Day
The idea of having exotic animals confined to a certain area for other people to view or observe is not new at all. The earliest such enclosure , called a “menagerie” discovered by excavators in Egypt and is believed to date back to about 3500 B.C. King Solomon of Israel was a known ancient animal collector, as were King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and Alexander the Great. Wild animals were also collected to be used in the arenas during the Roman Games, though most of those died violent deaths after being pitted against each other for the amusement of the crowd. Later, British kings kept wild animals in the Tower of London, with the price of viewing them being a small dog or cat that could be used to feed them. The first actual zoo, created not to stroke the ego of a monarch, but rather to educate and entertain, was opened in London in 1828.
How to Celebrate Visit the Zoo Day
The best way to celebrate this day is to visit a zoo yourself, and perhaps take your partner or your children with you. You have likely been to the zoo before, however, so you are aware f how people just move from one animal to the next, never paying any of them nearly as much attention as they should. So this tie, try to make your trip to the zoo different. Make a point of reading up on several specific animals beforehand in order to know as much a bout them as possible before you see them live. Then, spend more than the few moments most people spend gazing idly at the creature before moving right onto the next one. Study it, observe it, try to get the best look possible, take note of the animal’s behaviour, which you can later discuss with your partner or family. This Visit the Zoo Day, remember why zoos were created in the first place, and take advantage of the full learning potential they offer.
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pixoplanet · 1 year
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It's December 27th, 🐼 National Visit the Zoo Day in the United States! The earliest type of zoo, the menagerie, dates as far back as 1500 BCE in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian Pharaohs and famous kings such as Alexander the Great, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Moctezuma also kept menageries. Menagerie ruins have also been found in China and throughout the ancient Roman Empire. 
The first modern zoo was built in 1793 in Paris. Soon other cities all over the world followed. By the 19th century, science and geography had joined religion as central pillars of society. People naturally desire to see exotic animals from all over the globe and study their anatomy and behavior. These early modern zoos were like museums of living animals kept in small display areas. 
Today's 2,800 zoos and zoological parks across the planet attempt to function as natural habitats for the species they house. They educate and entertain six million people each year, while also furthering scientific research and the conservation of species and their habitats. 
Zoos are necessary because they educate the community, provide an understanding of the interdependence of animals and their habitats, and conduct conservation programs of animals in the wild, including breeding programs designed to reintroduce endangered species back into their natural environments. Enjoy your visit today and every day! ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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subby-sab · 6 months
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Today is 27th of December.
Today is National Fruitcake Day, Visit The Zoo Day.
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xiphosuras · 8 months
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Lounging cats
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junkartie · 2 years
Dumb ass mfs will go to a country ruled by a dictator who cares more about foreigners than his own people and see workersi sitting in the 107 degree sun trying to make a living selling literally anything for 3 euros so they can pay rent and post videos like “omg everything here is so cheap i went to [insert all these places that are impossible for the average turk to visit due to inflation] Turkey is so beautiful and the people (who i assure you fucking hate them and just want to scam them for a quick buck) are so nice <3”
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haahka · 9 months
99 mansikan johannes in my mind
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storybook-souls · 2 years
another wave of "wow I really am the luckiest woman in the world maybe"
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alluringplanet · 2 years
5 Awesome Places to Visit in Dallas during the Holidays
5 Awesome Places to Visit in Dallas during the Holidays
If you’re looking for a place to celebrate the holidays in Dallas, there are a few great options. The city has a lot to offer, from traditional holiday events like the Dallas Christmas Parade and light displays at Rockefeller Center to more unique experiences like the Cowboy Junkies Holiday Show at the Granada Theater. Looking for awesome places to hang out with family in Dallas over the…
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Buckle up for another unhinged story time. Now, as I’ve said before, I used to work at a sex shop. At one point I had three roommates and we all worked the same dildo slinging retail job and lived together. It was extremely sitcom.
Now, as you’d imagine, living with three other people who also talked about sex toys all day created a microcosm of people who were all extremely comfortable around sex toys and related topics. No one left dirty toys laying around but seeing things left in showers or showing off a new purchase was just a Tuesday.
After some life upheavals I ended up living with one of those roommates again, just me and her. For the sake of this story let’s call her Betty. Betty and I shared a two bedroom, and the layout was all the common spaces were an open floor plan and then one hallway formed a T, with my room and bathroom to the left and Betty’s to the right.
Well, one day my cousin calls me up. He’s coming to town for a visit and I offer to put up him, his wife, and their more… sheltered friend. (Unbeknownst to me there was a full Briefing for this girl before she met me so that I didn’t overwhelm her with my blasé attitudes towards- well, most things).
They drove in from two states over and it was a long drive. I had to work and couldn’t greet them or spend the first day together. So I told them to come grab my key so they could all shower off and settle in before me.
I arrived home later that night and found the atmosphere a little awkward at first. Things quickly warmed up and I charmed their friend, impressing my cousin with my immaculate respect for personal comfort levels. We had a lovely evening. By the time we all said goodnight I’d dismissed the initial tension as being tired after a long drive.
The next day we all decided to go to the zoo. I’m a morning shower person, but I let them go first while I made breakfast. After breakfast it was my turn and I hopped in the shower.
Midway through my eyes fixed on it. A little pink sex toy, sitting brazenly on the rim of the tub. Oh no, I thought. This was why things had been awkward yesterday! I left out a personal object because I’d literally forgotten to ever put them away by that point.
What I felt wasn’t embarrassment per se, because that emotion had been utterly eradicated by that point. Rather it was a deep shame that I’d leave out something that might make a guest feel uncomfortable. They told me their friend was sheltered and I had left out a sex toy, it was the epitome of rudeness!
I rejoined everyone and said, “I am so sorry! I didn’t realize I’d left that in the shower, that was so rude of me!”
My guests all exchanged a Look. I looked from my cousin to his wife, she glanced toward their friend, and their friend looked at my cousin. No one would look at me.
“Well…” my cousin finally said, “you didn’t tell us which room was yours yesterday.”
I blinked in confusion, Betty’s room and bathroom were basically just like mine.
“When we got here,” his wife continued, “we went to the other side first. In Betty’s bathroom.”
Reader, Betty’s bathroom.
Had been absolutely covered in dildos. Sex toys of all shapes and sizes covered every flat surface, the tub rim, the sink, the shelves. Wall to wall sex toys. Apparently Betty was doing a spring cleaning and had left her entire extensive collection out to air dry.
These three weary travelers had opened a door to the dildo dimension and had no idea how to react. To this day I have no idea what context clues they used to figure out Betty’s room from mine.
But when I’d come home they were lost in the sex toy shell shock, presumably wondering how they could ever talk about it with someone who felt it was okay to leave out every sex toy they own when expecting company in some kind of bizarre power play.
By the time they finished telling me about this we were all laughing so hard we were in tears.
“When we saw your bathroom with one little pink toy it was so discreet we didn’t even care!” They told me.
After my cousin and his crew had gone on their way I finally told Betty the whole story. She listened with eyes growing wider and wider and finally burst out, “That’s why they were so weird when I got home!!”
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Visit The Zoo Day
If animals are your passion then Visit the Zoo Day gives you a great opportunity to really get close to some of the most intriguing and engaging species on the planet. No matter where you live, your usually not far from a zoo, so why not go for a visit and find out more? Some people think of zoos only as cruel prisons where countless animals are kept, bored to death, from the moment they’re born till the moment they die. But these days zoos are at the forefront of much of the research which goes on into animal behaviour and how best to protect vulnerable animals from extinction. Many zoos have breeding programmes running, where they work with other facilities around the world to increase the numbers of endangered populations. In most of the better zoos around the globe, the enclosures the animals are kept in are relatively roomy and attempt to mirror an animal’s natural environment as closely as possible. Some zoos house indigenous species as well as or rather than those from further away. All in all, zos are fascinating (and often smelly) places where we can get a lot closer to nature than we would ever have the chance to otherwise, and that’s definitely worth trying at least once or twice in life.
The History of Visit The Zoo Day
The idea of having exotic animals confined to a certain area for other people to view or observe is not new at all. The earliest such enclosure , called a “menagerie” discovered by excavators in Egypt and is believed to date back to about 3500 B.C. King Solomon of Israel was a known ancient animal collector, as were King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and Alexander the Great. Wild animals were also collected to be used in the arenas during the Roman Games, though most of those died violent deaths after being pitted against each other for the amusement of the crowd. Later, British kings kept wild animals in the Tower of London, with the price of viewing them being a small dog or cat that could be used to feed them. The first actual zoo, created not to stroke the ego of a monarch, but rather to educate and entertain, was opened in London in 1828.
How to Celebrate Visit the Zoo Day
The best way to celebrate this day is to visit a zoo yourself, and perhaps take your partner or your children with you. You have likely been to the zoo before, however, so you are aware f how people just move from one animal to the next, never paying any of them nearly as much attention as they should. So this tie, try to make your trip to the zoo different. Make a point of reading up on several specific animals beforehand in order to know as much a bout them as possible before you see them live. Then, spend more than the few moments most people spend gazing idly at the creature before moving right onto the next one. Study it, observe it, try to get the best look possible, take note of the animal’s behaviour, which you can later discuss with your partner or family. This Visit the Zoo Day, remember why zoos were created in the first place, and take advantage of the full learning potential they offer.
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I need to Not buy this brand of melatonin again
Shits got me having horrifying nightmares most nights right now
#i need a tag for original posts#personal#just woke up from one where (tw for gore) i moved to a new city and my mom was visiting she'd gone to get us some food when there was a#knock at the door but when i opened it there was just a Ziploc baggy of (seriously tw for gore) my boyfriend's vertebrae and hair (i don't#have a bf IRL) and across the hall my neighbor was in the middle of stealing and replacing eyes#so still holding the bag i went inside to whisper-tell my mom over the phone that she absolutely could not come back to my place#and to meet me outside the Chinese restaurant near by cause it was the only safe spot#in trying to get there i got turned into a vampire by my friends and a couple of cousins and then we went to a fancy department store to#turn others but I and one of my cousins managed to get away and run to my mom only for our other cousin)#(also a vampire) to try and stop us just before we could get out of town so I had to figure out what his weakness was (insulation in case#you were curious) and use it to kill him the ending shot just before i woke up was of me sitting in a ruined room rubbing ash and insulatio#against my cheek while still holding the ziplock gallon bag from earlier#and then!!! the other day i had a different dream where my mom was eaten by bears when they escaped at a zoo and I was trying to help peopl#get to safety only for her to save my life and get graphically torn apart while I scream cried on the other side of the glass door#and that's when i woke up
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autisticlee · 6 months
when places have "sensory hours" or whatever they call their sensory friendly times, but it's always at the most inconvenient times possible. they always do them at the times people are least likely to be at/want to go. it's either way too early in the mornings or in the middle of work time, and it seems to always in the middle of the week and never weekends. they never care if they inconvenience disabled people. but how dare they ever inconvenience the ableds and take away their time! 🙄
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satoshy12 · 1 month
A End of 20s Jazz gave her boy a look:" Why are you alone? We wanted a family day." Damian looked confused. " But I am not..." Jazz:" We did plan to visit the Zoo today, so I came in already." Damian did have a 180° turn:' I can talk to my father later.'  As he joined the scary Redhead Mom in the SUV, he saw many clones ? there. No wonder she thought he was one.  Well, Damian isn't sorry, but he likes spending time with siblings Darren, Darius, Damon, Daria, and Dalton. It's much better when your clones don't try to kill you. And Uncle Daniel and Ellie were nice too, but when will "Mom" notice he isn't one of hers?  Jazz already did notice she took the wrong child, but then again, this isn't her first surprise adoption; how do you think she got so many babies? She found them and just took them with her, and as long as he doesn't want to leave, he can stay. 
Damian stayed many, many days with them, till Bruce found Damian again. 
A/N Jazz is around 28-30 year old.
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nullwork · 1 year
this guy i've been talking to is soooo cute i'm going to kill myself
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kurv4 · 1 year
what kind of life do u lead that leads you to create 18+ rp south park blog?????
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🐾🌊 Sending a frond farewell! 🌊🐾
 🎉 We're shell-ebrating an otterly amazing journey and wishing our beloved sea otter, Kit, the very best as she embarks on a new adventure at the Detroit Zoo!
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🦦Kit turned 14 in December 2023, and after a decade of being a super-mom in our Sea Otter Surrogacy Program, it's time for her to enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Kit has been a pawsome surrogate mom, raising 10 pups and contributing greatly to the conservation of southern sea otters.
🌍Our Sea Otter Surrogacy Program has been making waves since 2001, helping to recover California’s southern sea otter population. Thanks to our dedicated team and partners, we can give orphaned pups a second chance at life by rescuing, raising, and releasing them. Back in the wild, they help restore and support healthy ecosystems–playing a key role in combating climate change.
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🙌 Why Detroit? After reaching out to other AZA facilities, we found Detroit Zoo to be the pawfect fit for Kit! They have a wonderful sea otter program, and Kit's presence will be a great addition to their social group. 
🌟Although we’ll miss Kit dearly, her move allows us to continue our important surrogacy work here at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and allows a younger female otter to join our team and carry on Kit's incredible legacy. 
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🦸‍ So here's to Kit, our fin-tastic frond, who has been nothing short of otterly wonderful! We wish her the best of luck and lots of joy in her new home. 
💙 See her before she leaves. The last day our guests will be able to visit Kit will be Monday June 3rd. She will then move off exhibit to prepare for her journey to her new home. Check her out in her new home in Detroit later this summer.
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